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Job Brothers &Co., Ltd.<br />
(Established 1780)<br />
Ea_porters of<br />
Dried Codfish, Fresh Fish, Salmon<br />
Blueberries, Herring, Etc.<br />
jlIallufacturers of<br />
Refined Cod Liver Oil, Cod Oil,<br />
Seal Oil, Seal Skins, Canned<br />
Salmon and Lobsters<br />
Agents for<br />
(Fire and Automobile, etc.)<br />
(Marine).<br />
and ALMANAC<br />
AN<br />
ANNUAL<br />
BOOK<br />
Edited by<br />
.1. R. SMALLWOOD<br />
Ald}j{)/"<br />
&lifm'<br />
2 Volll.<br />
St. John'.<br />
LONG BROS•• Printers
Index .<br />
Almanac .<br />
Gazetteer .<br />
Contents<br />
Pages<br />
9- 23<br />
. .... 29- 51<br />
... 53-128<br />
Government Departments, Divisions, Boards,<br />
Committees, Officials, etc., etc. . . .129-145<br />
Trade and Professional Bodies . .. ......146-150<br />
Notaries, Justices of the Peace, Rangers,<br />
Land Surveyors, Sheriffs, etc., etc .151-159<br />
Doctors, Dentists, Optometrists,<br />
cists, etc .<br />
People .<br />
Churches, Clergymen, Colleges<br />
Places.<br />
Coastal Boat Routes....<br />
Financial .<br />
Useful Information .<br />
Insurance in Newfoundland.....<br />
Pharma-<br />
...159-162<br />
..... .163-178<br />
......179-192<br />
......193-201<br />
......202-204<br />
. 205-218<br />
...218--231<br />
..243-257<br />
Postal Guide and Directory 261-
'----- -=:A:::DC-'-VERTISEMENT<br />
A Single Match I<br />
It was only a single match, carelessly dropped,<br />
that caused the big fire of 1892, in which<br />
half St. John's was burned. A single match<br />
can still start a similar conflagration if<br />
conditions are favourable.<br />
For Safety's Sake, Don't Neglect Fire<br />
Insurance on YOUR Property.<br />
A POLICY<br />
with The Liverpool and London<br />
and Globe Insurance Co., Ltd.<br />
Will relieve your mind from worry of<br />
Loss by Fire.<br />
Agents for<br />
Victory Brand Clothing<br />
FOR 1940<br />
Manufactured by<br />
New and Higher Standards of Tailoring that place Victory<br />
Brand Clothing Above Comparison.<br />
Should place their orders at once for very Saleable Goods at<br />
Competitive Prices<br />
319 - 327 Duckworth Street, St. John's.<br />
Rothwell &- Bowring, Ltd.<br />
ESTABLISHED 1887<br />
Fire, Plate Glass & Accident Insurance Agents<br />
120 - 122 WATER ST., ST. JOHN'S<br />
Branch Store: 8 Holdsworth St.<br />
Representing Maple Leaf Milling Co" Toronto, Onto Canada<br />
Accident & Fire Assurance Co. Purina Mills, Woodstock,<br />
Onto B. & J. B. Machado Tobacco Co., Kingston, Jamaica.<br />
Archer Daniels Midland Co., U.S.A. Evans Milling Co.,<br />
Indianapolis. North Shore Mill Co., Liverpool, England.<br />
Panick & Ford Ltd., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
When You Buy<br />
You Buy Quality!<br />
The Home of "Matchless"<br />
The 'Paint of Qyality<br />
manufactures a full line of Enamels, Fine<br />
House Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Industrial<br />
Paints and Enamels, including Fume Proof and<br />
Heat Resisting Enamels, also Marine Paints,<br />
etc., etc.<br />
,-------+ S E R V ICE --«
18 . ------'-A=DV.c.::E=RT=IS=E=ME=N=T _<br />
ESTABLISHED 1780<br />
Baine, Johnston &Co.<br />
Limited<br />
Agents for<br />
Alliance Assurance CO., Ltd.<br />
London<br />
Assets exceed £35,000,000<br />
Also<br />
Newman's Celebrated<br />
Port Wine
22 --=A.:=D:...;V.:=E;::.RT::..::I=.:SE::.::M::.::E::.:Nc.::.T _<br />
SALT<br />
(" If'indsor" Sal/for [louse/wid, Industrial and<br />
Agricullural ]Jurposu.)<br />
(El'er,ljtllillg for Blnsting)<br />
rSendfor our Special Itiformatil'e Literature based upon<br />
Ne4oumll1l1ll1 conditiolls.)<br />
JVhatever your needs we solieit your enquiries.<br />
P. O. Box EI281 SI. John's.
For<br />
Best Prices and Prompt Returns<br />
ItAW FURS<br />
TO<br />
St. John's, Nfld.<br />
We also have for sale at our bl"anch<br />
in 81. John's<br />
26 -----'A.:::D:...:.VE.:::R:.:.:T:.::IS::::E::::M.:::EN:.:..:T'----- _<br />
Wm. Campbell, Ltd.<br />
P. O. Box 5209<br />
Agents fo1':-<br />
St. John's, Nfld.<br />
Sold at Board of Liquor Control, Licensed Hotels and on<br />
Newfoundland Railways and Steamers.<br />
Newfoundland Brewery, Ltd.<br />
Phone 575 P. O. Box 5047 E
King's Beach St. John's<br />
Penman's Underwear and Hosiery-Canadian Converters, Shirt!:><br />
and Windbreakers-Triangle Brand Shoes--Lowney's Chocolates<br />
and Bars-Metropolitan Neckties-Title Brand Suits and Overcoats-Principal<br />
Men's Caps-Calico Printers Assoc'n, Cretonnes,<br />
Cotton and Silk Prints, World's Best Fents-J. & N.<br />
Philips & Co. Ltd" manufacturers & Warehousemen-Dominion I<br />
Textile Co., Ltd., manufacturers of Cotton Prints, Sheetings,<br />
Blankets, etc.-Solid Glove Ltd" Men's and Women's Gloves, I<br />
Leather Work Gloves and Mitts-Lambelt's Shoes and Rubbel'<br />
Footwear-Walters Axe Co., Axes.<br />
who handle the "Superior" Brand line of<br />
Ready-to-wear Clothing<br />
find it one of their most satisfactory and profitable<br />
lines. Manufactured by Newfoundland laboUl' throughout<br />
by<br />
Newfoundland Clothing Co., Ltd.<br />
The oldest, largest and most modernly equipped clothing<br />
factory in the country.<br />
BAIRD & CO., LTD.<br />
HARRY VINCENT LTD.-Blue Bird Toffee.<br />
Pioneer Feeds.<br />
BOVRIL LTD.-Beef Bouillon. VIROL LTD.-Virol.<br />
E. D. SMITH & SONS LTD.-Jams and Jellies.<br />
RED, WHITE & BLUE-Tea and Coffee.<br />
STAPLE & STRONG-Pickles and Chow Chow.<br />
MACDONALD TOBACCO CO.-Cigarettes and Tobacco.<br />
BURNS & CO. LTD.-Butter, Poultry and Bologna Sausage.<br />
BEECH'S LTD.-Confectionery.<br />
36 ____.ADVERTISEMENT<br />
T. & M. WINTER LTD.<br />
Wholesale Grocers, Provisions and Feeds<br />
I Agents fol' GUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO. of London.<br />
Standard Brands-Magic Baking Powder, Royal Yeast,<br />
Gillett's Lye, Magic Soda.<br />
Maple Leaf Milling Co. of London-Native Flour,<br />
Feeds, etc.<br />
Duckworth St., St. John's.<br />
II Newfoundland's Headquarters for<br />
I<br />
Land-Compasses and Motor-Boat Compasses<br />
A Specialty.<br />
Repairs to all Nautical Instruments.<br />
TELEPHONE 375<br />
258 Water St. St. John's
Shaw Steamship Co. Ltd.<br />
Operating" Sen-ices ji'olll<br />
and EAST COASTS'.<br />
For Service and Satisfaction 1?oute :your<br />
shipments via 7;he Shaw Line.<br />
For rates, space or any other information please<br />
communicate with<br />
St. John's, Nfld.-Phone 1795<br />
or<br />
GEO. T. SHAW, Special Representative<br />
St. John's, Nfld.-Phone 2815<br />
We would consider it a pleasure to discuss<br />
your Transportation problems with you.<br />
(Head Office, Halifax, N.S.)
GEO. NEAL, LTD.<br />
ST. JOHN'S<br />
ST. JOHN'S<br />
Agents for<br />
U. S. Steel Export Co.-Steel Products of Every Description.<br />
Brantford Roofings-I, 2 and 3 Ply Felt.<br />
Armstrong Linoleums. Nationa! Boilers and Radiators.<br />
Chase Brass Pipe, Copper Tubing, Etc.<br />
Henderson Brass, Steel, Metals, Naval Stores.<br />
OUf Mother's Cocoa. King Joy Cotree.<br />
Phillip's Canned Goods. Dried Fruits, Dates, Etc.<br />
l\fustad Wool Cards and Fish Hooks.<br />
Bottle Caps, Crown Corks, Bottling Plant Equipment.<br />
Zig-Zag Cigarette Papers. Cotton and Wool Waste.<br />
Metal Lath and Corner Bead.<br />
Comolite Tobacco Pipes. Minard's Liniment.
8 H.P.<br />
The<br />
economy Car<br />
for 1940!<br />
GUal'anteed to give 35 to 45 miles per gallon, Flying<br />
Standards also come in 10 h,p" 12 h,p"<br />
14 h,p, and 20 h,p,<br />
Buy Right<br />
Flour - Feeds - Provisions<br />
We quote F,O,B, or C,LF, for direct shipment to you<br />
in straight carlots or pooled cars,<br />
Also lowest prices for Spot Stocks,<br />
E. J. GODDEN LTD.<br />
Agents for Imperial Flour, Quaker Feeds and Cereals.<br />
Barrelled PO,rk, Dried Fruits, Peas, Beans, Rice, etc.<br />
.-Dl"op us a line or wire.....
f. M. O'LfARY, LTD.<br />
Distributors in Newfoundland for'"''''''''''''''''<br />
.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iii "",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,<br />
F. M. O'LEARY, Ltd.<br />
The NDd. Lime Manufacturing Co., Ltd.<br />
J. R. CHALKER, Manager.<br />
Office and Kiln : BATTERY ROAD<br />
Manufacturers of<br />
and<br />
Agricultural Ground Limestone<br />
(90% Carbonates)<br />
Sweeten your ground with Agricultural Ground<br />
Limestone and watch your crops grow.<br />
,-Limestone Quarries: Cobb's Arm. See page 71.<br />
You can always depend<br />
on "Chalker's Choice"<br />
1))))--+ LOOK FOR THE SIGN +-««t<br />
ASPEN COVE. Pop. 106. Fishing settlement on the mainland of Fogo<br />
Dist., between Ladle Cove and Carmanville.<br />
AYALON PENINSULA. Pop. 125,849. All the area east of the isthmu5<br />
which separates Placentia and Trinity Bays. This is the oldest part of<br />
Newfoundland. The name was given by Sir George Calvert (1st Lord<br />
Baltimore) to the land granted him in Newfoundland by Royal Patent<br />
in 1621-<br />
AYONDALE. Pop. 601. Situated at the head of Conception B., this<br />
pretty settlement was formerly an inshore and Labrador fishing centre.<br />
Now mainly agricultural. From here and other nearby settlements<br />
many men have gone to U.S.A., and become structural steel workers.<br />
36 m. by highway from St. John's. 2 sawmi.JIs. Dr. Patk. O'Kelly,<br />
M.H.O. 23 radios. PT.<br />
BACALIEU. Pop. 12. An island 2 to 3 m. off the headland of the Bay<br />
de Verde peninsula, from which it is separated by Bacalieu Tickle, a<br />
prolific fishing ground. Lighthouse.<br />
BACK COVE. Pop. 59. Fishing settlement on the east side of White<br />
B., between Middle Arm and Western Ann.<br />
BACK HARBOR. Pop. 235. A fishing settlement on Twillingate Island,<br />
about a mile from Twillingate settlement. First settled about 1700 by<br />
a planter named Moore. 232 m. from St. John's; 102 from Lewisporte.<br />
Clyde.<br />
BACON COVE. Pop. 156. Situated at head of Conception B.; formerly<br />
a fishing settlement, now mainly agricultural.<br />
BADGER. Pop. 449. Situated inland on the main line of railway, thi.!!!<br />
is the centre from which the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. of<br />
Grand Falls directs its pulp-wood cutting and driving operations. 750<br />
loggers are employed. 294 m. by rail from St. John's; 253 from Pon<br />
aux Basques. 2 sawmills. 30 radios. PT.<br />
BADGER'S QUAY. Pop. 316. Inshore and Labrador fishing settlement<br />
on north side of Bonavista B., beside Valleyfield. 183 m. from St.<br />
John's. Sagona. Post. Say. Bnk. 18 radios. PT.<br />
BAlE YERTE. Pop. 27. (Pop. figures refer to permanent residents.)<br />
Important pulpwood cutting centre for the Bowater Corner Brook<br />
newsprint mill. 250 men employed winter 1939. Situated on the coast<br />
between Cape John and White B. between Pacquet and Fleur de Lys.<br />
1 sawmill. PO.<br />
BAINE HR. Pop. 180 Fishing settlement on west side of Placentia B.<br />
75 m. from Argentia. Home. 5 radios. PT.<br />
BAR HAYEN. Pop. 204. Fishing settlement on the northern part of<br />
the west side of Placentia B., on Barren Island. 91 m. from Argentla.<br />
Home. 1 radio. PO.<br />
BARENEED. Pop. 216. An ancient fishing settlement on the Port de<br />
Grave peninsula, q. v.<br />
BARR'D ISLANDS. Pop. 471. A fishing settlement on Fogo Island, almost<br />
contiguous to Joe Batt's Arm. 334 m. from St. John's. Sagona.
BARTLETT'S HR. Pop. 57. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the north<br />
shore of Bay St. John, on the St. Barbe coast. 793 m. from St. John's,<br />
181 from Humbennouth. Northern Ranger. PO.<br />
BAITEAU. Pop. 63. A well-known Labrador fishing settlement between<br />
Venison Islands and Spotted Islands. 574 m. from St. John's.<br />
Kyle.<br />
BATTLE HARBOR. Pop. 233. An important settlement on the coast<br />
of Labrador. A GreJ'llfell Hospital is operated here. A small amateur<br />
radio broadcast station was operated here until the outbreak of the war<br />
of 1939. This is the most northerly port of call of the Northern<br />
Ranger, and of the Clarke Steamship tourist ships. 494 m. from St.<br />
John's. Northern Ranger, Kyle, Clarke Steamship boats. 5 radios. PT.<br />
BAULINE. Pop. 55. An ancient fishing settlement on the Southern<br />
Shore, between Witless Bay and Cape Broyle.<br />
BAULlNE. Pop. 263. A picturesque fishing settlement on the south<br />
side of Conception B., inside of Cape St. Francis. An important salmon<br />
catching centre, while codfish from here are the first to arrive<br />
each summer in the St. John's market. 15 m. by highway from St.<br />
John's. PO.<br />
BAY BULLS. Pop. 808. An ancient fishing settlement on the Southern<br />
Shore. Old name: Bay of Bulls. First settled probably in the late 16th<br />
century, or even earlier. In 1677 it had 6 dwellings, 6 planters, 3'<br />
wives, 8 sons, 2 daughters, 57 fishery servants, 15 boats, 16 cattle, 6<br />
sheep, 50 hogs, and produced 660 quintals of fish. Frequently attacked<br />
and sacked by both Dutch and French invaders. The last place in<br />
Newfoundland to be attacked by an invader (the French) in 1796, when<br />
it was burnt down. Some old cannon are now used as gate-posts in<br />
front of the Roman Catholic Church. This settlement was headquarters<br />
for the Marine Biological Research and Fishery station until fire<br />
destroyed the buildings in 1936. 20 m. by highway from St. John's.<br />
3 sawmills. 37 radios. PT.<br />
BAY DE VERDE. Pop. 823. An ancient fishing settlement near the<br />
north east tip of the peninsula of the same name. Old name: Bay de<br />
Yard, Bay de Yards, or sometimes Bay of Yards. First settled in the<br />
late 16th century or early 17th. In 1677 it had 8 dwellings, 8 planters,<br />
4 wives, 2 sons, 9 daughters, 109 fisherY servants, 20 boats, 1 sheep,<br />
36 hogs, 11 gardens, and produced 1700 quintals of fish. Destroyed by<br />
the French under D'Iberville, 1696-97. This is a very picturesque settlement.<br />
109 m. by highway from St. John's, 37 from Carbonear. 21<br />
radios. POMO.<br />
BAU DU NORD. Pop. 188. Fishing settlement situated at the northwest<br />
head of Fortune B., into which Bay du Nord river empties. 230<br />
m. from Argentia, 293 from Port aux Basques. Burgeo. 1 sawmill.<br />
1 radio. PO.<br />
BAY L'ARGENT. Pop. 298. Fishing settlement on the northern part of<br />
the west side of the BUl'in Pennisula. 179 m. from Argentia, 344 from<br />
Port aux Basques. Burgeo. Nursing Centre. 3 radios. PT.
gentia, 281 from Port aux Basques, Burgeo, Bacalieu. Bank of Commerce.<br />
18 radios. PT.<br />
BELLEVUE. Pop. 187. Old name, Tickle Har. Fishing settlement at<br />
the head of Trinity B., on the Isthmus of Avalon, north of Thornlea.<br />
Salmon and trout are very plentiful. 3 sawmills. 8 radios. POMO.<br />
BELLMAN'S COVE. Pop. 78. Fishing-lobstering settlement at the head<br />
of East Bay of the Port au Port peninsula, beside Aguathuna.<br />
BENOlT"S COVE. Pop. 222. Logging-fishing settlement in Bay of<br />
Islands. 1 sawmill.<br />
BENTON. Pop. 44. Logging centre on main railway, about halfway<br />
between Gambo and Glenwood. 204 m. by rail from St. John's.<br />
bEST'S HR. Pop. 139. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on Ragged Islands,<br />
N.W. side of Merashcen Island, Placentia B. West.<br />
lUG HR. DEEP. Pop. 196. Ancient name: Orange Bay, as seen on<br />
many old chalis.. Situated on the French Shore, near the north-west<br />
mouth of White B. 420 m. from St. John's. Northern Ranger. 1 radio.<br />
BIRCHY BAY. Pop. 269. Situated on the mainland of Twillingate Dist.,<br />
south of Coal All Island. 1 sawmill. 1 radio. PO.<br />
BlRCHY COVE. Pop. 88. Fishing settlement above Bonavista and close<br />
to Newman's Cove, Bonavista S. 8 m. by road from Bonavista.<br />
BIRCHY HEAD. Pop. 66. Settlement on the south arm of Bonne B.<br />
PO.<br />
BIRD COVE. Pop. 96. Fishing-lobstering settlement south of Brig Bay<br />
on the St. Barbe coast.<br />
BlSCAY BAY. Pop. 68. Fishing settlement at the north-east head of<br />
Trepassey B. 1 sawmill.<br />
BISCA YAN COVE. Pop. 74. Fishing settlement between Pouch Cove<br />
and Cape St. Francis. 18 m. from St. John's.<br />
BISHOP'S COVE. Pop. 367. Fishing settlement on the north side of<br />
Spaniard's B., south of Upper Island Cove, in Conception B. 1 sawmill.<br />
BISHOP'S FALLS. Pop. 1,882. Established a year or two before Grand<br />
Falls as a pulp-manufacturing centre by the Albert E. Read Co. Purchased<br />
1923 by the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. of Grand<br />
Falls, which now uses all the output of pulp in its newsprint mill.<br />
Town, which is headquarters for the western division of the Newfoundland<br />
railway, lies on the main line. 267 m. by rail from St. John's;<br />
280 from Port aux Basques; 12 by rail from Grand Falls; 10 by rail<br />
from Botwood. 1 sawmill. Post Say. Bank. 140: radios. PT.<br />
BISHOP'S HARBOUR. Pop. 81. Fishing settlement in Bonavista B.,<br />
near Salvage.<br />
BLACK DUCK BROOK. Pop. 16. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on the<br />
Port au Port peninsula, on the outer coast of the point. 1 sawmill. 1<br />
radio. PO.<br />
BLACK DUCK COVE. Pop. 60. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the<br />
St. Barbe coast, in St. Barbe B.<br />
BLACK DUCK POND. Pop. 106. Fishing-farming settlement on the<br />
main road from Bay Roberts, between Coley's Pt. and Bareneed, Conception<br />
BLACK ISLAND. Pop. 118. Fishing settlement off west end of New<br />
World Island, N.D.B. PO.<br />
BLACKHEAD. Pop. 183. A fishing-farming settlement on North Shore<br />
of Conception B., notable for the number of professional men and<br />
women it has produced. Birthplace of Rev. Levi Curtis, M.A., D.D.;<br />
Dr. E. F. Moores, M.D. 11 m. by highway from Carbonear.<br />
BLACKHEAD. Pop. 56. Fishing settlement 2 or 3 miles south of St.<br />
John's.<br />
BLACKHEAD ROAD AREA. Pop. 728. Situated on the level brow of<br />
the South Side Hill, and overlooking St. John's, this is a fast-growing<br />
suburb of the capital to which many people have been enticed by inexpensive<br />
land on which to build their own homes. Has a church and<br />
school.<br />
llLAKETOWN. Pop. 184. Lumbering-fanning settlement on south side<br />
of Trinity B. 5 m. by highway from Whitbourne. One of the first of<br />
Newfoundland's few inland settlements. 6 sawmills. 6 radios. POMO.<br />
BLOOMFIELD. Pop. 349. Lumbering-farming settlement in Goose B.,<br />
Bonavista B., between Musgravetown and Lethbridge. 6 sawmills. 4<br />
radios. POMO.<br />
BLOW-ME-DOWN. Pop. 162. One of tho quaint and interesting<br />
ancient fishing settlements on the Port de Grave peninsula, Conception<br />
B.<br />
BLOW ME DOWN. Pop. 60. Fishing settlement on the North Shore of<br />
Conception B., between Fatl'ock and Salmon Cove.<br />
BLUE COVE. Pop. 53. Fishing-lobstering settlement on St. Barbe<br />
coast, near Plum Point, north of Brig B.<br />
BLUFF HEAD COVE. Pop. 121. Fishing settlement on S. Twillingate<br />
Island, 3 m. from Twilling-ate.<br />
BOAT HARBOUR. Pop. 83. Fishing settlement on the east side of<br />
Burin Peninsula. 1 sawmill. PO.<br />
BOAT HARBOUR. Pop. 59. Fishing settlement on the St. Barbe promontory,<br />
between Cape Bauld and Cape Nonnan, separating St. Barbe<br />
and White B. districts. 1 radio.<br />
BONAVENTURE. (See New and Old).<br />
BONAVISTA. Pop. 4,022. One of Newfoundland's four or five oldest<br />
fishing settlements, and from the earliest times to the present her<br />
largest inshore-fishing centre. First settled probably in the early 16th<br />
century. (The oldest Bill of Sale on record in the Registry of Deeds<br />
is of Bonavista origin: Tilley's fishing-room, 1720). The settlement<br />
lies, at its southern extremity, about three miles inside Cape Bonavista<br />
(qv.) and extends practically northward to the Cape, being made<br />
up of numerous coves which, so far as buildings are concerned, overflow<br />
one into the other. Amongst many other things, the settlement<br />
is famous for the fact that it was here, in 1726, that the first school of<br />
which we have any record was established in Newfoundland. Here, in<br />
1705, was fought Captain Michael Gill's famous battle against invading<br />
French ships. The town was several times invaded by the French
1696, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705. One of the sections of the town ha!l a<br />
French name: Canaille; while l\:Iockbeggar, another section, is supposed<br />
by some students to be of French origin. In 1677 it had 18 dwellings,<br />
16 planters, 13 wives, 2 sons, 13 daughters, 96 fishing servants, 28<br />
boats, 8 cattle, 28 sheep, 51 pigs, 13 gardens, and produced 3,040<br />
quintals of fish, the largest production in Newfoundland. It is the<br />
northern tenninous of the Bonavista branch of the Newfoundland railway,<br />
the southern terminous being Clarenville, on the main line, 89 m.<br />
distant. There is a cold storage bait depot. The Church of England<br />
stone church is the finest church edifice outside of St. John's, while<br />
the United (Methodist) is the largest church building possessed by its<br />
denomination outside of the capital. The Loyal Orange Association<br />
Lodge here is said to have the largest membership of any lodge in<br />
North America. Here also is the largest lodge of the Society of United<br />
Fishermen. Lying close to Bonavista are Lancaster (2 m.), Spillars'<br />
Cove (2%), Elliston (5), Little Catalina (10), Catalina (10), Port<br />
Union (12); and, in the opposite direction, Bi.rchy Cove (8), Newman's<br />
Cove and the three Amherst Coves (9 to 12), and Knight"s Cove;<br />
Stock Cove, King's Cove, Broad Cove and Keels (14 to 22 m. distant).<br />
These places, together with Bonavista itself in the centre, have a total<br />
population, the overwhelming majority fishermen, of 8,618 people.<br />
Most of these are the descendants of people who settled in those places<br />
from Bonavista itself as the town began to be overcrowded and the<br />
fishing grounds to shrink. Bonavista is also the original home of the<br />
ancestors of many of the present generation of Salvage, and of many<br />
other places throughout central and northern Bonavista Bay, and of<br />
other places as far north as Doting Cove and Cannanville. Bonavist&<br />
is perhaps Newfoundland's largest salmon-catching centre, and possesses<br />
more salmon-catching gear than any other one place in the<br />
country. A large quantity of partridge (lingan) and blue berries is exported<br />
annually. Govt. cold storage bait freezer. Cottage Hos., Bank<br />
of Nova Scotia.. 220 m. by rail from St. John's (change at Clarenville),<br />
89 from Clarenville, 10 m. by road from Catalina. 1 sawmill.<br />
Post Sav. Bank. 102 radios. PT.<br />
BONNE BAY. Pop. 1164. Situated on the north-west coast of the Island,<br />
north of Bay of Islands, this bay possesses some of the most<br />
magnificent scenery in Newfoundland. Frequented by large tuna fish.<br />
Lee Wulff fished here. Settlements within it: Woody Point, pop. 196,<br />
Lomond, pop. 141; Norris Point, pop. 381; Glenburnie, pop. 102j<br />
Shoal Brook, pop. 125; Curzon Village, pop. 219; New highway being<br />
constructed from Lomond to Deer Lake, 83 m., connecting thence with<br />
Corner Brook, total distance 65 m. C. M. Lane, Asst. Magis.. 1 sawmill.<br />
Cottage Has. Dr. Robert T. Dove, M.H.O. Northern Ranger. 12<br />
radios. pro<br />
BOSWARLOS. Pop. 136. Farming settlement on the sonth west side of<br />
East BaYt Port au Port peninsula.<br />
BOTWOOD. Pop. 1090. Situated at the head of Bay of Exploits this is<br />
the summer shipping port for Grand Falls newsprint paper and Buchans
ore concentrates. The paper company operates its own railway (22 m.)<br />
from Grand Falls to here, via Bishop's Falls. The three towns are also<br />
connected by highway, over which, except in winter, considerable motor-bus,<br />
truck and taxi traffic passes. All the land on both sides of this<br />
road has in late years been taken up by residents of Grand Falls for<br />
fanning-gardening purposes. Botwood was fonnerly a lumbering centre<br />
and was known as Botwoodville, being named after the late Dean<br />
Botwood. Here in 1910, the Fishermen's Protective Union Trading Co.<br />
established its first store, under the management of E. D. Elliott. Is<br />
now famous as a seaplane base in transatlantic flying. 277 m.<br />
by rail from St. John's; 43 by water from Lewisporte. Clyde.: 3<br />
sawmills. 137 radios. Post. Sav. Bank. PT.<br />
nOXE)'. t'op. 181. Fishing-lob8tenng settlE:ment on the west side tJf<br />
Fortune B., a few miles west 01 Ueneoram and English Harbor, W. 1<br />
radio. PO.<br />
BOYD'S COVE. Pop. 297. Fishing-lumbering settlement on the mainland<br />
opposite the eastern side of Chapel's Island, one of the islands<br />
bordering on the beautiful Dildo Run, N.D.B., 147 m. from Lewisporte.<br />
Clyde. 3 sawmills. 2 radios. PO.<br />
BRAGG'S ISLAND. Pop. 209. Fishing settlement on the north side of<br />
Bonavista B., lying off the north entrance to Pitt Sound Reach. 4<br />
radios. PT.<br />
BRAZIL. Pop. 20. Fishing-lobstering settlement (island) between Port<br />
aux: Basques and Rose Blanche, S.W. Coast.<br />
BRAKE'S COVE. Pop. 61. Farming-logging settlement in Bay of Islands.<br />
BRANCH. Pop. 386. Lying on the west side of St. Mary's B., this is<br />
the headquarters of the Cape Shore community co-operative development<br />
movement, established in 1935, by a group of private citizens,<br />
mostly of St. John's. Farming and cattle raising are an important activity<br />
here, and the section is notable for its mutton. 125 m. by highway<br />
from St. John's. 1 sawmill. 4 radios. PT.<br />
BRENT'S COVE. Pop. 140. Fishing-farming settlement 5 m. from La<br />
Scie, on the promontory which separates Green B. from White!:s. 1<br />
sawmill. PO.<br />
BREWLEY. Pop. 88. Fishing settlement at the northern end of Merasheen<br />
Island, at the head of Placentia B. PO.<br />
BRICKYARD. Pop. 12. In this settlement at the head of Trinity B.,<br />
near Clarenville, is one of the two brick-making plants in Newfoundland.<br />
2 sawmills.<br />
BRIDGEPORT. Pop. 225. Fishing settlement in Friday's Bay of New<br />
World Island, Twillingate Dist. 1 sawmill.<br />
BRIG BAY. Pop. 98. A logging-fishing settlement on the St. Barbe<br />
coast. 775 m. from St. John's, 199 from Humbermouth. Northern<br />
Ranger. 2 sawmills. 4 radios. PT.
BRIGHTON ISLAND. Pop. 158. Fishing settlement on the S. end of<br />
Long Island, which itself is east of Little Bay Islands, N.D.B. PO.<br />
BRIG US. Pop. 886. One of the country's most ancient settlements.<br />
First settled probably in the early 17th century. In 1677 it had 3<br />
dwellings, 3 planters, 3 wives, 4 sons, 2 daughters, 33 fishery servants,<br />
7 boats, 4 horses, 13 hogs, 2 gardens, and produced 680 quintals of<br />
fish. In the era of the sailing vessel in the seal hunt, Brigus attained<br />
great importance and prosperity, being from 1830 to 1850 second only<br />
to St. John's in the size of its sealing "fleet. Here in 1819 Capt. Wm.<br />
Munden built the first sealing vessel of 100 tons or more, ever used<br />
in the seal hunt--the "Four Brothers," 104 tons. She was still in use<br />
in 1873. Upwards of 3000 seal hunters have sailed out of Brigus to the<br />
icefields in one spring. The settlement is famous as the birthplace of<br />
the great Newfoundland Arctic explorer, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett, affectionately<br />
known throughout the world as "Captain Bob." A native<br />
of Brigus, John Percy, was the first native-born Methodist clergyman<br />
in Newfoundlandj he was ordained in England about 1810. Birthplace<br />
of late Sir John C. Crosbie, and of Deputy Mayor James R. Chalker.<br />
Here in 1914 lived Rockwell Kent the artist, who kept a studio. 52 m.<br />
by rail from St. John's; 49 by paved highway. Capt Bob Bartlett's<br />
sister operates a delightful inn here. Dr. F. D. Gill, M.H.O. 3 sawmills.<br />
63 radios. PT.<br />
BRIGUS JUNCTION. 1>op. 108. Important chiefly for being the junction<br />
of the Conception B. branch railway with the main railway line.<br />
Passengers by rail from the Placentia branch railway here join the<br />
Conception B. branch to St. John's. 41 m. from St. John's; 41 from<br />
Argentia, terminus of Placentia branch; 38 from Carbonear, northern<br />
terminus of the Conception B. branch. 2 sawmills. 1 radio.<br />
BRIGUS SOUTH. Pop. 93. An ancient fishing settlement on the Southern<br />
Shore, a little north of Cape Broyle Harbour. First settled probably<br />
early in 17th century. In 1677 it had 3 dwellings, 3 planters, 3<br />
wives, 4. sons, 2 daughters, 33 fishing servants, 7 boats, 4 horses, 13<br />
hogs, and produced 480 qtls. of fish. Its 4 horses constituted a third<br />
of all those in Newfoundland, St. John's having the other 8. LT.<br />
BRISTOL'S HOPE. Pop. 149. Old name: Mosquito, and sometimes<br />
Musketta. An ancient settlement, first settled probably in the very<br />
early 17th or late 16th century. Became a branch of the colony which<br />
John Guy established at Cupids in 1610. Here, March 27, 1613, was<br />
born a son to the wife of Nicholas Gure, one of Guy's colonists-the<br />
first white child of whose birth in Newfoundland there is any record;<br />
though it is quite likely that even before this other white children<br />
were born in Newfoundland-for example at St. John's or anyone of<br />
several other ancient settlements. Nicholas Gure's Rock, on or near<br />
the actual site of Gure's dwelling, is still pointed out. Inscriptions<br />
which existed on it up to recent years are now obliterated. The settlement's<br />
most famous native-son was General Sir Henry Pynn, who<br />
fought under Wellington in the Peninsnla War, and was the first
BUCHANS. Pop. 1,104. Newfoundland's newest industrial town.<br />
Founded in 1927, this our sec-ond great mining development, Bell Island<br />
being the first. Its deposits of lead-zinc-copper-siiver-gold are said to<br />
he the richest of their kind in the world. The ore, which lies in the<br />
earth immediately beside the town, is mined by the "glory hole"<br />
method and is crushed and concentrated in a plant in the town originally<br />
designed for the purpose. The concentrates are shipped by the<br />
Buchans Mining Co. over its O\"ffi railway to Millertown, thence over<br />
the line of the Newfoundlalld Railway to Bishop's Falls, and from<br />
there to Botwood, the shipping port, over the Anglo-Newfoundland<br />
Development Co's railway, a total distance of 37 m. Buchans lies<br />
near the shore of Red Indian Lake, 40 m. from Millertown Junction,<br />
and 284 m. from St. John's. The total value of ore-exports from<br />
Buchans to Dec. 1938 was $48,913,000. The town has a hockey<br />
and skating rink. Also a consumers' co-operative, with a shop. Bank<br />
of Montreal sub·agency. Customs. Post. Say. Bnk. 172 radios. PT.<br />
HULLEY'S COVE. Pop. 68. Fishing settlement on the eastern coast of<br />
the New Bay peninsula, N .D.B.<br />
BUNYAN"S COVE. Pop. 308. Lumbering-farming settlement in Clode<br />
Sound, Bonavista B. G'lh m. from Port Blandford. Many of the fishennen<br />
go every year as stationers on the French Shore to fish. Most<br />
of the present generation are descended from people who removed here<br />
from Bonavista, Elliston and Greenspond. 1 sawmill. 1 radio. PO.<br />
BURGEO. Pop. 823. Important fishing-Iobstering settlement on two<br />
islands on the S.W. Coast, roughly half-way between Hermitage B.<br />
and Port aux Basques. It was partly after these islands that the<br />
political district Burgeo and LaPoile was named. Here in the late<br />
18th century Capt. Cook, while on his map-maping coast survey of<br />
Newfoundland, observed an eclipse of the sun. 488 m. from Argentia;<br />
75 from Port aux Basques. Burgeo, Bacalieu. 1 sawmill. Cottage<br />
Hosp. Dr. John Heath, M.H.O. Post. Sav. Bnk. Customs. 20 radios.<br />
PT.<br />
BURGOYNE'S COVE. Pop. 70. Lumbering-fanning-fishing settlement<br />
in S-mith's Sound, Random Island, north side Trinity B. 2 sawmills.<br />
Turkeys raised. 1 radio. POMO.<br />
BURIN. Pop. 2,637. The general name given to a number of settlements<br />
in Burin Bay, on the west side of Placentia B., on the eastern<br />
side of Burin penisula. Settlements: Black Duck Cove 44; Bull Cove<br />
136; Burin Bay 297; Burin Bay Arm 91; Burin Bay' North 359; Collins<br />
Cove 53; The Droke 19; Epworth 189; Great Burin 143; Kelly's<br />
Cove 58; Kirby"s Cove 48; Long Cove 24; Lune's (or Loon's) Cove<br />
127; Mosquito Cove 27; Pardy's Island 98; Path End 91; Port au Bras<br />
315; Salmonier 89; Salt Pond 79; Sandy Point, 15; Shalloway 58;<br />
Ship Cove 52; Path End 31; Stepaside 58; Wandsworth 116; Whale's<br />
Cove 20. The first settlement in Burin probably began late 17th or<br />
early 18th century. Here the celebrated 18th century mercantile finn<br />
Christopher Spurrier had its Newfoundland headquarters. Fishing is<br />
carried on from all the settlements. A look-out cairn erected by Capt.
CAPE ONION. Pop. 164. Fishing settlement at northelTl tip of Newfoundland,<br />
roughly half-way between Cape Norman and Cape Bauld.<br />
2 radios. PO.<br />
CAPE PINE. Pop. 11. South-west corner of Trepassey Bay.<br />
CAPE RACE. Pop. 46. The south-eastern extremity of Newfowldland.<br />
Canadian Government maintains a very impoItant lighthouse here; its<br />
light beam being visible in clear weather a distance of 19 m. The<br />
Marconi Co. of Canada operates a wireless and direction-finding station.<br />
PT.<br />
CAPE RAY. Pop. 165. One of the three capes forming the triangular<br />
points of Newfoundland: Cape Race, Cape Bauld, Cape Ray. Lies on<br />
the south-west corner of the Island. Distances: Cape Ray to Cape<br />
Bauld, 283 In.; Cape Bauid to Cape Race, 312 ill.; Cape Race to Cape<br />
Ray, 263 m. Canadian Government maintains an important lighthouse<br />
serving the Cabot Strait between Cape Breton, N.S., and Newfoundland.<br />
PO.<br />
CAPE SPEAR. Pop. 13. The New World's nearest point to Europe,<br />
1,640 m. from Cape Clear, Ireland. The well-known marine landmark<br />
just south of St. John's, and southern boundary of St. John's Bay.<br />
Within this bay lies Freshwater, fishing settlement and popular picnic<br />
and berry-picking resort for St. John's people. Lighthouse.<br />
CAPE ST. FRANCIS. This Cape, 18 m. north of St. John's, separates<br />
Conception B. from the Atlantic. Lighthouse.<br />
CAPE ST. GEORGE. Pop. 256. Fishing settlement. Southern tip of<br />
the Port au POlt peninsula, and northern tip of the entrance to Bay<br />
St. George. Lighthouse. 2 sawmills. 2 radios.<br />
CAPE ST. MARY'S. Pop. 3. The cape which separates St. Mary's and<br />
Placentia Bays. Lighthouse.<br />
CAPLIN COVE. Pop. 202. Fishing settlement on the North Shore of<br />
Conception B., between Bay de Verde and Lower Island Cove. 5<br />
radios. PO.<br />
CAPLIN COVE. Pop. 89. Fishing settlement in the S.W. A,m of Random<br />
Sound, Trinity B. NOlth.<br />
CAPPAHAYDEN. Pop. 73. Fishing settlement on the Southern Shore.<br />
Here many shipwrecks have occurred, induding that of the Florizel,<br />
1918. 67 m. by highway from St. John's. 1 radio. PO.<br />
CARBONEAR. Pop. 3,367. The largest town in Conception Bay, and<br />
the sixth largest in Newfoundland, this is also one of the country's<br />
oldest settlements dating probably from the early 16th century. In<br />
1697, at the time of D'Iberville's invasion of the Island, Carbonear<br />
had 22 dwellings as against Harbor Grace's 14, and there were fish<br />
merchants there wOlth £100,000 each. The town was several times attacked<br />
and sacked by the French. It was always a very important<br />
fishinK centre, and during the first part of the 19th century the home<br />
POlt of a very important fleet of sailing vessels going to the icefields<br />
to hunt seals. It was a Carbonear sealing captain, Thomas Grant, who<br />
devised the plan of paltitioning the holds of vessels into compaltments<br />
to prevent the seals or seal-pelts from shifting position when the oil
Ranger, Kyle. Lighthouse. 3 sawmills. Dr. Wm. Templeman, MHO.<br />
Post. Say. Bank. 42 I'adios. PT.<br />
CAVENDISH. Pop. 231. Fishing settlement on the south side of<br />
Trinity B., lying between Islington and Whiteway. 15 m. by highway<br />
south of Heart.'s Content; 25 from Whitbourne. 5 sawmills. 1<br />
radio. PO.<br />
CHAMBERLAIN'S. Pop. 344. Farming settlement on the south side<br />
of Conception Bay. Popular summer resort. 13 m. by highway from<br />
St. John's.<br />
CHAMPNEY'S. Pop. 551. A fishing-farming settlement lying on the<br />
north side of Trinity B., nnmediately north of Port Rexton. West<br />
209; East 261; Arm 81. 2 radios. PO.<br />
CHANCE COVE. Pop. 289. Fishing settlement at the head of Tlinity<br />
B., on the Isthmus of Avalon. 4 radios. POMO.<br />
CRANGE ISLANDS. Pop. 976. The name of a group of islands in<br />
Fogo District and of the chief settlement on them. The settlement<br />
itself lies on both banks of a magnificent tickle or narrow passage of<br />
water about a mile long. The settlement is one of the most picturesque<br />
on the North West Coast. The home of a fleet of Labrador<br />
fishing- schooners. Most of the original inhabitants undoubtedly moved<br />
there from Fogo Island, and from Change Islands in a somewhat<br />
later period went the forefathers of many of the present generation<br />
in such places as Herring Neck, Little Bay Islands, farther north.<br />
345 m. from St. John's; 6 from Fogo; 123 from Lewisporte. Sagona,<br />
Clyde. Lighthouse. 17 radios. PT.<br />
CHANNEL. Pop. 1212. The well-known fishing settlement lying immediately<br />
beside Port aux Basques, western terminus of the Cabot<br />
Strait and S. W. Coast passenger boats. Considerable winter fishing<br />
is carried on. Lighthouse. Bank of Nova Scotia. 94 radios. PT.<br />
CHAPEL ARM. Pop. 282. Fishing-lumbering-farming settlement at<br />
head of Trinity B. 81 m. by highway from St. John's. 2 sawmills.<br />
1 radio. PO.<br />
CRAPEL'S COVE. Pop. 275. Farming-fishing settlement in Conception<br />
Ro, between Hr. Main and Holyrood.<br />
CHARLESTON. Pop. 124. Farming settlement on south side of Bonavista<br />
B., close to Princeton and Southward B. The cutting of railway<br />
ties is an import..ant occupation in this whole neighborhood. 4<br />
sawmills. POMO.<br />
CHARLOTTETOWN. Pop. 202. Falming and lumbering settlement in<br />
Clade Sound, Bonavista B. 3 m. from Port Blandford. 5 sawmills.<br />
PO.<br />
CHIMNEY COVE. Pop. 61. Fishing settlement on the West Coast<br />
near the entrance to B. of Islands.<br />
CLAM BANK COVE. (See Lourdes).<br />
CLARENVILI,E. Pop. 523. Imp0l1ant chiefiy as a divisional headquarters<br />
of the Newfoundland railway, at the head of Random Sound,<br />
Trinity B. North. The Bonavista branch railway commences here. Has<br />
a hydro-electric plant which supplies light and power here and to
neighbouring settlements. Small-scale fanning and gardening carried<br />
on enthusiastically. 131 m. by rail from St. John's; 89 from<br />
Bonavista. Dr. Bond Cross, J.P., MHO. 3 sawmills. Post Say. Bank.<br />
Customs. 53 radios. PT.<br />
CLARKE'S REACH, Pop, 526. A picturesque and busy fishing-fanning<br />
settlement at the head of Port de Grave B. 54 m. by highway<br />
from St. Jol!P's. 3 sawmills. Dr. Samuel Ivemy, MHO. 63 radios.<br />
PT.<br />
CLARKE'S HEAD. Pop. 324. (See Gander Bay).<br />
CLATTICE HARBOR. Pop. 193. Fishing settlement on east side of<br />
the Burin peninsula, Placentia B. West, inside of Great Valen Island.<br />
116 m. from Argentia. Home. 1 sawmill. 2 radios. PO.<br />
CLAY COYE. Pop. 69. Fishing settlement at the S. W. end of St.<br />
Brendan's, Bonavista Bay North.<br />
CLIFTON. Pop. 38. Lumbering settlement in Smith Sound, Random<br />
Island, Trinity B. North, near Burgoyne's Cove. 7 sawmills.<br />
CLOWN'S COVE. Pop. 174. A section of Freshwater, Conception<br />
Bay, q.v.<br />
COACHMAN'S COYE. Pop. 294. Fishing settlement on the promontory<br />
between Cape John and White Bay. Lies between Fleur de<br />
Lys and Pacquet. 299 m. from St. John's. Northern Ranger. 3 sawmills.<br />
4 radios. PT.<br />
COBB'S ARM. Pop. 95. A beautiful settlement on the eastern end of<br />
New World Island, N.D.B., at the entrance to Dildo Run. Considerable<br />
quantity of limestone is quarried here for St. John's and the<br />
newsprint mills at Corner Brook and Grand Falls.<br />
CODNEll. Pop. 256. Old name: Middle Bight. Farming settlement at<br />
the head of Conception Bay. Renamed in honour of Samuel Codner,<br />
great pioneer promoter of the cause of Education in Newfoundland<br />
in the first quarter of the 19th century. 19 m. by highway from St.<br />
John's.<br />
CODROY. (See also Great Codroy). Situated on the West Coast, a<br />
few miles from Port aux Basques, this valley is perhaps the country's<br />
most fertile farm section. Settled in the main 100-150 years ago,<br />
chiefly as hunters and fishermen, by people of Scottish origin from<br />
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia; Micmac Indians from Nova Scotia; and<br />
French fishennen in the times when the area was dominated by the<br />
French. There is a small settlement of the same name, Great Codroy,<br />
q.v. Customs. 1 sawmill. 10 radios. POMO.<br />
CODROY POND. Pop. 54. Logging-lumbering settlement in St. George<br />
Dist. on the West Coast. Bowater Co. of Corner Brook employs 35 loggers<br />
cutting pulpwood. 49 m. by rail from Port aux Basques. 1<br />
liiawmill.<br />
COLEY'S POINT. Pop. 825. Fishing-fanning settlement near Bay<br />
Roberts, in Conception Bay. 1 sawmill. PO.<br />
COLINET. Pop. 120. Lumbering settlement at the head of St. Mary's<br />
Bay. 60 m. by highway from St. John's, one of the interesting motor<br />
drives from the city. 2 sawmills, 4 on Colinet road. 8 radios. PO.
COOTE'S COVE. Pop. 75. Fishing settlement in St. Mary's B., near<br />
Gaskiers.<br />
COPPE'IT. Pop. 67. Fishing-lobstering settlement between White<br />
Bear B. and Cape La Rune, inside Ramea Islands, S.W. Coast.<br />
CORBIN. Pop. 103. Fishing settlement between Burin and St. Lawrence,<br />
on th east side of the Burin peninsula. LT.<br />
CORBIN. Pop. 95. Fishing settlement near the north-west corner of<br />
Fortune B.<br />
CORNER BROOK. Pop. 6,374. Newfoundland's second largest town.<br />
Headquarters of Bowater (Nlld.) Pulp & Paper Mills. Here is located<br />
one of the most modern and efficient of the world's newsprint paper<br />
mills, on tide-water. First settled about middle of 19th century as a<br />
lumber-trapping-fishing centre, it sprang into great prominence, size<br />
and prosperity in 1923, when construction was commenced on the<br />
newsprint mill for Nfld. Power & Paper Co., an Anglo-NewfoWldland<br />
concern. About $50,000,000 was expended on mill, piers, dwellings,<br />
and power-development at Deer Lake, 30 m. distant. International<br />
Power & Paper Co. (Nfld.) replaced original owners, and became<br />
replaced by present owners. Situated near the head of Humber<br />
Ann, B. of Islands. On main railway. Nearby are Humbennouth,<br />
Curling and several other settlements, all of which del;ve great benefit<br />
from the mill's operation. Clarke Steamship tourist boats come<br />
here each week sununertime and fall. Scenery here and nearby is<br />
magnificent. New highway runs to Deer Lake, and being extended<br />
to Bonne Bay. 400 loggers employed nearby. Company Hasp. Nurs.<br />
centre and clinic. Bank of Montreal. 3 motion picture theatres.<br />
Skating-hockey rink. Fine public and denominational schools, and the<br />
country's finest athletic grounds. UHumber Herald" published weekly.<br />
6 sawmills. 415 m. by rail from St. John'sl 132 from Port aux Basque.<br />
Post Say. Bank. Customs. 879 radios. PT.<br />
COTTLE'S ISLAND. Pop. 121. Fishing settlement on the western ,ide<br />
of New World Island, N.D.B. 1 sawmill. LT.<br />
COTTRELL"S COVE. Pop. 122. Fishing settlement on the west side<br />
of the New Bay peninsula, N.D.B. PO.<br />
COUNTRY ROAD. Pop. 315. Farming section between Bay Roberts<br />
and Clarke's Beach, Conception B.<br />
COW HEAD. Pop. 289. Fishing-lobstering settlement on St. Barbe<br />
coast, just north of St. Paul's Bay. 878 m. from St. John's; 96 from<br />
Humbermouth. Northern Ranger. 3 saw mills. Nursing Cent. 3<br />
radios. PT.<br />
COWARD'S ISLAND. Pop. 141. The N.E. Island of Flat Islands, a<br />
Labrador and inshore fishing settlement lying off the north side of<br />
Bonavista Bay. 1 radio. PO.<br />
COX'S COVE. Pop. 201. An important hening catching and packing<br />
centre at Middle Arm, B. of Islands. Island Timber Co. employs 250<br />
loggers cutting pit props for export to G. Britain. 1 sawmill. POMO.
CRESTON SOUTH. Pop. 259. Farming-lumbering settlement at the<br />
head of Mortier B., near the isthmus which separates that Bay from<br />
Burin Inlet. 3 sawmills. 4 radios. PO.<br />
CROQUE. (or eroc). Pop. 35. An ancient fishing settlement on the<br />
French Shore, between Canche and Hare Bay. 1 sawmill.<br />
CROUSE. Pop. 28. Ancient fishing settlement on the French Shore,<br />
between Cauche and Croque.<br />
CHOW HEAD. Pop. 240. Fishing settlement near Tizzard's Hr., on<br />
the N.W. end of New World Island, N.D.B. 1 sawmill.<br />
CIIL DE SAC (WEST). Pop. 96. Fishing-lobstering settlement near<br />
Cape La Hune, Burgeo Dist., S. W. Coast.<br />
CtTL DE SAC (EAST). Pop. 65. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the<br />
S.W. Coast, about 7 m. from Rencontre W.<br />
CUPIDS. Pop. 562. An historic settlement. Here in 1610 Alderman<br />
John Guy (afterwards Mayor) of Bristol, England, settled the first<br />
COlmal colony, uSea Forest Plantation,'" in our history. Cuper's<br />
Cove, to use the old name, lies near the head of Port de Grave, then<br />
called Bay de Grave, in Conception B. Guy's charter granted him all<br />
the coast betwepn Cape St. Mary's and Cape Bonavista, though the<br />
public fishing rights were reserved. His party to Newfoundland consisted<br />
of himself, Philip, his brother-in-law William Colston,<br />
and 39 colonists in three ships. At Cupids he built 3 houses, and<br />
wharves, stores, fish stages and flakes; a fort 94x120 feet enclosed<br />
by a substantial stockade and a battery mounted with 3 guns. At South<br />
River (q.v.) he erected other houses, mills and fann buildings, and<br />
cleared a considerable quantity of land. Guy himself returned to England<br />
at the end of 1611, but returned next spring with more colonists,<br />
fanners and artisans, and livestock, poultry and farming tools.<br />
With him came the Rev. Erasmus Stourton, the first Anglican clergyman<br />
to reside in Newfoundland. Guy went back to Bristol in 1613,<br />
Rnd Colston became Governor, 1613-14, being replaced then by Capt.<br />
John Mason, afterwards founder of the present American State of<br />
New Hampshire. He returned to England in 1621. In 1620 he published<br />
uA Brief Discourse of the Newfoundland," one of our earliest<br />
books. For a while the famous North American Indian, Squantum,<br />
friend of the Pilgrim Fathers in America, lived here. The Colony<br />
disappeared in 1628, though many of the colonists remained and have<br />
descendants here to this day. In 1910 the Guy Tercentennial celebrations<br />
were held here and at the places where branch colonies had<br />
existed. A monument and flag staff were erected to Guy's memory,<br />
and the Newfoundlanders at Toronto presented Cupids with what is<br />
reputedly the second-largest Union Jack in the world. It measures<br />
40 x 32 feet. Cupids is now a fishing-farming settleme11t, 52 m. by<br />
highway from St. John's; 54 m. by rail. 53 radios. POMO.<br />
CURLING. Pop. 981. Oldest settlement in Bay of Islands. First settled<br />
about 1780-90. In the 19th century it became the headquarters<br />
(or the British naval officers in charge of the patrolling of the French<br />
Shore. Here lived the Rev. Joseph Curling, a wealthy and aristocra-
tic Anglican clergyman who did notable social-welfal'e work 011 the<br />
coast. Until Cornel' Brook (3 m. away) developed, the capital of<br />
Bay of Islands, and still the headquarters of the Bay herring export<br />
trade. Many of the male inhabitants work in the Corner Brook mill.<br />
"Western Star" 'is published weekly. Bank of Montreal. 407 m. by<br />
rail from St. John'sj 140 from Port aux Basques. 4 sawmills. Dr.<br />
J. 1. O'ConnAJJ, MHO. 123 radios. PT.<br />
CURRENT ISLAND. Pop. 53. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on the<br />
St. Barbe coast, near the southern point of St. Barbe B.<br />
CURZON VILLAGE. Pop. 219. Fishing settlement within the beautiful<br />
Bonne B., West Coast.<br />
CUSLETT. Pop. 108. Fishing settlement on the east side of Placentia<br />
B., roughly half-way between Placentia and Cape St. Mary's, on the<br />
Cape Shore. 110 m. by highway from St. John's. PO.<br />
DANIEL'S COVE. Pop. 73. Fishing settlement on the St. Barbe coast<br />
roughly half-way between St. PaulIts B. and Point Riche. 5 radios.<br />
PO.<br />
DANIEL'S HABBOR. Pop. 210. Fishing-lumbering settlement on the<br />
St. Barhe coast. 858 m. from St. John's; 116 from Humbermouth.<br />
Northern Ranger. 3 sawmills. Nursing Cent. 3 radios. PT.<br />
DANIEL'S POlNT. Pop. 117. Fishing settlement in Trepassey B. LT.<br />
HARK COVE. Pop. 329. Lumbering settlement in Freshwater B.,<br />
Bonavista B., a few miles from Gambo. 3 sawmills.<br />
DA VIS COVE. Pop. 104. Fishing settlement on the west side of Placentia<br />
B., inside of Merasheen bland.<br />
DAVIS INLET. Fishing settlement on Labrador, north of Hopedale.<br />
H. B. Co. post. PO.<br />
DAVIS ISLAND. Pop. 434. Fishing settlement on the west side of Placentia<br />
B., a little north of Mortier Bay.<br />
nAVIS RIVER. Pop. 81.<br />
DAWSON'S COVE. Pop. 145. Fishing-farming settlement on the north<br />
side of Connaigre B., which lies between Fortune and Hermitage<br />
Bays. LT.<br />
DeGRAU. Pop. 102. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on the south coast<br />
of the Port au Port peninsula, inside of Cape St. George, and fronting<br />
on Bay St. George. .<br />
DEADMAN'S BAY. Pop. 86. Fishing-furring-Iumbering settlement on<br />
the Straight Shore, near Lumsden, which itself lies just north of<br />
Cape Freels.<br />
DEEP BIGHT. Pop. 79. Lumbering-farming-fishing settlement at the<br />
head of S. W. Arm of Random Sound, Trinity Bay North. 3 sawmills.<br />
POMO.<br />
DEER HARBOR. Pop. 153. Fishing-lumbering settlement on north<br />
rode of Trinity B., roughly half-way between Rantem and entrance<br />
to R.,1.ndom Sound. 3 sawmills. PO.<br />
DEER ISLAND. Pop. 109. Fishing settlement off the north side of<br />
Bonavista B., 9 m. S.S.W. of Greenspond. 153 m. from St. John's.<br />
Sagona. 1 radio. PO.
____-=G.:.:A=Z=:ETTEER OF NEWFOUNDLAND 77<br />
EASTPORT. Pop. 345 Farming-lumbering settlement at the head of<br />
Salvage B., Bonavista B. Soil is sandy and very fertile. Considerable<br />
quantities of strawberries grown. Has one of the best sand beaches<br />
in the country. Nearby are Happy Adventure, Sandy Cove, and the<br />
new land settlement colony (unnamed). Connected recently by highway<br />
with Glovertown, Alexander B. Station on the main railway, 137<br />
m. ii.'om St. John's. Sagona. 1 sawmill. 11 radios. POMO.<br />
EDDIE'S COVE. Pop. 78. Fishing settlement on the Newfoundland<br />
side of the Straits of Belle Isle. LT. PO.<br />
ELLIOTT'S COVE. Pop. 57. Fishing-farming setlement on the western<br />
side of Random Island, Trinity B. North. 2 sawmills. 3 radios. POMO.<br />
ELLISTON. Pop. 863. Old name: Bird Island Cove. Important fishing<br />
settlement on the north side of Trinity B., 4 m. south of Cape<br />
Bonavista, 5 m. by road from Bonavista, 10 by road from Catalina.<br />
Noted for the native musical talent of many of the people. One of<br />
the rarest Newfoundland books, Tocque's curious "Wandering<br />
Thoughts" (about 1840) was written in and concerning this place. 19<br />
radios. POMO.<br />
ENGLEE. Pop. 522. Second largest settlement on the French Shore,<br />
with much the same sort of background as Conche (q.v.). An important<br />
fishing port both anciently and now. Here are situated the headquartel's<br />
of the largest mercantile firm on the French Shore. Beothick<br />
Indians frequented here, and many stone implements and utensils<br />
have been dug up. A very beautiful place, inside the northern tip of<br />
Canada B. Govt. cold storage bait freezer. 458 m. from St. John's.<br />
Northern Ranger. 4 sawmills. 5 radios. PT.<br />
ENGLISH HARBOUR. Pop. 277. Ancient fishing settlement on the<br />
north side of Trinity B., north of Port Rexton and Champneys, south<br />
of Port Union. Noted in recent years for the very superior quality<br />
of the fish curea here. 3 radios. POMO.<br />
ENGLISH HARBOUR EAST. Pop. 189. Important fishing settlement<br />
near north-east corner of Fortune B. 200 m. from Argentia, 323 from<br />
Port aux Basques. Burgeo. PT.<br />
ENGLISH HARBOUR WEST. Pop. 334. Important banking and inshore<br />
fishing settlement at the S.W. entrance to Fortune B. 250 tn.<br />
from Argentia, 273 from Port aux Basques. Customs. 8 radios. PT.<br />
EPWORTH. Pop. 189. Fishing settlement in Burin, west side of Placentia<br />
B. 4 radios. POMO.<br />
EXPLOITS. Pop. 296. A beautiful settlement near the mouth of the<br />
E. of Exploits, N.D.B., on Burnt Island. First settled early in tU1e<br />
18th century as a salmon catching centre. Here lived John Peyton,<br />
who led the expedition which captured Mary March, "the last of the<br />
Beothucks," in 1819. 22 rn. from Lewisporte, 102 from Twillingate,<br />
Clyde. 1 sawmill. 5 radios. Post Sav. Bank. PT.<br />
FAIR ISLAND. Pop. 257. Fishing settlement off the north side of<br />
Bonavista B., about 8 m. west of Greenspond. 5 radios. PT.<br />
FAIRBANK. Pop. 62. Fishing settlement in Friday's B., New World<br />
Island, N.D.B. 2 sawmills.
Basque and French, and a few English fishennen, in the 16th and 17th<br />
centuries. First settled by the English probably early in the 18th<br />
century. Fortune is now one of the few remaining ports of importance<br />
from which the Bank fishery is operated in Newfoundland. 215 m.<br />
from St. John"s; 124 from Argentia; 399 from Port aux Basques.<br />
Burgeo, Bacalieu. Nursing Cent. Post. Say. Bnk. Customs. 39<br />
radios. PT.<br />
FORTUNE HARBOR. Pop. 365. A very beautiful fishing settlement<br />
on the promontory of the New B. peninsula, N.D.B. The inhabitants,<br />
nearly all fishermen, arc colorful, warm-hearted and witty descendants<br />
of the original Irish settlers. 33 m. from Lewisporle. Home. 8<br />
radios. PT.<br />
FOSTER'S POINT. Pop. 92. Fishing-farming settlement on western<br />
end of Random Island, Trinity B. North. 1 sawmill. LT.<br />
FOX COVE. Pop. 157. Fishing settlement on the outer coast between<br />
Mortier B. and Burin Inlet. LT.<br />
FOX HARBOUR. Pop. 101. Labrador fishing settlement north of Battle<br />
Hr.<br />
FOX HARBOUR. Pop. 432. Fishing settlement on the east side of<br />
Placentia B., at the head of Placentia Sound, inside Argentia. 2 sawmills.<br />
5 radios. PT.<br />
FOX ISLAND HARBOUR. Pop. 203. Fishing-lobstering settlement on<br />
the mainland inside of Ramea Islands, S.W. Coast.<br />
FOX ISLAND RIVER. Pop. 54. Fishing settlement on the coast between<br />
the Port au Port peninsula and B. of Islands. 1 sawmill. 1<br />
radio. PO.<br />
FOX ROOST. Pop. 64. Fishing-Iobstering settlement just east of Port<br />
aux Basques on S.W. Coast.<br />
FOXTRAP. Pop. 596. A posperOllS fanning settlement at the head of<br />
Conception B. Notable as the scene of lithe Battle of Foxtrap" at the<br />
time of the survey for the then projected railway, 1882. Political opponents<br />
of the railway succeeded in persuading many people in that<br />
general part of the country that the railway would injure their interests<br />
and the people here appeared in a body forcibly to stop the<br />
survey.<br />
•'RANCIS HARBOUR BIGHT. Pop. 31. Well-known Labrador fishing<br />
settlement, between Port Hope Simpson and Fishing Ship's Hr., frequented<br />
every year by Newfoundland fishennen. 490 m. from St.<br />
John's. Kyle.<br />
FRANCOIS. Pop. 327. Fishing-lobstering settlement in the Bay of<br />
same name on S.W. Coast, nine m. west of Rencontre West. 404 m.<br />
from Argentia; 119 from' Port aux Basques. Burgeo. 3 radios. PT.<br />
FREDERICKTON. Pop. 172. Lumbering settlement on the coast between<br />
Cannanville and Gander B., in Fogo Dist. 259 m. from St.<br />
John's. Sagona. PO.<br />
F'RENCHMAN'S COVE. Pop. 213. Fishing settlement on the western<br />
side of the Burin peninsula, a little south of Garnish. 1 sawmill. 1<br />
radio. PO.
FRENCHMAN'S COVE. Pop. 122. Fishing settlement in B. of Islands.<br />
1 sawmill. P.O.<br />
FRENCHMAN'S ISLAND. Labrador fishing-furring settlement, north<br />
of Hawke's Hr. H. B. Co. post. 559 m. from St. John's. Kyle. PO.<br />
FRESHWATER. Pop. 155. Fishing settlement at Bell Island, in conception<br />
B. First settled about middle of the 18th century.<br />
FRESHWATER. Pop. 372. An ancient fishing settlement close to Carbonear,<br />
in Conception B. Notable for the number of professional men<br />
it has produced. 43 radios. POMO.<br />
FUNK ISLANDS, THE. These two small islands, which lie about 32 m.<br />
off from Cape Fogo in roughly a westerly direction, may be described<br />
as being in a general sense the immediate rendezvous of the sealhunting<br />
fleet each spring. They have been from the beginning of the<br />
Newfoundland deep-sea Seal Hunt regarded as a great land-mark.<br />
Several marine tragedies have occurred here, and it is supposed that<br />
many vessels and even steamships have been lost by running ashore<br />
here in snow-storms. These islands were once the haunt of large<br />
numbers of the Great Auk, now quite extinct in the world.<br />
GAFF TOPSAILS. Sec Topsails.<br />
GAMBO. Pop. 322. A logging settlement at the head of Bonavista B.,<br />
on the main railway. Here at Mint Brook, about 1863, David Smallwood<br />
built the first sawmill in Bonavista B. Destroyed by fire, this<br />
was replaced by the first steam-driven sawmill in the country. Most<br />
of the seal-hunters of the north side of Bonavista B. join the special<br />
sealers' train to St. John's, after walking to here from their various<br />
settlements. 190 m. by rail from St. John's. 7 sawmills. 21 radios.<br />
PT.<br />
GANDER BAY. Situated west of the Straight Shore, east of Lewisporte<br />
Bay, this is the Bay into which the Gander River empties.<br />
Within it lies Clarke's Head, Southside and a few other settlements.<br />
Lumbering and farming-fishing the principal occupations. Fonnerly<br />
a great salmon-catching centre. 272 m. from St. John's. Sagona. 3<br />
sawmills. 5 radios. PT.<br />
GARGAMELLE. Pop. 53. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on the St.<br />
Barbe coast, just south and inside of Point Riche.<br />
GARNISH. Pop. 797. Important fishing-Iobstering-Iumbering settlement<br />
on the western. side of the Burin peninsula, 19 m. north of Grand<br />
Bank. 148 m. from Argentia; 375 from Port aux Basques. Burgeo.<br />
4 sawmills. Nursing Cent. 10 radios. PT.<br />
GASKIER'S Pop. 204. Fishing settlement in St. Mary's B., between<br />
Point LaHaye and St. Vincent's. 1 radio. PO.<br />
GAULTOIS. Pop. 222. Fishing settlement on the south east corner of<br />
Long Island in Hermitage B., about half-way up on the north side.<br />
319 tn. from Argentia. Burgeo, Bacalieu. Nursing Cent. Customs.<br />
18 radios. PT.<br />
GEORGE'S BROOK. Pop. 170. Farming-lumbering-fishing settlement<br />
near Shoal Hr., on the north side of Trinity B. 3 sawmills.
GEORGE'S COVE, Pop. 83. Labrador fishing settlement, between Fishing<br />
Ships Hr. and Snug Hal'. 696 m. from St. John's. Kyle.<br />
GEORGETOWN. Pop. 222. A farming section near Curling in B. of<br />
l!'!lands.<br />
GEORGETOWN. Pop. 187. Farming settlement just off the Conception<br />
B. highway, between Brigus Barrens and Brigus. 2 ramos. PO.<br />
GILESPORT. Pop. 332. Fishing setlement near Twillingate. 1 sawmill.<br />
GILLAM'S. Pop. 142. Fishing-farming settlement on Humber Arm,<br />
B. of Islands. 1 sawmill.<br />
GILLARD'S COVE. Pop. 98. Fishing settlement on the western side<br />
of South Twillingate Island, N.D.B.<br />
LiIN COVE. Pop. 45. Fishing-farming settlement on north side of<br />
Smith's Sound, Random, Trinity B. North, near Monroe. 2 sawmills.<br />
GLENBURNIE. Pop. 102. Fishing-lobstering settlement within Bonne<br />
B. 2 sawmills.<br />
GLENWOOD. Pop. 126. Situated on the main railway, this is mainly<br />
a furring and sporting settlement. Sportsmen go down the Gander<br />
River from here. There is an attractive hostelry. 230 m. by rail<br />
from St. John's. 4 sawmills. 5 radios. R.Tel.<br />
GLOVERTOWN. Pop. 656. An important fishing-logging settlement at<br />
the heaa of Middle Ann, Alexander B. 4 m. from the main railway<br />
at Alexander B. Station. 3 sawmills. Customs. 15 radios. PT.<br />
GOOBIE'S SIDING. Pop. 29. Important for the fact that from here<br />
starts the new highway to Fortune B. and the Burin peninsula. 110<br />
m. by rail from St. John's, at the head of Trinity B., on the Isthmus<br />
of Avalon. 3 sawmills. PO.<br />
GOOSE ARM. Pop. 61. One of the arms of Bay of Islands. Lumbering-fishin!\'.<br />
GOOSE COVE. Pop. 88. Fishing settlement between Trinity and Dunfield,<br />
Trinity B. North. 1 sawmill.<br />
GOOSE COVE. Pop. 164. Fishing settlement on the north side of Hare<br />
R, inside of Goose Cape, south of St. Anthony. 1 sawmill. 2 radios.<br />
PO.<br />
GOOSEBERRY COVE. Pop. 187. Fishing settlement on Random Is.,<br />
south of Southport, Trinity B. North. POMO.<br />
("OOSEBERRY ISLAND. Pop. 238. Fishing setlement off the north<br />
side of Bonavista B., about 2 m. E.N.E. of St. Brendan's Island. 1<br />
radio. PO.<br />
GOULDS. Pop. 375. Farming settlement on the Southern Shore highway.<br />
8 m. by highway from St. John's, about 2 from Petty Harbor.<br />
4 radios. PO.<br />
GOULDS ROAD. Pop. 96. Farming section near Brigus, Conception<br />
B. 4 radios. PO.<br />
GRADY. Pop. 11 Labrador fishing settlement south of Cartwright.<br />
626 m. from St. John's. Kyle. Wireless telegraph in summer.<br />
GRAND BAY, EAST & WEST. Pop. 223. Fishing-Jobstering settlement<br />
a few miles north-west of Port-awe-Basques.
with a fleet of seal hunting vessels that reached considerable proportions.<br />
Here was born the famous medical scientist and pioneer Sir<br />
Thomas Roddick. Here was born also James Hippisley, scenarist of<br />
the motion pictUl'e "The House of Rothschild." In 1677 Harbour<br />
Grace had 7 dwellings, 10 planters, 2 wives, 7 sons, 5 daughters, 36<br />
fishery servants, 11 boats. 38 cattle, 27 hogs, 9 gardens. The town<br />
is now chiefly a centre from which men go north to Labrador as<br />
stationer fishermen, and in which farming is carried on. In the period<br />
of the pioneer trans-Atlantic flights a runway was built, and many<br />
planes made their crossing of the Atlantic from it. Has a fine Roman<br />
Catholic Cathedral, and a marine repair dock. The Bishop of Harbour<br />
Grace Roman Catholic Diocese, which embraces the entire north east<br />
coast, has his Palace here. Birthplace of Right Hon. Sir Richard Anderson<br />
Squires, thrice Prime Minister. 73 m. by rail from St. John's,<br />
68 by hiKhway. 2 sawmills. Dr. G. A. Strapp, MHO. Bank of Nova<br />
Scotia. Post Sav. Bank. Customs. 202 radios. PT.<br />
HARBOUR LE COU. Pop. 222. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the<br />
S.W. Coast, on the mainland inside of Rose Blanche. 603 m. from<br />
Argentia, 20 from Port aux Basques.<br />
HARBOUR MAIN. Pop. 615. Farming-fishing in that district of Conception<br />
B. which bears its name. 36 m. by highway from St. John's.<br />
33 radios. PT.<br />
HARBOUR MILLE. Pop. 333. Fishing-lobstering-herring settlement<br />
north of Bay L'Argent, weIl towards the N.E. head of Fortune B. 185<br />
m. from Argentia. Herring packing and lobstering are important.<br />
Burgeo. 1 sawmill. PO.<br />
HARBOUR ROUND. Pop. 86. Fishing settlement on the promontory<br />
separating White and Green Bays, N. of LaScie.<br />
HARCOURT. Pop. 67. Lumbering-fishing settlement on the north side<br />
of Smith's Sound, Random, Trinity B. North. 5 sawmills. POMO.<br />
HARE BA Y. Pop. 346. Logging settlement on the north side of Bonavista<br />
B. near mouth of Freshwater B. 2 sawmills. 5 radios. POMO.<br />
BARi': BAY. Pop. 127. Fishing settlement on Fogo Island, close to<br />
Fogo.<br />
HARE HARBOUR. Pop. 50. Fishing-lumbering settlement on the S.W.<br />
Coast, between B. d'Espoir and Rencontre B.<br />
HARICOT. Pop. 45. Here in 1935 a land settlement colony was established<br />
by the Commission of Government. It lies in an attractive valley<br />
inland by road from Salmonier. The settlers' houses lie on both<br />
sides of the road which rwl,S throught the valley. 67 ffi. by highway<br />
from St. John's. 1 sawmill.<br />
HARRY'S HARBOUR. Pop. 199. Fishing settlement on the north<br />
shore of Green B., north of Western Arm. 150 m. from Lewisporte.<br />
Clyde. 2 radios. POMO.<br />
HATCHET COVE. Pop. 96. Fishing-lumbering settlement in the S.W.<br />
Ann of Random Sound, Trinity B. North. 2 sawmills.
HAWKE'S HARBOUR. Pop. 11. Well known Labrador fishing settlement<br />
frequented each summer by Newfoundland fishermen. 540 m.<br />
from St. John's. Kyle. Wireless telegraph in summer.<br />
HAYSTACK. Pop. 115. Fishing settlement on the eastern shore of<br />
Long Island, toward the head of Placentia B. Nurs. Cent. 2 radio5.<br />
52 m. from Azgentia. Home. POMO.<br />
HAYWARD'S COVE. Pop. 83. Fishing settlement on the eastern side<br />
of St. Brendan's Island, Bonavista B.<br />
HEAD BAY D·ESPOIR. Pop. 269. Lumbering settlement at the head<br />
of Bay d'Espoir. 3 radios. PO.<br />
HEART'S CONTENT. Pop. 918. Second largest settlement in Trinity<br />
B. and one of its oldest. First settled probably about 1650. In 1697<br />
it had 4 dwellings, which D'Iberville's men destroyed after 30 men,<br />
women and children inhabitants failed in an heroic defence of a hastily-improvised<br />
barricade made of boards. In 1866, July 27, the<br />
HGreat Eastern" landed here the first successful Transatlantic submarine<br />
cable, since which the settlement has been an important cable<br />
centre. Here in 1862, Feb. 14, Rev. George Gardner founded the<br />
Heart's Content Fisbennen's Society, which in 1872 developed into tbe<br />
Society of United Fishermen of Newfoundland, an important fraternal<br />
society with branches throughout the country, and a few in Eastern<br />
Canada. 85 m. by highway from St. John's. Dr. E. J. Short, MHO.<br />
Post. Say. Bank. 76 radios. PT.<br />
HEART'S DELIGHT. Pop. 595. Fishing-farming settlement in Trinity<br />
B. South, between Heart's Content and Heart's Desire. 10 m. by<br />
highway from Heart's Content, 30 from Whitbourne, 101 from St.<br />
John's. Nursing Cent.. 5 sawmills. 10 radios. PT.<br />
HEART'S DESIRE. Pop. 191. Fishing-farming settlement in Trinity<br />
Bay S., between Heart's Desire (N.) and Cavendish (S.). 7 m. by<br />
highway from Heart's Content, 33 from Whitbourne, 104 from St.<br />
John's. 1 sawmill. 1 radio. PO.<br />
HEATHERTON. Pop. 129. Farming settlement, about 3 m. north or<br />
Robinson's Station, St. George's. 1 sawmill.<br />
HEBRON. Pop. 134. Labrador fishing-furring settlement almost down<br />
the coast to Cape Chidley. 677 m. from St. John's. H. B. Co. po.t.<br />
Private wireless. 1 radio. PO.<br />
HENLEY HARBOUR. Pop. 57. Labrador fishing settlement at the N.<br />
E. entrance to Straits of Belle Isle. 677 ID. from St. John's, 297 from<br />
Humbermouth. Northern Ranger. 1 radio. PO.<br />
HERMITAGE. Pop. 57. Fishing-lobstering settlement about half way<br />
between the entrance and head of Hermitage B. on its south side. 31G<br />
m. from Argentia, 207 from Por t aux Basques. Government cold<br />
storage bait freezer. 2 sawmills. 6 radios. PT.<br />
HERRING NECK. A fishing settlement with beautiful scenery, notable<br />
for being the birthplace of the Fishermen's Protective Union. It lies<br />
on the eastern end of Twillingate Island, N.D.B. Here in Nov., 1908,<br />
the late Sir (then Mr.) William Ford Coaker in the L.O.A. Hall formed<br />
the first local branch of the Union, which within a few years over-
KNIGHT'S COVE. Pop. 165. Fishing settlement on the south side of<br />
Bonavista B., 19 m. by road from Bonavista, near King's Cove.<br />
LADLE COVE. Pop. 239. Fishing settlement on the Straight Shore, a<br />
little north of Musgrave Hr. 241 m. from St. John's. Sagona. 1<br />
radio. POMO.<br />
LADY COVE. Pop. 120. Lumbering-fanning-fishing settlement on the<br />
southern shore of Random Island, in S.W. Ann of Random Sound,<br />
Trinity B. North. 4 sawmills. 5 radios. POMO.<br />
LAKE VIEW. Pop. 154. Fanning settlement beside Chapel's Cove,<br />
Conception B.<br />
LALLY COVE. Pop. 89. Lobstering settlement at the north-west head<br />
of Fortune B. 3 radios. PO.<br />
LAMALINE. Pop. 480. Fishing settlement at the promontory of the<br />
Burin peninsula. 164 m. from Argentia. Home. Nursing Cent.<br />
Customs. 18 radios. PT.'<br />
LA MANCHE. Pop. 53. Fishing settlement on the Southern Shore,<br />
between Tor's Cove and Cape Broyle. 32 m. by highway from St.<br />
John's.<br />
LA MANCHE. Pop. 23. Fishing settlement at the N.E. head of Placentia<br />
Bay. Notable chiefly for the fact that inland from it lie a<br />
string of beautiful lakes which have been likened to the Lakes of Killarney,<br />
and deposits of lead which are reputedly of great extent.<br />
LANCASTER. Pop. 74. Fishing settlement on the promontory of the<br />
Bonavista peninsula, outside Cape Bonavista. Nearby is the "Dungeon,"<br />
one of the natural wonders of Newfoundland.<br />
LANCE COVE. Pop. 512. Fishing settlement on the western end of<br />
Bell Island.<br />
L'ANCE AMOUR. Pop. 45. Labrador fishing settlement in Straits of<br />
Belle Isle, north of Forteau. PO.<br />
L'ANSE AU CLAIR. Pop. 100. Labrador fishing settlement in the<br />
Straits of Belle Isle. Most southerly settlement in Newfoundland<br />
Labrador. South of Forteau. PO.<br />
L'ANSE. AU LOUP. Pop. 162. Fishing settlement on the Labrador<br />
side of the Straits of Belle Isle. 732 m. from St. John's; 242 from<br />
Humbennouth. Northern Ranger. PO.<br />
LA POILE. Pop. 7. Fishing hamlet in La Poile Bay, on the S.W.<br />
Coast, beside Little Hr., itself a fishing settlement. 488 m. from Argentia,<br />
35 from Port aux Basques. Burgeo. 3 sawmills. 3 radios.<br />
PT.<br />
LARK HARBOUR. Pop. 352. Picturesque fishing settlement inside<br />
the south entrance to B. of Islands. Settled originally by Conception<br />
B. fishennen. 5 sawmills. Customs. 6 radios. POMO.<br />
LA SCIE. Pop. 490. A fishing settlement that is notable chiefly for<br />
the fad that it is the first place north of the southern boundary of<br />
the French Shore as fixed in 1713-namely, Cape John. The French<br />
occupied it from the 16th century. Many of the present inhabitants<br />
have sprung from a few Irish and English fishermen who were employed<br />
100-150 years ago by the French planters (who were not per-
_____--=G=:A=Z=E.=.T1.=.'E=ER OF NEWFOUNDLAND 95<br />
world as a copper producer. After three years of operations Little B.<br />
had to close down due to a drastic fall in copper prices. In 1904 300<br />
inhabitants were rendered homeless by a forest fire which practically<br />
obliterated the settlement. Active explorations and diamond-drilling<br />
for copper were carried on here and throughout Green B. in 1939, and<br />
there seems to be a good chance of a very important mining settlement<br />
in the near future. 137 m. from Lewisporte. Clyde. 7 radios.<br />
PT.<br />
LITTLE BAY. Pop. 276. Fishing settlement inside the southern entrance<br />
to Mortier B., Placentia B., West. LT.<br />
LITTLE BAY EAST. Pop. 202. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the<br />
western side of the Burin peninsula, between Bay L'Argent and Hr.<br />
Mille, toward the north-east head of Fortune B. 182 m. from Argentia.<br />
Burg-eo. 1 sawmill. 1 radio. PO.<br />
LITTLE BAY ISLANDS. Pop, 560, Important Labrador fishery settlement<br />
lying off from Hall's B. on the south side of Green B. One of<br />
the country's largest fish-packing and exporting finns located here,<br />
also interesting mink-nutria ranch. 127 m. from Lewisporte. Clyde.<br />
1 sawmill. Post Say. Bank. Customs. 18 radios. PT.<br />
LITTLE BAY WEST. Pop. 144. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the<br />
north-west side of Great Bay de l'eau, which itself lies between Fortune<br />
and Hennitage Bays. 1 radio. POMO.<br />
LITTLE BONA. Pop. 35. Fishing settlement on the west side of Placentia<br />
B. between Presque and Marticot Island. Noted chiefly for<br />
mention of it in the popular Newfoundland ballad "The Ryans and the<br />
Pittmans."<br />
LITTLE BRAHA. Pop. 88. Fishing settlement on the northern French<br />
Shore, between St. Anthony and Griquet.<br />
LITTLE BURNT BA Y. Pop. 77. Fishing settlement on the promontory<br />
of the peninsula separating Lewisporte and the B. of Exploits, N.D.B.<br />
LITILE CATALINA. Pop. 588. Fishing settlement on the north side<br />
of Trinity B. 4 m. by water, 3 by road from Catalina, 10 by road from<br />
Elliston. LT. PO.<br />
LITTLE HARBOUR. Pop. 136. Fanning-logging settlement on the<br />
main railway, 3 m. west of Deer Lake, on the West Coast.<br />
LITTLE HABOUR. Pop. 128. Fishing settlement on the west side<br />
of Placentia B., between Rushoon and Paradise, inside of Grass Island.<br />
LT.<br />
LITTLE HARBOUR. Pop. 89, Fishing-lumbering settlement on the<br />
east side of Random Island, Trinity B. North.<br />
LITILE HARBOUR. Pop. 60. Fishing settlement near Heart's Ease,<br />
at the S.E. entrance to the S.W. Arm of Random Sound, Trinity B.<br />
North.<br />
LITTLE HARBOUR. Pop. 75. Fishing settlement on South Twillingate<br />
Island, 3 m. from Twillingate. 4 sawmills. 1 radio.<br />
LITTLE HARBOUR DEEP. Pop. 34. Lumbering-fishing settlement in<br />
White B., between Jackson's Arm and Big Hr. Deep. PO.
LITI'LE HARBOUR EAST. Pop. 63. Fishing-lobstering settlement at<br />
the N.E. head of Fortune B., north of Bay L'Argent. PO.<br />
LITTLE HARBOUR EAST. Pop. 101. Fishing settlement on the west<br />
side of St. Mary's B., 'north of Branch.<br />
LITTLE HEART'S I>ASE. Pop. '264. Fishing-lumbering settlement<br />
near the S.E. entrance of the S.W. Arm of Random Sound, Trinity<br />
B., North. 4 sawmills. 3 radios. POMO.<br />
LITTLE PARADISE. Pop. 108. Fishing settlement in Paradise Sound,<br />
near Paradjse, Placentia B. West. 40 m. from Argentia. Home.<br />
Nursing Cent. POMO.<br />
LITTLE RIDGE. Pop. 53. Fishing settlement in Chapel Arm, which<br />
itself lies at the head of Trinity B.<br />
LITTLE SELDOM. Pop. 62. Fishing settlement beside Seldom Come<br />
By, on Fogo Island.<br />
LOCK'S HARBOUR. Pop. 55. Fishing settlement on the western<br />
coast of the promontory separating Badger and Seal Bays, N.D.B. 1<br />
sawmill.<br />
LOCKSTON. Pop. 87. Fishing settlement beside Trinity East, Trinity<br />
B., N arth. 1 sawmill.<br />
LOGY BAY. Pop. 224. Fishing-farming settlement on the St. John',<br />
shore, 3lh m. north of the capital. Onc of the picturesque settlements<br />
on the Marine Drive, favorite motor route for tourists. 4% m. by<br />
highway from St. John's.<br />
LOMOND. Pop. 141. A logging centre at the head of Bonne B. 73 m.<br />
from Humbermouth. Northern Ranger. 2 radios. PT.<br />
LONG BEACH. Pop. 133. A section of Northern B., (q.v.). 3 radios.<br />
POMO.<br />
LONG BEACH. Pop. 132. Lumbering-fishing (inshore and Lahrador)<br />
settlement in S.W. Arm of Random Sound, Trinity B. North. 8 sawmills.<br />
LONG COVE. Pop. 126. Fishing settlement in Trinity B., between<br />
Thornlea and Norman's Cove. 85 m. by highway from St. Jahn's.<br />
LONG POND. Pop. 615. Farming settlement at the head of Conception<br />
B., between Manuels and Kelligrews. Here are the headquarters<br />
and Pavillon of the Avalon Yacht Club. 17 m. by highway from St.<br />
John's.<br />
LONG HARBOUR. Pop. 397. Fishing settlement on east side of Placentia<br />
B., 12-15 ro. north of Argentia. Government cold storage bait<br />
freezer. 2 sawmills. 1 radio. POMO.<br />
LONG POINT. Pop. 54. Fishing-Iobstering settlement at the northern<br />
point of the Port au Port peninsula.<br />
LOON BAY. Pop. 129. Fishing-farming settlement at the head of<br />
Loon B., which itself lies south of New World Island. 2 sawmills.<br />
POMO.<br />
LOON'S (or Lune's) COVE. (See Burin).<br />
LORD'S COVE. Pop. 287. Fishing settlement on the promontory of<br />
the Burin peninsula, near Lamaline. 156 m. from Argentia. Home.<br />
2 radios. PO.
LOURDES. Pop. 222. Old name: Clam Bank Cove. Situated on the<br />
western shore of the Port au Port peninsula. This lobstering-fishing<br />
settlement is the scene of one of the latest of the land-settlement colonies<br />
established by the Commission of Government. The settlers<br />
have removed here from Sagona Island and other Fortune B. fishing<br />
settlements. It is the most successful of the land colonies. 1 sawmill<br />
2 radios. PO.<br />
LOURDES. Pop. 196. Fishing settlement on the promontory of the<br />
Burin peninsula.<br />
LOW POINT. Pop. 68. Fishing settlement on the North Shore of Conception<br />
B., between Caplin Cove and B. de Verde.<br />
LOWER ISLAND COVE. Pop. 633. Fishing settlement on North Shore<br />
of Conception B., between Caplin Cove and Job's Cove. Nearby is the<br />
well-known Flamboro or Flambers Head, where pirate gold is reputedly<br />
buried. 99 m. by highway from St. John's; 27 from Caroonear.<br />
32 radios. POMO.<br />
LOWER LANCE COVE. Pop. 184. Fishing settlement at the central<br />
part of the northern shore of Random Island, in Trinity B. North. 1<br />
sawmill.<br />
LOWER SMALL POINT. Pop. 222. Fishing-farming settlement on the<br />
North Shore of Conception B., between Broad Cove and Kingston.<br />
Birthplace of Rev. J. L. Reynolds.<br />
LUKE'S ARM. Pop. 70. Fishing settlement on the S.W. side of New<br />
World Island, N.D.B.<br />
LUMSDEN. Pop. 466. Fishing settlement on the Straight Shore, the<br />
first place north of Cape Freels. Noted for its magnificent sand<br />
beach. 207 m. from St. John's. Sagona. 3 radios. POMO.<br />
LUSHES BIGHT. Pop. 223. Fishing settlement on the western side<br />
of Long Island, which itself is S.E. of Little B. Islands, N.D.B. 114<br />
m. from Lewisporte. Clyde. 1 sawmill. POMO.<br />
McCALLUM. Pop. 88. Fishing-Jobstering settlement immediately west<br />
of Pushthrough, S.W. Coast.<br />
MciVER'S. Pop. 182. Farming-fishing settlement in Humber Arm, B.<br />
of Islands, just inside Woods Island. 3 sawmills. PO.<br />
)IADDOX COVE. Pop. 119. Fishing settlement on Southern Shore, 8<br />
m. by water south of St. John's. Close to Petty Hr.<br />
)IAIN BROOK. Pop. 60. Lumbering-furring-salmon catching settlement<br />
at the head of Hare B., French Shore. 1 sawmill.<br />
MAINLAND. Pop. 140. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the western<br />
shore of the Port au Port peninsula, West Coast.<br />
:IIAKKOVIK. Pop. 66. Labrador fishing settlement, south of Hopedale.<br />
900 m. from St. John's. Kyle. H. B. Co. post. PO.<br />
)lALL BAY. Pop. 102. Fishing-lobstering settlement about the centre<br />
of the south side of St. Mary's B. Herring bait centre for banking<br />
vessels. 2 sawmills. LT.<br />
'lANN POINT. Pop. 122. Fishing settlement on east side of Gander<br />
8., Fogo Dist.
power, owned by the city of St. John's. 25 m. by highway from St.<br />
John's. 1 sawmill.<br />
MONKSTOWN. Pop. 85. Fishing-lumbering settlement in Paradise<br />
Sound, Placentia B. West. 2 sawmills. PO.<br />
:MONROE. Pop. 90. Lumbering-farming settlement on the north side<br />
of Smith's Sound, between Clifton and Burgoyne's Cove, Trinity R,<br />
North. 3 sawmills. 2 radios. POMO.<br />
MOORE'S COVE. Pop. 65. Fishing settlement on the N.W. side of the<br />
New B. peninsula, N. of pt. Leamington, N.D.B.<br />
MOORING COVE. Pop. 107. Fishing settlement in Mortier B., Placentia<br />
B. West. 1 sawmill. LT. (<br />
MORETON'S HARBOUR. Pop. 325. Fishing settlement, near the<br />
western head of New World Island, about 10 m. from Twillingate, 193<br />
m. from Lewisporte. Clyde. 7 radios. PT.<br />
MORRISVILLE. Pop. 77. Lumbering settlement at head of B. d'Espoir.<br />
1 radio. POMO.<br />
MORTIER. Pop. 141. Fishing settlement on the outer shore between<br />
Burin and Mortier Bays. 1 sawmill.<br />
1I1OSE AMBROSE. Pop. 91. Fishing settlement between English Hr.<br />
W. and Boxey, near the S.W. entrance to Fortune B. Here lives Mrs.<br />
Henry Petite, the only woman in Newfoundland, and perhaps the<br />
world, operating and managing a bank fishery business. 253 ID. from<br />
Argentia. Burg-eo. PO.<br />
MOSQUITO. Pop. 72. Fishing settlement on the south side of Big<br />
Golinet Island, St. Mary's B. PO.<br />
MOUNT CARMEL. Pop. 325. A section of Salmonier, q.v. 5 radios.<br />
POMO.<br />
MOUNT MORIAH. Pop. 381. Farming settlement on Humber Arm of<br />
B. of Islands, near Curling.<br />
MUD LAKE. Pop. 58. Labrador fishing settlement near North West<br />
River.<br />
MUDDY HOLE. Pop. 95. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the S. W.<br />
Coast, 7 m. west of Pushthrough.<br />
MUDDY HOLE. Pop. 90. Lumbering settlement between Codroy Pond<br />
and St. Fintan's Station, St. George's Dist.<br />
MULLEY'S COVE. Pop. 100. A section of Broad Cove, Conception B.<br />
lI!USGRAVE HARBOUR. Pop. 387. Fishing settlement on the Straight<br />
Shore, Fogo Dist., contiguous to Doting Cove. Settled originally by<br />
fishermen who removed here from the North Shore of Conception B.<br />
Birthplace of H. J. Russell, General Manager Newfoundland Railway,<br />
Dr. S. P. Whiteway, F. Gordon Bradley, K.C. Alongside lies Ragged<br />
Hr., locale of the American author N onnan Duncan's "Tales of<br />
Ragged Harbour." 237 m. by water from St. John's. Sagona. 1<br />
sawmill. Nursing cent. 4 radios. PT.<br />
MUSGRAVETOWN. Pop. 422. Farming-logging settlement at the<br />
head of Goose B., Bonavista B. South. Lies close to Lethbridge,<br />
which is on the Bonavista branch railway. 19 ID. from Clarenville.<br />
150 m. from St. John's. 6 sawmills. 12 radios. PT.
Hasp., fann and boarding school. 27 radios. Private Wireless Telegraph.<br />
PO.<br />
NORTHERN ARM. Pop. 205. Lumbering-fanning settlement to the<br />
N.W. of Botwood in B. of Exploits. 4 sawmills. 5 radios. POMO.<br />
NORTHERN BAY. Pop. 299. Fishing settlement on the North Shore<br />
of Conception B., between Western B. and Lower Island Cove. Birthplace<br />
of late Bishop March of Harbour Grace, Sir John C. Puddester,<br />
Rev. Father Hinchey of Buchans, Mayor Hinchey of New Waterford,<br />
N.S. 92 m. by highway from St. John's, 20 from Carbonear. 1<br />
sawmill. 9 radios. PT.<br />
OCHRE PIT COVE. Pop. 251. Situated on the North Shore of Conception<br />
Bo, between Western B. and Northern B., this place is reputed<br />
to have derived its name from the fact that it was from the pits near<br />
by that the Beothuck Indians obtained the ochre with which to color<br />
their faces and bodies. Here lived Samuel Churchill, a brother of<br />
the first Duke of Marlborough, the famous ancestor of the Churchills<br />
of England. Birthplace of W. W. Halfyard and of Rev. Samuel Halfyard,<br />
Ph.D. 90 m. by highway from St. John's, 18 from Carbonear.<br />
13 radios. PT.<br />
ODERIN. Pop. 239. Fishing settlement on island of same name lying<br />
off the eastern coast of the Burin peninsula, Placentia B. West. Here<br />
as a young man the late Right Hon. Lord Morris, sometime Prime<br />
Minister of Newfoundland, taught school under his brother, who was<br />
Parish Priest. Oderin is the home of the celebrated McGrath family,<br />
one of whom (John W.) became private secretary to President Theodore<br />
Roosevelt, and one is the Right Rev. Monsignor William Mc<br />
Grath, Prefect Apostolic of Chekiang Province, China. Here the wellknown<br />
18th and 19th century merchant Christopher Spurrier, had a<br />
branch business. The Island was fortified at that time. Government<br />
bait-holding plant. Customs. 3 radios. PT.<br />
OLD BONAVENTURE. Pop. 107. Ancient fishing settlement on the<br />
north side of Trinity B., south of Trinity. From here in 1822 W. E.<br />
Connack started his famous walk across Newfoundland. 2 sawmills.<br />
OLD PERLICAN. Pop. 706. A very ancient fishing settlement on the<br />
south side of Trinity B. First settled probably in the 16th century.<br />
[n 1677 it had 16 dwellings, 13 planters, 9 wives, 9 sons, 8 daughters,<br />
t67 fishery servants, 35 boats, 14 stages, 22 cattle, 3 sheep, 29 hogs,<br />
12 gardens, and produced 2820 quintals of fish. In 1697 it was destroyed<br />
by the French under D'Iberville. Here in 1774 came John Hoskins,<br />
school teacher, who introduced Methodism and made the settlement<br />
one of Newfoundland's earliest centres of that faith. There were<br />
then about 50 families. 106 m. by highway from St. John's, 34 from<br />
Carbonear. Cottage Hasp. Dr. Lloyd LeGrow, MHO. Customs. 27<br />
radios. PT.<br />
OLD SHOP. Pop. 111. Fishing and farming settlement at the head of<br />
Trinity B., between Dildo and Spreadeagle. 1 sawmill. 2 radios. PO.<br />
OPF:N HALL. Pop. 152. Fishing settlement on the south side of Bonavista<br />
B., below Princeton. Salmon and squid, (the latter exported
PASADENA. Pop. 43. FeitHe new farming settlement on main railway,<br />
between Deer Lake and Corner Brook, near South Brook. 1<br />
sawmill. 1 radio. PO.<br />
PASS ISLAND. Pop. 238. Fishing-lobstering settlement (island) lying<br />
off the promontory which separates Hennitage and Connaigre Bays.<br />
304 m. from Argentia, 219 from Port aux Basques. Burgeo. 2<br />
radios. PT.<br />
PATRICIi'S COVE. Pop. 110. Fishing settlement on the Cape Shore,<br />
about half-way between Placentia and Cape St. Mary, Placentia D.,<br />
East. 103 m. by highway from St. John's. PO.<br />
I'AUL'S ISLAND. Pop. 84. Fishing settlement beside Fair Island,<br />
which is 8 miles west from Greenspond, Bonavista B. North.<br />
PERRY'S COVE. Pop. 368. Fishing settlement on North Shore of<br />
Conception B., just north of Salmon Cove. 7 m. by highway from<br />
Carbonear. 7 radios. PO.<br />
PERRY'S ISLAND. Pop. 86. Fishing settlement (island) near Stag<br />
Hr., S. side of Fogo Island.<br />
PETER'S ARM. Pop. 901. Lumbering settlement at the head of B. of<br />
Exploits, near Botwood. 3 sawmills.<br />
PETER'S RIVER. Pop. 50. li'ishing settlement on the east side of St.<br />
Mary's B., between Holyrood Pond and St. Shott's. 1 radio. PO.<br />
PETLEY. Pop. 131. Fishing-lumbering settlement in Smith's Sound,<br />
on N. side of Random Island, Trinity B" North. 3 sawmills.<br />
PETIT FORTE. Pop. 276. Important fishing settlement (5 bankers)<br />
in Placentia E., West, inside of Paradise Sound. 1 sawmill. 1 radio.<br />
PT.<br />
PETITES. Pop. 212. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the S.W. Coast,<br />
near Rose Blanche, notable for its winter fishery. Here was quarried<br />
the granite with which the Court House, St. John's, was built. 2<br />
radios. POMO.<br />
PETRIES. Pop. 417. Farming-lumbering settlement on Humber Ann,<br />
E. of Islands, near Curling. A beautiful place.<br />
PETTY HARBOUR. Pop. 769. A very ancient fishing settlement, first<br />
settled very early in the 16th century, shortly after the Island's discovery<br />
in 1497. A very picturesque settlement, lying tight to the<br />
water at the foot of towering bowl-like hills. Frequently attacked<br />
and looted or destroyed by the French in the 17th and 18th centuries.<br />
Here in 1696 the fishermen put up an heroic defence of their homes<br />
against D'Iberville's attack, 35 of them losing their lives. Situated<br />
here is the hydro-electric power house which generates most of the<br />
light and power consumed in St. John's. The first settlement (with<br />
Maddox Cove) south of St. John's on the Southern Shore. 8 m. by<br />
highway from St. John's. 2 radios. POMO.<br />
PHILLIP'S HEAD. Pop. 51. Fishing settlement on the east side of B.<br />
of Exploits, N .D.E.<br />
PICCADILLY. Pop. 140. Fishing-logging settlement in West B., Port<br />
au Port peninsula. Here is located a fresh fish-processing enterprise.<br />
Here 100 loggers are employed cutting pulpwood and pitprops for ex-
new-comers might dispossess them in their own settlement. The entire<br />
peninsula of Port. de Grave is one of the most picturesque and<br />
interesting sections of the country. Hibbs' Cove and Blow-me-Down<br />
are among the quaintest of all Newfoundland's fishing settlements.<br />
There are nearly a dozen old private graveyards scattered through<br />
the settlements. A by-road connects with the Conception B. highway<br />
at Clarke's Beach, which itself is 54 m. by highway from St. John's.<br />
33 radios. PT.<br />
PORT ROYAL. Pop. 111. Fishing-lobstering-herring settlement on<br />
west side of Placentia R, 2 m. from Hr. Buffett.<br />
PORTLAND. Pop. 132. Lumbering-farming settlement at mouth of<br />
Goose B., Bonavista B. South, beside Jamestown. 6 m. by road from<br />
Brooklyn. 4 sawmills. LT.<br />
PORT NELSON. Pop. 164. Fishing settlement close to Greenspond,<br />
Bonavista B. North. LT.<br />
PORT REXTON. Pop. 698. Inshore and Labrador fishing settlement,<br />
north side of Trinity B., between Trinity and Champneys. This area,<br />
Trinity to Champneys, is a beautiful and historic fishing section,<br />
augmented by farming. 1 sawmill. 13 radios. POMO.<br />
PORT HOPE SIMPSON. Pop. 546. This Labrador settlement in<br />
Alexis Bay, which was named after Sir John Hope Simpson, first<br />
Commissioner for Natural Resources, is the logging headquarters of<br />
the Labrador Development Co., pit-prop and pulpwood producers, who<br />
established there in 1934. At the peak 500 men are employed. 470<br />
ffi. from St. John's. Kyle. 1 sawmill. 7 radios. Private wireless. PO.<br />
PORT SAUNDERS. Pop. 336. A fishing-lobstering-Iumbering settlement<br />
on the northern part of the St. Barbe coast. Some furring is<br />
also carried on. Bowater Co. of Corner Brook employs 150 loggers<br />
cutting pitprops for export to G. Britain. 828 m. from St. John's, 146<br />
from Humbermouth. Northern Ranger. 6 sawmills. Cottage Hosp.<br />
Dr. Michael LaSalle, M.H.O. Customs. 6 radios. PT.<br />
PORTUGAL COVE. Pop. 816. An ancient fishing settlement on the<br />
south side of Conception B. Discovered in 1501 by the great Portuguese<br />
navigator Gaspar de Corte Real, and named by him in honor of<br />
his country. In 1696, when the French under D'Iberville invaded<br />
Newfoundland, there were 3 dwellings. The first highway in New·<br />
foundland was built in 1825 from St. John's to here, Portugal Cove becoming<br />
then increasingly the connecting link between the capital and<br />
most Conception B. settlements, the mail-packet making Portugal<br />
Cove its terminus. Stationed here as Anglican clergyman in the<br />
1840's was the Hon. and Rev. William Grey, father of the 9th Earl of<br />
Stamford, who was born' in St. John's. Here also lived Tryphena<br />
(Fanny) Goff, daughter of a romantic couple whose story is one of<br />
the leading romances of Newfoundland. The Churchill family here is<br />
descended from the first Duke of Marlborough's relatives. Portugal<br />
Cove is the mainland terminus for the Bell Island ferry steamer.<br />
The fishery has declined greatly in late years, though the salmon<br />
fishery is still fairly vigorously prosecuted each spring. Farming,
gardening, poultry-raising are now the chief occupation of the people.<br />
S m. by paved highway from St. John's. 30 radios. POMO.<br />
POHTUGAL COVE. Pop. 231. Fishing settlement on the north-east<br />
side of Trepassey B.<br />
PORT UNION. Pop. 612. Situated in the south-west arm of Catalina<br />
Hr. or Bay, on the north side of Trinity B., this is the industrial and<br />
commercial headquarters of the Fishermen's Union Trading Company,<br />
Ltd., Union Electric Light & Power Co., Fishermen's Union Publishing<br />
Co., and of the Fishermen's Protective Union of Newfoundland.<br />
Town founded 1914, by the late Sir William F. Coaker, founder and<br />
President of the Union and of aU its associated commercial, industrial<br />
and political enterprises. The piers, buildings and dwellings are<br />
amongst the best in Newfoundland, and Port Union is regarded as<br />
one of the most convenient, commodious and modem fish-packing and<br />
exporting centres in the Island. There is a modern fish-curing plant.<br />
The founder, who died in 1938, is buried in a beautiful vault beside<br />
Congress Hall, the Union's convention building. uFishennen's Advocate"<br />
is published here. 211 m. by rail from St. John'sj 80 from<br />
Clarenville; 86 by water from St. John's. Customs. 42 radios. PT.<br />
POUCH COVE. Pop. 1095. An important fishing settlement 15 miles<br />
north of St. John's, 3 miles south of Cape St. Francis. Here in 1936<br />
was established a fishennen's producer-consumer co-operative society,<br />
with a fine building erected by the volWltary labor of the several<br />
hundred members. 18 m. by highway from St. John's. 10 radios.<br />
POMO.<br />
POUND COVE. Pop. 287. Inshore and Labrador fishing settlement,<br />
north side of BonaVlsta E., between Wesleyville and Newtown. P.O.<br />
PHESQUE. Pop. 65. Fishing settlement in Placentia B., West, between<br />
Paradise Sound and St. Kyran's. Mentioned in the Newfoundland<br />
ballad liThe Ryans and Pittmans." PO.<br />
PRINCETON. Pop. 287. An interesting farming-lumbering section on<br />
the south side of Bonavista B. where fanning, poultry-raising and<br />
some fishing are carried on. Nearby are Southward B., Long Beach<br />
and Charleston. 167 m. by rail from St. John's; 36 from Clarenville.<br />
1 sawmill. R. Tel. 2 radios.<br />
PROWSETON. Pop. 42. Lumbering settlement in Placentia B. West,<br />
well toward the N.W. head of the bay. Named in honor of the great<br />
Newfoundland historian, the late Judge Daniel Woodley Prowse,<br />
D.C.L. '<br />
PUHCELL'S HARBOUH. Pop. 60. Fishing settlement on S. Twillingate<br />
Island, N.D.E. 2 sawmills.<br />
PUSHTHROUGH. Pop. 212. Fishing-Jobstering settlement at the S.W.<br />
entrance to B. D'Espoir. 369 m. from Argentia, 154 from Port aux<br />
Besques. Burgeo. 3 sawmills. Nursing Cent. Customs. 9 radios.<br />
PT.<br />
QUEEN'S COVE. Pop. 99. Lumbering-fishing settlement in the S.W.<br />
Arm of Random Sound, Trinity E. North. 4 sawmills. PO.
______G::.:A"'Z::.:E=-TT=-=-E=-';::E::.:R_O=F--'N=E--'W::.:F'-O:..U::.:N=D.::;L=-AN=D::- -----=111<br />
QUIDl VIDl. Pop. 599. A very ancient and picturesque fishing settlement<br />
a mile or so outside the eastern limit of St. John's. First settled<br />
probably in the early 16th century. Here in the 1650's and later<br />
lived the Newfoundland patriot John Downing, the planter who in<br />
1675 went as the people's delegate to England to prOcure the rescinding<br />
of the Royal Proclamation ordering all settlers to remove from<br />
the country. A battle was fought near here in 1762, when the British<br />
troops landed at Torbay and marched overland to recapture St. John's<br />
from the French. The French had held the capital for several weeks<br />
that summer, and in anticipation of a probable attempt by the British<br />
to land their forces at Quidi Vidi Gut (or entrance from the sea)<br />
the French barred it by sinking rock-filled shallop boats in it.<br />
QUlRPON. Pop. 100. An old and well-known fishing settlement on the<br />
ewfoundland side of the Straits of Belle Isle. First frequented by<br />
the Biscayans and French in the 16th century, though by 1698 a few<br />
English settlers had located here. Government cold storage bait<br />
freezer. 559 m. from St. John's; 415 from Humbennouth. Northern<br />
Ranger. 1 sawmill. 1 radio. PT. (seas.)<br />
RAGGED HAHBOUR. Pop. 96. Fishing settlement close to Musgrave<br />
Harbour, on the Straight Shore, Fogo Dist. (See Musgrave Hr.)<br />
RAGGED POINT. Pop. 69. Fishing settlement on the western side of<br />
South Twillingate Island, near Twillingate.<br />
HALEIGH. Pop. 184. (Formerly called Ha Ha.) A fishing settlement<br />
in Ha Ha Bay, Straits of Belle Isle, notable chiefly for the fact that<br />
here in 1922 H.M.S. Raleigh went ashore and became a total wreck.<br />
Local fishermen have every year since recovered coal and metal parts<br />
of her from the water, the coal to burn, the metal to sell. In 1939<br />
they recovered a considerable quantity of brass. 573 m. from St.<br />
John's; 401 from Humbermouth. Northern Ranger. 1 sawmill. PO.<br />
HAMEA. Pop. 447. Fishing settlement (islands) on S.W. coast, 9 m.<br />
east of Burgeo. Bank fishery centre. Lobstering. Halibut fishery is<br />
important here. This is one of the S.W. coast settlements which are<br />
likely to have greater importance and prosperity through the General<br />
Sea Foods Corp. fresh fish-processing plant to be erected in 1940-41.<br />
Government cold storage bait freezer. 437 m. from Argentia, 86<br />
from Port aux Basques. Burgeo, Bacalieu. Nursing Station. Customs.<br />
19 radios. PT.<br />
RATILING BROOK. Pop. 122. Fishing-lumbering settlement near the<br />
head of Green B. A very picturesque place. The brook falls into the<br />
sea from a height of 600 feet in two or three sheer drops, all within<br />
sight. 1 sawmill. 168 m. from Lewisporte. Clyde. 2 radios. PO.<br />
RED BAY. Pop. 135. A fishing settlement on the Labrador side of the<br />
Straits of Belle Isle, notable chiefly for the fact that here about 40<br />
years ago was established a fishermen's producer-consumer co-operative<br />
society which still operates under the management since its beginning<br />
of William Yetman Pike, J.P., a native of Carbonear. Most<br />
of the inhabitants are of Car'bonear descent. 709 rn. from St. John's;<br />
265 from Humbermouth. Northern Hanger. PO.
REO BROOK. Pop. 76. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on the southern<br />
shore of the Port au Port peninsula.<br />
REO CLIFFE. Pop. 108. Fishing settlement on south side of Bonavista<br />
B., roughly half-way between King's Cove and Princeton. Salmon<br />
and squid are especially numerous here and nearby. PO.<br />
REO COVE. Pop. 98. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on the S. W.<br />
Coast, on the headland separating Hennitage and Connaigre Bays.<br />
KED HEAD COVE. Pop. 240. Fishing setlement on the promontory of<br />
the B. de Verde peninsula, 6 m. from B. de Verde. 2 radios. PO.<br />
REO ISLAND. Pop. 111. Fishing-Jobstering settlement on S.W. coast,<br />
near the mainland between Burgeo and Ramea Islands.<br />
REO ISLAND. Pop. 433. Fishing-Iobstering settlement (island) in the<br />
centre of Placentia B., near the southern end of Merasheen Island.<br />
20 m. from Argentia. Home. 3 radios. PT.<br />
REEF'S HARBOUR. Pop. 63. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on the St.<br />
Barbe coast, about 2 m. from Old Ferrole.<br />
RF..GlNA. Pop. 81. Fishing settlement on the eastern end of Big Colinet<br />
Island, St. Mary's B.<br />
RENCONTRE EAST. Pop. 311. Fishing settlement at the central head<br />
of Fortune B. Here is located a molybdenite mine which, after undel'going<br />
some survey and exploration, was taken under the manage·<br />
ment of Dana & Co. of New York, who plan its exploitation. 218 m.<br />
from Argentia, 305 from Port aux Basques. Burgeo. Nursing Cent.<br />
6 radios. PT.<br />
RENCONTRE WEST. Pop. 248. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the<br />
S.W. Coast, west of B. d'Espoir, between Richard's Hr. and Francois.<br />
395 m. from Argentia, 128 from Port aux Basques. Burgeo. Govern·<br />
ment cold storage bait freezer. Nursing Cent. 6 radios. PT.<br />
RENEWS. Pop. 462. An ancient fishing settlement on the Southern<br />
Shore. First settled probably in the early 17th century, or even<br />
earlier. In 1677 it had 6 dwellings, 6 planters, 3 wives, 4 sons, 6<br />
daughters, 39 fishery servants, 13 boats, 6 stages, 14 cattle, 7 sheep,<br />
35 hogs, and produced 1160 quintals of fish. Here exists one of the<br />
few knO\\o1l "Midnight Rocks" in Newfoundland, where Roman Catholics<br />
met in darkness to attend Masses celebrated by priests disguised<br />
as fishermen, about the middle of the 18th century, when the practice<br />
of Roman Catholicism was unlawful in Newfoundland. A grotto<br />
was erected a few years ago on the site of this Midnight Rock. 61<br />
m. by highway from St. John's. 8 radios. PT.<br />
RICHARD'S HARBOUR. Pop. 115. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on<br />
the S.W. Coast, between Roncontre W. and Facheaux B. 882 m. from<br />
Argentia, 141 from Port aux Basques. Burgeo.<br />
RIGOLET. Pop. 26. Labrador fishing-fun'ing settlement north of<br />
Cartwright. 737 m. from St. John's. Kyle. H.B. Co. post. PO.<br />
RIVERDALE. Pop. 148. Farming settlement in Conception B., between<br />
KeUigrews and Upper Gullies.
ST. ALBAN'S. Pop. 649. A lumbering-logging settlement at the head<br />
of Bay D'Espoir. Under the leadership of a devoted priest, the Rev.<br />
Stanley St. Croix, the people have for some years been organized in<br />
a type of cooperative enterprise, through which their logging activities<br />
have been carried on. 349 m. from Argentia. Island Timber<br />
Co. employs 250 loggers cutting pitprops for export to G. Britain.<br />
Burgeo. Richard McDonald, J.P. 5 sawmills. Nursing Cent. 5<br />
radios. PT.<br />
ST. ANDREW'S. Pop. 210. Old name Little River. Fanning settlement<br />
on the main railway, 20 m. from Port aux Basques. 2 sawmills.<br />
7 radios. PT.<br />
ST. ANNE'S. Pop. 72. Fishing settlement in Presque, q.v.<br />
ST. ANTHONY. Pop. 842. Headquarters in Newfoundland for the<br />
famous International Grenfell Association. Here are maintained a<br />
hospital, out-patient clinic, tuberculosis sanitorium, infectious disease<br />
isolation hospital, industrial workshop, orphanage, cooperative store,<br />
marine ship-repair dock, and other enterprises founded by Sir Wilfred<br />
Grenfell. Many thousands of patients have come here from all<br />
parts of Newfoundland, especially the northern section, and from Labrador;<br />
while an occasional patient comes from the United States and<br />
Canada. From here in summertime the Grenfell organization operrates<br />
small hospital boats which ply up and down the coast of Labrador.<br />
One of the larger fish-exporting companies of St. John's<br />
maintains here a fish-curing plant. Since the Clarke Steamship Co.<br />
made the settlement a port of call, thousands of tourists have visited<br />
here. 531 m. from St. Jo}m's, 443 from Humbermouth. Northern<br />
Ranger. Clarke Steamship tourist ships. 7 sawmills. Post Sav.<br />
Bank. 45 radios. PT.<br />
ST. ANTHONY BIGHT. Pop. 113. Fishing settlement immediately<br />
north of St. Anthony. 4 sawmills.<br />
ST. BARBE ISLANDS (or Horse Islands). Pop. 126. Two large islands<br />
lying off the mouth of White B. on the French Shore. Fishing is the<br />
occupation here. It was on one of these that most of the survivors<br />
of the disaster which befell the sealing ship ''Viking'' in 1931, landed.<br />
PT.<br />
ST. BERNARD'S. Pop. 201. Fishing-lobstering herring packing settlement<br />
near the N.E. head of Fortune B., between Great Jervois and B.<br />
L'Argent. POMO.<br />
ST. BRENDAN'S. Pop. 310. Fishing settlement (island) in the central<br />
part of Bonavista B., between Flat Islands and Gooseberry Island.<br />
150 m. from St. John's. Sagona. 3 radios. PT.<br />
ST. BRIDE·S. Pop. 320. Fishing settlement a few miles north of Cape<br />
St. Mary, on the east side of Placentia B., 113 m. by highway from<br />
St. John's. Nursing Cent. 5 radios. POMO.<br />
ST. CAROL'S. Pop. 86. Fishing settlement just north of Cape St.<br />
Anthony.<br />
ST. CATHERINE'S. Pop. 56. A section of Salmonier, q.v.
ST. CHAD'S. Pop. 84. Fishing-farming settlement near northern entrance<br />
to Eastport B., Bonavista B. Centre.<br />
ST. DAVID'S. Pop 258. Old name: Crabbe's. Fanning settlement in<br />
St. George's Dist., 2 m. from St. Fintan's. 2 sawmills. 6 radios.<br />
POMO.<br />
ST. FINTAN'S. Pop. 106. Old name: Crabbe's Sta. Farming settlement<br />
on the main railway, 60 m. from Port aux Basques. 12 radios. PT.<br />
ST. GENEVIEVE BAY. Pop. 9. Logging settlement on the St. Barbe<br />
coast, 10 m. south of Flowel's Cove. Bowater Co. of Corner Brook<br />
employs 200 loggers cutting pulpwood for export to G. Britain.<br />
ST. GEORGE'S. Pop. 725. An important agricultural settlement at<br />
the head of Bay of same name. Capital of St. G. Dist. Seat of Rt.<br />
Rev. H. T. Renouf, Bishop of St. G. St. Michael's College here enjoys<br />
a high scholastic standing, and students attend from distant<br />
parts of the Island. 100 loggers employed cutting pitprops for export<br />
to G. Britain by Bowater Co. of Corner Brook. West Bay Lumber<br />
Co. employs 100 loggers for same purpose. 459 m. by rail from<br />
St. John's, 88 from Port aux Basques, 54 from Corner Brook. 3<br />
sawmills. 22 radios. PT.<br />
ST, JACQUES. Pop. 284. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the west<br />
side of Fortune R, south of Belleoram. Birthplace of V. P. Burke,<br />
Ph.D., M.A., a.RE. 246 m. from Argentia, 277 from Port aux Basques.<br />
Brunnette.· 11 radios. PT.<br />
ST. JOHN'S. Pop. 39,886. Capital of Newfoundland. Discovered June<br />
24, 1497, and named after St. John the Divine. Undoubtedly one of<br />
the oldest cities, if not the oldest, continuously inhabited by the white<br />
race in the Western Hemisphere. Settlement probably began within<br />
ten years after 1500. It was a well-established settlement when Sir<br />
Humphrey Gilbert came and took formal possession of Newfoundland<br />
for the Crown, 1583. First fortified in 1618. Many times attacked by<br />
the Dutch, and later frequently attacked and twice captured by the<br />
.French (1696-97, 1762). For the first 100 years of its history the port<br />
was the favorite rendezvous for fishing vessels, traders and adventurers<br />
from most of the countries of Europe, and most of the famous<br />
men of the 16th and 17th centurips-Gaspar de Corte Real, de Roberval,<br />
Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Sir Bernard Drake, D'Iberville, D'Hau980nville,<br />
etc., etc.,-visited here. The port was for several months each<br />
summer the home of the great Lord Rodney, Lord Byron, Sir Thomas<br />
Graves, Sir Hugh Pallisser, Lord Gambier, Sir John Thomas Duckworth,<br />
and other men famous in British Naval history, as Governors<br />
of Newfoundland. In the 19th century the town was half a dozen<br />
times practically destroyed by fire, in 1892 being all but wiped out. It<br />
was from here that Alcock and Brown made the first non-stop Transatlantic<br />
flight, and Lindbergh flew over the city on his epochal solo<br />
flight, New York to Paris. It was on Signal Hill that Marconi received<br />
the first Transatlantic wireless message. The first Transatlantic<br />
radio telephone conversation was carried on from here. St. John's<br />
is the political, educational, commercial and social capital of the coun-
try. Outstanding amongst the many notable buildings are the Anglican<br />
Cathedral, one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in the<br />
New World; Homan Catholic Cathedral, one of the largest this side of<br />
the Atlantic; the Court House; Government House, residence of the<br />
Governor; Newfoundland Memorial University College; the Newfoundland<br />
Hotel; the Masonic Temple; and numerous fine schools and colleges.<br />
547 m. by rail from Port aux Basques; 649 m. by water and<br />
-rail from North Sydney j 1,821 from Liverpool; 488 from Halifax, N.S.;<br />
1,213 from New York; 885 from Boston. Furness Withy boats; Furness-Red<br />
Cross boats; various lines operate cargo boats to here; Newfoundland<br />
Railway coastal boats. Bank of Montreal; Bank of Nova<br />
Scotia; Royal Bank of Canada; Canadian Bank of Commercej Newfoundland<br />
Government Savings Bank; Postal Savings Bank. 4,282<br />
radios.<br />
51'. JONES WITHIN. Pop. 136. Lumbering-fishing settlement on the<br />
north side S.W. Arm, Random Sound, Trinity B. North. 6 sawmills.<br />
3 radios. POMO.<br />
ST. JONES WITHOUT. Pop. 140. Fishing settlement on the headland<br />
between B. Bulls Arm and S. W. AIm of Random Sound, Trinity B.<br />
North. LT. 2 radios. PO.<br />
ST. JOSEPH'S. Pop. 103. Lumbering settlement between St. Alban's<br />
and head of B. d'Espoir, S. W. coast.<br />
ST. JOSEPH'S (including Mussel Pond). Pop. 483. Fishing-lumbering<br />
settlement near the N.E. head of St. Mary's B. 58 m. by highway<br />
from St. John's. 1 sawmill. 8 radios. PO.<br />
ST. JOSEPH'S. Pop. 212. Fishing-Iobstering settlement in Placentia<br />
B. West, west of Paradise Sound and Petit Forte. 57 m. from Argentia.<br />
Home.<br />
ST. JULIEN'S. Pop. 19. Ancient fishing settlement on the French<br />
Shore, between Couche and St. Anthony. To this place each summer<br />
for many years fishermen have come from Notre Dame, Conception<br />
and Bonavista Bays. 510 m. from St. John's. Northern Ranger. PT.<br />
(Seasonal).<br />
ST. KYRAN'S. Pop. 95. Fishing settlement in Placentia B. West, south<br />
of Isle Valen, west of Merasheen Island. 29 m. from Argentia. Home.<br />
1 :radio. PT.<br />
ST. LAWRENCE. Pop. 955. Mining-fishing settlement at the S. E.<br />
corner of the Burin peninsula. A rich deposit of fluorspar has been<br />
worked for several years here, and in 1939 the mine was acquired by<br />
important Canadian interests. 123 m. from Argentia. Home. 1 sawmill.<br />
Customs. 49 radios. PT.<br />
ST. LUNAIRE. Pop. 177. Fishing settlement on the French Shore, 2<br />
m. south of Griquet. LT.<br />
ST. MARY'S (incI. Riverhead, 265). Pop. 640. Fishing settlement on<br />
the east side of St. Mary's B., north of Holyrood Pond. 6 sawmills.<br />
Government cold storage bait freezer. Dr. W. T. MacNicoll, M.H.O.<br />
76 m. by highway from St. John's. Customs. 18 radios. PT.
ST. PATRiCK'S. Pop. 136. Fishing settlement 5-6 miles north of<br />
Springdale, at the bottom of Hall's B., N.D.B. LT.<br />
ST. PAUL'S. Pop. 115. Fishing-Iobstering settlement (island) on the<br />
St. Barbe coast, between Bonne B. and Portland Creek. 1 f-:3wmill.<br />
LT.<br />
ST. PHILLIP'S. Pop. 631. Old name: Broad Cove. Fishing-farming<br />
settlement in Conceptionl B. South, near Portugal Cove. by highway<br />
from St. John's. 2 sawmills. 18 radios. PO.<br />
ST. SHOTT'S. Pop. 119. Fishing settlement on the promontory of the<br />
peninsula separating Trepassey and St. Mary's Bays, west of Cape<br />
Pine. POMO.<br />
ST. TERESA'S. Pop. 117. Fishing-Iobstering settlement ncar the head<br />
of B. St. Georg-e, S. of St. George's, between Flat B. and J oumais. 5<br />
radios. PO.<br />
ST. THOMAS' (Horse Cove). Pop. 237. Farming settlement in Conception<br />
B. South, between St. Phillip's and Topsail.<br />
ST. VINCENT'S. Pop. 384. Fishing settlement on the south-east side<br />
of St. Mary's B., in Holyrood B., near Holyrood Pond. 1 sawmill. 86<br />
m. by highway from St. John's. 1 radio. PO.<br />
SALLY'S COVE. Pop. 99. Fishing-Iobstering settlement on the St.<br />
Barbe coast between Rocky Hr. and Parsons' Pond. PO.<br />
SALMON COVE. Pop. 497. Farming settlement on the North Shore of<br />
Conception B., 6 m. by highway from Carbonear. Many of the men<br />
work in the Bell Island iron mines. 20 radios. POMO.<br />
SALMON COVE. Pop. 143. Fishing-farming settlement in Conception<br />
R, close to Clarke's Beach. Birthplace of Bishop George Anderson<br />
Wells, Protestant Chaplain-General of the Canadian armed forces in<br />
the present war. PO.<br />
SALMONIER. 8 sawmills. 51 m. by highway from St. John',.<br />
radios.<br />
SALT HARBOUR ISLAND. Pop. 228. Fishing settlement (island) off<br />
the N.W. end of New World Island, just W. of Herring Neck, N.D.B.<br />
SALT PANS. Pop. 81. Fishing settlement on the north side of New<br />
World Island, between Virgin's Arm and Trump Island, N.D.B. 1<br />
sawmill.<br />
SALT POND. Pop. 114. Fishing settlement on the N.W. side of Burnt<br />
B. (at the head of which Lewisporte lies). PO.<br />
SALVAGE. Pop. 192. An ancient fishing settlement in the middle part<br />
of Bonavista B. First settled probably about the middle of the 17th<br />
century, the first residents being fishermen who removed here from<br />
Bonavista. 134 m. from St. John's. Sagona. Nursing Cent. 7 radios.<br />
POMO.<br />
SAMSON'S ISLAND. Pop. 92. Fishing settlement (island) at the S.W.<br />
end of New World Island, N.D.B.<br />
SANDY COVE. Pop. 160. Fishing (inshore and Labrador) settlement<br />
in Bonavista B., beside Happy Adventure. 1 sawmill. LT.<br />
SANDY COVE. Pop. 115. Fishing-lobstering settlement on thf' St.<br />
Barbe coast, between Port Saunders and Gargamelle. 1 sawmill.
SRIP ISLAND. Pop. 103. Fishing settlement on Ragged Islands,<br />
which lie between Merasheen Island and the mainland, Placentia B.<br />
West.<br />
:'HlP ISLAND. Pop. 112. Fishing settlement near Herring Neck, at<br />
the N.E. end.of New World Island, N.D.B.<br />
SHOAL BAY. Pop. 96. Fishing settlement on the N.E. side of Fogo<br />
Island, between Fogo and Barr'd Island.<br />
SHOAL BAY 'VEST. Pop. 96. Fishing-lumbering settlement in Bonne<br />
B. PO.<br />
bHOAL BROOK. Pop. 125. Settlement within Bonne B.<br />
SHOAL HARBOUR. Pop. 523. Lumbering-fanning settlement on the<br />
main railway and at the head of the N.W. Ann of Random Sound,<br />
Trinity B. North. This is the actual point from which the Bonavista<br />
branch railway leaves the main line, though passengers and freight go<br />
aboard at Clarenville, 1 m. distant. Shoal Hr. was settled by John Tilley,<br />
"the scholar of Trinity Bay," a remarkable man who educated<br />
himself and wrote several poems, the MS. of one of which, of some<br />
length and merit, is now here. 132 m. from St. John's, 88 from Bonavista<br />
by rail. 2 sawmills. 18 radios.<br />
SHOAL POINT. Pop. 63. Part of Trepassey, q. v.<br />
SHOE COVE. Pop. 110. Fishing-fanning settlement on the Cape St.<br />
Francis shore, 15 m. north of St. J obn's, 3 m. south of Pouch Cove.<br />
SHOE COVE BIGHT. Pop. 108. Fishing settlement just south of Cape<br />
John, on the northern extremity of Green B. shore. PO.<br />
SHOE COVE BROOK. Pop. 74. Fishing settlement immediately south<br />
of Shoe Cove Bight (q.v.) A very picturesque settlement. Northern<br />
t.erminus for the Clyde. 204 m. from Lewisporte. 1 sawmill.<br />
SIBLEY'S COVE. Pop. 101. Fishing settlement on the N.E. side of<br />
Trinity B., between Brownsdale and Lead Cove.<br />
SILVER FOX ISLAND. Pop. 172. Fishing settlement between Fair<br />
[sland and Newport, 6 m. from Greenspond, Bonavista B. North.<br />
SII"VER POINT. Pop. 58. Settlement within Bonne B.<br />
f:::.lLVERDALE. Pop. 65. Fishing settlement on the N.W. side of West<br />
E'rn Ann, which itself is on the promontory separating Green B. from<br />
Hall's B. 1 sawmill.<br />
SMOKEY. Labrador fishing settlement between Rigolet and Holton.<br />
786 m. from St. John's. Kyle. Summer Wireless Telegraph.<br />
SNOOK'S ARM. Pop. 63. Fishing settlement on the north shore of<br />
Green R, between Shoe. Cove and Bett's Cove, north of Nipper's Hr.<br />
SNOOK'S HARBOUR. Pop. 50. Lumbering-fishing settlement on the<br />
north side of Random Sound, Tl'inity B. North. 2 sawmills. Here one<br />
of the country's two brick-making plants is located, the other being at<br />
Brickyard, q. v.<br />
SOMERSET. Pop. 112. Lumbering-farming settlement on the north<br />
side of Smith's Sound, between Harcourt and White Rock, Trinity B.<br />
north. 3 sawmills.
SOUND ISLAND. Pop. 178. Fishing-lobstering settlement at the N.<br />
W. head of Placentia B., near Swift Current. 80 m. from Argentin.<br />
Home. 4 radios. PT.<br />
SOP'S ARM. A lumbering settlement at the head of White B. 374 m.<br />
from St. John's. Northern Ranger. 1 sawmill. 2 radios. PO.<br />
SOP'S ISLAND. Pop. 211. Fishing-lumbering settlement about halfway<br />
up White B., 3 m. from Jackson's Ann.<br />
SOUTH BRANCH. Pop. 182. Farming settlement in the Codroy Valley,<br />
on the main railway. Here the Newfoundland Government in 192<br />
subsidised an attempt to develop a coal mine. 3 sawmills. 4 radios.<br />
PO.<br />
50UTB BROOK. Pop. 58. Farming-lumbering settlement at head of<br />
Green B., near King's Point.<br />
SOUTH BROOK. Pop. 115. Logging-fanning settlement on the main<br />
railway, east of Corner Brook. Bowater Co. of Corner Brook employ<br />
100 loggers cutting pulpwood for their mill. Here also the Company<br />
pastures its horses in summer. A mile away is Pasadena. 388 m. by<br />
rail from St. John's, 17 from Corner Brook. 12 radios.<br />
SOUTH DILDO. Pop. 99. See Dildo.<br />
SOUTH EAST ARM. Pop. 78. Fishing settlement on the western side<br />
of the New Bay peninsula, s. of Cottrell's Cove, N.D.B.<br />
SOUTH EAST BIGHT. Pop. 92. Fishing-Iobstering settlement in Placentia<br />
W., between Paradise Sound and Presque.<br />
SOUTH RIVER. Pop. 302. A very beautiful pastoral section inland<br />
from Clarke's Beach. Its scenery is amongst the best on the Avalon<br />
Peninsula.<br />
SOUTH SIDE, INDIAN ISLAND. Pop. 180. Fishing settlement (part<br />
of Indian Islands) off the S.E. corner of Fogo Island.<br />
SOUTH WEST ARM. Pop. 72. Logging settlement forming part of<br />
Indian B,. Bonavista B. North.<br />
SOUTH WEST ISLANDS. Pop. 52. Fishing settlement (islands) be·<br />
side Greenspond, Bonavista B. North.<br />
SOUTHERN AR.M. Pop. 64. Fishing settlement on the promontory<br />
separating Green B. and Hall's B. 1 sawmill. LT.<br />
SOUTHERN HARBOUR. Pop. 72. Fishing settlement in Placentia B.<br />
East, near Famish Cove.<br />
SOUTHPORT. Pop. 149. Fishing settlement at the tip of the south<br />
side of Random Island, Trinity B. North. 1 sawmill. 1 radio. LT.<br />
SOUTHWARD BAY. Pop. 187. Lumbering-fanning-fishing settlement<br />
in Bonavista B. South, close to Princeton on the Bonavista branch<br />
railway. 2 sawmills. 31 m. by rail from Clarenville, 58 from Bonavista.<br />
1 radio. PO.<br />
SPANIARD'S BAY. Pop. 1,221. This fishing-farming-sawmill town is<br />
the 5th largest settlement in Conception B.-Bell Island 5,490, Carbonear<br />
3,367, Hr. Grace 2,992, Bay Roberts 1,911. Situated on the<br />
upper south side of Conception B., next north to B. Roberts. An important<br />
wood-working factory is operated here. 65 m. from St.<br />
John's by rail, 60 by highway. 88 radios. PT.
SPANISH ROOM. Pop. 169. Fishing settlement within Mortier B.,<br />
Placentia B. West. PO.<br />
SPENCER'S COVE. Pop. 119 Fishing (inland and Bank) and herringpacking<br />
settlement in Placentia B. West, between Kingwell and Haystack.<br />
61·m. from Argentia. Home. 3 radios. PO.<br />
SPILLAR'S COVE. Pop. 147. A rugged fishing settlement just to the<br />
south of the bill of Cape Bonavista, named after the several towering<br />
rocks on the coast nearby. These are well-known landmarks by which<br />
coastwise mariners take their bearings. 74 m. from St. John's; 2<br />
miles by road from Bonavista.<br />
SPILLAR'S COVE. Pop. 55. Fishing settlement on the northero promontory<br />
of Newfoundland, between Cape Bauld and Cape Onion.<br />
SPIRITY COVE. Pop. 33. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the St.<br />
Barbe coast, in Hawke's B. 1 sawmill.<br />
SPOON COVE. Pop. 201. Fishing settlement between Upper Island<br />
Cove and Bryant's Cove, Conception B.<br />
SPOTTED ISLANDS. Pop. 88. Labrador fishing settlement between<br />
Batteau and Domino. 583 m. from St. John's. Kyle. It was here<br />
that the immortal Newfoundland hero Capt. William Jaclonan saved<br />
27 lives from drowning.<br />
SPOUT COVE. Pop. 79. Fishing settlement nestled between two hills<br />
on the North Shore of Conception B., between Perry's Cove and Kingston.<br />
8 m. by highway from Carhonear. 1 sawmill.<br />
SPREAD EAGLE. Pop. 45. Fishing-lumbering settlement at the head<br />
of Trinity B., between Dildo and Chapel Arms. A favorite trout-fishing<br />
rendezvous for people from St. John's. 2 sawmills.<br />
SPRINGDALE. Pop. 825. Logging-lumbering-fishing settlement halfway<br />
up the west side of Hall's B., N.D.B. Bowater Co. of Corner<br />
Brook employs 200 loggers cutting pulpwood and pitprops for export<br />
to G. Britain. Fox-ranching has reached importance here. 3 sawmills.<br />
Dr. A. E. Lidstone, M.H.O. 98 m. from Lewisporte. Clyde.<br />
Post. Sav. Bnk. 12 radios. PT.<br />
SPRINGFIELD. Pop. 78. A farming section near South River, inland<br />
from Clarkp.'s Beach, Conception B.<br />
SPRUCE BROOK. Pop. 59. Tourist centre on the main railway in St.<br />
George's Dist., about half-way between Corner Brook and Stephenville<br />
Crossing. Bowater Co. of Corner Brook employs 300 loggers<br />
cutting pulpwood which is conveyed by rail to Corner Brook. 430 m.<br />
by rail from St. John's., 118 from Port au.'X Basques. R. Tel.<br />
SQUARE ISLAND. Pop. 22. Labrador fishing settlement north of<br />
Snug Hr. PO.<br />
STAG HARBOUR. Pop. 198. Fishing settlement on the S.W. side of<br />
Fogo Island, at the E. end of the famous Stag Hr. Run, popular comse<br />
for fishing- schooners passing to and from Labrador. 1 radio. PO.<br />
STANHOPE. Pop. 119. Fishing-fanning-lumbering settlement near<br />
the N.E. entrance to B. of Exploits, n. of Brown's Ann. 1 sawmill.<br />
STEPHENVILLE. Pop. 926. Fishing-Iobstering-farming settlement on<br />
the West Coast, at the N.E. head of B. St. George. 9 m. by road from
TROUT RIVER. Pop. 506. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the St.<br />
Barbe coast, 12 m. south of Bonne Bay. 1 sawmill. Nursing Cent.<br />
4 radios. POMO.<br />
TROUTY. Pop. 159. Fishing-lumbering settlement, between Dunfield<br />
and New Bonaventure, south of Trinity, Trinity B. North. 2 sawmills.<br />
TURK'S COVE. Pop. 60. Fishing settlement in Trinity B. South, between<br />
Winterton and New Perlican.<br />
TWILLINGATE. Pop. 1,048. North Side 318, South Side 514, Hart's<br />
Cove 69, Jenkins Cove 114, Sandy Cove 33. An important fishing and<br />
commercial -settlement on the island of the same name in Notre Dame<br />
Bay. First settled about 1700 (see Back Harbour). Maintains an important<br />
hospital, Notre Dame Bay Memorial, the only one (excepting<br />
cottage hospitals at Old Perlican and Bonavista) between St. John's<br />
and St. Anthony. Here are four of the oldest buildings still standing<br />
outside of St. John's: old wooden structures dated 1820, 1812 and<br />
1782. A weekly newspaper, "Twillingate Sun," and oldest in Nfld., is<br />
published here. Government cold storage bait freezer. Bank of Nova<br />
Scotia. 176 lTI. from Lewisporte. Clyde. Post. Sav. Bnk. Customs.<br />
4 sawmills. 54 radios. PT.<br />
UPPER FERRY. Pop. 117. Farming settlement in the Codroy Valley,<br />
between Searston and Doyle's, St. George's Dist.<br />
UPPER GULLIES. Pop. 260. Farming settlement in Conception B.<br />
South. 1 sawmill. PO.<br />
UPPER ISLAND COVE. Pop. 942. Fishing settlement in Conception<br />
B., between Spaniard's B. and Bryant's Cove. The people are noted<br />
for their wit. Many men work in the Bell Island mines. 11 radios.<br />
PO.<br />
VALLEYFIELD. Pop. 384. A fishing settlement on the north side of<br />
Bonavista. A fish-curing plant is operated here-the first in Newfoundland.<br />
Many of the fishennen are seal-hunters, and many, work<br />
in the pulp-wood cutting operations farther up toward the bottom of<br />
Bonavista B. Bowater's of C. Brook employs here 170 loggers cutting<br />
pitprops for export to G. Britain. 183 m. from St. John's. Sagona.<br />
VENISON ISLANDS. Pop. 30. Labrador fishing settlement between<br />
Snug Hr. and Hawk's Hr. 535 lTI. from St. John's. Kyle.<br />
VICTORIA. Pop. 1,004. Farming settlement 3 m. by highway (inland)<br />
from Carbonear. Many of the men go away to the Bell Island and<br />
Cape Breton mines, and some to Labrador to fish. A hydro-electric<br />
plant here develops light for Carbonear and other Conception B. setments.<br />
30 radios. POMO.<br />
VICTORIA COVE. Pop. 212. Fishing-lumbering settlement in Gander<br />
B., about 7 m. from Clarke's Head. 1 radio. POMO.<br />
VIRGIN'S ARM. Pop. 178. Fishing settlement at the head of Friday's<br />
B., on the northern side of New World Island, N.D.B.<br />
WAREHAM. Pop. 94. Logging settlement in Indian B., Bonavista B.<br />
North. PO.<br />
WELLINGTON. Pop. 267. Logging settlement beside Hare B., Bonavista<br />
B. North, about 15 m. north of Gambo. 2 sawmills. LT.
WEST BAY. Pop. 237. A farming-logging-scallop-fishing centre on<br />
the Port au Port peninsula. West Bay Lumber Co. employs 150 loggers<br />
cutting pulpwood for the Corner Brook newsprint mill. PO.<br />
WEST POINT. Pop. 91. Fishing-lobstering settlement between Burgeo<br />
and Rose Blanche, S.W. Coast. LT.<br />
WEST ST. MODESTE. Pop. 78. Fishing settlement on the Labrador<br />
sidE' of the Straits of Belle Isle, between Red B. and Lance au Loup.<br />
723 m. from St. John's, 251 from Humbermouth. Northern Ranger.<br />
WESTERN ARM. Pop. 83. Logging-lumbering-fishing settlement in<br />
White B., on the east side, west of Seal Cove. Bowater Co. of Corner<br />
Brook employs 150 loggers cutting pitprops and pulpwood for export<br />
t G. Britain. 1 sawmill. PO.<br />
WESTERN BAY. Pop. 686. Farming-fishing settlement on the North<br />
Shore of Conception B. Large number' of men goes from here a8<br />
stationer fishermen to Labrador. Birthplace of Pro. E. J. Pratt, the<br />
poetj and of :qr. Joseph V. Follett, M.D., Calgary, and Rev. C. W.<br />
Follett, Toronto. 13 m. by highway from Carbonear. Dr. J. H. King,<br />
M.H.O. 1 sawmill. 48 radios. PT.<br />
WESTERN HEAD. Pop. 83. Fishing settlement at the western end of<br />
New World Island, west of Moreton's Hr., N.D.B.<br />
WESTPORT. Pop. 111. Lumbering-fishing settlement, to the west of<br />
Western Arm, south side of White B., 18 m. S.E. of Hampton. 1<br />
radio. POMO.<br />
WESLEYVILLE. Pop. 1,182. Old name: Swain's Island. An important<br />
fishing settlement on the north side of Bonavista Bay, home of many<br />
famous seal-hunting captains and men, and of many equally-famous<br />
Labrador schooner fishermen. Sagona. Post. Sav. Bnk. 25 radios.<br />
PT.<br />
WHALE'S BROOK. Pop. 65. Fishing settlement in Trinity B. North<br />
East, between Brownsdale and New Melbourne.<br />
WHALE'S GULCH. Pop. 114. Fishing settlement on the N.W. end of<br />
New World Island, between Bridgeport and Moreton's Hr.<br />
WHITEWAY. Pop. 153. Fishing-farming settlement in Trinity Bay<br />
South, between Cavendish and Green's Hr. 3 sawmills.<br />
WHITBOURNE. Pop. 520. A railway divisional headquarters, notable<br />
chiefly for tbe fact that the late Right Hon. Sir Robert Bond, Newfoundland<br />
statesman, who had his home here, named the settlement<br />
after Sir Richard Whitbourne, the country's great 17th century colonizing<br />
pioneer. Sir Robert Bond established a prosperous farm here<br />
in connection with his home. Headquarters for the Ranger force. 54<br />
m. by rail from St. John's, 71 by highway. 5 sawmills. Dr. W. H.<br />
Newhook, M.H.O. Customs. 60 radios. PT.<br />
WHITE ROCK. Pop. 72. Fishing-lumberiug settlement near Monroe,<br />
north side of Smith's' Sound, Random, Trinity B. North.<br />
WILD BIGHT. Pop. 91. Fishing settlement near Westport, south side<br />
of White B.<br />
WILD COVE. Pop. 51. Fisbing settlement on the S.E. side of Fogo<br />
Island, e. of Seldom-Corne-By.
_____G:::A:::ZE=TTEER OF NEWFOU:::N:::D:::LAN=:::D'-- 127<br />
WILD COVE. Pop. 102. Fishing settlement on North Twillingate 18land,<br />
N.D.B.<br />
WILD COVE. Pop. 65. Fishing-lumbering settlement in White B., between<br />
Partridge Point and Seal Cove. 1 sawmill.<br />
WILLIAMSPORT. Pop. 141. A fishing settlement on the French<br />
Shore, near the entrance to White B. Notable chiefly for the grandeur<br />
of its scenery, as are so many other settlements along that ghore<br />
right up to the bottom of White B. 436 m. from St. John's. Northent<br />
Ranger. 1 radio. PO.<br />
WING'S POINT. Pop. 58. Fishing settlement in Gander B.<br />
WINDSOR. Pop. 1,447. This is mainly a residential town for employes<br />
of the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company's newsprint<br />
paper mill at Grand Falls, a mile away. Within Grand Falls most of<br />
the dwellings are owned by the company, and rented to employes. At<br />
Windsor most men own their own homes-in fact, its swift growth of<br />
population is due mainly to the characteristic detennination of Newfoundlanders<br />
to own their own homes. however humble, in preference<br />
to paying rent. The settlement grew up without municipal government<br />
or other regulation, but recently an attempt has been made to<br />
remedy this defect. Old name: Grand Falls Station. 276 m. by rail<br />
from St. John's; 271 from Port aux Basques. 4 sawmills. Post. Sav.<br />
Bnk. 119 radios. PT.<br />
WINTER BROOK. Pop. 118. Lumbering settlement in Bonavista B.<br />
South, between Sweet B. and Goose R 2 sawmills. PO.<br />
WINTER HOUSE. Pop. 104. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the<br />
western shore of the Port au Port peninsula, West Coast.<br />
WINTER HOUSE BROOK. Pop. 60. Fishing-lobstering settlement on<br />
the St. Barbe coast, in Bonne B.<br />
WINTERHOUSE COVE. Pop. 52. Fishing settlement at the N. W.<br />
entrance to Green R, s. of Burlington.<br />
WINTERTON. Pop. 977. Situated on the south side of Trinity B., this<br />
is the largest settlement in the Bay. First settled probably about the<br />
middle of the 17th century. In 1677 it had 4 dwellinga, 3 planters, 2<br />
wives, 5 sons, 8 daughters, 83 fishery servants, 8 boats, 11 cattle, 4<br />
gardens, and produced 780 quintals of fish. Government ice-and-salt<br />
plant. 129 m. by highway from St. John's; 57 from Carbonear. 2<br />
sawmills. 16 radios. PT.<br />
WITLESS BAY. Pop. 649. An ancient fishing settlement on the Southern<br />
Shore. First settled probably very early in the 17th century, or<br />
even late in the 16th. In 1677 it had 8 dwellings, 3 planters, 3 wives,<br />
2 sons, 2 daughters, 19 fishery servants, 6 boats, 52 hogs, and produced<br />
510 quintals of fish. 23 m. by highway from St. John's. 1<br />
sawmill. Birthplace of P. J. O'Neill, M.B.E., Chief of Police. 22<br />
radios. POMO.<br />
WOOIYS ISLAND HARBOUR. Pop. 210. The harbour and principal<br />
settlement of Wood's Island, B. of Islands, which was formerly very<br />
important as the centre of a large herring-buying trade conducted by<br />
American vessels. from Corner Brook. Customs. 5 radios. POMO.
WOODSTOCK. Pop. 154. Lumbering settlement within Pacquet Hr"<br />
on the promontory separating White B. from Green B. 1 sawmill.<br />
PO.<br />
WOODY COVE. Pop. 52. Fishing settlement on the St. Barbe coast,<br />
between Rocky Hr. and Martin's pt.<br />
WOODY ISLAND. Pop. 290. Fishing settlement at the N.W. head of<br />
Placentia R, between Merasheen Island and the west side of the Bay,<br />
s. of Sound Island. 1 sawmill. 86 ID. from Argentia. Home. POMO.<br />
WOODY POINT. Pop. 196. One of the settlements in Bonne B. (q.v.)<br />
WRECK COVE. Pop. 106. Fishing-lobstering settlement on the N.E.<br />
side of Great B. de L'Eau, which itself lies between Fortune and Hermitage<br />
Bays.<br />
YORK HARBOUR. Pop. 73. Fishing-logging settlement in Humber<br />
Arm of B. of Islands. Here a copper mine fonnerly operated.
Minister of Health Walter Elliot<br />
Minister of Labour and National Service..... . Ernest Brown<br />
Minister of Supply...... . '" Leslie Burgin<br />
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. . Sir R. Dorman-Smith<br />
Minister of Transport . Capt. Euan Wallace<br />
Minister of Economic Warfare Ronald H. Cross<br />
Secretary for Dominions *Anthony Eden<br />
Minister of Information.... . Sir John Reith<br />
President Board of Trade 8i1' Andrew R. Duncan<br />
*Dominions Secretary has special access to War Cabinet to act as<br />
1ia50D between it and the Dominions.<br />
The Commission of Government<br />
Chairman, His Excellency the Governor, Sir Humphrey T. Walwyn, K.<br />
C.SI., K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.G.; Viee-Chariman and Commissioner for<br />
Public Health and Welfare, Hon. Sir John C. Puddester; Commissioner<br />
for Home Affairs and Education, Hon. J. A. Winter, K.C.; Commissioner<br />
for Public Utilities, Hon. Sir Wilfrid W. Woods, K.C.M.G.;<br />
Commissioner for Finance, Hon. J. H. Penson, M.C.; Commissioner<br />
for Justice, Hon. L. E. Emerson, K.C.; Commissioner for Natural Resources,<br />
Hon. J. H. Gorvin, C.RE.<br />
Office of the Commission of Government<br />
Secretary, W. J. Carew, C.B.E.; Grade III Clerk, Miss N. Goodland.<br />
General Office, Customs Building; Office hours 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.<br />
Commissioner Hon. J. H. Penson, M. C.<br />
Secretary.. .. W. M. Marshall<br />
Accountant, F. A. Hickey; Grade I Clerk, V. Calver; Grade III<br />
Clerk, J. V. Ralph; Secretary-Stenographer, Miss J. Redmond; Shorthand-Typists,<br />
Miss E. L. Gardner, Miss H. I. Butler, Miss R. Kelly;<br />
Telephonist, Miss K. Greene.<br />
(Income Tax and Estate Duty, etc.)<br />
Assessor .01 John J. Sinnott, J. P.<br />
Grade I Clerk _.............•....Geo. W. D. Allen, C. A.<br />
Grade II Clerks, Geo. R. Sccviour, R. G. Redmond; Grade III Clerks,<br />
R. A. Sinnott, F. J. Henley, G. G. Murphy; Shorthand-typists, Miss<br />
H. MUlllhy, Mrs. F. J. Cahill.<br />
Chairman, Hon. J. H. Penson, M.e.; Members of Board, Han. J. H. Garvin,<br />
C.RE., H. V. Hutchings, M.B.E.; Secretary, V. Calver.
Superintendent. .. Gerald G. Byrne<br />
R. L. Andrews, Esq., M.A.; C. \V. Carter, Esq., B.Se.; R. J. COJUlolly,<br />
Esq.; J. J. Conran, Esq., H. J. B. Gough, Esq., B.A.; P. J. Hanley,<br />
Esq., B.A.; F. R. Kennedy, Esq.; E. Laing, Esq.; G. Noftle,<br />
Esq.; A. W. Parsons, Esq., RSc.; R. F. Sparkes, Esq., L.G.P.;<br />
F. Templeman, Esq., B.Sc.<br />
Church of England Board:-I. J. Samson, Esq., Chairman; Rev. Canon<br />
Bolt, M.A., D.C.L.; R. E. Tanner, Esq., B.Sc.; George House,<br />
• Esq.; Miss V. M. Cherrington, M.B.E.<br />
Roman Catholic Boal'd:-G. A. Frecker, Esq., B.A., H.E., Chairman;<br />
Rt. Rev. Mgr. T. J. Flynn, B.A., Rev. Bro. W. K. O'Connell.<br />
United Church Board :-Dr. H. L. Pottle, M.A., Ph.D., Chairman; Rev.<br />
S. G. Garland, M.A., B.D.; J. A. Cochrane, Esq., B.Sc.; J. A.<br />
Cramm, Esq., B.A. j Miss Helen Leslie.<br />
Salvation Army Board:-Major W. C. Brown, S.A., Chairman; Lt.-Col.<br />
R. Tilley, S.A.; Adjutant A. G. Moulton, S.A.<br />
Secretary for Education.<br />
President of the Memorial University College.<br />
Headmaster of the C. of E. College (Bishop Feild College).<br />
Headmaster of the R. C. College (St. Bon's College).<br />
Headmaster of the U. C. College (Prince of Wales College).<br />
Wm. 111. Blackwood, Esq., III.A.<br />
Rev. Canon Bolt, M.A., D.C.L.<br />
V. P. Burke, Esq., O.B.E., RSc., II1.A., LL.D.<br />
Major W. C. Brown, S.A.<br />
Miss V. Cherrington, M.B.E.<br />
J. A. Cramm, Esq., B.A.<br />
J. N. Davis, Esq.<br />
Rev. M. P. Dwyer, P.P.<br />
Rev. Brother P. M. Eagan.<br />
F. R. Emerson, Esq., K.C.<br />
G. A. Frecker, Esq., B.A., RSc.<br />
Rt. Rev. Mgr. T. J. Flynn, BoA.<br />
Rev. S. G. Garland, liLA., B.D.<br />
A. G. Gillingham, Esq., II1.A.<br />
J. A. Gibbs, Esq.<br />
J. G. Higgins, Esq., K.C., M.A.<br />
George House, Esq.<br />
A. C. Hunter, Esq., M.A., Docteur d'Universite de' Paris.<br />
C. E. A. Jeffery, Esq., IILB.E.<br />
P. L. Lovett-Janison, Esq., B.Se., M.A.<br />
Miss Helen Lodge, M.A.<br />
H. L. Pottle, Esq., M.A., Ph.D.<br />
Rev. J. A. Meaden, M.A.
Police Stations-Within Avalon Peninsula<br />
St. John's, 172; Torbay, Manuels, Holyrood, Avondale, Harbour Main,<br />
Conception Harbour, Brigus, Clarke's Beach, 1 each; Bay Roberts, 8;<br />
Spaniard's Bay, 1; Upper Island Cove, 1; Harbour Grace, 4; Carhonear<br />
4; Victoria, Burnt Point, B. d V., Bay de Verde, Old Perliean,<br />
Heart's Content, New Harbour, Bay Bulls, Cape Broylc, Ferryland,<br />
Renews, Trepassey, St. Joseph's, Salmonier, 1 each; Placentia 2; Argentia,<br />
St. Bride's, St. Mary's, 1 each; Bell Island 8.<br />
Outside Avalan Peninsula<br />
raga, Wesleyville, Greenspond, 1 each; Bonavista, 2; Catalina, Trinity,<br />
Clarenville, Port Blandford, Glovertown, 1 each. Corner Brook, 13,<br />
Hmbermouth, 1, Curling, 1 (Known as Bay of Islands Station), 15.<br />
Grand Falls, 5, Windsor, 1, 6. Bishop's Falls, Botwood, Buchans, Mil<br />
Jertown Junction, Harbour Buffett, Baine Harbour, Carmanville, 1<br />
each. Total of 256.<br />
St. John's Fire Department<br />
Superintendent 'M'" M"N N ••••••••••••<br />
District Chiefs M .<br />
Sergeants . .<br />
J\Iotor Engineer...... . .. M ..<br />
Constables.... .. .<br />
2 Fire Horses<br />
1 Horse Ladder Truck<br />
1 Express Wagon<br />
1 Horse Hose Wagon<br />
1 Horse Hose Winter Sleigh<br />
1 Merryweather Pumper<br />
Eastern Station<br />
2 Fire Horses<br />
1 Combination Motor Truck<br />
1 Horse Hose Wagon<br />
1 Winter Hose Wagon<br />
1 Steam Fire Engine<br />
18 Gamewell Fire Alarm Boxes<br />
3,000 Feet Hose<br />
1 Horse Hose Winter Sleigh for<br />
Pump<br />
Fire Equipment-Central Statiort<br />
1<br />
3<br />
4<br />
1<br />
31<br />
40<br />
1 LaFrance Combination Pump<br />
1 LaFrance Aerial Ladder Truck<br />
Motor<br />
1 G.M.C. Truck with motor pump<br />
1 Fargo Truck with motor pump<br />
26 Gamewell Fire Alarm Boxes.<br />
6,000 Feet Hose.<br />
Western Sattion<br />
2 Fire Horses<br />
1 LaFrance Pumper<br />
1 Horse Hose Wagon<br />
1 Winter Hose Wagon<br />
32 Gamewell Fire Alarm Boxes<br />
3,200 Feet Hose
Don't Waste Time!<br />
ITS UNNECESSARY to waste time seeking out the best<br />
place to have your printing attended to, we can't be beat.<br />
Our service is second to none, and our prices rock bottom.<br />
We're on the Goal!<br />
IF YOU have any Printing worries and don't know what to<br />
do with them-forget 'em-Ring us and we'll allend to<br />
them.--'z;hat'. Our :Bu.;ne...<br />
W t'ftemember-We're always ready to cater to you.<br />
Saint John'. Newfoundland<br />
and Repre.entative<br />
will call
LAMALINE .....................•..John Foote<br />
LITTLE BAY ISLANDS .A. E. Batstone<br />
NEW YORK R. H. Tait<br />
NIPPER'S HARBOR .. J. S. Roberts<br />
NORRIS ARM J. W. Aitken<br />
PLACENTIA ... .. Dr. L. J. Giovannetti<br />
PORT UNION.. .. Llewellyn Bishop<br />
ST. ANTHONY. . Mark Alcock, O. R. Davison<br />
ST. DAVID'S Gilbert Gosse<br />
ST. GEORGE'S Commander C. E. Carter, R.N., J. P.<br />
Mulcahy<br />
TRINITY. .. Nehemiah Short<br />
TWILLINGATE . .. Robert Rice, Frank Roberts<br />
Barr'd Islands George Foster<br />
Bay Roberts W. E. Mercer<br />
Belleoram Levi Burdock<br />
Bell Island _ Michael J. Hawco<br />
Blackhead, Bay de Verde District ,Leonard Curtis<br />
Bonavista and Elliston . Edwin Baker<br />
Bonne Bay .w. A. Preble<br />
Brigus Harry Leamon<br />
Burin M.... . . J oseph White<br />
Catalina _ .. . William Haynes<br />
Channel .victor Llewellyn Billard<br />
Clarenville H. J. James<br />
Corner Brook .. . William Gaulton<br />
Deer Lake W. H. Pennell<br />
Englee Eli Fillier<br />
Fogo James E. Fitzgerald<br />
Grand Bank. . Robert F. Forsey<br />
Grand Falls. . Head Constable Andrew Humber<br />
Greenspond.... . W. Harding<br />
Harbour Breton ..... . G. W. Porter<br />
Harbor Deep. .Noah Pittman<br />
Harbour Grace James P. Fox<br />
Harbour Main James Murphy<br />
Heart's Content Charles G. Rendell<br />
Hillview, Trinity Bay.... . E. Benson<br />
Jackson's Ann Walter Tulk<br />
Kelligrews .Isaac LeDrew<br />
Ladle Cove Thomas West<br />
LaScie . W. G. Morgan<br />
Lewisporte Peter Moores<br />
Little Bay...... .. Thomas W. Wells<br />
Little Bay Islands Herbert S. Hillier
Old Perlican Moses Bursey and Charles Barrett<br />
Placentia . . John Green<br />
Port au Port George W. MacDonald<br />
Presque J ames Ryan of Patrick<br />
St. Andrew's. . Daniel S. McIsaac<br />
St. Anthony Edward Slade<br />
St. George's . . Alfred Pieroway<br />
Salvage Barnabas Moss<br />
Sound Island ...... ...... .. .. Robert J. Barrett<br />
Trinity ..._. . George Bartlett<br />
Twillingate S. C. Maley<br />
White Rock, Trinity Bay . .. R. Stone<br />
Chief Ranger E. Wl Greenley.<br />
Inspector R.D. Fraser.<br />
S/Sergt. B. White.<br />
Q.M. Sergt. E. Delaney.<br />
Ranger E. Peckford<br />
Ranger C. Mercer.<br />
Ranger C. Holland.<br />
Ranger R. Chancey.<br />
Ranger A. Terry.<br />
10. Bonne Bay<br />
11. Port Saunders....<br />
12. St. Anthony<br />
13. Englee<br />
16. Springdale......<br />
17. Twillingate<br />
18. Forteau .<br />
19. La Scie ..<br />
20. Lewisporte....<br />
Criminal Investigation Branch<br />
Detective Sergt. N. Forward.<br />
Detective Ranger D. Bishop.<br />
Detective Ranger E. Murphy.<br />
Stenos. 4 Clerks.<br />
Miss B. Wylan.<br />
Miss H. Forward.<br />
In the list which follows the first named Ranger, in places where<br />
there are two or more, is in charge.<br />
No. Location<br />
1. Hebron....<br />
2. Nain...<br />
3. Hopedale<br />
4. Cartwright<br />
5. N. W. River.<br />
6. Battle Harbor....<br />
7. Hope Simpson<br />
8. Glenwood .<br />
9. Deer Lake .<br />
Detachment Personnel.<br />
Labrador Ranger C. George<br />
Ranger H. Tucker<br />
Ranger D. Bragg<br />
Corporal F. Mercer<br />
Ranger J. Nichols<br />
Ranger M. Christian<br />
Ranger E. Clarke<br />
..NewfoundlandRanger G. Sharpe<br />
22. Gambo .<br />
23. Badger .<br />
24. St. George's<br />
21). Port au Port .<br />
26. Port aux Basques<br />
27. Rose Blanche ..<br />
28. Burgeo.<br />
30. Harbor Breton<br />
31. Belleoram<br />
32. Grand Bank '"<br />
33. Bumi....<br />
34. Lamaline.<br />
35. St.! Lawrence.<br />
36. Flower's Cove ..<br />
37. Fortune...... ,_<br />
38. Marystown .....<br />
40. Jackson's Arm<br />
42. Bay L'Argent..<br />
43. Stephenville Crossing<br />
44. Nftd. Airport<br />
45. Pt. Leamington....<br />
Ranger W. Smith<br />
Ranger F. Thompson<br />
Corporal A", LeGrow<br />
Ranger E. Power<br />
Ranger R. Dingwall<br />
Ranger R. Mercer<br />
Sergeant H. Walters<br />
Ranger M. Davis<br />
Ranger D. Howley<br />
Corporal T. Curnew<br />
Ranger E. Stickland<br />
Ranger E. Toms<br />
Ranger E. English<br />
Ranger E. Noseworthy<br />
Ranger R. Manuel<br />
Sergeant F. Beauchamp<br />
Ranger R. Goodyear<br />
Ranger L. Saunders<br />
Corporal I. Glendinning<br />
Ranger G. Jenkins<br />
Ranger E. Thorburn<br />
Ranger V. Duff<br />
Ranger N. Goulding<br />
Ranger G. Butler<br />
Corporal C. Summers<br />
Ranger C. Dwyer<br />
Ranger G. Fitzpatrick<br />
Ranger M. Delahunty<br />
Ranger B. Gill<br />
Ranger C. Gill<br />
AGUATHUNA-L. E. House.<br />
BATTLE HARBOUR-S. D. Grant.<br />
BA.Y ROBERTS-A. M. Calpin.<br />
BELL ISLAND-E. H. Rees, Alf. Rees, Jr., Robt. Davis, J. B. Gilliatt,<br />
M. Hollett, P. T. Murphy, N. Reginald Taylor.<br />
BLACK DUCK, HARRY'S RIVER-Capt. V. Campbell, R.N., Nigel<br />
Campbell.<br />
B1,ACK RIVER, SALMONIER LINE--J. M. Curran, Jr.<br />
ERIGUS-J. P. Hearn, John Hearn.<br />
BUCHANS-J. C. Mew•.<br />
CATALINA-S. Mifflin.<br />
CLARKE'S HEAD-L. G. Hodder.<br />
CORNER BROOK-W. W. Cossett, Warren Nichol., Cyril Parsons.<br />
CURLING-W. Verge.<br />
FLOWER'S COVE-H. C. Roland Kean.
Port Saunders M. Rowland Roberts. Alex. H. Ingraham.<br />
Flower's Cove Henry Genge (of William)<br />
Port au Choix ..Alfred S. Darhy<br />
Daniel's Harbor ..George Moss<br />
Lomond . ..Reginald Skanes<br />
Bellburns . . Austin House<br />
Burgeo.<br />
BURGEO<br />
.........Garland Penney, Henry Clement, Roy<br />
L. Dawe<br />
Burnt Island Arthur Shears<br />
Rencontre West _ _ _Robert Webb<br />
Rarnea _.... . . George P. Kearley<br />
Rev. Hugh J. A. Macdermott<br />
Grand Bruit ...WiIliam Vallis<br />
Cape I..aHune _ _ .<br />
Francois " Thomas J. Matthews<br />
Rose Blanche Arthur J. Matchem<br />
Burin .<br />
Grand Bank .<br />
Garnish .<br />
Lamaline .<br />
St. Lawrence .<br />
Corner Brook ........._.......<br />
Curling ..<br />
Petties<br />
Meadows ._ .<br />
Humbermouth .<br />
Deer Lake<br />
BURIN<br />
... _....Harry B. Winter<br />
Frederick John Bartlett, Hon. Geo.<br />
A. Bartlett, Wm. Paul.<br />
......N. Short, Aaaron Buffett<br />
...James Lorenzen, Albert Lorenzen.<br />
.. _ Daniel Hillier<br />
. Verno P. Turpin<br />
Channel _ Dr. Arthur R. Parsons<br />
Port aux Basques _.... .. Arthur L. George<br />
....Albert J. Walsh, K. C. • Andre",<br />
Vatcher, William Gaulton, Sidney D.<br />
Cook, John House.<br />
......William J. Milley, Joseph Pennell.<br />
......John Barrett<br />
......Frederick C. Brake<br />
....,Wm. Garland (moved)<br />
......Robert C. Janes<br />
Ferryland _.... . ..T. J. Wade<br />
Calvert ...Frederick Costello<br />
Renews _.._ _ Arthur O'Leary, Alfred J. Goodridge.<br />
Cape Broyle . ..John J. O'Brien<br />
Bay Bulls ...Frederick J. Williams<br />
Trepassey _ _. .. William A. Pennell
}i'ogo .<br />
FOGO<br />
......Andrew Cook, Robert F. Scott, James<br />
Ed. Fitzgerald.<br />
Musgrave Harbor Frank Whiteway, Baxter Whiteway<br />
Cannanville Wilfred Hicks<br />
Seldom Samuel Holmes<br />
Tilting ._ _... . ..._Leonard Greene<br />
Joe Batt's Arm. ......Leonard Penton, Alex. Coffin<br />
Barr'd Islands _ ,.. ..Corbett Rendell<br />
Victoria Cove. . John Oke<br />
Horwood Peter Garfield Hoddinott<br />
Change Islands. . Walter J. Torraville, Wm. Malcolm<br />
Lumsden North<br />
Ladle Cove .....<br />
Yetman.<br />
......Jarnes Robins, Sr.<br />
........Aubrey Wellon<br />
Grand Falls F. G. Bradley, K.C., John Mitchell,<br />
Frank Ireland.<br />
Buchans _ Newman Abbott, Wm. J. Cuff.<br />
Badger...... .. John M. Dooley<br />
Bishops Falls Frederick C. Colbourne<br />
Botwood ...... ...Harry Burt, James Aitken, Stanley<br />
Jeans.<br />
Millertown . .. Abraham B. Antle<br />
Botwood.... . Harold Arthur Pattison, Squadron<br />
Leader, Royal Air Force.<br />
Greenspond B. V. Andrews, Wellington Harding.<br />
Salvage .. .. Edward Oldford<br />
Gambo ...... .. Edward J. Morrissey<br />
Deer Island .. Daniel Feltham<br />
Velleyfield m" Joseph Davis<br />
Wesleyville<br />
Newton Kenneth Way, Thomas Tulk<br />
Brookfield. . _ Baxter W. Kean<br />
Burnside . . : Augustus Oldford<br />
N. Gooseberry Island James Samson<br />
Angle Brook Nonnan Gray<br />
Flat Islands .Israel T. Samson<br />
St. Brendan's Thomas P. Hynes<br />
Middle Brook (Gambo) Alexander Pritchett<br />
Trinity, B.B. .. Chesley S. Davis<br />
Harbor Breton<br />
St. Bernard's' .<br />
......E. Russell, ·Wm. E. Parsons, John J.<br />
Rose, Joseph Wm. Sodero.<br />
.. ...... ......John F. Parrott
Salmon Cove<br />
Victoria.<br />
New Melbourne<br />
La Scie<br />
Coachman's Cove ..<br />
.........J osiah Slade<br />
......John Edgar Vaters<br />
...Carman Graham M. Button<br />
LA SCIE<br />
...Geo. E. Trickett, Daniel P. Duggan,<br />
Joseph W. Morgan.<br />
... ......Phillip Fitzgerald<br />
Lewisporte Dr. Noel S. Knapp, Robert W. Manuel,<br />
Laurenceton . . Roland Langdon<br />
Norris Ann _ _Allan G. Freeman, Louis A. Basha.<br />
Campbellton Sidney Wells<br />
Newstead . Solomon Eveleigh<br />
Boyd's Cove _ _...Edgar Pelley<br />
Exploits ........_.. _. Otto Oliver Osmond, James Wineor.<br />
Little Bay Islands.. . George Jones, James M. Strong.<br />
Tilt Cove . . Robert C. Jackman<br />
Nipper's Harbor ...... .... ..Walter B. Milley, John S. Robert.o::.<br />
King's Point ._ __..Frederick Thistle<br />
Little Bay Doyle Wells<br />
Springdale M Geo. W. Clarke, John F. Dawson, S.M.,<br />
Reginald W. WaIT.<br />
Pilley's Island ...... ..Pierce Blackmore<br />
Point Leamington James M. Andrews<br />
South East Arm, New Boy Adolphus Yates<br />
Leading Tickles _ M"M M .._ .._ •.Herbert Snow<br />
Triton M._ M.... . .. Sidney Vincent<br />
Port Anson _... . . 'l'imothy J. Hewlett<br />
Beaumont ..Joseph P. Paddock<br />
Jackson's Cove Dorman G. Knight<br />
New Bay...... . Willis Spencer<br />
Round Harbor Allan Coombs<br />
Marystown .................................C. W. Powell, BoSe., Dr. Chester Harris,<br />
Joseph E. Long.<br />
Oderin . ..John Power<br />
Presque Denis Ryan<br />
Baine Harbor ..<br />
Flat Island<br />
......Frederick W. Diamond<br />
Placentia<br />
Rranch .<br />
...... _... W. J. Linegar, :AI. Sinnott, James W.<br />
CoWns, Rudolphus D. O'Keefe.
Kennedy, John J.. . "'N' H_ _St. John's<br />
Kyle, Wm. ·'N.. ..•..Burin<br />
Knowling, T. A. . _.St. John's<br />
King, J. H. . M Broad Cove<br />
Lynch, J. B _H. _.. __ Wabana<br />
LcDrew, I. S. . St. John's<br />
Lidstone, A. E , "'M _Little Bay<br />
Little, P. R _.' _ __ Bishop's Falls<br />
LeGrow, Charles L. . Old Perlican<br />
Lynch, J. G....... . . _. _.._ St. John's<br />
LaSalle, MichaeL Port Saunders<br />
LaSalle, Christine...... . Port Saunders<br />
Letourneau, Chas. U. ...Corner Brook<br />
McDonald, Alan... . Grand Bank<br />
Murphy, G. N....... . _ St. John's<br />
l\lacpherson, Cluny _ N St. John's<br />
l\£osdell, H. M. ...St. John's<br />
Moores, E. F. . St. John's<br />
McGrath, J. M. . Harbour Grace<br />
Murphy, J08. R.... .. St. John's<br />
Miller, L. A. .. St. John's<br />
Marshall, K. H. A....... . St. John's<br />
Minshull, F. A. . ,Grand Falls<br />
MacNicol, W. T._ , . St. Mary's<br />
Newhook, W. H. .. _ Whitbourne<br />
Noble, A. E _ _ _ Badger<br />
O'Connell, J. I. Curling<br />
O'Reilly, J. B. St. John's<br />
O'Regan, D. J. ... St. John's<br />
O'Kelly, P _ ...Avondale<br />
Olds, John McKee Twillingate<br />
O'Neil, Brenden A...... . Aguathuna<br />
Paterson, L. ...... ...St. John's<br />
Pritchard, L. S. ......Bay Roberts<br />
Parsons, A. R. ...Port aux Basques<br />
Policoff, Arthur W. . St. John's<br />
Peters, E. S. .. N St. John's<br />
Parsons, K. W. Howley<br />
Paton, J. G. . . Harbour Breton<br />
Rendell, H. ..St. John's<br />
RObelts, W. . .. St. John's<br />
Roberts, H. D. . St. John's<br />
Rusted, Nigel F. S....... .. . . _ _ St. John's<br />
Smith, H. A..... .. St. John's<br />
Stentaford, G. L._ Carbonear<br />
Scott, WaIte., _. _ Grand Falls<br />
Smith, O. V. B....... . _ Botwood<br />
Smith, C. V _ _. _ 'N'" Glovertown<br />
Members:-Donald Hogan, Fergus Walsh, Maxwell Dawe, Alastair Mc.<br />
Neill, John Rahal, Jr., Edward Doran.<br />
President _ ._ _ _ ._.. _ _ ..R. G. MacDonald<br />
Secretary N._ N ••N __•• _._ _ ••• ..__ __Edward Doran<br />
President . .. .R. G. Winter<br />
Vice-President .. . Geo. R. Williams, M.B.E.<br />
Secretary-Treasurer . __ J. Boyd Baird<br />
Committee on Rates _ _Wm. U. Knowling, T. J. Power, A. C. Rendell<br />
Stenographer . Margaret H. Aylward<br />
Headquarters: Duckworth Street East.<br />
COMMANDING OFFICER; Lieut-Colonel W. F. Rendell, C.B.E.<br />
STAFF CAPTAIN; Captain C. Fanning..Evans, the Durham Light<br />
Infantry.<br />
REGIMENTAL OFFICERS.-2nd Lieut. H. A. Walsh; 2nd Lieut. N.<br />
Squires.<br />
R. Mews, Mr. J. H. Adams, Mr. B. S. Diamond" Mr. H. Mitchell,<br />
Capt. L. C. Murphy, Major W. March, M.e., Mr. R. Martin, Mr. C.<br />
E. Hunt, K.C., Mr. O. L. Vardy, Hon. F. J. Morris, K.C., Mr. C. F.<br />
Garland, Major F. W. Marshall,<br />
BELGIUM-Consul: Hon. R. B. Job.<br />
BRAZIL---Vice-Consul: G. R. Williams, M.B.E.; Consular Agent, J. S.<br />
Fowler.<br />
CUBA-Consular Agent: Senor Don Casimiro Perez Hernandez.<br />
DENMARK-Consul (Honorary): J. W. Allan.<br />
NORWAY-Consul (Honorary): Capt. Olaf K. Olsen.<br />
PORTUGAL-Consul: J. W. Allan.<br />
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-Consul (Honorary): Hon. Captain 1. R.<br />
Randell.<br />
FINLAND-Vice-Consul: Capt. Olaf K. Olsen.<br />
LATVIA-Vice-Consul: Capt. Olaf K. Olsen.<br />
SWEDEN-Consul (Honorary): Capt. Olaf K. Olsen.<br />
FRANCE, Republic of-Consul: Mons. M. Edouard F. RaBset.<br />
GREECE-Hon. Consul General: A. E. Hickman.<br />
ITALY-Consul General: Charles McKay Harvey.<br />
PANAMA-Hon. Vice-Consul: Senor Don Casimiro Perez Hernandez.<br />
SPAIN-Consul: H. J. Wyatt.<br />
ST. PIERRE and MIQUELON-Hon. Vice-Consul: A. R. Bartlett.<br />
U.S. of AMERICA-Consul-General: Harold B. Quarton; Vice-Con<br />
Consul, Charles C. Sundell.<br />
NETHERLANDS--Consul: T. J. Kennedy.<br />
POLAND-Consul: C. J. Fox, K.C.<br />
CANADA<br />
ARGENTINE REPUBLIC-Consul General: Senor Don Saul Aguilar,<br />
Ottawa.<br />
BELGIUM-Consul General: Baron E. K. de Meerendre, Montreal.<br />
CZECHO-SLOVARIA-Consul General: Frantesek Pavlasek, Montreal.<br />
CUBA-·Consul General: J. E. Boggild, Montreal.<br />
DENMARK-·Consul General: Georg Brandi Holler, Montreal.<br />
FINLAND-Consul General: Aaro Johannes Jalkanen, Montreal.<br />
HUNGARY-Consul General: Dr. Charles Winter, Montreal.<br />
ITALY-Consul: Signor Paolo de Simone, Montreal.<br />
MEXICO-Consul General: Senor Hermolao E. Torres, Montrealj Consul:<br />
Senor Javier Osornio Camerena, Montreal.<br />
NORWAY-Consul General: Mons. Daniel Steen, Montreal.<br />
NETHERLANDS-Consul: Mons. C. P. Luden, Montreal.<br />
POLAND-Consul General: Mons. Victor Podoski, Ottawa.
SWITZERLAND-Consul General: Mons. Caston Jaccard, Montreal.<br />
SPAlN-<br />
YUGO-SLAVIA-Consul General: Vladimir Vukmirovic, Montreal.<br />
SWEDEN-Consul General: Custar Lowenhard, Montreal.<br />
TURKEY--Consul General: Mons. Nebil Surayaa Akcer, London.<br />
LATVIA-Consul General: Mons. Charles Zarine, London.<br />
Name Editor or Proprietor<br />
Barrelman . . J. R. Smallwood. . Monthly<br />
Bay Roberts Guardian A. R. Russell.... . .weekly<br />
Bell Islander. . Addison Bawn Weekly<br />
Civil Service Bulletin. . Judge W. J. Browne. . Monthly<br />
Compass, The .. . D. F. Scott, B. A..... . Monthly<br />
Daily News J. S. Currie...... . . Daily<br />
Diocesan Magazine. . Rev. J. A. Meaden 1\1onthly<br />
Evening Telegram. . _ C. E. A. Jeffrey Daily<br />
Fishennan' Advocate .. . J. H. Scammel Weekly<br />
Family Fireside . .. Gerald S. Doyle Monthly<br />
Fishermen-Workers Tribune 0. L. Vardy.... . Weekly<br />
Grand Falls Advertiser ..M. Blackmore.... . Weekly<br />
Humber Herald. . W. J. Prtrsons .. . Weekly<br />
Journal of Commerce. .. H. T. Renouf .. . Quarterly<br />
Mailman. ...W. B. Temple. . .Monthly<br />
Memorial Times. . ...Issac Newell Fortnightly<br />
More Sales ...Gerald S.Doyle Monthly<br />
Monitor ...St. Patrick's Parish (prop) .Monthly<br />
Monthly Post. . E. T. Furlong...... . . Monthly<br />
Newfoundland Eye-opener .. .. .J. H. Adams.... . Quarterly<br />
Newfoundland Gazette. . D. R. Thistle Weekly<br />
Newfoundland Lumberman .. .. J. J. Thompson. .. Fortnightly<br />
Newfoundland NeWS-Magazine W. J. Crotty Monthly<br />
Newfoundland Quarterly...... . J. J. Evans Quarterly<br />
N. T. A. Journal. . R. H. Richards Monthly<br />
Observer's Weekly. .. A. B. Perlin Weekly<br />
Postal Worker A. Anthony.... . Monthly<br />
Public Bureau J. J. Sullivan (Prop.) Weekly<br />
Public School Review G. A. Mercer Yearly<br />
Royalist B. Morris . .. .Monthly<br />
St. Bride's College Annual.. . Kathleen O·Conner.... .. yearly<br />
Terra Nova .. ... C. J. Power (Prop.)... . Monthly<br />
Trade Review W. B. Temple. . Weekly<br />
Trinity Enterprise F. J. Brady.... . Weekly<br />
Twillingate Sun.. . Stewart Roberts Weekly<br />
Western Star .. . A. L. Barrett. . Woekly<br />
MRS. ELLEN CARROLL. Norih River, Conception Bay. 112 years on<br />
October 20, 1939. Living.<br />
JOHANNA HANLON. St. John's. Died at 105.<br />
EDWARD FEWER. Harbor Main. Died 1863 at 105.<br />
.JOHN ASHLEY. St. John's. Died 1890 at 106.<br />
SOLOMON BUTT. St. George's. Died 1917, at 107.<br />
DANIEL GRANGEL. Topsail. Died 1896 at 107.<br />
JOHN BIGGS. St. Mary's. Died at 108.<br />
CATHERINE CLEARY. St. John's. Died January 17, 1847, aged 110.<br />
JOHN O'NEILL. Freshwater Valley, St. John's. Died at 112.<br />
MRS. MARY CULLYMORE. Tilton, Hr. Grace. Died 1890, at 115.<br />
JOHN CABOT-Our country's discoverer, 1497.<br />
SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT-Took formal possession of Newfoundland<br />
for the Crown, thereby formally founding the British Empire,<br />
1583.<br />
SIR RICHARD WHITBOURNE-This rugged, honest fisherman-seaman<br />
was the ablest of all the early colonizers of Newfoundland. Set<br />
up the first court of justice in Newfoundland and! therefore the New<br />
World, 1615. Wrote on the earliest books on Newfoundland. A<br />
warm friend of the country.<br />
JOHN GUY-Founder of the first formal colony, Cupids, 1610.<br />
CAPT. JOHN MASON-One of the Governors of the colony at Cupids.<br />
The map of Newfoundland which appears in his book is amongst the<br />
earliest pieces of evidence we now have that Cape Bonavista was John<br />
Cabot's landfall.<br />
JOHN DOWNING-The hero of 1675. He it was who as representative<br />
of the planters settled in Newfoundland went to England to procure<br />
the suspension and cancellation of the Royal Order commanding<br />
all settlers to remove from Newfoundland. He succeeded brilliantly.<br />
CAPTAIN MICHAEL GILL-Hero of the successful Defence of Bonavista<br />
against superior number of French attackers, 1702.<br />
REV. WILLIAM BULLOCK-At Trinity he wrote the hymn "We Love<br />
the Place, 0 God."<br />
REV. JOHN CLENCH, M.D.-He was reputedly the first man in the<br />
New World to use vaccine, a gift from his class-mate Dr. Jenner. He<br />
was stationed at Trinity.<br />
ROBERT CARTER-Deniender of Ferryland. The patriotic Surrogate<br />
who fortified the Isle of Bois and resisted the French attack. Played<br />
a leading and vital part in the recapture of St. John's from the<br />
French, 1762.<br />
REV. LAWRENCE COUGHLAN-At Harbor Grace he introduced Wesleyanism.<br />
This was Methodism's introduction to the New World.<br />
_____--'H=AN=D---'BOOK OF NEWFOUNDLAND 175<br />
MARTIN W. FURLONG, K.C.-It waa upon the basis of his researeh<br />
and preparation that the Labrador bOWldary case was subsequently<br />
won.<br />
WILLIAM GILBERT GOSLING-Founder of the Gosling Memorial<br />
Library, first Public Library in Newfoundland; author of "History of<br />
Labrador" and llLife of Sir Humphrey Gilbert."<br />
SIR EDGAR BOWRING. Philanthropist and public benefactor. Was<br />
first High Commissioner for Newfoundland in Great Britain (unpaid).<br />
(Living).<br />
RT. REV. BISHOP WHITE-First native-born Newfoundlander to become<br />
Lord Bishop of Newfoundland. (Living).<br />
SERGEANT THOMAS RICKETTS, V.C.-Only soldier of the Royal<br />
Newfoundland Regiment to win the Victoria Cross in the Great war.<br />
(Living).<br />
PRIVATE JOHN GEORGE PATTERSON, V.C.-First native-born Newfoundlander<br />
to win the Victoria Cross in any other than the Newfoundland<br />
anned forces-Canadians, 1917.<br />
PRIVATE JOHN CROKE, V.C.-Second native-born Newfoundlander to<br />
win. the Victoria Cross in any other than the Newfoundland anned<br />
forces-Canadians, 1918.<br />
SIR WILLIAM F. COAKER-Founder of the first union of fishermen in<br />
Newfoundland.<br />
SIR WILFRED T. GHENFELL--Founder of the great social welfare<br />
movement in Northern Newfoundland and Labrador. Living.<br />
PAMELA SIMS-The beautiful fisher lass of Fogo who became the bride<br />
of the Irish patriot Lord Edward Fitzgerald.<br />
Three Newfoundlanders who became Admirals in the British Navy.<br />
GENERAL SIR HENRY PYNN-First native-born Newfoundlander to<br />
become a General and a Knight.<br />
GENERAL SIR JOHN SHEA-The only living Newfoundland General.<br />
HAMILTON KING-He became American Minister to Siam.<br />
ARCHBISHOP PHELPS-He was Primate of South Africa.<br />
BISHOP PINKHAM-First Newfoundlander to become a Bishop<br />
Western Canada.<br />
BISHOP GEORGE ANDERSON WELLS-Protestant Chaplain-General<br />
of the Canadian anned forcesJ Living.<br />
SIR CHARLES EDMUND FOX-He was Chief Justice of Upper<br />
Bunna.<br />
SIR EDWARD JACKSON-He is Governor of Malta.<br />
SIR WILFRED JACKSON-Governor of British Guiana.<br />
SENATOR WILLIAM DUFF-Member of the Senate of Canada. Living.<br />
JOHN MURRAY ANDERSON-One of America's leading theatrical<br />
producers. Living.
International Association of Machinists, Local No. M.237 St. Jalrn's<br />
Brotherhood Railway Cannen of America, No. 669 , R.__•• U<br />
Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, No. 443 _... . M "N'.<br />
No. 551... _ Port-aux-Basques<br />
No. 946 .Argentia<br />
No. 287 St. John'.<br />
Internl B'Hood Electrical Workers, No. 512 Grand Falls<br />
The Organization has made excellent progress since its inception<br />
and continues to grow both in strength and numbers, and it is a truly<br />
representative body of trade unions with a membership of over 7000 adherents.<br />
The following trade unions are not affiliated to the Federation:<br />
Newfoundland Lumbermen's Association.<br />
Newfoundland Labourers' Union.<br />
Central Loggers' Union.<br />
'Longshoremen's Protective Union.<br />
St. John's Journeymen Coopers' Union.<br />
Marine Engineers' Association.<br />
Truckmen's Protective Union.<br />
Seal Skinners' Union.<br />
Fishermen's Protective Union.<br />
These organizations have a combined membership of not less than<br />
15,000.<br />
Year for which elected Name<br />
1904 ...... . ......Sidney M. Herbert<br />
1905...... .. .Herbert Bond<br />
1906 .. .J. J. Penney<br />
1907 .. Harry A. Winter<br />
1908 _... .. John B. Mitchell<br />
1909 ...... ...... ...... ...... .. .John G. Higgins<br />
1910 .. Robert H. Tait<br />
1911 _ J. E. J. Fox<br />
1912 . P. V. Curtis<br />
1913 . G. H. Hayward<br />
1914 . .. E. H. M. Crawford<br />
1915...... .. _ W. C. Forbes<br />
1916...... .. ,M. M. Hollett<br />
1917...... .. .H. S. Knight<br />
1918...... . .. W. J. Browne<br />
1919...... . .. W. G. Guy<br />
1920 .. .E. L. Ashbourne<br />
1921 _ _ S. P. Young<br />
1922 "_ .R. H. LeMessurier<br />
1923 C. J. F. Parsons<br />
1924...... .. _ , Gerald White
St. Michael's _... . Rev. T. Greavett, Rector<br />
Topsail ..... ......Rev. W. A. Butler<br />
Bell Island:-Rev. N. S. Noel, Rector; Rev. M .C. M. Jones, Curate.<br />
Foxtrap . . _ Rev. Heber Gosse<br />
Petty Harbour...... . Rev. F. Severn<br />
Portugal Cove _ Rev. A. T. Tulk, R.D.<br />
Pouch Cove. .....• . Rev. I. Parsons<br />
Non-Parochial:-Rev. Canon G. H. Bolt, M.A., D.C.L.j Rev. A.<br />
Shorter, Rev. J. T. Hiscock, B.A., Rev. Canon J. A. Meaden"<br />
M.A., Rev. F. Buffett, M.A., Rev. E. J. Simpson, M.A.<br />
Deanery of Conception Bay:-Rev. Canon E. E. Rusted, Rural Dean.<br />
Brigus and Salmon Cove Rev. G. Gruchy<br />
Port de Grave -1 _ Rev. R. Farwell<br />
Bay Roberts ...... Rev. H. Torraville, L.Th.<br />
Spaniard's Bay Rev. E. Hun,t<br />
Upper Island Cove .. .Rev. G. Camp<br />
Harbour Grace .. .. .Rev. H. F"I Kirby<br />
Carbonear ......Rev. Canon E. E. Rusted, RD.<br />
Non-Parochial _. _ .Rev. W. Bugden<br />
Deanery of Trinity Bay:-Rev. H. W. Facey, B.A., Rural Dean.<br />
Heart's Content-Rev. H. W. Facey, R.D., Canon F. Smart (Retired)<br />
Heart's Delight "I" .. Rev. J. E. Morgan<br />
New Harbour..... ......Rev. W. E. R. Cracknell<br />
Wllitbourne. . .......•....Rev. S. R. Shepherd. Rev. J. Bull (Retired)<br />
Random _ _Rev James Pike<br />
Smith's Sound , . Rev. J. W. Buckwell<br />
Bay de Verde...... .. __,""Rev. W. E. Brown<br />
Df"anery of 130navista Bay:-Rev. R. F. Mercer, Rural Dean.<br />
Bonavista:-Rev. L. Norman, L.Th., Reetor; Rev. G. Fowlow,<br />
Curate.<br />
Catalina...... .. . Rev. R. F. Mercer, R.D.<br />
King's Cove...... ...... Rev. S. G. Spurrell, Rev. Ll. Godden (Retired<br />
Salvage...... . . Rev. E. Fowlow<br />
Brooklyn .. .Rev. E. D. Wills<br />
Greenspond . .. Rev. F. Kirby, Rev. J. L. Quinton<br />
Badger's Quay and Newtown...... ......Rev. W. Wells<br />
Trinity _... . Rev. M. Andrews<br />
Trinity East _ Rev. F. Hollands, RD., Rev. E. T. Parsons<br />
Deanery of Notre Dame Bay:-Rev. E. M. Bishop, L.Th., Rural Dean.<br />
Barr'd Island and Joe Batt'& Arm Rev. R S. Sheppard<br />
Fogo _ RevJ I. Butler<br />
Change Islands _ _ . Rev. R. O. Davies<br />
Herring Neck .. . Rev. D. C. Noel<br />
Twillingate .. _ Rev. J. Goodland, L.Th.<br />
Exploits and Tilt Cove_.••_.•.__ _ _ _Rev. W. H. B. Gill<br />
Botwood __ _ _ Rev. W. H. Chard
L.Th., Sir William Horwood, C.J., Sir John R. Bennett, L. C. Outerbridge,<br />
St. Francis, Outer Cove M ••••••••••••••••••••Rev. D. O'Callaghan, P.P.<br />
St. Joseph's, Salmonier Rev. J. M. Enright, P.P.<br />
St. Kyran's ......Rev. A. Nolan, P.P.<br />
St. Lawrence _.. M M ••••••••••••_ 'Mo••Rev. A. Thorne, P.P" Rev. M. Connolly<br />
St. Mary's Rev. J. M. McGettigan, P.P.<br />
St. Teresa's, Mundy Pond.... ......Rev. B. A. Summers, P.P.<br />
St. Vincent's _ n M ••••Rev. G. W. Battcock, P.P.<br />
Topsail..... . Rev. R. A. St. John, P.P.<br />
Torbay _... . _" __.., _Rev. J. J. Greene, Ph.D., P.P.<br />
Tor's Cove Rev. J. Coady, P.P.<br />
Trepassey...... . Rev. E. J. Wilson, P.P.<br />
Whittle'. Bay _... . .Rev. T. J. Gough, P.P.<br />
St. Michael's Orphanage, Belvedere: Chaplain.... ......Rev. L. A. Fortune<br />
Established in 1856.<br />
Comprises the North east portion of Newfoundland and Labrador.<br />
See vacant at present.<br />
Former Prelates:-Rt. Rev. Bishop Dalton 1856 to 1869.<br />
Rt. Rev. Bishop Carfagnini 1870 to 1880.<br />
Rt. Rev. Bishop McDonald 1881 to 1906.<br />
Rt. Rev. Bishop March 1906 to 1940.<br />
Hr. Grace (Bishop, when there is one), Rev. J. M. O'Neill, D.O., Rev.<br />
F. P. Meaney.<br />
Avondale:-Rev. John S. Kavanagh, P.P.<br />
Bay de Verde:-Rev. John P. Mackey, P.P.<br />
Bishop's FalIs:-Rev. James A. Hinchey, P.P.<br />
Eonavista:-Rev. Jeremiah Howard. P.P.<br />
Brigns:-Right Rev. Msgr. Joseph Murphy, P.P., LL.D.<br />
Buchans:-Rev. T. D. O'Neill, P.P.<br />
Carbonear:-Rt. Rev. Msgr. F. D. McCarthy, P.P., Rev. W. P. WalJ5h,<br />
C.C. •<br />
Coachman's Cove:-Rev. Joseph P. Hogan, Administrator.<br />
Conception Harbour:-Rev. John S. Scully, P.P.<br />
Conche:-Rev. W. J. Williams, P.P.<br />
Fortune Harbour:-Rev. W. H. Casey, P.P.<br />
Gambo:-Rev. W. T. Cullen, P.P.<br />
Grand Falls:-Rev. William Finn, P.P., Rev. P. McCarthy, C.C.<br />
Harbour Main:-Rev. M. P. Dwyer, P.P.<br />
Holyrood:-Rev. Joseph Peddle, Adm.<br />
King's Cove:-Rev. William McC. Murphy, P.P.<br />
Little Bay:-Attended from Fortune Harbour.<br />
Northern Bay:-RevJ Edward J. O'Brien, P.P.<br />
North River:-Rev. M. F. Dinn, B.A., P.P.<br />
St. Brendan's:-Rev. Nicholas Fitzgerald, P.P.<br />
Tilting:-Rev. E. J. Jones, D.D., P.P.
Trinity:-Rev. Michael Kinsella, Adm.<br />
The Labrador Missions are attended each summer by a priest from Harbour<br />
Grace. The Indian Missions of Labrador are attended by Rev.<br />
E. J. O'Brien.<br />
Bishop 24 Priests 44 Churches 6 Convents<br />
115 Catholic Schools Catholic Population 24,000<br />
St. George's:-His Excellency H. T. Renouf, D.D., Rev. L. G. Drake.<br />
Petries:-Rev. Michael Brosnan, P.P.<br />
Corner Brook:--Rev. F. B. Coffey, C.S.S.R., P.P.<br />
Port Saunders:-Rev. Michael Hayes.<br />
Cape St. George:-Rev. R. J. Greene.<br />
Searston:-Rt. Rev. Msgr. A. Sears, P.P., V.G.<br />
St. Teresa's:-Rev. R. J. Kennedy, P.P.<br />
Stephenville Crossing:-Rev. J. C. Stoyles, P.P.<br />
Stephenville:-Rev. W. Brennan, P.P.<br />
Port au Port:-Rev. J. F. Kerwin, P.P.<br />
Lourdes:-Rev. M. O'Reilly, P.P.<br />
St. Jacques:-Rev. J. F. Curran, P.P.<br />
Harbour Breton:-Rev. J. Nixon, P.P.<br />
St. Alban's:-Rev. S. St. Croix, P.P.<br />
For St. Bonaventure's College see page 230.....<br />
President Rev. A. Roland Baggs, Grand Bank<br />
Secretary Rev. S. I. Murley, B.A., Bonavista<br />
Asst. Secretary _ w _ •••.Rev. W. B. Perry, B.A., Botwood<br />
Journal Secretary and Assistants:-Rev. J. T. Clarke, B.A., Hant's Hr.<br />
Rev. L. A. D. Curtis, B.A., RD., Lower Island Cove; Rev. Stephen<br />
SpurrelI, Pouch Cove.<br />
Treasurer<br />
Secretary of Settlement Committee:-Rev. S. I. Murley, B.A., Bonavista.<br />
Field Secretary of Christian Education and Superintendent of Missions:<br />
-Rev. H. M. Dawe, B.A., B.D., St. John's.<br />
Reporter to United Church Observer:-Rev. H. M. Dawe, B.A., B.D.<br />
Rev. A. R.. Baggs, Rev. S. I. Murley, Rev. F. J. Annitage, B.A.,; Rev. A.<br />
A. Rogers, B.A., B.D.; Rev. J. E. Bell, B.A.; Rev. E. C. Knowles,<br />
M.A., B.D.; Rev. H. M. Dawe, B.A., B.D.; Rev. S. G. Garland, M.A.,<br />
B.D.; Rev E. Moore, Rev. J. E. Peters, M.A.; Messrs. George Peters,<br />
Frank Penney, W. H. Pike, R. Cross, Arthur Mews, C.M.G., George<br />
Soper, Hon. J. S. Currie, Hon. Sir John C. Puddester; the Chainnen<br />
of Presbyteries.
Little Bay Islands -Adjutant E. Stanley<br />
Lushes Bight Captain and Mrs. R. Cole<br />
Pilley's Island -Adjutant and Mrs. J. Thorne<br />
Springdale -Adjutant and Mrs. W. Pike<br />
Triton -Adjutant and Mrs. G. Wheeler<br />
Bridgeport- _. _ •._ • Capt. and Mrs. Harvey Legge<br />
Summerford. .M ._M M ._Lieut. Reta Howell<br />
Carter's Cove ._.. _.OM M....._. __ •• • _ .-J __ .. . .Lieut. J. Monk<br />
Change Islands .•..•........_ . ... ...Adjutant and Mrs. B. Evans<br />
Cottle's Island .._ ._ _ . . . Capt. H. Pilgrim<br />
Herring Neck _ . Lieut. Ethel Canning<br />
Horwood _ Capt. and Mrs. Geo. Hickman<br />
Moreton's Harbour_ . . Capt. and Mrs. Clarence Rendell<br />
Twillingate..•.._ .....•... •......._.._.. _.._ -Adjt. and Mrs. A. J. Rideout<br />
Cannanville Capt. and Mrs. L. Barnes<br />
Doting Cove Capt. and Mrs. P. Piercey<br />
Gooseberry Island Capt. V. Johnson<br />
Greenspond -Adjutant and Mrs. S. Squires<br />
"Port Nelson -' Cadet Anetta Vardy<br />
Newport Capt.MyraMouland<br />
Wesleyville -.Major and Mrs. J. Anthony, Lieut. A. Pitcher
Flat Islands, Bonavista District ..<br />
Grand River, Hamilton Inlet _.."<br />
Little River, Burgeo and LaPoile .<br />
Riverhead, White Bay .<br />
Sandy Point, Smith's Sound, Trinity Bay .<br />
Rattling Brook, St. George's Bay<br />
Northern Bight, Random Sound, T. Bay .....<br />
Harcourt, Somerset, Trinity Bay .._...<br />
Dog Bay, Fogo District ..<br />
Riverhead, Bay of Islands .<br />
Wood's' Island, Bay St. George .<br />
Fox Island, Fortune District .<br />
Ram's Island, Placentia Bay .<br />
Island Cove, near Delight, Trinity Bay .<br />
Old Tilt, Trinity Bay .<br />
Queenstown, Fogo District<br />
Mussel Harbor Arm, P.B.; .....<br />
Upper Small Point, Bay de Verde<br />
Lance Cove North, near Elliston, Trinity B.<br />
Railway Station and neighborhood, Goose<br />
Bay.<br />
Lewisporte, Notre Dame District ....<br />
Northwest Ann, Trinity<br />
Long Cove, S.W. Arm, Random, Trinity B.<br />
Murphy's' Cove, District St. Barbe.<br />
Cat Harbor, District of Fogo .....<br />
Ragged Harbor, Trinity District<br />
Turk's Gut, Brigus .<br />
Klng's Cove, Trinity District .<br />
Upper and Middle Rocky Brook, Smith's<br />
Sound, Trinity Bay .<br />
Lynch's Cove, Conne River, Fortune Bay....<br />
Russell's Cove, Trinity District ....<br />
Seal Cove, Trinity District .<br />
New Harbor, Bonavista Bay ..<br />
New Harbor, Notre Dame Bay<br />
New Harbor, St. Barbe District.<br />
Backlands, Bay St. George ..<br />
North West Ann, New Bay, Twillingate D.<br />
Marble Mountain, St. George's .<br />
Little Beaver Cove, Twillingate Dist .<br />
Loo Cove, B. B.<br />
Ship Cove and Robin Hood, Trinity Bay.<br />
Gravels, Bay St. George ..<br />
Lance Cove, Smith's Sound, Trinity Bay.<br />
Portugal Cove, Trepassey Bay...... ...........<br />
Newtown, Sunday Cove Is., Twillingate D.<br />
Sibley's' Cove, District of Placentia ..<br />
Flat Islands<br />
Gillisport<br />
Grey River<br />
Hampden<br />
Harcourt<br />
Heatherton<br />
Hillview<br />
Hollingside<br />
Horwood<br />
Hurnbermouth<br />
Innishara<br />
Isle Galet<br />
lona<br />
Islington<br />
Ivanhoe<br />
Joe Batt's Arm<br />
Kingwell<br />
Kingston<br />
Lancaster<br />
Lethbridge<br />
Lewisporte<br />
Lockston<br />
Loreburn<br />
Lomond<br />
Lumsden<br />
Melrose<br />
Marysvale<br />
Milton<br />
Monroe<br />
Morison<br />
New Melbourne<br />
New Chelsea<br />
Newport<br />
Newstead<br />
Norton<br />
O'Regan<br />
Osmonton<br />
Patricia Mountain<br />
Port Albert<br />
Port Nelson<br />
Port Rexton<br />
Port au Port<br />
Petley<br />
Portugal Cove,S.<br />
Port Anson<br />
Seal Cove, Bonavista Bay<br />
Ragged Harbor, District of Fogo .<br />
Ha Ha in Ha Ha Bay, St. Barbe District....<br />
Lower Gullies, District Harhor Main .<br />
Seal Cove, near Stephenville Crossing ..<br />
Mother Hicks, CaUnet Island, St. M. Bay....<br />
Fox Harbor, Random, Trinity Bay _<br />
Ship Cove, Bay d'Espoir, Fortune Bay<br />
Fox Harbor, Fortune Bay,..<br />
Scissor's Cove, Notre Dame Bay<br />
Caplin Cove, Ferryland District<br />
Broad Cove, St" John's West ..<br />
Grand River Gut, Codroy Valley ..<br />
Birchville, District of Twillingate<br />
Spaniard's Bay, Trinity District .<br />
Indian Ann, Bonavista Bay .<br />
Little River Section and Station, Codroy,<br />
Bay St. George .<br />
Horse Cove, Harbor Main _ ..<br />
Holyrood, Placentia and St. Marys ..<br />
Broad Cove, Smith's Sound, Trinity Bay.<br />
Fanner's Ann, Dildo Run, N. D. Bay<br />
Piper's Hole, Placentia Bay .<br />
Tilton Harbor, Fogo<br />
Toad's Cove, Bonavista Bay ......<br />
Fox Cove, Bonavista Bay.. . _ .<br />
Collier's Bay Cove, District of Trinity .<br />
Shoal Bay, Bonavista Bay ..<br />
Daniel's Cove, Smith's Sound, Trinity Bay<br />
Northwest Ann, Sweet Bay, Bonavista B.....<br />
Greenspond, White Bay, St. Barbe.<br />
Western Cove, White Bay .....<br />
'Witless Bay, Trinity Bay<br />
Scilly Cove, Trinity Bay.<br />
Mud Cove, West Burin.<br />
South West Pacquet, District St. Barbe.<br />
Broom's Bottom, District of St. George's, to<br />
be regarded as part of York Harbor,<br />
and in future both these settlements to<br />
be known by the latter name .<br />
Boat Harbor, N.E., Placentia West .....<br />
Bank Head, Bay St. George .<br />
Boyd's Cove, Friday's Bay, Twillingate D.....<br />
South Dildo, Trinity Bay South ...<br />
A settlement in Alexis Bay ,Labrador Named<br />
A settlement near South Brook, Humber<br />
District ...... M"M ...... M"M •<br />
Princeton<br />
Pinsent<br />
Raleigh<br />
Riverdale<br />
Rothsay<br />
Regina<br />
Southport<br />
St. Alban's<br />
St. Bernard's<br />
Stanhope<br />
St. Michael's<br />
St. Phillip's<br />
Searston<br />
Springdale East<br />
Spaniard's Cove<br />
Summerville<br />
St. Andrew's<br />
St. Thomas<br />
St. Vincent<br />
Somerset<br />
Sununerford<br />
Swift Current<br />
Tilting<br />
Tor's Cove<br />
Templeman<br />
Thornlea<br />
Wellington<br />
Waterville<br />
Winterbrook<br />
Williamsport<br />
Westport<br />
Whiteway<br />
Winterton<br />
Wandsworth<br />
Woodstock<br />
York Harbor<br />
Brookside<br />
St. Teresa<br />
Fairbank<br />
Avenue River<br />
Port Hope Simpson<br />
A settlement at R.R. Mile 213, West of St. Named Nftd. Airport<br />
John's<br />
Seal Cove, Friday's Bay, Twillingate Dis. .... Renamed Hillgrade<br />
Grand Falls Station II Windsor<br />
St. John's ...... 39,886 Carbonear.... 3,367<br />
Corner Brook.... 6,374 Twillingate 3,203<br />
Bell Island.... 6,157 Burin. 2,637<br />
Grand Falls (with Windsor) 5,691 Harbor Grace... 2,215<br />
Bonavista .......................... 4,022 Grand Bank. 2,209<br />
St. John's<br />
Ferryland<br />
Harbour Grace<br />
Trepassey<br />
Bonavista<br />
Greenspond<br />
Placentia<br />
Twillingate<br />
Petty Harbour<br />
Bay Bulls<br />
Carbonear<br />
Old Perlican<br />
Trinity<br />
Catalina<br />
Fogo<br />
St. Mary's<br />
BAPTIST COVE.-East side New Bay peninsula, N. D. Bay.<br />
BLACK JOKE COVE.-On Belle Isle, Straits of Belle Isle.<br />
BREAD AND CHEESE.-Toward the head of Placentia Bay.<br />
BUMBLE BEE BIGHT.-On PIlley's Island, N. D. Bay.<br />
COAL ALL.-Island in Dildo Run, N.D. Bay.<br />
COCK AND HEN COVE.-Head of Bay d'Espoir.<br />
COME BY CHANCE.-At the head of Placentia Bay.<br />
DOG PEN.-Near Brig Bay, St. Barbe coast.<br />
FAIR AND FALSE.-In Eastport Bay, B.B.<br />
GOD ALMIGHTY COVE.-In Trinity, Trinity Bay.<br />
HARBOR HARBOR-West Coast.<br />
HARBOR MY GOD-Fortune Bay.<br />
HEART'S CONTENT.-In Trinity Bay.<br />
HEART'S DELIGHT.-In Trinity Bay.<br />
HEART'S DESIRE.-In Trinity Bay.<br />
HOLE IN THE WALL.-Red Island, P.B.<br />
JACK 0' CLUBS.-Port au Port peninsula.<br />
LION'S DEN.--On Fogo Island.<br />
LORD AND LADY.-Fortune Bay.<br />
MILLION COVE.-Near St. Julien's, French Shore.<br />
MILORD COVE.-Bay of Exploits, N.D. Bay.<br />
MISERY POINT.-Belle Isle, Straits of Belle Isle.
Millertown<br />
Oderin<br />
Old Perlican<br />
Port aux Basques<br />
Port au Port<br />
Port Saunders<br />
Port Union<br />
Pushthrough<br />
Ramea<br />
Rose Blanche<br />
St. Anthony<br />
St. George's<br />
St. Lawrence<br />
St. Mary's<br />
Trepassey<br />
Twillingate<br />
Whitbourne<br />
Wood's Island<br />
Following is a list of the settlements from which, in 1939, fishing<br />
schooners sailed to Labrador, with number of schooners indicated:<br />
Musgrave Harbor 3<br />
New Perlican . 1<br />
Newtown 3<br />
Nipper's Harbor 1<br />
Noggin Cove 2<br />
Old Bonaventure...... 2<br />
Old Perlican 1<br />
Pilley's Island 4<br />
Port Nelson M 1<br />
Port Rexton 5<br />
Port Union...... 3<br />
Pound Cove 1<br />
Red Cliffe 1<br />
Safe Harbor. 2<br />
St. Anthony 1<br />
St. Brendan's ,.. 9<br />
St. Chad's 1<br />
St. Jones Without 3<br />
Salvage _ 7<br />
Sandy Cove 2<br />
Seldom Come By.... 1<br />
Silver Hair Island.... 2<br />
Springdale....... 1<br />
Stag Harbor . 2<br />
Summerford 4<br />
Summerville.... 2<br />
Sunnyside ...._ . 1<br />
Sweet Bay.. 1<br />
Tizzard's Harbor .. 1<br />
Trinity East 4<br />
Triton ...._. 2<br />
Twillingate _..... . 13<br />
Valleyfield _ 4<br />
Wesleyville _ _ 17<br />
Western Bay.... 1<br />
Winter Brook 1<br />
Badger's Quay_ 9<br />
Bay Roberts 2<br />
Beaumont. 1<br />
Bonne Bay _ 2<br />
Bragg's Island 5<br />
Bridgeport 4<br />
Brigus _ 1<br />
Brookfield. 2<br />
Burnside 2<br />
Cannanville 1<br />
Catalina.... 4<br />
Chance Cove 2<br />
Change Islands . ...... 20<br />
Cottle's Island _.... 2<br />
Coward's Island ._... 1<br />
Cupids. 1<br />
Deer Island .. 1<br />
Eastport 2<br />
Fair Island 15<br />
Flat Islands 13<br />
Fogo.... 1<br />
Glovertown 4<br />
Goose Bay 1<br />
Greenspond 5<br />
Happy Adventure .. 2<br />
Herring Neck 5<br />
Hodge's Cove.. 1<br />
Indian Islands.... 2<br />
Island Cove ..._ "'H' H.... ...... ...... 1<br />
Kerley's Harbor 4<br />
Leading Tickles 1<br />
Little Bay Islands . 6<br />
Little Catalina..... .... 2<br />
Little Heart's Ease. . 1<br />
Long Island 1<br />
Lush's Bight 4<br />
Moreton's Harbor ...._ . 9
St. John's<br />
160 Burin<br />
215 Fortune<br />
Al'gentia<br />
50 Marystown<br />
64 Burin<br />
79 St. Lawrence<br />
124 Fortune<br />
129 Grand Bank<br />
148 Garnish<br />
162 Point Enragee<br />
175 St. Bernard's<br />
179 Bay L'Argent<br />
182 Little Bay East<br />
185 Hr. Mille<br />
193 Terrenceville<br />
200 English Hr. East<br />
210 Anderson's Cove<br />
218 Rencontre East<br />
St. John's<br />
60 C:ltalina<br />
89 King's Cove<br />
125 Wesleyville<br />
202 Twilling"te<br />
244 Litle Bay Islands<br />
275 LaScie<br />
287 Pacquet<br />
299 Coachman's Cove<br />
8.S. UBacalieu"<br />
220 Grand Bank<br />
245 English Hr. West<br />
630 Halifax<br />
S.S. "Burgeo"<br />
224 Lally Cove<br />
230 Bay du Nord<br />
232 Pool's Cove<br />
242 Belleoram<br />
246 St. Jacques<br />
250 English Hr. West<br />
253 Mase Ambrose<br />
266 Coomb's Cove<br />
270 Miller's Passage<br />
276 Little Bay West<br />
283 Jersey Harbor<br />
285 Hr. Breton<br />
304 Pass Island<br />
316 Hermitage<br />
319 Gaultois<br />
338 Conne River<br />
• Weather permitting<br />
S.S. "Northern Ranger"<br />
304 Fleur de Lys<br />
326 Seal Cove<br />
337 Western Arm<br />
343 Westport<br />
360 Hampden<br />
374 Sop's Arm<br />
380 Jackson's Arm<br />
420 Big Hr. Deep<br />
436 Williamsport<br />
Calling when sufficient<br />
freight offers:<br />
Hr. Buffett<br />
Marystown<br />
Belleoram<br />
Hr. Breton<br />
Gaultois<br />
Ramea<br />
Burgeo<br />
343 Milltown<br />
349 St. Alhan's<br />
369 Pushthorugh<br />
382 Richard's Harbor<br />
395 Rencontre West<br />
404 Francois<br />
413 Cape LaHune<br />
437 Ramea<br />
448 Burgeo<br />
478 Grand Bruit<br />
488 La Poile<br />
503 Rose Blanche<br />
513 Burnt Island><br />
517 Isle au Morts·<br />
523 Port aux Basques<br />
445 Hooping Hr.<br />
455 Canada Harbor<br />
458 Englee<br />
476 Grey Island<br />
490 Conche<br />
510 St. Julien's<br />
517 Fishot Island<br />
531 St. Anthony<br />
547 Griquet
559 Quirpon<br />
566 Ship Cove<br />
573 Raleigh<br />
579 Cook's Hr.<br />
633 Mary's Harbor<br />
643 Battle Harbor<br />
653 Cape St. Charles<br />
661 Chimney Tickle<br />
677 Henley Harbor<br />
679 Chateau<br />
709 Red Bay<br />
St. John's<br />
41 Brigus<br />
51 Bay Roberts<br />
66 Harbor Grace<br />
73 Carbonear<br />
127 Trinity<br />
148 Catalina<br />
195 Wesleyville<br />
272 Twillingate<br />
376 St. Anthony<br />
437 Battle Harbor<br />
447 Spear Hr.<br />
470 Port Hope Simpson<br />
490 Francis Harbor<br />
495 Fishing Ships Hr.<br />
500 Ship Harbor<br />
507 Occasional Hr.<br />
515 Square Islands<br />
520 Dead Island<br />
528 Snug Harbor<br />
St. John's<br />
62 Trinity<br />
86 Port Union<br />
87 Catalina<br />
116 King's Cove<br />
137 Eastport<br />
144 Flat Islands<br />
150 St. Brendan's<br />
153 Deer Island<br />
165 Indian Bay<br />
178 Greenspond<br />
*Fishing season only.<br />
723 West St. Modeste 858 Daniel's Hr.<br />
732 Lance au Loup 872 Parson's Pond<br />
740 Forteau 878 Cow Head<br />
757 Flower's' Cove 899 Rocky Harbor<br />
764 St. Barbe Bay 901 Lomond<br />
775 Brig Bay 906 Norris Point<br />
783 New Fen-ole 908 Bonne Bay<br />
793 Bartlett's Hr. 921 Trout River<br />
806 St. John's Is..Hr. 948 Lark Harbor<br />
816 Old Port au Choix 972 Curling<br />
828 Port Saunders 974 Humbermouth<br />
S.S. ''Kyle''<br />
535 Venison IsId.<br />
540 Hawk's Hr.<br />
548 Bolster's Rock<br />
553 Comfort Bight<br />
559 Frenchman's Is.<br />
561 Punch Bowl<br />
563 Webber's Cove<br />
566 Flat Islands<br />
569 Sandy Islands<br />
574 Ratteau<br />
578 Black Tickle<br />
583 Spotted Islands<br />
584 Domino<br />
589 Red Point'<br />
595 Indian Tickle<br />
602 Wolf Islands<br />
fi23 Black Islands<br />
626 Grady<br />
633 Long Island<br />
650 Cartwright<br />
668 Pack's Harbor<br />
696 George's Island<br />
703 Indian Island<br />
737 Rigolet<br />
783 Indian Hr.<br />
786 Smokey<br />
796 White Bears<br />
809 Emily Harbor<br />
810 Horse Harbor ..<br />
816 Holton<br />
840 Sloop Cove<br />
850 Cape Harrison<br />
858 Ragged Islands<br />
883 Long Tickle<br />
891 Iron Bound Isld.<br />
900 Makkovik<br />
909 Ailik<br />
914 Turnavik<br />
952 Hopedale<br />
8.S. "Sagona<br />
183 Valleyfield 272 Gander Bart<br />
188 Wesleyville 276 Victoriat<br />
207 Lumsden<br />
291 Horwoodt<br />
226 Offer Wadham* 306 Stag Harbor<br />
231 Peckford's Isld.* 309 Indian Island<br />
237 Musgrave Hr. 314 Seldom<br />
244 Ladle Cove 327 Tilting<br />
252 Carmanville 334 Joe Batt's Arm<br />
259 Fredericktont 339 Fogo<br />
269 Main Point (Big<br />
BightH<br />
tOne Way alternative.<br />
345 Change Islands
1930<br />
1931<br />
1932<br />
1933 .<br />
1934<br />
1930.<br />
1931<br />
1932<br />
1933<br />
1934 _.• _ .<br />
..................$26.233.817<br />
.................. 25.291,848<br />
............ 25.472.762<br />
............... 25.427,276<br />
...... 25,624.634<br />
205<br />
1935 ......................•..........$25.266.275<br />
1936 23.208.203<br />
1937 . . 23,822.865<br />
1938 . ... 24,426.214<br />
.........$ 797.547<br />
731.319<br />
680,510<br />
683.625<br />
895,464<br />
Statement of Business Failures<br />
1935.... 900,331<br />
1936 1,028,334<br />
1937 1.126,320<br />
1938 1,321.256<br />
1939 . 1,309.687<br />
Year Number Liabilities Deficits<br />
1922 79 $2.106,975 $1.343.042<br />
1923...... .............w ......... 70 3.963.636 2.394.556<br />
1924 ........................ 48 1,886.544 1,400.245<br />
1925.... 45 467.045 338.068<br />
1926 ., ....................... 52 697.409 503,843<br />
1927.... ........................... 56 822,826 669.252<br />
1928 31 560,155 219.095<br />
1929 42 146.519 101.212<br />
1930...... 52 1.628.315 994.358<br />
1931.... 60 630,147 419.709<br />
1932....... ........................ 62 1.675.003 1.161.572<br />
1933............ .......................... 49 347,732 248.566<br />
1934....... ............................._. 39 373.243 258.297<br />
1935 32 504.404 391.504<br />
1936...... ... ...... ...... ...... ..... 31 309,435 225.406<br />
1937...•...........•...... 20 100.080 78.657<br />
1938 ....................... 19 139,576 115.891<br />
1939 ................................. 26 146,225 105,566<br />
NOTE: In the above statement, liabilities are taken from statements<br />
filed in the Court, or submitted at meetings of creditors.
(Bell Island, Iron Ore; Buchans, Lead-zinc-copper Concentrates; gold,<br />
Silver.)<br />
Bell Island Buchans Total<br />
1929 $ 2,221,610 $ 1,900,418 $ 4,122,028<br />
1930 4,539,391...... 951,394 ._. 5,490,785<br />
19n 2,688,763 1,011,315 __ _ ...... 3,700,077<br />
1932 1,299,035 1,195,469._ _... 2,494,504<br />
1933 536,127...... 2,481,631 _ 3,017,758<br />
1934 972,234 1,841,716 2,813,950<br />
1935 1,735,539 . 3,186,609 4,922,148<br />
1936. 2,250,761...... 3,655,981...... 5,906,742<br />
1937 2,470,295 5,577,932 8,048,218<br />
1938 4,476,623 ...... ...... ...... 3,920,803 8,397,426<br />
1939 .. 4,481,989 .. 4,150,198 . 8,632,187<br />
$27,672,367 $29,873,465 $57,545,823<br />
(Railway and Coastal Boats)<br />
Passengers<br />
220,562<br />
191,085<br />
115,872<br />
112,819<br />
127,397<br />
142,405<br />
...... 142,496 .<br />
161,852<br />
183,216<br />
146,130<br />
1930<br />
1931 .<br />
1932<br />
1933<br />
1934 .<br />
1935<br />
1936<br />
1937<br />
1938<br />
W39<br />
Tons<br />
426,855<br />
351,225<br />
249,870<br />
312,720<br />
335,730<br />
345,210<br />
405,615<br />
424,380<br />
511,710<br />
370,900<br />
(Under Merchant Shipping Act, 1894.)'<br />
Sailing Vessels Steamships Motor Vessels Total<br />
Year No. No. No. No.<br />
1932 2179 79 204 2462<br />
1933 2001 75 215 J 2291<br />
1934 1970 . 73 229 2272<br />
1935 , 2065 72 247 ' 2384<br />
1936 ., 1987\ 66 319 , 2372<br />
1937 1907 , 68 , 353 , 2328<br />
1938 1849 65 410 , 2324
1934<br />
1935 .<br />
1936 .<br />
1937 .<br />
1938<br />
1939 .<br />
11,805 . 6,001 ....•..........•......<br />
8,005 7,791 , •................<br />
20,006 . 6,575 .•......__...•._<br />
27,115 8,206 ..._ •....•..••....<br />
24,130 7,480 ....•..........•<br />
34,932 6,930 ....•..._ ..._ •....<br />
300,050<br />
389,550<br />
328,750<br />
410,300<br />
374,000<br />
346,500<br />
$ 193,861 75,649 $3,782,450<br />
.. This refers to expenditures within Newfoundland. Estimated at $50<br />
per tourist.<br />
......$<br />
Aerated Waters.._<br />
Biscuits and Bread.<br />
Rreweries _ M"_ _ ..<br />
Brick<br />
Boots and Shoes ...<br />
Bed Furnishings<br />
Butter<br />
Cans and Tins .<br />
Clothing....<br />
Carriages and Sleighs, etc....<br />
Confectionery, Jams, etc.<br />
Chemicals, Drugs .<br />
Cordage, Nets and Twines....<br />
Cooperage, Tubs, etc ..<br />
Foundaries<br />
Flowers<br />
Furniture _ , __ _ .<br />
Gas .._ .<br />
Ice Cream<br />
Leather Wares<br />
Lime _ .._ _<br />
Machinery, Castings .<br />
Monumental and Ornamental Stone...<br />
Nails, Wire and Cut. ..<br />
Faints and Oiled Clothing<br />
Printing .<br />
Pulp and Paper.....<br />
Sausages and Cooked Meats .<br />
Tobacco _ 'M'" _ _ _ .<br />
'fin and Sheet MetaL .<br />
Woollen Goods...<br />
Woodworking<br />
1938<br />
150,000<br />
750,000<br />
150,000<br />
30,000<br />
• 450,000<br />
20,000<br />
1,800,000<br />
75,000<br />
750,000<br />
80,000<br />
150,000<br />
50,000<br />
600,000<br />
85,000<br />
350,000<br />
30,000<br />
100,000<br />
85,000<br />
30,000<br />
10,000<br />
20,000<br />
250,000<br />
70,000<br />
150,000<br />
300,000<br />
600,000<br />
14,500,000<br />
35,000<br />
1,000,000<br />
100,000<br />
150,000<br />
700,000<br />
Total:...•............................ .................$ 22,945,000
(Census, 1935.)<br />
Bal{ers ..<br />
Barbers, Hairdressers .<br />
Blacksmiths ..<br />
Boile11l1akers .<br />
Bookkeepers, Cashiers ..<br />
Brick and Stone Masons<br />
Butchers<br />
Carpenters.<br />
Chauffeurs......<br />
Compositors, Printers ..<br />
Cooks.. . .<br />
Coopers ..<br />
Electricians and Wiremen ..<br />
Farmers.<br />
Fishermen (Cod) ..<br />
L'lbourel's, unskilled workmen, (not agricultural,<br />
mining or logging)....<br />
Locomotive Engineers ..<br />
Locomotive Firemen<br />
Loggers.... . .<br />
Longshoremen .<br />
Machinists<br />
Marine Engineers .<br />
Marine Firemen . .<br />
l\J.cchanics .. .<br />
Miners, Lead and Zinc, Iron, etc..<br />
Painters, Decorators.<br />
Plumbers, steamfitters<br />
Railway, conductors.<br />
Salesmen....<br />
Sheet Metal Workers, tinsmiths ..<br />
Stone Cutters and dressers.<br />
'failors ..<br />
Teachers, school '" R .<br />
Teamsters...._ ..._ ......<br />
Telegraph Operators .<br />
Truck Drivers<br />
Waiters, stewards _ _ .<br />
Bookkeepers, cashiers.<br />
Charworkers, cleaners .<br />
Persons Earnings<br />
116 70,208<br />
104 49,187<br />
244 114,661<br />
61 46,706<br />
253 252,261<br />
57 22,437<br />
123 61,422<br />
2,071 614,542<br />
87 35,494<br />
139 103,492<br />
412 155,199<br />
389 111,171<br />
217 260,890<br />
4,226 624,796<br />
35,018 4,545,110<br />
8,431 1,577,481<br />
72 78,599<br />
70 48,377<br />
4,471 812,300<br />
340 102,563<br />
186 163,236<br />
85 64,256<br />
80 32,353<br />
217 164,020<br />
1,135 521,951<br />
181 90,841<br />
83 74,473<br />
51 37,362<br />
1,447 793,062<br />
94 55,763<br />
19 9,040<br />
82 48,040<br />
650 231,532<br />
255 116,633<br />
141 82,528<br />
228 103,437<br />
151 66,438<br />
Persons Earnings<br />
116 55,599<br />
114 14,921
Axea of<br />
Holdings<br />
St. Georges Port au Port<br />
59.434<br />
Humber .<br />
17.718<br />
Harbor Main-Bell Island M _ ..<br />
16.469<br />
St. John's East.<br />
11,395<br />
:.It. John's West ......<br />
11.152<br />
Trinity South<br />
10.623<br />
Bonavista South<br />
8.227<br />
Trinity North M.<br />
• __ _ 7.764<br />
Grand Falls .<br />
.. _ ..._ 7.172<br />
Carbonear .. Bay de Verde<br />
6.189<br />
Port de Grave ,_ ..<br />
6.625<br />
Placentia and St. Marys<br />
6.324<br />
Twillingate _.... . _ .. 5,619<br />
St. Barbe_... ..•• _ _.• _ _ .. 5.059<br />
Green Bay...... . .. 4.808<br />
Ferryland . .. 4.775<br />
Harbor Grace _ _ _ .. 4.603<br />
White Bay...... .. .. 4.044<br />
Fogo...... .. . _ __ . 3.972<br />
Burin.... . _ . 3.641<br />
Bonavista North . _ . 3.036<br />
Fortune -Hennitage ..<br />
2.856<br />
Placentia West . . 2.811<br />
Labrador_....<br />
607<br />
Burgeo and LaPoile<br />
539<br />
St. John's East _<br />
St. John's West. ..<br />
Total 1935 ......<br />
1921<br />
1911<br />
Acres<br />
Improved<br />
10.225<br />
2.282<br />
5,647<br />
3.449<br />
3.010<br />
2,006<br />
3.1'l4<br />
3.978<br />
1.677<br />
3.949<br />
2.825<br />
3.722<br />
2,889<br />
3.076<br />
2.520<br />
2.952<br />
2.223<br />
2.337<br />
2.146<br />
2.234<br />
1.185<br />
1.940<br />
1.799<br />
43<br />
394<br />
17.916<br />
21,970<br />
39,886<br />
36.444<br />
32.292<br />
Increases<br />
% since 1921<br />
Roman Catholic....<br />
Church of England .....<br />
United Church...<br />
Salvation Anny<br />
PentecostaL _...<br />
...... 93.925 32.5 8.5<br />
.. 92.709 32.0 9.5<br />
.. 76.134 26.3.............. 2.6<br />
.. 18.054 6.2. .. 38.6<br />
..... .._. 3.721....._ ..._ ......_ 1.3_...._ _... .._
Bankers. 55 (5,714 tons)<br />
Western Boats 300 (5,389 tons)<br />
No. of Dories .. 18,449<br />
Motor Dories...... 909<br />
Motor Boats...... 9,685<br />
Fishing Schooners .. . 612 (22,899 tons)<br />
Auxiliary Schooners _ "'M, ••••M ".__••••••••• _... 224 (7,396 tons)<br />
Codtraps 5,285<br />
Cod Nets ...... ... 9,463<br />
Salmon Traps 543<br />
Salmon Nets 11,415<br />
Salmon Drift Nets 141<br />
Herring Nets.... 13,326<br />
Herring Seines M _ 452<br />
Caplin Seines.... 1,339<br />
Value of Fishing Equipment $5,569,041<br />
Fishing Rooms. 13,202<br />
Value. ... $1,111,490<br />
Total Number of Vessels engaged in Fishery 1,317<br />
Total Males catching Codfish, 1911, 43,795; 1921, 40,511; 1935, 35,018.<br />
Empire State, N. Y., U. S. A..<br />
Chrysler Building, N. Y., U. S. A.<br />
Bank of Manhattan, N. Y., U. SJ A..<br />
Woolworth's, New York, U. S. A .<br />
Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt. .<br />
Salisbury Cathedral (Spire), England<br />
St. Paul's Cathedral (Cross) England .........<br />
These are generally enumerated<br />
as follows:<br />
The Pyramids.<br />
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.<br />
The Tomb of Mausolus.<br />
The Temple of Diana at Ephesus.<br />
The Colossus of Rhodes.<br />
The Statue of Jupiter by Phidias.<br />
The Pharos (lighthouse) of<br />
Alexandria.<br />
••• ...........J<br />
Feet<br />
1,248<br />
1,030<br />
838<br />
792<br />
450<br />
404<br />
365<br />
WORLD<br />
(Mother Tongues)<br />
Language.<br />
English<br />
Russian<br />
Gennan....<br />
French.<br />
Portuguese h .<br />
Spanish _ ..<br />
Italian ,_<br />
People.<br />
.. 180,000,000<br />
.. 140,000,000<br />
80,000,000<br />
70,000,000<br />
60,000,000<br />
50,000,000<br />
Cubic or Solid Measure<br />
1,728 cubic inches ..<br />
27 cubic feet.<br />
128 cubic feet .<br />
1 cubic foot<br />
1 cubic yard<br />
1 cord<br />
Liquid Measure<br />
4 gills . _.... ..._. 1 pint<br />
2 pints 1 quart<br />
4 quarts . 1 gallon<br />
A cubic foot of water weighs almost 1,000 ounces (62.321 Ibs.) and<br />
contains almost 6+i gallons.<br />
Angular Measure<br />
60 seconds (")<br />
60 minutes (') .<br />
90 degrees (0) _ .<br />
Apothecaries Measure for Fluids<br />
60 minims "w .<br />
8 fluid drms. . .<br />
20 fluid ounces .<br />
1 minute, or l'<br />
1 degree, or 1 0<br />
1 right angle<br />
1 fluid drachm<br />
1 fluid ounce<br />
1 pint<br />
Troy Weight, for Gold, Silver and Jewels.<br />
24 grains _.. . 1 pennyweight<br />
20 dwts. . 1 ounce<br />
480 grains . 1 ounce<br />
A carat is 200 m'grams 3.0865 gr.<br />
Measures of Time<br />
60 seconds 1 minute<br />
60 minutes 1 hour<br />
24 hours 1 day<br />
7 days 1 week<br />
62 weeks 1 year<br />
12 months _ _ .. 1 year<br />
365 days _ _._ 1 year<br />
366 days 1 leap year<br />
100 years . 1 century<br />
The mean Bolar year is equal to 365 days, 5 hrs., 48 min., 46 sec., or<br />
nearly 36514 days.<br />
Every year whose number is divisable by 4 is a leap-year, unless<br />
the number ends in two ciphers, in which case the number must be<br />
divisible by 400. Thus, 2000 and 2400 will be leap years, but 1900 was<br />
not a leap year.<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
12 articles '''N' •<br />
12 dozen _ _.. ._ .<br />
12 gross _... ...._ N .._ N<br />
1 dozen<br />
1 gross<br />
1 great gross
20 single things<br />
24 sheets of paper .<br />
20 quires.<br />
Surveyors' Table<br />
625 square links<br />
16 square rods.<br />
10 square chains<br />
640 arees .<br />
36 square miles ..<br />
Measures of Length<br />
Mile Geographical, Admiralty Knot,<br />
or Nautical Mile, 6,080 feet ......<br />
League<br />
Degree .<br />
Inch, in.<br />
Nail, 1-16 yd. .. .<br />
Palm .<br />
Rand _ .<br />
Quarter (or Span)<br />
Foot<br />
Cubit ..<br />
Yard<br />
Pace, Military ..<br />
Fathom ..<br />
Rod, Pole or Perch.<br />
Chain (100 links) .<br />
Link ..<br />
Cable's Length .<br />
Furlong .<br />
Mile<br />
Measurements of Length<br />
1 inch. . ..<br />
1 foot.<br />
1 yard<br />
1 mile .<br />
1 centimetre .<br />
1 metre ..<br />
1 metre ..<br />
1 kilometre .<br />
1 kilometre ..<br />
1 metre<br />
1 centimetre .......<br />
1 score<br />
1 quire<br />
1 ream<br />
1 square rod<br />
1 square chain<br />
1 acre<br />
1 square mile<br />
1 township (23,040 acres).<br />
1.15 Mile Statute<br />
3 miles<br />
60 Geographical, or 69.121 Statute<br />
Miles<br />
72 points or 12 lines<br />
2* inches<br />
3 inches<br />
4 inches<br />
9 inches<br />
12 inches<br />
18 inches<br />
36 inches<br />
2 feet 6 inches<br />
6.08 feet (Eng.) 6 feet (U.S.)<br />
5'1" yards<br />
22 yards, (4 poles)<br />
7.92 inches<br />
100 fathoms, 600 feet<br />
40 rods, 220 yards<br />
8 furlongs, 80 chains, 320 rods<br />
1,760 yards, 5,280 feet, 63,360 in.<br />
2.54 Centimetres<br />
30.48 centimetres<br />
91.44 centimetres<br />
1.609 kilometres<br />
0.3937 inches<br />
39.37 inches<br />
1.0936 yards<br />
0.62137 miles<br />
1000 metres<br />
100 centimetres<br />
10 millimetres
Gross tonnage is the sum in cubic feet of all the various enclosed<br />
spaces of a vessel, divided by 100.<br />
Net tonnage is the gross tonnage less certain deductions on account<br />
of crew spaces, engine room, water ballast, and other spaces not used<br />
for passengers or cargo.<br />
Dead-weight tonnage. or carrying capacity is the number of tons<br />
(of 2,240 lbs.) of cargo that a vessel is capable of carrying when charged<br />
to the load water line (q.v.),<br />
Displacement tonnage is the number of tons of sea water displaced by<br />
a vessel when charged to the load water line (q.v.), i.e. it is the weight<br />
of vessel and contents in tons.<br />
Load water line is the line that would be made round the shell of a<br />
vessel when loaded as deep as the minimum freeboard regulations permit.<br />
Draught is the distance in feet from the lowest part of the bottom of<br />
a vessel to the actual water line at which the vessel is floating. Thus<br />
the load-water line marks the greatest, or loaded, draught of a vessel. A<br />
vessel without any cargo in her hold or passengers or their luggage<br />
aboard is said to be "light ship," or "light," or "in ballast."<br />
Free board is the distance from the main or upper deck to the loadwater<br />
line of a ve.sseI. As a general rule the minimum free board provides<br />
an amount of reserve buoyancy that will keep a vessel afloat with<br />
two compartments holed.<br />
Bells and Watches on Board Ship<br />
Bells.-Time is kept by means of a bell, which is struck every half<br />
hour. Anyone who, in an effort to tenninate his watch prematurely,<br />
&trikes the bell early, is accused of "warming the bell"-an expression<br />
which has grown to include the doing of anything before the appointed<br />
time.<br />
Watches.-For purposes of discipline, and to divide the work fairly,<br />
the crew is mustered in two divisions: the Starboard (right side, looking<br />
forward) and the Port (left). The day commences at noon, and is thus<br />
divided:-<br />
Watch. Bells (in 'h hr•.<br />
Afternoon --!1oon to 4 p.m, 1 to 8.<br />
First Dog -, p.m. to 6 p.m., I, 2, 3, 4.<br />
Last or Second Dog 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., I, 2, 3, 8.<br />
First 8 p.m. to midnight, 1 to 8.<br />
Middle midnight to 4 a.m., 1 to 8.<br />
Morning 4 a.m. to 8 a.m., 1 to 8.<br />
Forenoon --8 a.m. to noon, 1 to 8.<br />
This makes seven watches, enabling the crew to keep them alternately,<br />
as the Watch which is on duty in the forenoon one day has the afternoon<br />
next day, and the men who have only four hours' rest one night<br />
have eight hours the next. This is the reason for having Dog Watches,<br />
which are made by dividing the hours between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. into<br />
l wo Watches.
The len.e;th of one degree of longitude along the equator is 69.2<br />
miles. Each degree of longitude represents four minutes of time. The<br />
lines of longitude are tenned meridians.<br />
According to Keith Johnston, a degree of latitude measures 68.7<br />
miles at the equator and increases to 69.4 in the vicinity of the poles.<br />
The weight of the earth has been estimated at six sextillion, 592<br />
quintillion tons, not including the atmosphere whose weight has been<br />
estimated at more than five quadrillion short tons.<br />
The diameter of the earth at the equator is 7,926,677 miles, and<br />
tnrough the poles, 7,899,988 miles.<br />
The difference between these two diameters is 26,689 miles, and the<br />
ratio for the earth's flattening at the poles is thus 1 part of 297.<br />
The average elevation of the land above sea level is approximately<br />
2,800 feet.<br />
The average depth of the ocean below sea level is 12,450 feet.<br />
The deepest place in the ocean yet found is off the Island of Mindanao,<br />
in the Philipines Group, where a sounding of 35,400 feet has been<br />
reporled.<br />
The highest mountain is Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, 29,002<br />
feet.<br />
This gives a range of about 64,400 feet or nearly 12%, miles between<br />
the bottom of the oceans and the top of the land.<br />
The greatest depth in the Atlantic Ocean is near Puerto Rico, 27,<br />
972 feet; in the Indian Ocean, 22,968; in the Arctic, 17,850; in the Malay,<br />
972 feet; in the Inian Ocean, 22,968; in the Arctic, 17,850; in the Malay,<br />
21,342; in the Carribbean, 20,568; in the Mediterranean, 14,450; in the<br />
Hering, 13,422; in the South Pacific (UAldrich Deep") 30,930; in the<br />
South Atlantic a sounding of 26,575; and in the Antarctic ocean a sounding<br />
of 14,274 feet.<br />
In 1931-2 a Princeton University expedition found a depth of 4,000<br />
fathoms (24,000 feet), east of the Bartlett Deep in the West Indies, in<br />
the oceanic trough east of Grand Cayman Island.<br />
The U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey has found in the Atlantic Ocean<br />
northeast of Nantucket Shoals, several deep gorges in the southern part<br />
of Geoges Bank. Corsair Gorge, near the eastern tip of the Bank<br />
was discovered in 1930, the others in 1931 and 1932. The largest gorge<br />
is over 20 miles long and 3 miles wide. At the lower end, where it opens<br />
upon the ocean floor, it is 2,000 feet deep, and 20 to 30 miles farther out,<br />
thf' water is 6,000 feet deep.<br />
The British Admiralty reports that Thompson and Lindsay Islands<br />
have vanished from the South Atlantic. They had been on the charts<br />
since 1825.<br />
In 1933 the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey discovered a distinct<br />
submarine mountain rising 7,500 feet from the Pacific Ocean floor of<br />
12,000 feet, 52 miles southwestward of Point Sur, California.
The Survey also has found and charted the submerged mouth of<br />
the Hudson River. The gorge, or submerged channel, extends along the<br />
floor of the Atlantic Ocean, out to the true edge of continental North<br />
America, about 100 miles south and east of Ambrose Lightship, off<br />
Sandy Hook.<br />
At the outer portion, toward the submerged mouth, the channel or<br />
ravine descends 1,330 feet in scarcely more than a mile, and is 1,600 feet<br />
below the surface of the water, while the ocean bed beside it is only 260<br />
feet deep.<br />
Other interesting valleys were found by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic<br />
Survey in 1935 on the edge of the coastal shelf between Chesapeake<br />
Hay and Cape Cod. One of these beginning off Cheasapeake Bay (postulated<br />
by some geologists to he the ancient valley of the Potomac River),<br />
can be traced 126 miles eastward from the entrance of the Potomac<br />
River), where in depths of 1,500 fathoms (9,000 feet), it still continues<br />
eastward.<br />
Numerous submerged valleys have been charted by the Coast and<br />
Geodetic Survey off the coast of California where these features aften<br />
are found close inshore and are of such magnitude as to rival scenic<br />
canyons fOWlO on land.<br />
Most Rev. E. P. Roche, D.D., Archbishop of St. John's, Chainnan.<br />
Right Rev. H. T. Renouf, D.D., Bishop of St. George's.<br />
Right Rev. Monsignor McDermott, B.A., V.G.<br />
Hon. L. E. Emerosn, K.C.<br />
W. J. Carroll, Esq., M.B.E.<br />
C. J. Fox, Esq., K.C.,<br />
J. G. Higgins, Esq.,' K.C.<br />
R. S. Furlong, Esq., Barrister-at-Law.<br />
Rev. Br. W. K. O'Connell, M.A., President<br />
Rev. Hr. P. V. Strapp, Vice-President.<br />
Rev. Br. P. M. Egan, M.A.<br />
Rev. Br. S. C. Murphy, B.A.<br />
Rev. Hr. J. P. Keane, B.A.<br />
Rev. Br. J. X. Dunphy, B.A.<br />
Rev. Hr. F. C. Carroll, B.A.<br />
Rev. Hr. P. V. Shea, B.Sc.<br />
Rev. Br. J. B. Sloan<br />
Rev. Br. G. C. Hearn<br />
Rev. Bro. P. C. Fleming<br />
Rev. Br. J. S. Smith<br />
Rev. Hr. T. J. Dobbins<br />
Rev. Br. J. C. Bates<br />
Rev. Hr. L. S. Forde
Wages and Salaries .<br />
Local Purchases N ..<br />
Customs Duties, Taxes, etc.<br />
Sundries , ,.<br />
. $2.300.flOO<br />
150.000<br />
209,500<br />
6,000<br />
$2.665.500<br />
III that year the Company exported 1,661,086 tons of ore. That<br />
would mean approximately $1.66 per ton of expenditure within Newfoundland.<br />
Up to the end of 1939 the Company had exporled a total of<br />
36,044,923 tons of ore. Perhaps $1.50 could be taken as a fairly accurate<br />
average per ton as the expenditure within Newfoundland. This<br />
would give a total of such expenditure, 1895-1939 inclusive, of about<br />
$54,000,000. This estimate is probably below the actual amount so<br />
expended.<br />
Grand Fall& ..<br />
Corner Brook .<br />
Buchans .<br />
Bell Island (Estimated)<br />
1929 ..<br />
1930 ..<br />
1931 ..<br />
1929 ..<br />
1930<br />
1931 ..<br />
1932 ..<br />
1D29<br />
1930.<br />
1931 .<br />
1932 ......<br />
..................$ 99.420,000<br />
...... 79,334.000<br />
...... ...... 21,215.165<br />
...... ...... . 54.000.000<br />
$253,696,165<br />
(The story told in figures)<br />
.... 1.250.000 qtls.<br />
.. $11.250.000<br />
.. 1.250.000 qtls.<br />
8.410.000<br />
. 1,058.000 qtls. .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 4.782,000<br />
... 201,856 seals<br />
.. 241.236<br />
87,866<br />
48,613<br />
................................ $4.186.000<br />
...... ...... ...... ..... 3.251.000<br />
1.946.000<br />
Messrs. J. W. Allan, James Ayre, Ronald Ayre, H. R. Brooks, J. Bernistel',<br />
Sir John Bennett, David Baird, James Baird, James Baxter, James<br />
Crawford, George Crosbie, Hon. J. S. Currie, Thomas Collingwood,<br />
William R. Dawe, W. D. Edwards, F. A. Edens, Charles Ellis, Hon. M.<br />
P. Gibbs, C. F. Horwood, Ralph Herder, A. E. Hickman, Edgar Hickman,<br />
T. A. Hall, Reginald Harvey, C. H. Hutchings, K.C., R. Innes, C.<br />
E. A. Jeffery, Hon. R. B. Job. H. S. Knight, H. A. LeMessurier, W. J.<br />
Long, W. Linegar, Pres. Coopers' Union; F. W. Marshall, J. W. March,<br />
H. G. R. Mews, Harold Mitchell, J. W. Morris, A. H. Murray, Hon. F.<br />
J. Morris, K.C., Dr. Cluny Macpherson, Hon. F. McNamara, J. O'Driscall,<br />
F. M. O'Leary, T. H. O'Neill, Dr. J. B. O'Reilly, L. C. Outerbridge,<br />
Herbert Outerbridge, A. B. Perlin, C. C. Pratt, Michael Power, Pres.<br />
T.P.D.; Chesley Pippy, H. C. Palmer, Grant Paterson, Angus Reid, Dr.<br />
H. Rendell, Lieut.-Col. W. F. Rendell, Dr. Wm. Roberts, R. Stick,<br />
James Stowe, Pres. Central Labour Council; W. Sullivan, Pres. L.S.<br />
P.U.; D. R. Thistle, O. L. Vardy, G. R. Williams, E. R. Watson, Gordon<br />
Winter, Sr., H. J. Wyatt, A. H. Waterman.<br />
Dr. H. L. Pottle.... .. . President<br />
Dr. Martin Cashin Vice President<br />
Richard A. Squires, Jr., R.A., LL.B. Recording Secretary<br />
George Rex Renouf Corresponding Secretary<br />
Hon. R. B. Job .. Treasurer<br />
C. C. Pratt, Judge W. J. Browne, Dr. L. Miller, Professor A. G. Hatcher,<br />
O. L. Vardy, Dr. C. J. Ryall, Ambrose Shea, Councillor K. Ruby, R. J.<br />
McKinnon, H. B. Mayo.<br />
Battle Harbour<br />
Flat Island<br />
Hawke's Harbour<br />
Fishing Ship's Harbour<br />
Belle Isle<br />
Point Amour<br />
Cape Ray<br />
Labrador<br />
Domino<br />
Grady<br />
Cartwright<br />
Smokey<br />
Hopedale<br />
Newfotmdland<br />
Cape Race<br />
St. John's<br />
Port aux Basques<br />
Cape Bauld
Your Needs Fully Met<br />
LIFE<br />
The Dominion Lile Assurance Co.<br />
Ranks with the best ten in Canada<br />
FIRE<br />
Llogd'S 01 LOndon<br />
MARINE<br />
The World Marine i General<br />
(Cargo Insurance)<br />
An Old and Strong British Company<br />
ENGINES.<br />
STEERS, LImited<br />
"""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"""""""""""",,,,,,,,,"""",,,,"""""".".,,....,.,,...,,,,,,<br />
FIRE<br />
and All Classes of Casualty Insurance<br />
Reliable British Companies<br />
Reid Building - - St. John's<br />
I INSURANCl of all kinds<br />
Fire, Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Automobile,<br />
Plate Glass, Sprinkler Leakage, Etc., etc.<br />
Strong Companies. Low Rates.<br />
G. H. HALLEY, Ltd., Agents<br />
T. J. POWER, Manager.<br />
137 'Vater Street St. John's<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
1937<br />
Received by aU Companies (Premiums paid by<br />
policy-holders) . 1,430,152<br />
Paid out within Newfoundland by aU Co's. . 1,430,152<br />
Paid Out<br />
Losses and matured endowments<br />
Paid to annuitants for surrendered policies<br />
C.S.V. applied III payment of premiums.<br />
Dividends for Poliey-holders<br />
Paid in cash<br />
Applied to reduce premiums...<br />
Applied as single premiums to purchase premium<br />
reductions, and paid up additions to<br />
policies .<br />
Left on deposit with Co's .... .......................•...<br />
Taxes paid to Government .<br />
246,280<br />
617,153<br />
617,153<br />
54,514<br />
133,396<br />
21,276<br />
3,039<br />
64,229<br />
39,717<br />
1938<br />
243<br />
1,517,79G<br />
1,517,796<br />
261,793<br />
635,030<br />
635,030<br />
63,847<br />
152,712<br />
20,622<br />
12,241<br />
76,349<br />
40,593<br />
$1,430,152 $1,517,796<br />
1935 1936 1937 1938<br />
Received By All<br />
Co's in Premiums $ 648,352<br />
Paid by All Co's<br />
575,539 $ 613,897 $ 683,553<br />
on Fire Losses ......$ 251.130 116,644 $ 223,909 $ 171,629<br />
$ 397,222 $2,458,895 $ 389,888 $ 511,924<br />
No. of<br />
Premiums<br />
Est. Value<br />
Companies<br />
of Insurance<br />
1932.... .. 99 $ 770,808.... .. ,$93,000,000<br />
1933 96 .. 635,162 75,000,000<br />
1934 98 ..<br />
654,136 _ 77,000,000<br />
1935.... .. 100 ..<br />
648,352 77,000,000<br />
1936 104 .<br />
575,539 75,000,000<br />
1937.... .. 100..<br />
613,897 75,000,000<br />
1938.... .. 97....<br />
683,553 77,000,000<br />
Fire, Automobile, Plate<br />
Glass, Public Liability,<br />
Employers' Liability<br />
and<br />
Burglary Insurance.<br />
Total Funds Exceed<br />
• $87,000,000<br />
W. U. KNOWLING, Agent.<br />
Fidelity and Surety {Bonds<br />
A Bond is the Hallmark of Integrity<br />
Not everyone can obtain a Bond.<br />
Employers should Bond all Responsible<br />
Employees.<br />
Let us serve you-call 1154.<br />
J. J. LACEY, Resident Manager.
Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,<br />
Limited, of London, England.<br />
The North West Insurance Company,<br />
of Winnipeg.<br />
AGENTS.<br />
Columbus Hall, Duckworth Street, St. John's.<br />
Insurance is my BUSINESS-not a Sideline.<br />
Royal Bank Building St. John's<br />
:l\[ewfoundland 1(epresenlalive for<br />
The New York Underwriters Insurance Co.<br />
The Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd. of London.<br />
The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Co.<br />
Writing<br />
Board of Trade Building, St. John's.<br />
To All Classes<br />
W. A. MUNN, Managing Director.<br />
W. A. MUNN & COMPANY LTD., Agents.
JL<br />
"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,L1M I TEl)"""""""""""""""",<br />
H. A. DAWE, Agent.<br />
Board of Trade Building St. John's<br />
How will you be financially<br />
should you have a fire . .. ?<br />
SAFE or BROKE<br />
Our protection is so great in proportion to the<br />
small amount you pay.<br />
w. & G. RENDELL<br />
276 WATER STREET.<br />
Phone 190. Insurance Agents since 1804.
The Yorkshire Insurance Co., ltd.<br />
with which is incorporated the<br />
Est. 1824<br />
RICHARD A. SQUIRES, Jr., B.A., LL.B.<br />
Newfoundland Representative<br />
T. P. HALLEY, Manager.<br />
London, England.<br />
Total Aggregate Funds Exceeding £20,000,000.<br />
Also Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Etc.<br />
fiRE INSUR4NCE<br />
i Yorkshire Insurance Co.<br />
Limited<br />
Agents:<br />
315 Duckworth St.<br />
St. John's.<br />
What your day-after-the-fire situation would be if your<br />
records were destroyed. Be honest with yourself. Are you<br />
sure that you would have the records that would let you<br />
collect your insurance and accounts, which would permit<br />
you to resume business without perilous loss of time and<br />
Money? Don't wait for FIRE to come and perhaps charge<br />
a price your business cannot pay.<br />
VICTOR SA.FES. meet the need for practical protection.<br />
Sizes and prices to suit any business.<br />
WALTER E. WHITE P. O. Box 493 St. John',
Temporal Artery.-Directly in front of the opening of the ear.<br />
Facial Artery.-Lower jawbone, about one inch from and angle of<br />
thp jaw.<br />
Occiptal Artery.-Three fingers' width behind the centre of the ear.<br />
Subclavian Artery.-Behind the middle of the collar bone. Apply<br />
pressure down and backwards against the first rib.<br />
Brada! Artery.-Passes along the inner corder of the biceps muscle<br />
of the arm. Apply pressure against the bone.<br />
Radial and Ulnar Arteries.-Pass along the inner and outer borders<br />
of the wrist. Elevate the arm and apply pressure about one inch above<br />
the wrist joint.<br />
J!"'emoral Artery.-Feel for the beat in the centre of the groin. Press<br />
with thumb against the bone.<br />
Poplitical Artery.-Is controlled by placing a large pad behind the<br />
knee, drawing the ankle back and bandaging firmly to the thigh.<br />
Axillary Artery.-Under the armpit. Is controlled by placing a<br />
large pad in the annpit and strapping the arm firmly to the body.<br />
In all cases of accident the patient should be treated for shock by<br />
applying warmth and stimulants until the services of a doctor have been<br />
obtained. Stimulants should on no account be given, however, where<br />
bleeding cannot be controlled, or in the case of severe injury to the head,<br />
or where a patient is found unconscious.
NAME<br />
Port aux Basques Sub-Collector Cape Ray, inc.<br />
to Burnt Islands. exc.<br />
Rose Blanche John Dolomount Burnt Islands, inc.<br />
to Grand Bruit, exc.<br />
Burgeo<br />
John Caines<br />
Grand Bruit, inc.<br />
to Burgeo, inc.<br />
Ramea<br />
Louis Kendall Burgeo, exc.<br />
to Cape La Hune, inc.<br />
Francois<br />
William Caner Cape LaHune, exc.<br />
to Mosquito, inc.<br />
Pass Islands Matthew J. Touchings Mosquito, exc.<br />
to Pass Island, inc.<br />
Hr. Breton<br />
Reginald Porter Pass Island, exc.<br />
to Boxey Point, inc.<br />
St. Jacque.<br />
Alex. Tibbo<br />
Boxey Point, exc.<br />
to Hare Bay, inc.<br />
Bay L'Argent Frank Bond Hare Bay, exc.<br />
to League de Cerf, inc.<br />
Garnish<br />
Capt. Eli Anstey League de Cerf, exc.<br />
to Grand Bank, inc.<br />
Fortune<br />
Harry Lake<br />
Grand Bank, exc.<br />
to Burin, exc.<br />
Port au Bras Ernest B. Cheeseman Burin, inc.<br />
to Hospital Head<br />
Hr. Buffett<br />
Sub-Collector Group Islands in<br />
Placentia Bay<br />
Hr. Buffett<br />
Sub-Collector Hospital Head<br />
to Long Harbor Head<br />
St. Bride's<br />
R. A. Miller<br />
Long Harbor Head<br />
to Dog Head<br />
Mt. Carmel James P. Tremblett Dog Head to Shoal Point<br />
Riverhead, St. Mary's Maurice Daley Shoal B. to Cape English<br />
Peter's River<br />
Trepassey<br />
Aquaforte<br />
St. John'.<br />
David Hicks<br />
Edmund J. Quinlan<br />
Wilfred M. Winsor<br />
Wm. Whitemarsh<br />
Cape English<br />
to Cape Pine<br />
Cape Pine to Cape Race<br />
Cape Race to Cape Broyle<br />
Cape Broyle to Kelligrews<br />
Carhonear<br />
Rubert Soper Kelligrews to Northern B.<br />
Old Perlican<br />
Charles BalTett Northern B. to Rants' Hr.<br />
Rant's Hr.<br />
Irad Pelley<br />
Rant's Hr. to Dildo<br />
Britannia<br />
George Leawood Dildo to Deer Hr.<br />
Monroe<br />
Emanuel Stone Deer Hr.<br />
to Old Bonaventure<br />
Catalina<br />
Bonavista<br />
King's Cove<br />
Harold House<br />
Sub-Collector<br />
Wilfred Moss<br />
Old Bonaventure to<br />
to Cape Bonavista<br />
Cape Bonavista<br />
to Burnt Point<br />
Burnt Point to Salvage<br />
Salvage to Cottle's IsJd.
Postal Guide and Directory<br />
The asterisk bign (Ii-) in front of a place-name in the left column<br />
means that there is a direct telegraphic connection with that place.<br />
Throughout the Postal Directol'Y the asterisk sign denotes telegraphic<br />
connection.<br />
In the right-hand column the letter T is used. to denote telegraphic<br />
ST. JOHN'S<br />
Manufacturers of<br />
Hard Bread - Butter Bread - Sweet Bread<br />
- Plain and Fancy Biscuits - English Type<br />
Biscuits and Soda Crackers.<br />
Pioneers in Newfoundland of the Modern "Cellophane"<br />
Wrapper Packages.<br />
All kinds of Ic and 5c. Lines. Hard Boiled<br />
Candy and Caramels wrapped in the most upto-date<br />
manner, using the Latest Candy Making<br />
and Wrapping Equipment.<br />
Icing Sugar<br />
"Whitecoat" Superfine Icing Sugar<br />
White and Brown Vinegars and Vinegar<br />
Essences.<br />
Orange Crush-and a Full Line of Popular Soft<br />
Drinks and 3% Ale and Stout.
For the transmission, Inland, Imperial and Foreign, of papers of<br />
any kind, periodicals, and books, impressed in Braille or other special<br />
type for the use of the blind.<br />
I cent for every two pounds or part of two pounds.<br />
This service enables a person or finn to receive cards or letters<br />
from clients without prepayment of postage, the postage being paid by<br />
the addressee on each card or letter delivered.<br />
For transmission Inland, Imperial and Foreign.<br />
Rate of postage:<br />
5 cents for first ten ounces and 1 cent each additional two<br />
ounces or part of two ounces.<br />
List of weight 4 lb•.<br />
INLAND.<br />
Insurance Rates Inland.<br />
For amounts up to $ 5.00 _ 5c.<br />
For amounts over $ 5.00 not exceeding $10.00 _..__ :._1Oc.<br />
II " "$10.00 not exceeding $20.00_ __ _15c.<br />
$20.00 not exceeding $30.00 _._ _ 20c.<br />
$30.00 not exceeding $40.00 _ _ 25c.<br />
$40.00 not exceeding $50.00 _ 30c.<br />
Limit of Insurance within Newfoundland $50.00.<br />
Insurance Rates to Great Brit.ain, Canada and United States:<br />
Amounts up to $10.00._ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._100.<br />
Amount. over $10.00 not exceeding $ 20.oo _ _ 15c.<br />
" "$20.00 not exceeding $ 30.00 _ _ .._.._ ..20c.<br />
$30.00 not exceeding $ 40.oo _ 25c.<br />
$40.00 not exceeding $ 50.00 _ _ _ ...300.<br />
$50.00 not exceeding $ 60.oo _ _._ 35c.<br />
$60.00 not exceeding $ 70.oo_ _ __ ..40c.<br />
$70.00 not exceeding $ 80.oo _ _ _ _45c.<br />
F. Banikhin & Sons<br />
We are always in the market and pay highest prices for Cowhides,<br />
Horsehides, Calfskins, Sealskins and Fur of all kinds.<br />
Prompt retunlS. We always stock Harness Leather, Upper<br />
Leather, Lace Leather, large stock of Sole Leather, sold by<br />
sides or strips. Prices arc very reasonable. Buy direct from<br />
us and savej you will not need to pay extra profits. We haye<br />
a strong demand for Spring Muskrats, please mail or express<br />
them-immediate returns. If our price is not satisfactory we<br />
will return parcel immediately at our expense.<br />
METAL<br />
We purchase all kinds of Scrap Metal-Brass, Copper, Lead,<br />
Zinc, Antimony, Old Type, Type-dross.<br />
22-24 WATER ST. WEST<br />
337 Water Street St. John's, NOd,<br />
Wholesale and Retail<br />
We handle 50% of all Papers sold in Newfoundland.<br />
Manager for<br />
Capital $50,000.00. Makers of Cans for Food Products.<br />
Agents for<br />
Se.:urity Insurance Company, New Haven, Conn.<br />
Halifax InsUl'ance Company, Halifax, N.S.<br />
Oak Rubber Co., Ravenna, Ohio.<br />
Frederick Allen & Sons, Chemists, London, England.<br />
Exporters of<br />
241 WATER STREET<br />
Manufacturers and Insurance Agents<br />
Distributors for WESTINGHOUSE<br />
""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,·""",.,.'u",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,"",;<br />
Sanitary Pottery.<br />
Leather and Rubber<br />
Iron, Steel and Alloys.<br />
CEMENT<br />
COPPER-<br />
Sheet and Tubinp:.<br />
Diesel, Gasoline & Steam.<br />
Household & Commercial,<br />
Hydro Generating Plants,<br />
Cable,<br />
Electro-Medical<br />
Equipment.<br />
IRON<br />
Galvanized and Black.<br />
Sheets, Hoops.<br />
Heavy and Light Metal<br />
and Woodworking.<br />
PIPES<br />
Cast and Spun Iron,<br />
Steel and Stainless Steel,<br />
Copper,<br />
Earthenware.<br />
PUMPS<br />
Air, Fluid and Vacuum.<br />
ROPE<br />
Steel Wire for Mining and<br />
Marine.<br />
STEEL<br />
Tool, Constructional Plate,<br />
Sheet, Angle, High Alloy<br />
and Castings.<br />
ZINC.<br />
TRACfORS<br />
Road Making and Land<br />
Clearing Machinery.<br />
VALVES<br />
Air, Steam, Water,<br />
Vacuum and Chemical.<br />
Ove.1." 2 pounds not exceeding 3 pounds _ 24c.<br />
Over 3 pounds not exceeding 4 pounds _ _ 32c.<br />
Over 4 pounds not exceeding 5 pounds _.40c.<br />
Over 5 pounds not exceeding 6 pounds ....46e.<br />
Over 6 pounds not exceeding 7 pounds 52c.<br />
Over 7 pounds not exceeding 8 pounds _ 58c.<br />
Over 8 pounds not exceeding 9 pounds _ _..64c.<br />
Over 9 pounds not exceeding 10 pounds 70c.<br />
Over 10 pounds not exceeding 11 pounds 74c.<br />
Over 11 pounds not exceeding 12 pounds _ 78c.<br />
Over 12 pounds not exceeding 13 pounds 82c.<br />
Over 13 pounds not exceeding 14 pounds _86c.<br />
Over 14 pounds not exceeding 15 pounds N 90c.<br />
Limited weight for Newfoundland parcels-15 pounds.<br />
Rates to United States and Canada:<br />
l4c per pound or part of a pound.<br />
Limit of weight to United States<br />
Limit of weight to Canada.<br />
..........15 pounds<br />
..........20 pounds<br />
Postage Rates, Inland:<br />
For local delivery, Ie.<br />
For delivery between one place and another in Newfoundland,<br />
2c.<br />
Outside Newfoundland, 8c.<br />
Postage Rates, Inland<br />
Ie. for every 4 oz. or part of 4 oz.<br />
Imperial and Foreign<br />
Ie. for every 2 oz. or part of 2 oz.<br />
Limit of Weight-Inland, 4 lbs.<br />
Imperial and Foreign 5 lbs.<br />
Single printed volume 6% lbs.<br />
The fee for all kinds of packets for transmission within Newfoundland<br />
5c., Imperial and foreign lOc., carrying compensation for loss up<br />
to $25.00.<br />
SAMPLES:<br />
Postage Rates:<br />
For transmission Inland, Imperial and Foreign:<br />
2c. for the first 4 ozs., Ie. for each additional 2 ozs. or part<br />
of 2 ozs.<br />
Limit of weight:<br />
Inland and Imperial, 5 Ibs.<br />
Imperial and Foreign only.<br />
This servive provides for the transmission of goods, whether dutiable<br />
or not, in the letter mails. It extends only to certain countries.<br />
Postage Rate:<br />
2c. for each 2 ozs. or part of 2 ozs. with a minimum postage of<br />
lOco for any small packet.<br />
Limit of weight, 2 Ib5.<br />
"Abraham's Cove St. George's - P. au P. Ship Cove, PO<br />
Aguathuna, MO<br />
Adam's Cove Carbonear - B. de V. Western Bay<br />
tAdeyton Trinity North Deep Bight POMO<br />
ItAdmiral's Beach Placentia & St. M. St. Joseph's POMO<br />
ItAdmiral's Cove Ferryland Fermeuse POMO<br />
(Fermeuse)<br />
"Admiral's Cove Ferryland Cape Broyle POMO<br />
(Cape Broy!e)<br />
Aguathuna St. George's, P. au P.<br />
*Alderburn Grand Falls Norris Arm POMO<br />
"Alder Hr. Fogo Carmanville POMO<br />
Alex. B. Station Bonavista N. Glovertown<br />
Allan's Island PO Burin Lamaline TMO<br />
• Amherst Co. (Upper) Bonavista South Newman's Co. POMO<br />
Anchor Brook Fogo Lumsden<br />
*Anchor Point St. Barbe Flower's Cove POMO<br />
*Anderson's Cove PO Fortune-Hermitage Stone's Cove MO<br />
Angel's Coye Placentia & St. M. Patrick's Cove TPO<br />
St. Bride's MO<br />
Angle Brook Bonavista North Glovertown<br />
•Apsey Brook Trinity North Elliott's Cove POMO<br />
-Apsey Cove Fogo Ladle Cove POMO<br />
-Aquaforte PO Ferryland Ferryland MO<br />
Argentia Placentia & St. M.<br />
•Arnold's Co. Sta. PO Placentia & St. M Sunnyside MO<br />
Aspen Cove Trinity North Britannia<br />
Avondale Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Uacalhao Twillingate Herring Neck<br />
Baccalieu Carbonear Red Head Cove PO<br />
Bay de Verde TMO<br />
Back Cove White Bay Western Ann TPO<br />
West Port MO
PLACE<br />
Back Goose Cove<br />
Back Harbour<br />
Bacon Cove<br />
Badger<br />
Badger's Quay<br />
·Baie Verte PO<br />
Baine Harbour<br />
.. Baker's Brook<br />
Bal'achoix<br />
Bareneed<br />
.. Earr'd Harbour<br />
Barr'd Island<br />
*Bar Haven PO<br />
Barrisway Cove<br />
Barrisway de Plate<br />
Barrow<br />
Ban'ow Hr.<br />
Barton<br />
·Bartlett's Hr. PO<br />
Bateau Cove<br />
Battle Hr. POMO<br />
Bauline<br />
Bauline PO<br />
Bay Bulls<br />
Bay t:>'East<br />
Bay De Veau<br />
llay de Verde<br />
"Bay du Nord PO<br />
Ray L'Argent<br />
llay Roberts<br />
Bay View<br />
Beaches<br />
Beachy Cove<br />
Bear Cove<br />
Bear Cove<br />
Bear Cove<br />
Bear Cove<br />
White Bay Goose Cove TPO<br />
St. Anthony MO<br />
Twillingate Twillingate<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island Kitchuses PO<br />
Conception Hr. TMO<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Bonavista North<br />
White Bay<br />
Placentia West<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. George's P au P<br />
Port de Grave<br />
St. Barhe<br />
Fogo<br />
Placentia North<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Trinity North<br />
St. Barhe<br />
Humber<br />
Labrador<br />
.Ferryland<br />
St. John's East<br />
Ferryland<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Carbonear - B. de V.<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Burin<br />
Whit;., Bay<br />
Green Bay<br />
Ferryland<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. Barbe<br />
White Bay<br />
Coachman's Cove MO<br />
Rocky Hr. POMO<br />
St. George's<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Port au Choix POMO<br />
Joe Batt's Arm<br />
Sound Island MO<br />
Gaultois<br />
St. Bernard's<br />
Belleoram<br />
Salvage<br />
Harcourt<br />
Brig Bay MO<br />
Lark Harbour<br />
Battle Hr. T<br />
Tor's Cove PO<br />
Witless Bay TMO<br />
St. John's T<br />
Pouch Cove MO<br />
Pushthrough<br />
English Hr. East PO<br />
Bay L'Argent MO<br />
L. English Hr. East '1'<br />
Pools Cove MO<br />
Burin<br />
Hampden<br />
Springdale<br />
Cappa Hayden TPO<br />
Renews MO<br />
Rocky Harbour<br />
Flowers' Cove<br />
Western Arm TPO<br />
Westport MO
PLACE<br />
Be,Jir Cove Point<br />
'"Beau Bois<br />
Beaumont<br />
Beaver Cove<br />
Beaverton<br />
Beekford<br />
Beckford Cove<br />
*Bellburns PO<br />
Belldown's Point<br />
Belleoram<br />
Bell Island Mines<br />
Bell Isld (Front) PO<br />
Bellevue East<br />
Bellman's Cove<br />
*Benoits Cove<br />
Benton<br />
Benties Cove<br />
Bests Hr.<br />
·Big (Gt.) Barachoix<br />
Big Brook<br />
Big Cove<br />
Big Pond<br />
·Birchy Bay PO<br />
Birchy Cove<br />
Birchy Cove<br />
.. Birchy Head PO<br />
·Bird Cove<br />
·Biscay Bay<br />
Biscayan Cove<br />
Ferryland Renews<br />
Placentia West Marystown POMO<br />
Green Bay<br />
Fogo<br />
Twillingate<br />
Placentia & St. M.<br />
Placentia West<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Trinity South<br />
St. George's P au P<br />
Humber<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Burin<br />
Placentia West<br />
Placentia & St. M.<br />
St. Barbe<br />
White Bay<br />
Ferryland<br />
Twillingate<br />
Green Bay<br />
Bonavista South<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Ferryland<br />
St. John's East<br />
Bishop's Cove<br />
Harbor Grace<br />
Bishop's Falls Grand Falls<br />
Bishop's Hr.<br />
Bonavista Suoth<br />
Black Duck<br />
St. George's, P au P<br />
·Black Duck Brook PO St. George's, P au P<br />
Black Duck Cove Burin<br />
Fredericton TPO<br />
Cannanville MO<br />
Port Albert TPO<br />
Horwood MO<br />
Branch<br />
St. Kyrans MO<br />
Presque TPO<br />
Daniel's Har. MO<br />
Cow Head<br />
Bell Island Mines TMO<br />
Aguathuna<br />
Curling POMO<br />
Mail Route 1 PO<br />
Gambo MO<br />
Nfld. Airport T<br />
Point Crewe TPO<br />
Lamaline MO<br />
Tacks Beach<br />
Ship Cove PO<br />
Placentia MO<br />
Cook's Hr.<br />
Seal Cove<br />
Goulds PO<br />
Bay Bulls TMO<br />
Loon Bay MO<br />
Jackson's Cove<br />
Newman's Cove<br />
Bonne Bay MO<br />
Brig Bay POMO<br />
Trepassey POMO<br />
Pouch Cove POMO<br />
St. John's T<br />
Spaniard's Bay<br />
Salvage<br />
Stephenville Cross.<br />
Port au Port MO<br />
Black Duck Cove Trinity North Ireland's Eye<br />
Black Duck Cove St. Barbe St. Barbe TPO<br />
Flower's Cove MO<br />
Black Duck Cove 'Twillingate Little Harbor PO<br />
Twillingate TMO<br />
Black Duck Pond Port de Grave Coley's Point TPO<br />
Bay Roberts MO<br />
Black Brook Trinity North Queen's Cove TPO<br />
Hillview MO<br />
Blackhead Bay de V. - Carbonear Broad Cove<br />
Blackhead St. John's St. John's<br />
Blackhead Road St. John's West St. John's<br />
Black Island PO Twillingate Exploits TMO<br />
Black River Placentia West Mail Route 19 PO<br />
South Island MO<br />
Swift Current T<br />
Blacksmith Ferryland Fermeuse<br />
Blaketown Trinity South<br />
Bloomfield .l3or.·avista South<br />
Blanchet Fortune - Hermitage Boxey TPO<br />
Coombs Cove MO<br />
Blow-Me-Down Carbonear - B de V Freshwater<br />
Blow-me-down Port de Grave Port de Grave<br />
Blue Cove St. Barbe Brig Bay<br />
Bluff Head Cove Twillingate Twillingate<br />
Bear Island Burgeo & LaP Burgeo<br />
"'Boat Harbour White Bay Cooks Hr. POMO<br />
"'Boat Hr. West PO Placentia West Baine Hr. MO<br />
Bobby's Cove Green Bay Nipper's Harbor<br />
Bona Placentia Little Paradise<br />
Bonavista Bonavista South<br />
Bonne Bay St. Barbe<br />
Boat Hr. Green Bay Nipper's Harbor<br />
*Bordeaux Placentia & St. M. Sunnyside MO<br />
Arnold's Co. S. POMO<br />
*Boswarlos St. George's - P au P Aguathuna POMO<br />
Botwood Grand Falls<br />
·Boxey PO Fortune - Hermitage Coombs Cove MO<br />
·Boyd's Cove PO Twillingate Loon Bay MO<br />
Boyd's Hr. Twillingate Boyd's Cove<br />
Bradley's Cove Carbonear - B de V Western Bay<br />
Bragg's Island Bonavista North<br />
Branch Placentia & St. M<br />
Brazil Burgeo and LaP Rose Blanche<br />
• Brent's Cove PO White Bay LaScie MO
The Spirit of Electricity<br />
Perhaps one visit from a representative of<br />
the Newfoundland Light & Power Company,<br />
Ltd. will increase the comfort of your home<br />
50%.-Other families have had that experience.<br />
A little modernization of your Electrical<br />
System, a few more ELECTRIC OUT<br />
LETS advantageously placed, give you the<br />
opportunity of conveniently using all the<br />
modern Electrical Appliances we now carry.<br />
Call or ring us to-day. Remember, an investment<br />
in the family's comfort is always a<br />
good one.<br />
Nfld. Light & Power Co. Ltd.<br />
PHONES: 239 - 240.
PLACE<br />
*Brewley<br />
Brickyard<br />
Badger's Cove<br />
Bridgeport<br />
Brig Bay<br />
Brighton PO<br />
Brigus<br />
Brigus Junction<br />
*Brigus South<br />
Bristol Hope<br />
Britannia<br />
British Hr.<br />
Broad Cove<br />
Broad Cove<br />
Broad Cove<br />
Broad Cove<br />
Broad Cove<br />
Broads<br />
Broold\eld<br />
Brooklyn<br />
Brookside<br />
Broom Point<br />
Brownsdale<br />
Brown's Ann PO<br />
Brown's Cove<br />
*Bnmette PO<br />
Bryant's Cove<br />
Buchans<br />
Buchans Junction<br />
Bulls Cove<br />
Bully's Cove<br />
-Bunyan's Cove PO<br />
Burgeo<br />
Burgoyne's Cove<br />
Burin<br />
·Burin Bay Arm PO<br />
Burlington<br />
Burnside<br />
Burnt Ann<br />
Burnt Cove<br />
Burnt Cove<br />
Burnt Island<br />
Placentia North Tack's Beach POMO<br />
Trinity North Harcourt<br />
Twillingate Carter's Cove TPO<br />
Tizzard's Hr. MO<br />
Twillingate<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Green Bay<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Ferryland<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Trinity North<br />
Trinity North<br />
Carbonear - B de V<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Trinity South<br />
Fortune Hermitage<br />
Placentia North<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Placentia West<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Trinity South<br />
Grand Falls<br />
White Bay<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Burin<br />
Green Bay<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Trinity North<br />
Burin<br />
Burin<br />
Green Bay<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Twillingate<br />
Ferryland<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Moreton's Harbor<br />
Triton West TMO<br />
Mail Route 1 PO<br />
Avondale TMO<br />
Cape Broyle POMO<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
King'S Cove<br />
Dildo<br />
Hr. Breton<br />
Tack's Beach<br />
Clarke's Beach<br />
Wesleyville<br />
Boat Harbor TPO<br />
Baine Harbor MO<br />
Cow Head<br />
Lcwisporte TMO<br />
Hampden<br />
Grand Bank MO<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Millertown<br />
Burin<br />
King's Point<br />
Burin MO<br />
Laurenceton.<br />
Herring Neck<br />
Tor's Cove PO<br />
Witless Bay TMO<br />
PLACE<br />
Codroy<br />
Codroy Pond<br />
Coley's Pt. South PO<br />
CaUnet PO<br />
Colliers Central PO<br />
Colliers Riverhead PO<br />
Collins Cove<br />
Come-by-Chance<br />
Comfort Cove<br />
Conception Hr.<br />
Conche<br />
Coney Ann<br />
Conne River<br />
Cook's Brook<br />
Cook's Hr.<br />
Cook's Pond Siding<br />
Coombs' Cove<br />
Cooper's Cove<br />
Coppett<br />
*Corbin<br />
Corbin<br />
Corner Brook<br />
·Cottle's Island<br />
·Cottrell's Cove PO<br />
(New Bay)<br />
Couillard<br />
Country Road<br />
Couts Pond<br />
Coward's Island PO<br />
Cow Head<br />
Cox's Cove<br />
'Creston PO<br />
Croque (Croe)<br />
Crow Head<br />
Crosses Cove<br />
Cross Roads<br />
Cull Hr.<br />
CuI de Sac East<br />
CuI de Sac West<br />
Cupids<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Burin<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Twil1ingate<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
White Bay<br />
White Bay<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Humber<br />
White Bay<br />
Humber<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Placentia West<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Burin<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Humber<br />
Twillingate<br />
Green Bay<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Bonavista North<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Humber<br />
Placentia West<br />
White Bay<br />
Twillingate<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Mail Route 1 PO<br />
St. David's MO<br />
St. Fintan's T<br />
Bay Roberts TMO<br />
Whitoourne TMO<br />
Conception Hr. TMO<br />
Conception Hr. TM 0<br />
Burin<br />
Sunnyside<br />
Newstead<br />
Jackson's Arm<br />
Morrisville<br />
Mail Route 1 PO<br />
Curling TMO<br />
Mail Route 1 PO<br />
Curling TMO<br />
Tacks Beach<br />
Burgeo<br />
Epworth POMO<br />
Burgeo<br />
Summerford POMO<br />
Fortune Harbor MO<br />
Pushthrough<br />
Bay Roberts<br />
Riverhead, St. M. TPO<br />
St. Mary's MO<br />
Flat lsland TM0<br />
Marystown MO<br />
Canche<br />
Badger's Quay<br />
Brigus<br />
Traytown<br />
Rencontre West<br />
Cape LaHune
28"'2 P'-O=ST"'A"'L=-..;G"'U"'I=D-=E'--'-'A"'N=Dc-:: D..:;IR:.:;E=.C;:.T'-O"'R:.:;Y=---- _<br />
PLACE<br />
Curling<br />
"Current Island<br />
·Cuslett<br />
Cunon Village<br />
Daniel's Cove PO<br />
Daniel's Hr.<br />
·Daniel's Point<br />
"Darby's Hr. PO<br />
·Dark Cove<br />
Dark Cove<br />
Dark Hole<br />
·Davis Cove PO<br />
Davis Inlet PO<br />
Davis Island<br />
·Dawson's Cove<br />
Deadman's Cove<br />
Deadman's Bay<br />
Deadman's Cove<br />
Deep Bight<br />
Deer Cove<br />
Deep Gulch<br />
..Deer Harbor PO<br />
Deer Island PO<br />
Deer Island<br />
Deer Lake<br />
"DeGras<br />
+Delby's Cove<br />
Diamond Cove<br />
Dildo<br />
Dock<br />
Dock Cove<br />
Dock Cove<br />
Doctor's Cove<br />
Doctor's Hr.<br />
Dog Bay West<br />
Dog Cove<br />
+Dorans<br />
Donovans PO<br />
Doting Cove<br />
Humber<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Carbonear - B de V<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Ferryland<br />
Placentia N.<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Trinity North<br />
Placentia North<br />
Labrador<br />
Placentia West<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Fogo<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Trinity North<br />
Placentia West<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Trinity North<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Humber<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Trinity North<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Trinity South<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Green Bay<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Twi\\ingate<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Ferryland<br />
St. John's West<br />
Fogo<br />
St. Barbe PO<br />
Flowers Cove MO<br />
St. Bride's POMO<br />
Bonne Bay<br />
Old Pertican TMO<br />
Trepassey POMO<br />
St. Kyran's MO<br />
Gambo POMO<br />
Salvage<br />
Hillview<br />
St. Kyran's MO<br />
Cartwright MO<br />
North West River T<br />
Flat Island<br />
Hermitage POMO<br />
Flower's Cove<br />
Lumsden<br />
Hr. Breton<br />
Presque TPO<br />
St. Kyran's MO<br />
Cupids<br />
Ireland's Eye MO<br />
Bragg's Island TMO<br />
Mail Route I PO<br />
Burgeo TMO<br />
Cape St George POMO<br />
British Hr. POMO<br />
Rose Blanche<br />
Clarke's Beach<br />
St. Brendan's<br />
Springdale<br />
Port au Choix<br />
Lally Cove PO<br />
Rencontre East TMO<br />
Horwood<br />
Mail Route 161 PO<br />
Burgeo TMO<br />
'!'Tepassey POMO<br />
St. John's TMO<br />
Musgrave Hr.
PLACE<br />
·Doyle's PO<br />
"Drook<br />
DuIf'.<br />
Dump Pool<br />
"Dunfield PO<br />
Dunville<br />
Duricle<br />
·Durrell's PO<br />
East Bay<br />
East Cove<br />
East Point<br />
Eastport<br />
Eastern Arm<br />
Eastern Cove<br />
Eastern Tickle<br />
"Eddy's Cove PO<br />
·Eddie's Cove PO<br />
Elliott's Cove<br />
Elliston<br />
Emberley's Pond<br />
Embree (Salt Pd) PO Grand Falls<br />
Emerald Vale Port de Grave<br />
Englee<br />
English Harbour<br />
• English Hr. East PO<br />
English Hr. West<br />
Epworth<br />
Exploits<br />
Fair Bank<br />
Fair Island<br />
Famish Cove PO<br />
Farmdale<br />
Femme PO<br />
-Felix Cove<br />
Fermeuse<br />
Ferrole Point<br />
Ferryland<br />
Fischells<br />
St. George's - P au P St. Andrew's MO<br />
Ferryland Portugal Cove S. PO<br />
Trepassey MO<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island Holyrood<br />
St. George's P au P Mail Route 1 PO<br />
Trinity North<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Placentia West<br />
Twillingate<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Trinity North<br />
Bonavista South<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Fogo<br />
Fogo<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Trinity North<br />
Trinity North<br />
Twillingate<br />
White Bay<br />
Trinity North<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Burin<br />
Twillingate<br />
Twillingate<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
St. George's P au P<br />
Ferryland<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Ferryland<br />
St. George's P au P<br />
Stephenville C. TMO<br />
Trinity MO<br />
Port au Bras<br />
Twillingate MO<br />
LaPoile<br />
Branch<br />
Catalina<br />
Lomond<br />
Indian Islands<br />
Fogo<br />
Port au Choix MO<br />
Flower's Cove MO<br />
Boyd's Cove TPO<br />
Loon Bay MO<br />
Lewisporte TMO<br />
Goulds PO<br />
Clarke's Beach TMO<br />
Bay L'Argent MO<br />
Hillgrade<br />
Long Harbour TMO<br />
Windsor<br />
Stone's Cove MO<br />
English Hr. East T<br />
Aguathuna POMO<br />
Shoal Cove<br />
Mail Route -, PO<br />
Cartyville TMO
norwood Lumber Co.<br />
ST. JOHN'S<br />
Owners and Operators of<br />
Sawmills, Planing Mills, Moulding Mills,<br />
Carpentry Shops, Sash and Door Shop; Box,<br />
Brush and Washboard Factories.<br />
Importers and Dealers in<br />
All Classes of Lumber and Builders' Supplies.<br />
Distributors in Newfoundland of<br />
Celotex Products, Masonite Products,<br />
B. C. Fir Plywood, Oak and Maple Flooring,<br />
Flintkote Roofings, Shingles, Felts, Asphalts,<br />
Ramsay's Paints, Taylor's English Paints,<br />
R. W. Kalsomine, Windsor Plaster,<br />
"Unique" Sash Balances and Stripping,<br />
Accurate Metal Weatherstripping.<br />
PLACE<br />
'Glenwood PO<br />
Glover's Hr.<br />
Glovertown<br />
Goblin<br />
Goddenville<br />
Gold Cove<br />
Golden Bay<br />
Goobie's Siding<br />
Goose Ann<br />
Goose Cove<br />
*Goose Cove PO<br />
Gooseberry<br />
Gooseberry Cove<br />
Gooseberry Isld. PO<br />
Gooseberry Island<br />
Goose Pond Road<br />
'Goulds PO<br />
Goulds PO<br />
Grand Bank<br />
'Grand Beach PO<br />
Grandy Island<br />
Grand Bay East<br />
Grand Bay West<br />
Grand Bruit<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Grand Falls Station<br />
(Windsor)<br />
Grandois<br />
Grand John<br />
Grand LePierre<br />
Grates Cove<br />
·Graven Bank<br />
Great Bamsway<br />
Great Bona<br />
Great Braha PO<br />
Great Burin<br />
Grand Falls Lewisporte MO<br />
Green Bay Leading Tickles West<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Fortune Bay<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
White Bay<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Trinity North<br />
Humber<br />
Trinity North<br />
White Bay<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Trinity North<br />
Bonavista North<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Port de Grave<br />
St. John's West<br />
Burin<br />
Burin<br />
White Bay<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Grand Falls<br />
White Bay<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Carbonear - Bay de V<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
White Bay<br />
Burin<br />
Pushthrough<br />
Spaniard's Bay<br />
Hampden<br />
St. Bride's<br />
Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Sunnyside TMO<br />
Cox's Cove<br />
Trinity<br />
St. Anthony MO<br />
Patrick's Cove TPO<br />
St. Bride's MO<br />
St. Brendan's TMO<br />
St. Barbe TPO<br />
Flower's Cove MO<br />
Aguathuna<br />
Clarke's Beach TMO<br />
Petty Harbour MO<br />
St. John's T<br />
Grand Bank MO<br />
Westport<br />
Channel<br />
Channel<br />
St. Julien's PO<br />
Conche TMO<br />
St. Bernard's<br />
Terenceville TPO<br />
Bay L'Argent MO<br />
Riverhead St. M. PO<br />
St. Mary's MO<br />
Ship Cove TPO<br />
Placentia MO<br />
Presque TPO<br />
Little Paradise MO<br />
St. Anthony TMO
PLACE<br />
"Great Codroy PO<br />
"'Great Harbour<br />
"'Great Jervois<br />
Green Island<br />
·Green Isld Brook<br />
"'Green Island Cove<br />
Green's Cove<br />
Green's Harbour<br />
Green's Island<br />
Greenland<br />
Green Point<br />
Greenspond<br />
Grey River<br />
Griquet<br />
Groais Islands<br />
·Grote PO<br />
Grouse<br />
Gulch<br />
Gull Island<br />
Gullies<br />
Gullies<br />
Halcyon<br />
Halfway Point<br />
Hallstown<br />
Hampden<br />
Rahnah's Cove<br />
Rant's Harbour<br />
Happy Adventure<br />
Hr. Breton<br />
Hr. Buffett<br />
Hr. Deep<br />
Hr. Gallett<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Hr. Island<br />
Hr. LeCau<br />
Hr. Main<br />
"Hr. Mille PO<br />
Hr. Round<br />
Harcourt<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Twillingate<br />
Trinity South<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Port de Grave<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Whtie Bay<br />
White Bay<br />
Fortune - Hermtage<br />
White Bay<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
Carbonear - Bay de V<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Humber<br />
Humber<br />
Port de Grave<br />
White Bay<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Trinity South<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Placentia West<br />
White Bay<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Placentia West<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
White Bay<br />
Trinity North<br />
Bragg's Island<br />
Cupids<br />
Rocky Hr.<br />
Mail Route 161, PO<br />
Burgeo TMO<br />
Hermitage MO<br />
Conche<br />
St. Mary's<br />
Burnt Point TPO<br />
Northern Bay MO<br />
Riverh'd, Hr. G. PO<br />
Hr. Grace TMO<br />
Brigus<br />
Deer Lake<br />
Frenchman's Ceo TPO<br />
Curling MO<br />
Clarke's Beach<br />
Hampden<br />
Eastport<br />
Gaultois<br />
Tack's Beach<br />
Rose Blanche<br />
Bay L'Argent MO<br />
Brent's Cove TPO<br />
LaScie MO
P. O. BOX 386.<br />
G. W. SNOW<br />
Agents for:<br />
CHIVERS'-English Jams, Marmalade, Jellies, etc.<br />
PEAK FREAN'S High Grade English Biscuits.<br />
KIA-ORA and BLUE SKY Squashes-Orange, Lemon, Lime,<br />
etc.<br />
SHORTENINGS-"COOKEEN," "B. L. C." Brands.<br />
BARRA'IT'S-Count, and Pound Confectionery.<br />
GOUROCK ROPEWORKS-Ropes, Tarpauling Cloths, etc.<br />
Products.<br />
Filing Cabinets<br />
Filini' Supplies<br />
Deaks<br />
Office Stationf'ry<br />
and Requisitell<br />
of all descriptions<br />
As well as the World's Best Duplicator.<br />
Typewriters. New<br />
Factory Rebuilt.<br />
& Reconditioned<br />
For Sale & Hire.<br />
Also Typewriter<br />
Supplies, Ribbons<br />
and Carbon<br />
Paper<br />
Ask for descriptive literature on this famous machine, or better<br />
still, a demonstration and see for yourself the excellent performance<br />
and work of it. 1<br />
Phone 188. GORDON PERRY. P. O. Box E5187
PLACE<br />
Hardy's Cove<br />
Hare Bay<br />
Hare Bay<br />
Hare Hr.<br />
Harrieott<br />
Harry's Brook<br />
Harry's Harbour<br />
Hart's Cove<br />
Hatchet Cove<br />
Hatchet Hr.<br />
Hawke's Bay<br />
Hay Cove<br />
Fortune - Hermitage Gaultois<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Fogo<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Placentia & St. M<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Trinity North<br />
Twillingate<br />
St. Barbe<br />
White Bay<br />
Haystack<br />
Placentia North<br />
Hayward's Cove Bonavista North<br />
Hayward's Cove TwiUingate<br />
·Head B D'espoir PO Fortune - Hennitage<br />
4-Head's Harbour Green Bay<br />
Head of Conne Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Heart's Content Trinity South<br />
Heart's Delight Trinity South<br />
"Heart's Desire PO Trinity South<br />
Hebron PO<br />
Labrador<br />
Henley Harbour PO<br />
• Heatherton<br />
Hermit Cove<br />
Hennitage<br />
Herring Neck<br />
Hibb's Hole<br />
Hickman's Hr.<br />
"High Beach PO<br />
"Highlands PO<br />
Hillgrade<br />
Hillview<br />
Hodderville<br />
Hodge Water<br />
Hodges Cove<br />
Holyrood<br />
Green Bay<br />
Twillingate<br />
Labrador<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Twillingate<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Trinity North<br />
Burin<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
TwHlingate<br />
Trinity North<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Fogo<br />
Stone's Cove<br />
Salmonier PO<br />
Mount Cannel TMO<br />
Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Stephenville C. MO<br />
Spruce Brook T<br />
Durrell's PO<br />
Twillingate TMO<br />
St. Jones Within<br />
Herring Neck<br />
Port Saunders<br />
Quirpon TPO<br />
Griquet MO<br />
St. Brendan's<br />
Moreton's Hr.<br />
Milltown MO<br />
Pilley's Island POMO<br />
Morrisville<br />
Heart's Delight MO<br />
Cartwright MO<br />
Hopedale T<br />
Battle Harbour MO<br />
Red Bay, Can. Gov T<br />
Cartyville POMO<br />
Badger's Quay<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Lamaline MO<br />
St. David's MO<br />
King's Cove<br />
Port de Grave Goulds PO<br />
Clarke's Beach TMO<br />
Trinity North<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island
200<br />
PLACE<br />
Hoop Cove<br />
Fortune - Hennitage Anderson's Cove TPO<br />
Stone's Cove 1\10<br />
Hooping Hr. PO White Bay Englee TMO<br />
Hopeall Trinity South Green's Hr.<br />
Hopedale PO Labrador Cartwright 1110<br />
Hopedale T<br />
Horse Chops Trinity North English Hr.<br />
Horse Isld (St. Barbe) White Bay<br />
Horwood<br />
House Cove<br />
Fogo<br />
Trinity North Little Heart's Ease<br />
Howards St. George's - P au P Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Stephenville C. TlIIO<br />
Howley<br />
Humber<br />
Hughes Brook Humber Humbermouth<br />
Humbennouth<br />
Humber<br />
Hunts Island Burgeo - LaP Burgeo<br />
Indian Bay<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Indian Burying Place Green Bay Nipper's Hr.<br />
Indian Cove Twillingate Herring Neck<br />
Indian Hr. Burgeo - LaP LaPoile<br />
Indian Hr. Placentia North Hr. Buffett<br />
Indian Islands Fogo<br />
Indian Point Grand Falls Botwood<br />
Indian Pond Hr. Main - Bell Island Seal Cove PO<br />
Holyrood TMO<br />
Inglewood Trinity North Lady Cove<br />
Innismara Humber Woods Island<br />
*Iona Placentia North Fox Hr. TlIIO<br />
Ireland Island Burgeo - LaP LaPoile<br />
*Ireland's Bight White Bay St. Anthony TMO<br />
Ireland's Eye<br />
'l.'rinity North<br />
lrishtown Humber Summerside TPO<br />
Curling 1110<br />
Island Cove Fen-yland Cape Broyle<br />
Island Cove Fogo Horwood<br />
Island Cove Trinity North Hodges Cove<br />
-Island Hr. PO Fogo Fogo lifO<br />
Island Pool St. Gp.orge's - P au P Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Stephenville C. TMO<br />
·Isle aux Morts PO Burgeo - LaP Channel 1110<br />
-Isle Valen PO Placentia North<br />
Islington Trinity South Heart's Delight POllIO<br />
-Ivanhoe Trinity North Ireland's Eye POMO<br />
Ivany's Cove Trinity North Hillview
Jack Burke's St. George's - P au P Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Stephenville C. MO<br />
Spruce Brook T<br />
Jackson's Ann White Bay<br />
Jacksn's Cove Green Bay<br />
*Jacques Fontaine Fortune - Hermitage St. Bernard's POMO<br />
Jamestown Bonavista South<br />
*Jean De Bay Placentia West Spanish Room PO<br />
Marystown MO<br />
Jean de Gaunt Placentia North Tack's Beach<br />
Jeffrey's St. George's - P au P<br />
Jenkin's Cove 'l'willingate Durrell's PO<br />
Twillingate TMO<br />
Jerry's Nose St. George's - P au P Abraham's Cove TPO<br />
Port au Port MO<br />
Jersey Hr. Fortune - Hermitage<br />
*Jersey Side PO Placentia - St. M. Placentia MO<br />
Jim's Cove Green Bay Triton West<br />
Job's Cove Carbonear - B de V Burnt Point TPO<br />
Lower Island Cove 1\10<br />
Joe Batt's Arm Fogo<br />
John's Beach Humber Frenchman's C. TPO<br />
Curling MO<br />
John's Pond Placentia - St. M. Colinet PO<br />
Mount Carmel MO<br />
Junction Brook Humber Deer Lake<br />
Juniper Stump Port de Grave Goulds PO<br />
Clarke's Beach TMO<br />
Jurnois St. Georges' P au P St. Theresa PTO<br />
St. George's MO<br />
Keels Bonavista South<br />
Kelligl-ews Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Kelly's Cove Burin Burin<br />
Kearley's Hr. Trinity North New Bonaventure<br />
Kettle Cove Twillingate Little Hr. PTO<br />
Twillingate MO<br />
Kilbride PO St. John's West Burin<br />
Kimberly Burin St. John's TMO<br />
King's Cove Bonavista South<br />
King's Cove Fortune - Hermitage Gaultois<br />
King's Cove Green Bay Harry's Hal'bor<br />
King's Cove St. Barbe Port Saunders<br />
King's Point Green Bay<br />
Kingman's Ferryland Fenneuse
Every Man Needs Trust Service<br />
Every man tod.lY has need of the trust<br />
company in some of ils many capacities.<br />
The trust company will assist you to draw<br />
up your will and prepare trusts, arrange for<br />
mortgage loans, manage your real estate,<br />
supervise your investments. act as registrar<br />
and transfer agent on behalf of corporations,<br />
and safeguard the valuables of clients.<br />
The EASTERN TRUST Company<br />
Head Office: HALIFAX. N.S.<br />
HO\'I. F. McNamara<br />
Pitts' Buildinll<br />
:J(JlJ. .I1rhlJorp :Board:<br /> Baird. Chainnan<br />
P. B. Readell. Manallef<br />
Hon. W. S. Monroe<br />
St. John's<br />
284 Water Street, St. John's<br />
Knitting Woob, Angora Wools, Ladies' Silk Hose, Costume<br />
Jewelry, Gifts and Novelties, Rug Wools and Readicut Wool<br />
Rugs, Wells-Gardner Radios, Old Bleach Irish Linens, Perfumes<br />
and Cosmetics. Men's Sox and Ties. Souvenirs and<br />
Chromeware for Personal Gifts. Crystals and Sets. Wireless<br />
Keys and Buzzers. Ladies' Hand Bags and Silk Undies. Fountain<br />
Pens and Pencils. Kent's Brushes, Etc., Etc.<br />
'lIfr Write for Price List ....
PLACE<br />
Kingston PO<br />
*Kingwell PO<br />
Kirby's Cove<br />
Rippins<br />
Kitchuses PO<br />
Kitty's Brook<br />
Knight's Cove<br />
Ladle Cove<br />
Lady Cove<br />
Lake Beach<br />
Lake Brook<br />
Lake Siding<br />
Lakeview<br />
Lally Cove PO<br />
Lamaline<br />
Lance Amour PO<br />
Lance au Clair PO<br />
Lancp. au Loup PO<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Fogo<br />
Trinity North<br />
t"ortune - Hennitage<br />
Labrador<br />
Lance Cove, Bell !sId. Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Lance Cove Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
LaManche<br />
Lancaster<br />
LaPoile<br />
Langdon's Cove<br />
Langue de Cer!<br />
Lance au Lean<br />
LeManche<br />
Lance au Meaoow<br />
Lance au Pigeon<br />
LaPlante<br />
Lard's Ann<br />
Lark Hr<br />
LaScie<br />
Carbonear - B de V Broad Cove TMO<br />
Placentia North Hr Buffett MO<br />
Burin Burin<br />
St. George's - P au P Stephenville<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island Conception Hr. TMO<br />
Humber Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Humber<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Burin<br />
Labrador<br />
Labrador<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Trinity North<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Green Bay<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Burin<br />
Ferryland<br />
White Bay<br />
White Bay<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Humber<br />
White Bay<br />
Howley TMO<br />
King's Cove<br />
Bay Ull Nord TPO<br />
Pool's Cove MO<br />
Channel<br />
Deer Lake<br />
Hr. Main<br />
Pool's Cove TMO<br />
Flower's Cove 1\10<br />
Point Amour T<br />
Flower's Cove MO<br />
Blanc Sablan, CGT<br />
Flower's Cove MO<br />
Lance au Loup CGT<br />
Bell Island Mines<br />
Upper Gullies PO<br />
Kelligrews TMO<br />
Little Hr East TPO<br />
Chance Cove M0<br />
Bonavista<br />
Jackson's Cove<br />
St. Bernard's<br />
Epworth<br />
Tor's Cove PO<br />
Cape Broyle MO<br />
Brigus South T<br />
Quirpon TPO<br />
Griquet MO<br />
Quirpon TPO<br />
Griquet MO<br />
LaPoile<br />
PLACE<br />
Laurenceton<br />
Lawn<br />
Lead Cove<br />
Leading Tickles East<br />
Leading Tickles West<br />
Lear's Cove<br />
Lector's Cove<br />
Lethbridge<br />
Lewisporte<br />
Lion's 'Den<br />
Little Barrisway<br />
-Little Bay,<br />
-Little Bay,<br />
Marystown<br />
Little Bay<br />
Little Bay<br />
'Little Bay East PO<br />
Little Bay Islands<br />
Little Bay West<br />
Little Braha<br />
Little Burnt Bay<br />
-Little Catalina PO<br />
'llLittie Harbor<br />
-Little Harbor<br />
Little Harbor<br />
·Little Harbor PO<br />
-Little HI' East<br />
'Little Hr East PO<br />
Little Fogo Island<br />
Little Heart's Ease<br />
Little Paradise<br />
Little Passage<br />
Little Fort<br />
'Little Hr Deep PO<br />
Little Rattling Brook<br />
Little Ridge<br />
Little St Lawrence<br />
Little Seldom<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Burin<br />
Trinity North<br />
Green Bay<br />
Green Bay<br />
Placentia - St. :M St. Bride's<br />
Fortune - Hermitage Milltown<br />
'Bonavista South<br />
Gran Falls<br />
Fogo<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Green Bay<br />
Placentia West<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Green Bay<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
White Bay<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Trinity North<br />
Placentia West<br />
Trinity North<br />
Humber<br />
Twillingate<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Placentia - St M<br />
Fogo<br />
Trinity North<br />
Placentia West<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Humber<br />
White Bay<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Trinity South<br />
Burin<br />
Fogo<br />
Brownsdale<br />
Leading Tickles West<br />
Fogo<br />
Point Verde TPO<br />
Placentia MO<br />
Marystown POMO<br />
Gaultois<br />
LaPoile<br />
Bay L'Argent MO<br />
Great Braha PO<br />
St. Anthony TMO<br />
Brown's Ann PO<br />
Lewisporte TMO<br />
Catalina MO<br />
St. Joseph's PO<br />
Baine Harbor MO<br />
British Harbor POMO<br />
Mail Route 1 PO<br />
Oeer Lake TM0<br />
Twillingate MO<br />
Hr Mille PO<br />
Bay L'Argent MO<br />
Chance Cove T.B., MO<br />
Joe Batt's Arm<br />
Gaultois<br />
Lark Harbor<br />
Hr. Deep TMO<br />
Norris Arm<br />
Chapel Arm TPO<br />
Dildo MO<br />
St Lawrence<br />
PLACE<br />
Little Ward's Hr<br />
Lobster Cove<br />
Lobster Cove Head<br />
Lobster Harbor<br />
Lobster Harbor<br />
Lock Leven<br />
Lock's Cove<br />
Lock's Cove<br />
Lock's Harbor<br />
Lockston<br />
Logy Bay<br />
Lomond<br />
Long Beach<br />
Long Beach<br />
Long Beach<br />
*Long Beach<br />
Long Cove<br />
·Lock's Cove PO<br />
Long Cove<br />
Long Grade Farm<br />
Long Harbor<br />
*Long Hr Beach<br />
Long Pond<br />
*Long Point<br />
Loon Bay<br />
Loon's Cove<br />
*Lord's Cove PO<br />
Loreburn<br />
*Lourdes PO<br />
Lower Cove<br />
·Lower Cove<br />
Lower Amherst Cove<br />
Lower English Hr<br />
Lower Island Cove<br />
Lower Lance Cove<br />
Lower Small Point<br />
Green Bay Little Bay<br />
St. Barbe Rocky Harbor<br />
St. Barbe Rocky Harbor<br />
Twillingate Herring Neck<br />
White Bay Seal Cove<br />
St. George's - P au PSt. Fintan's TPO<br />
Burgeo - LaP.<br />
Fogo<br />
Green Bay<br />
Trinity North<br />
St. John's East<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Carbonear . B de V<br />
Trinity North<br />
Ferryland<br />
Trinity South<br />
White Bay<br />
Burin<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Hr. -Main· Bell Island<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Twillingate<br />
Burin<br />
Burin<br />
Trinity North<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Carbonear - B de V<br />
Trinity North<br />
Carbonear - B de V<br />
St. David's MO<br />
Recontre 'Vest<br />
Fogo<br />
Leading Tickles West<br />
Trinity<br />
St. John's East<br />
Princeton<br />
Northern Bay<br />
Cape Race POMO<br />
Norman's Cove PO<br />
Bellevue MO<br />
Chapel Ann T<br />
St. Anthony MO<br />
Burin<br />
Mail Route 1 PO<br />
Channel TMO<br />
Anderson's Cove PO<br />
Stone's Cove MO<br />
Manuels<br />
Lourdes PO<br />
Port au Port M.<br />
Burin<br />
Lamaline MO<br />
St. Jones Within<br />
Port au Port MO<br />
Flower's Cove<br />
Abraham's Cove PO<br />
Port au Port MO<br />
Newman's Cove POMO<br />
Upper Amh. Cove T<br />
See English Hr East<br />
Britannia<br />
Broad Cove
The Years Bear Witness<br />
orty years of experience<br />
F and the steady increase<br />
In the number of our cilento<br />
bear witness to our abl1ltr<br />
to serve youas Execntor, Trill<br />
tee, Administrator or Agent.<br />
THE<br />
COMPANY'<br />
W. F. INGPEN, Manager<br />
Bank of Montreal Building.<br />
St. John's, NOd.<br />
Branches:<br />
Calgal'y Edmonton Halifax Hamilton<br />
Ottawa Quebec Saint John, N.B.<br />
St. John's, Nfld. Toronto Vancouver<br />
Victoria Winnipeg London, England.<br />
Agency: Charlottetown, P.E.I.
PLACE<br />
Middle Cut<br />
(St. Stephen's)<br />
Mile's Cove<br />
-Millertown June.<br />
Mill Cove<br />
Milltown<br />
Mills Road<br />
-Millville<br />
Milton<br />
Ming's Bight<br />
Mistaken Cove<br />
Mitchell's Brook<br />
Mobile<br />
Molliers<br />
-Monkstown PO<br />
Monroe<br />
Moore's Cove<br />
-Mooring Cove<br />
Moreton's Harbor<br />
Morrisville<br />
Mortier<br />
-Mose Ambrose PO<br />
Mosquito<br />
Mosquito Cove<br />
-Mosquito PO<br />
Mount Cannel<br />
Mount Moriah<br />
Mouse Island<br />
Muddy Brook<br />
Muddy Hole<br />
Muddy Hole<br />
Mulley's Cove<br />
Murphy's Cove<br />
Musgrave Harbor<br />
Musgravetown<br />
Mussel Pond<br />
Nain PO<br />
Nameless Cove<br />
Neck<br />
Neddie's Harbor<br />
Placentia - St. M: St. Vincent's<br />
Green Bay Port Anson<br />
PO Grand Falls Millertown MO<br />
St. Barbe Norris Point<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Port de Grave Brigus<br />
St. George's - P au P Searston POMO<br />
Trinity North<br />
White Bay Pacquet<br />
St. Barbe Flower's Cove'<br />
Placentia - St. M Mount Cannel<br />
Ferryland Tor's Cove PO<br />
Witless Bay TMO<br />
Burin Grand Bank<br />
Placentia North St. Kyran's MO<br />
Trinity North<br />
Green Bay Cottrell's Cove TPO<br />
Fortune Hr. MO<br />
Placentia West Marystown POMO<br />
Twil1ingate<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Placentia West Fox Cove TPO<br />
Port aux Basques MO<br />
Fortune - Hermitage English Hr. West MO<br />
Burgeo - LaP Pushthrough<br />
Burin Burin<br />
Placentia - St. M St. Joseph's TMO<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Humber Curling<br />
Burgeo - LaP Channel<br />
St. Barbe Bonne Bay<br />
Burgeo - LaP Pushthrough<br />
St. George's - P au P St. George's<br />
Carbonear - B de V Broad Cove<br />
Placentia West Presque PO<br />
St. Kyran's TMO<br />
Fogo<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Placentia - St. M St. Josephs', Salmonier<br />
Labrador Cartwright MO<br />
Hopedale T<br />
St. Barbe Flower's Cove<br />
Trinity North Elliston<br />
St. Barbe Norris' Point
Established I8I7.-HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL.<br />
President-Huntley R. Drummond.<br />
General Managers: Jackson Dodds, G. W. Spinney•<br />
Capital Paid Up<br />
Rest and Undivided Profits<br />
Total Assets<br />
. $36,000,000.00<br />
$40,265,700.00<br />
$1,025,000,000.00<br />
Fiscal Agents in London for the<br />
Dominion of Canada<br />
Bankers for the Government of<br />
Newfoundland<br />
London, England, Branches-47 Threadneedle Street, and 9<br />
Waterloo Place.<br />
Branches in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and every<br />
Province of the Dominion of Canada.<br />
Newfoundland - Curling, Corner Brook. Grand Falls, St.<br />
George's, and Buchans (Sub-Agency).<br />
St. John's-H. D. SUCKLING, Manager.<br />
D. O. ATKINSON, Asst. Manager.<br />
Commercial Letters of Credit, and Travellers' Letters<br />
of Credit available in all parts of the world.<br />
Special attention given to Savings Accounts which may be<br />
opened by deposits of $1.00 and upwards.
Notre Dame Junction Grand Falls Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Lewisporte TMO<br />
·New Ferrole St. Barbe Shoal Cove West PO<br />
Brig Bay MO<br />
Nftd. Airport Bonavista North<br />
Nutak PO Labrador Cartwright M0<br />
Hopedale T<br />
Ochre Pit Cove PO Carbonear - B de V Western Bay TMO<br />
Oderin Placentia West<br />
Old Bonaventure Trinity North New Bonaventure<br />
Old Perlican Carbonear - Bay de V<br />
Old Port au Choix St. Barbe Port au Choix<br />
'Old Shop PO Trinity South Blaketown MO<br />
Oliver's Cove Fogo Tilting<br />
Open Hall Bonavista South<br />
·O'Regans St. George's - P au P Doyles PO<br />
Codroy MO<br />
Osbomes Burgeo - LaP Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Channel TMO<br />
Otterbury Carbonear - B de V Freshwater<br />
Otterbury Hr. Grace Hr. Grace<br />
Otterbury Port de Grave Clarke's Beach<br />
Otter's Point Burgeo - LaP Grand Bruit<br />
Otter's Cove Trinity North Burgoyne's Cove<br />
Outer Cove PO St. John's East St. John's T<br />
Torbay MO<br />
Over Harbor Burgeo - La P Burgeo<br />
Overfall St. George's - P au P Doyle's TPO<br />
St. Andrew's MO<br />
Pacquet White Bay<br />
Paddock's Bight Green Bay Port Anson<br />
• Paradise Placentia West Litle Paradise POMO<br />
Paradise Hr. Main - Bell Island Donovan's PO<br />
Topsail TMO<br />
Paradise Green Bay Point Leamington<br />
(Bobby's Cove)<br />
Pardy's Island Burin Burin<br />
·Parker's Cove Placentia West Baine Hr. POMO<br />
Parson's Pond St. Barbe<br />
• Pasadena PO Humber Deer Lake MO<br />
Pass Island Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Path End Placentia - St. M St. Mary's<br />
Path End Burin Burin<br />
·Patrick's Cove PO Placentia - St. M St. Bride's MO<br />
Patrick's Harbour Fortune - Hennitage Gaultois
Payne's Cove St. Barbe Flower's Cove POMO<br />
Sandy Cove T<br />
Paul's Island Bonavista North Fair Island<br />
Pay's Cove Fortune - Hermitage English Hr East TPO<br />
Bay L'Argent MO<br />
Peckford's Island PO Fogo Musgrave Hr. MO<br />
Penguin Arm Humber Cox's Cove TPO<br />
Wood's Island MO<br />
Penguin Island Fogo Musgrave Harbor<br />
Penguin Island Burgeo - LaP Cape La Hune<br />
Penney's Cove Bonavista North St. Brendan's<br />
Perry's Cove PO Carboneal' - B de V Salmon Cove MO<br />
Broad Cove T<br />
Perry's Island Fogo Indian Islands<br />
Peters Arm Grand Falls Botwood<br />
·Peter's River PO Placentia - St. M St. Vincent's MO<br />
Petit Forte Placentia West<br />
Petites Burgeo - La P<br />
Petley Trinity North Britannia<br />
Petties Humber Curling<br />
Petty Harbor POMO St. John's West St. John's T<br />
Philip's Head Grand Falls Laurenceton<br />
•Piccadilly PO St. George's - P au P Port au Port MO<br />
Piccaire Fortune - Hermitage Gaultois<br />
Pick Eyes Port de Grave Port de Grave<br />
Pike's Ann Twillingate Herring Neck<br />
Pidgeon Cove St. Barbe St. Barbe TPO<br />
Flower's Cove MO<br />
Pilley1s Island Green Bay<br />
Piller's Bight White Bay Conche TMO<br />
Conche PO<br />
Pinchard's Is POMO Bonavista North Newtown T<br />
Pinchard's Island Placentia West Tack's Beach<br />
Placentia Placentia - St. M<br />
Placentia June. PO Placentia - St. M Whitbourne TMO<br />
Placentia South West Placentia - St. M Placentia<br />
*Plate Cove East PO Bonavista South Openhall MO<br />
*Plate Cove West Bonavista South Plate Cove East PO<br />
Openhall MO<br />
Plum Point St. Barbe Brig Bay<br />
*Point au Gaul PO Burin Lamaline MO<br />
Point au Maul St. George's - P au P Fox Island River TPO<br />
Port au Port MO<br />
·Point Crewe PO Burin Lamaline MO
PLACE<br />
·Point Enragee<br />
Point LaHaye<br />
·Point Lance<br />
Point Leamington<br />
·Point May PO<br />
Point of Bay PO<br />
Point Riche<br />
'"Point Verde PO<br />
Pond Cove<br />
Pool's Cove<br />
Pool's Island POMO<br />
Pope's Hr.<br />
'Port Albert PO<br />
Port Anson<br />
Port au Bras<br />
Port aux Basques<br />
Port au Choix<br />
Port au Port<br />
Port Blandford<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Port Hope Simpson<br />
POMO<br />
*Port Nelson<br />
Port Rexton<br />
Port Royal<br />
Port Saunders<br />
Port Union<br />
Porterville<br />
·Portland<br />
·Portland Creek<br />
Portugal Cove PO<br />
-Portugal Cove S. PO<br />
Pouch Cove POMO<br />
·Found Cove PO<br />
Pound Cove<br />
·Presque PO<br />
"'Princeton PO<br />
Prowseton<br />
Pumbley Cove<br />
Purbeck Cove<br />
Purcell's Hr<br />
Pushthrough<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Green Bay<br />
Burin<br />
Green Bay<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Trinity North<br />
Twillingate<br />
Green Bay<br />
Burin<br />
'Burgeo - LaP<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Labrador<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Trinity North<br />
Placentia West<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Trinity North<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Bonavista South<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. John's East<br />
Ferryland<br />
St. John's East<br />
Bonavista North<br />
White Bay<br />
Placentia West<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Placentia West<br />
White Bay<br />
White Bay<br />
Twillingate<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Garnish POMO<br />
St. Mary's<br />
Branch POMO<br />
Lamaline MO<br />
Laurenceton TMO<br />
Port au Choix<br />
Placentia MO<br />
Brig Bay<br />
Badger's Quay T<br />
British Harbor<br />
Horwood MO<br />
Telegraph business acceptance<br />
only.<br />
Channel TPOMO<br />
Labrador Dev C. Sta.<br />
Wireless to Battle Hr.<br />
Safe Harbor POMO<br />
Hr. Buffett<br />
Lewisporte<br />
Jamestown POMO<br />
Daniel's Harbor POMO<br />
St. John's MO<br />
Trepassey MO<br />
St. John's T<br />
Wesleyville MO<br />
Westport<br />
St. Kyran's MO<br />
Summerville MO<br />
St. Kyran's MO<br />
Davis Cove TPO<br />
Westport<br />
Westport<br />
Little Hr. PO<br />
Twillingate TMO
PLACE<br />
Pynn's Brook<br />
Quarry<br />
Queen's Bank<br />
*Queen's Cove PO<br />
Quidi Vidi<br />
*Quirpon PO<br />
Ragged Hr. South<br />
Ragged Hr. North<br />
Ragged Point<br />
Rainy Brook<br />
"Raleigh PO<br />
Ramea<br />
Random Head Hr.<br />
*Rantem<br />
TIantem Station<br />
Raymond's Point<br />
•Rattling Brook PO<br />
Red Bay PO<br />
Red Brook<br />
*Red Cliffe<br />
Red Cove<br />
Red Harbor<br />
Red Head Cove PO<br />
Red Island<br />
Red Island<br />
Redlands<br />
Red Rocks<br />
* Reef's Harbor<br />
Regina<br />
Rencontre East<br />
Rencontre West<br />
Renews<br />
Humber<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Placentia West<br />
Trinity North<br />
St. John's East<br />
White Bay<br />
Fogo<br />
Fogo<br />
Twillingate<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
White Bay<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Trinity North<br />
Trinity South<br />
Trinity South<br />
FOltune - Hermitage<br />
Green Bay<br />
Labrador<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Placentia West<br />
Carbonear - B de V<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Placentia North<br />
Carbonear - B de V<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Ferryland<br />
Pasadena TPO<br />
Deer Lake MO<br />
Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Howley MO<br />
Millertown June. T<br />
Davis Cove TPO<br />
St. Kyran's MO<br />
Long Beach MO<br />
St. John's East<br />
Griquet MO<br />
Musgrave Hr.<br />
Ladle Cove<br />
Part of Twillingate<br />
St. Fintan's TPO<br />
St. David's MO<br />
Griquet MO<br />
Deer Harbor TPO<br />
Hickman's Hr. MO<br />
Chance Cove E. POMO<br />
Mail Route I, PO<br />
Chance Cove E. MO<br />
Rantem T<br />
Gaultois<br />
King's Point MO<br />
Battle Hr. MO<br />
Red Bay, Can. Gov. T<br />
Cape St. George<br />
Openhall POMO<br />
Miller's Passage TPO<br />
Little Bay West MO<br />
Flat Island<br />
Bay de Verde TMO<br />
Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Burgeo TMO<br />
Lower Island Cove<br />
St. Andrew's<br />
Shoal Cove West PO<br />
Brig Bay MO<br />
St. Joseph's, Salmonier
PLACE<br />
Richard's Harbor PO<br />
Rigolet PO<br />
Riverdale<br />
Riverh'd Hr Grace PO Hr. Grace<br />
'Riverh'd St. M. PO Placentia - St. M<br />
*Riverh'd Salmon'r PO Placentia - St. M<br />
(Hurley's)<br />
Riverside Mill Port de Grave<br />
River of Ponds<br />
Roaches Line<br />
Robbins Cove<br />
Robert's Ann<br />
Robinson's<br />
*Robinson's Station<br />
* Rock Harbor<br />
Rocky Harbor<br />
Rocky Barachoix<br />
Rocky Brook<br />
Rodger's Cove<br />
Robinson's Brook<br />
Rose au Rue<br />
Rose Blanche<br />
·Rosedale<br />
Roti Point<br />
Round About<br />
Rouge Harbor<br />
Roddickton<br />
Round Cove<br />
Round Harbor<br />
Rowsell's Cove<br />
Round Harbor<br />
Round Harbor<br />
Rushoon<br />
Rushy Pond<br />
St. Ann's<br />
St. Alban's<br />
St. Andrew's<br />
St. Anthony's Bight<br />
St. Anthony<br />
St. Anthony, Intern.<br />
Grenfell Assoc PO<br />
Burgeo - LaP Pushthrough TM0<br />
Labrador Cartwright MO<br />
Hopedale T<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island Kelligrews TPO MO<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Twillingate<br />
Green Bay<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
St. George's -P au P<br />
Placentia West<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Humber<br />
Fogo<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Placentia West<br />
Burgeo - LaP<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Burin<br />
Green Bay<br />
White Bay<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Green Bay<br />
Green Bay<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Placentia West<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Placentia West<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
White Bay<br />
White Bay<br />
White Bay<br />
Manuela MO<br />
Hr. Grace TMO<br />
St. Mary's MO<br />
St. Joseph's MO<br />
Goulds PO<br />
Clarke's Beach TMO<br />
Port Saunders<br />
Brigus<br />
Twillingate<br />
·Cartyville<br />
Cartyville POMO<br />
Spanish Room PO<br />
Marystown MO<br />
Channel<br />
Deer Lake<br />
Victoria Cove<br />
Port au Port<br />
Hr. Buffett<br />
Glovertown POMO<br />
St. Alban's<br />
Lawn<br />
Nipper's Harbor<br />
Gaultois<br />
Leading Tickles W<br />
Fair Island<br />
Gaultois<br />
Baine Harbor<br />
Mail Route 1, PO<br />
Grand Falls Sta. TMO<br />
St. Kyran's<br />
St. Anthony<br />
St. Anthony TMO
_____---=P'--O"'S"'T:.:AL=-'G:..:U:.:I:.::D:.::E=--:.:A=-N:.::D=---=D.=IR:.:E=CT=-O=R.=y 307<br />
PLACE<br />
·St. Barbe PO<br />
St. Bernard's<br />
St. Bernard's<br />
St. Brendan's<br />
St. Bride's<br />
St. Carol's<br />
St. Catherine<br />
St. Chad's<br />
St. David's<br />
St. Fintan's<br />
St. George's<br />
St. Genevieve Bay<br />
St. Jacques<br />
St. Jacque's Island<br />
St. John's Bay<br />
St. John's City GPO<br />
St. John's City<br />
East End PO<br />
St. John's City<br />
West End PO<br />
Mundy Pond POMO<br />
St. John's Island PO<br />
St. Jones Within<br />
St. Jones Without PO<br />
·St. Jones Without<br />
St. Joseph's<br />
St. Joseph's<br />
·St. Joseph's PO<br />
St. Joseph's Cove<br />
St. Julien's PO<br />
St. Kyran's<br />
St. Lawrence<br />
·St. Leonard's<br />
..St. Lunaire<br />
St. Mary's<br />
St. Mary's River PO<br />
St. Michael's<br />
·St. Patrick's<br />
·St. Paul's<br />
St. Phillip's PO<br />
St. Phillip's Hill<br />
St. Shott's<br />
St. Barbe l
PLACE<br />
·St. Theresa PO<br />
St. Thomas<br />
St. Vincent<br />
Saddle Island<br />
·Safe Hr PO<br />
Sagona<br />
Salmon Cove POMO<br />
Sally's Cove<br />
Salmon Cove<br />
Salmon Cove<br />
Salmonier<br />
Salmonier Road<br />
Salt Hr. Island<br />
Salt Pans<br />
Salt Pond<br />
Salt Pond<br />
Salvage<br />
Samson's Island<br />
Sandy Cove<br />
Sandy Cove<br />
Sandy Cove<br />
·Sandy Cove<br />
Sandy Cove<br />
Sandy Cove<br />
Sandy Point<br />
Sandy Point<br />
Sandy Point<br />
·Saunder's Cove<br />
Savage Cove<br />
Seal Cove<br />
Seal Cove<br />
• Seal Cove PO<br />
Seal Cove<br />
Seal Cove<br />
Seal Cove South<br />
Seal Point<br />
Searston<br />
Seldom<br />
Shallop Cove PO<br />
Shalloway<br />
Shalloway Cove<br />
• ShambIer's Cove PO<br />
St. George's - P au P St. George's MO<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island St. Phillip's PO<br />
PI.llcentia - St. M<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Carbonear - B de V<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Port de Grave<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Burin<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Twillingate<br />
Twillingate<br />
Burin<br />
Grand Fans<br />
Bonavista South<br />
'l\v:illingate<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Fogo<br />
Port de Grave<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Trinity North<br />
Twillingatp.<br />
Burin<br />
Grand Falls<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Bonavista North<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Fogo<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Twillingate<br />
White Bay<br />
Fogo<br />
St. Barbe<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Fogo<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Burin<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Topsail TMO<br />
Pushthrough<br />
Badger's Quay MO<br />
Rocky Harbor POMO<br />
Bater's Brook T<br />
Clarke's Beach<br />
Three Rock Cove TPO<br />
Cape St. George MO<br />
Burin<br />
Holyrood<br />
Herring Nrck<br />
See Hillgrade<br />
Burin<br />
See Embrp.p.<br />
Exploits<br />
Eastport<br />
Tilting<br />
Port de Grav",<br />
Flower's Cove POMO<br />
Elliston<br />
Durrell's PO<br />
Twillingatp. TMO<br />
Burin<br />
Laurenceton<br />
Glovertown POMO<br />
Flower's Cove<br />
Holyrood TMO<br />
Ladle Cove<br />
Pass Island MO<br />
Hillgrade (Salt Pans)<br />
Musgrave Harbor<br />
Flower's Cove<br />
St. George's TMO<br />
Great Burin<br />
St. Brendan's<br />
Greenspond MO
PLACE<br />
Shark's Cove<br />
Shearstown<br />
"Sheaves Cove<br />
Ship Cove<br />
Burin<br />
Ship Cove (Path End) Burin<br />
'Ship Cove PO Placentia - St. M<br />
Ship Cove<br />
Port de Grave<br />
'Ship Cove PO St. George's - P au P<br />
·Ship Harbor PO Placentia- St. M<br />
Ship Island<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Shoal Arm<br />
Green Bay<br />
Shoal Bay<br />
Fogo<br />
Shoal Brook<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Shoal Cove East St. Barbe<br />
•Shoal Cove West PO St. Barbe<br />
'Shoal Harbor PO Trinity North<br />
"Shoal Point<br />
Ferryland<br />
ItShoe Cove PO Green Bay<br />
Shoe Cove<br />
St. John's East<br />
Shoe Cove Brook<br />
Smooth Cove<br />
Snook's Arm<br />
"Snook's Harbour<br />
.. Sop's Ann PO<br />
Sop's Island<br />
Sound Island<br />
·South Branch PO<br />
South Brook<br />
South Brook<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Green Bay<br />
Shore's Cove<br />
Ferryland<br />
Sibley's Cove<br />
Trinity South<br />
Silverdale<br />
Green Bay<br />
Silver Hare Island PO Bonavista North<br />
Silver Point<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Silverton<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Smith's Hr.<br />
Green Bay<br />
Smooth Cove<br />
Carbonear - Bay de V<br />
Twillingate<br />
Green Bay<br />
Trinity North<br />
White Bay<br />
White Bay<br />
Placentia North<br />
·St. George's . P au P<br />
Green Bay<br />
Humber<br />
Cupids<br />
Bay Roberts<br />
Ship Cove PO<br />
Port au Port MO<br />
Burin<br />
Burin<br />
Placentia MO<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Port au Port MO<br />
Fox Harbor MO<br />
Greenspond<br />
Little Bay<br />
Joe Batt's Arm<br />
Bonne Bay<br />
Flower's Cove<br />
Brig Bay MO<br />
Clarenville MO<br />
Trepassey POMO<br />
LaScie MO<br />
Pouch Cove POMO<br />
St. John's T<br />
Shoe Cove TPO<br />
LaScie MO<br />
Cape Broyle<br />
Brownsdale<br />
Jackson's Cove<br />
Fair Island TMO<br />
.Bonne Bay<br />
Bonne Bay<br />
Burlington<br />
Ochre Pit Cove PO<br />
Northern Bay TMO<br />
Little Hr. PO<br />
Twillingate TMO<br />
Round Harbor<br />
Elliott's Cove POMO<br />
Jackson's Arm MO<br />
Sop's Arm TPO<br />
Jackson's Arm MO<br />
St. Andrew's MO<br />
Springdale<br />
Pasadena TPO<br />
Deer Lake MO
PLACE<br />
South Dildo<br />
South East Ann<br />
.. South East Bight<br />
South River<br />
South Side<br />
South Side<br />
South Side<br />
South West Ann<br />
South West Island<br />
.. Southern Arm<br />
..Southern Bay PO<br />
·Southern Harbor<br />
• Southport<br />
·Southside Hr. Grace<br />
PO<br />
Spaniard's Bay<br />
Spaniard's Cove<br />
·Spanish Room PO<br />
Spencer's Cove<br />
·Spencers Cove PO<br />
Spillar's Cove<br />
Spillars Cove<br />
Spirity Cove<br />
Spoon Cove<br />
Spout Cove<br />
Spread Eagle<br />
Springdale<br />
Springfield<br />
*Sproce Brook PO<br />
-Square Island PO<br />
..Stag Harbor PO<br />
Stanley's Hr.<br />
Stanhope<br />
Trinity South Old Shop TPO<br />
Green Bay<br />
Placentia West<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Gander Bay<br />
Twillingate<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Green Bay<br />
Bonavista South<br />
Placentia - St. M<br />
Trinity North<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Harbor Grace<br />
Trinity North<br />
Placentia West<br />
Green Bay<br />
Placentia West<br />
White Bay<br />
Trinity North<br />
St. Barbe<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Carbonear - B de V<br />
Trinity South<br />
Green Bay<br />
Port de Grave<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Labrador<br />
Fogo<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Grand Falls<br />
Blaketown MO<br />
Cottrell's Cove TPO<br />
Fortune Hr. MO<br />
Little Paradise POMO<br />
Clarke's Beach<br />
Cupids<br />
Gander Bay<br />
Twillingate<br />
Safe Hr. TPO<br />
Badger's Quay MO<br />
Badger's Quay<br />
Little Bay POMO<br />
Charleston MO<br />
Arnold's Cove Sta. PO<br />
Sunnyside MO<br />
Gooseberry C., POMO<br />
Harbor Grace MO<br />
New Bonaventure<br />
Marystown MO<br />
Cottrell's Cove TPO<br />
Fortune Hr. MO<br />
Haystack MO<br />
Quirpon TPO<br />
Griquet MO<br />
Bonavista<br />
Port Saunders<br />
Upper Isld Cove PO<br />
Spaniard's Bay TMO<br />
Kingston PO<br />
Broad Cove TMO<br />
Old Shop TPO<br />
Blaketown MO<br />
Goulds PO<br />
Clarke's Beach TMO<br />
Curling MO<br />
Battle Harbor MO<br />
Ships Hsrbor T<br />
Seldom MO<br />
Pushthrough<br />
PLACE<br />
Tilt Cove<br />
Tilting<br />
Tilton<br />
Timm's Hr.<br />
Tinker's Island<br />
Tizzard's Hr.<br />
Tompkin's PO<br />
Tom Touches Cove<br />
Too Good Ann<br />
Topsail<br />
Torbay POMO<br />
Torquay<br />
Tor's Cove PO<br />
Tosselo<br />
Traytown<br />
Troytown<br />
Trepassey<br />
Trinity<br />
Triton East<br />
Triton East<br />
Triton West<br />
Trinity B. B.<br />
Trixie's Cove<br />
Trouty<br />
Trump Island<br />
Turks Cove<br />
Turks Water<br />
Turnip Cove<br />
Turtle Creek<br />
Twillingate<br />
Two Mile Point<br />
-Three Guts<br />
Tythe's Cove<br />
Upper Ferry<br />
Upper Gullies PO<br />
St. Barbe Port aux Choix<br />
Fogo<br />
Hr. Grace<br />
Fogo<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Twillingate<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Twillingate<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
St. John's East<br />
Trinity South<br />
Ferryland<br />
Placentia West<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Trinity North<br />
Ferryland<br />
Trinity North<br />
Trinity North<br />
Green Bay<br />
Green Bay<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Ferryland<br />
Trinity N olih<br />
Twillingate<br />
Trinity South<br />
Port de Grave<br />
Fortune - Hermitage<br />
Twillingate<br />
Twillingate<br />
Fogo<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Trinity North<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Hr. Main - Bell Island<br />
Upper Humber Humber<br />
Upper Island Cove PO Hr. Grace<br />
Valleyfield<br />
Bonavista North<br />
Victoria<br />
Carbonear - Bay de V<br />
lVictoria Cove Fogo<br />
Villa Vem<br />
Trinity North<br />
Virgin's Ann<br />
Twillingate<br />
Spaniard's Bay<br />
Horwood<br />
Badger's Quay<br />
St. Andrew's TMO<br />
Port au Port<br />
Herring Neck<br />
St. John's T<br />
Brownsdale<br />
Witless Bay TMO<br />
Presque PTO<br />
Little Paradise MO<br />
Ireland's Eye<br />
Triton West<br />
Fenneuse<br />
Trinity<br />
Tizzard's Hr.<br />
New Perlican<br />
Goulds PO<br />
Clarke's Beaeh TMO<br />
Pool's Cove<br />
Newstead<br />
Horwood<br />
Port au Port POMO<br />
Monroe<br />
Searston<br />
Manuels MO<br />
Kelligrews T<br />
Dear Lake<br />
Spaniard's Bay TMO<br />
Badger's Quay<br />
Bonavista<br />
Carter's Cove TPO<br />
Summerford MO
PLACE<br />
Voy's Beach<br />
____......:P;..:O"-=S::.;T"AL=..':G"U"I"'D"'E'-CAN ="'D'-CD=IR"'E"'CT=O::.;R"'Y'-- 317<br />
PLACE<br />
·Winter Brook PO Bonavista South Jamestown MO<br />
\Vinter House<br />
St. George's - P au P Lourdes TPO<br />
Port au Port MO<br />
Winter House Brook St. Barbe<br />
Bonne Bay<br />
Winter House Cove Green Bay<br />
Leading Tickles<br />
Winterton<br />
Trinity South<br />
Witless Bay<br />
Ferryland<br />
\Vood's Island Humber<br />
·Woodstock PO White Bay<br />
Woody Cove<br />
St. Barhe<br />
• Woody Island PO Placentia West<br />
Woodford's Cove Green Bay<br />
Wreck Cove<br />
Fortune - Hennitage<br />
Wreck House<br />
Woodford's<br />
York Harbor<br />
St. George's - P au P<br />
Hr. Main . Bell Island<br />
Humber<br />
Pacquet MO<br />
Rocky Harbor<br />
Sound Island MO<br />
Little Bay<br />
Miller's Passage TPO<br />
Coombs Cove MO<br />
Mail Route I, PO<br />
St. Andrew's TMO<br />
Included in Holyrood<br />
Lark Harbor<br />
C.A.HUBLEY<br />
Dunham System Heating-8eptic Tanks-Pumping Plants<br />
High·Pressure Steam Specialties.<br />
P.O. Box 909 Telephone 1916<br />
ERRATA<br />
ERRATA<br />
PAGE 245<br />
"Received by all Companies (Premiums paid by Policy-holders)" should<br />
read: 1937, $1,676,432; 1938, $1,779,589.<br />
uPaid to Annuitants for surrendered policies," should read: 1937,<br />
$496,828; 1938, $516,402.<br />
"Fire Insurance in Newfoundland" should read: Total for 1936, $458,895.<br />
PAGE 147<br />
K.C.'s:-Add: G. B. Summers, K.C., Harry P. Carter, R.C., P. J. Lewis,<br />
K.C. Omit: Rt. Hon. Sir R. A. Squires, p.e., K.C.M.G., K.C., since<br />
deceased.<br />
PAGE 134<br />
District and Assistant Magistratp.s. Substitute: Grand Falls, M. Hollett,<br />
District Magistrate; Bell Island, C. J. Greene, Asst. Magistrate<br />
(temporary) j Corner Brook, J. P. Mulcahy, Assistant Magistrate<br />
(temporary).<br />
PAGE 168<br />
Broadcasting Corporation. The short-wave transmitter broadcasts on<br />
two wave-lengths, as follows:<br />
Daytime-VONG, 31.6 metres, 9,475 k.c.<br />
Night-VONH, 49 metres, 5,970 kc.<br />
PAGE 174<br />
After "Dr. Carson" add: William Epps Cormack. first white man to<br />
traverse the Island.<br />
PAGE 220<br />
Add following timber measurements:<br />
100 superficial feet = 1 square of flooring.<br />
52 cubic feet of' plank = 1 load.<br />
42 cubic feet of timber = 1 shipping ton.<br />
108 cubic feet of timber = 1 stack.<br />
128 cubic feet of timber = 1 cord.<br />
A standard hundred of deals contains 120 pieces.<br />
The Petrograd Standard consists of 165 cubic feet, or 120 pieces 1';6" x<br />
11" x 12', or 120 pieces W' x 11" x 6'.<br />
A baten is not more than 7" wide. A deal is not more than 9" wide.<br />
Planks are 2" x 4" thick, and 10" and up in width.<br />
. SOLE<br />
FOR<br />
Sherwin-Williams<br />
AND<br />
Moore's Muresco<br />
THE 100%<br />
Also Importers of<br />
We Specialize in<br />