1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents

1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents

1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents


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The Fine Line Courteous Treatment<br />

and Fairness of Stone Bone<br />

Company Has Won a Dc<br />

serving Place With the<br />

Men oi the Indus­<br />

trial Zones<br />



AT METHODIST CHURCH world. \<br />


mon good.<br />

The United States has one-sixteenth<br />

the population of the world, but we<br />

have one-third of the wealth of the<br />

The I'In no <strong>Drama</strong> of Creaton. I days of the Savior, when He walked<br />

The North American Indlai.s had all<br />

claimed by Its promoters, the Inter­ in meek humdlu among men and<br />

the raw stock which we possess, but<br />

! worked the nlracles that attested<br />

they did not know how to use It. All<br />

national Bible Students' Association,<br />

I His power. Thrilling scenes depict-<br />

wealth has come to us from the ibllitv<br />

to be the greatest photo-play ever<br />

I ed with the realism of actual life fol- A mass meeting will be held at the, will be present), principally among to combine raw materials into forms<br />

produced, is to be shown at Colonial | low closely in the beautiful film-story Methodist Eplsconal church. Lester-1 whom will be Mrs. Geo, Topllff, Miss | of use and beauty, and In the process<br />

theater, Kndlcott, June 10, 11, 12 and J of His life. Marvelous effects have shire, on next Monday afternoon in i Helen McNamara and Dr. Sweet. we ar-<br />

14 at 7:30 p. m.<br />

, been produced by skilful camera the Interest of the woman's suffrage All societies and church organlza<br />

Beginning with the biblical narra­ ' camera operators A startling lllu- cause. , tlons are invited to attend.<br />

tive of the creative epochs, portraying : slor. Is produced In showlrg Christ V number of nrominent speakers J 1 Ueri will not be a dull moment.<br />

also the findings of scientists respect­ I walking on the water amidst the<br />

ing the formation and history of the i hoijsterous wa\es. How this effect<br />

earth and harmonizing these two ac­ j was accomplished Is a mystery. The SHOE TOWN HOUSEWIVES<br />

counts, this remarkable drama in ,; betrayal of the Son of Man by the<br />

over two miles of films and hundreds , hypocritical kiss of Judas produces a BIG USERS OF ELECTRICITY<br />

of hand-painted pictures carries the shudder in the audience The trial<br />

spectator through the annals of the , before Pilate is realistically portray- AND ELECTRICAL DEVICES<br />

human race to the present day. . ed In strong contrast In Jesus' calm<br />

Many are the thrilling situations demeanor to the frenzied, fantlcal Fasten your faith to the sons of a vast number of people working to­<br />

1<br />

developed from the pageH ot history rage of the mob and the weakness of Jove and half your housework will be gether for a comrcon end and a com<br />

and re-enacted upon the screen. We the Roman governor, who to appease done The Blnghamton Light, Heat<br />

witness the great deluge in the days the unreasoning 'hrong finally con- & Power Company's "Do It Electrical­<br />

of Noah, the building of the Ark and , ilemns to death an Innocent man ly'' demonstration which ends Satur­<br />

the gathering of the animals therein; ' • '1 hen follows an account of the day. June 5. has been remarkably sue<br />

we see the scoffing of the people and i Christian era The early history of cessful so far.<br />

their terror as the niBh of waters the church is portrayed, the Crusoverwhelms<br />

them.<br />

, ades. the great cathedrals, and the<br />

The iron and the grill have been<br />

The reels change and we are in i beginnings and development of the<br />

demonstrated to many housewives and<br />

Egypt with the Hebrew captives. We ! t;reat enlightenment resulting In the<br />

only favorable- comment Is heard<br />

see Moses at the court of Pharaoh ! wonderful progress of our day. among those who made purchases<br />

demanding the release of hip people, I The Creation drama is conducted Never before lias there been a gen<br />

we witness the work of the angel of ; by the International Bible Students' eral use of electricity, and as the ad<br />

death in the smiting of Egypt's first Association as a philanthropy and no vantages of it are so numerous that<br />

boms, and the terror caused by this financial profit is secured by them it takes a member of the General<br />

plague which results In the Egyp­ from its production The spectacle Electric Company's force to tell all<br />

tians urging the Israelites to depart. has been shown to over 10 millions about it<br />

We follow the checkered career of In this country and abroad and evok­ Civilization has passed through sev<br />

the Hebrew nation through the wilded unstinted commendation Critics eral distinct stages, first, the savage<br />

erness journey, the entrance to the declare that without a doubt •Crea­ stage; next, the barbaric; third, the<br />

Promised Land, and on until under tion" includes the most remarkable purely agricultural; fourth the fued-<br />

King Solomon they become the chief collection of films and pictures ever | al rfli, the competitive, and now we<br />

nation of earth.<br />

assembled in one program<br />

| are passing nut of the age of compe<br />

' tition into the age of co-operation, and<br />

Thence the story proceeds to the<br />

I the principal agent in this evolution<br />

CANDOR AND LOGIC lis the use of electricity<br />

All things considered. RED Electricity supplies heat, light, pow<br />

DOT'S' popularity and fame have er. transoortation and cjulck communi<br />

never been equaled In the cigar field j cation<br />

Now Candor requires a substantial Individuals can i.ol produce electric<br />

reason and Logic can cml.< suggest I ily profitably Its production requires<br />


j large capital and the co-operation of<br />

1 proving .and this all in the line of sympathetic, kindly, intelligent men,<br />

human betterment<br />

and not by professional politicians,<br />

To exploit society Is to fail and wise poets, reformers and gentlemen ad­<br />

men everywhere know it<br />

venturers.<br />

As a class, the men who own and Electrical prosperity means better<br />

manage our public utilities are active, homes, gardens, parks, books, music,<br />

healthy, Intelligent, good-natured indi­ good roads, school -safety, happiness,<br />

viduals. The yare men of simple peace, prosperity.<br />

habits, direct in their dealings. Their<br />

work is not bounded by the eight- RED DOT." Good as gold.<br />

hour clause. At times they may work<br />

evolving ourselves, getting an<br />

in three sh'fts of eight hours each.<br />

education out of our work, at our<br />

They are playing the game and they<br />

work, and all wise men understand<br />

paly it honestly There is no such<br />

now that they can help themselves<br />

thing for these men as liquidation, no<br />

only by helping other people. Only<br />

such thing as rest. They find their<br />

CASINO<br />

by adding to the wealth and the hap­<br />

rest in change<br />

piness and the welfare of the world<br />

l»on< ing Saturday<br />

are we ourselves benefited.<br />

While the price of almost every<br />

commodity necessary to life has in­<br />

Electrical Proiperlt;-<br />

•ad<br />

creased in price within the last few<br />

Modern mllllanaires do not hoard.<br />

years, electricity i.nd electr'cal appli<br />

They invest, and they Invest that they<br />

Monday Nights<br />

ances are cheaper today than ever be­<br />

may use. The modern businessman fore<br />

Is always a builder He is always and Big business may need supervision,<br />

forever widening, extending and im­ but its regulation must be done by<br />


The home of the Gossard—the Reganate, the W. B. and La Vlda Corset*—third floor.<br />

Be Sure to Have It on Your List<br />

June Sale of WHITE GOODS<br />

Now that real' summer weather<br />

has reached these "dlggin's" it is<br />

apropos to say that no more advant<br />

ageous opportunity awaits the man<br />

and young man oi Lestershire, Endi<br />

cott and vicinity, when it comes to<br />

excellent clothes values, thf.n at thewell<br />

appointed clothing store and hah<br />

erdaahery of Stone Bone Co., of Wash<br />

ington street Blnghamton. three doors<br />

from Court The fact that this firm<br />

Is a ItSfi off the main trend of bust<br />

ness activity Is a point in tl e flayer's<br />

favor, for rents are less and necessar<br />

ily It is possible to maintain higher<br />

quality in wearables at more moderate<br />

prices<br />

The Stone Bone store enjoys a re<br />

putatlon for fairness and honest me<br />

thods of dealing At its head are two<br />

of Binghamton's oldest clothing men<br />

In point of service They know the<br />

business and they know, among other<br />

things. Just what the men and young<br />

men of the industrial zones want In<br />

the way of suits, overcoats, raincoats<br />

and haberdashery.<br />

The Stone It me store is one of the<br />

most attractive and one of the larg<br />

est of Its kind in the city. The line is<br />

replete with everything tint a well<br />

dressed man would want. It baa been<br />

the firm's policy for the years that it<br />

has been Identified with the business<br />

of Blnghamton to be long en quality<br />

but short on price There haa been<br />

no loud talking and shouting in connection<br />

with the promotion of its<br />

goods, but a conservative, well balanced<br />

business policy that Is bound to win<br />

more than all the words In Christendom<br />

F<br />

OR<br />

Everybody's Deiaq It<br />

Doing What?<br />

OHMng Shaved at<br />

WATSON'S<br />


Opposite Past Office.<br />

•id Reliable<br />

General Carting<br />


CALL<br />

A. S. BROWN<br />

i »l 21-11 WeM Strwl<br />

LeSTCPaSMK<br />

I MM «*m al Ovkr*! feat Iran %,m item<br />

Escape<br />

Summer Drudgery<br />

Don't wait until hill to Imy your Hoosier Vnti can<br />

have it paid for l»v then if you start in now Then you<br />

will have use of it all summer You will lie aide to really<br />

enjoy the- season as you have never enjoyed it before 1 .<br />

Most kitchen worries will cease-<br />

A I lousier vacation costs so little and means so much<br />

that we hope' vou will conn- in without de-lav to choose<br />

your lliiusier We want to sliou \mi the t ( ' labor-saving<br />

device's, and if you U niereh MII the wcrd vv, will put<br />

oiiL- ui >uur huiiu-.-lu tr>. Your utoijex L'iivii '.' X°-U W£<br />

not ilelisrhti-el<br />

Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet<br />

Only $1 Now<br />

Puts it in your home. A few pennies a day soon payR<br />

for it at. the low cash price. ThiR unusual offer gives every<br />

woman an opportunity to own a Hoosie-r the minute she<br />

makes up her mind. Already over 800,000 women have<br />

bought Hoomers, so it won't he an experiment on your<br />

part. Take advantage of their endorsement of this won­<br />

derful labor-saving d*vkw.<br />



176 Washington St.<br />

127 State St.<br />

Tomorrow is the Last Day of This<br />

Popular Underprice Occasion<br />

Every woman with a fondness for dainty Summer<br />

wearables will find an appeal irresistable in these seasonable<br />

displays and Special Price Advantages. This<br />

event has been an unqualified success from the very<br />

outset. The demand for materials of this nature—the<br />

quality of the merchandise presented, coupled with the<br />

extraordinary underpricings make this SISSON Sale<br />

worthy.<br />

New White Silks Choice Embroideries<br />

Attractive at Any Price—Particularly<br />

Appealing at These Low Figures<br />

YARD-WIDE WHITE MESSALINE, regularly and<br />

well worth 11.00 yard nn<br />

Special tomorrow at I 7v<br />


fabric- In white Regularly $1.26 yard.<br />

Special at<br />

98c<br />


popular this season. Regularly 98c. and<br />

Special at<br />

73c<br />

40-INCH WHITE CHARMEUSE. soft and lustrous<br />

finish Regularly $1.50 yard #• AI<br />

Special at. yard $1.1)4<br />


a splendid value at yard, J1.86.<br />

A powerful special at<br />

$1.50<br />

White Wool Materials<br />

At Pronounced Savings<br />


ly $1.65<br />

Special for this sale at<br />

$1.48<br />


value at $1.25. Special for this sale at $1<br />

54-INCH SUITING SERGE, regularly<br />

$1.25. Special for thla sale at yard 98c<br />


larly $1.00 and very special In this sale at 89c<br />

36-INCH WOOL BATI8TE, a splendid<br />

value at<br />

the regular price, 50c.<br />

Special at, yard<br />

42c<br />

45-INCH VOILE FLOUNCINGS, an exceptionally<br />

good quality with scalloped edge. Regularly zQ<br />

X5c yard, hut for this sale U7C<br />


variety of choice patterns. Regularly $1.25<br />

yard. Special for this sale at<br />

98c<br />

36-INCH VOILE FLOUNCINGS ID scallops and<br />

fiemriied edges Values $1.2*5. nr<br />

• Special at 7

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