the Magazine for Fairfield college preparatory School • Winter 2010

the Magazine for Fairfield college preparatory School • Winter 2010

the Magazine for Fairfield college preparatory School • Winter 2010


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<strong>the</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> <strong>college</strong> <strong>preparatory</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

IncludIng <strong>the</strong> AnnuAl RepoRt 2008–2009<br />

Prep Today i

ii Prep Today<br />

Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends of <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep,<br />

The Irish Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) said it so well in one of his famous poems: “The world is charged<br />

with <strong>the</strong> grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;”<br />

One of <strong>the</strong> tasks of Jesuit education is to help students become attentive to God’s presence in <strong>the</strong>ir lives and in <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

world, so that <strong>the</strong>y develop a life habit of responding to this presence with <strong>the</strong>ir talents, gifts and skills as a man or woman<br />

<strong>for</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. In this issue you’ll learn more about <strong>the</strong> Prep Fine Arts program. Our Prep artists are indeed learning to use <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

eyes, hearts and hands to interpret <strong>the</strong> world <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>mselves and <strong>for</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs by shining brightly to proclaim God’s grandeur.<br />

According to St. Ignatius of Loyola, by becoming more attentive to God’s presence in <strong>the</strong> mundane and <strong>the</strong> magnificent<br />

leads us to gratitude. And when we feel this way, we are moved to share our experience in love and in generous service of<br />

which many Prep alumni demonstrate so often in <strong>the</strong>ir daily lives.<br />

Thus I am very pleased to announce that we are establishing a new alumni award: <strong>the</strong> St. Ignatius of Loyola Alumni<br />

Award. Please read <strong>the</strong> description below, and consider nominating a Prep alumnus who you feel exemplifies <strong>the</strong> Jesuit ideals<br />

from our school. We will present <strong>the</strong> award at one of Prep’s school liturgies in order that our current students, faculty<br />

and staff may truly become edified by <strong>the</strong> real genuineness of one of our Prep Man <strong>for</strong> O<strong>the</strong>rs.<br />

You will also find <strong>the</strong> Annual Report 2008-2009 in this issue. I am continually humbled by <strong>the</strong> generosity of so many who<br />

help to shape who we are at <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep. Thank you so much. Your support of our important mission manifest in so many<br />

ways is a real testimony to <strong>the</strong> great school we are and <strong>the</strong> wonderful community we continue to evolve in emitting <strong>the</strong><br />

grandeur of God. May you and your loved ones be blessed with a New Year that is filled with wonder and gratitude!<br />

Rev. John J. Hanwell, S.J.<br />

President<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong><br />

announces establishment of <strong>the</strong><br />

St. Ignatius of Loyola Alumni Award<br />

All Jesuit schools seek to educate <strong>the</strong>ir students to become Men and<br />

Women <strong>for</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. <strong>the</strong> various Jesuit high schools share a common<br />

document: <strong>the</strong> Characteristics of <strong>the</strong> Graduate at Graduation. <strong>the</strong> recipient of<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep St. Ignatius of Loyola Alumni Award will show evidence of<br />

having fulfilled those characteristics’ expectations.<br />

<strong>the</strong> five Characteristics of <strong>the</strong> Graduate at Graduation are:<br />

i. open to Growth<br />

ii. intellectually Competent<br />

iii. Religious<br />

iv. loving<br />

v. Committed to Doing Justice<br />

Details regarding nominating outstanding alumni will be available in early<br />

March <strong>2010</strong>, and will be communicated electronically and on our website.

prep today<br />

The <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

Colleen Adams, P’08, ’11<br />

Editor, “Prep Today”<br />

Director of Communications<br />

Margaret Galeano<br />

Designer<br />

DeveloPMent AnD<br />

AluMni offiCe<br />

larry Carroll ’63<br />

Vice President <strong>for</strong> Advancement<br />

J Dillon Collins ’98<br />

Director of Alumni Relations<br />

Bob Donahue ’87<br />

Director of Development<br />

Kathy norell<br />

Special Events Coordinator<br />

Development Staff<br />

Robyn fry<br />

Julie Pollard<br />

“Prep Today” is available on our<br />

website: www.fairfieldprep.org<br />

Prep Today, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> College<br />

Preparatory <strong>School</strong> magazine,<br />

is published twice a year by<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong>.<br />

Editorial offices are located in:<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong><br />

Development and Alumni Office<br />

Xavier Hall 112<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong>, CT 06824-5157<br />

(203) 254-4237<br />

www.fairfieldprep.org<br />

letteRs to <strong>the</strong> eDitoR:<br />

Send to above address or<br />

by email to:<br />

cadams@fairfieldprep.org<br />

or by fax: (203) 254-4071<br />

Photo CReDits:<br />

Colleen Adams, P’08, ’11<br />

Wes Barlow ’11<br />

Greg Enriquez, P’06, ’08, ’10<br />

Jim Gruppo, P’05, ’08, ’09<br />

Elliot Gualtiere<br />

Deirdre Magner<br />

Gus Powell<br />

Joe Roberts, P’12, 13<br />

Rev. Larry Ryan, S.J.<br />

Tom Sacerdote<br />

Seidler Photography<br />

Robert Taylor Photography<br />

Plus contributed photos<br />

RegIonAl WRAp-up The fall has been a busy season <strong>for</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong><br />

Prep Alumni. Chicago and Atlanta alumni attended baseball games and our<br />

Business Breakfast Series came home to <strong>Fairfield</strong> County with Nick Perna<br />

’60, noted economist. . The Alumni Office traveled to Phoenix, Washington,<br />

D.C., Boston, Tampa and Miami. . More travels are underway as <strong>the</strong> Central<br />

and South Florida Chapters get set <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir kick off receptions in <strong>the</strong> first<br />

half of <strong>2010</strong>. . A Miami area reception was held in January at South Beach.<br />

. The Tampa area will follow in May with a reception. . The November<br />

J Dillon Collins ’98<br />

Washington reception was a great success and alumni are feverishly working Director of Alumni Relations<br />

on setting up an event <strong>for</strong> this winter. . The Washington trip also included a<br />

You are welcome to contact<br />

pizza lunch with Fa<strong>the</strong>r Hanwell, S.J., where area <strong>college</strong> students got to meet<br />

me at 203.254.4200, ext. 2219<br />

with <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>for</strong>mer classmates and friends. Students from both Georgetown<br />

or jcollins@fairfieldprep.org<br />

and George Washington Universities came. . Prep Crew traveled to Boston<br />

to compete in <strong>the</strong> Head of <strong>the</strong> Charles, one of <strong>the</strong> country’s most prestigious Head races. Alumni and current<br />

parents watched from <strong>the</strong> riverbanks. . The Boston Day of Service was a success as Prep alums ga<strong>the</strong>red<br />

to serve lunch to over 200 guests in need at <strong>the</strong> Pine Street Inn. . Alumni will be ga<strong>the</strong>ring <strong>for</strong> additional<br />

service projects at <strong>the</strong> Merton Center and Columbus House in Connecticut. . Alumni just recently ga<strong>the</strong>red<br />

in New York City <strong>for</strong> a holiday reception at O’Casey’s; John Brennan, John Hanrahan and Lou Saracco joined<br />

alums <strong>for</strong> a few drinks and plenty of cheer. . The annual <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep Holiday Classic Basketball tournament<br />

continues to get stronger each year. . Our Spring Event is set <strong>for</strong> May 1 and we encourage all alumni to come<br />

to this annual dinner and auction run by our wonderful parent committee. The centerpiece will again be our<br />

$25,000 Tuition Raffle. (See back cover.) . If you would like to connect with alumni in your area or look at<br />

starting a chapter, please contact me at jcollins@fairfieldprep.org.<br />

A Safe and Happy <strong>2010</strong>,<br />

JDillon Collins<br />

P.S. Please remember to register with our Online Alumni Community<br />

at www.fairfieldprep.org. Use <strong>the</strong> ID# printed above your name<br />

on <strong>the</strong> label. Also join our facebook page as a fan. Search <strong>for</strong><br />

“<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep Alumni.”<br />

Prep Pride Store opens in Berchmans Hall<br />

A new, permanent location <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Prep Pride Store has<br />

been professionally designed and outfitted with store display shelves and units.<br />

Beth Enriquez P’06, ’08, ’10, is <strong>the</strong> store manager. The store features many new and classic<br />

items, including all sportswear, spirit wear, gift wear, school accessories and more.<br />

The store, located next to Berchmans Cafeteria, is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from<br />

8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and accepts cash, check, Visa, MasterCard and Amercan Express. You<br />

may now purchase ONLINE and ship direct. Visit www.fairfieldprep.org/preppride.<br />

Prep Today 1

The Arts are Alive and Well and Living at Prep<br />

By Frank Bramble and Dolores Tema, Fine Arts teachers<br />

it is easy to see that <strong>the</strong> arts are alive and well at Prep,<br />

alive with exciting per<strong>for</strong>mances, great art, a committed<br />

faculty, and irrepressible students. <strong>for</strong> nearly <strong>for</strong>ty years<br />

Prep has recognized <strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>the</strong> arts <strong>for</strong> our students,<br />

our school and <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> big, wide world out <strong>the</strong>re.<br />

Did you know that a study by <strong>the</strong> College entrance examination<br />

Board found that students who studied arts and music<br />

scored significantly higher than <strong>the</strong> national average on <strong>the</strong><br />

scholastic Aptitude test? students who had participated in<br />

acting, play production, music per<strong>for</strong>mance and appreciation,<br />

drama appreciation, and art history, scored an average of 31 to<br />

50 points higher on <strong>the</strong>ir math and verbal sections (from Learning<br />

Through <strong>the</strong> Arts by Dee Dickinson).<br />

As a Jesuit school, Prep continually engages in a process of<br />

self examination asking ourselves “what is <strong>the</strong> best <strong>for</strong> our students?”<br />

this application of critical thinking is <strong>the</strong> same process<br />

we teach in <strong>the</strong> arts.<br />

When an artist engages in his work, be it in <strong>the</strong> per<strong>for</strong>ming,<br />

visual, or <strong>the</strong> written arts, it is all about <strong>the</strong> experience, <strong>the</strong><br />

reflection, and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> action. it’s very … Jesuit, very ignatian.<br />

2 Prep Today<br />

st. ignatius loyola was a critical thinker so it is no wonder<br />

that <strong>the</strong>re is an affinity between <strong>the</strong> critical methodology we<br />

use in <strong>the</strong> arts and <strong>the</strong> methodology of Jesuit education. We<br />

have quite a tradition to live up to.<br />

While our only requirement <strong>for</strong> art is in freshman year (a<br />

choice of ei<strong>the</strong>r music, drama or visual art), a student may elect<br />

to continue taking art classes all <strong>the</strong> way through to his senior<br />

year. exciting things happen all along <strong>the</strong> journey.<br />

ours is a per<strong>for</strong>mance and visual based curriculum. two<br />

play per<strong>for</strong>mances, multiple concerts each year, both in <strong>the</strong><br />

imposing venue of fairfield university’s Regina A. Quick Center<br />

and new York’s lincoln Center, and at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> year an<br />

enormous art show in Arrupe hall — all evidence of <strong>the</strong> number<br />

of creative students engaged in <strong>the</strong> arts at Prep.<br />

May we suggest that <strong>the</strong> next time you see a movie with a<br />

favorite actor, admire an exhibit of someone’s stunning paintings,<br />

have <strong>the</strong> clever work of a graphic artist catch your eye,<br />

walk into an architect’s sleek new building, or settle into your<br />

seat at a concert, ask yourself this question — “is that a Prep<br />

Grad?” <strong>the</strong> answer could very well be “Yes!”<br />

Continued on page 4

Prep Today 3

The Arts at Prep<br />

Continued from page 2<br />

Music<br />

By Christine Dominquez, Music Director<br />

The Introduction to Music class, which<br />

focuses on learning how to read<br />

music and how to sing, most recently<br />

finished a transcription project which<br />

involved listening to a piece of music<br />

and writing out <strong>the</strong> rhythm. Normally a<br />

<strong>college</strong>-level exercise, Prep students mastered<br />

it ef<strong>for</strong>tlessly! They per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

semester project piece with <strong>the</strong> Select<br />

Chorus at <strong>the</strong> Quick Center <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

Christmas Concert. Select Chorus has<br />

developed from singing two-part harmonies<br />

accompanied by a piano, to four-part<br />

harmonies per<strong>for</strong>med a cappella. Currently<br />

we are preparing <strong>the</strong> music <strong>for</strong> our<br />

spring per<strong>for</strong>mance at Avery Fisher Hall.<br />

The Symphonic and Concert<br />

Bands have increased in quantity,<br />

quality, and ability with <strong>the</strong>ir greatest<br />

accomplishment so far being <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

incredibly successful per<strong>for</strong>mance at<br />

Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall on<br />

December 9.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r notable accomplishments include:<br />

<strong>•</strong> Students being involved in <strong>the</strong> following<br />

audition-only groups: Greater<br />

Bridgeport, Norwalk, and Stam<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Youth Orchestras, and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong><br />

County Children’s Chorus.<br />

<strong>•</strong> Members of <strong>the</strong> Prep Band per<strong>for</strong>ming<br />

in China <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> 2008 Olympics opening<br />

ceremonies.<br />

<strong>•</strong> Recent Prep graduates Dylan Miraglia<br />

’09, Michael Miraglia ’09, and<br />

Tim DeMarco ’09 continuing <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

studies in music at Ithaca College and<br />

Marquette University respectively.<br />

<strong>•</strong> Students participanting in various jazz<br />

and orchestral 2009 summer music<br />

camps at NYU and Julliard.<br />

4 Prep Today<br />

Drama<br />

By Megan Hoover, Fine Arts Chair<br />

By midnight on <strong>the</strong> evening of <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

final per<strong>for</strong>mance, <strong>the</strong> cast of Don’t<br />

Drink <strong>the</strong> Water find <strong>the</strong>mselves standing<br />

in an empty black room. There is a sense<br />

of sadness and accomplishment as <strong>the</strong>y<br />

survey <strong>the</strong> now bare black box <strong>the</strong>atre. It<br />

is strange to see <strong>the</strong> space vacant after<br />

<strong>the</strong> three month’s worth of energy that<br />

<strong>the</strong>y brought <strong>the</strong>re. This moment, at <strong>the</strong><br />

conclusion of each show, is part of what<br />

makes <strong>the</strong> art of <strong>the</strong>atre so special.<br />

Each year Prep Players, <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>atre<br />

ensemble on campus, presents two productions<br />

at <strong>the</strong> Regina A. Quick Center <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Arts. While we hope that each per<strong>for</strong>mance<br />

entertains our audience, it is<br />

not <strong>the</strong> only end that we work towards.<br />

Mike Brels<strong>for</strong>d ’07, working towards his<br />

teaching certification at <strong>Fairfield</strong> University,<br />

remembers working on productions<br />

at Prep. “For me, <strong>the</strong> goal of each per<strong>for</strong>mance<br />

was to inspire <strong>the</strong> audience. In<br />

my coming semester of student teaching,<br />

I will have <strong>the</strong> same goal in front of <strong>the</strong><br />

classroom, and I know I will use a lot of<br />

what I learned on stage.”<br />

Theatre is a collaborative art; <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e,<br />

<strong>the</strong> idea of working as an ensemble<br />

becomes a crucial element of <strong>the</strong> process.<br />

The members must be able to rely on<br />

one ano<strong>the</strong>r, and we cultivate a feeling of<br />

trust through games and exercises. They<br />

learn that <strong>the</strong>y succeed and fail toge<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

Students are exposed to a variety of<br />

plays and musicals — from <strong>the</strong> classic<br />

Guys and Dolls to <strong>the</strong> quirky Lucky Stiff.<br />

Theatre offers us a lens through which we<br />

can examine <strong>the</strong> world around us and it<br />

is important that <strong>the</strong> works also speak to<br />

contemporary issues. Four years ago, we<br />

presented Dead Man Walking in conjunction<br />

with <strong>the</strong> seniors’ Social Justice curriculum<br />

as a means of facilitating dialogue<br />

about <strong>the</strong> death penalty. In <strong>the</strong> midst<br />

of <strong>the</strong> presidential election, Prep Players<br />

rehearsed 43 Plays <strong>for</strong> 43 Presidents.<br />

This production provided both cast and<br />

audience a window into <strong>the</strong> history and<br />

humanity of <strong>the</strong> office of <strong>the</strong> President.<br />

A political science major at Cambridge<br />

University, Richard Johnson ’09<br />

credits his time studying <strong>the</strong>atre at Prep<br />

with developing his skills as a writer<br />

and speaker. “I not only learned how to<br />

become a better actor; I learned about<br />

history, language, culture, literature, and<br />

communication. In studying what makes<br />

an audience tick and through work-

ing with an ensemble, I gained insight into<br />

human relationships. In spending countless<br />

hours developing my characters be<strong>for</strong>e a<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance, I learned crucial lessons about<br />

human nature. Through studying <strong>the</strong> director’s<br />

role, I have learned vital lessons about<br />

leadership, management, and diplomacy. As<br />

I look to a future in politics and government,<br />

I know that <strong>the</strong> skills which I have developed<br />

through my education in Prep’s <strong>the</strong>atre program<br />

will remain critically valuable throughout<br />

my life.”<br />

There is something amazing about <strong>the</strong><br />

fact that <strong>the</strong>atre is created during a fleeting<br />

exchange between actor and audience. The<br />

students know that <strong>the</strong>y have been a part<br />

of something that can never be recreated<br />

or altered, and <strong>the</strong>y will carry <strong>the</strong>se experiences<br />

with <strong>the</strong>m <strong>for</strong> years to come.<br />

Visual Arts<br />

By Frank Bramble and Dolores Tema,<br />

Fine Arts teachers<br />

In <strong>the</strong> visual art classes, students not only<br />

get in touch with <strong>the</strong>ir creative side, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

also study art history and learn <strong>the</strong> needed<br />

“language” of critical methodology. It is not<br />

unusual <strong>for</strong> visual art classes to take place<br />

at <strong>the</strong> Walsh Gallery at The Regina A. Quick<br />

Center. There <strong>the</strong>y view<br />

contemporary art work<br />

and engage in discussions<br />

of an artist’s style<br />

and <strong>the</strong> meaning of <strong>the</strong><br />

work. By <strong>the</strong> end of<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir freshman year, our visual art students<br />

have produced a portfolio, and considered<br />

<strong>the</strong> importance art has <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> individual and<br />

<strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> many cultures, both historical and<br />

contemporary, studied during <strong>the</strong> year.<br />

Visual arts courses include: Visual Arts,<br />

Drawing and Painting, Advanced Art Techniques,<br />

Studio Art III, and Architectural<br />

Drafting and Design.<br />

We continue to place our students in<br />

some of <strong>the</strong> nation’s best art and architecture<br />

programs. From Syracuse to <strong>the</strong> Maryland<br />

Art Institute, Prep students are a part of<br />

America’s future in <strong>the</strong> arts.<br />

Alumni in <strong>the</strong> Arts<br />

Below is just a sampling of Prep<br />

grads who are active in <strong>the</strong> arts.<br />

Alumni are welcome to update Prep<br />

by returning <strong>the</strong> Alumni Class News<br />

coupon on page 32 or by joining our<br />

Online Alumni Community.<br />

Kwadwo Adae ’94: Non-Objective Oil<br />

Painter<br />

Vincent Appel ’03: Syracuse<br />

Architecture NYC program<br />

coordinator and teacher at Syracuse<br />

University<br />

George Bisacca ’73: Curator,<br />

Metropolitan Museum of Art<br />

Pete Coughlin ’63: President, Cohan<br />

Radio Group<br />

Edward Crader ’76: MCL Productions,<br />

operatic tenor, agent<br />

Joseph Farrell ’93: Actor<br />

Chris Fischer ’88: Actor (The Departed,<br />

30 Rock)<br />

Kevin Heffernan ’86: Director, writer,<br />

actor, producer (Super Troopers,<br />

Beerfest, How I Met Your Mo<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

Curb Your Enthusiasm, o<strong>the</strong>rs)<br />

Dean Holland ’87: TV editor/director<br />

(Parks and Recreation, The Office)<br />

Gene Hull ’48: Musician, book author<br />

Peter Jankowski ’82: Executive<br />

producer (Law & Order)<br />

Greg Jennings ’87: Emmy award winning<br />

tv script writer.<br />

Andrew Jonic ’93: Architect<br />

Pat Jordan ’59: Writer<br />

Kevin Kallaugher ’73: Cartoonist, The<br />

Economist and Baltimore Sun,<br />

Pulitzer Prize winner<br />

Kevin King ’95: Architect<br />

John Kramer ’72: Teacher, graphic<br />

designer<br />

Jack Laurence ’57: ABC News<br />

correspondent, writer and<br />

documentary producer (The Cat from<br />

Hue, 101st Airborne in Iraq)<br />

Justin Long ’96: Actor, TV, film and<br />

commercials<br />

HT Owens ’86: TV Producer (The Biggest<br />

Loser, Nashville Star)<br />

Seth Mathurin ’00: Artist<br />

Michael McGlone ’91: Actor, screen<br />

writer (The Bro<strong>the</strong>rs McMullen,<br />

She’s <strong>the</strong> One)<br />

Sean McManus ’73: President, CBS<br />

News & CBS Sports<br />

Sergio Rosa ’06: Web design and<br />

computer engineer<br />

Sean Ryan ’96: Artist<br />

Peter Saarsgard ’89: Actor (Golden<br />

Globe and Screen Actors Guild<br />

nominations)<br />

Jeff Sochrin ’85: Radio personailty<br />

Chris Tart ’91: Studio drummer<br />

Prep Today 5

N O N - T R A D I T I O N A l l e A R N I N g<br />

ND Vision Conference<br />

Reflection by Max Rein ’11<br />

In June 2009 I attended <strong>the</strong><br />

ND Vision Conference. This<br />

exciting retreat took place<br />

at Notre Dame University. It<br />

was a week filled with new experiences,<br />

new friends, and new<br />

ways of becoming closer to God.<br />

The week was busy, filled with<br />

ten sessions with speakers giving<br />

new insights and senses of who<br />

we are, and how we can live our<br />

life with God as our first priority.<br />

The week was also…a BLAST.<br />

We had plenty of free time<br />

where we were able to create<br />

new friendships which will last<br />

a lifetime. One evening we participated<br />

in a scavenger hunt<br />

searching <strong>for</strong> clues all over Notre<br />

Dame’s campus. My fellow “Prep<br />

Bro<strong>the</strong>rs” in attendance included<br />

Sean Keane ’11, Ryan Brennan<br />

’11, Connor Marr ’10, Frank Lupariello<br />

’10, Kevin Leitao ’10, Cody<br />

Bilcheck ’11, Johnny Garcia ’11,<br />

Chris DiMuzio ’11, Matt Considine<br />

’11, Tim Culligan ’11, Chris Walsh<br />

’10, and Patrick Benedosso ’11.<br />

We had an amazing time meeting<br />

new people from all over<br />

<strong>the</strong> country, spending countless<br />

hours talking, playing football,<br />

Frisbee, and o<strong>the</strong>r fun and great<br />

activities.<br />

At some sessions we broke<br />

down into small groups which<br />

included a retreat leader, and an<br />

actual student of Notre Dame.<br />

This was where we were able to<br />

connect with o<strong>the</strong>rs and share<br />

our deep experiences with each<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r. These retreat leaders also<br />

gave “faith talks” in our sessions<br />

where <strong>the</strong>y shared personal<br />

6 Prep Today<br />

experiences on our daily topics.<br />

My favorite experiences from<br />

<strong>the</strong> retreat included <strong>the</strong> Speakers<br />

and Reconciliation. After receiving<br />

Penance, <strong>the</strong> Priest gave me a<br />

special prayer which I will never<br />

<strong>for</strong>get, “Come Holy Spirit, Kindle<br />

in me, <strong>the</strong> power of your love.”<br />

It taught me to love my family<br />

more, my friends more, and God<br />

more. I learned <strong>the</strong> three important<br />

L’s of life: Live your life; Lead<br />

your life; Love your life.<br />

Lenny, our director, also was a<br />

speaker at one of our sessions. He<br />

discussed <strong>the</strong> Saints, our Models<br />

of Faith. A little boy he knew told<br />

Lenny that he didn’t know who<br />

<strong>the</strong> people were on stained glass<br />

windows in churches. Lenny<br />

replied, “Those are saints.” The<br />

little boy <strong>the</strong>n went out and told<br />

everyone, “Saints, <strong>the</strong>y’re <strong>the</strong><br />

people that let <strong>the</strong> light shine<br />

through.” It is a simple, yet complex<br />

statement because <strong>the</strong>y<br />

physically and metaphorically let<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir light shine through.<br />

Ano<strong>the</strong>r speaker told us about<br />

how she felt no one truly loved<br />

her. Then she found God. She<br />

said, “Your deepest fear is not<br />

that you are inadequate. Your<br />

deepest fear is that you are powerful<br />

beyond measure.” It is so<br />

true that we are all powerful in<br />

God’s love and that we can truly<br />

say <strong>the</strong> only life we have is God’s<br />

life in us.<br />

ND Vision 2009 was an outstanding<br />

experience and I surely<br />

hope you will join me and my<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r Prep Bro<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>for</strong> ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

remarkable experience at ND<br />

Vision next year.<br />

SPAIN Summer Immersion<br />

In June and July of <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep students<br />

will again be traveling<br />

to Spain <strong>for</strong> a 4 week<br />

immersion language program<br />

in Madrid. This unique<br />

opportunity is open to students<br />

of Spanish of all levels who have a B average.<br />

This will be <strong>the</strong> fourth consecutive summer<br />

that Prep has sponsored this program. Students<br />

who have participated have benefited in a wide<br />

variety of ways: obviously <strong>the</strong>ir command of <strong>the</strong><br />

language increases radically, but more than just<br />

that, <strong>the</strong> participants mature in responsibility,<br />

poise and self confidence. Included in <strong>the</strong> four<br />

weeks of study are a wide variety of cultural<br />

activities and it is capped off by a five day tour<br />

of Andalucia. In<strong>for</strong>mation on this program will<br />

be available in January <strong>2010</strong>. Look <strong>for</strong> an email<br />

or contact Ms. Deirdre Magner, dmagner@fairfieldprep.org<br />

<strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation.

C h R I S T I A N S e R V I C e P R O j e C T S<br />

APPAlAChIA Immersion<br />

excerpts from reflection by Kyle Piscioniere ’11<br />

On this trip we learned that helping someone does not mean <strong>the</strong>y are less<br />

of a person than you. We all need help at some time and some more<br />

than o<strong>the</strong>rs. Every person sees <strong>the</strong>mselves in those <strong>the</strong>y help; this stirs<br />

compassion in <strong>the</strong> helper. Whe<strong>the</strong>r we were planting a garden in a community<br />

center to feed those in need or painting an old train car that stood as a town<br />

landmark we came to understand <strong>the</strong> words of Jesus, “whatever you do to <strong>the</strong> least<br />

of <strong>the</strong>se you do unto me.” Never be<strong>for</strong>e have I bonded with a group on so many<br />

levels. Never be<strong>for</strong>e have I done so much work and honestly enjoyed it <strong>for</strong> both its<br />

nature and its purpose.<br />

jAMAICA Service Immersion Trip<br />

Reflection by Sean Donoghue ’11<br />

This July, seven Prep students,<br />

two faculty, and one<br />

alumni traveled to Montego<br />

Bay, Jamaica <strong>for</strong> a service<br />

trip. The group served a charity called<br />

Mustard Seed Communities, which<br />

provides aid to disabled and abandoned<br />

children. The Prep group stayed<br />

at Blessed Assurance, a compound that<br />

houses 46 disabled children.<br />

Every morning at 5:30 a.m. we<br />

helped <strong>the</strong> staff get <strong>the</strong> children ready<br />

<strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> day. We had time to bond with<br />

and get to know <strong>the</strong>m. At devotion<br />

time we sang hymns and read scriptures.<br />

Next <strong>the</strong> heavy labor would<br />

begin. We completed a wide range<br />

of projects including digging a<br />

trench, and clearing and organizing a<br />

storage room. A highlight was putting<br />

<strong>the</strong> finishing touches on <strong>the</strong> Blessed<br />

Assurance Chapel, which had been under<br />

construction <strong>for</strong> over a year. We commemorated<br />

this milestone occasion with<br />

an inaugural mass celebrated by our own<br />

Fr. Larry Ryan, S.J.<br />

Overall, our Jamaican experience was<br />

very eye-opening and touching. The<br />

children, <strong>the</strong> dedicated caregivers, and<br />

<strong>the</strong> impoverished country of Jamaica<br />

touched all of our hearts. After a long<br />

week of dedicated service, <strong>the</strong> Prep group<br />

returned home more than satisfied with<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir ef<strong>for</strong>t.<br />

Participants included: J.J. Hubert ’11,<br />

Paul Sikora ’11, Mark Rodas ’11, Sean<br />

Donoghue ’11, James<br />

Shea ’11, Kenny Duque ’11, Sebastian<br />

Dumoulin ’10, Kevin Foley ’04, Elliott<br />

Gualtiere, Director of Campus Ministry,<br />

and Fr. Larry Ryan S.J., Student<br />

Chaplain. This service trip was a large<br />

success and <strong>Fairfield</strong><br />

Prep plans to return<br />

to Blessed Assurance<br />

with ano<strong>the</strong>r group<br />

next year.<br />

Prep Today 7

Bellarmine Guild presents<br />

$71,000 gift to Prep<br />

At <strong>the</strong> Bellarmine Guild Annual Fall Luncheon and Shopping<br />

Extravaganza, “Fall into Fun,” past presidents of <strong>the</strong> Guild<br />

presented Fr. Jack Hanwell, S.J. with a check in <strong>the</strong> amount of<br />

$71,000 with an additional gift in kind. Colleen Busby and Jean<br />

Moore were delighted to give <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep this amount on<br />

behalf of <strong>the</strong> 2008-2009 Bellarmine Board. The Fall<br />

Luncheon was held on November 18, 2009 at <strong>the</strong><br />

Racebrook Country Club in Orange.<br />

8 Prep Today<br />

Students participate in Ignatian Family Teach-In<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep took part in <strong>the</strong> Ignatian Family<br />

Teach-In in November. Prep students Joe<br />

Burgess ’10, Omar Cardona ’10, Quinn Rooney ’10,<br />

Harry Whiteley ’10, Carmine Urciuoli ’10, Sam Anim<br />

’11, and Andrew Passarelli ’11, accompanied by<br />

Mr. Jon DeRosa, Fa<strong>the</strong>r Larry Ryan, S.J. and Mr.<br />

Tom Sacerdote, set out on <strong>the</strong> road to <strong>the</strong> Teach-In<br />

in Columbus, Georgia by way of <strong>the</strong> Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r<br />

King National Historic Site in Atlanta. They took<br />

part in this annual conference dealing with peace<br />

and social justice issues. Since 1995, Jesuits, <strong>for</strong>mer<br />

Jesuits, lay pastoral leaders, and <strong>the</strong> broader<br />

Ignatian family have ga<strong>the</strong>red at <strong>the</strong> gates of Fort<br />

Benning, GA, to call <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> closure of <strong>the</strong> <strong>School</strong> of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Americas (SOA) and to commemorate <strong>the</strong> deaths<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Salvadoran Jesuit martyrs, <strong>the</strong>ir housekeeper<br />

and her daughter, <strong>the</strong> four churchwomen, and <strong>the</strong><br />

many o<strong>the</strong>r men, women, and children who have<br />

been innocent victims of civil war and bloodshed.

Cross Country team finishes 10-2<br />

Prep advanced to <strong>the</strong> State Open this year (<strong>the</strong> finals) and<br />

even with a team that lost three of 7 starters to flu in <strong>the</strong><br />

last week of <strong>the</strong> season, finished 17th in <strong>the</strong> state.<br />

Connor Rog ’12 was <strong>the</strong> class LL Champion surprising <strong>the</strong><br />

favorite runner (Sean Mueller of Cheshire) with a surge at <strong>the</strong><br />

end to win by several seconds. Connor went on to finish 13th<br />

in <strong>the</strong> State Open (sick, but still ran) and 23rd in New England.<br />

Earlier he was 3rd in <strong>the</strong> SCC.<br />

Connor was All-SCC, All-LL, All-State, and All-New England.<br />

He was also selected to both <strong>the</strong> New Haven Register and CT<br />

Post all-area teams. The team finished its season running in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>ast Regionals <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Nike Cross National competition.<br />

Connor finished as 20th individual (16:28) and <strong>the</strong> team<br />

finished 20th out of 25 teams selected <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Championship<br />

race — 9 of <strong>the</strong> teams had won state championships.<br />

Prep rugby players<br />

shine on Union U-19<br />

Sports News<br />

The 51st Annual New York Sevens Rugby<br />

Tournament was held November 28,<br />

on Randall’s Island, NY. This is America’s<br />

largest seven-a-side tournament with over<br />

120 teams from all over <strong>the</strong> world who<br />

ga<strong>the</strong>r to play over 200 matches in one day.<br />

It is hosted by <strong>the</strong> New York Rugby Club,<br />

which is <strong>the</strong> oldest rugby club in <strong>the</strong> U.S.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> high school division, Matt Leonard<br />

’10, (left) and Mat Benedetto ’10 (right) both<br />

senior co-captains of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep<br />

Rugby team, participated in <strong>the</strong> event on <strong>the</strong> Union U-19 rugby team. The team was<br />

made up of high school players from <strong>the</strong> New York Metropolitan area and coached<br />

by Lex Maccubbin. After winning <strong>the</strong>ir first three matches, Union U-19 defeated <strong>the</strong><br />

two-time defending champs, Xavier High <strong>School</strong> Rugby team of New York, in <strong>the</strong><br />

championship game, winning <strong>the</strong> U-19 Division of <strong>the</strong> tournament. Mat Benedetto<br />

was selected MVP.<br />

JUST BEAT IT!! Prep Crew ‘pulls’ <strong>for</strong> classmate Ryan Brennan.<br />

In support of Ryan Brennan ’11 who is undergoing cancer treatment at Sloan Kettering, <strong>the</strong> Prep Crew team proudly wear <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

“Just Beat It” t-shirts at <strong>the</strong> New Canaan Sprints Regatta in Norwalk, Sunday, November 1.<br />

Soccer achievements:<br />

. Varsity advanced to <strong>the</strong> SCC championship<br />

and finished <strong>the</strong> season with a<br />

15-4-1 record.<br />

. Kevin Burt ’10 (left) was selected to<br />

<strong>the</strong> All-State Team.<br />

. Kevin Burt ’10, John Monroe ’10, and<br />

Jaime Skelton ’10 were selected to<br />

<strong>the</strong> SCC All-Quinnipiac Division Team.<br />

. Kevin Burt and John Monroe were<br />

selected <strong>for</strong> and played in <strong>the</strong> Senior<br />

Bowl game.<br />

Prep Today 9

Not your fa<strong>the</strong>r’s textbook<br />

As a new technology initiative at Prep, four<br />

sections of classes are working in a tablet PC<br />

lab. The Xavier Hall computer lab is operational,<br />

using integrated learning with listening and<br />

speaking. Teachers Maureen Bohan (math), Connie<br />

Carrington (French), and Jen Mauritz (French) are<br />

utilizing this new non-textbook approach to gain<br />

student interactivity and feedback. Connie Carrington<br />

relates her experience with language:<br />

“The students are ‘liberated’ from a traditional<br />

hard-cover textbook, having access to a website<br />

with <strong>the</strong> entire textbook with point of reference<br />

links to two workbooks, videos, audio files, tests<br />

and quizzes. The Basic French class meets in our<br />

new tablet PC lab every day and can access all <strong>the</strong><br />

material anywhere <strong>the</strong>re is an internet connection.<br />

No more <strong>for</strong>getting a book or losing a workbook!<br />

If a student wants to hear a word pronounced,<br />

all he has to do is click and he hears it. He can<br />

access <strong>the</strong> grammar videos as often as he wishes.<br />

The on-line quizzes and tests, with plenty of<br />

writing exercises, are corrected by me and permanently<br />

available <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> students. What is<br />

still unclear is <strong>the</strong> actual<br />

outcome—are <strong>the</strong> students<br />

learning as much or as well<br />

as with traditional textbooks?<br />

Of course,<br />

what I’d like is <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>m to learn<br />

and love French<br />

more!”<br />

10 Prep Today<br />

<strong>School</strong> Happenings<br />

The Spirit of Christmas overflows <strong>for</strong> Toy Drive<br />

Once again this year, in response to a request from <strong>the</strong> Office of Social Concerns,<br />

Diocese of Bridgeport, Prep collected new, unwrapped toys. Hundreds of toys plus<br />

packages of much-needed diapers filled Arrupe Hall. Freshmen Theology students<br />

helped load <strong>the</strong> toys into vehicles. Shown on left side of tree, back row from left: Declan<br />

Rowley, Ryan Orvis, Kieran Bracken; front row from left: Jonathan Johannes, Kyle Mollo,<br />

James DeFelice. On right side, back row from left: Peter Riley, Paul Genco; front row from<br />

left: Ray Kingsbury, Tony Pham.<br />

Mad Dog unleashed at Fa<strong>the</strong>rs’ Club event<br />

Sports Night featuring Chris “MAD DOG” Russo from SiriusXM Radio<br />

was held on November 10 in Prep’s Brissette Gymnasium. The “Mad<br />

Dog” was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! Over 400 Prep fa<strong>the</strong>rs, sons and faculty<br />

were on hand <strong>for</strong> a night of good food, fun and fellowship. Planning is<br />

underway <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>2010</strong> Sports Night and <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>rs’ Club looks <strong>for</strong>ward<br />

to seeing you <strong>the</strong>re. They thank <strong>the</strong> many parents and friends of Prep<br />

who donated prizes to <strong>the</strong> raffle and auction. The event raised approximately<br />

$40,000 to benefit <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep.

Front: Rev. John J. Hanwell, S.J. 2nd Row (l-r): Tudor-<br />

Matei Boran, Mat<strong>the</strong>w Leonard, Dr. Robert Perrotta.<br />

3rd row: Brendan Bercik, Joshua Jowdy. Back: Miles<br />

Keegan, Kristof Toth, Joseph Burgess and David Oliver.<br />

National Merit Scholars<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep is proud to announce recognition<br />

of eight seniors based on <strong>the</strong> PSAT/<br />

National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test taken<br />

in <strong>the</strong>ir junior year. Brendan Bercik was named<br />

a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist, and<br />

seven students were commended in <strong>the</strong> National<br />

Merit Scholarship Program. Over one million students<br />

from across <strong>the</strong> nation entered <strong>the</strong> competition<br />

by taking <strong>the</strong> test, and <strong>the</strong> Prep winners<br />

were selected based on top per<strong>for</strong>mance in <strong>the</strong><br />

highly competitive state of Connecticut.<br />

Prep goes green with<br />

recycling initiative<br />

On November 6, members of <strong>the</strong> student body,<br />

under <strong>the</strong> direction of <strong>the</strong> Student Government,<br />

placed recycling bins in every classroom<br />

and office, as well as near every copy machine.<br />

The recycling campaign involves students from<br />

<strong>the</strong> Science Club, <strong>the</strong> Political Awareness Society,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Environmentalist Club, and <strong>the</strong> Student<br />

Government. Because a school’s waste is mostly<br />

composed of paper products, <strong>the</strong> students<br />

believe recycling paper will greatly cut down on<br />

our carbon footprint and also cut down costs<br />

when it comes to waste dumping. The first bin<br />

pick-up was on November 13. Helping out, shown<br />

from left: Andrew Golankiewicz ’10, Ryan Cahalane<br />

’10, Matt Fornshell ’11 and Tyler Cox ’11.<br />

<strong>School</strong> Happenings<br />

Tom Shea ’73, Alumnus, Teacher and Coach, is new<br />

Head Football Coach<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep is pleased to announce Tom Shea’73, current English teacher and past Freshman and JV<br />

Football coach, has been selected as <strong>the</strong> new Varsity Football Head Coach. Tom has taught English<br />

at Prep since 2005, following a successful business career as founder and chief business executive <strong>for</strong><br />

several communications ventures. Tom played football <strong>for</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep and Harvard University, where<br />

he received his B.A. He continued his studies at <strong>the</strong> London <strong>School</strong> of Economics and Political Science<br />

where he earned a Master of Sciences. Tom met with enthusiastic Prep students on January 20, to<br />

talk about his new position and <strong>the</strong> coming season: “I am honored and proud to be named just <strong>the</strong> 8th<br />

coach in Prep football history, and I look <strong>for</strong>ward to working with our young men to revitalize our winning<br />

traditions. I feel we have <strong>the</strong> talent to be a good football team, but it is up to <strong>the</strong> players and <strong>the</strong>ir level of<br />

commitment and dedication to determine when that will be.”<br />

Columbian Squires inducted<br />

The Knights of Columbus has wanted to establish a Columbian Squires circle at Prep <strong>for</strong> some time.<br />

Thanks to Mr. Bret Stockdale, S.J., <strong>the</strong>ology and social studies teacher, we now have one.<br />

On Sunday, November 8, <strong>Fairfield</strong> University hosted <strong>the</strong> annual Business Leaders’ Communion Breakfast.<br />

Bishop Lori celebrated Mass in Egan Chapel and <strong>the</strong> breakfast was held afterwards in <strong>the</strong> BCC Oak<br />

Room. The keynote speaker was Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of <strong>the</strong> Knights of Columbus.<br />

Prep’s newly <strong>for</strong>med Columbian Squires group, <strong>the</strong> Rev. Donald M. Barry, S.J. Circle, had <strong>the</strong> honor of<br />

meeting Carl Anderson afterwards. (Fa<strong>the</strong>r Barry, RIP, was a teacher here at Prep <strong>for</strong> many years. He also<br />

held several high-ranking positions in <strong>the</strong> Knights of Columbus.) Shown from left: Bret Stockdale, S.J., Greg<br />

Marshall ’73, Daniel Passarelli ’13, Connor Ryan ’11, Grand Knight Carl Anderson, Derek Gebo ’11, Jake<br />

Cogguillo ’12, Joseph Humes ’12, Michael Demakos ’12, Thomas Olsen, S.J.<br />

Fa<strong>the</strong>rs’ Club responds<br />

to local needs<br />

In partnership with Groundwork Bridgeport,<br />

members of <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>rs’ Club and <strong>the</strong>ir sons<br />

worked over several fall weekends to help<br />

rake leaves <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> elderly in our community.<br />

Pictured from left: Bob Boehringer, Dan Boyle<br />

’12, Peter Tortora Sr., Peter Tortora Jr. ’12, Eric<br />

Hoffman ’12, Joe Hoffman, Chris Cortina ’12,<br />

Bob Cortina, Scott Craighead, Scott Sedgwick<br />

’12 and Mat<strong>the</strong>w Craighead ’12.<br />

Prep Today 11

An english teacher’s pilgrimage through europe,<br />

following <strong>the</strong> steps of St. Ignatius loyola<br />

12 Prep Today<br />

Spanish journal:<br />

The Swallows of javier<br />

By Barry Wallace<br />

In a small town outside of Pamplona called Javier, I<br />

developed a case of traveler’s exhaustion one afternoon.<br />

Never much of a group person, I decided I needed some<br />

time to myself. I opted not to tour <strong>the</strong> castle of Francis<br />

Xavier (were all Jesuits born in castles? I’ll have to<br />

ask some of my Jesuit friends when I return). Instead, I sat in<br />

<strong>the</strong> cool quiet of <strong>the</strong> basilica near <strong>the</strong> castle and collected my<br />

thoughts. Exactly what does it mean to be a modern-day pilgrim,<br />

and why had I taken this trip?<br />

The early pilgrims thought <strong>the</strong> path to Javier would take<br />

<strong>the</strong>m to <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> world. To this day, Javier remains a<br />

remote and ruggedly beautiful place — a place where you don’t<br />

feel silly thinking about God and wondering about <strong>the</strong> purpose<br />

of your life. I looked up at <strong>the</strong> marble altar covered with sweetscented<br />

lilies. Above <strong>the</strong> altar, a figure of <strong>the</strong> Jesuit saint and cofounder<br />

stands gazing upward with his arms outstretched. He<br />

holds a crucifix in his right hand; a gold halo rings his head. It<br />

is <strong>the</strong> pose of sanctity I recognize from my Catholic school days.<br />

But what does it mean to live spiritually today?<br />

I sat <strong>for</strong> a long while in <strong>the</strong> church absorbing <strong>the</strong> coolness<br />

and letting my own questions run freely from me. My back<br />

stiffened in <strong>the</strong> wooden pew. I needed to lie down, but I didn’t<br />

want to go back to my room. I left <strong>the</strong> church and followed a<br />

walkway where I discovered a stone parapet overlooking miles<br />

of hills and valleys. I was suddenly aware of standing at a great<br />

height, but <strong>the</strong>re wasn’t a place to lay my head. I leaned against<br />

<strong>the</strong> church and rested my head on my hands. My eyes were<br />

closed when I first heard <strong>the</strong> high-pitched sounds; I opened<br />

<strong>the</strong>m to see dozens of swallows and swifts weaving through <strong>the</strong><br />

air above me.<br />

These small birds were flying into <strong>the</strong> towers of <strong>the</strong> basilica<br />

and <strong>the</strong>n soaring out over <strong>the</strong> stone parapet and high above <strong>the</strong><br />

fertile valley. They were dancing in <strong>the</strong> pure air, tumbling, turning<br />

and flipping on <strong>the</strong>ir own course of evanescence and delight.<br />

As so often happens to me, <strong>the</strong> voice of God speaks through<br />

nature. In <strong>the</strong> hot silence of <strong>the</strong> afternoon, in this remote village,<br />

I was hearing <strong>the</strong> sounds of <strong>the</strong> swallows and <strong>the</strong>y filled<br />

<strong>the</strong> air with wonder. Was this a religious experience, or a natural<br />

one? Was it a moment of simple beauty or a moment of<br />

eternal truth somehow revealed through creation? I didn’t care<br />

what it was. All at once, history, <strong>the</strong> church, <strong>the</strong> saints, <strong>the</strong> bus<br />

travel, <strong>the</strong> food and <strong>the</strong> tour places came toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>for</strong> me. The<br />

experience transfixed me and I could only let go and let it run<br />

its course.<br />

As so often happens to me, <strong>the</strong> voice of God speaks through<br />

nature. … I was hearing <strong>the</strong> sounds of <strong>the</strong> swallows and <strong>the</strong>y<br />

filled <strong>the</strong> air with wonder. Was this a religious experience, or<br />

a natural one?<br />

I got up and followed a wooded trail behind <strong>the</strong> church. The<br />

path was blooming with flowers and fragrant herbs — wild valerian<br />

and pink mallow. I heard <strong>the</strong> clear, unmistakable call of a<br />

cuckoo in <strong>the</strong> woods. The upper path took me to a monastery<br />

behind <strong>the</strong> ca<strong>the</strong>dral. Two old priests were sitting in <strong>the</strong> garden<br />

in <strong>the</strong> heat of <strong>the</strong> day. My Spanish isn’t very good, but it was<br />

obvious <strong>the</strong>y were discussing <strong>the</strong> state of <strong>the</strong> world. One of <strong>the</strong><br />

men was gesturing as if to indicate that things had gone to rack<br />

and ruin. His friend nodded gently reminding him that nothing<br />

really changes and that life is always good. I stood by <strong>the</strong> stone<br />

wall listening to those men in <strong>the</strong> garden as if <strong>the</strong>y were taking<br />

parts of my own soul.<br />

I left <strong>the</strong>m to <strong>the</strong>ir conversation and walked to <strong>the</strong> edge of<br />

<strong>the</strong> land. It dropped off suddenly into a steep ravine. One step<br />

more and I would’ve been floating in space. We were so high up<br />

that I could only see <strong>the</strong> crowns of <strong>the</strong> tall poplar trees from a<br />

great distance. Beneath <strong>the</strong> trees I could see <strong>the</strong> sparkling river.<br />

Patterned farm fields ran backward toward <strong>the</strong> foothills. In a<br />

manner of speaking I, too, had come to <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> world.<br />

People have been making pilgrimages <strong>for</strong> thousands of<br />

years <strong>for</strong> a myriad of reasons. Some come to find God;<br />

some to heal a troubled soul; some to heal <strong>the</strong> body- and<br />

some, no doubt, to escape from <strong>the</strong>ir life <strong>for</strong> a while and head<br />

out on an interesting journey. I asked myself in <strong>the</strong> midst of<br />

all this overwhelming beauty in <strong>the</strong> birthplaces of <strong>the</strong>se heroic<br />

Jesuits, “What do you feel?”<br />

A pilgrim certainly is permitted such questions. In fact, <strong>the</strong><br />

journey itself follows <strong>the</strong> curve of a question. Where do we go<br />

next? What will it be like? How will I fit <strong>the</strong>re? What part of my<br />

soul will be concealed or revealed to me? Our ultimate destination<br />

was Rome, where Ignatius founded <strong>the</strong> Jesuit order, presided<br />

over its expansion and growth, and lived out his last years.<br />

This made me think of an old Irish poem I much admire. It<br />

was written during a period of dangerous yet ardent pilgrimages,<br />

much more difficult than our own plane rides and airconditioned<br />

motor coaches.<br />

Continued on page 13

uncle lou honored at celebration dinner<br />

Spanish Journal: The Swallows of Javier<br />

Continued from page 12<br />

To go to Rome<br />

Is much of trouble, little profit;<br />

The King whom thou seekest <strong>the</strong>re,<br />

Unless thou bring Him with <strong>the</strong>e, thou wilt<br />

Not find.<br />

Of course, it was early Celtic church tweaking <strong>the</strong>ir bro<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

in Rome, but in its unique way it poses <strong>the</strong> essential question<br />

with humor and a wink. When you take a journey of this type<br />

into <strong>the</strong> vast spiritual and material riches of <strong>the</strong> past, you come<br />

to realize something profound. No matter how marvelous <strong>the</strong><br />

churches you visit, <strong>the</strong> living faith truly resides in <strong>the</strong> hearts of<br />

people and not in <strong>the</strong> marble and stone edifices that can only<br />

give expression to something that lies too deep <strong>for</strong> words.<br />

Yet isn’t this <strong>the</strong> very point of a pilgrimage? The travel and<br />

<strong>the</strong> strangeness, <strong>the</strong> beauty and awe of <strong>the</strong> way awaken in you<br />

what cannot be found at home. Indeed, only <strong>the</strong> long journey of<br />

<strong>the</strong> foot can penetrate <strong>the</strong> fathomless distances of <strong>the</strong> heart. I go<br />

back to my fa<strong>the</strong>r’s often-stated belief that all journeys take us<br />

home. The swallows of Javier did that <strong>for</strong> me. They encouraged<br />

me to find spiritual meaning in ordinary life. They dove down<br />

from <strong>the</strong> dizzying height of <strong>the</strong> steeple to skim humble earth.<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> territory of faith joined by tiny wings and <strong>the</strong> soul of<br />

creation.<br />

We left Javier at 9:15 a.m. <strong>the</strong> next morning and headed<br />

across <strong>the</strong> Spanish desert toward Barcelona. As <strong>the</strong> bus slowly<br />

rolled through <strong>the</strong> narrow lanes, I looked back at <strong>the</strong> domed<br />

basilica <strong>for</strong> one last glimpse of <strong>the</strong> birds. I would find <strong>the</strong>m again<br />

in Barcelona and later in St. Peter’s Square. With <strong>the</strong>ir guidance,<br />

I wouldn’t lose sight of where I was going and where I had been<br />

on this long and challenging pilgrimage.<br />

Approximately 200 guests attended <strong>the</strong> lou saracco Celebration Dinner, held<br />

on november 7 at testo’s Restaurant in Bridgeport. speakers honoring lou’s<br />

retirement and 50 years of service to Prep included: George l. holmes, Jr. ’65,<br />

senator John P. McKinney ’82, Dolores P. tema, Rev. John J. hanwell, s.J., Peter M.<br />

nolin ’74, Rev. James C.l. Arimond, s.J. and stephen M. Jakab ’84. All enjoyed a<br />

video about lou, produced by Peter scifo ’98. to view <strong>the</strong> video and support <strong>the</strong><br />

Prep scholarship fund in his name, go to www.fairfieldprep.org/lou.<br />

Great golf at Great River<br />

This year was ano<strong>the</strong>r success <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep<br />

Annual Golf Outing at <strong>the</strong> picturesque Great River Golf<br />

Club. Ninety eight alumni and friends attended on October<br />

12. As always, a terrific day of golf, food<br />

and camaraderie was had by all! A special<br />

thanks to <strong>the</strong> tournament committee<br />

chaired by John Chiota ’86 (left) and<br />

consisting of John Chiota ’61; Kevin Foley<br />

’73, Tom Welch ’83, Jim Butler ’86; Alex<br />

Oracheff ’94, and Kevin Kozlowski ’99.<br />

Prep Today 13

14 Prep Today <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong><br />

Annual Report<br />

July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009<br />

We gratefully acknowledge <strong>the</strong> following alumni, parents, friends, companies, foundations, and organizations <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>ir support of <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong>’s annual, capital, restricted, and endowed funds, to ensure<br />

<strong>the</strong> advancement of our mission as a Jesuit, Catholic high school of excellence.<br />

RevenueS<br />

Tuition and Fees $ 13,309,000<br />

Private Gifts and Grants $ 1,286,000<br />

Endowment Income and Grants $ 525,000<br />

Auxiliary Enterprises $ 198,000<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r $ 68,000<br />

Invest Return – Plant Reserve $ 34,000<br />

Total $ 15,420,000<br />

AnnuAl gIvIng clubS<br />

President’s Council $ 25,000+<br />

Arrupe Society $ 10,000 – $ 24,999<br />

Loyola Circle<br />

Platinum $ 5,000 – $ 9,999<br />

Gold $ 2,500 – $ 4,999<br />

Silver $ 1,200 – $ 2,499<br />

Junior* $ 600 – $ 1,199<br />

*<strong>for</strong> graduates within <strong>the</strong> past 10 years<br />

Xavier Club $ 750 – $ 1,199<br />

Berchmans Club $ 250 – $ 749<br />

Hearthstone Club $ 1 – $ 249<br />

boARd oF goveRnoRS<br />

Mr. Francis P. Barron ’69<br />

Mr. Albert J. Cass III ’84<br />

The Hon. John P. Chiota ’61<br />

Rev. Walter J. Conlan SJ<br />

Mrs. Mary R. Cunningham<br />

Mr. Mark B. Fasano<br />

Mrs. Margaret M. Florentine<br />

Rev. John J. Hanwell SJ<br />

Mr. Timothy A. Hogan Jr.<br />

Mr. Traugott F, Keller ‘78<br />

Mr. Daniel J. King ’90<br />

Mr. Randy S. Maultsby ’91<br />

Mr. Peter W. O’Connor ’95<br />

Rev. Ronald V. Perry SJ<br />

Dr. Robert D. Russo Jr. ’65<br />

Mrs. Monica M. Walsh<br />

Endowment Income <strong>•</strong><br />

& Grants: 3.4%<br />

<strong>•</strong> Tuition and Fees: 87%<br />

<strong>•</strong> Private Gifts & Grants: 9%<br />

<strong>•</strong> Auxiliary Enterprises: 1%<br />

<strong>•</strong> O<strong>the</strong>r: .4%<br />

<strong>•</strong> Invest Return Plant Reserve: .2%<br />

gIFt totAl by conStItuency<br />

Unaudited<br />

Unrestricted Annual Fund<br />

Alumni $695,000<br />

Current Parents $198,000<br />

Alumni Parents $80,000<br />

Friends of Prep $28,000<br />

Total Unrestricted Annual Fund $1,001,000<br />

Special Events $285,000<br />

Restricted Gifts $158,000<br />

Total Giving $1,444,000<br />

The Annual Fund received $654,075 from 222 Loyola<br />

Circle donors ($1,200+). This accounted <strong>for</strong> 65% of <strong>the</strong><br />

2008-2009 Annual Fund total.<br />

<strong>•</strong> Due to space limitations, all donors are listed in <strong>the</strong>ir primary<br />

constituent group as of <strong>the</strong> 2008-2009 fiscal year.<br />

<strong>•</strong> Class giving participation data is based on total alumni in a<br />

class, excluding lost and deceased alumni.<br />

<strong>•</strong> Gifts received after June 30, 2009 will be listed in <strong>the</strong><br />

2009-<strong>2010</strong> Annual Report. If your name was overlooked<br />

or improperly listed, please accept our sincere apologies.

AlUmnI DOnORs<br />

By ClAss<br />

1 9 4 4<br />

65Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $900.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $900.00<br />

% Participation: 58%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $128.57<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. John N. Murray<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. A. Richard Brazis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James T. Burns<br />

Mr. Edward F. Fenton Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Greenwood<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Pitt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Savard<br />

1 9 4 5<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $3,080.95<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $3,080.95<br />

% Participation: 54%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $439.99<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Robert J. Kravutske<br />

The late Harold F. Mullen<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

The late Msgr. Lawrence J. McMahon<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Eisenmann<br />

Dr. & Mrs. George W. Kearns<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Terrio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. Varone<br />

1 9 4 6<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $3,073.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $52.00<br />

Total Gifts: $3,125.00<br />

% Participation: 33%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

$161.74<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Caliento<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Rear Adm. & Mrs. Richard J. Grich USN<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Laske Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O’Hara<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Connell<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Earle F. Cote<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Cummings<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Dailey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ford<br />

Mr. Edward F. Jurgielewicz<br />

Mr. John S. Kartovsky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Keegan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William N. McCormack<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James C. McKelvey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. McMahon Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pasenelli<br />

Msgr. Joseph D. Potter<br />

The Honorable John H. Shannon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Shea<br />

1 9 4 7<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $5,900.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $10,001.00<br />

Total Gifts: $15,901.00<br />

% Participation: 25%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />


$327.78<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Feroleto Jr.<br />

Mr. William D. Walsh<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Gilhuly<br />

Mr. John N. McMahon<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cosgrove<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. DePledge<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Fitzpatrick<br />

Mr. Thomas A. Flaherty<br />

Mr. James P. Fogarty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lambert<br />

Mr. Jeremiah T. Quigley<br />

Mr. Michael G. Stifil<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Alvin D. Bodell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Meehan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miko<br />

Rev. Walter R. Pelletier S.J.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joe R. Relihan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Spodnick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Terifay<br />

1 9 4 8<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $5,130.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,501.00<br />

Total Gifts: $6,631.00<br />

% Participation: 20%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $270.00<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Delbert L. Auray<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Lannon<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Vincent Burns<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. Frank H. D’Andrea Jr.<br />

Rev. Msgr. William A. Genuario JCD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edmond F. Kiely<br />

Mr. Daniel R. Mullins<br />

J. Kendall Murphy PhD<br />

John F. Piro MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Welch<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Connelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Goncar<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Johnson Jr.<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Keeley<br />

Mr. Robert H. McCoy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Niedermeier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Nucera<br />

Mr. Raymond Plouffe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Scholz<br />

1 9 4 9<br />

60Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $6,546.29<br />

Restricted Gifts: $5,000.00<br />

Total Gifts: $11,546.29<br />

% Participation: 31%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $192.54<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Sal M. Santella<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. J. William Foster<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Di Camillo<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward D. Jordan<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Vincent D. Celentano<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John J. McDougall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. McPadden<br />

Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Pekar<br />

Mr. David M. Phelan<br />

Dr. & Mrs. William F. Stephanak<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bestercy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bigley Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Cooney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Gernat<br />

Mr. Frank C. Grich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Grosso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hardiman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Incerto<br />

Mr. Robert Kapusta<br />

Mr. James H. Keenan Jr.<br />

Mr. Kenneth J. Kelly<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Keogh<br />

Mr. Walter McVety<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Joseph E. Meuser<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Murphy<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Harold T. Oesau<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel F. Ondeck<br />

Mr. Robert R. Petrucelli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Poillon Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard F. Quick<br />

Mr. Edward Sisk<br />

Atty. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Tomasko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Webb<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Welch Jr.<br />

1 9 5 0<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $24,170.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $151.00<br />

Total Gifts: $24,321.00<br />

% Participation: 24%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />


$833.45<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Werner<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Leverty Sr.<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. John P. Maiocco Jr.<br />

Mr. Alexander A. Micklos Jr.<br />

Mr. John G. Phelan Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Stapleton<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Dunn<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James P. Roach<br />

Mr. Edward Sinanian<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dwyer Sr.<br />

The Honorable & Mrs. Joseph T.<br />

Gormley Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gromults Jr.<br />

Mr. Edward J. Kelly<br />

The Honorable & Mrs. John J. Ronan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Rowan Jr.<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward G. Bednar<br />

Mr. Charles L. DeSiena<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Gentile<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Halloran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George V. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Earl Lavery Jr.<br />

Mr. Robert B. Mahoney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Moore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Pagliaro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Pennington III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Poeltl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Reilly Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Valus Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Vitale Jr.<br />

1 9 5 1<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $19,892.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $41,199.70<br />

Total Gifts: $61,091.70<br />

% Participation: 22%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

PREsIDEnT’s COUnCIl<br />

$736.74<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Senfield<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. O’Keefe<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shannahan<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Brown<br />

Mr. Louis J. Carbone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Clayton<br />

Mr. Thomas M. Coonan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Figmic Jr.<br />

Mr. R. Michael Norko &<br />

Ms. Ruth Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. John F. O’Connell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. O’Neill Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Roger L. Ratch<strong>for</strong>d<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Barry Brandt<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Martin A. Buzas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard K. Coiley Sr.<br />

Mr. Biagio Coppolella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Corr<br />

Mr. Edward J. Dulemba<br />

Rev. Michael A. Fahey S.J.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Kennedy Jr.<br />

Mr. J. Norman LeBlanc<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Lovely<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mozier<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Wilfred J. Rodie Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Schmeck<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Stankye Jr.<br />

Mr. Francis Tomis<br />

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

1 9 5 2<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $6,190.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $6,190.00<br />

% Participation: 20%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $247.60<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Barnwell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donal P. Sullivan<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Herman R. Charbonneau<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Carroll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Germain Jr.<br />

Colonel & Mrs. Joseph F. Hellauer<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Jensen Jr.<br />

Mr. George McGoldrick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Parillo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pavlik<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. John J. Barnick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Basdekian<br />

Fr. Philip D. Evanstock CSSP<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus A. Figlock<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Goscienski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Hickey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hurley<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Henry R. Jaenicke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Keegan<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Philip M. LaMastra<br />

Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Martin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. McPadden Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Neuberger PE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Palcak Sr.<br />

Mr. & Ms. Jon RG Turner-Groot<br />

1 9 5 3<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $7,718.44<br />

Restricted Gifts: $5,001.00<br />

Total Gifts: $12,719.44<br />

% Participation: 23%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $248.98<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Pelletier<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Rousseau<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Robert J. Cooney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Keaveny<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today 15

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Barry N. Curran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Albert V. J. Karg<br />

Mr. James J. Quinn Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Rowan Jr.<br />

Mr. Robert M. Skane<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Bonney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Santa Card<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ted D. Colangelo<br />

Dr. Philip E. DiLeo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Downs<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Fagan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Fitzgibbon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bertram J. Furgess<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Grosso<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Humphrey<br />

Atty. & Mrs. John W. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Lane III<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lisi<br />

Mr. Ronald E. Naves Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Pavluvcik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ryan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Strada Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gail C. Surber<br />

Mr. Richard D. Thomson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Ulbrick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Varnum Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Gordon Willard<br />

1 9 5 4<br />

55Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $11,193.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,000.00<br />

Total Gifts: $12,193.00<br />

% Participation: 30%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $287.00<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Marzik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Michaud Jr.<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. Walter F. Naedele<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Alberti Sr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Cifatte<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Connelly Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Deilus<br />

Rev. Gerald T. Devore<br />

Drs. Jay and Patricia Dolan<br />

Mr. Thomas R. Farrell<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John H. Galla<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Muldoon<br />

The late Richard J. Pulie &<br />

Mrs. Barbara Pulie<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Brooks<br />

Mr. Richard S. Cellar<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Conway<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James F. Daly Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Delvecchio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Farrington<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Felsmann Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Giacchi Jr.<br />

Mr. William J. Gilhuly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Hanley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. P. Harrington<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Izzarelli<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Keating Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Krewson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Leary<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Matyszewski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Millbauer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Mullen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ondek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. F. James O’Neill<br />

Mr. Jack L. Ringel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Rourke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nestor W. Shust<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edmond J. Skinski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Weiss<br />

1 9 5 5<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $13,940.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $22.00<br />

Total Gifts: $13,962.00<br />

% Participation: 29%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $366.84<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Sargent<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Carolan<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James M. Alexander<br />

Dr. & Mrs. William E. Allen III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Bown<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Callan<br />

Rev. Stephen J. Gleeson Jr.<br />

Atty. Peter M. Ryan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Zadravec<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Ms. George Y. Bramwell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cummings<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Daley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Deer Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Foley Sr.<br />

Mr. Edward J. Foster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Goyette<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Hewitt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Janczewski<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. Joseph Q. Koletsky<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Norman J. Kramer<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. William J. Lavery Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Liptak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George K. Lukach<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Manfreda<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mizak Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Yorke E. Nelson CLU<br />

Mr. Daniel F. Neylan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. O’Brien<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Patchen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Pistey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Quirk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Reilly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Roach Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Saxe<br />

Dr. & Mrs. J. David Sullivan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Viglione<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Vitka Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Wilson Jr.<br />

1 9 5 6<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $5,100.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,452.00<br />

Total Gifts: $6,552.00<br />

% Participation: 19%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $188.89<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Torres<br />

Msgr. David M. Walker<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Casano<br />

Dr. Ronald C. Chisholm<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Constand<br />

Drs. Raymond and Patricia Cormier<br />

Mr. Gregory F. Donahue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. F. Robert Kurimsky<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Lisi<br />

Mr. Paul J. McCarthy<br />

Mr. Clinton R. Peterson<br />

Mr. David A. Power<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Rizy<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Carlin<br />

Mr. Michael S. Chisarik<br />

Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Green<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Stephen A. Habetz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Lesko Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Loughlin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McQueeney Jr.<br />

Mr. John C. Murphy<br />

Mr. Raymond F. Nalewajk<br />

Rev. Robert J. O’Neil<br />

Mr. William P. Russell Sr.<br />

Mr. Roger V. Schirmer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Smith<br />

1 9 5 7<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $17,906.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $301.00<br />

Total Gifts: $18,207.00<br />

% Participation: 27%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $406.95<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Kral Sr.<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernhard F. Bruder<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hellauer<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. Alfred J. Jennings Jr.<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Bertasi Sr.<br />

Mr. Alexander J. Bobalki<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Bues<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Crichton<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Apice<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frank N. Federico<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Domenick J. Galluzzo<br />

16 Prep Today <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009<br />

Mr. Peter L. Knapp<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Linderfelt<br />

Dr. Donald C. Oliver<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Rossi Jr.<br />

D. Peter Saur MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Stark Jr.<br />

Mr. James P. Zelle<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Cavanagh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Connelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Crake<br />

Rev. & Mrs. John E. Crean Jr.<br />

Raphael R. D’Ambruoso PhD<br />

Mr. John D. Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Forster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Houghten<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George R. Kabureck<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Kerigan<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Kmetzo<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Kornblut<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Lenart<br />

Daniel J. Mizak MD<br />

Mr. Charles J. Ney<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Oates<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Piorkowski<br />

Rev. Msgr. William J. Scheyd<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Sender<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. Sherwin<br />

Mr. Joseph P. Sincavage<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Spain<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sullivan<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Trabert<br />

Colonel & Mrs. John H. Valieant USA<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Williams<br />

1 9 5 8<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $7,058.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $503.00<br />

Total Gifts: $7,561.00<br />

% Participation: 17%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $243.38<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Jakab<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Zowine<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. Patrick J. Cremins<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Connors<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hafele<br />

Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Kelly III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kulikowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McLaughlin<br />

Mr. George S. Mihalik<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward M. Molloy<br />

Robert D. Zsalman Esq.<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Captain Phillip J. Bull USCG<br />

Mr. Bruce E. Cosmik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Csontos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Davenport<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vito R. DelVento Sr.<br />

Dr. Roger A. Fazzone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Guerra<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Hill III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kubica Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Monahan<br />

Rev. Guido G. Montanaro<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward Nishball<br />

Mr. John G. O’Keeffe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. O’Shea<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Petro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Rooney<br />

Mr. Frederick W. Rowe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Shea<br />

1 9 5 9<br />

See page 17<br />

2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9<br />

Class<br />

Competition<br />

TOP 10<br />

Percent<br />

Participation<br />

1944 58%<br />

1945 54%<br />

1959 48%<br />

1946 33%<br />

1949 31%<br />

1954 30%<br />

1955 29%<br />

1957 27%<br />

1947 25%<br />

1950 24%<br />

1 9 6 0<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $21,460.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $2,501.00<br />

Total Gifts: $23,961.00<br />

% Participation: 23%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $596.11<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Robert P. Jursch<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Sullivan<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Dietz<br />

Mr. Thomas P. Kearney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Krygier Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Perna<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Santa<br />

Nicholas A. Viner MD<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Rev. Msgr. J. James Cuneo JCD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Piazza JD<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cummings<br />

J. Andrew Daubenspeck PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. DeJoseph<br />

Drs. Peter and Dorothy Denning<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R. Nestor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Parente<br />

Mr. James P. Pezzullo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Riccio<br />

Mr. Woody Schempp<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James P. White Jr.

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Artell Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Attianese<br />

Mr. & Mrs. F. Michael Bannon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Carley<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Connolly Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Conron<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. Lawrence L. Hauser<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Kubicko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Lopusznick<br />

Mr. Joseph A. Macaluso Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. McGovern Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gene J. Sorcinelli Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Spain<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Thornton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Viola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whelan II<br />

1 9 6 1<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $9,825.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $2,502.00<br />

Total Gifts: $12,327.00<br />

% Participation: 18%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

$363.89<br />

The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Chiota<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Grywalski<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Boette<br />

Mr. John F. Hughes Jr.<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Charles G. Hemenway Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jones<br />

Mr. & Mrs. D. Michael Lucey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Moran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Murphy Jr.<br />

Mr. Jurgen F. Niffka<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Parker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Roberts Sr.<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Beckerer Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. DeFelice<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Delia<br />

Mr. John A. Doyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Drab<br />

Lt. Col. William C. Gadus USA<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Winthrop S. MacLaughlin Jr.<br />

Dr. Thomas J. Minicucci<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Ms. Jerome J. Niedermeier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Piazza<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Rizza<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Schiavone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund M. See<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Francis A. Strat<strong>for</strong>d Jr.<br />

1 9 6 2<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $13,872.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,000.00<br />

Total Gifts: $14,872.00<br />

% Participation: 12%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $770.67<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Paduano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Riordan<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Stephen F. Donahue<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. John J. Halapin<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

The Honorable & Mrs. F. Paul Kurmay<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Murray<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Peddle III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence C. Shea<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Capossela<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Cassulo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. DeFonce<br />

Mr. Joseph A. Derwin<br />

Mr. Frank J. Finsinger<br />

Mr. Anthony D. Fox<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kurylo III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Pfeiffer<br />

Mr. Stephen M. Tomasko Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Walzer PhD<br />

1 9 6 3<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $9,025.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $560.00<br />

Total Gifts: $9,585.00<br />

% Participation: 15%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

$475.00<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Nassef<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. McCarthy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Roberts<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Caraluzzi Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Coughlin<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James P. Lyddy<br />

Mr. Peter G. Mack<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Vasse<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Anderson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Boyle<br />

Mr. Andrew R. Durkin<br />

Mr. William A. Elias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Henry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hudak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Hunn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. O’Connor<br />

Mr. Carl F. Schaefer<br />

Mr. Robert J. Wels<br />

1 9 6 4<br />

45Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $20,264.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $2,100.00<br />

Total Gifts: $22,364.00<br />

% Participation: 21%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />


Mr. & Mrs. John L. Altieri Jr.<br />

$578.97<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. King<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Palumbo<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie R. Boette<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Gazso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. Krokosky Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Leary<br />

Dr. & Mrs. William L. Licamele<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond V. McKelvey<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Brian H. Morris<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Staneck<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Zielinski<br />

1 9 5 9<br />

50Th REUnIOn<br />

Golden Anniversary Class Gift<br />

Commitment Total: $239,300<br />

% Participation: 48%<br />

DOnORs In<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Aiello<br />

Mr. Robert C. Anderson<br />

Mr. Robert C. Arsenault<br />

Mr. Jeremiah J. Barrett<br />

Kenneth P. Beardsley PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Berchem<br />

Deacon & Mrs. Donald M. Brunetto<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John W. Buckley<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Burlinson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Carroll Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ceritelli<br />

Joseph A. Chrzanowski PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cleary<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Comer<br />

Mr. Anthony E. Coppola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Coppola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Coyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Donahue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dougherty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Douglas Jr.<br />

Mr. Michael F. Dowley III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Wesley B. Eastman<br />

Mr. Harold D. Edmonds<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Falasco<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Ferry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. French Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Julius F. Friese<br />

Mr. Lee P. Gabriel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glynn<br />

Mr. Donald R Gniadek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Green<br />

Mr. Frank J. Halpin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harris<br />

Captain Richard F. Healing<br />

Mr. William A. Hellauer LTC<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hennessey<br />

The late John Iacurci &<br />

Mrs. Rosemary Iacurci<br />

Deacon & Mrs. Daniel J. Ianniello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Iosso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koritko<br />

Mr. Dean F. Kramer<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Lee G. Kuckro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Kuruc<br />

Mr. William F. Lang Jr.<br />

Mr. Thomas P. Leahy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Lesko Sr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Link<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward Luchansky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Luparello<br />

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

2009 Jubilarians’ Gift a Record-Setting $239,300<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep thanks <strong>the</strong> Class of 1959 <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir extraordinary gift, and <strong>for</strong> establishing a scholarship<br />

in honor of <strong>the</strong>ir 50th Reunion. Special thanks to <strong>the</strong> Planning Committee and donors. The class gift<br />

participation rate was exceptionally high at 48%, and <strong>the</strong> weekend reunion was a huge success and<br />

enjoyed by all.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Lynch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Madeo<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. John R. Maher<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Maiocco<br />

Mr. John A. McCarthy<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. McCarthy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. McGill III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGourthy Sr.<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. George F. McGunnigle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Meehan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Montesi<br />

Rev. George R. Murphy SJ<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Naves<br />

Mr. John B. O’Rourke Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. O’Toole<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Quinn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Redgate<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Reiss<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Claude D. Renshaw<br />

Mr. Anthony J. Retartha<br />

Mr. & Mrs. C. John Richardson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rowe<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Scarpa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. E. Peter Schneider Jr.<br />

Mr. John A. Seymour<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Skowronski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Smith<br />

Dr. Gregory M. Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Stanchina<br />

Colonel George W. Streff USAF<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Terapane Jr.<br />

Mr. James A. Trowbridge<br />

Mr. William F. Valieant<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Varholy<br />

Mr. & Ms. Robert Violetta Jr.<br />

Mr. Thomas V. Walsh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Wilkinson<br />

To Larry Carroll, VP Development,<br />

This gives me an opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to you and<br />

your entire staff <strong>for</strong> staging our reunion. It far surpassed my best expectations!<br />

While I understand <strong>the</strong> superb ef<strong>for</strong>ts of our committee, we were so impressed<br />

with <strong>the</strong> professionalism, courtesy, and attention to <strong>the</strong> myriad of details. You<br />

and your team are exceptional; I can tell you we were all so pleased with <strong>the</strong><br />

entire weekend. You rekindled a strong Prep spirit.<br />

I’ve never attended reunions — Prep, <strong>college</strong>, nor Law <strong>School</strong>. I decided to<br />

attend our 50th at <strong>the</strong> last minute. You should be quite proud of running an<br />

event we will never <strong>for</strong>get. Please tell your staff how much we appreciate all<br />

<strong>the</strong>y did <strong>for</strong> us.<br />

— Best regards, Wes eastman ’59<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today 17

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

Thank you <strong>for</strong> supporting<br />

<strong>the</strong> Annual Fund<br />

This issue of Prep Today gratefully<br />

acknowledges and thanks all those who<br />

helped make <strong>the</strong> 2008–2009 Annual Fund<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r great success! With <strong>the</strong> 2009–<strong>2010</strong><br />

Annual Fund now in full swing, we hope you<br />

will once again continue to make a difference<br />

in <strong>the</strong> lives of our 920 boys. Your loyal<br />

generosity is always greatly appreciated!<br />

For more in<strong>for</strong>mation about <strong>the</strong> Annual<br />

Fund, including making an online donation,<br />

stock transfers and corporate matching gifts,<br />

please visit <strong>the</strong> Prep web site at www.fairfieldprep.org,<br />

or call <strong>the</strong> Development Office<br />

at 203-254-4237.<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Anthony A. Antolics<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Baukus Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Benedict<br />

Mr. Robert A. Bogey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Brandi<br />

Mr. Christopher B. Coffey<br />

Mr. Thomas A. Comer<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John Y. Connolly<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. Joseph A. Egan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Falango<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Victor M. Ferrante<br />

Dr. & Ms. Joseph E. Howard Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Kyte<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Legen<br />

Mr. James W. Michalek<br />

Mr. John F. Moriarty<br />

Mr. William F. O’Brien Jr.<br />

Mr. David Rizzardi & Ms. Martina Eng<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Santaniello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. See Esq.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Stapleton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander A. Sulzycki Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick J. Thomas Jr.<br />

1 9 6 5<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $15,725.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,010.00<br />

Total Gifts: $16,735.00<br />

% Participation: 14%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $655.21<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bremer<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Russo Jr.<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Bitel Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Maich<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Barry C. Knott<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Marcinko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. McGovern<br />

Mr. Dennis J. Ramey<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Suchy<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Paul R. Beliveau<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Bodnar<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bryant<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Cerino<br />

Mr. Richard C. Dlugos<br />

Mr. Greg Doyle<br />

Mr. Warren H. Fondu<br />

Dr. & Ms. Michael D. Healy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. McManus Jr.<br />

Patrick F. O’Connell PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. O’Connor<br />

Mr. Paul J. Roshka Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Smith III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James D. St. Clair<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Taylor<br />

1 9 6 6<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $4,919.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $553.00<br />

Total Gifts: $5,472.00<br />

% Participation: 19%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $158.68<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Fr. Jan F. Blonski<br />

James M. Coleman MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Fondu Jr.<br />

Mr. & Ms. Robert E. Grant<br />

Mr. & Ms. John L. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kopnicky<br />

Mr. William Kosturko<br />

Mr. Mark A. McCormack<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Mark C. Valentine<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William K. Westbrook<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Vincent S. Zdanowicz<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Abeln<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Cozzolino<br />

Mr. John D. Fado<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Failla<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Victor A. Frazao<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ganser<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Hanley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Howard Esq.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Locke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lukach<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. McGowan<br />

Mr. Robert J. Monaco<br />

Mr. & Ms. Robert J. Niedermeier<br />

Mr. Victor J. Paladino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Peters<br />

Mr. Robert A. Pyrch<br />

Mr. Vincent Reale<br />

Mr. James J. Sullivan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Verrilli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Zitnay<br />

1 9 6 7<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $9,865.73<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $9,865.73<br />

% Participation: 18%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $352.35<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Sheldon<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Castignoli<br />

The Honorable & Mrs. Anthony J.<br />

DePanfilis<br />

Mr. John Devlin &<br />

Ms. JoAnn Grainger<br />

Atty. & Mrs. William J. Fitzpatrick III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. Froehlich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hall Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. McBride<br />

18 Prep Today <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Mehm<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Mikan<br />

Mr. Michael P. Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Zambardo<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. DeAngelo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Desmond<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gauvin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Howard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lawn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Attila P. Levai<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Crispin E. Love<br />

Mr. Richard Mallette<br />

Mr. & Ms. Michael A. Mastromonaco<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Murray Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leif E. Petterson<br />

Mr. Donald E. Rastelli<br />

Mr. James D. Reilly<br />

Mr. J. Kevin Russo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Shukie<br />

Mr. Thomas R. Ventre<br />

1 9 6 8<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $11,647.92<br />

Restricted Gifts: $151.00<br />

Total Gifts: $11,798.92<br />

% Participation: 17%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $529.45<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lupariello<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Considine<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Timmons<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence V. Drula<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gerics EdD<br />

Mr. & Ms. Paul H. Maich<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Gresko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Hawkins Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Izzo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Kugel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Morello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Mulvaney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. O’Connor<br />

Mr. Alan B. Picozzi<br />

Mr. John H. Redgate<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sabo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Saloomey<br />

Mr. & Ms. James M. Shaker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Shukie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Toohey<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Vitulano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wood<br />

1 9 6 9<br />

40Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $70,682.96<br />

Restricted Gifts: $7,000.00<br />

Total Gifts: $77,682.96<br />

% Participation: 22%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $1,860.08<br />

PREsIDEnT’s COUnCIl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Sica<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Barron<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Dewhirst<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Smith Jr.<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Arthur C. Hadden<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Mulrenan<br />

Mr. James D. Ryan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Woods<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. Gary P. Mineo<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Bowen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Collins RPh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lynch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Metrusky<br />

Mr. & Ms. Robert J. Mitchell Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Rago<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Shippam<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frank M. Wilson<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Dr. Robert Dienes &<br />

Dr. Elizabeth Dienes<br />

Mr. Corey Fogg<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Gardner<br />

Mr. & Ms. Walter P. Halas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Luysterborghs Jr.<br />

Mr. Donald T. Milkavich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Munley<br />

Dr. & Mrs. William H. Nealon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. O’Grady<br />

Mr. & Ms. Joseph M. O’Hehir<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Pandolfi<br />

Mr. Alan E. Paules<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Plavcan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Puskar<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Reda<br />

Mr. Timothy Reynolds<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Ryan<br />

Captain Andrew J. Sanislo<br />

Mr. Robert Shields<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Stevens<br />

Mr. John F. Verrilli<br />

1 9 7 0<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $5,290.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,001.00<br />

Total Gifts: $6,291.00<br />

% Participation: 15%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $203.46<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Leise<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Scifo<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Jeffrey M. Aquilante<br />

Rev. Msgr. William V. Millea<br />

Dr. & Ms. John R. Nelson<br />

Mr. & Ms. Dennis J. Romano<br />

Dr. Peter Seperack &<br />

Dr. Elise Brownell<br />

Msgr. Andrew G. Varga DMin<br />

Mr. & Ms. Joseph T. Von Ehr<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Austin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Berke<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Bober<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Michael J. Cacace<br />

Karol J. Chacho MD<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. DeDonato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander J. Dembski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Fallet<br />

Mr. John S. Gaskell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Heck Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Hunihan Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Lesnick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lincoln<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Benedict J. Marciano MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David L. O’Connor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pesavento<br />

Mr. & Ms. Carl H. Wartman<br />

1 9 7 1<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $7,734.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $5,002.00<br />

Total Gifts: $12,736.00<br />

% Participation: 14%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $322.25<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Atty. Michael Wiseman &<br />

Prof. Helen Garten<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Ms. Gregory J. Barron<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Colonel Michael Parkinson &<br />

Dr. Rika Maeshiro<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Ms. George J. Ferrio Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Julian<br />

Mr. Michael Marino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Murphy<br />

Mr. Maurice F. Noonan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. O’Donnell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Petro Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Smriga<br />

Lt. Cmdr. & Mrs. Sean P. Walsh<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Zavodny<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kirk A. Bennett<br />

Mr. Douglas C. Collins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cranston<br />

Mr. & Ms. Francis J. Dance<br />

Dr. & Ms. John H. Friar III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hyde<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. John F. Kavanewsky Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Markiewicz<br />

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Donald A. Plude USAF<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Vetter<br />

Mr. Richard P. Zaremski<br />

1 9 7 2<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $6,406.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $6,406.00<br />

% Participation: 18%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $213.50<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George P. Szondy<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. John P. Kondub<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Arsenault<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Carley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Conte<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John T. Lynch Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Maxham<br />

Mr. James Ritt<br />

Mr. Robert Trosan<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beckett<br />

Mr. William A. Brink<br />

Rev. John F. Brinsmade<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Gai<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Gallo<br />

Mr. Raymond P. Guido Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Kaplita<br />

Mr. William A. Marshall Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn J. McDonnell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence F. Mulhern<br />

Mr. Daniel F. O’Connor<br />

Mr. Louie P. Pintek Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Rappa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K. Redmond<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Riccio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Roy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. S. Tracy Santa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Serino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vaccaro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Vail<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Wrinn<br />

1 9 7 3<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $18,830.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $10,051.00<br />

Total Gifts: $28,881.00<br />

% Participation: 21%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />


Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Shea<br />

$523.06<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McLeod<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. McManus<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Foley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Pengue<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Craig C. Goodall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Sneider Jr.<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Owen J. Black III<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Angelo M. Guerrera<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lyons<br />

Hon. & Mrs. Michael G. Maronich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. McNamara III<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Murphy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Reilly<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Salvatore J. Arena Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Bennett<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Boccuzzi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Bourdeau Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Capasso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Aris G. Crist AIA<br />

Mr. Thomas A. Dailey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard Henning Jr.<br />

Mr. & Ms. Paul M. Heroman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Jones<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Krukowski<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Makovich PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H. Marshall<br />

Mr. Lawrence J. McAndrews<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. McKenna<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. McQuade<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Munchak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry H. Oldham<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Parry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Quatrella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Santa<br />

1 9 7 4<br />

35Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $8,940.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $2,500.00<br />

Total Gifts: $11,440.00<br />

% Participation: 15%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $406.36<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Donald J. Toumey<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Paul J. Halas<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dolan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Ricca<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Harkins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Moore<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Peter M. Nolin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Winschel<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. John F. Clancy<br />

Mr. & Ms. John A. Collins III<br />

Mr. David DeWall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Marc Garland<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Harrington<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Zoltan L. Kadar Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. LaMastra Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Litwinovich<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. McGrath<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. O’Brien<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Pudimat<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Sheaffer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stempel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Stollman<br />

1 9 7 5<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $10,824.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $5,003.00<br />

Total Gifts: $15,827.00<br />

% Participation: 14%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $492.00<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Anthony D. Sabatelli PhD JD<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. William F. Barron<br />

Mr. David A. Gerics<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig N. LaPlante<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rovegno<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Ms. William J. Bonney III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Meany Jr.<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Vincent C. Barnett<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Baye<br />

Captain & Mrs. Bennett V. Boccuzzi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Collins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bogdan J. Dawidowicz<br />

Mr. Kenneth P. D’Onofrio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fortuna<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan McCann<br />

Mr. Timothy A. O’Connell III<br />

Thomas S. O’Keefe Esq.<br />

Mr. James J. Orr<br />

Mr. Roger W. Risley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Stack<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Walsh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Zaremski<br />

1 9 7 6<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $41,796.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $75.00<br />

Total Gifts: $41,871.00<br />

% Participation: 13%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $2,089.80<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Carley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Vanderslice<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Santa Jr.<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Stapleton<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. C. Scott McLeod<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Muldoon<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Okarma<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Porter<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Broadbin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Clinkscales<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Cox<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Duva<br />

Mr. William R. Fitzsimmons Jr.<br />

Mr. Thomas M. Foran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Green<br />

Mr. William H. McMahon IV<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Stankye III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Stauder<br />

Mr. Michael J. Ventricelli Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. T. Payson Wilber<br />

1 9 7 7<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $4,160.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,502.00<br />

Total Gifts: $5,662.00<br />

% Participation: 9%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $297.14<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Christopher Kraus &<br />

Ms. Darcy Stacom<br />

Mr. Ralph Money & Ms. Laura Babala<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Craven<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Frank Giordanella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. McGillicuddy<br />

Mr. Charles T. Minotti Jr.<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Amidon III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Brennan<br />

Mr. Richard J. Caserta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Haffey Sr.<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Herbert F. Janick III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Neary<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pintek Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Gavin Watson<br />

1 9 7 8<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $5,900.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,526.00<br />

Total Gifts: $7,426.00<br />

% Participation: 16%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

$210.71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Traugott F. Keller<br />

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Meyers<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Caseria<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Adolph S. Flemister Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gulish<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Lemanski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Macedonia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. O’Connor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Rozgonyi<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Berndt<br />

Mr. & Ms. Thomas G. Boilard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Condon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Cronin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Dreyer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Dully<br />

Mr. Mark F. Evans<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Ficko Jr.<br />

Mr. James F. Gerwien Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Massaro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Meyers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Murphy Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Roach<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Roach<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Sordellini<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Stankye<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Vietze<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Vossler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James T. Watson<br />

1 9 7 9<br />

35Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $6,937.49<br />

Restricted Gifts: $25.00<br />

Total Gifts: $6,962.49<br />

% Participation: 17%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $256.94<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent L. Ferraro<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Candee<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Abate<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Brennan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Clarke<br />

Michael P. Gabor MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Julian<br />

Mr. Donald L. Mauritz<br />

Atty. & Mrs. David M. Murphy<br />

Mark W. Russell Esq.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Smeriglio<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Joseph L. Alberti Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Terence A. Andre Jr.<br />

Mr. Douglas Banquer<br />

Mr. Kenneth M. Catandella<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Romualdo T. DeSouza<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Donofrio<br />

Mr. Sean T. Enright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Gardella Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Maffei<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Eugene J. McMahon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Niedermeier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Pulie Jr.<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Wilfred J. Rodie Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Schmedlin CPA<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Siefert<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today 19

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

1 9 8 0<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $20,170.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,002.00<br />

Total Gifts: $21,172.00<br />

% Participation: 13%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $840.42<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Kristoff<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. O’Keefe<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Joseph DeLucia Esq.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas R. Loglisci Jr.<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Ms. Kevin M. Donohue<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Brian J. Casl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Cuneo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Flaherty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Gaughan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. McBride<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Van de Berghe Jr.<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Curran<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Mark E. Dailey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Dolan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w J. LaBash<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M. Levinson<br />

Whitney J. McBride MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Cormac S. McLeod<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Meuser<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Pappas<br />

Mr. Joseph E. Rosati<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Sposato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sutay<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Welch III<br />

1 9 8 1<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $12,334.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $21.00<br />

Total Gifts: $12,355.00<br />

% Participation: 11%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $616.70<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. William H. Dully<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. DiBlasi<br />

Dr. John Donahue &<br />

Ms. Leslie Grattan<br />

Mr. David Hoffman<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Guimond<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Richard T. Clomiro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Kabasakalian Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. McGovern<br />

Mr. James P. Nealon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Thornton<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Cipriano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Collier III<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Dunn Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Falcone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randy R. Farrell<br />

Dr. & Mrs. William B. Geiss<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Haffner III<br />

Mr. Kevin M. Martin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. Redwood<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Todd D. Tuozzoli MFT<br />

1 9 8 2<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $28,138.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,302.00<br />

Total Gifts: $29,440.00<br />

% Participation: 16%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $970.28<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Chad A. Jacobs<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Jankowski<br />

The late John P. Flanagan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ryan<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan III<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Drs. Lawrence and Laura Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Leitao<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Ostrosky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w P. Terry<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Bertasi II<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Rev. John R. Anderson<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Beauvais<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bouton<br />

Mr. & Ms. Edward J. Kelley<br />

Fr. Colin J. McKenna<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Murphy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Urso<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Bigley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fitzsimmons<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Hall II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Harbert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Lilly Jr.<br />

Mr. Robert C. Manger Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Meuser<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Myers<br />

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Plate USAF<br />

2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9<br />

Class<br />

Competition<br />

TOP 10<br />

number<br />

of Donors<br />

1959 87<br />

1984 45<br />

1957 44<br />

1985 40<br />

1954 39<br />

1955 38<br />

1969 38<br />

1960 36<br />

1973 36<br />

1983 36<br />

1989 36<br />

Mr. Peter S. Russell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Skane<br />

Mr. Michael Smith &<br />

Ms. Nora Demleitner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Valade Jr.<br />

1 9 8 3<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $37,542.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $625.00<br />

Total Gifts: $38,167.00<br />

% Participation: 17%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $1,042.83<br />


Mr. Michael D. Martin<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Wasmer<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Donofrio<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Anglim<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mullany<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Fortin<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Patrignelli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pengue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Perry<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. E. Andrew Barron<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Boyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Burke<br />

Mr. Michael E. Connelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Diamond<br />

Mr. Carl P. Lutz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Lynn<br />

Mr. David Rush & Mrs. Alicen Puebla<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Thomas J. Welch<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Barbieri<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David E. Berry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric T. Brennan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Doyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Doyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. W. Parker Dwelley III<br />

Mr. Christopher P. Flaherty<br />

Mr. Brian J. Flynn<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John P. Lynch<br />

Mr. Michael S. Maloney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Mat<strong>the</strong>ws CFA<br />

Mr. & Ms. Brian R. O’Connor<br />

Mr. Michael D. Rastelli<br />

Mr. Jon H. Ringel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Russell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Squires<br />

20 Prep Today <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009<br />

2008–2009<br />

Alumni Leadership Gift Team<br />

David M. Attolino ’82<br />

Richard J. Bernard ’88<br />

Edward A. Boyle ’83<br />

Dennis M. Brown ’85<br />

Lawrence J. Bues ’57<br />

Domenic W. Casablanca ’85<br />

Joseph L. Castignoli ’67<br />

Joseph C. Dolan Jr. ’95<br />

Peter M. Harding ’87<br />

Edward J. Krygier Jr. ’60<br />

Kevin D. Leitao ’82<br />

Daniel Lupariello ’68<br />

Craig A. Massaro ’78<br />

Joseph J. Mat<strong>the</strong>ws ’83<br />

Christopher K. McKiernan ’88<br />

Jason T. Morris ’91<br />

William E. Newbauer III ’85<br />

John P. O’Donnell ’71<br />

Robert F. O’Keefe ’51<br />

Daniel R. Pengue ’73<br />

Nicholas S. Perna ’60<br />

Louie P. Pintek Jr. ’72<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brett P. Traussi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Vines<br />

1 9 8 4<br />

Kevin P. Porter ’76<br />

James P. Roach ’50<br />

Michael R. Roberts ’88<br />

John F. Rovegno ’75<br />

Christopher E. Silk ’88<br />

Kenneth P. Sneider Jr. ’73<br />

James F. Stapleton ’50<br />

Robert Trosan ’72<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w J. Vossler ’80<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w R. Webber ’93<br />

25Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $37,658.75<br />

Restricted Gifts: $26.00<br />

Total Gifts: $37,684.75<br />

% Participation: 20%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Cass III<br />

$836.86<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Dailey<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O. Kuryla<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Jakab<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Pategas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Petrino Jr.<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. John M. Carulli Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean L. Malloy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Maloney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Valus III<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Barry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David D. Blaskey Jr.<br />

Mr. William C. Elias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Flavin<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Fletcher<br />

Mr. John C. Gisondi<br />

Mr. Charles R. Kammerer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Leyden<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McNeill Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso J. Minopoli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Phelan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fiore F. Soviero<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Stauder<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John K. Stockman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Taber III<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Theodore A. Bishop Jr.<br />

Mr. David J. Bochniak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Carey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cenatempo<br />

Mr. Gary J. Cifatte<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William D’Amore<br />

Brian T. Donahue, PhD &<br />

Tracey McHenry, PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Dore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Dragan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Falco<br />

Mr. Francis T. Flaherty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Flood<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Drew A. Gagner<br />

Mr. Michael L. Gagner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Grich<br />

Thomas X. Homza PhD<br />

Mr. Alfred Kelley &<br />

Ms. Marcela Hahn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. McMahon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Shawah<br />

1 9 8 5<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $22,466.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $22,466.00<br />

% Participation: 19%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

$561.63<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Murphy<br />

Kevin W. Rethore Esq.<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III<br />

Mr. Robert P. Handal Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hanrahan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Lesko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. O’Donnell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Roberts<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Tremont<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Niall T. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Mullany<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. P. Daniel Birch<br />

Mr. Peter D. Bohan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Brown<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Doyle<br />

Mr. Frank E. Dully II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dwyer Jr.<br />

Mr. & Ms. Peter R. Gil<br />

Mr. Robert M. Lysik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Newbauer III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rovner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Stevenson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Zowine<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Ms. Richard J. Bogdany<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Bosak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Broker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Elias P. Christakos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Flaherty<br />

Mr. Donald P. Goyette<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Gravanis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Harding<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Hatfield<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Horan<br />

Mr. Gregory A. Jannotta<br />

Mr. & Ms. Thomas M. Kugeman III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Ma<strong>the</strong>ws Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John M. Mizzoni<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Hunter N. Norton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Palattella<br />

Mr. James E. Stacy Jr.<br />

1 9 8 6<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $20,031.69<br />

Restricted Gifts: $50.00<br />

Total Gifts: $20,081.69<br />

% Participation: 14%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $646.18<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Ferguson

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cashion<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Sean M. Culhane<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Chiota<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Fox<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. O’Grady PE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Renzulli<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Baird<br />

Mr. James E. Butler<br />

Mr. Michael T. R. Cronin<br />

Mr. Gary T. Kroll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Lautenbach<br />

Mr. Robert E. Luysterborghs<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Minopoli<br />

Mr. Howard T. Owens III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Paul<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Redgate<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Riccio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Rotondo<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Christopher C. Buonanno<br />

Mr. William F. Davidson III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Day<br />

Dr. Mark D. Guman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Kruzynski<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Eric L. Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christian J. Moran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brad H. Norton<br />

Mr. Joel F. Pleban<br />

Mr. Kevin R. Reed<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Russell<br />

Mr. David R. Shannon<br />

1 9 8 7<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $15,750.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $250.00<br />

Total Gifts: $16,000.00<br />

% Participation: 16%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David S. Barnard<br />

Mr. Michael D. McCart<br />

$463.24<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Harding<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. Richard J. Mizak<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Neal E. Amaral<br />

Mr. Kevin B. Barry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Bierman<br />

Mr. John Brannelly Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Emmett E. Brown IV<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Carbone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Cavallo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Curtin<br />

Mr. Brian D. Kaschel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Kilbride<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lucas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. McClymont<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Modzelewski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Sargent<br />

Dr. & Dr. Brett J. Vassallo<br />

Mr. David J. Vogel<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Baekey<br />

Mr. Andrew M. Borzumato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. Carroll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Colin P. Coolidge<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Donahue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Lichtenberger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lofrisco<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lyskowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. McMahon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Mellinger<br />

Dr. Thomas Miller & Dr. Wendy Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Papa<br />

Mr. David R. Paul<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Wheeler<br />

1 9 8 8<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $7,812.47<br />

Restricted Gifts: $1,100.00<br />

Total Gifts: $8,912.47<br />

% Participation: 12%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brett A. Burns<br />

$325.52<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Clawson II<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Rogers<br />

M. Conrad Wasmer Esq.<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bernard<br />

Dr. & Mrs. George H. Canizares<br />

Mr. Anthony N. Gravanis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McKiernan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Murphy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Nedder<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Liam O. Sargent<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Sweeney<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w A. Haddad<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Jannotta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Keeton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Laganza Jr.<br />

Mr. John LaGratta &<br />

Dr. Maria LaGratta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Muller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John T. O’Connor IV<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rotondo<br />

Mr. Gregory M. Salmini Jr.<br />

Dr. John E. Sa<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Mr. Edward S. Shay<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Sternberg<br />

1 9 8 9<br />

20Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $6,145.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $6,145.00<br />

% Participation: 16%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $170.69<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Kane<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Emswiler<br />

Mr. Vincent S. Kravec<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Justin D. Krebs<br />

Mr. Norman A. Roberts<br />

Mr. Michael J. Tortora<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Bertie<br />

Mr. Robert C. Bird<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Bonitatibus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Camarro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark N. Clarke<br />

Mr. Ricardo C. DeSantis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Desautels<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Dowd<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Figmic<br />

Mr. Andrew J. Grace<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Hiltz PE<br />

Mr. Wayne W. LaSalle Jr.<br />

Mr. Jay P. Legenza<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Lund<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Mat<strong>the</strong>ws<br />

Mr. Robert S. McCarthy<br />

Mr. Richard McKenna &<br />

Ms. Valerie Kellogg<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. McNamara<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brett K. Minogue<br />

Mr. William S. Morrison<br />

Mr. Jason C. Mumbach<br />

Mr. John P. Murphy<br />

Mr. Patrick J. Murren<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w K. Openshaw<br />

Mr. Michael A. Rossi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Scrofani<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Viner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Walsh<br />

Mr. Eric C. Wuchiski<br />

Mr. David H. Zecchin<br />

1 9 9 0<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $7,425.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $2,751.00<br />

Total Gifts: $10,176.00<br />

% Participation: 11%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $371.25<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Daniel J. King<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w S. Barnard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Leyden Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jose S. Niell<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Peter D. Loncto<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Bauersfeld<br />

Mr. Patrick W. Beagan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan T. Boos<br />

Mr. James P. Cavallo<br />

Mr. Kostas Christakos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Donoghue<br />

Mr. Christian L. Loban<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kristoffer D. Lutz<br />

Mr. Timothy Moran &<br />

Ms. Jennifer Kordell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Palaia III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Patton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. G. Griffin Reidy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Russo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher W. Schulz<br />

Mr. Christopher L. Voytek<br />

1 9 9 1<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $8,200.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $200.00<br />

Total Gifts: $8,400.00<br />

% Participation: 12%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

$356.52<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Morris<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Randy S. Maultsby<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Sanseverino<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Dies<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Giallanza Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Morello Jr.<br />

Mr. Scott A. Nestor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Tunstall<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Mark L. Falango<br />

Mr. John K. Harchuck<br />

Mr. Andreas L. Mang<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Masterson<br />

Mr. Marshall N. McIntosh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan J. Mellinger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. O’Connor<br />

Mr. Michael R. Russell<br />

Mr. F. Nicholas Savone<br />

Mr. Dylan B. Tierney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Webber<br />

Mr. Brian C. Winfield<br />

Mr. David R. Woodward Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Drew L. Zielinski<br />

1 9 9 2<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $4,774.15<br />

Restricted Gifts: $110.00<br />

Total Gifts: $4,884.15<br />

% Participation: 9%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

$265.23<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Dowd<br />

Mr. Kevin R. Votto<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Brian P. Eckert<br />

Mr. David M. Grella<br />

Mr. Robert S. Ryan<br />

Mr. Scott R. Shand<br />

Mr. Paul A. Traynor<br />

Mr. John A. Welch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy V. Zaino<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Adam P. Conrad<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Doyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Karl J. Ehrsam<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D Grant<br />

Mr. Colin E. Livesey<br />

Mr. Peter E. Lutz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Pedro P. Mata<br />

Captain & Mrs. Roy W. Moore USMC<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Quincy<br />

1 9 9 3<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $5,060.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $27.00<br />

Total Gifts: $5,087.00<br />

% Participation: 10%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $240.95<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Gregg A. Chiota<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Hally<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. James H. Booth<br />

Christopher R. Friese PhD<br />

Mr. Christopher J. Popadic<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w S. Sa<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w R. Webber<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Bescher<br />

Mr. William C. Brennan<br />

Mr. Keith T. Condon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Donahue<br />

Terrence G. D’Onofrio PhD<br />

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9<br />

Class<br />

Competition<br />

TOP 10<br />

Average Annual<br />

Fund Gifts<br />

1976 $2,090<br />

1969 $1,860<br />

1983 $1,043<br />

1982 $970<br />

1995 $914<br />

1980 $840<br />

1984 $837<br />

1950 $833<br />

1962 $771<br />

1951 $737<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Flynn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey D. Gray<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dexter C. Jansson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan M. Kozlowski<br />

Mr. James M. McInerney<br />

Mr. Jonathan M. Reese<br />

Mr. Robert A. Roberts<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Shay<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w L. Stannard<br />

1 9 9 4<br />

15Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $3,351.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $3,351.00<br />

% Participation: 12%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. Robert A. Mazzeo Jr.<br />

$176.32<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Christian A. Atwood Esq.<br />

Mr. Kevin P. Broughel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w L. Colangelo<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Robert L. Combis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Crowley IV<br />

Mr. Christopher J. Dolan<br />

Mr. Ryan M. Fisher<br />

Mr. Paul R. Gazso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jared T. Hendrickson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Jesson<br />

Mr. Stephen R. Kellogg Jr.<br />

Mr. Brian T. King USAF<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jason L. Kyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. McManus<br />

Mr. Thomas D. Merchant<br />

Mr. Adam R. Mikulka<br />

Mr. Alexander W. Oracheff<br />

Mr. Brandon W. A. Thomas<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today 21

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

2008–2009<br />

Alumni Reunion Committees<br />

William F. Stephanak ’49<br />

David J. Sullivan Jr. ’49<br />

Rev. Gerald T. Devore ’54<br />

Donald W. DiGennaro ’54<br />

Robert K. Marzik ’54<br />

Robert C. Anderson ’59<br />

Robert L. Berchem ’59<br />

Donald M. Brunetto ’59<br />

Roger C. Carroll Sr. ’59<br />

Joseph A. Chrzanowski ’59<br />

John E. Coyle ’59<br />

Terrence M. Donahue ’59<br />

Michael F. Dowley III ’59<br />

Joseph L. Ferry ’59<br />

Julius F. Friese ’59<br />

John E. Hennessey ’59<br />

Daniel J. Ianniello ’59<br />

Vincent A. Iosso ’59<br />

William F. Lang Jr. ’59<br />

Ronald V. Lesko Sr. ’59<br />

Daniel J. Luparello ’59<br />

Vincent A. Lynch ’59<br />

John R. Maher ’59<br />

1 9 9 5<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $16,445.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $60.00<br />

Total Gifts: $16,505.00<br />

% Participation: 10%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />


Mr. Peter W. O’Connor<br />

$913.61<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. William R. Young<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. Connor S. Finegan<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. John M. Cavaliere<br />

Mr. Kevin J. Manning<br />

Mr. Louis M. Marino<br />

Mr. Todd F. Schettini<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Steven Boyles<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Cristini<br />

Mr. Joseph C. Dolan Jr.<br />

Mr. Brian D. Dresch<br />

Mr. Justin F. Fappiano<br />

Mr. Daniel C. O’Neill<br />

Mr. Brent M. Reilly<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w G. Rorick<br />

Mr. Stephen M. Summerton Jr.<br />

Mr. J. Kenny Wieber Jr.<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Yergeau<br />

1 9 9 6<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $3,370.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $10,001.00<br />

Total Gifts: $13,371.00<br />

% Participation: 9%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />


Mr. Jeffrey H. Zielinski<br />

$210.63<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. Daniel P. Redgate<br />

Kenneth J. Maiocco ’59<br />

Charles H. McGill III ’59<br />

John D. McGourthy Sr. ’59<br />

Lawrence H. O’Toole ’59<br />

Thomas F. Quinn ’59<br />

William T. Redgate ’59<br />

Edward J. Rowe ’59<br />

Francis J. Scarpa ’59<br />

Andrew N. Smith ’59<br />

William F. Valieant ’59<br />

Robert H. Wilkinson ’59<br />

Raymond V. McKelvey ’64<br />

James W. Michalek ’64<br />

David Rizzardi ’64<br />

Walter P. Halas ’69<br />

Harold F. Smith Jr. ’69<br />

Michael T. Dolan ’74<br />

Thomas E. Tarczali ’74<br />

Timothy D. Clarke ’79<br />

Christopher M. Tiano ’79<br />

Stephen M. Jakab ’84<br />

Kevin O. Kuryla ’84<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Kevin C. Krober<br />

Mr. James M. O’Leary<br />

Gregory J. Pategas ’84<br />

William P. Petrino Jr. ’84<br />

John G. Phelan Jr. ’84<br />

Joseph V. Barbetta ’89<br />

Vincent S. Kravec ’89<br />

Patrick J. Murren ’89<br />

John J. Petrafesa Jr. ’89<br />

Edward R. Shek ’89<br />

Jason L. Kyle ’94<br />

Christopher M. McManus ’94<br />

Robert J. Steczkowski ’94<br />

David J. Castle ’99<br />

Stephen L. Kinney ’99<br />

Gregory D. Podolak ’99<br />

Timothy P. Tracy Jr. ’99<br />

Daniel F. Becchi ’04<br />

Liam O. Colum ’04<br />

Robert T. Morton Jr. ’04<br />

Jonathan J. Piazza-<br />

Harper ’04<br />

Russ Roberts ’04<br />

Bryan R. Rooney ’04<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Casper<br />

Mr. Christopher M. Fiorello<br />

Mr. Angelo R. Framularo II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Lenois<br />

Mr. Kenneth M. Linger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent H. Massey III<br />

Mr. Kenneth L. Morico<br />

Mr. Karl S. Neubecker PA-C<br />

Mr. John J. Novak III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kieran M. O’Connor<br />

Mr. Kevin L. Quincy<br />

Mr. Michael M. Reidy<br />

1 9 9 7<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $3,045.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $6.00<br />

Total Gifts: $3,051.00<br />

% Participation: 10%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. David B. Knott<br />

$169.17<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Hoglund<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Eric M. Asen<br />

Mr. Michael R. Castle<br />

Mr. Brian D. Deigan<br />

Mr. Adam J. DePanfilis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Fahey CPA<br />

Mr. Charles W. Falzone III<br />

Mr. Brian C. Gale<br />

Mr. Roberto F. Giansanti<br />

Mr. Sean M. Gleason<br />

Mr. John P. King<br />

Mr. Stephen F. Manzo<br />

Mr. Joshua D. Mello<br />

Mr. Chris W. Patrona<br />

Mr. Joseph R. Tramontano Jr.<br />

Mr. William J. Wenzel IV<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Shaun M. Wilson<br />

1 9 9 8<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $1,494.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $1,494.00<br />

% Participation: 8%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $99.53<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Baird S. Allis<br />

Mr. Christopher R. Szefc<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. Stephen P. Aldrich<br />

Mr. Christian C. Bangert<br />

Mr. Timothy M. Burke<br />

Mr. Santiago J. Castillo<br />

Mr. J Dillon Collins<br />

Mr. Vincent J. Connolly<br />

Mr. Wayne L. Coury<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Efralim Diaz<br />

Mr. Michael P. Donahue<br />

Mr. Justin L. Galletti<br />

Mr. Brian J. Palazzolo<br />

Mr. Ian P. Walsh<br />

1 9 9 9<br />

10Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $2,465.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $21.00<br />

Total Gifts: $2,486.00<br />

% Participation: 11%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $145.00<br />

JUnIOR lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Timothy P. Tracy Jr.<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Christopher M. Kinney<br />

Mr. Stephen L. Kinney<br />

Mr. Kevin C. Kozlowski<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Benjamin W. Case<br />

Mr. David J. Castle<br />

Dr. Randall R. DeMartino<br />

Mr. Michael B. Engstrom<br />

Mr. Vincent L. Framularo<br />

Mr. Michael P. Gentile<br />

Mr. Michael A. Hasenauer<br />

Mr. Kurt J. Hofmann<br />

Mr. Andrew C. Masloski<br />

Mr. Ryan J. McGreevy<br />

Mr. Walter B. Neuberger<br />

Mr. Jonathan D. Newton<br />

Mr. David E. Yurkerwich Jr.<br />

2 0 0 0<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $3,790.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $3,790.00<br />

% Participation: 10%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $270.71<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. David M. Alpert<br />

JUnIOR lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Ryan M. Cunningham<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Peter J. Antonopoulos<br />

Mr. Peter M. Francini<br />

Mr. John A. Urquhart III<br />

22 Prep Today <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Joseph C. Crowley<br />

Mr. Timothy J. D’Elia<br />

Mr. Michael P. Healey<br />

Mr. Kevin J. Higgins<br />

Mr. Bryon D. Karagus<br />

Mr. Robert D. Pelletier<br />

Mr. Benjamin D. Robinson<br />

Mr. Michael T. Saunders<br />

Mr. Bryan A. Wilson<br />

2 0 0 1<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $1,285.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $25.00<br />

Total Gifts: $1,310.00<br />

% Participation: 9%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Peter T. Lelek<br />

Mr. Gregory T. Martino<br />

$85.67<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Timothy M. Berendt<br />

Mr. Raymond W. Bourdeau<br />

Mr. Christopher Bunting<br />

Mr. Michael R. Card<br />

Mr. Robert J. D’Amato<br />

Mr. Thomas H. Grogan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul C. Lucke<br />

Mr. Ian B. Merriss<br />

Mr. Kevin P. Moore<br />

Mr. William K. Pinson-Rose<br />

Mr. Brian P. Shukie<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Solomon<br />

Mr. Michael D. Spaight<br />

2 0 0 2<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $1,490.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $1,490.00<br />

% Participation: 7%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $124.17<br />

JUnIOR lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. John A. Jorden<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Christopher J. Lentini<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Richard B. Benson II<br />

Mr. Michael P. Carrington<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Fabbri<br />

Mr. Jeremy J. Hewitt<br />

Mr. Patrick J. Krajci<br />

Mr. Christopher T. Rago<br />

Mr. Timothy W. Rainsberger<br />

Mr. Stephen M. Staysniak<br />

Mr. Robert A. Stevens<br />

Mr. Michael L. Vitulano<br />

2 0 0 3<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $891.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $891.00<br />

% Participation: 7%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Frederick T. Lee<br />

Mr. Chris B. Russo<br />

$68.46<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Thomas P. Bourdeau<br />

Mr. John P. Calcutt<br />

Mr. Gregory E. Caso<br />

Mr. John G. Curran<br />

Mr. Jonathan R. Ference<br />

Mr. Raymond P. Guido III<br />

Mr. Brennan J. Moore<br />

Mr. Christopher J. Neary<br />

Mr. Jonathan R. Nelson<br />

Mr. Stephen J. Vidmosko<br />

Mr. Gregory M. Wilson<br />

2 0 0 4<br />

5Th REUnIOn<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $1,805.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $82.00<br />

Total Gifts: $1,887.00<br />

% Participation: 15%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. Mark J. Giordano<br />

$54.70<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. Christopher Bates Jr.<br />

Mr. Daniel F. Becchi<br />

Mr. Brian E. Bodnar<br />

Mr. Thomas R. Campbell<br />

Mr. Brian E. Camus<br />

Mr. Jason V. Coppola<br />

Mr. Michael F. DiNardo<br />

Mr. Andrew A. Dorosario<br />

Mr. Sante Faustini III<br />

Mr. Justin R. Gregg<br />

Mr. Jonathan P. Herman<br />

Mr. Peter J. Kavanewsky<br />

Mr. Adam E. Kelly<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w F. Kelly<br />

Mr. Michael J. LaPerch Jr.<br />

Mr. Paul A. Long III<br />

Mr. Joseph D. Marks<br />

2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9<br />

Class<br />

Competition<br />

TOP 10<br />

Total Annual<br />

Fund Gifts<br />

1969 $70,683<br />

1976 $41,796<br />

1984 $37,659<br />

1983 $37,542<br />

1959 $31,053<br />

1982 $28,138<br />

1950 $24,170<br />

1985 $22,465<br />

1960 $21,460<br />

1964 $20,264

Mr. Colin M. McLeod<br />

Mr. Robert T. Morton Jr.<br />

Mr. Kyle P. Nevins<br />

Mr. William P. Pappa Jr.<br />

Mr. Jonathan J. Piazza-Harper<br />

Mr. Ryan E. Pratt<br />

Mr. Daniel P. Quinlan<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Raccuia<br />

Mr. Michael R. Ripley<br />

Mr. Bryan R. Rooney<br />

Mr. Michael C. Samulowitz<br />

Mr. Brian D. Sharnick<br />

Mr. Kyle J. Shukie<br />

Mr. Andrew M. Valente<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $490.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $490.00<br />

% Participation: 5%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $54.44<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w J. Gruppo<br />

Mr. Phillip A. Lauria<br />

Mr. Michael C. Lynch<br />

Mr. J. Kevin Mahder<br />

Mr. Andrew J. Moore<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w R. Novitzky<br />

Mr. Jason M. Rago<br />

Mr. Nicholas C. Shaver<br />

Mr. Ernest J. Verrico Jr.<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $711.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $711.00<br />

% Participation: 10%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $33.81<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Charles M. Adams<br />

Mr. Alexander G. Aitoro<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w G. Camus<br />

Mr. James L. Chapman<br />

Mr. Brendan R. Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. Daniel Guido<br />

Mr. Thomas A. Herrmann<br />

Mr. Kevin R. Hol<strong>for</strong>ty<br />

Mr. Ryan R. Keane<br />

Mr. Thomas P. Keane<br />

Mr. Brendan M. Kelly<br />

Mr. Marc S. Lambert<br />

Mr. Zachary D. Lyon<br />

Mr. Justin R. Meuse<br />

Mr. Ryan A. Morrison<br />

Mr. Joseph J. Moukattaf<br />

Mr. Gregory Moye<br />

Mr. Ryan Nelson<br />

Mr. Daniel E. Parisi<br />

Mr. Colin E. Shukie<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Szondy<br />

2 0 0 7<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $381.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $381.00<br />

% Participation: 8%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $21.11<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. G. William Buckis Jr.<br />

Mr. Kevin T. Cahalane<br />

Mr. Phillip M. Del Bello<br />

Mr. John O. Fabbri<br />

Mr. Neal E. Fitzpatrick III<br />

Mr. Christian A. Flowers<br />

Mr. Andrew S. Goebel<br />

Mr. Geoffrey M. Guen<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Mr. Ian S. Kelly<br />

Mr. Wallace P. Kerrigan III<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w C. Mellinger<br />

Mr. Michael K. Morton<br />

Mr. James D. Onofrio<br />

Mr. Michael A. Pappa<br />

Mr. Sean T. Phillips<br />

Mr. Michael A. Repaci<br />

Mr. Scott A. Richter<br />

Mr. Christopher B. Van Hise<br />

2 0 0 8<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $710.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $710.00<br />

% Participation: 2%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

JUnIOR lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. Michael M. Autore<br />

$177.50<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Kenneth R. Jordan<br />

Mr. Colin E. Nevins<br />

Mr. Alexander C. Provost<br />

2 0 0 9<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $250.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $0.00<br />

Total Gifts: $250.00<br />

% Participation: 1%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Connor O. Kelly<br />

Mr. Anthony Mingolello II<br />

$125.00<br />

2 0 1 0<br />

Annual Fund Gifts: $25.00<br />

Restricted Gifts: $25.00<br />

Total Gifts: $50.00<br />

% Participation: 1%<br />

Avg. Annual Fund Gift:<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Dowd<br />

Kevin M. Leitao<br />

$25.00<br />



Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. DiGennaro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Hansen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James D. McPartlan<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Hollis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce<br />

Mr. Sean Kennedy &<br />

Ms. Marylou D’Addario<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Marden III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David G. Sprows<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Stone<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Ball<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Curley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Donoghue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McHugh<br />

Mr. John J. Mulligan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rizio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Voreyer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randall White<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Dr. & Mrs. David Alpeter<br />

Mr. Daoud Awad &<br />

Mrs. Kathryn Shorts<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ayer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barr<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Baugier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Belger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Bonadio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Brennan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brown<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Buckis Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Calcutt Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Callahan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ceruzzi Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge E. Consuegra<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Downing<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. English<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fea<strong>the</strong>rston<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Foresta<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gennaro<br />

Mr. Henry Gilbertie<br />

Mr. Jack Griffin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Guzzi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Hagan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Haley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hesburgh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Burt Hilton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Keady<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Keenoy<br />

Dr. Maryann Lehmann<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Leitner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Longson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Marini<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGarrity<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McNulty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kristian Moor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Morrison<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Nesi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Pompa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Pramer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Quinn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Remy A. Rodas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sapone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Seiler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Smith<br />

Mrs. April Vignone<br />

Mr. Michael P. Ward<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Wei<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Angiolillo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Brogan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Cahill<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Connelly<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James G. Cunningham<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeRosa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Giff<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Gruppo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jaykus<br />

Mr. Nick Kamillatos &<br />

Dr. Sharon Kratochvil<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacKay<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James McMahon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Miles<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Molinaro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Morris<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Sanjay Patel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Smeriglio<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stiller<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Peter C. Tortora<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Whelan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zielinski<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Alatakis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aufiero<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Baekey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Baldwin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barston<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Basile<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boehringer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Boyle<br />

Ms. Heidi R. Bramante<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Burbank<br />

Ms. Colleen S. Bushby<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Carey<br />

Mr. Michael Carley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carr<br />

Dr. Vincent Cefola &<br />

Dr. Lucretia Cefola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Chajon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tony Chimblo III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chimenti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Clark<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Conetta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Considine<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Langdon A. Cook III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corona<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Craighead<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Creta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Cross<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DeGennaro<br />

Unrestricted Gifts<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeLeo Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Dempsey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Myles P. Dempsey Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dougherty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Dowd<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dowd<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Duffin<br />

Dr. Charles Duffy & Dr. Janice Duffy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Fabbri<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Perry Gaa<br />

Mr. Robert Ganley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Garvey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Granath<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Grasso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greenfield<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Groenstein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Harkawik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harris<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Haynes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hoffman<br />

Mr. Philip Holmes &<br />

Mrs. Jill M. Jean-Holmes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Marc E. Ioli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Keane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kokias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Langerman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leonard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Lombard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Simon Lowden<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Luciano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Macdonald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marr<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. McAvey II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kieran McTague<br />

Mrs. Mary McTiernan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Mellinger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mendicino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Mollo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Montoya<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Moore<br />

Ms. Paska Nayden<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James O’Brien Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Oliver<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Parks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Piro<br />

Mr. John Piscioniere<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ponchak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Power<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Prescott<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Robertson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rog Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ryan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Scofield<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sedgwick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kim D. Shea<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Sheeran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Simkovitz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Skelton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Sommer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sommerer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Steinert<br />

Mr. Richard Stow &<br />

Mrs. MaryBeth O’Brien-Stow<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David G. Tirone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trotta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Urciuoli<br />

Dr. Jeanne T. Varrone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Vazzano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Venables<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Walsh Jr.<br />

Ms. Julianne Ward & Mr. Brien Ward<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Welch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wikman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Zellers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Evan Zuckert<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today 23

Current Parents & Alumni Parents<br />

2008–2009<br />

Parent Annual Fund Gift Team<br />

Diane & Carlos Alves<br />

Susan & John Basile<br />

Lucretia & Vincent Cefola<br />

Jane & James Colihan<br />

Maureen & Mike Considine<br />

Alycia & Michael Crane<br />

Cece & Mike Donoghue *<br />

Elizabeth & Stephen Foresta<br />

Mary Jo & Chris Hansen<br />

Laura & Phil Harkawik<br />

Lynn & Ted Hendrie<br />

Lisa & Marc Ioli<br />

Barbara & Kevin Keady<br />

Rose & Chuck Leitner **<br />

Susan Libby<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Agostino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Alves<br />

Ms. Lois Amador<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ebenezer Anim<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Arrix<br />

Mr. Karl Babikian &<br />

Ms. Darlene Garofalo<br />

Mr. Thaddeus Bargiello &<br />

Mrs. Karen Shahan<br />

Mr. Ken Bartlett &<br />

Ms. Christina Trudeau<br />

Mrs. Susan Benedetti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N. Benedosso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bennett<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Bilcheck<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Black Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bogan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bonazzo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Borde<br />

Mr. Kevin Brown<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Buongiorno Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burgess<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Burt<br />

Mr. Wilkie F. Bushby<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Byrne<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caldwell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Callahan III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Campoli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Cardone<br />

Mr. John Casey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Catchpole<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Chiluisa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Hasan E. Citak<br />

Mr. John A. Clancy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Clancy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Cooper<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Corbo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cortina<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cotter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Cramond<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Crawley Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crowell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Crowley<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Neil W. Culligan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Curry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Ambrisi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jory B. Dennison<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Don DiMartino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Doering<br />

Ms. Cynthia Dolyak<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Domanick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Doran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dougherty<br />

Dotti & Dan Lupariello<br />

Joanne & Tom Marr **<br />

Cindy & Bob McHugh<br />

Dan & Melanie McNulty **<br />

Jean & Steve Moore<br />

Peggy Rein<br />

Justine & Tom Ryan<br />

Mary & Tom Seiler<br />

Jennifer & Gordon Sommer **<br />

Andrea & Bill Strada<br />

Lynne & Paul Vanderslice<br />

Kelly & Robert Vegliante<br />

Bob & Annette Voreyer<br />

* Committee Chair ** Class Captain<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duffy<br />

Ms. Ann Dzenutis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Enriquez<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jay Esposito<br />

Ms. Frantzie Fequiere<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Feuerhake<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Fini<br />

Ms. Christina Formichella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Fornshell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fossi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Fray<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Karl Frey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Galiani<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gallerani<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Garcia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Gavey<br />

Mr. Robert Gebo &<br />

Ms. Marie O’Connell Gebo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Giles<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Giobbi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Giuliano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip N. Glennon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Golankiewicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Griffen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Gurney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Gutierrez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Haddon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn J. Hansen<br />

Mr. & Dr. Konrad Hauer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ted Hendrie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Warren Holcomb<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Hyland<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Intrieri<br />

Ms. Ann M. Jackson<br />

Mr. Bruce Jackson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Keating<br />

Ms. Joyce Kowalski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lebow<br />

Dr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Leonard &<br />

Ms. Mary Money<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Libby<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lively<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Hogan Love<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Luneau Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lynn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Mallick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Manning<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Matarazzo Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Matera<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alan McEmber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGorty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. McGovern<br />

Ms. Robin McGuinness<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. McMahon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. McManus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jean Mezidor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Micheli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Migliore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Miklave<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Miraglia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Molloy<br />

Mrs. Nancy Monk Bingham<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Montello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Morales<br />

Ms. Robin L. Moran<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Morrison<br />

Ms. Geraldine Muldoon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Murphy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Myers<br />

Ms. Madeline Namin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Napolitano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Nealon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nosenzo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Novitzky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul O’Brien<br />

Mr. Timothy V. O’Connor<br />

Mrs. Adele F. O’Kane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Mahony<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ottomano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Passarelli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Passmore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Pesci Jr.<br />

Dr. James Pippim &<br />

Dr. Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Apaloo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Porter Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard V. Pugh Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Quigley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quinn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Rein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Renehan<br />

Ms. Cheryl Renfer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Richmond<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Roach<br />

Ms. Marjorie Rodriguez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Rojas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Rooney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rosado<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Ross<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Sacco<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salandra<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sanko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schubert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shafer<br />

Ms. Cecilia Shea<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Sikora<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sinclair<br />

Mr. Laurence Smith &<br />

Mrs. Jungsoon Noh<br />

Mr. Larry Sodokoff<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Sotil<br />

Mr. Gerard J. Staudt<br />

Ms. Carol Stead<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stimpson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sullivan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Thornton<br />

Ms. Carol Tibor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Durga Vallabhaneni<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric van Laer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Van Sant<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Walsh<br />

Mr. Michael Ward &<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Schroder<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Watson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Weisheit<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Weiss<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wendt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Westfahl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Wolfe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Chang Yang<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Yost<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Young Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zaccaro<br />

24 Prep Today <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009<br />

AlUmnI PAREnTs<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Fasano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. McLaughlin Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Vanderslice<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Kent S. Bernard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Callies<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Carey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Angelo N. Cerrone Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Cunningham<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Hogan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scinto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay B. Sheehy<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Brand<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. LiCalzi<br />

Mr. C. Thomas Meyers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Moye<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Terry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Pedro E. Wasmer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Wuchiski<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Aldrich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George W. Coleman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Eck<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Gubitosa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hendrickson<br />

Mr. Joseph Henn &<br />

Ms. Marie Gallagher<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Kelly<br />

Mrs. Lucille Leitao<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. David Mahder<br />

Mrs. Nancy Masiello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Nemia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Sa<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David E. Yurkerwich<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Altieri Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Amato<br />

Christopher J. Boreyko MD<br />

Mrs. Mary Jo Dailey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Doersch<br />

Mrs. Irene M. Keavy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Manning<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. O’Hare<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sylvester<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Acampora<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Robert J. Brennan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Britt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Canuel<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Louis J. Colangelo Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Cooke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cullinane Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Cummings<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D’Addario<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Donovan III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Doocy<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Arnold E. Dorosario<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Driscoll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Emerson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Epifano<br />

Ms. Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Fanning<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gleason<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gorzkowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William K. Harris<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Higgins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hynes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean W. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. King<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Lambert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E Lambert<br />

Ms. June D. Matyjasik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. McGillicuddy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Panza<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Morgan L. Pape<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Paul Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Richter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Rooney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schinella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sciascia<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs. Michael E. Shay<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Silk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Alexander Urquhart Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Willett<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Zielinski<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Adler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rigoberto Alfonso Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Andersson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Anstett<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Autore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Clif<strong>for</strong>d A. Barone Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Baxter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Benz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Berndlmaier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bilek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brels<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Burke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byrne<br />

Mrs. Jean Canuel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Card<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. Carrera<br />

Student/Teacher Appreciation Gifts<br />

The following parents made gifts in honor of <strong>the</strong>ir son and in recognition<br />

of a Prep faculty member who has had a meaningful impact on <strong>the</strong>ir son’s<br />

Prep experience.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lively<br />

in honor of Marc Monaco ’09<br />

in recognition of Mr. Cunningham<br />

& Mr. Szablewicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nosenzo<br />

in honor of Thomas ’11<br />

in recognition of Mr. Mamrus<br />

Mrs. Adele F. O’Kane<br />

in honor of Nicholas ’12<br />

in recognition of Mr. Shea<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sommerer<br />

in honor of Jonathan<br />

in recognition of Mr. Jaffe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Vanderslice<br />

in honor of Paul ’09<br />

in recognition of Mr. Mauritz &<br />

Mr. Ramos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Van Sant<br />

in honor of Jonathan ’09<br />

in recognition of Mr. Bernier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Evan Zuckert<br />

in honor of Cameron ’12<br />

in recognition of Mr. Mis

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Carrington<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Carroll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Santiago G. Castillo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casubolo<br />

Mrs. Gladys T. Christiani<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Connolly Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Whitney M. Cook<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Corrente<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Cortigiano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Crowley III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Cruz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone C. Curran<br />

Ms. Lisa D’Alton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. D’Amato<br />

Ms. Amy Davenport<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Davis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Deigan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Desautels<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeSena<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Dewey II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dunwoody<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Dvornek<br />

Mr. Jan Engstrom<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Fappiano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Farrell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sante Faustini II<br />

Mrs. Patricia Felner-Bragano &<br />

Mr. Nicholas Bragano<br />

Mrs. Kathleen K. Fessel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Neal E. Fitzpatrick Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fitzpatrick Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Flavin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Florio<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Flynn<br />

Mrs. Cindi J. Fortunato<br />

Mrs. Patricia Gagne<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Gale<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gallacher<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Bryon Gentile<br />

Ms. Colleen Gilbertson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Glomb<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Goebel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Goodfellow<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Grant III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Grogan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Grover<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Haddad<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Hagan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Haggarty<br />

Atty. & Mrs. William E. Hasenauer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Healey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hewitt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Hofmann<br />

Mr. & Mrs. R. Ford Hutchinson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Jaundrill<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jennings<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kalina<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Karcsinski Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Keane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Klein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kleps<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kodz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Kretzman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Krubski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kucich Sr.<br />

Mrs. Nora O. Laverty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Lee<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lett<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Liquori<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Denis Loncto<br />

Mr. Paul A. Long<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lorenzen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Lucke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Maloney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Basil Marraffa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Pedro F. Mata<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Mat<strong>the</strong>ws<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Mazako<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Mazan<br />

Mrs. Linda R. McDonald<br />

Dr. & Mrs. C. Lee Mellinger III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Miller<br />

Ms. Anne S. Minogue<br />

Mrs. John P. Moliere<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Molloy<br />

Mr. Ralph J. Money Jr.<br />

Anthony J. Mongillo MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis H. Moore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Morico<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Morrison<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Morton Sr.<br />

Mrs. Gloria Murphy<br />

Mrs. Alice Nealon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Nelson Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nolte<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. O’Toole<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Palaia Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Patrignelli Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Pellecchia Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Pellegrino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Petrov<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Pierson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Porteus Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Quincy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Ralston Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rappoccio Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Reidy<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Renzulli<br />

Mrs. Kathleen Rodriguez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rogan<br />

Mrs. Kathleen Rorick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jose F. Rosa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Samulowitz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Sandel<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Sauer<br />

Mrs. Roberta L. Schmidt<br />

Ms. Gail G. Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Sobolewski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Sugrue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John T. Sullivan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tague<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Topar<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Trung H. Trang<br />

Mrs. Angela C. Tymniak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Vanacore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Watson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fredric C. Wheeler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wilkinson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stan York<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Zamachaj<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Zimmerman<br />



Mr. & Mrs. Stuart L. Bell<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Fox Sr.<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ahlers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Ford Sr.<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Harris<br />

Mr. Vincent P. Shanley<br />

Atty. Joseph Tooher<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Mr. & Ms. Scott A. Clark<br />

Miss Deborah A. Lasko<br />

Ms. Donna L. Leitao<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Beyerly<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bottone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cassella<br />

Steven P. Ciardiello Esq.<br />

Ms. Sheila J. Clancy<br />

Ms. Susan A. Fondu<br />

Ms. Elizabeth B. Gardner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Hoponick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Kolstad<br />

Ms. Juliet McCarthy<br />

Mr. Dennis McGuire<br />

Mr. Gerald M. Miller<br />

Mr. John P. Morris<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Peck<br />

Michael Semmes<br />

Mr. Steven R. Zodtner<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Abraham<br />

Ms. Mary Ahlers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Alaimo<br />

Rev. Charles H. Allen S.J.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Allen<br />

Mr. David M. Alpeter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Curtis Alpeter<br />

Ms. Miriam M. Amador<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Andreasen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Arsenault<br />

Ms. Maria C. Asis-Gilbride<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Ball<br />

Mr. Robert W. Bandera<br />

Ms. Kerry Banks<br />

Mr. Charles V. Barrows<br />

Mrs. Kathleen M. Barry Esq.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bayer<br />

Mr. Brendan Bazar<br />

Mr. Jonathan Bazar<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Beattie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Becker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Beddoe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Beyerly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Beyerly<br />

Mrs. Edward J. Bigane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Blakeley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Blessman<br />

Mr. Lawrence Bolanowski<br />

Ms. Kathryn B. Borland<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andre Boyd<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Braun<br />

Ms. Patricia Brennan<br />

Ms. Kim Bridge<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Ms. Debra A. Briganti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brown<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Budinoff<br />

Mrs. Carol Bujanauskas<br />

Ms. Mary E. Bulman<br />

Ms. Patricia Burns<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Burns<br />

Ms. Theresa M. Cahalane-Norkus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Call<br />

Ms. Jean A. Campbell<br />

Mr. Joseph V. Carena Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Casey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cecil<br />

Mr. & Mrs. M. Alan Chameides<br />

Ms. Elizabeth B. Chatel<br />

Ms. Beverley Christie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cirasuolo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Cirillo<br />

Ms. Colleen Clancy<br />

Mr. Harold R. Clark<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Cohen<br />

Mr. Jose Colon &<br />

Ms. Margarita Amador<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Conelias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Connly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Connolly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Coppolo<br />

Mr. Edwin Cornwell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w S. Coyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Creto<br />

Mr. Alder H. Crocker<br />

Mrs. & Mr. Marjorie S. Cronin<br />

Mr. Andrew M. Crowe<br />

Mr. David Cunn &<br />

Mrs. Linda Claussen-Cunn<br />

Ms. Elizabeth Cunningham<br />

Mr. Jeffrey L. Currier<br />

Ms. Judith J. Cuthbert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Arcangelo III<br />

Ms. Paula B. Davidson<br />

Mr. Ramani Dealwis<br />

Ms. Wilma S. Deicas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David DeJoy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Elia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. DeLuca<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Demaida<br />

Mr. Roger A. DeS.J.ardins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles DiCenso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood P. Dodge<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Doerger<br />

Mr. Joseph Donahue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Downing<br />

Ms. Caitlin A. Driscoll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Driscoll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Droney<br />

Mr. Richard J. Dunn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Dunne<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Duquette<br />

Mr. William F. Earley Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Earley Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eckert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Ervin<br />

Mr. Anthony Esposito<br />

Ms. Phyllis Fea<strong>the</strong>rston<br />

Mr. Joseph C. Feeley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ferguson<br />

Ms. Maria Fernandez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Fitzpatrick<br />

Ms. Sandra Fitzpatrick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Florentine<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foerster II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon P. Fogel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Forte<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fox<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Frassetto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Fray<br />

Ms. Shirley J. Fruchter<br />

Ms. Amy E. Gabriele<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gagliardi<br />

Mr. Kevin Gallagher<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Gardella<br />

Ms. Patti Genova<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Gentile<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Gerstenfeld<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gleason<br />

Ms. Collette B. Gmitter<br />

Ms. Maureen Goggin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gogol Sr.<br />

Mr. Mitchell R. Goldblatt<br />

Ms. Margaret R. Goldstein<br />

Ms. Alisha Gorder<br />

Ms. Magalie Granado<br />

Mr. Donald Grandy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Graziano Sr.<br />

Mrs. Mary K. Green<br />

Mr. Mark J. Gregoretti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randell Gumkowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harbul<br />

Mr. John E. Harwood<br />

Friends of Prep<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hatton<br />

Ms. Consuelo F. Hill<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Hoffman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Hojnacki<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mel Holdsworth<br />

Ms. Laurie M. Houlihan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Hurley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Iannone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jacobs<br />

Ms. Dolores A. Jakiela<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Janny<br />

Mr. John Jay &<br />

Mrs. Theresa Rubico Jay<br />

Mr. Walter J. Jaykus Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jewell<br />

Mrs. Cathy Johnson<br />

Mr. Craig Johnson &<br />

Ms. Kimberly Young<br />

Ms. Sandra L. Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Allyn K. Kall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Karl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Karlson<br />

Ms. Sylvia Kaye<br />

Ms. Margaret M. Kelley<br />

Ms. Fredda Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Keltos Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Kenney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon S. Kiesling<br />

Ms. Colleen Kinyon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Kirstein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Kliger<br />

Ms. Carolyn Konopka<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John V. Kropitis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Kruyswyk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Torodd Kummen<br />

Ms. Wadeane H. Kunz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Garry F. LaGasse<br />

Ms. Patrice A. Lannon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. M. Roland Laro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Larson<br />

Ms. Jane L. Lassner<br />

Mr. Daniel Leitao<br />

Ms. Rachel L. Leitao<br />

Ms. Elaine C. Lemos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Loehmann Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Loftus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Longo<br />

Mr. Kevin Lyons &<br />

Mrs. Rosemary Dreher<br />

Sr. Joan A. Magnetti RSCJ<br />

Mr. Daniel Malkoun & Ms. Jill Gordon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malone<br />

Mr. Michael Marcinek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Marinan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Marquart<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Marsalisi<br />

Ms. Cynthia W. Martin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Marusi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Masley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Masone III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Mastrianni<br />

Mr. Vincent Matura & Ms. Ellen Frey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. McCormick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCormick Jr.<br />

Ms. Mary Ellen McDonough<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McGettigan<br />

Ms. E<strong>the</strong>l A. McMahon<br />

Ms. Elizabeth McNamara<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Meder<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Michaelson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mizelle<br />

Ms. Marcia Molenda<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Molina<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Segismundo Montoya<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today 25

Corporations, Foundations & Organizations<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mooney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Moorin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Morgillo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Mucci<br />

Ms. Margaret F. Mullin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Murgalo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Murphy<br />

Mr. & Ms. John D. Murphy<br />

Mr. Kevin Murphy & Ms. Karen Karpie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Muscato<br />

Mrs. Elaine D. Nelson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Norell Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Leary<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Olha<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Olsson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O’Malley<br />

Mrs. Jane N. O’Reilly<br />

Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Orvis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palaia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Palmgren<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Palomba<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Panek<br />

Ms. Joan M. Patrick<br />

Mr. Richard A. Paul<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pawlowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Pearl<br />

Ms. Joyce Pellegrino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Penfield<br />

Ms. Hea<strong>the</strong>r L. Phillips MacCabe<br />

Ms. Dianne R. Phillips<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Pinkus<br />

Mr. Raymond P. Poincelot<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Pollard<br />

Mr. Mark C. Polvani<br />

Ms. Janine Portolese<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Prentice<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Priest<br />

Ms. Patricia Primavera<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Proto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Pruden<br />

Ms. Emily M. Quatrano<br />

Mr. Edgardo Ramos &<br />

Ms. Natalia Martin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Record<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Resnick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Ripley<br />

Ms. Karen A. Romagnoli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Romans<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ross<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Sabino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Sabo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Salemo<br />

Dr. Hamid Sami &<br />

Dr. Shabnam Kashani<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Santacroce<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Sara<br />

Mr. Louis A. Saracco Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sarno<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Saska<br />

Ms. Flora H. Schannon<br />

Mr. A.C. Schlager<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Schlein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schmitt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Sciacca<br />

Mr. Mark S. Seeberg<br />

Louis J. Seidler Photography<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Severino<br />

Maureen O’Donnell Sharnick DMD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shaughnessy<br />

Mrs. Laurel Shaughnessy<br />

Ms. Joyce Shea<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheiman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Sherman<br />

Mr. Robert D. Sherrick Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. G. Barry Slater<br />

Delbert B Smith MD<br />

Ms. Ka<strong>the</strong>rine C. Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Jr.<br />

Ms. Sharyn St Clair<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Grove W. Stoddard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Sullivan<br />

Mr. Thomas V. Sullivan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Szymansky<br />

Mr. Joseph Tacopina<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Telep<br />

Mr. Donald Telesca &<br />

Mrs. Erin Curtin-Telesca<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Salvi S. Ternullo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Thies<br />

Ms. Kathy Thopsey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Thornton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Thurston<br />

Mr. Patrick Thurston<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Denis Tobin<br />

Mr. Christopher Trefz<br />

Mr. Frank J. Tropsa &<br />

Mrs. Sarita Torres<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Truelove<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Tumeniuk<br />

Mr. Frederick C. Ulbrich Jr.<br />

Colonel Victoria A. Velez USAF<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Visosky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Marius Visser<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Volman<br />

Mr. James Voneuw &<br />

Mrs. Maureen Murphy Voneuw<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Wall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Ward<br />

Mr. Laurice Wardle &<br />

Mrs. Janet Wardle-Hall<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frank E. Watkinson<br />

Ms. Kim Wea<strong>the</strong>r<strong>for</strong>d &<br />

Ms. Diana Wea<strong>the</strong>r<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Ms. Molly Westerhold<br />

Mr. Joseph Wiencek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Zeleny<br />


FOUnDATIOns &<br />

ORGAnIzATIOns<br />

PREsIDEnT’s COUnCIl<br />

Bellarmine Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Club<br />

Bellarmine Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Guild<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Jesuit Community<br />

The William H. Pitt Foundation<br />


General Electric Foundation<br />

Goldman, Sachs & Company<br />

Integrated Corporate Relations, Inc.<br />

PlATInUm lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

The Charles and Mabel P. Jost<br />

Foundation<br />

Merrill Lynch<br />

Microsoft Corporation<br />

PepsiCo Foundation<br />

GOlD lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Deutsche Bank North America<br />

Fidelity Foundation<br />

Latin Scholars<br />

New York Community Trust<br />

OppenheimerFunds, Inc.<br />

Matching Gifts Program<br />

Otis Spunkmeyer<br />

Pfizer Foundation Matching<br />

Pitney Bowes<br />

Venman & Co. LLC<br />

sIlvER lOyOlA CIRClE<br />

Aetna Life & Casualty<br />

AllianceBernstein<br />

Altria Group, Inc.<br />

Key Foundation<br />

Level Global Investors, L.P.<br />

UBS<br />

United Technologies Corp.<br />

XAvIER ClUB<br />

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, LTD.<br />

Barclays Bank PLC<br />

BD Matching Gift Program<br />

Carolton Convalescent Home<br />

Emcor Group, Inc.<br />

NYSE Group<br />

Olin Corp. Charitable Trust<br />

Thurston Foods<br />

Wells Fargo Foundation<br />

BERChmAns ClUB<br />

Aramark<br />

Avis Budget<br />

Bank of America<br />

The Bank of New York<br />

Barry-Wehmiller Design Group Inc<br />

Cains Foods L.P.<br />

Carla’s Pasta<br />

Chicago Trading Company<br />

Christie’s<br />

Citizen’s Bank<br />

Dannon Company<br />

Diocese of Bridgeport<br />

Donahue & Brown, Attorneys At Law<br />

Fischer Francis Trees & Watts, Inc.<br />

Graphic Packaging International Fund<br />

Hart<strong>for</strong>d Insurance Group<br />

Harvey Hubbell Foundation<br />

Intel Foundation AG6-601<br />

ITG, Inc.<br />

Jiffy Cleaners<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Major Products Co., Inc<br />

Northwestern Mutual Foundation<br />

Odyssey America Reinsurance<br />

Corporation<br />

Oracle Corporation<br />

Plainfield Asset Management<br />

Progressive Insurance Foundation<br />

Renzi Bros. Inc.<br />

Schering-Plough Foundation,Inc<br />

Shell Oil Company Foundation<br />

St. Mark’s Episcopal<br />

St. Vincent’s Medical Center<br />

Texas Instruments Foundation<br />

Time Warner Inc.<br />

Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.<br />

Verizon Foundation<br />

Wachovia Matching Gifts Program<br />

hEARThsTOnE ClUB<br />

Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan<br />

Allmerica Financial<br />

American International Group<br />

American Patriot Sales, Inc<br />

Amgen Foundation<br />

Bailey, Moore, Glazer, Schaefer, &<br />

Proto, LLP<br />

Beckerer Foundation<br />

Bonduelle North America<br />

Butera & Jurgovsky Inc.<br />

Court St. Cecelia CDA #735<br />

David M. Grant Caterers<br />

DeMets Candy Company<br />

End Stage Renal Disease Network of<br />

New England<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> University<br />

Gannett Foundation<br />

Gartner<br />

General Re Services Corp.<br />

Hubbell Corporation<br />

James Hernovich Home Improvement<br />

Kimberly-Clark Foundation Inc.<br />

LandAmerica Foundation<br />

26 Prep Today <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009<br />

LoJack Corporation<br />

MBIA Foundation, Inc.<br />

MCCI Corporation<br />

Mellon Gift Matching Program <strong>for</strong><br />

Education<br />

NSTAR Foundation<br />

Pernod Ricard USA<br />

Rowland Technologies<br />

Sachs & Proto, LLC<br />

Sanofi-Aventis<br />

Sony USA Foundation Inc.<br />

The Farms Country Club<br />

The Market Dynamics Group LLC<br />

The Pellegrino Law Firm<br />

Thompson Reuters<br />

UniPro Foodservice, Inc<br />

Wellington Management Company, LLP<br />

Wellpoint Foundation Associate<br />

Giving Program<br />

Whitney Farms<br />

Wi<strong>the</strong>rs Bergman<br />


AnD EnDOwED FUnDs<br />

The following is a list of all available<br />

restricted and endowed funds at<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep.<br />

Rev. Charles H. Allen, S.J. Scholarship<br />

Alumni Association Fund<br />

Dr. Donna M. Andrade Scholarship<br />

Rev. James C. L. Arimond, S.J.<br />

Scholarship<br />

Athletics Restricted Fund<br />

Francis and Audrey Barron<br />

Scholarship<br />

Rev. James H. Barry Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Bellarmine Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Club Designated<br />

Fund<br />

Bellarmine Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Club Scholarship<br />

Bellarmine Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Guild Designated<br />

Fund<br />

Bellarmine Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Guild<br />

Scholarship<br />

Berchmans Faculty Award<br />

Bernard Family Scholarship in<br />

Memory of Rev. Timothy Curtin, S.J.<br />

George and Anne Boughton Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Harold and Anne Brennan Family<br />

Scholarship<br />

Ted and Julie Breunich Scholarship<br />

Revs. Eugene C. Brissette, S.J. and<br />

Robert Sproule, S.J. Scholarship<br />

Joseph T. Brosley Endowed<br />

Scholarship<br />

Joseph T. Brosley Restricted<br />

Scholarship<br />

Benjamin M. Brown ’02 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Rev. Patrick Cafferty, S.J. Scholarship<br />

Caggianello Scholarship<br />

John and Patrice Callies Family<br />

Scholarship<br />

Capital Unrestricted Fund<br />

John A. Carley Memorial Scholarship<br />

Corey Cerrone Memorial Scholarship<br />

Class of 1959 Scholarship<br />

Class of 1969 Fund<br />

Hugh Cooney Memorial Scholarship<br />

Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Judge T. F. Gilroy Daly ’48 Scholarship<br />

Joseph T. and Margaret R. Dolan<br />

Scholarship<br />

Drury Family Scholarship<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Jesuit Community<br />

Scholarship<br />

J. Gerard Flynn ’47 Award<br />

Frigon Family Scholarship<br />

General Endowment Fund<br />

General Memorial Scholarship Fund<br />

Great Teaching Endowment<br />

Global Mission and Retreat Fund<br />

Timothy Halapin Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Mamie and Beefy Hargus Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Timothy and Eileen Hogan Family<br />

Scholarship<br />

Holmes Foundation, Inc. Scholarship<br />

The Inner City Foundation <strong>for</strong> Charity<br />

and Education Scholarship<br />

Integrated Corporate Relations Grant<br />

Rev. Alfred Jolson, S.J. ’46<br />

Scholarship<br />

Dr. William T. Keavy ’53 and Irene<br />

Keavy Memorial Scholarship<br />

Keith Scholarship<br />

Herbert Klein Endowed Scholarship<br />

Arthur T. Kornblut, J.D. ’58 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Richard F. Kral, Sr. Family Scholarship<br />

Chief James Kranyik Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Kyle Kurjanowicz Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

John D. Lambert ’94 Memorial Award<br />

Landmark Campaign General Fund<br />

Landmark Campaign Technology Fund<br />

Gary Lasko ’69 Memorial Scholarship<br />

Lautenbach Family Scholarship<br />

Manuel Leitao Memorial Scholarship<br />

Library Fund<br />

Joseph A. Liemandt Scholarship<br />

Mary F. Luby Scholarship<br />

Maich Family Scholarship<br />

Lillian Markus Scholarship<br />

Mark Masiello ’83 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

John Paul Matyjasik Music Award<br />

John A. McAndrews Scholarship<br />

McLeod Technology Fund<br />

Mark Mitchell ’74 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Rev. Alfred E. Morris, S.J. Scholarship<br />

Seth Morris Memorial Scholarship<br />

Fund<br />

Rev. Charles Munzing, S.J. Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Rev. Thomas A. Murphy, S.J.<br />

Memorial Scholarship<br />

Music Maintenance Fund<br />

Niper Memorial Fund<br />

John B. O’Rourke ’59 Library/Media<br />

Endowment<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w A. Pellegrino ’91 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Louis and Margaret Pelletier<br />

Memorial Scholarship<br />

Revs. Walter Pelletier, S.J. and Robert<br />

Sproule, S.J. Scholarship<br />

Richard W. Pinto Scholarship Fund<br />

William H. Pitt Foundation Scholarship<br />

Fr. Raymond F. Quinn Memorial<br />

Library Fund<br />

Russo Faculty Fund<br />

Dr. Sal & Marilyn Santella<br />

Scholarship<br />

Louis A. Saracco, Jr. Scholarship<br />

Douglas Savacool Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

The Scholarship Fund<br />

SEED General Fund<br />

SEED Scholars Summer Program<br />

Richard and Clare Senfield<br />

Scholarship in Honor of Fr. Thomas<br />

A. Murphy, S.J. and in Memory of<br />

Maxon M. and Helen M. Senfield

Rev. Martin Shaughnessy, S.J.<br />

Scholarship<br />

Sica Technology Fund<br />

Skowronski Family Award<br />

Brian Stapleton ’78 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

William Stephanak ’77 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Strategic Plan Restricted Account<br />

Student Activities Fund<br />

Student Enrichment Scholarship<br />

David and Irene Sullivan Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Philip Tarasovic II ’80 Scholarship<br />

Enrique Torres ’56 Scholarship in<br />

memory of Rev. Andrew J. Cooney<br />

James H. Traynor Scholarship<br />

Paul Tymniak Memorial Award<br />

Unrestricted Fund<br />

F. Joseph Van Poppelen ’45 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Robert H. Wakin ’48 Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Rev. Edward J. Welch, S.J. Memorial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Wiseman Family Scholarship<br />

EnDOwED AnD<br />


The following is a list of endowed and<br />

restricted funds that received gifts<br />

during <strong>the</strong> 2008-2009 fiscal year.<br />



Rev. Charles H. Allen S.J.<br />

Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll<br />

Diocese of Bridgeport<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> University<br />

Ms. Colleen Gilbertson<br />

Dr. & Mrs. C. Lee Mellinger III<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Rogers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Silk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Sweeney<br />

Ms. Kathy Thopsey<br />

DR. DOnnA M. AnDRADE<br />


Steven P. Ciardiello Esq.<br />


Bellarmine Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Club<br />



Mr. & Mrs. E. Andrew Barron<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Barron<br />

Mr. William F. Barron<br />

General Electric Foundation<br />



Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Connelly<br />

Latin Scholars<br />

J. Kendall Murphy PhD<br />


DESiGnATED FunD<br />

Bellarmine Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Club<br />


DESiGnATED FunD<br />

Bellarmine Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Guild<br />



Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Wuchiski<br />

BERnARD FAMiLy<br />


REV. TiMOTHy CuRTin, S.J.<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Kent S. Bernard<br />

Pfizer Foundation Matching<br />




General Electric Foundation<br />

Mr. & Ms. Robert E. Grant<br />

Mr. Paul J. Halas<br />



General Electric Foundation<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Moran<br />



Anonymous<br />



Mr. & Mrs. Angelo N. Cerrone Jr.<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Aiello<br />

Mr. Robert C. Anderson<br />

Mr. Robert C. Arsenault<br />

Mr. Jeremiah J. Barrett<br />

Kenneth P. Beardsley PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Berchem<br />

Deacon & Mrs. Donald M. Brunetto<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John W. Buckley<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Burlinson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Carroll Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ceritelli<br />

Joseph A. Chrzanowski PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cleary<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Comer<br />

Mr. Anthony E. Coppola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Coppola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Coyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Donahue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dougherty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Douglas Jr.<br />

Mr. Michael F. Dowley III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Wesley B. Eastman<br />

Mr. Harold D. Edmonds<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Falasco<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Ferry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. French Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Julius F. Friese<br />

Mr. Lee P. Gabriel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glynn<br />

Mr. Donald R Gniadek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Green<br />

Mr. Frank J. Halpin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harris<br />

Captain Richard F. Healing<br />

Mr. William A. Hellauer LTC<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hennessey<br />

The late John Iacurci &<br />

Mrs. Rosemary Iacurci<br />

Deacon & Mrs. Daniel J. Ianniello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Iosso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koritko<br />

Mr. Dean F. Kramer<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Lee G. Kuckro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Kuruc<br />

Mr. William F. Lang Jr.<br />

Mr. Thomas P. Leahy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Lesko Sr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Link<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward Luchansky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Luparello<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Lynch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Madeo<br />

The Honorable & Mrs. John R. Maher<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Maiocco<br />

Mr. John A. McCarthy<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. McCarthy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. McGill III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGourthy Sr.<br />

Hon. & Mrs. George F. McGunnigle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Meehan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Montesi<br />

Rev. George R. Murphy, S.J.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Naves<br />

Mr. John B. O’Rourke Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. O’Toole<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Quinn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Redgate<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Reiss<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Claude D. Renshaw<br />

Mr. Anthony J. Retartha<br />

Mr. & Mrs. C. John Richardson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rowe<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Scarpa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. E. Peter Schneider Jr.<br />

Mr. John A. Seymour<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Skowronski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Smith<br />

Dr. Gregory M. Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Stanchina<br />

Colonel George W. Streff USAF<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Terapane Jr.<br />

Mr. James A. Trowbridge<br />

Mr. William F. Valieant<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Varholy<br />

Mr. & Ms. Robert Violetta Jr.<br />

Mr. Thomas V. Walsh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Wilkinson<br />



Drs. Jay and Patricia Dolan<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frigon<br />

GEnERAL EnDOwMEnT FunD<br />

Mr. Ralph Money & Ms. Laura Babala<br />



Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Alaimo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Delbert L. Auray<br />

Ms. Kerry Banks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andre Boyd<br />

Mr. John Brannelly Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cecil<br />

Ms. Colleen Clancy<br />

Ms. Sheila J. Clancy<br />

Mr. Edwin Cornwell<br />

Court St. Cecelia CDA #735<br />

Mrs. & Mr. Marjorie S. Cronin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Dailey<br />

Mrs. Mary Jo Dailey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Duquette<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> University<br />

Mr. William R. Fitzsimmons Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon P. Fogel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Fray<br />

Mr. Mitchell R. Goldblatt<br />

Ms. Margaret R. Goldstein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Graziano Sr.<br />

Endowed & Restricted Gifts<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harbul<br />

Mr. John E. Harwood<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Janczewski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John V. Kropitis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Leverty Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Masley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCormick Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. McGillicuddy<br />

Mr. Dennis McGuire<br />

Ms. E<strong>the</strong>l A. McMahon<br />

Mr. Herbert Moorin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Norell Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Panek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Patrignelli Sr.<br />

Ms. Janine Portolese<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Ripley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Sabo<br />

Mr. Michael Semmes<br />

Mr. Richard Sheiman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Stapleton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tague<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Vitulano<br />

Ms. Kim Wea<strong>the</strong>r<strong>for</strong>d &<br />

Ms. Diana Wea<strong>the</strong>r<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Whitney Farms<br />


ACCOunT<br />

Donahue & Brown, Attorneys At Law<br />

Mr. Brian P. Eckert<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Jesuit Community<br />

Mr. Ryan J. McGreevy<br />

Otis Spunkmeyer<br />

Mr. John Piscioniere<br />

Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Shea<br />

GLOBAL MiSSiOn AnD<br />

RETREAT FunD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rigoberto Alfonso Sr.<br />

Mr. David M. Alpeter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Curtis Alpeter<br />

Ms. Miriam M. Amador<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Andersson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Andreasen<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Arsenault<br />

Mr. Charles V. Barrows<br />

Bellarmine Fa<strong>the</strong>rs’ Club<br />

Bellarmine Mo<strong>the</strong>rs’ Guild<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Beyerly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Beyerly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Beyerly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brels<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Ms. Debra A. Briganti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Burns<br />

Ms. Theresa M. Cahalane-Norkus<br />

Mrs. Jean Canuel<br />

Mr. Joseph V. Carena Jr.<br />

Ms. Elizabeth B. Chatel<br />

Mr. Harold R. Clark<br />

Mr. Jose Colon &<br />

Ms. Margarita Amador<br />

Mr. Alder H. Crocker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Arcangelo III<br />

Mr. Ramani Dealwis<br />

Ms. Wilma S. Deicas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Demaida<br />

Ms. Caitlin A. Driscoll<br />

Ms. Maria Fernandez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fox<br />

Ms. Amy E. Gabriele<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gallacher<br />

Ms. Elizabeth B. Gardner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Golankiewicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Gutierrez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jaykus<br />

Mr. Walter J. Jaykus Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jewell<br />

Ms. Sandra L. Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Kruyswyk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. M. Roland Laro<br />

Ms. Elaine C. Lemos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Liquori<br />

Mr. Daniel Malkoun & Ms. Jill Gordon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Maloney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Marquart<br />

Ms. Cynthia W. Martin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. McCormick<br />

Ms. Mary Ellen McDonough<br />

Ms. Elizabeth McNamara<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Michaelson<br />

Mr. Gerald M. Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mizelle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Molina<br />

Mrs. Nancy Monk Bingham<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Montoya<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Segismundo Montoya<br />

Ms. Margaret F. Mullin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Murgalo<br />

Mr. Kevin Murphy & Ms. Karen Karpie<br />

Mr. Richard A. Paul<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Pearl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Penfield<br />

PepsiCo Foundation<br />

Ms. Hea<strong>the</strong>r L. Phillips MacCabe<br />

Mr. Raymond P. Poincelot<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Record<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Saska<br />

Mr. A.C. Schlager<br />

Ms. Ka<strong>the</strong>rine C. Smith<br />

Ms. Sharyn St Clair<br />

St. Mark’s Episcopal<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Telep<br />

Mr. Donald Telesca &<br />

Mrs. Erin Curtin-Telesca<br />



Mr. John J. Halapin<br />



Integrated Corporate Relations, Inc.<br />

The late John P. Flanagan<br />

Mr. Chad A. Jacobs<br />

Mr. Thomas M. Ryan<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today 27

Endowed & Restricted Gifts<br />


Dr. & Mrs. James M. Alexander<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Amidon III<br />

Andor Capital Management, L.L.C.<br />

Mr. Jeffrey M. Aquilante<br />

Mr. & Ms. Gregory J. Barron<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Belger<br />

Fr. Jan F. Blonski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Bonadio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bonazzo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Braun<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brels<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Brennan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Brown<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Canuel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Carley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carr<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Chajon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Cremins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cummings<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeLeo Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Delia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Desautels<br />

Mr. Charles L. DeSiena<br />

Dr. Philip E. DiLeo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Dowd<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Downing<br />

Mr. Greg Doyle<br />

Mr. William C. Elias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randy R. Farrell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fea<strong>the</strong>rston<br />

Ms. Christina Formichella<br />

Mr. Justin L. Galletti<br />

Mr. Paul R. Gazso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Glomb<br />

Mr. Donald P. Goyette<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey D. Gray<br />

Mr. Justin R. Gregg<br />

Rear Adm. & Mrs. Richard J. Grich USN<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Guerra<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Guzzi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Hanley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hendrickson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jennings<br />

Dr. & Mrs. George W. Kearns<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean W. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edmond F. Kiely<br />

Ms. Joyce Kowalski<br />

Mr. Marc S. Lambert<br />

Mrs. Nora O. Laverty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Lemanski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Lenart<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacKay<br />

Mr. Michael Marino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Basil Marraffa<br />

Mr. Andrew C. Masloski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Matera<br />

Mr. Colin M. McLeod<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Micheli<br />

Mr. George S. Mihalik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miko<br />

Mr. Michael K. Morton<br />

Ms. Geraldine Muldoon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Munchak<br />

Mr. Raymond F. Nalewajk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Neary<br />

New York Community Trust<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Ms. Jerome J. Niedermeier<br />

Mr. & Ms. Robert J. Niedermeier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Novitzky<br />

Mr. Timothy A. O’Connell III<br />

Mr. Chris W. Patrona<br />

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Plate USAF<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Riccio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Richter<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Rizy<br />

Mr. Robert A. Roberts<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jose F. Rosa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rovegno<br />

Mr. Chris B. Russo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan<br />

Anthony D. Sabatelli PhD JD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Sandel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sapone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher W. Schulz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kim D. Shea<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Shea<br />

Ms. Carol Stead<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Steinert<br />

Ms. Carol Tibor<br />

Ms. Julianne Ward & Mr. Brien Ward<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Welch III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wood<br />

Mr. Jeffrey H. Zielinski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Zimmerman<br />

ARTHuR T. KORnBLuT, J.D. ’58<br />


Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Kornblut<br />

JOHn D. LAMBERT ’94<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Abraham<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bilek<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Martin A. Buzas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. M. Alan Chameides<br />

Ms. Paula B. Davidson<br />

Deutsche Bank North America<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Driscoll<br />

End Stage Renal Disease Network of<br />

New England<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Domenick J. Galluzzo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gleason<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gogol Sr.<br />

Ms. Consuelo F. Hill<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Allyn K. Kall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Karlson<br />

Mr. Daniel J. King<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Kliger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Lambert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Longo<br />

MCCI Corporation<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Mucci<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Olha<br />

Pitney Bowes<br />

Ms. Patricia Primavera<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ross<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Santacroce<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Schlein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Sherman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. G. Barry Slater<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Grove W. Stoddard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Wall<br />

Mr. Joseph Wiencek<br />


GEnERAL FunD<br />

Christopher J. Boreyko MD<br />

Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll<br />

The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Chiota<br />

Dannon Company<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Fasano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Feroleto Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Traugott F. Keller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. King<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Marden III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. McLaughlin Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McLaughlin<br />

Merrill Lynch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Moye<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Scifo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay B. Sheehy<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Vanderslice<br />



Ms. Deborah A. Lasko<br />



Gannett Foundation<br />

Mr. Daniel Leitao<br />

Ms. Donna L. Leitao<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Leitao<br />

Kevin M. Leitao<br />

Mrs. Lucille Leitao<br />

Ms. Rachel L. Leitao<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Wuchiski<br />

LiBRARy FunD<br />

Drs. Raymond and Patricia Cormier<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Maich<br />



Mr. Robert E. Luysterborghs<br />

Mrs. Nancy Masiello<br />


AwARD<br />

Ms. June D. Matyjasik<br />



Mr. Robert W. Bandera<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Beattie<br />

Ms. Mary E. Bulman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Card<br />

DeMets Candy Company<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Downing<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Droney<br />

Mr. Richard J. Dunn<br />

Ms. Susan A. Fondu<br />

Ms. Maureen Goggin<br />

Mr. & Ms. Robert E. Grant<br />

Ms. Laurie M. Houlihan<br />

28 Prep Today <strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009<br />

Ms. Sylvia Kaye<br />

Ms. Margaret M. Kelley<br />

Mr. Vincent Matura & Ms. Ellen Frey<br />

Mr. John P. Morris<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Palomba<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Sciacca<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Salvi S. Ternullo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Denis Tobin<br />

Mr. James Voneuw &<br />

Mrs. Maureen Murphy Voneuw<br />

REV. THOMAS A. MuRPHy, S.J.<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Connelly<br />

Latin Scholars<br />

Mr. & Ms. John D. Murphy<br />

MuSiC MAinTEnAnCE FunD<br />

Latin Scholars<br />

MATTHEw A. PELLEGRinO ’91<br />


Mr. Thomas J. Giallanza Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Leyden Jr.<br />




Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Pelletier<br />




American Patriot Sales, Inc<br />

Bailey, Moore, Glazer, Schaefer, &<br />

Proto, LLP<br />

Mr. Douglas Banquer<br />

Mrs. Kathleen M. Barry Esq.<br />

Barry-Wehmiller Design Group Inc<br />

Mr. Brendan Bazar<br />

Mr. Jonathan Bazar<br />

Mr. Nathaniel J. Beckles<br />

Mr. Ryan J. Birge<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Blakeley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Blessman<br />

Bonduelle North America<br />

Ms. Kathryn B. Borland<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brown<br />

Butera & Jurgovsky Inc.<br />

Cains Foods L.P.<br />

Ms. Jean A. Campbell<br />

Carla’s Pasta<br />

Mr. Brian J. Casl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cassella<br />

Mr. Richard Chu<br />

Citizen’s Bank<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Cohen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Conelias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Connly<br />

Mr. Dylan R. Cooke<br />

Mr. Travis N. Cooke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Cortigiano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w S. Coyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Creto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Cruz<br />

Mr. Robert J. D’Amato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. D’Amato<br />

David M. Grant Caterers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David DeJoy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. DeLuca<br />

Mr. Colby M. Dennison<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Dewey II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Doyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Dunne<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Earley Sr.<br />

Mr. William F. Earley Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Farrell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Fitzpatrick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Forte<br />

Ms. Shirley J. Fruchter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gagliardi<br />

Gartner<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Giallanza Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Girardi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Goodfellow<br />

Mr. Donald Grandy<br />

Mr. Mark J. Gregoretti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Grich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randell Gumkowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Healey<br />

Mr. David W. Hilinski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Holub<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Holub<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Iannone<br />

Mr. David M. Improta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jacobs<br />

Ms. Dolores A. Jakiela<br />

James Hernovich Home Improvement<br />

Mr. John Jay &<br />

Mrs. Theresa Rubico Jay<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Kaminske<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Karl<br />

Ms. Fredda Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Kenney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Kirstein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Kolstad<br />

Ms. Carolyn Konopka<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Kristoff<br />

Ms. Wadeane H. Kunz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Garry F. LaGasse<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Loehmann Jr.<br />

Major Products Co., Inc<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Makovich PhD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Martino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Mastrianni<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McGettigan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. McGovern<br />

Mr. Dustin R. Mello<br />

Mr. Joshua D. Mello<br />

Mr. Christopher J. Molyneux<br />

Mr. Shaun R. Molyneux<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mooney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Morgillo<br />

Mr. & Ms. Brian R. O’Connor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Olsson<br />

Mr. Daniel C. O’Neill<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pawlowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Peck<br />

Ms. Joyce Pellegrino<br />

Mr. Mark C. Polvani<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Prentice<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Proto<br />

Ms. Emily M. Quatrano<br />

Renzi Bros. Inc.<br />

Mr. Michael R. Ripley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Romans<br />

Rowland Technologies<br />

Mr. Peter S. Russell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Sabino<br />

Sachs & Proto, LLC<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Salemo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sarno<br />

Dr. John E. Sa<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Ms. Flora H. Schannon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schmitt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mat<strong>the</strong>w Severino<br />

Delbert B Smith MD<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Jr.<br />

Mr. Mat<strong>the</strong>w L. Stannard<br />

Mr. James J. Sullivan Jr.<br />

The Farms Country Club<br />

The Market Dynamics Group LLC<br />

The Pellegrino Law Firm<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Thornton

Thurston Foods<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Thurston<br />

Mr. Patrick Thurston<br />

Mr. Andrew G. Townsend<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Truelove<br />

Mr. Frederick C. Ulbrich Jr.<br />

UniPro Foodservice, Inc<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Vanacore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Vietze<br />

Mr. Laurice Wardle &<br />

Mrs. Janet Wardle-Hall<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frank E. Watkinson<br />

Wi<strong>the</strong>rs Bergman<br />

Mr. Steven R. Zodtner<br />

wiLLiAM H. PiTT FOunDATiOn<br />


The William H. Pitt Foundation<br />

DR. SAL AnD MARiLyn<br />


Dr. & Mrs. Sal M. Santella<br />



Mr. Jonathan P. Herman<br />

The William H. Pitt Foundation<br />



In Honor of Fr. Thomas A. Murphy,<br />

S.J. and in Memory of Maxon M. and<br />

Helen M. Senfield<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Senfield<br />

REV. MARTin SHAuGHnESSy,<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Casey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Loftus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Priest<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shaughnessy<br />

Mrs. Laurel Shaughnessy<br />

Colonel Victoria A. Velez USAF<br />

wiLLiAM STEPHAnAK ’77<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Stuart L. Bell<br />

STuDEnT ACTiViTiES FunD<br />

Bellarmine Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Club<br />

Ms. Alisha Gorder<br />

STuDEnT EnRiCHMEnT<br />


Goldman, Sachs & Company<br />

Mr. Jeffrey H. Zielinski<br />

DAViD AnD iREnE SuLLiVAn<br />


Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Donahue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shannahan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Sullivan<br />

EnRiquE TORRES ’56<br />


in Memory of Rev. Andrew J. Cooney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Torres<br />

REV. EDwARD J. wELCH, S.J.<br />


Mr. Andrew R. Durkin<br />

Mr. David A. Gerics<br />

Mr. Mark A. McCormack<br />

Mr. Walter F. Naedele<br />

State Street Research & Management<br />

Company<br />

DR. wiLLiAM T. KEAVy ’53 AnD<br />



Estate of Irene M. Keavy<br />

wiSEMAn FAMiLy<br />


Atty. Michael Wiseman &<br />

Prof. Helen Garten<br />



(October 2008)<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Altieri Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Barron<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Robert J. Brennan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Britt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Brown<br />

Mr. James E. Butler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Callies<br />

Carolton Convalescent Home<br />

Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll<br />

Mr. Brian J. Casl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Cass III<br />

The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Chiota<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Louis J. Colangelo Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Collins RPh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Cummings<br />

Joseph DeLucia Esq.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dolan<br />

Emcor Group, Inc.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Fabbri<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Fortin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. Froehlich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Hogan Jr.<br />

Integrated Corporate Relations<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Kane<br />

Mr. Brian D. Kaschel<br />

Mr. Daniel J. King<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Lesko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Lesko Sr.<br />

Mr. Randy S. Maultsby<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. McBride<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McLeod<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. McManus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mullany<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Murphy<br />

Mr. Peter W. O’Connor<br />

Mr. Howard T. Owens III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pengue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Redgate<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richter<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Russo Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Sanseverino<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Scarpa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schinella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scinto<br />

St. Vincent’s Medical Center<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan III<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Mark C. Valentine<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Valus III<br />

Venman & Co. LLC<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Thomas J. Welch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James P. White Jr.<br />




(December 2008)<br />

Preneta Physical Therapy PC<br />

“A niGHT On THE TOwn”<br />

SPRinG DinnER SPOnSORS &<br />

unDERwRiTERS<br />

Diamond Sponsors<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. DiGennaro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Vanderslice<br />

Gold Sponsor<br />

R.D. Scinto, Inc.<br />

Silver Sponsors<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Hogan Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McHugh<br />

Special Benefactors<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ahlers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Baugier<br />

Bellarmine Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Club<br />

Bellarmine Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Guild<br />

Ms. Heidi R. Bramante<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Burt<br />

Mr & Mrs. Robert C. Call<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ceruzzi Jr.<br />

Mr. & Ms. Scott A. Clark<br />

Atty. & Mrs. Stephen F. Donahue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foerster II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Guzzi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce<br />

Mr. Sean Kennedy &<br />

Ms. Marylou D’Addario<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Longson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Luciano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Marini<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. McManus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Morrison<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Nick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. O’Keefe<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Russo Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sommerer<br />

Special Event Committees<br />

sPRInG EvEnT COmmITTEE 2009<br />

Co-Chairs:<br />

Colleen Bushby<br />

Laura Harkawik<br />

Lynn Hendrie<br />

Chair:<br />

John Chiota ’86<br />

Committee Chairs:<br />

Jennifer Bogannam<br />

Meg Buckis<br />

Rose Cardone<br />

Gretchen Kovtun<br />

Joanne Marr<br />

Renee McManus<br />

Robin Moran<br />

Jean Moore<br />


Committee Chairs:<br />

Jim Butler ’86<br />

John Chiota ’61<br />

Kevin Foley ’73<br />

Mary Beth Morris<br />

Sima Patel<br />

Jean Richmond<br />

Kim Ryan<br />

Sue Stone<br />

Lisa Thornton<br />

Ann Wei<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

Joan Zaccaro<br />

Kevin Kozlowski ’99<br />

Alex Oracheff ’94<br />

Tom Welch ’83<br />

Endowed & Restricted Gifts<br />

McAuliffe Hall Society of Planned<br />

Gift and Bequest Benefactors<br />

Remembering Prep in your estate plans can<br />

be a simple and cost effective way to make a<br />

significant contribution to <strong>the</strong> long term stability<br />

of our school. We thank all those who have<br />

remembered Prep in this special way by recognizing<br />

<strong>the</strong>m as members of our McAuliffe Society.<br />

If you would like more in<strong>for</strong>mation about<br />

planning an estate gift <strong>for</strong> Prep, please call <strong>the</strong><br />

Development Office at 203-254-4237 or visit our<br />

website at www.fairfieldprep.org.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James M. Alexander ’55<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. Robert C. Arsenault ’59<br />

Mr. Michael J. Bellew ’71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bigley Sr. ’49<br />

Mr. Harold A. Bochino ’56<br />

Dr. & Mrs. William J. Brower ’65<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Butler<br />

Mr. Anthony M. Canto ’51<br />

Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll ’63<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. P. Casolo ’82<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Chervenak ’63<br />

The Hon. & Mrs. John P. Chiota ’61<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cummings ’60<br />

Ms. Lisa D’Alton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William J. DeJoseph ’60<br />

Rev. Peter A. DeMarco ’52<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Downs ’53<br />

Mr. Harold D. Edmonds ’59<br />

Mr. James P. Fogarty ’47<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John H. Fox ’58<br />

Christopher R. Friese PhD ’93<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James D. Garrity ’48<br />

Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Gleason<br />

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Craig C. Goodall ’73<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gromults Jr. ’50<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Guerin Jr. ’55<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hafele ’58<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hellauer ’57<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hicks ’74<br />

Mr. John F. Hughes Jr. ’61<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Jaffe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Jakab ’84<br />

Dr. & Mrs. William M. Kane Jr. ’45<br />

Mr. John S. Kartovsky ’46<br />

Mr. Thomas P. Kearney ’60<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Keith ’80<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lincoln ’70<br />

Mr. William A. Marshall Jr. ’72<br />

Mrs. Nancy Masiello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. McMahon ’87<br />

Mr. Robert A. Metzger ’56<br />

Mr. Alexander A. Micklos Jr. ’50<br />

Mr. Ralph Money ’77 and<br />

Ms. Laura Babala<br />

J. Kendall Murphy PhD ’48<br />

Mr. James P. Nealon ’81<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. O’Brien ’55<br />

Mr. John B. O’Rourke Jr. ’59<br />

Mr. Mark M. Pace ’80<br />

Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Pekar ’49<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Piazza JD ’60<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Preissel Jr. ’65<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Riordan ’62<br />

Mr. & Ms. Dennis J. Romano ’70<br />

The Hon. & Mrs. John J. Ronan ’50<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Rousseau ’53<br />

Anthony D. Sabatelli Ph.D. J.D. ’75<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Sal M. Santella ’49<br />

Mr. Louis A. Saracco Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Shea ’73<br />

Mr. Jeffrey W. Sochrin ’85<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Stockman ’85<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Stroh ’48<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sylvester<br />

Nicholas A. Viner M.D. ’60<br />

Rev. Msgr. David M. Walker ’56<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Walsh ’47<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> | Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today 29

A p R e p t R A d I t I o n . . .<br />

The Arrupe Hall foyer was filled to <strong>the</strong> walls with bags of<br />

food donated to ABCD (Action <strong>for</strong> Bridgeport Community<br />

Development), which fed over 2,000 needy families!<br />

Seniors from left: Alex Matarazzo, Christian Mead, David<br />

Perretta, Ryan Staudt and Carlos Zamora.<br />

30 Prep Today<br />

Thanksgiving<br />

Thanksgiving is a tradition <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Prep Community. The<br />

annual Food Drive collected hundreds of bags of food<br />

to help those in nearby communities. The Prep student<br />

body assembled at Alumni Hall to give thanks and honor faculty<br />

and administration. Cross Country alumni joined with<br />

current team members to run <strong>the</strong> annual Pequot 5 Mile Race.<br />

And everyone ga<strong>the</strong>red <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> annual football game versus<br />

West Haven, reconnecting with friends and showing <strong>Fairfield</strong><br />

Prep spirit! As St. Ignatius Loyola inspired us, “Lord, teach me to<br />

be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give<br />

and not to count <strong>the</strong> cost.”<br />

L-r: Rev. Larry Ryan, S.J. (26 years), Dr. Donna Andrade (30 years), Mr. John Brennan (30 years),<br />

Mr. Tony Canuel (30 years), Mr. Greg Marshall ’73 (30 years), Mr. Dave Driscoll (35 years), and<br />

Dr. Robert Perrotta (40 years) recognized <strong>for</strong> outstanding service by Rev. John Hanwell, S.J.<br />

A Prep tradition <strong>for</strong> 16 years, Dr. Ray Panda ’58 has been <strong>the</strong> voice of<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep football <strong>for</strong> our home games. He retired from announcing<br />

at <strong>the</strong> 2009 Thanksgiving game. Presenting Dr. Panda with a plaque is<br />

Athletic Director Steve Donahue ’92 (far right). Also pictured with Dr.<br />

Panda are his sons Brendan ’96 and Ken ’88. We thank Dr. Panda <strong>for</strong><br />

his faithful and serving spirit.

Volunteering is a Prep way of life <strong>for</strong> alumni and parents. It’s also<br />

a wonderful way to support <strong>the</strong> school and catch up with <strong>the</strong> Prep<br />

Community — at <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>rs’ Club Food Tent, Prep Pride table, and<br />

selling Tuition Raffle tickets.<br />

Prep alumni and students annually ga<strong>the</strong>r at<br />

<strong>the</strong> Pequot 5 Mile Road Race in Southport<br />

on Thanksgiving Day. Any Cross Country alumni should contact Bob Ford Jr.<br />

at r<strong>for</strong>d@fairfieldprep.org to join in <strong>the</strong> race next year.<br />

Alumni enjoying a popular<br />

Prep tradition tailgating!<br />

Pictured are (l-r): Devin<br />

White ’88, Sean Sargent<br />

’87, Rob Rotondo ’88,<br />

Bob Donahue ’87, Chris<br />

Rotondo ’86, Rich Bernard<br />

’88, Sean Kilbride ’87,<br />

Joe Sargent ’85 and Liam<br />

Sargent ’88.<br />

Prep Today 31

Alumni class news<br />

1940’s<br />

Edmund F. Dailey ’46, fa<strong>the</strong>r in law of Donald<br />

Auray ’76 and grandfa<strong>the</strong>r of Christopher<br />

Auray ’13 and Colin Dailey ’01, recently<br />

donated a new American flag <strong>for</strong> display on<br />

<strong>the</strong> Prep Quad.<br />

Robert R. Petrucelli ’49 just published a<br />

book entitled “A Love That Kills.” It is a<br />

fiction story based on a mercy killing that<br />

takes place in Stam<strong>for</strong>d, CT in <strong>the</strong> 1950’s. It<br />

is available thru Amazon.com.<br />

1950’s<br />

Raymond J. Cormier ’56 and his wife welcomed<br />

a new grandson Levi Joseph Cunevas<br />

on June 22, 2007.<br />

James F. Stapleton ’50 was recently appointed<br />

to <strong>the</strong> Boston College Law <strong>School</strong><br />

Board of Overseers by Dean John Garvey.<br />

The Board members serve as counselors to<br />

<strong>the</strong> Dean of <strong>the</strong> Law <strong>School</strong> and <strong>the</strong> President<br />

of <strong>the</strong> University on <strong>the</strong> challenges and<br />

opportunities facing Boston College Law<br />

<strong>School</strong> and on significant issues in legal<br />

education.<br />

32 Prep Today<br />

1960’s<br />

John P. Chiota ’61 has been elected secretary<br />

of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> County Community<br />

Foundation.<br />

william L. Licamele ’64 was awarded <strong>the</strong><br />

John Carroll Award <strong>for</strong> Alumni Service in<br />

April 2008.<br />

1970’s<br />

John J. Ramos, Sr. ’70, Superintendent<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Bridgeport Public <strong>School</strong>s, will receive<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>2010</strong> Rev. Dr. Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r King,<br />

Jr. Award in recognition of his outstanding<br />

work and dedication, honoring <strong>the</strong> life<br />

and legacy of <strong>the</strong> slain civil rights leader’s<br />

dream of peaceful coexistence between<br />

people of diverse religious, cultural and<br />

ethnic backgrounds.<br />

John C. Smriga ’71 has been named <strong>the</strong><br />

new State’s Attorney <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> Judicial<br />

District. He is succeeding his <strong>for</strong>mer<br />

boss Jonathan Benedict ’69.<br />

Jonathan Scott ’75 and his partner Michael<br />

McGill adopted <strong>the</strong>ir son Luis Scott from<br />

Alumni class news, <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

Have_you_moved?_Please_bring_us_up-to-date_on_what_is_NEWS_in_your_life…_<br />

NEWS_you_would_like_to_share_with_o<strong>the</strong>rs_in_<strong>the</strong>_Prep_family._Mail_to:__<br />

Alumni_Office,_<strong>Fairfield</strong>_Prep,_1073_North_Benson_Road,_<strong>Fairfield</strong>,_CT__<br />

06824-5157,_or_email:_development@fairfieldprep.org.<br />

Name_ ___________________________________________ Class_Year_ ______<br />

Wife’s_Name_______________________________________________________<br />

Home_Address_____________________________________________________<br />

City,_State,_Zip_____________________________________________________<br />

Phone_#_Home_________________________ Work________________________<br />

Email_____________________________________________________________<br />

Business_Name____________________________________________________<br />

Business_Address__________________________________________________<br />

City,_State,_Zip_____________________________________________________<br />

NEWS_____________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________<br />

Ecuador in 2003. Jonathon is <strong>the</strong> CEO of<br />

Victory Programs which is Massachusetts’<br />

largest housing agency <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> homeless.<br />

This past summer, Massachusetts Division<br />

of Marine Services biologist Greg Skomal<br />

’79 identified five large sharks, possibly<br />

great whites, near Monomoy National Wildlife<br />

Refuge. Skomal saw four more sharks<br />

off <strong>the</strong> coast. At that time, officials raised<br />

<strong>the</strong> red no-swimming flags. Skomal worked<br />

with a team to mark <strong>the</strong> sharks <strong>for</strong> tracking<br />

and research purposes.<br />

1980’s<br />

Robert A Law iii ’85 is a Lieutenant Colonel<br />

commanding <strong>the</strong> 704th Brigade Support<br />

Battalion within <strong>the</strong> 4th Infantry Division<br />

of <strong>the</strong> US Army. In June, he deployed his<br />

battalion to Jalalabad in Nor<strong>the</strong>ast Afghanistan<br />

as part of his Brigade’s rotation in support<br />

of Operation Enduring Freedom.<br />

David J. Sullivan ’82 has been elected<br />

treasurer of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> County Community<br />

Foundation.<br />

Michael T. walsh ’82 was promoted to<br />

Colonel in <strong>the</strong> US Army at a ceremony on<br />

August 6, 2009 in Murfreesboro, Tenn. He<br />

is a distinguished military graduate of<br />

Nor<strong>the</strong>astern University and has earned<br />

advanced degrees from Troy State University<br />

and Kings College, London, England. In<br />

September he lead a 10-man advisory team<br />

to Iraq <strong>for</strong> a 12 month deployment to coach<br />

and advise <strong>the</strong> leadership of an Iraqi Army<br />

division.<br />

1990’s<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w G. Cribbins ’91 has been appointed<br />

a Vice President of global financial planning<br />

and analysis at GE Capital.<br />

Karl J. Ehrsam ’92 was admitted to <strong>the</strong> partnership<br />

of Deloitte & Touche LLP in New<br />

York City. Karl is a Principal in Deloitte’s<br />

Investment Management Business Risk<br />

Consulting Practice.<br />

Stephen R. Kellogg Jr. ’94 of Stephen Kellogg<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Sixers new album “The Bear”<br />

debuted at #189 on <strong>the</strong> Billboard 200.<br />

Thomas P. Leyden ’90 was named <strong>the</strong> 2009<br />

Best Sports Anchor and Best Sports Reporter<br />

in Michigan. Tom is <strong>the</strong> sports anchor<br />

<strong>for</strong> Action News Weekends and hosts<br />

<strong>the</strong> Sunday Sports Update on WXYZ, Channel<br />

7. During his 5 years at WXYZ he has<br />

received ten Emmy nominations from <strong>the</strong><br />

National Academy of Television Arts and<br />

Sciences and has won four Emmys.<br />

Jason D. Licamele ’95 received his Doctorate<br />

in Philosophy in Agriculture and Biosystems<br />

Engineering and Soil , Water and<br />

Environmental Science from <strong>the</strong> University<br />

of Arizona in December 2009.<br />

2000’s<br />

Joseph F. Bogardus ’05 joined <strong>the</strong> Barnum<br />

Financial Group, an office of MetLife, as a<br />

financial services representative in October<br />

2009. Joe graduated from <strong>the</strong> University of<br />

Richmond in 2009.<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w Brewster ’04 is an engineer with<br />

Leach Wallace Associates.<br />

Andrew Kydes ’06, a member of <strong>the</strong> men’s<br />

soccer team at West Point, was a third team<br />

Academic All-American selection. He has a<br />

3.89 GPA majoring in civil engineering. He<br />

has also been selected as a candidate <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> 2009 Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award, based<br />

on personal qualities that define a complete<br />

student-athlete.<br />

Christopher Kretzman ’05 has joined KPMG<br />

in New York.<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w Kretzman ’03 is an associate at<br />

Credit Suisse in New York.<br />

nicholas C. Shaver ’05 graduated from Villanova<br />

University with a B.S.in accounting and<br />

a minor in finance. He is currently working<br />

as a financial auditor in Houston, TX.<br />

Jonathan Vick ’05 graduated from Ohio<br />

Wesleyan with a double major in Biology<br />

and Psychology. He has just been accepted<br />

to <strong>the</strong> PhD program at UVM.<br />

Craig wocl ’07 currently plays baseball <strong>for</strong><br />

Kenyon College and has been named to <strong>the</strong><br />

All--NCAC first team as a sophomore.<br />

Steffen J. wojeck ’03 graduated <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> US<br />

Merchant Marine Academy in June 2007.<br />

He is currently working <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> US Military<br />

Sealift as a 2nd Engineer officer on <strong>the</strong><br />

USNA Ranier. He was married in September<br />

2008 and has a baby girl.<br />

MIlepoStS<br />

In Memoriam<br />

Linda Chiota Alex on September 22, 2009. She<br />

was <strong>the</strong> sister of John P. Chiota ’61, and aunt<br />

of John E. Chiota ’86, Greg A. Chiota ’93 and<br />

Christopher S. Chiota ’89.<br />

Francis J. Coscia on December 29, 2009. He<br />

was <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of nicholas F. Coscia ’70,<br />

fa<strong>the</strong>r in law of David L. quatrella ’73 and<br />

grandfa<strong>the</strong>r of Daniel D.quatrella ’13.<br />

william F. Burns ’51 on November 14, 2009.<br />

He was <strong>the</strong> bro<strong>the</strong>r of James T. Burns ’44, J.<br />

Vincent Burns ’48, Robert J. Burns ’58 and<br />

uncle of Mat<strong>the</strong>w L. Burns ’89.<br />

Robert (Bunny) E. Colum on September 27,<br />

2009. He was <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r in law of Ronald<br />

L. Barrett ’63.<br />

Anne Ryan McConnell in December 2009.<br />

She is <strong>the</strong> aunt of Ryan M. Cunningham ’00<br />

and John P. Cunningham ’08.<br />

Patricia Hemenway Cook on November 17, 2009.<br />

She was <strong>the</strong> sister of Charles G. Hemenway<br />

’61 and <strong>the</strong> sister-in-law of Thomas Redgate<br />

’62 and aunt of Charles G. Hemenway ’86 .<br />

Camille D’Aiuto on October 23, 2009. She was<br />

<strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r-in-law of Kenneth Bobowick ’60.<br />

Paul J. D’Alton on May 24, 2009. He was <strong>the</strong><br />

fa<strong>the</strong>r of Mark D’Alton ’03.<br />

Joseph P. Fleming on October 26, 2009. He<br />

was <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of Jeffrey M. Fleming ’87.<br />

Zofia Frymus on August 15, 2009. She was<br />

<strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> late Michael M. Frymus ’72.<br />

Ronald Gibson ’50 in April 2008.<br />

Kristine Haffner on December 16,2009. She<br />

was <strong>the</strong> wife of Kurt E. Haffner ’85 and sister<br />

in law of Frederick w. Haffner iii ’81.<br />

Linda Hayes on July 1, 2009. She was <strong>the</strong><br />

wife of <strong>the</strong> late Paul D. Hayes ’89.<br />

Colm Higgins on August 13, 2009. He was <strong>the</strong><br />

son of John M. Higgins ’71.<br />

John J. iacurci ’59 on October 31, 2009. He<br />

was <strong>the</strong> bro<strong>the</strong>r-in-law of Deacon Daniel<br />

ianiello ’59.<br />

Mary Jane Janick on December 29, 2009.<br />

She was <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of Herbert F. Janick<br />

iii ’77, Mark A. Janick ’78 and Stephen T.<br />

Janick ’83.

Paul L. Jones on November 10, 2009. He was<br />

<strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of Ryan Jones ’08.<br />

Albert G. Kovachik on October 20, 2009. He<br />

was <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of Andrew Kovachik ’81 and<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w Kovachik ’90.<br />

Charles A. Lavin ’48 on October 31, 2009. He<br />

was <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of Patrick J. Lavin ’72, Keith C.<br />

Lavin ’75, and grandfa<strong>the</strong>r of Kyle C. Lavin ’07.<br />

Louise Levai on October 21, 2009. She was<br />

<strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of Attila P. Levai ’67 and Roland<br />

M. Levai ’69.<br />

William J. Lucas Sr. on July 5, 2009. He was<br />

<strong>the</strong> grandfa<strong>the</strong>r of Jonathan Lucas ’97.<br />

Margaret M. Magner on July 18, 2009. She<br />

was <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of faculty member Deirdre<br />

Magner and <strong>the</strong> grandmo<strong>the</strong>r of Andrew<br />

Schoenster ’01.<br />

John Marsalisi on December 31, 2009. He<br />

was <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of John A. Marsalisi ’13.<br />

Leroy “Lee” Peter McKelvey ’50 on August<br />

24, 2009. He was <strong>the</strong> bro<strong>the</strong>r of James C.<br />

McKelvey ’46.<br />

Monsignor Lawrence J. McMahon ’45 on<br />

December 15, 2009. See details on page 35.<br />

Donald R. Mensik ’65 on September 28, 2009.<br />

Harold F. Mullen ’45 on August 29, 2009.<br />

Theresa Clare McGoldrick Naveken on June<br />

6, 2009. She was <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> late James<br />

F. naveken Jr ’69.<br />

Paul A. nelson ’49 on April 6, 2009. He was<br />

<strong>the</strong> bro<strong>the</strong>r of yorke nelson ’55.<br />

Eileen M. Newbauer on August 1, 2009. She was<br />

<strong>the</strong> grandmo<strong>the</strong>r of william E. newbauer ’85.<br />

Rev. w. Laurence O’neil, S.J. on October 19,<br />

2009. See details on page 36.<br />

Laura Pace on June 4, 2009. She was <strong>the</strong><br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r of Mark Pace ’80.<br />

Barbara G. Pacific on October 18, 2009. She<br />

was <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of Gregory D. Pacific ’00 and<br />

aunt of Bryon Gentile ’00.<br />

Pulie, Richard J. ’54 on November 26, 2009.<br />

He was <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of Richard J. Pulie ’79,<br />

Christopher S. Pulie ’91 and Thomas E. Pulie ’91.<br />

Richard F. quick ’49 on December 7, 2009.<br />

He was <strong>the</strong> bro<strong>the</strong>r of Alan J. quick ’49 and<br />

uncle of Ryan Lagano ’08.<br />

Jeremiah T. quigley ’47 on November 8, 2008.<br />

Michael R. Roman ’47 on September 17, 2009.<br />

Joseph St. Lawrence ’50 on October 7, 2009.<br />

He was <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of Joseph St. Lawrence<br />

Jr. ’75.<br />

Edgar T. See on September 7, 2009. He was<br />

<strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of Alexander (Sandy). See ’64 and<br />

Edmund (Ted) See ’61.<br />

Agnes Tortora on August 1, 2009. She was <strong>the</strong><br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r of Paul M. Tortora ’80 and Michael<br />

J. Tortora ’89. She was <strong>the</strong> grandmo<strong>the</strong>r of<br />

Carmen A. Tortora ’04, Alexander A. Tortora<br />

’10, Peter M. Finlay ’03, Paul D. Finlay ’08 and<br />

John J. McGuinness ’10, Paul M. Tortora ’08<br />

and Peter C. Tortora ’12.<br />

Mary Theresa Voytek on October 17, 2009.<br />

She was <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of Michael A. Voytek ’57.<br />

engagements<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w Brewster ’04 is engaged and is<br />

planning a wedding <strong>for</strong> May <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Kevin yurkerwich ’02 was recently<br />

engaged to Anne Murphy, sister of Tom<br />

Murphy ’05. The couple is planning to have<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir wedding next winter in <strong>Fairfield</strong>. They<br />

met in New York where <strong>the</strong>y have both lived<br />

since <strong>college</strong>. Kevin is pursuing a doctoral<br />

degree at Columbia University and Anne is<br />

an analyst at <strong>the</strong> Bank of Ireland.<br />

Weddings<br />

See weddings at right. .<br />

Jonathan D. Scott ’75 married his partner<br />

Michael McGill in Provincetown, MA in 2007.<br />

Timothy P. Tracy Jr.’99 and his fiancée Hilary<br />

married on June 6, 2009 in Darien, CT.<br />

Groomsmen at <strong>the</strong> ceremony included Randy<br />

DeMartino ’99, Mike Gentile ’99, Chris Kinney<br />

’99, Steve Kinney ’99, Kevin Kozlowski ’99 and<br />

Dave yurkerwich ’99.<br />

births<br />

Kevin J. Altieri ’00 — see staff page 35.<br />

Dr. Peter J. Bonitatibus Jr. ’89 and his wife<br />

Alexandra welcomed <strong>the</strong>ir second child<br />

Isabella Allessandra on April 7, 2009.<br />

James H Crowley iV ’94 and his wife Suzanne<br />

welcomed <strong>the</strong>ir daughter Reagan Sandra on<br />

July 11, 2009.<br />

Mark Dankowski ’87 and his wife Caroline<br />

welcomed <strong>the</strong>ir daughter Lauren Emme on<br />

July 23, 2009. Lauren joins big bro<strong>the</strong>rs Alex<br />

and Drew.<br />

Karl J. Ehrsam ’92 and his wife Mary Ellen<br />

welcome <strong>the</strong>ir son James Frederick Ehrsam<br />

on June 8, 2009.<br />

Collin Ely ’95 and his wife Cynthia welcomed<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir first child Lauren Paige on August 14, 2009.<br />

Kevin Luchun ’87 and his wife Kelli welcomed<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir first child Adelaide Mary on August 27, 2009.<br />

Vincent H. Massey iii ’96 and his wife Caitlin<br />

Brawley Massey welcomed <strong>the</strong>ir first child<br />

Vincent Connor Massey on August 26, 2009.<br />

nicholas Morello Jr. ’91 and his wife Andrea<br />

welcomed <strong>the</strong> birth of <strong>the</strong>ir first child Ave<br />

Grace on August 17, 2009<br />

Thomas w. Ostrosky ’82 and his wife welcomed<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w Raymond on August 12, 2009.<br />

Brendan M. Panda ’96 and his wife Paige<br />

welcomed <strong>the</strong>ir first child William Mickey<br />

on March 16, 2009.<br />

Dan Redgate ’96 and his wife Erin welcomed<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir first child Kathryn Redmond on August<br />

7, 2009.<br />

David M. Renzulli ’86 and his wife Kristin<br />

welcomed <strong>the</strong>ir daughter Reese Marion on<br />

August 10, 2009.<br />

Geoffrey R. Smull ’94 and his wife Nahomi<br />

welcomed <strong>the</strong>ir first child Koh on July 28,<br />

2009. Koh is a Japanese name which means<br />

to live a happy life.<br />

Yuhas Wedding<br />

Trevor Alex yuhas ’97 married Bridget<br />

Kathleen Chase on October 24, 2009. He is<br />

a 2001 graduate of Trinity College, where he<br />

earned a bachelor of arts degree. He has<br />

also earned a master of science degree<br />

from Towson University, and is currently<br />

enrolled in a doctoral degree program at<br />

Argosy University, Washington, D.C.<br />

Audino Wedding<br />

Bruce Audino ’97 was married on August 8th, 2009 to Carolyn Chang of Silver Spring,<br />

Maryland. He and his wife currently reside in New York City. Pictured are: Todd Smith<br />

’97 (groomsman), Charles Korchinski ’95, Geoffrey walsky ’97, John Moore ’97, Bruce<br />

Audino ’97 (groom), John Ehmann ’97 (groomsman), Sean Gleason ’97 (groomsman),<br />

Brian Dresch ’95, Robert Booth ’97, Kevin McKelvey ’96, Michael McKelvey ’97, David<br />

Marshall, Colin Gilbert ’97 (groomsman), and Robert Mpuku ’97.<br />

Shukie Wedding<br />

The wedding of Chris Shukie ’99 and Chelsea O’Brien took place on August 15, 2009<br />

in Chelsea’s hometown of Shelburne, VT. Members of <strong>the</strong> Prep family celebrating <strong>the</strong><br />

event were: (l-r): Bottom row: Steve Dudas ’99, Brian Shukie ’01 (best man and bro<strong>the</strong>r),<br />

Chris Shukie ’99 (groom), Jim Shukie ’68 (fa<strong>the</strong>r), John Shukie ’67 (uncle). Top row:<br />

Chris Maiorano ’99, Jeff Dobrydney ’99, Dave Dudas ’98, Colin Shukie ’06 (bro<strong>the</strong>r),<br />

George Petrokopoulos ’99, Kyle Shukie ’04 (bro<strong>the</strong>r), Rob walsh ’86.<br />

Lucke Wedding<br />

John Paul Lucke ’01 married Kathleen Barr on July 5, 2009 at St. Helena’s Church in<br />

Blue Bell, PA. Prep Alumni in attendance were Tom Grogan ’01 (groomsman), william<br />

Brazier ’01 (best man), Tim Lee ’04 and Patrick Kleps ’00.<br />

Zielinski Wedding<br />

Greg Zielinski ’01 married Lisa Conover of <strong>Fairfield</strong> on September 26, 2009. Prep alumni<br />

included (l-r): Jeff Zielinski ’96, Jim McGee ’01, Pete Lelek ’01, Greg Henesy ’01, Chris<br />

Swan ’01, Greg Zielinski ’01, Chris Mack ’01, Mike Lincoln ’01, Jeremy neigher ’01, and<br />

J.D. DeRosa ’01.<br />

Prep Today 33

Minnesota star<br />

Garrett Brown ’06, Captain of <strong>the</strong> University<br />

of Minnesota Football Team, was<br />

recently featured on <strong>the</strong> cover of two of<br />

that school’s publications. Gophers Coach<br />

Tim Brewster wrote to retired Prep Coach<br />

Rich Magdon: “I just want to thank you <strong>for</strong><br />

your assistance in <strong>the</strong> life of Garrett Brown<br />

and <strong>for</strong> helping him achieve his goals of attending a premiere<br />

<strong>college</strong> institution and playing football at one of <strong>the</strong> highest levels.”<br />

Garrett is expected to be a candidate in <strong>the</strong> NFL Draft.<br />

Mini reunion on <strong>the</strong> football field<br />

Salve Regina WNEC won 17 to 14 over Western New England College<br />

(WNEC). Pictured after <strong>the</strong> game are (l-r): Jake Haddon ’09, Marino Giuliano<br />

’08, Joseph Cicarella ’08, Michael Autore ’08, Connor Kelly ’09 and Greg<br />

Sweeney ’09. Cicarella plays <strong>for</strong> WNEC; Guiliano, Kelly, and Sweeney play<br />

<strong>for</strong> Salve Regina. Surprising <strong>the</strong> guys by showing up to watch <strong>the</strong> game were<br />

Tom Shea ’73 and Stonehill football players Mike Autore and Jake Haddon.<br />

Middlebury vs. Williams<br />

Peter Gruppo ’09 and Dave Damm ’07 (Middlebury) played against Conor<br />

Ryan ’08 and Pete Christiani ’09 (Williams). From left: Damm, Ryan,<br />

Christiani, Gruppo. ward Gruppo ’08 (far right) was visiting and cheering.<br />

34 Prep Today<br />

Alumni<br />

swimming<br />

on <strong>the</strong><br />

West Coast<br />

(L-r): Danny Platow ’07, Andrew Grinalds ’09, and Bart Platow ’09 at <strong>the</strong> University<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Pacific Invitational in Stockton, CA. Danny is a junior and Bart<br />

a freshman at Pacific. Dave Platow ’05 graduated from Pacific and was on<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir swim team <strong>for</strong> four years. Andrew is a freshman at Stan<strong>for</strong>d.<br />

Leave your mark on<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep<br />

has your fairfield Prep education been a major<br />

influence in your life?<br />

if so, you can have a significant impact on Prep in<br />

return. By making a bequest to fairfield Prep, you will<br />

help ensure that future students will be able to benefit<br />

from <strong>the</strong> distinctive education that made such a difference<br />

to you.<br />

<strong>the</strong> Prep Development office offers in<strong>for</strong>mation and<br />

assistance in creating an effective will and estate plan.<br />

such a plan can provide financial security to your family<br />

at <strong>the</strong> same time that it endorses and perpetuates<br />

fairfield Prep’s educational philosophy and programs.<br />

Please contact Bob Donahue, Director of Development,<br />

at (203) 254-4237 or rdonahue@fairfieldprep.org.<br />

Tom Corona ’07 in Seton Hall advertisement<br />

Tom Corona ’07, Cross Country and Track and Field, was recently featured in a<br />

Seton Hall Pirates sports ad <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> school. Younger bro<strong>the</strong>r Pat ’12 is a current<br />

sophomore Varsity Cross Country runner.

Alumni at Stam<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Business Breakfast<br />

Nick Perna ’60, renowned economist,<br />

spoke about <strong>the</strong> financial<br />

<strong>for</strong>ecast at a breakfast on October<br />

8, 2009 held at <strong>the</strong> Stam<strong>for</strong>d Hilton.<br />

Nick engaged <strong>the</strong> guests with his<br />

assesment of unemployment, interest<br />

rates, inflation, and <strong>the</strong> pros and cons<br />

of <strong>the</strong> weaker U.S. dollar. Attendees<br />

enjoyed <strong>the</strong> chance to reconnect<br />

with o<strong>the</strong>r alumni and network in <strong>the</strong><br />

in<strong>for</strong>mal setting.<br />

Entrepreneur’s Corner<br />

After a stint as an intern in 2007, ian Stanczyk ’02<br />

became Book of Odds’ first employee in January<br />

2008. At <strong>the</strong> time, it was no more than a crazy idea rattling<br />

round <strong>the</strong> head of its founder. On October 14, 2009,<br />

www.bookofodds.com — <strong>the</strong> world’s first reference <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> odds of everyday life was successfully launched. At<br />

its heart, Book of Odds hopes to change <strong>the</strong> way people<br />

evaluate risk and examine <strong>the</strong> world. It has been been featured in NPR, The<br />

New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal, to name a few. As part of <strong>the</strong><br />

company’s management team, Ian is responsible <strong>for</strong> strategy, marketing, and<br />

business development. Having read this, Ian suspects that much of <strong>the</strong> Prep<br />

community is now wondering, “Gee, what are <strong>the</strong> odds of that?”<br />

Boston Pine Street Inn day of service<br />

Prep alums came toge<strong>the</strong>r to prepare<br />

and serve over 200 meals to <strong>the</strong><br />

residents of <strong>the</strong> Pine Street Inn. The day<br />

gave Prep Alums <strong>the</strong> opportunity to work<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r to help those less <strong>for</strong>tunate.<br />

Following <strong>the</strong> work all were invited with<br />

family and friends to attend a mass<br />

celebrated by Fr. Jim Hederman, S.J. at<br />

<strong>the</strong> BC High Chapel.<br />

Msgr. Lawrence McMahon,<br />

a true “Man <strong>for</strong> O<strong>the</strong>rs”<br />

The Reverend Monsignor Lawrence<br />

J. McMahon ’45, retired pastor of St.<br />

Mark Church, Strat<strong>for</strong>d, entered eternal<br />

life December 15, 2009 at St. Vincent<br />

Medical Center, Bridgeport. Monsignor<br />

McMahon was born and raised in Bridgeport, attended St.<br />

Charles Grammar <strong>School</strong>, Warren Harding High <strong>School</strong> and<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> from which he graduated<br />

in 1945. He was a United States Army Quartermaster<br />

Corps veteran of World War II. After serving his country<br />

<strong>for</strong> two years, Lawrence entered St. Thomas Seminary in<br />

Bloomfield, and received his BA and M. Div. Degrees from<br />

St. Mary’s Seminary and University, in Baltimore, Md. He<br />

was ordained to <strong>the</strong> priesthood in 1955 by Bishop Lawrence<br />

J. Shehan at St. Augustine’s Ca<strong>the</strong>dral, Bridgeport. His first<br />

assignment was to St. Theresa’s Church, Trumbull where<br />

he served from 1955 to 1963. In 1963, he was appointed<br />

Spiritual Director of St. Joseph’s High <strong>School</strong>, with a residence<br />

at St. Joseph’s Church, Shelton. In 1966, he was<br />

named diocesan director of <strong>the</strong> Family Life Bureau, a position<br />

he held until his appointment as Pastor of St. Mark’s<br />

Church, Strat<strong>for</strong>d, where he served <strong>for</strong> 34 years.<br />

FAculty & StAFF<br />

In Memoriam<br />

Vijan Satasook on September 4, 2009. He was<br />

<strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r-in-law of Peter Sarawit, <strong>Fairfield</strong><br />

Prep’s Systems Administrator.<br />

Barbara Sousa on December 21,2009. She<br />

was <strong>the</strong> sister of Fr. william J. Eagan, S.J.<br />

congratulations<br />

Kevin J. Altieri<br />

’00, social studies<br />

teacher,<br />

and his wife,<br />

Tracey welcomed<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir<br />

first child Peter<br />

John on December 30, 2009. He is <strong>the</strong><br />

grandson of John Altieri ’64.<br />

Megan Hoover, English and Fine Arts<br />

Teacher, and husband Brian welcomed <strong>the</strong><br />

arrival of Leslie Jude Hoover on November<br />

19, 2009.<br />

Suzanne Tucci, Secretary in <strong>the</strong> Admissions<br />

Office, welcomed a granddaughter Gabriella<br />

Margaret on September 5, 2009.<br />

Gone fishing<br />

Kevin Lesko ’85 was fishing<br />

with light tackle in sou<strong>the</strong>rn<br />

New Jersey with<br />

children Maddie and<br />

Kyle when <strong>the</strong>y happened<br />

upon a number of three to<br />

five foot Bull and Sandbar sharks.<br />

Kaelyn getting<br />

acquainted<br />

with new<br />

sister Kacie.<br />

Kim Bernier, Secretary in <strong>the</strong> Guidance<br />

Department and Bob Bernier, Foreign Language<br />

Department Chair, welcomed <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

granddaughter Kacie Ann Darrin on Friday,<br />

October 23, 2009.<br />

Andrew Mancini, Assistant to <strong>the</strong> Housemasters,<br />

welcomed his grandson Andrew Allen<br />

Mancini on September 11, 2009.<br />

Jane O’Reilly, a faculty member in <strong>the</strong> Science<br />

Department, welcomed her first grandson<br />

Benjamin James Bradley on October 22, 2209.<br />

Prep Today 35


Nelson ’03 flying on “Wings of Gold”<br />

LTJG Jonathan R. nelson was<br />

awarded his “Wings of Gold”<br />

and designated a naval flight<br />

officer and air intercept controller<br />

in Norfolk, Va., on Sept. 30 by<br />

Rear Admiral R. J. O’Hanlon, commander,<br />

Naval Air Force Atlantic.<br />

LTJG Nelson began his aviation<br />

preflight indoctrination at Naval<br />

Aviation <strong>School</strong>s Command, at <strong>the</strong><br />

Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.<br />

He was selected <strong>for</strong> carrier<br />

aviation, continuing on to successfully complete Intermediate Student NFO<br />

Training. LTJG Nelson was <strong>the</strong>n assigned to <strong>the</strong> E-2 Hawkeye community,<br />

and transferred to <strong>the</strong> Naval Air Station in Norfolk <strong>for</strong> advanced training with<br />

Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 120.<br />

LTJG Nelson will be flying on <strong>the</strong> Hawkeye 2000 associated with Fleet<br />

E-2 Squadron VAW-117 (<strong>the</strong> “Wallbangers”), based at Point Magu, Calif., following<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r instruction at Norfolk.<br />

He graduated from Prep in 2003 and from <strong>the</strong> College of <strong>the</strong> Holy Cross<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Holy Cross NROTC Unit in 2007.<br />

36 Prep Today<br />

Jonathan with his parents, Marcia<br />

and Dick Nelson, and his bro<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

MIDN 1/C Ryan T. Nelson, College of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Holy Cross NROTC.<br />

Walsh ’82 promoted<br />

US Army officer Michael T. walsh ’82 was promoted<br />

to colonel at a ceremony in Murfreesboro, Tenn.,<br />

on Aug. 6. Brigadier General Max Haston, assistant<br />

adjutant general-Army, Tennessee National Guard, presided<br />

over <strong>the</strong> ceremony. He is a distinguished military<br />

graduate of Nor<strong>the</strong>astern University and subsequently<br />

earned advanced degrees from Troy State University<br />

and King’s College, London, England.<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e his current assignment as team chief <strong>for</strong> an advisory team<br />

headed to Iraq, he was professor of military science at Middle Tennessee<br />

State University in Murfreesboro. He has held numerous troop and staff<br />

assignments throughout his nearly 22 years on active duty.<br />

In September, he leads a 10-man advisory team to a base just south of<br />

Baghdad <strong>for</strong> a 12-month deployment. His team is charged with coaching and<br />

advising <strong>the</strong> leadership of an Iraqi Army division. Col. Walsh and his family<br />

live in Brentwood, Tenn.<br />

Marsan ’91 deployed<br />

National Guard Staff Sgt. nick Marsan ’91<br />

who works as a Westport firefighter and<br />

lives in Norwalk, is one of more than 1,000<br />

Connecticut soldiers and airmen who will<br />

leave <strong>for</strong> mobilization stations, where <strong>the</strong>y’ll<br />

be trained be<strong>for</strong>e shipping out to Afghanistan<br />

in early <strong>2010</strong>. It’ll be his first deployment<br />

overseas, although he served in <strong>the</strong> Army<br />

<strong>for</strong> nearly a decade in <strong>the</strong> 1990s. About three<br />

years ago, he joined <strong>the</strong> Guard with his bro<strong>the</strong>r “to kind of finish what I<br />

started,” he said.<br />

While it would be a lie to say he isn’t fearful at <strong>the</strong> prospect of going to<br />

war, Marsan said that fear “helps call us to action. I’m prepared and I’m<br />

staying focused.”<br />

He enjoys <strong>the</strong> camaraderie of <strong>the</strong> Guard, and <strong>the</strong> common dedication to<br />

each o<strong>the</strong>r and country, he said, adding that <strong>the</strong> typical reasons <strong>for</strong> enlisting<br />

have always been duty to country, state and fellow soldier.<br />

Rev. W. Laurence O’Neil, S.J.<br />

dies after 50 years of service<br />

For 50 years <strong>Fairfield</strong> University and<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep have been blessed<br />

with Fr. Larry O’Neil’s warm Irish<br />

humor, selfless devotion to <strong>the</strong> Jesuit<br />

mission, and utmost concern <strong>for</strong> students.<br />

He leaves a legacy of thousands of<br />

people whose lives he touched and often<br />

changed significantly through his priesthood<br />

and <strong>the</strong> several important positions<br />

he held on campus. He will be missed.<br />

Born in Westfield, Mass., and raised in Springfield, Fr. O’Neil<br />

followed in <strong>the</strong> path of three uncles when he entered <strong>the</strong> Society<br />

of Jesus in 1948. His first teaching assignment as a Jesuit in 1955<br />

was at <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep where he later said his Jesuit vocation was<br />

confirmed. After three years of teaching at Prep and working<br />

as <strong>the</strong> Assistant Athletic Director, Fr. O’Neil left <strong>for</strong> five years of<br />

Jesuit studies, returning to Prep as Dean of Students. After earning<br />

a master’s degree in Adolescent Psychology from <strong>Fairfield</strong><br />

University, he was asked to establish a <strong>for</strong>mal guidance program<br />

at <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep.<br />

In 1972 Fr. O’Neil was appointed Director of Career Counseling<br />

at <strong>Fairfield</strong> University where over a span of 15 years, he<br />

guided thousands of students as <strong>the</strong>y made <strong>the</strong> transition from<br />

<strong>the</strong> University into careers and lives of service. Many alumni<br />

kept in touch with him over <strong>the</strong> years, grateful <strong>for</strong> his impact.<br />

A one-year assignment in 1986 as Dean of Students, turned<br />

into seven, followed in 1993 with his appointment as International<br />

Student Adviser.<br />

In 1992, Fr. O’Neil’s sister, Eileen Stanley, and her husband,<br />

John, established <strong>the</strong> Rev. W. Laurence O’Neil, S.J. Scholarship to<br />

help students with financial need. It was especially gratifying to<br />

Fr. O’Neil who so often had expressed his concern <strong>for</strong> students<br />

who struggle financially.<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> University and <strong>the</strong> Alumni Association honored<br />

Fr. O’Neil in 2005 with <strong>the</strong> Alumni Service Award; <strong>the</strong> Office<br />

of Human Resources presented him in 2004 with <strong>the</strong> “Choice<br />

Award.” He was named to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep Hall of Fame in<br />

1981.<br />

Over <strong>the</strong> years, Fr. O’Neil worked in many parishes in <strong>the</strong><br />

Diocese of Bridgeport.<br />

At <strong>the</strong> time of his death he served as chaplain to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Fairfield</strong><br />

University alumni and athletic teams. As chaplain to alumni,<br />

he per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>the</strong>ir weddings and baptisms; he visited <strong>the</strong> sick<br />

and attended countless wakes and funerals. He was particularly<br />

effective in his position as chaplain to student athletes,<br />

and came to be well-loved by players, coaches, and <strong>the</strong> Athletic<br />

Department staff. His office in <strong>the</strong> Walsh Athletic Building was<br />

much frequented by those who sought his counsel. It should be<br />

a great consolation to all who mourn his loss that he found this<br />

last service to his beloved <strong>Fairfield</strong> <strong>the</strong> most fulfilling and personally<br />

satisfying of his long career here.<br />

For individuals who wish to make a gift to <strong>the</strong> University in Rev.<br />

O’Neill’s memory, <strong>the</strong>y may do so by giving to <strong>the</strong> Rev. W. Laurence<br />

O’Neill Scholarship Fund at <strong>Fairfield</strong> University c/o 1073 North Benson<br />

Road, <strong>Fairfield</strong>, CT 06824.

W e l c o M e t o t h e c l A S S o F 2 0 1 3<br />

Robert T. Abriola<br />

Tyler Albarran<br />

Thomas K. Allen<br />

Jakov Andelic V<br />

George H. Archer III<br />

Timothy J. Attolino Jr.<br />

Christopher E. Auray<br />

Brian K. Austin<br />

Jackson L. Aymar<br />

Henry S. Backe<br />

John R. Baekey<br />

Erik W. Baktis<br />

Scott P. Ball<br />

Grayson M. Barlow<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w B. Barnett<br />

Christopher N. Bastone<br />

Christopher G. Bayer<br />

Joshua P. Beaudoin<br />

Jake M. Beddoe<br />

David J. Bigley Jr.<br />

Thomas O. Black<br />

Cody B. Bond<br />

Max S. Bracchi<br />

Kieran P. Bracken<br />

Kevin T. Brown<br />

David K. Bruton<br />

Alexander W. Budinoff<br />

Timothy J. Butala<br />

Patrick J. Butler<br />

Nicholas A. Campalans<br />

James M. Campbell<br />

James P. Cannon<br />

Thomas J. Capalbo<br />

Andre R. Carrera<br />

Jed Edward H. Cartas<br />

Michael J. Carter<br />

Edward P. Casey<br />

Daniel M. Castorina<br />

Dante M. Cioffi<br />

Nikolas C. Cirillo<br />

Arizona State University<br />

Auburn University<br />

University of Alabama<br />

Ball State University<br />

Bowling Green State<br />

University<br />

Boston College<br />

Brown University<br />

Butler University<br />

Case Western Reserve<br />

University<br />

Catholic University<br />

Central Connecticut State<br />

University<br />

College of Charleston<br />

Connecticut College<br />

Richard F. Connington<br />

Patrick T. Connolly<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w F. Contino<br />

Christopher T. Conway<br />

William J. Coupe Jr.<br />

Daniel P. Coyle<br />

Kevin J. Culligan<br />

Daniel C. Cunn<br />

Thomas A. Cunningham<br />

William A. D’Amore<br />

Nicholas E. D’Elia<br />

Mitchell B. D’Eramo<br />

Jack A. Dardis<br />

Christopher L. Davis<br />

Jordan P. Dawe<br />

James P. De Felice<br />

Shamir I. Deida<br />

Jack E. Desilva<br />

Alexander M. Detres<br />

James Digennaro<br />

Anthony R. Dileo<br />

Charles S. Dodge<br />

Ethan A. Doerger<br />

Jake T. Donohue<br />

Dylan M. Duffy<br />

Timothy B. Edmonds<br />

Joseph J. Esposito<br />

Philip L. Fama<br />

Daniel J. Fea<strong>the</strong>rston<br />

Anthony S. Feher<br />

Christian R. Felner<br />

Liam M. Ferguson<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w P. Festa<br />

Evan C. Field<br />

Thomas L. Foerster III<br />

Troy A. Foreit<br />

Timothy M. Frassetto<br />

Paul J. Genco<br />

Gregory P. Gentile<br />

John R. Gepfert V<br />

University of Connecticut<br />

Creighton University<br />

Dartmouth College<br />

Drexel University<br />

Elmira College<br />

Embry Riddle Aeronautical<br />

Institute<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> University<br />

Florida Institute of<br />

Technology<br />

Fordham University<br />

Georgetown University<br />

George Mason University<br />

George Washington<br />

University<br />

Georgia Institute of<br />

Technology<br />

David F. Gerics<br />

Bryan M. Gerstenfeld<br />

Mark H. Giannini<br />

Owen J. Gibson<br />

Juan P. Giron<br />

Christopher K. Golger<br />

Tyler Gracon<br />

Joseph A. Grosso III<br />

William R. Haas<br />

John F. Hand<br />

Andrew G. Hatton<br />

Thomas J. Hatton<br />

Christopher Hauer<br />

Bradley Joseph Helt<br />

Aldaine J. Hemmings<br />

Connor R. Henry<br />

Sean P. Henry<br />

Dennis Hinds<br />

Michael R. Hoffman Jr.<br />

Bradley R. Holmes<br />

Myles W. Hoponick<br />

Aaron Huang<br />

Ryan F. Hurley<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w D. Janny<br />

Timothy R. Jeanneret<br />

Bretton A. Jervey<br />

Jonathan T. Johannes<br />

Conor T. Johnson<br />

Cody T. Jones<br />

Jason P. Kalinowski<br />

James M. Kavulich<br />

Christopher J. Kelly<br />

Connor M. Kelly<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w T. Kiernan<br />

Ryan J. King<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w A. Kingsbury<br />

Raymond A. Kingsbury<br />

Timothy J. Kleps<br />

Scott T. Knuth<br />

Austin F. Krauss<br />

Gettysburg College<br />

Gonzaga University<br />

University of Hart<strong>for</strong>d<br />

High Point University<br />

College of <strong>the</strong> Holy Cross<br />

University of Illinois<br />

University of Indiana<br />

Lafayette College<br />

Le Moyne College<br />

Loyola University of<br />

Maryland<br />

Loyola Marymount<br />

University<br />

Loyola University New<br />

Orleans<br />

James Madison University<br />

Elijah K. Langston<br />

Jean-Claude Le Meur<br />

Chung Hyun Lee<br />

Kevin H. Lee<br />

Steven J. Licari<br />

Jerrson R. Lim<br />

Quinn D. Lincoln<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w G. Logan<br />

Luke A. Loglisci<br />

Benjamin E. Longson<br />

James N. Lucchesi<br />

David L. Maloof II<br />

John D. Marsalisi<br />

Nicholas A. Martinez<br />

Nicholas J. Martucci<br />

James W. Marusi<br />

Christopher M. Masone<br />

Charles P. Mastoloni<br />

Brian P. McAvey<br />

Joseph R. McBride<br />

Connor M. McCann<br />

Terry J. McCarthy<br />

Stephen M. McCormick Jr.<br />

Timothy P. McGrath<br />

Thomas J. McHugh<br />

Jarvis M. McLaughlin<br />

John W. McPadden III<br />

Paul D. McPeake<br />

Gregory A. McTiernan<br />

Charles D. Meder<br />

Alvin Medina Jr.<br />

Christopher T. Meyer<br />

John T. Meyers<br />

Patrick J. Miles<br />

Kyle P. Mollo<br />

James V. Monroe<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w D. Montani<br />

Adam J. Montello<br />

Michael A. Muscato<br />

Ryan D. Muscato<br />

congratulations to <strong>the</strong> class of <strong>2010</strong> on your early acceptance to:<br />

University of Michigan<br />

Middlebury College<br />

Monmouth University<br />

Nor<strong>the</strong>astern University<br />

Ohio Wesleyan University<br />

Penn State University<br />

University of Pittsburgh<br />

Providence College<br />

Purdue University<br />

Queens University<br />

Quinnipiac University<br />

University of Rhode Island<br />

Roanoke College<br />

Rutgers University<br />

Saint Joseph’s University<br />

Jordan M. Namin<br />

Thienquoc N. Nguyen<br />

Giovanni V. Nicolia<br />

Jean Paul Noel<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w M. Noone<br />

Jack T. O’Leary<br />

Ryan W. Orvis<br />

Eddie W. Padilla<br />

Alexander P. Pagliaro<br />

Daniel C. Passarelli<br />

Bruce L. Peterkin III<br />

Timothy Q. Peterson<br />

Tony Pham<br />

Alexander H. Pinkus<br />

Stephen L. Price<br />

Christopher Pruden<br />

Craig J. Puffer<br />

Daniel D. Quatrella<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w J. Rahtelli<br />

Andres I. Ramos<br />

Daniel J. Ramos<br />

Parker J. Rand-Riccardi<br />

George Rauscher<br />

Jack T. Rende<br />

Peter M. Riley<br />

William Riley<br />

Blake P. Roberts<br />

Declan J. Rowley<br />

Aidan P. Rush<br />

Antonio E. Russell Jr.<br />

Dillon P. Ryan<br />

Kyle T. Ryan<br />

Armin Sami<br />

Joseph A. Sanfilippo III<br />

Markus J. Santiago<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w G. Sauder<br />

Richard J. Sekerak III<br />

John Nicholas P. Setaro<br />

Kyle T. Shea<br />

Kevin A. Shpunt<br />

St. Louis University<br />

St. Michael’s College<br />

Salve Regina University<br />

Santa Clara University<br />

United States Naval<br />

Academy<br />

University States Military<br />

Academy at West Point<br />

University States Merchant<br />

Marine Academy<br />

University of San Diego<br />

University of Scranton<br />

Siena College<br />

University of South<br />

Carolina<br />

Spring Hill College<br />

Michael P. Silano<br />

Christopher P. Stein<br />

William P. Steiner<br />

Tyler G. Stimpson<br />

Daniel P. Sullivan<br />

Kevin J. Sullivan<br />

Nicholas H. Sullivan<br />

Zachary T. Sullivan<br />

Christopher R. Sutay<br />

Shane B. Sutera<br />

Julian D. Taborda<br />

Aubrey W. Tan<br />

Nikhil R. Tasker<br />

William S. Thies II<br />

George M. Tricomi<br />

Austin M. Trotta<br />

Alexander N. Tumeniuk<br />

Thomas M. Turner IV<br />

Nicholas C. Vandervoorn<br />

Brian B. Velasquez<br />

Ezequiel Velazquez<br />

Thomas M. Velez<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w J. Villano<br />

Jordan M. Visosky<br />

Andrew C. Visser<br />

William V. Voss III<br />

Kyle S. Wallack<br />

Hugh M. Walshe<br />

Conor J. Ward<br />

Mark D. Watson<br />

Scott J. Weissman<br />

Carter L. White<br />

David White<br />

Tyler O. Wist<br />

Brandon Yep<br />

Devante R. Young<br />

Nicholas A. Zeleny<br />

Philip A. Zoppi<br />

Ryan D. Zsebik<br />

Stony Brook University<br />

Stonehill College<br />

SUNY Maritime<br />

Syracuse University<br />

University of Tampa<br />

Tulane University<br />

University of Vermont<br />

Villanova University<br />

Wake Forest University<br />

Western New England<br />

College<br />

Winthrop University<br />

Worcester Polytechnic<br />

University<br />

Yale University<br />

Xavier University<br />

Prep Today 37

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College<br />

Preparatory <strong>School</strong><br />

A Jesuit, Catholic <strong>School</strong> of Excellence<br />

1073 North Benson Road<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong>, CT 06824-5157<br />

www.fairfieldprep.org<br />

A Taste of Tuscany<br />

See our updated website at www.fairfieldprep.org<br />

Log on to our Online Alumni Community.<br />

Enter <strong>the</strong> code printed above your name.<br />

SAve <strong>the</strong> dAte!<br />

spring event May 1, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Italian Center of Stam<strong>for</strong>d<br />

1620 Newfield Ave., Stam<strong>for</strong>d, CT 06905<br />

Join us <strong>for</strong>…<br />

<strong>•</strong> Dinner and Dancing<br />

<strong>•</strong> Live and Silent Auction<br />

<strong>•</strong> $25,000 Special<br />

Tuition Raffle*<br />

Watch <strong>for</strong> invitations<br />

and register online<br />

in March at www.<br />

fairfieldprep.org/springevent<br />

check <strong>the</strong> prep website <strong>for</strong> updates: www.fairfieldprep.org/springevent<br />

great odds <strong>for</strong> a big win!<br />

<strong>Fairfield</strong> College Preparatory <strong>School</strong> is proud to present our<br />

$25,000 Tuition Raffle. The prize can be used <strong>for</strong> any K-12<br />

schools, <strong>college</strong>s or universities. The prize is to be paid<br />

directly to any K-12 schools, <strong>college</strong>s or universities. <strong>School</strong>s must<br />

be located and accredited in <strong>the</strong> U.S. Only 1,000 tickets will be sold<br />

at $100 per ticket. (500 tickets must be sold <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> raffle to proceed.<br />

If fewer than 500 tickets are sold, <strong>the</strong> raffle will be canceled<br />

and <strong>the</strong> ticket purchasers will receive a full refund.) Proceeds<br />

from <strong>the</strong> raffle will benefit <strong>the</strong> Scholarship and Student Enrichment<br />

Programs at <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep.<br />

The $25,000 Tuition Raffle drawing will be held at our Spring<br />

Event on Saturday, May 1, <strong>2010</strong> promptly at 11:00 P.M., Italian<br />

Center of Stam<strong>for</strong>d, 1620 Newfield Avenue, Stam<strong>for</strong>d, CT.<br />

Winning ticket holder need not be present to win.<br />

*Please call <strong>the</strong> Development Office at <strong>Fairfield</strong> Prep<br />

(203) 254-4237 <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

Non-Profit Org.<br />

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