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4. The contextual evaluation of words can be determined by<br />

linguistic and/or non-linguistic factors. The linguistic factors concern lexical<br />

and grammatical associations which determine and restrict the use of words.<br />

They include collocations and colligations. The former are lexical<br />

associations, the systematic co-occurrence patterns of a word with other<br />

words (Biber et al., 1998; Kennedy, 1991; Jones and Sinclair, 1974;<br />

Mauranen, 2000; Kenny, 2001). They are also called ready-made units,<br />

although their status as ready-made units is still unclear (Heltai, 2004:55).<br />

The latter are grammatical associations, i.e. an association of a word, “seen<br />

as a unique lexical item rather than as a member of its class,” with<br />

grammatical categories (Sinclair, 1991, 1998; Hoey, 1997), or with a<br />

particular position in a sentence or text (Hoey, 1997; Kennedy, 1991). Both<br />

structures (collocations and colligations) are of utmost importance in the<br />

analysis of word meaning (Jantunen, 2004:105). They are among the most<br />

frequent translation traps. For example, ST8: “Am durat perdele ca pe trei ierni.<br />

Am săpat bordeie. Dinspre partea banilor am împăcat pe toată lumea.” (p. 40) → TT8:<br />

“[…] the shelters I made are likely to last for three winters. And I dug mud-huts, I satisfied<br />

everybody, giving each his due.”. The verb a dura collocating with the noun<br />

perdele is used with its second meaning of a construi (Seche, Seche, Preda<br />

1993), and a făuri, a face, a clădi, a zidi, a edifica (Bulgăr, 2003). There is<br />

non-symmetry between the colligation dinspre partea banilor and the TT<br />

syntactic structure and lexical collocation giving each his due (V-ing + IO +<br />

DO).<br />

The non-linguistic factors involve register (spoken, written), dialect<br />

(social, geographic), and style specific (formal, colloquial).<br />

5. Additions are used in order to disambiguate. On analogy with<br />

Jakobsen’s (2002:241-242) model of interpreters’ additions, with written<br />

literary translations we should suggest the following types of additions: a)<br />

with no impact on the semantic and/or pragmatic content of the ST<br />

(repetitions); b) additions with minimal impact on the semantic and/or<br />

pragmatic content of the ST (repetitions), fillers, and explicating additions<br />

such as connectives and explanations used to give culture-bound<br />

information; c) with significant impact (emphasizing additions, and<br />

additions used to bring new information). For example, ST9:<br />

“Ce fel de oameni sunt pe acolo?” (p. 40) → TT9: “And the men, what kind are<br />

they in those parts?” (p. 38); ST10: “Stătea între ei o întrebare crâncenă” → TT10:<br />

“A question that burned in their hearts stood between them”; ST11: “Timpul stătu.<br />

Îl însemna totuşi cu vinerile negre în care se purta de colo-colo, fără hrană, fără<br />

apă, fără cuvânt, cu broboada cernită peste gură” (p. 43) → TT11: “ Time seemed<br />

motionless. And yet she had landmarks on those Fridays when she fasted, went<br />

without food and drink and never uttered a word, walking aimlessly, a black<br />

kerchief drawn over her mouth” (p. 40).

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