May, 2012, Family Bulletin #5 - Mililani Waena Elementary School
May, 2012, Family Bulletin #5 - Mililani Waena Elementary School
May, 2012, Family Bulletin #5 - Mililani Waena Elementary School
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<strong>Mililani</strong> <strong>Waena</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
FAMILY BULLETIN <strong>#5</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> Year 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />
“Menehune Pride Since 1971”<br />
Visit our school<br />
websites:<br />
www.milwaena.k12.<br /><br />
https://iportal.k12.hi<br />
.us/SDO/<br />
px<br />
<strong>May</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 95-502 Kipapa Drive, <strong>Mililani</strong>, Hi 96789 ph. 627-7300<br />
Dear <strong>Waena</strong> Families,<br />
Principal’s Message<br />
Thank you for another successful school year! Our focus was to<br />
emphasize General Learner Outcome #6: To be an<br />
ethical and effective<br />
user of technology. We<br />
hope that your child has<br />
benefited from this<br />
emphasis by learning to<br />
use a variety of tools that<br />
will support their<br />
21st Century<br />
skills. I have been very impressed by the<br />
way both our students and staff have applied<br />
the use of the interactive whiteboards, active<br />
expression clickers,<br />
iPads, and the variety<br />
of digital cameras we<br />
have purchased to<br />
create "Sticky<br />
Learning" projects. All<br />
of these tools have<br />
helped to deepen the<br />
engagement of learning as we strive to<br />
make learning authentic for our students.<br />
Along with the learning that has occurred this school year, we<br />
hope that students & families will have many lasting memories as<br />
well. Being that this was our school's 40th Anniversary, we tried to<br />
celebrate this momentous occasion through our annual Fun Fair and<br />
Songfest and hope you agreed that both events provided lasting<br />
positive memories!<br />
So as we head off to Summer Break, on behalf of the many<br />
caring and competent professionals of our school, I want to wish<br />
everyone a safe and joyful break and look forward to seeing you<br />
next school year!<br />
Mahalo and Aloha,<br />
Dale Castro, Principal<br />
Master Po hammers the test (HSA)!<br />
<strong>May</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
<strong>May</strong> 3: JPO Field Day, Kapiolani Park<br />
<strong>May</strong> 4: HSA Round 3 ends for gr 3-5<br />
<strong>May</strong> 11: Gr 4, Bishop Museum<br />
Overnighter, Kitabayashi/Hong<br />
<strong>May</strong> 17: Gr 3, Career Day, Café 8:15-<br />
9:30<br />
<strong>May</strong> 17: SCC Gen (4:30 pm) &<br />
Transition (5:30 pm) Meetings<br />
<strong>May</strong> 18: Gr 3, Holoholo Starlab, Library<br />
<strong>May</strong> 18: Gr 4, Bishop Museum<br />
Overnighter, Yogi & Ichishita<br />
<strong>May</strong> 21: Gr 5, Banquet - Nehelani<br />
<strong>May</strong> 22: Transition Day, 1:00 p.m.<br />
<strong>May</strong> 24: 4 th quarter Recognition<br />
Assembly, D-Lanai, 8:30 am<br />
<strong>May</strong> 24: Last day for students,<br />
full day<br />
<strong>May</strong> 25: Teacher Dept Directed Leave<br />
Without Pay Day #7, No<br />
school for teachers/students;<br />
UPW DDLWOP #11<br />
<strong>May</strong> 30: Memorial Day Holiday,<br />
<strong>School</strong> Closed<br />
June <strong>2012</strong><br />
June 11: Kamehameha Day, <strong>School</strong><br />
Closed<br />
June 22: UPW DDLWOP (no custodians)<br />
June 29: UPW DDLWOP (no custodians)<br />
July <strong>2012</strong><br />
July 4: Independence Day Holiday,<br />
<strong>School</strong> Closed<br />
Jul 16-19: Ready, Set, K!!! Kindergarten<br />
Summer Readiness, 8-11 am<br />
Jul 24-25: Teachers Report – Work Days<br />
July 25: Drop Off <strong>School</strong> Supplies,<br />
2:45-4 pm<br />
Jul 26-27: Teachers Dept Directed<br />
Leave Without Pay, No<br />
school for students/teachers<br />
July 30: Welcome Back!<br />
Students 1 st Day of<br />
<strong>School</strong>, 7:50 a.m.<br />
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Obligation Clearance<br />
Students in grades K-5 must clear their obligations<br />
(lunch loans, lost or damaged book fees, etc.) by <strong>May</strong><br />
24, <strong>2012</strong>. If a student has not cleared his/her<br />
obligations by <strong>May</strong> 24, <strong>2012</strong>, their 4 th quarter report<br />
card will be sent to the office on <strong>May</strong> 24, <strong>2012</strong> for<br />
parent pick-up and to pay for outstanding obligations.<br />
<strong>School</strong> Bus Service<br />
On <strong>May</strong> 22, <strong>2012</strong>, a letter was sent to<br />
families regarding the student transportation<br />
budget for school year <strong>2012</strong>-2013. As<br />
stated, there is a potential reduction in bus<br />
route options, and final decision will be<br />
made sometime in June.<br />
Latest information about <strong>School</strong> Bus<br />
Transportation Routes can be found at the DOE website<br />
(, or the local media.<br />
Student Transition Day<br />
On Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 22, <strong>2012</strong>, our students and<br />
teachers had the opportunity to meet and get<br />
acquainted with each other prior to the start of the<br />
next school year (<strong>2012</strong>-2013). This helps to<br />
develop a positive connection and help make a<br />
smooth transition to the next grade.<br />
Future teachers shared their expectations<br />
and guidelines, and future students asked<br />
questions about the next school year.<br />
Fifth grade students attended a question &<br />
answer session with <strong>Mililani</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><br />
Counselors, and students not returning<br />
participated in other activities during this time.<br />
Enrollment for <strong>2012</strong> - 2013 <strong>School</strong> Year<br />
As we prepare for next school year, we need to know if<br />
your child(ren) will be returning to <strong>Mililani</strong> <strong>Waena</strong><br />
<strong>Elementary</strong> in July. If your family is relocating to<br />
another area or moving out of the State of Hawaii,<br />
please give our school office at least 5 days notice for<br />
processing of release documents. All financial<br />
obligations must be cleared prior to release (e.g., lunch<br />
loans, lost library/textbooks).<br />
Kindergarten Registration for <strong>School</strong> Year <strong>2012</strong>-2013<br />
Kindergarten registration began on Monday, February 1,<br />
<strong>2012</strong> for the <strong>2012</strong>-2013 school year. Registration times<br />
are on Mondays-Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. All<br />
registration forms must be completed in the office. Please<br />
allow 45 minutes for this. Remember to bring 1)<br />
Verification of Address, 2) completed Health Record (Form<br />
14), and 3) Verification of birthdate. Child must turn 5 by<br />
December 31, <strong>2012</strong>. Please contact the office, 627-7300,<br />
with questions.<br />
Student Council Officers for<br />
<strong>School</strong> Year <strong>2012</strong>-2013<br />
We recently held Student Council elections<br />
for the <strong>2012</strong>-2013 school year. Our incoming<br />
officers are President Meagan Tamashiro,<br />
Vice President Kailee Chatters, Secretary<br />
Anna Gruzinksy, Treasurer Kiana Fong, and<br />
Historian Cruse Aea. Congratulations to the<br />
incoming officers.<br />
Thank you and much appreciation for a<br />
job well done to outgoing Student Council<br />
Officers: President Kiana Espinueva-Manuel,<br />
Vice President Tabitha Hiyane, Secretary Asia<br />
Espinueva-Manuel, Treasurer Meagan<br />
Tamashiro, and Historian Devin Uyeda.<br />
4th Quarter Recognition Award Program<br />
Our Recognition Award Program was developed to give students the opportunity to be recognized for citizenship and<br />
academic progress. The program incorporates the Six Core Ethical Values: Trustworthiness, Respect,<br />
Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship – T R R F C C and was developed as one way to bring these values to<br />
life as they impact students’ academic progress. Students will be recognized at an assembly on <strong>May</strong> 24, <strong>2012</strong>.<br />
Congratulations to all students who have been selected!<br />
4th Quarter Citizenship Award<br />
Pre-Sch: Clayton Pactol<br />
Grade K: Kaira Banglos, Ethan Biondine, Tytan Hopfe, Arron Martinez, Pomaika'I Newman<br />
Grade 1: Madison Andrade, Emily Asuncion, Angelina Kealakekua, Jessica Boteilho, Aaron Navasquez<br />
Grade 2: Brenton Cantrell, Mia Thomas, Diana Gardner, Brycen Yadao<br />
Grade 3: Cruse Aea, Kiana Burnett, Nicole Hanna, Reyce Kajiwara<br />
Grade 4: Tristine Hui, Haaheo Kahalewai, Taylor Miner, Terri Taylor<br />
Grade 5: Dylan Guerrero-Guittap, Cynthia Kent, Aliyana Martinez, Fuamatu Timoteo, Kuuleilani Williams<br />
4th Quarter Academic Award<br />
Pre-Sch: Zebediah Curtis<br />
Grade K: Kulika Corpuz, Bladen Gushikuma, Makayla Kuahiwinui, Adrian Lee, Connor Spofford<br />
Grade 1: Veronica Burgos, Janae Lacey, Sharissa Oshiro, Sophia Sumile, Emma Williams<br />
Grade 2: Trinity Barretto, Ashley Shiotani, Destiny Sumile, Brayden Yadao<br />
Grade 3: Cody Bond, Evan Ginos, Canaan Cortes, Tracen Higa, Emma Tapia<br />
Grade 4: Raffy Briant Campano, Alex Ferris, Kainoa Forvilly, Jayden Hong<br />
Grade 5: Anika Jiang, Azariah Laulusa, Kalei Lyons, Christian Macias<br />
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SongFest <strong>2012</strong><br />
Ho'olaule'a no na makahiki kanaha: Appreciating the Past, Envisioning the Future<br />
Thank you for joining us at our SongFest, “Appreciating the Past, Envisioning the Future” on <strong>May</strong> 11, <strong>2012</strong> held at<br />
the <strong>Mililani</strong> High <strong>School</strong> Gymnasium. Each grade level did a fantastic job performing their special songs.<br />
Students & staff were excited to share this special program with their families & friends.<br />
Teacher Appreciation Week<br />
On Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 10, <strong>2012</strong>,<br />
teachers at <strong>Mililani</strong> <strong>Waena</strong> were<br />
treated to delicious<br />
baked goods and<br />
beverages<br />
delivered to our<br />
rooms. We thank<br />
the many families<br />
and members of<br />
our staff who<br />
helped organize<br />
this event and make our day/week<br />
special in so many ways.<br />
<strong>School</strong> Community Council<br />
Thank you to our outgoing<br />
members and welcome to our<br />
incoming members. We appreciate<br />
your time and support in our school<br />
efforts. We had a great year, and<br />
look forward to working with you<br />
in the <strong>2012</strong>-2013 school year.<br />
Annual JPO Field Day<br />
On <strong>May</strong> 3, <strong>2012</strong>, <strong>Mililani</strong> <strong>Waena</strong>'s Junior Police Officers (JPO) competed<br />
in the Annual JPO Field Day and Drill Competition hosted by the Honolulu<br />
Police Department (HPD) at Kapiolani Park<br />
Throughout the school year, the JPO’s practiced their routines before<br />
they went on duty and as an entire squad on Thursdays.<br />
Leilehua Complex Track Meet<br />
On April 24, <strong>2012</strong>, select 4 th and 5 th grade students participated in<br />
the Leilehua Complex Track Meet (pictured above) at the Leilehua<br />
High <strong>School</strong> track. The event was held at Leilehua because the<br />
<strong>Mililani</strong> High <strong>School</strong> track was under renovation.<br />
All participants worked hard preparing for this<br />
event - practicing after school twice a week. The<br />
students pursued victory with honor and tried their<br />
best in all events. Congratulations on a job well<br />
done.<br />
5 th Grade Recognition Awards<br />
Each year, 5 th grade students are nominated for various awards from our community partnerships. These awards<br />
recognize students for their achievements in citizenship, academics, service activities and other areas.<br />
Congratulations to the following recipients. You are truly TRRFCC!<br />
Senator Michelle Kidani Award: Asia Espinueva-Manuel & Nathan Looney<br />
Representative Marilyn Lee Award: Nikka Kahalekulu-Nakama & Kiana Espinueva-Manuel<br />
Rotary Club of <strong>Mililani</strong> Sunrise “Service Above Self” Award: Tabitha Hiyane & Stacie Miura<br />
<strong>Mililani</strong> Lions Club Award: Evan Kurashige & Angelo Bongbonga<br />
Nathan & Asia Kiana & Nikka Tabitha & Stacie Angelo & Evan<br />
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PARENT<br />
CHEERS<br />
to our<br />
Volunteers!<br />
We appreciate<br />
your giving of<br />
yourselves and your time to assist us in<br />
our many endeavors! Thank you for<br />
attending our Volunteer Appreciation<br />
Breakfast on <strong>May</strong> 18, <strong>2012</strong>. If you weren’t<br />
able to attend, we are sorry we missed<br />
sharing the time with you. Please<br />
remember that YOU ARE APPRECIATED!<br />
LOST AND<br />
may be claimed<br />
at the front<br />
office.<br />
Items not claimed<br />
will be donated to<br />
a charitable<br />
organization.<br />
Character Counts… Simply remember that good<br />
character is terrific (that’s “T R R F C C” –<br />
trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness,<br />
caring & citizenship).<br />
Surviving the Summer!<br />
As summer draws near, we will be spending more time with<br />
our friends, family and the great outdoors! Because of the<br />
proximity to others, we ask you to continue practicing good hand<br />
washing skills and to please take some time to talk with your<br />
children about the importance of hand washing. It is a very<br />
important part of preventing the spread of infection!<br />
When should children wash their hands?<br />
After using the restroom<br />
Before and after meals<br />
After playing outside<br />
After blowing or wiping their<br />
nose<br />
After playing with pets<br />
After being in a public place<br />
Whenever hands look, smell or feel unclean.<br />
The other thing we have to watch for is sunburn! If<br />
your summer includes fun at the beach, relaxing<br />
BBQ with family, hiking or just being outdoors make<br />
sure to include the following items to ensure a fun<br />
and safe outing:<br />
Sunscreen or covering for all exposed skin<br />
Hats & sunglasses<br />
Lots and lots of water to keep hydrated<br />
Important Reminder! The last day of school is Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 24, <strong>2012</strong>.<br />
Students will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m.<br />
Lunch will be served and there will be A+ that day.<br />
<strong>School</strong> resumes on Monday, July 30, <strong>2012</strong> at 7:50 a.m.<br />
Thank you to the following staff<br />
members who will be moving on to<br />
new chapters in their lives:<br />
Support Staff: Regina Yamamoto<br />
Health Aide: Miyuki Chun<br />
Grade K: Belia Luna-Buenconseco<br />
Grade 1: Cyd Nakasato<br />
Special Ed: Megan McIntosh<br />
Ed Assts: Lynne Michishima, Malcolm<br />
Nozoe, Maria Scaife<br />
We welcome to our ohana Grade K<br />
Jennifer Mizumura, Grade 1 Andrea<br />
Kubo, and Grade 4 Raechelle Villanueva.<br />
See you then!<br />
Volunteers – We appreciate all that you do for us. Thank you.<br />
E. Aea, Michael Abagon, Toria Agbayani, Lexus Amburgey, Liza Aoki,<br />
Christine Asuncion-Gibson, Marjorie Banks, Jonah Barroga, Jealyn<br />
Brown, Chance Castro-Wong, Jacob Chang, Julia Cheek, Elizabeth<br />
Dagdag, Nathaniel Daugherty, Ashley Davison, Amy Diegel, Matthew<br />
Fontenat, Isaac Goshay, Haley Hamamura, Ezra Heleski, Noah Hirata,<br />
Marcie Hoeke, Sara Horner, Pat Isobe, Kailee Jarrett, Ryan Kanetani,<br />
Shellsea Kekahuna, Kobi Kato, Linda Kim, Lauren Kitabayashi, Joshua<br />
Krause, Zachary Lessary, Mitzi Ludwig, Teresa Monroe, Shaynee<br />
Moreno, Karli Murakami, Shawna Pao, Destiny Perreira, Alaina Pilanca,<br />
Joecelyn Saloma, Joslyn Sato, Danielle Silva, Jo Ann Takahashi, Soria<br />
Valenzuela, Eva Wong, Grandma Isabel Yabes, Drayden Yamauchi,<br />
Marissa Yoshikawa<br />
Construction News!<br />
This summer, we the small playground installation behind Portables 5 & 6 will be completed. We will also be having a parking lot<br />
expansion in the school driveway. The driveway will not be accessible from June 4 to July 6. The office will still be open and<br />
access will be through the street gate between portables 2 &3, or from staff parking lot in front of B-Building.<br />
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