Phytosociological Studies on Mediterranean Algal Vegetation ...

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2 ong>Phytosociologicalong> ong>Studiesong> on Mediterranean Algal Vegetation: Rocky Surfaces of the Photophilic Binfialittoral Zone E. COPPEJANS Laboratorium voor ~orfologie, Systematiek en Ekologie van de Planten, Rijksuniversiteit Cent, K. L. Ledeganc kstraat, 35, B. 9000, Gent, Belgium Abstract: No thorough bionomic study of the photophilic infralittoral algal vegetation of western Mediterranean rocky surfaces exists, despite the fact that this vegetation-type covers large areas along the coasts. A description of the biotope to be studied is first presented; thereafter, different features and problems arising with the Mediterranean algal vegetation are discussed. Particularly in this biotope, the overall size and height of the constituents are small, so that we had to develop sampling procedures and methods of detailed laboratory study. Quadrats of 20 x 20 cm were the samples* rock surface of the whole sample area was removed with hammer and chisel so that the smaller algae and crustose forms in the underlying flora were not missed. Following a minimum area study, the homogeneity of the vegetation from which the samples were taken was checked. Species diversity appears to be very high in this biotope and a list of rarer taxa has been compiled. As yet, phytosociological interpretation has not been attempted since we lack data from some seasons. A survey of previously he French term ''relev&" has generally been translated here as "sample" (Editors). A more precise and detailed equivalent is required elsewhere; see footnote to p. 51. Systematics Association Special Volume No. 17(b), "The Shore Environment, Vol. 2: Ecosystems", edited by J. H. Price, D. E. G. Irvine and W. F. Farnham, 1980, pp. 371-393, Academic Press, London and New York.

2<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Phytosociological</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Studies</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong><br />

<strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong>:<br />

Rocky Surfaces of the Photophilic<br />

Binfialittoral Z<strong>on</strong>e<br />


Laboratorium voor ~orfologie, Systematiek en Ekologie van de<br />

Planten, Rijksuniversiteit Cent, K. L. Ledeganc kstraat, 35, B. 9000,<br />

Gent, Belgium<br />

Abstract: No thorough bi<strong>on</strong>omic study of the photophilic infralittoral algal<br />

vegetati<strong>on</strong> of western <strong>Mediterranean</strong> rocky surfaces exists, despite the fact that<br />

this vegetati<strong>on</strong>-type covers large areas al<strong>on</strong>g the coasts.<br />

A descripti<strong>on</strong> of the biotope to be studied is first presented; thereafter,<br />

different features and problems arising with the <strong>Mediterranean</strong> algal vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />

are discussed. Particularly in this biotope, the overall size and height of the<br />

c<strong>on</strong>stituents are small, so that we had to develop sampling procedures and<br />

methods of detailed laboratory study. Quadrats of 20 x 20 cm were the samples*<br />

rock surface of the whole sample area was removed with hammer and chisel so<br />

that the smaller algae and crustose forms in the underlying flora were not<br />

missed. Following a minimum area study, the homogeneity of the vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />

from which the samples were taken was checked.<br />

Species diversity appears to be very high in this biotope and a list of rarer<br />

taxa has been compiled. As yet, phytosociological interpretati<strong>on</strong> has not been<br />

attempted since we lack data from some seas<strong>on</strong>s. A survey of previously<br />

he French term ''relev&" has generally been translated here as "sample" (Editors). A<br />

more precise and detailed equivalent is required elsewhere; see footnote to p. 51.<br />

Systematics Associati<strong>on</strong> Special Volume No. 17(b), "The Shore Envir<strong>on</strong>ment, Vol. 2:<br />

Ecosystems", edited by J. H. Price, D. E. G. Irvine and W. F. Farnham, 1980, pp. 371-393,<br />

Academic Press, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong> and New York.

372 E. Copp e jans<br />

recognized bi<strong>on</strong>omic categories is presented for the photophilic infralittoral algal<br />

vegetati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Rksurnk: Les vkgktati<strong>on</strong>s algales de l'infralittoral photophile sur substrat rocheux<br />

du bassin mkditerranden occidental n'<strong>on</strong>t pas encore kt6 le sujet d'dtudes phytosociologiques<br />

approf<strong>on</strong>dies malgrk le fait qu'elles couvrent d'dnormes surfaces le<br />

l<strong>on</strong>g des cbtes.<br />

Apris un essai de ditlimitati<strong>on</strong> du biotope a dtudier, divers problimes, propres<br />

aux vdgktati<strong>on</strong>s algales mdditerrandennes s<strong>on</strong>t discutds. A cause de la miniaturisati<strong>on</strong><br />

de ces populati<strong>on</strong>s, surtout dans le biotope e'tudie', nous devi<strong>on</strong>s effectuer<br />

une procddure d'ichantill<strong>on</strong>age et l'dtude ddtaillde des relevits au laboratoire. Ces<br />

relev& de 20 x 20 cm fClrent effectuks en cassant le substrat a l'aide de marteau<br />

et burin; ainsi les petites algues et les algues encroiitantes de la sous-strate s<strong>on</strong>t<br />

dgalement ricoltdes. Aprds une e'tude d'aire minima, l'homoge'nkitd de la<br />

vdgdtati<strong>on</strong> dtudide a dtd vdrifide.<br />

La richesse floristique semble etre trds dlevde dans ce biotope, et un grand<br />

nombre, d7espdces extremement rares a ktk identifi k. Une interprdtati<strong>on</strong> phytosociologique<br />

de nos d<strong>on</strong>niles n'a pas encore ;tit effectuke a cause du manque de<br />

d<strong>on</strong>nkes de certaines sais<strong>on</strong>s. Un apersu des classificati<strong>on</strong>s bi<strong>on</strong>omiques antkrieures<br />

des vilgdtati<strong>on</strong>s algales de l'infralittoral photo~hile est d<strong>on</strong>nd.<br />


Whereas ecological data <strong>on</strong> terrestrial plants have been sought since<br />

the beginning of the last century, and terrestrial vegetati<strong>on</strong> has been<br />

studied by rigorous phytosociological methods for over 50 years, this<br />

is not at all the case for marine vegetati<strong>on</strong>. Some of the phycologists<br />

who worked al<strong>on</strong>g the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean during the last<br />

century added <strong>on</strong>ly, as ecological data to their herbarium specimens,<br />

the tidal level at which they had been collected.<br />

The <strong>Mediterranean</strong> Sea has small tides, roughly 30 cm in amplitude;<br />

this is mainly due to the effects of wind and pressure-systems.<br />

Sampling below the water surface remained extremely fragmentary<br />

until recently, especially <strong>on</strong> rocky surfaces where dredging is<br />

excluded. It was not until the studies of Funk (1927) at Naples and<br />

of J. Feldmann (1 937) at ~anyuls that important ecological informati<strong>on</strong><br />

<strong>on</strong> <strong>Mediterranean</strong> infralittoral seaweeds was recorded. Even<br />

then, it was difficult to describe the exact biotope (horiz<strong>on</strong>tal rock,<br />

vertical rock, overhanging rocky surfaces, precise depth) of the algae<br />

collected, since they were dredged.<br />

Molinier (1 9 60) carried out pi<strong>on</strong>eering phytosociological studies

2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 373<br />

of the algal communities near the water surface at Cap Corse; for this<br />

purpose, he used a simple Braun-Blanquet method.<br />

The development and popularizati<strong>on</strong> of SCUBA diving made<br />

possible in situ studies of the marine infralittoral bioto~e. This diving<br />

technique is not without its problems, as it still remains difficult to<br />

carry out a relevk* near the surface because of water movement. At<br />

greater depths, <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e or two relevks per dive are possible as<br />

availability of air and physical activities are limited.<br />

Boudouresque, himself a diver, was the first to carry out (in the<br />

1960s) quantitative ecological recording in the infralittoral by<br />

developing a bi<strong>on</strong>omic technique adapted for immersed marine<br />

benthic vegetati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

The method was derived from the Braun-Blanquet school<br />

(Boudouresque, 1971a) and was used for the study of sciaphilic<br />

(shade-requiring) vegetati<strong>on</strong>. He defined distinct sociological<br />

categories (Boudouresque, 19'70, 1971b, 1972, 1974a, b).<br />

We used this same method to study the so-called "photophilic<br />

(light-requiring) infralittoral algal vegetati<strong>on</strong>" of the western<br />

<strong>Mediterranean</strong> basin. This had never previously been thoroughly<br />

studied, although widespread al<strong>on</strong>g the shores.<br />


The existing literature does not give a well-defined descripti<strong>on</strong> of the<br />

photophilic infralittoral biotope. According to Pkrks and Picard<br />

(1956, 1958, 1964) and Pkrks (1967), the infralittoral z<strong>on</strong>e starts<br />

at low-water level and extends down to the deepest levels of marine<br />

phanerogams. The lower limit depends <strong>on</strong> the turbidity of the<br />

water and lies at an average depth of 35 m. The infralittoral z<strong>on</strong>e is<br />

bi<strong>on</strong>omically characterized by the luxuriance of the flora, both of<br />

seaweeds and marine phanerogams. Pkrks and Picard did not separate<br />

the photophilic and sciaphilic biotopes within the infralittoral z<strong>on</strong>e,<br />

as faunistically they did not find any differences.<br />

Feldmann (1 937, 1962) assumed that the boundary between<br />

photophilic and sciaphilic algae is at a depth of 5-10 m where, as he<br />

*"A relev6 refers to a site analyzed with detailed records of total species present, their<br />

relative importance, and other analytic characters of the flora and habit" (A. R. 0. Chapman,<br />


374 E. Coppejans<br />

Table I. M<strong>on</strong>thly values of the sun energy in cal/cm2/day at different depths, in<br />

the regi<strong>on</strong> of Bany&-sur-Mer (Weinberg, pers<strong>on</strong>al communicati<strong>on</strong>)<br />

M<strong>on</strong>th Etot E4m Eo- Elo- E2o- E3o-<br />

January<br />

February<br />

March<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

July<br />

August<br />

September<br />

October<br />

November<br />

December<br />

Etot = total light energy, just above the surface of the sea.<br />

E480 = light energy of wavel.engt11 of 480nm.<br />

Eo- = light energy just below the surface of the sea.<br />

Elo-,,t,. = light energy at a depth of lorn, etc.<br />

says, "light-liking algae are replaced by shade-liking <strong>on</strong>es". This <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

shifts the problem as there existed no list of shade-liking algae.<br />

Therefore, we investigated the possibility of defining the photophilic<br />

infralittoral biotope by physical factors. Results were as follows:<br />

(a) The light quantity does not show a clear-cut threshold value<br />

(Table I). At ~ an~uls, the 10% value for the light penetrati<strong>on</strong><br />

lies at less than 10 m depth in winter and at more than 20 m<br />

in summer (Weinberg, 1975). This is due to the higher<br />

turbidity of the water in winter (Fig. 1); as a c<strong>on</strong>sequence,<br />

the winter seas<strong>on</strong> represents more pr<strong>on</strong>ounced difference in<br />

greater depths than it does closer to the surface.<br />

(b) A thermocline is <strong>on</strong>ly present in summer, as turbulence of<br />

the water is too great during the winter (Fig. 2). Thermocline<br />

depth fluctuates daily; at Bany&, it is between 15<br />

and 30 m (Weinberg, 1975).<br />

(c) On the basis of turbulence, ~ iedl (1964) divided the infralittoral<br />

z<strong>on</strong>e into three sub-z<strong>on</strong>es (Fig. 3): an upper <strong>on</strong>e,<br />

0-2m in depth, with multi-directi<strong>on</strong>al movements of the<br />

water; a sec<strong>on</strong>d <strong>on</strong>e, from 2m to 10-12 m depth, with bi-

8<br />

I I I I I I I I I I 1 1<br />

J F M A M J J A S O N D<br />

[m<strong>on</strong>th]<br />

Fig. 1. Annual variati<strong>on</strong>s of the extincti<strong>on</strong> coefficient k in the regi<strong>on</strong> of Banyuls-<br />

sur-Mer (after Weinberg, 1975).<br />

I I I I I I I I I I I I<br />

J F M A M J J A S O N D<br />

[m<strong>on</strong>th]<br />

Fig. 2. Annud variati<strong>on</strong>s of the temperature at different depths, in the regi<strong>on</strong><br />

of Banyuls-sur-Mer (after Weinberg, 1975).

E. Coppejans<br />

Fig. 3. Hydrodynamic z<strong>on</strong>es (after Riedl, 1964). 1, Upper limit of the spray of<br />

the waves. 2, Water level with calm sea. 3, Z<strong>on</strong>e of multi-directi<strong>on</strong>al water<br />

movements. 4, First critical level. 5, Z<strong>on</strong>e of bi-directi<strong>on</strong>al water move-<br />

ments. 6, sec<strong>on</strong>d critical level. 7, Z<strong>on</strong>e of uni-directi<strong>on</strong>al water move-<br />

ments. 8, Water surface.<br />

directi<strong>on</strong>al movements; the lowest <strong>on</strong>e, with a uni-directi<strong>on</strong>al<br />

movement of the water (the general coastal current).<br />

It is still not known if the lower boundary coincides with a biological<br />

boundary. The physical factors (light, temperature, water movement)<br />

do not give a clear-cut boundary between the photophilic and<br />

sciaphilic infralittoral z<strong>on</strong>es, but some features indicate that this<br />

must be around 15m depth. Quadrat samples were taken down to<br />

20 m, and even some at 30 m, always <strong>on</strong> horiz<strong>on</strong>tal substrata without<br />

any shade.<br />



Because of the small size of ~editerranean<br />

algae generally, particularly<br />

in the biotope studied here (the largest algae in our relevks were <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

10 cm high), and of the difficulty in distinguishing differentiating<br />

characters under water, it was impossible definitely to identify algal<br />

species in situ. In the relev6 REC 5, c<strong>on</strong>taining (after laboratory<br />

study) 109 spp., <strong>on</strong>ly Padinapav<strong>on</strong>ica (L.) Lamour. could be identified<br />

in situ. Therefore, it was necessary to utilize a sampling procedure

2, <strong>Mediterranean</strong> Aka2 Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 377<br />

and to undertake detailed study of the samples in the laboratory.<br />

The rocky substratum was removed by hammer and chisel, so that<br />

the smaller and crustose algae of the underlying flora were sampled<br />

as well. All the fragments of the relevk have to be studied microscopically,<br />

which results in a l<strong>on</strong>g sorting time, even when Cyanophyceae<br />

and BaciUariophyceae are excluded.<br />

The fact that- species cannot be identified in situ has important<br />

I L<br />

c<strong>on</strong>sequences; according to the ~raun-~lanquet method, a relevk<br />

has to be taken in homogeneous vegetati<strong>on</strong>. Therefore, we had to<br />

determine whether "homogeneous" vegetati<strong>on</strong>, as seen with the<br />

naked eye, really is homogeneous (see secti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> Homogeneity,<br />

p. 382).<br />

Another c<strong>on</strong>sequence of the miniaturizati<strong>on</strong> of the algal vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />

is the fact that the minimum area is very small. An important part<br />

of our research was to determine the minimum area for the biotope<br />

studied.<br />


Whereas it seems easy to give an approximate definiti<strong>on</strong> of the<br />

"qualitative minimum area" (the smallest surface where almost all<br />

the species of the community studied are present), it is much more<br />

difficult to give a rigorous definiti<strong>on</strong> (avoiding the qualificati<strong>on</strong><br />

"almost all the species"). This problem has been studied by a large<br />

number of terrestrial phytosociologists. Tuxen (1970) gives 17 0<br />

references <strong>on</strong> that subject; Gleas<strong>on</strong> (1922,1925), Moravec (1973) and<br />

van der Maarel (1 970) present extra <strong>on</strong>es. Marine phytosociologists,<br />

<strong>on</strong> the c<strong>on</strong>trary, have <strong>on</strong>ly recently c<strong>on</strong>sidered this c<strong>on</strong>cept.<br />

Boudouresque (1974b) made a minimum area study of the sciaphilic<br />

algal vegetati<strong>on</strong> of the <strong>Mediterranean</strong> Sea, and we have determined<br />

it for the photophilic infralittoral biotope (Dh<strong>on</strong>dt, 1976; Dh<strong>on</strong>dt<br />

and Coppejans, 1977). Some other minimum area studies for algal<br />

vegetati<strong>on</strong> have been carried out more recently (Cinelli et al., 1977a, b).<br />

Different authors have proposed a range of methods for calcu-<br />

lating the minimum area; they mainly need the species numbers of a<br />

series of quadrats of increasing area to draw a specieslarea curve. For<br />

that purpose two series of 11 relevks were made, using the "multiple<br />

plot procedure" (quadrats not overlapping) ; <strong>on</strong>e series was at Banyuls<br />

and the other at Port-Cros (France), at 4 m depth, in "homogeneous"

species number<br />

Fig. 4. Specieslarea curves of the algae of the photophilic biotope from Banyuls and Port-Cros (own observati<strong>on</strong>s) and of<br />

the sciaphilic biotope (Boudouresque, 1974b).

2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 379<br />

vegetati<strong>on</strong>. Quadrat areas were 1 x 1 cm, 1 x 2 cm, 2 x 2 cm, 2 x<br />

4cm, 4x4cm, 5x5cm, 5xlOcm, lOxlOcm, lOx20cm, 20x<br />

20 cm and 20 x 30 cm. After sorting the relevks and carrying out a<br />

Bravet-Pears<strong>on</strong> correlati<strong>on</strong> analysis <strong>on</strong> the species numbers/relevk,<br />

a specieslarea curve was drawn. This is a parabolic curve (Fig. 4).<br />

According to the definiti<strong>on</strong> of Braun-Blanquet, the minimum area<br />

is reached where the curve becomes more or less horiz<strong>on</strong>tal; we<br />

can c<strong>on</strong>clude that, for the vegetati<strong>on</strong> studied, this area is reached<br />

between 100 and 200 cm2. There are more accurate methods to<br />

determine objectively the minimum area <strong>on</strong> these curves. In the<br />

tangent-method of Cain and Castro (1959), the minimum area is<br />

reached when an increase of 10% of the surface results in an increase<br />

of 10% of the species number (method I); for more precisi<strong>on</strong>, that<br />

area can be c<strong>on</strong>sidered to be reached when an increase of 10% of<br />

the surface results in an increase of 5% of the species number<br />

(method 2). The following results were obtained:<br />

method 1<br />

method 2<br />

Banyuls Port-Cros<br />

Vestal (1949) developed another procedure, in which a semi-<br />

logarithmic plotting of the specieslarea curve (species-log area) is<br />

involved. On this curve, two points are determined such that the area<br />

at point 2 is 50 times larger than at point 1 and that the species<br />

number of point 2 is double that of point 1. Point 2 is then "the area<br />

definitive for compositi<strong>on</strong>" (vestal, 1949). This was found to be<br />

200 cm2 at both Banyuls and Port-Cros.<br />

Du Rietz et al. (1920) determined the minimum area by means of<br />

frequency/area or c<strong>on</strong>stant specieslarea curves (a c<strong>on</strong>stant species<br />

being a species present in 91-1OO% of the quadrats). According to<br />

these authors, the minimum area is obtained when the total number<br />

of c<strong>on</strong>stant species of the vegetati<strong>on</strong> studied is achieved (Fig. 5).<br />

Values for this minimum area at Port-Cros and Banyuls were<br />

100 cm2 and 200 cm2, respectively.

'dds ~uo~suo:, lo JaqlunN

2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 381<br />

In c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>, it is clear that the values of minimum area ((100)-<br />

200-(250) cm2) depend <strong>on</strong> the method used, and that it undoubtedly<br />

is much smaller than the relev6 area used (400 cm2). This is the<br />

case for both sites, Banyuls and Port-Cros. Boudouresque (1974b)<br />

calculated the minimum area for circalittoral (sciaphilic) vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />

at 200 cm2; Cinelli et al. (1977a) for vegetati<strong>on</strong> dominated by<br />

Cystoseira mediterranea Sauv., at 150-200 cm2 ; Cinelli et al. (1977b)<br />

for harbour vegetati<strong>on</strong>, at 100-150 cm2.<br />


Although the area of the releve' is so small (20 x 20 cm), the species<br />

diversity is very high within the tax<strong>on</strong>omic groups c<strong>on</strong>sidered (Chlorophyceae,<br />

Bryopsidophyceae, Phaeophyceae, and Rhodophyceae) ;<br />

the average was 70 spp./releve', with up to 109 spp. in some cases<br />

(Coppejans and Boudouresque, 197 5). This is very high when compared<br />

with other biotopes studied using the same method. superficial<br />

sciaphilic vegetati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> exposed rocky coasts averaged 30-50 spp. ; <strong>on</strong><br />

sheltered coasts, 30-75 spp.; in harbours, 30-40 spp. (Boudouresque,<br />

1971~). This high species diversity is partly due to the smaller algae<br />

of the underlying vegetati<strong>on</strong>, partly to the epiphytes <strong>on</strong> the larger<br />

algae. The number of epiphytes can sometimes be quite impressive.<br />

Whilst Nasr and Aleem (1949) found 12 epiphytic spp. <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e<br />

specimen of Halopteris filicina (Grat.) Kiitz. in August al<strong>on</strong>g the<br />

Egyptian coast, 30 epiphytic taxa were <strong>on</strong>ce found <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e specimen<br />

of Stypocaul<strong>on</strong> scoparium (L.) Kiitz. (IOcm high), collected at<br />

Port-Cros in September at 20 m depth. The species included Corallina<br />

granifera Ellis et Sol. ;Jania rubens (L.) Lamour. ; Jania corniculata (L.)<br />

Lamour. ; "Falkenbergia rufolanosa" (Harv.) ~chmitz ; Spyridia<br />

filamen tosa ( ~ulf .) Harv. ; Plocamium cartilagineum (L. ) Dix<strong>on</strong> "var.<br />

uncinatum" J. Ag.; Laurencia o btusa (Huds.) Lamour.; Dasya rigidula<br />

(Kiitz.) Ardiss.; Wrangelia penicillata C. Ag.; Dictyota linearis (C.<br />

Ag . ) Grev. ; Ceramium byssoideum Harv. ; Myriac tula s tellulata (Harv. )<br />

Levr. ; ~tilo~hora rhizodes (Turn.) J. Ag.; Giraudy a sphacelarioides<br />

Derb. et Sol.;~ntitharnni<strong>on</strong>plumula (Ellis) Thur. var. bebbii (Reinsch)<br />

J. Feldm. ; ~ejolisia mediterranea Born. ; Crouania attenuata (B<strong>on</strong>nem.)<br />

J. Ag. f. bispora (Crouan frat.) ~auck; ~iscosporangium mesarthrocarpum<br />

(Menegh .) Hauck; ~itoph~llum punctatum (S tackh.) Grev.;<br />

Rhodophyllis divaricata (Stackh.) Papenf.; Griffithsia barbata (Sm.)

382 E. ~ opp e jans<br />

C. Ag.; Ceramium diaphanum (~i~htf.) ~0th; Ceramium cingulatum<br />

Web. v. Bosse: Elachista intermedia Crouan frat. ; Kuc kuckia spinosa<br />

(Kutz.) Kornm.; Corynospora pedicellata (Sm.) J. Ag. var. tenuis G.<br />

Feldm. ; Castagnea cylindrica Sauv.; ~h<strong>on</strong>dria mairei G. Feldm. ;<br />

B<strong>on</strong>nemais<strong>on</strong>ia sp . ; Polysip h<strong>on</strong>ia sp .<br />

Frequent epiphytes <strong>on</strong> other algae are: Fosliella spp.; representa-<br />

tives of the Chaetophorales (Ulvella, Pringsheimiella, Phaeophila, Entocladia);<br />

representatives of the ~crochaetiales; diverse Bangiophyceae<br />

(Erythrocladia, Erythrotrichia, Chroodactyl<strong>on</strong>, G<strong>on</strong>iotrichum).<br />


As menti<strong>on</strong>ed in an earlier secti<strong>on</strong>, the relevks have to be taken from<br />

"homogeneous" vegetati<strong>on</strong>; therefore, we checked if the impressi<strong>on</strong><br />

of homogeneity agreed with the reahty. Four c<strong>on</strong>tiguous relevks (of<br />

20 x 20 cm) were made at Port-Cros and three relevks (of 10 x 20 cm)<br />

at Bany&. After sorting them, the similarity coefficients were calculated<br />

by a series of formulae (Coppejans, 1977a, b). For mathematical<br />

background, the following references were used: Augarde (1 9 57)'<br />

Ceska (1966, 1968), Godr<strong>on</strong> (1966), Goodall (1973), Gounot and<br />

Calleja (1962). The similarity tests fall into two groups; those that<br />

are based <strong>on</strong> the number of species present in the relevks and those<br />

based <strong>on</strong> the coverage of these species.<br />

The similarity tests based <strong>on</strong> presence-absence of species (vide, for<br />

details, Coppejans, 1977a, c; those used were of Ceska, ~ulczynski,<br />

S@rensen, Ochiai and Barkman, Jaccard and Sneath, ~okal and<br />

Sneath) all gave similar results. Those of Jaccard and of Sokal gave<br />

rather lower values, but when these were multiplied by a c<strong>on</strong>stant<br />

factor (Jaccard x 1.24; Sokal x 1.70) they became comparable with<br />

the other values. The average similarity value lies around 75%. This<br />

proves that the quadrat area used, 20 x 20 cm (and even 10 x 20 cm),<br />

is representative for the species-compositi<strong>on</strong>. These results are very<br />

high, compared with those of Boudouresque (1974b); for two<br />

relevks of 200 cm2 made in a sciaphilic vegetati<strong>on</strong>, he found the<br />

similarity coefficient of S@rensen to be 64.676, whereas we found<br />

77% for relevks of the same surface at ~anyuls. This c<strong>on</strong>flicts with<br />

the cautious c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> of Boudouresque (1974b, p. 154) : "L'aire<br />

minima varie d'un peuplement i l'autre. S<strong>on</strong> etude dans chaque type<br />

de peuplement et dans chaque rkgi<strong>on</strong>, est d<strong>on</strong>c nkcessaire, et il serait

2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 383<br />

intbressant de rechercher si le seuil de similitude de 65% peut 6tre<br />

c<strong>on</strong>sidbri: comme tr&s gi:nkral en milieu marin." According to our<br />

results this last suppositi<strong>on</strong> is not true, as the threshold value of<br />

similarity in photophilic vegetati<strong>on</strong> is higher (7 5-8O%, as in terrestrial<br />

vegetati<strong>on</strong>).<br />

The different similarity tests based <strong>on</strong> the coverage of the<br />

species (vide, for details, Coppejans, 1977a, b; those used were of<br />

Czekanowski, Kulczynski, M<strong>on</strong>thoux, Ruzicka, Spearman in Weber,<br />

19 72: 538) give rather divergent results.<br />

As a general c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> this homogeneity study, we can say<br />

that the similarity-coefficients obtained by divergent formulae and<br />

based <strong>on</strong> dfferent data (species number, percentage cover) are very<br />

high, much higher than those in marine sciaphilic vegetati<strong>on</strong>, equalling<br />

those in terrestrial vegetati<strong>on</strong>.<br />


After the preliminary investigati<strong>on</strong> of the photophilic infralittoral<br />

biotope, of the minimum area and of the homogeneity of the vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />

to be studied, the phytosociological investigati<strong>on</strong> itself was<br />

commenced. So as to study photophilic algae at different depths<br />

and from different seas<strong>on</strong>s and regi<strong>on</strong>s, sampling was d<strong>on</strong>e in<br />

homogeneous vegetati<strong>on</strong> (see previous secti<strong>on</strong>) <strong>on</strong> horiz<strong>on</strong>tal or<br />

slightly inclined rocky surfaces, at depths of 2-25 m below C.D. The<br />

locati<strong>on</strong> of the relevis was taken at random by throwing away the<br />

chisel and taking the sample where it finally lay. This is important<br />

to provide the objective data needed for certain statistical methods.<br />

Date, depth, declivity and directi<strong>on</strong> of the slope, coverage and<br />

maximum height of the vegetati<strong>on</strong> were noted over a surface of<br />

20 x 20 cm (see secti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> Qualitative Minimum Area).<br />

The substratum was removed with hammer and chisel, to sample<br />

smaller and crustose algae of the underlying flora. ~ lfragments l<br />

were placed in plastic-bags, formalinized (4%) <strong>on</strong> arrival at the laboratory,<br />

and stored in the dark to reduce bleaching of the specimens.<br />

Over 100 relevks were recorded from March 1973 to July 1978;<br />

they were spread over winter and summer seas<strong>on</strong>s at ~an~uls (near<br />

the French-Spanish border) ; Marseille; the nature-reserve of Port-Cros,<br />

an island in fr<strong>on</strong>t of Le Lavandou; and the bay of Calvi (Corsica).<br />

Sorting through the relevbs is extremely time-c<strong>on</strong>suming, as each

384 E. Coppejans<br />

fragment in the samples is studied under a binocular microscope; the<br />

smaller algae and their epiphytes were also identified under the<br />

microscope (Cyanophyceae and ~acillariophyceae were excluded).<br />

Species diversity being very important (see that secti<strong>on</strong>), in total we<br />

identified 280 algal taxa, of which 40 were Chlorophyceae, 65 Phaeo-<br />

phyceae and 175 Rhodophyceae. These comprehensive species-lists<br />

are of great importance for later phytosociological analysis of the<br />

data. The presence, nature and frequency of the reproductive struc-<br />

tures have also been noted and quantified. A reproductive coefficient<br />

and the reproductive density can be calculated from these data<br />

(Boudouresque, 197 la) ; these are, of course, time-linked. After the<br />

species list was completed, a percentage-cover was given to each<br />

species. We did not use the scale of Braun-Blanquet as it seemed too<br />

imprecise, especially for comparing the coverages of the epiphytes<br />

and of the smaller algae.<br />

A sociability-factor could not be deduced as the samples c<strong>on</strong>sisted<br />

<strong>on</strong>ly of fragments of the original vegetati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

On the basis of the species Lists, the ratios of different algal groups<br />

can be calculated; RIP (ratio of numbers of species of Rhodophyceae<br />

to Phaeophyceae) can be used to characterize the flora of a regi<strong>on</strong>.<br />

The ratios of the different orders within the Rhodophyceae can be<br />

used to characterize a biotope within a floristic province.<br />

The distributi<strong>on</strong> of the species present in the relevks over the differ-<br />

ent ecological algal groups ("groupes kcologiques"; ~oudouresque,<br />

1970, 1971a) can also give important informati<strong>on</strong> about the popu-<br />

lati<strong>on</strong> studied. All the above-menti<strong>on</strong>ed data can be subjected to<br />

different ordinati<strong>on</strong> methods for identifying sociological units. For<br />

the photophilic vegetati<strong>on</strong>, we still need more data so as to take<br />

the seas<strong>on</strong>al variati<strong>on</strong> into account. From the species lists of the<br />

different quadrat-samples, it already seems that the depth where<br />

Stypocaul<strong>on</strong> scoparium is replaced by Halopteris filicin,a indicates<br />

the lower limit of photophilic algal vegetati<strong>on</strong> in the western<br />

<strong>Mediterranean</strong> basin.<br />


In sorting thoroughly the relevks, <strong>on</strong>e is regularly c<strong>on</strong>fr<strong>on</strong>ted by<br />

identificati<strong>on</strong> and tax<strong>on</strong>omic problems. Boudouresque (1971c,<br />

p. 82) stated that:

2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 385<br />

C<strong>on</strong>trairement Q ce qui se passe dans le domaine terrestre (au moins dans<br />

nos rdgi<strong>on</strong>s) la systimatique des vigdtaux marins reste extrcmement<br />

complexe. Est-il besoin de prkciser qu'aucun ordinateur, qu'aucune<br />

mdthodologie, si valable soit-elle, ne saurait remplacer une ddterminati<strong>on</strong><br />

exacte? Un travail de bi<strong>on</strong>omie effectue sur des bases syst&matiques<br />

incertaines est une architecture compliquite biitie sur des sables mouvants.<br />

In the 100 relevks studied we identified, as stated above, 280 algal<br />

taxa (40 Chlorophyceae; 65 Phaeophyceae; 175 Rhodophyceae). Some<br />

of the specimens did not agree with any described tax<strong>on</strong>. Polysiph<strong>on</strong>ia<br />

banyulensis Copp. has been described as a new species (Coppejans,<br />

1976a, 1978a) and recorded since at Calvi (Corsica) and at Naples.<br />

For some other taxa, we either did not have enough specimens or<br />

did not find all the reproductive structures necessary for a complete<br />

descripti<strong>on</strong>. We called them "species novae ineditae" and Illustrated<br />

them (Coppejans, 1977a: Sphacelaria papili<strong>on</strong>iformis, Lomen taria<br />

pennata, Myriogramme unistromatica, Peyss<strong>on</strong>nelia sp. and a<br />

Ceramiacean bel<strong>on</strong>ging to the tribe ~rangelieae).<br />

We also recorded taxa new to the <strong>Mediterranean</strong> Sea: Ceramium<br />

cingulatum Web. v. Bosse, described from the Indian Ocean and <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

found twice since the type collecti<strong>on</strong>, was present in our relevds<br />

at ~anyuls, Marseille and Port-Cros (Coppejans, 1977b). Ceramium<br />

tay lori Daws<strong>on</strong>, described from the North American Pacific coast<br />

and recently found by Verlaque at Marseille, was present in our<br />

relevb from the three areas studied. Ceramium fartigia tum (Roth)<br />

Harv. var. flaccidum (BBrg.) Petersen has been described as an<br />

epiphyte <strong>on</strong> roots of mangrove-plants in the Caribbean Sea. We<br />

noticed it in relevks from Banyuls and Port-Cros. Fosliella farinosa<br />

(Lamour.) Howe var. chalicodictya Taylor had not been found since<br />

its type collecti<strong>on</strong> in the Caribbean Sea. We found it at Banyuls and<br />

Port-Cros (Coppejans, 1976b). It has also recently been collected by<br />

Boudouresque in Corsica. The record of Lophosiph<strong>on</strong>ia scopulorum<br />

(Harv.) Womersley at Banyuls added this species to the <strong>Mediterranean</strong><br />

flora (Coppejans, 1976b). Apart from these taxa new to the<br />

<strong>Mediterranean</strong> Sea, we also recorded species new to the ~rench flora.<br />

Myri<strong>on</strong>ema liechtenstemii Hauck, described last century from the<br />

Adriatic Sea and never collected since, was found at Banyuls and,<br />

more frequently, at Port-Cros (Coppejans and Dh<strong>on</strong>dt, 1976). ~ ilo~hus<br />

mediterraneus ErcegoviC, described from the ~driatic Sea, was frequently<br />

recorded at Port-Cros. Hitherto, Griffi thsia tenuis C. Ag. was

386 E. Coppejans<br />

<strong>on</strong>ly known to occur in the Adriatic Sea and al<strong>on</strong>g the coasts of<br />

north ~frica. It was a rare species in our relevCs from Port-Cros.<br />

Lophosiph<strong>on</strong>ia cristata ~alkenb. has <strong>on</strong>ly been menti<strong>on</strong>ed from<br />

Tobruk (Libya) since its original discovery at ~aples, where it has not<br />

been found again. We recorded it at Port-Cros (Coppejans and<br />

Boudouresque, 197 6a). ~~hacelaria fusca (~uds.) C. Ag., already<br />

known from the ~tlantic coasts of France, has been found d<strong>on</strong>g the<br />

<strong>Mediterranean</strong> French coast for the first time, at ~anyuls, ~arseille<br />

and Port-Cros. In total, we have added 15 taxa to the known<br />

French marine algal flora. A list of species rarely recorded for the<br />

<strong>Mediterranean</strong> has also been compiled; these included ~ladophoropsis<br />

mod<strong>on</strong>ensis (Kutz .) B$rg., Siph<strong>on</strong>ocladus pusillus (Kutz.) Hauck,<br />

Choristocarpus tenellus (Kiitz). Zanard. (Coppejans and ~oudouresque,<br />

1976b), ~ol~omenia peregrina Sauv., Discosporangium<br />

mesarthrocarpum (Menegh.) Hauck (Augier et al., 1975), ~obophora<br />

variegata (Lamour.) Womersley, Aphanocladia stichidiosa (Funk)<br />

Ardre', Clz<strong>on</strong>dria mairei G. Feldm., Lomentaria clzylocladiella Funk,<br />

L. verticillata Funk, and Myriogramme distromatica (Rodr.) Boud.<br />

Some rare reproductive structures have also been observed. The<br />

g<strong>on</strong>imoblasts of Antitharn~zi<strong>on</strong> ~piro~raphidis Schiffner were never<br />

seen in nature before. The propagules of Fosliella farinosa (Lamour.)<br />

Howe var. farbzosa, figured in 1881 for F. farinosa var. solmsia~za<br />

(Falkenb.) Foslie by Solms-Laubach, have never been observed since.<br />

We have recorded them in Corsica (Coppejans, 1978b).<br />

On the basis of the species lists from the different relevks, we drew<br />

up an autecological and phenological "card" for each species. This<br />

informati<strong>on</strong>, combined with data from the literature, permitted the<br />

c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of an autecological, synecological and phenological<br />

image for each sampled species.<br />


Thus far, we have been unable to make winter observati<strong>on</strong>s at<br />

Banyuls or summer observati<strong>on</strong>s at Marseille. This makes it somewhat<br />

premature to give a phytosociological interpretati<strong>on</strong> of our data.<br />

Nevertheless, we present a brief survey of previous bi<strong>on</strong>omical group-<br />

ings of the photophilic infralittoral algal vegetati<strong>on</strong>. The zoologists,<br />

who give less importance to the algae, as well as those phycologists<br />

who adopt a simple soluti<strong>on</strong>, accept that the photophilic infralittoral<br />

vegetati<strong>on</strong> is characterized by <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e biocoenosis, the "Biocoenosis

2. ~editerranean <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 387<br />

of the Photophilic Algaeu, ranging in depth from 2 to 25 (45) m.<br />

This oversimplifies the situati<strong>on</strong> even when <strong>on</strong>e distinguishes different<br />

facies, z<strong>on</strong>es or populati<strong>on</strong>s within this biocoenosis. Other<br />

authors are over-in fluenced by the physiognomical diversity of the<br />

biotope. Using an imprecise bi<strong>on</strong>omical method, they divide this<br />

z<strong>on</strong>e into as many associati<strong>on</strong>s or communities as there are dominant<br />

algae. In this way, the infralittoral has been divided into:<br />

different Associati<strong>on</strong>s: Feldmann, J. (1 937) ; ~alokar (1942);<br />

Giacc<strong>on</strong>e and Pignatti (1967) ; Giacc<strong>on</strong>e et al. (1973) ; Nasr and<br />

Aleem (1949);<br />

different Phytocoenoses: Giacc<strong>on</strong>e (19 6 5) ;<br />

different Populati<strong>on</strong>s: ~eflan-~antini (1 9 6 2) ;<br />

different Populati<strong>on</strong>s + facies: P&r&s (1967) ;<br />

different Communities: Ernst (1 9 5 9) ;<br />

different Biocoenoses: Molinier (1960); Boudouresque (197 la).<br />

These latter authors divided the biocoenosis of the photophilic algae<br />

(sensu lato) into three: the Schotteri<strong>on</strong>, as the underlying vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />

of the larger Cystoseira spp.; the Cystoseiretum strictae, at places<br />

with str<strong>on</strong>g turbulence from just below the water-surface down to<br />

50 cm depth; the Cystoseiretum crinitae, below that. We restricted<br />

our research to the study of the Cystoseiretum crinitae.<br />

A third suppositi<strong>on</strong> is that the infralittoral vegetati<strong>on</strong> forms a<br />

climax-cycle in which, starting from an initial associati<strong>on</strong> dominated<br />

by Jania ru bens (L.) Lamour., eventually results a climax-associati<strong>on</strong><br />

with Posid<strong>on</strong>ia oceanica (L.) ~elile (Potamoget<strong>on</strong>aceae, a marine<br />

phanerogam), with transiti<strong>on</strong>al associati<strong>on</strong>s (Molinier, 1954, 1955 ;<br />

Molinier and Picard, 1953, 1954; Per& and Picard, 1955). All the<br />

latter authors based their interpretati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the data from a restricted<br />

area or from <strong>on</strong>e seas<strong>on</strong>; they took <strong>on</strong>ly the "larger" algae into<br />

account to describe the above-menti<strong>on</strong>ed groupings. Owing to this,<br />

they <strong>on</strong>ly menti<strong>on</strong> a small number of "larger" species, not taking<br />

the smaller and (according to Boudouresque's results) often more<br />

characteristic <strong>on</strong>es into account, e.g. Giacc<strong>on</strong>e (1965), 10 m depth,<br />

1 m2 quadrat, 7 spp; 4 m2, 12 spp; Giacc<strong>on</strong>e and de Leo (1966),<br />

0.5 m depth, 8 m2, 23 spp; 4 m, 1 m2, 12 spp; 35 m, 6 m2, 16 spp;<br />

Giac<strong>on</strong>ne (1968)) 60 m, 100 m2, 23 spp.<br />

The "transect-met hod" is rather physiognomical; by making such<br />

transects, <strong>on</strong>e can distinguish different vegetati<strong>on</strong> z<strong>on</strong>es (as in<br />

Coppejans, 1970, 1972, 1974; Gatnulin-~rida, 1965; Giacc<strong>on</strong>e and

388 E. Coppejans<br />

Pignatti, 1967; Huvh et al., 1963; Larkum et al., 1967). These<br />

authors again characterize the different z<strong>on</strong>es by <strong>on</strong>ly a restricted<br />

number of larger algae. he results of such transect methods become<br />

absolutely useless (for bi<strong>on</strong>omical interpretati<strong>on</strong>) when all the noted<br />

algae are listed without recording the depth or the microbiotope<br />

(horiz<strong>on</strong>tal, vertical, overhanging rock-surface). Such lists are<br />

presented in Giacc<strong>on</strong>e et al. (1972) for 0-38 m; in Giacc<strong>on</strong>e et al.<br />

(1973) for 0-60 m; in Giacc<strong>on</strong>e and Sortino (1974) for 0-50 m.<br />

Nevertheless these works have a positive value for the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong><br />

of species inventories for the area studied. The method of phyto-<br />

sociological releves has been used <strong>on</strong>ly occasi<strong>on</strong>ally for studying<br />

photophilic marine algal vegetati<strong>on</strong>, e.g., as in Cinelli (1969);<br />

Giacc<strong>on</strong>e (1965, 1971, 1977) ; Giacc<strong>on</strong>e et al. (1973); Molinier<br />

(1960); Pignatti (1962).<br />


Our research aimed to c<strong>on</strong>tribute a better understanding of the<br />

phytosociological units within the photophilic vegetati<strong>on</strong> in the<br />

<strong>Mediterranean</strong> sea. This was achieved by means of a rigorous bio-<br />

nomical method requiring the preliminary study of such factors<br />

as minimum area, homogeneity and species-compositi<strong>on</strong>. The fauna<br />

has been completely excluded from this study, as it had already been<br />

the subject of thorough studies by ella an-~antini (1 962, 1968, 1969);<br />

Gamulin-Brida (1965, 1974) ; Ledoyer (1968); Tort<strong>on</strong>ese (1958).<br />

More winter observati<strong>on</strong>s are required fully to take into account the<br />

seas<strong>on</strong>al variati<strong>on</strong> of the photophilic algal vegetati<strong>on</strong> before our data<br />

are submitted to different ordinati<strong>on</strong> methods for identifying socio-<br />

logical units within the Cystoseiretum crinitae. It appears that the<br />

depth at which Stypocaul<strong>on</strong> scoparium is replaced by Halopteris<br />

filicina indicates the lower limit of photophilic algal vegetati<strong>on</strong> in<br />

the western <strong>Mediterranean</strong> basin.<br />


I should like to thank Dr C. -F. Boudouresque for his help and encouragement<br />

during this study, which formed part of my doctoral thesis. I should also like to<br />

acknowledge the facilities provided by the directors of the marine stati<strong>on</strong>s at<br />

Banyuls, Marseille, Port-Cros and Calvi. Dr W. F. Farnham criticized a draft of<br />

this manuscript.

2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />


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Augier, H., Boudouresque, C. -F. and Coppejans, E. (1975). Prdsence de Discosporangium<br />

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390 E . Coppejans<br />

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