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application/pdf : 241 Ko - Abeille Musique

application/pdf : 241 Ko - Abeille Musique


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5 Quando la stella press’ a l’alba spira At dawn, when the stars are extinguished<br />

E ’l sol si mostra inverso l’oriente, and the sun shows itself in the east,<br />

Amor gentil m’aparse nella mente. noble Love came to me in a vision.<br />

La vaga donna col benigno aspetto He held in his arms with delight<br />

Tenea nelle bracca per diletto; a fair lady with the kind looks;<br />

Poi la coperse di perfetta luce then Love clothed her with perfect light<br />

E dul suo draggio il fece vestita, and dressed her in his rays,<br />

Vermiglio e bianco di color partita. mixed of red and white.<br />

Una ghirlanda ’n su le trecce bionde He placed on her blonde tresses<br />

Di foglie verdi pose con le fronde. a garland of fresh leaves and greenery.<br />


6 Amor mi fa cantar a la Francesca. Love makes me sing in the French manner.<br />

Perchè questo m’aven non olso dire, The reason for this I dare not tell,<br />

Chè quella donna che me fa languire for I fear that the lady for whom I languish<br />

Temo che non verebe a la mia tresca. would not join my dance.<br />

A lei sum fermo celar el mio core I am resolved to conceal my feelings<br />

E consumarmi inançi per so amore, and waste away for love of her,<br />

Ch’ almen moro per cosa gentilesca. for at least I die in a noble cause.<br />

Done, di vero dir ve posso tanto Ladies, this much I can truthfully tell you<br />

Che questa donna, per cui piango a canto, that this lady for whom I grieve and sing,<br />

E come rosa in spin morbida e fresca. is delicate and fresh like a rose among thorns.<br />

Amor mi fa cantar a la Francesca. Love makes me sing in the French manner.<br />

FRANCESCO LANDINI (c1325–1397)<br />

8 Ochi dolenti mie, che pur piangete, My grieving eyes, ever weeping,<br />

Po che vedete, since you see<br />

Che sol per honestà non vi contento. that for modesty’s sake I will not satisfy you.<br />

Non a diviso la mente ’l disio My mind desires exactly the same<br />

Con voi che tante lagrime versate, as you, who weep so many tears,<br />

Perche da voi si cela el viso pio, because that lovely face, which has deprived me<br />

Il qual privato m’a de libertate. of my liberty, is concealed from you.<br />

Gran virtù é rafrenar volontate It is most valorous to curb one’s desire<br />

Per honestate, for the sake of modesty,<br />

Che seguir donna è sofferir tormento. for to court a lady is to suffer torment.<br />


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