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There was a provision <strong>of</strong> N342, 000,000.00 in<br />
the work plan for the purchase <strong>of</strong> ambulances<br />
for cluster GHs. This was however<br />
implemented under FMWA, and the NPHCDA<br />
is in a position <strong>to</strong> provide details <strong>of</strong> what that<br />
sum was utilised for.<br />
Family Health Division, Health System<br />
Strengthening and HIV/AIDS<br />
NMET was not able <strong>to</strong> carry out any M&E on<br />
their projects because <strong>of</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> information on<br />
locations, dates, etc. This however does not mean<br />
that the programmes were not carried out. The<br />
Nasarawa State Aids Prevention Coordina<strong>to</strong>r<br />
(SAPC) mentioned that he was aware that all the<br />
activities listed in the NASCP work plan had been<br />
carried out, and that he had participated in<br />
<strong>Nigeria</strong> Projected Population: 158,300,000 1<br />
Number <strong>of</strong> Women <strong>of</strong> child-bearing age (15-49 yrs.):<br />
36,807, 000 2<br />
Children under Five Cu5: 25,426,000 3<br />
1<br />
Population Reference Bureau 2011<br />
2<br />
US Census Bureau Global Population<br />
3<br />
State <strong>of</strong> the World‘s Children 2011, UNICEF Pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />
Total Number <strong>of</strong> Enrolees for NHIS MCH <strong>to</strong> date:<br />
1,545,646<br />
Out <strong>of</strong> which:<br />
Number Exited: 351,753<br />
(Pregnant Women: 236,609 Cu5: 115,144)<br />
Number presently accessing care: 1,193,893<br />
Out <strong>of</strong> which:<br />
Pregnant women: 126,438<br />
Cu5: 1,067,455<br />
Number <strong>of</strong> Health Facilities Accredited: 1,247<br />
executing them. Nasarawa and Kaduna SAPCs<br />
also mentioned that HIV kits had been delivered <strong>to</strong><br />
them but with only two months and one week <strong>to</strong><br />
expiry, respectively.<br />
Potential Population Reached with Health-<br />
Related Interventions<br />
This section <strong>of</strong> the report attempts <strong>to</strong> showcase the<br />
potential impact <strong>of</strong> the health-related interventions<br />
based on the estimated population reached in<br />
terms <strong>of</strong> under children and women <strong>of</strong><br />
childbearing age.<br />
The Midwifery Service Scheme has brought<br />
positive outcome <strong>to</strong> the beneficiaries as<br />
testified <strong>to</strong> by a stakeholder thus: “ ...the<br />
deployment <strong>of</strong> the midwives <strong>to</strong> the four selected<br />
PHCs in the state has brought about significant<br />
positive impact <strong>to</strong> the health welfare <strong>of</strong> the<br />
pregnant, and nursing mothers in the LGAs,<br />
and Lagos state as a whole, ... the situation<br />
was so pathetic and terrible... but now, there is<br />
tremendous decline in the maternal and infant<br />
mortality index in the state...and will continue <strong>to</strong><br />
thank our governments both at Federal and<br />
state level for the effort...” -Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Nursing<br />
Service, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Health, Lagos state. ---<br />
0802-3341733<br />
Number <strong>of</strong> PHCs covered by MSS in 12 states: 652<br />
Number <strong>of</strong> Cluster General Hospitals: 163<br />
Population covered by MSS: 10,711,732<br />
Number <strong>of</strong> women <strong>of</strong> Child-bearing age (15-49 yrs.) covered<br />
by MSS: 2,463,652<br />
Number <strong>of</strong> PHCs either under construction, rehabilitation<br />
or upgrading:<br />
NPHCDA: 175<br />
CGS: 700<br />
Quick-Wins: 18<br />
Total: 893<br />
Nos. <strong>of</strong> People that would be served by 893 PHCs (app.<br />
20,000 per PHC): 17,860,000<br />
Out <strong>of</strong> which:<br />
Nos. <strong>of</strong> women <strong>of</strong> child-bearing age: 4,089,940 1<br />
Nos. <strong>of</strong> children under 5: 2,868,656.72 2<br />
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