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iiii^lMr A* ih« •on tltat oitf witl^i<br />

iiid attj^^^fii^ ^<br />

iir«, iMIfiolwinWIM whl^<br />

a a* aiir ilti^ ia 11f«|iuiur applwiae t fatjl<br />

it is he whoee life unfolda tbe ObrivtiaH giaoas and<br />

glowa w8th deyool aad'<br />

occupy the higbeai aphere and wear the tetghUM*<br />

4rawu la glory,• ' y , •• , / J® V "<br />

8. BBlvatt-m la^y gfMe. auil tberefora evMf<br />

soul will euiuy tqwl tiapploeM in heami<br />

The eonclwiioa doe* not futi >w from the pfemiae.<br />

Bepeuteuce, faith, oiinveraion, regeneiation<br />

aaactii^cBtion, obwUonoo, fldelay, luid giiod wvrk*.<br />

ate all of grace, but diveraity fa diBi^fcat in Ubria<br />

turn chatBolcr every where. S*tvatiun from be<br />

ginning to Ml i" by gr«ce. but iuiuie r«*arda<br />

Bie^'Bocurding to uur wurka."<br />

I caonut oluee with »ut a brief refeience to aoue<br />

other thought* wbieh clnati-r arouud tbia doc*<br />

trine.<br />

Is heaven every vei«ei will be full, the ditler<br />

eaOe will not eonaiat In ompiy. |wrtMlly tilled, or<br />

well filled ve*ael«, but the dapncity ot the vvaaela<br />

themaelvea. Every one «ill be tierfeclly ha^ in<br />

hia di^rea and t^ the eiteot of hi* capacity, and<br />

will i^babiy bo uuconacloas thai uihen enjov<br />

higher felicity, lo a nobler aphere.<br />

The worm, that crawla beneath your feet, hap<br />

py in iu aphere and to tbe extent of iu oapacity,<br />

kaowa nothing of tbe higtier rapture Bhichawella<br />

the archangel'a breaat in the bigheat heavea. Bo<br />

the thief, pardoned on tbe croa*, and other* wboae<br />

aioH are foi^iven near the cluoe uf life, and who<br />

enter into oduaoious reet. will never dream of the<br />

ecatotic Joy which thrllia tho tongue, and nervee<br />

and hand* of the Apoat'e Fdul, ar, in tbriilinglaya,<br />

he obanta the aoog of immortal life and love and<br />

atrikea the golden etring of tbe harp of Uod, near<br />

the great white throne in heaven.<br />

Finally the doctrine preaenta a high incentive<br />

to a life of piety and fideiity to God, and zeal in<br />

tbecaneeofGhrial True, wo are not working<br />

for a reward; a nobler motive prompts ua; "the<br />

love of (Jhriat conatraiueth u»;" but tbe reward ia<br />

oue that we cooot doubly auro. "A book of re<br />

membranctt" ia kept; your piety, iilierality ami aui<<br />

ftringa; yuur seal, prsyera and toarc; your worka<br />

aod word* of lovf; your iwraecutiona, suUeringa<br />

and patience for Jeaua, are all reoordod iu that<br />

book, and *haU receive recognition and a giorlou*<br />

reward in heaven. Romomber, ••He that aoweth<br />

apariogly, ahall reap al*o flparingly; he tbat aoweth<br />

bouatifally, eball reap al*o bountifully." •'He<br />

that goeth forth aud weopetb, beariag preciou*<br />

ieed ahall donbtleacomo again rejoicing, bilnging<br />

hia abeavoa with him." lie who atrewa the water<br />

of time with the aeed of truth, ahati reap golden<br />

«heaves upon the harveat fields (if immortaiity.<br />

Bo, the fliwer that blooma on earth abtll drop its<br />

fy>oit in heaven.<br />


lOOR BKOCK .... it took three doaoa of aeda*i<br />

. five medicine (the Baptist*' have publi*hed tbi*,<br />

it would aeem (o rula Brock or I would not), to*<br />

gether with an all night prayer-aervice of hi* wife<br />

to resxinvert him to tbe Baptistii.''<br />

The above is dipped from an editoiial in the<br />

Gospel Advocate of July 17tb, and eonUina two<br />

palpable faliabooda. One atatement I am aure Mr.<br />

Lipscomb knows to be faiae in the impreaaioa which<br />

It would aaturally make. It iathia: "The Bap*<br />

tists have published thla, it would aeem to ruia<br />

Brook or 1 would aot." Now Mr. Lipaoomb well<br />

kaowa that the first time that publicity waa given<br />

to tbe "thrte do«ee of aedativee*' it was bjr J. A.<br />

Harding in the preaence of about one thouaaad<br />

|;««>pbi la the Qentfil Baptiit church tbia^i^.<br />

^ i i f :iBil afier^ia liiattwl<br />

Mii^bsfgiv tiw pabtic by Mr. lIvdihCTiih'<br />

t|^|«aiiaou* aad ungentiewKuly w«y> tt' taMMae<br />

liitlaasary for my friend** Moody, Uiflpii ai^<br />

m together #ith myaelf, k* rrf^ Iu the iuatt« liy<br />

way of coireCUon, then Mr t., with ao afliolsi<br />

tespect for ne. layc "Poor Biuckl it to< li |ins<br />

d^sea," etc. "attd I would not," etc. "it t be Bepiitta<br />

hid aot^" eto. "and that too it aeenia U« rula htea."<br />

Ah, ye»i (Jood Mr. Upacoonveraioa.<br />

Now, I wiah to atate emphatically and 1 hope<br />

that Mr. L. will remember it, that my re annoia*<br />

tion of Campbelliam aad declaration of purpoae to<br />

return to tbe Bapliata waa made about midnight<br />

within three minutea after wifo aad I bad ariai-n<br />

and within one minute after the first doaeof"ae><br />

dative medicine" waa taken, aud before wife and I<br />

had offered a aingle prayer together, or ia any<br />

other way unleaa It be in aecretaud without a wo-d<br />

from wife, for ehe had deaiated two daya previoua,<br />

having became convinced tbat I waa fixed.<br />

The atatement tbat occurred aome lime ago in<br />

the Advocate to tbe eSeet that my wife prayed<br />

with me, exorted me, *ayiDg, "We'll starve, we'll<br />

etarve." etc.. on the night of my ro convereion is<br />

baaely falae. But tbe taI«o atalemenU of tbe Advocate<br />

have been *o nnmorou* tbat I have not tbe<br />

time nor the apace to apeak of all. More auon.<br />

L. N. Bbucic<br />

Naahville, tenn. July I8tb, 188ii.<br />


TION.<br />

EDITOR BABTIBT:—The National J&iucatioual<br />

Aaaociation m now boidiog tia annual acMion in<br />

thla city, and the fima thing on the imignmme for<br />

to-day ia a lecture by Bishop Kro aad lietter work In tbe datl^.^<br />

"Ubrittiao union ia a guod thing H men were per- aide the Ute airing of our Bro. Lawaon: **Neitb'<br />

mentof evangdiatic work, finbbath obaervan^,<br />

fect." What follow* tfaoo? Tbia. tbat aince men •r pray I for thaae alone, but for them also aooid purity, work among fdlso women aa^jtll<br />

will alway* b« Imperfect iu thia life Chriatiau unioo<br />

other lintfa of work In IbeevaugdiiUodepBrtewnl, '<br />

which dull believe oa me through thdr word}<br />

ii (woukl iwB) « ha»l thing. The great He^, or<br />

We have Bcbweinfurth daiming (0 be God, aad<br />

that they aU may be one, as thou Father art lu<br />

the chuttth, th«>roforo, sforo, luado proeiaioua proeialoua againat • a | £ Uat they alao, may be oae in ua, tbia church to Kmbryo chtiming to be Insplrsd i^t<br />

"<br />

Ood. What next! Youra fratarnal^,<br />

J, H. ONkal,<br />

If the W. c. T. u. organltUion originated by<br />

Inapiratiou of Uml, then it ia certainly a divine inatltution<br />

and truly a chntoh of Chriatl Wbai Wa*.<br />

themy to intimate aucb a tiling. Thera is little doabt<br />

bi|t what the W. C. T. U. aod the Y. M. 0. A.<br />

will ere long aaiume the uamo ohnrcdi and admiikv<br />

later tbe Lord'a aupper it «ot bapUsm.-®?' »<br />

' . I. I,-...., I I .. m<br />

BRIEF ItKMS.<br />

Dr. A. 8. Wtirrdl, of Rogera, Arkam^^paid<br />

ua a pleaaaut visit laat week. ^<br />

Ui. Oambrdl ia moving on oacqursgittgly ii<br />

raiaing the oudowment-of Miaaiadppi College.<br />

Meitser Univeralty, ia Georgia, throws her doors<br />

oiien t»» atudents free of tuition. ^<br />

Paatora Venable, Dickinson, and Buow are at<br />

taialy iu«u arc bjru m the objtciive caae. Tney |adf do diller.<br />

object to the uuili That ia tbo very thing that<br />

Uurfreeeboro, <strong>1889</strong>.<br />

O. J"""-<br />

tbe Miaaiaaippi<br />

week.<br />

Baptlat BUte Oonveotlon this<br />

etanda iu tiie Way of organic union. But men<br />

Dr. Purser bas secured up to date 1:25,000 for<br />


ate iBiiN:>rtocl aud it i* tborofore l»oet that theee<br />

Howard College, and his prospects of getting tha<br />

A olgectioua sbuulti liu-<br />

T a meeting of PhUaddphia church, July 14tb, ull amount are bright. ®<br />

<strong>1889</strong>, the following nwolutiona were adoiHod.<br />

"Many Ijroiid-uiiuded lucn cauuot see alike."<br />

After more than a mouth's abseuoe in Taxaa<br />

Whereas, it baa pleaaed an allwiae providence U;<br />

For iuatauce: I'aul and I'otor wore broad minded<br />

Dr. Graves la again at Arcadia, hard at work for<br />

remove from our aaaociation and our church our<br />

nen aud could not aeo aliko. Houco wbeu Paul<br />

Tuk BAI'TIST.<br />

much eateemeil and beloved brother, J. C. Bpark-<br />

corrected Fotor at Autiocb, ho niado a miaUke,<br />

We abtlolpate a viait from Bro. Moody, out<br />

man, who died on the 12lh rf June laat, after a pro-<br />

for broad'uiiuiiwi iJea murt dillor, and it ia an<br />

lunior edit >r, next'.WMk. Bince hia debate Ift<br />

tracted iUneaa, in the dghty third year ol hia age<br />

unwise thiuy to aitamiH t-> uuito all io one<br />

tiailtvitto, the number ofaubioriberahavelnorsaae ({ona be furniabed Tna BArnvrof Mempbi*.Tenn.,<br />

flIThe Big Haiohie Baptist AatooiatioB ooayM"<br />

neaaof (Jbriatiau faith, aud diveraity only, a* re-1 ^od onr nounty paper for publication,<br />

Covington on Slit Inst. Bid. J. H. Moody pnadl*<br />

ferringtoddforoutphwoeoftho faith. ••Till we »<br />

Com. es the annual sermon. Bro. Bproiss, tba iissidr,<br />

all come with tbo uoity of tlio faith of the Bon of J' £ 'jJ^J,'^;<br />

writ^ that delegates wlll.be mtt at depot Ob<br />

tlod." PoiBoaor divoraitioaofthiiilaithare: One'<br />

Lord, one baptiaui, etc. But if wo uao tbe word Mrs, Fanioaton and other lealouB workera<br />

neoday mornins. Tbe railroads have bet^a applied<br />

diveraity in tho aooa** out brother baa given it, we have puitibaasd a dedrable lot near Blmwood,<br />

to fur reduoed rates, luqalreofyour tlcbet agtfet.<br />

wonldhavetwol^mla wrui'

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