top 10 - Celebrity High Magazine

top 10 - Celebrity High Magazine

top 10 - Celebrity High Magazine


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Teens<br />

play sports to have fun, learn and improve their skills, be with friends,<br />

succeed or win and even to become physically fit. Those who play usually<br />

get all of these benefits from sports, but there are secret benefits to athletics<br />

that most don’t realize they get as well. Participants benefit in various ways physically, personally<br />

and even socially. Sports can help you develop skills and talents that will be very valuable for your<br />

life ahead. So whether you’re already participating in a sport, considering joining one or maybe<br />

never even thought about it before, here are the <strong>10</strong> secret benefits of playing a high school sport.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

Sports have HiddeN HeALtH BeNefits. Some benefits of sports are obvious; like improving fitness and maintaining a<br />

healthy weight. but playing sports when you’re young can reduce the risk of certain health problems later in life as well as<br />

establish lifelong habits for good health. Sure, you can get these benefits from any type of exercise. but if you have trouble<br />

getting to the gym, there may be more incentive to show up and play if you know your coaches or teammates depend on you.<br />

Playing<br />

sports builds seLf-CoNfideNCe. teens involved in athletics feel better about themselves, both physically and<br />

socially. It helps to build confidence when you see your skills improving and your goals becoming reality. Other esteemboosting<br />

benefits of sports participation include getting in shape, maintaining a healthy weight, and making new friends.<br />

Exercise<br />

can CUt tHe pRessURe. Playing sports can help you deal with pressure since exercise is a<br />

natural mood lifter and a great way to relieve stress and fight depression. Sports can help you literally run<br />

off the tension that’s accumulated in your muscles. Many people report better grades and an increased<br />

ability to concentrate when they move. Some colleges even encourage exercise during test times as stress<br />

relief for students. Plus, when you are on a team, you have friends who support you both on and off the field.<br />

VALUiNg pRepARAtioN.<br />

Sports increase self-discipline and the awareness of the value of preparation which can lead<br />

to better grades and better work habits later in life. Competitive athletes learn the importance of effort, being prepared<br />

(mentally and physically), and enlightened risk-taking. they see that raw physical talent is not always sufficient to win the game,<br />

but that preparation is essential. this includes mental preparation (staying focused) and physical fitness as well as practicing<br />

the plays with their teammates in team sports. they learn to evaluate risk versus reward. Another invaluable lesson is<br />

discovering that mistakes are part of learning; they signal that a particular approach is unsuccessful and you must try another.<br />

ResiLieNCe. Sports provide an unparalleled model for dealing with disappointment and misfortune. Young<br />

athletes learn to handle adversity, whether it’s picking themselves up after losing a big game or not getting as many<br />

minutes as they wanted. they find ways to deal with losing and go on, because there’s another big game next week<br />

or next year. they figure out what to do to get what they want for themselves. they put in extra time on fitness<br />

or work on specific weaknesses in their game (long-ball trapping, hitting to the opposite field, looking the ball into<br />

their hands). People can find their internal drive through training and hard work, but adversity really brings it out.<br />

teAMWoRK. Working with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and meet goals is great practice<br />

for success later in life. being a team player can make it easier to work with others and solve problems,<br />

whether on the field or in the workplace. On a team, you will learn about cooperation, camaraderie, give-andtake.<br />

You learn that you don’t have to like someone in order to work together toward a common goal. You can also<br />

discover that you can work for people you don’t respect and still be productive, improve your skills, and have fun.<br />

tiMe MANAgeMeNt. Young athletes learn to manage their time productively. they know they have to get their<br />

homework done, so they learn not to waste time (some of them even quit watching television and hanging out at the<br />

mall). they plan ahead and even figure out they have to eat well and get a good night’s sleep. Countless athletes, in school<br />

and the workplace, say that being an athlete taught them discipline that is invaluable in their lives on and off the field.<br />

LoNg-teRM tHiNKiNg. Athletes learn the fundamental lesson of sacrificing immediate gratification for long-term<br />

gain. this is the basis for personal success as well as for civilization in general, and no lesson can be more valuable.<br />

LeAdeRsHip oppoRtUNities. team sports offer a rare opportunity to serve as leaders. teens can be in a position to<br />

assess the strengths and weaknesses of their various teammates and help to maximize their strengths and compensate for<br />

their weaknesses. they can minimize conflicts among players. they can reinforce values such as, fair play, hard work, mental<br />

preparation, by speaking up when appropriate and setting a good example. they can also take the initiative in arranging for team<br />

dress on game days, organizing team dinners or team movie nights, and inviting teachers and administrators to their games.<br />

<strong>10</strong> r e a s o n s t o Play a SPoRT in 20<strong>10</strong><br />

17 <strong>10</strong>.<br />

MAKe NeW fRieNds. Sports are a social activity. team sports are obviously done with other people, but<br />

even individual sports are often done as a team (tennis, golf, track) and as such athletes develop relationships<br />

with their teammates. Sports can also be a way to meet a variety of kids from different backgrounds. Sports<br />

are a great equalizer; rich or poor, black, brown, or white, are irrelevant. What counts is talent and heart. 17

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