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• ur<br />

24A<br />

Obituaries<br />

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City<br />

Phone (<br />

August 3, 1995<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

Kermeth S. Patton that tl.. DOugh! d co-op m La Grace M. Frizzell be made to, the MichIgan fabnc department at ne r.er:. ay, • \ 'H<br />

Petco« WIlS a pertaer lD r<br />

'VllI1~ Furs in Gros8e I<br />

Woods.<br />

Ue was a 1968 graduate r£<br />

~ High Scbool and a<br />

,;L912 graduate at Western<br />

"irbigan University<br />

~, Petd' joined his father's<br />

Jur businell8, which was<br />

.~ by his grandflltber Ul<br />

;L92O<br />

lJe was a member r£ the Detroit<br />

AtJ1let1c Club, !he IleaoIt<br />

~ves Asaociatlon, the Detroit<br />

Furners AB"O"i.tlOn and<br />

• Detroit Chapter eces<br />

CollectIbles and Sm<strong>all</strong>s For Your home<br />

19717 EASTNINE MU<br />

Sl. Oalr SIlOC'C'I<br />

Iltwn t-94 01: Harper<br />


L1,ander rUb parents Saturda), July 29, 1995, at the who died of a heart attack Mrs Smith IS survived b) Born In Detroit, Mrs Stoetzer<br />

at. John HllSpltal Ul Detroit FredrIck and Floren~ PetcotT Henn Ford Belmont Thur3da.y, July 27,1995, at St her husband John J (Jack) was a resjdfnt of Grosse<br />

.Barn Ul ~ova ScotJA Mr a s~ter Lu.i Sto\anQ\ Kh and ContlDumg Care Center In John Hospltalm. Detroit SlD.1th two d~ughters PatriCIa Pomte Woods<br />

Patton was a resldent a Grosse a brother Paul Petcoff' Harp~r Woods Born Ul Mount Clemens, Mr Conk1~ and Beverly Crand<strong>all</strong>, She was a member of th ..<br />

PQnte Park Arrangement.> ...ere made b~ Born In WasbJ.ngton, Mes TOUhcany was a resident of a son Thomas R SlD.1th 12 Cottage Hospital Auxlliar) , a<br />

A gnduate c{ Wayne Gnner the Hams Funeral Home 10 Fnzzell was a former l'eSldent Groase Powte Farms grandcluldren and five ~eat. former member of the Harper<br />

lIity and the Detro~t College of Det.rolt of Grosse POlIlte Shores He wu a hfetJme re&ldent of grandcbJ.ldre~ HospItal AUltlhary and a<br />

Law, he 'l\'as a retlred VIcepres- Memonal contnbutlOn;, ma) She attended bwmell8 a,,?,d Gro~se P01Dte, lo~ed and Interment IS at Resurrectlon member of Bonstelle<br />

ideDt ~ Natlonal Bank cf!)e. be made w the Peter Petcoff secretarial school 10 admired by hu; family and a Cemetery In Clinton Playhouse Theater<br />

trait. Educational Trust 1471 S Washmgton and held several host of mends at <strong>all</strong> walks of TownebJ.p Mrs Stoetzer was a b<strong>all</strong>et<br />

Mr. Patton was a member of Wood\\ard SUlte 110 Bloom Jobs 1!1 government 8el'Vlte life Arrangements were made by dancer and bowled In many<br />

the Michigan Bar Assooatlon field Hills. Mlch 4830'2 or to Mrs FrlueU WlUl a member Mr. Touscany was a the Wujek.-Calcaterra Funeral leagues<br />

Be ~ed gardemng the Amencan C=rer Founda. of the WIBC (bowhngl, Tn graduate of Georgetown Home She IS survived by her<br />

, Mr. Patton IS SUJ'V1ved by Ius tlOn PSI soronty and the Wom~n's Umversity and earned his Memonal contnbUtlons may husband, Robert H Stoetzer,<br />

wire, JaDet Patton, and ~o SlS- K--....a.L. A Michel AssoclatlOn at Groaae Pomte law ~egree froUl. the be made to the American three sons, Robert R, Paul H<br />

t.era, .Echth McWIlliams and c.llllCUl • (ongregatlo~ Church UmverSlty of Mldngan. Cancer Society or to St Jude and Gary K. Stoetz.er, and SIX<br />

Beatrice Smfr. Funeral 8el'V1Ces were held She eDJoyed garde~g, .He was a member .of the Children's Hospital grandchildren.<br />

IDterment IS at Whlte Chapel Tuesday, Aug 1, at St James bowhng, golf, ehma paw.Ung Miclugan Bar AssoCIation for Memonal cootnbutioDJI may<br />

Cemetery 1Il Troy Lutheran Church m Gresse and water color pamtlng. 50 years. P _...I Cath' be made to the MichIgan<br />

• Pointe Farms for Kenneth A Mrs Fnzzell is survived by Mr. Tou.seany served lD. e...1.1 enne League for Cnppled ChIldren,<br />

Bemice W. Lynch Michel, 92, who died Fnday, a daughter, :Mary E World War n 111 Incha, where Stoetzer 31606 Stncker Warren :Mich.<br />

Bernice W Lynch formerly July 28, 1995, at Bon Secoun 0 R 0 u r k e ; f 0 a r he was awarded the Soldier'. ServIces were held 48093 ' ,<br />

~ arc- Pointe W~ died HOSPItal UI the City of Grosse grandchildren; four great- :Medal for personal valor. He<br />

.IImIday July 24 1995 :n her Pointe grandchildren, a sister, ended his service as a ~<br />

,bame in" Ocqueoc' She ~ 77 Born in Gibsonburg, Oluo, Marthena Quell; and a in the U.S. Army Air Corps.<br />

Mrs. Lynch IS SUlVlved by:Mr Mum.el was a resident of brother, Charles Mehrlmg, He was a member of the<br />

her husband, Robert 0 Lynch; Grosse Pointe Farms. Sht' was predeceased by her Country Club of Detroit, the<br />

a daughter Mary; three BOIlS He att.mded the UmveI'Slty of htl&band, Walter R. Friuell, Detroit Athletic Club anti<br />

~ n, Demus ~ Terence' Michigan, WlUl a member of and a daughter, Grace numerous charitable<br />

five gnmdcbi'dren, and two ~ Delta Chi fraternity and Eleanor Howe. orgalUzations .<br />

.ten, ~nie CzerD18k and graduated with a bachelor's AlTangementB were made by Mr. Touaea.ny W<strong>all</strong> an<br />

,Fnmcee Wleleba. degree tn arclutecture the Chu Verheyden Inc executi v e wi th the<br />

Memorial aervx:es will take He was elected to Tau SJgIIl8 Funeral Home In Graue GoodbouseJt.eep Shops for 4()<br />

~ at a later date Delta honorary scholastic Pointe Park. yean.<br />

M'.emonal coatribuhcms tn8 society in archJ.teeture. In Memorial contributlcn$ may He 18 $\lI'Yived. by his wife,<br />

, be made to HollpiIle ~ ~ 1933, Mr. :Michel was awarded be made to Henry Ford Marion; tour llaughters,<br />

'Straits, Cheboygan, Mich. an architectural fellowship at Belmont Continuing Care Christine BlU'llDaId, Lorene<br />

F121. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Center, 19840 Harper, Harper H0l!e. Jean ~ler and<br />

He was an architect for Woods, :M1ch. 48225. EllUll.e TOu.aeaD1; a IOn.<br />

Detrort Edison for 40 years. Wilham John 1'ouscany; two<br />

:Mr. Michel was a member of • gremdehildren; two aiatere,<br />

the DetrOit chapter of the IUchard B. Paucell Donna Wilber4ing and<br />

American Institute of Private servICes were held Patricia Ho)w8Y; and a<br />

Arehitects and the Michigan Wednesday, Aug. 2, for brother, Jama L. Touaeany.<br />

&aety of Archl.tects Richard B. Purcell, 66, who Ammgement8 were mde by<br />

For 21 years, he was a trustee died Fnday, July 28, 1995, at the Chaar Verheyden Inc_<br />

of e scholarship foundation h:IS residence in Grosse Pointe Funeral Home in Grosse<br />

prOViding granta for Farms. Poiote Park.<br />

seminary stucieu.ts Born 1D Detroit, :Mr Purcell MemonaI CODtribut.ions may<br />

Mr. MI.I is BUl'V1ved.by a was a machinist in the tool be ma4e to the Det:roit PuIltic<br />

daughter,l'ulie Mitchell, two and die industry. Library, 5201 Wooclward,<br />

grandchildren: and a brother He enjoye4 sailiDi and Detn»t, MidI. 068202(Ir to the<br />

Carlos Michel. He was bwlcting mod.el e.irplanea and Sa.Jvatlon ~m1, ~6130<br />

predeeeaaed by his wife, boats. N0rthJ.an4. Drive. Sout;bf'iA!ll4,<br />

Thelma. YX. Purcell is survived by a MiQb. 48075.<br />

Burial serYlces were held daughter. Laura Purcell: a Im_...V S-ua..<br />

WOOnead.ay, Aug. 2, at the son. Matthew~, a sister, ~. ~<br />

North Union Cemetery in Catherine want; hi. f~r ~ ~ were.he4t<br />

____ .... 'J 1; • riff _"'eJJ ..~, at ~t,<br />

were made by his eompanion, Linda . Church<br />

t,IUi • Verhey~ Inc:. Greiner. hi'a; .... ,. ~<br />

Funeral Home in Grosse IntenDent i8 at Mount Olivet V. Smith, if., tI ,st. Clair<br />

Pointe Park. Cemetery in J)etroit. Sboret, • ~ ~1,<br />

Memorial contl'ihutiollll may Arrangements were ma4e by Jaly 28, ~, at St. I"<br />

be made to St. James Lutheran the AJL Peten FuneralIJome JIotpiAl iD ~<br />

Church, 170 Me<strong>Mil</strong>laD, GJ'osse in Grosse Pointe Woo4a. Born in ~, )In. Smith<br />

Pointe Park, Mich. 48236. Memorial contributions may Wlil a .~ iD t.he<br />

---5.2<br />

=-1l1li •••<br />

l L J( j j, , • I I<br />

,<br />

,. iiI J I L. j,l ,<br />

ReQRfl\eN &hould be the IIIOlit worry.free tune ~ your life lr may<br />

be, wuh lite help ~ c:arefl4 P,Iamung and SOW\d lI\Vestmg In JOHN<br />



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