Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com


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Opera Saturni Page 24<br />

By seperatyon of Elements yt may appeare,<br />

To syght in forme of Water cleere.<br />

Of our Menstrue by labour exuberate<br />

And wyth hyt may be made Sulphure of nature<br />

If itt be well and kyndly acuate;<br />

And cyrculate into a Spryt pure:<br />

Then to dyssolve thou must be sure<br />

Thy Base wyth hyt in dyvers wyse,<br />

As thou shalt know by thy practyse.<br />

That poynt therefore in hys dew place<br />

I wyll declare wyth other mo,<br />

If God wyll graunt me space and grace:<br />

And me preserve in lyfe from wo;<br />

As I thee teche loke thou doe so,<br />

And for thy fyrst ground pryncypall<br />

Understond thy Water menstruall.<br />

And when thou hast made true Calcination,<br />

Encresyng and not Wastyng moysture radycall,<br />

Tyll thy Base by other subtylyatyon<br />

Wyll lyghtly flow as Wex uppon Mettall;<br />

Then lowse hyt wyth thy vegetable Menstruall,<br />

Tyll thou have Oyle thereof in Colour bryght,<br />

Then ys your Menstrue visible to syght.<br />

And Oyle is drawne owte in colour of Gold,<br />


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