Handbook of Food Analysis Instruments
Handbook of Food Analysis Instruments Handbook of Food Analysis Instruments
7 CONTENTS Gas Chromatography in Food Analysis Jana Hajslova and Tomas Cajka 7.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 119 7.2 Sample Introduction............................................................................................................. 120 7.2.1 Split=Splitless Injection............................................................................................ 120 7.2.2 Cold On-Column Injection ...................................................................................... 122 7.2.3 Programmable Temperature Vaporization Injection................................................ 123 7.2.4 Direct Sample Introduction=Difficult Matrix Introduction...................................... 125 7.2.5 Solid-Phase Microextraction.................................................................................... 125 7.3 Sample Separation................................................................................................................ 126 7.3.1 Capillary Columns for GC....................................................................................... 126 7.3.2 Fast Gas Chromatography ....................................................................................... 126 7.3.3 Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography....................................... 130 GC GC Setup ........................................................................................ 131 Optimization of Operation Conditions and Instrumental Requirements in GC GC ....................................................................... 131 Advantages of GC GC .......................................................................... 133 7.4 Sample Detection ................................................................................................................. 134 7.4.1 Flame Ionization Detector ....................................................................................... 135 7.4.2 Thermal Conductivity Detector ............................................................................... 136 7.4.3 Electron Capture Detector ....................................................................................... 136 7.4.4 Nitrogen–Phosphorus Detector................................................................................ 136 7.4.5 Flame Photometric Detector and Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector ................... 136 7.4.6 Photo-Ionization Detector........................................................................................ 136 7.4.7 Electrolytic Conductivity Detector .......................................................................... 136 7.4.8 Atomic-Emission Detector....................................................................................... 136 7.4.9 Mass Spectrometric Detector................................................................................... 137 7.5 Matrix Effects ...................................................................................................................... 137 7.6 Food Analysis Applications................................................................................................. 140 7.7 Conclusion and Future Trends............................................................................................. 142 Acknowledgments......................................................................................................................... 142 References..................................................................................................................................... 142 7.1 INTRODUCTION In food analysis, gas chromatography (GC) represents one of the key separation techniques for many groups of (semi)volatile compounds. The high separation power of GC in a combination with a wide range of the detectors makes GC an important tool in the determination of various components that may occur in such complex matrices as food crops and products. ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Page 2 and 3: Conventional Advanced Split Sample
- Page 4 and 5: TABLE 7.1 Expan sion Vol ume of So
- Page 6 and 7: advantage of this technique is that
- Page 8 and 9: thus compl ications in quanti fi ca
- Page 10 and 11: tR ¼ L ( k þ 1) (7:1) u wher e k
- Page 12 and 13: Abundance Abundance 3000 2000 1000
- Page 14 and 15: Second dimension First dimension Mo
- Page 16 and 17: Time (seconds) spectrum # (A) 1st T
- Page 20 and 21: Standard Sample C C Injection X Lin
- Page 22 and 23: CI CI CI CI CI (A) Lindane (B) Phos
- Page 24 and 25: TABLE 7.7 (continued) Overview of T
- Page 26: 35. Dusek, B., Hajslova, J., and Ko
7<br />
Gas Chromatography<br />
in <strong>Food</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong><br />
Jana Hajslova and Tomas Cajka<br />
7.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 119<br />
7.2 Sample Introduction............................................................................................................. 120<br />
7.2.1 Split=Splitless Injection............................................................................................ 120<br />
7.2.2 Cold On-Column Injection ...................................................................................... 122<br />
7.2.3 Programmable Temperature Vaporization Injection................................................ 123<br />
7.2.4 Direct Sample Introduction=Difficult Matrix Introduction...................................... 125<br />
7.2.5 Solid-Phase Microextraction.................................................................................... 125<br />
7.3 Sample Separation................................................................................................................ 126<br />
7.3.1 Capillary Columns for GC....................................................................................... 126<br />
7.3.2 Fast Gas Chromatography ....................................................................................... 126<br />
7.3.3 Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography....................................... 130<br /> GC GC Setup ........................................................................................ 131<br /> Optimization <strong>of</strong> Operation Conditions and Instrumental<br />
Requirements in GC GC ....................................................................... 131<br /> Advantages <strong>of</strong> GC GC .......................................................................... 133<br />
7.4 Sample Detection ................................................................................................................. 134<br />
7.4.1 Flame Ionization Detector ....................................................................................... 135<br />
7.4.2 Thermal Conductivity Detector ............................................................................... 136<br />
7.4.3 Electron Capture Detector ....................................................................................... 136<br />
7.4.4 Nitrogen–Phosphorus Detector................................................................................ 136<br />
7.4.5 Flame Photometric Detector and Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector ................... 136<br />
7.4.6 Photo-Ionization Detector........................................................................................ 136<br />
7.4.7 Electrolytic Conductivity Detector .......................................................................... 136<br />
7.4.8 Atomic-Emission Detector....................................................................................... 136<br />
7.4.9 Mass Spectrometric Detector................................................................................... 137<br />
7.5 Matrix Effects ...................................................................................................................... 137<br />
7.6 <strong>Food</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> Applications................................................................................................. 140<br />
7.7 Conclusion and Future Trends............................................................................................. 142<br />
Acknowledgments......................................................................................................................... 142<br />
References..................................................................................................................................... 142<br />
In food analysis, gas chromatography (GC) represents one <strong>of</strong> the key separation techniques for<br />
many groups <strong>of</strong> (semi)volatile compounds. The high separation power <strong>of</strong> GC in a combination with<br />
a wide range <strong>of</strong> the detectors makes GC an important tool in the determination <strong>of</strong> various<br />
components that may occur in such complex matrices as food crops and products.<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Conventional<br />
Advanced<br />
Split<br />
Sample<br />
preparation<br />
Sample<br />
introduction<br />
Classical splitless<br />
Pulsed splitless<br />
Cold on-column<br />
Programmable temperature<br />
vaporiser<br />
Direct sample introduction/<br />
Difficult matrix introduction<br />
Solid-phase microextraction<br />
In practice, a GC-ba sed method consi sts typicall y <strong>of</strong> the follow ing steps : (1) isol ation <strong>of</strong><br />
analyt es from a representat ive sample (extr action); (2) separa tion <strong>of</strong> co-extract ed mat rix componen ts<br />
(clea nup); (3) ident i fication and quanti fica tion <strong>of</strong> targe t analyt es (dete rminativ e step) , and if the<br />
need is imp ortan t enough, this is foll owed by (4) con firmation <strong>of</strong> results by an addit ional analys is<br />
(Figur e 7.1). In any case, the sample prepar atio n pract ice plays a cruci al role for obtaining required<br />
param eters <strong>of</strong> a parti cular analytical method. Under some cond itions, especi ally when polar analytes<br />
are to be analyze d, derivatiz ation is ca rried out prior to the GC step to avoid hydroge n bondin g,<br />
hence incre asing the a nalyte volatil ity and reducing interacti on wi th acti ve sit es in the syst em.<br />
In Figure 7.2, the interrel ationshi p between solut e amoun ts and inst rumental options (inlet,<br />
colum n, and detector) is illust rated. GC users shoul d examine the relations hip <strong>of</strong> analyz ed samp les<br />
to the operat ing range <strong>of</strong> the instrum ent syst em. If the analyt e concent ration lies outside this range, a<br />
diff erent injectio n technique, column dim ension, or detector may be appropr iate.<br />
The re are a numbe r <strong>of</strong> options avail able for GC inlet syst ems; the most common (charac terized<br />
below) being spli t=splitless, progra mmed temperat ure vap orizer, and cold on-column (COC)<br />
inje ctor. The choice <strong>of</strong> an optimum samp le introduct ion strategy depend s mainly on the c oncentration<br />
range <strong>of</strong> targe t analyt es, thei r p hysico-chem ical proper ties, and the amount and natur e <strong>of</strong> mat rix<br />
co-ext racts presen t in the samp le.<br />
1D-GC<br />
2D-GC<br />
Data analysis<br />
Separation Detection<br />
Conventional GC<br />
Fast GC<br />
Very fast GC<br />
Ultra-fast GC<br />
Heart-cut GC<br />
Comprehensive twodimensional<br />
GC<br />
Split=splitl ess inje ction remains the main samp le introduct ion techniq ue in the analysis <strong>of</strong><br />
GC-am enable food compo nents mai nly due to its easy operat ions.<br />
Conventional<br />
Mass spec.<br />
Flame ionisation<br />
Thermal conductivity<br />
Electron capture<br />
Nitrogen–phosphorus<br />
(Pulsed) flame photometric<br />
Photo-ionisation<br />
Electrolytic conductivity<br />
Atomic-emission<br />
Quadrupole<br />
Quadrupole ion trap<br />
Magnetic sector<br />
Time-<strong>of</strong>-flight<br />
Hybrid instruments<br />
FIGURE 7.1 Basic steps typically involved in the determinative step <strong>of</strong> gas chromatographic analysis <strong>of</strong><br />
organic food compounds.<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Mass and<br />
concentration<br />
Splitless, direct,<br />
on-column Split<br />
Column diameter<br />
and film thickness<br />
Detector minimum detection<br />
limit and dynamic range<br />
Femtograms<br />
parts per trillion<br />
Picograms<br />
parts per billion<br />
Nanograms<br />
parts per million<br />
Micrograms<br />
parts per thousand<br />
1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1000<br />
10 –15 10 –14<br />
10 –15 10 –14<br />
10 –13 10 –12<br />
10 –13 10 –12<br />
10 –11 10 –10<br />
10<br />
Splitless<br />
–11 10 –10<br />
Solute mass (g)<br />
10 –9 10 –8<br />
Percentage:<br />
Split 100:1<br />
dc df 530 µm 0.1 µm 5.0 µm<br />
320 µm<br />
0.1 µm 5.0 µm<br />
250 µm<br />
0.1 µm 1.0 µm<br />
180 µm<br />
0.1 µm 0.5 µm<br />
100 µm<br />
0.1 µm 0.5 µm<br />
Flame ionization<br />
Nitrogen–phosphorus<br />
Electron–capture<br />
MS (scan)<br />
MS (single-ion monitoring)<br />
Thermal conductivity<br />
10<br />
Solute mass (g)<br />
–15 10 –14 10 –13 10 –12 10 –11 10 –10 10 –9 10 –8 10 –7 10 –6 10 –5 10 –4 10 –3<br />
In a split inje ction mode, typically small volum e <strong>of</strong> samp le extra ct (0.1 –2 m L) is rapid ly<br />
delivered into a heated glass line r foll owed by its splitting into tw o streams: the large r part is<br />
vented , while the smal ler part is trans ferred onto the column. Conside ring that the most <strong>of</strong> injected<br />
samp le is lost, this techniqu e is obviou sly not suitable for trace analys is, where very low detection<br />
limits are requi red. Anot her problem associated with split injectio n is a potent ial discrim ination due<br />
to the heati ng <strong>of</strong> the syri nge during its introduct ion into a hot inje ctor resul ting in a change <strong>of</strong><br />
relative abund ances <strong>of</strong> samp le compo nents when a mixture <strong>of</strong> analytes large ly diff ering in boiling<br />
points is analyz ed. Another advers e phenomen on relat ed to this technique is n onlinear splitting due<br />
to adsorp tion <strong>of</strong> samp le compo nents on liner surfa ces or deposi ted mat rix ‘‘dirt. ’’<br />
Nowaday s, hot splitl ess injectio n repres ents the most comm only used injection techniq ue in<br />
trace quanti tative ana lysis since e ntire inje cted samp le is intr oduced onto the GC capillary . The<br />
major limitati on <strong>of</strong> this inlet is that it suffe rs from the potential therm al degrada tion and adsorption<br />
<strong>of</strong> susceptible analytes that may result either in matrix-induced response enhancement or its<br />
diminishment. In addition, the volume <strong>of</strong> injected sample=solvent is typically limited to 1 mL (for<br />
some solvents even less) due to the expansi on volume <strong>of</strong> solve nt used (T able 7.1), since the total<br />
liner volume is in a range <strong>of</strong> 150–1000 mL and the safety limit is typically 75% in maximum <strong>of</strong> the<br />
total liner volume.<br />
10 –9<br />
10 –8<br />
10 –7<br />
10 –7<br />
0.1% 1% 10% 100%<br />
FIGURE 7.2 GC dynamic range nomogram. Concentrations expressed in grams per microliter (g=mL).<br />
(Reproduced from Hinshaw, J.V., LC GC Eur., 20, 138, 2007. With permission.)<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
10 –6<br />
10 –6<br />
10 –5<br />
10 –5<br />
10 –4<br />
10 –4<br />
10 –3<br />
10 –3
TABLE 7.1<br />
Expan sion Vol ume <strong>of</strong> So lvents Used in GC<br />
Solvent<br />
1 mL at 2508C<br />
and 69 kPa (10 psig)<br />
To overcome, or at least partly compensate for these problems, pulsed splitless injection can be<br />
applied. Increased column head pressure for a short period during the sample injection (usually 1–2min)<br />
leads to a higher carrier gas flow rate through the injector (8–9 versus0.5–1 mL=min during classical<br />
splitless injection), thus faster transport <strong>of</strong> sample vapors onto the GC column. In this way, the residence<br />
time <strong>of</strong> analytes and, consequently, their interaction with active sites in the GC inlet is fairly reduced [3].<br />
The detection limits <strong>of</strong> troublesome compounds obtained with pulsed splitless injection are thus lower<br />
and their further improvement can be obtained by injection <strong>of</strong> higher sample volumes (for most liners up<br />
to 5 mL) without the risk <strong>of</strong> backflash (Table 7.1) [4]. It should be noted that for injections > 1–2 mL, a<br />
retention gap prior to the analytical column is generally required to avoid excessive contamination <strong>of</strong><br />
separation column and peak distortion (Figure 7.3).<br />
Expansion Volume (mL)<br />
1 mL at 2508C<br />
and 345 kPa (50 psig)<br />
5 mL at 2508C<br />
and 345 kPa (50 psig)<br />
Water 1414 540 2700<br />
Methanol 631 241 1205<br />
Acetonitrile 487 186 929<br />
Acetone 347 133 663<br />
Ethyl acetate 261 100 498<br />
Toluene 241 92 460<br />
Hexane 195 75 373<br />
Isooctane 155 59 295<br />
Source: From Hewlett-Packard FlowCalc 2.0 s<strong>of</strong>tware. Available at http:==www.chem.agilent.<br />
com=cag=servsup=users<strong>of</strong>t=files=GCFC.htm via the Internet. Accessed July 1, 2007.<br />
Note: Calculated using Hewlett-Packard FlowCalc 2.0 s<strong>of</strong>tware.<br />
In COC injectio n, a sample aliq uot is directly introduced by a speci al syri nge onto the analyt ical<br />
colum n or a reten tion gap at tem peratures lower (608 C –80 8C) than those typicall y used in hot<br />
Pulsed splitless Pulsed splitless<br />
3 µL<br />
4 µL<br />
2 µL<br />
1 µL<br />
Splitless 1 µL<br />
(A) (B)<br />
FIGURE 7.3 Peak shapes obtained by pulsed splitless injections <strong>of</strong> different volumes <strong>of</strong> standard solution<br />
onto the GC column (A) without a retention gap; (B) with an installed retention gap. (Reproduced from Godula,<br />
M., Hajslova, J., and Alterova, K., J. High Resolut. Chromatogr., 22, 395, 1999. With permission.)<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
5 µL<br />
3 µL<br />
2 µL<br />
1 µL
split=splitless mode (2008C–3008C). COC is therefore expected to cause less thermal stress<br />
on analytes during the injection process. This low-temperature injection eliminates both syringe<br />
needle and inlet discrimination and is suitable namely for high-boiling analytes. On the other hand,<br />
the introduction <strong>of</strong> the entire sample (both analytes and matrix components co-isolated from food<br />
matrix) into the GC system is associated with increased demands for cleaning and maintenance<br />
when such complex samples as food is analyzed [5].<br />
There are two alternative approaches available to perform on-column injection.<br />
1. Small volume on-column injection: In this approach, a small volume <strong>of</strong> the sample (up to<br />
1–2 mL) is injected onto the separation column, or preferably, in the case <strong>of</strong> dirty samples,<br />
onto a retention gap [6].<br />
2. Large volume on-column injection: In this mode, a large volume <strong>of</strong> the sample (up to<br />
1000 mL) can be introduced into the GC system [7]. The bulk <strong>of</strong> solvent is usually<br />
eliminated via a special solvent vapor exit. Once the venting is finished, the solvent<br />
vapor exit is closed and analytes, together with remaining traces <strong>of</strong> solvent, are transferred<br />
onto the analytical column. However, a modification <strong>of</strong> the GC system is required in this<br />
case to include a large diameter retention gap (10–15 m 0.53 mm), connected to a<br />
retaining precolumn (3–5 m 0.32 mm) assisting in retention <strong>of</strong> volatile analytes. In<br />
addition, injection speed has to be slowed down to prevent flooding <strong>of</strong> the system during<br />
large volume injections (LVI) with injection speeds in LVI-COC <strong>of</strong> 20–300 mL=min as<br />
compared to LVI-PTV at 50–1500 mL=min [8].<br />
A programmable temperature vaporization (PTV) injector represents the most versatile GC inlet<br />
<strong>of</strong>fering significant reduction <strong>of</strong> most problems typically present when using hot vaporizing devices<br />
(splitless and=or cool on-column inlets) in trace analysis. The most important fact is that a PTV<br />
injector chamber is cool at the moment <strong>of</strong> injection. A rapid temperature increase, following<br />
withdrawal <strong>of</strong> the syringe from the inlet, allows efficient transfer <strong>of</strong> the volatile analytes onto the<br />
GC column while leaving behind nonvolatiles in the injection liner. With regard to these operational<br />
features, PTV is ideally suited for thermally labile analytes and samples with a wide boiling range<br />
(when needed, PTV operating temperature can be programmed even higher than the usual column<br />
temperature allowing injection <strong>of</strong> analytes that would not be vaporized through a classic split=splitless<br />
inlet). In addition eliminating a discrimination phenomenon and diminishing adverse affects <strong>of</strong><br />
nonvolatile matrix deposits on the recovery <strong>of</strong> injected analytes, PTV enables to introduce large<br />
sample volumes (up to hundreds <strong>of</strong> microliters) into the GC system. No retention gaps or precolumns<br />
are needed for this purpose; instead <strong>of</strong> that, the liner size is increased. This feature makes<br />
PTV particularly suitable for trace analysis and also enables its online coupling with various<br />
enrichment and cleanup techniques such as automated solid-phase extraction (SPE) approaches.<br />
From practical point <strong>of</strong> view, PTV is compatible with any capillary GC column diameter including<br />
microbore columns. However, to attain optimal PTV performance in particular application, many<br />
parameters have to be optimized (e.g., initial and final injector temperature, inlet heating rate,<br />
venting time, flow and pressure, transfer time, injection volume, type <strong>of</strong> liner). Due to the inherent<br />
complexity <strong>of</strong> this inlet, method development might become on some occasions a rather demanding<br />
task. Despite that, the use <strong>of</strong> PTV in food analysis is rapidly growing. The paragraphs below<br />
describe two most commonly used PTV operation modes.<br />
1. PTV splitless injection. The sample is introduced at a temperature below or close to the<br />
boiling point <strong>of</strong> the solvent. A split exit is closed during the sample evaporation and<br />
solvent vapors are vented via a GC column. PTV splitless injection can be employed for<br />
both LVI <strong>of</strong> up to 20 mL <strong>of</strong> sample and for conventional small volume injections [9]. The<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
advantage <strong>of</strong> this technique is that no losses <strong>of</strong> volatile analytes occur. Operating parameters<br />
have to be carefully optimized to avoid inlet overflow by sample vapors (losses <strong>of</strong><br />
volatile compounds) as well as column flooding by excessive solvent (poor peak shapes <strong>of</strong><br />
more volatile analytes). It has been reported that for some analytes the PTV splitless<br />
injection may produce better stability <strong>of</strong> responses and less matrix influence [10].<br />
2. PTV solvent vent injection. When employing this technique, a sample is injected at temperatures<br />
well below the boiling point <strong>of</strong> the solvent, holding the temperature <strong>of</strong> the injection<br />
port at low a value, thus enabling elimination <strong>of</strong> solvent vapors via a split exit. After the<br />
venting step, the inlet is rapidly heated and analytes are transferred onto the front part <strong>of</strong> a<br />
GC column. In this way, sample volumes <strong>of</strong> up to hundreds <strong>of</strong> microliters can be injected<br />
[11,12]. For injection <strong>of</strong> large volumes, injector liner is <strong>of</strong>ten packed with various sorbents<br />
(e.g., Tennax, polyimide, Chromosorb, glass wool, glass beads, PTFE, Dexsil) in order<br />
to protect solvent from reaching bottom <strong>of</strong> injector what may lead to column flooding<br />
with liquid sample [13]. However, some labile compounds can be prone to degradation=<br />
rearrangement due to the catalytic effects <strong>of</strong> the sorbent; alternatively, strong binding onto<br />
the packing material causes poor desorption (Figure 7.4). If selection <strong>of</strong> a suitable inactive<br />
sorbent fails to prevent these adverse effects, then the only viable solution is the use <strong>of</strong> an<br />
empty or open liner. Under these conditions, rather smaller volumes (in maximum about<br />
50 mL) <strong>of</strong> sample can be injected, typically employing a concept <strong>of</strong> multiple injections to<br />
get a larger injection volume. Obtaining good performance <strong>of</strong> the PTV injector in solvent<br />
vent mode requires thorough experimental optimization <strong>of</strong> all relevant parameters as<br />
described above.<br />
pA<br />
1400<br />
1200<br />
1000<br />
800<br />
600<br />
400<br />
200<br />
0<br />
(A)<br />
(B)<br />
pA<br />
1400<br />
1200<br />
1000<br />
800<br />
600<br />
400<br />
200<br />
0<br />
Methamidophos<br />
12.255 12.328<br />
10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 min<br />
12.041<br />
Acephate<br />
13.975<br />
14.194<br />
14.205<br />
Omethoate<br />
15.750<br />
Dimethoate<br />
17.742<br />
17.739<br />
19.182<br />
19.188<br />
20.906 Carbaryl<br />
21.156<br />
21.656<br />
22.185<br />
22.592<br />
20.915<br />
21.664<br />
22.600<br />
10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 min<br />
FIGURE 7.4 Chromatograms obtained by programmable temperature vaporization (PTV) injection into<br />
(A) empty liner and (B) liner packed with glass wool plug. The differences in responses <strong>of</strong> sensitive analytes<br />
when injections were carried out into empty multibaffle liner and into single-baffle liner packed with glass<br />
wool. (Reproduced from Godula, M. et al., J. Sep. Sci., 24, 355, 2001. With permission.)<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
24.749<br />
25.803<br />
25.801<br />
31.943 Phosalone<br />
Direct sample introduction (DSI) or its fully automated version, difficult matrix introduction (DMI),<br />
represents a novel LVI technique. The DSI approach involves adding up to 30 mL <strong>of</strong> the extract to a<br />
microvial that is placed in the adapted GC liner. The solvent is evaporated and vented at a relatively<br />
low temperature. After that, the injector is ballistically heated to volatilize the GC-amenable<br />
compounds, which are then focused at the front <strong>of</strong> a relatively cold GC column. The column then<br />
undergoes normal temperature programming to separate the analytes and cool to initial conditions,<br />
at which time the microvial is removed and discarded along with the nonvolatile matrix components<br />
that it contains. Only those compounds with the volatility range <strong>of</strong> the analytes enter the<br />
column [14]. In the commercial DMI approach, the entire liner along with the microvial is replaced<br />
after each injection [15].<br />
In this way, time-consuming and expensive purification steps can be omitted=significantly<br />
reduced for some matrices [15,16]. Since the bulk (semi)volatile matrix components introduced<br />
from the sample into the injector may influence the quantitative aspects <strong>of</strong> the injection process and<br />
interfere in analytes detection, instruments with MS analyzers (single or tandem) providing more<br />
accurate results should be preferably used [17]. In Figure 7.5 the distinct improvement obtained by<br />
sample cleanup is illustrated. Regardless sample preparation strategy, reduced demands for the GC<br />
system maintenance represents a positive feature <strong>of</strong> this technique.<br />
Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) represents a solvent-free sampling technique employing a<br />
fused-silica fibre that is coated on the outside with an appropriate stationary phase. Volatile analytes<br />
emitted from the analyzed sample are isolated from the headspace or by direct immersion into the<br />
liquid sample and concentrated in fibre coating. After the extraction, thermal desorption in the hot<br />
GC injection port follows [18]. The main features <strong>of</strong> SPME include unattended operation via<br />
robotics (if a fully automated option is available) and the elimination <strong>of</strong> maintenance <strong>of</strong> the liner<br />
and column. However, this sample introduction technique is associated with strong matrix effects,<br />
1 2<br />
Metalcap (septum inside)<br />
O-rings<br />
Needle guide<br />
Microvial<br />
Liner<br />
FIGURE 7.5 Difficult matrix introduction (DMI) liner after injection <strong>of</strong> (1) purified baby-food extract,<br />
(2) crude extract, and (3) detail <strong>of</strong> microvials used for introduction <strong>of</strong> crude extracts. (Reproduced from<br />
Cajka, T. et al., J. Sep. Sci., 28, 1048, 2005. With permission.)<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
thus compl ications in quanti fi cation. In addit ion, varia bility <strong>of</strong> limit <strong>of</strong> de tections for different<br />
analyt es depends on the equil ibrium b etween the coati ng mat erial and the matrix.<br />
To be amena ble for the GC analys is, an analyt e shoul d posses s not only appreci able volatil ity at<br />
tem peratures below 350 8C –400 8 C, but also must be able to wi thstand relative high tem peratures<br />
without degrada tion and reaction with other compo unds presen t in the GC syste m.<br />
Wit h regard to a typicall y co mplex mixture <strong>of</strong> matrix components occurring in food extrac ts<br />
(<strong>of</strong>t en even after its puri fication ), the optimizati on <strong>of</strong> GC separa tion requires careful attentio n to a<br />
numbe r <strong>of</strong> importan t varia bles and their interaction. Both physical (column length, internal diamet<br />
er, and stationar y phase incl uding its film thickness) , and param etric (temperat ure an d flow<br />
veloci ty) column varia bles affect the separa tion proces s.<br />
To illustrate a wide range <strong>of</strong> combinations to be considered when selecting capillary GC column, the<br />
overview <strong>of</strong> commonly available internal diameters is shown in Table 7.2.<br />
Tab le 7. 3 shows relative polariti es <strong>of</strong> comm ercially available stationar y phases . The range <strong>of</strong><br />
stationary phases including also those dedicated for specific applications (e.g., volatiles, fatty acids,<br />
dioxins) is growing and also their quality characterized by reduced bleed and increased upper<br />
temperature limit is improving.<br />
In addition, the limits <strong>of</strong> inlet pressure, sampling system, and mass spectrometric detector<br />
(MSD) parameters have to be involved into consideration.<br />
A higher sample throughput together with the need to reduce laboratory operating costs has brought<br />
attention <strong>of</strong> many laboratories to the implementation <strong>of</strong> high-speed GC (HSGC) systems. Although<br />
the basic principles and theory <strong>of</strong> HSGC were formulated as early as in the 1960s, its practical<br />
development occurred at the end <strong>of</strong> last century from introduction <strong>of</strong> novel technologies such as new<br />
methods <strong>of</strong> fast and reproducible column heating, inlet devices allowing large sample volume<br />
introduction, and MS detectors with fast acquisition rates. It should be noted that full exploitation<br />
<strong>of</strong> the potential <strong>of</strong> this technique in routine practice is conditioned by reduction <strong>of</strong> sample<br />
TABLE 7.2<br />
Classification <strong>of</strong> Capillary Column<br />
Category<br />
Column Diameter<br />
Range (mm)<br />
Standard Commercial<br />
Column Diameters (mm)<br />
Max Flow Rate<br />
(mL=min) a<br />
Megabore 0.5 0.53 660<br />
Wide bore 0.3 to
TABLE 7.3<br />
Characterization <strong>of</strong> Stationary Phases Used in GC <strong>Analysis</strong><br />
Polarity Phase Composition Commercial Description<br />
Nonpolar 100% Dimethylpolysiloxane DB-1, DB-1 ms, HP-1, HP-1 ms, Ultra 1, DB-1ht,<br />
Equity-1, SPB-1, AT-1, AT-1MS, Optima 1, Optima-<br />
1 ms, BP-1, VF-1MS, CP Sil 5 CB, CP Sil 5 CB MS,<br />
ZB-1, 007-1, Elite-1, Rxi-1 ms, Rtx-1, Rtx-1MS<br />
5% Diphenyl–95% dimethylpolysiloxane DB-5, HP-5, DB-5 ms, HP-5 ms, Ultra 2, DB-5ht,<br />
Equity-5, SPB-5, AT-5, AT-5MS, Optima 5, Optima-5<br />
ms, BP-5, BPX-5, VF-5MS, CP Sil 8 CB, CP Sil 8 CB<br />
MS, ZB-5, 007-2, PE-2, Rxi-5 ms, Rtx-5, Rtx-5 ms,<br />
Rtx-5Sil MS<br />
20% Diphenyl–80% dimethylpolysiloxane Rtx-20, SPB-20, At-20, 007-7<br />
6% Cyanopropyl-phenyl–94%<br />
DB-1301, HP-1301, Rtx-1301, SPB-1301, AT-624,<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Optima 1301, 007-1301<br />
35% Diphenyl–65% dimethylpolysiloxane DB-35, HP-35, DB-35 ms, Rtx-35, Rtx-35MS, SPB-35,<br />
AT-35, AT-35MS, BPX-35, VF-35MS, ZB-35, 007-11,<br />
PE-11<br />
Moderately polar 50% Diphenyl–50% dimethylpolysiloxane DB-17, DB-17 ms, HP-50 þ , DB-17ht, Rtx-17,<br />
VF-17MS, SPB-50, AT-50, AT-50MS, Optima 17,<br />
BPX-50, CP Sil 24 CB, ZB-50, 007-17, PE-17<br />
14% Cyanopropyl-phenyl–86%<br />
DB-1701, HP-1701, SPB-1701, AT-1701, Optima 1701,<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
BP-10, CP Sil 19 CB, ZB-1701, 007-1701, PE-1701<br />
50% Cyanopropyl-phenyl–50%<br />
DB-23, DB-225, DB-225 ms, Rtx-225, AT-225,<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Optima 225, BP-225, CP Sil 43 CB, 007-225, PE-225<br />
Polar Polyethylene glycol DB-WAX, HP-INNOWax, Rtx-WAX, Stabilwax,<br />
Supelcowax-10, AT-Wax, Optima WAX, BP-20, CP<br />
Wax 52 CB, ZB-WAX, 007-CW, PE-CW<br />
Highly polar 70% Cyanopropyl-phenyl–30%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
BPX-70<br />
100% Cyanopropylsiloxane SP-2340<br />
preparation time and other operations limiting laboratory throughput. Using approximate terms, the<br />
classification <strong>of</strong> GC analyses on the basis <strong>of</strong> their speed is summarized in Table 7.4.<br />
Alike in conventional GC, the separation time is defined as the retention time (t R) for the last<br />
target component peak eluting from the column:<br />
TABLE 7.4<br />
Classification <strong>of</strong> GC Analyses Based on Speed <strong>of</strong> Sample<br />
Separation<br />
Type <strong>of</strong><br />
GC <strong>Analysis</strong><br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
Typical Separation<br />
Time (min)<br />
Full Width at<br />
Half-Maximum<br />
Conventional >10 >1 s<br />
Fast 1–10 200–1000 ms<br />
Very fast 0.1–1 30–200 ms<br />
tR ¼ L<br />
( k þ 1) (7:1)<br />
u<br />
wher e<br />
k is the solut e c apacity ratio (capacity facto r, reten tion facto r) for the last compo und<br />
L is the column length<br />
u is the average linear carrier gas velocity<br />
On the b asis <strong>of</strong> this equation, the faster GC separa tion can be achiev ed by follow ing ways<br />
[19,20] :<br />
. Red uced c olumn length ( # L)<br />
. Decr eased retention factor ( # k): (1) increased isotherm al temperat ure, (2) faster temperature<br />
programm ing, (3) alte red stat ionary phase to imp rove selectivity, (4) thinner film <strong>of</strong><br />
the stationar y phase, (5) large r diameter c apillary colum n (for fixed length)<br />
. Increas ed carrier gas veloci ty ( " u ): (1) higher than opti mum carrier gas velocity,<br />
(2) increased optimum carrier gas veloci ty (hydro gen as a carrier gas and vac uum outlet<br />
operat ion)<br />
The increase in separa tion speed generally requi res a compromi se in terms <strong>of</strong> reduced resoluti on ( R)<br />
and=or samp le capacity ( Qc ). The accept ability <strong>of</strong> these losses has to be considered for each<br />
particu lar case separa tely . Availab ility <strong>of</strong> compa tible samp le introduct ion technique and detection<br />
param eters play an imp ortant role in selection <strong>of</strong> the analyt ical strategy.<br />
Red uction <strong>of</strong> column length repres ents a very sim ple approac h to decreas e time <strong>of</strong> GC analys is.<br />
In practice, almo st all fast GC analys es are perfor med wi th short colum ns (usually 10 m) in a<br />
combi nation with other approac hes (Figur e 7.6). On this accou nt, reduct ion <strong>of</strong> the length <strong>of</strong> a given<br />
colum n results in reduced resol ution ( R ~ p L), which can be compe nsated to some extent by<br />
suitable MS detector (spectral resolutio n).<br />
Use <strong>of</strong> a colum n with a small internal diam eter is anothe r attracti ve way tow ards faster GC<br />
analys is. How ever, the inst rumental requireme nts especiall y the dif fi culties with the samp le introducti<br />
on <strong>of</strong> large r sample volumes and also the lower samp le capaci ty limit their applicati on in many<br />
real- world analyses.<br />
Use <strong>of</strong> a column with a thin fi lm <strong>of</strong> stationar y phase results in the decreas e <strong>of</strong> the capacity<br />
(ret ention) factor and thus in the faster GC analysis. In addit ion, due to the decreas ed contribut ion <strong>of</strong><br />
mass trans fer in the stationar y phase, separa tion ef ficiency is incre ased. On the other hand, reduced<br />
ruggedn ess and samp le capacity are the fees for analys is speed.<br />
Fa st temperat ure progra mming is the most popula r approac h in applicati on <strong>of</strong> fast GC in food<br />
analys is. Ei ther convect ion heating facil itated by a convent ional GC ov en or resistive heati ng can be<br />
empl oyed. If ‘‘fast ’’ separa tion in terms <strong>of</strong> class ifi cation show n in Tab le 7.4 is required, a convent ional<br />
GC oven can be used. At fast er progra mming rates , heat losses from the oven to the surrounding may<br />
cause poor oven tempe rature pro file, hence lower reprod ucibili ty <strong>of</strong> analyt e elution.<br />
Oper ation <strong>of</strong> colum n outlet at low p ressure (low-pr essure GC) is anothe r fast GC alte rnative that<br />
may find a wide use in routine labor atories concern ed wi th food analysis. Because o f o perating a<br />
megab ore separa tion colum n (typicall y 10 m length 0.53 mm inte rnal diameter 0.25 –1 mm<br />
phase) at low pressure, optimum carrier gas linear velocity is attained at higher value because <strong>of</strong><br />
increased diffusivity <strong>of</strong> the solute in the gas phase. Consequently, faster GC separations can be<br />
achieved with a disproportionately smaller loss <strong>of</strong> separation power [22]. The main attractive<br />
featu res <strong>of</strong> LP- GC –MS invol ve (1) reduced peak tailing and width (F igure 7.7) thus their improved<br />
detection limits, (2) increased sample capacity <strong>of</strong> megabore column allowing injection <strong>of</strong> higher<br />
sample volume resulting in lower detection limits for compounds not limited by matrix interferences,<br />
and (3) reduced thermal degradation <strong>of</strong> thermally labile analytes [23,24].<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Intensity<br />
(A)<br />
Intensity<br />
(B)<br />
50000<br />
40000<br />
30000<br />
20000<br />
10000<br />
80000<br />
60000<br />
40000<br />
20000<br />
1<br />
0 10 20 30 40 50 min<br />
1<br />
2<br />
2<br />
0.0 0.5<br />
3 4<br />
4<br />
5<br />
6<br />
6<br />
7<br />
7<br />
Hydrogen can be used as a carrier gas because with the highest diffusion coefficient it is<br />
obviously the best carrier gas for fast GC. Its low viscosity also results in lower inlet pressure<br />
requirements. In practice, however, helium is usually preferred as a carrier gas flow for safety and<br />
inertness reasons.<br />
8<br />
8<br />
9<br />
10 11 12 13<br />
14<br />
14<br />
20<br />
27<br />
28<br />
16<br />
15 18 19 22 25 30<br />
2123<br />
26 29<br />
31<br />
20<br />
9<br />
10 11 12 13 24<br />
16 22<br />
15 18 2123<br />
25<br />
19<br />
27<br />
28<br />
30<br />
29 31<br />
1.0 1.5 2.0 min<br />
FIGURE 7.6 GC–FID chromatograms <strong>of</strong> fatty acid methyl esters obtained under conditions <strong>of</strong> (A) conventional<br />
(column: Rtx-WAX, 30 m 0.25 mm 0.25 mm; injection: split 1:100; oven temperature<br />
program: 508C, 38C=min to 2808C; acquisition rate: 12.5 Hz) and (B) fast GC (column: Supelcowax,<br />
10 m 0.10 mm 0.10 mm; injection: split 1:200; oven temperature program: 508C, 808C=min to 1508C,<br />
708C=min to 2508C, 508C=min to 2808C (1 min); acquisition rate: 50 Hz). (Reproduced from Mondello, L.<br />
et al., J. Chromatogr A., 1035, 237, 2004. With permission.)<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Abundance Abundance<br />
3000<br />
2000<br />
1000<br />
m/z 201 m/z 201<br />
3000<br />
0 0<br />
Time−> 9.50<br />
10.50 min Time−> 3.00 4.00 min<br />
Abundance<br />
Abundance<br />
4000<br />
3000 m/z 283 m/z 283<br />
3000<br />
2000<br />
2000<br />
1000<br />
(A) Conventional GC–MS (B) LP-GC–MS<br />
In the analysis <strong>of</strong> complex mixtures, such as food extracts, by one-dimensional chromatography<br />
(1D-GC), overlap <strong>of</strong> some sample components unavoidably occurs. To achieve a considerable<br />
increase in peak capacity, two independent separation processes with peak capacities n 1 and n 2 can<br />
be employed in the sample analysis. Supposing that separations are based on two different<br />
mechanisms (orthogonality criterion), the maximum peak capacity calculated as n1 n2 is typically<br />
enhanced by at least one order <strong>of</strong> magnitude.<br />
Most <strong>of</strong> the successful applications reported in food analysis since 1960 up to 1990 employed<br />
so-called heart-cut mode, in which only narrow fraction(s) containing analytes <strong>of</strong> interest is (are)<br />
transported for further separation onto the second column.<br />
However, this approach has limitations. Increasing the width <strong>of</strong> the first column fraction or<br />
isolating too many parts <strong>of</strong> 1D-GC analysis to subject them to two-dimensional gas chromatography<br />
(2D-GC) separation becomes troublesome. Also, time-demanding reconstruction <strong>of</strong><br />
generated chromatograms may become a serious problem. The introduction <strong>of</strong> systems that<br />
allow the entire sample from the first column to be analyzed on the second column has enabled<br />
and improved both target and nontarget screening <strong>of</strong> food components in a wide range <strong>of</strong> matrices.<br />
This approach, called comprehensive two-dimensional (GC GC), is introduced in the following<br />
sections in a greater detail.<br />
4000<br />
2000<br />
1000<br />
1000<br />
0<br />
0<br />
Time−> 9.50 10.50 min Time−>3.00<br />
4.00 min<br />
FIGURE 7.7 Comparison <strong>of</strong> peak shapes <strong>of</strong> thiabendazole (m=z 201) and procymidone (m=z 283) obtained by<br />
(A) conventional GC–MS (column: Rtx-5MS, 30 m 0.25 mm 0.25 mm; injection: splitless, 1 mL; oven<br />
temperature program: 908C (0.5 min), 208C=min to 2208C, 58C=min to 2408C, 208C=min to 2908C (6.5 min))<br />
and (B) LP-GC–MS (column: Rtx-5Sil MS, 10 m 0.53 mm 1.0 mm coupled to 3 m 0.15 mm restriction<br />
column; injection: splitless, 1 mL; oven temperature program: 908C (0.5 min), 608C=min to 2908C (3.0 min)).<br />
(Reproduced from Mastovska, K., Lehotay, S.J., Hajslova, J., J. Chromatogr. A, 926, 291, 2001. With<br />
permission.)<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
7.3.3. 1 GC GC Setup<br />
The hea rt <strong>of</strong> the GC GC syst em is a modul ator that connect s the fi rst-dimensi on convent ional-si ze<br />
column with a short microbore column in the second dimensi on (Figure 7.8).<br />
There are three fundamental functions <strong>of</strong> this interface: (1) trapping <strong>of</strong> small adjacent fractions<br />
(typically 2–10 s) <strong>of</strong> the effluent from the first separation column, (2) refocusing these fractions (either in<br />
time or in space), and (3) injection <strong>of</strong> the refocused fractions as narrow pulses into the second-dimension<br />
column. The separation on the latter column is extremely fast and takes only 2–10 s versus 20–120 min<br />
for the first dimension, and is therefore performed under essentially isothermal conditions.<br />
A large seri es <strong>of</strong> high-speed chromatogr ams as the outcome <strong>of</strong> the transfer <strong>of</strong> chromatogr aphic<br />
band from the first to the second dim ension are generated durin g the GC GC run. As shown in<br />
Figure 7.9, these adjace nt pulse s are usual ly stack ed side- by-side by a special s<strong>of</strong>t ware to form a 2D<br />
chromatogram with one dimension representing the retention time on the first column (tR1) and the<br />
other, the retention time on the second column (tR2). The most convenient way to visualize GC GC<br />
data is as contour plots representing the bird’s eye view, where peaks are displayed as spots on a<br />
plane using colors and shading to indicate the signal intensity (Figure 7.9).<br /> Optimization <strong>of</strong> Operation Conditions and Instrumental<br />
Requirements in GC GC<br />
Compared to conventional 1D-GC, the optimization <strong>of</strong> GC GC analysis requires a more complex<br />
approach. The changes in operational parameters such as oven temperature or carrier gas flow rate<br />
have different impacts on the performance <strong>of</strong> separation columns since these differ both in their<br />
geometry and separation mechanism. Furthermore, new parameters such as modulation frequency<br />
and modulator temperature have to be optimized [25].<br />
Conventional columns, typically 15–30 m length 0.25–0.32 mm internal diameter 0.1–1 mm<br />
film thickness, are used in the first dimension. This allows application <strong>of</strong> virtually all sample<br />
introduction techniques (split=splitless, on column, LVI-PTV, DMI=DSI, and=or SPME). Stationary<br />
phases commonly used in first-dimension columns are typically 100% dimethylpolysiloxane or (5%<br />
phenylene)-dimethylpolysiloxane. The separation on these nonpolar columns is governed mainly by<br />
analyte volatility. The size <strong>of</strong> columns for second dimension is commonly in a range <strong>of</strong> 0.5–2 m<br />
length 0.1 mm internal diameter 0.1 mm film thickness. More polar stationary phases such<br />
as 35%–50% phenylene–65%–50% dimethylpolysiloxane, polyethylene glycol, carborane, and=or<br />
cyanopropyl–phenyl–dimethylpolysiloxane are employed. Analytes interact with these mediumpolar=polar<br />
phases via various mechanisms such as p–p interactions, hydrogen bonding, etc.,<br />
hence the requirement for different, independent separation principle is met. In most applications,<br />
orthogonality is achieved using nonpolar polar separation mechanisms.<br />
To obtain acceptable separation in both dimensions, a compromise has to be made with regard<br />
to both columns. The linear velocity <strong>of</strong> the carrier gas in the (narrow bore) first-dimension column is<br />
usually rather lower than optimal (about 30 cm=s) while, at the same time, the linear velocity in the<br />
(microbore) second-dimension capillary is relatively high, typically exceeding 100 cm=s. Also when<br />
setting the temperature programming rate, the requirement for obtaining at least four modulations<br />
Injector<br />
Modulator<br />
First column Second column<br />
FIGURE 7.8 GC GC instrument configuration.<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
Second dimension<br />
First dimension<br />
Modulation<br />
Transformation<br />
Visualization<br />
Second dimension<br />
2D plot 3D plot<br />
First dimension<br />
First dimension<br />
1D chromatogram<br />
(first column outlet)<br />
Raw 2D chromatogram<br />
(second column outlet)<br />
Second dimensional<br />
chromatograms<br />
FIGURE 7.9 Generation and visualization <strong>of</strong> a GC GC chromatogram. (Reproduced from Zrostlikova, J.,<br />
Hajslova, J., and Cajka, T., J. Chromatogr. A, 1019, 173, 2003. With permission.)<br />
over each first-dimension peak (so-called modulation criterion) has to be taken into account. In most<br />
analyses, this is achieved by using programming rates as low as 0.58C–58C=min, which is less than<br />
in conventional 1D-GC [26]. It should be noted, however, that even steeper programming rates (thus<br />
faster GC separation) can be employed (108C–208C=min) in GC GC, which typically results in two<br />
modulations over each first-dimension peak. Under these conditions, the separation accomplished in<br />
the first column might be lost. However, because <strong>of</strong> different activity coefficients on the second<br />
column, the analytes can be completely separated (with higher chromatographic resolution than in<br />
the case <strong>of</strong> 1D-GC) in the second dimension [27,28]. For better tuning <strong>of</strong> the GC GC setup,<br />
systems with a programmable second oven are preferred.<br />
Effective and robust modulation is a key process in the GC GC analysis. Thermal modulation in<br />
a capillary GC can be performed by both heating and cooling. While heated modulators use a thickfilm<br />
modulation capillary to trap subsequent sample fractions eluting from the first column by means<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
Second dimension
<strong>of</strong> stationar y phase focusing (com pounds are released by the temperat ure incre ase), the cryogen ically<br />
cooled modul ators do not use a modulati on capil lary. Inste ad, they trap and focus the sample fractions<br />
eluting from the first column at the front part <strong>of</strong> the seconda ry colum n itself. Initially, moving<br />
heated=cooled modulato rs were used but they exhibi ted relativel y low robustness (frag ile capillary<br />
can be easily broken) . The se shortcomi ngs <strong>of</strong> movi ng modulato rs have bee n overcom e by two-st age<br />
jet modul ators that use a stream <strong>of</strong> nitrogen or carbon dioxide for cooling a short secti on <strong>of</strong> the second<br />
column for trapp ing=focusing <strong>of</strong> the analytes elut ing from the fi rst colum n [29,30] .<br />
In practice, fixed modul ation freque ncy, typically in a range <strong>of</strong> 0.1 –10 Hz is employ ed durin g<br />
the analys is. Under ideal experi ment al condition s, the reten tion time <strong>of</strong> the most retaine d compo und<br />
in the second d imensio n is shorter than a modul ation time. If this is not the case, i.e., analyt es do not<br />
elute in their modul ation cycle, so-called wrap-arou nd, which may cause co-elutio ns, occurs.<br />
Avoidin g this phenom enon can be achiev ed, e.g., by an incre ase <strong>of</strong> the second- dimensi on colum n<br />
temperat ure (if a n indepe ndent ove n is avail able). In any case, optimal funct ion <strong>of</strong> modulato r is<br />
essential for the q uality <strong>of</strong> separa tion and detection proces s.<br />
The fast separa tion on a short and mic robore second- dime nsion column results in very n arrow<br />
peaks with widths <strong>of</strong> 50 –1000 ms at the ba seline. Althoug h fast analogue detectors such as a flame<br />
ionizati on d etector o r electron captur e detect or (E CD) are full y compa tible with fast chromatography<br />
and provi de reliable peak recogni tion, they do not provi de stru ctural informat ion. Coupli ng<br />
GC GC separation with MS detect or resul ts into the three-dim ensional syst em that may contribut e<br />
to the identi fication <strong>of</strong> 2D separa ted peaks and brings a dee per unders tanding <strong>of</strong> stru ctured<br />
chrom atograms [26]. However , convent ional scanning MS detectors are typi cally too slow and do<br />
not provi de reliable spectra an d peak reprod ucti on. At presen t, only time-<strong>of</strong> - flight mass spect rometers<br />
(see Cha pter 10) can acquir e the 50 or more mass spectra per second, whi ch are requi red for<br />
the proper recons truction <strong>of</strong> the chromatogr am and for quanti ficati on in GC GC [35].<br />
7.3.3. 3 Adva ntages <strong>of</strong> GC GC<br />
A nu mber <strong>of</strong> charact eristics <strong>of</strong> GC GC have been reported that documen ts superi ority <strong>of</strong> this<br />
techniqu e over convent ional 1D-GC [26].<br />
High peak capaci ty. The peak c apacity, characteri zed as a maximal numbe r <strong>of</strong> chromatogr aphic<br />
peaks that can be placed side by side into the available separa tion space (chromato gram ), is<br />
signi fica ntly en hanced. Unde r the real-world condition s, the total peak capaci ty in GC GC is rathe r<br />
lower than the calcul ated value due to the imperfect ions in the sample transfer betw een the two<br />
columns; however, it still great ly exc eeds the limits <strong>of</strong> convent ional GC. As an examp le, the meri t in<br />
pesticide residue analys is resultin g from the separa tion powe r is shown in Figure 7.10.<br />
Enh anced sensi tivity . Compar ed to 1D- GC separa tion, pronoun ced imp rovement <strong>of</strong> detection<br />
limits in GC GC syst em is o btained; thanks to compr essing the peak in the modulation capillary<br />
and front part <strong>of</strong> the second colum n (following fast chromatogr aphy avoids band broaden ing <strong>of</strong><br />
focuse d peak s). Furthe rmore, thanks to imp roved separa tion <strong>of</strong> analytes and mat rix interfere nces<br />
(chem ical noise ) in the GC GC system, the signa l to noise ratio is also improved. An e xample is<br />
given in Figure 7 .11 that ill ustrates diff erences in 1D-GC versus GC GC a nalysis <strong>of</strong> limonene.<br />
Struc tured chrom atogra ms. Thanks to compleme ntary separa tion mecha nisms occurr ing in both<br />
columns, the chromatogr ams resultin g from particula r GC GC setup are ordered, i.e., molecules<br />
have thei r de finite locations in the reten tion space based on their stru cture. In the recons tructed 2D<br />
contou r plots, characteri stic patt erns are obtained, in which the members <strong>of</strong> homologi cal seri es<br />
differing in thei r volatility are ordere d along the first-dim ension axis (nonpol ar capillary is typicall y<br />
employe d in first dim ension), whereas the compounds differing by polarity are spread along the<br />
second-dimension axis. The formation <strong>of</strong> clusters <strong>of</strong> the various subgroups <strong>of</strong> compounds in a<br />
GC GC contour plot may be useful for the group type analysis.<br />
Improved identification <strong>of</strong> unknowns. Nontarget screening allows obtaining <strong>of</strong> overview <strong>of</strong> the<br />
sample constituents. This approach consists from: (1) peak finding and deconvolution (algorithm for<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Time (seconds)<br />
spectrum #<br />
(A)<br />
1st Time (seconds)<br />
2nd Time (seconds)<br />
spectrum #<br />
(B)<br />
250000<br />
200000<br />
150000<br />
100000<br />
50000<br />
30000<br />
25000<br />
20000<br />
15000<br />
10000<br />
5000<br />
640<br />
697<br />
recogni zing <strong>of</strong> partly co-el uting peaks in the GC –MS chrom atogram and obtai ning thei r ‘‘ pure ’’<br />
mass spect ra), (2) library searching, and (3) furt her post- processing. Since a large amoun t <strong>of</strong> data<br />
have to be proces sed, automated data proces sing is employed.<br />
650 660<br />
747 797<br />
2<br />
2<br />
670<br />
847<br />
79 109 185<br />
20000<br />
18000<br />
16000<br />
14000<br />
12000<br />
10000<br />
8000<br />
6000<br />
4000<br />
2000<br />
Time (seconds)<br />
spectrum #<br />
79<br />
71 87<br />
128<br />
1<br />
47<br />
60<br />
662 662 662 662 662 662<br />
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6<br />
145<br />
500<br />
185<br />
220<br />
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240<br />
1000<br />
Library Hit - similarity 727, “Phosphoric acid,<br />
2,2-dichlorovinyldimethylester”<br />
109<br />
500<br />
60<br />
79<br />
93 145 185<br />
220<br />
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240<br />
662 662<br />
1.8 2<br />
32520 32560 32600 32640 32680 32720 32760 32800<br />
79 109 185<br />
Depe nding upon the type <strong>of</strong> food compo unds being measured severa l different detectors are<br />
avail able for this purpose (T able 7 .5), e ach with its own advantages and drawbacks. The following<br />
sections briefly introduce various GC detectors most commonly in use today [32,33].<br />
1000<br />
680<br />
897<br />
650<br />
747<br />
690<br />
947<br />
660<br />
797<br />
1<br />
670<br />
847<br />
Peak true–sample<br />
109<br />
680<br />
897<br />
79 109 186<br />
FIGURE 7.10 Separation <strong>of</strong> dichlorvos (1) in apple extract at 0.01 mg=kg from matrix co-extract<br />
5-(hydroxymethyl)-5-furancarboxaldehyde (2). Plotted are three most abundant ions in the mass spectrum <strong>of</strong><br />
dichlorvos (79, 109, and 185). Chromatogram <strong>of</strong> (A) 1D-GC analysis <strong>of</strong> zoomed section shows the peak<br />
<strong>of</strong> dichlorvos (m=z 185) and matrix interference (m=z 79 and 109); and (B) GC GC analysis (DB-XLB DB-17<br />
columns); matrix interference resolved on medium polar DB-17 column. Data acquired by TOFMS at<br />
acquisition rates 5 spectra=s and 250 spectra=s, respectively.<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
700<br />
997<br />
690<br />
Abundance<br />
(A)<br />
410 4<br />
310 4<br />
210 4<br />
110 4<br />
570 590<br />
Retention time (s)<br />
S/N = 639 S/N = 19570<br />
610<br />
Flame ionization detector (FID) represents one <strong>of</strong> the most widely used detectors. The effluent from<br />
an analytical column is mixed with hydrogen and air, and is directed into a flame, which breaks<br />
down organic molecules and produces ions. A voltage potential is applied across the gap between<br />
the burner tip and an electrode located just above the flame. The resulting current is then measured<br />
and is proportional to the concentration <strong>of</strong> the components present.<br />
Abundance<br />
(B)<br />
310 4<br />
210 4<br />
110 4<br />
590.8<br />
0.22<br />
593.8<br />
0.22<br />
596.8 1tR (s)<br />
0.22 2tR (s)<br />
FIGURE 7.11 Improvement <strong>of</strong> detectability <strong>of</strong> limonene (m=z 93) isolated from honey headspace by SPME<br />
under the conditions <strong>of</strong> (A) 1D-GC and (B) GC GC (DB-5 ms Supelcowax-10 columns). Data acquired by<br />
TOFMS at acquisition rates <strong>of</strong> 10 spectra=s and 300 spectra=s, respectively. (Cajka, T. et al., J. Sep. Sci., 30,<br />
534, 2007.)<br />
TABLE 7.5<br />
Overview <strong>of</strong> GC Detectors Applicable for the Determination <strong>of</strong> <strong>Food</strong> Components<br />
Detector Selectivity Detectability Linearity<br />
Flame ionization detector (FID) No 2 pg C=s 10 7<br />
Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) No 300 pg=mL 10 4–6<br />
Electron capture detector (ECD) Halogens fg=s 10 4<br />
Nitrogen–phosphorus detector (NPD) N, P fg–pg N, P=s 10 4–7<br />
Halogen-specific detector (XSD) Halogens pg Cl=s 10 4<br />
Thermionic ionization detector (TID) N, P 100 fg N=s, N: 10 5 ,P:10 4<br />
100 fg P=s<br />
Photoionization detector (PID) Aromatics pg 10 6<br />
Flame photometric detector (FPD) S, P pg a<br />
S: 10 3 ,P:10 5<br />
Pulsed flame photometric detector (PFPD) Tuneable for 28 elements pg S=s, S, P: 10 3<br />
100 pg P=s a<br />
Atomic-emission detector (AED) Tuneable for any element pg=s a<br />
10 3–4<br />
Electrolytic conductivity detector (ELCD)<br />
or Hall electrolytic conductivity detector<br />
S, N, halogens pg 10 6<br />
Mass spectrometric detector (MSD) Yes fg–pg 10 4–7<br />
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Yes pg 10 2<br />
a The detectability considerably varies among particular elements.<br />
pg, picogram; fg, femtogram.<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) consists <strong>of</strong> an electrically heated wire or thermistor. The<br />
temperature <strong>of</strong> the sensing element depends on the thermal conductivity <strong>of</strong> the gas flowing around it.<br />
Changes in thermal conductivity cause a temperature rise in the element, which is sensed as a<br />
change in resistance.<br />
In ECD, the sample is introduced into the detector through an analytical column and passes over a<br />
63 Ni radioactive source emitting b particles, which causes ionization <strong>of</strong> the carrier gas and the<br />
subsequent release <strong>of</strong> electrons. When organic molecules containing electronegative functional<br />
atoms or groups pass by the detector, they capture some <strong>of</strong> the electrons and reduce the current<br />
measured between the electrodes.<br />
In nitrogen–phosphorus detector (NPD), a glass bead containing an alkali metal is electrically<br />
heated until electrons are emitted. These electrons are then captured by stable intermediates to<br />
form a hydrogen plasma, which ionizes compounds from the column effluent. A polarizing field<br />
directs these ions to a collector anode creating a current.<br />
In flame photometric detector (FPD), a sample is burned in a hydrogen=air flame to produce molecular<br />
products that emit light by means <strong>of</strong> chemiluminescent chemical reactions. The emitted light is then<br />
isolated from background emissions by narrow bandpass wavelength-selective filters and is detected<br />
by a photomultiplier and then amplified. Unfortunately, the detectability <strong>of</strong> the FPD is limited by light<br />
emissions <strong>of</strong> the continuous flame burning products. This disadvantage is eliminated by pulsed flame<br />
photometric detector (PFPD), where a hydrogen=air mixture flows into the FPD so low that a<br />
continuous flame could not be sustained. By inserting a constant ignition source into the gas flow,<br />
the hydrogen=air mixture would ignite, propagate back through a quartz combustor tube to a<br />
constriction in the flow path, extinguish, then refill the detector, ignite, and repeat the cycle.<br />
In photo-ionization detector (PID), the column effluent is ionized by ultraviolet light and the current<br />
(proportional to the concentrations <strong>of</strong> the ionized material) produced by the ion flow is measured.<br />
In electrolytic conductivity detector (ELCD), compounds eluting from an analytical column are<br />
swept into a nickel reaction tube at the temperature up to 9008C. The components are stripped <strong>of</strong>f<br />
their halogenated atoms and these atoms are carried into a conductivity cell. As the concentrations <strong>of</strong><br />
the halogens change in this cell, the measured conductivity <strong>of</strong> a solution in the cell changes<br />
proportionally.<br />
In atomic-emission detector (AED), eluted compounds from an analytical column are transported<br />
into a microwave powered plasma (or discharge) cavity where those compounds are destroyed and<br />
their atoms are excited by the energy <strong>of</strong> the plasma. The emitted light by the excited particles is<br />
separated into individual lines via a photodiode array. The individual emission lines are then sorted<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
and produce chromatogr ams co nsisting <strong>of</strong> peaks from eluant s that co ntain only a speci fic element. In<br />
this way, elem ental compo sition can be estimat ed. It shoul d be noted that the inte nsity <strong>of</strong> signa l<br />
large ly varies among the elements and it is relat ively low for oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, brom ine<br />
while higher sensi tivity is obtai ned for carbon, phospho rus, and sulph ur.<br />
The mass spect rome ter (MS) is by far the most powerful an d fle xible <strong>of</strong> the detectors used in the<br />
analys is <strong>of</strong> GC-am enable food compone nts today. The advantage over all GC detectors descri bed<br />
above is a possibil ity to ob tain, in addit ion to selec tive de tection <strong>of</strong> analyt e elut ed at certa in retention<br />
time, also stru ctural infor mation, enabli ng either con firmation <strong>of</strong> targe t compo und or identi ficati on<br />
<strong>of</strong> unknow n speci es. The charact er <strong>of</strong> data obtained largely depends on the type <strong>of</strong> mass analyz er<br />
employe d. The princ iple s <strong>of</strong> this type <strong>of</strong> detection are thoro ughly discussed in Cha pter 10.<br />
Unde r the real- world condition s, some residues <strong>of</strong> mat rix co-ext ractives u navoidably remain in the<br />
puri fied samp le prepar ed for examinati on by GC analysis. Inaccur ate quanti fication, decreas ed<br />
method ruggedn ess, low analyte detectabil ity, and ev en report ing <strong>of</strong> false positive o r negati ve<br />
results are the most serious matrix- associated probl ems, whic h c an b e e ncountered [3]. The extent<br />
<strong>of</strong> these phenomena depend on a wide range facto rs incl uding samp le compo sition and injectio n<br />
techniqu e empl oyed.<br />
Matr ix-induced chromato graphi c respon se enhancem ent, first descri bed b y Erney et al., is<br />
presuma bly the most discu ssed matrix effect adversely imp acting quanti ficati on accuracy <strong>of</strong> c ertain,<br />
particula rly more polar analytes [34]. Its principle is as follow s: During inje ction <strong>of</strong> particula r<br />
compo unds in neat solve nt, adsorp tion and=or therm o-degr adation <strong>of</strong> susceptibl e analytes on the<br />
active sites (mainly free sil anol groups ) presen t in the inje ction port and in chromatogr aphic colum n<br />
may occur. On this account, the number <strong>of</strong> analyte molecules reaching GC detector is reduced. This<br />
is, however, not the case when a real-world sample is analyzed. Co-injected matrix components tend<br />
to block the active sites in GC system thus reducing the analyte losses and, consequently, enhancing<br />
their signa ls as co mpared to the injectio n in neat solve nt (Figur es 7.12 and 7.13). If these facts are<br />
ignored and calibration standards in solvent only are used for calculation <strong>of</strong> target analytes concentration,<br />
recoveries as high as even several hundred percent might be obtained [3]. It is worth<br />
noticing that hydrophobic, nonpolar substances, such as persistent organochlorine contaminants<br />
(with some exceptions such as DDT that may thermally degrade in a dirty hot injector), are not<br />
prone to these hot injection-related problems.<br />
Repeated injections <strong>of</strong> nonvolatile matrix components, which are gradually deposited in the GC<br />
inlet and=or front part <strong>of</strong> the GC column, can give rise to successive formation <strong>of</strong> new active sites,<br />
which might be responsible for the effect, sometimes called matrix-induced diminishment [36].<br />
Gradual decrease in analyte responses associated with this phenomenon together with distorted peak<br />
shapes (broadening, tailing) and shifting the retention times towards higher values negatively impact<br />
ruggedness, i.e., long-term repeatability <strong>of</strong> analyte peak intensities, shapes, and retention times,<br />
performance characteristic <strong>of</strong> high importance in routine trace analysis [24].<br />
Three basic approaches and their combination should be considered as way to improved quality<br />
assurance [3]: (1) elimination <strong>of</strong> primary causes, (2) optimization <strong>of</strong> calibration strategy enabling<br />
compensation, and (3) optimization <strong>of</strong> injection and separation parameters.<br />
Unfortunately, the first concept <strong>of</strong> the GC system free <strong>of</strong> active sites is in principle hardly<br />
viable—not only because <strong>of</strong> commercial unavailability <strong>of</strong> virtually inert materials stable even under<br />
long-term exposure to high temperatures that typically occur in a GC inlet port, but also due to<br />
impossibility to control formation <strong>of</strong> new active sites from deposited nonvolatile matrix. In this<br />
content, a more conceivable alternative might be based on avoiding sample matrix to be introduced<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Standard<br />
Sample<br />
C C<br />
Injection<br />
X Liner Y<br />
Transfer onto<br />
the GC column<br />
C – X C – Y<br />
FIGURE 7.12 Illustration <strong>of</strong> the cause <strong>of</strong> matrix-induced chromatographic enhancement effect; (C) number<br />
<strong>of</strong> injected analyte molecules; (X, Y) number <strong>of</strong> free active sites for their adsorption in injector; (*) molecules<br />
<strong>of</strong> analyte in injected sample; (.) portion <strong>of</strong> analyte molecules adsorbed in GC injector; (~)<br />
molecules <strong>of</strong> matrix components in injected sample; (~) portion <strong>of</strong> matrix compounds adsorbed in GC liner;<br />
(C X) < (C Y). (Reproduced from Hajslova, J. and Zrostlikova, J., J. Chromatogr. A, 1000, 181, 2003.<br />
With permission.)<br />
260<br />
240<br />
220<br />
200<br />
180<br />
160<br />
140<br />
120<br />
100<br />
80<br />
60<br />
Time−> 12.20 12.30<br />
(P)<br />
(S)<br />
12.40 12.50<br />
FIGURE 7.13 Matrix-induced enhancement response effect: 1 pg <strong>of</strong> 2-nitronaphthalene (m=z 173) injected in<br />
pure solvent (S) and in purified sample <strong>of</strong> pumpkin seed oil (P). (Reproduced from Dusek, B., Hajslova, J., and<br />
Kocourek, V., J. Chromatogr. A, 982, 127, 2002. With permission.)<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
into the GC syst em. Unfortu nately, again, none <strong>of</strong> the comm on isolati on and=or cleanu p techni ques<br />
are selec tive eno ugh (mainly in the case <strong>of</strong> broad scope methods) to avoid the presen ce <strong>of</strong> residual<br />
samp le compo nents in the analyt ical sample.<br />
Since an effect ive elimin ation <strong>of</strong> the source s <strong>of</strong> the matrix effects is not like ly to occur in<br />
pract ice, their compen sation by using alte rnative cali bration methods is obviously the most feasible<br />
option. Se veral stra tegies are concei vable for this purpos e: (1) addition <strong>of</strong> isotopic ally labeled<br />
internal standards, (2) the use <strong>of</strong> stand ards addition method, (3) the use <strong>of</strong> mat rix-mat ched<br />
stand ards, an d (4) the use <strong>of</strong> analyt e protectant s (introduce d only recent ly). The main disad vantages=requi<br />
rements <strong>of</strong> these methods are summ arized in Tab le 7.6 [37].<br />
As regards analyt e protec tants , these compound s are capabl e to strongly inte ract wi th acti ve<br />
sites in the GC syst em, thus decreas ing de gradation an d adsorp tion <strong>of</strong> targe t analyt es [37]. The same<br />
amoun t <strong>of</strong> the analyte protectant s is added to both samp le extra cts and mat rix-free standards, which<br />
results in maximi zation and equ alization <strong>of</strong> the matrix- induced respon se enh ancement effect and<br />
avoids overes timati on <strong>of</strong> results, which can occur with stand ards in neat solve nt [38]. A wide range<br />
<strong>of</strong> compo unds containing mul tiple polar=ionizable groups such as vario us po lyols and their deriv atives,<br />
carboxy lic a cids, amino acids , and deriv atives <strong>of</strong> basic nitrogen contai ning h eterocycles have<br />
been exp erimenta lly evalua ted as analyte prote ctant s. In a study con cerned with the analys is<br />
<strong>of</strong> mul tiple pesticide resi dues using hot splitless injection , a mixture <strong>of</strong> 3-ethoxyp ropane-1,2-di ol,<br />
L-gulo nic acid g-lact one, and D-gluc itol (in aceton itrile extra cts) was found to most effect ively cover<br />
a wide volatility range <strong>of</strong> GC-amenable analytes [38]. This analyte protectant mixture worked also<br />
very well in the multi residue GC analysis <strong>of</strong> pesticides using DMI [15], which has more active glass<br />
surfa ces that need effective deacti vation d uring each injectio n. Figure 7.14 show s chrom atograms<br />
TABLE 7.6<br />
Quantification Strategies and Their Critical Assessment<br />
Method Comments<br />
Standard additions Extra labor effort required for preparation<br />
Inaccuracies may occur because the matrix effect is concentration dependent<br />
Isotopically labeled standards Only a limited number <strong>of</strong> certified isotopically labeled standards is currently<br />
commercially available; not available in wide scope methods<br />
Restriction in the use <strong>of</strong> detection techniques other than mass spectrometry<br />
Additional labor=time burden <strong>of</strong> developing analytical conditions for so many<br />
more compounds<br />
Matrix-matched standards Need for enough blank matrix (ideally identical as the samples) and its longterm<br />
storage<br />
Extra time, labor, and expense for preparing the blank extracts for calibration<br />
standards needed<br />
Greater amount <strong>of</strong> matrix material injected onto the column in a sequence,<br />
which leads to greater requirements for GC maintenance<br />
Greater potential for analyte degradation in the matrix solution<br />
Analyte protectants Following criteria have to be met for analyte protectants:<br />
Unreactiveness with analytes in solution and the GC system<br />
Sufficient stability under the GC conditions (no thermodegradation,<br />
re-arrangement, etc.)<br />
No deterioration <strong>of</strong> the GC column or detector performance (e.g., due to<br />
accumulation)<br />
No interference with the detection process <strong>of</strong> analytes (i.e., low intensity, low<br />
mass ions in its MS spectra)<br />
Good availability, low cost, no toxicity<br />
Good solubility in the solvent <strong>of</strong> interest<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
CI<br />
CI<br />
CI<br />
CI<br />
CI<br />
(A) Lindane<br />
(B) Phosalone<br />
OH<br />
(C) o-Phenylphenol<br />
A) Without analyte protectants<br />
CI<br />
CI<br />
O<br />
O O<br />
O<br />
N<br />
S<br />
S P<br />
1.12x<br />
3.98x<br />
10.6x<br />
for three pesticide s lindane, phosal one, and o-phenyl phenol obtained by hot splitl ess inje ction in<br />
solve nt a nd matrix-mat ched stand ards wi thout and with the above mixture <strong>of</strong> analyte prote ctants,<br />
demon strating dram atic improvem ent in peak shapes an d intensit ies wi th the use <strong>of</strong> analyt e<br />
prote ctants [38].<br />
Bes ides the above compe nsation approac hes, also careful optimizati on <strong>of</strong> injectio n and separa tion<br />
param eters (includin g the choice <strong>of</strong> suitable inje ction technique, temperat ure, and volume; liner size<br />
and its desig n; solvent expansi on volum e; column fl ow rate; colum n dimensi ons) can reduce to some<br />
extent the numbe r <strong>of</strong> active sites avail able for interacti on (lower surface area) and its durat ion [37].<br />
Injection in:<br />
Matrix<br />
Solvent<br />
Since a large range <strong>of</strong> food co mpounds are (semi)vo latile co mpounds, the GC is widely used for their<br />
deter minati on. The ch oice <strong>of</strong> an optimal GC setup depends on the requireme nts for the performanc e<br />
charact eristics <strong>of</strong> methods used, cost, speed, and several other factors. In Tab le 7.7, the curren t GC<br />
methods for several groups <strong>of</strong> food constituents are summarized with special attention paid to<br />
applicability <strong>of</strong> recent advances in the field <strong>of</strong> this technique for their analysis [39–43].<br />
2.16x<br />
B) With analyte protectants<br />
FIGURE 7.14 Comparison <strong>of</strong> peak shapes and intensities <strong>of</strong> 100 ng=mL lindane (m=z 219), phosalone (m=z<br />
182), and o-phenylphenol (m=z 170) obtained by injection in matrix (mixed fruit extract) and solvent (MeCN)<br />
solutions (A) without and (B) with the addition <strong>of</strong> analyte protectants (3-ethoxypropane-1,2-diol, L-gulonic acid<br />
g-lactone, and D-glucitol at 10, 1, and 1 mg=mL in the injected sample, respectively). (Reproduced from<br />
Mastovska, K., Lehotay, S.J., and Anastassiades M., Anal. Chem., 77, 8129, 2005. With permission.)<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
TABLE 7.7<br />
Overview <strong>of</strong> Typical Conditions <strong>of</strong> Most Common Applications Employing GC<br />
for Separation<br />
Natural<br />
substances<br />
<strong>Food</strong><br />
contaminants<br />
Lipids (fatty acids,<br />
mostly derivatized)<br />
Aroma and flavor<br />
compounds<br />
ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.<br />
Injection Typical GC Column Phase Detection<br />
Split Polyethylene glycol<br />
70% Cyanopropyl-phenyl–30%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Split, splitless, SPME 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Polyethylene glycol<br />
FID, MS<br />
MS, FID<br />
Modern pesticides Splitless, PTV, 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
MS, ECD,<br />
DSI=DMI, SPME dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
NPD, FPD,<br />
50% Diphenyl–50%<br />
PFPD, AED,<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
6% Cyanopropyl-phenyl–94%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
35% Diphenyl–65%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
PID, ELCD<br />
Polychlorinated Splitless, PTV 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
ECD, MS<br />
biphenyls<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
50% Diphenyl–50%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Polychlorinated Splitless, PTV 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
MS<br />
dibenzo-p-dioxins<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
and dibenz<strong>of</strong>urans<br />
50% Cyanopropyl-phenyl–50%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
other special phases<br />
Brominated flame Splitless, PTV 100% Dimethylpolysiloxane MS, ECD<br />
retardants<br />
5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
14% Cyanopropyl-phenyl–86%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Polycyclic aromatic Splitless, PTV 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
MS, PID<br />
hydrocarbons<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
50% Diphenyl–50%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Veterinary drugs Splitless 100% Dimethylpolysiloxane MS<br />
(derivatized)<br />
5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Mycotoxins Splitless 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
MS, ECD<br />
(derivatized)<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Acrylamide Splitless, PTV, DSI 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
MS (both<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
forms), ECD<br />
(derivatized form)<br />
(derivatized<br />
Polyethylene glycol<br />
(nonderivatized form)<br />
form)<br />
Chloropropanols Splitless, PTV 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
MS<br />
(derivatized)<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Heterocyclic amines Splitless 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
MS<br />
(derivatized)<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
50% diphenyl–50%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
(continued )
TABLE 7.7 (continued)<br />
Overview <strong>of</strong> Typical Conditions <strong>of</strong> Most Common Applications Employing GC<br />
for Separation<br />
<strong>Food</strong><br />
contaminants<br />
After severa l decades <strong>of</strong> GC on the mark et, the techno logy and its appli cations have improved<br />
signi fi cantly. Despit e that they have no t reached an end to the p ossibilities, which are con ceivable.<br />
The re are alwa ys new challenges for further imp rovements <strong>of</strong> performanc e and extend ing the scope<br />
<strong>of</strong> applicati ons. Con sidering future uses o f GC in food analys is, the mai n trend fores een is<br />
succes sive replacemen t <strong>of</strong> conventional detection approac hes by MSD s employin g vario us types<br />
<strong>of</strong> mass analyz ers. Fast GC –MS can be introdu ced in many applicati ons; thanks to the spectral<br />
resol ution <strong>of</strong> co-el uting compo unds that can compe nsate for low er GC resolution obtai ned in h ighspeed<br />
separa tions.<br />
This chapte r was financia lly suppor ted by the Mini stry <strong>of</strong> Edu cation, Youth and Sp orts <strong>of</strong> the Czech<br />
Rep ublic (project MSM 604 6137305) .<br />
Phthalate and<br />
adipate esters<br />
Epoxy-compounds<br />
(derivatized)<br />
Injection Typical GC Column Phase Detection<br />
Splitless, SPME 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
Splitless 5% Diphenyl–95%<br />
dimethylpolysiloxane<br />
MS, ECD<br />
Note: AED, atomic-emission detector; DMI, difficult matrix introduction; DSI, Direct sample introduction; ECD, electron<br />
capture detector; ELCD, electrolytic conductivity detector; FID, flame ionization detector; NPD, nitrogen–<br />
phosphorus detector; PFPD, pulsed flame photometric detector; PID, photo-ionization detector; PTV,<br />
programmable temperature vaporization; MS, mass spectrometry; SPME, solid-phase microextraction.<br />
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