The Weiser Log - Weiser Security Services, Inc.

The Weiser Log - Weiser Security Services, Inc.

The Weiser Log - Weiser Security Services, Inc.


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<strong>Weiser</strong> <strong>Security</strong> <strong>Services</strong> is proud to announce outstanding<br />

employees of 2012. <strong>The</strong>se winners are representatives<br />

of all <strong>Weiser</strong> employees who have contributed<br />

to another successful year.<br />

Branch Manager Jenny Pollard received the Earl A.<br />

<strong>Weiser</strong> Award for Service Excellence. Criteria for this<br />

award include business retention, overtime management,<br />

rate increases, service calls, growth, staffing,<br />

strategic accounts and profit. Jenny led her branch to<br />

the top.<br />

Jenny Pollard accepts the Earl A. <strong>Weiser</strong> Award for<br />

Service Excellence from Mickey <strong>Weiser</strong><br />

It was a great year for New Orleans. <strong>The</strong> New Orleans<br />

Branch received the Fastest Growth Award and Assistant<br />

VP Service Consultant, Tommy Summerville, won<br />

Salesperson of the Year, representing New Orleans,<br />

Baton Rouge and Shreveport branches.<br />

Nicole Errigo accepts the Fastest<br />

Growth Award from Len Kline<br />

Tommy Summerville accepts the Salesperson of the Year<br />

Award with New Orleans, Shreveport and Baton Rouge<br />

Branches from Len Kline<br />

For the third year in a row, the Charlotte Branch received<br />

the Staffing Excellence Award. Branch Manager<br />

Chris Blake accepted the award.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Support Center Employee of the Year was awarded<br />

to Shannon Brown. Shannon is an Assistant in Human<br />

Resources and has led <strong>Weiser</strong> to an all new high in winning<br />

unemployment claims for the year.<br />

Payroll Excellence Award was received by Greg Kerr<br />

for the West Palm Beach Branch, making only one error<br />

out of 6,292 pay checks for 2012.<br />

Greg Kerr accepts the Payroll Excellence<br />

Award from Frank<br />

Panepinto<br />

Chris Blake accepts the<br />

Staffing Excellence Award<br />

from Len Kline<br />

Shannon Brown accepts the Support<br />

Center Employee of the Year<br />

Award from Charlene Sutherlin<br />

Birmingham Branch Manager Jim Miller received the<br />

Fast Track Service Award for Rookie of the Year in Operations.<br />

Danny Youngerman, Atlanta Sales, received<br />

the Fast Track Sales Award.<br />

Congratulations to all of our winners of 2012!<br />

Jim Miller accepts the Fast Track<br />

Service Award from Ty Sellers<br />

Danny Youngerman accepts the<br />

Fast Track Sales Award from<br />

Carol Schmitz<br />

Congratulations to all of our 2012 winners!

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