Third Reich Germany - David Scott Gehring

Third Reich Germany - David Scott Gehring

Third Reich Germany - David Scott Gehring


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From Depression to Repression: The Rise of<br />

the <strong>Third</strong> <strong>Reich</strong><br />

Weimar Republic’s Difficulties (1919-33)<br />

Hyperinflation & Debt<br />

Lack of Clear & Consistent Leadership<br />

Conservative Reaction<br />

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)<br />

Experience in WWI; Aftermath<br />

Early Ideas, Controversies<br />

The Beer Hall Putsch (Revolt)<br />

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party<br />

Formation & Ideas; Hitler’s Nazi Party<br />

Scapegoats: Minorities & Weimar Leaders<br />

Silencing Dissent; Censorship & Conformity<br />

Nationalism, Militarism, & A Simple Message<br />

Building Bridges<br />

Hitler’s <strong>Germany</strong>, Mussolini’s Italy; Stalin’s U.S.S.R.<br />

Marienplatz, Munich, during Hitler’s<br />

Failed Coup of 1923

Weimar Republic’s Difficulties (1919-33)<br />

Hyperinflation & Debt<br />

Soaring Prices & Economic Instability; Printing $<br />

War Reparations to Other Countries; Default, ‘22/3<br />

Global Effects of Depression, post-’29<br />

U.S. Credit Withheld; Shaky Recovery, ‘23-9<br />

Lack of Clear & Consistent Leadership<br />

Political Chaos of Coalition Gov’t (Many Parties)<br />

Examples: SPD, DDP, DVP, KPD, DNVP<br />

Democracy Required Proportional Representation<br />

Inherent Chaotic Nature<br />

Conservative Reaction<br />

Versailles as Treason; National Mourning, Resentment<br />

Kaiser’s Abdication; End of German Monarchy<br />

Fear of Leftist Liberalism & Communism<br />

Vs. Democratic Constitution (Representative)<br />

Election Poster of 1932

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)<br />

Experience in WWI; Aftermath<br />

Strong German Nationalist (Austrian-born)<br />

Served as Messenger/Runner in Bavarian Infantry<br />

Early Ideas, Controversies<br />

Anti-Semitism – Blaming Jews for All Failures<br />

Aryanism – Superior Race of Ancient <strong>Germany</strong><br />

Lebensraum or Living Space for Pure Germans<br />

The Beer Hall Putsch (Revolt)<br />

November, 1923, Munich; Revolt vs. Weimar Gov’t<br />

To be a March on Berlin; Seizure of Political Power<br />

Utter Failure; 5 Years in Jail (Served about 1)<br />

Dictated Mein Kampf (My Struggle) while in Jail, ‘24<br />

Respected Gustav Stresemann, Weimar Leader, late ‘20s<br />

Nationalist; Regaining Respect for <strong>Germany</strong><br />

“The danger posed by Jewry for our<br />

people today finds expression in the<br />

undeniable aversion of wide<br />

sections of our people. . . .<br />

Antisemitism as a political<br />

movement may not and cannot be<br />

defined by emotional impulses, but<br />

by recognition of the facts. The<br />

facts are these: First, Jewry is<br />

absolutely a race and not a religious<br />

association. . . . Antisemitism based<br />

on reason . . . must lead to<br />

systematic legal combatting and<br />

elimination of the privileges of the<br />

Jews, that which distinguishes the<br />

Jews from the other aliens who live<br />

among us (an Aliens Law). The<br />

ultimate objective [of such<br />

legislation] must, however, be the<br />

irrevocable removal of the Jews in<br />

general.”<br />

Adolf Hitler, Sept. 16, 1919

From Mein Kampf: Anti-Semitism & Propaganda<br />

“Another thing that got on my nerves at this time was the way the big papers pursued an<br />

obnoxious cult of France. You would have to be ashamed to be a German when these sweet<br />

hymns of praise to the ‘great culture-nation’ came before your eyes. More than once, this<br />

miserable truckling to the French caused me to drop these ‘world-papers.’ I then often picked<br />

up the Volksblatt which, while it was certainly smaller, appeared nonetheless somewhat purer in<br />

these matters. I was not in agreement with the sharply antisemitic tone, but once in awhile I<br />

read arguments which gave me cause to think. . . . The relationship of Jewry to prostitution and<br />

still more to the white-slave traffic could be especially well studied in Vienna, as in no other city<br />

of Western Europe, with the possible exception of the ports of southern France. . . . Gradually,<br />

I began to hate them. . . . From a weak cosmopolitan I had become a fanatical antisemite. . . .<br />

Thus I believe today that I am acting according to the will of the almighty Creator: when I defend<br />

myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”<br />

“All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited<br />

intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to<br />

reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking<br />

out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands<br />

on our public, and too much caution cannot be extended in this direction. . . . The function of<br />

propaganda is . . . exclusively to emphasize the one right which it has set out to argue for. Its<br />

task is not to make an objective study of the truth . . . and then set it before the masses with<br />

academic fairness; its task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly.”

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party<br />

Formation & Ideas<br />

Evolved from German Worker’s Party<br />

Anti-Capitalist; Nationalist-Centered<br />

Strong Anti-Semitic Tone<br />

Munich, 1919; Conservative Bavaria<br />

Strengthened Resolve in Economic Chaos<br />

Hitler’s Nazi Party<br />

Joined DAP, Sept. ‘19; Major Speaker by ’21<br />

Recognized as Führer of the Party, ‘21<br />

Charismatic Leadership; Simple Rhetoric<br />

Attacked Jews & Immigrants, Capitalists &<br />

Communists, Weimar Republicans & Social<br />

Democrats<br />

Importance of the State, Military, & Nation<br />

Similar to Mussolini’s Fascism<br />

Hitler’s Forged Membership Card<br />

(To make him look like a Founding<br />

Member of the Party)

The Party Program, 1920<br />

1. We demand the union of all Germans in a Great <strong>Germany</strong> on the basis of the principle<br />

of self-determination of all peoples.<br />

2. We demand that the German people have rights equal to those of other nations; and that<br />

the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated.<br />

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the<br />

settlement of our surplus population.<br />

4. Only . . . fellow countrymen can become citizens. Only those who have German blood,<br />

regardless of creed, can be our countrymen. Hence no Jew can be a countryman.<br />

5. Those who are not citizens must live in <strong>Germany</strong> as foreigners . . . subject to the law of<br />

aliens.<br />

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-<br />

Germans who have entered <strong>Germany</strong> since August 2, 1914, shall . . . leave the <strong>Reich</strong><br />

immediately.<br />

22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.<br />

24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger<br />

its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race. The party as such<br />

represents . . . a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession.<br />

It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a<br />

lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the principle:<br />


The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, Cont.<br />

Scapegoats: Minorities & Weimar Leaders<br />

Economic, Political Difficulties<br />

National Pride Tarnished<br />

Pursuit through Legal Means, ’25 on<br />

Rise in Electoral Status<br />

’28 – 2.6%; ‘30 – 18.3%; ‘32 – 37.4%<br />

Silencing Dissent<br />

Hitler Named Chancellor, Jan. ‘33<br />

For a Coalition Government<br />

Nazi Party’s Hierarchy of Command<br />

Anti-Democratic Power Structure<br />

<strong>Reich</strong>stag Fire, Feb. ’33<br />

Rights Suspended; Communists Targeted<br />

Enabling Act, March ‘33<br />

Gov’t Decrees w/o <strong>Reich</strong>stag Participation<br />

End of Representative Gov’t in <strong>Germany</strong><br />

Consolidation of All Power in the Führer<br />

Hitler after becoming Chancellor

Law to Remove the Distress of the People and the<br />

State (The Enabling Act)<br />

The <strong>Reich</strong>stag has passed the following law, which is, with the approval of the <strong>Reich</strong>srat,<br />

herewith promulgated, after it has been established that it meets the requirements for<br />

legislation altering the Constitution.<br />

Article 1. National laws can be enacted by the <strong>Reich</strong> Cabinet as well as in accordance with<br />

the procedure established in the Constitution. This also applies to the laws referred to in<br />

Article 85, Paragraph 2, and in Article 87 of the Constitution.<br />

Article 2. The national laws enacted by the <strong>Reich</strong> Cabinet may deviate from the<br />

Constitution as long as they do not affect the position of the <strong>Reich</strong>stag and the <strong>Reich</strong>srat.<br />

The powers of the President remain undisturbed.<br />

Article 3. The national laws enacted by the <strong>Reich</strong> Cabinet shall be prepared by the<br />

Chancellor and published in the <strong>Reich</strong>sgesetzblatt. They come into effect, unless otherwise<br />

specified, the day after their publication. Articles 68-77 of the Constitution do not apply to<br />

the laws enacted by the <strong>Reich</strong> Cabinet.<br />

Article 4. Treaties of the <strong>Reich</strong> with foreign states which concern matters of national<br />

legislation do not require the consent of the bodies participating in legislation. The <strong>Reich</strong><br />

Cabinet is empowered to issue the necessary provisions for the implementation of these<br />

treaties.<br />

Article 5. This law becomes effective on the day of its publication. It becomes invalid on<br />

April 1, 1937; it also becomes invalid if the present <strong>Reich</strong> Cabinet is replaced by another.

Censorship & Conformity<br />

Nazi Propaganda of the 1930s<br />

News Media Heavily Controlled<br />

Outsiders Shunned, Pressured to Obey<br />

Creating Ex- & Internal Enemies; Hate<br />

Posters, Speeches, Movies, Books, Radio<br />

Permeating Every Part of the Day & Society<br />

Hitler Youth for all 10-Year Old Aryans<br />

Nationalism, Militarism, & A Simple Message<br />

Using Pride to Unite Germans Outside <strong>Germany</strong><br />

Using Prejudice to Expel “Inferior” Peoples<br />

Government Spending to Restart Economy<br />

“Priming the Pump” with Credit<br />

Building Infrastructure & Consumer Goods<br />

(Re)building Military Forces, Illegally<br />

Message of Purity, Unity, Strength, Honor<br />

“Long Live <strong>Germany</strong>!”

• d

Building Bridges<br />

Hitler’s <strong>Germany</strong>, Mussolini’s Italy<br />

Similar Styles of Governance<br />

Totalitarian, All-Encompassing<br />

Expansionist Visions: Empire & Lebensraum<br />

Rome-Berlin Axis, November, ’36<br />

Alliance of Dictators<br />

Followed by Pact with Japan<br />

Pact of Steel, May ’39<br />

Agree to Aid in Event of War<br />

<strong>Germany</strong> the Stronger<br />

Italy key to Deflect & Distract<br />

Stalin’s U.S.S.R.<br />

Communism not Tolerated by Hitler<br />

Autocratic Rule Endorsed by Hitler<br />

Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin<br />

Partition of Poland, West & East

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