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Inadequacy <strong>of</strong> the Contents <strong>of</strong> Previous M&E Reports<br />
The Millennium Declaration provided the opportunity for <strong>Nigeria</strong> <strong>to</strong> re-focus on the MDGs as<br />
important pillars <strong>of</strong> the country‘s development agenda including its Vision 20:2020. The DRGs<br />
provided the much-needed additional resources specifically targeted at the MDGs and<br />
highlighted the importance <strong>of</strong> measuring the results <strong>of</strong> the country‘s development initiatives.<br />
With the establishment <strong>of</strong> OSSAP-MDGs <strong>to</strong> track and coordinate expenditures on the MDGs,<br />
<strong>Nigeria</strong> became one <strong>of</strong> the first African nations <strong>to</strong> demonstrate ample political will <strong>to</strong> adopt a<br />
results-based approach <strong>to</strong>wards poverty reduction and improvement in the living standards <strong>of</strong><br />
its people. The increasing visibility <strong>of</strong> OSSAP-MDGs as an organ <strong>of</strong> transparency and<br />
accountability <strong>to</strong>wards achievement <strong>of</strong> the MDGs and the popular perception that the DRGs<br />
and the OSSAP-MDGs represent the most credible channels for achieving the MDGs and<br />
success<strong>full</strong>y fighting poverty in <strong>Nigeria</strong> have prompted OSSAP-MDGs <strong>to</strong> start demanding for<br />
results-based M&E processes including the preparation <strong>of</strong> M&E reports that focus not only on<br />
organizational activities and outputs but, more importantly, on actual outcomes. To achieve<br />
this goal OSSAP-MDGs was desirous <strong>of</strong> avoiding the shortcomings <strong>of</strong> past M&E reports which<br />
hither<strong>to</strong>:<br />
Provided little in the way <strong>of</strong> narratives detailing what the challenges <strong>of</strong><br />
implementation were and if they were overcome and how.<br />
Gave little assessment <strong>of</strong> why some projects were successful or described the nature<br />
<strong>of</strong> the best practices observed.<br />
Did not provide sufficient detail on how the DRG interventions were utilized and the<br />
effects <strong>of</strong> the projects on the lives <strong>of</strong> the people in the targeted areas.<br />
Failed <strong>to</strong> provide an indication <strong>of</strong> the sustainability <strong>of</strong> the projects.<br />
Absence <strong>of</strong> a Results-based M&E Foundation<br />
Although the consultants and CSOs who were in charge <strong>of</strong> the M&E processes that resulted in<br />
previous M&E reports were guided by a plan and set <strong>of</strong> procedures for data collection and<br />
analyses <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the progress <strong>of</strong> DRG projects against a number <strong>of</strong> pre-determined<br />
performance indica<strong>to</strong>rs, little or no attention was paid <strong>to</strong> addressing the complexities and<br />
critical nuances <strong>of</strong> the difficult M&E environment and contexts at the different levels <strong>of</strong> data<br />
collection and analyses. What is worse, it is not obvious that the results-oriented M&E needs<br />
<strong>of</strong> OSSAP-MDGs itself and the purpose for which the data that was being collected were <strong>to</strong> be<br />
used were clearly unders<strong>to</strong>od by many <strong>of</strong> the key players and stakeholders. Consequently by<br />
jumping straight <strong>to</strong> building and using a set <strong>of</strong> M&E procedures and templates for tracking the<br />
performance <strong>of</strong> the DRG without paying adequate attention <strong>to</strong> existing political, organizational,<br />
cultural and administrative M&E realities on the ground, a number <strong>of</strong> serious bottlenecks were<br />
encountered leading <strong>to</strong> difficult challenges including those relating <strong>to</strong> but not limited<br />
<strong>to</strong>organizational roles, responsibilities, capabilities, incentives, etc., including:<br />
Lack <strong>of</strong> appreciation <strong>of</strong> the critical importance <strong>of</strong> a Logical Framework for each and<br />
every project <strong>to</strong> be moni<strong>to</strong>red and the associated Results Chain/Logic Chain that<br />
should form the basis <strong>of</strong> an effective M&E process. This resulted, in many instances, in<br />
confusion about what the M&E process should be measuring and for what purpose,<br />
thus leading <strong>to</strong> inconsistency and lack <strong>of</strong> standardization <strong>of</strong> data coming from OSSAP-<br />
MDGs, the National Teams, the State Teams, and the sec<strong>to</strong>r heads.<br />
Inadequate collaboration and cooperation between and among state supervising M&E<br />
consultants and federal, state, and local government <strong>of</strong>ficials in identifying, taking<br />
ownership, and tracking <strong>of</strong> DRG funded projects.<br />