De Benedictione Novi Ignis The Blessing of the ... - Pristine Classical

De Benedictione Novi Ignis The Blessing of the ... - Pristine Classical

De Benedictione Novi Ignis The Blessing of the ... - Pristine Classical


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<strong>De</strong> <strong>Benedictione</strong> <strong>Novi</strong> <strong>Ignis</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Blessing</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> New Fire<br />

HYMNUS (1/4)<br />

Inventor rutili, dux bone, luminis,<br />

qui certis vicibus tempora dividis,<br />

merso sole chaos ingruit horridum,<br />

lucem redde tuis, Christe, fidelibus.<br />

Quamvis innumero sidere regiam<br />

lunarique polum lampade pinxeris,<br />

incussu silicis lumina nos tamen<br />

monstras saxigeno semine quaerere.<br />

Ne nesciret homo spem sibi luminis<br />

in Christi solido corpore conditam,<br />

qui dici stabilem se voluit petram,<br />

nostris igniculis unde genus venit.<br />

Splendent ergo tuis muneribus, Pater,<br />

flammis nobilibus scilicet atria,<br />

absentemque diem lux agit aemula,<br />

quam nox cum lacero victa fugit peplo.<br />

V. Dominus vobiscum.<br />

R. Et cum spiritu tuo.<br />

ORATIO<br />

Oremus. <strong>De</strong>us, qui per Filium tuum,<br />

angularem scilicet lapidem, claritatis tuae<br />

ignem fidelibus contulisti: productum e<br />

silice, nostris pr<strong>of</strong>uturum usibus, novum<br />

hunc ignem sanctifica: et concede nobis,<br />

ita per haec festa paschalia caelestibus<br />

desideriis inflammari; ut ad perpetuae<br />

claritatis, puris mentibus, valeamus festa<br />

pertingere. Per eundem Christum Dominum<br />

nostrum.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>Benedictione</strong> Cerei Paschalis<br />

Christus heri et hodie<br />

Principium et Finis<br />

Alpha<br />

et Omega<br />

Ipsius sunt tempora<br />

et saecula<br />

Ipsi gloria et imperium<br />

Per universa aeternitatis saecula. Amen.<br />

HYMN<br />

Creator <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> glowing light who kindly<br />

leadest us on, <strong>the</strong> seasons change according<br />

to thy holy will. Now <strong>the</strong> day<br />

goes to rest,and darkness threatens. Give,<br />

o Christ, light to those who follow <strong>the</strong>e.<br />

Stars untold shine on thy heavenly castle,<br />

And <strong>the</strong> earth is adorned by <strong>the</strong> moon's<br />

consoling light. Yet thou bidst us stir up<br />

glowing flames by <strong>the</strong> pebble-stone's<br />

strength, from seed hidden in <strong>the</strong> rock.<br />

But man's hope to gain <strong>the</strong> light, we<br />

know, can only be fulfilled in <strong>the</strong> promise<br />

<strong>of</strong> Christ. He is <strong>the</strong> rock that never can<br />

be shaken. From him must come <strong>the</strong><br />

light divine.<br />

By thy gifts, o heavenly Fa<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

<strong>The</strong> whole <strong>of</strong> thy creation is aglow,<br />

By <strong>the</strong> glory <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> day's light<br />

That conquers <strong>the</strong> darkness <strong>of</strong> night.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord be with you.<br />

And with you.<br />

PRAYER<br />

Let us pray. O God, who by thy Son, <strong>the</strong><br />

corner-stone, didst convey to thy faithful<br />

<strong>the</strong> fire <strong>of</strong> thy glory: sanctify this<br />

new fire, produced from <strong>the</strong> flint and<br />

destined for our service. Grant us,<br />

through this Easter festival, to be so<br />

inflamed with heavenly desires, that we<br />

may come with minds made pure to <strong>the</strong><br />

festival <strong>of</strong> thy undying radiance: through<br />

<strong>the</strong> same Christ our Lord.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Blessing</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Paschal Candle<br />

Christ yesterday and today,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Beginning <strong>of</strong> all things and <strong>the</strong>ir End,<br />

Alpha<br />

and Omega.<br />

All time belongs to him,<br />

and all <strong>the</strong> ages;<br />

to him be glory and dominion<br />

for all eternity, world without end. Amen.

Per sua sancta vulnera<br />

gloriosa<br />

custodiat<br />

et conservet nos<br />

Christus Dominus. Amen.<br />

Lumen Christi gloriose resurgentis<br />

Dissipet tenebras cordis et mentis.<br />

V. Dominus vobiscum.<br />

R. Et cum spiritu tuo.<br />

ORATIO<br />

Oremus. Veniat, quaesumus, omnipotens<br />

<strong>De</strong>us, super hunc incensum cereum larga<br />

tuae benedictionis infusio: et hunc nocturnum<br />

splendorem invisibilis regenerator<br />

intende, ut non solum sacrificium,<br />

quod hac nocte litatum est, arcana luminis<br />

tui admixtione refulgeat; sed in quocumque<br />

loco ex huius sanctificationis<br />

mysterio aliquid fuerit deportatum, expulsa<br />

diabolicae fraudis nequitia, virtus<br />

tuae maiestatis assistat. Per Christum,<br />

Dominum nostrum.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

<strong>De</strong> Solemni Processione<br />

et de Praeconio Paschali<br />

I. STATIO<br />

Lumen Christi.<br />

<strong>De</strong>o gratias.<br />

II. STATIO<br />

Lumen Christi.<br />

<strong>De</strong>o gratias.<br />


Lumen Christi.<br />

<strong>De</strong>o gratias.<br />


Exsultet iam Angelica turba caelorum:<br />

exsultent divina mysteria: et pro tanti<br />

Regis victoria, tuba insonet salutaris.<br />

Gaudeat et tellus tantis irradiata fulgoribus:<br />

et aeterni Regis splendore illustrata,<br />

totius orbis se sentiat amisisse<br />

caliginem. Laetetur et mater Ecclesia,<br />

tanti luminis adornata fulgoribus: et<br />

magnis populorum vocibus haec aula<br />

By his holy<br />

and glorious wounds<br />

may Christ <strong>the</strong> Lord<br />

guard<br />

and keep us. Amen.<br />

May <strong>the</strong> light <strong>of</strong> Christ rising in glory<br />

Scatter <strong>the</strong> darkness <strong>of</strong> our heart and<br />

mind.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord be with you.<br />

And with you.<br />

PRAYER<br />

Let us pray. Upon this lighted candle let<br />

thy abundant blessing be poured forth,<br />

we beseech <strong>the</strong>e, almighty God. Unseen<br />

giver <strong>of</strong> new life, turn thy gaze upon this<br />

nocturnal flame. Let <strong>the</strong> atoning sacrifice<br />

<strong>of</strong>fered up this night glow with <strong>the</strong><br />

mysterious reflection <strong>of</strong> thy own light;<br />

and wheresoever any portion <strong>of</strong> this<br />

mystical holy fire is carried, <strong>the</strong>re let <strong>the</strong><br />

power <strong>of</strong> thy majesty be present and<br />

Satan's guile be driven away: through<br />

Christ our Lord.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Procession and Exsultet<br />

I st STATION<br />

<strong>The</strong> light <strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />

Thanks be to God.<br />

II"d STATION<br />

<strong>The</strong> light <strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />

Thanks be to God.<br />

IlI'd STATION<br />

<strong>The</strong> light <strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />

Thanks be to God.<br />


Now let <strong>the</strong> angelic heavenly choirs exult;<br />

let joy pervade <strong>the</strong> unknown beings who<br />

surround God's throne; and let <strong>the</strong><br />

trumpet <strong>of</strong> salvation sound <strong>the</strong> triumph<br />

<strong>of</strong> this mighty King. Let earth, too, be<br />

joyful, in <strong>the</strong> radiance <strong>of</strong> this great<br />

splendour. Enlightened by <strong>the</strong> glory <strong>of</strong><br />

her eternal King, let her feel that from<br />

<strong>the</strong> whole round world <strong>the</strong> darkness

esultet. Quapropter adstantes vos, fratres<br />

carissimi, ad tam miram huius sancti<br />

luminis claritatem, una mecum, quaeso,<br />

<strong>De</strong>i omnipotentis misericordiaminvocate.<br />

Ut, qui me non meis meritis intra Levitarum<br />

numerum dignatus est aggregare:<br />

luminis sui claritatem infundens, cerei<br />

huius laudem implere perficiat. Per Dominum<br />

nostrum Iesum Christum, Filium<br />

tuum: Qui cum eo vivit et regnat in<br />

unitate Spiritus Sancti <strong>De</strong>us:<br />

V. Per omnia saecula saeculorum.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

V. Dominus vobiscum.<br />

R. Et cum spiritu tuo.<br />

V. Sursum corda.<br />

R. Habemus ad Dominum.<br />

V. Gratias agamus Domino <strong>De</strong>o nostro.<br />

R. Dignum et iustum est.<br />

Vere dignum et iustum est, invisibilem<br />

<strong>De</strong>um Patrem omnipotentem Filiumque<br />

eius unigenitum, Dominum nostrum Iesum<br />

Christum, toto cordis ac mentis<br />

affectu et vocis ministerio personare. Qui<br />

pro nobis aeterno Patri Adae debitum<br />

solvit: et veteris piaculi cautionem pio<br />

cruore detersit. Haec sunt enim festa<br />

paschalia, in quibus verus ille Agnus<br />

occiditur, cuius sanguine postes fidelium<br />

consecrantur.<br />

Haec nox est, in qua primum patres<br />

nostros, filios Israel eductos de Aegypto,<br />

mare Rubrum sicco vestigio transire<br />

fecisti. Haec igitur nox est, quae peccatorum<br />

tenebras columnae illuminatione<br />

purgavit. Haec nox est, quae hodie per<br />

universum mundum in Christo credentes,<br />

a vitiis saeculi et caligine peccatorum<br />

segregates, reddit gratiae, sociat sanctitati.<br />

Haec nox est, in qua, destructis vinculis<br />

mortis, Christus ab inferis victor ascendit.<br />

Nihil enim nobis nasci pr<strong>of</strong>uit, nisi redimi<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>uisset. O mira circa nos tuae pietatis<br />

dignatio! O inaestimabilis dilectio caritatis:<br />

ut servum redimeres, Filium tradidisti!<br />

O certe necessarium Adae peccatum,<br />

quod Christi morte deletum est! O<br />

felix culpa, quae talem ac tantum meruit<br />

habere Redemptorem!<br />

has been lifted. Let mo<strong>the</strong>r Church likewise<br />

rejoice, wearing <strong>the</strong> radiance <strong>of</strong> this<br />

great Light; let this temple echo with<br />

<strong>the</strong> multitude's full-throated song. <strong>De</strong>ar<br />

brethren who are present at this wondrous<br />

lighting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> holy flame, I pray<br />

you join with me and invoke <strong>the</strong> mercy<br />

<strong>of</strong> almighty God, that he who, not for<br />

any merit <strong>of</strong> mine, had deigned to<br />

number me among his Levites, may shed<br />

his own bright light upon me and enable<br />

me to glorify with perfect praise this<br />

candle! through our Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

his Son, who is God, living and reigning<br />

with him in <strong>the</strong> unity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit:<br />

For ever and ever.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord be with you.<br />

And with you.<br />

Let us lift up our hearts.<br />

We lift <strong>the</strong>m up to <strong>the</strong> Lord.<br />

Let us give thanks to <strong>the</strong> Lord our God.<br />

That is just and fitting.<br />

Just it is indeed and fitting, with all <strong>the</strong><br />

ardour <strong>of</strong> our heart and mind and with<br />

<strong>the</strong> service <strong>of</strong> our voice, to hymn God,<br />

<strong>the</strong> invisible almighty Fa<strong>the</strong>r, and his<br />

only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

who repaid Adam's debt for us to his<br />

eternal Fa<strong>the</strong>r, and with his dear blood<br />

wiped out <strong>the</strong> penalty <strong>of</strong> that ancient sin.<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> paschal feast wherein is slain<br />

<strong>the</strong> true Lamb whose blood hallows <strong>the</strong><br />

doorposts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> faithful.<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> night on which thou didst<br />

first cause our forefa<strong>the</strong>rs, <strong>the</strong> sons <strong>of</strong><br />

Israel, in <strong>the</strong>ir passage out <strong>of</strong> Egypt, to<br />

pass dry-shod over <strong>the</strong> Red Sea. This is<br />

<strong>the</strong> night which purged away <strong>the</strong> blackness<br />

<strong>of</strong> sin by <strong>the</strong> light <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fiery pillar.<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> night which at this hour<br />

throughout <strong>the</strong> world restores to grace<br />

and yokes to holiness those who believe<br />

in Christ, detaching <strong>the</strong>m from worldly<br />

vice and all <strong>the</strong> murk <strong>of</strong> sin.<br />

On this night Christ burst <strong>the</strong> bonds <strong>of</strong><br />

death and rose victorious from <strong>the</strong> grave.<br />

Without redemption, life itself had been<br />

no boon. How wonderful <strong>the</strong> condescension<br />

<strong>of</strong> thy mercy towards us; how far<br />

beyond all reckoning thy loving-kindness!<br />

To ransom thy slave, thou gavest<br />

up thy Son! O truly necessary sin <strong>of</strong><br />

Adam, that Christ's death blotted out;<br />

and happy fault, that merited such a<br />


O vera beata nox, quae sola meruit scire<br />

tempus et horam, in qua Christus ab<br />

inferis resurrexit! Haec nox est, de qua<br />

scriptum est: Et nox sicut dies illuminabitur:<br />

Et nox illuminatio mea in deliciis<br />

meis. Huius igitur sanctificatio noctis<br />

fugat scelera, culpas lavat: et reddit<br />

innocentiam lapsis et moestis laetitiam.<br />

Fugat odia, concordiam parat, et curvat<br />

imperia.<br />

In huius igitur noctis gratia, suscipe,<br />

sancte Pater, incensi huius sacrificium<br />

vespertinum: quod tibi in hac cerei<br />

oblatione solemni, per ministrorum manus<br />

de operibus apum, sacrosancta reddit<br />

Ecclesia. Sed iam columnae huius praeconia<br />

novimus, quam in honorem <strong>De</strong>i<br />

rutilans ignis accendit. Qui licet sit<br />

divisus in partes, mutuati tamen luminis<br />

detrimenta non novit. Alitur enim liquantibus<br />

ceris, quas in substantiam pretiosae<br />

huius lampadis, apis mater eduxit. O vere<br />

beata nox, quae exspoliavit Aegyptios,<br />

ditavit Hebraeos! Nox, in qua terrenis<br />

caelestia, humanis divina iunguntur.<br />

Oramus ergo te, Domine: ut cereus iste<br />

in honorem tui nominis consecratus, ad<br />

noctis huius caliginem destruendam, indeficiens<br />

perseveret. Et in odorem suavitatis<br />

acceptus, supernis luminaribus misceatur.<br />

Flammas eius lucifer matutinus<br />

inveniat. Ille, inquam, lucifer, qui nescit<br />

occasum. Ille, qui regressus ab inferis,<br />

humano generi serenus illuxit.<br />

Precamur ergo te, Domine: ut nos famulos<br />

tuos, omnemque clerum, et devotissimum<br />

populum: una cum beatissimo<br />

Papa nostro et Antistite nostro, quiete<br />

temporum concessa, in his paschalibus<br />

gaudiis, assidua protectione regere, gubernare<br />

et conservare digneris. Respice etiam<br />

ad eos, qui nos in potestate regunt, et,<br />

ineffabili pietatis et misericordiae tuae<br />

munere, dirige cogitationes eorum ad<br />

iustitiam et pacem, ut de terrena operositate<br />

ad caelestem patriam perveniant<br />

cum omni populo tuo. Per eundem<br />

Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum,<br />

Filium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat<br />

in unitate Spiritus Sancti <strong>De</strong>us: per<br />

omnia saecula saeculorum.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

Blessed indeed is this, <strong>the</strong> sole night<br />

counted worthy to know <strong>the</strong> season and<br />

<strong>the</strong> hour in which Christ rose again from<br />

<strong>the</strong> grave. It is this night <strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong><br />

scripture says: And <strong>the</strong> night shall be<br />

bright as day. And <strong>the</strong> night shall light<br />

up my joy. By this night's holiness crime<br />

is banished, and sin washed away; innocence<br />

is restored to <strong>the</strong> fallen, and gladness<br />

to <strong>the</strong> sorrowful. It drives forth<br />

hate, brings peace, and humbles tyranny.<br />

In thanksgiving for this night, <strong>the</strong>n, holy<br />

Fa<strong>the</strong>r, receive <strong>the</strong> evening sacrifice <strong>of</strong><br />

this flame, which Holy Church, by <strong>the</strong><br />

hands <strong>of</strong> her ministers, renders to <strong>the</strong>e<br />

in <strong>the</strong> solemn <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>of</strong> this wax candle<br />

wrought by bees. For now we see <strong>the</strong><br />

splendour <strong>of</strong> this column, kindled to <strong>the</strong><br />

glory <strong>of</strong> God from shining flame. A<br />

flame which though it be divided into<br />

parts, yet suffers no loss <strong>of</strong> light, being<br />

fed from <strong>the</strong> evermelting wax that <strong>the</strong><br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r-bee brought forth to form <strong>the</strong><br />

substance <strong>of</strong> this precious candle. Blessed<br />

indeed is <strong>the</strong> night, which despoiled <strong>the</strong><br />

Egyptians and enriched <strong>the</strong> Hebrews!<br />

<strong>The</strong> night on which heaven is wedded<br />

to earth, <strong>the</strong> things <strong>of</strong> God to those <strong>of</strong><br />

manl<br />

We, <strong>the</strong>refore, pray <strong>the</strong>e, Lord, that this<br />

candle, hallowed in honour <strong>of</strong> thy name,<br />

may continue unfailingly to scatter <strong>the</strong><br />

darkness <strong>of</strong> this night. May it be received<br />

as a sweet fragrance, and mingle<br />

with <strong>the</strong> lights <strong>of</strong> heaven. May <strong>the</strong> morning-star<br />

find its flame alight, that Morning-Star<br />

which knows no setting, which<br />

came back from limbo and shed its clear<br />

light upon mankind.<br />

We pray <strong>the</strong>e, Lord, to grant us a season<br />

<strong>of</strong> peace at this time <strong>of</strong> Easter gladness.<br />

<strong>De</strong>ign to preserve us thy servants, and<br />

all <strong>the</strong> clergy and faithful people, toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

with our most blessed Pope N.,<br />

and our Bishop N. Guide and keep <strong>the</strong>m<br />

all under thy continual protection:<br />

through <strong>the</strong> same Jesus Christ thy Son,<br />

our Lord, who is God, living and reigning<br />

with <strong>the</strong>e in <strong>the</strong> unity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy<br />

Spirit for ever.<br />


HYMNUS (5/7)<br />

O res digna, Pater, quam tibi roscidae<br />

noctis principio grex tuus <strong>of</strong>ferat,<br />

lucem, qua tribuis nil pretiosius,<br />

lucem, qua reliqua praemia cernimus!<br />

Per Christum genitum, summe Pater,<br />

tuum,<br />

in quo visibilis stat tibi gloria,<br />

qui noster Dominus, qui tuus unicus<br />

spirat de patrio corde Paraclitum;<br />

Per quern splendor, honor, laus, sapientia,<br />

maiestas, bonitas et pietas tua<br />

regnum continuat numine triplici,<br />

texens perpetuis saecula saeculis.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

<strong>De</strong> Lectionibus<br />

II. LECTIO<br />

(2 Ex. 14,24—31; 15,1)<br />

In diebus illis: Factum est in vigilia matutina,<br />

et ecce respiciens Dominus super<br />

castra Aegyptiorum per columnam ignis<br />

et nubis, interfecit exercitum eorum: et<br />

subvertit rotas curruum, ferebanturque<br />

in pr<strong>of</strong>undum. Dixerunt ergo Aegyptii:<br />

»Fugiamus Israelem: Dominus enim pugnat<br />

pro eis contra nos.« Et ait Dominus ad<br />

Moysen: »Extende manum tuam super<br />

mare, ut revertantur aquae ad Aegyptios<br />

super currus et equites eorum.« Cumques<br />

extendisset Moyses manum contra mare,<br />

reversum est primo diluculo ad priorem<br />

locum: fugientibusque Aegyptiis occurrerunt<br />

aquae, et involvit eos Dominus in<br />

mediis fluctibus. Reversaeque sunt aquae,<br />

et operuerunt currus, et equites cuncti<br />

exercitus Pharaonis, qui sequentes ingressi<br />

fuerant mare: nec unus quidem<br />

superfuit ex eis. Filii autem Israel perrexerunt<br />

per medium sicci maris, et aquae<br />

eis erant quasi pro muro a dextris et a<br />

sinistris: liberavitque Dominus in die<br />

ilia Israel de manu Aegyptiorum. Et viderunt<br />

Aegyptios mortuos super littus<br />

maris, et manum magnam, quam exercuerat<br />

Dominus contra eos: timuitque<br />

populus Dominum, et crediderunt Domino<br />

et Moysi, servo eius. Tunc cecinit<br />

Moyses et filii Israel carmen hoc Domino,<br />

et dixerunt:<br />


(2 Ex. 15,1-2)<br />

Cantemus Domino: gloriose enim honorificatus<br />

est: equum et ascensorem proiecit<br />

in mare: adiutor et protector factus<br />

est mihi in salutem.<br />

HYMN<br />

No sacrifice, o Fa<strong>the</strong>r, could be more<br />

worthy than this our <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>of</strong> light in<br />

<strong>the</strong> early morn, <strong>of</strong> light, <strong>the</strong> most precious<br />

<strong>of</strong> thy gifts, <strong>of</strong> light which reveals all thy<br />

blessings to man.<br />

Through Christ, thy Son, o heavenly<br />

Fa<strong>the</strong>r, visible image <strong>of</strong> thy glory,<br />

through our Lord, <strong>the</strong> only begotten<br />

who in unity with <strong>the</strong>e brea<strong>the</strong>s <strong>the</strong><br />

Spirit unspeakably holy.<br />

Through him thou rulest <strong>the</strong> kingdom<br />

in splendour and wisdom and majesty,<br />

O Triune God, in <strong>the</strong> course <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ages,<br />

through all eternity.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> first turn <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> record<br />

From <strong>the</strong> Lessons<br />

It was already <strong>the</strong> first watch <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> morning,<br />

when suddenly, through <strong>the</strong> pillar<br />

<strong>of</strong> fire and mist, <strong>the</strong> Lord looked down<br />

upon <strong>the</strong> Egyptians, and brought <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

army to its doom. He turned <strong>the</strong> wheels<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir chariots aside, so that <strong>the</strong>y drove<br />

through deep places. And <strong>the</strong> Egyptians<br />

began to say, Back, back! <strong>The</strong>re is no<br />

facing Israel; <strong>the</strong> Lord is fighting on<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir side against us. <strong>The</strong>n <strong>the</strong> Lord said<br />

to Moses, Stretch out thy hand over <strong>the</strong><br />

sea, so that its waters shall recoil on <strong>the</strong><br />

Egyptians, on all <strong>the</strong>ir chariots and <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

horsemen. And when Moses stretched<br />

out his hand towards <strong>the</strong> sea, at early<br />

dawn, it went back to its bed, so that its<br />

waters met <strong>the</strong> Egyptians in <strong>the</strong>ir flight,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Lord drowned <strong>the</strong>m amid <strong>the</strong><br />

waters. Back came <strong>the</strong> water, overwhelming<br />

all <strong>the</strong> chariots and horsemen<br />

<strong>of</strong> Pharao's army that had entered <strong>the</strong><br />

sea in <strong>the</strong>ir pursuit; not a man escaped.<br />

But <strong>the</strong> sons <strong>of</strong> Israel made <strong>the</strong>ir way<br />

through <strong>the</strong> midst <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sea where it<br />

had parted, its waters towering like a<br />

wall to right and left. So <strong>the</strong> Lord rescued<br />

Israel that day from <strong>the</strong> assault <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Egyptians and when <strong>the</strong>y saw <strong>the</strong> dead<br />

Egyptians washed up on <strong>the</strong> shore, and<br />

<strong>the</strong> great defeat <strong>the</strong> Lord had inflicted<br />

upon <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong> people learned to fear<br />

<strong>the</strong> Lord, putting <strong>the</strong>ir trust in him and<br />

in his servant Moses. <strong>The</strong>n Moses and<br />

<strong>the</strong> Israelites sang praises to <strong>the</strong> Lord,<br />

and this was <strong>the</strong>ir song:<br />


A psalm for <strong>the</strong> Lord, so great is he and<br />

so glorious; horse and rider hurled into<br />

<strong>the</strong> sea! He is my helper and protector<br />

and has brought me deliverance.<br />

Shall I not praise him, my own God;

V. Hie <strong>De</strong>us meus, et honorabo eum:<br />

<strong>De</strong>us patris mei, et exaltabo eum.<br />

V. Dominus conterens bella: Dominus<br />

nomen est illi.<br />

Oremus.<br />

V. Flectamus genua.<br />

R. Levate.<br />

ORATIO<br />

<strong>De</strong>us, cuius antiqua miracula etiam nostris<br />

saeculis coruscare sentimus: dum,<br />

quod uni populo, a persecutione Aegyptica<br />

liberando, dexterae tuae potentia contulisti,<br />

id in salutem gentium per aquam<br />

regenerationis operaris: praesta; ut in<br />

Abrahae filios, et in Israeliticam dignitatem,<br />

totius mundi transeat plenitudo. Per<br />

Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum,<br />

Filium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat<br />

in unitate Spiritus Sancti <strong>De</strong>us: per omnia<br />

saecula saeculorum.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

<strong>De</strong> Prima Parte Litaniarum<br />

Kyrie, eleison.<br />

Christe, eleison.<br />

Kyrie, eleison.<br />

Christe, audi nos.<br />

Christe, exaudi nos.<br />

Pater de caelis, <strong>De</strong>us, miserere nobis.<br />

Fili, Redemptor mundi, <strong>De</strong>us,<br />

miserere nobis.<br />

Spiritus Sancte, <strong>De</strong>us, miserere nobis.<br />

Sancta Trinitas, unus <strong>De</strong>us,<br />

miserere nobis.<br />

Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancta <strong>De</strong>i Genitrix, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancta Virgo virginum, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Michael, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Gabriel, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Raphael, ora pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli,<br />

orate pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti beatorum Spirituum<br />

ordines, orate pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Ioannes Baptista, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Ioseph, ora pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Patriarchae et Prophetae,<br />

orate pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Petre, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Paule, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Andrea, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Ioannes, ora pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Apostoli et Evangelistae,<br />

orate pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Discipuli Domini,<br />

orate pro nobis.<br />

shall I not extol him, <strong>the</strong> God <strong>of</strong> my<br />

fa<strong>the</strong>r before me?<br />

He is <strong>the</strong> Lord that destroys wars: <strong>the</strong><br />

Lord is his name.<br />

Let us pray.<br />

Let us kneel.<br />

Arise.<br />

PRAYER<br />

O God, we behold thy ancient miracles<br />

shining even in our own day, for that<br />

salvation which <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> thy right<br />

hand conferred upon one people, delivering<br />

<strong>the</strong>m from Egyptian persecution,<br />

thou dost now accomplish for all nations<br />

by means <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> water <strong>of</strong> spiritual rebirth.<br />

Grant that <strong>the</strong> whole world may<br />

join <strong>the</strong> ranks <strong>of</strong> Abraham's descendants<br />

and share <strong>the</strong> prerogative <strong>of</strong> Israel:<br />

Through Jesu Christ, thy Son, our Lord<br />

who is God, living and reigning with <strong>the</strong>e<br />

in <strong>the</strong> unity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> selfsame Holy Spirit,<br />

world without end. Amen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> First Part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Litanies<br />

Lord, have mercy.<br />

Christ, have mercy.<br />

Lord, have mercy.<br />

Christ, hear us.<br />

Christ, hear and heed us.<br />

God <strong>the</strong> heavenly Fa<strong>the</strong>r, have mercy<br />

on us.<br />

God <strong>the</strong> Son, Redeemer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world,<br />

have mercy on us.<br />

God <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.<br />

Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on<br />

us.<br />

Holy Mary, pray for us.<br />

Holy Mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> God, pray.<br />

Holy Virgin <strong>of</strong> virgins, P ray-<br />

S. Michael, P ray-<br />

S. Gabriel, P ray-<br />

S. Raphael, pray.<br />

All holy Angels and Archangels,<br />

pray.<br />

All holy orders <strong>of</strong> blessed<br />

Spirits, pray.<br />

S. John <strong>the</strong> Baptist, P ray-<br />

S. Joseph, pray.<br />

All holy Patriarchs and<br />

Prophets, P ray-<br />

S. Peter, P ray-<br />

S. Paul, pray.<br />

S. Andrew, P ray-<br />

S. John, pray.<br />

All holy Apostles and<br />

Evangelists, P ray-<br />

All <strong>the</strong> Lord's holy Disciples,<br />


Sancte Stephane, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Laurenti, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Vincenti, ora pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Martyres, orate pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Silvester, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Gregori, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Augustine, ora pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Pontifices et Confessores,<br />

orate pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Doctores, orate pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Antoni, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Benedicte, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Dominice, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancte Francisce, ora pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Sacerdotes et Levitae,<br />

orate pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sancti Monachi et Eremitae,<br />

orate pro nobis.<br />

Sancta Maria Magdalena, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancta Agnes, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancta Caecilia, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancta Agatha, ora pro nobis.<br />

Sancta Anastasia, ora pro nobis.<br />

Omnes sanctae Virgines et Viduae,<br />

orate pro nobis.<br />

Omnes Sancti et Sanctae <strong>De</strong>i,<br />

intercedite pro nobis.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>Benedictione</strong> Aquae<br />

Baptismalis<br />

V. Dominus vobiscum.<br />

R. Et cum spiritu tuo.<br />

ORATIO<br />

Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne <strong>De</strong>us,<br />

adesto magnae pietatis tuae mysteriis,<br />

adesto sacramentis: et ad recreandos<br />

novos populos, quos tibi fons baptismatis<br />

parturit, spiritum adoptionis emitte; ut,<br />

quod nostrae humilitatis gerendum est<br />

ministerio, virtutis tuae impleatur effectu.<br />

Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum,<br />

Filium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat<br />

in unitate Spiritus Sancti <strong>De</strong>us:<br />

V. Per omnia saecula saeculorum.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

V. Dominus vobiscum.<br />

R. Et cum spiritu tuo.<br />

V. Sursum corda.<br />

R. Habemus ad Dominum.<br />

V. Gratias agamus Domino, <strong>De</strong>o nostro.<br />

R. Dignum et iustum est.<br />


Vere dignum et iustum est, aequum et<br />

salutare, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias<br />

agere: Domine, sancte Pater, omni-<br />

S. Stephen, pray.<br />

S. Laurence, P ray.<br />

S. Vincent, pray.<br />

All holy Martyrs, pray.<br />

S. Silvester, P ray.<br />

S. Gregory, P ray.<br />

S. Augustine, pray.<br />

All holy Bishops and Confessors,<br />

pray.<br />

All holy Doctors, P ray.<br />

S. Antony, pray.<br />

S. Benedict, P raY-<br />

S. Dominic, P ray.<br />

S. Francis, P raY-<br />

All holy Priests and Clerks, P raY-<br />

All holy Monks and<br />

Hermits, P ray.<br />

S. Mary Magdalene, P ray.<br />

S. Agnes, P raY-<br />

S. Cecily, pray.<br />

S. Agatha, P ray.<br />

S. Anastasia, pray-<br />

All holy Virgins and<br />

Widows, P ray.<br />

All you Saints <strong>of</strong> God, plead for us.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Blessing</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Baptismal Water<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord be with you.<br />

And with you.<br />

PRAYER<br />

Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,<br />

let thy great and present mercy be felt in<br />

this sacramental rite; send forth <strong>the</strong><br />

spirit <strong>of</strong> adoption to regenerate those<br />

who are born anew <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> baptismal<br />

waters, so that <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> our humble<br />

ministry may be perfected by <strong>the</strong> operation<br />

<strong>of</strong> thy power: through our Lord<br />

Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God, living<br />

and reigning with <strong>the</strong>e in <strong>the</strong> unity <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit:<br />

For ever and ever.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord be with you.<br />

And with you.<br />

Let us lift up our hearts.<br />

We lift <strong>the</strong>m up to <strong>the</strong> Lord.<br />

Let us give thanks to <strong>the</strong> Lord our God.<br />

That is just and fitting.<br />


Just it is indeed and fitting, right, and<br />

for our lasting good, that we should always<br />

and everywhere give thanks to

potens aeterne <strong>De</strong>us: Qui invisibili potentia,<br />

sacramentorum tuorum mirabiliter<br />

operaris effectum: et licet nos tantis mysteriis<br />

exsequendis simus indigni: tu<br />

tamen gratiae tuae dona non deserens,<br />

etiam ad nostras preces aures tuae pietatis<br />

inclinas.<br />

<strong>De</strong>us, cuius Spiritus super aquas, inter<br />

ipsa mundi primordia ferebatur: ut iam<br />

tunc virtutem sanctificationis aquarum<br />

natura conciperet. <strong>De</strong>us, qui, nocentis<br />

mundi crimina per aquas abluens, regenerationis<br />

speciem in ipsa diluvii effusione<br />

signasti: ut, unius eiusdemque elementi<br />

mysterio, et finis esset vitiis et origo virtutibus.<br />

Respice, Domine, in faciem<br />

Ecclesiae tuae, et multiplica in ea regenerationes<br />

tuas, qui gratiae tuae affluentis<br />

impetu laedficas civitatem tuam: fontemque<br />

baptismatis aperis toto orbe terrarum<br />

gentibus innovandis: ut, tuae maiestatis<br />

imperio, sumat Unigenid tui gratiam<br />

de Spiritu Sancto.<br />

Qui hanc aquam, regenerandis hominibus<br />

praeparatam, arcana sui numinis<br />

admixdone fecundet: ut, sanctificatione<br />

concepta, ab immaculato divini fontis<br />

utero, in novam renata creaturam, progenies<br />

caelestis emergat: et quos aut<br />

sexus in corpore aut aetas discernit in<br />

tempore, omnes in unam pariat gratia<br />

mater infantiam. Procul ergo hinc, iubente<br />

te, Domine, omnis spiritus immundus<br />

abscedat: procul tota nequitia diabolicae<br />

fraudis absistat. Nihil hie loci habeat<br />

contrariae virtutis admixtio: non insidiando<br />

circumvolet: non latendo subrepat:<br />

non inficiendo corrumpat.<br />

Sit haec sancta et innocens creatura libera<br />

ab omni impugnatoris incursu, et totius<br />

nequitiae purgata discessu. Sit fons vivus,<br />

aqua regenerans, unda purificans: ut<br />

omnes hoc lavacro salutifero diluendi,<br />

operante in eis Spiritu Sancto, perfectae<br />

purgationis indulgentiam consequantur.<br />

Unde benedico te, creatura aquae, per<br />

<strong>De</strong>um vivum, per <strong>De</strong>um verum, per<br />

<strong>De</strong>um sanctum: per <strong>De</strong>um, qui te in<br />

principio verbo separavit ab arida: cuius<br />

Spiritus super te ferebatur.<br />

<strong>the</strong>e, Lord, holy almighty Fa<strong>the</strong>r, eterna"<br />

God; by whose unseen power <strong>the</strong> wondrous<br />

effect <strong>of</strong> thy sacraments is wrought.<br />

Unworthy as we are to perform so great<br />

a rite, do not withdraw <strong>the</strong> gifts <strong>of</strong> thy<br />

favour, but incline <strong>the</strong> ears <strong>of</strong> thy goodness<br />

even to our prayers.<br />

O God, whose Spirit in <strong>the</strong> very first<br />

beginnings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world did brood over<br />

<strong>the</strong> waters, giving <strong>the</strong> element <strong>of</strong> water,<br />

even in its origin, <strong>the</strong> power to sanctify:<br />

who by water didst wash away <strong>the</strong><br />

crimes <strong>of</strong> a guilty world, and by <strong>the</strong><br />

outpouring <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> flood didst signify regeneration,<br />

so that one and <strong>the</strong> same<br />

element might have <strong>the</strong> mysterious power<br />

to make an end <strong>of</strong> vice and a beginning<br />

<strong>of</strong> virtue; look down, O Lord, upon<br />

<strong>the</strong> face <strong>of</strong> thy Church and multiply<br />

within her thy acts <strong>of</strong> regeneration;<br />

thou who makest thy city glad by <strong>the</strong><br />

flowing torrent <strong>of</strong> thy grace and openest<br />

to <strong>the</strong> whole world <strong>the</strong> font <strong>of</strong> baptism<br />

for <strong>the</strong> renewal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nations, so that<br />

under thy great dominion <strong>the</strong>y may receive<br />

from <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost <strong>the</strong> grace <strong>of</strong><br />

thy only-begotten Son.<br />

May this water, prepared for <strong>the</strong> rebirth<br />

<strong>of</strong> men, be rendered fruitful by <strong>the</strong><br />

secret inpouring <strong>of</strong> his divine power;<br />

may a heavenly <strong>of</strong>fspring, conceived in<br />

holiness and re-born into a new creation,<br />

come forth from <strong>the</strong> stainless womb <strong>of</strong><br />

this divine font; and may all, however<br />

distinguished by age in time or sex in<br />

body, be brought forth into one new<br />

infancy by <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>rhood <strong>of</strong> grace.<br />

Begone <strong>the</strong>n every unclean spirit at thy<br />

bidding, Lord; begone all wicked and<br />

satanic wiles. Let no power <strong>of</strong> opposition<br />

intrude here, or spread its snares<br />

about this place, or creep into it by<br />

stealth, or taint it by its poison.<br />

May this holy and innocent creature be<br />

free from all <strong>the</strong> enemy's assaults and<br />

cleansed by <strong>the</strong> removal <strong>of</strong> all wickedness.<br />

Be this a fount <strong>of</strong> life, a water <strong>of</strong> new<br />

birth, a purifying stream, so that all<br />

who are to be washed in this bath <strong>of</strong><br />

salvation may, by <strong>the</strong> working <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Holy Spirit within <strong>the</strong>m, obtain <strong>the</strong><br />

grace <strong>of</strong> perfect cleansing.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore I bless <strong>the</strong>e, water, God's<br />

creature, by <strong>the</strong> living God, by <strong>the</strong> true<br />

God, by <strong>the</strong> holy God; by that God,<br />

whose word in <strong>the</strong> beginning separated<br />

<strong>the</strong>e from <strong>the</strong> dry land, and whose Spirit<br />

brooded over <strong>the</strong>e.

Qui te de paradisi fonte manare fecit,<br />

et in quattuor fluminibus totam terram<br />

rigare praecepit. Qui te in deserto amaram,<br />

suavitate indita,fecit esse potabilem,<br />

et sitienti populo de petra produxit.<br />

Benedico te et per Iesum Christum,<br />

Filiumeius unicum, Dominum nostrum:<br />

qui te in Cana Galilaeae signo admirabili<br />

sua potentia convertit in vinum.<br />

Qui pedibus super te ambulavit: et a<br />

Ioanne in Iordane in te baptizatus est.<br />

Qui te una cum sanguine de latere suo<br />

produxit: et discipulis suis iussit, ut credentes<br />

baptizarentur in te, dicens: »Ite,<br />

docete omnes gentes, baptizantes eos in<br />

nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.«<br />

Haec nobis praecepta servantibus, tu,<br />

<strong>De</strong>us omnipotens, clemens adesto: tu<br />

benignus aspira.<br />

Tu has simplices aquas tuo ore benedicito:<br />

ut praeter naturalem emundationem,<br />

quam lavandis possunt adhibere corporibus,<br />

sint etiam purificandis mentibus<br />

efficaces.<br />

<strong>De</strong>scendat in hanc plenitudinem fontis<br />

virtus Spiritus Sancti.<br />

Who caused <strong>the</strong>e to flow from a well in<br />

paradise and bade <strong>the</strong>e water <strong>the</strong> whole<br />

earth in four streams. Who, when thou<br />

wast bitter in <strong>the</strong> wilderness, poured<br />

sweetness into <strong>the</strong>e, making <strong>the</strong>e fit to<br />

drink, and brought <strong>the</strong>e out <strong>of</strong> a rock to<br />

quench his people's thirst. I bless <strong>the</strong>e,<br />

too, through Jesus Christ, his only Son,<br />

our Lord, who in Cana <strong>of</strong> Galilee, by<br />

a wondrous miracle, changed <strong>the</strong>e into<br />

wine; whose feet walked upon <strong>the</strong>e, and<br />

who was baptized in <strong>the</strong>e by John in<br />

Jordan; who made <strong>the</strong>e flow out <strong>of</strong> his<br />

side, toge<strong>the</strong>r with his blood, and commanded<br />

his disciples that believers<br />

should be baptized in <strong>the</strong>e, saying: Go,<br />

teach all nations, baptizing <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong><br />

name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r and <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Son and<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost.<br />

Almighty God, in thy mercy stand by us<br />

who are observing this commandment:<br />

let thy gracious breath be upon us.<br />

With thy own lips bless this pure water,<br />

so that besides its natural power <strong>of</strong><br />

cleansing bodies, it may have <strong>the</strong> effect<br />

<strong>of</strong> purifying souls.<br />

May <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost descend<br />

into this brimming font.

Totamque huius aquae substantiam regenerandi<br />

fecundet effectu.<br />

Hie omnium peccatorum maculae deleantur:<br />

hie natura ad imaginem tuam condita,<br />

et ad honorem sui reformata principii,<br />

cunctis vetustatis squaloribus emundetur:<br />

ut omnis homo, sacramentum<br />

hoc regenerationis ingressus, in verae<br />

innocentiae novam infantiam renascatur.<br />

Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum,<br />

Filium tuum: Qui venturus est iudicare<br />

vivos et mortuos, et saeculum per ignem.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

Sanctificetur et fecundetur fons iste Oleo<br />

salutis renascentibus ex eo, in vitam<br />

aeternam.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

Infusio Chrismatis Domini nostri Iesu<br />

Christi, et Spiritus Sancti Paracliti, fiat in<br />

nomine sanctae Trinitatis.<br />

R. Amen<br />

Commixtio Chrismatis sanctificationis, et<br />

Olei unctionis, et aquae baptismatis,<br />

pariter fiat in nomine Patris, et Filii, et<br />

Spiritus Sancti.<br />

R. Amen.<br />

And may it make <strong>the</strong> whole substance <strong>of</strong><br />

this water fruitful in regenerative power.<br />

Here may all stain <strong>of</strong> sin be wiped away.<br />

Here let human nature, created in thy<br />

likeness, and recreated to <strong>the</strong> honour <strong>of</strong><br />

its maker, be cleansed <strong>of</strong> all ancestral defilement,<br />

so that every man who enters<br />

into this sacrament <strong>of</strong> regeneration may<br />

be born again into a new childhood <strong>of</strong><br />

true innocence. Through our Lord Jesus<br />

Christ, thy Son: who will come to judge<br />

<strong>the</strong> living, and <strong>the</strong> dead, and <strong>the</strong> world<br />

by fire.<br />

Amen.<br />

Let this font be hallowed and made<br />

fruitful, by means <strong>of</strong> this saving oil, for<br />

those born anew in it into everlasting<br />

life.<br />

Amen.<br />

Let <strong>the</strong> inpouring <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> chrism <strong>of</strong> our<br />

Lord Jesus Christ and <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost<br />

take place in <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> holy Trinity.<br />

Amen.<br />

And in like manner, may <strong>the</strong> chrism <strong>of</strong><br />

consecration, <strong>the</strong> oil <strong>of</strong> unction, and <strong>the</strong><br />

water <strong>of</strong> baptism, mingle toge<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong><br />

name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r, and <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Son, and<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> second turn <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> record

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