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Table 18: MDAs and relative performance<br />

S/No Implementing Agency/Programme % completion<br />

1 Conditional Grants Scheme 37.80%<br />

2 Quick-Wins 58.89%<br />

3 Federal Ministry Defence 93.60%<br />

4 Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Women Affairs 100.00%<br />

5 National Blood Transfusion Service 75.00%<br />

6 National Health Insurance Scheme 100.00%<br />

7 Midwifery Service Scheme NPHCDA 99.00%<br />

8 Procurement <strong>of</strong> Vaccines NPHCDA 100.00%<br />

9 National IPDs NPHCDA 100.00%<br />

10 PHC Construction NPHCDA 26.70%<br />

PHC Construction NPHCDA<br />

National IPDs NPHCDA<br />

Procurement <strong>of</strong> Vaccines NPHCDA<br />

Midwifery Service Scheme NPHCDA<br />

National Health Insurance Scheme<br />

National Blood Transfusion Service<br />

Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Women Affairs<br />

Federal Ministry Defence<br />

QuickWins<br />

Conditional Grants Scheme<br />

Conditional Grants Scheme<br />

MDAs relative performance <strong>to</strong> date<br />

Despite the fact that CGS projects started very<br />

late, the completion rate <strong>of</strong> 37.8% was<br />

encouraging and most <strong>of</strong> the projects were<br />

ongoing. There were no political challenges as the<br />

implementing states ‗owned‘ the projects, except<br />

that there are still complaints <strong>of</strong> poor community<br />

involvement in choice and location <strong>of</strong> projects<br />

from some communities as reported by the<br />

SMETs. There were also many cases <strong>of</strong> relocation<br />

<strong>of</strong> projects. On the other hand, the CGS<br />

0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 100.00%<br />

mechanism leverages more funds for the<br />

achievement <strong>of</strong> the MDGs.<br />

Quick-Wins<br />

Series1<br />

Projects under Quick-Wins though with 58.89%<br />

completion rate suffer more from lack <strong>of</strong><br />

community-driven needs assessment, as the choice<br />

and location <strong>of</strong> the projects are under the control<br />

<strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the National Assembly. They<br />

were also subject <strong>to</strong> political interference,<br />

especially where the National Assembly member<br />

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