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<strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />
UIC Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences<br />
ONE VISION<strong>2012</strong>
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News<br />
Innovations<br />
Patient Pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />
Giving<br />
Endowment Activity<br />
Faculty<br />
Publications<br />
Sponsored Research<br />
Clinical Investigations and Trials<br />
Residents and Fellows<br />
Alumni<br />
Managing Editor<br />
Julie Daraska<br />
Editors<br />
Carol Chaplin & Margaret Doyle<br />
Designers<br />
Studio Deluxe & Lisa Birmingham<br />
Contributors<br />
Margaret Chervinko, Laurie Walker<br />
Candace Pearson & Margaret Doyle<br />
Photography<br />
Cathy Carroll, Joshua Clark,<br />
Roberta Dupuis-Devlin,<br />
Mark Janowicz & Walter Urie<br />
A MeSSAge frOM the DeAN<br />
"I am pleased to welcome Rohit Varma, MD, MPH, as Chair<br />
<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> at<br />
Chicago Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences<br />
and Associate Dean for Strategic Planning at the UIC<br />
<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>. Dr. Varma is a highly accomplished<br />
physician-scientist and translational investigator who studies<br />
the development <strong>of</strong> eye diseases in minority populations<br />
and examines novel biological, genetic and lifestyle factors<br />
related to the risk <strong>of</strong> developing eye diseases. He is an expert<br />
on changes in the optic nerve in glaucoma and on new<br />
imaging techniques in the early diagnosis <strong>of</strong> glaucomatous<br />
optic nerve damage. Under his leadership, the Department <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences begins a new era <strong>of</strong> clinical<br />
and research excellence."<br />
Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA | Dean, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Dean Dimitri Azar (left) and Dr. Rohit Varma
Rohit Varma, MD, MPH<br />
Clinical Fellowship in Glaucoma<br />
Doheny Eye Institute<br />
<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Southern California<br />
Residency in Ophthalmology<br />
Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute<br />
The Johns Hopkins <strong>University</strong><br />
School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Research Fellowship in Glaucoma<br />
Wills Eye Hospital<br />
Internship<br />
Union Memorial Hospital<br />
Masters in Public Health<br />
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg<br />
School <strong>of</strong> Public Health<br />
Medical Degree<br />
Maulana Azad Medical <strong>College</strong><br />
<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Delhi<br />
A MeSSAge frOM the DepArtMeNt ChAIr<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 1<br />
"I am deeply honored by the trust that Dean Azar has placed in me to lead the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye<br />
and Ear Infirmary, UIC Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences to a new era <strong>of</strong><br />
educational, clinical and research excellence. It is a privilege to be a part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye<br />
and Ear Infirmary, known for generations as an outstanding center <strong>of</strong> clinical expertise and<br />
innovative research.<br />
"Among our key priorities is strengthening the resources available for resident education<br />
— evidenced by the dedication <strong>of</strong> substantial space for the new Resident Education Center<br />
that will house a state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art surgical simulator. Together with our clinical faculty, we will<br />
build a structured surgical curriculum that spans the entire three years <strong>of</strong> residency, beginning<br />
with early exposure to ophthalmic surgery through the Eyesi TM<br />
surgical simulator, wet labs and<br />
lectures and discussions with our most senior and renowned surgeons. By the time our residents<br />
graduate, they will have experience as primary surgeons in all <strong>of</strong> our subspecialties.<br />
"This educational experience requires investment <strong>of</strong> considerable time and energy on the<br />
part <strong>of</strong> our faculty. With their invaluable commitment, the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary will<br />
continue to be ranked among the most competitive residency programs in the country.<br />
"In ophthalmology education, as in practice, the technologies that advance our ability to<br />
diagnose, treat and manage blinding eye diseases require substantial monetary investment. We<br />
are grateful to the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong> for the program to fund measurable improvement in<br />
medical education. We are indebted to our alumni and donors for their continued support and<br />
interest as we guide the Infirmary to a new era."<br />
Rohit Varma, MD, MPH | Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Department Chair
2 NeWS<br />
LIght-SeNSItIve<br />
MOLeCULe<br />
Signaling retinal cells<br />
to respond to light<br />
UIC vision scientists and chemists<br />
recently created a light-sensitive molecule<br />
that can stimulate cells <strong>of</strong> the retina<br />
— a photochemical on-<strong>of</strong>f switch that<br />
someday may lead to new treatments for<br />
degenerative eye diseases such as agerelated<br />
macular degeneration (AMD).<br />
Diseases such as AMD destroy<br />
photore ceptor cells that sense light and<br />
start the visual process. However, other<br />
retinal cell types, while not normally<br />
photosensitive, <strong>of</strong>ten remain healthy.<br />
“We asked ourselves, ‘Could we make<br />
healthy retinal cells responsive to light<br />
and bypass dead photoreceptor cells?’”<br />
says David Pepperberg, PhD, Searls-<br />
Schenk Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology and<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> the Photoreceptor Research<br />
Laboratory.<br />
Remarkably, the answer seems to be<br />
“yes.” The team’s focus: a neurotransmitter<br />
known as GABA (gamma-aminobutyric<br />
acid) that activates a receptor<br />
protein involved in visual signaling within<br />
the retina. The researchers synthesized<br />
new compounds built upon the anesthetic<br />
prop<strong>of</strong>ol, a small molecule that<br />
binds to and regulates GABA receptors.<br />
The new molecule is known as<br />
MPC088. As light <strong>of</strong> different wavelengths<br />
strikes it, MPC088 changes<br />
shape and functions essentially as a light<br />
switch for the GABA receptor. “It’s the<br />
outcome <strong>of</strong> many attempts,” says Dr.<br />
Pepperberg, Principal Investigator <strong>of</strong><br />
David Pepperberg, PhD<br />
the study, which won funding from the<br />
National Eye Institute.<br />
The UIC chemists led by Karol<br />
Bruzik, PhD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
Pharmacy, soon realized they had<br />
produced a molecule with broader<br />
implications. That sparked a collaboration<br />
with scientists at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
California, Los Angeles (UCLA), led<br />
by Thomas S. Otis, PhD, Department<br />
<strong>of</strong> Neurobiology, who are exploring<br />
MPC088’s potential to reduce<br />
epileptic seizures.<br />
Turning the light switch <strong>of</strong>f is also<br />
critical. Next for the UIC team is an<br />
attempt to program in “temporal tuning”<br />
and make the molecule revert back<br />
within a certain timeframe — essential<br />
for future clinical applications.<br />
The team also wants to incorporate a<br />
targeting component — a cellular GPS —<br />
to boost MPC088’s affinity for reaching<br />
the appropriate receptor site. “It’s a major<br />
challenge,” says Dr. Pepperberg, “but<br />
we’re excited to be pursuing what we<br />
The findings were published online<br />
in November in the journal Nature<br />
Communications. The paper’s co-first<br />
authors were Lan Yue, PhD, and<br />
Michal Pawlowski, PhD, UIC; and<br />
Shlomo S. Dellal, PhD, UCLA.<br />
In addition to the National Institutes<br />
<strong>of</strong> Health, the study has received key<br />
support from the Daniel F. and Ada L.<br />
Rice Foundation, the Arnold and Mabel<br />
Beckman Initiative for Macular Research,<br />
American Health Assistance Foundation,<br />
Hope for Vision, Research to Prevent<br />
Blindness, and the UIC Center for<br />
Clinical and Translational Science.<br />
believe is a promising approach.” Chemical structures, including light-sensitive MPC088<br />
(top). Reprinted with permission <strong>of</strong> Nature Communications.<br />
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COrNeAL SteM CeLLS<br />
Transplants open a window<br />
on the future<br />
For 43-year-old Shawn Doyle, gradually<br />
losing the sight in his right eye was like<br />
looking out on the world “through a dirty<br />
window or wax paper.”<br />
His worsening vision — caused by<br />
a deficiency <strong>of</strong> corneal limbal stem<br />
cells — made it harder to do his work as<br />
a motorcycle and boat mechanic, enjoy<br />
outdoor sports or even drive.<br />
Then, Ali Djalilian, MD, told him<br />
about a limbal stem cell transplant. “I<br />
was intrigued and excited,” says Shawn.<br />
“Over the last 10 years, we’ve been<br />
learning more and more about the<br />
concept <strong>of</strong> limbal stem cell transplants<br />
and improving on the outcomes,” says<br />
Dr. Ali Djalilian, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />
and Director, Corneal Epithelial Stem<br />
Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering<br />
Laboratory.<br />
Limbal stem cells are found at the<br />
edge <strong>of</strong> the cornea. Injuries and genetic<br />
or immunological diseases can destroy<br />
the surface and, with it, limbal stem cells.<br />
The result is visual impairment or even<br />
blindness. The problem can’t be solved<br />
with a standard cornea transplant, which<br />
contains no stem cells.<br />
Surgeons harvest the cells and<br />
surrounding environment from various<br />
sources: the patient’s other eye, if healthy;<br />
a living relative; and cadaver tissue, the<br />
source <strong>of</strong> Shawn’s new stem cells.<br />
Dr. Djalilian’s latest innovation is<br />
the use <strong>of</strong> a biological glue made from<br />
proteins in the blood clotting system<br />
to secure the transplant without any<br />
sutures. The glue has been used in<br />
other forms <strong>of</strong> surgery, but not limbal<br />
transplants. The result is increased<br />
comfort for the patient and less<br />
inflammation.<br />
The program’s approach to medical<br />
management after transplant also<br />
“distinguishes us from other centers,”<br />
says Dr. Djalilian. That includes careful<br />
use <strong>of</strong> immunosuppressants to control<br />
rejection. Often, specialists in glaucoma,<br />
oculoplastics and organ transplant join<br />
the team, as needed.<br />
Since his stem cell transplant in<br />
November, Shawn’s eyesight has<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 3<br />
Corneal stem cells, pictured here, are<br />
used to grow cells in the laboratory to<br />
study their protein expression and cellto-cell<br />
communications that contribute<br />
to their function.<br />
been improving daily. He can read a<br />
newspaper without the aid <strong>of</strong> glasses<br />
or contact lenses. “It’s been a great<br />
miracle,” he says.<br />
Working in the lab, Dr. Djalilian and<br />
his colleagues are hoping for another<br />
breakthrough: finding a way to replace<br />
limbal stem cells with a patient’s own<br />
cells from elsewhere in the body. Using<br />
a patient’s own cells would eliminate the<br />
problems <strong>of</strong> transplant rejection and<br />
immunosuppression.<br />
So far, the investigators have<br />
succeeded in getting other cells to<br />
change into limbal cells — but the switch<br />
is temporary. One theory is that the cells<br />
need the entire corneal environment<br />
to mimic limbal cells. “That’s the main<br />
focus <strong>of</strong> our research now,” says Dr.<br />
Djalilian, “recreating that environment,<br />
‘the limbal stem cell niche.’”
4 NeWS<br />
teAM<br />
ApprOACh<br />
Collaboration improves<br />
outcomes <strong>of</strong> pediatric<br />
eye trauma<br />
Severe eye injuries in children frequently<br />
affect multiple parts <strong>of</strong> the eye and<br />
require skill sets different from those<br />
more commonly applied in adults. So<br />
it makes sense that the best outcomes<br />
can be achieved when a team <strong>of</strong><br />
subspecialists work together to pool<br />
their expertise.<br />
The <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />
has developed an innovative team<br />
approach to treating children with<br />
traumatic eye injuries.<br />
Within two days <strong>of</strong> being treated for<br />
an open globe injury, a trauma patient<br />
in the Pediatric Ophthalmology clinic is<br />
examined by Iris Kassem, MD, PhD;<br />
Javaneh Abbasian, MD (pediatric<br />
glaucoma specialist); or Genie Bang,<br />
MD (pediatric cataract specialist),<br />
to identify potential complications,<br />
establish early treatment for amblyopia<br />
and coordinate subspecialty care.<br />
Felix Chau, MD, and Yannek<br />
Leiderman, MD, PhD, provide the<br />
team’s retinal expertise, specializing in<br />
such problems as bleeding inside the<br />
eye, retinal detachment, dislocation<br />
<strong>of</strong> the lens, and foreign objects such<br />
as metal or wood entering the eye<br />
from trauma.<br />
“Sometimes it is evident from the<br />
outset that the injury involves the back<br />
part <strong>of</strong> the eye,” notes Dr. Leiderman.<br />
“Other times, it is difficult to assess the<br />
Early intervention can help identify potential complications from eye injuries.<br />
extent <strong>of</strong> the damage because <strong>of</strong> the<br />
presence <strong>of</strong> blood within the eye or<br />
injury to the cornea or lens.”<br />
A multidisciplinary team approach<br />
is equally important in such cases, so<br />
any injury can be treated appropriately<br />
in the operating room, when all <strong>of</strong> the<br />
surgeons having the necessary expertise<br />
are available.<br />
Most children see a retinal specialist,<br />
whether or not the original trauma<br />
caused a retinal problem, because<br />
visualization <strong>of</strong> the retina is critical<br />
before the development <strong>of</strong> traumatic<br />
cataracts — a frequent occurrence in<br />
children with an eye injury.<br />
Aisha Traish, MD, who specializes<br />
in pediatric cornea, <strong>of</strong>ten collaborates<br />
in the patient’s care to optimize corneal<br />
healing. “Each child has the most<br />
comprehensive care from the start,” says<br />
Dr. Traish. “Our common goal is the<br />
best possible long-term visual function.”<br />
Ahmad A. Aref, MD, is brought in<br />
if glaucoma develops. Ellen Shorter,<br />
OD, or Timothy McMahon, OD,<br />
provide consultation on contact lenses<br />
after a child’s initial surgery. “Successful<br />
fitting <strong>of</strong> a contact lens is critical in<br />
children who have had ocular trauma<br />
and are now aphakic (have no lens in the<br />
eye), to provide the best possible vision<br />
and to prevent amblyopia,” notes<br />
Dr. Shorter.<br />
“By working closely with other<br />
members <strong>of</strong> the team, we can provide<br />
excellent care,” says Dr. Leiderman,<br />
“but we also have the opportunity<br />
to learn from one another, to discuss<br />
novel approaches, and to explore new<br />
concepts pioneered in other fields.”
ArtIfICIAL<br />
COrNeA<br />
Complicated cases benefit<br />
from program’s expertise<br />
An artificial cornea is proving to be<br />
the gift <strong>of</strong> sight for many people with<br />
complicated conditions for whom<br />
traditional corneal tissue transplants have<br />
either failed or have a poor prognosis.<br />
The <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />
is home to the largest artificial cornea<br />
program <strong>of</strong> its kind in the Midwest,<br />
with more than 120 patients receiving<br />
implants to date. The program uses<br />
the Boston Keratoprothesis (k-pro), the<br />
most popular artificial cornea worldwide.<br />
“We promote an interdisciplinary<br />
approach, with our patients able to take<br />
advantage <strong>of</strong> our large department<br />
and expertise,” says Soledad Cortina,<br />
MD, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Director<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Artificial Cornea Program. As<br />
a cornea surgeon, she heads a team<br />
that includes experts in glaucoma,<br />
Soledad Cortina, MD, left, with Samuel Lee, MD<br />
Artificial cornea<br />
retina, oculoplastics, contact lenses and<br />
pediatric ophthalmology, as needed.<br />
Initially, the artificial cornea —<br />
which received U.S. Food and Drug<br />
Administration approval in 1992 — was<br />
reserved for people with blindness in both<br />
eyes. Recently, less severe cases have<br />
realized excellent results. “I have patients<br />
who have been blind for decades and<br />
with this artificial cornea their vision and<br />
the quality <strong>of</strong> their lives has significantly<br />
improved,” says Dr. Cortina.<br />
Bobby Wallace, 47, is one <strong>of</strong> those<br />
beneficiaries. At age 23, he suffered a<br />
devastating loss <strong>of</strong> sight from a chemical<br />
burn to both eyes. With his left eye,<br />
he could read large type close to his<br />
face. His right eye — the more severely<br />
injured, with significant scarring — only<br />
perceived light.<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 5<br />
Over time, he had a limbal (corneal)<br />
stem cell transplant and cornea transplant<br />
in his left eye using tissue from a human<br />
donor. Both procedures, performed at<br />
another institution, failed. In 2011, Bobby<br />
came to the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary,<br />
where reconstructive surgery restored the<br />
surface <strong>of</strong> his right eye.<br />
Then, Dr. Cortina implanted the<br />
artificial cornea in the place <strong>of</strong> Bobby’s<br />
damaged natural cornea. When the<br />
k-pro’s three parts are assembled, it has<br />
the shape <strong>of</strong> a collar button. Because<br />
its central portion is made <strong>of</strong> plastic, the<br />
k-pro eliminates the issue <strong>of</strong> rejection<br />
that occurs in human tissue transplants.<br />
When the patch came <strong>of</strong>f Bobby’s<br />
right eye following surgery, he saw his<br />
wife, Sheila, for the first time. Later,<br />
on the way home, he was able to read<br />
billboards. “Being able to see has given<br />
me such a boost in my self-confidence,”<br />
says Bobby.<br />
Before the implant, Bobby couldn’t<br />
enjoy such ordinary pleasures as reading<br />
his Bible or watching a movie. He says,<br />
“It sounds simple, but it’s a big blessing<br />
to me.”<br />
“I have patients who have been blind for<br />
decades and with this artificial cornea<br />
their vision and the quality <strong>of</strong> their lives<br />
has significantly improved.”<br />
–Dr. SoleDaD Cortina
6 NeWS<br />
Aaron Jackson<br />
retUrN tO<br />
INDepeNDeNCe<br />
"My eyes are still improving, but I’ve<br />
come so far. I no longer need anyone<br />
to help me get to the store or take me<br />
to work." –aaron jaCkSon<br />
Aaron Jackson has been an employee<br />
<strong>of</strong> UIC since 2000 and currently serves<br />
as the Assistant Facilities Manager for<br />
the East Campus. So when he began<br />
experiencing vision problems a few<br />
years ago, he naturally sought out<br />
the expertise <strong>of</strong> doctors at the <strong>Illinois</strong><br />
Eye and Ear Infirmary, who were able<br />
to diagnose and treat his worsening<br />
glaucoma. Surgery was performed to<br />
stabilize the glaucoma and remove<br />
cloudy cataracts, but Aaron had<br />
permanent vision loss as a result <strong>of</strong><br />
irreparable damage to the optic nerve<br />
that occurred before his diagnosis. In<br />
November 2010, he began seeing Joan<br />
Stelmack, OD, MPH, FAAO, Director<br />
<strong>of</strong> UIC’s Low Vision Service, to learn<br />
how to function with diminished vision.<br />
The Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
& Visual Sciences established the Low<br />
Vision Service to provide rehabilitation<br />
services for patients with permanent<br />
vision loss. Dr. Stelmack works with a<br />
low vision optometrist and a certified<br />
low vision therapist to provide patients<br />
with clinical examinations and visual<br />
skills assessments. Patients with low<br />
vision are introduced to technology<br />
and techniques that enhance their<br />
remaining sight and give them new<br />
visual skills to tackle the routine tasks <strong>of</strong><br />
everyday life and put them on the path<br />
to independence.<br />
“I saw Dr. Stelmack for corrective<br />
therapy,” explains Aaron. “She<br />
taught me how to recalibrate my eye<br />
movement, coordination and balance.”<br />
“Vision rehabilitation was needed to<br />
increase independence in activities <strong>of</strong><br />
daily living and to explore vocational<br />
and recreational adaptations,” notes<br />
Dr. Stelmack.<br />
According to Dr. Stelmack, the<br />
treatment goals for Aaron included<br />
being able to use a computer for work<br />
and recreation, the capability to read<br />
small print such as time cards and mail<br />
and the ability to navigate safely in<br />
Aaron Jackson with Dr. Joan Stelmack<br />
poor lighting conditions. Aaron was<br />
prescribed low vision devices to enhance<br />
his remaining vision, including reading<br />
glasses, glasses for distance and a<br />
magnifying glass to see small print.<br />
Most patients who undergo vision<br />
rehabilitation therapy achieve improved<br />
visual function. Unfortunately, patients<br />
are not always aware <strong>of</strong> all the options<br />
that may improve their visual function<br />
after serious eye surgery.<br />
Today, Aaron only sees Dr. Stelmack<br />
when functional problems arise. But<br />
those issues occur less frequently now.<br />
“My eyes are still improving, but I’ve<br />
come so far,” says Aaron. “I no longer<br />
need anyone to help me get to the store<br />
or take me to work.”<br />
Along with his independence, Aaron<br />
has returned to his favorite pastime:<br />
AMD treAtMeNt<br />
Novel drug delivery<br />
combo addresses macular<br />
degeneration<br />
Age-related macular degeneration<br />
(AMD) affects more than 1.75 million<br />
people in the U.S. With a rapidly aging<br />
population, experts expect this number<br />
to reach 3 million by 2020.<br />
There is no cure. However, new<br />
treatments have emerged to <strong>of</strong>fer<br />
improved prognosis, based on the<br />
discovery that a group <strong>of</strong> proteins in the<br />
body called vascular endothelial growth<br />
factors (VEGF) play a role in formation<br />
<strong>of</strong> abnormal blood vessels that damage<br />
the retina.<br />
Anti-VEGF inhibitors have been<br />
shown to prevent vision loss and<br />
improve clearness <strong>of</strong> vision in patients<br />
with neovascular or “wet” AMD, the<br />
more severe form. However, frequent<br />
injections are required, anywhere<br />
from once to several times a month,<br />
depending on the patient.<br />
Jennifer I. Lim, MD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> the Retina Service, thinks she<br />
may have an answer in a new combination<br />
<strong>of</strong> drugs and a novel slow-release, longlasting<br />
drug delivery system.<br />
The drug delivery system,<br />
Verisome® from Icon BioSciences, Inc.,<br />
is a biodegradable liquid that may be<br />
combined with other drugs and then<br />
injected into the eye using a standard<br />
needle. Dr. Lim recently completed a<br />
small pilot study that combined Lucentis®<br />
(ranibizumab), a leading anti-VEGF<br />
drug, with Verisome using triamcinolone<br />
acetonide (TA), an anti-inflammatory<br />
drug that helps prevent blood vessel<br />
growth. The TA along with the Verisome<br />
was delivered as a single injection into the<br />
eye. The combined product coalesces<br />
into a single sphere — essentially a<br />
“steroid ball,” explains Dr. Lim,<br />
In the pilot study completed in<br />
December, 10 participants received<br />
an injection <strong>of</strong> Lucentis as a baseline<br />
treatment, then, a week later, an injection<br />
<strong>of</strong> the liquid steroid ball.<br />
The biodegradable vehicle provides<br />
controlled, extended drug release for<br />
up to one year. “The combination <strong>of</strong> this<br />
drug ball with an initial Lucentis injection<br />
enables us to decrease the number <strong>of</strong><br />
Lucentis injections needed,” says Dr.<br />
Lim. “We are the only place in the world<br />
to use this delivery system with this<br />
combination therapy.”<br />
The number <strong>of</strong> additional Lucentis<br />
injections needed was cut in half by the<br />
treatment used in the pilot study. There<br />
were few side effects and no serious<br />
adverse ocular events.<br />
Retina Service physician-scientists<br />
are actively exploring other innovative<br />
AMD solutions, including Eylea®<br />
(aflibercept), the newest anti-VEGF<br />
drug approved by the U.S. Food and<br />
Drug Administration. UIC also is a<br />
participant in the nationwide Age-<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 7<br />
a combination <strong>of</strong> drugs delivered in a novel<br />
“steroid ball” decreased the number <strong>of</strong><br />
additional lucentis® injections for patients<br />
in a unique pilot study.<br />
Liquid-release drug delivery system in eye<br />
Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2),<br />
which is looking at the effectiveness <strong>of</strong><br />
a combination vitamin A and Omega-3<br />
fish oils, along with other formulas, for<br />
slowing the progression <strong>of</strong> AMD.<br />
“We are the only place in the world<br />
to use this delivery system with this<br />
combination therapy.” –Dr. jennifer lim
8 INNOvAtIONS<br />
New treatment for retinal disease<br />
Drug discovery efforts within the Retina Chemical Genomics<br />
Lab, directed by Michael Grassi, MD, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor,<br />
recently accelerated. In work published earlier this year in<br />
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (doi: 10.1167/<br />
iovs.11-8928), Qing Chang, MD, PhD, Research Assistant<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, and Dr. Grassi developed a cell-based model<br />
for retinal degenerative key pathways that are responsible<br />
for cell death in photoreceptors, the light-sensing cells <strong>of</strong><br />
the retina. This model has subsequently been leveraged by<br />
Dr. Chang and Dr. Grassi to screen a U.S. Food and Drug<br />
Administration-approved compound library <strong>of</strong> more than<br />
1,000 compounds to identify new treatments for retinal<br />
disease. Work is underway to better define the mechanism <strong>of</strong><br />
action for a novel compound identified in this screen, which<br />
could potentially represent a new treatment for retinal disease.<br />
“For those individuals suffering from retinal disease, these<br />
studies reveal the exciting advantages <strong>of</strong> high-throughput<br />
screening platforms, which are accelerating our ability to<br />
introduce new treatments in the clinic,” states Dr. Grassi.<br />
Michael Grassi, MD<br />
testing efficacy <strong>of</strong> donated corneas<br />
The <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary is among the sites<br />
participating in the Cornea Preservation Time Study (CPTS),<br />
a $12.3 million study to determine whether the supply <strong>of</strong><br />
donated corneas can meet anticipated growth in demand over<br />
the next 20 to 30 years.<br />
Elmer Tu, MD, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Director <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Cornea Service, serves as site director <strong>of</strong> the study, which will<br />
determine whether corneas transplanted up to two weeks after<br />
donor death work as well as corneas transplanted up to one<br />
week after donor death.<br />
The growth <strong>of</strong> the U.S. population which accounts for the<br />
majority <strong>of</strong> corneal transplants — patients 50 and older — is<br />
projected to increase from about 99 million in 2010 to about 133<br />
million by 2030, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Many<br />
cornea transplant specialists are concerned about an adequate<br />
supply <strong>of</strong> donated corneas. One approach to solving the<br />
projected increase is to prove that donated corneas up to two<br />
weeks old achieve the same outcomes for patients as those that<br />
are transplanted a week after donor death.<br />
According to Dr. Tu, most cornea surgeons use corneas up<br />
to one week after the death <strong>of</strong> the donor, even though the U.S.<br />
Food and Drug Administration permits corneas to be stored<br />
in preservation medium at refrigerator temperature up to two<br />
weeks after donor death. Corneas older than two weeks are used<br />
overseas for transplants without significant problems reported,<br />
he adds. “We want to see if the length <strong>of</strong> time the donor cornea<br />
is kept in the preservation liquid before the transplant affects the<br />
likelihood <strong>of</strong> the transplant being successful.”<br />
Participants will be followed for three years after transplant<br />
to see if there are differences in transplant success or in the<br />
number <strong>of</strong> transplanted endothelial cells (the layers <strong>of</strong> cells<br />
that line the undersurface <strong>of</strong> the cornea) on the corneas that<br />
were preserved for seven days or less compared to those
NeW treAtMeNtS<br />
Elmer Tu, MD Yannek Leiderman, MD, PhD<br />
preserved between eight and 14 days. “There is no reason to<br />
believe there is any greater risk for transplant failure with<br />
either preservation time group,” Dr. Tu said.<br />
The study is headed by Jonathan Lass, MD, Chair <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Case Western Reserve Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
& Visual Sciences.<br />
Building biomarker database<br />
Yannek Leiderman, MD, PhD, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> the Vitreoretinal Microsurgery Laboratory, is<br />
implementing a system <strong>of</strong> large-scale sample collection,<br />
including storage <strong>of</strong> whole blood, DNA, RNA, plasma and<br />
serum, as well as a clinical database that will be utilized to<br />
investigate the relationship <strong>of</strong> biomarkers with health and<br />
diabetic retinopathy status and progression.<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 9<br />
The project is in collaboration with a major effort by Joe<br />
G.N. “Skip” Garcia, MD, Vice President for Health Affairs at<br />
the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong>, to build a broad range <strong>of</strong> biomarkers<br />
for disease. The UI BioBank will provide a database for the<br />
correlation <strong>of</strong> clinical samples with phenotypic data for the<br />
purpose <strong>of</strong> investigative analyses and to provide access to<br />
study data for future protocols and investigations.<br />
The patient cohort for Dr. Leiderman’s study includes<br />
outpatients in the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary who<br />
have diabetes or conditions associated with proliferative<br />
retinopathies and patients that have opted to participate in<br />
the UI BioBank and have undergone blood collection in the<br />
course <strong>of</strong> their clinical care. He and research colleague<br />
Bin Liu, PhD, are coordinating sample collection with the<br />
Retina Service physicians.
10 INNOvAtIONS<br />
NeW<br />
teChNOLOgIeS<br />
Staying state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art<br />
With the acquisition <strong>of</strong> the eyesi tm<br />
surgical simulator, the illinois eye and<br />
ear infirmary made a million-dollar<br />
investment in new technologies for<br />
teaching, patient care and research. “as<br />
a world-class program, we must employ<br />
state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art technologies in every<br />
aspect <strong>of</strong> our mission,” states rohit<br />
Varma, mD, mPH, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Chair,<br />
Department <strong>of</strong> ophthalmology &<br />
Visual Sciences. “my commitment is<br />
to ensure we have the resources to<br />
stay on the leading edge <strong>of</strong> biomedical<br />
technologies in ophthalmologic care<br />
and vision research.”<br />
training enhanced by<br />
surgical simulator<br />
Acquisition <strong>of</strong> the EyesiTM surgical<br />
simulator is the core component <strong>of</strong><br />
infrastructure and design upgrades in<br />
a state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art Resident Education<br />
Center. Residents and Fellows can<br />
practice intraocular surgery in a closeto-real<br />
setting, available on demand at<br />
all times.<br />
The Eyesi surgical simulator provides<br />
direct feedback to the surgeon and clearly<br />
indicates any areas <strong>of</strong> deficiency, allowing<br />
for self-assessment and improvement.<br />
“Tools such as the Eyesi and wet and<br />
dry lab kits for surgical training give us<br />
a distinct advantage in preparing our<br />
residents for ophthalmology practice,”<br />
says William Mieler, MD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and<br />
William Mieler, MD<br />
Vice Chair for Education. “The longterm<br />
impact will be markedly beneficial<br />
to our patients.”<br />
powerful laser scanning<br />
microscope aids research<br />
A state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art Zeiss Confocal<br />
Laser Scanning Microscope (LSM)<br />
710 is giving Department investigators<br />
advanced imaging capabilities, including<br />
time-lapsed imaging to study cell<br />
interactions and migration.<br />
The high-resolution microscope was<br />
purchased last spring with support from<br />
The Cless Family Foundation, the Core<br />
Grant for Vision Research from the<br />
National Eye Institute, and Research to<br />
Prevent Blindness, Inc.<br />
Ali Djalilian, MD, uses the Zeiss<br />
LSM 710 to study the changes that<br />
take place in corneal cells during wound<br />
healing. “The impressive quality <strong>of</strong> the<br />
images allows us to see fine changes<br />
over time, something we had previously<br />
been unable to do.”<br />
J.H. Robert Chang, PhD, and Kyu<br />
Yeon Han, PhD, employ the Zeiss LSM<br />
710 to track green fluorescent protein<br />
molecules in ocular cells. They are trying<br />
to detail aberrant corneal blood and<br />
lymphatic vessel growth after injury and<br />
infection, the main causes <strong>of</strong> corneal<br />
transplant rejection and blindness.<br />
“The LSM 710 microscope allows us<br />
to achieve a fundamental understanding<br />
<strong>of</strong> these mechanisms,” says Dr. Chang.<br />
“The results will provide therapeutic<br />
intervention to prevent and treat<br />
devastating, blinding eye diseases.”<br />
Together with the imaging facility’s<br />
live-cell microscopy system, the<br />
new microscopy system is a valuable<br />
resource for generating new basic<br />
science knowledge “that is essential to<br />
improve understanding and treatment<br />
<strong>of</strong> various eye diseases,” says Mahnaz<br />
Shahidi, PhD, Vice Chair for Research<br />
and Director <strong>of</strong> the Applied Physics<br />
Left to right: Samuel Lee, MD, Joann Kang, MD, and Jose de la Cruz, MD<br />
Laser-assisted surgery<br />
benefits teaching mission<br />
For Joann Kang, MD, Co-Chief<br />
Resident at <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary,<br />
performing cataract procedures using<br />
the latest advance in laser-assisted<br />
surgery is “a confidence builder.”<br />
With the Alcon LenSx® Laser<br />
System as a surgical tool, Dr. Kang can<br />
hone her skills at the beginning <strong>of</strong> her<br />
learning curve. “As someone in training,<br />
parts <strong>of</strong> the surgery can be more difficult<br />
than others. The laser can assist at those<br />
points, making the rest <strong>of</strong> the surgery<br />
easier and ensuring consistency from<br />
procedure to procedure.”<br />
The <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary is<br />
the first academic center in the Midwest<br />
to <strong>of</strong>fer the laser-assisted technology<br />
to patients and the first and only<br />
center to provide access to the LenSx<br />
system to its residents and fellows. The<br />
technology, used for years in refractive<br />
surgery, recently won U.S. Food and<br />
Drug Administration approval for<br />
cataract surgery.<br />
“We’re changing the traditional<br />
thinking,” says Jose de la Cruz, MD,<br />
a member <strong>of</strong> the Cornea Service<br />
and an early enthusiast for laserassisted<br />
surgery. Typically, medical<br />
centers reserve new technologies for<br />
experienced faculty. “Having access to<br />
the LenSx system allows our residents<br />
and fellows to be more creative and to<br />
progress in their skills that much more<br />
quickly,” he explains.<br />
The system <strong>of</strong>fers decided<br />
advantages for patients as well, including<br />
precision, consistency and less time in<br />
the operating room.<br />
The laser provides real-time, 3D<br />
images to guide the procedure and<br />
allows the surgeon to make an incision<br />
at the micron level. It also <strong>of</strong>fers more<br />
stability and accuracy as the surgeon<br />
creates a perfect circular hole to enter,<br />
cut the lens and remove it, then center<br />
the intraocular lens. In traditional<br />
cataract surgery — which still represents<br />
the bulk <strong>of</strong> training for residents — a<br />
manual blade is used.<br />
The laser sends energy at an<br />
extremely short burst known as a<br />
femtosecond. For comparison, a<br />
femtosecond is to a second what a<br />
second is to 31.7 million years. “We<br />
haven’t done clinical studies yet, but<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 11<br />
in our surgeries we have noticed less<br />
post-surgery inflammation and a<br />
quicker recovery,” says Dr. de la Cruz,<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Director <strong>of</strong><br />
the Millennium Park Eye Center, the<br />
university’s downtown satellite clinic.<br />
Cornea and Refractive Surgery<br />
Fellow Samuel Lee, MD, appreciates<br />
the opportunity the laser system gives<br />
him to “think more innovatively.” From<br />
his point-<strong>of</strong>-view, the LenSx levels the<br />
playing field for cataract surgeons.<br />
“We’re the younger generation <strong>of</strong><br />
ophthalmologists who will be doing<br />
cataract surgery over the next 30<br />
years,” says Dr. Lee. “It’s nice that this<br />
technology isn’t just reserved for senior<br />
surgeons. We’re the ones who will use it<br />
for years to come.”<br />
Top: Cross-sectional optical coherence tomography (OCT)<br />
image showing where corneal incisions will be made and<br />
in what pattern. Bottom: OCT image with the highlighted<br />
treatment plan <strong>of</strong> the cataract.
12 pAtIeNt prOfILe
BACk IN the gAMe<br />
On Christmas Day 2011, Tyler Burress was accidently<br />
punched in his eye while playfully wrestling with a cousin.<br />
According to Tyler’s mother, Dana, the blow did not leave a<br />
bruise and did not seem to be a cause for concern. However,<br />
a few days later Tyler told his mother that he was seeing<br />
things floating in his right eye. Shortly after, he told her that<br />
he could not see anything at all except for blackness.<br />
Tyler’s parents took him to see a local eye doctor in<br />
their hometown <strong>of</strong> Danville, <strong>Illinois</strong>. He was sent to a retinal<br />
specialist who determined that Tyler had sustained blunt<br />
trauma to his right eye, which quickly developed into a large<br />
retinal tear. To treat his complicated condition, Tyler was<br />
referred to Yannek Leiderman, MD, PhD, at UIC’s Retina<br />
Service in Chicago.<br />
“These types <strong>of</strong> complex retinal detachments can be<br />
challenging to repair, particularly in children,” says Dr. Leiderman.<br />
He adds that while surgically repairing a retinal<br />
detachment is a common procedure performed by retina<br />
surgeons, maintaining the health <strong>of</strong> the eye and achieving<br />
good visual outcomes is more difficult in children and<br />
young adults. This was the primary reason Tyler’s retinal<br />
specialist referred him to the experts at the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye<br />
and Ear Infirmary. Upon examining Tyler, Dr. Leiderman<br />
recommended immediate surgery. Despite the fast turn <strong>of</strong><br />
events, Tyler’s parents were unfazed.<br />
“I was confident we were in the best place,” says Dana.<br />
The following day, Dr. Leiderman performed eye surgery<br />
(pars plana vitrectomy) to reattach Tyler’s retina.<br />
“The surgical procedure was a success,” says Dr.<br />
Leiderman. “And while Tyler has not regained perfect vision,<br />
he has made great progress and continues to improve.”<br />
“Tyler’s eye is healing very well,” says Dana, noting that<br />
there is no scar tissue. The toughest part for Tyler was<br />
Left: Dr. Yannek Leiderman <strong>of</strong> the Retina Service examines Tyler Burress.<br />
The Burress family with Dr. Leiderman<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 13<br />
keeping his head down for two weeks to maintain the gas<br />
bubble behind his eye that held his retina in place.<br />
“His vision is getting better,” says Dana, “although he sees<br />
wavy lines that may or may not go away.” Gradual vision<br />
improvement is typical following the surgical treatment <strong>of</strong> retinal<br />
detachment involving the critical central part <strong>of</strong> the retina.<br />
In the meantime, Tyler, an active 18-year old, is<br />
considering community college to pursue other interests<br />
until he finds out whether his vision will improve enough to<br />
join the Marines.<br />
“Tyler is a success story because we were able to restore<br />
his vision and help a young man continue to achieve his goals,”<br />
says Dr. Leiderman. He credits the skills <strong>of</strong> the entire UIC<br />
team who assisted in the treatment to save Tyler's sight.<br />
“It is a privilege to work as part <strong>of</strong> a team, including<br />
surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, technicians and many<br />
others here at UIC that allow us to care for the most<br />
challenging and complex cases,” adds Dr. Leiderman.
14 gIvINg<br />
fOr geNerAtIONS<br />
tO COMe<br />
John H. Panton, MD, Res ’57, an<br />
ophthalmologist who completed<br />
his residency at the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and<br />
Ear Infirmary, made a $250,000<br />
pledge to establish the Panton Family<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship, which will help the<br />
Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology & Visual<br />
Sciences recruit and retain top faculty.<br />
Matching funds from the Raymond<br />
Nester Sweeney, MD, Med ’68, estate<br />
will complete the $500,000 needed for<br />
an endowed pr<strong>of</strong>essorship. Dr. Sweeney<br />
was a radiologist who spent most <strong>of</strong><br />
his career practicing in Terre Haute,<br />
Indiana. Grateful for his education at<br />
the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>, Sweeney<br />
made an estate gift <strong>of</strong> nearly $20 million,<br />
which has created an endowment fund<br />
to provide student scholarships and to<br />
establish endowed pr<strong>of</strong>essorships, such<br />
as the Panton Family Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship. The<br />
Panton Family Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship will be fully<br />
funded in 2016.<br />
Dr. John Panton is joined in making<br />
the gift by his wife, Mary Karakourtis<br />
Panton, his two sons, Peter J. Panton,<br />
MD, Res ‘86, and Robert W. Panton,<br />
MD, Res ‘90, and his daughter,<br />
Elizabeth Panton Karkazis, OD, an<br />
optometrist. They are in practice<br />
together at the Panton Eye Center in<br />
Elmwood Park, <strong>Illinois</strong>.<br />
The Panton family has a long history<br />
with the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong>, both<br />
the Chicago and Urbana campuses.<br />
Dr. Peter Panton describes his family’s<br />
education pedigree as “a journey from<br />
Ellis Island to the Ivy League, with all<br />
roads passing through the <strong>University</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong>.” His grandfather, Angelos<br />
Karakourtis, emigrated from Greece to<br />
the United States, passing through Ellis<br />
Island and arriving in Chicago in 1913.<br />
He lived in Chicago’s old Greektown,<br />
which adjoins UIC’s East Campus, and<br />
learned to read and write English at<br />
Hull House. Angelos’s daughter, Mary<br />
Karakourtis, was a member <strong>of</strong> the first<br />
class to enter the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> at<br />
Chicago in 1946 and attended classes<br />
there until 1948 when she transferred<br />
to the Urbana campus to complete<br />
her BA. She and Dr. John Panton, who<br />
graduated from the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Athens<br />
School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong> and completed<br />
his residency in ophthalmology at<br />
Presbyterian Hospital <strong>of</strong> the City<br />
<strong>of</strong> Chicago, a teaching affiliate <strong>of</strong><br />
the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Medicine</strong>, were married in 1955. Their<br />
sons, Peter and Robert, both attended<br />
Brown <strong>University</strong> as undergraduates<br />
and Brown <strong>University</strong> School <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Medicine</strong>; both did their ophthalmology<br />
residencies at the Infirmary. Daughter<br />
Elizabeth graduated from the <strong>University</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong>, Urbana before earning her<br />
OD at the <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Optometry.<br />
Christina Panton, Peter’s daughter, has<br />
started medical school at Brown.
Mary Karakourtis Panton would<br />
<strong>of</strong>ten tell her children that “Excellence<br />
is permanent.” This was how she<br />
paraphrased her husband, who was fond<br />
<strong>of</strong> quoting Aristotle: “We are what we<br />
repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not<br />
an act, but a habit.” The success <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Panton Eye Center and the family’s<br />
history <strong>of</strong> giving to the Department <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmology suggest they took her<br />
advice to heart. Dr. John Panton speaks<br />
warmly <strong>of</strong> the doctors who trained him,<br />
in particular Dr. William F. Hughes and<br />
Dr. Peter C. Kronfeld. Pointing to the<br />
facility in which he and his children have<br />
practiced for the past 20 years, he said,<br />
“All that we have here, all that we do<br />
here, is because <strong>of</strong> the good teachers at<br />
the Infirmary.”<br />
“you want to give back to the<br />
institutions that made your success<br />
possible,” said Dr. Peter Panton. “We<br />
want to help the place where we learned<br />
ophthalmology.”<br />
The Panton family’s history <strong>of</strong> giving<br />
to the Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
dates back to the 1980s when they<br />
contributed to the effort to build the<br />
Lions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye Research Institute.<br />
In the past decade, they contributed<br />
to endowed pr<strong>of</strong>essorships for Drs.<br />
Morton F. Goldberg, Joel Sugar and<br />
Jacob T. Wilensky. In 2007, Peter and<br />
Robert Panton joined with the children<br />
<strong>of</strong> Arnold D. Curnyn, MD, Res ’65<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 15<br />
From left: Dr. John H. Panton, Mary Karakourtis Panton, Dr. Elizabeth Panton Karkazis, Dr. Robert W. Panton and Dr. Peter J. Panton<br />
(Kimberlee M. Curnyn, MD, Res ’95),<br />
the late Harold Q. Kirk, MD, Res ’53<br />
(Ann Kirk Williams, MD, Res ’87 and<br />
her husband Douglas P. Williams, MD,<br />
Res ’87), and Karl E. Ticho, MD, Res ’57<br />
(Benjamin H. Ticho, MD, Res ‘91), to<br />
establish the Four Fathers Lecture in<br />
Ophthalmology.<br />
The Panton family also established a<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>essorship in Modern Greek Studies<br />
at UIC. They have given generously to<br />
the National Hellenic Museum, located<br />
near UIC in Chicago’s Greektown.<br />
“We are so grateful to the Panton<br />
family for their generosity as loyal alumni<br />
<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary,” says<br />
Dr. Rohit Varma, Department Chair.<br />
“We are what we repeatedly do.<br />
Excellence, then, is not an act,<br />
but a habit.” – ariStotle
16 gIvINg<br />
CLeSS fAMILY<br />
fOUNDAtION<br />
Champions among donors<br />
Since 1995, when Gerhard (Gary) Cless<br />
first came to the <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear<br />
Infirmary for follow-up care after surgery<br />
to treat a macular hole, he has taken<br />
an active interest in the Department<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences's<br />
research, providing extraordinary<br />
support through a variety <strong>of</strong> gifts.<br />
A native <strong>of</strong> Stuttgart, Germany,<br />
Gary is Executive Vice President and<br />
co-founder <strong>of</strong> Zebra Technologies<br />
Corporation, a global leader in Barcode<br />
and Radio Frequency Identification<br />
(RFID) technology. He holds several<br />
U.S. patents related to the RFID<br />
industry. He and his wife, Ruth, formed<br />
The Karl Cless Family Foundation,<br />
named for his father, through which they<br />
direct their philanthropic activities.<br />
In 2000, Gary donated a $50,000<br />
high-powered confocal microscope,<br />
only the third <strong>of</strong> its kind installed in the<br />
United States at that time, and provided<br />
$70,000 for two research studies about<br />
macular holes. In 2001 he donated a<br />
Zeiss Optical Coherence Tomographer,<br />
imaging technology that allows<br />
doctors to better evaluate the disease<br />
progression and monitor treatment <strong>of</strong><br />
patients. In <strong>2012</strong>, support from The<br />
Cless Foundation made it possible to<br />
acquire the latest confocal microscope<br />
technology, a Zeiss laser scanning<br />
confocal system.<br />
In between, Gary has generously<br />
supported the Department’s research<br />
and education program, providing<br />
support for acquisition <strong>of</strong> other<br />
advanced microscopy for research,<br />
recruitment <strong>of</strong> retina faculty, clinical<br />
studies in diseases <strong>of</strong> the retina and<br />
macula, and for a retina fellow. Prior<br />
gifts established an endowed lecture,<br />
the Gerhard Cless Endowed Lecture<br />
Cless Best <strong>of</strong> the Best medal; Ruth and Gerhard (Gary) Cless<br />
in 2003, given at the annual retina<br />
meeting, and the Cless Best <strong>of</strong> the Best<br />
Award in 2008, which recognizes the<br />
best quality talk given at the annual<br />
meetings <strong>of</strong> the American Association<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology and the Association<br />
for Research and Ophthalmology.<br />
The Cless Family Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship<br />
in Ophthalmology is the latest gift<br />
from The Cless Family Foundation.<br />
The endowed pr<strong>of</strong>essorship will be<br />
fully funded in 2013, with matching<br />
support from the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>’s<br />
Sweeney fund.<br />
“Gary and Ruth Cless have given<br />
more than $2 million to help the<br />
Department,” says Dr. Rohit Varma,<br />
Ophthalmology Chair. “We are deeply<br />
grateful for their contributions to vision<br />
research, which has impact well beyond<br />
our institution.”
WhY I gIve<br />
Chuck Barsky donates on<br />
behalf <strong>of</strong> his father<br />
Although he was just a teen at the time,<br />
Chuck Barsky vividly remembers his<br />
father, Albert, struggling for years with<br />
failing eyesight. A serious flare-up the<br />
day after his brother’s wedding caused<br />
Albert to lose most <strong>of</strong> his eyesight for<br />
the second time within 10 years. A trip<br />
to the local eye doctor in the Chicago<br />
suburbs confirmed that his case<br />
was extremely serious and required<br />
advanced attention. Albert was referred<br />
to the Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology &<br />
Visual Sciences at UIC.<br />
“We consider ourselves fortunate<br />
to have been close to UIC, one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
leading eye institutes,” notes Chuck.<br />
Albert met with Jacob Wilensky,<br />
MD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology. Dr.<br />
Wilensky diagnosed Albert with acute<br />
glaucoma. After 25 years and more<br />
than 20 surgeries, including cornea<br />
transplants, Albert has regained some<br />
<strong>of</strong> his sight. According to Chuck, he can<br />
see roughly 25 percent out <strong>of</strong> one eye<br />
and has pinpoint vision in the other.<br />
“We give all the credit in the world to<br />
the doctors at UIC,” says Chuck. “We<br />
would never have dreamed that my<br />
father could one day see well enough to<br />
shoot baskets with his grandson.”<br />
Today, Albert regularly sees Dr.<br />
Wilensky and Joel Sugar, MD. Albert<br />
typically returns to UIC for treatment<br />
every three to six months.<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 17<br />
Chuck is grateful to the<br />
Department’s doctors for partially<br />
recovering his father’s eyesight, and feels<br />
that it is important to give back. “We<br />
owe so much to them,” he notes.<br />
Chuck earmarks his donation<br />
(which is matched by his employer,<br />
Discover Financial Services) for<br />
the Jacob Wilensky, MD, Endowed<br />
Glaucoma Research Fund, which is<br />
used for glaucoma research and the<br />
Department’s teaching program.<br />
“We hope that our donation can help<br />
someone else,” says Chuck.<br />
To learn about ways to give, email<br /> or call (312) 996-6591.<br />
From left: Albert Barsky with his sons, Chuck and Scott
18 gIvINg<br />
hONOr rOLL<br />
Of DONOrS<br />
2011—<strong>2012</strong> †<br />
$100,000+<br />
Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.<br />
$50,000–99,999<br />
American Health Assistance Foundation<br />
Dr. R. Mark and Mrs. Monica J. W. Hatfield *<br />
Hope for Vision<br />
Komarek-Hyde-McQueen Foundation<br />
Parent Petroleum<br />
$20,000–49,999<br />
ABMRF/The Foundation for Alcohol Research<br />
Foundation Fighting Blindness<br />
Mr. Gary R. Janko *<br />
Dr. John H. Panton *<br />
Dr. Allen Putterman *<br />
Dr. Howard H. and Mrs. Tena Tessler *<br />
$10,000–19,999<br />
Mr. Gerhard Cless *<br />
Cless Family Foundation<br />
Dr. Stephen A. Cullinan in honor <strong>of</strong> the<br />
UIC <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye Fund/Ophthalmology<br />
Cullinan/Falcon Foundation, Inc.<br />
Omega Surgery Centers, LLC<br />
Dr. Don M. Smart *<br />
Mr. Anthony Tworkoski<br />
$5,000–9,999<br />
Arch W. Shaw Foundation<br />
Solna A. Braude **<br />
Braude Foundation<br />
Mr. Bill Crown<br />
Edwin F. Schild Foundation<br />
Eye Bank Association Of America, Inc.<br />
Ms. Anne C. Haffner<br />
in honor <strong>of</strong> Dr. Paul Knepper **<br />
Mrs. Diane K. Henry *<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Blindness<br />
Dr. Sao Cheng Liu **<br />
Dr. Sao Jang Liu *<br />
† For the fiscal year July 1, 2011 – June 30, <strong>2012</strong><br />
$2,500–4,999<br />
Dr. Daniel C. Alter<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>. Arnold R. Bodmer<br />
Arnold Bodmer & Family Trust<br />
Dr. David J. Fuerst<br />
Glaucoma Foundation, Inc.<br />
Dr. Paul A. Knepper and Dr. Zibute Zaparackas *<br />
Dr. David M. Lubeck **<br />
Medical Eye Services, Ltd.<br />
Midwest Eye-Banks and Transplantation Center<br />
$1,500–2,499<br />
Batavia Lions Club<br />
Dr. Norbert M. Becker<br />
Mr. Julian L. and Mrs. Joan S. Berman *<br />
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund<br />
Geneva Eye Clinic, Ltd.<br />
Katherine Knaphurst Trust (DEC)<br />
KLS Martin, LP<br />
Dr. Harris and Mrs. Jeanne Ripps<br />
Ms. Dorothy T. Tannenbaum<br />
$1,000–1,499<br />
Dr. Alan J. and Mrs. Jennifer K. Axelrod<br />
Dr. Norman P. Blair<br />
Mr. Barry J. and Mrs. Barbara P. Carroll *<br />
The Carroll Foundation<br />
Dr. Richard M. Chavis<br />
Dr. Anne L. Coleman<br />
District 1-A Lions Clubs<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Deepak P. Edward *<br />
Dr. Debra A. Goldstein and Dr. David P. Cohen<br />
Dr. Sherwin Isenberg<br />
Dr. Lee M. Jampol<br />
Mr. Mark S. Kotz<br />
Kraff Eye Institute, Ltd.<br />
Dr. Jennifer I. Lim<br />
Dr. John J. and Mrs. Kathleen McGetrick **<br />
Dr. Paul F. Nichols<br />
Dr. Brian A. and Mrs. Sonja R. Phillpotts<br />
Dr. George R. Reiss<br />
Dr. J. Patrick and Dr. Clarissa F. Rhode<br />
Dr. Donald R. Sanders<br />
Dr. William L. Schey **<br />
Dr. Joanne Shen and Dr. Robert Ortega-Hamilton<br />
Dr. Veeral S. and Dr. Monica Johal Sheth<br />
Dr. George J. Wyhinny<br />
$500–999<br />
Dr. Phillip D. and Mrs. Vicki A. Alward **<br />
Mr. Albert and Mrs. Doreen Barsky<br />
Dr. Felix y. Chau<br />
Dr. Marc F. Greenberg and Ms. Susan H. Glatt<br />
Dr. Nancy A. Hamming<br />
Dr. Marcus and Mrs. Sue Muallem<br />
Dr. John H. Panton, FACS, SC<br />
Dr. Robert W. Panton<br />
Mrs. Jenifer Mason Robbins<br />
Dr. Kathleen M. Scarpulla<br />
Mr. Ira J. and Mrs. Beverly W. Schulman<br />
Dr. Thasarat S. Vajaranant<br />
Ms. Patricia S. Wager *<br />
Dr. Robert D. Wertz<br />
Dr. Douglas P. Williams<br />
Dr. Eirene Wong<br />
$250–499<br />
Dr. Dimitri T. and Dr. Nathalie F. Azar *<br />
Mrs. Susan S. Donahue<br />
in memory <strong>of</strong> Dr. Elias Selinger<br />
Expert Optics, Inc.<br />
Dr. Jill A. Foster<br />
Dr. Frank R. Guastella<br />
Dr. John M. and Mrs. Sally Hattenhauer<br />
Dr. Sherwin Isenberg, Inc.<br />
Jules Stein Eye Institute<br />
Dr. Colman R. Kraff<br />
Dr. Manus C. Kraff<br />
Dr. Cheryl Kraff-Cooper<br />
Dr. Miriam T. Schteingart Light<br />
Dr. Frank I. and<br />
Mrs. Katherine Mendelblatt<br />
Mr. David W. Montross<br />
National Philanthropic Trust<br />
Ms. Lynn Orschel<br />
Dr. Ashok R. Penmatcha<br />
Mr. James T. Reid in honor <strong>of</strong><br />
Dr. William Miele<br />
Up to $250<br />
Dr. Prasant and Dr. Harvinder K. S. Atluri<br />
Dr. Amparo Barrido<br />
Mr. Charles L. Barsky<br />
Mr. Gregory B. Beggs<br />
Dr. Abdhish R. Bhavsar<br />
Mr. John J. and Mrs. Phyllis A. Bierdz<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>. L. Vaughn Blankenship<br />
Mr. Karney Boyajian<br />
Mrs. Andrea Bromberg
Mrs. Marie J. Bugajski<br />
Dr. Michael E. Carroll<br />
Dr. Teresa C. Chen<br />
Chicago Cornea Consultants, Ltd.<br />
Mr. Christopher B. Cohen<br />
Mr. L. Park and Mrs. Sharlene M. Davis<br />
Discover Financial Services<br />
matching gift on behalf <strong>of</strong> Mr. Charles Barsky<br />
DuPage Ophthalmology<br />
Encompass Group, LLC<br />
Dr. Randy J. Epstein<br />
Dr. Victor F. Feldman<br />
Mr. Marc J. and Mrs. Geri Lynn Feldstein<br />
in honor <strong>of</strong> Dr. Stephen M. Litinsky<br />
Dr. Anthony G. Finder<br />
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Linda Fowler<br />
Dr. Joseph B. Garber<br />
Dr. Carl Garfinkle<br />
Miss Elden Genitis<br />
Ms. Anita S. Gerber<br />
Dr. Glenn S. Goldsher<br />
Mrs. Sylvia E. Greenberg<br />
Ms. Jacquelyn M. Guerra<br />
Dr. Balaji K. Gupta<br />
Dr. Margaret A. Halle<br />
Dr. David S. Hillman<br />
Mr. Richard A. and Mrs. Mary E. Howell<br />
Dr. Donald S. Jacobs<br />
Dr. Jeremy D. Keenan<br />
Ms. Kate T. Kestnbaum *<br />
Mrs. Patricia A. Konn<br />
Dr. Charlton Rex and Mrs. Janet M. Latta<br />
Mrs. Ale B. Lelis<br />
Mrs. Patricia M. Livingston<br />
Dr. Paul Arthur Mahlberg<br />
Dr. David I. and Mrs. Michele N. Malitz<br />
Ms. Helorna N. McFall<br />
Dr. Timothy T. and Mrs. Kay McMahon<br />
Dr. Irwin Menach<strong>of</strong> (DEC)<br />
Dr. Audrey C. Mok<br />
Mrs. Mildred R. Monsen<br />
Dr. Dorothy M. Moore and Mr. Garry J. Cap<br />
Dr. Paul K. and Mrs. Ruth Morimoto **<br />
Mr. Gerald M. and Mrs. Barbara P. Newman<br />
Mr. Richard Palandech<br />
Mr. William D. Perkins<br />
Mrs. Sally L. Pope *<br />
Dr. Jose S. Pulido and Dr. Colleen A. Howe *<br />
Mr. Anthony L. Rainaldi<br />
Mr. James E. Rathmann<br />
Mr. Bernard B. Rinella<br />
Dr. David S. Robbin<br />
Mr. Marvin Rogan<br />
in memory <strong>of</strong> Dr. Laura E. Lehtinen-Rogan<br />
Dr. Alfred A. Rosenbloom Jr.<br />
Mr. David G. Rosenfeld<br />
Mr. Warner A. Rosenthal<br />
Mr. LeRoy and Mrs. Albina Schalansky<br />
Mrs. Gloria B. Schall<br />
Mr. Gary E. and Mrs. Nancy Q. Scheuermann<br />
in honor <strong>of</strong> Ms. Ellen M. Nichols<br />
Mr. Richard L. Schultz<br />
Mr. Leonard H. Solomon<br />
Ms. Barbara S. Spielman<br />
Dr. Alan V. Spigelman<br />
Dr. John B. Thompson<br />
Dr. Arnold Tobin<br />
Mr. Larry R. Tompkins<br />
UBS matching gift on behalf <strong>of</strong><br />
United Way <strong>of</strong> Central New Mexico<br />
Samuel J. Vainisi DVM<br />
Mrs. Helen Vavrinchik<br />
Wells Fargo Foundation matching gift<br />
on behalf <strong>of</strong> Willow Springs Lioness Club<br />
Dr. George J. Witteman<br />
Mr. Michael J. and Mrs. Kathleen A. Worrall<br />
Dr. Terri L. young<br />
Mr. Tony Zamora<br />
* President’s Council<br />
** Chancellor’s Circle<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> eye fund Board<br />
Dimitri Azar, MD, MBA<br />
CHAIR<br />
Samuel J. Cascio, DDS<br />
Julian L. Berman<br />
Irene T. Schoenberg<br />
Barry J. Carroll<br />
Gerald Fishman, MD<br />
William Jackson Jones, DDS<br />
Steven P. Koenig, MD<br />
Barry Malkin<br />
Frank I. Mendelblatt, MD<br />
Marilyn T. Miller, MD<br />
Steven B. Ross<br />
Georgia Roulo<br />
Sriram Sonty, MD<br />
Van C. Stone<br />
Joel Sugar, MD<br />
Patricia Wager<br />
Jacob Wilensky, MD<br />
EMERITuS<br />
Diane Kraft Henry<br />
Dr. Harris Ripps, DSc<br />
Julie Daraska<br />
David J. Eaton<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 19
20 eNDOWMeNt ACtIvItY<br />
eNDOWMeNt<br />
ACtIvItY repOrt<br />
Endowed gifts support valuable<br />
academic activity in the Department<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology & Visual<br />
Sciences. We are proud to highlight<br />
just a few <strong>of</strong> the achievements <strong>of</strong><br />
our endowed faculty and important<br />
endowed programs from the 2011–12<br />
academic year.<br />
EndowEd LEcturEs<br />
Morton F. Goldberg, MD, Endowed Lecture<br />
“The Demise <strong>of</strong> the Disc Margin and Cup to Disc<br />
Ratio in Glaucoma”<br />
Claude F. Burgoyne, MD<br />
Oregon Health and Sciences <strong>University</strong><br />
Delivered June 29, <strong>2012</strong>, at the 36th <strong>Annual</strong><br />
Alumni / Resident Day<br />
Four Fathers Lecture<br />
“Manpower Needs in Ophthalmology”<br />
Joel Sugar, MD<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary at UIC<br />
Delivered June 29, <strong>2012</strong>, at the 36th <strong>Annual</strong><br />
Alumni / Resident Day<br />
Jose S. Pulido, MD, Endowed Lecture<br />
“The Evolution <strong>of</strong> Surgery for Keratoconus”<br />
Mark J. Mannis, MD<br />
UC Davis Eye Center<br />
Delivered June 29, <strong>2012</strong>, at the 36th <strong>Annual</strong><br />
Alumni / Resident Day<br />
Samuel F. Schoenberg, MD,<br />
Memorial Lecture<br />
“Unlocking Mysteries in Measurements <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer”<br />
David S. Greenfield, MD<br />
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute<br />
Delivered May 16, <strong>2012</strong>, at the <strong>Annual</strong> Glaucoma<br />
Symposium<br />
Jacob T. Wilensky, MD Lecture<br />
“Imaging in Glaucoma”<br />
Teresa C. Chen, MD<br />
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary<br />
Delivered May 16, <strong>2012</strong>, at the <strong>Annual</strong> Glaucoma<br />
Symposium<br />
Gerhard Cless Endowed Lecture<br />
“Defining and Describing New Medical Retina<br />
Diseases such as the White Dot Syndromes”<br />
Lee Jampol, MD<br />
Northwestern Feinberg School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Delivered March 30, <strong>2012</strong>, at the 5th <strong>Annual</strong><br />
Retina Symposium<br />
Timothy McMahon, OD, Endowed Lecture<br />
"Opportunity for Impact: Therapeutic Lenses and<br />
Ocular Graft-vs-Host Disease”<br />
Deborah S. Jacobs, MD<br />
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary<br />
Delivered April 22, 2011<br />
Marvin D. Henry, MD, Memorial Lecture<br />
“Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology”<br />
Grant T. Liu, MD<br />
<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Delivered October 14, 2011, at the 2nd Biennial<br />
Neuro-Ophthalmology Symposium<br />
Eugene R. Folk, MD, Memorial Lecture<br />
“Phylogeny <strong>of</strong> Eye Movements and the Extraocular<br />
Muscles”<br />
Steven M. Archer, MD<br />
W.K. Kellogg Eye Center, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Michigan<br />
Delivered September 16, 2011, at the Pediatric<br />
Ophthalmology Meeting<br />
Dr. Rohit Varma, Dean Dimitri Azar and Dr. Joel Sugar<br />
commend Dr. Sandeep Jain and Dr. Ali Djalilian on their<br />
promotion to Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essors.
EndowEd chairs<br />
B.A. Field Chair <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmic Research<br />
Dimitri Azar, MD, MBA<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
and Dean, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Lions /<br />
Charles I. Young Chair<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Rohit Varma, MD, MPH<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
and Department Chair *<br />
Marion Schenk Esq. Chair<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Jennifer I. Lim, MD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
and Director, Retina Service<br />
EndowEd Pr<strong>of</strong>Essors<br />
Marion Schenk Esq. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Deepak Shukla, PhD Director, Ocular Virology Laboratory<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 21<br />
Two R21 grants submitted by Dr. Shukla to the National Eye Institute — Role <strong>of</strong><br />
Optineurin in Ocular Herpes Infection and Entry Based Inhibition <strong>of</strong> Ocular HSV-1<br />
Infection — were awarded at the end <strong>of</strong> <strong>2012</strong>. He was invited as a keynote speaker<br />
to the annual meeting <strong>of</strong> the Indian Association <strong>of</strong> Medical Microbiologists in<br />
Varanasi, India.<br />
Morton F. Goldberg, MD, FACS, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Mahnaz Shahidi, PhD Director, Applied Physics Laboratory<br />
National Eye Institute review <strong>of</strong> Dr. Shahidi’s competitive renewal application for<br />
her R01 research grant Noninvasive Imaging <strong>of</strong> Chorio-Retinal Oxygen Tension<br />
(R01Ey017918) received a third percentile rank and is expected to be renewed<br />
through 2017. Dr. Shahidi was selected to serve on the NEI grant review study<br />
section, Diseases and Pathophysiology <strong>of</strong> the Visual System.<br />
Searls-Schenk Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
David Pepperberg, PhD Director, Photoreceptor Research Laboratory<br />
A paper recently published in Nature Communications by Dr. Pepperberg and his<br />
colleagues reports a milestone advance in their research to develop a new type <strong>of</strong><br />
molecular therapy for age-related macular degeneration and related photoreceptor<br />
degenerative diseases. Their work involves the creation <strong>of</strong> novel light-sensitive<br />
chemical compounds that can interface with inner retinal nerve cells to “bypass”<br />
dysfunctional rod and cone photoreceptors in the diseased retina.<br />
Joel Sugar, MD, Endowed Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Joel Sugar, MD Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology, Cornea Service<br />
In addition to serving as Interim Department Head in <strong>2012</strong>, Dr. Sugar continued<br />
seeing patients and participated in the Cornea Donor study and the Fuchs Corneal<br />
Endothelial Dystrophy Study. He was awarded the Castroviejo Medal by the<br />
Cornea Society for “outstanding contributions to Ophthalmology in the field <strong>of</strong><br />
cornea and anterior segment <strong>of</strong> the eye.”<br />
Jacob Wilensky, MD, Endowed Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Jacob Wilensky, MD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology, Glaucoma Service<br />
Dr. Jacob Wilensky served as the 47th C.S. O’Brien Pr<strong>of</strong>essor at Tulane <strong>University</strong><br />
Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology, and delivered the lecture, “What have we learned from<br />
clinical trials in glaucoma?” at their Alumni Day, June 8 – 9, <strong>2012</strong>. Dr. Wilensky earned<br />
his BA, MD, and completed his Ophthalmology Residency at Tulane.<br />
*Pending UIC Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees approval
22 fACULtY<br />
fACULtY<br />
Chair & Vice Chairs<br />
Rohit Varma, MD, MPH<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Lions/Charles I. Young Chair<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology*<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology and<br />
Department Chair<br />
Joel Sugar, MD<br />
Joel Sugar, MD, Endowed Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Vice Chair for Clinical Operations<br />
William Mieler, MD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Vice Chair for Education<br />
Director, Ocular Oncology Clinic<br />
Mahnaz Shahidi, PhD<br />
Morton F. Goldberg, MD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmology<br />
Vice Chair for Research<br />
Director, Applied Physics Laboratory<br />
*Pending UIC Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees approval<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essors<br />
Kenneth Alexander, PhD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emeritus<br />
Dimitri Azar, MD, MBA<br />
Dean, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
B. A. Field Endowed Chair <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmologic Research<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Norman Blair, MD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Retinal Circulation and<br />
Metabolism Laboratory<br />
Gerald Fishman, MD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emeritus<br />
Nalin Kumar, DPhil<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD<br />
Marion Schenk Esq., Chair <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Retina Service<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Irene Maumenee, MD<br />
Research Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Ocular Genetics Laboratory<br />
Timothy McMahon, OD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Marilyn Miller, MD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
David Pepperberg, PhD<br />
Searls-Schenk Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Photoreceptor Research Laboratory<br />
Allen Putterman, MD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Harris Ripps, PhD, DSc<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emeritus<br />
Howard Tessler, MD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emeritus<br />
Jacob Wilensky, MD<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Beatrice Yue, PhD<br />
Thanis A. Field Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Ocular Cell Biology Laboratory<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essors<br />
Nathalie Azar, MD<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical<br />
Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Pediatric Ophthalmology and<br />
Adult Strabismus
Dingcai Cao, PhD<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Ali Djalilian, MD<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Stem Cell Research Laboratory<br />
Director, Medical Student Education<br />
in Ophthalmology<br />
James Goodwin, MD<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Neuro-Ophthalmology Service<br />
Sandeep Jain, MD<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Corneal Neurobiology Laboratory<br />
Charlotte Joslin, OD, PhD<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Contact Lens Service<br />
Paul Knepper, MD, PhD<br />
Research Scientist<br />
Deepak Shukla, PhD<br />
Marion Schenk Esq. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmology<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Microbiology<br />
and Immunology<br />
Director, Ocular Virology Laboratory<br />
Joan Stelmack, OD<br />
Clinical Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Low Vision Service<br />
Benjamin Ticho, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Elmer Tu, MD<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Cornea Service<br />
Marlos Viana, PhD<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Biostatistics in<br />
Ophthalmology<br />
Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pharmacy<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essors<br />
Javaneh Abbasian, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Amjad Ahmad, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Ahmad Aref, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Genie Bang, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Jin-Hong Chang, PhD<br />
Research Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Angiogenesis Research Laboratory<br />
Qing Chang, MD, PhD<br />
Research Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmology<br />
Retinal Chemical Genomics Laboratory<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 23<br />
Felix Chau, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Retinal Bioengineering Laboratory<br />
Soledad Cortina, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Comprehensive Ophthalmology<br />
Faculty Practice and General Eye Clinic<br />
Kimberlee Curnyn, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Jose de la Cruz, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Millennium Park Eye Center<br />
Anthony Finder, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Robert FitzGerald, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology
24 fACULtY<br />
Molly Gilbert, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Resident Education,<br />
James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center<br />
Michael Grassi, MD<br />
Research Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Retinal Chemical Genomics<br />
Laboratory<br />
Anil Gulati, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Kyu Yeon Han, PhD<br />
Research Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />
Ophthalmology<br />
Metalloproteinases Research Laboratory<br />
David Hillman, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Iris Kassem, MD, PhD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical Ophthalmology<br />
Alexander Khammar, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Charles Kinnaird, OD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Yannek Leiderman, MD, PhD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Retinal Bank Laboratory<br />
Amy Lin, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Pathology<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Ophthalmic Pathology Laboratory<br />
Mark Lunde, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Resident Education, Jesse<br />
Brown Veterans Administration<br />
Jason McAnany, PhD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Heather Moss, MD, PhD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Neuro-Ophthalmology<br />
Research Program<br />
Pete Setabutr, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Oculoplastic & Reconstructive<br />
Surgery Service<br />
Ellen Shorter, OD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, PROSE Clinic<br />
Aisha Traish, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Associate Director, Residency Program<br />
Director, Pediatric Cornea Clinic<br />
Larry ulanski, MD<br />
Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Thasarat Vajaranant, MD<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology<br />
Director, Glaucoma Service<br />
Clinical Volunteer<br />
Faculty<br />
Daniel Alter, MD, PhD<br />
David Badawi, MD<br />
Adrienne Berman, MD<br />
Michael Blair, MD<br />
Rebekah Braslow, MD<br />
Victoria Butcko, OD<br />
Robert Egel, MD<br />
Steven Eiden, MD<br />
Gerald Fishman, MD<br />
Timothy Flood, MD<br />
Jon Geiser, MD<br />
Molly Gilbert, MD<br />
Daniel Greenberg, MD<br />
Bruce Kaplan, MD<br />
Spero Kinnas, MD<br />
Timothey Kisla, MD<br />
Sheridan Lam, MD<br />
Janet Lee, MD<br />
David Lubeck, MD<br />
Carol Menner, MD<br />
David Mittelman, MD<br />
Smajo Osmanovic, MD<br />
Anna Park, MD<br />
Kirk Packo, MD<br />
Rakhi Patil, MD<br />
Richard Quinones, MD<br />
Pervez Rasul, MD<br />
Alfred Rosenbloom, OD<br />
Kenneth Resnick, MD<br />
Michael Shapiro, MD<br />
Marcus Solomon, MD<br />
Sriram Sonty, MD<br />
Thomas Stelmack, OD<br />
Daniel Tepper, MD<br />
Charles Vygantas, MD<br />
Robert Weiss, MD<br />
Chloe Winterbotham, MD<br />
Joint Courtesy<br />
& Adjunct Faculty<br />
Anthony Peter Adamis, MD<br />
Eric C. Beyer, MD, PhD<br />
Robert Folberg, MD<br />
Craig Foster, PhD<br />
Ken-Ichiro Fukuchi, MD, PhD<br />
Richard A. Gemeinhart, PhD<br />
Jie Liang, PhD<br />
Robert Paul Malchow, PhD<br />
Asrar Malik, PhD<br />
Daniel Roberts, OD<br />
William H. Seiple, PhD<br />
Janet P. Szlyk, PhD<br />
Vaibhav Tiwari, PhD<br />
Kimani Toussaint, PhD<br />
Kazuo Tsubota, MD
fACULtY<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />
UIC Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences<br />
Journal Articles<br />
07.01.2011–06.30.<strong>2012</strong><br />
aakalu Vk, Putterman AM.<br />
Fat repositioning in lower lid<br />
blepharoplasty: the role <strong>of</strong> titrated<br />
excision. Ophthal Plast Reconstr<br />
Surg. 2011 Nov;27(6):462.<br />
aakalu Vk, Setabutr P. Current<br />
ptosis management: a national<br />
survey <strong>of</strong> ASOPRS members.<br />
Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011<br />
Jul-Aug;27(4):270-6.<br />
abbasian j, Martin TM, Patel<br />
S, Tessler HH, Goldstein DA.<br />
Immunologic and genetic markers<br />
in patients with idiopathic ocular<br />
inflammation and a family history<br />
<strong>of</strong> inflammatory bowel disease. Am<br />
J Ophthalmol. <strong>2012</strong> Jul;154(1):72-7.<br />
Epub <strong>2012</strong> Mar 30.<br />
Ali MM, Karasneh GA, Jarding<br />
MJ,Tiwari V, Shukla D. A<br />
3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate<br />
binding peptide preferentially<br />
targets herpes simplex virus<br />
2-infected cells. J Virol. <strong>2012</strong><br />
Jun;86(12):6434-43.<br />
Anastasakis A, Genead MA,<br />
McAnany JJ, fishman Ga.<br />
Evaluation <strong>of</strong> retinal nerve fiber layer<br />
thickness in patients with retinitis<br />
pigmentosa using spectral-domain<br />
optical coherence tomography.<br />
Retina. <strong>2012</strong> Feb;32(2):358-63.<br />
Aref AA. Management <strong>of</strong><br />
immediate and sustained intraocular<br />
pressure rise associated with<br />
intravitreal antivascular endothelial<br />
growth factor injection therapy.<br />
Curr Opin Ophthalmol. <strong>2012</strong><br />
Mar;23(2):105-10.<br />
Aref AA, Gedde SJ, Budenz DL.<br />
Glaucoma drainage implant surgery.<br />
Dev Ophthalmol. <strong>2012</strong>;50:37-47.<br />
Epub <strong>2012</strong> Apr 17. Review.<br />
Baker S, Booth C, Fillman C,<br />
Shapiro m, Blair mP, Hyland JC,<br />
Ala-Kokko L. A loss <strong>of</strong> function<br />
mutation in the COL9A2 gene<br />
causes autosomal recessive Stickler<br />
syndrome. Am J Med Genet A.<br />
2011 Jul;155A(7):1668-72. doi:<br />
10.1002/ajmg.a.34071.<br />
Bakhtiari P, Chan C,Welder JD, de<br />
la Cruz J, Holland EJ, Djalilian AR.<br />
Surgical and visual outcomes <strong>of</strong> the<br />
type I Boston Keratoprosthesis for<br />
the management <strong>of</strong> aniridic fibrosis<br />
syndrome in congenital aniridia. Am<br />
J Ophthalmol. <strong>2012</strong> May;153(5):967-<br />
971.e2. Epub <strong>2012</strong> Jan 21.<br />
Blair mP, Shapiro mj, Hartnett<br />
ME. Fluorescein angiography to<br />
estimate normal peripheral retinal<br />
nonperfusion in children. J AAPOS.<br />
<strong>2012</strong> Jun;16(3):234-7.<br />
Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator<br />
Group [Ticho BH, Khammar AJ],<br />
Bradfield yS, Melia BM, Repka MX,<br />
Kaminski BM, Davitt BV, Johnson<br />
DA, Kraker RT, Manny RE, Matta<br />
NS, Weise KK, Schl<strong>of</strong>f S. Central<br />
corneal thickness in children. Arch<br />
Ophthalmol. 2011 Sep;129(9):1132-8.<br />
Borchert MS, Varma R, Cotter<br />
SA,Tarczy-Hornoch K, McKean-<br />
Cowdin R, Lin JH,Wen G, Azen<br />
SP, Torres M, Tielsch JM, Friedman<br />
DS, Repka MX, Katz J, Ibironke<br />
J, Giordano L; Joint Writing<br />
Committee* for the Multi-Ethnic<br />
Pediatric Eye Disease Study<br />
and the Baltimore Pediatric Eye<br />
Disease Study Groups. Risk factors<br />
for hyperopia and myopia in<br />
preschool children: The Multi-<br />
Ethnic and Baltimore Pediatric Eye<br />
Disease Studies. Ophthalmology<br />
2011;118(10):1966-1973.<br />
Bressler NM, Doan QV, Varma R,<br />
Lee PP, Suner IJ, Dolan C, Danese<br />
MD,yu E,Tran I and Colman S.<br />
Estimated cases <strong>of</strong> legal blindness<br />
and visual impairment avoided<br />
using ranibizumab for choroidal<br />
neovascularization: Non-Hispanic<br />
White population in the United<br />
States with age-related macular<br />
degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol<br />
2011;129(6):709-717.<br />
Cao D, Lu yH. Lateral suppression<br />
<strong>of</strong> mesopic rod and cone flicker<br />
detection. J Opt Soc Am A<br />
Opt Image Sci Vis. <strong>2012</strong> Feb<br />
1;29(2):A188-93. doi: 10.1364/<br />
JOSAA.29.00A188.<br />
Cao D, Lu yH. Chromatic<br />
discrimination: differential<br />
contributions from two adapting<br />
fields. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image<br />
Sci Vis. <strong>2012</strong> Feb 1;29(2):A1-9. doi:<br />
10.1364/ JOSAA.29.0000A1.<br />
Cao D, Pokorny J, Grassi MA.<br />
Isolated mesopic rod and cone<br />
electroretinograms realized with<br />
a four-primary method. Doc<br />
Ophthalmol. 2011 Aug;123(1):29-41.<br />
doi: 10.1007/s10633-011-9279-9.<br />
Cao D, Zele AJ, Pokorny J, Lee<br />
Dy, Messner LV, Diehl C, Ksiazek S.<br />
Functional loss in the magnocellular<br />
and parvocellular pathways in<br />
patients with optic neuritis. Invest<br />
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011 Nov<br />
17;52(12):8900-7.<br />
Caprioli J, Varma R. Intraocular<br />
pressure: modulation as treatment<br />
for glaucoma. Am J Ophthalmol<br />
2011;152(3):340-344.e2.<br />
Chalmers RL,Wagner H, Mitchell<br />
GL, Lam Dy, Kinoshita BT,<br />
Jansen ME, Richdale K, Sorbara<br />
L, McMahon TT. Age and other<br />
risk factors for corneal infiltrative<br />
and inflammatory events in young<br />
Bold: Regular Faculty red: Volunteer and adjunct faculty Blue: residents and fellows<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 25<br />
s<strong>of</strong>t contact lens wearers from the<br />
Contact Lens Assessment in youth<br />
(CLAy) study. Invest Ophthalmol<br />
Vis Sci. 2011 Aug 24;52(9):6690-6.<br />
Chabi A, Varma R, Tsai JC,<br />
Lupinacci R, Pigeon J, Baranak<br />
C, Noble L, Lines C, Ho,TW.<br />
Randomized clinical trial <strong>of</strong> the<br />
efficacy and safety <strong>of</strong> preservativefree<br />
Tafluprost and Timolol in<br />
patients with open-angle glaucoma<br />
or ocular hypertension, Am J<br />
Ophthalmol <strong>2012</strong>;153(6):1187-1196.<br />
Chang JR, Koo E, Agrón E, Hallak<br />
J, Clemons T, Azar D, Sperduto<br />
RD, Ferris FL 3rd, Chew Ey; Age-<br />
Related Eye Disease Study Group.<br />
Risk factors associated with incident<br />
cataracts and cataract surgery<br />
in the Age-related Eye Disease<br />
Study (AREDS): AREDS report<br />
number 32. Ophthalmology. 2011<br />
Nov;118(11):2113-9.<br />
Chang Q, Peter ME, Grassi MA.<br />
Fas ligand-fas signaling participates<br />
in light-induced apoptotic death<br />
in photoreceptor cells. Invest<br />
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. <strong>2012</strong> Jun<br />
20;53(7):3703-16.<br />
Chaudhary S, Namavari A,yco L,<br />
Chang JH, Sonawane S, Khanolkar<br />
V, Sarkar J, Jain S. Neurotrophins<br />
and nerve regeneration-associated<br />
genes are expressed in the cornea
26 pUBLICAtIONS<br />
after lamellar flap surgery. Cornea.<br />
<strong>2012</strong> Jun 5. [Epub ahead <strong>of</strong> print]<br />
Chen L, Xu G, Blair mP. Diagnostic<br />
and therapeutic challenges. Retina.<br />
2011 Jul-Aug;31(7):1424-7.<br />
Chen PJ, Saati S, Varma R,<br />
Humayun MS, and Tai yC. Wireless<br />
intraocular pressure sensing using<br />
micr<strong>of</strong>abricated minimally invasive<br />
flexible-coiled LC sensor implant. J<br />
<strong>of</strong> Microelectromechanical Systems<br />
2010;19(4):721-34.<br />
Choudhury F, Varma R, Klein R,<br />
Azen SP, Mckean-Cowdin R and<br />
the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study<br />
Group. Risk factors for four-year<br />
incidence and progression <strong>of</strong> age<br />
related macular degeneration: The<br />
Los Angeles Latino Eye Study. Am<br />
J Ophthalmol 2011;152(3):385-95.<br />
Chow CC, Blair mP, Shapiro mj.<br />
Acquired vasoproliferative retinal<br />
tumor: a late sequela <strong>of</strong> retinopathy<br />
<strong>of</strong> prematurity. Arch Ophthalmol.<br />
2011 Sep;129(9):1234-5.<br />
Chow CC, Genead MA,<br />
Anastasakis A, Chau FY, fishman<br />
Ga, Lim JI. Structural and<br />
functional correlation in sickle cell<br />
retinopathy using spectral-domain<br />
optical coherence tomography and<br />
scanning laser ophthalmoscope<br />
microperimetry. Am J Ophthalmol.<br />
2011 Oct;152(4):704-711.e2. Epub<br />
2011 Jul 2.<br />
Cortina MS, He J, Li N, Bazan<br />
NG, Bazan HE. Recovery <strong>of</strong> corneal<br />
sensitivity, calcitonin gene-related<br />
peptide-positive nerves, and<br />
increased wound healing induced<br />
by pigment epithelial-derived<br />
factor plus docosahexaenoic acid<br />
after experimental surgery. Arch<br />
Ophthalmol. <strong>2012</strong> Jan;130(1):76-83.<br />
Cortina MS, Vajaranant T, de la<br />
Cruz J. Long-term complications<br />
associated with glaucoma<br />
drainage devices and Boston<br />
keratoprosthesis. Am J Ophthalmol.<br />
2011 Dec;152(6):1078-9; author<br />
reply 1079.<br />
Cotter SA, Varma R, Tarczy-<br />
Hornoch K, McKean-Cowdin R,<br />
Lin J,Wen G, Wei J, Borchert M,<br />
Azen SP, Torres M, Tielsch JM,<br />
Friedman DS, Repka MX, Katz<br />
J, Ibironke J, Giordano L; The<br />
Joint Writing Committee* for the<br />
Multi-Ethnic Pediatric Eye Disease<br />
Study and the Baltimore Pediatric<br />
Eye Disease Study Groups. Risk<br />
factors associated with childhood<br />
strabismus: The Multi-Ethnic<br />
and the Baltimore Pediatric Eye<br />
Disease Studies. Ophthalmology<br />
2011;118(11):2251-61.<br />
Cunningham ET Jr, Goldstein<br />
DA, Zierhut M. Uveitis treatment<br />
trials — a cross-study perspective.<br />
Ocul Immunol Inflamm. <strong>2012</strong><br />
Apr;20(2):63-7.<br />
Czugala M, Karolak JA, Nowak<br />
DM, Polakowski P, Pitarque J,<br />
Molinari A, Rydzanicz M, Bejjani<br />
BA, Yue BY, Szaflik JP, Gajecka<br />
M. Novel mutation and three other<br />
sequence variants segregating with<br />
phenotype at keratoconus 13q32<br />
susceptibility locus. Eur J Hum<br />
Genet. <strong>2012</strong> Apr;20(4):389-97.<br />
Dosa S, Castellanos K, Bacsa S,<br />
Gagyi E, Kovacs SK, Valyi-Nagy K,<br />
Shukla D, Dermody TS, Valyi-<br />
Nagy T. Chronic progressive<br />
deficits in neuron size, density and<br />
number in the trigeminal ganglia <strong>of</strong><br />
mice latently infected with herpes<br />
simplex virus. Brain Pathol. 2011<br />
Sep;21(5):583-93.<br />
Francis B, Varma R, Lai M,Vigen<br />
C, Winarko J, Nguyen B, and Azen<br />
SP. Population and high risk group<br />
screening for glaucoma: The<br />
Los Angeles Latino Eye Study.<br />
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci<br />
2011;52(3):6257-6264.<br />
Farooq AV, Shukla D. Herpes<br />
Simplex Epithelial and Stromal<br />
Keratitis: An Epidemiologic Update.<br />
Surv Ophthalmol. <strong>2012</strong> Apr 28.<br />
[Epub ahead <strong>of</strong> print] PubMed<br />
PMID: 22542912.<br />
Frick KD, Drye LT, Kempen JH,<br />
Dunn JP, Holland GN, Latkany<br />
P, Rao NA, Sen HN, Sugar EA,<br />
Thorne JE, Wang RC, Holbrook<br />
JT; Multicenter Uveitis Steroid<br />
Treatment-MUST Trial Research<br />
Group [Goldstein DA, Lim<br />
JI,Tessler HH]. Associations among<br />
visual acuity and vision- and healthrelated<br />
quality <strong>of</strong> life among patients<br />
in the multicenter uveitis steroid<br />
treatment trial. Invest Ophthalmol<br />
Vis Sci. <strong>2012</strong> Mar 9;53(3):1169-76.<br />
Gangaputra S, Almukhtar T,<br />
Glassman AR, Aiello LP, Bressler<br />
N, Bressler SB, Danis RP, Davis<br />
MD; Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical<br />
Research Network [Lim JI].<br />
Comparison <strong>of</strong> film and digital<br />
fundus photographs in eyes <strong>of</strong><br />
individuals with diabetes mellitus.<br />
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011 Aug<br />
3;52(9):6168-73.<br />
Gangaputra SS, Altaweel MM,<br />
Peng Q, Friedman DS, Rao PK,<br />
Foster CS, Kim Ry, Reed SB,<br />
Srivastava SK,Wong IG, Kempen<br />
JH; MUST Trial Research Group<br />
[Goldstein DA, Lim JI,Tessler<br />
HH]. Morphologic assessment<br />
for glaucoma in the Multicenter<br />
Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST)<br />
trial. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2011<br />
Aug;19(4):267-74.<br />
Gao X, Marjoram P, Mckean-<br />
Cowdin R,Torres M, Gauderman W,<br />
and Varma R. Genotype imputation<br />
for Latinos using the HapMap and<br />
1000 Genomes Project reference<br />
panels. Frontiers in Statistical<br />
Genetics and Methodology <strong>2012</strong>:<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;3:117.<br />
Gatto NM, Varma R, Torres M,<br />
Wong Ty, Johnson PL, Segal-<br />
Gidan F, and Mack W. Retinal<br />
microvascular abnormalities and<br />
cognitive function in Latino Adults<br />
in Los Angeles. Ophthalmic<br />
Epidemiol <strong>2012</strong>;19(3):127-136.<br />
Gedde SJ, Herndon LW, Brandt JD,<br />
Budenz DL, Feuer WJ, Schiffman<br />
JC, Tube Versus Trabeculectomy<br />
Study Group (Varma R).<br />
Postoperative complications in the<br />
tube versus trabeculectomy (TVT)<br />
study during five years <strong>of</strong> follow-up.<br />
Am J Ophthalmol <strong>2012</strong>; 153(5):804-<br />
814.e1.<br />
Gedde SJ, Singh K, Schiffman<br />
JC, Feuer WJ; the Tube<br />
Versus Trabeculectomy Study<br />
Group (Varma R). The Tube<br />
Versus Trabeculectomy Study:<br />
interpretation <strong>of</strong> results and<br />
application to clinical practice. Curr<br />
Opin Ophthal <strong>2012</strong>; 23(2):118–126.<br />
Genead MA, McAnany JJ,<br />
fishman Ga. Topical dorzolamide<br />
for treatment <strong>of</strong> cystoid<br />
macular edema in patients with<br />
choroideremia. Retina. <strong>2012</strong><br />
Apr;32(4):826-33.<br />
Genead MA, fishman Ga, Rha<br />
J, Dubis AM, Bonci DM, Dubra<br />
A, Stone EM, Neitz M, Carroll<br />
J. Photoreceptor structure and<br />
function in patients with congenital<br />
achromatopsia. Invest Ophthalmol<br />
Vis Sci. 2011 Sep 21;52(10):7298-308.<br />
Genead MA, fishman Ga.<br />
Efficacy <strong>of</strong> brinzolamide ophthalmic<br />
suspension 1% for treatment <strong>of</strong> a<br />
vitelliform macular lesion in a patient<br />
with desferrioxamine retinopathy.<br />
Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging.<br />
2011 Dec 8;42.<br />
Ghanem RC, Han Ky, Rojas<br />
J, ozturk o, Kim DJ, Jain S,<br />
Chang JH, Azar DT. Semaphorin<br />
7A promotes angiogenesis<br />
in an experimental corneal<br />
neovascularization model. Curr Eye<br />
Res. 2011 Nov;36(11):989-96.<br />
Girkin CA, McGwin G Jr, Sinai<br />
MJ, Sekhar GC, Fingeret M,<br />
Wollstein G, Varma R, Greenfield<br />
D, Liebmann J, Araie M, Tomita<br />
G, Maeda N, Garway-Heath DF.<br />
Variation in optic nerve and macular<br />
structure with age and race with<br />
spectral-domain optical coherence<br />
tomography. Ophthalmology<br />
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Sugar EA, Jabs DA, Ahuja A, Thorne<br />
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ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
05.06.12–05.10.12<br />
Allemann N, Fahd D, Chamon<br />
W, Chang J, Jain S, Azar<br />
DT. Impediment to whole eye<br />
transplantation: An animal model<br />
and surgical techniques. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:293.<br />
Antoine TE, Shukla D. Non-muscle<br />
myosin IIA mediates HSV-1 entry<br />
into the cells <strong>of</strong> the human and pig<br />
corneas. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6153.<br />
Bui km, Garcia-Gonzalez jm, Lin<br />
A, Patel S, Goldstein DA, Edward<br />
DP. Directed conjunctival biopsy<br />
and impact <strong>of</strong> histologic sectioning<br />
methodology in the diagnosis<br />
<strong>of</strong> sarcoidosis. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:3215.<br />
Burdi RA, Wagner E, Walker L,<br />
Grybauskas A, McCarty RD, Mayer<br />
JP, Knepper PA. Hemopexin: An<br />
inhibitor for hyaluronidase-2. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:6616.<br />
Burke TR, fishman Ga, Tsang SH,<br />
Smith T, Ayyagari R, Koenekoop<br />
RK, Iannaccone A, Cremers FP,<br />
Klaver CC, Allikmets R. Retinal<br />
phenotypes in patients homozygous<br />
for the G1961E mutation in the<br />
ABCA4 gene. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:6442.<br />
Cao D, Zhuang X, McNamara PJ,<br />
King AC. Acute alcohol effects on<br />
mesopic rod and cone temporal<br />
processing. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4142.<br />
Chamon W, Ozturk O, Fahd D,<br />
Allemann N, de la Cruz J, Cortina<br />
MS, Foster C, Azar DT, Jain S. A<br />
new approach to experimentally<br />
determine human corneal<br />
biomechanical characteristics using<br />
OCT applied to an anisotropic finite<br />
element model. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:6894.<br />
Chang J, Han K, Azar DT.<br />
Involvement <strong>of</strong> lysosomal proteases<br />
in VEGF-C down-regulation<br />
<strong>of</strong> VEGFR-3. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2394.<br />
Chang Q, Peter M, Grassi<br />
MA. Fas-mediated death <strong>of</strong><br />
photoreceptors in A phototoxicity<br />
model. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:2569.<br />
Chau FY, Mezu-Ndubuisi OJ,<br />
Reddy NM,Wanek J,Teng P,<br />
Blair NP, Reddy SP, Shahidi M.<br />
Spectral domain optical coherence<br />
tomography (SDOCT) findings<br />
in a mouse model <strong>of</strong> retinopathy<br />
<strong>of</strong> prematurity. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5885.<br />
Chow CC, Shah RJ, Lim JI, Chau<br />
FY, Hallak JA, Vajaranant TS.<br />
Effect <strong>of</strong> macular thinning, vessel<br />
tortuosity, and vessel diameter in<br />
peripapillary RNFL thickness by<br />
spectral domain OCT in sickle cell<br />
disease: Implications for glaucoma<br />
evaluation. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:659.<br />
Cideciyan AV, Moore AT, Zrenner<br />
E, Fishman GA, Scholl HP, van<br />
den Born LI, Bittner AK, Sadigh<br />
S, Dagnelie G, Koenekoop RK.<br />
Increased vision within days <strong>of</strong> oral<br />
cis-retinoid (QLT091001) treatment<br />
in blindness due to mutations<br />
in retinal pigment epitheliumspecific<br />
protein 65kDa (RPE65)<br />
or lecithin retinol acyltransferase<br />
(LRAT). ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6965.<br />
Collison FT, Cao D, McAnany<br />
JJ, Genead MA, fishman Ga.<br />
Pupillary responses to <strong>of</strong>fset<br />
and onset <strong>of</strong> isolated rod and<br />
cone stimuli using A 4-primary<br />
photostimulating method. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4823.<br />
Cortina MS, He J, Russ T, Erickson<br />
J, Bazan N, Bazan HE. Corneal<br />
nerve damage induces epithelial<br />
localization <strong>of</strong> vesicular glutamate<br />
transporter-2 (vglut2). ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:1793.<br />
Djalilian AR, Sagha HM,<br />
Movahedan A, Milani By, Majdi<br />
M, Lavker RM, Yue B.The effect<br />
<strong>of</strong> notch signaling on wnt pathway<br />
genes in corneal epithelial cells.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:1822.<br />
Bold: Regular Faculty red: Volunteer and adjunct faculty Blue: residents and fellows<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 31<br />
Fahed DS, Allemann N, Chamon<br />
W, Chang J, Jain S, Azar DT.<br />
Effect <strong>of</strong> neurotrophins and growth<br />
factors on RGC5 and an animal<br />
model <strong>of</strong> optic nerve transection in<br />
Thy1-yFP mice. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:329.<br />
Gao X, Gauderman WJ, Marjoram<br />
P,Torres M, Haritunians T, Chen<br />
yI,Taylor KD, Rotter JI, Varma<br />
R. Genetic variants associated<br />
with central corneal thickness in<br />
latinos. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:1550.<br />
Gaynes BI,Teng P,Wanek JM,<br />
Shahidi M. Hemorheologic<br />
and hemodynamic response <strong>of</strong><br />
conjunctival microcirculation to<br />
acute hypotension in rabbits. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:6834.<br />
Genead MA, Salvatore S,<br />
McAnany JJ, fishman Ga.<br />
Intrasession and intersession<br />
repeatability <strong>of</strong> retinal sensitivity<br />
using a modified nidek MP-1<br />
microperimeter in patients with<br />
stargardt disease. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4370.<br />
Giovingo M, McCarty RD, Beverley<br />
R, Nolan M, Grybauskas A, Burdi<br />
RA,Wagner E, Knepper PA.<br />
DHA increases outflow resistance<br />
in porcine organ cultures. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2494.<br />
Godara P, Cooper RF, Diederichs<br />
MA, Sergouniotis P, Genead<br />
MA,Webster AR, Fishman GA,<br />
Han DP, Michaelides M, Carroll J.<br />
Assessing photoreceptor reflectance<br />
and structure in congenital<br />
stationary night blindness. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5256.<br />
Grace em, Sonawane S, Khanolkar<br />
V, Katam N, Gaitonde SS, Rondelli<br />
D, Patel P, Jain S. Histopathologic<br />
and immunophenotypic<br />
characteristics <strong>of</strong> conjunctival<br />
biopsies in chronic graft versus host<br />
disease. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:2318.<br />
Grassi MA,Tikhomirov A,<br />
Ramalingam S, Lee KE, Klein BE,<br />
Klein R, Lussier y, Cox NJ, Nicolae<br />
DL. Replication analysis for severe<br />
diabetic retinopathy. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:3330.<br />
Grybauskas A,Wagner E, Burdi<br />
RA,Walker L, Knepper PA.TLR-4<br />
innate immune differential<br />
response to three dietary fatty<br />
acids challenged with low molecular<br />
weight hyaluronic acid, a TLR-4
32 pUBLICAtIONS<br />
ligand. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6615.<br />
Han Ky, Chang J, Azar DT.<br />
Proteomic pr<strong>of</strong>iling between MT1-<br />
MMP enzymatic domain deletion<br />
and total knockout on cornea<br />
fibroblast cells. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4186.<br />
Hou JH, Singa R, Green SJ,<br />
Jain S, aakalu Vk, Setabutr P.<br />
Characterization <strong>of</strong> adrenergic<br />
receptor subtype gene expression<br />
in human muller’s muscle using<br />
laser-capture microdissection and<br />
quantitative polymerase chain<br />
reaction. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6748.<br />
Hu j, Bui km, Patel KH, Kim<br />
H, Arruda JA, Wilensky JT,<br />
Vajaranant TS. Changes in<br />
intraocular pressure and ocular<br />
perfusion pressure during<br />
hemodialysis. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:254.<br />
Huang D, Zhang X, Varma R,<br />
Greenfield DS, Schuman JS,<br />
Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma<br />
Study Group,. Nerve fiber<br />
layer and ganglion cell complex<br />
measurements by optical coherence<br />
tomography as risk factors for visual<br />
field progression in glaucoma.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:2260.<br />
Huh eS, Lim JI. Macular edema<br />
associated with branch retinal<br />
vein occlusion and anti-VEGF<br />
therapy. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:914.<br />
Jiang X,Wu S,Torres M, Azen SP,<br />
Francis BA, Chopra V, Nguyen<br />
BB, Varma R, Los Angeles Latino<br />
Eye Study Group,. Risk factors for<br />
four-year incidence <strong>of</strong> open-angle<br />
glaucoma:The los angeles latino eye<br />
study. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6378.<br />
jivrajka rV, Genead MA,<br />
McAnany JJ, Chow CC, fishman<br />
Ga, Mieler WF. Early detection<br />
<strong>of</strong> functional changes using<br />
microperimetry on patients with<br />
subclinical hydroxychloroquine<br />
toxicity. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:971.<br />
Joslin CE, Hallak JA, Vajaranant<br />
TS. Five- and ten-year glaucoma<br />
incidence in the age-related eye<br />
disease study (AREDS). ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4476.<br />
Kang JJ, Aref AA, Allemann N,<br />
Cortina MS, de la Cruz J. Argon<br />
laser iridoplasty for optic obstruction<br />
in boston keratoprosthesis. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:6073.<br />
Kang Mieler JJ, Osswald CR,<br />
Guthrie MJ, Mieler WF. Efficacy<br />
<strong>of</strong> dexamethasone sodium<br />
phosphate nanospheres within<br />
thermo-responsive hydrogel<br />
treatment in A laser induced<br />
choroidal neovascularization animal<br />
model. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:2267.<br />
Kashani AH, Jaime GRL, Saati S,<br />
Chader GJ, Varma R, Humayun<br />
MS.Variation in retinal vascular<br />
oxygen content among human<br />
patients: A study using computed<br />
tomographic imaging spectroscopy.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:2167.<br />
Kim MK,Thomas JG, Ciavatta VT,<br />
Adkins AM, Hetling jr, Pardue<br />
MT. Electrical stimulation therapy<br />
preserves visual acuity and retinal<br />
ganglion cells in P23H-1 rats. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2442.<br />
Kinoshita BT, Chalmers RL,<br />
Mitchell GL, Jansen ME, Lam Dy,<br />
McMahon TT, Richdale K, Sorbara<br />
L,Wagner H. Minus s<strong>of</strong>t contact lens<br />
power progression in young myopes:<br />
A retrospective chart review. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4719.<br />
Knepper PA, McCarty RD,<br />
Grybauskas A, Mayer JP, Burdi<br />
RA,Wagner E, Samples JR,<br />
Liebmann JM, Ritch R. Low<br />
molecular weight hyaluronic<br />
acid and hyaluronic acid binding<br />
protein-2: A theory for hemorrhages<br />
in POAG. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2797.<br />
krakauer m, Chow C, Mieler<br />
WF, Lim JI. Scrolled epiretinal<br />
membrane: Case series <strong>of</strong> A novel<br />
OCT finding. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:1173.<br />
Kuchenbecker JA, Greenwald SH,<br />
Carroll J, fishman Ga, Genead<br />
MA, Connor TB, Neitz M, Neitz J.<br />
Cone isolating electroretinograms<br />
in individuals with A mutant<br />
opsin allele associated with cone<br />
dystrophy. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:6400.<br />
Lim JI, Niec M, Hung D,Wong V. A<br />
pilot study <strong>of</strong> combination therapy<br />
for neovascular AMD using a single<br />
injection <strong>of</strong> liquid sustained release<br />
intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide<br />
and intravitreal ranibizumab as<br />
needed. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:2035.<br />
Lim JM, Hou jH, Singa r, aakalu<br />
V, Setabutr P. Incidence and<br />
demographic characteristics <strong>of</strong><br />
patients with different types <strong>of</strong><br />
ptosis referred to oculoplastics at<br />
A tertiary referral center. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:1449.<br />
Lopez-Solache I, Koenekoop RK,<br />
Ren H, Keser V, Fu Q, Genead MA,<br />
fishman Ga,Traboulasi EI,Wang<br />
H, Chen R. Mutations in Lca9 cause<br />
human congenital blindness due to<br />
leber congenital amaurosis. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:1733.<br />
Majdi M, Movahedan A,ying H,<br />
Sagha HM, milani BY, Shafiq MA,<br />
Lavker RM, Yue BY, Djalilian<br />
AR.The role <strong>of</strong> notch signaling<br />
pathway in corneal epithelial<br />
cell migration. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:3544.<br />
malchow rP, Jacoby J, Alford<br />
ST, Qian H, Kreitzer MA.The<br />
pH-sensitive dye HAF reports an<br />
extracellular alkalinization upon<br />
stimulation <strong>of</strong> catfish horizontal<br />
cells:Testing the H+ hypothesis <strong>of</strong><br />
lateral inhibition. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4304.<br />
McAnany JJ, Alexander KR,<br />
Genead MA, fishman Ga.<br />
Equivalent intrinsic noise, sampling<br />
efficiency, and contrast sensitivity<br />
in patients with retinitis pigmentosa.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:4361.<br />
Mezu-Ndubuisi OJ,Wanek<br />
JM,Teng, Pang-yu, Chau FY,<br />
Reddy NM, Lin A, Blair NP, Reddy<br />
SP, Shahidi M. Retinal vascular<br />
oxygen tension imaging and<br />
fluorescein angiography in a mouse<br />
model <strong>of</strong> retinopathy <strong>of</strong> prematurity.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:4689.<br />
Milani By, Namavari A, Shafiq MA,<br />
Majdi M, Movahedan A, Sagha HM,<br />
Djalilian AR. Effect <strong>of</strong> sirolimus on<br />
proliferation and differentiation <strong>of</strong><br />
human corneal fibroblasts. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:1081.<br />
Miller RC, krakauer m, aakalu V,<br />
Ahmad A. Efficacy <strong>of</strong> combined<br />
upper eyelid blepharoplasty and<br />
resection <strong>of</strong> retro-orbicularis oculus<br />
fat resection. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:1452.<br />
Movahedan A, Djalilian AR, Majdi<br />
M, Sagha HM, Milani By, Lavker<br />
RM, Yue BY. Notch inhibition<br />
accelerates mouse corneal epithelial<br />
wound healing. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:3538.<br />
Bold: Regular Faculty red: Volunteer and adjunct faculty Blue: residents and fellows<br />
Mwanza J, Sayyad FE, Aref AA,<br />
Budenz DL. Rates <strong>of</strong> false positive<br />
peripapillary and macular optical<br />
coherence tomography scans in<br />
healthy myopic eyes: Cirrus HD-<br />
OCT versus RTVue-100. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:795.<br />
Namavari A, Sarkar J, Chaudhary<br />
SV, Ozturk O,yco L, Sonawane<br />
S, Khanolkar V, Katam N, Hallak<br />
J, Jain S. Corneal reinnervation<br />
following surgical transection.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:1809.<br />
Nolan PR, McAnany JJ.The<br />
effects <strong>of</strong> light adaptation on the<br />
harmonic components <strong>of</strong> the flicker<br />
electroretinogram. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5704.<br />
Oestreicher N, Bressler NM,<br />
Colman SS, Dolan CM, Kline Leidy<br />
N, Sunness JS,Tschosik EA, Varma<br />
R, Kimel M. The functional reading<br />
independence index (FRII): A<br />
new measure <strong>of</strong> treatment benefit<br />
in geographic atrophy. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5441.<br />
oltra eZ, Chow CC, Chau FY,<br />
Lim JI, Moss HE. Neurocognitive<br />
function and retinal thinning by<br />
spectral-domain optical coherence<br />
tomography in sickle cell patients.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:1160.<br />
osmanovic S, Hou j, aakalu V,<br />
Setabutr P, Putterman AM.<br />
Muller’s muscle-conjunctiva<br />
resection outcomes and<br />
phenylephrine predictability in<br />
ptosis from horner’s syndrome.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6747.<br />
ostheimer ta, Chow CC, Shah<br />
rj, Hallak JA, Chau FY, Lim<br />
JI,Vajaranant TS. Rate <strong>of</strong> retinal<br />
nerve fiber layer thinning by<br />
Heidelberg SD-OCT in sickle cell<br />
disease: Implications for glaucoma<br />
evaluation. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:239.<br />
Patel S, Echandi LV, Dodds<br />
EM, Goldstein DA. Induction<br />
<strong>of</strong> prolonged drug-free disease<br />
remission <strong>of</strong> sympathetic ophthalmia<br />
with chlorambucil therapy. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5502.<br />
Prickett al, Chamon W, Bui km,<br />
Hallak J, Bakhtiari P, Azar DT.<br />
A novel approach to determine<br />
theoretical head tilt effect on ocular<br />
cyclotorsion measurements during<br />
laser refractive surgery. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5570.
Rha J, Genead MA, Godara<br />
P,Williams V, Schroeder B,<br />
Summerfelt P, Dubra A, Stepien<br />
KE, fishman Ga, Carroll J. Highresolution<br />
imaging <strong>of</strong> photoreceptor<br />
structure in choroideremia. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2120.<br />
Richer SP, Stiles WR, ulanski<br />
L,Thomas C. Observation <strong>of</strong> human<br />
retinal remodeling in octogenarians<br />
with resveratrol+. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:286.<br />
Richter GM,Wu C,Torres M, Azen<br />
SP, Varma R. 4-year incidence <strong>of</strong><br />
cataract surgery and associated risk<br />
factors in the los angeles latino eye<br />
study (LALES). ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2294.<br />
roberts Dk, Wilensky JT.<br />
Persistent pupillary membranes<br />
and long anterior zonules. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5059.<br />
Salvatore S, Genead MA, McAnany<br />
JJ, fishman Ga. Rod sensitivity loss<br />
in patients with stargardt disease<br />
and its correlation with retinal<br />
structural changes. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4371.<br />
Sarkar J, Chaudhary SV, Namavari<br />
A, Ozturk O,yco L, Sonawane<br />
S, Khanolkar V, Batta P, Hallak<br />
J, Jain S.Topical benzalkonium<br />
chloride treatment causes corneal<br />
neurotoxicity. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:1806.<br />
Shafiq MA, Milani By, Majdinasab<br />
M, Yue BY, Djalilian AR.<br />
Evaluation <strong>of</strong> decellularized human<br />
cornea in a mouse model. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:292.<br />
Shah M, Zhang X, Varma R,<br />
Greenfield DS, Schuman JS, Huang<br />
D, AIGS Group . Baseline nerve<br />
fiber layer and ganglion cell complex<br />
thickness by optical coherence<br />
tomography as risk factors for the<br />
development <strong>of</strong> glaucomatous<br />
visual field defects. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:235.<br />
Shah rj, Lim J. Enhanced<br />
depth imaging optical coherence<br />
tomography in sickle cell disease.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:2645.<br />
Shahidi M, Mohammad F,Wanek<br />
J, Lim JI, Zelkha R. Enface outer<br />
retinal imaging in age-related<br />
macular degeneration. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4110.<br />
Shen W, Purpura LA, Nan C,<br />
Chang I, Ripps H. Regulation<br />
<strong>of</strong> synaptic transmission at the<br />
photoreceptor terminal: A novel role<br />
for the cation-chloride cotransporter<br />
NKCC1. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:5267.<br />
Shukla D,Tiwari V. Non-pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />
phagocytosis can play A role<br />
in herpesvirus entry into ocular<br />
cells. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6161.<br />
Sivaraman kr, Hou jH, Allemann<br />
N, De la Cruz J, Cortina MS.<br />
Retroprosthetic membrane<br />
thickness and risk <strong>of</strong> melt in patients<br />
with type I boston keratoprosthesis.<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6068.<br />
Srinivas S,Tan O, Varma R, Nittala<br />
MG, Huang D, Sadda SR. Effect<br />
<strong>of</strong> quality parameters on validity<br />
<strong>of</strong> doppler FDOCT scans. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2187.<br />
Srivastava SK, Albini TA, Callanan<br />
D, Goldstein DA, Bena J, Nguyen<br />
QD. Outcomes <strong>of</strong> patients treated<br />
with the fluoconinole acetonide<br />
implant and standard <strong>of</strong> care<br />
therapy for non-infectious uveitis:<br />
Combined results <strong>of</strong> three clinical<br />
trials. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:2250.<br />
Suhr KS,Warrow D, Rosenthal<br />
JL, Lee CM, Bhoomibunchoo C,<br />
Rosen RB, Seiple WH. Structural<br />
and functional correlation between<br />
multifocal electroretinography<br />
and microperimetry in<br />
hydroxychloroquine toxicity. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2190.<br />
Sun W, Gangaputra S, Cleary PA,<br />
Grassi MA, Benz W, Hubbard<br />
L, Davis MD, Epidemiology<br />
<strong>of</strong> Diabetes Interventions and<br />
Complications (EDIC),. Reliability<br />
<strong>of</strong> patient reporting <strong>of</strong> pan-retinal<br />
photocoagulation (PRP) compared<br />
to fundus photograph assessment<br />
in sixteen years <strong>of</strong> the epidemiology<br />
<strong>of</strong> diabetes interventions and<br />
complications study (EDIC). ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2884.<br />
Tan O, Zhang X, Varma R, Huang<br />
D. Peripalliary nerve fiber layer<br />
and retinal pigment epithelium<br />
reflectance ratio for glaucoma<br />
diagnosis. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5618.<br />
Teng P,Wanek J, Blair NP, Shahidi<br />
M. Retinal oxygen extraction<br />
fraction:The ratio <strong>of</strong> oxygen<br />
consumption to delivery. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2168.<br />
Tu EY, Sh<strong>of</strong>f ME, Joslin CE.The<br />
effect <strong>of</strong> low concentrations<br />
<strong>of</strong> benzalkonium chloride on<br />
acanthamoebal survival. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:6214.<br />
Turpcu A, Colman S, Suner IJ,<br />
Bressler NM, Varma R, Lee<br />
P, Dolan C,Ward J,yau L.The<br />
responsiveness <strong>of</strong> the national<br />
eye institute visual function<br />
questionniare-25 (NEI VFQ-25)<br />
to visual acuity gains in diabetic<br />
macular edema patients. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:6346.<br />
Turturro SB,ying H, Shen X, Shyam<br />
R, Yue BY. Mapping <strong>of</strong> functional<br />
consequence sites in the human<br />
optineurin gene. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:777.<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 33<br />
Vajaranant TS, Hallak JA, Joslin<br />
CE. Intraocular pressure and ocular<br />
perfusion pressure among 10-year<br />
incident glaucoma cases in the agerelated<br />
eye disease study (AREDS).<br />
ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:6363.<br />
Varma R, Bressler NM, Doan Q,<br />
Lee PP, Suner IJ, Danese M, Dolan<br />
CM,Turpcu A,Ward J, Ehrlich<br />
JS. Cases <strong>of</strong> legal blindness and<br />
visual impairment avoided using<br />
ranibizumab for diabetic macular<br />
edema in the united states. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:5739.<br />
Vazquez LE,Torres M,Wu C,<br />
McKean-Cowdin R, Varma R. Risk<br />
polymorphism in SERPING1 and<br />
primary open angle glaucoma:The<br />
los angeles latino eye study<br />
(LALES). ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:3866.<br />
Vincent AL, Carroll J, fishman Ga,<br />
Sharp D, Summerfelt P, Williams<br />
V, Dubra A, Dubis AM,Wong<br />
F. Retinal structure and function<br />
in a pedigree cosegregating<br />
achromatopsia and a rhodopsin<br />
mutation. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:4591.<br />
Wagner EL, Grybauskas A, Burdi<br />
RA,Walker L, Yue B, Samples<br />
J, Knepper PA. Naloxone as a<br />
neuroprotectant in glaucoma:<br />
Its role in the TLR4 pathway and<br />
innate immunity. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:3474.<br />
Wanek J,Teng P, Blair NP, Shahidi<br />
M. Global inner retinal metabolic<br />
rate <strong>of</strong> oxygen during hypoxia in<br />
rat. ARVO Meeting Abstracts<br />
<strong>2012</strong>;53:4990.<br />
Wang M,Wu S,Wang D,Torres M,<br />
Hsu C, Azen S, Varma R, Chinese<br />
American Eye Study. Refractive<br />
error, ocular biometry, and lens<br />
opalescence:The chinese american<br />
eye study. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:2313.<br />
ying H, Shen X, Yue BY. Alterations<br />
in the barrier function and cell<br />
migration in stable RGC5 cell lines<br />
induced by expression <strong>of</strong> wild-type<br />
and mutated myocilin. ARVO<br />
Meeting Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:785.<br />
yue L, Pawlowski M, Bruzik KS,<br />
Qian H, Pepperberg D. Direct<br />
activation <strong>of</strong> GABAA receptors<br />
<strong>of</strong> retinal ganglion cells by a<br />
prop<strong>of</strong>ol-based photoisomerizable<br />
compound. ARVO Meeting<br />
Abstracts <strong>2012</strong>;53:279.
34 SpONSOreD reSeArCh<br />
SpONSOreD<br />
reSeArCh<br />
fEdEraLLY sPonsorEd rEsEarch<br />
inVeStiGator title SourCe<br />
kenneth alexander, PhD Visual Dysfunction in Retinal Degenerations National Eye Institute<br />
Dimitri azar, mD, mBa Metalloproteinase Expression in Corneal Wound National Eye Institute<br />
Dimitri azar, mD, mBa P30 Core Grant for Vision Research National Eye Institute<br />
Dimitri azar, mD, mBa UIC K12 Independent Clinical Vision Scientist<br />
Development Program<br />
National Eye Institute<br />
Dingcai Cao, PhD Rod-cone Interactions in Mesopic Vision National Eye Institute<br />
robert Chang, PhD Inhibition <strong>of</strong> VEGF Receptor Dimerization and Signaling in<br />
Corneal Lymphangiogenes<br />
National Eye Institute<br />
ali Djalilian, mD Notch Signaling in the Corneal Epithelium National Eye Institute<br />
jeffrey fortman, DVm Ophthalmic Animal Facility Grant National Center for Research Resources<br />
michael Grassi, mD Genomic and Genetic Studies <strong>of</strong> Diabetic Retinopathy National Eye Institute<br />
Sandeep jain, mD Keratocyte Role in Guidance <strong>of</strong> Corneal Nerves National Eye Institute<br />
Charlotte joslin, oD, PhD Local Food Environments and Disparities in Ovarian<br />
Cancer Survival<br />
j. jason mcanany, PhD Mechanisms Limiting Visual Performance in<br />
Retinal Degenerations<br />
David Pepperberg, PhD Development <strong>of</strong> Nanoscale Neuromodulating Platforms National Eye Institute<br />
mahnaz Shahidi, PhD Retinal Image Quality In Retinal-Diseased Eyes National Eye Institute<br />
mahnaz Shahidi, PhD Noninvasive Imaging <strong>of</strong> Chorioretinal Oxygen Tension National Eye Institute<br />
National Institute on Minority Health and Health<br />
Disparities, Center <strong>of</strong> Excellence Program<br />
National Eye Institute<br />
mahnaz Shahidi, PhD Investigating Optical and Neural Causes <strong>of</strong> Vision Loss Department <strong>of</strong> Veterans Affairs<br />
Deepak Shukla, PhD Molecular Mechanism <strong>of</strong> HSV Entry and Spread National Institute <strong>of</strong> Allergy and Infectious Diseases<br />
Deepak Shukla, PhD Significance <strong>of</strong> Heparan Sulfate in HSV-1 Spread National Institute <strong>of</strong> Allergy and Infectious Diseases<br />
thasarat Vajaranant, mD The Impact <strong>of</strong> Gender in Eye Diseases and Glaucoma National Eye Institute Building Interdisciplinary Research<br />
Careers in Women’s Health Program/ National Institute<br />
<strong>of</strong> Child Health and Human Development/ Office <strong>of</strong><br />
Research on Women’s Health<br />
Beatrice Yue, PhD Cellular Processing <strong>of</strong> Optineurin, the Product <strong>of</strong><br />
a Glaucoma Gene<br />
National Eye Institute
foundation sPonsorEd rEsEarch<br />
inVeStiGator title SourCe<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 35<br />
Vinay aakalu, mD, mPH Lacrimal Stem Cells and Dry Eye Research American Society <strong>of</strong> Cataract and Refractive Surgery<br />
ahmad aref, mD Omega-3 Fatty Acid Nutritional Supplementation in<br />
the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Ocular Surface Disease Associated<br />
with Intraocular Pressure-Lowering Medications<br />
American Glaucoma Society<br />
Dimitri azar, mD, mBa Unrestricted Grant to Department Research to Prevent Blindness<br />
Pablo Barrionuevo, PhD<br />
(Cao)<br />
Postdoctoral Fellowship International Brain Research Organization<br />
Dingcai Cao, PhD Alcohol Effects on Visual Processing in At-Risk Social Drinkers AMBRF The Foundation for Alcohol Research<br />
Dingcai Cao, PhD Mesopic Visual Function Assessment and Risk Genotypes for<br />
Age-related Macular Degeneration<br />
Midwest Eye-Banks<br />
robert Chang, PhD Differential Binding <strong>of</strong> Endostatin-derived Peptides and<br />
VEGF-A, -B, -C and –D Short Peptides to VEGF Receptors<br />
1, 2 and 3 via SPR in Vitro<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Blindness<br />
ali Djalilian, mD Career Development Award Research to Prevent Blindness<br />
michael Grassi, mD Cellular Studies <strong>of</strong> Apoptosis in RP Using Small Molecule<br />
Screening and RNA Interference<br />
Foundation Fighting Blindness<br />
joelle Hallak (jain) BDNF Polymorphism in Dry Eye Disease and Depression <strong>Illinois</strong> Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Blindness<br />
Sandeep jain, mD Numerical and Experimental Study <strong>of</strong> Collagen Cross-linking<br />
Treatment for Keratoconus<br />
UIC Chancellor’s Discovery Fund for<br />
Multidisciplinary Research<br />
Sandeep jain, mD Reinnervation After Corneal Surgery Eye Bank Association <strong>of</strong> America<br />
iris kassem, mD, PhD Fibrin Membrane Formation and Inflammation Knights Templar Eye Foundation<br />
Paul knepper, mD, PhD Activation <strong>of</strong> Innate Immune Toll-4 Receptor in POAG American Health Assistance Foundation<br />
Hsuan Yolanda lu (Cao) Medical Student Fellowship Fight for Sight<br />
Behrad milani, mD<br />
(maumenee)<br />
Gene and Mutation Identification in the Knobloch Syndrome,<br />
an Entity Combining Neural Tube Defects, Congenital High<br />
Myopia and Childhood Retinal Detachment<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Blindness<br />
Paul Park (Shukla) Targeted Therapy for HSV-infected Corneas <strong>Illinois</strong> Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Blindness<br />
David Pepperberg, PhD Plasmonic Nano-antennas to Enhance Light Sensitivity <strong>of</strong><br />
Retinal Molecular Devices Designed for Vision Restoration<br />
Doheny Eye Institute/Beckman Initiative for<br />
Macular Degeneration<br />
mahnaz Shahidi, PhD Senior Scientific Investigator Award Research to Prevent Blindness<br />
Deepak Shukla, PhD Lew R. Wasserman Merit Award Research to Prevent Blindness<br />
Deepak Shukla, PhD Novel Peptides to Understand Herpetic Damage to Human<br />
Trabecular Meshwork via Actin Rich Nanotubular Structures<br />
The Glaucoma Foundation<br />
Sanja turturro, PhD (Yue) Delivery <strong>of</strong> Active Matrix Metalloproteinase-3<br />
Using Microparticles<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Blindness<br />
thasarat Vajaranant, mD Structural Testing in Advanced Glaucoma American Glaucoma Society<br />
thasarat Vajaranant, mD Mentoring for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Physician Scientists American Glaucoma Society<br />
Hong-Yu Ying (Yue) Identification <strong>of</strong> miRNAs that Regulate the Expression <strong>of</strong><br />
Myocilin, a Glaucoma Gene<br />
Xiaohua Zhuang, PhD<br />
(Cao)<br />
Novel Psychophysical Assessment <strong>of</strong> Functional Loss<br />
in Pre-perimetric Glaucoma<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Blindness<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> Society for the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Blindness
INveStIgAtIONS<br />
AND trIALS<br />
ContaCt lenS<br />
Charlotte Joslin, OD, PhD Corneal Refractive Power Post Refractive Surgery<br />
Ellen Shorter, OD; C. Joslin Contact Lens Parameters in Keratoconus Patients at UIC, <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />
Ellen Shorter, OD; C. Joslin The Use <strong>of</strong> Daily Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses in Patients with Dry Eye at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong><br />
Cornea<br />
Soledad Cortina, MD; E. Shorter Longitudinal Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Boston Keratoprosthesis<br />
Soledad Cortina, MD; J. de la Cruz Imaging Techniques for the Management <strong>of</strong> Patients with Keratoprosthesis<br />
Jose de la Cruz, MD Safety and Efficacy <strong>of</strong> the KXL System with Rib<strong>of</strong>lavin 0.1% Ophthalmic Solution for Corneal Collagen-Linking in Eyes with Keratoconus<br />
Ali Djalilian, MD Changing the Fate <strong>of</strong> Skin Epithelial Cells Grown on Human Amniotic Membrane<br />
Sandeep Jain, MD Histopathologic and Immunophenotypic Characteristics <strong>of</strong> Conjunctival Biopsies in Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease<br />
Sandeep Jain, MD Presence <strong>of</strong> Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NET) in Dry Eye Disease<br />
Sandeep Jain, MD Presence <strong>of</strong> Proteins and Enzymes in Lacrimal Gland<br />
Sandeep Jain, MD Symptom Analysis <strong>of</strong> Dry Eye Disease<br />
Joel Sugar, MD Compassionate Use <strong>of</strong> the Ophtec 311 Artificial Iris Lens Implant<br />
Joel Sugar, MD Cornea Donor Study – 10 year follow-up<br />
Joel Sugar, MD; E. Tu Fuch’s Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy Study<br />
Elmer Tu, MD; S. Cortina Cornea Preservation Time Study<br />
Elmer Tu, MD Parasitic Ulcer Treatment Trial (Planning Stage)<br />
Elmer Tu, MD; W. Mieler Results <strong>of</strong> Cataract Surgery in Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa<br />
GlauComa<br />
Thasarat Vajaranant, MD;<br />
J. Wilensky; M. Lunde<br />
Comparing the Effectiveness <strong>of</strong> Treatment Strategies for (Primary) Open-Angle Glaucoma<br />
Registry in Glaucoma Outcome Research (RiGOR)<br />
Thasarat Vajaranant, MD Estrogen Deficiency and Risk for Premature Aging <strong>of</strong> the Optic Nerve and Glaucoma<br />
Thasarat Vajaranant, MD Structure and Function <strong>of</strong> the Optic Nerve in Glaucoma<br />
Jacob Wilensky, MD Clinical Experience with Transscleral Laser Cyclotherapy<br />
neuro-oPHtHalmoloGY<br />
Heather Moss, MD, PhD Afferent Visual Function in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis<br />
Heather Moss, MD, PhD A Phase 1-Open-label, Dose Escalation Trial <strong>of</strong> QPI-1007 Delivered by Single Intravitreal Injection to Patients with Optic Nerve Atrophy<br />
(Stratum I) and Acute Non-Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION) (Stratum II)<br />
Heather Moss, MD, PhD A Prospective Case-crossover Study to Evaluate the Possible Association Between the Use <strong>of</strong> PDE5 Inhibitors and the Risk <strong>of</strong> Acute<br />
Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION)<br />
Heather Moss, MD, PhD Prospective Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Retinal Hemodynamics in Humans With and Without Papilledema<br />
Heather Moss, MD, PhD Prospective Study to Determine the Proportion <strong>of</strong> Patients with Isolated Third, Fourth and Sixth Nerve Palsies <strong>of</strong> Microvascular versus<br />
Non-Microvascular Etiology<br />
Heather Moss, MD, PhD Retrospective Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Optical Coherence Tomographic Imaging <strong>of</strong> Optic Nerve Head Evaluation<br />
Red indicates a sponsored clinical trial. Filled rows indicate open patient enrollment.
oCuloPlaStiC SurGerY<br />
Vinay Aakalu, MD, MPH Lacrimal and Accessory Lacrimal Tissue Gene Expression<br />
Vinay Aakalu, MD, MPH Ocular Trauma Score and Visual Acuity Outcomes in Ocular Paintball Injuries<br />
Pete Setabutr, MD Biopsy-Proven Ocular Sarcoidosis: A Descriptive Study<br />
Pete Setabutr, MD Elemental Peri-Orbital Tissue Gene Expression Analysis<br />
Pete Setabutr, MD Oculoplastic Considerations in Keratoprosthesis Surgery<br />
Pete Setabutr, MD Ro<strong>of</strong> Pad Sculpting in Upper Blepharoplasty<br />
PeDiatriC oPHtHalmoloGY & aDult StraBiSmuS<br />
Iris Kassem, MD, PhD Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group<br />
Iris Kassem, MD, PhD Positional Changes in Preoperative Measurements for Pediatric Cataract Surgery<br />
Irene Maumenee, MD; T. Vajaranant Ocular Manifestations <strong>of</strong> Connective Tissue Diseases<br />
Aisha Traish, MD Candidate Gene Screening in Peters’ Anomaly: A Study <strong>of</strong> Two Pedigrees Combining Dominant Cataracts and Peters’ Anomaly<br />
retina<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 37<br />
yannek Leiderman, MD, PhD Biomarkers in Proliferative Retinopathies<br />
yannek Leiderman, MD, PhD Systemic Immunosuppressive Therapy for Eye Diseases Cohort Study<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; y. Leiderman;<br />
F. Chau; L. Ulanski<br />
A 1-Month, Multicenter, Observational Study to Evaluate the Degree <strong>of</strong> Ocular Inflammation Associated with Pars Plana Vitrectomy<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD A Comparative Effectiveness Study <strong>of</strong> Intravitreal Aflibercept, Bevacizumab and Ranibizumab for Diabetic Macular Edema (Protocol T)<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; y. Leiderman;<br />
A Double-Masked, Randomized, Active-Controlled Study <strong>of</strong> the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability <strong>of</strong> Intravitreal Administration <strong>of</strong> VEGF<br />
F. Chau; L. Ulanski<br />
Trap-Eye (Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection [IAI]) in Patients with Macular Edema Secondary to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; y. Leiderman;<br />
F. Chau; L. Ulanski<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; y. Leiderman;<br />
F. Chau; L. Ulanski<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; y. Leiderman;<br />
F. Chau; L. Ulanski<br />
Effect <strong>of</strong> Diabetes Education during Retinal Ophthalmology Visits on Diabetes Control (Protocol M)<br />
An Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Intravitreal Ranibizumab for Vitreous Hemorrhage Due to Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (Protocol N)<br />
Genes in Diabetic Retinopathy Project<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD Genetics <strong>of</strong> AMD in African Americans<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; y. Leiderman;<br />
F. Chau; L. Ulanski<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; L. Ulanski Maculopathy<br />
Intravitreal Ranibizumab or Triamcinolone Acetonide in Combination with Laser Photocoagulation for Diabetic Macular Edema (Protocol I)<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD Optical Coherence Tomographical Retinal Thickness Analysis <strong>of</strong> Sickle Cell Patients<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; y. Leiderman;<br />
F. Chau; L. Ulanski<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; y. Leiderman;<br />
F. Chau; L. Ulanski<br />
An Open-Label Study <strong>of</strong> the Safety and Tolerability <strong>of</strong> Combining IBI-20089 (Triamcinolone Acetonide Intravitreal Injection) When Used<br />
Adjunctively with Lucentis® 0.5 mg Intravitreal Injection in Subjects with Subfoveal Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration<br />
A Randomized, Double Masked, Controlled Phase 3 Study <strong>of</strong> the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability <strong>of</strong> Repeated Intravitreal Administration <strong>of</strong><br />
VEGF Trap-Eye in Subjects with Macular Edema Secondary to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD; L. Ulanski Ranibizumab Therapy For Choroidal Neovascularization Associated With Angioid Streaks<br />
Jennifer Lim, MD A Retrospective Case Series to Assess the Efficacy <strong>of</strong> Anti-VEGF Therapy in the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Macular Edema Secondary to<br />
Retinal Vein Occlusion<br />
William Mieler, MD Early Detection <strong>of</strong> Functional Changes Using Microperimetry in Patients with Subclinical Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Toxicity<br />
William Mieler, MD Ocular Complications <strong>of</strong> Vaginal Mesh Implants<br />
William Mieler, MD Radiation-Induced Maculopathy following Brachytherapy Treatment <strong>of</strong> Uveal Melanoma<br />
William Mieler, MD Results <strong>of</strong> Brachytherapy Treatment <strong>of</strong> Uveal Melanoma<br />
Lawrence Ulanski, MD A 3-Year, Phase 3, Multicenter, Masked, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy <strong>of</strong> 700 ug and 30 ug<br />
Dexamethasone Posterior Segment Drug Delivery System (DEX PS DDS) Applicator System in the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Patients with<br />
Diabetic Macular Edema<br />
Lawrence Ulanski, MD Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2): A Multi-Center, Randomized Trial <strong>of</strong> Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Omega-3 Long-Chain<br />
Polysaturated Fatty Acids Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) in Age-Related Macular Degeneration<br />
Lawrence Ulanski, MD Home Vision Monitoring in AREDS2 for Progression to Neovascular AMD Using the ForeseeHome Device<br />
To learn more about any <strong>of</strong> these investigations and trials, including how to refer patients, please call (312) 996-6591.
38 reSIDeNtS AND feLLOWS<br />
OphthALMOLOgIStS IN trAININg<br />
Residents<br />
THIRD yEAR<br />
Kelly Bui, MD<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Washington<br />
Joshua Hou, MD<br />
MD—Washington <strong>University</strong>, St. Louis<br />
Sara Huh, MD<br />
MD—Case Western Reserve <strong>University</strong><br />
Renu Jivrajka, MD<br />
MD—USC Keck School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Joann Kang, MD<br />
MD—Columbia <strong>University</strong><br />
Chief Resident<br />
Erica Oltra, MD<br />
MD—Penn State <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Chief Resident<br />
Janet Lim, MD, MBA<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California-Irvine<br />
Randee Miller, MD<br />
MD—Wayne State <strong>University</strong> School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Senad Osmanovic, MD<br />
MD—Northwestern <strong>University</strong><br />
Kevin Patel, MD<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>-Chicago<br />
Adam Prickett, MD<br />
MD—Stanford <strong>University</strong> School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Kavitha Sivaraman, MD<br />
MD—Washington <strong>University</strong>, St. Louis<br />
Michael Andreoli, MD<br />
MD—Boston <strong>University</strong> School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Asim Farooq, MD, MPH<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>-Chicago<br />
Sachin Jain, MD<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>-Peoria<br />
Bryan Kim, MD<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Washington School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
Ernest Lee, MD<br />
MD—Dartmouth Medical School<br />
Kaitlyn Wallace, MD<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chicago-Pritzker
Clinical Fellows<br />
Cornea<br />
Scott Kelly, MD, MPH<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Texas HSC<br />
at Houston<br />
Cornea<br />
Samuel Lee, MD<br />
MD—Loma Linda <strong>University</strong><br />
School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
GlauComa<br />
Chirag Patel, MD<br />
MD—Indiana <strong>University</strong> School<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>-Indianapolis<br />
neuro-oPHtHalmoloGY<br />
Peter MacIntosh, MD<br />
MD—Chicago Medical School,<br />
Roslind Franklin <strong>University</strong><br />
oCuloPlaStiC SurGerY<br />
Rakesh Patel, MD<br />
MD—Medical Universtiy <strong>of</strong><br />
South Carolina, Charleston<br />
PeDiatriC<br />
oPHtHalmoloGY<br />
Senem Salar, MD<br />
MD—Hacettepe <strong>University</strong><br />
Faculty <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>, Ankara, Turkey<br />
retina<br />
Clement Chow, MD<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin<br />
School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
retina<br />
Vikram Setlur, MD<br />
MD—<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong><br />
<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>-Chicago<br />
One Vision <strong>2012</strong> 39
40 reSIDeNtS AND feLLOWS<br />
fOrMer<br />
reSIDeNtS retUrN<br />
Pediatric Ophthalmology &<br />
Adult Strabismus Service<br />
javaneh abbasian, mD, and Genie<br />
Bang, mD, joined the Pediatric<br />
ophthalmology & adult Strabismus<br />
Service as assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essors <strong>of</strong><br />
ophthalmology. Both doctors were<br />
residents from 2008-2011 at the illinois<br />
eye and ear infirmary, uiC Department<br />
<strong>of</strong> ophthalmology & Visual Sciences.<br />
Javaneh Abbasian, MD, has long<br />
standing ties to UIC and the Chicago<br />
area. She earned her BA in Biology<br />
at Northwestern <strong>University</strong> and her<br />
medical degree at UIC’s <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Medicine</strong>. She served as Chief Resident<br />
in Ophthalmology from 2010–11.<br />
She did her pediatric ophthalmology<br />
fellowship at Children’s Hospital <strong>of</strong><br />
Philadelphia.<br />
“As a resident, I had the chance to be<br />
among an excellent group <strong>of</strong> mentors<br />
who paved the way for me and will now<br />
be my colleagues,” says Dr. Abbasian.<br />
Genie Bang, MD, received her<br />
medical degree from the <strong>University</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> Minnesota Medical School-Twin<br />
Cities. She holds a BS in Biology from<br />
Brown <strong>University</strong>. After completing<br />
her residency at the Infirmary, she<br />
moved on to a fellowship in Pediatric<br />
Ophthalmology & Strabismus at the<br />
Mayo Clinic.<br />
“The Infirmary is a great environment<br />
in which to start my career, and I hope to<br />
contribute as much as I have received,”<br />
says Dr. Bang.
<strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary Residency Program<br />
uIC aLUmNI<br />
Anniversary Classes <strong>2012</strong><br />
65th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1947<br />
Nathan H. Miller, MD†<br />
Sidney W. Penn, MD<br />
James D. Stratton, MD†<br />
Florence A. Walters, MD<br />
60th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1952<br />
Frank D. Berry, MD<br />
George T. Fitzgerald, MD<br />
Margaret A. Halle, MD<br />
Clarence L. Hans, MD<br />
Morton R. Kahn, MD<br />
Max Kaplan, MD†<br />
J. Harley Quint Jr., MD<br />
Taylor Smith, MD<br />
Dana O. Troyer, MD†<br />
55th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1957<br />
Robert Azar, MD<br />
Alina A. Domanskis, MD†<br />
Edward B. Lazor, MD<br />
John H. Panton, MD<br />
Judith V. Perry-Smith, MD<br />
Karl Ticho, MD<br />
50th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1962<br />
William M. Adler, MD<br />
Richard E. Berge, MD<br />
Curtis Deters, MD<br />
Anonymous Alumnus<br />
Daniel C. Alter, MD, PhD<br />
Brian S. Biesman, MD<br />
Norbert M. Becker, MD, Res’87<br />
Bruce Buerk, MD<br />
Teresa Chen, MD<br />
Janis I. Dzelzkalns, MD<br />
Walter J Fried, MD, PhD<br />
David J. Fuerst, MD<br />
Frank R. Guastella, MD<br />
Ronald S. Fishman, MD<br />
Donald J. Holzberg, MD<br />
Theodore Lawwill, MD<br />
Joseph M. Robbins, MD†<br />
Paul J. Schmidt, MD†<br />
Richard F. Schwerdt, MD†<br />
Richard J. Underriner, MD†<br />
45th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1967<br />
Irineo P. Acacio Jr., MD<br />
James S. Close, MD<br />
Bernard Davidorf, MD<br />
Victor Feldman, MD<br />
N. Warren Hindle, MD<br />
Donald J. Kozil, MD<br />
Michael P. Lipsich, MD<br />
Mary L. Spitzer, MD<br />
Charles Vygantas, MD<br />
40th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1972<br />
yee-Sheng Chiu, MD<br />
Frank R. Guastella, MD<br />
John Hattenhauer, MD<br />
Stephen Herman, MD<br />
Felipe Huamonte, MD<br />
Alexandra M. Ilkiw, MD<br />
John F. Kwinn, MD<br />
Robert Lennon, MD<br />
Sally R. Oakes, MD<br />
yoshitaka Obara, MD<br />
Paul R. Rice, MD<br />
Thomas S. Stevens, MD<br />
Howard Tessler, MD<br />
Michael B. Woolf, MD<br />
35th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1977<br />
Alan J. Axelrod, MD<br />
Krystyna H. Berry, MD<br />
Robert C. Fletcher, MD<br />
Walter I. Fried, MD, PhD<br />
Nayan V. Gandhi, MD<br />
James L. Green, MD<br />
Sherwin J. Isenberg, MD<br />
Harvey K. Minatoya, MD<br />
Donald R. Sanders, MD<br />
George J. Witteman, MD<br />
Shin yoneya, MD<br />
30th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1982<br />
Daniel B. Feller, MD<br />
David J. Fuerst, MD<br />
Edward J. Goldman, MD<br />
Claudio P. Juarez, MD<br />
Marc Lieberman, MD<br />
Michael Lieppman, MD<br />
John J. McGetrick, MD<br />
Paul A. Mahlberg, MD<br />
Paul A. Sieving, MD, PhD<br />
Robert Weinreb, MD<br />
Bajali K. Gupta, MD<br />
John M. Hattenhauer, MD<br />
R. Mark Hatfield, MD<br />
Sherwin J. Isenberg, MD<br />
Sukesh Kansal, MD<br />
Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH<br />
Janet Lee, MD<br />
David Lubeck, MD<br />
Marcus Muallem, MD<br />
Paul F. Nichols, MD<br />
25th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1987<br />
Mary P. Collins, MD<br />
Douglas G. Day, MD<br />
Janis I. Dzelzkalns, MD<br />
R. Mark Hatfield, MD<br />
Cheryl B. Kraff-Cooper, MD<br />
Paul F. Nichols, MD<br />
Ann K. Williams, MD<br />
Douglas P. Williams, MD<br />
20th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1992<br />
Brian S. Biesman, MD<br />
SueEllen Colby, MD<br />
Daniel J. Green, MD<br />
Balaji K. Gupta, MD<br />
Michael Janowicz, MD<br />
Eugene Liu, MD<br />
Michael E. Mockovak, MD<br />
Peter K. Rabiah, MD<br />
Bruce Saran, MD<br />
15th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 1997<br />
Charles Ahn, MD<br />
Frank Caserta, MD<br />
Teresa Chen, MD<br />
Joseph Garber, MD<br />
Peggy Gramates, MD<br />
Rachael Greenberg, MD<br />
Gregory Nelson, MD<br />
If you wish to make a gift to support resident<br />
education, please contact the Department at<br />
(312) 996-6591, email, or visit<br />
our website: <strong>Illinois</strong><br />
Ashok Penmatcha, MD<br />
Daniel Taglia, MD<br />
10th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 2002<br />
Vandana Badlani, MD<br />
Bruce Buerk, MD<br />
Faisal Haq, MD<br />
Sukesh Kansal, MD<br />
Mona Khan, MD<br />
Nighat Khan, MD<br />
Hemang Patel, MD<br />
Raju Sarwal, MD<br />
Thao Tran, MD<br />
Phillip Wu, MD<br />
5th anniversary<br />
resident Class <strong>of</strong> 2007<br />
Mauricio Chavez, MD<br />
Manishi Desai, MD<br />
Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH<br />
Janet Lee, MD<br />
Theodore Lin, MD<br />
Marcus Muallem, MD<br />
Names in italics have made<br />
a donation to support<br />
resident education.<br />
†Deceased<br />
the Department <strong>of</strong> ophthalmology & Visual Sciences wishes to thank the following individuals for support <strong>of</strong> resident education in <strong>2012</strong>.<br />
John H. Panton, MD<br />
Donald R. Sanders, MD<br />
Raju Sarwal, MD<br />
Paul A. Sieving, MD, PhD<br />
Donald Smart, MD<br />
Judith Perry Smith, MD, Res’57<br />
Ann K. Williams, MD<br />
Douglas P. Williams, MD<br />
George J. Witteman, MD<br />
Wilson Ophthalmics
<strong>Illinois</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />
UIC Department <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences<br />
<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />
1855 West Taylor Street<br />
Chicago, IL 60612<br />
www.<strong>Illinois</strong><br />
upcoming<br />
symposia 2013<br />
March<br />
16–22 <strong>Illinois</strong> Eye Review 2013<br />
22 2013 Retina Symposium<br />
May<br />
22 2013 Spring Glaucoma Symposium<br />
June<br />
21 37th <strong>Annual</strong> Alumni / Resident Day<br />
July<br />
12–14 International Children’s Anophthalmia<br />
and Microphthalmia Network <strong>Annual</strong> Meeting<br />
Hosted by Pediatric Ophthalmology<br />
& Adult Strabismus<br />
September<br />
13–14 2013 Cornea Symposium<br />
21 Pediatric Ophthalmology for<br />
the Non-Ophthalmologist<br />
October<br />
2 3rd Biennial Neuro-Ophthalmology<br />