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<strong>OF</strong><br />
<strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
March 2012
The International Commission on English in the Liturgy<br />
19 March 2012<br />
Your Eminence,<br />
Your Grace,<br />
My Lord,<br />
As you will know, nearly two years ago the Holy See gave the necessary recognitio to the<br />
English translation to the Third Edition of the Missale Romanum and now this translation<br />
has been fully implemented. Thank you for your comments and efforts to guide this<br />
process over so many years. I also wish to thank my predecessor, Bishop Arthur Roche,<br />
<strong>ICEL</strong>’s Chairman throughout the Missal project. His constant devotion to the task was<br />
evidenced in the thirty-one separate booklets that were sent to you, either for comment or<br />
for vote.<br />
As the new Chairman of <strong>ICEL</strong>, I am happy to forward to you for your study and<br />
comment the first fruit of translation work following the Missal—that is, The Order of<br />
Celebrating Marriage and The Order of Confirmation.<br />
These draft texts have been approved by the Bishops of the Commission which recently<br />
met in Morristown, New Jersey, and are now being submitted to the member and<br />
associate member Bishops’ Conferences for study. It should be understood that these<br />
texts are not definitive and that what <strong>ICEL</strong> is seeking at this juncture is your opinion and<br />
comment. In conformity with earlier practice and the <strong>ICEL</strong> Statutes, <strong>ICEL</strong> is issuing<br />
these texts with a green cover (Green Book) to distinguish them from texts in a gray<br />
cover (Gray Book) that will be sent to you for a formal and deliberative vote at the end of<br />
the period of consultation.<br />
The Roman Missal project, carried forward under the guidelines of the Holy See’s<br />
instruction Liturgiam authenticam and the Ratio translationis, has provided a stable<br />
resource of texts and rubrical material that will influence the remaining work of<br />
translation for the other books of the Roman Rite. You will know that there are some<br />
twenty separate rites contained in the Roman Ritual and Roman Pontifical and the<br />
majority have some element of textual dependence on the Roman Missal.<br />
The Order of Celebrating Marriage and The Order of Confirmation borrow substantially<br />
from the Missal and direct quotations or similar phrases are referenced with the marking<br />
“RM” in the left-hand margin.
You will also note that there are repeated texts or rubrics from one chapter to the next.<br />
These are indicated in the manuscript with references to the earlier text using the Latin<br />
numbers that run sequentially through the individual rite. See for example, Marriage,<br />
Chapter II, no. 87 where the rubric is in place but the text is repeated from Chapter I as so<br />
indicated “(no. 87 = no. 52)”. Also, there are endnotes throughout the manuscript that<br />
provide scriptural references as well as specific references for repeated texts or texts from<br />
the Roman Missal.<br />
At the conclusion of each rite you will find a concordance demonstrating how common<br />
terms are translated in the Missal.<br />
You are free to send comments or suggestions as a Conference of Bishops and/or as<br />
individual Bishops. I wish to assure you that all comments will receive careful attention.<br />
Please forward your observations to <strong>ICEL</strong> either through the national liturgical office of<br />
your Conference, directly to the <strong>ICEL</strong> Secretariat, or through your Bishop member on<br />
<strong>ICEL</strong>. For ease in submitting comments, you may wish to access the following website<br />
(www.icelweb.org/om) whereby you can send comments directly to the <strong>ICEL</strong> Secretariat.<br />
May I ask that you and/or your Conference submit comments by 1 December 2012,<br />
please? This will provide time for careful study in preparation of the <strong>ICEL</strong> Bishops<br />
meeting early in the New Year.<br />
With all good wishes.<br />
Yours fraternally in Christ,<br />
The Most Revd. Arthur Serratelli<br />
Bishop of Paterson<br />
Chairman of <strong>ICEL</strong>
T H E R O M A N P O N T I F I C A L<br />
RENEWED BY DECREE <strong>OF</strong><br />
<strong>OF</strong><br />
<strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Latin text © Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (A.P.S.A.), Vatican City State, 1971.<br />
The English translation of The Order of Confirmation © 2012, International Commission on English in the<br />
Liturgy Corporation (<strong>ICEL</strong>); excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, <strong>ICEL</strong>. All<br />
rights reserved.<br />
Latin Typical Edition, 1971.
<strong>OF</strong><br />
<strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Prot. n. 800/71.<br />
Peculiare Spiritus Sancti donum, a Christo Domino promissum et super Apostolos<br />
die Pentecostes effusum, ipsi Apostoli eorumque successores Episcopi baptizatis<br />
hominibus per Confirmationis Sacramentum tradiderunt. Cuius ope christianae vitæ<br />
initiatio ita perficitur, ut fideles, superna corroborati virtute, Christi testes sinceri, tum<br />
verbis tum exemplis evadant, itemque arctiore cum Ecclesia vinculo astringantur.<br />
Quo autem clarius « huius Sacramenti intima connexio cum tota initiatione<br />
christiana » elucesceret, Œcumenicum Concilium Vaticanum II decrevit, ut ritus<br />
Confirmationis recognosceretur. 1<br />
Nunc vero, huiusmodi opere absoluto atque approbato a Summo Pontifice PAULO<br />
PP. VI per Constitutionem Apostolicam Divinæ consortium naturæ, die 15 augusti 1971<br />
signatam, Sacra Congregatio pro Cultu Divino, novum Ordinem Confirmationis, qui pro<br />
Ordine in Pontificali et Rituali Romano antehac usitato substituatur, evulgandum curavit,<br />
eiusque editionem, quæ nunc exhibetur, typicam esse declarat.<br />
Contrariis quibuslibet minime obstantibus.<br />
Ex ædibus Sacræ Congregationis pro Cultu Divino, die 22 augusti anni 1971.<br />
Præfectus<br />
1 Cf. Const. Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 71, A.A.S. 56 (1964), p. 118.<br />
A. BUGNINI<br />
a Secretis
Prot. n. 800/71<br />
DECREE<br />
Through the Sacrament of Confirmation the Apostles themselves and the Bishops,<br />
who are their successors, have handed on to the baptized the special gift of the Holy<br />
Spirit, promised by Christ the Lord and poured out upon the Apostles at Pentecost. With<br />
its help initiation in the Christian life is so brought to completion that the faithful,<br />
strengthened by heavenly power, go forth as true witnesses of Christ in word and<br />
example, and are bound more closely to the Church.<br />
So that "the intimate connection of this Sacrament with the whole of Christian<br />
Initiation" might more clearly be set forth, the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council<br />
decreed that the rite of Confirmation was to be revised. 1<br />
Now that this work has been completed and approved by the Supreme Pontiff POPE<br />
PAUL VI in the Apostolic Constitution Divinae consortium naturae, signed on August 15,<br />
1971, the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship has published the new Ordo<br />
Confirmationis. It is to replace the Ordo hitherto in use in the Roman Pontifical and<br />
Ritual. The Congregation declares the present edition to be the typical edition.<br />
All things to the contrary notwithstanding.<br />
From the offices of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, 22 August 1971.<br />
ARTURO Cardinal TABERA a A. Bugnini<br />
Prefect Secretary<br />
1 Cf. Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 71: Acta<br />
Apostolicae Sedis, 56 (1964), p. 118.
DIVINÆ CONSORTIUM NATURÆ, quo homines per Christi gratiam donantur,<br />
similitudinem quandam præ se fert ortus vitæ naturalis, eius incrementi et alimonii.<br />
Etenim Baptismo renati fideles Confirmationis Sacramento roborantur ac tandem in<br />
Eucharistia cibo vitæ æternæ vegetantur, ita ut hisce initiationis christianæ Sacramentis<br />
thesauros vitæ divinæ magis magisque percipiant atque ad perfectionem caritatis<br />
progrediantur. Recte quidem hæc verba sunt scripta: caro abluitur, ut anima emaculetur;<br />
caro unguitur, ut anima consecretur; caro signatur, ut et anima muniatur; caro manus<br />
impositione adumbratur, ut et anima spiritu inluminetur; caro corpore et sanguine<br />
Christi vescitur, ut et anima de Deo saginetur. 1<br />
Concilium vero Œcumenicum Vaticanum II, pastoralis sui muneris conscium,<br />
hisce Sacramentis initiationis peculiares curas impendit, id præscribens, ut eorum ritus<br />
apte recognoscerentur atque fidelium captui magis accommodarentur. Cum igitur Ordo<br />
Baptismi parvulorum, ex eiusdem universalis Synodi præcepto in novam formam<br />
redactus et nostro iussu editus, iam sit in usum receptus, expedit nunc ritum<br />
Confirmationis vulgari, ut unitas initiationis christianæ in suo lumine collocetur.<br />
Re quidem vera modo recognoscendo, quo hoc. Sacramentum celebraretur, per<br />
hosce annos opera et studium diligenter navabatur; scilicet eo mens intendebatur, ut huius<br />
Sacramenti intima connexio cum tota initiatione christiana clarius eluceret. 2 Vinculum<br />
autem, quo Confirmatio cum reliquis eiusmodi Sacramentis sociatur, non solum ex eo<br />
apertius innotescit, quod ritus arctiore nexu dispositi sunt, sed apparet etiam e gestu et<br />
verbis, quibus Confirmatio ipsa confertur. Sic enim fit, ut ritus ac verba eiusdem<br />
Sacramenti sancta, quæ significant, clarius exprimant, eaque populus christianus, in<br />
quantum fieri potest, facile percipere atque plena, actuosa et communitatis propria<br />
celebratione participare possit. 3<br />
Ad eum finem Nos in hac recognitione includi voluimus etiam ea, quæ ad ipsam<br />
essentiam ritus confirmandi pertinent, per quem christifideles ut Donum accipiunt<br />
Spiritum Sanctum.<br />
1<br />
TERTULLIANUS, De resurrectione mortuorum, VIII, 3; CCL, 2, p. 931.<br />
2<br />
Cfr. CONC. VAT. II, Const. Sacrosanctum Concilium, 71, A.A.S. 56 (1964), p. 118.<br />
3<br />
Ibid., n. 21, p. 106.
ON THE SACRAMENT <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
SERVANT <strong>OF</strong> THE SERVANTS <strong>OF</strong> GOD<br />
The sharing in the divine nature given to individuals through the grace of Christ<br />
bears a certain likeness to the origin, development, and nourishing of natural life. Born<br />
anew by Baptism, the faithful are strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation and<br />
finally are sustained by the food of eternal life in the Eucharist. By means of these<br />
Sacraments of Christian Initiation, they thus receive in increasing measure the treasures<br />
of divine life and advance toward the perfection of charity. It has rightly been written:<br />
"The flesh is washed, that the soul may be cleansed; the flesh is anointed, that the soul<br />
may be consecrated; the flesh is signed, that the soul too may be fortified; the flesh is<br />
overshadowed by the laying on of hands, that the soul too may be enlightened by the<br />
Spirit; the flesh is fed on the Body and Blood of Christ, that the soul too may be richly<br />
nourished by God." 1<br />
Conscious of its pastoral charge, the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council devoted<br />
special attention to these Sacraments of Initiation, prescribing that the rites should be<br />
suitably revised and accommodated to the understanding of the faithful. Since, therefore,<br />
the Ordo Baptismi parvulorum, revised at the mandate of the same universal Synod and<br />
published at our command, is already in use, it is now fitting to publish a rite of<br />
Confirmation, so that the unity of Christian Initiation may be shown in its true light.<br />
In fact, careful work and study have been devoted in these last years to the task of<br />
revising the manner of celebrating this Sacrament. The aim of this work has been that<br />
"the intimate connection which this Sacrament has with the whole of Christian Initiation<br />
may be more clearly set forth." 2 Moreover, the link between Confirmation and the other<br />
Sacraments of Initiation is more easily perceived not only because the rites have been<br />
more closely conjoined, but it is also noticeable from the gesture and words by which<br />
Confirmation itself is conferred. For it so happens that the rite and words of this<br />
Sacrament "should express more clearly the holy things which they signify and the<br />
Christian people, so far as possible, should be enabled to understand them with ease and<br />
take part in them fully, actively, and as befits a community." 3<br />
To that end, it has been Our wish also to include in this revision what concerns<br />
the very essence of the rite of Confirmation, through which the Christian faithful receive<br />
the Holy Spirit as Gift.<br />
1<br />
Tertullian, De resurrectione mortuorum, VIII, 3: Corpus Christianorum Series latina, 2, p. 931.<br />
2<br />
Cf. Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 71: Acta<br />
Apostolicae Sedis, 56 (1964), p. 118.<br />
3<br />
Ibid., no. 21: p. 106.
5 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
In Novo Testamento declaratur, quomodo Spiritus Sanctus Christo ad munus<br />
messianicum implendum adfuerit. Iesus enim, baptismate Ioannis suscepto, vidit Spiritum<br />
descendentem in ipsum (cfr. Mc 1, 10), qui mansit super eum (cfr. Io 1, 32). Ab illo vero<br />
Spiritu est impulsus, ut, eiusdem præsentia et auxilio innixus, Messiæ ministerium palam<br />
aggrederetur. Cum Nazarethanum populum salubriter erudiret, Isaiæ oraculum Spiritus<br />
Domini super me ad se referri dicendo adumbravit (cfr. Lc 4, 17-21).<br />
Promisit deinde discipulis suis Spiritum Sanctum ipsos quoque adiuturum esse, ut<br />
etiam coram persecutoribus fidem audenter testarentur (cfr. Lc 12, 12). Pridie autem<br />
quam pateretur, asseveravit Apostolis se missurum esse a Patre Spiritum veritatis (cfr. Io<br />
15, 26) qui cum iis in æternum maneret (Io 14, 16) iisque auxilio esset ad perhibendum<br />
testimonium de ipso (cfr. Io 15, 26). Demum postquam resurrexit, Christus pollicitus est<br />
proximum Spiritus Sancti descensum: Accipietis virtutem supervenientis Spiritus Sancti<br />
in vos et eritis mihi testes (Act 1, 8; cfr. Lc 24, 49).<br />
Re quidem vera die festo Pentecostes Spiritus Sanctus mirabili prorsus modo<br />
descendit in Apostolos, cum Maria Matre Iesu cœtuque discipulorum congregatos; qui ita<br />
tum eo repleti sunt (Act 2, 4), ut divino impetu afflati magnalia Dei annuntiarent. Petrus<br />
autem Spiritum, qui sic super Apostolos descendit, donum ætatis messianicæ habuit (cfr.<br />
Act 2, 17-18). Tunc baptizati sunt ii, qui prædicationi apostolicæ crediderunt, qui et ipsi<br />
acceperunt donum Spiritus Sancti (Act 2, 38). Ex quo tempore Apostoli, Christi<br />
voluntatem implentes, Spiritus donum, quod Baptismi gratiam compleret, neophytis<br />
manuum impositione impertierunt (cfr. Act 8, 15-17; 19, 5 sq.). Sic factum est, ut in<br />
Epistula ad Hebræos, inter primæ institutionis christianæ elementa, recenseretur doctrina<br />
baptismatum et impositionis quoque manuum (cfr. Hebr 6, 2). Quæ manuum impositio ex<br />
traditione catholica merito agnoscitur initium Sacramenti Confirmationis, quod gratiam<br />
pentecostalem in Ecclesia quodam modo perpetuat.<br />
Hinc patefit proprium Confirmationis momentum ad sacramentalem initiationem,<br />
qua fideles ut membra viventis Christi, Ipsi per Baptismum necnon per Confirmationem<br />
et Eucharistiam incorporantur et configurantur. 4 In Baptismo neophyti accipiunt<br />
remissionem peccatorum, adoptionem filiorum Dei necnon characterem Christi, quo<br />
Ecclesiæ aggregantur ac primum participes fiunt sacerdotii Salvatoris sui (cfr. 1 Petr 2, 5<br />
et 9). Per Confirmationis Sacramentum Baptismo renati Donum ineffabile, ipsum<br />
Spiritum Sanctum, accipiunt, quo speciali ... robore ditantur, 5 atque, eiusdem Sacramenti<br />
charactere signati, perfectius Ecclesiæ vinculantur 6 et ad fidem tamquam veri testes<br />
Christi verbo et opere simul diffundendam et defendendam arctius obligantur. 7 Demum<br />
4<br />
Cfr. CONC. VAT. II, Decr. Ad Gentes divinitus, n. 36, A.A.S. 58 (1966), p. 983.<br />
5<br />
CONC. VAT. II, Const. dogm. Lumen Gentium, n. 11, A.A.S. 57 (1965), p. 15.<br />
6<br />
Ibid.<br />
7<br />
Ibid., cfr. Decr. Ad Gentes divinitus, n. 11, A.A.S. 58 (1966), pp. 959-960.
The New Testament shows how the Holy Spirit was with Christ to bring the<br />
Messianic mission to fulfillment. For Jesus, on receiving the baptism of John, saw the<br />
Spirit descending on himself (cf. Mk. 1: 10) and remaining with him (cf. Jn. 1: 32). He<br />
was led by that Spirit to undertake his public ministry as the Messiah, relying on the<br />
Spirit's presence and assistance. Preaching salvation to the people of Nazareth, he showed<br />
by what he said that the oracle of Isaiah, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me," referred to<br />
himself (cf. Lk. 4: 17-21).<br />
He later promised his disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them also to bear<br />
fearless witness to their faith even before persecutors (cf. Lk. 12: 12). On the day before<br />
he was to suffer, he assured his Apostles that he would send the Spirit of truth from the<br />
Father (cf. Jn. 15: 26) to remain with them "for ever" (Jn. 14: 16) and help them to be his<br />
witnesses (cf. Jn. 15: 26). Finally, after his Resurrection, Christ promised the coming<br />
descent of the Holy Spirit: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon<br />
you; and you will be my witnesses" (Acts 1: 8; cf. Lk. 24: 49).<br />
On the feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit did indeed descend in a marvelous way<br />
on the Apostles as they were gathered together with Mary the Mother of Jesus and the<br />
group of disciples. They were so "filled with" the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 4) that by divine<br />
inspiration they began to proclaim "the mighty works of God." Moreover, Peter regarded<br />
the Spirit, who thus descended upon the Apostles, as the gift of the Messianic age (cf.<br />
Acts 2: 17-18). Then those who believed the Apostles' preaching were baptized and they<br />
too received "the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2: 38). From that time on the Apostles, in<br />
fulfillment of Christ's wish, imparted to the newly baptized, by the laying on of hands,<br />
the gift of the Spirit that completes the grace of Baptism. This is why the Letter to the<br />
Hebrews listed among the first elements of Christian instruction the teaching about<br />
baptisms and the laying on of hands (cf. Heb. 6: 2). This laying on of hands is rightly<br />
recognized by Catholic tradition as the beginning of the Sacrament of Confirmation,<br />
which in a certain way perpetuates the grace of Pentecost in the Church.<br />
This makes clear the specific importance of Confirmation for sacramental<br />
initiation, by which the faithful "as members of the living Christ are incorporated into<br />
him and made like unto him through Baptism and through Confirmation and the<br />
Eucharist." 4 In Baptism, the newly baptized receive forgiveness of sins, adoption as<br />
children of God, and the character of Christ, by which they are made members of the<br />
Church and for the first time become sharers in the priesthood of their Savior (cf. 1 Pt. 2:<br />
5, 9). Through the Sacrament of Confirmation those who have been born anew in<br />
Baptism receive the ineffable Gift, the Holy Spirit himself, by whom "they are endowed<br />
... with special strength." 5 Moreover, having been signed with the character of this<br />
Sacrament, they are "more perfectly bound to the Church" 6 and "they are more strictly<br />
obliged to spread and defend the faith, both by word and by deed, as true witnesses of<br />
Christ." 7 Finally, Confirmation is so closely linked with the Holy Eucharist 8 that the<br />
4<br />
Cf. Second Vatican Council, Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church, Ad Gentes, no. 36: Acta<br />
Apostolicae Sedis, 58 (1966), p. 983.<br />
5<br />
Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, no. 11: Acta Apostolicae<br />
Sedis, 57 (1965), p. 15.<br />
6<br />
Ibid.<br />
7<br />
Ibid.; cf. also Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church, Ad Gentes, no. 11: Acta Apostolicae<br />
Sedis, 58 (1966), pp. 959-960.<br />
6 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Confirmatio cum Sacra Eucharistia ita cohæret, 8 ut fideles, iam Sacro Baptismate et<br />
Confirmatione signati, plene per participationem Eucharistiæ Corpori Christi inserantur. 9<br />
Spiritus Sancti doni collatio iam ab antiquis temporibus in Ecclesia variis ritibus<br />
est peracta. Qui quidem in Oriente et in Occidente multiplices mutationes habuerunt, ita<br />
tamen ut collationis Spiritus Sancti significatio servaretur.<br />
In pluribus ritibus Orientis iam antiquitus præponderasse videtur, ad conferendum<br />
Spiritum Sanctum, ritus chrismationis, a Baptismo nondum dilucide distinctus. 10 Qui<br />
ritus hodieque apud plurimas ex Orientalibus Ecclesiis viget.<br />
In Occidente testimonia antiquissima circa christianæ initiationis partem, in qua<br />
postea distincte Confirmationis Sacramentum perspectum est, inveniuntur. Etenim post<br />
ablutionem baptismalem et ante refectionem eucharisticam, plura peragenda indicantur,<br />
ut unctio, manus impositio et consignatio, 11 quæ continentur tam in documentis<br />
liturgicis 12 quam in multis testimoniis Patrum. Exinde sæculorum decursu quæstiones<br />
dubitationesque ortæ sunt de iis, quæ ad essentiam ritus confirmandi certe pertinerent.<br />
Interest vero quædam saltem commemorare eorum, quæ inde a sæculo tertio decimo in<br />
Conciliis Œcumenicis necnon in Documentis Summorum Pontificum non paulum<br />
contulerunt ad momentum chrismationis illustrandum, ita tamen, ut impositio manuum<br />
non oblivioni daretur.<br />
Innocentius III, Decessor Noster, hæc scripsit: Per frontis chrismationem manus<br />
impositio designatur, quæ alio nomine dicitur confirmatio, quia per eam Spiritus Sanctus<br />
ad augmentum datur et robur. 13 Innocentius IV autem, item Decessor Noster, memorat<br />
Apostolos tribuisse Spiritum Sanctum per manus impositionem, quam confirmatio vel<br />
8<br />
Cfr. CONC. VAT. II, Decr. Presbyterorum Ordinis, n. 5, A.A.S. 58 (1966), p. 997.<br />
9<br />
Cfr.. Ibid., pp. 997-998.<br />
10<br />
Cfr. ORIGENES, De Principiis, I, 3, 2; GCS 22, p. 49 sq.; Comm. in Ep. ad Rom., V, 8; PG 14, 1038;<br />
CYRILLUS HIEROSOLYMITANUS, Catech. XVI, 26; XXI, 1-7: PG 33, 956; 1088-1093.<br />
11<br />
Cf. TERTULLIANUS, De Baptismo, VII-VIII: CCL 1, p. 282 sq.; B. BOTTE, La tradition apostolique de<br />
Saint Hippolyte: Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen, 39, Münster in W., 1963, pp. 52-54;<br />
AMBROSIUS, De Sacramentis, II, 24; III, 2, 8; VI, 2, 9: CSEL 73, pp. 36, 42, 74-75; De Mysteriis, VII, 42:<br />
ibid., p. 106.<br />
12<br />
Liber Sacramentorum Romanæ Æcclesiæ Ordinis Anni circuli, ed. L. C. MOHLBERG (Rerum<br />
Ecclesiasticarum Documenta, Fontes, IV), Roma 1960, p. 75; Das Sacramentarium Gregorianum nach<br />
dem Aachener Urexemplar, ed. H. LIETZMANN (Liturgiegeschichtliche Quellen, 3), Münster in W., 1921, p.<br />
53 sq.; Liber Ordinum, ed. M. FÉROTIN (Monumenta Ecclesiæ Liturgica, V), Paris, 1904, p. 33 sq.; Missale<br />
Gallicanum Vetus, ed. L. C. MOHLBERG (Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Documenta, Fontes, III), Roma, 1958, p.<br />
42; Missale Gothicum, ed. L. C. MOHLBERG (Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Documenta, V), Roma, 1961, p. 67;<br />
C. VOGEL-R. ELZE, Le Pontifical Romano-Germanique du dixième siècle, Le Texte, II (Studi e Testi, 227),<br />
Cittià del Vaticano, 1963, p. 109; M. ANDRIEU, Le Pontifical Romain au Moyen-Age, t. 1, Le Pontifical<br />
Romain du XII e siècle (Studi e Testi, 86), Cittià del Vaticano, 1938, pp. 247 sq. et 289; t. 2, Le Pontifical de<br />
la Curie Romaine au XIII e siècle (Studi e Testi, 87), Cittià del Vaticano, 1940, pp. 452 sq.<br />
13<br />
Ep. « Cum venisset »:PL 215, 285. Professio fidei ab eodem Pontifice Waldensibus imposita hæc habet:<br />
Confirmationem ab episcopo factam, id est impositionem manuum, sanctam et venerande accipiendam esse<br />
censemus: PL 215, 1511.
faithful, after being signed by Holy Baptism and Confirmation, are incorporated fully into<br />
the Body of Christ through participation in the Eucharist. 9<br />
From ancient times the conferring of the gift of the Holy Spirit has been carried<br />
out in the Church through various rites. These rites have undergone many changes in the<br />
East and the West, but the signification of the conferral of the Holy Spirit has been kept.<br />
In many Eastern rites it seems that from early times a rite of chrismation, not yet<br />
clearly distinguished from Baptism, 10 prevailed for the conferring of the Holy Spirit. That<br />
rite continues in use today in the greater part of the Churches of the East.<br />
In the West there are very ancient witnesses concerning the part of Christian<br />
Initiation that was later distinctly recognized to be the Sacrament of Confirmation. There<br />
are directives for the performance of many rites after the baptismal washing and before<br />
the Eucharistic meal–for example, anointing, the laying on of the hand, consignation 11 –<br />
contained both in liturgical documents 12 and in many testimonies of the Fathers.<br />
Consequently, in the course of the centuries, questions and doubts arose as to what<br />
belonged with certainty to the essence of the rite of Confirmation. Worth mentioning,<br />
however, are at least some of the elements that, from the thirteenth century onward, in the<br />
Ecumenical Councils and in documents of the Supreme Pontiffs, cast considerable light<br />
on the importance of anointing with Chrism but at the same time did not allow the laying<br />
on of hands to be forgotten.<br />
Our Predecessor Innocent III wrote: "The anointing of the forehead with Chrism<br />
signifies the laying on of the hand, the other name for which is Confirmation, since<br />
through it the Holy Spirit is given for growth and strength." 13 Another of Our<br />
Predecessors, Innocent IV, calls to mind that the Apostles conferred the Holy Spirit<br />
"through the laying on of the hand, which Confirmation or the anointing of the forehead<br />
8<br />
Cf. Second Vatican Council, Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests, Presbyterorum Ordinis, no. 5:<br />
Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 58 (1966), p. 997.<br />
9<br />
Cf. ibid., pp. 997-998.<br />
10<br />
Cf. Origen, De Principiis, I, 3, 2: GCS, 22, pp. 49 ff.; Comm. in Ep. ad Rom. V, 8; PG, 14, 1038; Cyril of<br />
Jerusalem, Catech, XVI, 26; XXI, 1-7: PG, 33, pp. 956, 1088-1093.<br />
11<br />
Cf. Tertullian, De Baptismo, VII-VIII: Corpus Christianorum Series latina, 1, pp. 282 ff.; ed. B. Botte,<br />
La tradition apostolique de Saint Hippolyte: Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen, 39,<br />
Münster in W., 1963, pp. 52-54; Ambrose, De Sacramentis, II, 24; III, 2, 8; VI, 2, 9: CSEL., 73, pp. 36, 42,<br />
74-75; De Mysteriis, VII, 42: ibid. p. 106.<br />
12<br />
Liber Sacramentorum Romanæ Æcclesiæ Ordinis Anni circuli, ed. L.C. Mohlberg (Rerum<br />
Ecclesiasticarum Documenta, Fontes, IV), Rome, 1960, p. 75; Das Sacramentarium Gregorianum nach<br />
dem Aachener Urexamplar, ed. H. Lietzman (Liturgiegeschichtliche Quellen, 3), Münster in W., 1921, pp.<br />
53 ff.; Liber Ordinum. ed. M. Férotin (Monumenta Ecclesiæ Liturgica, V), Paris, 1904, pp. 33 ff.; Missale<br />
Gallicanum Vetus, ed. L.C. Mohlberg (Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Documenta, Fontes, III), Rome, 1958, p.<br />
42; Missale Gothicum, ed. L.C. Mohlberg (Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Documenta, V), Rome, 1961, p. 67; C.<br />
Vogel-R. Elze, Le Pontifical Romano-Germanique du dixième siècle, Le Texte, II (Studi et Testi, 227),<br />
Vatican City, 1963, p. 109; M. Audrieu, Le Pontifical Romain au Moyen-Age, t. 1, Le Pontifical Romain du<br />
XII e siècle (Studi e Testi, 86), Vatican City, 1938, pp. 247 ff. and 289; t. 2, Le Pontifical de la Curie<br />
Romaine au XIII e siècle (Studi e Testi, 87), Vatican City, 1940, pp. 452 ff.<br />
13<br />
Innocent III, Ep. "Cum venisset": PL 215, 285. The profession of faith that the same Pope imposed on the<br />
Waldenses has these words: "We regard confirmation by the Bishop, that is, the laying on of hands, to be<br />
holy and to be received with reverence": PL 215, 1511.<br />
7 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
frontis chrismatio repræsentat. 14 In Professione fidei imperatoris Michaelis Palæologi,<br />
quæ in Concilio Lugdunensi II lecta est, mentio fit de Sacramento Confirmationis, quod<br />
per manuum impositionem episcopi conferunt, chrismando renatos. 15 Decretum pro<br />
Armenis, a Concilio Florentino editum, affirmat materiam Sacramenti Confirmationis<br />
esse chrisma confectum ex oleo ... et balsamo, 16 atque, allatis verbis Actuum<br />
Apostolorum de Petro et Ioanne, qui manuum impositione dederunt Spiritum Sanctum<br />
(cfr. Act 8, 17), addit: Loco autem illius manus impositionis in Ecclesia datur<br />
confirmatio. 17 Concilium Tridentinum, etsi ritum essentialem Confirmationis minime<br />
definire intendit, eum tamen solo nomine sacri Confirmationis chrismatis designat. 18<br />
Benedictus XIV hæc edixit: Quod itaque extra controversiam est, hoc dicatur: nimirum<br />
in Ecclesia latina Confirmationis Sacramentum conferri, adhibito Sacro Chrismate seu<br />
Oleo Olivarum, Balsamo commixto, et ab Episcopo benedicto, ductoque signo Crucis per<br />
Sacramenti Ministrum in fronte suscipientis, dum idem Minister formæ verba<br />
pronuntiat. 19<br />
Multi sacræ theologiæ doctores, harum declarationum traditionumque rationem<br />
habentes, defenderunt ad Confirmationem valide conferendam solam unctionem<br />
chrismatis, in fronte manus impositione factam, requiri; nihilominus in Ecclesiæ Latinæ<br />
ritibus impositio manuum ante chrismationem super confirmandos semper<br />
præscribebatur.<br />
Ad verba autem ritus Spiritum Sanctum communicandi quod attinet, est<br />
animadvertendum iam in Ecclesia nascente Petrum et Ioannem, ad initiationem<br />
baptizatorum in Samaria complendam, oravisse pro ipsis, ut acciperent Spiritum Sanctum<br />
ac tum imposuisse manus super illos (cfr. Act 8, 15-17). In Oriente sæculo quarto et<br />
quinto prima in ritu chrismationis indicia apparent verborum signaculum doni Spiritus<br />
Sancti. 20 Quæ verba cito ab ecclesia Constantinopolitana sunt recepta, atque etiamnum<br />
ab ecclesiis ritus Byzantini adhibentur.<br />
In Occidente autem verba ritus, Baptismum complentis, usque ad sæculum<br />
duodecimum et tertium decimum minus definita sunt. Verum in Pontificali Romano<br />
sæculi duodecimi primum occurrit formula, quæ postea effecta est communis: Signo te<br />
signo crucis et confirmo te chrismate salutis. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. 21<br />
14<br />
Ep. « Sub Catholicæ professione »: MANSI, Conc. Coll., t. 23, 579.<br />
15<br />
MANSI, Conc. Coll., t. 24, 71.<br />
16<br />
Epistolæ Pontificiæ ad Concilium Florentinum spectantes, ed. G. H<strong>OF</strong>MANN, Concilium Florentinum,<br />
vol. I, ser. A., pars II, Roma 1944, p. 128.<br />
17<br />
Ibid., p. 129.<br />
18<br />
Concilii Tridentini Actorum pars altera, ed. S. EHSES, Concilium Tridentinum, V, Act. II, Friburgi Br.,<br />
1911, p. 996.<br />
19<br />
Ep. « Ex quo primum tempore », 52: Benedicti XIV ... Bullarium, t. III, Prati, 1847, p. 320.<br />
20<br />
Cfr. CYRILLUS HIEROSOLYMITANUS, Catech. XVIII, 33: PG 33, 1056; ASTERIUS, Episcopus Amasenus,<br />
In parabolam de filio prodigo, in « Photii Bibliotheca », Cod. 271: PG 104, 213. Cfr. etiam Epistola<br />
cuiusdam Patriarchæ Constantinopolitani ad Martyrium Episcopum Antiochenum: PG 119, 900.<br />
21 e<br />
M. ANDRIEU, Le Pontifical Romain au Moyen-Age, t. 1, Le Pontifical Romain du XII siècle: (Studi e<br />
Testi, 86), Città del Vaticano, 1938, p. 247.
with Chrism represents." 14 In the profession of faith of Emperor Michael Palaeologus<br />
read at the Second Council of Lyons, mention is made of the Sacrament of Confirmation,<br />
which "Bishops confer by the laying on of hands, anointing with Chrism those who have<br />
been baptized." 15 The Decree for the Armenians, issued by the Council of Florence,<br />
declares that the "matter" of the Sacrament of Confirmation is "Chrism made of olive oil<br />
... and balsam" 16 and, quoting the words of the Acts of the Apostles concerning Peter and<br />
John, who gave the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands (cf. Acts 8: 17), it adds:<br />
"in the Church in place of that laying on of the hand, Confirmation is given." 17 The<br />
Council of Trent, though it had no intention of defining the essential rite of Confirmation,<br />
designated it simply by the term "the sacred Chrism of Confirmation." 18 Benedict XIV<br />
made this declaration: "Therefore let this be said, which is beyond dispute: in the Latin<br />
Church the Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred by using sacred Chrism or olive oil<br />
mixed with balsam and blessed by the Bishop, and by the minister of the Sacrament<br />
tracing the sign of the Cross on the forehead of the recipient, while the same minister<br />
pronounces the words of the form." 19<br />
Taking account of these declarations and traditions, many doctors of sacred<br />
theology maintained that for valid administration of Confirmation only the anointing with<br />
Chrism, done by placing the hand on the forehead, was required. Nevertheless, in the rites<br />
of the Latin Church a laying of hands on those to be confirmed prior to anointing them<br />
with Chrism was always prescribed.<br />
Moreover, with regard to the words of the rite by which the Holy Spirit is<br />
imparted, it should be noted that, already in the nascent Church, Peter and John, in order<br />
to complete the initiation of those baptized in Samaria, prayed that they might receive the<br />
Holy Spirit and then laid hands on them (cf. Acts 8: 15-17). In the East the first traces of<br />
the expression “seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit” appeared in the fourth and fifth<br />
centuries. 20 The expression was quickly accepted by the Church of Constantinople and<br />
still is a use in Byzantine Rite Churches.<br />
In the West, however, the words of the rite that completes Baptism were less<br />
settled until the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. But in the twelfth-century Roman<br />
Pontifical the formula that later became the common one first occurs: "I sign you with the<br />
sign of the Cross and confirm you with the Chrism of salvation. In the name of the Father<br />
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." 21<br />
14 Innocent IV, Ep. "Sub Catholicæ professione": Mansi, Conc. Coll., t. 23, 579.<br />
15 Mansi, Conc. Coll., t. 24, 71.<br />
16 Epistolæ Pontificiæ ad Concilium Florentinum spectantes, ed. G. Hofmann: Concilium Florentinum, vol.<br />
I, ser. A., part II, Rome, 1944, p. 128.<br />
17 Ibid., p. 129.<br />
18 Concilii Tridentini Actorum pars altera, ed. S. Ehses: Concilium Tridentinum, V, Act. II, Fribourg Br.,<br />
1911, p. 996.<br />
19 Ep. "Ex quo primum tempore," 52: Benedicti XIV. ... Bullarium, t. III, Prato, 1847, p. 320.<br />
20 Cf. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catech. XVIII, 33: PG 33: 1056. Asterius, Bishop of Amasea, In parabolam de<br />
filio prodigo, in the "Library of Photius," Cod. 271: PG 104, 213. Cf. also Epistola cuiusdam Patriarchæ<br />
Constantinopolitani ad Martyrium, Episcopum Antiochenum: PG, 119, 900.<br />
21 M. Andrieu, Le Pontifical Roman au Moyen-Age, t. 1, Le Pontifical Roman du XII e siècle (Studi e Testi,<br />
86), Vatican City, 1938, p. 247.<br />
8 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Ex iis, quæ in memoriam revocavimus, liquet in actione confirmandi in Oriente et<br />
Occidente, alia sane ratione, primum locum obtinuisse chrismationem, quæ apostolicam<br />
manuum impositionem quodam modo repræsentat. Cum autem ea chrismatis unctio<br />
spiritualem Sancti Spiritus, qui fidelibus datur, unctionem, apte significet, Nos<br />
confirmatam volumus eiusdem exsistentiam et momentum.<br />
Quod ad verba attinet, quæ in chrismatione proferuntur, dignitatem venerabilis<br />
formulæ, quæ in Ecclesia Latina adhibetur, æqua æstimatione perpendimus quidem; ei<br />
tamen præferendam censemus antiquissimam formulam ritus Byzantini propriam, qua<br />
Donum ipsius Spiritus Sancti exprimitur atque effusio Spiritus die Pentecostes peracta<br />
recolitur (cfr. Act 2, 1-4 et 38). Hanc ergo formulam, fere verbum pro verbo reddentes,<br />
accipimus.<br />
Quapropter, ut ritus Confirmationis recognitio ad ipsam etiam ritus sacramentalis<br />
essentiam congruenter pertineat, Suprema Nostra Auctoritate Apostolica decernimus et<br />
constituimus, ut ea, quæ sequuntur, in Ecclesia Latina in posterum serventur:<br />
Impositio vero manuum super electos, quæ cum præscripta oratione ante<br />
chrismationem fit, etsi ad essentiam ritus sacramentalis non pertinet, est tamen magni<br />
æstimanda, utpote quæ ad eiusdem ritus integram perfectionem et ad pleniorem<br />
Sacramenti intellegentiam conferat. Patet eam manuum impositionem, quæ præcedit,<br />
differre a manus impositione, qua unctio chrismatis fit in fronte.<br />
His omnibus de essentiali Sacramenti Confirmationis ritu statutis ac declaratis,<br />
Ordinem etiam eiusdem Sacramenti a Sacra Congregatione pro Cultu Divino — collatis<br />
consiliis cum Sacris Congregationibus pro Doctrina Fidei, de Disciplina Sacramentorum<br />
atque pro Gentium Evangelizatione quoad materiam earum competentiæ subiectam, —<br />
recognitum, Nos Apostolica Nostra Auctoritate approbamus. Cuius Ordinis, novam<br />
formam continentis, editio Latina, statim ut prodierit, editiones vero vulgares, a<br />
Conferentiis Episcopalibus apparatæ et ab Apostolica Sede confirmatæ, die, quæ a<br />
singulis eiusmodi Conferentiis statuetur, vigere incipient; vetus autem Ordo usque ad<br />
finem anni 1972 poterit adhiberi. A die tamen 1 mensis Ianuarii anni 1973 novo tantum<br />
Ordine omnibus, ad quos pertinet, erit utendum.<br />
Nostra hæc statuta et prescripta in Ecclesia Latina firma et efficacia esse et fore<br />
volumus, non obstantibus, quatenus opus sit, Constitutionibus et Ordinationibus<br />
Apostolicis a Decessoribus Nostris editis, ceterisque præscriptionibus etiam peculiari<br />
mentione dignis.
From what We have recalled, it is clear that in the administration of Confirmation<br />
in the East and the West, though in different ways, the most important place was<br />
occupied by the anointing with Chrism, which in a certain way represents the apostolic<br />
laying on of hands. Since this anointing with Chrism aptly signifies the spiritual anointing<br />
of the Holy Spirit, who is given to the faithful, We wish to confirm its existence and<br />
importance.<br />
As regards the words pronounced in anointing with Chrism, We have examined<br />
with the consideration it deserves the dignity of the venerable formula used in the Latin<br />
Church, but We judge preferable the very ancient formulary belonging to the Byzantine<br />
Rite, by which the Gift of the Holy Spirit himself is expressed and the outpouring of the<br />
Spirit on the day of Pentecost (cf. Acts 2: 1-4, 38) is called to mind. We therefore adopt<br />
this formula, rendering it almost word for word.<br />
Therefore, in order that the revision of the rite of Confirmation may, as is fitting,<br />
include even the essence of the sacramental rite, by Our Supreme Apostolic Authority<br />
We decree and lay down that in the Latin Church the following are to be observed for the<br />
future:<br />
GIFT <strong>OF</strong> THE HOLY SPIRIT.”)<br />
But the laying of hands upon the elect, carried out with the prescribed prayer<br />
before the anointing with Chrism, even if it is not of the essence of the sacramental rite, is<br />
still to be regarded as very important, inasmuch as it contributes to the complete<br />
perfection of the rite and to a more thorough understanding of the Sacrament. It is evident<br />
that this prior laying on of hands differs from the later laying on of the hand in the<br />
anointing with Chrism on the forehead.<br />
Having established and declared all these elements concerning the essential rite of<br />
the Sacrament of Confirmation, We also approve by Our Apostolic Authority the Ordo<br />
for the same Sacrament, revised by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, after<br />
consultation with the Sacred Congregations for the Doctrine of the Faith, for the<br />
Discipline of the Sacraments, and for the Evangelization of Peoples on the matters that<br />
are within their competence. The Latin edition of the Ordo containing the new<br />
sacramental form will come into force, as soon as it is published; the editions in the<br />
vernacular languages, prepared by the Conferences of Bishops and confirmed by the<br />
Apostolic See, will come into force on the date to be decreed by each Conference. The<br />
old Ordo may be used until the end of the year 1972. From 1 January 1973, however,<br />
only the new Ordo is to be used by those concerned.<br />
We intend that everything that We have laid down and prescribed should be firm<br />
and effective in the Latin Church, notwithstanding, where relevant, the Apostolic<br />
Constitutions and Ordinances issued by Our Predecessors, and other prescriptions, even<br />
those worthy of special mention.<br />
9 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Datum Romæ, apud Sanctum Petrum, die xv mensis augusti, in Assumptione<br />
Beatæ Mariæ Virginis, anno MCMLXXI, Pontificatus Nostri nono.<br />
Given at Rome, at Saint Peter's, on the fifteenth day of the month of August, the<br />
day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the year 1971, the ninth of Our<br />
Pontificate.<br />
ORDO <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong>IS<br />
1. DE <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong>IS DIGNITATE<br />
1. Baptizati iter christianæ initiationis prosequuntur per sacramentum<br />
Confirmationis, quo effusum accipiunt Spiritum Sanctum, qui super Apostolos die<br />
Pentecostes a Domino missus est.<br />
2. Hac donatione Spiritus Sancti fideles perfectius Christo conformantur et virtute<br />
roborantur, ut testimonium Christi perhibeant ad ædificationem Corporis eius in fide et<br />
caritate. Ipsis autem character seu signaculum dominicum ita imprimitur, ut sacramentum<br />
Confirmationis iterari nequeat.<br />
3. Ad populum Dei summopere pertinet præparatio baptizatorum ad Confirmationis<br />
sacramentum suscipiendum. Pastorum vero est curare, ut omnes baptizati ad plenam<br />
initiationem christianam perveniant, et proinde omni cura ad Confirmationem<br />
præparentur.<br />
Catechumeni adulti, qui statim post Baptismum Confirmationem sunt recepturi,<br />
auxilio fruuntur communitatis christianæ et præsertim institutione, quæ catechumenatus<br />
tempore ipsis tribuitur, ad quam operam conferunt catechistæ, patrini et Ecclesiæ localis<br />
membra, catechesi necnon celebrationibus ritualibus communibus. Eiusmodi<br />
catechumenatus ordinatio opportune aptabitur iis qui, infantes baptizati, ætate<br />
solummodo adulta ad Confirmationem accedunt.<br />
Christianorum vero parentum est plerumque de puerorum initiatione ad vitam<br />
sacramentalem sollicitos se præbere, tum spiritum fidei in ipsis formando et gradatim<br />
augendo, tum eos, ope aliquando eorum institutorum, quæ catecheticam formationem<br />
curant, præparando ad fructuosam sacramentorum Confirmationis et Eucharistiæ<br />
susceptionem. Quod parentum officium significatur quoque per ipsorum actuosam<br />
participationem sacramentorum celebrationis.<br />
4. Curandum erit, ut actioni sacræ natura festiva et sollemnis tribuatur, quam eius<br />
significatio pro Ecclesia locali secumfert; quod obtinetur præsertim si candidati omnes<br />
congregantur ad communem celebrationem. Universus autem populus Dei,<br />
confirmandorum familiis et amicis atque communitatis localis membris repræsentatus, ad<br />
hanc celebrationem participandam invitabitur; atque suam conabitur fidem manifestare<br />
fructibus, quos Spiritus Sanctus in ipso produxerit.<br />
5. Singulis confirmandis patrinus de more adsit, qui illos ad suscipiendum<br />
sacramentum adducet, eosdemque ministro Confirmationis ad sacram unctionem
THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
I. THE DIGNITY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
1. Those who have been baptized continue on the path of Christian Initiation through<br />
the Sacrament of Confirmation, by which they receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit<br />
whom the Lord sent upon the Apostles at Pentecost.<br />
2. By this gift of the Holy Spirit the faithful are more fully conformed to Christ and<br />
are strengthened with the power to bear witness to Christ for the building up of his Body<br />
in faith and charity. They are marked with the character or seal of the Lord in such a way<br />
that the Sacrament of Confirmation cannot be repeated.<br />
3. One of the highest responsibilities of the People of God is to prepare the baptized<br />
to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Pastors have the special responsibility to see<br />
that all the baptized reach the completion of Christian Initiation and therefore that they<br />
are prepared with the utmost care for Confirmation.<br />
Adult catechumens who are to receive Confirmation immediately after Baptism<br />
profit from the help of the Christian community and, in particular, the instruction given<br />
them during the period of the catechumenate, to which catechists, sponsors and members<br />
of the local Church contribute by means of catechesis and communal celebrations of the<br />
rites. It will be appropriate to adapt the plan for the catechumenate for those who were<br />
baptized in infancy and only in adulthood approach Confirmation.<br />
To a large extent it is the responsibility of Christian parents to show concern for<br />
the initiation of their children to the sacramental life both by forming and gradually<br />
increasing a spirit of faith in the children and, sometimes with the help of their instructors<br />
who are responsible for catechetical formation, by preparing them for the fruitful<br />
reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist. The role of the parents is<br />
also expressed by their active participation in the celebration of the Sacraments.<br />
4. Attention should be paid to giving the liturgical action the festive and solemn<br />
character that its significance for the local Church requires. This will be achieved<br />
especially if all the candidates are gathered together for a communal celebration. The<br />
whole People of God, represented by the families and friends of the candidates for<br />
Confirmation and by members of the local community, will be invited to take part in such<br />
a celebration and will endeavor to express their faith by means of the fruits the Holy<br />
Spirit has produced in them.<br />
5. As a rule, each of those to be confirmed should be assisted by a sponsor, who will<br />
bring them to receive the Sacrament, will present them to the minister of Confirmation
11 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
præsentabit, necnon postea iuvabit ad promissiones, quas in baptismate protulerunt<br />
fideliter exsequendas, secundum Spiritum Sanctum quem acceperunt.<br />
Attentis hodiernis pastoralibus adiunctis, expedit patrinum Baptismi, si adsit, esse<br />
etiam patrinum Confirmationis. Ita enim clarius significatur nexus inter Baptismum et<br />
Confirmationem, dum munus et officium patrini efficacius redditur.<br />
Minime tamen excluditur facultas patrinum Confirmationis proprium eligendi.<br />
Fieri etiam potest, ut parentes ipsi pueros suos præsentent. Ordinarii autem loci erit,<br />
attentis rerum et locorum adiunctis, statuere quænam ratio agendi in sua diœcesi sit<br />
servanda.<br />
6. Animarum pastores curabunt, ut patrinus, a confirmando vel eius familia electus,<br />
officio quod sibi assumit sit spiritualiter idoneus, atque his dotibus præditus:<br />
a) ad hoc munus implendum sit satis maturus;<br />
b) ad Ecclesiam catholicam pertineat, et tribus sacramentis Baptismi,<br />
Confirmationis et Eucharistiæ sit initiatus;<br />
c) ab officio patrini implendo iure non prohibeatur.<br />
7. Confirmationis minister ordinarius est Episcopus. Sacramentum ex more ab ipso<br />
administratur, quo apertius referatur ad primam effusionem Spiritus Sancti in die<br />
Pentecostes. Nam postquam repleti sunt Spiritu Sancto, Apostoli ipsi per manuum<br />
impositionem fidelibus Eum transmiserunt. Ita acceptio Spiritus Sancti per ministerium<br />
Episcopi arctius vinculum demonstrat, quod confirmatos coniungit Ecclesiæ, necnon<br />
mandatum acceptum de Christo testimonium inter homines perhibendi.<br />
Præter Episcopum facultate confirmandi ipso iure gaudent:<br />
a) Prælatus territorialis et abbas territorialis, vicarius apostolicus et præfectus<br />
apostolicus, administrator apostolicus et administrator diocesanus, intra limites sui<br />
territorii et durante munere;<br />
b ) quoad personam de qua agitur, presbyter qui, vi officii vel mandati Episcopi<br />
dioecesani, infantia egressum baptizat aut iam baptizatum in plenam Ecclesiæ<br />
catholicae communionem admittit;<br />
c) quoad eos qui in periculo mortis versantur, parochus, immo quilibet presbyter.<br />
8. Episcopus dioecesanus Confirmationem administret per se ipse aut curet ut per<br />
alium Episcopum administretur; quod si necessitas id requirat, facultatem concedere<br />
potest uni vel pluribus determinatis presbyteris, qui hoc sacramentum administrent.<br />
Gravi de causa, uti aliquando propter multitudinem confirmandorum accidit,<br />
Episcopus itemque presbyter, vi iuris aut peculiaris concessionis competentis auctoritatis<br />
facultate confirmandi donatus, possunt in singulis casibus, presbyteros, ut et ipsi<br />
sacramentum administrent, sibi sociare.<br />
Suadetur autem ut presbyteri invitentur qui:
for the sacred anointing, and afterwards will help them to fulfill their baptismal promises<br />
faithfully in accordance with the Holy Spirit whom they have received.<br />
With due regard for contemporary pastoral circumstances, it is desirable that the<br />
godparent at Baptism, if available, also be the sponsor at Confirmation. In this way the<br />
link between Baptism and Confirmation is more clearly expressed and the function and<br />
responsibility of the sponsor are exercised more effectively.<br />
Nonetheless, the option of choosing a special sponsor for Confirmation is in no<br />
way excluded. It is for the local Ordinary to determine diocesan practice with due regard<br />
for local conditions and circumstances.<br />
6. Pastors of souls will see that the sponsor, chosen by the one to be confirmed or by<br />
his or her family, is spiritually fit to take on this responsibility and is endowed with these<br />
qualities:<br />
a) he or she should be of sufficient maturity to fulfill this function;<br />
b) he or she should be a member of the Catholic Church and should have received<br />
initiation in the three Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist;<br />
c) he or she should not be impeded by law from fulfilling the responsibility of a<br />
sponsor.<br />
7. The ordinary minister of Confirmation is the Bishop. Normally a Bishop<br />
administers the Sacrament so that there will be a clearer reference to the first outpouring<br />
of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. For after the Apostles were filled with the<br />
Holy Spirit, they themselves gave the Spirit to the faithful through the laying on of hands.<br />
Thus the reception of the Spirit through the ministry of the Bishop shows the close bond<br />
that joins the confirmed to the Church and the mandate received from Christ to bear<br />
witness to him before all.<br />
Besides the Bishop, the following possess the faculty to confirm by the law itself:<br />
a) territorial prelates and territorial abbots, vicars and prefects apostolic, apostolic<br />
administrators and diocesan administrators, within the limits of their territory and<br />
while they hold office;<br />
b) in consideration of the person to be confirmed, a Priest who, in virtue of his<br />
office or the mandate of the Diocesan Bishop, baptizes a person who is no longer<br />
an infant or admits one already baptized into the full communion of the Catholic<br />
Church;<br />
c) as regards those who are in danger of death, the pastor or indeed any Priest.<br />
8. The Diocesan Bishop is to administer Confirmation personally or is to take care<br />
that another Bishop administers it; if necessity requires, he can grant the faculty to one or<br />
more specific Priests, who are to administer this Sacrament.<br />
For a grave cause, as sometimes is present because of the large number of those to<br />
be confirmed, the Bishop and even the Priest endowed with the faculty of confirming in<br />
virtue of the law or the special grant of the competent authority can in single cases also<br />
associate Priests to themselves to administer the Sacrament.<br />
It is preferable, moreover, that the Priests who are so invited:<br />
12 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
a) aut peculiari munere vel officio in diœcesi fungantur, scilicet sint vicarii aut<br />
generales, aut episcopales, vel foranei;<br />
b) aut sint parochi locorum in quibus Confirmatio confertur, vel parochi locorum<br />
ad quæ confirmandi pertinent, vel presbyteri qui peculiarem operam naverunt in<br />
præparatione catechetica confirmandorum.<br />
9. Sacramentum Confirmationis confertur per unctionem chrismatis in fronte, quæ<br />
fit manus impositione, atque per verba: Accipe signaculum Doni Spiritus Sancti.<br />
Impositio vero manuum, quæ fit super confirmandos cum oratione Deus<br />
omnipotens, etsi ad validam sacramenti collationem non pertinet, magni tamen fiat ad<br />
integritatem ritus et pleniorem sacramenti intellegentiam assequendam.<br />
Presbyteri, qui ministro principali aliquando sociantur in conferendo sacramento,<br />
manuum impositionem una cum ipso super omnes candidatos simul peragunt, nihil tamen<br />
dicentes.<br />
Universus ritus duplicem significationem præbet. Per impositionem manuum<br />
supra confirmandos ab Episcopo ac sacerdotibus concelebrantibus factam, biblicus gestus<br />
exprimitur, quo Spiritus Sancti donum invocatur, modo optime aptato intelligentiæ populi<br />
christiani. In unctione chrismatis atque in verbis, quæ illam comitantur, clare effectus<br />
doni Spiritus Sancti significatur. Oleo odorato per manum Episcopi signatus, baptizatus<br />
accipit caracterem indelebilem, signaculum Domini, una cum dono Spiritus, qui<br />
perfectius eum Christo configurat, atque gratiam ei confert « odorem bonum » inter<br />
homines effundendi.<br />
10. Sacrum Chrisma consecratur ab Episcopo in Missa, quæ ex more feria V<br />
Hebdomadæ sanctæ huius rei causa celebratur.<br />
11. Catechumeni adulti necnon pueri qui ætate catecheseos tradendæ baptizantur,<br />
simul ac Baptismum receperunt, ad Confirmationem quoque et Eucharistiam ex more<br />
admittantur. Quod si fieri nequit, Confirmationem recipiant in alia celebratione communi<br />
(cf. n. 4). Item in celebratione communi Confirmationem et Eucharistiam recipiant adulti,<br />
qui in infantia baptizati sunt, postquam opportune fuerint præparati.<br />
Ad pueros quod attinet, in Ecclesia latina Confirmationis administratio generatim<br />
ad septimum circiter ætatis annum differtur. Ob rationes tamen pastorales, præsertim ad<br />
vehementius inculcandam in fidelium vita plenam obtemperationem Christo Domino<br />
eiusque firmum testimonium, Conferentiæ Episcopales possunt ætatem, quæ magis<br />
idonea videatur, decernere, ita ut hoc sacramentum, post congruam institutionem, ætate<br />
maturiore conferatur.
a) either exercise a particular function or office in the diocese, being, namely,<br />
either vicars general, episcopal vicars, or district or regional vicars;<br />
b) or are the pastors of the places where Confirmation is conferred, or pastors of<br />
the places where the candidates belong, or Priests who have had a special part in<br />
the catechetical preparation of those to be confirmed.<br />
9. The Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred through the anointing with Chrism<br />
on the forehead, which is done by the laying on of the hand, and through the words:<br />
SPIRIT.)<br />
The laying of hands on those to be confirmed, which is accompanied by the<br />
prayer Almighty God, although it does not pertain to the validity of the Sacrament, should<br />
still be considered to be of great importance with regard to the integrity of the rite and a<br />
fuller understanding of the Sacrament.<br />
The Priests who are at times associated with the principal minister in conferring<br />
the Sacrament join him in the laying of hands on all the candidates, but say nothing.<br />
The whole rite presents a twofold symbolism. Through the laying of hands on the<br />
candidates by the Bishop and the concelebrating Priests, the biblical gesture, by which<br />
the gift of the Holy Spirit is invoked, is expressed in a manner well suited to the<br />
understanding of the Christian people. In the anointing with Chrism and the<br />
accompanying words, the effect of the giving of the Holy Spirit is clearly signified.<br />
Signed with the perfumed oil by the hand of the Bishop, the baptized receive the indelible<br />
character, the seal of the Lord, together with the gift of the Spirit that conforms them<br />
more perfectly to Christ and gives them the grace of spreading among men and women<br />
"the sweet odor of Christ."<br />
10. The sacred Chrism is consecrated by the Bishop in the Mass that is celebrated as a<br />
rule on Thursday of Holy Week for this purpose.<br />
11. Adult catechumens and children who are baptized at an age when they are old<br />
enough for catechesis should ordinarily be admitted to Confirmation and the Eucharist at<br />
the same time as they receive Baptism. If this is impossible, they should receive<br />
Confirmation at another communal celebration (cf. no. 4). Similarly, adults who were<br />
baptized in infancy should, after suitable preparation, receive Confirmation and the<br />
Eucharist at a communal celebration.<br />
With regard to children, in the Latin Church the administration of Confirmation is<br />
generally delayed until about the seventh year. For pastoral reasons, however, especially<br />
to implant deeply in the lives of the faithful complete obedience to Christ the Lord and a<br />
firm witnessing to him, the Conferences of Bishops may set an age that seems more<br />
suitable, so that this Sacrament is conferred at a more mature age, after appropriate<br />
formation.<br />
13 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Hoc in casu debitæ adhibeantur cautelæ, ut, si periculum mortis aut alius generis<br />
graves difficultates occurrant, pueri tempore opportuno confirmentur, etiam ante usum<br />
rationis, ne bono sacramenti priventur.<br />
12. Ad Confirmationem recipiendam requiritur ut quis sit baptizatus. Præterea, si<br />
fidelis usu rationis pollet, requiritur, ut in statu gratiæ sit constitutus, sit convenienter<br />
instructus et promissiones baptismales valeat renovare.<br />
Conferentiarum Episcopalium est subsidia pastoralia pressius definire, ut<br />
candidati, præsertim pueri, ad Confirmationem apte præparentur.<br />
Ad adultos autem quod spectat, principia serventur, opportune aptata, quæ in<br />
singulis diœcesibus vigent pro admittendis catechumenis ad Baptismum et Eucharistiam.<br />
Provideatur præsertim ut apta catechesis præcedat ac conversatio candidatorum cum<br />
communitate christiana et cum singulis fidelibus efficax et sufficiens sit ad opportunum<br />
auxilium illis afferendum, ut ipsi candidati formationem assequantur ad testimonium vitæ<br />
christianæ reddendum atque apostolatum exercendum, eorumque desiderium participandi<br />
Eucharistiam sit verum (cf. Prænotanda de Initiatione christiana adultorum, n. 19).<br />
Præparatio adulti baptizati ad Confirmationem aliquando incidit in eius<br />
præparationem ad Matrimonium. Quoties, his in casibus, prævidetur condiciones, quæ ad<br />
fructuosam Confirmationis receptionem requirantur, non posse impleri, Ordinarius loci<br />
iudicabit num magis opportunum sit ipsam Confirmationem in tempus post celebratum<br />
Matrimonium differre.<br />
Si autem Confirmatio confertur fideli, rationis usu gaudenti et in mortis periculo<br />
versanti, præparatio spiritualis singulis in casibus conveniens, ut fieri potest, præmittatur.<br />
13. Confirmatio fit ex more intra Missam, ut magis eluceat fundamentalis connexio<br />
huius sacramenti cum tota initiatione christiana, quæ culmen attingit in Communione<br />
corporis et sanguinis Christi. Hac ratione confirmati Eucharistiam participant, qua<br />
ipsorum initiatio christiana perficitur.<br />
Si autem confirmandi sunt pueri qui nondum receperunt Ss.mam Eucharistiam<br />
neque in hac actione liturgica admittuntur ad primam Communionem, aut si peculiaria<br />
rerum adiuncta id suadent, conferatur extra Missam. Quoties vero Confirmatio sine Missa<br />
confertur, præcedat sacra verbi Dei celebratio.<br />
Quoties Confirmatio intra Missam confertur convenit ut ipse minister<br />
Confirmationis Missam celebret, immo concelebret, præsertim cum presbyteris, qui forte<br />
ipsi sociantur in sacramento ministrando.<br />
Si Missa ab alio celebratur, convenit ut Episcopus liturgiam verbi præsideat, in<br />
qua omnia peragat, quæ ex more celebranti competunt, et in fine Missæ det<br />
In this case every necessary precaution is to be taken to ensure that, in the event<br />
of danger of death or serious problems of another kind, children receive Confirmation in<br />
good time, even before the use of reason, so that they are not left without the benefit of<br />
this Sacrament.<br />
12. Those who are to receive Confirmation must have already been baptized.<br />
Moreover, those faithful possessing the use of reason must be in the state of grace, be<br />
properly instructed, and be capable of renewing the baptismal promises.<br />
It is for the Conferences of Bishops to determine more precisely the catechetical<br />
resources, so that the candidates, especially children, are suitably prepared for<br />
Confirmation.<br />
In the case of adults, those principles that are in force in the individual dioceses<br />
for admitting catechumens to Baptism and Eucharist should be followed, with appropriate<br />
adaptation. Measures should especially be taken so that suitable catechesis precedes<br />
Confirmation and that the association of the candidates with the Christian community and<br />
with individual members of the faithful be effective and sufficient in offering them<br />
practical help towards achieving formation for bearing witness to the Christian life and<br />
for carrying on the apostolate and towards instilling in them a genuine desire to<br />
participate in the Eucharist (cf. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Introduction, no.<br />
19).<br />
Sometimes the preparation of a baptized adult for Confirmation coincides with his<br />
or her preparation for Marriage. In such cases, whenever it is foreseen that the conditions<br />
for a fruitful reception of Confirmation cannot be satisfied, the local Ordinary will judge<br />
whether it is more appropriate to defer Confirmation until after the celebration of<br />
Marriage.<br />
In addition, if Confirmation is conferred on a member of the faithful who has the<br />
use of reason and is in danger of death, a spiritual preparation, suited, as far as possible,<br />
to the individual situation, should be given beforehand.<br />
13. As a rule, Confirmation takes place within Mass so that the fundamental<br />
connection of this Sacrament with all of Christian Initiation, which reaches its<br />
culmination in the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, may stand out in a<br />
clearer light. The newly confirmed therefore participate in the Eucharist, which<br />
completes their Christian Initiation.<br />
If, however, the candidates for Confirmation are children who have not received<br />
the Most Holy Eucharist and are not being admitted to First Communion at this liturgical<br />
celebration or if other special circumstances so suggest, Confirmation should be<br />
conferred outside Mass. Whenever Confirmation is conferred without Mass, a celebration<br />
of the word of God should precede it.<br />
When Confirmation is conferred within Mass, it is fitting that the minister of<br />
Confirmation celebrate the Mass or, better, concelebrate it, especially with those Priests<br />
who happen to be joined with him in administering the Sacrament.<br />
If the Mass is celebrated by someone else, it is fitting that the Bishop preside over<br />
the Liturgy of the Word, doing all that the celebrant normally does, and that he give the<br />
blessing at the end of Mass.<br />
14 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Maximi facienda est celebratio verbi Dei, a qua initium sumit ritus<br />
Confirmationis. Etenim e verbi Dei auditione promanat multiformis actio Spiritus Sancti<br />
in Ecclesiam et in unumquemque baptizatorum seu confirmandorum, eaque voluntas<br />
Domini in vita christianorum manifestatur.<br />
Magnum quoque momentum tribuendum est recitationi orationis dominicæ quam<br />
confirmandi una cum populo persolvent, sive infra Missam ante Communionem sive<br />
extra Missam ante benedictionem habeatur, quia est ipse Spiritus qui orat in nobis, et<br />
christianus in Spiritu dicit: « Abba, Pater ».<br />
14. Nomina confirmatorum, facta mentione ministri, parentum et patrinorum, loci et<br />
diei collatae Confirmationis in librum confirmatorum curiae diocesanae adnotentur, vel,<br />
ubi id praescripserit Episcoporum Conferentia aut Episcopus dioecesanus, in librum in<br />
archivo paroeciali conservandum; parochus debet de collata Confirmatione monere<br />
parochum loci Baptismi, ut adnotatio fiat in libro baptizatorum ad normam iuris<br />
faciendam.<br />
15. Si parochus loci praesens non fuerit, eundem de collata Confirmatione minister<br />
per se vel per alium quamprimum eundem certiorem faciat.<br />
16. Conferentiis Episcopalibus competit, vi Constitutionis de sacra Liturgia (art. 63<br />
b), in Ritualibus particularibus parare titulum, qui huic Pontificalis Romani titulo de<br />
Confirmatione respondeat, accommodatum singularum regionum necessitatibus, ut, actis<br />
ab Apostolica Sede recognitis, in regionibus ad quas pertinet adhibeatur. 1<br />
17. Episcoporum Conferentia considerabit num, attentis locorum et rerum adiunctis<br />
necnon ingenio et traditionibus populorum, opportunum sit:<br />
a) convenienter aptare formulas, quibus promissiones et professiones baptismales<br />
renoventur, sive ad ipsum textum in Ordine Baptismi occurrentem attendendo,<br />
sive ipsas formulas accommodando, quo aptius confirmandorum condicioni<br />
respondeant;<br />
b) alium modum inducere ad pacem per ministrum dandam post unctionem sive<br />
singulis sive omnibus simul confirmatis.<br />
18. Minister autem, singulis in casibus et attenta confirmandorum condicione,<br />
monitiones aliquas in ritum introducere poterit, atque iam exstantes opportune<br />
accommodare, ex. gr. eas ad modum collocutionis, præsertim cum pueris, proponendo,<br />
etc.<br />
Cum Confirmatio a ministro extraordinario, aut ex concessione iuris generalis aut<br />
ex peculiari indulto Sedis Apostolicæ, confertur, convenit ut ipse in homilia mentionem<br />
1<br />
Cf. Ordo Baptismi parvulorum, (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1969), Prænotanda generalia de Initiatione<br />
christiana, nn. 30-33, pp. 12-13.
Great emphasis should be placed on the celebration of the word of God that<br />
introduces the rite of Confirmation. For it is from the hearing of the word of God that the<br />
many-sided work of the Holy Spirit flows out upon the Church and upon each one of the<br />
baptized and confirmed and that the Lord’s will is made known in the life of Christians.<br />
Great importance is likewise to be attached to the saying of the Lord's Prayer,<br />
which those to be confirmed recite together with the congregation–either during Mass<br />
before Communion or outside Mass before the blessing–because it is the Spirit who prays<br />
in us and in the Spirit the Christian says: "Abba, Father."<br />
14. The names of those confirmed, with mention made of the minister, the parents,<br />
and sponsors, and the place and date of the conferral of Confirmation are to be recorded<br />
in the Confirmation register of the diocesan curia, or, where the Conference of Bishops or<br />
the Diocesan Bishop has prescribed it, in a register to be kept in the parish archives. The<br />
pastor must inform the pastor of the place of Baptism about the conferral of<br />
Confirmation, so that a notation is made in the baptismal register, according to the norm<br />
of the law.<br />
15. If the pastor of the place was not present, the minister either personally or through<br />
another is to inform him, as soon as possible, about the conferral of Confirmation.<br />
IV. ADAPTATIONS THAT MAY BE CARRIED OUT IN THE <strong>RITE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
16. It is for Conferences of Bishops, by virtue of the Constitution on the Sacred<br />
Liturgy (art. 63 b), to prepare in particular ritual books the rite of Confirmation, which<br />
corresponds to this rite of Confirmation in the Roman Pontifical, adapted to the needs of<br />
the particular regions, for use in the regions under their care, after their decisions have<br />
been approved by the Apostolic See. 1<br />
17. The Conference of Bishops will consider whether, with due consideration for<br />
local circumstances and the culture and traditions of peoples, it is opportune:<br />
a) to make suitable adaptations of the formulas for the renewal of baptismal<br />
promises and professions of faith, either following the text in the Order of<br />
Baptism or accommodating these formulas so that they more suitably correspond<br />
to the state of those to be confirmed.<br />
b) to introduce a different manner for the minister to give the sign of peace after<br />
the anointing, either to each individual or to all the newly confirmed together.<br />
18. In individual cases and with due consideration for the capacity of those to be<br />
confirmed, the minister, moreover, may introduce some explanations into the rite and<br />
may also make appropriate accommodations in the existing texts, for example, by<br />
expressing these in a kind of dialogue, especially with children.<br />
When Confirmation is conferred by an extraordinary minister, whether by<br />
concession of the general law or by special indult of the Apostolic See, it is fitting for<br />
1 Cf. Rite of Baptism for Children (1969), General Instruction on Christian Initiation, nos. 30-33.<br />
15 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
habeat de Episcopo ministro originario sacramenti, ac rationem illustret cur etiam<br />
presbyteris facultas confirmandi a iure vel ab Apostolicæ Sedis indulto tribuitur.<br />
19. Ad Confirmationem administrandam parentur:<br />
a) sacræ vestes, quæ ad Missæ celebrationem requiruntur sive pro Episcopo, sive,<br />
si adsunt, pro presbyteris eum adiuvantibus, cum Confirmatio confertur intra<br />
Missam, quam ipsi concelebrant; si Missa ab alio celebratur, convenit ut<br />
Confirmationis minister et presbyteri, qui ei sociantur in sacramento ministrando,<br />
Missam participent sacris vestibus induti pro Confirmationis collatione præcriptis,<br />
scilicet alba, stola et, pro ministro Confirmationis, pluviali; quæ vestes induuntur<br />
etiam cum Confirmatio extra Missam confertur.<br />
b) sedes pro Episcopo, et pro presbyteris eum adiuvantibus;<br />
c) vasculum (vel vascula) cum sacro Chrismate;<br />
d) Pontificale Romanum vel Rituale;<br />
e) ea quæ necessaria sunt ad Missæ celebrationem et, si sacra Communio hac<br />
forma distribuitur, pro Communione sub utraque specie, cum Confirmatio intra<br />
Missam confertur;<br />
f) ea quæ necessaria sunt ad manus abluendas post unctionem confirmandorum.
him to mention in the homily that the Bishop is the ordinary minister of the Sacrament<br />
and to explain the reason why even Priests receive the faculty to confirm from the law or<br />
by an indult of the Apostolic See.<br />
19. The following should be prepared for the administration of Confirmation:<br />
a) the sacred vestments prescribed for the celebration of Mass both for the<br />
Bishop and for any Priests assisting him, when Confirmation is conferred<br />
within a Mass at which they concelebrate. If the Mass is celebrated by<br />
someone else, it is appropriate that the minister of Confirmation and the<br />
Priests joining him in administering the Sacrament should take part in the<br />
Mass wearing the sacred vestments prescribed for the conferral of<br />
Confirmation, namely: the alb, the stole, and, for the minister of<br />
Confirmation, the cope; these vestments are also worn when Confirmation<br />
is conferred outside Mass;<br />
b) chairs for the Bishop and the Priests assisting him;<br />
c) vessel (or vessels) with sacred Chrism;<br />
d) The Roman Pontifical or The Roman Ritual;<br />
e) the requisites for the celebration of Mass and, if Holy Communion is<br />
distributed in this form, for Communion under both kinds, when<br />
Confirmation is conferred within Mass;<br />
f) the requisites for the washing of hands after the anointing of those to be<br />
confirmed.<br />
CAPUT I<br />
20. Liturgia verbi peragitur ad normam rubricarum. Lectiones tamen sumi possunt<br />
sive ex toto sive ex parte vel e Missa diei vel e textibus in Ordine lectionum Missæ (nn.<br />
763-767) propositis et infra (nn. 61-65) notatis.<br />
21. Dicto Evangelio, Episcopus (et presbyteri qui ipsi sociantur) in sede parata sedent.<br />
Confirmandi præsentantur a parocho vel ab alio presbytero vel a diacono vel etiam a<br />
catechista, secundum morem uniuscuiusque regionis, hoc modo: singuli confirmandi, si<br />
fieri potest, nominatim vocantur, singulique accedunt ad presbyterium; si vero sunt pueri,<br />
adducuntur ab uno e patrinis vel ab uno e parentibus, et coram celebrante consistunt.<br />
Si confirmandi permulti sunt, nominatim non vocantur; disponuntur tamen loco<br />
opportuno coram Episcopo.<br />
Homilia seu allocutio<br />
22. Tunc Episcopus brevem habet homiliam, qua, illustrans ea quæ lecta sunt,<br />
confirmandos eorumque patrinos et parentes, ac totum cœtum fidelium veluti manu ducit<br />
ad profundius intellegendum Confirmationis mysterium.<br />
Quod facere potest his vel similibus verbis:<br />
Apostoli, qui die Pentecostes, secundum Domini promissionem, Spiritum<br />
Sanctum acceperant, potestatem habebant opus Baptismi per donationem Spiritus<br />
Sancti perficiendi, sicut legimus in Actibus Apostolorum. Cum sanctus Paulus<br />
super quosdam baptizatos manus imposuisset, venit Spiritus Sanctus super eos, et<br />
loquebantur linguis et prophetabant.<br />
Episcopi, Apostolorum successores, eadem gaudent potestate, et sive per se<br />
sive per presbyteros ad hoc ministerium adimplendum legitime constitutos,<br />
Spiritum Sanctum iis conferunt, qui per Baptismum iam sunt regenerati.<br />
Etsi hodie adventus Spiritus Sancti dono linguarum non amplius declaratur,<br />
fide tamen scimus illum, per quem caritas Dei in cordibus nostris diffunditur et in<br />
unitate fidei et multiplicitate vocationum congregamur, a nobis accipi<br />
invisibiliterque ad sanctificationem et unitatem Ecclesiæ operari.
CHAPTER 1<br />
THE ORDER FOR THE CONFERRAL <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> 1 WITHIN MASS<br />
20. The Liturgy of the Word is celebrated in accordance with the rubrics. 2 The<br />
readings, however, may be taken in whole or in part from the Mass of the day or from the<br />
texts for Confirmation in the Lectionary for Mass (nos. 763-767) and listed below (nos.<br />
61-65).<br />
21. After the Gospel the Bishop sits at the seat prepared for him (as do the Priests<br />
who are associated with him 3 ). The candidates for Confirmation are presented by the<br />
parish Priest (pastor) or another Priest, or by a Deacon, or even 4 by a catechist, in<br />
accordance with the custom of each region, in this way: if possible, each of those to be<br />
confirmed is called by name and individually approaches the sanctuary; but if they are<br />
children, they are accompanied by one of their sponsors or parents and stand before the<br />
celebrant.<br />
If there are very many candidates, they are not called by name; but they are<br />
assigned to a suitable place before the Bishop.<br />
The Homily or Address<br />
22. The Bishop then gives a brief homily, by which, shedding light 5 on the readings,<br />
he leads, as if by hand, those to be confirmed, their sponsors and parents, and the whole<br />
gathering of the faithful 6 to a deeper understanding of the mystery of Confirmation.<br />
He may do so in these or similar words:<br />
The Apostles, who had received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in<br />
fulfillment of the Lord's promise, had power to complete the work of Baptism by the<br />
giving of the Holy Spirit, as we read in the Acts of the Apostles. 7 When Saint Paul had<br />
laid his hands on certain people who had been baptized, the Holy Spirit came upon them,<br />
and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. 8<br />
The Bishops, as successors of the Apostles, possess the same power and, either in<br />
their own right or through Priests lawfully appointed to fulfill this ministry, they confer<br />
the Holy Spirit on those who have already been born again in Baptism.<br />
Even if today the coming of the Holy Spirit is no longer widely made manifest by<br />
the gift of tongues, we know by faith that the Spirit, through whom the love of God has<br />
been poured into our hearts 9 and through whom we are gathered in unity of faith and in<br />
diversity of callings, 10 is received by us and is working invisibly to make the Church holy<br />
and one. 11
17 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Donatio Spiritus Sancti, quem accepturi estis, dilectissimi, signaculum erit<br />
spiritale, quo vos Christi conformes et Ecclesiæ eius membra perfectius fietis.<br />
Spiritu enim Sancto unctus in baptismate, quod a Ioanne recepit, ipse Christus<br />
missus est ad opus ministerii sui, ut eiusdem Spiritus ignem in terram effunderet.<br />
Vos ergo, qui iam baptizati estis, nunc accipietis virtutem Spiritus eius et<br />
cruce eius in fronte signabimini. Testimonium igitur Passionis et Resurrectionis<br />
eius coram mundo perhibere debebitis, ita ut conversatio vestra, ut ait Apostolus,<br />
sit in omni loco bonus odor Christi. Cuius mysticum corpus, quod est Ecclesia,<br />
Dei populus, diversas ab eo accipit gratias, quas idem Spiritus Sanctus singulis<br />
dividit ad ædificationem corporis in unitate et caritate.<br />
Estote ergo membra viva huius Ecclesiæ et, sub ductu Spiritus Sancti,<br />
omnibus servire studete, sicut Christus, qui non venit ministrari, sed ministrare.<br />
Nunc autem, priusquam Spiritum accipiatis, mementote fidei, quam in<br />
Baptismate professi estis vel parentes et patrini vestri cum Ecclesia professi sunt.<br />
Renovatio promissionum baptismalium<br />
23. Postea Episcopus interrogat confirmandos, qui omnes simul stant, dicens:<br />
Abrenuntiatis Satanæ et omnibus operibus et seductionibus eius?<br />
Confirmandi omnes simul respondent:<br />
Abrenuntio.<br />
Episcopus:<br />
Creditis in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, creatorem cæli et terræ?<br />
Confirmandi:<br />
Credo.<br />
Episcopus:<br />
Creditis in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, natum<br />
ex Maria Virgine, passum et sepultum, qui a mortuis resurrexit et sedet ad<br />
dexteram Patris?<br />
Confirmandi:<br />
Dearly beloved, the gift of the Holy Spirit, which you are about to receive, will be<br />
a spiritual seal, 12 by which you will be conformed to Christ 13 and will be made more<br />
fully members of his Church. 14 For Christ himself, anointed by the Holy Spirit in the<br />
baptism he received from John, was sent forth for the work of his ministry, 15 to pour out<br />
on the earth the fire of the same Spirit.<br />
Therefore, you who are already baptized will now receive the power of his Spirit<br />
and be signed with his Cross on your foreheads. And so, you must always bear witness to<br />
his Passion and Resurrection before the world, so that your manner of life, as the Apostle<br />
says, may be in every place the pleasing fragrance of Christ. 16 His Mystical Body, which<br />
is the Church, the People of God, receives from him diverse graces, which the same Holy<br />
Spirit distributes to individuals for the building-up of that Body in unity and love. 17<br />
Be living members of this Church, therefore, and, under the guidance of the Holy<br />
Spirit, seek to serve all people like Christ, who came not to be served but to serve. 18<br />
And now, before you receive the Spirit, call to mind the faith which you professed<br />
in Baptism or which your parents and godparents professed with the Church.<br />
The Renewal of Baptismal Promises<br />
23. After the homily the Bishop questions those to be confirmed, who together all<br />
stand, as he says:<br />
RM Do you renounce Satan,<br />
and all his works and empty promises? 19<br />
I do.<br />
Together, all those to be confirmed reply 20 :<br />
Bishop:<br />
Do you believe in God,<br />
the Father almighty,<br />
Creator of heaven and earth?<br />
I do.<br />
Those to be confirmed:<br />
Bishop:<br />
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,<br />
who was born of the Virgin Mary,<br />
suffered death and was buried,<br />
rose again from the dead<br />
and is seated at the right hand of the Father?<br />
I do.<br />
Those to be confirmed:<br />
18 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Episcopus:<br />
Creditis in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui hodie, per<br />
sacramentum Confirmationis, vobis, sicut Apostolis die Pentecostes, singulari<br />
modo confertur?<br />
Confirmandi:<br />
Credo.<br />
Episcopus:<br />
Creditis in sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, Sanctorum communionem,<br />
remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem et vitam æternam?<br />
Confirmandi:<br />
Credo.<br />
Cui professioni assentitur Episcopus, proclamans fidem Ecclesiæ:<br />
Hæc est fides nostra. Hæc est fides Ecclesiæ, quam profiteri gloriamur, in<br />
Christo Iesu Domino nostro.<br />
Et cœtus fidelium assentitur respondendo:<br />
Amen.<br />
Pro formula Hæc est fides nostra aliam substitui licet pro opportunitate, vel<br />
etiam cantum aptum, quo communitas una voce fidem suam exprimere possit.
Bishop:<br />
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit,<br />
the Lord, the giver of life,<br />
who today through the Sacrament of Confirmation<br />
is given to you in a special way<br />
just as he was given to the Apostles on the day of Pentecost?<br />
I do.<br />
Those to be confirmed:<br />
Bishop:<br />
Do you believe in the holy Catholic Church,<br />
the communion of saints,<br />
the forgiveness of sins,<br />
the resurrection of the body,<br />
and life everlasting?<br />
I do.<br />
Those to be confirmed:<br />
The Bishop gives his assent to the profession by proclaiming the faith of the<br />
Church:<br />
This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church,<br />
and we are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord.<br />
The gathering of the faithful 21 gives its assent by replying:<br />
Amen.<br />
For the formula This is our faith, it is permitted 22 to substitute, if appropriate,<br />
some other formula or even some suitable chant, by which the community is able to<br />
express its faith.<br />
19 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Impositio manuum<br />
24. Deinde Episcopus (habens apud se presbyteros qui ipsi sociantur) stans, manibus<br />
iunctis, versus ad populum, dicit:<br />
Oremus, dilectissimi, Deum Patrem omnipotentem,<br />
ut super hos filios adoptionis suæ,<br />
iam in Baptismate æternæ vitæ renatos,<br />
Spiritum Sanctum benignus effundat,<br />
qui illos abundantia suorum confirmet donorum,<br />
et unctione sua Christi, Filii Dei, conformes perficiat.<br />
Et omnes per aliquod temporis spatium in silentio orant.<br />
25. Deinde Episcopus (et presbyteri qui ipsi sociantur) manus super omnes<br />
confirmandos imponunt. Solus autem Episcopus dicit:<br />
Deus omnipotens, Pater Domini nostri Iesu Christi,<br />
qui hos famulos tuos regenerasti<br />
ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto,<br />
liberans eos a peccato,<br />
tu, Domine, immitte in eos Spiritum Sanctum Paraclitum;<br />
da eis spiritum sapientiæ et intellectus,<br />
spiritum consilii et fortitudinis,<br />
spiritum scientiæ et pietatis;<br />
adimple eos spiritu timoris tui.<br />
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
Chrismatio<br />
26. Tunc Episcopo offertur a diacono sanctum Chrisma. Unusquisque<br />
confirmandorum accedit ad Episcopum; vel pro opportunitate ipse Episcopus accedit ad<br />
singulos confirmandos. Qui autem confirmandum præsentavit, ponit manum dexteram<br />
super umerum eius et dicit Episcopo nomen eius, vel confirmandus sua sponte nomen<br />
The Laying on of Hands<br />
24. Then the Bishop (while the Priests associated with him remain by his side 23 )<br />
standing, facing the people, with hands joined, says:<br />
Dearly beloved,<br />
let us pray to God the almighty Father,<br />
for these, his adopted sons and daughters, 24<br />
already born again to eternal life in Baptism,<br />
that he will graciously pour out the Holy Spirit upon them<br />
to confirm them with his abundant gifts,<br />
and through his anointing<br />
conform them more fully to Christ, 25 the Son of God.<br />
And all pray in silence for a while. 26<br />
25. Then the Bishop lays hands upon all those to be confirmed (as do the Priests who<br />
are associated with him). But the Bishop alone says:<br />
Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 27<br />
who brought these your servants to new birth<br />
by water and the Holy Spirit, 28<br />
freeing them from sin:<br />
send upon them, O Lord, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete;<br />
give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding,<br />
the spirit of counsel and fortitude,<br />
the spirit of knowledge and piety;<br />
fill them with the spirit of the fear of the Lord. 29<br />
Through Christ our Lord.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
The Anointing with Chrism<br />
26. The sacred Chrism is brought by the Deacon to the Bishop. Each of those to be<br />
confirmed goes to the Bishop; or, if appropriate, the Bishop goes to each of those to be<br />
confirmed. The one who presented the person to be confirmed places his (her) right hand<br />
on his (her) shoulder and says the name of the one to be confirmed to the Bishop; or the<br />
one to be confirmed alone says his (her) own name.<br />
20 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
27. Episcopus, summitate pollicis dexteræ manus in Chrismate intincta, ducit pollice<br />
signum crucis in fronte confirmandi, dicens:<br />
N., accipe signaculum Doni Spiritus Sancti.<br />
Et confirmatus respondet:<br />
Amen.<br />
Episcopus subdit:<br />
Pax tibi.<br />
Confirmatus:<br />
Et cum spiritu tuo.<br />
28. Si autem presbyteri Episcopum adiuvant ad conferendum Sacramentum, omnia<br />
vascula sancti Chrismatis a diacono vel a ministris Episcopo offeruntur, qui ea præbet<br />
unicuique ex presbyteris ad se accedenti.<br />
Confirmandi accedunt ad Episcopum vel ad presbyteros; aut pro opportunitate<br />
Episcopus et presbyteri accedunt ad confirmandos, qui unguntur modo supra descripto (n.<br />
27).<br />
29. Inter unctionem cani potest aliquis cantus aptus. Post unctionem Episcopus (et<br />
presbyteri) lavat manus.<br />
Oratio universalis<br />
30. Sequitur oratio universalis, hac vel simili forma a competente auctoritate statuta<br />
facienda.<br />
Episcopus:<br />
Deum Patrem omnipotentem, fratres carissimi, suppliciter<br />
deprecemur; unanimis sit oratio nostra, sicuti una sunt fides,<br />
spes et caritas, quæ a Spiritu eius Sancto procedunt.<br />
Diaconus vel minister:<br />
Pro iis famulis suis,<br />
quos donatio Spiritus Sancti confirmavit:<br />
ut, in fide radicati et in caritate fundati,<br />
Christo Domino testimonium sua conversatione perhibeant,<br />
Dominum precemur.<br />
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
27. The Bishop dips the tip of his right-hand thumb in the Chrism and, with the<br />
thumb, makes the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of the one to be confirmed, as he<br />
says:<br />
N., BE SEALED WITH THE GIFT <strong>OF</strong> THE HOLY SPIRIT.<br />
The newly confirmed replies:<br />
Amen.<br />
The Bishop adds:<br />
RM Peace be with you. 30<br />
The newly confirmed:<br />
RM And with your spirit. 31<br />
28. If Priests assist the Bishop in conferring the Sacrament, all the vessels of sacred<br />
Chrism are brought to the Bishop by the Deacon or by the ministers. As each of the<br />
Priests comes to the Bishop, he gives each a vessel of Chrism.<br />
Those to be confirmed go to the Bishop or to the Priests; or, if appropriate, the<br />
Bishop and Priests go to those to be confirmed. The anointing is done as described above<br />
(no. 27).<br />
29. During the anointing a suitable chant may be sung. After the anointing the Bishop<br />
washes his hands (as do the Priests).<br />
The Universal Prayer<br />
30. The Universal Prayer follows in this or a similar form determined by the<br />
competent authority.<br />
Bishop:<br />
My dear brothers and sisters,<br />
let us humbly pray to God the almighty Father<br />
and be of one mind in our prayer,<br />
just as faith, hope and charity,<br />
which proceed from his Holy Spirit, are one.<br />
Deacon or minister:<br />
For these his servants,<br />
whom the gift of the Holy Spirit has confirmed:<br />
that, rooted in faith and grounded in love, 32<br />
they may bear witness to Christ the Lord by their way of life,<br />
let us pray to the Lord.<br />
R. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.<br />
21 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Diaconus vel minister:<br />
Pro parentibus et patrinis eorum:<br />
ut, quibus fidei sponsores se præbuerunt,<br />
eos ad sequenda Christi vestigia<br />
verbo et exemplo hortari non desinant,<br />
Dominum precemur.<br />
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.<br />
Diaconus vel minister:<br />
Pro Ecclesia sancta Dei, una cum Papa nostro N.,<br />
Episcopo nostro N.<br />
et Episcopis universis:<br />
ut, Spiritu Sancto congregata,<br />
in unitate fidei et caritatis<br />
usque ad adventum Domini dilatetur et crescat,<br />
Dominum precemur.<br />
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.<br />
Diaconus vel minister:<br />
Pro mundo universo:<br />
ut omnes homines, qui unum habent Auctorem et Patrem,<br />
sese fratres sine discrimine generis<br />
vel nationis agnoscant,<br />
et regnum Dei, quod est pax et gaudium in Spiritu Sancto,<br />
sincero corde requirant,<br />
Dominum precemur.<br />
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.<br />
Episcopus:<br />
Deus, qui Apostolis tuis Sanctum dedisti Spiritum,<br />
et per eos eorumque successores<br />
ceteris fidelibus tradendum esse voluisti,<br />
exaudi propitius orationem nostram et præsta,<br />
ut quod in ipsis evangelicæ prædicationis exordiis<br />
tua est operata dignatio,<br />
nunc quoque per credentium corda diffundat.<br />
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.<br />
Liturgia eucharistica<br />
31. Absoluta oratione universali, proceditur ad liturgiam eucharisticam, secundum<br />
Ordinem Missæ, præter ea quæ infra notantur:<br />
a) Symbolum omittitur, cum professio fidei iam facta sit;
Deacon or minister:<br />
For their parents and sponsors:<br />
that by word and example<br />
they may continue to encourage<br />
those whom they have sponsored in the faith<br />
to follow in the footsteps of Christ, 33<br />
let us pray to the Lord.<br />
R. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.<br />
Deacon or minister:<br />
For the holy Church of God<br />
together with N. our Pope, N. our Bishop and all the Bishops:<br />
that, gathered by the Holy Spirit, 34<br />
the Church may grow and increase in unity of faith and love<br />
until the coming of the Lord,<br />
let us pray to the Lord.<br />
R. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.<br />
Deacon or minister:<br />
For the whole world:<br />
that all people, who have one Maker and Father,<br />
will acknowledge one another as brothers and sisters,<br />
without discrimination of race or nation,<br />
and with sincere hearts will seek the Kingdom of God,<br />
which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,<br />
let us pray to the Lord.<br />
R. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.<br />
Bishop:<br />
O God, who gave the Holy Spirit to your Apostles<br />
and willed that through them and their successors<br />
the same Spirit be handed on to the rest of the faithful,<br />
listen favorably to our prayer,<br />
and grant that your divine grace,<br />
which was at work when the Gospel was first proclaimed,<br />
may now spread through the hearts of those who believe in you. 35<br />
Through Christ our Lord.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
The Liturgy of the Eucharist<br />
31. After the Universal Prayer the Liturgy of the Eucharist is celebrated according to<br />
the Order of Mass, with these changes:<br />
a) the Creed is omitted, since the Profession of Faith has already taken place.<br />
22 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
b) nonnulli e confirmatis se possunt cum iis coniungere, qui oblata deferunt;<br />
c) quando adhibetur Canon Romanus, dicitur Hanc igitur proprium.<br />
32. Confirmati adulti et, pro opportunitate, eorum patrini, parentes, coniuges et<br />
catechistæ Communionem recipere possunt sub utraque specie.<br />
Benedictio<br />
33. Loco benedietionis consuetæ, in fine Missæ adhibetur benedictio, quæ sequitur,<br />
vel oratio super populum.<br />
Benedicat vos Deus Pater omnipotens,<br />
qui vos, ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto renatos,<br />
filios suæ adoptionis effecit,<br />
et dignos sua paterna dilectione custodiat.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
Benedicat vos Filius eius unigenitus,<br />
qui Spiritum veritatis<br />
in Ecclesia mansurum esse promisit,<br />
et vos in confessione veræ fidei sua virtute confirmet.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
Benedicat vos Spiritus Sanctus,<br />
qui ignem caritatis in cordibus discipulorum accendit.<br />
et vos, in unum congregatos,<br />
ad gaudium regni Dei sine offensione perducat.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
Et statim additur:<br />
Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus,<br />
Pater, et Filius, + et Spiritus Sanctus.<br />
R. Amen.
b) some of the confirmed may join those who bring forward the offerings 36 ;<br />
c) when the Roman Canon is used, the proper form of the Hanc igitur (Therefore,<br />
Lord, we pray) is said, 37 no. 58. When Eucharistic Prayer II or Eucharistic Prayer<br />
III is used, the proper forms for these Prayers are said, no. 58. 38<br />
32. Adults who are confirmed, and, if appropriate, their sponsors, parents, spouses,<br />
and catechists may receive Communion under both kinds.<br />
The Blessing<br />
33. Instead of the usual blessing, the following blessing or Prayer over the People is<br />
used at the end of Mass.<br />
RM The Deacon or, in his absence, the minister of Confirmation himself, says the<br />
invitation: Bow down for the blessing. 39<br />
The Bishop, with hands extended over the newly confirmed, says: 40<br />
RM May God the Father almighty bless you,<br />
whom he has made his adopted sons and daughters<br />
reborn from water and the Holy Spirit,<br />
and may he keep you worthy of his fatherly love.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
May his Only Begotten Son,<br />
who promised that the Spirit of truth would abide in his Church,<br />
bless you and confirm you by his power<br />
in the confession of the true faith.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
May the Holy Spirit,<br />
who kindles the fire of charity in the hearts of disciples,<br />
bless you and lead you blameless and gathered as one<br />
into the joy of the Kingdom of God.<br />
R. Amen. 41<br />
And he blesses all the people, adding: 42<br />
And may almighty God bless all of you, who are gathered here,<br />
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
23 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Oratio super populum<br />
aliud.<br />
Loco formulæ benedictionis prædictæ, adhiberi potest oratio super populum.<br />
Diaconus vel minister dicit invitatorium: Inclinate vos ad benedictionem, vel<br />
Deinde Episcopus manibus super populum extensis, dicit:<br />
Confirma hoc, Deus, quod operatus es in nobis,<br />
et Spiritus Sancti dona<br />
in cordibus tuorum custodi fidelium,<br />
ut et Christum crucifixum<br />
coram mundo confiteri non erubescant,<br />
et mandata eius devota caritate perficiant.<br />
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
Et statim addit:<br />
Et benedicat vos omnipotens Deus,<br />
Pater, et Filius, + et Spiritus Sanctus.<br />
R. Amen.
The Prayer over the People<br />
Instead of the preceding formula of blessing, the Prayer over the People may be<br />
RM<br />
used.<br />
The Deacon or, in his absence, the minister of Confirmation himself, says the<br />
invitation: Bow down for the blessing. 43<br />
The Bishop, with hands extended over the people, says:<br />
RM Confirm, O God,<br />
what you have brought about in us,<br />
and preserve in the hearts of your faithful<br />
the gifts of the Holy Spirit:<br />
may they never be ashamed<br />
to confess Christ crucified before the world<br />
and by devoted charity<br />
may they ever fulfill his commands.<br />
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.<br />
R. Amen. 44<br />
The Bishop adds immediately:<br />
And may the blessing of almighty God,<br />
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,<br />
come down on you and remain with you for ever.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
CAPUT II<br />
Ritus introitus<br />
34. Confirmandis cum patrinis et parentibus et omni cœtu fidelium congregatis,<br />
Episcopus cum (presbyteris qui ipsi sociantur et) uno vel pluribus diaconis et ministris<br />
accedit ad presbyterium, omnibus psalmum vel cantum aptum pro opportunitate<br />
cantantibus.<br />
35. Facta, una cum ministris, debita reverentia altari, Episcopus salutat cœtum<br />
congregatum:<br />
Pax vobis.<br />
Omnes:<br />
Et cum spiritu tuo.<br />
Deinde dicit orationem:<br />
Oremus.<br />
Præsta, quæsumus, omnipotens et misericors Deus,<br />
ut Spiritus Sanctus adveniens<br />
templum nos gloriæ suæ<br />
dignanter inhabitando perficiat.<br />
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.<br />
R. Amen.<br />
Aliæ orationes ad libitum, nn. 58, 59, 60.<br />
Verbi Dei celebratio<br />
36. Fit deinde sacra verbi Dei celebratio, in qua legitur saltem una e pericopis, quæ<br />
pro Missa Confirmationis proponuntur (cf. n. 61-65).
THE ORDER FOR THE CONFERRAL <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> WITHOUT MASS<br />
The Introductory Rites<br />
34. When those to be confirmed are assembled 45 with their sponsors and parents, and<br />
the whole gathering 46 of the faithful, the Bishop approaches the sanctuary with (the<br />
Priests who are associated with him) one or more Deacons and the ministers while all<br />
sing, if appropriate, a psalm or other suitable chant. 47<br />
35. After making, together with the ministers, the usual reverence to the altar, the<br />
Bishop greets the congregation: 48<br />
RM Peace be with you.<br />
All:<br />
RM And with your spirit.<br />
Then he says the prayer:<br />
Let us pray.<br />
RM Grant, we pray, almighty and merciful God,<br />
that the Holy Spirit, coming near<br />
and dwelling graciously within us,<br />
may make of us a perfect temple of his glory.<br />
Through Christ our Lord.<br />
R. Amen. 49<br />
Other optional prayers, nos. 58, 59, 60.<br />
The Celebration of the Word of God<br />
36. The celebration of the word of God takes place, in which at least one of the<br />
readings proposed for the Mass of Confirmation (cf. nos. 61-65) is read.
25 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
37. Si duæ vel tres lectiones seliguntur, ordo lectionum traditus servetur, hoc est ex<br />
Vetere Testamento, ex Apostolo, ex Evangelio. Post primam et secundam lectionem<br />
ponatur psalmus vel alius cantus, cuius loco tamen etiam sacrum silentium servari potest.<br />
38. Lectionibus expletis, Episcopus (et presbyteri qui ipsi sociantur) in sede parata<br />
sedent. Confirmandi præsentantur a parocho, vel ab alio presbytero vel a diacono vel<br />
etiam a catechista, secundum morem uniuscuiusque regionis, hoc modo: singuli<br />
confirmandi, si fieri potest, nominatim vocantur, singulique accedunt ad presbyterium; si<br />
vero sunt pueri, adducuntur ab uno e patrinis vel ab uno e parentibus, et coram celebrante<br />
consistunt.<br />
Si confirmandi permulti sunt, nominatim non vocantur; disponuntur tamen loco<br />
opportuno coram Episcopo.<br />
Homilia seu allocutio<br />
39. Tunc Episcopus brevem habet homiliam, qua, illustrans ea quæ lecta sunt,<br />
confirmandos eorumque patrinos et parentes, ac totum cœtum fidelium veluti manu ducit<br />
ad profundius intellegendum Confirmationis mysterium.<br />
Quod facere potest his vel similibus verbis:<br />
Renovatio promissionum baptismalium<br />
40. Postea Episcopus interrogat confirmandos, qui omnes simul stant, dicens:<br />
Impositio manuum<br />
41. Deinde Episcopus (habens apud se presbyteros qui ipsi sociantur), stans, manibus<br />
iunctis, versus ad populum, dicit:<br />
Et omnes per aliquod temporis spatium in silentio orant.<br />
42. Deinde Episcopus (et presbyteri qui ipsi sociantur) manus super omnes<br />
confirmandos imponunt. Solus autem Episcopus dicit:
37. If two or three readings are chosen, the traditional order of readings is followed,<br />
that is, from the Old Testament, the Apostle, and the Gospel. After the first and second<br />
reading there should be a psalm or another chant, but in its place sacred silence may also<br />
be observed.<br />
38. After the Gospel the Bishop sits at the seat prepared for him (as do the Priests<br />
who are associated with him). The candidates for Confirmation are presented by the<br />
parish Priest (pastor) or another Priest, or by a Deacon, or even by a catechist, in<br />
accordance with the custom of each region, in this way: if possible, each of those to be<br />
confirmed is called by name and individually approaches the sanctuary; but if they are<br />
children, they are accompanied by one of their sponsors or parents and stand before the<br />
celebrant.<br />
If there are very many candidates, they are not called by name; but they are<br />
assigned to a suitable place before the Bishop. 50<br />
The Homily or Address<br />
39. The Bishop then gives a brief homily, by which, shedding light on the readings,<br />
he leads, as if by hand, those to be confirmed, their sponsors and parents, and the whole<br />
gathering of the faithful to a deeper understanding of the mystery of Confirmation.<br />
He may do so in these or similar words: 51<br />
(no. 39 = no. 22)<br />
The Renewal of Baptismal Promises<br />
40. After the homily the Bishop questions those to be confirmed, who together all<br />
stand, as he says: 52<br />
(no. 40 = no. 23)<br />
The Laying on of hands<br />
41. Then the Bishop (while the Priests associated with him remain by his side)<br />
standing, facing the people, with hands joined, says: 53<br />
(no. 41 = no. 24)<br />
And all pray in silence for a while.<br />
42. Then the Bishop lays hands upon all those to be confirmed (as do the Priests who<br />
are associated with him). But the Bishop alone says: 54<br />
26 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Chrismatio<br />
43. Tunc Episcopo offertur a diacono sanctum Chrisma. Unusquisque<br />
confirmandorum accedit ad Episcopum; vel pro opportunitate ipse Episcopus accedit ad<br />
singulos confirmandos. Qui autem confirmandum præsentavit, ponit manum dexteram<br />
super umerum eius et dicit Episcopo nomen eius, vel confirmandus sua sponte nomen<br />
dicit.<br />
44. Episcopus, summitate pollicis dexteræ manus in Chrismate intincta, ducit pollice<br />
signum crucis in fronte confirmandi, dicens:<br />
Et confirmatus respondet:<br />
Amen.<br />
Episcopus subdit:<br />
Pax tibi.<br />
Confirmatus:<br />
Et cum spiritu tuo.<br />
45. Si autem presbyteri Episcopum adiuvant ad conferendum Sacramentum, omnia<br />
vascula sancti Chrismatis a diacono vel a ministris Episcopo offeruntur, qui ea præbet<br />
unicuique ex presbyteris ad se accedenti.<br />
Confirmandi accedunt ad Episcopum vel ad presbyteros; aut pro opportunitate<br />
Episcopus et presbyteri accedunt ad confirmandos, qui unguntur modo supra descripto (n.<br />
44).<br />
46. Inter unctionem cani potest aliquis cantus aptus. Post unctionem Episcopus (et<br />
presbyteri) lavat manus.<br />
Oratio universalis<br />
47. Sequitur oratio universalis, hac vel simili forma a competente auctoritate statuta<br />
(no. 42 = no. 25)<br />
The Anointing with Chrism<br />
43. The sacred Chrism is brought by the Deacon to the Bishop. Each of those to be<br />
confirmed goes to the Bishop; or, if appropriate, the Bishop goes to each of those to be<br />
confirmed. The one who presented the person to be confirmed places his (her) right hand<br />
on his (her) shoulder and says the name of the one to be confirmed to the Bishop; or the<br />
one to be confirmed alone says his (her) own name. 55<br />
(no. 43 = no. 26)<br />
44. The Bishop dips the tip of his right-hand thumb in the Chrism and, with the<br />
thumb, makes the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of the one to be confirmed, as he<br />
says: 56<br />
(no. 44 = no. 27)<br />
The newly confirmed replies:<br />
Amen.<br />
The Bishop adds:<br />
RM Peace be with you.<br />
The newly confirmed:<br />
RM And with your spirit.<br />
45. If Priests assist the Bishop in conferring the Sacrament, all the vessels of sacred<br />
Chrism are brought to the Bishop by the Deacon or by the ministers. As each of the<br />
Priests comes to the Bishop, he gives each a vessel of Chrism.<br />
Those to be confirmed go to the Bishop or to the Priests; or, if appropriate, the Bishop<br />
and Priests go to those to be confirmed. The anointing is done as described above (no.<br />
44). 57<br />
46. During the anointing a suitable chant may be sung. After the anointing the Bishop<br />
washes his hands (as do the Priests). 58<br />
The Universal Prayer<br />
47. The Universal Prayer follows in this or a similar form determined by the<br />
competent authority. 59<br />
(no. 47 = no. 30)<br />
27 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Recitatio orationis dominicæ<br />
48. Dicitur deinde ab omnibus oratio dominica, quæ ab Episcopo his vel similibus<br />
verbis introduci potest:<br />
Colligamus, dilectissimi, preces nostras,<br />
orantes una simul,<br />
uti Dominus noster Iesus Christus orare nos docuit.<br />
Omnes:<br />
Pater noster, qui es in caelis:<br />
sanctificetur nomen tuum;<br />
adveniat regnum tuum;<br />
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra.<br />
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;<br />
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,<br />
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;<br />
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;<br />
sed libera nos a malo.<br />
Benedictio<br />
49. Postea Episcopus omnes benedicit. Loco benedictionis consuetæ, adhibetur<br />
benedictio, quæ sequitur, vel oratio super populum.<br />
Oratio super populum<br />
Loco formulæ benedictionis prædictæ, adhiberi potest oratio super populum.
The Recitation of the Lord’s Prayer<br />
48. All then say The Lord's Prayer, which may be introduced by the Bishop in these<br />
or similar words:<br />
Dearly beloved, let us gather together our petitions,<br />
praying with one voice,<br />
as our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray.<br />
All:<br />
RM Our Father, who art in heaven,<br />
hallowed be thy name;<br />
thy kingdom come;<br />
thy will be done<br />
on earth as it is in heaven.<br />
Give us this day our daily bread,<br />
and forgive us our trespasses,<br />
as we forgive those who trespass against us,<br />
and lead us not into temptation<br />
but deliver us from evil. 60<br />
The Blessing<br />
49. After this the Bishop blesses all present. Instead of the usual blessing, the<br />
following blessing or Prayer over the People is used. 61<br />
(no. 49 = no. 33)<br />
The Prayer over the People<br />
Instead of the preceding formula of blessing, the Prayer over the People may be<br />
used. 62<br />
(no. 49 = no. 33)<br />
50. Minister extraordinarius, qui, aut ex concessione iuris generalis aut ex peculiari<br />
indulto Sedis Apostolicæ, Confirmationem confert, eundem ritum servat supra<br />
descriptum.<br />
51. Si autem propter multitudinem confirmandorum, aliquos presbyteros ad<br />
sacramentum administrandum sibi sociat, hos eligat, servatis iis quæ supra, n. 8,<br />
statuuntur. Expedit hos presbyteros, si Confirmatio intra Missam conferatur, etiam<br />
Missam cum ipso concelebrare.
50. An extraordinary minister of Confirmation, who confers Confirmation whether by<br />
concession of the general law or by a special indult of the Apostolic See 63 , observes the<br />
rite described above.<br />
51. If, because of the large number of those to be confirmed 64 , he associates with<br />
himself other Priests to administer the Sacrament, he chooses them in accord with no. 8<br />
above. If Confirmation is conferred within Mass, it is desirable 65 that these Priests also<br />
concelebrate the Mass with him.
CAPUT IV<br />
52. Cum maxime consentaneum sit, ut cuiusque baptizati initiatio christiana<br />
sacramentis Confirmationis et Eucharistiæ perficiatur, fideli ægrotanti in mortis periculo<br />
constituto, si rationis usum sit adeptus, suadeatur, ut, antequam Viaticum accipiat,<br />
sacramento etiam Confirmationis roboretur, possibili et necessaria præmissa catechesi.<br />
Confirmatio tamen in periculo mortis et Unctio infirmorum, de more, ritu<br />
continuo non sunt conferendæ.<br />
Puero autem qui rationis usum nondum sit adeptus, Confirmatio conferatur iisdem<br />
principiis ac normis servatis, quæ pro conferendo Baptismate sunt statuta.<br />
53. Quoties adiuncta id permittunt integer ritus servetur, prouti supra describitur.<br />
54. Urgente vero necessitate, Confirmationis minister imponit manus super ægrotum,<br />
dicens:<br />
55. Deinde, summitate pollicis dexteræ manus in Chrismate intincta, ducit pollice<br />
signum crucis in fronte confirmandi, dicens:<br />
N., accipe signaculum Doni Spiritus Sancti.<br />
Et confirmatus, si potest, respondet:<br />
Amen.<br />
Alia elementa præparationis et conclusionis addi possunt, singulis in casibus,<br />
attentis omnibus adiunctis.<br />
56. In extrema autem necessitate, sufficit ut peragatur chrismatio cum formula<br />
sacramentali:<br />
N., accipe signaculum Doni Spiritus Sancti.
IN DANGER <strong>OF</strong> DEATH<br />
52. It is of the greatest importance that the initiation of every baptized Christian be<br />
completed by the Sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist. It is recommended that<br />
the sick person in danger of death, if he (she) has reached the age of reason, should be<br />
strengthened by Confirmation before he (she) receives Viaticum, after the necessary and<br />
possible catechesis.<br />
Nevertheless, Confirmation in danger of death and Anointing of the Sick are<br />
ordinarily not to be conferred in a continuous rite.<br />
In the case of a child who has not yet reached the age of reason, Confirmation is<br />
conferred in accord with the same principles and norms laid down for the conferral of<br />
Baptism.<br />
53. When circumstances permit, the entire rite described above is followed.<br />
54. In case of urgent necessity, the minister of Confirmation lays his hands upon the<br />
sick person, as he says:<br />
(no. 54 = no. 25, except “them” becomes “him [her])<br />
55. Then the minister dips the tip of his right-hand thumb in the Chrism and, with the<br />
thumb, makes the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of the one to be confirmed, as he<br />
says:<br />
N., BE SEALED WITH THE GIFT <strong>OF</strong> THE HOLY SPIRIT.<br />
The newly confirmed replies, if able:<br />
Amen.<br />
Other parts of the preparatory and concluding rites may be added in individual<br />
cases, with due consideration for the circumstances.<br />
56. In case of extreme necessity, it is sufficient that the anointing with Chrism be<br />
done with the sacramental form:<br />
CAPUT V<br />
57. Hæc Missa dicitur, cum colore rubro vel albo, quando in ipsa Missa aut<br />
immediate ante vel post ipsam Missam confertur Confirmatio.<br />
Adhiberi autem potest omnibus diebus, exceptis dominicis Adventus,<br />
Quadragesimæ et Paschæ, sollemnitatibus, atque feriis IV Cinerum et totius Hebdomadæ<br />
sanctæ.<br />
A<br />
58.<br />
Ant. ad introitum Ez 36, 25-26<br />
Dicit Dominus: Effundam super vos aquam mundam, et dabo vobis cor novum, et<br />
spiritum novum ponam in medio vestri.<br />
Collecta<br />
Præsta, quæsumus, omnipotens et misericors Deus,<br />
ut Spiritus Sanctus adveniens<br />
templum nos gloriæ suæ<br />
dignanter inhabitando perficiat.<br />
Per Dominum.<br />
Vel:<br />
Promissionem tuam, quæsumus, Domine,<br />
super nos propitiatus adimple,<br />
ut Spiritus Sanctus adveniens<br />
nos coram mundo testes efficiat<br />
Evangelii Domini nostri Iesu Christi.<br />
Qui tecum vivit.<br />
Aliæ orationes ad libitum, nn. 59, 60.
<strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
I. THE MASS FOR THE CONFERRAL <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
57. This Mass is used, with the color red or white, or a festive color, at the conferral<br />
of Confirmation on days when Ritual Masses are permitted. The Gloria in excelsis (Glory<br />
to God in the highest) is said. The Creed, however, is omitted. 66<br />
A<br />
58.<br />
Entrance Antiphon Ez 36: 25-26<br />
RM Thus says the Lord:<br />
I will pour clean water upon you<br />
and I will give you a new heart;<br />
a new spirit I will put within you (E.T. alleluia). 67<br />
Collect<br />
RM Grant, we pray, almighty and merciful God,<br />
that the Holy Spirit, coming near<br />
and dwelling graciously within us,<br />
may make of us a perfect temple of his glory.<br />
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,<br />
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,<br />
one God, for ever and ever. 68<br />
Or:<br />
RM Fulfill for us your gracious promise, O Lord, we pray,<br />
so that by his coming<br />
the Holy Spirit may make us witnesses before the world<br />
to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,<br />
one God, for ever and ever. 69<br />
Other prayers to be used at choice (nos. 59-60).
31 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Super oblata<br />
Famulorum tuorum, quæsumus, Domine,<br />
suscipe vota clementer, et præsta,<br />
ut, Filio tuo perfectius configurati,<br />
in testimonium eius indesinenter accrescant,<br />
memoriale participiantes redemptionis eius,<br />
qua Spiritum tuum nobis ipse promeruit.<br />
Qui vivit.<br />
Adhiberi potest Praefatio I de Spiritu Sancto, vel II.<br />
Quando adhibetur Canon Romanus, dicitur Hanc igitur proprium:<br />
Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostræ,<br />
sed et cunctæ familiæ tuæ,<br />
quam tibi offerimus pro iis quoque,<br />
quos, Baptismate regeneratos,<br />
confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti,<br />
quæsumus, Domine, ut placatus accipias,<br />
et propitiatus in eis tuam gratiam custodias.<br />
(Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.)<br />
Quando adhibetur Prex eucharistica II post verba …universo clero additur:<br />
Recordare quoque, Domine, famulorum tuorum,<br />
quos hodie donatione Spiritus Sancti<br />
confirmare dignatus es, et eos in gratia tua conserva.<br />
Quando adhibetur Prex eucharistica III post verba …populo acquisitionis tuae additur:<br />
Memento etiam, Domine, famulorum tuorum,<br />
quos, Baptismate regeneratos,<br />
confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti,<br />
et propitiatus in eis tuam gratiam custodi.<br />
Ant. ad communionem Cf. Hebr 6, 4<br />
Quicumque illuminati estis, qui gustastis donum cæleste,<br />
et participes facti estis Spiritus Sancti,<br />
gaudete omnes in Domino.
<strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> MASS<br />
Prayer over the Offerings<br />
RM Receive in your mercy, O Lord,<br />
the prayers of your servants<br />
and grant that, being conformed more perfectly to your Son,<br />
they may grow steadily in bearing witness to him,<br />
as they share in the memorial of his redemption,<br />
by which he gained for us your Holy Spirit.<br />
Through Christ our Lord. 70<br />
Preface I of the Holy Spirit or Preface II may be used.<br />
When the Roman Canon is used, the proper form of the Hanc igitur (Therefore, Lord, we<br />
pray) is said:<br />
RM Therefore, Lord, we pray:<br />
graciously accept this oblation of our service,<br />
that of your whole family,<br />
which we offer you<br />
also for those reborn in Baptism,<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm<br />
by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
and in your mercy, keep safe in them your grace.<br />
(Through Christ our Lord. Amen.) 71<br />
When Eucharistic Prayer II is used, after the words and all the clergy, the following is<br />
added:<br />
RM Remember also, Lord, your servants<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm today<br />
by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
and keep them in your grace. 72<br />
When Eucharistic Prayer III is used, after the words the entire people you have gained for<br />
your own, the following is added:<br />
RM Remember also, Lord,<br />
your servants reborn in Baptism<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm<br />
by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
and in your mercy, keep safe in them your grace. 73<br />
Communion Antiphon Cf. Heb 6: 4<br />
RM Rejoice in the Lord, all you who have been enlightened,<br />
who have tasted the gift from heaven<br />
and have been made sharers in the Holy Spirit (E.T. alleluia). 74<br />
32 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Post communionem<br />
Spiritu Sancto, Domine, perunctos<br />
tuique Filii sacramento nutritos<br />
tua in posterum benedictione prosequere,<br />
ut, omnibus adversitatibus superatis,<br />
Ecclesiam tuam sanctitate lætificent,<br />
eiusque in mundo incrementa<br />
suis operibus et caritate promoveant.<br />
Per Christum.<br />
B<br />
59.<br />
Ant. ad introitum Cf. Rom 5, 5; 8, 11<br />
Caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per inhabitantem Spiritum eius in nobis.<br />
Collecta<br />
Spiritum Sanctum tuum, quæsumus, Domine,<br />
super nos dignanter effunde,<br />
ut omnes, in unitate fidei ambulantes<br />
et caritatis eius fortitudine roborati,<br />
ad mensuram ætatis plenitudinis Christi occurramus.<br />
Per Dominum.<br />
Aliæ orationes ad libitum, nn. 58, 60.<br />
Super oblata<br />
Hos famulos tuos, Domine,<br />
una cum Unigenito tuo benignus admitte,<br />
ut, qui eius cruce spiritalique sunt unctione signati,<br />
se tibi cum ipso iugiter offerentes,<br />
largiorem in dies effusionem tui Spiritus mereantur.<br />
Per Christum.<br />
Adhiberi potest Praefatio I de Spiritu Sancto, vel II.<br />
In Precibus eucharisticae: Intercessiones propriae, no. 58.<br />
Ant. ad communionem Ps 33, 6. 9<br />
Accedite ad Dominum et illuminamini:<br />
gustate et videte quoniam suavis est.
<strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> MASS<br />
Prayer after Communion<br />
RM Accompany with your blessing<br />
from this day forward, O Lord,<br />
those who have been anointed with the Holy Spirit<br />
and nourished by the Sacrament of your Son,<br />
so that, with all trials overcome,<br />
they may gladden your Church by their holiness<br />
and, through their works and their charity,<br />
foster her growth in the world.<br />
Through Christ our Lord. 75<br />
B<br />
59.<br />
Entrance Antiphon Rom 5: 5; cf. 8: 11<br />
RM The love of God has been poured into our hearts<br />
through the Spirit of God dwelling within us (E.T. alleluia). 76<br />
Collect<br />
RM Graciously pour out your Holy Spirit upon us,<br />
we pray, O Lord,<br />
so that, walking in oneness of faith<br />
and strengthened by the power of his love,<br />
we may come to the measure of the full stature of Christ.<br />
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,<br />
one God, for ever and ever. 77<br />
Other prayers to be used at choice (nos. 58, 60).<br />
Prayer over the Offerings<br />
RM Accept graciously these your servants, O Lord,<br />
together with your Only Begotten Son,<br />
so that, signed with his Cross and with a spiritual anointing,<br />
they may constantly offer themselves to you<br />
in union with him<br />
and merit each day a greater outpouring of your Spirit.<br />
Through Christ our Lord. 78<br />
Preface I of the Holy Spirit or Preface II may be used.<br />
In the Eucharistic Prayers there are proper intercessions, (no. 58).<br />
Communion Antiphon Cf. Ps 33: 6, 9<br />
RM Look towards him and be radiant;<br />
let your faces not be abashed.<br />
Taste and see that the Lord is good.<br />
Blessed the man who seeks refuge in him (E.T. alleluia). 79<br />
33 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
Post communionem<br />
Quos tui Spiritus, Domine, cumulasti muneribus,<br />
tuique auxisti Unigeniti nutrimento,<br />
fac etiam in plenitudine legis instructos,<br />
ut coram mundo tuæ libertatem adoptionis<br />
iugiter manifestent<br />
et propheticum tui populi munus<br />
sua valeant sanctitate præbere.<br />
Per Christum.<br />
Collecta<br />
Mentes nostras, quæsumus, Domine,<br />
Paraclitus qui a te procedit illuminet,<br />
et inducat in omnem, sicut tuus promisit Filius, veritatem.<br />
Qui tecum vivit.<br />
Super oblata<br />
Suscipe, quæsumus, Domine, oblationem familiæ tuæ,<br />
ut, qui donum Spiritus Sancti susceperunt,<br />
et collata custodiant, et ad æterna præmia perveniant.<br />
Per Christum.<br />
Post communionem<br />
Spiritum nobis, Domine, tuæ caritatis infunde,<br />
ut, quos uno pane cælesti satiasti,<br />
una facias pietate concordes.<br />
Per Christum.
<strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> MASS<br />
Prayer after Communion<br />
RM Instruct, O Lord, in the fullness of the Law<br />
those you have endowed with the gifts of your Spirit<br />
and nourished by the Body of your Only Begotten Son,<br />
that they may constantly show to the world<br />
the freedom of your adopted children<br />
and, by the holiness of their lives,<br />
exercise the prophetic mission of your people.<br />
Through Christ our Lord. 80<br />
60.<br />
Collect<br />
RM May the Paraclete who proceeds from you,<br />
we pray, O Lord,<br />
enlighten our minds and lead us into all truth,<br />
just as your Son has promised.<br />
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,<br />
one God, for ever and ever. 81<br />
Prayer over the Offerings<br />
RM Accept the oblation of your family,<br />
we pray, O Lord,<br />
that those who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit<br />
may keep safe what they have received<br />
and come to eternal rewards.<br />
Through Christ our Lord. 82<br />
Prayer after Communion<br />
RM Pour on us, O Lord, the Spirit of your love<br />
and, in your kindness,<br />
make those you have nourished by this one heavenly Bread<br />
one in mind and heart.<br />
Through Christ our Lord. 83<br />
34 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
1. Is 11, 1-4 a: « Requiescet super eum Spiritus Domini ».<br />
In die illa: Egredietur virga de radice Iesse ... 4 usque ad mansuetis terræ.<br />
2. Is 42, 1-3: « Dedi Spiritum meum super servum meum ».<br />
Hæc dicit Dominus: Ecce servus meus ...<br />
3. Is 61, 1-3 a. 6 a. 8 b-9: « Unxit me Dominus et evangelizare pauperibus misit me,<br />
et dare eis oleum gaudii ».<br />
Spiritus Domini super me ... 3 usque ad spiritu mæroris. 6 usque ad dicetur vobis. 8 Dabo<br />
opus eorum ...<br />
4. Ez 36, 24-28: « Spiritum novum ponam in medio vestri ».<br />
Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Tollam vos de gentibus ...<br />
5. Ioel 2, 23 a. 26-30 a (Hebr 2, 23 a; 3, 1-3 a): « Super servos meos et ancillas<br />
effundam Spiritum meum ».<br />
Filii Sion, exsultate et lætamini in Domino Deo vestro. Comedetis vescentes ... 30 usque<br />
ad et in terra.<br />
1. Act 1, 3-8: « Accipietis virtutem superveniente Spiritu Sancto in vos, et eritis mihi<br />
testes ».<br />
Apostolis suis præbuit Iesus seipsum vivum post passionem suam ...<br />
2. Act 2, 1-6. 14. 22 b-23. 32-33: « Repleti sunt omnes Spiritu Sancto, et cœperunt<br />
loqui ».<br />
Cum compleretur dies Pentecostes ... 22 Iesum Nazarenum …<br />
3. Act 8, 1. 4. 14-17: « Imposuerunt manus super illos, et appiciebant Spiritum<br />
Sanctum ».<br />
Facta est in illa die persecutio magna ...<br />
4. Act 10, 1. 33-34 a. 37-44: « Cecidit Spiritus Sanctus super omnes qui audiebant<br />
verbum ».<br />
In diebus illis: Vir quidam erat in Cæsarea ... 33 Qui dixit ad Petrum: Misi ad te ... 34<br />
usque ad dixit.<br />
5. Act 19, 1 b-6 a: « Si Spiritum Sanctum accepistis credentes? ».<br />
Factum est ut Paulus veniret Ephesum ... 6 usque ad super nos.<br />
6. Rom 5, 1-2. 5-8: « Caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus vestris per Spiritum<br />
Sanctum qui datus est nobis ».<br />
Fratres: Iustificati ex fide, pacem habemus ad Deum ...<br />
7. Rom 8, 14-17: « Spiritus testimonium reddit una cum spiritu nostro quod sumus<br />
filii Dei ».<br />
Fratres: Quicumque Spiritu Dei aguntur, ii filii Dei sunt ...<br />
8. Rom 8, 26-27: « Ipse Spiritus interpellat gemitibus inenarrabilibus».<br />
Fratres: Spiritus adiuvat infirmitatem nostram ...
The material in this section is taken from nos. 764-768 of the Ordo lectionum<br />
Missae (editio typica altera).<br />
Since different translations of the Ordo lectionum Missae (Lectionary for<br />
Mass) are used in various English-speaking Conferences of Bishops, only the biblical<br />
references are provided in this section for those texts taken from Scripture.<br />
The version of the Headings, Incipits, Psalm Responses, and Alleluia Verses<br />
and Verses before the Gospel approved for use by the Conferences of Bishops are to<br />
be inserted in this section.<br />
1. Isaiah 11: 1-4a<br />
2. Isaiah 42: 1-3<br />
3. Isaiah 61: l-3a, 6a, 8b-9<br />
4. Ezekiel 36: 24-28<br />
5. Joel 2: 23a, 26-30a (Hebrew 2: 23a; 3: 1-3a)<br />
1. Acts 1: 3-8<br />
2. Acts 2: 1-6, 14, 22b-23, 32-33<br />
3. Acts 8: 1, 4, 14-17<br />
4. Acts 10: 1, 33-34a, 37-44<br />
5. Acts 19: 1b-6a<br />
6. Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8<br />
7. Romans 8: 14-17<br />
8. Romans 8: 26-27<br />
35 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
9. 1 Cor 12, 4-13: « Unus et idem Spiritus, dividens singulis prout vult ».<br />
Fratres: Divisiones gratiarum sunt, idem autem Spiritus ...<br />
10. Gal 5, 16-17. 22-23 a. 24-25: « Si vivimus Spiritu, Spiritu et ambulemus ».<br />
Fratres: Spiritu ambulate ... 23 usque ad castitas.<br />
11. Eph 1, 3 a. 4 a. 13-19 a: « Signati estis Spiritu promissionis Sancto ».<br />
Fratres: Benedictus Deus et Pater Domini nostri Iesu Christi: 4 elegit nos in ipso ante<br />
mundi constitutionem. 13 In quo et vos ... 19 usque ad in nos qui credimus.<br />
12. Eph 4, 1-6: « Unum corpus et unus Spiritus, unum baptisma ».<br />
Fratres: Obsecro vos ego, vinctus in Domino ...<br />
1. Ps 21, 23-24. 26-27. 28 et 31-32<br />
R. (23): Narrabo nomen tuum fratribus meis.<br />
vel (Io 15, 26-27): Cum venerit Paraclitus, vos testimonium perhibebitis de me.<br />
2. Ps 22, 1-3 a. 3 b-4. 5-6<br />
R. (l): Dominus pascit me, et nihil mihi deerit.<br />
3. Ps 95, 1-2 a. 2 b-3. 9-10 a. 11-12<br />
R. (3): Annuntiate in omnibus populis mirabilia Dei.<br />
4. Ps 103, 1 ab et 24. 27-28. 30-31. 33-34<br />
R. (30): Emittes Spiritum tuum, Domine, et renovabis faciem terræ.<br />
5. Ps 116, 1. 2<br />
R. (Act 1, 8): Eritis mihi testes usque ad ultimum terræ.<br />
vel Alleluia.<br />
6. Ps 144, 2-3. 4-5. 8-9. 10-11. 15-16. 21<br />
R. (l b): Benedicam nomini tuo, Domine, in sæculum.<br />
1. Io 14, 16: Pater alium Paraclitum dabit vobis, dicit Dominus,<br />
ut maneat vobiscum in æternum.<br />
2. Io 15, 26 b. 27 a: Spiritus veritatis testimonium perhibebit de me, dicit Dominus,<br />
et vos testimonium perhibebitis.<br />
3. Io 16, 13 a; 14, 26 b: Cum venerit Spiritus veritatis, ducet vos in omni veritate;<br />
et suggeret vobis omnia quæ dixi vobis.<br />
4. Ap 1, 5 a. 6: Iesu Christe, testis es fidelis, primogenitus mortuorum,<br />
fecisti nos regnum et sacerdotes Deo et Patri nostro.<br />
5. Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium,<br />
et tui amoris in eis ignem accende.
9. 1 Corinthians 12: 4-13<br />
10. Galatians 5: 16-17, 22-23a, 24-25<br />
11. Ephesians 1: 3a, 4a, 13-19a<br />
12. Ephesians 4: 1-6<br />
1. Psalm 21: 23-24, 26-27, 28 and 31-32<br />
R. (23):<br />
or: (John 15: 26-27):<br />
2. Psalm 22: 1-3a, 3b-4, 5-6<br />
R. (1):<br />
3. Psalm 95: 1-2a, 2b-3, 9-10a, 11-12<br />
R. (3):<br />
4. Psalm 103: 1ab and 24, 27-28, 30-31, 33-34<br />
R. (30):<br />
5. Psalm 116: 1, 2<br />
R. (Acts 1: 8):<br />
or: Alleluia.<br />
6. Psalm 144: 2-3, 4-5, 8-9, 10-11, 15-16, 21<br />
R. (1b):<br />
1. John 14: 16<br />
2. John 15: 26b, 27a<br />
3. John 16: 13a: 14: 26b<br />
4. Revelation 1: 5a, 6<br />
5. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful,<br />
and kindle in them the fire of your love.<br />
36 THE ORDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong><br />
6. Veni, Sancte Spiritus,<br />
et emitte cælitus lucis tuæ radium.<br />
65. EVANGELIA<br />
1. Mt 5, 1-12 a: « Ipsorum est regnum cælorum ».<br />
In illo tempore: Videns Iesus turbas... 12 usque ad copiosa est in cælis.<br />
2. Mt 16, 24-27: « Si quis vult post me venire, abneget semetipsum ».<br />
In illo tempore: Dixit Iesus discipulis suis ...<br />
3. Mt 25, 14-30: « Super pauca fuisti fidelis: intra in gaudium domini tui ».<br />
In illo tempore: Dixit Iesus discipulis suis parabolam hanc: Homo peregre proficiscens ...<br />
4. Mc 1, 9-11: « Vidit Spiritum descendentem in ipsum ».<br />
In diebus illis, venit Iesus a Nazareth Galilææ ...<br />
5. Lc 4, 16-22 a: « Spiritus Domini super me ».<br />
In illo tempore: Venit Iesus Nazareth ... 22 usque ad de ore ipsius.<br />
6. Lc 8, 4-10 a. 11 b-15: « Qui in bonam terram, hi sunt qui verbum retinent et<br />
fructum afferunt in patientia ».<br />
In illo tempore: Cum turba plurima conveniret et de singulis civitatibus properarent ad<br />
Iesum, dixit ... 10 Quibus ipse dixit: 11 Semen est verbum Dei ...<br />
7. Lc 10, 21-24: « Confiteor tibi, Pater, quod revelasti ea parvulis ».<br />
In illo tempore: Exsultavit Iesus Spiritu Sancto ...<br />
8. Io 7, 37 b-39: « Flumina fluent aquæ vivæ ».<br />
In illo tempore: Clamavit Iesus dicens: Si quis sitit ...<br />
9. Io 14, 15-17: « Spiritus veritatis apud vos manebit ».<br />
In illo tempore: Dixit Iesus discipulis suis: Si diligitis me ...<br />
10. Io 14, 23-26: « Spiritus Sanctus vos docebit omnia ».<br />
In illo tempore: Dixit Iesus discipulis suis: Si quis diligit me …<br />
11. Io 15, 18-21. 26-27: « Spiritus veritatis, qui a Patre procedit, testimonium<br />
perhibebit de me ».<br />
In illo tempore: Dixit Iesus discipulis suis: Si mundus vos odit ...<br />
12, Io 16, 5 b-7. 12-13 a (Gr 5-7. 12-13 a): « Spiritus veritatis ducet vos in omni<br />
veritati ».<br />
In illo tempore: Dixit Iesus discipulis suis: Nunc vado ad eum qui me misit ... 13 usque<br />
ad omnem veritatem.
6. Holy Spirit, Lord of Light,<br />
from the clear celestial height,<br />
thy pure beaming radiance give.<br />
1. Matthew 5: 1-12a<br />
2. Matthew 16: 24-27<br />
3. Matthew 25: 14-30<br />
4. Mark 1: 9-11<br />
5. Luke 4: 16-22a<br />
6. Luke 8: 4-10a, 11b-15<br />
7. Luke 10: 21-24<br />
8. John 7: 37b-39<br />
9. John 14: 15-17<br />
10. John 14: 23-26<br />
11. John 15: 18-21, 26-27<br />
12. John 16: 5b-7, 12-13a (Greek 5-7, 12-13a)<br />
INDEX<br />
Decretum Sacræ Congregationis pro Cultu Divino<br />
Constitutio Apostolica de Sacramento Confirmationis<br />
Prænotanda<br />
CAPUT I - Ordo ad Confirmationem intra Missam conferendam<br />
CAPUT II - Ordo ad Confirmationem sine Missa conferendam<br />
CAPUT III - De iis quæ servanda sunt quoties Confirmatio confertur a ministro<br />
extraordinario<br />
CAPUT IV - De Confirmatione ægroto in periculo mortis constituto ministranda<br />
CAPUT V - Textus in conferenda Confirmatione adhibendi
INDEX<br />
Decree of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship.....................................................0<br />
Apostolic Constitution on the Sacrament of Confirmation..................................................0<br />
Introduction .........................................................................................................................0<br />
Chapter I --The Order for the Conferral of Confirmation 84 within Mass .........................00<br />
Chapter II--The Order for the Conferral of Confirmation without Mass ..........................00<br />
Chapter III--Those Things to Be Observed When Confirmation Is Conferred by an<br />
Extraordinary Minister ......................................................................................................00<br />
Chapter IV--Confirmation to Be Administered for a Sick Person in Danger of Death ....00<br />
Chapter V--Texts to Be Used in the Conferral of Confirmation ......................................00
NOTES<br />
General Notes on the Introductory Material<br />
The translation of the Title Page and Decrees conform to that of The Roman Missal<br />
wherever the Latin text is the same. Throughout, the proposed translation distinguishes between<br />
the terms ordo (translated as “order” [cf. Order of Mass and Order of Christian Funerals]) and<br />
ritus (translated as “rite”).<br />
In the Introduction, excerpts from and allusions to ecclesiastical documents (e.g., Conciliar<br />
documents, Code of Canon Law [1983], and Papal and Curial documents) follow, as closely as<br />
possible, the translation found on the Vatican website. Changes in the Praenotanda were<br />
introduced into the Latin text as a result of the issuance of the 1983 Code of Canon Law (cf.<br />
Notitiae, Vol. XIX, 1983, pp. 547-549). These changes are reflected in the translation of the<br />
English text of nos. 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 18. Capitalization adheres to the principles of the Ratio<br />
Translationis for the English language. Finally, Latin terms and phrases in Ordo Confirmationis<br />
that are also found in the Missale Romanum employ the translation in The Roman Missal (2010)<br />
wherever possible.<br />
Abbreviations<br />
The following abbreviations are used in the endnotes:<br />
GIRM General Instruction of the Roman Missal<br />
NJB New Jerusalem Bible<br />
no. number<br />
nos. numbers<br />
NRSV New Revised Standard Version<br />
OC Order of Confirmation<br />
OM The Order of Mass in The Roman Missal (2010)<br />
RM The Roman Missal (2010)<br />
RNAB Revised New American Bible<br />
RSV Revised Standard Version<br />
The Roman Missal references in parentheses, e.g., (R2530pc) are the number assigned to<br />
the text in the concordance of the Missale Romanum (2002).<br />
Endnotes<br />
The endnotes provide information regarding the repetition of phrases and texts within the<br />
OC, references to phrases and texts in RM, and indications of the scriptural allusions used within<br />
those ritual texts not also contained in RM.<br />
1 Title in RM, Ritual Masses reads, "For the Conferral of Confirmation."<br />
2 Cf. GIRM, no. 43, ad normam iuris: “in accordance with the law.”<br />
3 Cf. OC, no. 8.<br />
4 etiam.
NOTES<br />
5 Cf. RM, Thursday of the Lord's Supper, no. 9.<br />
6 As translated in GIRM, no. 303; cf. also GIRM, nos. 310 and 361.<br />
7 Cf. Acts 2:32, 33, and 38 (RNAB: “God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses. Exalted at the right<br />
hand of God, he received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father and poured it forth as you both see<br />
and hear…Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of<br />
your sins: and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”).<br />
8 Cf. Acts 19:6: (RSV: “And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them; and<br />
they spoke with tongues and prophesied”; RNAB and NRSV read the same except for “upon” instead of<br />
“on”: “the Holy Spirit came upon them.”)<br />
9 Cf. Romans 5:5: (RSV God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been<br />
given to us”; NRSV and RNAB read, “that has been given to us”).<br />
10 Cf. Ephesians 4:3-8 and 11-13. Cf. also 1 Corinthians 12:4-12.<br />
11 Cf. Romans 8:26-27. (RNAB “In the same way the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we<br />
do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And the<br />
one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones<br />
according to God’s will.”)<br />
12<br />
Cf. 2 Corinthians 1:22 (RSV “he [God] has put his seal upon us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a<br />
guarantee”).<br />
13 Cf. Romans 8:29. (RNAB “For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of<br />
his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”)<br />
14 Cf. Ephesians 1:22-23. (RNAB “and he put all things beneath his feet and gave him as head over all<br />
things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way.”) Cf. also<br />
Ephesians 5:29-30 (RNAB “for no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes it and cherishes it, even as<br />
Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.”) and Colossians 1:19 and 24 (RNAB “For in<br />
him all the fullness was pleased to dwell…I am now rejoicing in my sufferings for your sake, and in my<br />
flesh I am completing what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church.”)<br />
15 Cf. Luke 4: 1,18<br />
16 Cf. 2 Corinthians 2: 14-15. (NRSV “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal<br />
procession and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing him. For we are<br />
the aroma of Christ to God…”)<br />
17 Cf. Ephesians 4:11-13. (RNAB “And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists,<br />
others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of<br />
Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and knowledge of the son of God…”)<br />
18 Cf. Matthew 20:28 (RNAB “Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give<br />
his life as a ransom for many.”); and Mark 10:45. (RNAB “For the Son of Man did not come to be served<br />
but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”)<br />
19 In the Renewal of Baptismal Promises RM (P6321s) translates the phrase Et omnibus pompis eius as<br />
“And all his empty show,” but the phrase in OC, reads, et seductionibus eius. RM translates the phrase<br />
seductionibus iniquitatis as “the lure of evil.”<br />
20 Cf., e.g., no. 5, OM in which “reply” is used to translate respondent.<br />
21 Cf. GIRM, no. 303: cf. also GIRM, nos. 310 and 361.<br />
22 For translation of licet, as “it is permitted” cf. GIRM, no. 149.<br />
23 For translation of habens apud se as “remain by his side” cf. the Rite of Ordination of a Bishop, no. 47,<br />
which reads, “[and the ordaining Bishops…] remain by his side.”<br />
NOTES<br />
24 Cf. RM (R2402bs), Solemn Blessing for the Ritual Mass I., 4. For the Conferral of Confirmation, and<br />
OC, no. 33, which translates filios adoptionis suae as “his adopted sons and daughters.”<br />
25 Cf. RM (M1367pe) nos… imagini Filii tui conformes fieri concede, which is translated, “grant that we<br />
may be conformed to the image of your Son.” Cf. also Christo meruit conformari RM (D3145co), which is<br />
translated, “was found worthy to be conformed to Christ.” Cf. also Romans 8:29 (RSV: “For those whom<br />
he foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he may be the firstborn<br />
among many brethren”; RNAB, the same, except “brothers” instead of “brethren.”).<br />
26 Cf. OM, nos. 9 and 139.<br />
27 Cf. Romans 15:6 (RNAB “that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of<br />
our Lord Jesus Christ”); cf. also 2 Corinthians 1:3; Ephesians 1:3; Colossians 1:3; 1 Peter 1:3.<br />
28 regenerasti ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto: this same phrase is used in RM (R2385pe) and reads, “you have<br />
brought to new birth by water and the Holy Spirit.”<br />
29 Cf. second edition of Catechism of the Catholic Church, no 1831, which reads, “The seven gifts of the<br />
Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.”<br />
30 Cf. OM, no. 2.<br />
31 Cf. OM, no. 2.<br />
32 Cf. Ephesians 3:16-17 (RNAB: “that he may grant you…to be strengthened with power through his<br />
Spirit …and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, rooted and grounded in love, may<br />
have strength…”).<br />
33 Cf. RM (V2741co), Mass 14, For Vocations to Religious Life, which translates ad Filii tui vestigia<br />
pressius sequenda as “to follow more closely in the footsteps of your Son.”<br />
34<br />
Cf. RM (P893co), Wednesday after the Seventh Sunday of Easter, which translates congregata Spiritu<br />
Sancto as “gathered by the Holy Spirit.”<br />
35 The last three lines of the Latin text are the same as RM (Y3014co), Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit C,<br />
which are translated, “so that your divine grace, which was at work when the Gospel was first proclaimed,<br />
may now spread through the hearts of those who believe in you.”<br />
36 Cf. GIRM, no. 73.<br />
37 Same rubric as RM, Ritual Mass I., 4, For the Conferral of Confirmation.<br />
38 The rubric has been rewritten to account for the additional texts provided in RM, Ritual Mass I., 4. For<br />
the Conferral of Confirmation, for Eucharistic Prayers II and III.<br />
39 This follows the wording for the rubric in the OM, with the exception of “the minister of Confirmation.”<br />
40 This rubric is taken from RM, though no rubric appears in OC.<br />
41 Same as RM (R2402bs).<br />
42 This rubric and text have been changed to reflect the change in the Latin text of RM.<br />
43 This follows the wording for the rubric in the OM, with the exception of “the minister of Confirmation.”<br />
44 Same as RM (R2403sp).<br />
45 For translation of congregatis cf. OM, no. 1.<br />
46 Cf. GIRM, no. 62.<br />
47 Cf. OM, no. 1.<br />
48 For translation of coetum congregatum cf. GIRM, no. 110.<br />
49 Same as RM (P888co), except for conclusion.<br />
NOTES<br />
50 Cf. OC, no. 21 in Latin and in English.<br />
51 Cf. OC, no. 22.<br />
52 Cf. OC, no. 23.<br />
53 Cf. OC, no. 24.<br />
54 Cf. OC, no. 25.<br />
55 Cf. OC, no. 26.<br />
56 Cf. OC, no. 27.<br />
57 Cf. OC, no. 28.<br />
58 Cf. OC, no. 29.<br />
59 Cf. OC, no. 30.<br />
60 Same text as OM, no. 124.<br />
61 Cf. OC, no. 33.<br />
62 Cf. OC, no. 33.<br />
63 Cf. OC, no. 18.<br />
64 Cf. OC, no. 8.<br />
65 For translation of expedit cf. GIRM, no. 311.<br />
66 Cf. RM, Introduction to Ritual Mass I., 4, For the Conferral of Confirmation.<br />
67 Same as RM (R2393ai).<br />
68 Same as RM (P888co).<br />
69 Same as RM (R2395co).<br />
70 Same as RM (R2396so).<br />
71 Same as RM (R2397pe).<br />
72 Same as RM (R2398pe).<br />
73 Same as RM (R2399pe).<br />
74 Same as RM (R2400am).<br />
75 Same as RM (R2401pc).<br />
76 Same as RM (R2404ai).<br />
77 Same as RM (R2405co).<br />
78 Same as RM (R2406so).<br />
79 Same as RM (R2407am).<br />
80 Same as RM (R2408pc).<br />
81 Same as RM (R2409co).<br />
82 Same as RM (R2410so).<br />
83 Same as RM (O937pc).<br />
84 Title in RM, Ritual Masses reads, “For the Conferral of Confirmation.”<br />
Confirmation Concordance: Latin and English<br />
The following list of Latin words arranged in alphabetical order provides a concordance of those key<br />
terms from the Missale Romanum (2002, 2008) used in the nineteen texts that appear in Ritual Masses:<br />
4. For the Conferral of Confirmation. Each entry provides the Latin word and its corresponding English<br />
translation within the context of the syntactical unit in which it appears. Many of these same words<br />
appear in the non Missal texts in Ordo Confirmationis (Order of Confirmation).<br />
accedite<br />
Accedite ad Dominum et illuminamini: R2407am<br />
Look towards him and be radiant;<br />
accendit<br />
Benedicat vos Spiritus Sanctus, qui ignem caritatis in cordibus discipulorum accendit, R2402bs<br />
May the Holy Spirit, who kindles the fire of charity in the hearts of disciples,<br />
accrescant<br />
ut, Filio tuo perfectius configurati, in testimonium eius indesinenter accrescant, R2396so<br />
that, being conformed more perfectly to your Son, they may grow steadily in bearing witness to<br />
him,<br />
adimple<br />
Promissionem tuam, quaesumus, Domine, super nos propitiatus adimple, R2395co<br />
Fulfill for us your gracious promise, O Lord, we pray,<br />
admitte<br />
Hos famulos tuos, Domine, una cum Unigenito tuo benignus admitte, R2406so<br />
Accept graciously these your servants, O Loerd,<br />
adoptionis<br />
qui vos, ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto renatos, filios suae adoptionis effecit, R2402bs<br />
whom he has made his adopted sons and daughters, reborn from water and the Holy Spirit,<br />
ut coram mundo tuae libertatem adoptionis iugiter manifestent, R2408pc<br />
that they may constantly show to the world the freedom of your adopted children<br />
adveniens<br />
ut Spiritus Sanctus adveniens templum nos gloriae suae dignanter inhabitando perficiat.<br />
R2394co<br />
that the Holy Spirit, coming near and dwelling graciously within us, may make of us a perfect<br />
temple of his glory.<br />
ut Spiritus Sanctus adveniens nos coram mundo testes efficiat. R2395co<br />
so that by his coming the holy Spirit may make us witnesses before the world<br />
adversitatibus<br />
ut, omnibus adversitatibus superatis, Ecclesiam tuam sanctitate laetificent, R2401pc<br />
so that, with all trials overcome, they may gladden your Church by their holiness<br />
aetatis<br />
ut … ad mensuram aetatis plenitudinis Christi occurramus. R2405co<br />
so that…we may come to the measure of the full stature of Christ.<br />
ambulantes<br />
ut omnes, in unitate fidei ambulantes, et caritatis eius fortitudine roborati, R2405co<br />
so that, walking in oneness of faith and strengthened by the power of his love,<br />
auxisti<br />
Quos tui Spiritus, Domine, cumulasti muneribus, tuique auxisti Unigeniti nutrimento, R2408pc<br />
those you have endowed with the gifts of your Spirit and nourished by the Body of your Only<br />
Begotten Son,<br />
N.B. “nourished” translates two words here, auxisti and nutrimento.<br />
benedictione<br />
Spiritu Sancto, Domine, perunctos tuique Filii sacramento nutritos tua in<br />
posterum benedictione prosequere, R2401pc<br />
Accompany with your blessing from this day forward those who have been anointed with the<br />
Holy Spirit and nourished by the Sacrament of your Son,<br />
benignus<br />
Hos famulos tuos, Domine, una cum Unigenito tuo benignus admitte, R2406so<br />
Accept graciously these your servants, O Lord, together with your Only Begotten Son,<br />
caritas<br />
Caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus R2404ai<br />
The love of God has been poured into our hearts<br />
caritate<br />
eiusque in mundo incrementa suis operibus et caritate promoveant. R2401pc<br />
and, through their works and their charity, foster her growth in the world.<br />
et mandata eius devota caritate perficiant. R2403sp<br />
and by devoted charity may they ever fulfill his commands.<br />
caritatis<br />
qui ignem caritatis in cordibus discipulorum accendit, R2402bs<br />
who kindles the fire of charity in the hearts of disciples,<br />
ut…,in unitate fidei ambulantes, et caritatis eius fortitudine roborati, R2405co<br />
so that, walking in oneness of faith and strengthened by the power of his love,<br />
Spiritum nobis, Domine, tuae caritatis infunde, R2411pc<br />
Pour on us, O Lord, the Spirit of your love<br />
clementer<br />
Famulorum tuorum, quaesumus, Domine, suscipe vota clementer, R2396so<br />
Receive in your mercy, O Lord, the prayers of your servants<br />
collata<br />
ut, qui donum Spiritus Sancti susceperunt, et collata custodiant, R2410so<br />
that those who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit may keep safe what they have received<br />
concordes<br />
ut, quos uno pane caelesti satiasti, una facias pietate concordes. R2411pc<br />
and, in your kindness, make those you have nourished by this one heavenly Bread one in mind<br />
and heart.<br />
confessione<br />
et vos in confessione verae fidei sua virtute confirmet. R2402bs<br />
and confirm you by his power in the confession of the true faith.<br />
configurati<br />
ut, Filio tuo perfectius configurati, R2396so<br />
that, being conformed more perfectly to your Son,<br />
confirma<br />
Confirma hoc, Deus, quod operatus es in nobis, R2403sp<br />
Confirm, O God, what you have brought about in us,<br />
confirmare<br />
quos, Baptismate regeneratos, confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti, R2397pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
quos hodie donatione Spiritus Sancti confirmare dignatus es, R2398pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm today by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
quos … confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti, R2399pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm by bestowing the Holy Spirit<br />
confirmet<br />
et vos in confessione verae fidei sua virtute confirmet. R2402bs<br />
and confirm you by his power in the confession of the true faith.<br />
confiteri<br />
ut et Christum crucifixum coram mundo confiteri non erubescant, R2403sp<br />
may they never be ashamed to confess Christ crucified before the world<br />
congregatos<br />
et vos, in unum congregatos, ad gaudium regni Dei sine offensione perducat. R2402bs<br />
and lead you blameless and gathered as one into the joy of the Kingdom of God.<br />
conserva<br />
et eos in gratia tua conserva. R2398pe<br />
and keep them in your grace.<br />
cordibus<br />
qui ignem caritatis in cordibus discipulorum accendit, R2402bs<br />
who kindles the fire of charity in the hearts of disciples,<br />
et Spiritus Sancti dona in cordibus tuorum custodi fidelium, R2403sp<br />
and preserve in the hearts of your faithful the gifts of the Holy Spirit;<br />
Caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris R2404ai<br />
The love of God has been poured into our hearts<br />
cruce<br />
ut, qui eius cruce spiritalique sunt unctione signati, R2406so<br />
so that, signed with his Cross and with a spiritual anointing,<br />
crucifixum<br />
ut et Christum crucifixum coram mundo confiteri non erubescant, R2403sp<br />
may they never be ashamed to confess Christ crucified before the world<br />
cumulasti<br />
Quos tui Spiritus … cumulasti muneribus, R2408pc<br />
those you have endowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit<br />
custodi<br />
et propitiatus in eis tuam gratiam custodi. R2399pe<br />
and, in your mercy, keep safe in them your grace.<br />
et Spiritus Sancti dona in cordibus tuorum custodi fidelium, R2403sp<br />
and preserve iin the hearts of your faithful the gifts of the Holy Spirit:<br />
custodiant<br />
ut, qui donum Spiritus Sancti susceperunt, et collata custodiant, R2410so<br />
that those who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit may keep safe what they have received<br />
custodiat<br />
et dignos sua paterna dilectione custodiat. R2402bs<br />
and may he keep you wortrhy of his fatherly love.<br />
devota<br />
et mandata eius devota caritate perficiant. R2403sp<br />
and by devoted charity may they ever fulfill his commands.<br />
dies<br />
largiorem in dies effusionem tui Spiritus mereantur. R2406so<br />
and merit each day a greater outpouring of your Spirit.<br />
diffusa<br />
Caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris R2404ai<br />
The love of God has been poured into our hearts<br />
dignanter<br />
Spiritum Sanctum tuum, quaesumus, Domine, super nos dignanter effunde, R2405co<br />
Graciously pour out your Spirit upon us, O Lord,<br />
N.B. quaesumus is not translated in this prayer<br />
dignatus<br />
quos … confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti, R2397pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
quos hodie donatione Spiritus Sancti confirmare dignatus es,. R2398pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm today by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
quos …confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti, R2399pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
dignos<br />
et dignos sua paterna dilectione custodiat. R2402bs<br />
and may he keep you worthy of his fatherly love.<br />
dilectione<br />
et dignos sua paterna dilectione custodiat. R2402bs<br />
and may he keep you worthy of his fatherly love.<br />
discipulorum<br />
qui ignem caritatis in cordibus discipulorum accendit, R2402bs<br />
who kindles the fire of charity in the hearts of disciples,<br />
dona<br />
et Spiritus Sancti dona in cordibus tuorum custodi fidelium, R2403sp<br />
and preserve in the hearts of your faithful the gifts of the Holy Spirit;<br />
donatione<br />
quos … confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti, quaesumus, Domine, R2397pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
quos hodie donatione Spiritus Sancti confirmare dignatus es, R2398pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm today by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
quos … confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti, R2399pe<br />
whom you have been pleased to confirm by bestowing the Holy Spirit,<br />
donum<br />
qui gustavistis donum caeleste, R2400am<br />
who have tasted the gift from heaven<br />
qui donum Spiritus Sancti susceperunt, R2410so<br />
those who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit,<br />
efficiat<br />
ut Spiritus Sanctus adveniens nos coram mundo testes efficiat Evangelii Domini nostri Iesu<br />
Christi R2395co<br />
so that by his coming the Holy Spirit may make us witnesses before the world to the Gospel of<br />
our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />
effunde<br />
Spiritum Sanctum tuum, quaesumus, Domine, super nos dignanter effunde, R2405co<br />
Graciously pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, we pray, O Lord,<br />
effusionem<br />
largiorem in dies effusionem tui Spiritus mereantur. R2406so<br />
and merit each day a greater outpouring of your Spirit.<br />
erubescant<br />
ut et Christum crucifixum coram mundo confiteri non erubescant, R2403sp<br />
may they never be ashamed to confess Christ crucified before the world<br />
facias<br />
ut, quos uno pane caelesti satiasti, una facias pietate concordes. R2411pc<br />
and, in your kindness, make those you have nourished by this one heavenly Bread one in mind<br />
and heart.<br />
familiae<br />
sed et cunctae familiae tuae, R2397pe<br />
that of your whole family,<br />
Suscipe, quaesumus, Domine, oblationem familiae tuae, R2410so<br />
Acceopt the oblation of your family, we pray, O Lord,<br />
famulorum<br />
Famulorum tuorum, quaesumus, Domine, suscipe vota clementer, R2396so<br />
Receive in your mercy, O Lord, the prayers of your servants<br />
Recordare quoque, Domine, famulorum tuorum, R2398pe<br />
Remember also, Lord, your servants<br />
Memento etiam, Domine, famulorum tuorum, R2399pe<br />
Remember also, Lord, your servants<br />
famulos<br />
Hos famulos tuos, Domine, una cum Unigenito tuo benignus admitte, R2406so<br />
Accept graciously these your servants, O Lord, together with your Only Begotten Son,<br />
fidei<br />
et vos in confessione verae fidei sua virtute confirmet. R2402bs<br />
and confirm you by his power in the confession of the true faith.<br />
in unitate fidei ambulantes, R2405co<br />
walking in oneness of faith,<br />
fidelium<br />
et Spiritus Sancti dona in cordibus tuorum custodi fidelium, R2403sp<br />
and preserve in the hearts of your faithful the gifts of the Holy Spirit;<br />
filios<br />
qui vos,…, filios suae adoptionis efficit, R2402bs<br />
whom he has made his adopted sons and daughters,<br />
gaudium<br />
et vos, in unum congregatos, ad gaudium regni Dei sine offensione perducat. R2402bs<br />
ans lead you blameless and gathered as one into the joy of the Kingdom of God.<br />
gratia<br />
et eos in gratia tua conserva. R2398pe<br />
and keep them in your grace.<br />
gratiam<br />
et propitiatus in eis tuam gratiam custodias. R2397pe<br />
and, in your mercy, keep safe in them your grace.<br />
et propitiatus in eis tuam gratiam custodi. R2399pe<br />
and, in your mercy, keep safe in them your grace.<br />
gustate<br />
gustate et videte quoniam suavis est. R2407am<br />
Taste and see that the Lord is good,<br />
gustavistis<br />
qui gustavistis donum caeleste, R2400am<br />
who have tasted the gift of heaven<br />
ignem<br />
qui ignem caritatis in cordibus discipulorum accendit, R2402bs<br />
who kindles the fire of charity in the hearts of disciples,<br />
illuminamini<br />
Accedite ad Dominum et illuminamini: R2407am<br />
Look towards him and be radiant;<br />
illuminati<br />
Quicumque illuminati estis, R2400am<br />
all you who have been enlightened,<br />
illuminet<br />
Mentes nostras, quaesumus, Domine, Paraclitus qui a te procedit illuminet, R2409co<br />
May the Paraclete who proceeds from you, we pray, O Lord, enlighten our minds<br />
incrementa<br />
ut…eiusque in mundo incrementa suis operibus et caritate promoveant. R2401pc<br />
so that … ,through their works and their charity, foster her growth in the world.<br />
inducat<br />
et inducat in omnem … veritatem, R2409co<br />
and lead us into all truth,<br />
infunde<br />
Spiritum nobis, Domine, tuae caritatis infunde, R2411pc<br />
Pour on us, O Lord, the Spirit of your love<br />
inhabitando<br />
ut Spiritus Sanctus adveniens templum nos gloriae suae dignanter inhabitando perficiat.<br />
R2394co<br />
that the Holy Spirit, coming near and dwelling graciously within us, may make of us a perfect<br />
temple of his glory.<br />
inhabitantem<br />
per inhabitantem Spiritum eius in nobis. R2404ai<br />
through the Spirit of God dwelling within us.<br />
instructos<br />
fac etiam in plenitudine legis instructos, R2408pc<br />
Instruct, O Lord, in the fullness of the Law<br />
N.B.: “instruct” translates fac…instructos.<br />
iugiter<br />
se tibi cum ipso iugiter offerentes, R2406so<br />
they may constantly offer themselves to you<br />
ut coram mundo tuae libertatem adoptionis iugiter manifestent, R2408pc<br />
that they may constantly show to the world the freedom of your adopted children<br />
laetificent<br />
ut …Ecclesiam tuam sanctitate laetificent, R2401pc<br />
so that, …, they may gladden your Church by their holiness<br />
largiorem<br />
ut ... largiorem in dies effusionem tui Spiritus mereantur. R2406so<br />
and merit each day a greater outpouring of your Spirit.<br />
legis<br />
fac etiam in plenitudine legis instructos, R2408pc<br />
Instruct, O Lord, in the fullness of the Law<br />
libertatem<br />
ut coram mundo tuae libertatem adoptionis iugiter manifestent, R2408pc<br />
that they may constantly show to the world the freedom of your adopted children<br />
mandata<br />
et mandata eius devota caritate perficiant. R2403sp<br />
and by devoted charity may they ever fulfill his commands.<br />
manifestent<br />
ut coram mundo tuae libertatem adoptionis iugiter manifestent, R2408pc<br />
that they may constantly show to the world the freedom of your adopted children<br />
mansurum<br />
qui Spiritum veritatis in Ecclesiam mansurum esse promisit, R2402bs<br />
who promised that the Spirit of truth would abide in the Church,<br />
memoriale<br />
memoriale participantes redemptionis eius, R2396so<br />
as they share in the memorial of his redemption,<br />
mensuram<br />
ut … ad mensuram aetatis plenitudinis Christi occurramus. R2405co<br />
so that … we may come to the measure of the sull stature of Christ.<br />
mentes<br />
Mentes nostras, quaesumus, Domine, Paraclitus qui a te procedit illuminet, R2409co<br />
May the Paraclete who proceeds from you, we pray, O Lord, enlighten our minds<br />
meraentur<br />
ut … largiorem in dies effusionem tui Spiritus mereantur. R2406so<br />
and merit each day a greater outpouring of your Spirit.<br />
muneribus<br />
Quos tui Spiritus … cumulasti muneribus, R2408pc<br />
those you have endowed with the gifts of your Spirit<br />
munus<br />
et propheticum tui populi munus sua valeant sanctitate praebere. R2408pc<br />
and, by the holiness of their lives, exercise the prophetic mission of your people.<br />
nutrimento<br />
tuique auxisti Unigeniti nutrimento, R2408pc<br />
and nourished by the Body of your Only Begotten Son<br />
N.B. “nourished translates auxisti…nutrimento.<br />
nutritos<br />
Spiritu Sancto, Domine, perunctos tuique Filii sacramento nutritos tua in posterum benedictione<br />
prosequere, R2401pc<br />
Accompany with your blessing from this day forward those who have been anointed with the<br />
Holy Spirit and nourished by the Sacrament of your son,<br />
oblationem<br />
Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae, …quaesumus, Domine, ut placatus accipias, R2397pe<br />
Therefore, Lord, we pray, graciously accept this oblation of our service,<br />
Suscipe, quaesumus, Domine, oblationem familiae tuae, R2410so<br />
Accept the oblation of your family, we pray, O Lord,<br />
occuramus<br />
ut … ad mensuram aetatis plenitudinis Christi occurramus. R2405co<br />
so that … we may come to the measure of the full stature of Christ,<br />
offensione<br />
et vos, in unum congregatos, ad gaudium regni Dei sine offensione perducat. R2402bs<br />
and lead you blameless and gathered as one into the joy of the Kingdom of God.<br />
offerentes<br />
se tibi cum ipso iugiter offerentes, lR2406so<br />
they may constantly offer themselves to you in union with him<br />
operatus<br />
Confirma hoc, Deus, quod operatus es in nobis, R2403sp<br />
Confirm, O God, what you have brought about in us.<br />
operibus<br />
eiusque in mundo incrementa suis operibus et caritate promoveant. R2401pc<br />
and, through their works and their charity, foster her growth in the world.<br />
pane<br />
quos uno pane caelesti satiasti, R2411pc<br />
those you have nourished by this one heavenly Bread<br />
paraclitus<br />
Mentes nostras, quaesumus, Domine, Paraclitus qui a te procedit illuminet, R2409co<br />
May the Paraclete who proceeds from you, we pray, O Lord, enlighten our minds<br />
participes<br />
et participes facti estis Spiritus Sancti, R2400am<br />
and have been made sharers in the Holy Spirit<br />
paterna<br />
et dignos sua paterna dilectione custodiat. R2402bs<br />
and may he keep you worthy of his fatherly love.<br />
perducat<br />
et vos, in unum congregatos, ad gaudium regni Dei sine offensione perducat. R2402bs<br />
and lead you blameless and gathered as one into the joy of the Kingdom of God.<br />
perfectius<br />
et praesta, ut, Filio tuo perfectius configurati, R2396so<br />
and grant that, being conformed more perfectly to your Son,<br />
perficiant<br />
et mandata eius devota caritate perficiant. R2403sp<br />
and by devoted charity may they fulfill his commands.<br />
perficiat<br />
ut Spiritus Sanctus adveniens templum nos gloriae suae dignanter inhabitando perficiat.<br />
R2394co<br />
that the Holy Spirit, coming near and dwelling graciously within us, may make us a perfect<br />
temple of his glory.<br />
perunctos<br />
Spiritu Sancto, Domine, perunctos tuique Filii sacramento nutritos tua in posterum benedictione<br />
prosequere, R2401pc<br />
Accompany with your blessing from this day forward, O Lord, those who have been anointed<br />
with the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Sacrament of Your Son,<br />
perveniant<br />
et ad aeterna praemia perveniant. R2410so<br />
and come to eternal rewards.<br />
pietate<br />
ut, quos uno pane caelesti satiasti, una facias pietate concordes. R2411pc<br />
and, in your kindness, make those you have nourished by the one heavenly Bread one in mind<br />
and heart.<br />
plenitudine<br />
fac etiam in plenitudine legis instructos, R2408pc<br />
Instruct, O Lord, in the fullness of the Law<br />
plenitudinis<br />
ut … ad mensuram aetatis plenitudinis Christi occurramus. R2405co<br />
so that …we may come to the measure of the full stature of Christ.<br />
posterum<br />
tua in posterum benedictione prosequere, R2401pc<br />
Accompany with your blessing from this day forward,<br />
praebere<br />
et propheticum tui populi munus sua valeant sanctitate praebere. R2408pc<br />
and, by the holiness of their lives, exercise the prophetic mission of your people.<br />
praemia<br />
et ad aeterna praemia perveniant. R2410so<br />
and come to eternal rewards.<br />
procedit<br />
Paraclitus qui a te procedit R2409co<br />
May the Paraclete who proceeds from you,<br />
promeruit<br />
qua Spiritum tuum nobis ipse promeruit. R2396so<br />
by which he gained for us your Holy Spirit.<br />
promisit<br />
qui Spiritum veritatis in Ecclesiam mansurum esse promisit, R2402bs<br />
who promised that the Spirit of truth would abide in his Church,<br />
sicut tuus promisit Filius, R2409co<br />
just as your Son has promised.<br />
promissionem<br />
Promissionem tuam, quaesumus, Domine, super nos propitiatus adimple, R2395co<br />
Fulfill for us your gracious promise, O Lord, we pray,<br />
promoveant<br />
eiusque in mundo incrementa suis operibus et caritate promoveant. R2401pc<br />
and, through their works and their charity, foster her growth in the world.<br />
propheticum<br />
et propheticum tui populi munus sua valeant sanctitate praebere. R2408pc<br />
and, by the holiness of their lives, exercise the prophetic mission of your people.<br />
propitiatus<br />
Promissionem tuam, quaesumus, Domine, super nos propitiatus adimple, R2395co<br />
Fulfill for us your gracious promise, O Lord, we pray,<br />
et propitiatus in eis tuam gratiam custodias. R2397pe<br />
and in your mercy, keep safe in them your grace.<br />
et propitiatus in eis tuam gratiam custodi. R2399pe<br />
and in your mercy, keep safe in them your grace.<br />
prosequere<br />
tua in posterum benedictione prosequere, R2401pc<br />
Accompany with your blessing from this day forward<br />
egeneratos<br />
quos, Baptismate regeneratos, confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus Sancti, R2397pe<br />
also for those reborn in Baptism, whom you have been pleased to confirm by bestowing the<br />
Holy Spirit,<br />
famulorum tuorum, quos, Baptismate regeneratos, confirmare dignatus es donatione Spiritus<br />
Sancti, R2399pe<br />
your servants reborn in Baptism whom you have been pleased to confirm by bestowing the Holy<br />
Spirit,<br />
regni<br />
et vos, in unum congregatos, ad gaudium regni Dei sine offensione perducat. R2402bs<br />
and lead you blameless and gathered as one into the joy of the Kingdom of God.<br />
renatos<br />
qui vos,ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto renatos, filios suae adoptionis effecit, R2402bs<br />
whom he made his adopted sons and daughters reborn from water and the Holy Spirit,<br />
roborati<br />
et caritatis eius fortitudine roborati, R2405co<br />
and strengthened by the power of his love.<br />
sacramento<br />
Spiritu Sancto … perunctos tuique Filii sacramento nutritos R2401pc<br />
those who have been anointed with the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Sacrament of your Son,<br />
sanctitate<br />
ut … Ecclesiam tuam sanctitate laetificent, R2401pc<br />
so that … they may gladden your Church by their holiness<br />
et propheticum tui populi munus sua valeant sanctitate praebere. R2408pc<br />
and, by the holiness of their lives, exercise the prophetic mission of your people.<br />
satiati<br />
ut, quos uno pane caelesti satiasti, una facias pietate concordes. R2411pc<br />
make those you have nourished by this one heavenly Bread one in mind and heart.<br />
signati<br />
ut, qui eius cruce spiritalique sunt unctione signati, R2406so<br />
so that, signed with his Cross and with a spiritual anointing,<br />
spiritalique<br />
ut, qui eius cruce spiritalique sunt unctione signati, R2406so<br />
so that, signed with his Cross and with a spiritual anointing,<br />
suavis<br />
gustate et videte quoniam suavis est. R2407am<br />
Taste and see that the Lord is good.<br />
superatis<br />
ut, omnibus adversitatibus superatis, R2401pc<br />
so that, with all trials overcome,<br />
susceperunt<br />
ut, qui donum Spiritus Sancti susceperunt, R2410so<br />
that those who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit<br />
suscipe<br />
Famulorum tuorum, quaesumus, Domine, suscipe vota clementer, R2396so<br />
Receive in your mercy, O Lord, the prayers of your servants<br />
Suscipe, quaesumus, Domine, oblationem familiae tuae, R2410so<br />
Accept the oblation of your family, we pray, O Lord,<br />
testimonium<br />
ut … in testimonium eius indesinenter accrescant, R2396so<br />
that … they may grow steadily in bearing witness to him,<br />
unctione<br />
ut, qui eius cruce spiritalique sunt unctione signati, R2406so<br />
so that, signed with his Cross and and with a spiritual anointing,<br />
unigeniti<br />
tuique auxisti Unigeniti nutrimento, R2408pc<br />
and nourished by the Body of your Only Begotten Son,<br />
unigenito<br />
Hos famulos tuos, Domine, una cum Unigenito tuo benignus admitte, R2406so<br />
Accept graciously these your servants, O Lord, together with your Only Begotten Son,<br />
unitate<br />
ut …, in unitate fidei ambulantes, R2405co<br />
so that, walking in oneness of faith,<br />
valeant<br />
ut… propheticum tui populi munus sua valeant sanctitate praebere. R2408pc<br />
that they may…,by the holiness of their lives,exercise the prophetic mission of your people.<br />
veritatem<br />
et inducat in omnem, sicut tuus promisit Filius, veritatem. R2409co<br />
and lead us into all truth, just as your Son has promised.<br />
veritatis<br />
qui Spiritum veritatis in Ecclesiam mansurum esse promisit, R2402bs<br />
who promised that the Spirit of truth would abide in his Church,<br />
videte<br />
gustate et videte quoniam suavis est. R2407am<br />
Taste and see that the Lord is good.<br />
virtute<br />
et vos in confessione verae fidei sua virtute confirmet. R2402bs<br />
and confirm you by his power in the confession of the true faith.<br />
vota<br />
Famulorum tuorum, quaesumus, Domine, suscipe vota clementer, R2396so<br />
Receive in your mercy, O Lord, the prayers of your servants<br />