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is at loggerheads with either the LGA chairman or<br />
the state government as shown in the box.<br />
Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Women Affairs<br />
In spite <strong>of</strong> 100% completion rate <strong>of</strong> the FMoWA‘s<br />
projects, reports from some states indicated they<br />
were yet <strong>to</strong> receive their ambulances meant <strong>to</strong> be<br />
delivered <strong>to</strong> the cluster general hospitals despite<br />
the fact that the State First Ladies had witnessed<br />
their formal launch and presentation by the<br />
FMoWA. The ambulances are supposed <strong>to</strong> be<br />
utilised <strong>to</strong> evacuate emergency obstetric cases<br />
from the MSS PHCs <strong>to</strong> the cluster GHs. Fuelling<br />
and maintaining the ambulances were two major<br />
issues that hindered the effective use <strong>of</strong> these<br />
ambulances in most locations.<br />
In one particularly unfortunate instance, the<br />
Executive Chairman <strong>of</strong> an LCDA in Alimosho LGA<br />
(Lagos State) exchanged fiery words with the site<br />
facilita<strong>to</strong>r, a staff <strong>of</strong> the NASS sponsor regarding<br />
the location <strong>of</strong> the project when he discovered<br />
during our field visit that the approved location <strong>of</strong><br />
the project had been changed by the project<br />
facilita<strong>to</strong>r, without his knowledge.<br />
“ ...I have nothing <strong>to</strong> do with that project, and I<br />
have vowed never <strong>to</strong> visit the project location, nor<br />
deploy any staff <strong>to</strong> the place when<br />
completed...but [because <strong>of</strong>] the manner [in which<br />
] you talked <strong>to</strong> me now, I will lead you <strong>to</strong> the<br />
project site right now...” Executive Chairman,<br />
Pas<strong>to</strong>r (Mr) Kenny Okunmuyide (08033436466),<br />
Agbado-OkeOdo LCDA, Alimosho LGA....during<br />
M&E team entry visit <strong>to</strong> the council secretariat.<br />
“... What you said will not be successful! You will<br />
live and see the success <strong>of</strong> this project! We will<br />
do it, and there is nothing you can do about it!”<br />
Site Facilita<strong>to</strong>r, Mrs. AjokeYinusa (08023120966),<br />
Computer Centre at Model College, Meiran,<br />
AgabadoOke-Odo LCDA, Alimosho LGA,<br />
exchanging words with Executive Chairman <strong>of</strong><br />
AgabadoOke-Odo LCDA, during the M&E team<br />
visit <strong>to</strong> the Project site in company <strong>of</strong> the<br />
chairman.<br />
Lagos State SMET Report<br />
Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Health<br />
NHIS and NPHCDA: These are MDAs that are<br />
under the FMOH but are self-accounting. Getting<br />
details <strong>of</strong> their projects from them was not<br />
difficult. They appear <strong>to</strong> have also made the<br />
greatest contributions <strong>to</strong> the achievements <strong>of</strong><br />
health-related goals.<br />
Inspite <strong>of</strong> this, the following observations are<br />
worthy <strong>of</strong> note:<br />
The rate <strong>of</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> the PHCs under the<br />
NPHCDA was only 26.7%, in comparison <strong>to</strong><br />
its other projects that were virtually all<br />
completed. With slow completion rate <strong>of</strong> the<br />
PHCs, drugs and equipment supplies <strong>to</strong> these<br />
PHCs suffer as in most cases, the equipment<br />
had <strong>to</strong> be taken somewhere else for<br />
safekeeping, and the drugs had <strong>to</strong> be taken <strong>to</strong> a<br />
nearby health facility <strong>to</strong> be utilised. With<br />
these challenges, NMET is optimistic <strong>of</strong><br />
recommending CGS modus operandi as a way<br />
out in handling the PHC construction, since<br />
even when completed; the PHCs would have<br />
<strong>to</strong> be handed over <strong>to</strong> the states and LGAs who<br />
would provide staff <strong>to</strong> run them. The<br />
NPHCDA would then be left <strong>to</strong> handle its core<br />
competence, which they do so well;<br />
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