History of research institutions on the Potsdam Telegraph Hill ... - GFZ
History of research institutions on the Potsdam Telegraph Hill ... - GFZ
History of research institutions on the Potsdam Telegraph Hill ... - GFZ
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<str<strong>on</strong>g>History</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>instituti<strong>on</strong>s</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
<strong>Telegraph</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> (Telegrafenberg)<br />
by Peter Bormann<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Topics<br />
1. Important buildings <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Telegrafenberg<br />
2. <str<strong>on</strong>g>History</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Berlin-<strong>Potsdam</strong> Astr<strong>on</strong>omy & Astrophysics<br />
3. <str<strong>on</strong>g>History</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Berlin-<strong>Potsdam</strong> Geodesy<br />
4. <str<strong>on</strong>g>History</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Berlin-<strong>Potsdam</strong> Geomagnetism and Meteorology<br />
5. C<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>Potsdam</strong> to seismology since 1889 in its<br />
relati<strong>on</strong>s to Strasbourg, Jena and Freiberg<br />
6. The Central Institute <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Physics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth (1969-91)<br />
7. Developments <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Telegrafenberg since 1992<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1. Buildings <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Telegrafenberg (93.5 m a.s.l.)<br />
• The <strong>Telegraph</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> is <strong>the</strong> highest elevati<strong>on</strong> next to <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pleistocene Saarmund push moräne ridge (max. 124.6 m a.s.l.)<br />
1832/33 Opto-mechanical telegraph line Berlin-Magdeburg-Köln-Koblenz<br />
set up with 62 stati<strong>on</strong>s, at 7.5-15 km distance<br />
- Stati<strong>on</strong> No. 4 <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> ⇒<br />
<strong>Potsdam</strong> <strong>Telegraph</strong> <strong>Hill</strong><br />
- 6 levers in 3 levels<br />
allow for 4096 sign<br />
combinati<strong>on</strong>s!<br />
- State telegrams from<br />
Berlin to Koblenz and<br />
vice versa in < 10 min<br />
- 1848 replaced by<br />
electric telegraph<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Astrophysical Observatory <strong>Potsdam</strong> (built 1876/77)<br />
↑ Tower entrace from north<br />
View from sou<strong>the</strong>ast →<br />
Since 2001 used by <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Potsdam</strong> Institute for Climate<br />
Impact Research (PIK)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Magnetic Observatory (built 1888/89)<br />
Today used by <strong>the</strong> <strong>GFZ</strong> Working Group<br />
<strong>on</strong> Palaeomagnetism.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Geodetic Institute<br />
(built 1889-91)<br />
Today used by <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>GFZ</strong> Department 1<br />
„Geodesy and<br />
Remote Sensing“<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Main Building <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Meteorologic-Magnetic Observatory (1890-93)<br />
1949-1991 part <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Meteorological Service <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> GDR<br />
1992-2004 branch <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> German Wea<strong>the</strong>r Service (DWD)<br />
From 2007 <strong>on</strong>wards <strong>the</strong> building will be used by PIK<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
From<br />
angular<br />
measurements<br />
Observatory for Angular Measurements (built 1892-93)<br />
Now named „Helmert Turm“<br />
to →<br />
with <strong>the</strong> CIPE-built SBG mounted <strong>on</strong> a<br />
ZEISS Jena satellite tracking telescope<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
satellite<br />
tracking &<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Great Refractor (built 1896-99)<br />
In operati<strong>on</strong> between 1899-1968.<br />
The Great Refractor in <strong>the</strong> 1950s<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
d = 80 cm<br />
f = 12 m<br />
photographic<br />
d = 50 cm<br />
f = 12.5 m<br />
visuell<br />
4th largest<br />
refractor<br />
Earthquake House (completed in 1902)<br />
The 1903 WIECHERT 1000 kg-Pendulum<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Einsteinturm (built 1920-24)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
A43 (built 1963-64)<br />
(Inaugurated <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> occasi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> 75th anniversary <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Geomagnetic Institute <strong>Potsdam</strong>)<br />
• 1969-91 used by <strong>the</strong> Central Institute <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Physics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth (CIPE);<br />
in <strong>the</strong> 1980s also headquarters <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Research Branch Geo- and<br />
Cosmics Sciences <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Academy <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sciences <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> GDR .<br />
• Since 1992 used by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> branch <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Alfred-Wegener-Institute<br />
for Polar Research (AWI)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
<strong>Potsdam</strong> Institute for Climate Impact Research (since 1992)<br />
Temporary buildings used by PIK since<br />
1993 (until 2007)<br />
New PIK main building, used since 2001.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
← To be used<br />
by PIK from<br />
2007 <strong>on</strong>wards
Main buildings <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> GeoForschungsZentrum <strong>Potsdam</strong> (1995-98)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Laboratory <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> AWI-<strong>Potsdam</strong> (built 1998-99)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
2. <str<strong>on</strong>g>History</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Berlin-<strong>Potsdam</strong> Astr<strong>on</strong>omy & Astrophysics<br />
1700 By recommendati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNITZ (1646-1716) and<br />
Royal order foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> „Brandenburgische Societät“ (later called<br />
Royal Prussian Academy <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sciences→ Berlin Acad. <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sciences →German Acad.<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sciences →Acad. <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sc. <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> GDR) and <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Berlin Astr<strong>on</strong>omic Observatory<br />
Tower →<br />
later used<br />
as first signal<br />
tower for <strong>the</strong><br />
Berlin-Koblenz<br />
optical telegraph<br />
line<br />
• It had <strong>the</strong> Gregorian calender patent/m<strong>on</strong>opol and close scientific relati<strong>on</strong>s with <strong>the</strong><br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
First Berlin<br />
Astr<strong>on</strong>omic<br />
Observatory<br />
1832-35 C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> new Berlin Astr<strong>on</strong>omic Observatory<br />
• On recommendati<strong>on</strong> by Alexander v<strong>on</strong> Humboldt equipped with <strong>the</strong><br />
(sec<strong>on</strong>d after Tartu) world-wide largest and best Frauenh<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>er refractor.<br />
• Between 1836-65 also used also as geomagnetic observatory<br />
• Pendulum measurements at <strong>the</strong> observatory by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846)<br />
• Operated until 1913 when <strong>the</strong> observatory moved to Neubabelberg<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
The 2nd Berlin<br />
Meridian built<br />
by Pistor &<br />
Martins, 1868
1846 Andreas W. G. GALLE (1858-1943) discovers with <strong>the</strong> 9-inch Fraunh<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>er<br />
refractor planet Neptun<br />
1865 Wilhelm Julius FOERSTER (1832-1921)<br />
director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> observatory. He has been<br />
instrumental in:<br />
• introducing <strong>the</strong> internati<strong>on</strong>al metric system,<br />
• creating <strong>the</strong> German and <strong>the</strong> internati<strong>on</strong>al<br />
organizati<strong>on</strong>s for measures and weights,<br />
• initiatiating in 1865 a „sun observatory“ at<br />
<strong>Potsdam</strong> which later became <strong>the</strong> world´s<br />
first Astrophysical Observatory (AOP),<br />
• drafting with F. R. HELMERT <strong>the</strong> c<strong>on</strong>cept<br />
for <strong>the</strong> new Geodetic Institute <strong>Potsdam</strong> (GIP)<br />
<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Telegrafenberg<br />
• founding, toge<strong>the</strong>r with Wilhelm MEYER and Wernher v<strong>on</strong> SIEMENS,<br />
<strong>the</strong> URANIA Society → First public astr<strong>on</strong>omical observatory →<br />
pi<strong>on</strong>eered Educati<strong>on</strong> & Outreach<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1876-78 C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Astrophysical Observatory <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
AOP design plan fr<strong>on</strong>t view S to N<br />
AOP in 1886<br />
W E<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1889 April 1 to Sept. 24 c<strong>on</strong>tinuous measurements <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
<strong>the</strong> time-variable deflecti<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> vertical with<br />
a modified ZÖLLNER horiz<strong>on</strong>tal pendulum<br />
by Ernst v<strong>on</strong> REBEUR-PASCHWITZ (1861-95)<br />
in <strong>the</strong> vault underneath <strong>the</strong> eastern cupola <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> AOP<br />
←<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
To ≈ 10 – 20 s<br />
V up to 295 times<br />
Half-day period (lunar term) at <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
From v. REBEUR-PASCHWITZ (1892)<br />
v. Rebeur-Paschwitz found in <strong>the</strong> records:<br />
• influence <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> air pressure and temperature<br />
changes <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> records → discusses<br />
causes and need for shielding/avoidance.<br />
• increase <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> instrumental period with<br />
amplitude and sees <strong>the</strong> cause in elastic<br />
deformati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> suspensi<strong>on</strong> and<br />
bearing comp<strong>on</strong>ents (<strong>the</strong>ory by Bessel).<br />
• <strong>the</strong> dominant influence <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> ocean tides<br />
and related crustal deformati<strong>on</strong>s in nearcoastal<br />
records (Wilhelmshafen, Teneriffa);<br />
• ← <strong>the</strong> half-day period (lunar term)<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Earth tides;<br />
• <strong>the</strong> daily period <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Earth tides;<br />
• diurnal and seas<strong>on</strong>al variati<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> →<br />
microseisms and <strong>the</strong>ir dependence <strong>on</strong><br />
wind c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s;<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
In c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>, he stresses <strong>the</strong> need for l<strong>on</strong>g-term permanent<br />
recordings in order to be able to investigate and separate <strong>the</strong>se<br />
various complex influences: ↓<br />
„ Given such a complex compositi<strong>on</strong><br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a phenomena <strong>on</strong>e can not expect<br />
to achieve remarkable results by<br />
means <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong>ly isolated sporadic<br />
observati<strong>on</strong>s.<br />
Ra<strong>the</strong>r, ... as in o<strong>the</strong>r related fields<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> natural sciences ... <strong>the</strong> real<br />
progress is <strong>on</strong>ly achieved by<br />
organizing well-planned and<br />
uninterrupted observati<strong>on</strong>s.“<br />
1892<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
And most importantly:<br />
v<strong>on</strong> Rebeur-Paschwitz<br />
identifies more than<br />
30 transient events <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
different durati<strong>on</strong> and<br />
amplitude which superpose<br />
his l<strong>on</strong>g-period<br />
tidal records. He finds<br />
that <strong>the</strong>y are <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>ten in<br />
close timely<br />
co-incidence in <strong>the</strong><br />
synchr<strong>on</strong>ous records<br />
at POT and WHF .<br />
→ earthquakes!<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1899 Inaugurati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Great Double Refractor<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Astr<strong>on</strong>omical Observatory Babelsberg (built 1911-13)<br />
One <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> most modern and best equipped <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>instituti<strong>on</strong>s</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> its time.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1920-22 C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong><br />
„Einstein tower“ (ET)<br />
→<br />
Architect: Erich MENDELSOHN (1887-1953)<br />
↑<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
→<br />
Albert Einstein at <strong>the</strong> tower in late 1921 →<br />
1922-24 Installati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> tower telescope (first in Europe)<br />
and <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> spectroscope in <strong>the</strong> Einstein tower<br />
Carl Zeiss Jena mirror system<br />
for <strong>the</strong> coelostate in <strong>the</strong> cupola<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Einstein tower.<br />
→<br />
↓<br />
FRAUENHOFER-Spectrum <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> sun from 390-657 nm<br />
↓<br />
Ca H-Beta Mg<br />
Na<br />
H-Alpha<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
4. <str<strong>on</strong>g>History</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Berlin-<strong>Potsdam</strong> Geodesy<br />
1831-36 Friedrich Wilhelm BESSEL (1784-1846) →<br />
carries out <strong>the</strong> East Prussia arc measurement,<br />
assisted by Col<strong>on</strong>ell J. J. Bayer.<br />
1861 Johann Jacob BAEYER (1794-1885),<br />
General-lieutenant in <strong>the</strong> Prussian General Staff →<br />
submits memorandum: „Draft for a<br />
Central European Arc Measurement“. Goals:<br />
• To homogenize and c<strong>on</strong>nect <strong>the</strong> triangulati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> all participating European countries;<br />
• Narrow-mesh determinati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> deflecti<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
<strong>the</strong> vertical for studying <strong>the</strong> shape <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> geoid,<br />
including geodetic-astr<strong>on</strong>omical measurements<br />
at 30 astr<strong>on</strong>omical observatories in <strong>the</strong> area.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1862-67 Executi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Central European Arc Measurement<br />
→ world-wide first intern. scientific cooperati<strong>on</strong> between states !<br />
1867-86 European Arc Measurement<br />
1870 Foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Royal Prussian Geodetic Institute at Berlin<br />
1878 Theory <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> figure <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth by Ernst Heinrich BRUNS<br />
(1848-1919), Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essor <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Ma<strong>the</strong>matics in Berlin (1878-82).<br />
After <strong>the</strong> death <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> J. J. Baeyer in 1885:<br />
1886-1917 Internati<strong>on</strong>al Arc Measurement (IAM)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1885/6 Friedrich Robert HELMERT (1843-1917)<br />
elected President <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Central Bureau<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> IAM and appointed Director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong><br />
Geodetic Institute<br />
F. R. HELMERT is <strong>the</strong> founder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> ma<strong>the</strong>matical and physical <strong>the</strong>ories ↑ <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> modern geodesy<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1889-91 Building <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> new Geodetic Institute <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Telegrafenberg<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1892/93 C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Geodetic-astr<strong>on</strong>omical Observatory for<br />
Angular Measurements (now named „Helmert Tower“)<br />
toge<strong>the</strong>r with two meridian houses.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1891-1910 Oskar HECKER (1864-1938)<br />
works at <strong>the</strong> GIP and makes<br />
c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s to seismology:<br />
• Since 1896 regular use <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> horiz<strong>on</strong>tal<br />
pendulum for earthquake observati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
• Improving <strong>the</strong> Rebeur-Paschwitz<br />
pendulum by introducing air attenuati<strong>on</strong>.<br />
• Uses it as a shock and vibrati<strong>on</strong> meter and<br />
for determinati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> average velocities in<br />
north-german sands<br />
• Proposed design for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> earthquake house,<br />
completed in 1902<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
• Head <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> seismic stati<strong>on</strong> between 1902 and 1909 and<br />
resp<strong>on</strong>sible for <strong>the</strong> stati<strong>on</strong> bulletin.<br />
• Equipping <strong>the</strong> stati<strong>on</strong> with his own<br />
improved 2-comp<strong>on</strong>ent horiz<strong>on</strong>tal<br />
pendulum with air attenuati<strong>on</strong> →<br />
HECKER-modified Rebeur-Paschwitz pendulum<br />
in use at POT stati<strong>on</strong> from 1902-14.<br />
• and with <strong>the</strong> 1000 kg astatic 2-comp<strong>on</strong>ent<br />
← horiz<strong>on</strong>tal WIECHERT-pendulum,<br />
operating at stati<strong>on</strong> POT from 1903-54<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1914-28 Only <strong>the</strong> horiz<strong>on</strong>tal 1000 kg<br />
WIECHERT pendulum and<br />
and occasi<strong>on</strong>ally also <strong>the</strong> 80 kg<br />
vertical WIECHERT pendulum<br />
are operated at stati<strong>on</strong> POT.<br />
WIECHERT resp<strong>on</strong>se, N-comp<br />
1929-54 A vertical comp<strong>on</strong>ent<br />
operated additi<strong>on</strong>ally<br />
at stati<strong>on</strong> POT<br />
↓<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
5. <str<strong>on</strong>g>History</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Berlin-<strong>Potsdam</strong> Geomagnetism and Meteorology<br />
5.1 Geomagnetic measurements in Freiberg, Berlin and <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
1800 Beginning <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> regular measurement<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> declinati<strong>on</strong> D at Freiberg <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
recommendati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> A. v. HUMBOLDT<br />
and C. F. GAUSS.<br />
1836-65 C<strong>on</strong>tinuous measurements <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> D, I<br />
and intensity F at Berlin Astr<strong>on</strong>omical<br />
Observatory <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> recommendati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
A. v. HUMBOLDT.<br />
1890 Foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Magnetic Dept.<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Meteorologic-Magnetic<br />
Observatory <strong>Potsdam</strong>.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1890 Max ESCHENHAGEN (1858-1901) →<br />
first director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Magnetic Department<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> MMOP <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Telegrafenberg.<br />
• Develops field variometers, produced in<br />
<strong>Potsdam</strong> by O. Toepfer and later used<br />
also in SCOTT´s Antarctic Expediti<strong>on</strong><br />
1894 Pi<strong>on</strong>eering work <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Adolf SCHMIDT <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> global representati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
<strong>the</strong> geomagnetic field<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
5.2 Meteorology in Berlin and <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
1823 Commencement <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> barometer observati<strong>on</strong>s in <strong>Potsdam</strong> by <strong>the</strong> director<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> teacher´s seminar, Karl Friedrich v<strong>on</strong> KLOEDEN<br />
1842-62 First regular meteorological observati<strong>on</strong>s in <strong>Potsdam</strong> by <strong>the</strong> Royal<br />
gardener in Sanssouci, Wilhelm LEGELER, as voluntary observer <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
<strong>the</strong> Royal Prussian Meteorological Institute at Berlin.<br />
1847 On <strong>the</strong> recommendati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Alexander v<strong>on</strong> HUMBOLDT<br />
foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Royal Prussian Meteorological Institute at Berlin.<br />
1885 Wilhelm v<strong>on</strong> BEZOLD appointed first pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essor <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> meteorology at <strong>the</strong><br />
Berlin Humboldt University.<br />
1890-93 C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> main building <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Meteorologic-Magnetic<br />
Observatory <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
MMOP<br />
Foto: around 1900
1893 Adolf SPRUNG first director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong><br />
Meteorological Observatory (until 1909);<br />
• regular meteorological observati<strong>on</strong>s start<br />
• Secular stati<strong>on</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> →<br />
→ World Climate Program<br />
• SPRUNG develops many instruments:<br />
Barograph Wind speed meter Wind speed recorder<br />
and sterographic cloud<br />
camera<br />
The unique „Secular Stati<strong>on</strong>“<br />
where soil temperatures are<br />
measured in 10 boreholes<br />
between 2 cm and 12 m depth.<br />
↓<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1901 R. SÜRING and A. BERSON<br />
first open ballo<strong>on</strong> ascent <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> man<br />
into <strong>the</strong> stratosphere!<br />
• First in-situ pro<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> existence<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> stratosphere.<br />
• The reached altitude <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 10,800 m<br />
is up to now world record in an open<br />
manned ballo<strong>on</strong>!<br />
1909 Reinhard Joachim SÜRING (1866-1950) →<br />
director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> MMOP between 1909-32<br />
and 1945-50<br />
1928-34 KOHLHÖRSTER <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> MMOP is co-discoverer <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> cosmic rays<br />
toge<strong>the</strong>r with Victor HESS, nobel-prize winner <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 1936.<br />
Nazi regime prevented adequate h<strong>on</strong>oring <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> KOHLHÖRSTER.<br />
1974 The <strong>Potsdam</strong> Meteorological Observatory becomes (until 1990) <strong>the</strong><br />
WMO European Regi<strong>on</strong>al Center for oz<strong>on</strong> measurements).<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
5. C<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>Potsdam</strong> to seismology since 1889 in its<br />
relati<strong>on</strong>s to Strasbourg, Jena and Freiberg<br />
• Ernst v<strong>on</strong> Rebeur-Paschwitz´s 1889 earthquake records and <strong>the</strong> inferences<br />
and recommendati<strong>on</strong>s drawn <strong>the</strong>refrom were <strong>the</strong> first and<br />
main „seismological event“ at <strong>Potsdam</strong> with world-wide impact.<br />
• With <strong>the</strong> excepti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> O. HECKER´s instrumental improvements, initiatives<br />
for setting up <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> seismological stati<strong>on</strong> in 1902 and organizing a<br />
seismic service (1902-54) <strong>the</strong>re has been no important seismological<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> and publicati<strong>on</strong>s after v. REBEUR-PASCHWITZ until <strong>the</strong><br />
foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> CIPE in 1969.<br />
• The establishment <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a str<strong>on</strong>g seismology group <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> Telegrafenberg<br />
in 1972 pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>ited essentially from knowhow acquired and pers<strong>on</strong>alities who had<br />
worked at Strasbourg, Jena and Freiberg. Therefore, this traditi<strong>on</strong> line, beginning<br />
with v. REBEUR-PASCHWITZ, has to be scetched.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
In his publicati<strong>on</strong> in 1892 about<br />
<strong>the</strong> horiz<strong>on</strong>tal pendulum →<br />
measurements <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 1889,<br />
• relates two o<strong>the</strong>r synchr<strong>on</strong>ous records<br />
at POT and WHF definitely to major<br />
earthquakes which had occured in<br />
Central Asia <strong>on</strong> 11 July and in Greece<br />
<strong>on</strong> 25 August 1889, respectively;<br />
• states that <strong>the</strong> large amplitude<br />
moti<strong>on</strong>s propagate dominatingly<br />
not through <strong>the</strong> inner part <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong><br />
Earth but ra<strong>the</strong>r close <strong>the</strong> surface;<br />
• rea<strong>on</strong>s that those moti<strong>on</strong>s may come to<br />
us al<strong>on</strong>g pa<strong>the</strong>s which supplement each<br />
o<strong>the</strong>r to a great circle → R1, R2, ...!!!<br />
From NMSOP, 2002<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1895 In <strong>the</strong> year <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> his death <strong>the</strong>re appear two major publicati<strong>on</strong>s by<br />
E. v. REBEUR-PASCHWITZ in GERLAND´s Beiträge zur Geophysik:<br />
In volume 2, pages 211-536, he states:<br />
• There are surface and body waves<br />
which propagate through <strong>the</strong> Earth; →<br />
• The propagati<strong>on</strong> velocity is significantly<br />
larger at greater depth than near to<br />
<strong>the</strong> Earth surface;<br />
• Accordingly, <strong>the</strong> apparent horiz<strong>on</strong>tal<br />
velocity is a functi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> distance!<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
→ „EQ observati<strong>on</strong>s provide us ... with a means to determine <strong>the</strong><br />
elasticity modulus <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth interior at different depth.“<br />
→ „We will thus be in a positi<strong>on</strong>, particularly with str<strong>on</strong>g<br />
earthquakes, to track <strong>the</strong> wave propagati<strong>on</strong> through <strong>the</strong><br />
whole Earth´s body and thus to develop <strong>the</strong> fundamentals<br />
for a new <strong>the</strong>ory which whill guide us, in an indirect way,<br />
gradually to <strong>the</strong> knowledge <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> compositi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong><br />
Earth´s Interior.“<br />
In c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> he publishes in 1895 („Beiträge zur Geophysik, 2, p. 773-782)<br />
Proposals for <strong>the</strong> establishement <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> an internati<strong>on</strong>al system <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
earthquake stati<strong>on</strong>s (in total 35)<br />
and drafts a related resoluti<strong>on</strong> for <strong>the</strong> 6th Internati<strong>on</strong>al Geographic C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong><br />
held in L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong> in 1895:<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
• „We wish to propose in <strong>the</strong> first line <strong>the</strong> foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> an internati<strong>on</strong>al net<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> earthquake stati<strong>on</strong>s with <strong>the</strong> task to observe, in a systematic way, <strong>the</strong><br />
propagati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> moti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Earth´s surface and through <strong>the</strong> Earth body<br />
that emanate from large earthquake centers.“<br />
• „It is desirable and for <strong>the</strong> success <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> this undertaking important that all<br />
stati<strong>on</strong>s select <strong>the</strong> same kind <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> instruments and that <strong>the</strong>se are brought up<br />
to <strong>the</strong> same degree <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> sensitivity.“<br />
• „All signatories c<strong>on</strong>sider a Central Bureau for<br />
<strong>the</strong> collecti<strong>on</strong> and publicati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> earthquake<br />
reports from all over <strong>the</strong> world a necessary<br />
supplement to <strong>the</strong> proposed m<strong>on</strong>itoring system.“<br />
This resoluti<strong>on</strong> is submitted to <strong>the</strong> c<strong>on</strong>ference by<br />
Georg C. K. GERLAND (1833-1919) →<br />
Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essor <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Geography at Strasbourg University.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
5.1 Developments in Strasburg (until 1919)<br />
Reinhold EHLERT (1871-1899), →<br />
assistant with Georg GERLAND.<br />
He modifies in 1896 <strong>the</strong> singlecomp<strong>on</strong>ent<br />
horiz<strong>on</strong>tal pendulum <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
v. REBEUR-PASCHWITZ to a<br />
3-comp<strong>on</strong>ent horiz<strong>on</strong>tal pendulum ↓<br />
Recommended by G. GERLAND as standard<br />
pendulum for <strong>the</strong> proposed global network<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1897 Georg GERLAND proposes during <strong>the</strong> German Geographer Day in Jena<br />
<strong>the</strong> establishment <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a seismological stati<strong>on</strong> in Jena.<br />
1899 Foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> „Imperial Central Stati<strong>on</strong> for Earthquake Research“<br />
(ICSER) in Strasbourg by Georg GERLAND (director until 1910).<br />
← Former ICSER<br />
at Strasbourg,<br />
nowadays a<br />
seismological<br />
museum.<br />
• G. GERLAND proposes at <strong>the</strong> 7th Internati<strong>on</strong>al Geographic c<strong>on</strong>ference<br />
in Berlin <strong>the</strong> creati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> an Internati<strong>on</strong>al Seismological Society<br />
• At this Berlin c<strong>on</strong>ference an Internati<strong>on</strong>al Permanent Commissi<strong>on</strong> for<br />
Earthquake Research with 54 members was already created<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
HECKER<br />
The c<strong>on</strong>ference proposed an Internati<strong>on</strong>al Associati<strong>on</strong> for Seismology with<br />
a Permanent Commissi<strong>on</strong>, a General Assembly and a Central Bureau<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1903 2nd Internati<strong>on</strong>al Seismological C<strong>on</strong>ference at Strasbourg defines<br />
<strong>the</strong> statutes <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> IAS<br />
1904 Foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Internati<strong>on</strong>al Seismological Associati<strong>on</strong> (ISA)<br />
with its Central Bureau in Strasburg. → First Chairman: G. GERLAND<br />
• August SIEBERG (1875-1945) →<br />
employed at ICSER.<br />
→ Works in <strong>the</strong> field <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> macroseismic data<br />
→ Publishes „Handbuch der Erdbebenkunde“<br />
1910 Oskar HECKER from <strong>the</strong> GI <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
new director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> ICSER.<br />
12-degree macroseismic intensity scale<br />
1919 After Germany lost Elsaß-Lothringen<br />
to France in WWI, HECKER and SIEBERG<br />
moved to Jena.<br />
August SIEBERG<br />
(1875-1945)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
5.2 Developments in Jena from 1900 to 1969<br />
In resp<strong>on</strong>se to <strong>the</strong> recommendati<strong>on</strong>s made by G. GERLAND at <strong>the</strong> German<br />
Geographer Day 1897 in Jena and his publicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> establishment <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> an<br />
earthquake m<strong>on</strong>itoring system sent in 1898 to <strong>the</strong> curator <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Jena University:<br />
1900 Rudolph STRAUBEL (1864-1964) installs at <strong>the</strong> Physical Institute<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> University <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Jena<br />
• a REBEUR-EHLERT pendulum and<br />
• his own Z-comp<strong>on</strong>ent seismograph<br />
1904 Opening <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> JENA Seismol. Main Stati<strong>on</strong><br />
at <strong>the</strong> Astr<strong>on</strong>omical Observatory in Jena.<br />
The observatory is equipped with:<br />
• STRAUBEL Z-comp. seismograph<br />
(T = 6.6 s, V = 2030), improved by<br />
Otto EPPENSTEIN. →<br />
• WIECHERT 1200 kg (N, E) astatic<br />
pendulum ( T ≈ 10 ± 2 s; V ≈ 200 ± 30<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1905 Since April regular m<strong>on</strong>thly reports and later also annual bulletins <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> JEN<br />
1908 Recording at stati<strong>on</strong> JEN <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> famous Tunguska/Siberian meteorite fall<br />
↓ with <strong>the</strong> improved STRAUBEL- seismograph.<br />
(with ZÖLLNER-REPSOLD)<br />
(with MILNE)<br />
(with ZÖLLNER-REPSOLD)<br />
(nach Martin, 1966)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1912 PhD <strong>the</strong>sis by Walter PECHAU<br />
„Propagati<strong>on</strong> velocity and<br />
absorpti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> earthquake waves“<br />
→ R1, R2, R3 etc.!<br />
1913 Main stati<strong>on</strong> JEN operates additi<strong>on</strong>ally<br />
• 2-comp. REBEUR-EHLERT pendulum<br />
• 80 kg-WIECHERT Z-pendulum<br />
• 200 kg MAINKA pendulum (N, E)<br />
MAINKA pendulum, To ≈ 26 s, V≈ 28 →<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1919<br />
• O. HECKER becomes director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> main stati<strong>on</strong> Jena<br />
• A. SIEBERG becomes head <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> WG Macroseismic<br />
1923 Foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> „Reichszentrale für Erdbebenforschung“ (RfEF)<br />
(Director: O. HECKER until 1932) with 3 Departments:<br />
• Microseismic (Head: G. Krumbach)<br />
• Macroseismic (Head: A. Sieberg)<br />
• Appl. Geophysics (Head: O. Meisser)<br />
• Opening <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> new stati<strong>on</strong> JEN →<br />
(with support <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> CARL-ZEISS<br />
Foundati<strong>on</strong>)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
The new stati<strong>on</strong> JEN operates until<br />
1964. It is and is equipped with:<br />
• MAINKA 200 kg Kegelpendel<br />
• WIECHERT 1200 kg (N, E; MP) →<br />
• WIECHERT 1300 kg (Z; MP)<br />
• WIECHERT 15.000 kg (N,E; SP)<br />
↓<br />
WIECHERT 15 t pendulum, T = 2.2s, V = 2000<br />
Astatic WIECHERT pendulum (N, E),<br />
T ≈ 8.5 s, V ≈ 200<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
WIECHERT 1200 kg<br />
WIECHERT 15 t<br />
View into <strong>the</strong> seismometer room <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> stati<strong>on</strong> JENA<br />
MAINKA<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Complemented in:<br />
1935 by a Jena-built<br />
vertical comp<strong>on</strong>ent<br />
GALITZYN seismograph →<br />
And in <strong>the</strong> 1950s and early 1960s,<br />
respectively, by:<br />
• short-period KRUMBACH seismographs →<br />
(4 kg; N, E, Z; optical and galvanometric recording;<br />
T = 2.5 s, Vmax = 2000 (N, E) up to 23 000 in Z)<br />
• TEUPSER HSJ-1 seismograph<br />
(N, E; broadband from T = 0.1-20s, V = 1000)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1924-40 Otto MEISSER ( 1899-1966)<br />
at <strong>the</strong> Jena RfEF)<br />
• land and air seismics<br />
(Handbook WIENS-HARMS)<br />
→ Later director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Inst.<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Applied Geophysics,<br />
Mining Academy Freiberg<br />
(BAF; 1940-64)<br />
→ again director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Jena<br />
Institute <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Geodynamics<br />
(1964-66)<br />
O. MEISSER with E. VAN GILS, Secretary General<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> ESC, at <strong>the</strong> 1962 ESC General Assembly in Jena<br />
1924-55 Gerhard KRUMBACH (1895-1955), student <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> E. WIECHERT,<br />
employed at <strong>the</strong> Jena institute<br />
• resp<strong>on</strong>sible for stati<strong>on</strong> JEN and <strong>the</strong> microseismic <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
• 1946- 55 director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> institute and initiator <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> new building<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1925-61 Hans MARTIN (1899-1990 ) at <strong>the</strong> Jena institute<br />
• working in Dept. <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Appl. Geophysics<br />
• 1956-61 director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> institute<br />
1930 A. SIEBERG: „Erdbeben“ (175 pp.) and „Erdbebengeographie“<br />
(317 pp.) in GUTENBERG´s „Handbuch der Geophysik“, Vol. 4<br />
1934-70 Wilhelm SPONHEUER (1905-1981) →<br />
working at <strong>the</strong> Jena institute with<br />
A. SIEBERG in Dept. Macroseismic <strong>on</strong><br />
• complementing <strong>the</strong> German earthquake catalogue<br />
• improving <strong>the</strong> macroseismic intensity scale<br />
1936 A. SIEBERG appointed director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Jena institute<br />
1940 A. SIEBERG: „Beiträge zum Erdbebenkatalog Deutschlands<br />
und angrenzender Gebiete für die Jahre 58 bis 1799“<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1954-56 C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> new<br />
institute building in Jena<br />
1960-63 C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> new seismological<br />
observatory MOXA, 35 km from Jena.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1962 ESC General Assembly in Jena<br />
Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>. Savarensky ↓ Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>. Beloussov ↓ Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>. S. Mueller ↓<br />
Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>. W. Sp<strong>on</strong>heuer ↑ Dr. Ch. Teupser ↑ ↑ Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>. O. Meisser<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
5.3 C<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s/decisi<strong>on</strong>s by Jena scientists with relevance for<br />
development <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> seismology in <strong>Potsdam</strong> during <strong>the</strong> 1970s/1980s<br />
Wilhelm SPONHEUER<br />
1952 „Erdbebenkatalog Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Gebiete<br />
für die Jahre 1800-1899“ (later c<strong>on</strong>tinued for GDR until 1975; inc.)<br />
→ completed in <strong>Potsdam</strong> by G. Grünthal (1988): „Erdbebenkatalog<br />
des Territoriums der DDR und angrenzender Gebiete<br />
v<strong>on</strong> 823 bis 1984“ (EK 1988)<br />
1960 „Methoden zur Herdtiefenbestimmung in der Makroseismik“<br />
used by<br />
G. Grünthal in<br />
<strong>the</strong> EK 1988 for<br />
depth determinati<strong>on</strong>,<br />
e.g. <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Vogtland<br />
swarm earthquakes<br />
1964 • MEDVEJEV-SPONEUER-KARNIK intensity scale MSK-64<br />
→ Fur<strong>the</strong>r developed at <strong>Potsdam</strong> by G. GRÜNTHAL et al. to <strong>the</strong> EMS-98<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Christian TEUPSER (1928-91)<br />
Developed (in collaborati<strong>on</strong> with <strong>the</strong> Jena<br />
<strong>the</strong>oreticians R. Maaz, P. Malischewski and<br />
W. Ullmann as well as with E. Unterreitmeier)<br />
all modern seismographs later used in <strong>the</strong>:<br />
• GDR main observatories<br />
MOX, CLL and BGR;<br />
• <strong>Potsdam</strong> Seismic Network<br />
• Vogtland seismic m<strong>on</strong>itoring net<br />
• Special GDR network for investigati<strong>on</strong><br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth crust and upper mantle<br />
by means <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> surface waves (H. NEUNHÖFER)<br />
• Seismological stati<strong>on</strong>s BUDAPEST, TIRANA, SANTIAGO DE CUBA<br />
• rock-burst m<strong>on</strong>itoring systems in mines<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Development <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> new electrodynamic seismographs at Jena<br />
VSJ I<br />
HSJ I<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
HSJ-I<br />
Ts = 15-30s<br />
VSJ-I<br />
Ts = 15-30s<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
HSJ-II<br />
Ts ≈ 1s<br />
VSJ-II<br />
Ts ≈ 1s
The TEUPSER 30m quarz strainmeter in <strong>the</strong> MOX tunnel<br />
The Jena<br />
mechanical<br />
workshop<br />
Assembling TSJ-1 ↑ and DRJ-1 ↓ comp<strong>on</strong>ents<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Horst NEUNHÖFER<br />
• Complements and manages after <strong>the</strong> 1961 Vogtland earthquake swarm <strong>the</strong> local<br />
Vogtland seismic network<br />
• Uses this network for detailed microseismic investigati<strong>on</strong>s into <strong>the</strong> spatial,<br />
temporal and energetic peculiarities <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> swarm earthquakes<br />
• Installs several seismic networks in mines and studies rock bursts<br />
• Installs and operates from 1966-82 a special<br />
l<strong>on</strong>g-period seismic network with VSJ-I →<br />
for crustal/UM studies by means <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> surface-waves<br />
• This included <strong>the</strong> first installati<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> l<strong>on</strong>g-period<br />
TEUPSER VSJ-I seismographs at BGR, CLL (1966)<br />
and POT (1967-74).<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
Otto Meisser<br />
From 1964-66 director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Jena Institute. He renamed it „Institut für Geodynamik“<br />
and ordered to:<br />
• review <strong>the</strong> state <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> seismological practice →<br />
• produce a much more elaborated seismic<br />
bulletin in keeping with modern instrumentati<strong>on</strong><br />
and c<strong>on</strong>cepts (e.g., importance<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> sec<strong>on</strong>dary phases ↓, core phases, multiple<br />
rupture process etc.)<br />
Ryukyu Islands-Taiwan (82°
Heinz STILLER<br />
1966-68 Director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Jena Institute <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Geodynamics<br />
1969 Founding director <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> CIPE <strong>Potsdam</strong><br />
1982-86 President <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> ESC<br />
requested P. BORMANN to:<br />
• work as scientist <strong>on</strong> duty at stati<strong>on</strong> MOX (1966-68) →<br />
• study <strong>the</strong> possibility <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> single-stati<strong>on</strong> locati<strong>on</strong><br />
and discriminati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> seismic events<br />
ΔAz SP<br />
ΔAz LP<br />
ΔD t(S-P)<br />
ΔD t(sec<strong>on</strong>dary phases)<br />
Central Asia<br />
Western USA<br />
• Wolfgang ULLMANN to deal with <strong>the</strong> equati<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> state <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Earth´s matter.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
→ 1974: Recommendati<strong>on</strong>s for standardizati<strong>on</strong> and optimizati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> seismograph resp<strong>on</strong>ses<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
Type B<br />
KIRNOS<br />
SK-D BB<br />
MPV1(B)=6.4<br />
MPV4(B)=7.9<br />
→ mB<br />
Type A<br />
(WWSSN-SP)<br />
MPV(A) →<br />
mb1=5.8<br />
mb4=7.0<br />
tP4-tP1=40s!<br />
mb within first<br />
5 half-cyles<br />
(2-5 sec<strong>on</strong>ds?)
6. The Central Institute <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Physics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth (1969-91)<br />
1969 Reform <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Academy <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sciences <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> GDR<br />
→ merging several disciplin-oriented individual institutes into<br />
large interdisciplinary central <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> institutes<br />
• Astr<strong>on</strong>omical Observatory Babelsberg → Institute for Relativistic and<br />
Extragallactic Research + AOP star physics + Astr<strong>on</strong>. Obs. S<strong>on</strong>neberg +<br />
Karl-Schwarzschild-Obs. ⇒ Central Institute for Astrophysik (ZIAP)<br />
• Solar Obs. Einsteinturm +Obs. Tremsdorf for solar radio astr<strong>on</strong>omy +<br />
Heinrich-Hertz-Inst. for solar-terrestrial Physics in Berlin + Niemegk Obs.<br />
⇒ Central Institute for Solar-terrestrial Physics (ZISTP)<br />
• Geod. Inst. + Geomagn. Inst. <strong>Potsdam</strong> + Geotect<strong>on</strong>ic Inst. Berlin + Inst. for<br />
Geodynamics Jena ⇒ Central Institute for Physics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth (ZIPE)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
6.1 Departments at CIPE<br />
1. Department <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Seismology (and Physics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth´s Interior)<br />
2. Department <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Geodesy and Gravimetry<br />
3. Department <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Geology and Tect<strong>on</strong>ics (including geochemistry, lithology<br />
and minerogeny)<br />
4. Department <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics<br />
5. Geophysical Solid State and High Pressure <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> (1988-91 independent<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> unit – FHD)<br />
6.2 Major R&D results at CIPE (with emphasis <strong>on</strong> seismology)<br />
6.2.1 Seismology<br />
Hardware and Infrastructure Development<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
The Jena group <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> CIPE Dept. 1 (Teupser, Unterreitmeier, Brunner, Wenk)<br />
The triaxial electr<strong>on</strong>ic seismograph<br />
← EDS1/TSJ-1e<br />
and its overall and filtered<br />
resp<strong>on</strong>se characteristics<br />
↓<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
↑<br />
EDS-2 triaxial electr<strong>on</strong>ic<br />
seismograph<br />
(E. Unterreitmeier)<br />
QSJ-1e 4-comp<strong>on</strong>ent electr<strong>on</strong>ic<br />
seismograph (Ch. TEUPSER)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
KSJ-3 – Teupser →<br />
(2Hz Geoph<strong>on</strong>)<br />
← KSJ-2<br />
short-period Sensor<br />
(3 Hz Geoph<strong>on</strong>)<br />
with leaf spring,<br />
for industry
Computer center at Jena for <strong>on</strong>-line digital data from MOX<br />
↓<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Units for data recepti<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>trol<br />
at stati<strong>on</strong> MOX, also for <strong>the</strong> local<br />
Vogtland network and for data<br />
transmissi<strong>on</strong> to JEN and POT<br />
Modernizati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> MOX observatory<br />
Observatory MOX in <strong>the</strong> 1980s<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Completi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> BRG into a full-fledged manned seismological main stati<strong>on</strong><br />
↓<br />
←<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
←<br />
→ →<br />
Since 1992<br />
Realized in collaborati<strong>on</strong> between <strong>the</strong> Jena and <strong>Potsdam</strong> seismology groups <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> CIPE
Strainmeter developments at CIPE and completi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> deep observatory TIE<br />
3.2 x exp. -11<br />
Invar wire strainmeters (by H. Harwardt)<br />
5 x exp. -9<br />
→<br />
Portable 1m ↑ universal strain meter<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
+<br />
Installati<strong>on</strong> at TIE<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> VSJ-II SP<br />
and VSJ-I LP<br />
1976-1988 Development <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> centralized POTSDAM seismic network<br />
by<br />
P. BORMANN<br />
J. BRIBACH<br />
H. GROSSER<br />
et. al.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
100 years after v. Rebeur-Paschwitz<br />
Local (left) and teleseismic earthquake recordings (right) at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> net.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
UNE at Semipalatinsk TS, 17 Apr. 1987<br />
UNE at Nevada TS, 16 Oct. 1986<br />
Records <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> underground nuclear explosi<strong>on</strong>s at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> seismic net.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
SBG<br />
•<br />
MOX<br />
•<br />
BRG<br />
•<br />
•<br />
CLL<br />
GWS<br />
•<br />
•<br />
TIE<br />
ALT<br />
•<br />
Average network magnitude ML<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
↓<br />
•<br />
RDF<br />
local Vogtland<br />
swarm EQs<br />
Teleseismic<br />
distance range<br />
10° < D < 160°
Methodological and s<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>tware developments for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> seismic net<br />
Improvement <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> event locati<strong>on</strong><br />
for Vogtland earthquakes<br />
(W. STRAUCH)<br />
←<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
Improvement <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> POT net event locati<strong>on</strong> for teleseismic earthquakes (W. STRAUCH)<br />
← with WYLEGALLA´s<br />
regi<strong>on</strong>al slowness correcti<strong>on</strong>s<br />
↓<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
SEIS89 S<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>tware for <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Potsdam</strong> seismic net<br />
(by M. BAUMBACH)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
C<strong>on</strong>trolled sources seismology - DSS<br />
• Development <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a digital field data logger<br />
• Refracti<strong>on</strong> seismic measurements al<strong>on</strong>g<br />
1600 kilometer pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>iles over <strong>the</strong> main<br />
tect<strong>on</strong>ic regi<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> GDR<br />
by<br />
A. SCHULZE, J. WOLTER et al.<br />
1980-89<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Complex seismological, geophysical and geological interpretati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> DDS pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>iles<br />
by an inter-instituti<strong>on</strong>al GDR-wide WG (chaired by E. Hurtig, later by P. Bormann):<br />
Members: E. APITZ, P. BANKWITZ, A. SCHULZE (CIPE); F. JACOBS, MEYER (Uni Leipzig); Ch. OELSNER,<br />
G. PORSTENDORFER (BA Freiberg); W. CONRAD (VEBGeophysik Leipzig) & experts from Gommern, Greifswald.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Investigati<strong>on</strong>s into seismic spectra and source processes<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> local earthquakes and mining events<br />
Mo = 2 x exp 13<br />
Ro = 65 m<br />
Δσ = 33 MPa<br />
Do = 4.5 cm<br />
Spectral source parameter <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Vogtland swarm EQs<br />
+ extensive comparis<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> in-situ source parameters observed in mines with<br />
source parameters derived from seismic spectra (W. KUHNT).<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Fault plane soluti<strong>on</strong>s <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Vogtland swarm earthquakes<br />
Fault-plane soluti<strong>on</strong>s from FM polarities<br />
with range <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 90% probability soluti<strong>on</strong>s<br />
for <strong>the</strong> pressure and tensi<strong>on</strong> poles.<br />
Range <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> admissible soluti<strong>on</strong>s for strike, dip and<br />
rake based in P/S moment ratios as derived<br />
from data <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> stati<strong>on</strong>s MOX and PLN.<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Earthquake magnitudes (P. BORMANN, G. KOWALLE, K. WYLEGALLA)<br />
1974<br />
MPV(B)<br />
Bormann, Khalturin &<br />
Wylegalla<br />
And calibrati<strong>on</strong> functi<strong>on</strong>s for PKP<br />
phases by Kowalle in <strong>the</strong> 1980s<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Earthquake catalog, macroseismic studies and hazard assessment<br />
by G. GRÜNTHAL<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
Probabilistic seismic hazard<br />
for <strong>the</strong> town Klingenthal<br />
(n<strong>on</strong>-exceedence <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
intensity Is) during <strong>the</strong><br />
time span D.
Since 1980 Internati<strong>on</strong>al Training Courses <strong>on</strong> Seismology and Seismic<br />
Hazard Assessment (Chairman: Peter BORMANN)<br />
Visit <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> seismological<br />
observatories<br />
Between 1980 – 1991<br />
246 participants from<br />
51 countries attended<br />
<strong>the</strong>se courses.<br />
Computer exercises<br />
Practical <strong>on</strong> seismometer calibrati<strong>on</strong><br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
Manual exercises<br />
Cultural evenings
Textbooks, m<strong>on</strong>ographs and PhD <strong>the</strong>ses <strong>on</strong> seismology and physics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />
1984; 328 pp<br />
• 20 m<strong>on</strong>ographs and about 30 PhD and habilitati<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>ses <strong>on</strong><br />
seismometry, seismology and physics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Earth´s interior<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
6.2.2 Geodesy<br />
1st generati<strong>on</strong>; accuracy: 1-2 m<br />
1974-81<br />
CIPE built<br />
satellite lasers<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> 1st and<br />
2nd generati<strong>on</strong><br />
mounted <strong>on</strong> a<br />
Jena satellite<br />
tracking telescope<br />
<strong>on</strong> top <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong><br />
HELMERT tower<br />
2nd generati<strong>on</strong>; accuracy: 10-30 cm<br />
1981-93<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Polar moti<strong>on</strong> 1981-90 as derived from<br />
CIPE satellite laser observati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
• SCHÜLER et al (1969-70): Most precise<br />
absolute gravity determinati<strong>on</strong> with pendulum<br />
g = 9812601,0 ± 3 μm/s exp2<br />
• 1990 discovery <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> 11,5 y period <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> g changes<br />
Variati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> length <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> day and y-comp<strong>on</strong>ent<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> earth rotati<strong>on</strong> pole: 1 - IERS<br />
2 - CIPE LAGEOS soluti<strong>on</strong><br />
3 - VLBI (NGS Washingt<strong>on</strong>)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
7. Developments <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Telegrafenberg since 1992<br />
• Foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> Institute for Climatic Impact Research (PIK)<br />
• Foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Astrophysical Institute <strong>Potsdam</strong> (AIP)<br />
• The Main Meteorological Observatory becomes part <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> German<br />
Wea<strong>the</strong>r Sersive (DDG)<br />
• The Antarctic <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> group <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> CIPE is complemented by more<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g>ers and new <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> topics in both (N & S) polar areas and<br />
becomes a regi<strong>on</strong>al branch <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Alfred-Wegener Institute for<br />
Polar Research (AWI) with emphasis <strong>on</strong> paleoclimate and oz<strong>on</strong> studies<br />
• Foundati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> GeoForschungsZentrum <strong>Potsdam</strong> (<strong>GFZ</strong>)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
7.1 Geodesy and Remote Sensing<br />
• C<strong>on</strong>tinuati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> classical m<strong>on</strong>itoring tasks with most modern techniques<br />
and greatly improved accuracy/resoluti<strong>on</strong><br />
With GPS<br />
Accuracy < 3 mmm<br />
<strong>GFZ</strong> Polar Moti<strong>on</strong>s<br />
With supra-c<strong>on</strong>ductivity gravity meter T018<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Pre-CHAMP/GRACE <strong>GFZ</strong> Geoid 1996<br />
with SLR, GPS and terrestrial data<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
1 cm, 0.02 mgal @ λ/2 = 270 km<br />
(GRACE 3 m<strong>on</strong>ths)<br />
1 cm, 0.02 mgal @ λ/2 = 1000 km<br />
(CHAMP 3 years)<br />
Geoid Model from 40 days <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> CHAMP data has been as good as from previous 20 years <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> data from some 15 satellites<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Earth´s magnetic field<br />
Main field<br />
Decrease <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> main field<br />
Differenz MagSat-CHAMP Modell (10 Jahre)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004<br />
Crustal field
Measurements for c<strong>on</strong>tinuous<br />
atmospheric temperature and<br />
humidity pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>iling →<br />
compared with <strong>the</strong> discrete<br />
measurements from air-borne<br />
ballo<strong>on</strong> soundings (ECMWF<br />
and NCEP/USA)<br />
NEW: CHAMP GPS radio occultati<strong>on</strong><br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Satellite laser ranging and plate moti<strong>on</strong> studies<br />
<strong>GFZ</strong> Satellite Laser Ranging stati<strong>on</strong> TPL A11 <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
3rd generati<strong>on</strong> with 1 cm resoluti<strong>on</strong> (1992-2003)<br />
New <strong>GFZ</strong> Satellite Laser Ranging stati<strong>on</strong> with improved<br />
telescope, receiving equipment and range; prepared<br />
for 4th generati<strong>on</strong> SLR with with mm resoluti<strong>on</strong><br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
GPS derived co-seismic displacement <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> Ant<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>agasta EQ<br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 30. Juli, 1995, Mw=8.0, rupture length ca. 200 km<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Remote sensing <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> ground deformati<strong>on</strong> with satellite radar interferometry<br />
(INSAR)<br />
Izmit earthquake, Turkey, 17 August 1999, Ms = 7.3<br />
max. observed surface displacement 4.90 m<br />
Bam EQ, Iran, 26 December 2003, Ms= 6.5<br />
max. observed surface displacement 25 cm<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
7.2 Seismology<br />
• C<strong>on</strong>tinuati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> all seismological main fields such as<br />
- deep Earth structure (passive methods)<br />
- deep seismic sounding/c<strong>on</strong>trolled source seismology<br />
- source locati<strong>on</strong> and source processes<br />
- hazard assessment<br />
- training, etc.,<br />
however at a significantly deepened and world-wide co-operative scale<br />
• Disc<strong>on</strong>tinuati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> seismometer development and routine observatory<br />
practice/bulletin work<br />
• Disc<strong>on</strong>tinuati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Potsdam</strong> seismic network, however, world-wide<br />
deployment <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> broadband GEOFON stati<strong>on</strong>s for <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> purposes and<br />
global data exchange networking<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Analysis <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> broadband seismic<br />
noise at <strong>the</strong> GRSN and search for<br />
improved alternative stati<strong>on</strong> sites<br />
J. <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Seismology 1997<br />
(P. Bormann, K. Wylegalla, K. Klinge)
The permanent GEOFON network is complemented by temporary<br />
seismometer deployments for lithosphere and mantle studies<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Examples are: • Eiffel plume<br />
• Hawai plume<br />
• Bohemian Massif<br />
• Trans-Alp project<br />
• Trans-European Suture Z<strong>on</strong>e<br />
• Andes (Chile)<br />
• Israel-Jordan (Dead Sea Project)<br />
• Greenland<br />
• Ind<strong>on</strong>esian Arc<br />
• Tibet ↓<br />
← Receiver functi<strong>on</strong> data from Tibet and<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir geologic-tect<strong>on</strong>ic interpretati<strong>on</strong> ↑<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
World-wide active and passive seismic experiments/projects with<br />
<strong>GFZ</strong> instrument pool (1993-2003)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
DESERT PROJECT crossing <strong>the</strong> Dead Sea Transform<br />
↓ P-wave tomography from near vertical reflecti<strong>on</strong> data ↓<br />
Magnetotelluric resistivity data ↑ superposed with seismic P-wave isotaches<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
JNOC/<br />
GSC/<br />
<strong>GFZ</strong>-<br />
Project<br />
with<br />
participati<strong>on</strong><br />
<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> > 100<br />
scientists<br />
from 30<br />
countries<br />
under <strong>the</strong><br />
ICDP<br />
MALLIK/Canada: Gas hydrates under permafrost<br />
<strong>GFZ</strong> interpretati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> MALLIK cross-hole seismic surveys<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Macroseismic scale; regi<strong>on</strong>al and global seismic hazard assessment<br />
This scale<br />
with<br />
vulnerability<br />
and<br />
damage grade<br />
classificati<strong>on</strong><br />
&<br />
examples →<br />
is now<br />
European<br />
standard and<br />
widely used<br />
world-wide<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
NEW FIELD: Mikroz<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong> – local amplificati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> ground moti<strong>on</strong>s<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
German Task Force Earthquakes<br />
Chaired by <strong>the</strong> <strong>GFZ</strong>, 13 German <str<strong>on</strong>g>instituti<strong>on</strong>s</str<strong>on</strong>g> co-operate in <strong>the</strong> Task Force Earthquakes<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
|← 4.10 m →|<br />
Düzce<br />
Izmit (Mw 7.4) and Düzce (Mw 7.2) earthquakes in Turkey (17/08 & 12 /11/1999)<br />
|← 3.80 m →|<br />
|← 3.80 m →|<br />
Izmit<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
↑<br />
a) Original aftershock epicenters <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
basis <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a 1-D layered velocity model<br />
b) Relocated aftershock epicenters based<br />
<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> tomographic 3-D velocity model<br />
a)<br />
b)<br />
Cariaco/Venezuela EQ<br />
July 9, 1977; Ms = 6.8<br />
P-wave velocity tomography and<br />
relocati<strong>on</strong> ↓ <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> aftersshock hypocenters<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
Internati<strong>on</strong>al Training Courses <strong>on</strong> Seismology,<br />
Hazard Assessmentand Risk Mitigati<strong>on</strong><br />
• Since 1992 alternately held in Germany and in developing regi<strong>on</strong>s<br />
• Involving lecturers from 18 nati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
In total: • 1500 applicants<br />
• 609 participants from 97 nati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
A major spin-<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>f <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> training course materials, fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />
elaborated and complemented by a IASPEI WG, is <strong>the</strong> NMSOP<br />
Volume 2<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004
8.3 O<strong>the</strong>r main <strong>GFZ</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>research</str<strong>on</strong>g> field<br />
• Dynamics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>the</strong> lithosphere<br />
• Deformati<strong>on</strong> and rheology (laboratory investigati<strong>on</strong>s)<br />
• Dynamics <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> climate and sediments<br />
• Paleomagnetic and geologic time scales and stratigraphy<br />
•Anorganic and organic geochemistry<br />
• Geomechanics<br />
• Geo<strong>the</strong>rmy<br />
• Engineering hydrology<br />
• Operati<strong>on</strong>al support for <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> Internati<strong>on</strong>al C<strong>on</strong>tinental<br />
Drilling Program (ICDP)<br />
Peter Bormann XXIX ESC General Assembly, Sept. 12-17, 2004