Phytosociological Studies on Mediterranean Algal Vegetation ...
Phytosociological Studies on Mediterranean Algal Vegetation ... Phytosociological Studies on Mediterranean Algal Vegetation ...
- Page 2 and 3: 372 E. Copp e jans recognized biono
- Page 4 and 5: 374 E. Coppejans Table I. Monthly v
- Page 6 and 7: E. Coppejans Fig. 3. Hydrodynamic z
- Page 8 and 9: species number Fig. 4. Specieslarea
- Page 10 and 11: 'dds ~uo~suo:, lo JaqlunN
- Page 12 and 13: 382 E. ~ opp e jans C. Ag.; Ceramiu
- Page 14 and 15: 384 E. Coppejans fragment in the sa
- Page 16 and 17: 386 E. Coppejans only known to occu
- Page 18 and 19: 388 E. Coppejans Pignatti, 1967; Hu
- Page 20 and 21: 390 E . Coppejans Chapman, A. R. 0.
- Page 22 and 23: 392 E. Coppejans Studio preliminare
2<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>Phytosociological</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Studies</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong><br />
<strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong>:<br />
Rocky Surfaces of the Photophilic<br />
Binfialittoral Z<strong>on</strong>e<br />
Laboratorium voor ~orfologie, Systematiek en Ekologie van de<br />
Planten, Rijksuniversiteit Cent, K. L. Ledeganc kstraat, 35, B. 9000,<br />
Gent, Belgium<br />
Abstract: No thorough bi<strong>on</strong>omic study of the photophilic infralittoral algal<br />
vegetati<strong>on</strong> of western <strong>Mediterranean</strong> rocky surfaces exists, despite the fact that<br />
this vegetati<strong>on</strong>-type covers large areas al<strong>on</strong>g the coasts.<br />
A descripti<strong>on</strong> of the biotope to be studied is first presented; thereafter,<br />
different features and problems arising with the <strong>Mediterranean</strong> algal vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />
are discussed. Particularly in this biotope, the overall size and height of the<br />
c<strong>on</strong>stituents are small, so that we had to develop sampling procedures and<br />
methods of detailed laboratory study. Quadrats of 20 x 20 cm were the samples*<br />
rock surface of the whole sample area was removed with hammer and chisel so<br />
that the smaller algae and crustose forms in the underlying flora were not<br />
missed. Following a minimum area study, the homogeneity of the vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />
from which the samples were taken was checked.<br />
Species diversity appears to be very high in this biotope and a list of rarer<br />
taxa has been compiled. As yet, phytosociological interpretati<strong>on</strong> has not been<br />
attempted since we lack data from some seas<strong>on</strong>s. A survey of previously<br />
he French term ''relev&" has generally been translated here as "sample" (Editors). A<br />
more precise and detailed equivalent is required elsewhere; see footnote to p. 51.<br />
Systematics Associati<strong>on</strong> Special Volume No. 17(b), "The Shore Envir<strong>on</strong>ment, Vol. 2:<br />
Ecosystems", edited by J. H. Price, D. E. G. Irvine and W. F. Farnham, 1980, pp. 371-393,<br />
Academic Press, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong> and New York.
372 E. Copp e jans<br />
recognized bi<strong>on</strong>omic categories is presented for the photophilic infralittoral algal<br />
vegetati<strong>on</strong>.<br />
Rksurnk: Les vkgktati<strong>on</strong>s algales de l'infralittoral photophile sur substrat rocheux<br />
du bassin mkditerranden occidental n'<strong>on</strong>t pas encore kt6 le sujet d'dtudes phytosociologiques<br />
approf<strong>on</strong>dies malgrk le fait qu'elles couvrent d'dnormes surfaces le<br />
l<strong>on</strong>g des cbtes.<br />
Apris un essai de ditlimitati<strong>on</strong> du biotope a dtudier, divers problimes, propres<br />
aux vdgktati<strong>on</strong>s algales mdditerrandennes s<strong>on</strong>t discutds. A cause de la miniaturisati<strong>on</strong><br />
de ces populati<strong>on</strong>s, surtout dans le biotope e'tudie', nous devi<strong>on</strong>s effectuer<br />
une procddure d'ichantill<strong>on</strong>age et l'dtude ddtaillde des relevits au laboratoire. Ces<br />
relev& de 20 x 20 cm fClrent effectuks en cassant le substrat a l'aide de marteau<br />
et burin; ainsi les petites algues et les algues encroiitantes de la sous-strate s<strong>on</strong>t<br />
dgalement ricoltdes. Aprds une e'tude d'aire minima, l'homoge'nkitd de la<br />
vdgdtati<strong>on</strong> dtudide a dtd vdrifide.<br />
La richesse floristique semble etre trds dlevde dans ce biotope, et un grand<br />
nombre, d7espdces extremement rares a ktk identifi k. Une interprdtati<strong>on</strong> phytosociologique<br />
de nos d<strong>on</strong>niles n'a pas encore ;tit effectuke a cause du manque de<br />
d<strong>on</strong>nkes de certaines sais<strong>on</strong>s. Un apersu des classificati<strong>on</strong>s bi<strong>on</strong>omiques antkrieures<br />
des vilgdtati<strong>on</strong>s algales de l'infralittoral photo~hile est d<strong>on</strong>nd.<br />
Whereas ecological data <strong>on</strong> terrestrial plants have been sought since<br />
the beginning of the last century, and terrestrial vegetati<strong>on</strong> has been<br />
studied by rigorous phytosociological methods for over 50 years, this<br />
is not at all the case for marine vegetati<strong>on</strong>. Some of the phycologists<br />
who worked al<strong>on</strong>g the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean during the last<br />
century added <strong>on</strong>ly, as ecological data to their herbarium specimens,<br />
the tidal level at which they had been collected.<br />
The <strong>Mediterranean</strong> Sea has small tides, roughly 30 cm in amplitude;<br />
this is mainly due to the effects of wind and pressure-systems.<br />
Sampling below the water surface remained extremely fragmentary<br />
until recently, especially <strong>on</strong> rocky surfaces where dredging is<br />
excluded. It was not until the studies of Funk (1927) at Naples and<br />
of J. Feldmann (1 937) at ~anyuls that important ecological informati<strong>on</strong><br />
<strong>on</strong> <strong>Mediterranean</strong> infralittoral seaweeds was recorded. Even<br />
then, it was difficult to describe the exact biotope (horiz<strong>on</strong>tal rock,<br />
vertical rock, overhanging rocky surfaces, precise depth) of the algae<br />
collected, since they were dredged.<br />
Molinier (1 9 60) carried out pi<strong>on</strong>eering phytosociological studies
2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 373<br />
of the algal communities near the water surface at Cap Corse; for this<br />
purpose, he used a simple Braun-Blanquet method.<br />
The development and popularizati<strong>on</strong> of SCUBA diving made<br />
possible in situ studies of the marine infralittoral bioto~e. This diving<br />
technique is not without its problems, as it still remains difficult to<br />
carry out a relevk* near the surface because of water movement. At<br />
greater depths, <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e or two relevks per dive are possible as<br />
availability of air and physical activities are limited.<br />
Boudouresque, himself a diver, was the first to carry out (in the<br />
1960s) quantitative ecological recording in the infralittoral by<br />
developing a bi<strong>on</strong>omic technique adapted for immersed marine<br />
benthic vegetati<strong>on</strong>.<br />
The method was derived from the Braun-Blanquet school<br />
(Boudouresque, 1971a) and was used for the study of sciaphilic<br />
(shade-requiring) vegetati<strong>on</strong>. He defined distinct sociological<br />
categories (Boudouresque, 19'70, 1971b, 1972, 1974a, b).<br />
We used this same method to study the so-called "photophilic<br />
(light-requiring) infralittoral algal vegetati<strong>on</strong>" of the western<br />
<strong>Mediterranean</strong> basin. This had never previously been thoroughly<br />
studied, although widespread al<strong>on</strong>g the shores.<br />
The existing literature does not give a well-defined descripti<strong>on</strong> of the<br />
photophilic infralittoral biotope. According to Pkrks and Picard<br />
(1956, 1958, 1964) and Pkrks (1967), the infralittoral z<strong>on</strong>e starts<br />
at low-water level and extends down to the deepest levels of marine<br />
phanerogams. The lower limit depends <strong>on</strong> the turbidity of the<br />
water and lies at an average depth of 35 m. The infralittoral z<strong>on</strong>e is<br />
bi<strong>on</strong>omically characterized by the luxuriance of the flora, both of<br />
seaweeds and marine phanerogams. Pkrks and Picard did not separate<br />
the photophilic and sciaphilic biotopes within the infralittoral z<strong>on</strong>e,<br />
as faunistically they did not find any differences.<br />
Feldmann (1 937, 1962) assumed that the boundary between<br />
photophilic and sciaphilic algae is at a depth of 5-10 m where, as he<br />
*"A relev6 refers to a site analyzed with detailed records of total species present, their<br />
relative importance, and other analytic characters of the flora and habit" (A. R. 0. Chapman,<br />
374 E. Coppejans<br />
Table I. M<strong>on</strong>thly values of the sun energy in cal/cm2/day at different depths, in<br />
the regi<strong>on</strong> of Bany&-sur-Mer (Weinberg, pers<strong>on</strong>al communicati<strong>on</strong>)<br />
M<strong>on</strong>th Etot E4m Eo- Elo- E2o- E3o-<br />
January<br />
February<br />
March<br />
April<br />
May<br />
June<br />
July<br />
August<br />
September<br />
October<br />
November<br />
December<br />
Etot = total light energy, just above the surface of the sea.<br />
E480 = light energy of wavel.engt11 of 480nm.<br />
Eo- = light energy just below the surface of the sea.<br />
Elo-,,t,. = light energy at a depth of lorn, etc.<br />
says, "light-liking algae are replaced by shade-liking <strong>on</strong>es". This <strong>on</strong>ly<br />
shifts the problem as there existed no list of shade-liking algae.<br />
Therefore, we investigated the possibility of defining the photophilic<br />
infralittoral biotope by physical factors. Results were as follows:<br />
(a) The light quantity does not show a clear-cut threshold value<br />
(Table I). At ~ an~uls, the 10% value for the light penetrati<strong>on</strong><br />
lies at less than 10 m depth in winter and at more than 20 m<br />
in summer (Weinberg, 1975). This is due to the higher<br />
turbidity of the water in winter (Fig. 1); as a c<strong>on</strong>sequence,<br />
the winter seas<strong>on</strong> represents more pr<strong>on</strong>ounced difference in<br />
greater depths than it does closer to the surface.<br />
(b) A thermocline is <strong>on</strong>ly present in summer, as turbulence of<br />
the water is too great during the winter (Fig. 2). Thermocline<br />
depth fluctuates daily; at Bany&, it is between 15<br />
and 30 m (Weinberg, 1975).<br />
(c) On the basis of turbulence, ~ iedl (1964) divided the infralittoral<br />
z<strong>on</strong>e into three sub-z<strong>on</strong>es (Fig. 3): an upper <strong>on</strong>e,<br />
0-2m in depth, with multi-directi<strong>on</strong>al movements of the<br />
water; a sec<strong>on</strong>d <strong>on</strong>e, from 2m to 10-12 m depth, with bi-
8<br />
I I I I I I I I I I 1 1<br />
J F M A M J J A S O N D<br />
[m<strong>on</strong>th]<br />
Fig. 1. Annual variati<strong>on</strong>s of the extincti<strong>on</strong> coefficient k in the regi<strong>on</strong> of Banyuls-<br />
sur-Mer (after Weinberg, 1975).<br />
I I I I I I I I I I I I<br />
J F M A M J J A S O N D<br />
[m<strong>on</strong>th]<br />
Fig. 2. Annud variati<strong>on</strong>s of the temperature at different depths, in the regi<strong>on</strong><br />
of Banyuls-sur-Mer (after Weinberg, 1975).
E. Coppejans<br />
Fig. 3. Hydrodynamic z<strong>on</strong>es (after Riedl, 1964). 1, Upper limit of the spray of<br />
the waves. 2, Water level with calm sea. 3, Z<strong>on</strong>e of multi-directi<strong>on</strong>al water<br />
movements. 4, First critical level. 5, Z<strong>on</strong>e of bi-directi<strong>on</strong>al water move-<br />
ments. 6, sec<strong>on</strong>d critical level. 7, Z<strong>on</strong>e of uni-directi<strong>on</strong>al water move-<br />
ments. 8, Water surface.<br />
directi<strong>on</strong>al movements; the lowest <strong>on</strong>e, with a uni-directi<strong>on</strong>al<br />
movement of the water (the general coastal current).<br />
It is still not known if the lower boundary coincides with a biological<br />
boundary. The physical factors (light, temperature, water movement)<br />
do not give a clear-cut boundary between the photophilic and<br />
sciaphilic infralittoral z<strong>on</strong>es, but some features indicate that this<br />
must be around 15m depth. Quadrat samples were taken down to<br />
20 m, and even some at 30 m, always <strong>on</strong> horiz<strong>on</strong>tal substrata without<br />
any shade.<br />
Because of the small size of ~editerranean<br />
algae generally, particularly<br />
in the biotope studied here (the largest algae in our relevks were <strong>on</strong>ly<br />
10 cm high), and of the difficulty in distinguishing differentiating<br />
characters under water, it was impossible definitely to identify algal<br />
species in situ. In the relev6 REC 5, c<strong>on</strong>taining (after laboratory<br />
study) 109 spp., <strong>on</strong>ly Padinapav<strong>on</strong>ica (L.) Lamour. could be identified<br />
in situ. Therefore, it was necessary to utilize a sampling procedure
2, <strong>Mediterranean</strong> Aka2 Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 377<br />
and to undertake detailed study of the samples in the laboratory.<br />
The rocky substratum was removed by hammer and chisel, so that<br />
the smaller and crustose algae of the underlying flora were sampled<br />
as well. All the fragments of the relevk have to be studied microscopically,<br />
which results in a l<strong>on</strong>g sorting time, even when Cyanophyceae<br />
and BaciUariophyceae are excluded.<br />
The fact that- species cannot be identified in situ has important<br />
I L<br />
c<strong>on</strong>sequences; according to the ~raun-~lanquet method, a relevk<br />
has to be taken in homogeneous vegetati<strong>on</strong>. Therefore, we had to<br />
determine whether "homogeneous" vegetati<strong>on</strong>, as seen with the<br />
naked eye, really is homogeneous (see secti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> Homogeneity,<br />
p. 382).<br />
Another c<strong>on</strong>sequence of the miniaturizati<strong>on</strong> of the algal vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />
is the fact that the minimum area is very small. An important part<br />
of our research was to determine the minimum area for the biotope<br />
studied.<br />
Whereas it seems easy to give an approximate definiti<strong>on</strong> of the<br />
"qualitative minimum area" (the smallest surface where almost all<br />
the species of the community studied are present), it is much more<br />
difficult to give a rigorous definiti<strong>on</strong> (avoiding the qualificati<strong>on</strong><br />
"almost all the species"). This problem has been studied by a large<br />
number of terrestrial phytosociologists. Tuxen (1970) gives 17 0<br />
references <strong>on</strong> that subject; Gleas<strong>on</strong> (1922,1925), Moravec (1973) and<br />
van der Maarel (1 970) present extra <strong>on</strong>es. Marine phytosociologists,<br />
<strong>on</strong> the c<strong>on</strong>trary, have <strong>on</strong>ly recently c<strong>on</strong>sidered this c<strong>on</strong>cept.<br />
Boudouresque (1974b) made a minimum area study of the sciaphilic<br />
algal vegetati<strong>on</strong> of the <strong>Mediterranean</strong> Sea, and we have determined<br />
it for the photophilic infralittoral biotope (Dh<strong>on</strong>dt, 1976; Dh<strong>on</strong>dt<br />
and Coppejans, 1977). Some other minimum area studies for algal<br />
vegetati<strong>on</strong> have been carried out more recently (Cinelli et al., 1977a, b).<br />
Different authors have proposed a range of methods for calcu-<br />
lating the minimum area; they mainly need the species numbers of a<br />
series of quadrats of increasing area to draw a specieslarea curve. For<br />
that purpose two series of 11 relevks were made, using the "multiple<br />
plot procedure" (quadrats not overlapping) ; <strong>on</strong>e series was at Banyuls<br />
and the other at Port-Cros (France), at 4 m depth, in "homogeneous"
species number<br />
Fig. 4. Specieslarea curves of the algae of the photophilic biotope from Banyuls and Port-Cros (own observati<strong>on</strong>s) and of<br />
the sciaphilic biotope (Boudouresque, 1974b).
2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 379<br />
vegetati<strong>on</strong>. Quadrat areas were 1 x 1 cm, 1 x 2 cm, 2 x 2 cm, 2 x<br />
4cm, 4x4cm, 5x5cm, 5xlOcm, lOxlOcm, lOx20cm, 20x<br />
20 cm and 20 x 30 cm. After sorting the relevks and carrying out a<br />
Bravet-Pears<strong>on</strong> correlati<strong>on</strong> analysis <strong>on</strong> the species numbers/relevk,<br />
a specieslarea curve was drawn. This is a parabolic curve (Fig. 4).<br />
According to the definiti<strong>on</strong> of Braun-Blanquet, the minimum area<br />
is reached where the curve becomes more or less horiz<strong>on</strong>tal; we<br />
can c<strong>on</strong>clude that, for the vegetati<strong>on</strong> studied, this area is reached<br />
between 100 and 200 cm2. There are more accurate methods to<br />
determine objectively the minimum area <strong>on</strong> these curves. In the<br />
tangent-method of Cain and Castro (1959), the minimum area is<br />
reached when an increase of 10% of the surface results in an increase<br />
of 10% of the species number (method I); for more precisi<strong>on</strong>, that<br />
area can be c<strong>on</strong>sidered to be reached when an increase of 10% of<br />
the surface results in an increase of 5% of the species number<br />
(method 2). The following results were obtained:<br />
method 1<br />
method 2<br />
Banyuls Port-Cros<br />
Vestal (1949) developed another procedure, in which a semi-<br />
logarithmic plotting of the specieslarea curve (species-log area) is<br />
involved. On this curve, two points are determined such that the area<br />
at point 2 is 50 times larger than at point 1 and that the species<br />
number of point 2 is double that of point 1. Point 2 is then "the area<br />
definitive for compositi<strong>on</strong>" (vestal, 1949). This was found to be<br />
200 cm2 at both Banyuls and Port-Cros.<br />
Du Rietz et al. (1920) determined the minimum area by means of<br />
frequency/area or c<strong>on</strong>stant specieslarea curves (a c<strong>on</strong>stant species<br />
being a species present in 91-1OO% of the quadrats). According to<br />
these authors, the minimum area is obtained when the total number<br />
of c<strong>on</strong>stant species of the vegetati<strong>on</strong> studied is achieved (Fig. 5).<br />
Values for this minimum area at Port-Cros and Banyuls were<br />
100 cm2 and 200 cm2, respectively.
'dds ~uo~suo:, lo JaqlunN
2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 381<br />
In c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>, it is clear that the values of minimum area ((100)-<br />
200-(250) cm2) depend <strong>on</strong> the method used, and that it undoubtedly<br />
is much smaller than the relev6 area used (400 cm2). This is the<br />
case for both sites, Banyuls and Port-Cros. Boudouresque (1974b)<br />
calculated the minimum area for circalittoral (sciaphilic) vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />
at 200 cm2; Cinelli et al. (1977a) for vegetati<strong>on</strong> dominated by<br />
Cystoseira mediterranea Sauv., at 150-200 cm2 ; Cinelli et al. (1977b)<br />
for harbour vegetati<strong>on</strong>, at 100-150 cm2.<br />
Although the area of the releve' is so small (20 x 20 cm), the species<br />
diversity is very high within the tax<strong>on</strong>omic groups c<strong>on</strong>sidered (Chlorophyceae,<br />
Bryopsidophyceae, Phaeophyceae, and Rhodophyceae) ;<br />
the average was 70 spp./releve', with up to 109 spp. in some cases<br />
(Coppejans and Boudouresque, 197 5). This is very high when compared<br />
with other biotopes studied using the same method. superficial<br />
sciaphilic vegetati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> exposed rocky coasts averaged 30-50 spp. ; <strong>on</strong><br />
sheltered coasts, 30-75 spp.; in harbours, 30-40 spp. (Boudouresque,<br />
1971~). This high species diversity is partly due to the smaller algae<br />
of the underlying vegetati<strong>on</strong>, partly to the epiphytes <strong>on</strong> the larger<br />
algae. The number of epiphytes can sometimes be quite impressive.<br />
Whilst Nasr and Aleem (1949) found 12 epiphytic spp. <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e<br />
specimen of Halopteris filicina (Grat.) Kiitz. in August al<strong>on</strong>g the<br />
Egyptian coast, 30 epiphytic taxa were <strong>on</strong>ce found <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e specimen<br />
of Stypocaul<strong>on</strong> scoparium (L.) Kiitz. (IOcm high), collected at<br />
Port-Cros in September at 20 m depth. The species included Corallina<br />
granifera Ellis et Sol. ;Jania rubens (L.) Lamour. ; Jania corniculata (L.)<br />
Lamour. ; "Falkenbergia rufolanosa" (Harv.) ~chmitz ; Spyridia<br />
filamen tosa ( ~ulf .) Harv. ; Plocamium cartilagineum (L. ) Dix<strong>on</strong> "var.<br />
uncinatum" J. Ag.; Laurencia o btusa (Huds.) Lamour.; Dasya rigidula<br />
(Kiitz.) Ardiss.; Wrangelia penicillata C. Ag.; Dictyota linearis (C.<br />
Ag . ) Grev. ; Ceramium byssoideum Harv. ; Myriac tula s tellulata (Harv. )<br />
Levr. ; ~tilo~hora rhizodes (Turn.) J. Ag.; Giraudy a sphacelarioides<br />
Derb. et Sol.;~ntitharnni<strong>on</strong>plumula (Ellis) Thur. var. bebbii (Reinsch)<br />
J. Feldm. ; ~ejolisia mediterranea Born. ; Crouania attenuata (B<strong>on</strong>nem.)<br />
J. Ag. f. bispora (Crouan frat.) ~auck; ~iscosporangium mesarthrocarpum<br />
(Menegh .) Hauck; ~itoph~llum punctatum (S tackh.) Grev.;<br />
Rhodophyllis divaricata (Stackh.) Papenf.; Griffithsia barbata (Sm.)
382 E. ~ opp e jans<br />
C. Ag.; Ceramium diaphanum (~i~htf.) ~0th; Ceramium cingulatum<br />
Web. v. Bosse: Elachista intermedia Crouan frat. ; Kuc kuckia spinosa<br />
(Kutz.) Kornm.; Corynospora pedicellata (Sm.) J. Ag. var. tenuis G.<br />
Feldm. ; Castagnea cylindrica Sauv.; ~h<strong>on</strong>dria mairei G. Feldm. ;<br />
B<strong>on</strong>nemais<strong>on</strong>ia sp . ; Polysip h<strong>on</strong>ia sp .<br />
Frequent epiphytes <strong>on</strong> other algae are: Fosliella spp.; representa-<br />
tives of the Chaetophorales (Ulvella, Pringsheimiella, Phaeophila, Entocladia);<br />
representatives of the ~crochaetiales; diverse Bangiophyceae<br />
(Erythrocladia, Erythrotrichia, Chroodactyl<strong>on</strong>, G<strong>on</strong>iotrichum).<br />
As menti<strong>on</strong>ed in an earlier secti<strong>on</strong>, the relevks have to be taken from<br />
"homogeneous" vegetati<strong>on</strong>; therefore, we checked if the impressi<strong>on</strong><br />
of homogeneity agreed with the reahty. Four c<strong>on</strong>tiguous relevks (of<br />
20 x 20 cm) were made at Port-Cros and three relevks (of 10 x 20 cm)<br />
at Bany&. After sorting them, the similarity coefficients were calculated<br />
by a series of formulae (Coppejans, 1977a, b). For mathematical<br />
background, the following references were used: Augarde (1 9 57)'<br />
Ceska (1966, 1968), Godr<strong>on</strong> (1966), Goodall (1973), Gounot and<br />
Calleja (1962). The similarity tests fall into two groups; those that<br />
are based <strong>on</strong> the number of species present in the relevks and those<br />
based <strong>on</strong> the coverage of these species.<br />
The similarity tests based <strong>on</strong> presence-absence of species (vide, for<br />
details, Coppejans, 1977a, c; those used were of Ceska, ~ulczynski,<br />
S@rensen, Ochiai and Barkman, Jaccard and Sneath, ~okal and<br />
Sneath) all gave similar results. Those of Jaccard and of Sokal gave<br />
rather lower values, but when these were multiplied by a c<strong>on</strong>stant<br />
factor (Jaccard x 1.24; Sokal x 1.70) they became comparable with<br />
the other values. The average similarity value lies around 75%. This<br />
proves that the quadrat area used, 20 x 20 cm (and even 10 x 20 cm),<br />
is representative for the species-compositi<strong>on</strong>. These results are very<br />
high, compared with those of Boudouresque (1974b); for two<br />
relevks of 200 cm2 made in a sciaphilic vegetati<strong>on</strong>, he found the<br />
similarity coefficient of S@rensen to be 64.676, whereas we found<br />
77% for relevks of the same surface at ~anyuls. This c<strong>on</strong>flicts with<br />
the cautious c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> of Boudouresque (1974b, p. 154) : "L'aire<br />
minima varie d'un peuplement i l'autre. S<strong>on</strong> etude dans chaque type<br />
de peuplement et dans chaque rkgi<strong>on</strong>, est d<strong>on</strong>c nkcessaire, et il serait
2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 383<br />
intbressant de rechercher si le seuil de similitude de 65% peut 6tre<br />
c<strong>on</strong>sidbri: comme tr&s gi:nkral en milieu marin." According to our<br />
results this last suppositi<strong>on</strong> is not true, as the threshold value of<br />
similarity in photophilic vegetati<strong>on</strong> is higher (7 5-8O%, as in terrestrial<br />
vegetati<strong>on</strong>).<br />
The different similarity tests based <strong>on</strong> the coverage of the<br />
species (vide, for details, Coppejans, 1977a, b; those used were of<br />
Czekanowski, Kulczynski, M<strong>on</strong>thoux, Ruzicka, Spearman in Weber,<br />
19 72: 538) give rather divergent results.<br />
As a general c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> this homogeneity study, we can say<br />
that the similarity-coefficients obtained by divergent formulae and<br />
based <strong>on</strong> dfferent data (species number, percentage cover) are very<br />
high, much higher than those in marine sciaphilic vegetati<strong>on</strong>, equalling<br />
those in terrestrial vegetati<strong>on</strong>.<br />
After the preliminary investigati<strong>on</strong> of the photophilic infralittoral<br />
biotope, of the minimum area and of the homogeneity of the vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />
to be studied, the phytosociological investigati<strong>on</strong> itself was<br />
commenced. So as to study photophilic algae at different depths<br />
and from different seas<strong>on</strong>s and regi<strong>on</strong>s, sampling was d<strong>on</strong>e in<br />
homogeneous vegetati<strong>on</strong> (see previous secti<strong>on</strong>) <strong>on</strong> horiz<strong>on</strong>tal or<br />
slightly inclined rocky surfaces, at depths of 2-25 m below C.D. The<br />
locati<strong>on</strong> of the relevis was taken at random by throwing away the<br />
chisel and taking the sample where it finally lay. This is important<br />
to provide the objective data needed for certain statistical methods.<br />
Date, depth, declivity and directi<strong>on</strong> of the slope, coverage and<br />
maximum height of the vegetati<strong>on</strong> were noted over a surface of<br />
20 x 20 cm (see secti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> Qualitative Minimum Area).<br />
The substratum was removed with hammer and chisel, to sample<br />
smaller and crustose algae of the underlying flora. ~ lfragments l<br />
were placed in plastic-bags, formalinized (4%) <strong>on</strong> arrival at the laboratory,<br />
and stored in the dark to reduce bleaching of the specimens.<br />
Over 100 relevks were recorded from March 1973 to July 1978;<br />
they were spread over winter and summer seas<strong>on</strong>s at ~an~uls (near<br />
the French-Spanish border) ; Marseille; the nature-reserve of Port-Cros,<br />
an island in fr<strong>on</strong>t of Le Lavandou; and the bay of Calvi (Corsica).<br />
Sorting through the relevbs is extremely time-c<strong>on</strong>suming, as each
384 E. Coppejans<br />
fragment in the samples is studied under a binocular microscope; the<br />
smaller algae and their epiphytes were also identified under the<br />
microscope (Cyanophyceae and ~acillariophyceae were excluded).<br />
Species diversity being very important (see that secti<strong>on</strong>), in total we<br />
identified 280 algal taxa, of which 40 were Chlorophyceae, 65 Phaeo-<br />
phyceae and 175 Rhodophyceae. These comprehensive species-lists<br />
are of great importance for later phytosociological analysis of the<br />
data. The presence, nature and frequency of the reproductive struc-<br />
tures have also been noted and quantified. A reproductive coefficient<br />
and the reproductive density can be calculated from these data<br />
(Boudouresque, 197 la) ; these are, of course, time-linked. After the<br />
species list was completed, a percentage-cover was given to each<br />
species. We did not use the scale of Braun-Blanquet as it seemed too<br />
imprecise, especially for comparing the coverages of the epiphytes<br />
and of the smaller algae.<br />
A sociability-factor could not be deduced as the samples c<strong>on</strong>sisted<br />
<strong>on</strong>ly of fragments of the original vegetati<strong>on</strong>.<br />
On the basis of the species Lists, the ratios of different algal groups<br />
can be calculated; RIP (ratio of numbers of species of Rhodophyceae<br />
to Phaeophyceae) can be used to characterize the flora of a regi<strong>on</strong>.<br />
The ratios of the different orders within the Rhodophyceae can be<br />
used to characterize a biotope within a floristic province.<br />
The distributi<strong>on</strong> of the species present in the relevks over the differ-<br />
ent ecological algal groups ("groupes kcologiques"; ~oudouresque,<br />
1970, 1971a) can also give important informati<strong>on</strong> about the popu-<br />
lati<strong>on</strong> studied. All the above-menti<strong>on</strong>ed data can be subjected to<br />
different ordinati<strong>on</strong> methods for identifying sociological units. For<br />
the photophilic vegetati<strong>on</strong>, we still need more data so as to take<br />
the seas<strong>on</strong>al variati<strong>on</strong> into account. From the species lists of the<br />
different quadrat-samples, it already seems that the depth where<br />
Stypocaul<strong>on</strong> scoparium is replaced by Halopteris filicin,a indicates<br />
the lower limit of photophilic algal vegetati<strong>on</strong> in the western<br />
<strong>Mediterranean</strong> basin.<br />
In sorting thoroughly the relevks, <strong>on</strong>e is regularly c<strong>on</strong>fr<strong>on</strong>ted by<br />
identificati<strong>on</strong> and tax<strong>on</strong>omic problems. Boudouresque (1971c,<br />
p. 82) stated that:
2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 385<br />
C<strong>on</strong>trairement Q ce qui se passe dans le domaine terrestre (au moins dans<br />
nos rdgi<strong>on</strong>s) la systimatique des vigdtaux marins reste extrcmement<br />
complexe. Est-il besoin de prkciser qu'aucun ordinateur, qu'aucune<br />
mdthodologie, si valable soit-elle, ne saurait remplacer une ddterminati<strong>on</strong><br />
exacte? Un travail de bi<strong>on</strong>omie effectue sur des bases syst&matiques<br />
incertaines est une architecture compliquite biitie sur des sables mouvants.<br />
In the 100 relevks studied we identified, as stated above, 280 algal<br />
taxa (40 Chlorophyceae; 65 Phaeophyceae; 175 Rhodophyceae). Some<br />
of the specimens did not agree with any described tax<strong>on</strong>. Polysiph<strong>on</strong>ia<br />
banyulensis Copp. has been described as a new species (Coppejans,<br />
1976a, 1978a) and recorded since at Calvi (Corsica) and at Naples.<br />
For some other taxa, we either did not have enough specimens or<br />
did not find all the reproductive structures necessary for a complete<br />
descripti<strong>on</strong>. We called them "species novae ineditae" and Illustrated<br />
them (Coppejans, 1977a: Sphacelaria papili<strong>on</strong>iformis, Lomen taria<br />
pennata, Myriogramme unistromatica, Peyss<strong>on</strong>nelia sp. and a<br />
Ceramiacean bel<strong>on</strong>ging to the tribe ~rangelieae).<br />
We also recorded taxa new to the <strong>Mediterranean</strong> Sea: Ceramium<br />
cingulatum Web. v. Bosse, described from the Indian Ocean and <strong>on</strong>ly<br />
found twice since the type collecti<strong>on</strong>, was present in our relevds<br />
at ~anyuls, Marseille and Port-Cros (Coppejans, 1977b). Ceramium<br />
tay lori Daws<strong>on</strong>, described from the North American Pacific coast<br />
and recently found by Verlaque at Marseille, was present in our<br />
relevb from the three areas studied. Ceramium fartigia tum (Roth)<br />
Harv. var. flaccidum (BBrg.) Petersen has been described as an<br />
epiphyte <strong>on</strong> roots of mangrove-plants in the Caribbean Sea. We<br />
noticed it in relevks from Banyuls and Port-Cros. Fosliella farinosa<br />
(Lamour.) Howe var. chalicodictya Taylor had not been found since<br />
its type collecti<strong>on</strong> in the Caribbean Sea. We found it at Banyuls and<br />
Port-Cros (Coppejans, 1976b). It has also recently been collected by<br />
Boudouresque in Corsica. The record of Lophosiph<strong>on</strong>ia scopulorum<br />
(Harv.) Womersley at Banyuls added this species to the <strong>Mediterranean</strong><br />
flora (Coppejans, 1976b). Apart from these taxa new to the<br />
<strong>Mediterranean</strong> Sea, we also recorded species new to the ~rench flora.<br />
Myri<strong>on</strong>ema liechtenstemii Hauck, described last century from the<br />
Adriatic Sea and never collected since, was found at Banyuls and,<br />
more frequently, at Port-Cros (Coppejans and Dh<strong>on</strong>dt, 1976). ~ ilo~hus<br />
mediterraneus ErcegoviC, described from the ~driatic Sea, was frequently<br />
recorded at Port-Cros. Hitherto, Griffi thsia tenuis C. Ag. was
386 E. Coppejans<br />
<strong>on</strong>ly known to occur in the Adriatic Sea and al<strong>on</strong>g the coasts of<br />
north ~frica. It was a rare species in our relevCs from Port-Cros.<br />
Lophosiph<strong>on</strong>ia cristata ~alkenb. has <strong>on</strong>ly been menti<strong>on</strong>ed from<br />
Tobruk (Libya) since its original discovery at ~aples, where it has not<br />
been found again. We recorded it at Port-Cros (Coppejans and<br />
Boudouresque, 197 6a). ~~hacelaria fusca (~uds.) C. Ag., already<br />
known from the ~tlantic coasts of France, has been found d<strong>on</strong>g the<br />
<strong>Mediterranean</strong> French coast for the first time, at ~anyuls, ~arseille<br />
and Port-Cros. In total, we have added 15 taxa to the known<br />
French marine algal flora. A list of species rarely recorded for the<br />
<strong>Mediterranean</strong> has also been compiled; these included ~ladophoropsis<br />
mod<strong>on</strong>ensis (Kutz .) B$rg., Siph<strong>on</strong>ocladus pusillus (Kutz.) Hauck,<br />
Choristocarpus tenellus (Kiitz). Zanard. (Coppejans and ~oudouresque,<br />
1976b), ~ol~omenia peregrina Sauv., Discosporangium<br />
mesarthrocarpum (Menegh.) Hauck (Augier et al., 1975), ~obophora<br />
variegata (Lamour.) Womersley, Aphanocladia stichidiosa (Funk)<br />
Ardre', Clz<strong>on</strong>dria mairei G. Feldm., Lomentaria clzylocladiella Funk,<br />
L. verticillata Funk, and Myriogramme distromatica (Rodr.) Boud.<br />
Some rare reproductive structures have also been observed. The<br />
g<strong>on</strong>imoblasts of Antitharn~zi<strong>on</strong> ~piro~raphidis Schiffner were never<br />
seen in nature before. The propagules of Fosliella farinosa (Lamour.)<br />
Howe var. farbzosa, figured in 1881 for F. farinosa var. solmsia~za<br />
(Falkenb.) Foslie by Solms-Laubach, have never been observed since.<br />
We have recorded them in Corsica (Coppejans, 1978b).<br />
On the basis of the species lists from the different relevks, we drew<br />
up an autecological and phenological "card" for each species. This<br />
informati<strong>on</strong>, combined with data from the literature, permitted the<br />
c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of an autecological, synecological and phenological<br />
image for each sampled species.<br />
Thus far, we have been unable to make winter observati<strong>on</strong>s at<br />
Banyuls or summer observati<strong>on</strong>s at Marseille. This makes it somewhat<br />
premature to give a phytosociological interpretati<strong>on</strong> of our data.<br />
Nevertheless, we present a brief survey of previous bi<strong>on</strong>omical group-<br />
ings of the photophilic infralittoral algal vegetati<strong>on</strong>. The zoologists,<br />
who give less importance to the algae, as well as those phycologists<br />
who adopt a simple soluti<strong>on</strong>, accept that the photophilic infralittoral<br />
vegetati<strong>on</strong> is characterized by <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e biocoenosis, the "Biocoenosis
2. ~editerranean <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong> 387<br />
of the Photophilic Algaeu, ranging in depth from 2 to 25 (45) m.<br />
This oversimplifies the situati<strong>on</strong> even when <strong>on</strong>e distinguishes different<br />
facies, z<strong>on</strong>es or populati<strong>on</strong>s within this biocoenosis. Other<br />
authors are over-in fluenced by the physiognomical diversity of the<br />
biotope. Using an imprecise bi<strong>on</strong>omical method, they divide this<br />
z<strong>on</strong>e into as many associati<strong>on</strong>s or communities as there are dominant<br />
algae. In this way, the infralittoral has been divided into:<br />
different Associati<strong>on</strong>s: Feldmann, J. (1 937) ; ~alokar (1942);<br />
Giacc<strong>on</strong>e and Pignatti (1967) ; Giacc<strong>on</strong>e et al. (1973) ; Nasr and<br />
Aleem (1949);<br />
different Phytocoenoses: Giacc<strong>on</strong>e (19 6 5) ;<br />
different Populati<strong>on</strong>s: ~eflan-~antini (1 9 6 2) ;<br />
different Populati<strong>on</strong>s + facies: P&r&s (1967) ;<br />
different Communities: Ernst (1 9 5 9) ;<br />
different Biocoenoses: Molinier (1960); Boudouresque (197 la).<br />
These latter authors divided the biocoenosis of the photophilic algae<br />
(sensu lato) into three: the Schotteri<strong>on</strong>, as the underlying vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />
of the larger Cystoseira spp.; the Cystoseiretum strictae, at places<br />
with str<strong>on</strong>g turbulence from just below the water-surface down to<br />
50 cm depth; the Cystoseiretum crinitae, below that. We restricted<br />
our research to the study of the Cystoseiretum crinitae.<br />
A third suppositi<strong>on</strong> is that the infralittoral vegetati<strong>on</strong> forms a<br />
climax-cycle in which, starting from an initial associati<strong>on</strong> dominated<br />
by Jania ru bens (L.) Lamour., eventually results a climax-associati<strong>on</strong><br />
with Posid<strong>on</strong>ia oceanica (L.) ~elile (Potamoget<strong>on</strong>aceae, a marine<br />
phanerogam), with transiti<strong>on</strong>al associati<strong>on</strong>s (Molinier, 1954, 1955 ;<br />
Molinier and Picard, 1953, 1954; Per& and Picard, 1955). All the<br />
latter authors based their interpretati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the data from a restricted<br />
area or from <strong>on</strong>e seas<strong>on</strong>; they took <strong>on</strong>ly the "larger" algae into<br />
account to describe the above-menti<strong>on</strong>ed groupings. Owing to this,<br />
they <strong>on</strong>ly menti<strong>on</strong> a small number of "larger" species, not taking<br />
the smaller and (according to Boudouresque's results) often more<br />
characteristic <strong>on</strong>es into account, e.g. Giacc<strong>on</strong>e (1965), 10 m depth,<br />
1 m2 quadrat, 7 spp; 4 m2, 12 spp; Giacc<strong>on</strong>e and de Leo (1966),<br />
0.5 m depth, 8 m2, 23 spp; 4 m, 1 m2, 12 spp; 35 m, 6 m2, 16 spp;<br />
Giac<strong>on</strong>ne (1968)) 60 m, 100 m2, 23 spp.<br />
The "transect-met hod" is rather physiognomical; by making such<br />
transects, <strong>on</strong>e can distinguish different vegetati<strong>on</strong> z<strong>on</strong>es (as in<br />
Coppejans, 1970, 1972, 1974; Gatnulin-~rida, 1965; Giacc<strong>on</strong>e and
388 E. Coppejans<br />
Pignatti, 1967; Huvh et al., 1963; Larkum et al., 1967). These<br />
authors again characterize the different z<strong>on</strong>es by <strong>on</strong>ly a restricted<br />
number of larger algae. he results of such transect methods become<br />
absolutely useless (for bi<strong>on</strong>omical interpretati<strong>on</strong>) when all the noted<br />
algae are listed without recording the depth or the microbiotope<br />
(horiz<strong>on</strong>tal, vertical, overhanging rock-surface). Such lists are<br />
presented in Giacc<strong>on</strong>e et al. (1972) for 0-38 m; in Giacc<strong>on</strong>e et al.<br />
(1973) for 0-60 m; in Giacc<strong>on</strong>e and Sortino (1974) for 0-50 m.<br />
Nevertheless these works have a positive value for the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong><br />
of species inventories for the area studied. The method of phyto-<br />
sociological releves has been used <strong>on</strong>ly occasi<strong>on</strong>ally for studying<br />
photophilic marine algal vegetati<strong>on</strong>, e.g., as in Cinelli (1969);<br />
Giacc<strong>on</strong>e (1965, 1971, 1977) ; Giacc<strong>on</strong>e et al. (1973); Molinier<br />
(1960); Pignatti (1962).<br />
Our research aimed to c<strong>on</strong>tribute a better understanding of the<br />
phytosociological units within the photophilic vegetati<strong>on</strong> in the<br />
<strong>Mediterranean</strong> sea. This was achieved by means of a rigorous bio-<br />
nomical method requiring the preliminary study of such factors<br />
as minimum area, homogeneity and species-compositi<strong>on</strong>. The fauna<br />
has been completely excluded from this study, as it had already been<br />
the subject of thorough studies by ella an-~antini (1 962, 1968, 1969);<br />
Gamulin-Brida (1965, 1974) ; Ledoyer (1968); Tort<strong>on</strong>ese (1958).<br />
More winter observati<strong>on</strong>s are required fully to take into account the<br />
seas<strong>on</strong>al variati<strong>on</strong> of the photophilic algal vegetati<strong>on</strong> before our data<br />
are submitted to different ordinati<strong>on</strong> methods for identifying socio-<br />
logical units within the Cystoseiretum crinitae. It appears that the<br />
depth at which Stypocaul<strong>on</strong> scoparium is replaced by Halopteris<br />
filicina indicates the lower limit of photophilic algal vegetati<strong>on</strong> in<br />
the western <strong>Mediterranean</strong> basin.<br />
I should like to thank Dr C. -F. Boudouresque for his help and encouragement<br />
during this study, which formed part of my doctoral thesis. I should also like to<br />
acknowledge the facilities provided by the directors of the marine stati<strong>on</strong>s at<br />
Banyuls, Marseille, Port-Cros and Calvi. Dr W. F. Farnham criticized a draft of<br />
this manuscript.
2. <strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Algal</strong> Vegetati<strong>on</strong><br />
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Augier, H., Boudouresque, C. -F. and Coppejans, E. (1975). Prdsence de Discosporangium<br />
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390 E . Coppejans<br />
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