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vocations such as the training <strong>of</strong> women on<br />

cultivation <strong>of</strong> crops such as sesame, groundnut,<br />

maize, and cassava amongst others; the training <strong>of</strong><br />

both female and male youth in trades such as<br />

Figure 4: CGS Financial Allocation<br />

Unfortunately, most CCT programmes were aimed<br />

at establishing men and women in agriculture or<br />

other informal forms <strong>of</strong> business. This, coupled<br />

with the low rate <strong>of</strong> implementation in the<br />

establishment <strong>of</strong> skill acquisition centres, does not<br />

Figure 5: Implementation Status <strong>of</strong> NAPEP Projects<br />

The Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Women Affairs invested<br />

N100,000,000 (one hundred million naira) in the<br />

production <strong>of</strong> advocacy materials geared <strong>to</strong>ward,<br />

amongst other things, the National Gender Policy<br />

Analysis and the domestication <strong>of</strong> regional and<br />

1%<br />

Conditional Grants Scheme<br />

99%<br />

welding, sewing and others. In the M&E exercise,<br />

it was evident that women were better in<br />

establishing sustainable ventures when given the<br />

opportunity through the CCT scheme.<br />

Total CGS Allocation<br />

Allocation Toward<br />

Empowerment <strong>of</strong><br />

Women and Youth<br />

paint a positive picture in the attainment <strong>of</strong> this<br />

indica<strong>to</strong>r. Furthermore, large number <strong>of</strong> the CCT<br />

projects both under the CGS and NAPEP were yet<br />

<strong>to</strong> be <strong>full</strong>y implemented.<br />

200<br />

180<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Completed Ongoing Abandoned Not Started Not Located<br />

NAPEP 72 194 0 38 0<br />

NAPEP<br />

international instruments on women‘s rights. This<br />

investment, while commendable, was yet <strong>to</strong> make<br />

a direct impact on this MDG 3 indica<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong>ward<br />

increasing the share <strong>of</strong> women in wage<br />

employment in the non-agricultural sec<strong>to</strong>r,<br />

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