Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com


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Opera Saturni Page 34<br />

3.Betwyxt these two in qualyte cotraryose,<br />

Ingendred ys a Mene most mervyllosely<br />

Whych ys our Mercury and Menstrue unctuose;<br />

Our secrett Sulphur worchyng invysybly,<br />

More fersely than Fyre brennyng the body,<br />

Into Water dyssolvyng the Body mynerall,<br />

Which Nyght fro darknes in the North parte we call.<br />

4.But yet I trow thou understandyst not utterly<br />

The very secrett of Phylosopers Dyssolucion;<br />

Therefore conceve me I councell thee wyttyly:<br />

For I wyll tell thee trewly wythout delusyon;<br />

Our Solucyon ys cause of our Congelacyon;<br />

For the Dyssolucyon on the one syde corporall<br />

Causyth Congelacyon on the other syde Spyrytuall.<br />

5.And we Dyssolve into Water whych weytyth no hond,<br />

For when the Erth ys integrally yncynerat;<br />

Then ys the Water congelyd, thys understond;<br />

For the Elements be so concatenat,<br />

That when the body fro hys fyrst forme ys alterate:<br />

A new forme ys inducyd immediately,<br />

For nothyng being wythout all forme ys utterly.<br />

6.And here a secret to thee I wyll dysclose,<br />

Whych ys the ground of our secrets all;<br />

And yf thou hyt not know thou shalt but lose<br />


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