Turner's Public Spirit: vol. 49, no. 36 - Hazen Memorial Library

Turner's Public Spirit: vol. 49, no. 36 - Hazen Memorial Library

Turner's Public Spirit: vol. 49, no. 36 - Hazen Memorial Library


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'y'l'.^r' Itft^'UI. '..*.-*?% " ••-^-mm'^'^ijmi'imm^^^w<br />

cr PArake.<br />

The Parent-Teacher.s' association<br />

held their monthly meeting in the high<br />

school r<strong>no</strong>m_[n the evening when an<br />

opportunity was given for those at­<br />

tending to view the after<strong>no</strong>on's exhibit<br />

in the ."^evera] rooms. During the eve­<br />

ning Mr.-. C F. Borden of Fall Kiver.<br />

a vice president of national congress of<br />

mothers and parent-teacher associa­<br />

tion, addressed the nieeting on "Our<br />

mission to the child."<br />

i^upt. Knight, Mrs. Icea Cowdry and<br />

Stephen Keefe were chosen a com­<br />

mittee at this meeting to <strong>no</strong>minate<br />

OfTicers and committees for the new<br />

year and to rejiort at the monthly<br />

meeting in June.<br />

MAX. WABJTEO—For Farm Wofk:<br />

muBl k<strong>no</strong>w how to use a team. Good<br />

Roy'l^g-q ^o^ a reliable man. Apply to<br />

rere served by the hostess,<br />

Mr. and—M^^. John Lawrence were<br />

among tKe guests at a dinner given<br />

last Monday evening by ilr. and Mrs.<br />

George' Peabody Eustis at their home<br />

in Washington by M. de Cartier, the<br />

-new -Belgian minister- at-Wushington;-<br />

Tho Spanish 4i.nibaSi.ador and -Mme.<br />

deRia<strong>no</strong> also were among the guests.<br />

Miss Edna Keyes is taking Mrs.<br />

Baker's, place at the home of Rev.<br />

George M. Howe for a few weeks.<br />

' Six carloads of coal arrived in town<br />

.}^?l w^eK X^'^ T.h£ Groton S£hpoi._ __<br />

The monthly missionary meeting of<br />

the Baptist church was held in the<br />

ladies' parlor last week Thursday af­<br />

ter<strong>no</strong>on.<br />

The engagement is an<strong>no</strong>unced of<br />

Kl>er Keirstead and Mi;:?s Maria Arm­<br />

strong, of Springrield.<br />

Kev, Kndieott Peahody iis>i>ted at<br />

the marriage nf Miss Helen Leigh<br />

H;;nt, ,l;iui:-htf-r of Mr. and Mrs I.eigh<br />

H!i:r.. .if Xt-'.v York, .-tn-l Bayard Lives.<br />

-fn •if Mr. and Mr-. C.e, the Land<br />

VV'..-are trviiiff ;.. imj.re^- xhf ' (-.ir<br />

nf m ;:-;•• : h.- ch.rr<br />

Thf anivial L.MU'S; nft'-rrnnn nf the<br />

Ne:L-li>.nri)ond .duh wt-^ li.dd .'it the<br />

horn*' nf M:-^. Tiunphilii- C Srnith on<br />

\V.-.ln.sda\ afr.-r<strong>no</strong>nii. May '* The<br />

clnh h.ad thf pha-nr.- nf r.'fr-ivmg the<br />

•,e\xly nti:ani7-fd cnmninnity club as it.'*<br />

cu'-st The cnmpany was entertained<br />

hv xhf svv.et ^inuin^ nf Miss Kvelvn<br />

San.bT'-on nf A\er. riccomp.Tnicd on the<br />

pl.'i<strong>no</strong> t.v Mrs. Arn.i Gr.'iV, The rend­<br />

ing s, l>eets. cabbage, on­<br />

inns. tomatoes, and New Zealand spin­<br />

ach. Through the kindness of Mr. Ful-<br />

Ur the committee has a number of<br />

packets of seeds which it will j;ive<br />

away. These may he jjrocured at<br />

Hniigman'.s market.<br />

H-ens and eggs are imjiortar.t. c^-<br />

pecialls at tins >ea-;on. The cost t.f<br />

chicken feed is so hiL-h that ix is a<br />

temptation I., eat \oiir ht-n-. b'Jt dead<br />

hen.- lay n'--.<br />

Mr, "ahr winter v,he.at. They say. i< n.")!<br />

"ncfJuraKini: and a shnrt;i«o of ."jO.-<br />

o; nnttnn<br />

Thf f. pihv\'. i-,L- :-. ,in f'^ trar; f • r-ni a<br />

I'ari»i Luileiin, "Tlier.. .s ar. .'Xi . !iefnl and<br />

j r.ununeraTiv.^ work. It j*- claimed un-<br />

1 der this s\ stem that sixty percent of<br />

I the iimh-wou nded men get b.ick to<br />

th*' •r.-nrh^'S We are doing -ing at the (•.••riuin<br />

'Miut,ii I..- -i-." Herlin of ir,.l,i,. hut<br />

Ah*:-, . n',*. • : ;r.>'nt. music ar-d ]'(^ if-<br />

n; *••.-,d'-d '[•••,,-• Jiersonal stiu\, 'o;f espf'f ial interest was one num­<br />

ber, the march written by Mr. I'.)l-<br />

lard, .md tU-dic.ited tO the Boy Scouts<br />

of Harva id *>ur town may well bo<br />

proud tif a ^on with such musical at­<br />

tainment, who as an artist uses the<br />

key,s as a painter uses his brush. The<br />

pulilic. is indebted <strong>no</strong>t only to Mr. ]*nl-<br />

lard. hut to the Men's cluh also for<br />

lho opportunity to hear *>uch a high<br />

ciass concert,<br />

stJii nivcT.<br />

Quite a numiie-r from here atten.ied<br />

the l'nitarian .Men's club at the Tni­<br />

tarian chur'h. Harvard, last Sunday<br />

evening and listened to Charles pol­<br />

lard's account of incidents In his four-<br />


At>onT Town.<br />

The repperell I.ranch .it xixe Anieri-<br />

fiin lletl fyons n.iw have a nienibershifj<br />

lit sixty-two nanies "which have been<br />

f'.rwarflefl t(-» the county chapter in<br />

l,,>\ve!i ^n. C, whero she acted as dele-<br />

Kate at the recont I>. A. R. conKress<br />

in that city, Phe reports a most Inter­<br />

estinK visit.<br />

Tho fnurth lesson nn first aid tn tho<br />

woundeil, or in case of sudden illness,<br />

wns Klvon on Tuesday aftor<strong>no</strong>on at<br />

four o'clpck by Ml.ss Hamilton, district<br />

nur-te. The KatherInK "Was IarKe and<br />

listened with Kreat Interost to thc In­<br />

structive lessons on tho early treat­<br />

ment of burn.s. scaltls. ctits, bruised<br />

and wounds of various kinds; also.<br />

To tlie Editor:<br />

We have been forced at last into the<br />

greatest war of history. While the oc-<br />

casion has been the flagrant violation<br />

of-the rights Qf Americans on the high<br />

seas, the causes have been many. We<br />

seek <strong>no</strong> territorial aggrandiiscment, <strong>no</strong><br />

huge war indemnity, but enter as the<br />

charvpion of humanity, liberty and<br />

Christianity as opposed to the auto-<br />

ortitic rule -ef-P-r^ssianism.<br />

The sixty-fifth congress has left en­<br />

tirely to the judgment of our able and<br />

worthy president's discretion the ques­<br />

tion -whether national prohibition<br />

should or should <strong>no</strong>t bo enforced in<br />

this Kreat crisis as a food co'nserva-<br />

tion measure. Wo shouid have na­<br />

tional prohibition throughout tho -war.<br />

Kvery committee of public safety in<br />

our land, every loyal American who<br />

wishes to see victory should write or<br />

wire Washington, that he favors such<br />

a measure which indeed would be a<br />

most potent factor in conserving our<br />

Krains.<br />

l.e Us profit by England's example,<br />

to tiiiiite the London Spectator, "If<br />

national prohibition had been enforc^nT<br />

at the Iteginniiig of the war, En.cland<br />

today would <strong>no</strong>t be facing a food<br />

.shortage because of the submarine<br />

warfare, and its consequent embargo<br />

of .\morlcan shippinK,"<br />

i.ct -every red-blooded American<br />

work for national prohibition thorugh-<br />

out the war. Ru.ssell Davey Greene.<br />

Bowdoin College, April 23.<br />


Now-s Item.*;.<br />

Tho directors of the Woman's club<br />

arc requested to meet in thc Unitarian<br />

vestry .Monday after<strong>no</strong>on next at 2.30<br />

o'clock. The regular meeting for elec­<br />

tion of ofllcors and other business will<br />

open at three o'clock.<br />

Senator Kimball will attend the ban­<br />

tiuet to be Kiven In ho<strong>no</strong>r of thc dis-<br />

tinRuishejl i;creisn_suesls_in_Boston-at<br />

ropTey I'laza Saturday evening. Mrs.<br />

Kimball will be one of the state's<br />

KUests at the state llouse Saturday and<br />

view the parade in the after<strong>no</strong>on.<br />

,lohn Mannion. a former resident nf<br />

Littleton, tiietl at the home of his<br />

tlau-ht.T, .Mrs. Frank Tobin. Maynard.<br />

e:ili,\- l-'rida.\ morning. -May 11,<br />

•"The .^--mmtin law," in sevon parts,<br />

with Clara Kimball •\'oung, will be<br />

shtiwn !;t I'aKO hall theatre, .-^yer. on<br />

.Mt»nil:i,\ after<strong>no</strong>tin antl eveninK. .May<br />

1 1. a: -1 O.T antl S o'clock sharii.<br />

, , A, t'AruH. wilderness Variii.<br />

I-lttleton Center. Mass. st<strong>36</strong><br />

FOR SALE—A Metz Touring Car, 5<br />

passenger, right from the factory;<br />

new tires all round; all modern im­<br />

provements. Can be seen at my resi­<br />

dence on Hollis Street, Graton, Moss.<br />

J: A. D U K P H Y . 2t<strong>36</strong><br />

SHHlLEy<br />

Xc\vs Iloms.<br />

The ladies of the Tniversalist churcb<br />

will hold a food .sale In the ve.'try on<br />

next Thursday after<strong>no</strong>on at four<br />

o'clock. A largo variety of homo-<br />

cooked foods will bc on .sale.<br />

"Thc conimon law." in seven parts,<br />

.with. Clara Kimball .Yijung. will. Jjc<br />

shown at Page hnll theatre. Ayer, on<br />

.Monday aftor<strong>no</strong>on and evening. May<br />

14, at .'!..'!5 and 8 o'clock, sharp.<br />

The sum of $79.05 was cleared by<br />

the Special Aid society from tho mili­<br />

tary whist party given this week.<br />

.\UrurUuj.<br />

The Altrurian clyb ob.served cWlr<br />

dren's day in Odd Fellows' hall Thurs­<br />

day after<strong>no</strong>on, a large number of thc<br />

children being presont and greatly en­<br />

joying the program, consisting of pa­<br />

triotic songs and thc pledge of allcgl-<br />

aneo to the flag. Miss Dorln White and<br />

Sarah Stevenson gavc several spirited<br />

diiots on thc pia<strong>no</strong>, "which the chil­<br />

dren atiprcciatod hy tho clapping' of<br />

hands. Miss Ryan, from Fltchburg,<br />

recited a. very pretty' story for thc<br />

children in a very pleasing manner,<br />

Icc cream and cako worc sorved at<br />

the close, all in charge of the social<br />

POR SALE—T large, 1 medium, and<br />

1 amall sized Xylophones: also, a set<br />

of Orchestra Bells, all in good condi­<br />

tion. E. F. SLEEPER, West Oroton.<br />

Mass. , \\. _<br />

WE .\RE PREP.tRBD 10 takc'orders<br />

for Fruit Jar,s to be delivered on ar­<br />

rival, sometime in June, at 73c. per<br />

dosrn fo.' pints, or TSc. for qxuirlK.<br />

Put your order In <strong>no</strong>w and vou will be<br />

protected In case ot advance. SHAT-<br />

TUOK'S STORE CO., Groton. Maas,<br />

KOR SALE—Grade Holsteln Bull,<br />

about two years old. Good opportunity<br />

to buy a bull to turn out to pasture<br />

with younff stock. S. W, SABINE,<br />

Groton, Mass. It<strong>36</strong><br />

J-*P.\NESE SILKIES -Blue Ribbon<br />

winners Boston Show, Eggs and Breed­<br />

ing stock for sale. A few pairs for sale<br />

cheap. MAl-D E. TR,\YNB, Groton. 3t<strong>36</strong><br />

HE.\HOl:SES^ FOR S.\LB—Three<br />

small Henhouses, with yards. F E<br />

SLEKPEI!, Shirley. Mass. 33tf<br />

Poultry Wanfed<br />

I Want 500 and WIU Pay 22c. and<br />

Vpword-s<br />

Telephone 51-2 Pcppereil<br />


Seasonable Suggestions<br />

Upon the use of<br />

Formaldehyde<br />

Everyone is especially in­<br />

terested in the coming potato<br />

crop. More potatoes -will be<br />

planted this spring than ever<br />

before. But, many growers<br />

will be digging "scabby" po­<br />

tatoes next fall if they do <strong>no</strong>t<br />

use proper precautions this<br />

spring.<br />

The best method for pre­<br />

vention of "scab" on pota­<br />

toes is iinmersing the seed<br />

potatoes in a weak solution<br />

of Formaldehdye.<br />

Tlje directions nre—Mix 1 gint<br />

Of stroiljc ForftialcTeliydn with 30'<br />

gallon.^ of •water. Immerse pota­<br />

toes in thi.s Solution for 2 hours.<br />

Remove potatoes, dry and plant.<br />

The present prices • on<br />

strong Formaldehyde are:<br />

1 Pt. Bottle 45f*<br />

4 Oz. Bottle 15^<br />



Main Street Ayer, Uass.<br />

V,<br />

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