1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents

1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents

1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents


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*A«K«r , » •»; m^jns^yff .^ vi«i*e>^wwapw **&*><br />

|'f»AG£ SIX ~rr^7 j<br />


'OEAM4 CBAHA<br />

ospel Campaign fcy Motion Ho-<br />

|; tures tits Goad Headway.<br />


f Discourse Pastor Russell Points Out<br />

Man's Original Perfection— Reign<br />

•f Sin and Death—A Sad Spectacle.<br />

I thousands of Millions Dead—Hun­<br />

dreds of Millions Dying Weak In<br />

: *ody, Weak Mentally, Morally, Phys-<br />

£ -teally—Human Power Has Failed to<br />

* Arrest the Malady—Man's Only Hope<br />

ft In God—Messiah God's Appointed<br />

L Agent—To Redeem, to Regenerate, to<br />

pjfoake New—Soon He Will Deliver the<br />

^Groarting Creation—Nothing Shall<br />

^Hinder—Blessings Will Be Outpoured.<br />

ToWnlo, OM Feb<br />

1.-Pastor IJussell<br />

presented his Pho­<br />

to-<strong>Drama</strong> of Cre­<br />

ation to crowds at<br />

the American<br />

Theatre here to­<br />

day, afternoon<br />

and evening.<br />

Parts I. and II.<br />

were exhibited<br />

PartB III. and IV.<br />

will be shown to­<br />

morrow. The ex­<br />

hibitions are given<br />

t and free, and collections are con-<br />

jtfcuous by their absence.<br />

the International Bible Stu­<br />

nts Association, of which Pastor<br />

tell is President, successfully<br />

nched Its world-wide program, In<br />

duclng motion pictures—scientific,<br />

ttlosopbfc, historic, Biblic—in The<br />

arrle In New York City three weeks<br />

p, where crowds are the daily order,<br />

i had a series of remarkable suc-<br />

•he Cincinnati public gave the Pho-<br />

>ratua a hearty welcome, both aft-<br />

son arid evening, on the 18th, in its<br />

lebrated Music Hall, where the Dra-<br />

||continues to run twice dally; St<br />

its' greeting in the afternoon and<br />

ling Of the 23rd. in the Victoria<br />

teafre, was no less warm, and ca-<br />

crowds witnessed both produc-<br />

I In the I. B. £. A. Temple at Cleve-<br />

1 on the 25th and since.<br />

mo* to Co-operate In Lord's Work.<br />

presenting the <strong>Photo</strong>-<strong>Drama</strong> here<br />

afternoon Pastor Russell stated<br />

the motive of the enterprise is<br />

philanthropic; that the move-<br />

Is supported by voluntary con-<br />

rations only, and that the world<br />

eoioDftfgn will progress as rapid-<br />

as the Lord's providences will per-<br />

This Is not a solicitation, be<br />

W* never solicit! We merely<br />

the facts and thus give opportu-<br />

to all to co-operate as much or<br />

as they may desire,<br />

ills sermon In the forenoon Pastor<br />

'" discussed that flntn** of the<br />

•<strong>Drama</strong> which relates to Christ's<br />

. "Behold, I make all things<br />

f* IJOs iext and discourse follow:<br />

< "Behold. I make all things new."<br />

latton 21*.) He said:<br />

Bible Intimates that the seven<br />

of the ordinary week are typl-<br />

[fjSfrl of Seven great Days, each a<br />

nd years long. Thus St. Pe-<br />

IPjfii' declares that a Day with the Lord<br />

Bps as a thousand years. At the begin-1<br />

IgSting of man's Week he was perfect.<br />

jjiw represented in Father Adam; but<br />

disobedience to the Creator brought<br />

|||jrpou him the curse, "Dying, thou shalt<br />

^NBe." Under that curse our race has<br />

ifceen steadily going downward mental­<br />

ly, morally and physically to the tomb<br />

flay our race is assailed by more ail-<br />

j* menty and weaknesses, mental, moral<br />

Land physical, than were ever known<br />

rhefore. Our jails, penitentiaries, aey-<br />

^,lhms, hos[)ltals, all bear testimony to<br />

if,this fact. Even the morals of the<br />

jjfisorld are apparently at as low a state<br />

f as could well be imagined, after all<br />

i our preaching, after all our manufac-<br />

pture of hobgoblins, devils, and hells<br />

: to frighten humanity and thus to drive<br />

[.them to church, to religion, to morality.<br />

Is it not time that we should ac-<br />

f knowledge our fRilure and cry to God<br />

^JSar help ere we perish as a race? Not<br />

L*nly have we not converted the hea-<br />

Pp£hen world, but we find the civilized<br />

rorld retrograding, and statistics show<br />

pFns that crimes increase on every<br />

"p^kand in spite of the preaching of<br />

|j eternal torture. Surely we may well<br />

^ say, "We have wrought no righteous-<br />

ifness In the earth." "We have done<br />

Ipthose things which we ought not to<br />

|K have done and left undone those things<br />

W Which we ought to have done; and<br />

W,there Is no health iu us."<br />

JPMan's Extremity Is God's Opportunity.<br />

jg, While we were cryiifc to the Al-<br />

v*' mighty for His compassimi and aid we<br />

*" heard His Message. He assures us<br />

jK that He laid belp upon One mighty to<br />

j£ save to the uttermost all who accept<br />

,, Bis aid. It is this Savior who eighteen<br />

1 centuries ugo died for us, "the Just for<br />

*• the unjust," to open tip the way for<br />

v our return to God's favor. During tlie<br />

Gospel Age He has been gathering out<br />

an elect Church, to be His associates<br />

* and joint-heirs in a coming Kingdom<br />

' It Is He who with His elect Bride, tht<br />

• Church, will reign for a thousand<br />

years. He will bind Satan that dur­<br />

ing this period he may deceive the peo­<br />

ple no more. (Revelation 20:1-3.) He<br />

will use His great power as King of<br />

; Kings and Lord of lords, to put down<br />

tin in its every form.<br />

Meantime, as the great antltypical<br />

Priest after the Order of Melchizedek,<br />

Be will bless, instruct and uplift the<br />

. people from their weakness, mental,<br />

moral and physical. Thus He will be<br />

making all things new—bringing al)<br />

things to the perfection of the original<br />

v Divine purpose<br />

"According to the Promise."<br />

The Savior's works at the First Ad­<br />

vent—healing the sick, opening the<br />

• Wind eyes, casting out demons and<br />

awakening the sleeping dead—were<br />

Herely typical illustrations of thi<br />

grealer woik which lie with Hi* glo.i<br />

tied CliiiK-li will iii c(nn|iii-th aiiio],:*<br />

men (lui'iiie; ;;iv,il utilil.vpi' al S \U<br />

hath. Tim* -li'su-: am! Hi, Clinuli<br />

the :-al Seed <br />

Abraham. ^ i.> :iu "In t !• v S • d -'i , •<br />

al! the fiif'.tes o! \l\ • ea: 1 h \,o hU .<br />

0(1." St. Pari p.>.uts i . ii , k te t',, ii<br />

.-.•line I'rmii' -e. s.j\ in-: "Wiii h Siel i-<br />

"htM: > * * and if \e he I'I.-.J",<br />

the,'! iii(' ;.e Aiintlimifs Ntvd :>,IInii-.t>" -«;a!,i!i,ii<br />

'.i:h\,'2'.)<br />

Alas, many have taken the mis: v<br />

resent at ions of -..-9 ®-^<<br />

^•^••-,i'.*':*-;-#v •"•..-•/.:••••'-•?.'•:.'.»»,.-.<br />

,>Hu<br />

m< j<br />

£?A' F . r 3 m . E . n 9' n e Fatal.<br />

John Marks, 22 years £ld,"vas fatal­<br />

ly injured at'(Grbveland*Station,*near<br />

Mt. Morris last w'eok. "He died "a short<br />

.time later. * Marks, who had Jjen"em-<br />

ployed on the Voad'"for ajjouT two<br />

months, '^ as on the ' tender"©* * an<br />

,engine of which Daniel Donovan" was<br />

engineer. He was placing" markers<br />

pn the rear of the tender^ .when "he<br />

slipped and fell to the "ground'"His<br />

head struck the end of a tie"and his<br />

skull was crushed so that the "part"of<br />

the brain vas visible.<br />

Estimated Number of Autos.<br />

An estimate of the number of mo-<br />

,tor vehicles in use throughout the<br />

World, compiled from reliable sources<br />

by Mitchell May secretary of New<br />

York state, is given as followed:<br />

United States, 1,127,940; Great Brit­<br />

ain, 425,838; ascertained total from<br />

various European countries, 273,511;<br />

estimated total from other countries',<br />

92,500; total, 1,!)1!),789 registered<br />

Quarantine Smallpox Jury.<br />

The Rev. J. Frank Norris, pastor<br />

of the First Baptist church at Fort<br />

Worth, Tex., was acquitted by a grand<br />

jury of the charge of burning his own<br />

church on Feb. 5, 1913. One of the<br />

jurors developed a case of Bmallpox<br />

just previous to the close of the trial.<br />

The entire jury is now quarantined.<br />


For Infants and Children.<br />

The Kind You Have Always Bought<br />

boiic acii<br />

atui.<br />

The dtud<br />

Oilmen, a^ -J fo><br />

and Julia Vincc<br />

Rome. The pe.v<br />

iMron are dead dud<br />

ui h 1 ",. due to the ioif<br />

i in i'duiinisterhip; can<br />

uMiib r of little ones iu<br />

u ii Asjlum.<br />

- iu epidemic of mu<br />

,,,il, f'a'd<br />

the.r ra\ s th (»• d.out the ^io r-.<br />

lily, ftn clea,! 1 nUiits the sluuts ol<br />

lifiht will be visible In or "0 nuts At<br />

niaht the waiting fleets will be "uil-<br />

liantly illuminnted and their H^ilir.<br />

will add to the supei •) illamination (»f<br />

the exposition palaces.—National<br />

Magazines.<br />

The French Well Nourished<br />

The French have tue reputation o:<br />

being a well-nourished people, or at<br />

least, a well-fed nation and this is<br />

sustained 'by Gautier, one ct the<br />

French experts 1 in the field of nutri-'<br />

tion study. Mis figures have an ex­<br />

ceptional value 'an'd added interest, re­<br />

marks a writer in the "Journal of tin<br />

American Medical Association," be<br />

cause they represent tihe findings not<br />

of a single day or week, but of no<br />

'less than two decadtes.<br />

The statistics are 'those of food<br />

consumption on the part O'I the great<br />

majority of the inhabitants of Paris—<br />

the "average" 'inhabitants—derived<br />

j 'from public records of taxes paid or,<br />

food-stuffs and firoms actual investi­<br />

gation among peasant or "bourgeois"<br />

families.<br />

In consideration of the long period<br />

over which the lecoi'ds. apply and the<br />

large num'ber of people, nearly thr.ee<br />

millions, involved, the discrepancies<br />

between rich and poor, undernourish­<br />

ed and over fed 1 are piolba'bly in good<br />

part equalized. Here are the figures,<br />

epressed in a daily average:<br />

Obtainedi from vegetable 'sources:<br />

Bread, 4*20 grams^ green vegetables,<br />

250; cereals, 40; potatoes, 110: sugur,<br />

40; fresh fruits, 70; alcoholic bever­<br />

ages, 432.<br />

From animai sources: Meats, 200<br />

grams; elgrgs, 24; cheese, 8; butter and<br />

oil', 28; milk, 213; to which may be<br />

added salt, 20 grams, and water, 950.<br />

This accords well witlh established<br />

"standards" for the average man. In­<br />

cidentally national characteristics are<br />

emphasized! in the relativte propor­<br />

tions of foods consumed as, for exam­<br />

ple, the liberal use of 'bread. Despite<br />

such incidental variations the actual<br />

nutrient intake of people seems to be<br />

much the same the World? over.<br />

Convicts on Honor<br />

Passengers in an ordinary day<br />

smoking car in western Pennsylvania<br />

the other day noticed a group of five<br />

men to whom the short trip they were<br />

making seemed quite a novelty. Oc­<br />

casionally a 'Sixth man joined the<br />

group and then left it again, going<br />

•in the Pullman car to chat with<br />

friends.<br />

The five men were prisoners serv-<br />

intg terms in the Western penitentiary<br />

of Pennsylvania, explains a writer in<br />

the "Survey." They wore no shackles<br />

or handcuffs. The sixth man, who at<br />

times left them entirely alone, was<br />

Warden John Francies. He was tak­<br />

ing tlhem out to Center county to help<br />

•build the new prison. When they ar­<br />

rived they joined a number of other<br />

prisoners who are laying out the<br />

grounds of the new penitentiary. One<br />

hundred and fifty prisoners are being<br />

used in that way. A guard is in<br />

charge of them, but they roam about<br />

tJhe farm freely when not at work oi<br />

as'etp in their bunking quarters.<br />

Speaking of the fiv emen whom he<br />

took in the smoker, Waiden Francies<br />

said: "I have implicit faith in every<br />

one of these prisoners. 1 have studied<br />

them well during their stay in prison<br />

and although convicts— sent up for<br />

•serious offenses—I 'believe tihey have<br />

the makings of igood, .honest citiens<br />

in them and! am treatintg them ac­<br />

cordingly. Before many weeks I ex­<br />

pect to bring from the penitentiary a<br />

whole carload of convicts, with not a<br />

door locked or a.man shackled."<br />

Lights at Exposition<br />

Although 'by day the exposition, I<br />

with its faint ivory buiff as the pre­<br />

vailing tlnit, witlh' Its red tiled roofs, f<br />

green domes and flashes of gold and J<br />

blue, will give an effect of harmonious<br />

color, yet at night it will be even<br />

more mystical and marvelous. Won- j<br />

derful advances in the science of il-<br />

lumination will permit of the lighting j<br />

I of the exposition in a manner that<br />

would have 'been physically impose!-1<br />



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Our Shotgun<br />

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press prepaid, upon receipt of Catalog Price.<br />



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Magazine<br />


A GREAT Continued Story of die W«df»<br />

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A resident oi Mars would gladly *>ay—<br />

4»1 AAA FOR ONE YEAR'S<br />


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Are you reading it? Two millions of your<br />

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Ask TOUT Newsdealer to show you one or<br />



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•"3-in-One is a HgkvJBI oil com "<br />

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^Sprinkled on a yard of black cheesecloth it makes an ideal Dustless Dusting Cloth.J<br />

3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on gun barrels, auto fixtures, bath room<br />

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Free—3-in-One—Free. Write today for generous free bottle and the<br />

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3-in-One is sold in all good stores in 3-size bottles: 10c (1 oz.), 25c (3 oz.),<br />

50c (B>QZ,% pint). Also in new patented Handy Oil Can, 25c (33^ oz.).<br />


42 D A Broadway New York City<br />

Indian Increasing<br />

The Indians of Canada, according<br />

at the rate of 2,000 a year. The In­<br />

dian population of the Dominion at<br />

the close-of the year was 106,490.<br />

The Indians in tine United States<br />

are increasing in numbers at about<br />

the same ratio. At the close of the<br />

fiscal year in 1910 the census showed<br />

304.G01 Indians, in 1913 it showed<br />

330,60;}. Oklahoma 'has a larger Indian<br />

papulation than the whole of Canada.<br />

The Indians are not vanishing. They"<br />

are growing year hy year more num­<br />

erous anl less trouibtesome, more in­<br />

dustrious and prosperous, and af­<br />

flicted less by disease and dissipa­<br />

tion, j<br />

Choice Wall Papers<br />

in.carefully selected designs and in a wide; range of<br />

prices<br />

It is alwa > 7 s the aim of this store to give more vaI u J<br />

and better selection than any other store. This is acconi-<br />

plished by our long experince in wall papers and in th u<br />

suitibility foi the particular rooms'they are to ado tn.<br />

Look over our stock and see for 'yourself<br />



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