Appendix B - Giza Archives Project

Appendix B - Giza Archives Project

Appendix B - Giza Archives Project


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Historical Note<br />

In the preface to his A History of the <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis, Volume I (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard<br />

University Press, 1942, p. ix), Egyptologist George A. Reisner (1867–1942) described his plan for<br />

forthcoming additional chapters and volumes in the <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis series. Upon his death at <strong>Giza</strong> in<br />

June 1942, 4,000 typewritten manuscript pages for these <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis volumes lay in various<br />

stages of preparation. At the closing of “Harvard Camp” on the <strong>Giza</strong> Plateau in 1947, these pages,<br />

along with other Harvard University—Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition archives, were<br />

shipped to the MFA in Boston. While the chapters and pages are not “clean” enough for traditional<br />

printed publication, they nevertheless contain critical information on the <strong>Giza</strong> excavations not<br />

available elsewhere. Hundreds of mastaba tombs are described in detail, accompanied by<br />

interpretative chapters on funerary architecture, Old Kingdom royal and private family genealogies,<br />

burial equipment, and other topics.<br />

This digital document contains scanned images of one chapter from A History of the <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis,<br />

Volume II, written by Reisner and edited by him and his staff during the 1930s and 1940s. The<br />

original manuscript pages remain in the archives of the Egyptian Section of the Art of the Ancient<br />

World Department of the MFA. After Reisner’s death, his assistant and successor, William<br />

Stevenson Smith (1907–1969), published a much shorter volume with the same name, focusing on<br />

the shaft tomb of Queen Hetepheres I (G 7000 X), and ceramic and stone vessel typologies. Thus,<br />

the published <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis II (Hetepheres) is completely different from the pages contained in<br />

this previously unpublished <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis II (interpretive chapters). See below for preferred<br />

citation information.<br />

Navigating the Manuscript<br />

Two identical manuscripts for <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis II were created (1 typed original, 1 carbon copy) and<br />

edited differently from each other. One page was selected to represent both versions in the PDF<br />

reconstruction. Choosing the best representative page means that some PDF page images are from<br />

one version and some are from the alternate version. (Very occasionally, both versions of a page will<br />

appear in the PDF.) By using the markup tools available in Adobe Acrobat 7.0, selected pages were<br />

annotated as follows:<br />

Symbol Key<br />

A Blue square in the upper left corner of a page indicates that it is from the alternate version<br />

of the manuscript (used instead of the primary). The version designated as primary and the<br />

version designated as alternate is arbitrary. There is no clear evidence as to which was the<br />

intended, final version. Generally, the copy with more handwritten notations was selected<br />

as primary.<br />

Green squares with black text duplicate significant handwritten notes found on the alternate<br />

version of the manuscript that are different or missing from the page chosen for the PDF.<br />

Yellow squares with black text are used to clarify a handwritten note that is difficult to read,<br />

or to explain something about the page.<br />

Printing<br />

The original manuscript pages measure 25 cm. by 35 cm. (9.75" x 13.65"). In the U.S., this is<br />

closest to modern legal size paper (8.5" x 14"). Note: Paper size is an option under “Page Setup”<br />

under the “File” menu in Adobe Acrobat. To print correctly, in the Adobe Acrobat Printing<br />

Options, under “Comments and Forms” choose “Document and Markup” and under “Page Scaling”<br />

choose “Fit to Printer Margins.” The legibility of handwritten margin notes will depend on the<br />

resolution of your printer. The higher the resolution, the better the reproduction.<br />

Searching<br />

The PDF pages are partially searchable. All the pages were put through an optical character reader<br />

(OCR). However, the character recognition of old-fashioned typewritten text is not perfect,<br />

especially on pages with numerous handwritten notes, hieroglyphic transliteration, and editing<br />

marks. The text that the program (Adobe Capture 3.0) generated was not corrected. It exists in an<br />

invisible layer behind the scanned page image as “dirty OCR.” This means that a word search<br />

through the manuscript will not always return perfect results. If your search was unsuccessful, try<br />

searching for part of the word.<br />

Alternatively, search the <strong>Giza</strong> <strong>Archives</strong> <strong>Project</strong> database (www.gizapyramids.org or www.mfa.org/giza)<br />

to find single pages (from both versions) that contain specific references (see list below).

Understanding References<br />

Tomb number examples: G 2110, G 7000 X, G 4940, Lepsius 23, D 20 (spaces are<br />

necessary when searching the database for tomb references)<br />

Ancient name examples: Seshemnefer, Nefer, Ankh-haf, Iasen (alternate spellings have been<br />

included in the database)<br />

Modern name examples: Junker, Fisher, Smith, Floroff, Quibell<br />

Photo negative number examples: A4935, B8301, C13953, D60 (no spaces are used when searching<br />

the database for photo numbers)<br />

Object Register number examples: 12-11-54 (this means: in 1912, month of November, this is the<br />

54th object logged), 27-2-294 (this means: in 1927, month of<br />

February, this is the 294 th object logged)<br />

MFA accession number examples: 13.3144, 37.1311, 12.1483 (this means: in 1912 this was the<br />

1483 rd object accessioned to the MFA)<br />

Preferred Citation<br />

Reisner, George Andrew (1867–1942). “Chapter Title.” A History of the <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis II,<br />

Unpublished 1942 Manuscript. July, 2006. The <strong>Giza</strong> <strong>Archives</strong> <strong>Project</strong>, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.<br />

Access date .<br />

Additional Information<br />

Omissions<br />

Unimportant editor’s marks, corrections of typographical errors, word insertions, text crossed out in<br />

blue pencil, and other notations found on the duplicate manuscript were not annotated in the PDF<br />

reconstruction. Some references to plate or figure numbers found on the duplicate manuscript were<br />

also omitted because no plates or figures exist with those specific designations. Plate and figure<br />

numbers that refer to the published, A History of the <strong>Giza</strong> Necropolis Volume I (1942) are included in<br />

the annotations. (Note: All expedition photographs and drawings relating to individual tombs can be<br />

examined in detail using the <strong>Giza</strong> Archive <strong>Project</strong> website search engine at www.gizapyramids.org.)<br />

Margin notes with handwritten transliterations of hieroglyphic inscriptions found on the duplicate<br />

manuscript were omitted from the annotations in most cases. Pages of notes left within the original<br />

manuscript by other authors using Reisner’s material for research were not included in the PDF.<br />

A third, early draft of <strong>Appendix</strong> A (concerning Cemetery en Echelon) was omitted from the PDF and<br />

the searchable pages in the database because most of its margin notes were included in the retyped<br />

final versions. Three pages from this early draft were included at the end of the PDF and database<br />

versions of <strong>Appendix</strong> A because the material covered was missing from the final draft.<br />

Imaging<br />

The original paper pages are yellow with age and contain red and blue-pencil editing marks. In order<br />

to minimize file sizes for the PDF, color information was discarded and the brightness, contrast, and<br />

sharpness were enhanced for each scan to make it more legible to the optical character reader.<br />

The optical character reader (Adobe Acrobat 3.0) was set up to create a digital stand-in for the<br />

paper page. The digital page usually displays handwritten notations in grayscale and typewritten text<br />

in black and white. Occasionally, the OCR interpreted a handwritten notation as black and white<br />

text, and typewritten text as grayscale (sometimes as both). If the OCR program encountered<br />

something it could not read, it left that part of the page in grayscale. Grayscale can appear fuzzy and<br />

is occasionally difficult to read when printed.<br />

Linking<br />

The hyperlink in the bookmarks at the end of each chapter is intended to link to the next chapter,<br />

but you will have to download the next chapter to the same folder on your desktop for the hyperlink<br />

to function. Each Chapter and <strong>Appendix</strong> for Volume II is a separate downloadable PDF file.<br />

Catherine Pate, <strong>Project</strong> Archivist<br />

Peter Der Manuelian, <strong>Project</strong> Director<br />

<strong>Giza</strong> <strong>Archives</strong> <strong>Project</strong><br />

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston<br />

June 19, 2006

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APPENDIX B. P.1.<br />

m e cemetery of the Eastern Field presents the following<br />

component parts set out in the approximate order of construction:-<br />

1) The unfinished pyramid G I-x: begun in the first half of the reign of Cheops,<br />

but a-ndoned when the Hetep-heres burial was made: aftwwards<br />

replaced by pyramid G I-a.<br />

ha d&.l , p.10, Tis. 18 .<br />

2) The secret tomb of Queen Hetep-heres I, mother of 6heops: a reburial with<br />

empty sarcophagus: made ahout the middle of the reign of Cheops.<br />

3) The queenfs pyramid G I-a: placed in the angle between the entrance hall of<br />

the pyramid temple and the great court of that temple: after the<br />

final plan of the pyramid had been partially or whol? carried out*<br />

4) The queencs pyramid G I-b south of and in alignment with G I-a: pobably built<br />

about. the Same tim as G I-a,<br />

5) Nucleus cemetery of twelve mastaba cores of type IV-I: in three E-W rows and<br />

four N-S lines: see Nos. 7-8 below.<br />

6) The qments pyramid G I-c(Queen Henutsen?): placed south of G I-b smaller and<br />

set back to west*<br />

7) The construction of the cores of the eight twin mastabas€ the four northern<br />

twin mastabas enclosing each two cores of the nucleus cemetery of<br />

twelve( the northern and middle rows) with massive masonry joining<br />

the two old cores: the four cores of the southern row of twelve<br />

increased in length by addition of massive corework of type Iv-iii<br />

on the south:mastaba field prolonged to cover front of pyramid<br />

G 1-C. --<br />

8) Casing of the four northern twin mastabs with two interior chapels.<br />

9) Casing of the western mastaba of the southern row with Ivo interior chapels:<br />

beginning of the casing of the second mastaba from the west:<br />

third and fourth mastabas from the west, uncased at this time.<br />

10) Qonstruction of the five massive cores ana mastaba G 7050 of type V:<br />

c, 7510. 7650'. 7530440; I the casinR of the eighthtwin mastaba<br />

11) The construction of the eiEht nummulitic mastabas of the aecond addition to<br />

Cem. G 7000;<br />

12) Period nflgcerinus to end of Dyn.IV: three mastabas added to lines 5 and 6 on<br />

the south:/a few structures subsidiary to the eight twin mastabas:<br />

a few of the earliest of the rock cut tombs. .<br />

-<br />

13) Dyn.V: mastabas of the secondary cemetery: intruded in the streets of the<br />

nucleus cemetery and in the uacant spaces S, E and N: continuatio&<br />

of the rock cut tomb. -h<br />

14) Dyn.VI: continua€ion of the secondary cemetery and of the cemetery of rockcut<br />

tombs .<br />

(J-2<br />

15)Qn XXIX Dp t chapel of Pyramid G I-c, reconstructed and enlarged as Temple<br />

f ~sis, mistress of the pyramids: intrusion of private chapels -<br />

and burla1 shafts in eastward extendion of the Isis Temple in<br />

the Saite Period.<br />

16) Extension of the intrusive cemetery centered on the Isis Temple eastwards<br />

over Cem. G 7000: re-use of old burial shafts and the re-cutting<br />

of some to form great communal or family burial places: new shafts,<br />

also excavated: supj6erstructures of crude brick: Ptolemaic and<br />

Roman times.<br />

3<br />


APPENDIX BO P.2.<br />

The description of these monuments will be given in the following<br />

Tbh Qup4ma' e-<br />

order, rn the unfinished pyramid. and G 7000 X., then the mastabs of the nucleus<br />

cemetery in numerical order, the mastabas of the first and second additions in<br />

numerical order, and finally the mastabas and rock cut tombs of the secondary<br />

cemeteries also in numerical order.<br />

1) Gnfinished Pyramid G I-x: 7.5 m. from east face of G I-a: 10.0 m. from west<br />

face o fxtwin mastaba G 7110+20: 12.7 rn. south of G 7000 X<br />

(netep-heres tomb): cutting consists of the upper end of a sloping<br />

passage, 3.75 m. long (W-S) and 0.e5 m. wide, and a transverse<br />

cutting 6.35 m. wide (E-W) for two courses of masonry: see m.<br />

I-, plan. and m section: the emplacement was smeared with<br />

plaster and the two courses of masonry had been set and later<br />

reToved: the cuttings and the emplacement indicate plllrr the<br />

design to have been like that of G I-a, with sloping rock cut<br />

passage descending southwards to a barial chamber continued upwards<br />

and outwards by masonry to the projected face of the finished<br />

pyramid; the pyramid was to be built over the nucleus of masonry<br />

thus designed (see G. I-a):<br />

---<br />

2) G 7000 x: the secret tonb of Hetep-heres I, mother of Cheops: see Bulletin of<br />

the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Vol.XXV, special number, May 1927,<br />

'?The Tomb of Queen Hetep-keTez'' VOl.XXV1, No.157, October, 1928,<br />

'*The Empty Sarcophagus of the Mother of Cheopstr: Vol.XXVI1, No.164,<br />

December 1929, "The Household Furniture of Queen Hetep-heres 1":<br />

vol.m, N0.180, August 1930, "The Bed Canopy of the Mother of<br />

Cheops":l text of final publication in preparation.<br />

Secret Tomb; without superstructure or offering place: found sbr<br />

intact under the packing of the street in front of the<br />

pyramid G I-a and the Pyraqid Temple of Cheops. -<br />

Shaft: rectangular shaft with mouth measuring 1.65 x 2.45 m., with<br />

horizontal grooves for beams used in lowering coffin: descends<br />

to 19 m. where there is a shelf Qn the E side and a shift to<br />

the west: gradually conQracts to 1.16 x 1.3 m. at the bottom<br />

a depth of ca.28 m. from the top.<br />

Sdttiirway and Tunnel:<br />

descending from the N is StaiPwuy, 2.675 x 0.585 m(N) and 0.75 m(s)<br />

12 steps descending into rock-tunnel: tunnel, 1.135 m. long,<br />

0.75 m. wide with sloping roof: heimt of tunnel inside of shaft,<br />

1.1 m,: length of stairway and tunnel, 3.81 m.: opening of tunnel<br />

in shaft with roof at 2.05 m. -from top, and floor 3.15 m.:<br />

stairway and tunnel packed with white limestone blocks set in<br />

plaster and covered with heavy layer of plaster.<br />

Blocking of shaft and Chamber:<br />

At mouth of shaft (1.65 x 2.45 m.) a trick course of irregular<br />

blocks of nummulitic limestone, with a depth of 0.8-a.85 m.:<br />

under this trick course were 9 courses of well laid white<br />

limestone small blocks laid in plaster: with a depth of 3.22 n<br />

total depth 0.8+ 3-22 m. I 4.02 m.; this white masonry covers<br />

the inner end of the tunnel, at -2.05 (roof) to -3.125(floor),<br />

At depth of 7.47 m. appeared the top of a niche in the west wall:<br />

descending to 9.295 m.: walled off with well built masonry of<br />

small blocks of white limestone built on shelf on shaft side<br />

of niche: irregular floor of niche, 0.725-0.925 x 1.8 m. with<br />

an area of 1.48 sq.m.: height, 1.825 rn.: capacity about 2.7<br />

cu.m.: thickness of blocking wall, 0.45 m.: space between<br />

blocking Wall and west wall of niche, 0.91 x 0.7 m.: With<br />

area of 0.63 sq.m.: in this space was deposited a food<br />

offering consisting of ox bones wrapped in a mat, two jars<br />

for wine or beer: charcoal and two fragments of basalt<br />

(accidentally intrusive): the ox bones had been broken by the<br />

fall of a stone but included a skull with horns and two or<br />

three legs: the two jars-are registered as follows:-

APPENDIX B. P.3.<br />

25-2-1095: WSR with slip colored pinkish: type A-I1 b: h.,37.0 cm.:<br />

d.rim, 10.3 cm.: d.max., 22.0 an.<br />

25-2-1096: WSR, with drab slip: type A-I1 b: h., 34.1 cm.: d.max., 22.0<br />

cq.: wit.h pot-mark, . . . h-t wjd(?): not complete.<br />

25-3-51, 161: charcoal: two lots of small bits of charcoal.<br />

Fro? a depth of 4.03 m., the shaft descends in bad rock and is pcked<br />

with stones and plaster down to the blocking of the doorway<br />

of the burkt1 chamber.<br />

At -12.0 m., were found fragments of RP &sin and white limestone<br />

block inscribed with a star and a cross.<br />

At -17 m., were fragments of copper.<br />

25-3-258: copper p 1 a t e : V<br />

two attachments in<br />

oval or knife shape.<br />

(a) 9.44 x 3.4 cm.<br />

(b) 9.6 x 3.6 cm.<br />

25-3-259: capper: attachment of unknown use: h., 5.6 cm.: width<br />

base, 6.9 cm.: width top, 6.4 cm.<br />

25-3-260: copper and wood: several fragments of fluted column or<br />

stem; apparently gilded: inside was decayed wood:<br />

h., 3.1 cm.: d., 2.0 cm.: thickness of copper, 2 mm.<br />

At -22 m., fragments of RF bowl with spout.<br />

Between -22 and -25 m., great quantities of potsherds of different types<br />

of vessels, including type D-LXXI, frags of white limestone<br />

coffin, limestone sockets for holding canopy poles (5 completc<br />

and several incomplete), flint flake, mud jar stoppers<br />

without seal impressions.<br />

At -25 m. course of Well laid masonry: shaft growing more narrow in<br />

N-S direction: between 25 m. and the bottom ten courses<br />

blocking the ehtrance to the chamber, reaching an irregular<br />

b at about -29 m.<br />

APPENDIX B. P.4.<br />

Length of inner cutting, $?*?.. m.Lo-.<br />

Width of W end, inner cutting, .&.. m.: rebate, ..Ao.. m.<br />

Width in middle: inner cutting, Arb. m.: rebate, .3;30. m.<br />

Width of E end: inner cutting, ..q*?Q m.: rebate, .-?~.q. m.<br />

Depth of inner cutting, at W end, Ob?? m.: in middle, &?)..m:<br />

at E end, .['.q. m.<br />

Depth of rebate, @39.. m.<br />

At .ad!. m., from E end of grave, a rectangular pit, probably<br />

connected with boat grave, measuring .hfq x j:?. m. and<br />

.%?? m. deep: the c.b. enclosing Wall between G I-a and<br />

(?AA?? &k??.eE&d<br />

G I-b, passed over the southern aide of the boat grave<br />

and was constructed after it had been e roofed over.<br />

G I-b:A?yramid, 49.0 m. square: stepped core as G I-a: but casing set horizont-<br />

*sly except on N side around the entrance to the sloping passage:<br />

casing at NE corner on dressed emplacement dn rock: at SE comer<br />

founded on foundation platform two courses high to equalize slop<br />

of rock: casing dressed to floor level of enclosure..<br />

Chapel: cruciform chapelm of type (6a): built against middle of<br />

east face: (a) two niched N-S offering roorn, 10.5 x 2.05<br />

m.: area, 21.52 sq-m.: prop.1&4: fragments of relief<br />

show decorat ion: and (b) E-W vestibule corridor with<br />

doorjambs at each end, 1.1 x 3.9 m.: ama, 4.29 sq.m.<br />

to.ta) floor area, 25.81 sq.m.: seekmapter VII, p.212<br />

and Fig.120.<br />

exterior cob. court greatly destroyed by c.b. magazines<br />

and bins belonging to the Isis Temple: at NE corner of<br />

the pyramid, remains of two cob. walls at right angles<br />

fornihg the NE corner of the pyramid enclosgre:<br />

thickness of cob. wall, 1.05 m., length of E-W wall,<br />

14.4 m. with only the beginning. of the N-S wall:<br />

the east wall appears to have followed the outline of<br />

the chapel front and contained a large limestone tank,<br />

2;15 x 1.0 rn. and A@. m. high, Walls about 0.1 m. thick<br />

sunk in floor debris so that top is about level with<br />

floor of chapel. f'p-3b<br />

Burial Apartment: sloplng pssage: anteroom (with modification of<br />

ramp in lower end of sloping passage), and E-W burial<br />

?,chamber lined with white limestone: seeLChapter VI,,<br />

Chapelreliefs: the chapel T decomtea wim-- --<br />

scenes in very low relie, of the finesf quality.<br />

These had been brokefi into very small frqyents<br />

of which only a few were preserved, but come of<br />

these could be fitted together:<br />

ld) Perhaps from architrave over one of the false doors:<br />

24-11-286 b: horizontal inscri tion in 1ar.e<br />

hieroglyphs reading ....[ n&tP s?t wrt ?It i ....<br />

Fig ........ . Smith, S ture, P1, 38.<br />

2) Probably from tablet ofeof two false-doors, two<br />

fragments with offering list: a) 24-11-242 a<br />

has the ewer and basin, and on right one of the<br />

registers of offerings, beginning with the tall<br />

water jar on,a stand, Above appears to be part<br />

of the queen s title:<br />

-<br />

wrt Ctd. b) is part of the<br />

list bn horikontal 2ines on ri ht and contains<br />

the name of green eye-paint: n.$t, f (24-11-286 e),<br />

3) 24-11-286 c could be placed on the back of the outer<br />

niche (on the right side) of either of the doors,<br />

8r on the space north of the northern false-door,<br />

he wide. border on the left has traces of green<br />

and blue, evidently from some kind of alternating<br />

block pattern. On the right is an offering bearer<br />

who evidently held up two jars:& each s,ide of<br />

him(thst on right destroyed) Over him: &&.. .<br />

Fig.. ..... Cf, similar Figure on thickness of<br />

niche in ci 7560, P1. 770<br />

4) Group of fragments munbered 24-11-242 and 286 which<br />

have been restored to form a river boat being paddled<br />

tamads the right, Fig... ....; see also Smith,<br />

b 1 ture Pi. 38, In the mastabas of the end of<br />

the +, ourth Dynasty similar boats are<br />

shorn rnakiRg the journey to the -,cities and to<br />

'6 qena4)

A &.JAW<br />

Apperndix €3 , page 4 b.<br />

A%& - l -<br />

the "ields of theA-. This<br />

(I fragment Wkthe earliest ~ ~ c ~ ~ a sA a-~ %+\e"* u c<br />

scene, It is probably to be placed over the doorway on<br />

the entrance wall from the analogy of the mastaba scene8,<br />

Fig.... . and Smith, Sculpture, PI. 38<br />

5) Two groups of fragments which seem to belong together, Peshaps<br />

from the west mall between the two niches, a)<br />

Fragments forming parts of three registers of figures<br />

procedding to the right, probably twward a large seated<br />

figure of the queen, Of the first register there is<br />

prefierved only*> the feet of a single w, In the second, Hmh<br />

a dwarf(1eg-s only preserved) and a woman in a green dress<br />

whose shoulder is distorted somwwhat like that in G 4940,<br />

on P1. 15. hese figures are approaching a low dais<br />

which may b the base of the queen's chair, In that case<br />

the lowest register would run under the large<br />

figure, It shows the horn of a large ox, a~rer which is<br />

written rn aw: , b) it is very likely that the man<br />

formed by the second group of fragments is leading this<br />

ox, or another similar animal in the same register. Over<br />

his head is an unintelligble shape which may be the tail<br />

of a bird hieroglyph, and on the right is a an ok'ect<br />

which cannot be identified, See, Fig,. ..... and 8 mith,<br />

Sculsture, P1. 38, Compare also the very similar<br />

attendants with a dwarf on the north wall of the chapel<br />

of C 7540, Pi, 57,<br />

6) From one of the walls comes a fragment showing the legs<br />

of an estate figure. I, front of it is written. o. ..w<br />

determined by a city sign, and>behind,the legend ofa<br />

second estate: .... .J.<br />

- 7) 24-11-286 k: fragment of a vertical inscription: ....$&<br />

ndwt ?.... Fig.... ....<br />

*<br />

8) 24-11-242 e: probably from same inscription: .. .$dwlt- b'lty<br />

.e**. Fig..*eo.a<br />

9) 24-11-242 f' hieroglyphs of same size as above two:<br />

........ [H]wf [wJ. .. .k. Fig. .....<br />

V<br />

There were at least five more unintelligible fragments, one of<br />

'which had a base line and a nhwt sign(24-11-286 m) . see Fig. .<br />

The above fragments present = a clear unity of style and cutting, Moreover<br />

they were all found near the floor level in the debris of the chap1<br />

of G I B tlnder circumstances which make it unlikely that they could<br />

have-been intrusive, Another group of reliefs was found in the debris<br />

of STreet 7000, east of the three Queens' pyramids and in the Isis<br />

Tempke, A few of these pieces came from the boat grave south of G I a,<br />

and another group came from the Cheops causeway, Certain of these piece -<br />

are of such a character that they can only be assigned to the chapel of<br />

a queen or to a royal temple. It is impossible to tell from which<br />

chapel they came, as it is to be presumed that a11 three pyramids had<br />

decorated chapels, It is now certain from Selim .tiassan's excavations<br />

that at least a portion of the Cheops temple was decorated, A group<br />

of mall fragments from the causeway are almost certainly from these<br />

royal decorations, and these are listed first below, Second are<br />

grouped pieces 5<br />

probably belonging to<br />

Queens' reliefs, and third a group of uncertain reliefs which are<br />

probably from undetermined private mastabas, It &ould be noted that<br />

several fragments have been assigned to G 7130, the wife of Xhufuw-khaf<br />

(p.37. .I, and one piece from the Queen's boat grave was found to join with<br />

a piece from the facade of G 7320 (see p,22.f$),<br />

a) Decoration of the temple of the Cheops Pyramid, In the season of 1938-<br />

1939, Selim Bey Bassan found two large blocks and some smaller fmgmexts<br />

of limestone reliefs from the decoration of an undetermined part of<br />

the Cheops temple, perhaps the causeway corridor, In addition to<br />

these were some Pragments of granite with inscriptions. One bqe<br />

block had the upper part of a large fi re of the king carved<br />

-<br />

in very<br />

fine low relief, but badly weathered, !P he king stands facing to the<br />

left, wearing the red crown(possib1y the double crown), and aowavy<br />

edged scarla thrown over his right shoulder. Above him is the sn sign<br />

probably held by a protecting vulture. dehind him stood a<br />

attendant , =a<br />

probably the uppermost of several such figures ,

<strong>Appendix</strong> B, p, 5,<br />

The second large block sgows a figwe of Cheops, seated, facing to<br />

the rip, wearing a beb-sed claak and holding the -2 flail. The<br />

throne is probably surmounted by a canopy ad in front of it on the<br />

right are the bases of the tso standards which ordinarily<br />

accompany the Heb-sed pavilion. To the right of<br />

-<br />

.t;Bh9s is pmbably<br />

the base of the king's Horus name, and the foot of a smll standing<br />

figure facing left, Underneath is the head of a second figure with<br />

8m written above him. Behind the seatdd king, on the left,<br />

is the head of a much larger figure of cheops, with his name above<br />

him in a cartouche: (,HBJf)w. The wig of the figure is a peculiar one<br />

worn in the heb-bed scenes<br />

+<br />

of Dynasty V and the king is probably<br />

kneeling as in Bigsing, Re Heili tum 11, p1,l and 111, P1. 27, To<br />

the left are four partia ly preserved columns of inscription with<br />

the signs facing to the left:<br />

+<br />

1) ....=(?) IfL(bul1) Cf wr.,...*<br />

-*v<br />

2).....(EWw)(in cartouche) t(determined by pyramidn)<br />

3m st.t. .... 4) w(? t ousands) &wt(the snake stela, usua ly<br />

written in dual 6n '*' nt the ,left of w, above, a small attendant<br />

facing left, pxobaBJy a@ the sm-priest.<br />

Of the fragments found by our expedTion, the following , from the causeway<br />

of the temple>probably belong with the above. The limestone fragmmnts<br />

are carved in a bolder style of high relief than that of the above pieces.<br />

24-11-548: Red granite fragment with legs of hawk in sum relief.<br />

Must have formed part of the bird surmounting the frame<br />

containing the king's Horus name, Evidently from one of<br />

the large inscriptions with name and titles of bheops on<br />

the granite casing of the temple walls, Perhaps from a door<br />

frame as in Chephren temple, Found in debris north of<br />

Queen's pynmid G 1 b* See PI. 35 S, Fig,.,..<br />

37-3-4 d: Similar Ibrus hawk on white limestone fragment, Evidently<br />

from a large inscription, See Pi. 35 e, Fig,...<br />

37-3-4 c: Leg and wing feathers of a large vulture, evidently from<br />

a protecting bird above the figure of the king, such as<br />

has been suggested above for the first Selim Hassan block,<br />

"ike the following, fairly high relief in white limestone,<br />

See P1, 35 3, Fig.....<br />

37-3-4h : Small figure apparently carrying on his shoulder one of<br />

the door-bolts of the temple. See pL.35 e, Fig,...<br />

m<br />

37-3-4 i: hand of mall figure holding a staff: See P1, 35 e, Fig,,<br />

37-3-4 b: Head of a goat: See p1, 35 e , Fig,...<br />

37-3-4 g: Possibly to be interpreted as the hand of a figure<br />

holdin up an opened papyrus roll, as in the case of<br />

scribe 9 s presenting lists of offerings. See P1. 35 e, Fig...<br />

37-3-4 f, e: two unintelligible fragments: See P1, 35 e, l?i.g...,.<br />

24-11-889: A fragment= showing the oars of a large boat. This was<br />

found in the debris of Pyramid G I a, but resembles the<br />

bold reliefs of the above fragments more than it does<br />

the fine low reliefs of Pyramid G I b, Both types of relief<br />

seem to have existed *in different parts of the Cheops<br />

temple,<br />

This piece seems to belong with the<br />

reliefs of that temple rather than with the fragments<br />

showing boats from the &;peens' reliefs,<br />

b) Fegqtents probably from one of the Queens' chapelso It is possible, of<br />

course that these may also come from the Cheops temple, *heir fine<br />

low relief in white limestone is indistingu$$hable from that on the<br />

Selim Hassan blocks mentioned above, but they also resemble the<br />

reliefs of G I bo Only twoj,c&aKels in the Eastern Cemetery are<br />

l'prznce '3<br />

decorated with reliefs oFTh5sFarticular quality. these are G 7510<br />

and G 7650.<br />

24-12-545: Above a border line of stars such as are found only in<br />

royal reliefs are two unintelligible<br />

1') objects which suggest<br />

the rigging of a boat. ihey are rnadgef rope and resemble<br />

somewhat a badly battered block in Weserkaf temple<br />

which may represent a shrine being dragged along, There<br />

also seems to be a remote connection with one of the<br />

gheops blocks . from Lisht in the<br />

Metropolitan M-). The explanation of<br />

what these three bloeks represents will have to awai$ the<br />

discovery of further Old Kingdom royal reliefs, Beneath the

<strong>Appendix</strong> B, P. 5 bo<br />

star border line is a hieroglyph which may be a$p. See €9,<br />

35b, Fig,,,,b, Found between Pyramids Ia and I b,<br />

24-12-546: Fragment of the curved line of a boat above a rectangle<br />

of water.,A&~ the<br />

(Above)<br />

the southern skirine,<br />

"he ripples of the w<br />

have a peculiar und<br />

of the Lisht fra ents with a paddled boat(Bo. w 15-3-1161<br />

in hetropolitan fi" ivuseum), ibis is different from the representations<br />

of water in the Pyramid G I b. Found north of<br />

G I b: See P1, 35 b, Fig..,,<br />

24-12-14: Fragment of water with two paddles from a boat. Found north<br />

of G 1 a: See Fig.,,,,<br />

24-12-97: Fragment with parts of two yertical r;olunns of Queen's<br />

titles: 1) ......,<br />

4<br />

Found in debris 1 a. See . 35 a, l?ig.,.eo<br />

24-11-922: Head of ale h hieroglyph. Found in debris Btf east of<br />

G I a: See -TE 35 a, ~ig.,,,,<br />

in'!, Hr st^,,...,, 2) .,,,,(wrt) hts',,..<br />

24-11-473: Small male head. Pound in debris north of G I b: See Fig.,.<br />

24-12-57: F,agment with two small figures, a -C girl<br />

l&<br />

and boy evidently with finger to mouth. In front of<br />

eirl is name: Hwfw,,..: In front of boy is name €&,,,,<br />

lhe relief is"coarser than that on other fragments,<br />

but it is Possible that the boy's name is to be<br />

restored either as Hordedef, the owner of G 7220 or<br />

Hor-baf, the owner of c; 7420, In this case the piece<br />

should come from the chapel of the chief queen, G I a.<br />

Pound north of G I a . See Fig.,,,,,,<br />

26-2-242 Fragment of arm of man leading a bull in very fine low<br />

relief rese="v%,- the reliefs from G I b, and those<br />

above. From debris of G I ca See €3, 35 8. See Fig...<br />

c) Fragments from unidentified private mastabas:<br />

37-3-4 a: A small white limestone fragment with parts of two vertical<br />

lines of inscription, Pound with the other pieces from<br />

the 'he ops causeway. Badly weathered but apparently not<br />

as good quality of relief as the others. Apparently titles<br />

of a private persono l)., ......p! ty-(T&$ ?........2) ..<br />

h,,WM!<br />

n r(wt$t *y:* 9 '<br />

---<br />

('. 1<br />

24-11-335: Fragment; of an offering list, found east of Pyramid G I bo<br />

Coarser relief than that used in the Queen's fragments.<br />

See PI.<br />

-<br />

'35lt, Figeo.,.<br />

26-12-&%l8 667: Fragment of an offering list in compartments. Found in<br />

debris of G I c. See P1. 35 co<br />

24-11-634: Fragment of two vertical lines of titles. Found in the<br />

Queen's boat grave, See P1. 35 a, Fig.....<br />

26-2-25: ltwo fragments of a base line with Trocession of at least<br />

three figures (estates ?), feet of at least two men and<br />

a womano %e cutting is better than the fragments from<br />

G 7050, but different in style from the Queen's reliefs.<br />

Found in debris of G I ca See Pl, 35 a, Fig..,,,<br />

25-12-67? b: Large fragment resembling somewhat in style the last.<br />

Man with hand on back of animal, and holding horns of an<br />

ibex. zragment of hieroglyphic labels over register<br />

below. PhotZ, A 4373.<br />


APPENDIX B o p.5.~<br />

-<br />

29-7-10: Fragment resenbling the reliefs assigned to the chapel<br />

of Khufuw-khaf's wife (G 7130). hall seated male<br />

figure, probably from a door-jamb, BIan holds a staff<br />

and clasps a handkerchief in his hand on right thigh.<br />

Since figure is facing right it cannot come from the<br />

north door jamb of C+ 7130, to which another fmgment<br />

found in that chapel has to be assigned. Its provenance<br />

must remain uncertain. Pouiid in the debris of the<br />

lsis temple, See P1, 35 g.<br />

26-1-131: Fragment with small figure of a workman, naked but<br />

for a loin cloth. h'ound in debris of Isis Temple.<br />

Photo A 4374<br />

25-12-673: Corner block with relief on two faces, Pound in debris<br />

above second course of the casing of G I e.<br />

complez- excavated by Junker at the south-east corner<br />

of the Great Pyramid (LG 53). Perhaps the piece formed<br />

the corner of the west wall of room(b)and the adjoining<br />

face of the north wall of the offering room with stela<br />

(c), although it may have corr,e from one of the rooms<br />

newly excavated by J,,nker, On the long face is a small<br />

figure leading an animal and five lines of inscription<br />

over the large figure of the oFer: 13' I!& .....<br />

::<br />

2) mt ty .,. 3) p:ty-c ~l~~t$...**<br />

4) t! 2 t: Qkftt? ). *.,<br />

y : Snwty nkwtirn:q.,..<br />

These face to the right and could come from the west<br />

wall of bo The adjoiding face has a figure of a man<br />

wearing a sash and facing left, evidently the priest<br />

sweeping ouf. the offering chamber after the ceremony.<br />

above him is written 'int rd. (%.&&, 4q-132<br />

5) Pyramid G-: Queen Henutsen(?): 45.85 m. square: with E face set back 3.55 rn<<br />

c westward of face of G I-b: stepped core and white casing as G I-a<br />

and G I-b: casing courses laid horizontally: NE corner founded on<br />

dressed rock emplacewnt and SE corner resting on two courses of a<br />

foundat ion platform.<br />

Chapel: original chape) partly destroyed( and obscured by the,<br />

construction of the temple of Isis of the f3yramids of<br />

Dyn.XXI1 with later additions and alterations of the<br />

Saite-Ptolemaic Period: the old offering room & partly<br />

preserved: rested on a rnasonry platform which raised the<br />

floor of the room about .o:lq. m. above the base line of<br />

the pyramids: on this w a r n the walls of the room:<br />

as preserved the offering room, with one niche at s end<br />

of VI: wallb appeared to measure 7.7 $?) x 2.25 m.:<br />

area, 17.32 sq.rn.: pmp.l/3.42: N-S roon with entrance<br />

apparently just north of middle of E wall: with palace<br />

facade panelling on outside of E wall, on each side of<br />

door: I reconstruct the original chapel as a cruciform<br />

chapeJ of type (6a) on the basis of the chapel of G I-b<br />

and exterior panelling; two-niched offering room,<br />

9.25 x 2.15 m.: area, 19.89 sq.m.: prop.1/4.3: with<br />

entrance in middle of E wall: the panelling requires a<br />

court of an outer room (N-S) or a hall. S-U P a 39<br />

pdrial Apartmnt; sloping passage descending from N: anterooa, and<br />

E-TJ burial chamber: anteroom converted intoa horizontal<br />

passage,,after the introduction of the coffin, -rr$;wff-r,,<br />

w: burlal chamber lined with white masonry;<br />

sgelChaPter VI, p.13@, and Fig.65.<br />

T c L A d k h

M StJ++--<br />

1d.b I<br />

Terracing 01 uyIvvu y y r a aiiu ~ ~ UL-vu ~ ~ a ~ vi ryrarnia: east Or the<br />

pyramid south of the chapez the rock fallsin a steep<br />

slope to the south to the front of G 5050: S of the<br />

also to the east: at about 10 m.<br />

south of the pyramid a long rubble wall, mud plastered<br />

on the S side and about 3 m. wide ran E-W add was traced<br />

to a Lpoint south of G 7140: the street E of the pyramid<br />

and the area south of the pyramid had been filled out to<br />

. the top of this wall with rubbish to form a continuation<br />

of Queen's SW?Level with the hse of the pyramid and<br />

this level was continued over the area south of the<br />

pyramid.<br />

? pyramid the rock

APPENDIX B* P.7.<br />

6) The twelve nucleus cores afterwards included in the eight twin mastabas of<br />

ceq. G 7600: each of massive corework, type IV-I, without chapel<br />

recess and each with one shaft south of middle:<br />

G 7110 in horthern 6- E-W rw: G 7120-7420 in middle E-FV row:<br />

and G 7130-7430 in southern E-W row;<br />

Length : Wibth: Area: Prw. : Height:<br />

G 7110. ... 36.5 n.....17.25 m..629.62 sq.m.l/~.ll .... 4~~.~...m.<br />

G 7120 ... .36.5 m. .... 17.5 m.. 638.75 sq .m. 1/2.08. ... ?;L.g. .. .y.<br />

r, 7130.. . .37.5 m.. .. .17.5 m..656.25 sq.m.l/2.14. ... drdJ. . ..me<br />

? c: 7210....36.0 m.....17.0 m..61,6.Q sq.m.l/L.ll ..... 4221 ... m.<br />

7. G 7220....36.0 m.....17.0 me.616.0 sq.m.l/L.ll .... $.-%...m.<br />

r, 7230....36.5 m.....15.25 m..456.52 sq.m.1/2.39 ....,......m. s- 25<br />

E 7310....35.0 m.....16.5 m..577.5 sq.m .~/2 .12.....~.~...m.<br />

7 G 7320....35.0 m.....l6.5 m..577.4 sq.m.1/2.12. .... $%%?..n.<br />

. G 7330.. . -36.5 moo. . -15.5 m. -565.75 sq.rn.f/2.35.. .. .**.?. .m.<br />

? G 7410....35.7 m.....16.5 m.._588.9$ sq.m.1/~.16.C?) .~-~... m.<br />

0 G 7420....35.7 m.....16.5 m..g8R.95 sq.m.1/2.16 (?). .4-??. .m.<br />

. s 7 43 0. ... 36 . 0 m ..... 15 . 5 nm .. 5 5 8.0 s q . m . 1/2 .32 .... CC: 7Q .. m .<br />

-<br />

The two cores, G 7410 and G 7420 were incomplete. The E wall of<br />

both were traced from the SE to the NE corner. When the facing of the twin naaW<br />

qastaba, G ?410+7420, was constructed, either the two cores were still incomplete<br />

or the W walls with the greater part of the M and S Walls were destroyed and<br />

-<br />

replaced by the facing of mall stepped courses.<br />

The whole cemeter-y of twelve cores appears to have been laid out<br />

-<br />

on a unifom plan. Judging by the width, they were not constructed on the same<br />

nfrw level but were aligned approximately both in the N-S and the E-PJ directions.<br />

The fall of the ground - to the southeast w8s not compensated by widening the<br />

mastabas, The cores were prohbly built in N-S lines from west to east. The<br />

i4<br />

three cores of each line were probbly constructed simultaneously, Cf the two<br />

w<br />

cores TW%S being constructed when the plan of converting the cores ofkhe two<br />

northern rows intor twin mastabas was formed.<br />

The diqensions of the cores show limited variations.<br />

-<br />

The spaces between the rows shows also some slight irregularity:-<br />

Between G 7110 and G 7120, 8.5 m.: G 7210 and G 7220, 9.0 m.: G 7310<br />

and G 7320, 9.2 m.: G 7410 and G 7420, .~~;S%.<br />

Between CZ -8 G 7120 and G 7130, 8.0 m.: G 7220 and G 7230,'<br />

7.5 m.; G 7320 and G 7330, 8.0 m.: G 7420 and G 7430, *.?. m.<br />

&<br />

7) The alteraftion of the 12 original cores to form th cores of eight projected<br />

twin mastabas: the two northern rows o cleus cemetery were<br />

connected by massive masonry and altered (see below G 7110+20, etc,<br />

The third or Southern row of cores were enlarged by the addition<br />

of mssive masonry of type IV-iii, on the south and for conveniene<br />

I give here $he measbremnts of,t$ese additions:- %hc7(<br />

! G 714). ...2 8.5 m..-..1~O m..47d:5 sq.m.1/1.67.. .... s!?.......m.<br />

G 7240.. . -29.0.m- ... .15.5 m. -448.5 sq.m.1/1.87.. .... .6;v.. .... .m.<br />

? G 7340. ... 29.0 m.*...16.25 m.471.24sq.m.1/1.72 .......~~~~.. .... m.<br />

G 744@....29.0 m.o...15.5 m..449*5 sq.m.l/l.87 ........~-(i.$......m,<br />

8) The four northern twin mstabas as finished.<br />


APPENDIX €3- p.8.<br />

6 711047120: twin aastaba of Prince Ka-satab and his wifb, Princess(afterwards<br />

queen) Hetep-heres 11: westernqost of four northern twin<br />

mastabas.<br />

\r<br />

/and owner<br />

,<br />

See Pigs.. .......<br />

See Pls. .........<br />

Owner:<br />

yastaha: core of lnassive m6onry composed of old cores 0 7110 and 7120<br />

conm cted by aass ive masonry Eampas&xBClPXa.2&ueJamm and<br />

a1 ter ed for,(chape 1s : ;P /<br />

core, 81.5 x 13.25 m.; area, 1405.P7 sq-a.: prop.1/4.72:<br />

near the south end of old core 7120 a hole was broken and<br />

lined with nnasonry to forn a recess for an interior cBjape1:<br />

at the SE corner of old core 71106.a hole was broken to<br />

receive another interior chapel.<br />

The core was cased in fine white limestone (x-masonry) and<br />

bonded Wlth it tvro interior chapels of type (sa): the cased<br />

- g.18.m - ?(to, 4.32 1.<br />

mastaba measured, 83.0 x 19.S7 m.: area, 1607. 1Jsq.m.:<br />

prop.1/4.88:\/heiFSltljbo~=G %gll-G)G 7/20><br />

Chape1s:two interior chapels of white limestone bonded with casing,<br />

each kith subsidiary fl niche In casing.<br />

mapel (p 7120: Prince Kawatab: see reliefs in c) 7530: Interior offering<br />

room (a) of white Limstone built In recess reconstructed in<br />

core of 0 7120: type (sa), with special deep niche at S end<br />

of Vi wall: kdLy destroysd,reconstructed from tu,o stones in<br />

place and construction lines on piwaent:<br />

4,o x 1.5 m.: area, 6.4~9q.m.: prop.l/d.5:Jentered Sxmm by<br />

doorway in liT end of E wall, opening in embrasure in sloping<br />

face of cqsing: against the aloping casing is constructed an<br />

exterior stone ohbpel of two rooms (b, c) and a pillared<br />

portico(d): whicb on the east ZS built over the sloping casine<br />

of 6 7220: room b, 8.1 x 2.05 m.: area, 16.64'sq.a.: the west<br />

wall is built4 gainst tL.e slope of the cssfng ?J and S of the<br />

doorway leaving the embrasure of room a partly exposed: in<br />

the W wall north of hhe doornay are two niches (0.35 rn. above<br />

the floor) each containing erllplacmants for two statuettes<br />

(probably squatting rrcribtss): S niche, 1.7 x 0.7 m.: with<br />

two eaglqc~aents ~mslmssdx aide by side: l niche, 1.6 x 0.7<br />

m., with. eqphceaents not preserved: enlarsd by doorway<br />

from c, nt E end of' N wall: I<br />

room c, 1.5 x 2.85 rn. area, 4.27Jsq.m.: In W side, sloping<br />

casing exposed: on E, wall built against c) 72LO: doorway to b,<br />

In E end of S wall: entered froa d, by doorway at VV end of<br />

m wall: floor of doorway slopes down from level of d to floor<br />

Level of c: portico d, open to Ir(, aith roof Supported by two<br />

pillars: 2.5 x 4.25 m. (including pillars) area, 10.6 8q.m.: K<br />

total area, a-c, 27.3 8q.m.: decorated rooms.<br />

total area, b-d, 31.5 sq.ln-: exterior chapel.<br />

Sun total a-d, 37.9 sq.?i.<br />

mcosat Ions of Chapel 0 Xff 7120[POOm3 a-e): by W.S.Safth:<br />

I) ~ooa a: reconstructed as Hordedef( 0 72,201 : P: wall, ka-door ai?<br />

a 7220: lT wall N of kn-door, chief figures facing to left and<br />

registers of smltll figures In front, facing to right(as (37140)<br />

feet of large figure preserved on slab still in place: 3 wall<br />

aawavab seated at table of bread, fachg to right(3s 0 7140):<br />

10 wall, Ka-ua'ab standing facing to ri@t, in either o. family<br />

group PPS or an abbreviated presentstion scene: E wall, ~axmxRs<br />

Fa-watabseated facing to rlght with registers of snall figuree<br />

facin8 to left (presentation of htmt as 0 7130): W door-jamb<br />

atanding figwe of Rawafab ( baaem frag.(c)): 3 jamb, with-<br />

out clue: 4%- PBUT~HFWE d& sT8B of tffaarway<br />

"m*-eFlrm-- 8, g -fszuz%yp4x%mt~&*& %lL.elrcen(,?&<br />

%eh-inc? ftt~ (based on frag. C c) )--ta)-r<br />

h~ Facade pnel: owner standing with attendants behind him<br />

(see frag c below): S Facade pnel: mother of owner /facing<br />

to right and two daughters behind him (see frags. d and 1 belw<br />


-<br />

APPENDIX Bo p.8-<br />

G 7110+7120: twin mastaba of Wince Ka-Waa and his wife, Princess(afterwards<br />

w Queen) Hetep-hsres<br />

-<br />

Icwesternaost of four northern twin<br />

lnastabas.<br />

F/&'?JzAJ tA&x<br />

See Figs. ........<br />

See Pis.......... xlso given other titles in tomb of daughter<br />

xeresankh 111: @ry Qb, hry bg, Qrp ntrt 'iiwt, (8<br />

I<br />

Owner:<br />

Dw'w.<br />

': n6wt n ht-f*w. rpt t h',ty-', wr md biw, Qm ntr &r&t,prie&<br />

1 $9<br />

&% &.Sb? scb w . &nry composed of old cores G 7110 and 7120<br />

conne cted b-y msssive masonry<br />

and<br />

.'<br />

altered for"$f%apels:<br />

core, 81.5 x 18.25 m.: area, 1405.87 sq.m.: prop.1/4.72:<br />

near the south end of old core 7120 a hole was broken and<br />

lined with masonry to form a recess for an interior cfjapel:<br />

at the SE corner of old core 71101 a hole was broken to<br />

receive another interior chapel.<br />

The core was cased in fine white limestone (x-masonry) and<br />

bonded<br />

-<br />

with it two interior chapels of type (3a): the cased<br />

mas taba measured, 8j.9 x 19.37 m.: 1607.71 sq.m.:<br />

prop.1/4.28: height &.'!!)9*?2m. .b$k 4 ap71zo,<br />

-<br />

5.G t%&*<br />

1 . -, 1 . .. -. . ...<br />

I ing,<br />

Decorations of Chapel G 7120(rooms a-c): by 3. S. Smith.<br />

off e ring<br />

1) Room a: The well preserved chapel of Khufuw-khaf, G 7140 can be used<br />

icted in<br />

as a pattern for the inner offering roms of the twin-mastabas, ; S end<br />

I which, with some exseptions,probably f ollomed the simple scheme mes in<br />

of its decoration. The false-door at the south end of the west<br />

wall should have resembled that of Hordedef (G 7220), which is m by<br />

more complete than that of Khufuw-khaf.<br />

i loping<br />

Vest wall: At the north end of the vest mall one slab remains in<br />

icted an<br />

place showing the legs of Ka-mb , with his wife behind him, and ired<br />

in front a small naked boy holding a lotus flower (see P1. 37 c ing casing<br />

and Fig......)l"lhese figures face to the left and the wall must ;he west<br />

ave bem completed with several registers of offering bearers<br />

& of the<br />

Jroceeding Coqd Frag, No. 24-12-994 with a cartouche (fig.. .. > 3d: in<br />

containing the n ght be from an estate figure on this m. above<br />

iettes<br />

' - Sll. PossiSly --b<br />

-<br />

ng fragments of inscription with<br />

titles and name to the left came from over the large with<br />

figures -~~ on this wall: _-~_ , -*6 x 0.7<br />

~<br />

m., Wltn emplaceaents not preserved: m by doorway<br />

from c, at E end of N wall:<br />

roorn c, 1.5 x 2.85 m. area, 21-27 sq.m.: in W side, sloping<br />

casing exposed: on E, wall built against G 7220: doorway to b,<br />

in E end of S wall: entered from d, by doorway at<br />

-<br />

W end of<br />

N wall: floor of doorway slopes down from level of d to floor<br />

level of c: portico d, open to N, with roof supported by two<br />

pillars: 2.5 x 4.25 m. (including pillars) aBea, 10.6 sq.m.:<br />

total area, a-c, '27.3 sq.m.: decorated rooms. 3<br />

total area, b-d, 31.5 sq.rn.: exterior chapel.<br />

sum total a-d, 37.9 sq.rn.<br />

Decorat ions of Chapel 'E, 712O( rooms a-c) :<br />

1) Room a: reconsthcted as Hordedef(G 7 all, ka-door as<br />

G 7220: W wall N of ka-door, chievfigures facing to left and<br />

registers of sm& figures in fdnt, facing to right(as $140;<br />

feet of large f1guh.e preserve*/on slab still in place: s a11<br />

KawaSb seated at tkble of br'ead, facing to right(as G 7140) :<br />

PJ wall, Ka-waab stantding fdcing to ri@t, in either a family<br />

group e or ayabbrevikted presentation scene: E wall, w s<br />

Ka-wagbkeated facing tbc right with registers of sm11 fiaree<br />

facing to left (prese&*a$?on of htrmt as G 71w): N door-jamb<br />

standing figure of K&+?a@Ij (base= frag.(c)): S jamb, with-<br />

out clue: facade pgels in \e rnbrasurem on each side of doorway<br />

on -side, Kawamb standfhg facing in with children( ?)<br />

behind himI\(base,d % frag.(c)\) and(d). b<br />

P<br />

.I<br />


APPERDM B. p.9.<br />

2) ~ooa b: with two niches which contained four statuettes<br />

(squatting scribes) in niches in v? Wall: S wall, with one or<br />

two windows (frag.(e)): presumably decorated in relief<br />

(see frag. (e) ) : E wall, probably also decomted faxxla3jtatf<br />

with large figure at S end of Wall (see f+ragb.(f)): cBoorway<br />

froa b to c, probably decorated with standing figure of<br />

Ka-watab facine; out(f’rag- (8))~ with nam of Ka-wacab.<br />

3) om c: probably decorated or Intended to be deco-ted:<br />

s wall, W of doorway to b, (frag(g), with part of female<br />

ffgure facing to left, pmbably behind figure of m-wa’ab):<br />

jaabs of doorway from d to c, on each side above, crouching<br />

jakal& (Anubia) (based on frag.Sbf(h), inscribed horizontally<br />

wsr spas hr ntr cf .....) :<br />

4) portico, d: walls not decorated: but pillars apparently<br />

decorated on two sides with standing figure (based on %rag.<br />

(5)).<br />

ppagments bn phoe or found in debris In the chapel:-<br />

(a) in place on alab on N wall of room a, FI end: legs of man<br />

and wife standing facing in to left with small naked<br />

boy in front of van, also facing left and Eoldlng lotus<br />

flower in right hand-<br />

(b) 24-1d-988: frag. from inner edge of a doorjamb: part of<br />

shoulder and upper arm of large figure of man standing<br />

facing out to right:<br />

24-12-945: frag. with sloping border from outer edge<br />

OS jamb: slophg border and one hieroglyphic sign<br />

part of border on m face of fragment.<br />

(c)largg block from eqbraeure R of doorway to (a) : wtth<br />

sloping surface: showing back of leg of large standing<br />

f2gure-i clad in long skfrt (tunic?), facing to left<br />

behind hiq two small figures, standing facing in to<br />

left, apparently bearing objects and therefore persona1<br />

attenUants: by analogy one or more registers of small<br />

figures above this-<br />

(d) 24-12-1002: frag. apparently with sloping aurfhce, with<br />

border on left: thigh of small female figure standing<br />

f‘aclng to right with two horizontal lines (1) ntr(?)<br />

ssm-t (2) Mryt-its: right hand hanaing open and left<br />

hand probably on breast: in front of this, the hanging<br />

open hand of another feaale figure; probably from<br />

facade pinel south of doorway to a and behind large<br />

standing figure or figures facing in to right.<br />

(e) Frag:. showing the lower edge of a window: on the left In<br />

relief, v vertical line, signs facing to right<br />

h-( t?) hk; df.. .: assigned to SE corner of room b,<br />

on S wall, high up-<br />

(f) thick block with small end in rellef: assigned to S end<br />

of E walL of‘ roo? b, high up: (m)Jt....., obviously<br />

in front of a large figure facing to left: on left of<br />

vertical Line, mall figure of herdsmanbowing to right<br />

holding stick In right hand, behind him, five head of<br />

of cattle standing bqv”echelon.<br />

(g) two fmy;rnents from doomay froq b to c:<br />

24-12-1128: from western doorjaqb northern edgg:<br />

showing on janb, border and hand and ataff of<br />

figure standing facing out to right:, in front<br />

part of horizontal line readlng Kfwcb: on the other<br />

face (S wall of room c) border and open-hand of<br />

standinq female figure facing out to right’\,<br />

probbly with Ka-wab in front of her.<br />

24-12-855: from same jamb, southern edge: on doorjamb,<br />

hanging hand v$ith handkerchief from large figure<br />

standing facing out to right: on m wall of zram<br />

roo% b, block border which mst have frsaed the<br />


APPENDIX B. P.9.<br />

J 24-12-1124: upper part ol three verticrrl lines of titles:<br />

1) wpld &newt). ........<br />

2) ~Wt........<br />

- 3) *e.<br />

4) (a)- h& . perhaps the L on 24-12-1108b fits<br />

this. See Fig .<br />

d24-12-1109b: border line of the same size as above, and one hieroglyph<br />

$0 See Fig....<br />

v24-12-937: PTssibly part of a title . see Fig .<br />

li 24-12-359: Fragment probably, from over head of wife: ... (hm)-t-f<br />

(mr.vt-f) (a) nt5wt.... see Fig . .<br />

(These titles could also come from over the large figure on<br />

the east mall of room b).<br />

False-door: The false-door has been entirely destroyed, but it was of<br />

the deep , special-nichefiype, and the following fragments are<br />

probably to be assigned to it8<br />

j 36-3-64: corner stone probably from the back of the outer niche on<br />

the south side and the adjoinding surface of the inner niche.<br />

On the %ace of the outer niche , the knees of a small offering<br />

figure facing to right. On the south face of the inner<br />

giche a strip of linen held up by a figure facing in to righc.<br />

his would be one of a procession of figures proceeding<br />

in toward the back of the niche as in Rordedef (Fig .)<br />

This figure probably held up a strip of linen in each outstre%gheci<br />

hauzd,,in front and behisd hih See. Fig .<br />

J J J J J' J<br />

j24-12-1117 f, 11=, 1110, 948, 109'a, 1x08 a 4 perhaps 990hd 939{<br />

Although the last two are m problematical, 939 forming<br />

the name Ka-mb and 990afthe title (lrnyb%s, the other fragments<br />

are certninly from the samd zrckitrave i-iscriptia forming<br />

an offering formula. Of this is preserved: (a nswt'bpv<br />

(m). .............. .first of the month. . ii. ...... s! nQwt. ...<br />

*<br />

b (This inscription could also have come from the<br />

architrave over the entrsoe .to a).<br />

See Fig.<br />

North Tall: , 2<br />

A ZFj<br />

n n e d to the north<br />

mil. Khufuw-khaf is shown on the north walq leaning on his staff<br />

dth his wife facir'g him(-. In G 7650, Akhet-hetep is shown<br />

inspecting a presentation of animals. Such a block cis thqtunerary Auk,<br />

d priests on 24-12-946(FS.g.. ..), but this is perhaps from the east<br />

L I<br />

wall, see below. 'he fragmen 4 s of titles assigned below to the east<br />

wall may come from this wall also.<br />

South wall: This probably contained a scene with the prince seated, facing to the<br />

right at a table xcith priests performing the funerary ceremonies as<br />

in Khufura-khaf(G 7140) and many otner chapels at <strong>Giza</strong>. A fragment from<br />

Li the list of offerings under the table is 24-12-987(2) with a large<br />

1000 sign. See Fig. .....<br />

Ik<br />

-<br />

East wall: Several fr'apents are proba ly to be assigned to this wall:<br />

d24-12-988 a and 24 12-1114: Two pieces on Fig .. The first has part<br />

of the border line dom the north edge of the wall and the<br />

hanging arm and back of a large figure of the prince facing<br />

to the right at -&he north end of the wall. 1114 is probably<br />

the hand of this figure holding a staff.-<br />

/'' 24-12-1115:<br />

-<br />

Upper part of three vertical lines of tiLles probably<br />

from over the large figure on this wall

*h~X23l*2~9I<br />

(h) 24-LA-1125: assigned to top of E' faqb of doorway from<br />

d to c: the tail of a crouchlng jackall facing out to<br />

right, with reTains of horizontal line of large<br />

hieroglyphs, .... wsr spss hr ntr cJ.<br />

(I) 24-12-861: frag. fro3 top corner of a pillar: shows two<br />

lateral surfaces at ri&t angles: on each face a raised<br />

border at top and down the edge: on the left-hand<br />

surface is the end of 8 horizontal line (sJ nswt n) ht-i<br />

with signs facing to left; could be assigned to ST;<br />

corner of E pillar, or to Rv5' corner of V; pillar thus<br />

the pillars wore decorated on M side %ith standing 2<br />

figure fac ing ~ ~ x x ~ in<br />

and on the two facing surfaces(Fd on E pillar and E on<br />

u' pillar!, wi&h a standing figure acing out: it is<br />

improbable that the othcr sides of? the pillars were<br />

demrated and it is possible that only one side of each<br />

pillar was decora ted.<br />

(3) 24-12-108, 109a, 110, 1113, 1116, 1117, 1111, 948:<br />

Ten small fragments fmm an architrave: horizontal<br />

inscription in relief with large signs: the scattered<br />

words show an offering fomula, nsnt, Inpw, prts of<br />

names of festivals, sj nswt ... and Ki-acb: probably<br />

from architrave of ka-door in room a but possibly fro?<br />

over doorway froT b to a.<br />

(k) 24-12-994: small frag. bearing niddle part of chartouche<br />

reading Rwfw, probably from name of a Cheops-estate:<br />

possible froT top of P! wall of room a.<br />

{ 1) 24-18-1000: small rectangular bMok with broken edges<br />

on right and left: on left edge, front edge of leg of<br />

standing female figure in long tunic, fairly large<br />

figure: in front of figure remains of two horizontal<br />

lines of inscription (relief), brge signs reading<br />

(1) ... ms-s n (2) ...... in cartouche: reconstruct<br />

ed as figure of mother of Knwatab witk figure of her<br />

son behind her, with inscription beeinning at top of<br />

wall, (lwt-f as-t sq a]j Rr-St and other titles of queen<br />

mwt rnsw nswt) msw-s n(nswt bitgr) Rwfw: probably from<br />

facade panel south of doorway to a, with the two girls<br />

of frag. (d) to the left of this block.<br />

(m) ;L4-12-1001: block of stone, 55 ern. hi@ and 35 ca. wide,<br />

broken away on right sftie: on face n register 48.5 cm.<br />

high with traces of a register above anc? another<br />

below: min register shows middle of papyrus boat on<br />

water, with aan standing in middle leaning on staff,<br />

facing to rightbehind him 8 two storfed cmte containhg<br />

ducks, and on the crate a heron stands facing right,<br />

above heron the ward nw and behind this a broken sign<br />

wlth t under it: register above unintelligible:<br />

register De low, a broken horizontal line of hberoglyphs<br />

... s; ... m ...... :a assigned to exterior chapel<br />

probbly E wall of mon b.<br />

(n) 2&-12-1125: fmg. ahowlng man squatting facing to right<br />

holding in each hand reed or twine, obviously making<br />

mat: subregister above 713t, obscure.<br />

-r<br />

(0) 24-12-....: frrtg. showing man seated facing to right, sfi<br />

with ripht knee up and left leg half extended: arm<br />

obliterated but apparently extended; behind him a<br />

basket on a rectangular stand(?) : surface in (ront of<br />

lnan unlnteligible: probably fros swamp-scenes fron E<br />

wall of roon b.<br />

(p) 24-120858: small frag. showing mat-sklrt and part of le@<br />

of herdsaan, facine right: assigned to E wall of : room 5,<br />

(9) 28-22-938: small frag.: man in boat pulling oar: hc sad<br />

miss ing.

-<br />

APPENDIX B o p.10.<br />

facing to left'and probably from this wall:<br />

u24-12-852 and J 860: two fitting frqnents sho~ng the feet<br />

of at least t:,ijo figures in an ugi;er register and<br />

below a m8n carrying a jar raised in each had and<br />

folovred by a man with a cooked goose and a. cut<br />

of neat. "he hand of a third figure carrying some<br />

object apsears on the right. Fig .<br />

J24-12-853: fragment with the feet of a figure on the same scale<br />

Fig. .<br />

&i4-12-946: The back of a man on same scale as above, and a<br />

second figure reaching back as though to pull an animal<br />

(compare similar figures dragging an oryx in processions<br />

of offering bears).Ths second man is labelled: hm kJ.<br />

See Lig....<br />

North 'nmb of entrance door:<br />

24-12-949: A sm-11 fragment xith sloping border line and the<br />

J 8 hieroglyph r (title &t ?) from a lar,e inscription.<br />

**<br />

,ir ?<br />

The otner face of this frnpeilt slio-:~s the bwder line<br />

of the scerre on the facade on the north side of the<br />

entrance. 80 other fragments can be identified mith the<br />

entrance door jaiibs.<br />

Room b: A long north-south room constructed in the street aga%iist the casing<br />

of Fa-vmb's mnstaba, :dt:i its east xi11 built against the casing<br />

of G 7220. &trai?ce from room c on the north. The vest cra1.1iilclucles<br />

Lhe embrasure of the entrance to Boom a, but the<br />

construction partially covers the scene on the north side of<br />

this embrasure. Ja this walL, north of the embrasure were<br />

two-niches with emplacements in Yjhich probably stood the<br />

statues of Ker-wab ;s a scribe, fragments of which viere found<br />

in the debris. %e upper part of this wcd1 is destrroyed<br />

making it impossible to deteruine -the height of those niches,<br />

or r-rhetlior the mall above them m s decorated. See P1. 36 b and de<br />

Entrance eabrasure to room a: north side of facade:<br />

A large block with a sloping face evide:rtl;: comes from here. It<br />

shows the back leg of a large striding figure of Iia-;-Jab in a long<br />

skirt, faciiit left. He is follwied by tvio smm11 figures of men,<br />

attendants, or sons of the prince. "he figures have been partially<br />

chiselled out md it looks as though this 17as tne plbntion of<br />

the wall covered bj73est mall of room he &e front part of G-mb's<br />

figure with his names m d titles(nov completely destroyed) mould<br />

have shown on the facade, after this altoration in the construction<br />

It evicleiitlg has to be assumed that the facade of the embrasure<br />

;=as already decorated vhen the decision was made to build the west<br />

wall of room b with its statue nicheso he other mlls of room b,<br />

c and the portico could have been commehced earlier, but the slopig<br />

casing of the mastaba front has been cut away to form a vertical<br />

wall, both in the west wall of room c, axid in the backs of the<br />

statue niches. Also the west mll of room b would have been<br />

needed to support the roofing blocks. Therefore it looks as th6ugh<br />

the Whole exterior chapel was planned as an afterthought when the<br />

inner offering room a had been completed and decorated. It is curious<br />

that the architect should have chosen to cover partially the facade<br />

relB8fs. See Pls. 36 b, d and 37 e, Fig..&.*e.<br />

Southern facade of entr,ulce embrasure.<br />

J24-12-1002: Ijloclr :vith sloping surfme and border line on left.<br />

Evidently from southern<br />

-<br />

end of<br />

vest face aof embrasure. Rii& of lar;;e female figure<br />

standing facing to right. In front of her: kgmt ntr Mrt-tf-s'.<br />

Ch tho right is the hand of mother large figure, dram in<br />

such e fashion that the figure must<br />

-<br />

be facing to the left.<br />

I 4<br />

lhis is unusual, but compare facade of G 7130, Fig*....<br />

I suggest that the title 68mt ntr is related to the Queen's<br />


(u) ,24-18-852, 860; two adjoinfng frags. show\iing upper part<br />

of one register and lower part of the register above:<br />

above, feet of ctm&ll standing figures; below, head and<br />

shoulders of two standing men: one man holds- in<br />

in front of' him a spouted jar and behind him a wine-jar<br />

the second man carries a haunch of meat on his shoulder<br />

and holds up appitted bird in right hand: all figures<br />

face to left: 'possibly from S wall of room b(aee frags.<br />

(v, w, XI*<br />

(v) 26-12-946: from one reqister: shoulder and back of man<br />

facing left, perhaps d-iving an animal before him:<br />

behind him is written hln-k] in front of 8<br />

left with arms thrust bck as man pulling<br />

assigned $ith (u) to S uua11 of room b.<br />

(w) 25-5-52: frag. of two registers: above feet of horned<br />

animal facing to left: below upper part of man facing<br />

to risht sharpening knife, W.rt of slaughtlsr scene:<br />

assigned with (u) and (v) to S wall of room b.<br />

(x) 24-12-857: frag, of one register: pirt of slaughter stem<br />

with bull lying with head to ri@t (tail and part of<br />

bo%) : foot of man facing ri@t and feet of anothelr man<br />

facing left: unintelligible rectangular object on left:<br />

assiencc! with (u, v, w) to S v~oll of room bo<br />

(8) 25-2-313: two snall fitting frags. part of scene showing<br />

men bringing down bull for slaughter: hind leg of<br />

standine bull with man close behhd in peculiar<br />

attitude: on right another foot of man poised on toes:<br />

bull and both men face to right: unassigned.<br />

(2) Fraip. with parts of largd f1gtlrea:-<br />

24-18-988: portion of face and wig, facing left:<br />

24-12-855: frag. of wide necklace.<br />

24-12-1114: hand with staff, facing rQht.<br />

24-12-940: hand of figure f'aoing left, perhaps leaning<br />

on staff.<br />

(aa) Frags, showing parts of small figuresL 24-12-943, 990,<br />

853, 991b, 997, 993, 24-12-1109c, 989a, 1112, 989b, 984<br />

b-dL<br />

(bb) Unin elligib1e fsagrnents: 24-12-945, 987, 998, 990B, D,<br />

E$ Fd 5 992: 24-12-941, 1099, 995, 1108.<br />

(OC) 2a-12-999, 1124: tmo fitting fmga.showing types of fom<br />

vertical lines of large signs facing to left:<br />

(1) WL .........<br />

(2) nswt,.....,.<br />

(3) m...........<br />

(4) hrg-hb. ......<br />

probably from west wall of room a OP E Wall of room b.<br />

(ad) 24-12-1116: frag. of upper part of three vertical lines<br />

of hrge signs facing to rlght :<br />

(1) ,*.-.*.*..<br />

(2) nswt.......<br />

(3) ..........<br />

assiggnabls to R, S, or E wall of room a, or 3 wall of<br />

roo- C.<br />

(ee) 24-12-859: frag. mrt of' one vertical llm of large<br />

signs facing to left: reconstructed QS (hmt-f rnry)-t-f<br />

(s;t) nswt ........ : fml?<br />

scone: see (cc) above.<br />

above wife's figure in chief

late in ~p. LV<br />

APPENDIX Bo poll.<br />

title &rp &n$ and that we have liere h-wab facing his mother<br />

the queen of Pyramid G I ae %e -axrest parallel<br />

to such a scene would he that of Khufim-khaf and his mother<br />

on the factxde of G '7140(Ser. Pl..o..)o See P1. 37d, Fig....o<br />

44-12-1000: pais block is to be assigned-nith less assurance to the<br />

same facade space. j b a e g '91 m<br />

1<br />

<<br />

:he inscri,i-tion 011 tile rigilt<br />

presents itiZficulties. Dr. Reisner restored it as follows<br />

based upon the inscription of iOzufuw-khaf ' s mother:<br />

(mwt-f nidk'ldw m: : Hr && and other titles of the quem,<br />

He would have<br />

mwk m8m ndmt) m4w-8 n (:did b'lty) Hwfw.<br />

placed it to the right of block 10Tbclievinb that both<br />

figures on thai block faced to the right. fig .<br />

is an adaptation of Dr. Xeisnor's reconstruction of the<br />

inscription to include that on block 1002. I believe that<br />

both blocks belong to the sme figure of Queen Xerytyetes.<br />

'l'here does not seem to be room for ndwt bity in front of<br />

the cartouche of Hwfw. The sketched reconstruction lacks<br />

some twenty centimeters of filling the whole fa-cade, and<br />

there may have been an inscription behind m Ka-m,b,<br />

or sone small attendint figures. I consider this unlikely,<br />

however. Figs...+.., P1. 37 8.<br />

-<br />

South !Tall: A block vhich appears to be the thickness of the south via11<br />

(although it could possibly. come from the upper part of the<br />

east tm11)has the loaer corfier of a window opening in€o<br />

room b. Jt could be assigned to the east end of the south<br />

wall, high up in the ~mll. p To the<br />

left of the -dndow frame is part of -an inscription<br />

in relief which could Eorm the label of mxaki~tsrffanx an<br />

overseer-standing in the corner of the wall beside the<br />

window: Bkl hot mid the name(?) IDf '). Beneath is a fragmentary<br />

sign';;.hich may be part of (rn +w; over cattle in a<br />

register running under the vnndo-.v. Fig. *. .<br />

East 'fldl: This long wall mas decorated vith scenes from life. The unus-<br />

ual thickness of most of the blocks makes it zex&abackhasOxc<br />

probable that the;y came from this wall, built against the<br />

sloping ca.sing of G 7220.<br />

A thick block with the small evld decorated with relief can be<br />

assigned to the south end of the m11. It shows the upper part<br />

of R long vertical inscription such as is usually placed in<br />

front of a lar&e figure of the owner surveying the activities<br />

of his este-te: G.......<br />

To the left of this is a bowing<br />

herdsman followed by the ovsrlzpping figures of three head of<br />

cattle. Tlius it is probable that at the south elrd of the wall<br />

stood a large figure of I&-wab viewing scenes on his estate,<br />

much as in the better knom Dpasty V scenes which are found<br />

completrl;. ;rzc-r+.%d for the first time in the rock-cut tombs<br />

of the Chephren family/but had been anticipated in the tombs<br />

c! P_ii..%&aapxhot Ileferma'at and Ra-hotep at liedum. The herdsman<br />

and czttkle were in the top register of the wall, since the<br />

kieroglyphs on<br />

-<br />

the right form the beginnini; of the vertical<br />

inscription. See P1. 36 b, Fig....... I4tW(m*QQ +"-^<br />

4 ~ ~ 4 s ~ 6 ~ ~ r c ~ n mL ~ ~ % ~ c % ~ + ~ x ck k .te, c ~ ~ ~ c ~ * 2rG 12-9+0 ,-Rg. L.<br />

*. .<br />

/24-12-858: smll fragaent of figure maring a herdsman's mat skirt.<br />

Probably from a similar register of the presentation of cattle.

- Atlas 111,<br />

-<br />

tp24-12-1001: Thick block with part of sivmp scene on eadr!€he d n<br />

register preservd Aox man overseer leanin& on his staff<br />

in a boat<br />

-<br />

returnin6 from the sixzmps. aelilnd him a tame heron<br />

stm-ds on a crate filled w?th czptured ducks. Over the heron<br />

is a partially preserved inscription. '-\%ether the =-is a label<br />

for the heron meaning 'hunter', or whether it is<br />

continued by the two signs on the left in some phrtrse like<br />

w those over the bird trap$16 scenes in<br />

the toab of Ti, I r\m unable to determine(cf. ?lreszinski 333rn<br />

. .<br />

~1. 75). the jmwephm hieroglyphs in the register below<br />

are part of d horizontal inscription uhich mas probably<br />

over a fishin; scene, althouL,h the phrase also sebms to signify<br />

bird catcliing. It is to be restored: ..... h'm m mh.t ?)...<br />

('f. KIontet, Scknes de la Vie PrivGe, po 4 7-<br />

W<br />

-.<br />

x The traces in the register above the boat<br />

are not easy -lo inserpret, but secm to be part of the horn or<br />

tail of an animal being slaughtered. Since some other fragments<br />

mentioned belm with dedails of a slaughter scene have a base<br />

line of the same vddth, I woul; group them together aid place<br />

them in i-s upper register. See F1. 37 g, Fig....<br />

/24-12-1184 and a large fragment aliicli probably fits with it. These<br />

shov a seated figure probably cleaning a bird (cf. 'Jreszii1ski.,<br />

Atlas 111, P1. 81 for a sixilar figure). (krtainly this figtlre<br />

is part of the smmmp scene, either in the same register with<br />

the boat, which probably also contained a bird trap@& sceno,<br />

;s.<br />

or adjoiiiing the fishing(or bird trapping ) scene in the reg&%e<br />

below. Sei, Fig.. .... eJL-37<br />

J / A<br />

J24-12-1126'plus 1109c and 959 a. hese fragments vhich perhzps 'fit<br />

to;;ether are similarly to be placed in relation to the SilEJW<br />

Scene. fie man is probably making a mat,(cf YJreszinski, u.,<br />

P1. 89). See P1. 37 d, Fig,......<br />

/2+2*333'I: '-no fitting fragments showing feet of men and leg of a<br />

bull which they are evidently dulling down for slaughter.<br />

'he earliest known example of this scene hitherto was in the<br />

cock-cut chapel of Nebemakhet (I@ 86). Compare also Yresziriski,<br />

I.G., Pls. 59, 860 See Fig.....<br />

4'"B<br />

,/ 24-12-987, 997, 993: three fra-pents with a sirdlar base line<br />

'and unintelligible shapes in the register above which m y be<br />

parts of slaughtered oxen. h e head of nan in the register<br />

below appears on one piece.'See Fig.....<br />

d4-12-857: @e feet of several man and the<br />

-<br />

tail of a slaughtered<br />

bull apAwear on this block, but the base line m y be wider.<br />

It is badly obliterated. See Fig. ...<br />

A4-12-1112: The heads of tY.0 small male figures on the same scale<br />

as the figures in the slaughter scene. See Fig .<br />

d25-5-52: Block with part of two registers divided by a basa-line<br />

narrower than on the preceding fragments, and theref ore prhapa<br />

from another all. 3elow, a man sharpenini; a knife m d above<br />

the legs of a walking animal. Possibly from north wall of room<br />

a or south wali of room b. See Fig..D...<br />

J<br />

(/* 24-12-991 b, 24-32-938 : two small fragments which are p-ohbly.<br />

both from BUPX a scene :;.ith men rot.Jini; a boat. Possibly frm<br />

this sane east v;iall, but perha2s from the space over the<br />

b*XL Q&& tzLM e&%. q).&-h<br />

%"-k b-ga&S~b nA V' s a F%. '. , .<br />

- -__<br />

*w<br />


l-7<br />

I<br />

Room b: north wall: there are no fragments -that can be assigned<br />

,L?'<br />

definitely to this VI~L See 24-12-8558 below<br />

Doorway from b-c: sest jamb: Large standing figure of k-wab facing ou%<br />

to right:<br />

J 24-12-1128: From northern edge of jamb mith border down right<br />

side. Am and hand of prince holding staff, and above<br />

his name: Kt-wlb. See 3. 37 d. Fig .<br />

On the other fnce,(south wall of room c) border dorm<br />

left side of wall, and hmging open haxi of a woman's<br />

figure facinG to riglit. Tnis m s evideiitly a figure<br />

of Ka-mb's wife or mother. See Fig.....<br />

1<br />

J 24-12-855 a: From left edge of jamb with painted block border<br />

down Brix left side and hanging hand of prince holding<br />

i i<br />

handkerchief. ihe other face (north m11 of room b)<br />

has simply a fragment of the painted block border<br />

which would have framed the door. Fik.... ..<br />

Room c: For south mill, see above. Ihe figure of the woman mwbh<br />

adjoinilzg the dobr could<br />

-<br />

re-gresent Ka-vmb's wife, Xeiep-riel.es,<br />

fi or it could be his mother, iiierytyetes.<br />

The t'loan could he staming behind Ka-wab, or facing him.<br />

North wall: iiO fragments can 3e assigned definitely to this<br />

ml 1 .<br />

5 ,<br />

East m.11: ihere i n q have bem a sinble stxiding figure of<br />

Ka-wab on this wall.<br />

-<br />

%is might explain the following<br />

frai;;mnt if the prziiice's name were in the upper<br />

left-had corner of the vn-11 in front of him:<br />

J J<br />

24-12-854, 2erhaps fitting 24-12-947: The slace at<br />

the left shoa plaster where it ha6 been<br />

covered by the tiiiekness of a vmlL %e inscription<br />

reads s! KI-wrb o Xiere appears to be no room for<br />

S: ndwt Fig.....*.<br />

Doorway between portico aid room c (descending nap): Two frapents<br />

which evidently form part of a lute figure of hubis n5th<br />

accornpanying inscriptions as on the entrance jambs of Khufurvkhaf<br />

(Pi. 43 mid hwesankli III(P1. 63).<br />

424-12-1125: Tail of Large crouching jackal (hubis)<br />

and beneath it a horizontal inscription: whr $/p$&t<br />

r n$r @ c'. From fl west jamb of door.<br />

k d 3 7 d.<br />

~24-12-990 c: Paw of crouching jackal from east dow jainb,<br />

See Fig....<br />

pAb &lfi *J4L<br />

1<br />

Portico: Fragment 24-12-561: From top corner of a 2illar: shows ti70<br />

lateral surfaces at right angles. On oach face is a raised<br />

borderat top cvld dom the edge. On the left-hand surface is<br />

the end of a horizontal linei of inscription: (s! n8w-t n) ht-f<br />

with signs facing to left. lhis could be assigned to the.-<br />

S4 corner of the east pillar, assuming that the coltlnns vere<br />

only decorated on their inner and southern facis, or to the<br />

NlJ corner of the west pillar if they were only decorated on<br />

the inner and north faces. It is iirqro'sable tnat the sides<br />

facing the sloping cssiilg of the trdo mstzbas aere decorated.<br />

There remain a num3er of fra,gents, soiiie of t:i~m bi%s of inscriptions<br />

to -tlhicl.i no location cen be aeaignsd, part of then wholly uni;itelli&-ible<br />

pieces. These are listed as fol1o;m:<br />

24-12-1117 e which ;>erhqs is pr.L of 24-12-1122: %e atme of Ka-#eb<br />

written vertically xith signs facin; left. GndoA*neath 72'iis<br />

a sign f aciiig right and 3hus belonk3.2, to another inscription:<br />

&. %is arrangement is iiard to exdain. Fig. 0 ..<br />

J24-12-942: part c;f -Lao vortical lines of inscri&ion. That on the right<br />

perhaps contains the name HtD-brs , the ;iife of Ih-mb represented<br />

in the tonb of their daughter kresankh 111. Fig.. .<br />


wr md<br />

APLZEXDIX B. p.12.<br />

(ff) 24-U-854: frug. the left side of which has been<br />

covered by msonry: large hieroglyphic signs facing to<br />

left: the Bame KJ-wcb written horizontally with traces<br />

of titles above: probably froa front of face of large<br />

fi-gure on E wall of room c.<br />

(gg) Saall fragqents fro9 inscriptions:-<br />

24-12-997: cw-(t) : vertical.<br />

24-12-937: frag. from the front end of a register of<br />

of figures facing to right: a vertical line of<br />

signs ending . . . . . .I. wfth plural sip.<br />

24-12-9S9: Wrt of the name of Ka-warb written<br />

vertically.<br />

24-12-947: and another farg: each with the word st<br />

"son" .<br />

24-12-1122: sliver of stone v.itk! vertical signs:<br />

above (Kf?)-wcb (man squatting and letter b) and<br />

facing to left and below .the b a goose (st) facing<br />

e<br />

to right.<br />

24-12-9422: frag. Nith vertical<br />

-<br />

line in relief with<br />

illegible signs an right:<br />

84-12-991; . n r . ..vertically.<br />

24-12-987; With h; ( 1000)<br />

24-12-990; is (gm pyrus roll) :<br />

(hh) 36-3-364: frag. from a corner with border on each side<br />

of corner: probably from S side of ka-door in room a:<br />

on lld wall south of niche, knees of standing figure<br />

facing to right: probably with second flare behind<br />

him: border in front and signs(?) behind chiseled away:<br />

on .other face, the side of the outer niche traces of<br />

another standing man facing in to right extended out,<br />

holding strip of linen In right hand extended out<br />

behind: probdbly another strip In extended left hand<br />

held out In front.<br />

Statues in Chapel 0 7120:<br />

A mass of fra,pents of statues and statuettes of granite and<br />

dforite were found bn the debris of the nearlp destroyed exterior<br />

ch8pel and in tho debris of the street north of the chapel and<br />

in avenue a, south of tho chapel: of these six were inscribed xith<br />

the nQne of Kawa tab :<br />

1) 25-1-393: squatting scribe, lower part, dforite: width, Sitxamxa:<br />

28.5 am.: h., 19.5 cm.: inscribed on lap, iry pcty sf nswt<br />

Kf-wcb: fron shaft G 7111 €3: a aqaller f'rag. under db-1-35Y2.<br />

~m-l.c., P1.10.<br />

2) 34-4-1: 8qtlatthg scribe, lower part, diorite: width, 52 ea.:<br />

height 32 cm.: inscription on belt, wr md srllcw KJ-wcb:<br />

Inscription on lap, dy nswt htp 1000 breha, beer, cakes,<br />

ointment, linen, cattle, and birds rc nb n wr ad 8qcw KJ-ncb:<br />

inscription on top of hsis, .........( -<br />

r)pcty('!) s;-f smsw<br />

wr md srncw/Kf-wcb: found beneath roofing slab of portico d<br />

of chapel just outside portipco. S-XL i. L) %-/o<br />

3) 24-12-467: standing or seated figure, diorite: right side of<br />

basis with part of left foot, bottom of baste polished:<br />

height of basis, 8.5 cm.: Inscription on top, hjty c xf-wcb:<br />

Avenue 2, south of cf 7120 exterior chapel..<br />

4) 25-1-1313: standing or seated figure, diorite: x&@bxsA&axo%<br />

mags left hand corner of basisAbottorll of basis polished:<br />

height of basis, 8.6-8.e cm.: perhaps from the set~e statue<br />

as R0.3: found in G 7111 D:<br />

5) 24-12-;78: f'rag. frm left side of basis, diorite: lnscriptlon<br />

on top, ...... Kf-wcb: found In exterior chapel roo- b,<br />

prove that at least five statues of Prince Kf-wcb stood In<br />

his ext>erior chapel: two niches in K ball of room b, noHh<br />

of doorway to a, show eaplacments for four statues, probably<br />

squatting scribes: in addition the following fragments were

l./24-12-.00. the single sign & -<br />

, facing left. Fie;... ..<br />

J24-12-991: two 1wbe signs reading : nr. Fig.. . J<br />

44-12-1117 c and d: two fragments zPith titles of Ka-wab. he 176th ns'wt<br />

and the. other vith (t Dpp:We Fig.. .<br />

24-12-997: part of an uninBelligible inscrigtion. See Fig.. .-<br />

J<br />

24-12-996: Fragment of mo'cher uiiintelligible group of signs. Fig. e .<br />

.24-12-1109 d: Yragment which appears to & represent the shoulders and<br />

neck of an animal wearing a collar. Fig.. . Fig. . . .<br />

.*contains thirteen fragimnts which are alinost vrholly u intslligibls<br />

par% of a larb fi ure), 1109 e,<br />

e990 d,e855 b,b990 b,b90, h984(t~:$~%~0 -e hu7Y f, 992, 2 94l(perhaps part<br />

J'IJOS.: 24-12-~5(perliaps<br />

i 1 lust r at ed :<br />

of the xie; of a figure),&ly e c?y!<br />

In addition ther, are a few other fragnents which haire not been<br />

,24-12-943: feet of a small figure, facing ri'ht.<br />

24-12-989 b: back of womn's figure and hanging hand, filcinl; riglit.<br />

24-12-944: unintelligible<br />

24-12-862: unintelligible.<br />

24-12-995: perhaps part of m inscription, but unintelligible.<br />

%e above pieces zre all part of the reliefs of Ib-tmb, but there<br />

were sone other frsgnents zrhich probably had been scatte@ from tombs of<br />

the later Old Kingdom. TAey cannot have come from Ka-mb's chqJel , althoulj<br />

they zere fomd in the debris of the street in front of it or on top of<br />

the mastaba. These are:<br />

/24-12-564: Small piece with the title tp hr nh&. Signs face left, a<br />

bgder dom the right side aid iz straight line across<br />

the top of the sips. From debris bet-,7cen 7120 and 7130.<br />

/"&% nuiiber. Two pairs of overlapping male figures, evidently thc bearers<br />

5<br />

from a carrying chair scene, md prubably a Sixth %pasty<br />

piece. From west of G 7120<br />

4-12-1183: men pulling flax, found in pit A of the mastaba.<br />

24-12-1185: ma. pulling the cord of a bird trap. Also from pit Ae<br />

Statues in Chapel G 7120:<br />

A mass of fragments of statues and statuettes of granite and<br />

ctiorite were found dn the debris of the nearls destroyed exterior<br />

chapel and in the debris of the streat north of the chapel and<br />

in avenue Z, south of the chapel: of these six were inscribed with<br />

the nane of w:<br />

1) 25-1-393: squatting scribe, lower part, diorite: width, S ~X~I<br />

28.5 m.: h., 19.5 an.: inscribed on lap, $q-pe+$ s; ngwt<br />

Ki-wcb: from shaft G 7111 B: a smaller frag. under 25-1-39 2.<br />

P1.10. C\3@b)<br />

me.,<br />


-<br />

APPENDIX B. P-15.<br />

found in this chapel:-<br />

:IL<br />

J 6) 24-12-9%1$978: six frags. from shoulders, left arm and<br />

torso of statue of largp statuette about 1/4 life-size,<br />

diorite: exterior chapel.?&. lk (+/63<br />

7) 24-12-978: 342 fragments, many of them mere splinters of<br />

statues and statuettes: mostly of diorite (light<br />

translucent and dark translucent) but a few of granite:<br />

found on or just above floor of room c and portico:<br />

chief frags., as follows:<br />

,A) front corner of rigjhtside of full wig, diorite.%JLc%:<br />

i<br />

9) frag. from leg below knee, diorite.<br />

frag. from leg above ankle, diorite. C?Q.lbYs-)<br />

I<br />

i I<br />

i i<br />

~<br />

\<br />

s)<br />

d) first and second toes of left foot, diorite, perhaps<br />

part of 24-12-621a; fits 24-11-97@, to form part<br />

of left foot. fL 1 b (315)<br />

e) frag. from 5<br />

m<br />

f) frag. from back of shoulder, 10.8 x 8.2 x 7.e cm.<br />

diorite . I’Q.~~?/I)<br />

g) frag. from leg above ankle, 7 x 5 x 7 cm.: diorite.<br />

Jh) fragment of left leg placed forward with part of its<br />

support, 10.4 m. long: diorite. i%?. 1L(l/~)<br />

/;) frag. of right foot with roots of toes: life size;<br />

diorite. PQ 11. (3/+)v<br />

&) frag. of left hand open on knee of seated statue:<br />

width of hand ca. 5.6 cm.(ca. half life size)<br />

diorite . ?e. 1bC’)l)<br />

1) frag. from wrist of statuette similar to (k):diorite.<br />

&) frag. from lower part of face showing mouth, left<br />

cheek, and bit of nose, about same size as (k) and<br />

( 1) : diorite. Pe. Ab(’lg?<br />

‘ I J<br />

L<br />

n) frag. from ankle, nearly life size; diorite. R.lb&)<br />

0) frag. froln outside of right ankle: ca. life size:<br />

diorite.<br />

p) frag. of left leg above ankle, ~SIM nearly life size:<br />

diorite .<br />

q) see fragment d,<br />

r) frag. of knee: diorite. B.lb@)<br />

s) frag. inside of leg and edge of skirt: diorite.<br />

Jt) four small frags. of full wig, life size or nearly<br />

life size: diorite. fT.1 b[%-~o><br />

4) frag. from wig of a different statue, about same size<br />

as (t) : diorite. PLLb (V62<br />

v) see Wo.6 above.<br />

These fragments indicate several statues and statuettes,<br />

life size and about half n life s’ize which were<br />

mashed in the exterior chapel and probably aqqmmm<br />

represent figures of Kqa’ab standing, seated and<br />

squatting.<br />

i 8) 24-12-621: nine frags. of which only three were of<br />

recognizable form: di (a) frag. lefp foot wimput<br />

toes see No.24-12-978 above: life size or nearly<br />

life size,! (b-c) two fragnents of one side of an arm;<br />

found in debris over destroyed S wall of exterior<br />

chapel .<br />

/9) 24-12-827: frag. from right foot of standing statue<br />

perhaps same as 24-12-621a: diorite: found in debris<br />

of plundered shaft G 7120 X intruded S of chapel in<br />

Ptolemaic-Roman Period .?&- l&k) s<br />

%@$<br />

Jlo) 24-12-980: ten frags. of statues of black granite: found<br />

in rooms c and portico d: (a) frag. from inside right<br />

elbow of seated statue, about life size: (b-c) t@<br />

joining frags from inside left elbow of sane statue.<br />

d-h) six frags., wig, breast, etc. probably from sane<br />

statue. Spa ?LL C rioY8.

APPENDIX E* P.14.<br />

j 11) 24-12-1105: small squatting scribe, breast to legs: total<br />

height of figuR ca.15 cm.: translucent diorite: skin pinted<br />

red: found in debris immediately north of portico. ?.lbC3A)<br />

(12) 24-12-1181: five frags. of diorite statue or statuette: found<br />

in thieves hole broken in floor of passage from d to c.<br />

J 13) 24-12-851: frag. showing collar bone and base of neck of a<br />

life-sized statue: diorite: debris of' exterior chapel. R.1&!%d<br />

V I<br />

14) 24-12-979: eleven frags. of red granite statue: found in debrk<br />

-<br />

of rooms c and d.<br />

As) 24-12-339: frag. from,throne of seated statuetteL inscribed<br />

vertically in front smr wcty n mrwt ...... : found in debris<br />

.L"' of Avenue 2 south of G 722 0: Dlack granite . @.Tb 4+/z<br />

KG- LsGJL<br />

Conclusion: the exterior chapel of Prince- had contained<br />

10-20 statues and statuettes exposed to view, 4 in recesses<br />

in the W wal+f room b and the rest standing on the floor<br />

in rooms b and c and in the @tic0 d: figures standing,<br />

seated or squatting were of different sizes from 1/4 to fill<br />

life size: one large figure had a small figure beside it<br />

(see No.12, above).<br />

mapel: r, 7110: built in recess broken in SE corner of old core G<br />

G 7110: bonded with white casing: beloned to the wife of<br />

prince Ka-wafab who according to G 7530 was Hetep-heres 11,<br />

daughter of Cheops.<br />

achapel almost completely destroyed, but remains of deep<br />

specla1 niche at south end of W wall shows an interior chapel<br />

of type (3a) similar to chapel G 7120 bu% slightly smaller<br />

measurements not to be fixed: in * street east of destroyed<br />

stone chapel, a stone pavement extending to about 5.5 rn. N of<br />

chapel* with renains of c.b. walls built on it.<br />

-<br />

mcoration of Chapel G 7110; six fragments of relief found in debris<br />

of chapel :<br />

1) 24-12-1107; chief figure, woman seated on chair, lappet<br />

J wig and long tunic facing to right: right arm bent at<br />

elbow: hck of .head, body, and upper part of chair.<br />

"9 .... QQ .37 b.<br />

J 2) 24-12- 097 small frag. of inscription, smJ-t. nb(ty) mryt-f<br />

(?): wlth vertical line on left: probably from figure of<br />

mother. signs facing to left.% ..-.<br />

%<br />

3) 24-12-1101:<br />

-<br />

frag. of inscription, parts of three vertical<br />

lines: (1) (r)dyt 6g ........<br />

J (2) (r) mff ......... :<br />

(3) $m (nt_r) pr .......<br />

cg. inscription of Khemten on S jamb of G 7530:<br />

-<br />

signs facing to left.<br />

J 4) 24-12-1095: small frag. from outer edge of sloping N doorjamb:<br />

border down right side; to left of border, ...... t<br />

and head of small figure facing to left, below the t:<br />

./ 5) 24-12-1100: frag. showing: lower aaPa legs of two female<br />

figures bearing offerings (estates?) . facing to le?%.<br />

6-8) three small fragments: sap 5 ....<br />

-<br />

\I 24-12-1098; bears portion of a necklace?r\aRszPR.l&4&2(f-[2-<br />

424-12-1096:<br />

*--&<br />

with single sign 6: facing to right. 8S.k<br />

3 24-12-1099L<br />

Qd ,<br />

.=:i,- --+qf-Q e? ff-* *<br />

I reconstruct this chapel as hdving been pmparetl (perhaps<br />

not finished) for Hetep-heres I1,at that ,$he bearing<br />

only the titles of a king's ,dau@ter.% F m No. 2)<br />

&&& Odr b '0""" qpyudl kJL c+, *<br />

7L<br />

p& &-d& (Lc sLAh;c, bLL; mc+Q ,AcSbbr3h-y<br />


d<br />

APPZr?WX E.. p.15.<br />

Shafts: four shafts, two in Q 7110 and two in G 7 *<br />

0: & G 71101 shaft<br />

A on N and shaft B on 3: in G 7120 Sk. &A on R and ahaft B<br />

on s: the two shafts I) 71.l~ U and 13 7k20 B uere tho original<br />

shafts in the nucleus coresL shafts G 7110 it and 0 7120 iL<br />

were -eo after the tviin core aurt constructed: 0 7110 A and<br />

G 7120 B were never excavated in rock: G 7110 B was intended<br />

for the wife but never finished or used: C3 7120 A was<br />

oompleted and use6 for the man.<br />

Shaft 0 7110 A: two meter shaft lined with large nuwnulitic blocks<br />

ending at rock surface: ca. 4.5 m. deep: type 7 X: unused.<br />

Shaft 0 7110 R: 1.9 x 1.8 m., -9.8 m. in rock: lhed through raastaba<br />

wfth he3vy<br />

-<br />

nurqulitic<br />

--<br />

ansonry, 4.35 rn. (5 courses!:<br />

C1.larn-r: type 3 a(f): on 3: 4.5 x 5.0 m.: h., 3.5 m.: area, y<br />

2-25 sq.m.(unfi.ini.shed? : capcity, 7'?7 cu.m.<br />

Paslaage: 2.1 x 1.1. m. with height of 1.42 rl.: ~nrnxiamaexef<br />

Lmx*B<br />

BO trace of bur5al; debrb, dirty rubbish and sand:<br />

1<br />

Shaft 6 7120 A: burial shEift of Prince Ka-warab; 2.05 x 2.5 m., -10.4 m.<br />

in rock: lined with massive msonry, b.5 m. (5 courses):<br />

turning recess in M wall of shaft ut bottm, 1.05 x 1.85 m.<br />

and 1.35 m. high with horizontal raof; J<br />

Chamber: type 3 of: on 3: 5.0 x 5 0 n.; h., 3.5 m.: area,<br />

&Jsq.m. : ai pscity, 87.5 J CU.m.:<br />

~ S S ~ L Z C 2-0 ~ ? x 1-35 q., and 1.57 ';I. high: In E side of pnaangt<br />

the passage, opens the lmvor end of a sloping paaavr<br />

pssage (constructed later) which descends from<br />

an opening in the floor of the street eabt of the<br />

masthba, and slants to tb ITST: length of sloping .-, CI<br />

'passage, %?*.!. m. : psaage, Q-.W a. wide and .--.-*.7<br />

rn high: blocked \with plug stoms (still In place)<br />

Corrin pit: along 1;; aide of chambe-r, 2.4 x 1.2 m. and 0.75 m.<br />

de&recess for coffin lid in K *all at top of<br />

coff%n:,.md granite coffin, 2.25 x 1.0 m., and 0.9<br />

m. hi@: cavity o,coffh, 1.85 x 0.65 m. and 0.66<br />

m. deep: with lidc q coffin type d: weot aide<br />

of coffin and lid broken but practically complete:<br />

sunk in burial pit to bottom of horizontal<br />

inscrlptfon: inscription horizontal line on each<br />

of four faces of bor:<br />

(1) E face, beginning at E end, By nswt mpnr<br />

-<br />

htp<br />

hnt sh ntr krs m hryt ntr m smyt imgtyt VG<br />

nTr s j nsuXTi XtTT-~j?fi~-~----<br />

(2) I sue, badly broken, dy nswt Inpw htp t)nt sh<br />

ntr krs ..................<br />

rn nb GJh hr ntr 01 Kt-wcb, beginning at R. .<br />

(3) serLd,~3i"Ltyzs Twin8 to right, sj nswt n<br />

ht-f smsw (px-ieat of knubb), Kf-wcb--<br />

(4) on M end, signs facing to left, broken and<br />

-<br />

01lLy~<br />

a few sips PeooVdr(4d, D...o.h~ ntr ~rkt......<br />

sfgns painted green in sballoR cutting: sf@a<br />

outlined in black.<br />

Canogic recess; in s wall near SE carner: 0.7 x 0.7 m. and<br />

0.6 m. high with rebbte umund qouth.<br />

Shaft ani! chambr filled wfth drift sand which contained<br />

Ptolemaic potsherds and %rags. of fzlienoe aaulets:<br />

the chamber was probably blocked with masonry and<br />

u portcu~l~s slab: in the sloping passage thieves<br />

had cut away on0 side of the plug stones to gain<br />

entrance to the burla1 chaaber and in tkJis thQed<br />

passage were found Pour fragments of 8 diorite<br />

statue: the opening &n the street had been covered<br />

by a stone pawement (broken by thf8Vf3S) and south ,<br />

of it were found fragnents of limestone reliefs<br />

and a flint flake.

APPENDIX B* p.16.<br />

Shaft G 7120 B: 2.1 X 2.08 m., -3.65 m. in rock: lined with massive<br />

nummulitic masonry, 5.0 m. , (6 courses): type 7 X: three<br />

unfinished cutting in rock part of shaft (prohbly of the<br />

Ptolenaic-Romn Period: mound filled with dirty sand: had<br />

been cleared out recently and refilled.<br />

Later Construct ions :<br />

against the N end of the twin mastabas were built G 7101, and<br />

G 7102 the-mastabas of Qatar and Yeduw of Dyn.VI; against the<br />

E face north of Wife's chapel, was constructed the mastaba,<br />

G 7111 and north of that G 7112: south of the man's chapel was<br />

excavated the intrusive shaft, G 7120 X but not finished,<br />

- Cr 721047220: twin mastaba of Prince Hordedef and his wife (name not recovered):<br />

second of the four northern twin mastakas counted fro2 the<br />

west .<br />

See Fi gs .........<br />

See Pls..........<br />

Owner: Hordedef, ...<br />

Mastaba: core of massive masonry composed of the old cores G 7210 and<br />

G 7220, connected by massive masonry, and altered for interiol<br />

chapels (cf. G 711047120): massive core, 81 x 17 m.; area,<br />

1377.0 sq.m.: propp 1/4.73: near the S end of the E face of<br />

rr 7220 a hole was broken and lined with masonry (as G 7120),<br />

a recess to take an interior chapel: at the SE corner of the<br />

old core 8 7210 a hole was broken to receive another interior<br />

chapel: the core was cased with fine white limestone(x-msonrg<br />

and bonded with it, two interior chapels of type (3a): the<br />

cased mastaba mesured 83.2 x 19.35 m.: area, 1592.5 sq.m.:<br />

prop.ll4.25: $eight, ..... a.:<br />

Mason's yarks and Quarry Marks on Core and Casing of G 721047220:<br />

On the massive core, on the W side two horizontal levelling lines<br />

were partly perserved: the lower line was mark ''ell 2" and<br />

the second line was two ells (1.05 m.) above it : these lines<br />

were crossed at irregular intervals by three broad vertical<br />

bands (ca.5-7 cm. wide), the purpose of which was not<br />

descernible.<br />

on the inside of the white casing blocks (next to the core) a<br />

nulnber of blocks were found to bear quarry marks in black<br />

or red: 11 on E, 4 on S and 6 on W, total 21 blocks: most<br />

of the<br />

-<br />

marks were unintelligible but three blocks on the R<br />

casing bore the name hr-nbt; Hr thw cprw ("the working pan,<br />

c_<br />

Cheops is -drunk" ) .<br />

Chapels: two interior chapels of white limestone bonded with casing,<br />

each with subsidiary N niche in casing.<br />

Chapel G 7220: Prince Hordedef: interior offering room (a) of type (sa)<br />

w built in recess constructed in old core 7220: special deep<br />

niche at S end of W wall: badly destroyed but ka-door<br />

preserved to top of tablet, end of W wall, and N doorjamb in<br />

place: (a) 4015 x 1.55 m.: mea, 6.84 sq.m.: prop.1/2.51: the<br />

outer recess of the special niche measures 1.2 x 0.25 m. and<br />

the inner recess measures 0.7 x 1.05 m.: height of inner

APPENDIX B* P.17.<br />

recess, .... a.: entered by doorway in N end of E wall<br />

opening in embrasure in sloping face of casing: no exterior<br />

chapel preserved.<br />

Decoration of chapel G 7220: room a, by W.S.Smith:<br />

a) Kay-rloor and adjoining W wall on south: on back of deep innerxnbc<br />

niche, the prince seated facing to right at table of bread(?)<br />

on each side wall of the inner niche are four figures of men<br />

facing in: on N side, one feet of figure preserved: on the S<br />

side, the outer figure holds out his hands* in front of him<br />

and the other three appear to be carrying illegible objects:<br />

rum: horizontal inscriptions only partly legible,<br />

sJ nswt (n ht)-f .......................................<br />

Cross-bar: words written verticallg, dy nswt htp dy Dpiv htp<br />

krs nb imfh hr ntr cf s; nswt n ht-f hcty-c imy is Iry<br />

Lk.4-L<br />

-b<br />

Tablet: traces on left of seated figure facing right: right<br />

side appears not to have been finished.<br />

Back of outer recess: on each side one tall bowl stand with<br />

bowl, takes full height of the narrow panel.<br />

Outer recess, sides: on N, destroyed: on S two registers with<br />

one figure each with one or two registers above now<br />

destroyed: figures face in to right: upper figure with<br />

mrh-t written in front and below this hm-kf: the lower<br />

figure carries indeterminable object in left hand and a<br />

case (?) over his right shoulder: in front of the qord<br />

smsw . h<br />

l!v wall south of offering niche: remains of one register<br />

probably with 2-3 registers above: man facing in to<br />

right carrying birds in each hand: in front of him<br />

vertically, it -t tpdw.<br />

,/ b) Displaced fragment, 24-12-1129: long block found in street<br />

probably from upper part of N Wall of room a: on left border<br />

and to right of it upper ends of.five vertical lines with<br />

large signs in relief facing to right:<br />

(1) hct7-C (Nh).. ....<br />

(2) hr hry ......<br />

(3) imy-rJ kft ....<br />

(4) cd whc.....<br />

(5) s; nswt.......<br />

pro&bly stood over standing figure of Hordedef facing to<br />

right: the inscription would have taken 71 cm ofthe width of<br />

the N wall measured from the corner: the space in front of klau<br />

the figure whether blank or in relief would have been covered<br />

by the wooden door when open to a distance of about 110 cq.<br />

from the eastern sidepr .<br />

me reliefs on the ka-ddor had been chiseled away but could be<br />

followed in outline: the signs on the loose block had not<br />

been ch&deled away.<br />

Chapel G 7210: Wife's chapel: offering room(a) and exterior c,b. chapel<br />

with of six rooms: (b-g):<br />

a) Interior chapeJ of type (3a) of white limestone built in<br />

hole broken in old core G 7210: bonded with white casing<br />

chapel badly destroyed but ka-door of special form at<br />

s end of W wall preserved to a height of drum(h.ca.2 m.)<br />

line of S wall marked on slab south of niche: stone in<br />

place marks N end of room: 4.3 x 1.6(?) m.: area, 6.88<br />

sq.m.: prOp.1/2.67: the outer recess of the special &&E&<br />

niche measures, 1.2 x 0.3 m.: the inner niche measures,<br />

0.5 x 1.1 m.: height of inner recess, ..... m.:<br />

entered by doorway at N end of E wall, opening in<br />

embrasure in sloping face of casing. hole fior dfoor<br />

socket inside doorway on N.

&wW&<br />

APPENDIX Bo p.18.<br />

Exterior c.5. chapel with six rooms, bog:consisting<br />

of one large room or open court surrounding doorway<br />

to room a, with stone platform set in cob. walls in SE corner,<br />

and five smaller rooms on N:b)<br />

aeasures including stone platform a ~ x ~ x ~ ~<br />

~ ~ ~ a x k m n x % ~ 7.65 ~ x 2.9 ~ m. ~<br />

area 222 22.18 sq.m.: in the SE corner was a small cob. room<br />

which measured outside, 2.7 x 1.8 m. (area, 4.86 sq.m.) and<br />

was apparently originally intended as a magazine( ?) with<br />

doorway in'its N wall: inside this room was inserted a<br />

limestone platform, 2.3 x 1.5 a. (area, 3.45 sq.m.): with lm<br />

parapet on the E, ?J and W sides: platform inside the parapet<br />

measures, 1.9 x 1.75 m. (area, 2.13 sq-m.): drianage groove<br />

descending gently from N to S abound which the floor sloped<br />

gently down to thehhapel: at the S end, thekchapel lead to<br />

a stone culvert under the cob. wall which in turn emptied intc<br />

a large stone tank in the street south of the chapel:<br />

tank, 0.85 x 1.15 m. and with walls about 5 cm. thick:<br />

h., ..... m. and depth, .... m.<br />

room b was originally entered by doorway from E whdch was<br />

afterwards blocked with c.b.: afterwards the room was entered<br />

by a doorway in E end of N wall which had existed previously<br />

giving access to room c: at this time the later entrance was<br />

made in the E wall of room C.<br />

c) nbrth of room b had been a room with doomay to e in E end of<br />

its N wall: this room was separated into two small rooms by<br />

a NOS wall With a doorway: the eastern small room is letbered<br />

c and the western d: boom c thus became a vestibule when the<br />

entrance was made fmm the outsidle in its E Wall: 2.07 x l.lm<br />

area, 2-28 sq.m.: four doorway, to b in S wall, to d in 7N a&:fj<br />

wall (S end), to e in N wall, and entered from outside by<br />

doorway in N end of E wall.<br />

a) see c, above: 2.1 x 1.5 m.: area, 3.55 sq.m.: enteeed from c<br />

by doorway in S end of E wall: perhaps a magazine.<br />

e) north of rooms c-d, a space 4.4 x 3.05 m. (area, 13.42 sq.m.):<br />

which con€ained remains of cob. walls apparently dividing the<br />

space into threes rooms, e,f, g: in the N wall was a doorway<br />

giving access to the whole chapel from the N (see room f,<br />

below): room e appeared to measure 2.25 x 3.05 m.: area, 6.86<br />

sq.m.: in E end of S wall doorway to room c: in N wall<br />

apparently two doorways, one to f and the other to g.<br />

f) see e, above, eastern part of space north of e: 1.75 x 1.75 m.<br />

area, 3.06 sq.m.: separated from g by thin intrusive wall:<br />

doorway to e, in E end of S wall:z entrance from the outside<br />

in W end of N wall: this doorway was afterwards blocked with<br />

masonry when the mastaba G 7211 was built .<br />

g) see e, above: west of f and sewrated from it by thin intrusive<br />

wall: 1.75 x 1.1 m.: area, 1.92 sq-m.: apparently 'entered<br />

from e by doorway in E end of S wall.<br />

Size of whole exterior chapel, 24IxBxsqxmx 16.45 x 3.5 m.:<br />

area, 57.57 sq.m.<br />

Total floor area, b-g, 40.45 sq.m.<br />

Total floor area, a(6.88 sq.m.1 and b-g, 47.33 sq.m.<br />

The first entrance was in E wall of room b: the second entrance<br />

was from the N in the N wall of room f: the final entrance<br />

after the construction of G 7211 was from the E in room e.<br />

Decoration of Chapel G 7210: by W.S.Smith.<br />

The slabs still standing in inner niche of the ka-door and the<br />

part of the W wall south of it were not decorated: four fragments<br />

of relief were found:-<br />

/I) 25-1-42: frag. white limestone, 28 x 18 cm., with signs in low<br />

fine relief$, all facing to right: from an offering list in<br />

horizontal lines separated by lines in relief: upper register<br />

showsat bottom a row of amzatsmall basins determinative of<br />

list above; in the second register from right to left, the<br />

word msdmt determined by pellet and the word dpt determined<br />

by three conical cakes,,a&-tmtX words are w rmen vertically;<br />

below this under,tW/raised line are two vertical lines

APPENDIX B e P.19.<br />

separated by a raised line and reading from right to left,<br />

(I) nswt sJ(or sit) n.......................(2) wrts......<br />

/2) 25-1-43, 44, 45: three frags. of the same character with<br />

unintelligible signs facing to right on one frag. and to left<br />

son the other twot.<br />

J 3) Fragments showing legs of large female figure with small child<br />

standing beside her. Found in debris of mastaba north of<br />

chapel. see figs.. . The conclusion is reached that the decoration of the room a was<br />

unfinished: dt is possible that the tablet of the ka-door was<br />

the only prt decorated (see G 4240): the four fragments %mmr<br />

found close together in the debris of the chapel indicate<br />

that on one of the walls an offering scene had been finished:<br />

the act# thet the lower pzrt of the ka-door and the rest of<br />

walls were left undecorated would not require any special<br />

explanation.<br />

Shafts in G 7210 and G 7220: the shafts were letter Jd- as in G 7110$7120,<br />

A, B in each core: but shaft G 7110 A was found never to<br />

have been made and G 7820 B never to have been ~ada used:<br />

A on north<br />

Shaft G 7210 A: 8 dee axis of the mstaba showed that<br />

the northern shaft had never been made.<br />

Shaft G 7210 B: 1.9 x 1.75 m., -9.54 m. in rock; lined with masiiare<br />

masonry, 3.5 m., 6 courses: sbm$erxlx&~sx$3~XxmxSx<br />

&amber: type 3 af; on S: 4.75 x 5.3 m., and 3.4~1. hi@:<br />

area, 25.18 sq.m.: capacity, 85.61 cu.m.:<br />

passage: 2.15 x 1.12 m. and 1.35 m. high: remains of msonry<br />

blocking in passage and a portcullis slab outside,<br />

leaning out as displaced by thieves:<br />

In the chamber fragments of white limestone coffin of type d:<br />

Canopic pit in SE corner, 0.45 x 0.45 m. with rebate sunk<br />

in the dqg edge on all four sides: and 0.55 m. deep.<br />

In the disturbed debris in the shaft were Ptolemaic objects<br />

and grey granite harnmer, at about 13 m down; at about<br />

15 m. down were the fragments of a large flat bottomed<br />

basin of type D-XXXIV (red ware, red wash), with traces<br />

of plaster, used in sealing blocking:<br />

no objects in chamber: chamber not reused in Ptolemaic<br />

times: late objects in disturbed filling obvtously<br />

intruded recentzy.<br />

J<br />

aft G 7220 A: 1.85 X 1.95 m., -9.3 m. in rock: lined with masive<br />

masonry, 5.0 m., 7 courses: type 3 amx(stair) with additional<br />

room on S:<br />

naain chamber on south of shaft, 4.86 x 4.86 m.: and 3.82 rn,<br />

high: area, 83.62 sq.m.: capacity, 90.23 cu.m.:<br />

passage: 2.12 x 1.6 m. and 1.55 a. high, with four steps in<br />

chamber leading from floor of passage to floor of<br />

chamber: in passage remains of masonry blocking but<br />

portcullis slab had been broken up:<br />

Unfinished red granite coffin along W side of chamber,<br />

2.45 x 1.26 m. and 0.86 n. hip$ (1.09 m. with the lid<br />

at the S end: cavity, 2.1 x 0.9 m. and 0.7 m. deep:<br />

dressed smooth inside and on four sides: the bottom of 3<br />

the block was being sawn off apparently to form a lid<br />

but broke in two and the southern half was left attached<br />

to the bottom of the coffin:on the dressed surface red<br />

guiding lines had been marked off to show the side of '<br />

the box and of the cavity: on the eastern face a<br />

horizontal line below marking the line of the saw-cut<br />

at t b bottom of the dressed surface and another<br />

parallel horizontal line above it to mark the bottom of<br />

the cavity: at each end was a vertical line marking the<br />

ends of the cavity inside: on this side two measurements<br />

in red paint were written as if the coffin has been<br />

standing upright on its south end and read to the left<br />

4 ;w c 5 ("length 5 ells, act 8 2.45 instead of 2.6)<br />

and on the riat, ...... t.-t. v..._: 3 3q 4 (cavity(?) 4 ells

APPENDIX B* P.20.<br />

(actually 2.1 m.): on the eastern side only the horizontal<br />

lines are visible, one for the bottom of the cavity<br />

and a double line (about one ern. apart) to marke the<br />

line of the saw-cut: On each end were visible two<br />

vertical lines and one horizontal line: the saw cut<br />

shows that the lid was being sawn off by straight blades<br />

working diagonally on each side at the same time: the<br />

piece broken away was not found: the piece attached to<br />

the bottom on the south was not dressed and showed a<br />

rough ridge across the end (not a dressed rectangular<br />

end bar, but the usual2 rough ridge left on undressed<br />

blocks of granite brought from Assuan, made to facilitate<br />

handling (se9 Mycerinus, p ?k&h .) : I conclude that the<br />

lid was intended to be a p I; a h flat cover as coffin<br />

type d: no trace of lid was fomd in the chamber.<br />

Second unfinished chamber (intended for coffin room): doorway<br />

in E end of S wall, with floor sunk below floor of main<br />

chamber: 3.75 x 4.75 m. and 1.82 m. high: area, 17.81<br />

sq.m.: capacity, 32.41 cu.m.: the vertical grooves in<br />

the S wall show that four workmen were engaged in cutting<br />

tack this wall when the work stopped a d leaving b~<br />

heap of limestone rubbish on floor:<br />

Passage: 4.8 x 1.05 m. and 1.2 m. high.<br />

Total area of both rooms, 41.43 sq.rn.: capacity, 122.64 cu.m.<br />

Filling of shaft: disturbed rubbish which contained Pbolemaic<br />

potsherds and 8 frags. of hard stone statue (24-12-292<br />

to 295, 297, 298): the chamber had a heap of rubbish<br />

and sand sloping down on all sides: in the passage to<br />

the second chamber found frcgment of seated diorite<br />

statue of Chephren (24-12-822). With this were frags.<br />

of pot t e ry ve s s e 1s % a ~ 3 ~ 8 8 ~ x x ’ $ r a r 9 a ~<br />

Axl€z.xhnxx<br />

24-12-823: base of RW jar of type A-I1 b.<br />

24-12-824: frag. of RW model basin of type LXXIXa-m,<br />

&iam., 10.4 cm.: h., 2.0 cm.<br />

24-12-825: frag. of small jar with roll rim.<br />

24-12-886: farag. of jar of type AjII b.<br />

2&X32HX<br />

In main chamber, frags. of stonex and potsherds:-<br />

24-12-846: 4 frags. of alabaster of which only one had<br />

B dressed surface.<br />

24-12-847: frag. of undressed translucent diorite.<br />

24-12-848; 850: 9 flint flakes not worked.<br />

24-12-865: frags. of RP pottery from bowls with recurved<br />

rim; types C-XXXII or D-XXXVI.<br />

Shaft G 7220 B: 1.85 X 1.8 m.:-1.7 m. in rock: lined with masive masonq<br />

5.0 m., 9 courses: unfinished cutting in SE corner at bottoln,<br />

0.5 x 0.5 m. and h., 1.1 q.: area, 0.25 sq.m.: capacity, 0.27<br />

cu.m.: probably of much later date: shaft recorded as of<br />

type 7 X: filled with dirty sand and dust, dumped in recently,<br />

Later Constructions:<br />

Against the N face of the cased mastaba, was found the mastaba of<br />

yeduw (G 7102) and a composite mastaba nearly destroyed east<br />

of it: against the E face north of the wife’s chapel was<br />

G 7211: four intrusive shafts in street E 6f mastaba:<br />

G 7220 X: just south of chapel in street: G 7220 Y: adjoining x on<br />

South: G 7220 2;: near north subsidiary niche: G 7220 w: lsatjm~<br />

between X and Z.

APPENDIX B* P.21.<br />

G 731047320: twin mastaba of Prince, perhaps RaSBauW-f and his Wife: third from<br />

the west of the four northern twin mastabas.<br />

See Figs.. ......<br />

See Pls . .'*. . Owner: Ra-bauw-f,<br />

vastaba: core of massive masonry composed of Bld cores 7310 and 7320:<br />

connected with massive masonry and altered forXchapels:<br />

core, 79.2 x 16.5 me: area, 1306.8 sq.m.: prop.1/4.8: near<br />

s~,corner a chapel recess was reconstructed in the old core<br />

as G 711047120; hole broken in SE corner of old core 7310<br />

to receive an inberior chapel, as the two twin mstabas on<br />

the west: core cased in fine white limestone (x-masonry) and<br />

bonded with it two Interior chapels of type (3a): the cased<br />

mastah measured, 82.8~~ 19.0 m.: area, 1573.2 sq.rn.:<br />

prop.1/4.36: h., .... m.: inscribed lines on platform at Nw<br />

corner:<br />

Quarry Varks:<br />

on backs of casing stones found 18 red quarry marks, all<br />

unintelligible, 11 on W, 3 on E and 4 on N.<br />

Chapels: two interior chapels of white limestone of type (3a) , bonded<br />

with casingland east of each an exterior cob. chapel.<br />

Chapel r: 7320: man's chapel: Interior offering room a of type (3a);<br />

-1t in recess reconstructed in core: with special deep<br />

niche at S end of W wall: badly destroyed but lower part of<br />

niche, one slab in W wall north of niche and N doorjamb found<br />

in place:<br />

a) 4.15 x 1.65 m.: area, 6.84 sq.m.: prop.1/2.52: outer niche<br />

' 1.25 x 0.3 m.: inner niche, 0.6 x 1.25 m. entered by<br />

doorway in N end of E wall, opening in embrasure in<br />

casing: limestone door socket at W end of N door-@ambo<br />

Exterior c.b. chapel beginning in front of room a and<br />

continued southwards to avenue 2 in which the chapel<br />

continued eastwards south of G 7420 and westwards south<br />

of G 7320: consisting of 7 rooms, b-h but c-f were badly<br />

destroyed by w h digging:-<br />

b) one-room exterior c.b. chapel apparently open to the sky:<br />

3.9 x ca.2.4 m.: area, 9.36 sq.m.: the remains consist<br />

of two cob. long doorways, one at each end of the room<br />

or court but not exactly on the same axis line: the<br />

doorway to room 8 opens nearly in the middle of the<br />

western side of the room: in the SE corner of the room<br />

stands, partly sunk in the floor, a large rectangular<br />

offering basin of the ordinary form, 1.1 x 0.9 m., with<br />

hole in the S end opening in a stone roofed culvert ~k*f<br />

which passes under the S doorway and out into avenue 2<br />

where it turns east to a point, 6.75 m. from sW corner<br />

of G 7410420, where it emptied into a stone tank: in xnm<br />

room b in front of the doorway to a, a lars Ptolemaic-<br />

Roman shaft, G 7320 X, has been intruded with its mouth<br />

near the top of the mastaba.<br />

C) corridor room south of b leading to a long doorway of cob.<br />

between SE corner of G 7820 and the SW corner of 7420:<br />

8.6 x ca.fd 2.4 at floor level: area, 20.64 sq.m.:<br />

doorway to b on north and doorway to d oh s.<br />

d) a N-S room south of c: nearly destroyed but indicated by<br />

frag. of thin W wall and by heavy S wall: 4.2 x 2.4 m.<br />

at floor level: area, 10.08 sq.m.: doorway to c in N<br />

wall: doorway to f in N end of W wall: opens into B e<br />

without doorway: at S end of d.<br />


e) E-W vestibule corridor at right angles to d: foundations<br />

of thick c.b. wall preserved along the S side, 1.6 m.<br />

thick: 1.25 x 1.35 m.: area, 1.68 sq.m.: the c.b. wall<br />

on the w of room e and on the E of room d which rested<br />

on the masonry of the casing of G 7420 (SE corner) had<br />

been destroyed.<br />

he thick southerm boundary wall of the chapel was dug away<br />

by selxkh-digging south of room f; its foundation rose<br />

slightly from E to W and showed a thickness of 1.7 m.<br />

in rooms d, 1.65 m. in room g and 1.6 m. in room h:<br />

on the E thh wall touched the casing of G 7420440 and<br />

on the W was separated 1.1 m. from the N end of the<br />

c O ~<br />

Of G 733@$7340.<br />

f) a great sehkh hole descended in the middle of the room<br />

and the size could only be reconstructed doubtfully:<br />

3.475 x 2.95 m.: area, 10.25 sq.m.; entered from d by<br />

doorway at N end of E u a l l : a ~ ~ 9 8 f s x<br />

doorway to g in hi end of W wall.<br />

mud<br />

g) well preserved to height of 0.8 m.:pstered with white-<br />

washed surface: 3.5 x 2.57 m.: area, 8.99 sq.m.:<br />

entered fmm f by doorway in N end of E wall: doorway<br />

to h in pa end of W wall opposite the entrance.<br />

h) well preserved to height of 0.8 m.: plastered as g:<br />

3.5 x 2.5 m.: area, 8.75 raq.m.<br />

The W boundary wall is 1.35 m. thick: the wall between g and<br />

h is 1.2 m. thick: the northern boundary wall was built<br />

over the dressed sloping casing of G 7320 being 0.9 m.<br />

as preserved, must have thickened upwards, perhaps to<br />

1.6 m.<br />

I suggest that most of the rooms were roofed with cob. xx22<br />

leaning vaults<br />

East of room e, were found the remains of a cob. wall built<br />

against the face of the E wall of that room: this<br />

indicates another corridor (1) added on the east and<br />

probably reaching to the face of G 7430: the drainage<br />

tank of the culvert leading from the basin in room b,<br />

was under the floor of this room; length of culvert,<br />

N-S arm, 17 m. +E-W arm, ca.6.75 m., total length of<br />

about 23.5 m., width of channel, 0.1 m.: depth ca.,0.12<br />

size of bank, 1.1 x 1.15 m., with walls, .... m, thick,<br />

depth, .... m. with tunnel on W edge to admit the zlxacZpra1<br />

drainage from the culvert: tank sunk in c.b. kerb and<br />

prohbly roofed and covered by flooring of room i.<br />

-<br />

Floor area of chapel:<br />

loom a( limestone), 6.84 sq.m.<br />

C.b. room b-h, 69.75 sq.m.<br />

Total-area, a-h, 76.59 sq.rn.: to which is to be added the<br />

unmeasurable room i.<br />

Decoration of Chapel G 7320, room a:form<br />

preserved, and lower part of<br />

also lower part of M doorjamb:<br />

none of the stones in place are preserved to a sufficient<br />

height to show decoration: the wall north of niche appears<br />

. not to have been decorated(?)<br />

Fragments of White limestone w&th reliefs, found in debris in<br />

interior and ex erio<br />

d1) 25-1-957 to $61, ,/&;:aEg3177&, 8d: drags. assigned to<br />

architrave over doorway: prts of 22-24 vertical lines<br />

sepamted by vertical lines in re1ief:signs on 11 lines<br />

(from left half) face to right and 10 lines (from the<br />

right end) face to left: inscription thus divided in two<br />

beginning with an offering formula running to the left<br />

and another running to right: twb inscriptions practica$<br />

id en tical :

(1) (dy nswt) htp (inpw htp hnt sh ntr nb 8; dsr) .<br />

(2) kr( s-t-f) m smyt( imntyt) II .<br />

(3) (nb) imfh hr ntr cj prt-r-hrw n-f (bread, beer, $r<br />

birdsand cattle?) .<br />

-<br />

(4) m wp rnpt Dhwtyt tp rnpt hb wr.<br />

(5) rkh prt-Nnnw sjd.<br />

(6) tp month and haTg month, (m) hb nb rc nb.<br />

(7) n iry-pcty sbhty (sJb t;ty) wsht shm ch;.<br />

(8) cf wnrw ......<br />

-<br />

nswt.. ...<br />

(9) hm ntr hnm n stp (sf) ......<br />

(10) hcty-c iry Nhn m is ......<br />

(11) irny-rJ( ?). .........<br />

(12) (s; nswt n ht-f - and name) .<br />

'fh 4<br />

y2) 25-1-825, 862: frags., from-edge of N doorjamb,<br />

showing on left vertical face,on right surface a<br />

sloping face: on doorjamb showing sloping border and<br />

parts of four vertical lines of inscription (above a<br />

chief figure facing out to right):<br />

(1) s m t l n (ht-fJ ...........<br />

(2) ....... .wr (pr) dwf ..........<br />

(3) ....... r wh ...........<br />

(4) ....... .B;St( t) ........<br />

on the otber surface from the sloping face Bf the<br />

embrasure panel shows on the left a border and remains<br />

of two vertical lines of signs,<br />

(1) ........... tlty..... ..<br />

(2) .............. hm ntr ....... t<br />

these signs fhce to left and indicate a standing figu-<br />

of the prince facing in to left.<br />

J3) 25-1-749 to 852: six fragments of a horizontal inscription<br />

with signs facing to right and assigned but not joining<br />

a seventh fragment with the sign f: st-f Hnm-bf-(f)<br />

followed by hmw-k;: this inscription was obviously over<br />

a row of small figures facing to right of which the<br />

first was the son; The scene may have been the s door-<br />

jamb with son and other small figures facing in towards<br />

a large figure of the prince:<br />

The decorat ion was probably unfinished: apparently the frags.<br />

show the decoration of the doorway (architrave, door<br />

jambs and embrasure panels: possibly the niche was also<br />

decorated.<br />

mapel c: 7310: wife(s chapel built in hole broken' in old core:<br />

i&€erior chapel of white limestone bonded with casing: with<br />

subsidiary N niche ....................... .:exterior c.b.<br />

chapel<br />

a) interior chapel of type (3a) with special deep niche at<br />

s end of W wall: 4.15 x 1.55 m., area, 6.43 9q.m.:<br />

prop.1/2,67: ka-door, outer niche, 1.2 x 0.3 m.:<br />

inner niche, 0.6 x 1.25 m.: built of three upright slabs<br />

roofed with a horizontal slab behind the drum(which was<br />

missing); all the rest of the bhap1 was destroyed to

APPEXDIX B o p.24.<br />

the stone pavement and the plan as reconstructed from<br />

lines incised on pavement: doorway in N end of E wall<br />

opening in embrasure in sloping casing.<br />

Exterior c.b. chapel of 5 W-S rooms: formed by dividing the place<br />

between G 7310 and G 7410, by 6 vepy thick cob. doorways:<br />

b) beginning just south of embrasure of doorway to room<br />

a and extending northwards: 7.9 x 2.6 m.: area,<br />

20.54 sq.m.: northern part of floor paved with<br />

stone sill in doorway: bases of two columns in N-S<br />

line dividing the room into three parts: both had<br />

a circular bsis, with diam. of 0.95 m.: on the S<br />

basis stood a coluan drum with a diam. of 0.53 m.<br />

and a hei&t of 0.46 m.: this segment of the colulnn<br />

was dressed so that it had eight slightly channeled<br />

surfaces, similar to Zoser channelled columns but<br />

of less pronounced form: the print on khe N basis<br />

indicated a column of the same size: no evidence<br />

was found to indicate the form of the capital,<br />

but I would reconstruct with an architrave, either<br />

E-W or N-S: the roofing would probably have been<br />

stone slabs, although the use of mud-brick would<br />

suggest a wooden roofing : the doorway to room a<br />

opens in the S end of the west side: at the N and S<br />

ends of the room, a thick c.b. doorway, not on the<br />

same axis: the doorway on the S opens hto room c.<br />

c) 2.25 x 2.8 m.: area, 6.3 sq.m.: formed by two thick<br />

cob. doorway, not on the same axis, of which one<br />

forms the S end of room b and the other the N end od<br />

room d: the eastern side of the S doorway has been<br />

damaged and repaired with rubble.<br />

d) south of c and enclosing the subsidiary N niche of<br />

c) 7320: 4.3 x 2.8 m.: area, 12.04 sq.m.: subsidiary<br />

N niche, outer recess, 1.1 x 0.35 m.: inner niche,<br />

0.4 x 0.25 m.: cob. doorway on N is the S doorway<br />

of room c: the doorwag on S opens into the space<br />

between G 7310.120 and G 7410420, and thus leads to<br />

the chapel G 7320: at some subsequent time the two<br />

chapels, G 7310 and G 7S20 were separated by a c.b,<br />

wall 1.25 m. thick built across the S side of the N<br />

doorway opening from c to d: thus the room d around<br />

the subsidiary N niche was blocked off froln chapel<br />

G 7S10 and attached to G 7320.<br />

e) north of room b and entered from it: south end formed<br />

by cob. doorway (opening from N) and on the N by a<br />

similar doorway opening from S: 20.75 x 2.8 m.:<br />

area, 58.1 sq.m.: enclosing the subsidiary N niche<br />

of G 7310 mich stands near the N end of the room:<br />

outer recess, 1.1 x 0.35 m.; inner recess,<br />

0.35 x 0.35 m.: monolithic ka-door set Back in<br />

casing.<br />

f) a short room or Vestibule north of e: north end formed<br />

by cob. doorway opening from the N: 2.65 x 2.8 m.:<br />

area, 7.42 sq.m. : both the N and the S doorway have<br />

been damaged by intrusive shafts of the Ptolemaic<br />

Roman Period: the outside of the N doorway is in<br />

line with the N face of G 7310420.<br />

Floor areas of chapel G 7310:<br />

ROO~ a, 6.43 sq.m., limestone. .-<br />

Rooms b-f, 104.4 sq.m.: -+-b was<br />

certainlyLmd probably c and f.<br />

Total floor area a-f, 110.83 sq,m,<br />

probably the whole of the exterior chapels of G 7310 and<br />

G 7320 was constructed about the sane time on one<br />

plan: the blocking of the chapel of g G 7310<br />

prohbly occurred some time after the burials as a<br />

result of differences of interests between the two<br />

sets of ka-priests. \

Decoration of Chapl: no evidence of decoration: a horizontal line on<br />

the ka-door and vertical border on the backs of the puter<br />

niche indicate an intention to decorate.<br />

Shafts in G 7310+7320: the shafts were lettered as in G 711of20 A, B in<br />

each core: but shaft G 7310 A was found never to have been<br />

made and shaft I; 7320 B never to have been used: A on N and<br />

II B on SO<br />

Shaft G 7310 A: newer excavated.<br />

Shaft G 7310 B: wife shaft: 1.9 x 1.85 m.:-10.1 m. in rock: lined with<br />

massive nsonry 4.45 m., 6 courses:<br />

chamber: type 4 a(1): on S: 5.08 x 5.36 m.: and 2.14m. hi@:<br />

area, 27.23 sq.m.: capacity, 58.87 cu.m.:<br />

turning recess in N wall of shaft: 1.7 m. wide, 1.0 m. deep<br />

and 2.05 m. high:<br />

small blocks Itxx.patmrsap of limestone found in debris indicate<br />

masonry blocking in passage but no remains in passage:<br />

bropen red granite coffin of type d along W side of chamber:<br />

2.5? x 1.2 m. and 1.06 m. high; and cavity, 2.0? x 0.6<br />

m.: and 0.75 m. deep: flat lid, 0.24 m. thick, with two<br />

Witgdlsat each end; upper edges of the lid slightly<br />

rounded:<br />

canopic recess in E end of S wall, 0.75 x 0.7 m.: and 0.76 rn.<br />

high: without re& te:<br />

Shaft filled with disturbed rubbish and 1st. debrisz dumpd<br />

in recently: intrusive objects<br />

ss<br />

of the Ptolfleriod<br />

(faience amulets and pots eras& in the chamber was<br />

found also fmgments of O.,Y'r*potsherds$ and a rough<br />

d<br />

, diorite saucer of uncertain date (25-1-38).<br />

Shaft G 7320 A: Man's shaft: 2.05 x 2.12 rn.: -12.05 m. in rock: lined<br />

ddfZ massive masonry, 4.1 m., 6 courses:<br />

Chamber: type 3 af, on S: 4.9 x 5.35 rn.: and 3.4 m. high:<br />

area, 26.22 sq.m.; capacity, 89.14 sq.m.: with second<br />

2 chamber (unfinished) on S:<br />

passage from shaft to main chamber, 2.65 x 1.2 m. and 1.32 m.<br />

high:<br />

remains of masonry blocking.<br />

..no trace of stone coffin.<br />

E end of S wall, a passage led southwards to an unfinished<br />

and unused coffin chamber: roughly 1.0 x 1.9 m. and 0.7<br />

m. hi&: the passage qeasured 2.25 x 1.15 and 1.35 m.<br />

high: In the N end of the passage was constructed a<br />

stone canopic chest, 0.85 x 0.83 m. and 0.6 m. hi@:<br />

inside, 0.55 x 0.55 m.: with rebate sunk edge of mouth:<br />

flat square lid displaced and lying south of chest:<br />

passage blocked on chamber side by a vertical masonry<br />

wall, type I11 b( 1): above the doorway from shaft tb<br />

chamber, a "window" has been cut through the rock from<br />

shaft to chamber about Bt level of roof of chamber,<br />

2.35 x 1.0 m. and 0.75 m. high (probably used in cutting<br />

chamber)<br />

Filling of shaft, dirty sand and debris containing Ptolemaic<br />

Roman amulets and potsherds recently dumped into shaft<br />

by leaving several meters unfilled at top; about at top I<br />

of doorway, disturbed limestone debris: sand and debris<br />

in chamber:<br />

24-12-446 to 452: faience beads and amulets in shaft.<br />

24-12-453, 454: potsherds of Ltolmmaic Period.<br />

24-12-868, 871 to 875: in lower part of shaft: faience<br />

amulets, etc.<br />

24-12-869, 870: alabs ter boring core.<br />

P<br />


APPENDIX B* P.26.<br />

In Cha.nber:u25-1-23:<br />

flint flake, l., 9.2 cm. x 1.3 cm.<br />

J25-1-24:flint: psskff wand, l., 7.3 cm. x 2.1 cm.<br />

d 25-1-25: limestone: small hsin, Ptolemaic-iZoman Period,<br />

d., 10.3 cm. and 6.35 cm. high, with handles.<br />

25-1-26, 27: faience amulets.<br />

LL<br />

25-1-68 to 75: potsherds, mostly Ptoomic Roman.<br />

J<br />

Shaft G 7320 B: 2.1 x 2.1 m., ends at rock surface; lined with massive<br />

masonry, 4.5 m., 5 courses: type 7 x: on N side, rnasonry<br />

linadestroyed to rock by modern thieves: filling of debris<br />

dumped in recently.<br />

rater Constructions:<br />

11 against the W end of the exterior cob. chapel of G 7320, rooms<br />

d-lbwas budlt the late stone mastaba, G 73393<br />

2) aBinst the E end of the same chapel between G 7420 and G 7430,<br />

is the small stone mastaba., G 7431.hk6.1Y32<br />

3) at 8.5 m. north of N face of G 7310420, is an E-W quarry sc@p I<br />

with face to N: in this is a small rock cut chamber opening<br />

to #pJ:the quarryy had been excavated by Tewfik Eff. Boulos<br />

but appear to have been filled with limestone rubbish pr~l<br />

contzining a few shafts or even superstructures.<br />

The street 7300 between G 7320 and G 7420 was filled with drift<br />

sand over a layer of limestone debris and a number of<br />

Ptolramaic mummified burials and some Ptolemaic jars: descend-<br />

ing through the sand and the debris were a number of shafts<br />

intruded in Ptolemai c Roaan times: -<br />

G 7310 x: opposite N subsidiary niche of G 7310, against the back<br />

of G 7410; type 8 b(2) of c.b.: chamber on S: descends<br />

through rnud floor of chapel to rogk: partly destroyed.<br />

r, 7310 y: in W side of room 7310 f: long N-S shaft with chamber<br />

of type 6 a(2): on W: date uncertain.<br />

G 7310 2: sunk in W c.b. doorjamb of northern doorway of room f:<br />

type 6 a(3): chamber on S: date uncertain.<br />

r, 7320 X: in room b of chapel G 7320 in fr nt of doorway to room<br />

a: Tasonry'shaft descends from top $a$debrbs: 1.3 x 1.3 m.<br />

at aouth, -7.65 m. in rock: lined with masonry, 1.95 m.<br />

5 courses: at hottom large chamber on S, 3.8 x 2.5 m.: and<br />

2.1 m. high: area, 9.5 raq.m.: capacity, 19.95 cu.m.: widlth<br />

of doorjambs, 0.5 m.: in S wall wide recess (loculus,<br />

containing limestone anthropoid coffin): on the floor lying<br />

E-FV (heads E) four anthro$id coffins of which the southern -<br />

rests on debris: on N side of shaft, large chamber opening<br />

directly into shaft: With three loculi, 4.5 x 2.37 m.: and<br />

2.0 m. high: area, 10.66 sq.m.: capacity, 21.32 cu.m.: in<br />

the walls high up, three burial chambers (loculi) :<br />

(a) on W Side, near entrance: 1.95 x 2.2 m. and 1.22 m. high:<br />

entered by doorway in S end of E wall: contained one<br />

muTmy .<br />

(b) opposite (a), in E wall: 2.05 x 2.15 m., and 1.1 m. high<br />

doorway on S as (a): empty.<br />

(c) in W Wall north of(a): 2.0 x 0.45 m.: with entrance in<br />

S end of E wall.

APPENDIX B* P.27.<br />

?&kc1 i4 0. -[bq ? 1<br />

I: 7410f7420: twin mastaba of<br />

7 ( a f t e r<br />

ern twin mastabas.<br />

See Figs. . . .<br />

See Pls. . . .<br />

w a r m o s<br />

) and Princess<br />

t of four north-<br />

Owner:<br />

bfastaba: massive core faced on E with stepped masonry (as type 111)<br />

enclosing the old cores of type IV, G 7410 and G 7420:<br />

connected with msiive masonry and altered for chapels;<br />

core, 79.9 x 16.5 m.: area, 1303.5 sq.rn.: prop.1/4.78:<br />

the eastern side of this double core was faced with stepped<br />

courses of small blocks (and thus the core was converted into<br />

type LIT: preliminary to this facing, two recesses were<br />

broken in the old cores and faced as E facedL one of these<br />

contained the chapeB G 7420 and the other at the M end was<br />

walled up byk the casingh the chapel 7410 was built in a hole<br />

broken in<br />

-<br />

the casing.<br />

faced core, 82.0 x 19.5 m.: area, 1599.0 sq.m.; prop.1/4.25:<br />

faced core fsced mith fine white limestone (x-aasonry) and<br />

hmmd bonded with it two interior chapels of type (3a): the<br />

cased mastab measured, 84.2 x 22 m.: area, 1852.4 sq.m.:<br />

prop. 1/3.84 .<br />

Mason's Marks and Quarry Marks:<br />

On the stepped facing on the E face, were ... horizontal level<br />

lines, ..... . rn. apart; on the third EI~Z course a red<br />

horizontal line was marked mh 3 hr nfrw.<br />

On the backs of the white casing stones were found uninteligible<br />

quarry marks on 15 blocks<br />

Chapels of G 7410+7420: two chapels of type (3a) each with subsidiary<br />

N niche: faced chapel recess for chapel G 7420 and a<br />

second faced recess at N end which was not used.<br />

Chapel G 7420: 2nants chapel: interior offering room (a) of type (3a);<br />

built in faced recess reconstructed in core: with special<br />

deep niche at S end of VJv wall: badly destroyed; ka-door<br />

preserved to height of drum, two slabs still in place one on<br />

wach side of Nw corner, construction lines on floor:<br />

(a) 4.25 x 1.55 m. area, 6.58 sq.m.: prop.1/2.73: outer niche<br />

of ka-door, 1.2 x 0.3 m.: inner niche, 0.6 x 1.15 m.:<br />

ka-cioor built of two courses of three stones each:<br />

entered by doorway in N end of E wall, opening in<br />

embrasure in the sloping casing.<br />

Reqains of exterior chapel of white limestone:-<br />

b) hall of court around entrance to room a 4.75(?) x 2.2 m.:<br />

area, 10.45 sq-m.: just north of embrasure a stone wall<br />

1.8 m. thick containing a doorway in which the door was<br />

on the S side (inside room b): the southern wall was<br />

destroyed to its foundations@ b<br />

South of b, the rock descends sharply to the front of 7430.<br />

Decoration of chapel G 7420, room a, of white limestone:-<br />

On Ka-cloor, on tack of outer recess, on S, a tall bow$ stand with<br />

bowl: 1ikeW220 chapel: indicates that ka-door was decorated<br />

but the decoration elsewhere has been weatheredx away.<br />

The slabs left in place in W wall and N wall were so Weathered<br />

that no reliefs were bisible but they may have been decorated<br />

Facade panels in doorway embrasure showed traces of place facade<br />

panel ling.

- APPEXDUC: B* P.28.<br />

U'"~<br />

fraguenk of relief vws found in the debris in front of room<br />

a:/) .............. parts of two female estates facing to right:<br />

in front of first on right is written h-t Hwfw and in front<br />

-v -,&<br />

of the second, w.. . 9-t.. ........<br />

70<br />

2\)Fvk +.&.A CdULG kxqxk LJ;rl, \rcaua d -. 4 *L--<br />

The room may have been fully decorated: 2'fqPagments lefk3hesr<br />

chapels depended largely on the accidental completem$s-.of<br />

the work of the thieves who took the stone for burning in<br />

the lime-kiln.<br />

I+ ( -pqg<br />

-<br />

Chapel CT 7410: wffe's chapel (Meresankh 11): built in hole broken in<br />

faced core: interior chapel of white limestone bonded with<br />

casing: With subsidiary N niche: marks on rock indicate<br />

the possibility of a stone exterior chapel but evidence<br />

uncertain.<br />

a) 4.2 x 1.55 m.: area, 6.51 sq.m.: prop.1/2.7: measured from<br />

construction lines: outer niche of ka-door, 1.35 x 0.4 ma<br />

inner recess (in place), 0.6 x 1.0 m.: built of three<br />

upright slabs: all other walls destroyed: doorway in N<br />

end of E wall opening in embrasure (2.95 m. long) in .<br />

sloping casing.<br />

Decoration of chaR1 G 7410, room a, white limestone:<br />

!?/eathered ka-door shows no visible traces of decoration: the<br />

following fragments were found in the debris of the chapel<br />

and in 8 built Ptolemaic grave:-<br />

d1) 25-3-31, 25: two frags. adsigned to architrave over ka-doo)<br />

two horizontal lines of male titles:. - . ..,<br />

(I),.(priest of) pr _bry Qb hry a!$; - ......<br />

A'tu<br />

(2) ............. -p.p(~x ..-........... and ........( wr) q<br />

c__<br />

. w Dhwty.. ...........<br />

-. .-<br />

I .-<br />

,/2) 25-5-JOG-3-26, 27: two frags. assigned tb architrave<br />

over entrance (with sloping surface) : single line of<br />

horizontal inscription giving male titles:<br />

J<br />

-- I-.<br />

(1) SJ n'swt ......<br />

- -_-_<br />

(2) 3 ~0-s)<br />

-- .-<br />

Pry N* .........<br />

3) 25-3-23, 30: two frags, from N doorjamb; and facade panel<br />

(a) comes from a little above (b) and shows two faces:<br />

(a) on the left a vertical surface with sloping border<br />

on right: end of a vertical inscription, *.et.*(?)<br />

><br />

in pr n6wt (see doorjambs of ct 7140): on the<br />

Zdjoining-facade is part of the staff of a large<br />

figurei facing to left gnd vertically in front of<br />

it...... v x<br />

smr wcty: si@s on both<br />

surfaces face to left.<br />

(b) from lower part of scene an N jamb, shpwing sloping<br />

border on 'tight: parts of two small figures of<br />

girls, standing facing to left: in front of tpe ?ne<br />

on right is written vertically, .... Nbty-tp-it-s.<br />

J<br />

- _- -# -*<br />

J4) 25-1-1337:, 1321: two frags. of a swamp scene: probably<br />

from E wall:<br />

(a) figure of woman in lappet wig and long tunic, seated<br />

facing to left on a throne on a boat: in front of<br />

her and,above remains of two vertical lines,<br />

(1) .. s!(t) (ns'wt) n(t) ht-f.<br />

1- - _-_ - -I_<br />

(2) .........<br />

-<br />

in front of her appears to be the hand of a small<br />

man rowing: behind her a small male figure ITO-~~S-W~<br />

F over her head: between this man and<br />

the throne a small indeterminable object.<br />

-<br />

(b) frag. showing tip of bird's wing over papyrus flower<br />

5) small f agments wim traces of ins#ptio<<br />

25-1- J 4 019 J - ~ , c ~ $ 34, ~ 13 ~ 5k ~ ~ l r<br />

6) 25-3-19, 21: 25-1-1329,,1333: f-ow frags. dhowing two or<br />

more registers of scribes:

APPENDIX B. ~*29*<br />

(1) three fitting fragments: above from left to right,<br />

scribes case, squa8king scribe, eliptical scribesb<br />

case, figure of scrilm writing, papyrus case of sack<br />

form: upper part of register below, largely black with<br />

dnintelligible ob j ects.<br />

(2) parts of two registers: above, seated scribe facing to<br />

left and behind him feet of standing figure also facing<br />

to left: in register below, the head of a man facing to<br />

right and in front of him facing to left the sign m,<br />

~rhap imy-r; which indicates a standing figure on the<br />

right, facing to left;<br />

J<br />

J7) 25-1-1323, 1331: two frags. from registers of small figures<br />

facing to left:<br />

(a) upper part of man standing with rlght hand on left<br />

shoulder.<br />

(b) legs of two men facing to left.<br />

8) 25-1-1828, -m: two fragrs, from registera of small figures<br />

facing to right:<br />

(3.tuTsu-w*t.-hsr-~.<br />

(2) middle part o<br />

I 9) 25-1-1332: frag. showing<br />

10) Unintelligible fragment<br />

Chapel recess in N end of G 7410<br />

Ahout 23 m. north of the chapel 7410, a recess, 5.2 x 3.15 m.:<br />

(area, 16.38 sq.m.) was constructed and fhced with stepped<br />

courses bonded with the facing of the core: when the white<br />

casing was constructed this recess was filled wibh stone<br />

blocks and fragments.<br />

~n<br />

-<br />

the casing opposite the northern end of this recess was set a<br />

lnonolithic stela, set back in the sloping casing to fom the<br />

N subsidiary niche of the chape$ 7410: the outer niche<br />

aeasured, 1.1 x 0.44 m.: inner recess, cut in monolith,<br />

0.35 x 0.25 m.: from in front of the N side of the niche,<br />

a rock cut drain ran slanting to NE to the middle of the<br />

street(l.1-5 m. long) and there turned northbards and ran north<br />

down the middle of the street to the N end of the mastabas<br />

where the street ended in a rock-scarp (N-S length of drain,<br />

5.5 me).<br />

Shafts in G 741037420: sbaft letters A, B assigned to both cores as in<br />

the three twin mstabas on the west: but G 7410 A was found<br />

not to have been add G 7420 B not to have been used,<br />

L<br />

Shaft G 7410 A: thorough search proved this shaft WRS never made.<br />

Shaft r, 7410 B: wife's shaft (Meresankh 11): 1.9 x 1.85 m., -10.67 m.<br />

in rock: lined above with massive msonry, 4.45 m., 5 courses:<br />

two chambers, large chamber mith burial chamber on south:<br />

Main chamber, type 3 af, on S of shaft: 4.95 x 5.42 m. and<br />

3.6 m. high; area, 26.73 sq.m.: capacity, 96.22 cu.m.<br />

passage, 2.1 x 1.6 m. and 1.88 no high: blocked with filled<br />

masonry :<br />

turning recess in N wall of shaft, 1.2 m. wide, 1.2 m. deep,<br />

and 1.23 m. hi&, with horizontal roof.<br />

Coffin chamber, south of main chamber and entered from it by<br />

passage opening just E of middle of S wall:<br />

4.15 x 3.65 m., 1.65 m. high: area, 15.15 sq.m.:<br />

capacity, 25.0 cu.m..<br />

passage, 1-25 x 1.3 me and 1.6 a. hi&: blocked with masonry<br />

(broken through) : s a ~ ~ ~ f B a u c ~<br />

Bx*&xx<br />

Red granite sBff&w panelled coffin of type d(p); found overturned<br />

to east (originally along '8 wall);<br />

2.22 x 0.92 rn. and 0.83 m. high: flat lit3 with crouching<br />

Anubh in sunk relief: . m. thick: on each long side<br />

a palace door with three pnels on each side: the ends<br />

are inscribed: in S end of E wall, a canopic recess,<br />

0.65 x 0.8 m. and 0.4 m. high, with rebate for lid on<br />

top and sides:

APPENDIX B. P.30.<br />

Total area of two chambers, 41.W sq.m.<br />

Total capacity, 121.22 cu.m.<br />

Inscriptions on coffin:<br />

On lid over Anubis, nb tj dsr hnt sh ntr: in front of,it and<br />

'cont,inued below~-ii&Vf%y~-t-d m 'iet n-s wr_t ht6<br />

yr-s-cnf3: on the offering lists: on N end, at top horizontal<br />

line with signs facing to left (east), mft-t Hr-$&Mr-d-cnh, Y<br />

with sign0 n repeated five times below X:----<br />

(1) ep~-!&o rt-r rw (bread,beer, perfume 1000.<br />

-<br />

(2) nzh4 .<br />

(3) n sntr 1000.: and squeezed vertically under the fifth n<br />

-m*ni t bnrt :<br />

-<br />

/-<br />

:& (three granaries):(2)bdtl (head<br />

On s end: at top horizontal line with signs facing to right(east),<br />

vt Hr wrt btk Idr-d-cn9: under this seven granaries with the<br />

n mi! a -@Kf5-6rx fruft written on each granary&& W L y<br />

of grain-stalk): la%:<br />

(3) E9 (8Wt : (4) w w<br />

(5) bnry; (6 1 d g w g (7) WCQ. __<br />

\<br />

East side: one vertical line at each end of palace facade panel:<br />

On N, signs Pace to right and on S signs face to B left;<br />

(m) Gt- Hr Mr-6-cnh: (S) wrt htd hmt dwt My-&-cnh.<br />

- -----<br />

On pb side, one vertical line at each en$ of palace facade, signs<br />

facing to left in both: (N) sJ-t nswt nt ht-f -_-___-<br />

Mrdrcnh: -----LJ<br />

(S) wrt $ti hmt-ngwt Mr-i-cnfi.<br />

r ___ --_I_- -u.<br />

___-I^<br />

"<br />

- -- _---<br />

-\1<br />

The shaft was empty to a depth of several meters and above was<br />

filled with dirty sand and dust. lower down was disturbed<br />

debris with little intrusive rn&$rial: the debris had run into<br />

the chamber as usual but to a small extent: the shaft had not<br />

been completely excavated in recent times.<br />

In the coffin chamber were found in the coffin , frags, of decayed<br />

wood and broken human bones: under the overturned box was<br />

found:-<br />

J27-1-7: three fitting fragments making half a model cup of<br />

alabster: h. 3.7 cm.: ddam. top, 3.7 cm, base, 2.0.m.<br />

,6-1-8: alabaster: frag. of top of circular table:<br />

probabl? dian. ca. 34 cm.: th., 1.3 cm.<br />

27-1-25: alabaster: chip with curved surface.<br />

I: 3/<br />

) =<br />

7<br />

I 27-1-9 to 24, 26-29: potsherds which represent fragments<br />

of €he usual types of Dyn.IV except the RP bowls with<br />

recurved rim: include neckl& shoulder jars (type B-LV)<br />

large tub jtyp D-LXXI), RP jars of type A-V, and RP jars<br />

of type Bb!?C. VJ1\ ), nlso model saucers .<br />

427-1-5: copper: model 6001s badly corroded: chisels, axe-headd<br />

pins, etc. : 9 implements and other fragments.<br />

~4275-1-6: carnelian: disc bead: a., about 7.7 mm.: th., 3.2 mm.<br />

b2q1-1: about120 small frags. of wood.<br />

27-1-3: about 50 frags. of broken hunan bones.<br />

Shaft G 7420 A; man's shaft: 2.05 x 2.0 m., -10.65 m. in rock: lined<br />

with massive rza3nry, 5.1 m., 6 cours63: sl~&~ea~xaXx$gc~<br />

Chamber: type 3 cax, on S: 5.7 x 5.7 m.: and 3.7 m. high.<br />

area, 32.49 sq.m.: capacity, 120.21 cu.m.:<br />

Passage, 1.65 x 1.5 m. and 1.75 m. high: no trace of blocking<br />

found in place in passage:<br />

turning recess in N wall of shaft, 2.07 m. wide, 1.35 m. deep<br />

and 2-55 m. hi&, with roof sloping up to north and with<br />

unfinlshed cutting in N wall made to enlarge the recess:<br />

In the chamber no trace of a coffin was found:<br />

Canopic pit: in SE corner, 0.6 x 0.45 m., and 0.32 m. deep:<br />

without rebate: either the chamber was unused or a<br />

garnite coffin has been removed: It is very probable<br />

that the granite coffin of Prince Horbaf in the Cairo<br />

- --I__-

APPFXDIX B* p.31.<br />

Museum come from this chamber. The masurements are possible<br />

I., 2.3 m., w., 1.19 m., h., 1.45 m. and the name accords ~1jtk1<br />

with that on a fragment bf relief found in the chapel reading<br />

Hr-(bf-f)<br />

--<br />

Filling of shaft G 7420 A: the upper part of the shaft was empty<br />

to a depth of 8 meters: then followed very mixed durllped<br />

debris for several meters, then a stratum of drift sand<br />

( in which was a decayed wooden statuette), and again<br />

disturbed dumped debris which had run into chamber around<br />

doorway: apparently the shaft and chamber had been excavated<br />

recently.<br />

Shaft G 7420 B: 1.8 x 1.8 m., -5.25 m. in rock: lined with massive<br />

masonry, 5.65 m., 9 cour es: type 7 x: filled with disturbed<br />

dumped debris & J& b.<br />

25-1-97x8: faience: hindquarters of animal; 1.,2.7 vm.:h.l.ecm<br />

25-1-98: faience; frag. of amget: h., 1.6 cm.: w., 1.1 cm.<br />

25-1-99: rou@ nearly rectangular flint flake: 5.0 x 6.0 cm.<br />

25-1-100; red granite: frag from leg of statue (life size):<br />

19.0 x 13.6 cm.<br />

Later Constructions:-<br />

South of G 7420, in avenue 2, the western part is occupied by the<br />

exterior c.k. chapel of G 7320, rooms e and i with the<br />

drmage culvert and tank under the floor: east of this stand<br />

a sqall mastabarp G 7432.<br />

TI-I the street east of the mastab between the two chapels are the<br />

remains of a small c.b. mastaba, G 7422, with four shafts<br />

in N-S line.<br />

Against the N end of the mastab, on a lower level was one larger<br />

aastaba, G 7411, excavated by Tewfik Eff. Boulos with a<br />

conglomeration of small partly destroyed mastaba west and N<br />

of it .<br />

Intrusive shafts:<br />

the street E of G 7410+7420 presented three irregular layers:<br />

on the floor, 1st.debris mixed with sand: above these a deep<br />

layer of drift sand (1.0-1.6 m. deep) and above this surface<br />

debris consisting of sebakh siftings, black earth of the Ptolemic<br />

Period, containing pottery, shawabtis, amulets, etc. of the<br />

Ptolemaic-Roman Period: close to the mstaba were found a number<br />

of Ptolemaic-Roman nummies, some in lined and roofed burial<br />

chambers and some in open pits in the sand: shaft Y, stone roofed<br />

pit, was just soutb of chapel 7420: shaft 2, also lined and roofed<br />

was about 13 m, north of chapel G 7420: north of it were 11 open<br />

e v each -\ ~ containin-g_ a decayed mummy:<br />

qiust soutP\ of-1 741Tma lined a2d roofed grave:<br />

north of this chaper weredgraves of the same type:<br />

‘,xnside the mastaba between the two old cores was an intrusive<br />

shaft, a lined grave, numbered G 7481 X.

- APPEWDIX B o p.32.<br />

-<br />

The four southern mastabas intended to be twin mastabas: as 8inished:-<br />

G 713047140: prince mufuw-khaf and his wife: twin mastaba, the westemmostof the<br />

four southern mastabas : south of G 711047120.<br />

See Figs.. * . .<br />

See pls.. . .<br />

Ownef: Khufuw-khaf, sl n&wt n ht-f mry-f , rp't-ty bft<br />

eh<br />

dn?r wtty, Cmrr nb-Jf m fSnt-f nb, 2;un nsrG, ?ryik<br />

36, --<br />

wm bb, e@ rar<br />

@' *Rw,Bv '1? 9 . b,w ",<br />

+ mdw pat k; (1F9L+w "cH""03+,<br />

73 7L-d' ~ ~ L 4 u 3 ~ t ; m u ~ ~ L t 4 o I~'t-ll-(O:s' b&W+ _ $<br />

-s \&.3P.4- !@w+ C"g, 37) 9<br />

Mastaba; core of massitre ma onry consisting of old core G 7130 of type<br />

IV i and an addition on the south of massive corework type<br />

Iv-iii with recess for interior chapel: N chapel built in hole<br />

in core 7130: core, 66.0 x 17.25 m.; area, 1138.5 9q.m.:<br />

prop.1/3.82: near the south end of &7140,a recess had been<br />

built to receive the man's chapel: and at the S end of 7130<br />

a hole was broken to receive the wife's chapel: the core was<br />

cased in gine white limestone (x-masonry) and bonded with it<br />

two interior chapels of type (3a): the cased mastaba measured<br />

68.5 x 20.05 m.: area, 1373.42 3q.m.: prop.1/3.41: height,. ..<br />

7<br />

Fragments of tmo diorite @-&eJseated statuezes of Khufuw-khaf<br />

(see pp.12, 13).<br />

424-12-962: Fragment right side of base of seated(?) statue<br />

with part of right foot inscribed on top: (gw)fw-;;f;<br />

see P1.1. found in pit G 7130 X. M%$h && c\~'~.~c<br />

%u * . oJe\op,M &hn.+,QJ * S\p- bb u-t\i.+<br />

UT& aa*k r!4-$-77.9<br />

J 24-12-656: Right hand of seated statue, found in chamber (b x<br />

G 7132 A. &e P1.1.<br />

$24-12-657: Right hand of seated statue, found with 28-12-656,<br />

See Pl.1.<br />

Masons and Quarry Marks:<br />

On backs of casing stones, 13 with unintelligible quarry marks,<br />

4 on N, 4 on E and 5 on S. levelling line o& Bce of core.<br />

I<br />

I,<br />

Chapels: B 713047140: two interior chapels of white limeston&onded<br />

w3th casing: each with subsidiary N niche in casing.<br />

before chapel G 7140, exterior stone chapel and hefore chapel<br />

G 7130 ana exterior cob. chapel: in the street between the<br />

two exterior chapels are the remains of other c.b. rooms<br />

which filled the W side of the street: north of chapel<br />

r, 7130, are scant% remains of other cob. walls destroyed<br />

by intrusive mstzba: at N end of street, a cob. doorway with<br />

stone sill giving access to street from avenue 2.<br />

Chapel G 7140: Prince Khufuw-khaf I: interior offering room a of white<br />

limestone built in recess constructed ab orkine in-addition-<br />

al corework: type (3a) with special deep( ?)- niche at s end<br />

of W wale outer niche 1.3 x 0.35 m.: inner recess, 0.58~0.54<br />

with W end cut away: well preserved but tops of walls dest-<br />

royed and hole cut through niche in making a V<br />

burial chamber@ the Ptolemaic Period: 4.15 x 1.65 m.:<br />

area, 6.84 sq.9.; prop.1/2.51: Lentered by doorway in N end<br />

of E wall, opening in embrasure in sloping casing: against<br />

the sloping casing is aonstructed an exterior chapel of fine<br />

white limestone with 2 rooms (b, c):<br />

b) same length as embrasure with doorway to a in middle of<br />

W side 3.65 x 2.3 m.: area, 8.39 sq.m.: entered from E<br />

by doorway in N end of E wall: small doorway to c in E<br />

end Of N wall.<br />

c) magazine with stone shelf, north of b and entered by door-<br />

way in E end of S wall: 2.05 x 1.7 m.: area, 3.48 sq.m.<br />

along W side, at hei@t of 1.25 m. above floor a horizon.<br />

tal stone slab fixed in the wall forms a shelf, 0.95 m.<br />

wide: !&ere is a shallow recess in the E wall beside<br />

door, 65 cm. wibe, 1.2 m. high and 10 cm. deep.<br />

Total ares a-c, 18.71 sq.m.

APPENDIX B o P.33.<br />

Decoration of chapel G '7&:7y<br />

Room a was fully decorated: including doorjambs and f3acade panels<br />

in embrasure: these panels were exposed to view in the west-<br />

ern side of room b : the doorjanbs of the outer entrance<br />

to room b were also decorated: the N, E, and S walls of room<br />

b, were probably ineended to be decorated.<br />

mressy Annales XVI p.257: M.F.A. Bulletin, Vol.XXXI1, No.189<br />

1 % m k<br />

b) entrance<br />

-<br />

dobrwayp on1.y decoration is on the doorjambs:<br />

on each side d't the top is a crouching 0 jackal (Anubis)<br />

facing out-; over Anubis, hnt tj-ddr, with signs facing<br />

out: under the Anubis Qtp dy,=r itw hr ntr c; s; nswt<br />

pr fti-hc_s fs Pt.. v-3<br />

GiXe- over Anubis, I +-I<br />

I" t ? *<br />

spsd- br n_tr -- .A ' : underneath Ctp dy,ws/r<br />

CJ s&kt'sw6$?f. PQ.93<br />

- - 1<br />

b) west side, facade panels of doorway to (a):r(r-panel:<br />

(W.S.Smith oP.cit, P1.4319) large standing figure of<br />

Khufuw-khaf, as a fak middle aged man, facing in to left<br />

long pleated skirt with panther skin over it, bare head<br />

staff in left hand (attached to right arm) and -<br />

handkerchief in hanging right kind (attached to left arr$<br />

in front a vertical line with titles and name:Abetaeen<br />

man and staff a naked boy also facing to left: behind<br />

him three registers of two sm11 figures in each:<br />

(1) sons,L@&-a and &Jwn-kj: (2) ba-k; Sdm-ktw, carrying<br />

staff, sandals and bag over shoulder: em, carries<br />

a case and tag: (3) the heads of two smibes.Xmwq<br />

&& MaAh<br />

SY Jwwu.rt ..'* ( h m &,J 3<br />

s Panel: (bf.F.A. Bulletin Fig.9, W.S.Smith op.cit. P1.44B<br />

detail of two large figures); two large figures facing<br />

in to right, mother of the prince, Queen(HenutsenB) who<br />

holds by the hand the prince who stands behind her as a<br />

young man: above and in front of queen titles with name<br />

accidentally cut away in Pfoleaaicmoman Tiaesb Queen<br />

has left hand open on her breast and holds with her<br />

right hand the left hand of her son: she wears peculiar<br />

cap, a long tunic with peak on left shoulder: thq prince<br />

has a short skirt; his left laand holds his mothersri@t<br />

hand and his right hangs holding a handkerchief (or a<br />

bnd?)l: behind him are three registers of two men each<br />

all face to right:<br />

(1)Ostanding scribe with ppyrus roll and scribes case:(<br />

(2)ostanding scribe with left hand ISF, ?:&,-,carrying<br />

in his right hand a rectangular palette<br />

and pen- caseaiMWwmmdm&<br />

crossed on breast with the siq, T - 1 written kas his in arms front<br />

of his face.<br />

(3)G-dlabe lled hm-k; Tntysgm( ?) . . (&I btMfre~~~~3~is labe 1 m k ; m . . ~ ~ ( L ~ S R d M I . ~ ~ B ~ : & G ~ l p R . : Q 3 ~ ~<br />

- APPENDIX Bo Po341<br />

a) s doorjamb: figure of prince seated as on N but Bcing out to<br />

left: girl standing behind his chair: in front, the two sons<br />

seated on the ground with one knee raised: fsf nhwt Wt-kJS<br />

4and sj nAwt Iwn-kjt: in same attitude, with left hand on<br />

breast holding papyrus roll and right hand half extended ~n<br />

open: above, three vertical lines-with titles and name<br />

1s; n&vt n ht-f mry-f (2) H bity mdw Y)p (3)<br />

. F 4 wm-gcyf: on - +<br />

, -<br />

..*<br />

.,<br />

line<br />

--<br />

, signs facing out to left, a,, 'in-t m [pr] n$wt:<br />

horizontal line of offerings, signs facing in, (1000, 'idmy,<br />

qr@t,$J'tyt, and several other ointments) m.+3.<br />

-a) E wall (detail to show workmanship; Smith 0p.cit. P1.42 cj:<br />

next to door, prince seated on chair facin in to right, with<br />

short pleated skirt, short wig and short c k ;in-beard holding<br />

staff in left hnd and other hand (left hand on right arm)<br />

extended o n above his thigh: behind his chair stands a girl<br />

long tunic % road necklace, with left hand raised resting m<br />

fatherfs hip M blue lotus in right hand: aboved head<br />

titles and name but the titles are broken away: in front of h2<br />

him is a vertical line of large signs facing to right of<br />

which the upper part b broken away ~ ~ m ... f . j . . ~ . In-t rn<br />

ntzwt-f nb dtm.<br />

--ront of the chief scene are four registers of which the<br />

upper and second rsgisters are mrtly broken away:<br />

(1) ,destroyed except for sealed jars at S end:<br />

(2) van standing facing to w holding up a papyrus roll(?)<br />

in both hands with box of linen(?) ?n ground on the other<br />

side of him: over the box Pdny, tp s3ridmy, tp c tyw;<br />

second man standingwith arms extended in front and &mte&a<br />

behind,holding a piece of linenoin each hand, beside hin<br />

again a box: over the box, tp dsr hfr, ngrw: tp 4s"r nfr,<br />

tp-ht: two rectangular tables with four-indrical jars<br />

m, with inscriptions above, ... tp Pst sf&, tp hgt<br />

whAlky<br />

-<br />

hpt tt ng(f)<br />

(3) man ng out a ox or tray containing a stand with<br />

three holes each containing a cylindrical jar, inscr'lbed<br />

under the box, dyt btmt hryt 623 nb: man holding out a<br />

double bell censer, Qm kf: Sennxw-k&: in front of his<br />

feet is a chest with hryt B ntp over it: man holding up<br />

ti box containing two Ls-vases and a bowl stand with bcwl<br />

Bet in holds in the false bottom: at his feet a rectangular<br />

table with various vessels (ewer, basin, censer, two<br />

jars with string handle and a spouted bowl with recurved<br />

rim): then come five big jars (type A-I1 b) each in a<br />

ring stand: above them is written, tp hCt tb, tp htt<br />

Xmcwy: then a box: over the box hnw hry<br />

-<br />

Bntr:<br />

W-da-; on the box, ab-t 233,000.<br />

(4) three pairs of men carryingmron-like garments: over,<br />

each garment is its name, Pc] bt hcwy, icj , 'ic, mfs-t.<br />

SQQ<br />

a) s ?e.++. pRJ-%?% Rd.<br />

Wall: (detail of five -p&$@s, U.F.ATfig. 4): prince seated<br />

facing in to ri@t at table of bread? full wig, short chinbear&<br />

and short skirt: both hankextended, the right bnd<br />

(left hand) to the bread and the left hand to the offerings<br />

under the table: bread, of tal1 conventional form: above his<br />

head area three vertical lines of titles and name,<br />

(1) .... BE&x hm njir 'i C nbCt ><br />

(2) ...........<br />

(3) ........ 0. wfw- c-f.<br />

rn- -<br />

over the table %F7---<br />

-<br />

monthly hb nb "irylm 9-t.<br />

3 a rarned list of offerings in six or seven<br />

horizontal lines of which four are preserved: in the lowest<br />

line, ndwt dy Qtp n sJ ndwt gwfw-Qc-f rc nb monthly, half<br />

Under the table on the left: ideographic list of offerins<br />

(bread, beer, clothing, perfume, cattle and fowl);<br />

Under the table on the right: two registers of two men each<br />

1) on left: man kneeling on one knee fhcing to left,<br />

holding a small jar (nw-pot) in each hand: above<br />

him is written, prt-r- TW (bread and beer): the<br />

second figure stan s o ding a haunch of meat:<br />

4A-<br />

2) man kneeling on one knee, hol& out left hand closed<br />

at height of his head and the right extended towarcls<br />

Prince: above is written dnm JSt: the second figure,<br />


-<br />

APPENDIX B* P.35.<br />

standing, with - -- right hand extended open and the left<br />

hand hanging, wrdn (for wdn) 19t (bread, beer) .<br />

?Q. Lfd<br />

a) N Wall (M.F.A. Bulletin, lac., Fig.1): family group: the<br />

prince on the left facingout to right, leaning on his staff:<br />

bare head or close fitting cap, long skirt (sarong?): before<br />

him facing him, stands his wife, long tunic and large lappet<br />

wig: her right hand open on her breast and her left hanging<br />

holding the coiled stem of a lotus flower(b1ue lotus):<br />

above are trbrt vertical lines with the titles and names of<br />

both, only partly preservedil horizontally in front of his<br />

face with signs fhcing to right, Qwfw-kc-f: horizontally above<br />

her head, with signs facing to left, Nfr-t-kf(w).<br />

a) w Wall south of ka-door: four registers each bearing one standing<br />

figuR facing in, estateqbearing offerin@ :<br />

(1) male, Hwfw-hc-f ......... -<br />

(2) female-~jw-pfi; (3) Mnkb-Hwfw .<br />

(14) woman, Grgt-gwf'w.<br />

all face to right, carrying a basket on the head and leading<br />

a small animal.<br />

a) Ka-door: deep compound niche but not the special niche:<br />

Architrave missing;<br />

Tab1et:prlhce seated in traditional attitude facing to right<br />

at table of bread: bread conventionalized: top line with<br />

titles and name is missing: above the bread are 2<br />

horizontal lines with signs facing to left,extending<br />

beyond the table and continued by w horizontalito the<br />

right of the table and extending to fill the spce under<br />

the table on the ri&t: separated by raised lines:<br />

-<br />

short<br />

list of offerings: under table on left, ideographic list<br />

(1000 bread, 1000 beer, 1000 g, 1000 mnbt, 1000 mrbt):<br />

Cross-bar: bears horizontal line with signsming to right,<br />

nht dy ?trip Qtp -mt t; ds'r prt-r-hrw m Qb nb s; nht<br />

-<br />

held in left hand, +- d t mw.<br />

(4) holds out offering tab e with offerings in both hands<br />

dyt Pht:<br />

(5) h .mlive goose by neck and wings, Atp, jpd.<br />

m side only four registers preserved, t<br />

(65 -<br />

holds pleated linen (bag?).<br />

(3) carries haunch.<br />

(4) holds out tray with 4 jars b.<br />

(5) man carrying wicker case, $et bnrt.<br />

(view of false door looking SVV, M.F.A.k fig.2). 1 f i d __c<br />

s4e ?e. 4-6<br />

a) 1.N Wall, north of ka-door: a great presentation scens:X<br />

on the right end, the prince stands facing to left with his<br />

'wife behind him: prince with short wig, short chin--beard,<br />

short skirt with panther skin over it, long staff in right c<br />

and s'@ wand in left: behind him his wife, with bare-hea&<br />

(cap% dog-collar, long tunic, bracelets and anklets: her<br />

right arm passee around his left with the hand open on her<br />

breast and claps his left writ$ with her left hand: above<br />

4 vertioal lines give his titles and names and two more give<br />

her titles and names:<br />

(1) (s! n&t n ht-f) mry-f-<br />

(2) .........Q m nzi. gwfw-<br />

(3) ................ .m&iswt-f nb.<br />

(4) ............. wm- c-f.<br />

(5) .......... @W3&f.<br />

-( 6) ............. .(Nfrt) -k)%.<br />

Inner ?Fl?%* n c e roken away by Ptolemaic cutting but s side is<br />

preserved and uninscribed: probably the back and N side<br />

were also uninscribed.<br />

Outer niche, the tWO/paneh: on each side a tall bowl-stand<br />

with bsin.<br />

Outer niche, the two Side@ faces: on each side, five registers<br />

each containing a man standin facing in: on s,<br />

(1) partly broken at top, [Qtfskr;<br />

(2) holding out =-jar in leftland small $ar with cordhandle,<br />

rd;t w; (loud<br />

(3) pours water from ewer in right hand, into a basin<br />

-_I<br />


In<br />

to<br />

(1)<br />

front of chief figures are 5 registers of figures racing<br />

right:<br />

Five estates bearing offering6 (baskets and live birds)<br />

male and female alternately: rd~qlr -<br />

(C) kW-IJWfb:<br />

- "<br />

- above. Zrnv-rl ur dld!t<br />

Pp prt-r-arw<br />

H -4inttt<br />

m n1wt-W pr at:'<br />

]a) squatting with one knee up with pen behind his ear,<br />

writing: in front of him a scribe's case with two<br />

rolls of papyrus on it: probably the 'fmy-rJ v.<br />

(b) scribe in same attitude in front of him a scribe's<br />

case, KJ-mni.<br />

(c) scribe in sa6e attitude, two pens in his hand,<br />

KJ -n-nb )Lu<br />

(dl scribewith right hand,,to take roll of papyrus from<br />

fifth man, Hb.:<br />

(e) standing m&n?&lding out roll of papyrus to 4th<br />

scribe: in front a papyrus case on which is a low<br />

table with three unidentifiable objects ., on it:<br />

3ry md;t BbJ.<br />

(3) above the register Is a horizontal line, It-t htmt ?Ln<br />

tmw: five men facing to ri&t:<br />

?T using bell censer.<br />

(b) carrzes in left hand sandal-case on cord kandle or<br />

perhaps a seal-case on a cord-handle, and in his<br />

right hand a fan.<br />

(c) carries ?xig and a strip of cloth in his left hand<br />

and a long bag over his right shoulder.<br />

(d) carries in left, a skirt and in right holds one end<br />

of the spread skirt which the V t - u +dlh<br />

(e) holds with both hands: on the skirt is a 1<br />

SF tie hanging from middle of upper hem.<br />

(4) six men facing to right:<br />

(a) carries rectangular box with both hands at level of,<br />

his face.<br />

(b) ewer and basin held high in both hands.<br />

(c) circular table with three loaves of bread, held<br />

high in both hands:<br />

(d) water jar in each hand.<br />

kR,ys (e) in leftl, skewered goose and in lads right.platter<br />

w it h haunch .<br />

(f) in right hand, long skewer. with mat(?)WL wy<br />

k,*a OQd(5) six men bringing birds and animsls to right:<br />

(a) live birds in handr.<br />

4 4<br />

(b) darge goose in his arms.<br />

(c) carries a gazelle on his back (around the back of<br />

his neck.<br />

(d) carries calf around the back of his neck.<br />

(e) carries hyena in same fashion.<br />

( f) carries gazelle in his& arms in front.<br />

?A. 9s.<br />

Chapel I: 7130: wife 's chapel, (Princess( ?) Nefert-kauw) : built in hole<br />

broken in old core 7130: of type (ha) of white limestone:<br />

bonded with casing; subsidiary N niche in casing; with one<br />

room exterior cob. chapel.<br />

a) 4.3 x 1.5 m.: area, 6.45 sq.m.: prop.1/2.86: foundation<br />

lines and remains of walls on E, S, and ka-door:<br />

outer recess of ka-door 1.35 x 0.3 m.: inner recess,<br />

0.65 x 1.25 m.: special deep niche at S end of W wall4<br />

cly.bee entehd by door in N end of E wall, opening in embrasure<br />

2.9 m. Wide.<br />

b) exterior cob. room enclosing doorway embrasure to room a:<br />

3.55 x 1.45 m.: area, 5.14 sq.rn.: E wall, 1.6 m.:<br />

N and S walls, 1.35 m. thick: entered by doorway in s<br />

end of E Wall.<br />

Total floor area, 11.59 sq.m.<br />


APPBTDIX 3, p.37.<br />

Decoration of chapel 0 7130, room a, Princess(?) Eefert-kauw:<br />

malls of room and facade panels apparently decorated with relief's:<br />

represented by fragncnts found in and in front of room a:<br />

1) fragnent froq N facade panel, shohing tack of head bf a man,<br />

fragnent from edge of doorjamb: shming on the outside a<br />

sloping face and on the inside a vertical face: on the<br />

sloping face on the right, a border and next to it prt of<br />

the head of a nan (like Khufbwdhaf on m panel of G 7180)<br />

fscing to right: on the N doorjamb, a sloping border and<br />

p rt of a vertical line of hieroglyphics, 4 . .rpct . .<br />

.k; . . . .<br />

2) four fragmnsts shwoine; parts of four large figures of which<br />

three appear to be mle figures: thus the fig;rre of Khufuw-MfI<br />

dominated the decorst ion of his wife's chapel:<br />

c.f. chapels of Atet and mofret at llledua and t9 7410,<br />

3) another small frapent shows part of the name of Ket-ka one of<br />

the two eldest sons.<br />

Shafts in ct 7130$7140: like all the mstabas in the southern row of<br />

fow, G 713047140 had ita shafts, 2 in nuaber, rhn the old<br />

core 7130: A on E and B on S:<br />

&T 130+40A<br />

Skaft -: 1.9 x 1.9 m., -9.92 m. In rock: lined above with massive<br />

wsonry, #. 65 m., 7 courses :<br />

Chamber, tyw 6 b(8) on 23: 3.35 x 1-15 rn.: and 1.05 m. high:<br />

area, 3.62Jsq.m.: capacity, 3.8Jcu.m.<br />

Shaft and chamber filled with dirty disturbed dumped debris<br />

containing one frag. of black and white porpkery squat<br />

jar, frag. of afsbsster headrest, and many faience<br />

amulets and frags of the Saite-Ptolemaic Period : all<br />

objects obviously intrusiive:<br />

24-12-d83: limestone: part of two handled vessel( Ptol.)<br />

24-12-284: fmg. diorite bowl with internal rim: d.,29cm.<br />

h.ca., 9.0 cx.: d.base, ca.10 cm.<br />

24-12-285: alabaster; frag. dressed on both sides with<br />

one end rounded off: 7.45 x 3.9 em. and 1.5 cm.<br />

thick*<br />

24-12486 to 291: faience: frag. of vase, three frags.<br />

Of shawwabtis and a s-1a11 pendant., 6<br />

24-12-805 to 308: misc. Ptolemaic frags. : '3 shell, %<br />

faience amulet7, corroded frag. of bronze or copper,<br />

and a faience long rectanGlar bead.?<br />

chapel in Street: In the western side of the street between the exterior<br />

stone chapel of (7 7140 an6 the exterior c.b. chapel of G 7130<br />

were a series of' c.b4 rooms with a narrow R-8 passage<br />

running in front of them: in these m om have been intruded<br />

five shafts (a-shafts) Rhich mutilated the outlines of the<br />

c.b. rooms: just south of the N subsidkry niche of G 7140,<br />

is visible the N end of a room, entered by E doorway in the<br />

R end of the E wall: whether this @pace southwards to<br />

0 714U(exterfor chapel) contained amtor more rooms Is<br />

uncertain: around the subsidiary north niche of G 7140 appeam<br />

to be a long m?S room roaching to the S f'sce of the exterior<br />

cob. chapel of G 7130, and entered by doommy in N end of<br />

E wall. (about 7.35 S 1.95 m.).<br />

Subsidiary N niche Of 0 7140, outer recess, 1.15 x 0.55 m. PBC<br />

and fnner roues3 0.45 x 0.35 m.<br />

morth of the c.b. chapel of t3 7130 the evIdeae is not so clear<br />

owinq to intrusive slafts and the small mstabWG 7132Lbuilt<br />

against the Casing of the mstaba: but the line of Ti slde of<br />

tile passage on the east side of the street was followed by a13<br />

intrusions: at the €1 end of the street was partly ?reserved<br />

a cob. doorway nax$xmlb~xs~E~~~~ 1.5 m. thick and 0.9 m.<br />

wide: with sill of three slabs: this appears to open Into a<br />

small room about 1.95 rn. long with doorbYay on S endign at y<br />

side of subsidhay N niche of '2 7130: tke space in front of<br />

this niche was clea~ and omned into the I4 end of the pssagt?<br />

described above: outer recess of PJ subsidiary niche of 7130, I<br />

1.15 X 0.35 I'l.; inner r8C8sa8 0.4 x 0.35 TI.<br />

the outer doorway opens. into avenue 2 and the sill slopes d0WK<br />

froa the floor of that avenue to the floor of the B-S passage<br />

in front of our mastab: under the floor in avenue 2, ran 3

APPEFJDIX Be p.37.<br />

Decoration of chapel G 7130, room a, Princess( ?> Nefert-kauw: S-PQ& 47.<br />

Walls of room and facade panels apparently decorated with reliefs:<br />

represented by<br />

-<br />

fragments found in and in front of room a:<br />

1) fragment from M facade panel, showing tack of head bf a man,<br />

w from edge of doorjamb: showing on the outside a<br />

sloping face and on the inside a vertical face: on the<br />

sloping face on the right, a border and next to it part of<br />

the head of a man (like Khufuw-haf on N panel of G 7140)<br />

facing to right4 8n the N doorjambb a sloping<br />

- - border and<br />

prt of. a vertical line of hieroglyphics, . .rpct.. . .k; . * e44 t.)o3e+llc\3aI\pca ..-**t ... LJ+-k3...- spL F;* ....<br />

2) four fragmpts ShYWing parts of four large figures of which<br />

three appear to be mle figures: thus the figure of Khufuw-M<br />

dfominated the decorat ion of his wifefs chapel:<br />

c.f. chapels of Atet and Nofret at Medum and G 7410.<br />

su ?&& +l, Fis. * . ' miSo6*N\ 0. apbe3. g$.h. kd., u w w &+ c~ccgk<br />

3) another sm11 fragment shows part of the name of Wet-ka one of<br />

the two eldest sons .&..Lf<br />

IA shafts in G 7130$7140: like all the mstabas in the southern row of<br />

foUT, G 7130.17140 had its shafts, 2 in number, &n the old<br />

core 7130: A on N and B on 3:<br />

x*o*<br />

shaft G 7130 A. 1.9 x 1.9 m., -9.92 m. in rock: lined above with massive<br />

masonry, 4.65 m., 7 courses:<br />

Chamber, type 6 b(2) on S: 3.15 x 1.15 m.: and 1.05 m. high:<br />

area, 3.62 sq.m.: capacity, 3.8 cu.m.<br />

shaft and chamber filled with dirty,disturbed,dumped debris<br />

containing one frag. of black and white porphery squat<br />

jar, frag. of alabaster headrest, and many faience<br />

amulets and frags of the Saite-Ptolemaic Period: all<br />

. From the style of their cutting in-high bold relief and resemblance<br />

to the reliefs ir6 the chapel of G 7140, it is probable that several<br />

fragmelarts found in the street east of the Queens' pyra ds are to<br />

be assigned to the chapel of Khufuw-khaf's wife (G 7130 7<br />

31) 29-7-11: Block with head and shoulders of large male figure facing<br />

to right. Wears short wig and chin beard, broad collar<br />

man's fillet' with long streamers. M.F.A.<br />

-\ \E

- APPEXDIX B* p.38.<br />

long N-S enclosing wall which was probably put out of use<br />

before G 7130+7140 was finished.<br />

SPq, E. Ct.7 MbP.<br />

Shaft G 7130440 B: man’s shaft: altered by Ptolemaic cuttings and<br />

reused: 2.05 x 2.05 m.: -8.2 m. in rock: lined above with<br />

massive masonry, 4.65 m., 7 courses (with levelling course<br />

on sloping rock surface).<br />

Turning recess in N wall of shaft at bottom: 2.05 9. wide<br />

(E-W), 1.8 m. deep (N-S) and 2.85 rn. high with roof<br />

sloping slightly upwards towards the N.<br />

Chamber: two rooms, main chamber and coffin chamber:<br />

Main chamber: type 4 a(1): on S: 5.35 x 5.85 m.: and 2.5-3.2<br />

m,B high, with roof sloping upwards from N to S:<br />

area, 31.29 sq.m.: capacity, 89.17 CU.~.: for Ptolemaic<br />

alterations see below. S- p~47<br />

passage: 2.05 x 1.12 m. and 2.35 m.-2.47 m. high as roof<br />

slopes slightly downwards from shr,ft to chamber: no<br />

trace of blocking remained, probably of type I1 b(1).<br />

Coffin chamber: south of main chamber, entered by passage<br />

opening in SW corner of main room at floor level: with<br />

S wall lined with white liqestone and cdTfin alcove cut<br />

in QV wall: the rock cut chamber measures, 3.05 x 3.15<br />

and 1.9 m. hi&:<br />

-<br />

area, 9.6<br />

-<br />

sq.rn.: capcity, 18.24 cu.m.<br />

Lining: the S wall of the room had been cut back in the<br />

upper half to a depth of 0.55 m. deep and 0.95 down<br />

frorn roof: on the W below the rock-had been cut away<br />

I<br />

for the same depth and downwards for 0.33 m.: this<br />

cutting contains the rernains of four courses of white<br />

limestone blocks (three courses filling the upper<br />

cutting and one course in the lower continuation:<br />

the lined chamber measured, 2.4 x 3.15 m. and 1.9 m. hi<br />

him, giving an area of 7.76 sq.m. and capacity of<br />

-<br />

14.74 cu.m.<br />

Coffin alcove: in W wall: 2.3 x 1.975 m. and 1.8 m. high:<br />

area, 4.54 sq.m.: camcity 8.17 CU.~.: -n<br />

n 04da a - J 2 L. --f<br />

- * Ub J ULL SI * and<br />

GUL Lk%4 CP th~ TBBf: this opening w ~8 ~uL.,&<br />

WpoIaaSy blocked with msonry: in the floor of the<br />

alcove were cut four horiaqntal grooves, perhaps to<br />

admit ropes used in handling the coffin.- - * L<br />

Coffin: plain red granite coffin of type d: lid and upper<br />

prt broken in fragments but bottom found in alcove<br />

with its E side propped up on stones as left by the<br />

plunderers (probably in P$alemaic times) who lifted<br />

the granite piece to search under it: 2.25 x 0,86 m.<br />

and 0.92 m. hi@ (1.055 with lid). cavity, 1.89 x 0.59<br />

m. and 0.66 m. deep: flat lid with rebate under edges<br />

(Reg.No 36-10-37 ) . %or Fis * .. *<br />

Canopic Hecess: In the W end of S wall of chamber, between<br />

two blocks of white lining: 0.5 in. wide (E-W), 0.3 m.<br />

hi& and 1.@5 m. deep: with back part cut in rock to a<br />

depth of 0.4 m.: no rebate.<br />

Passage: from SW corner of main room at floor level to E<br />

end of N wall of coffin room also at floar level:<br />

cut -into bo form a burial loculus in Ptolernaic Period<br />

but apparently measured 2.1 x 1.05 m. and 1.15 m. high.<br />

no trace of blocking but probably again of type I1 b(1)<br />

Total area of rock cut rooms and alcove, 45.43 sq.m.<br />

Total cs.pacity of rock cut chamber :ad alcove, 115.58 cu.m.<br />

Total area, main roo2, lined room and alcove, Rn3.6e sq.m.<br />

Total capacity, gain room, lined room and alcove, 113.08cu.n<br />

Ptolernaic alterations in the two rooms of the original burial charnber:<br />

In the tV wall of the main chamber were loculi 1-111 (with I and<br />

* TI near Ylofm level and 111 near floor.<br />

In the E wall of the main chamber were two loculi in the upper<br />

prt, Nos. VI11 and IX.<br />

In the B wall of the main chamber, were the openings of two<br />

passage$,the old mssage to m coffin room in the lower<br />

w corner (converted into loculus No. IV) and a Ptolemaic<br />

passage high up west of middle of wall: in the u.pper part<br />

of the wall were three 1oculi:h No.V two on the east,<br />

NOS.VI and vrr. sa p~. 97 u -% . .. . e

APPmDIX B. P.39.<br />

m floor of main chamber near the N wall, is a shaft NO.X, lead-<br />

ing down to another chamber.<br />

In the old connection passage between the main chamber and the<br />

coffin room, the walls have been cut away to form a room Iv.<br />

In the coffin room the R wall west of the passage has been<br />

excavated to form room No.XI: but throue into Bo.111.<br />

In the middle of the floor is a shaft, No.XII leading to chamber<br />

below: shaft with rebate for covering slabs.<br />

In the NE corner of the room is a gmall loculdis No.XII1.<br />

In the S wall of the main chamber high up W of the middle opens<br />

Ptolemaic B sage running southwards: 5.2 m. long: E side<br />

irregularly& that the widthworn 0.9 m. in the opening<br />

in the main room to 1.35 m. in the middle and 1.25 m. at the<br />

s end where it opens into SkaEt %.Pt.%.&% .tkfs shaft &LA<br />

descends from the surface in the Isis temple, room .E.<br />

and contained loculi at three different levels: the pssage<br />

resulted probably the breaking through from one loculus in<br />

the mainr charnber./q-<br />

§haft B: filled with mi2xed dumped debris which had run int$;,chamber<br />

around end of-passage: the room was found littered,stones<br />

and debris on wjhich we found pieces of newsmper and burnt<br />

matches: the passage opening in the S wall of the main<br />

chamber of G 7130 B leads to another shaft which opens in<br />

the floor of room g of the Isis Temple: this shaft was found<br />

by us (said to have been excavated in recent times by the ,<br />

Service).The old chaaber of G 7130 B with its Ptolemaic.<br />

cuttings had been entered from the shaft in room g of the<br />

Isis Temple: the whole complex had been plundered at the<br />

time the shaft in the Isis Temple was excavated,<br />

On the filling of the shaft were four fragments of faience<br />

shawNfS'ab tis.<br />

fn tEe chamber, main chamber, in the floor debris were<br />

other Ptolemaic objects:<br />

36-11-4, 5: NOV.4, 1936: at least 20 molded .shawabtis, three<br />

inscribed, sb-n-st and m&*-n-c mrrt(?): and many frags.<br />

showing at least three different mol&.<br />

36-11-7: ~~1st.: frag. of statue, in loculus N0.V.: from<br />

life side statue: closed hand holding handckerchief.<br />

36-11-8: in room W0.V: w.lst.: frag. from basis or slab:<br />

showing raised lines pinted red: unintelligible<br />

perhaps from servant statuette.<br />

36-11-9: in room VIS frag. of relief with incised dmmm@&&m<br />

inscriptions.<br />

-<br />

Later Constructions:<br />

Against the S end of the mastaba, was constructed the mastaba of<br />

af 11, E 7150, probably a grandson of<br />

AgTinst the E face of the mastaba, between the chapel G 7130 add<br />

its subsidiary N niche, is built the small offering room]<br />

G 7132 with two shafts to the N (A, R) and one shaft (7130 I$<br />

to the south.<br />

all threes shafts are of Dp.IV or early Dyn.V.<br />

In addition to shafts attached to G 7132, there were six other<br />

shafts, sunk in the rock along the face of the mastaba :<br />

three shafts, G 7140 X, $y,Z, from N to S, lie between the<br />

exterior chapel and the N subsidiary niche of G 7140:<br />

three others, G 7130 Y, Z,-, from N to S, (Z, V) south and<br />

one (Y) north of the exterior c.b. chapel of G 7130.<br />

In the Saite-Ptolemaic Period the Isis Temple was extended eastwards<br />

across the top of the mastaba (N end of G 7140) to<br />

the street G 7100, where the continuation eastwards was<br />

destroyed by recent excavations (sebbakhin) : see the temple<br />

of Isis with its private chapels and burial shafts.

APPEPJDIX B* P.40.<br />

m the sane p ~~iod but mobably a little later than the private<br />

chapels in the Isis Tenple, the chrrpel of 0 7140 plahl<br />

received several intrusive burials ( psrtly destrbyed #ken<br />

nariette first cleared the ch;pel) : south 'of the exterior<br />

stone chapel about 2.75-3.25 antj irregular :.all was<br />

' constructed across th:; vihole street (to ksep the debris back<br />

on tke south)cnd in the spce beheen the hall and the s<br />

face of the chapel was B constructed 8 burial vault: the<br />

s en6 of the passage east of' the exterior clapel was walled<br />

off and a shaft built to give access to the vault south of<br />

the shaft: in the exterior .cbnnber b, another burial vault<br />

had been constructed but of this only th3 cuttings in the<br />

f2cade panel ;;as preserved: west of roo% a, another burial<br />

vaults (with bent .oof) ::'as cut in masonry and approached<br />

cut thTough the kti-door: on top of this th&d<br />

by R door\l'a&y<br />

vault in the debris, v.e found about U open grsves burials<br />

( poorly nunTifie (? bod,ies 1 .<br />

It is also to be reaemberd that shsft 3 7130 B had been<br />

enlarged 2nd re-used in Saitie-Ptoleaaic Tjmes (see above).<br />

v<br />

t3 7230+7240: name unknoi*n: intended as ti%in msta-a but actually finished as two<br />

shaft nastaba: the second froq the v.est of the four southern<br />

nlas taba s .<br />

See Figs ........<br />

See Pis.........<br />

wristaba: core of massive masonry consisting of old coreG 7&50 (of type<br />

IV-I) kith addition on south of masslv; corev*ork of type<br />

Iv-iii, Fith regess for ch:,pel; no interior rJ chapel:<br />

core, 65.5 x 15.5 m.; area, 1015.&sq.m.; prop.l/n.kg: &<br />

a casing of fine white limestone had been begun m t x y the<br />

lowest courses (1-3) had been laid along the h face:<br />

after white casing had bean abandoned, the core was cased<br />

in cruds brick which rested on top of the unfinished casing<br />

when it vvas almady In place: the cob. casing hGd the save<br />

diyen%ionstas thst dosigned for the ml-ite cnsing,<br />

58.7 x l.R.35 m., area, lLX~64Jsq.a.: prop.l/d.74:Jthe<br />

street east of the casing vias filled viith rubbish whi:h f<br />

followed the slope of the rock deepening froa ?? to s:<br />

on this street filling was constrmted the exterior c.b,<br />

chape1.4L f;-z5nH@y7130<br />

*<br />

x<br />

'. 4-$-7#74L0,&-.,5*95m<br />

Chapel: fJ 7230$7240: only one chapel all of c.b.; interior cob.<br />

offering room a, bul3.t in the chapel recess-of cf 7240: of<br />

type ($a): exterior cob. chapel of kgg~ *?- rooms(b-k)<br />

with long open court on Ndalong the E face of' the exteri3r<br />

cob. ran a 14-S gassu,e along the buck of ff 7dd047340a)<br />

interior cob. offering room of tt pe (SB) with compound<br />

niche in S end of P; wall: 3.15 x 1.25 fl.: area, S.95J<br />

3q.q.: p~op.l/;2.5d;~wa'1~1 vihite plast3red but without<br />

trace of decoret ion ( @ inting) : walls qore than ha ' f<br />

destroyed from top dom: ontered by doorway in N end<br />

of E wall, fro3 exterior rooq b: ppening in e++?brasum<br />

in c.h. casing, $0 ar- v$.de and 0.0 m. deep: ks\-door,<br />

outer recess, 0.45 x C.15 a. and inner recess,O.15xO.ln?,<br />

enzlowsing the doorbay and embrasure of room a:<br />

hall, 4./1 x 3.25 m.: aped, 13.32~~sq.~. . inner half over<br />

the white casing; entered from e by doorv*ay in E end of<br />

N v,all. i the sgHkhar#cill are tcio doorway giving acces9<br />

+be ,mbzYnes c<br />

b) 18,rge 1-00'11

APFEYTDfX 8. p.4I.m<br />

./<br />

J<br />

C) ~ -m@zina 3 ,south of b and ..est of d: L.5 x 1.15 m.:<br />

urea, L.87deq.2.: built over the white casing: ateper<br />

by doomfay (0.55 m. wide) fin M xu11 opening into roo3<br />

b; doorway found blocked nilh c.b.<br />

d) rllaW3ino east of and parallel to c: ??-S rom south of b:<br />

6-25 * 1.c ’. i. -<br />

(0.7 m. wide) in I? wall opening into b: hlocked with<br />

cob.: under the bloc-ing is a basin, 0.5 x 0.3 a.<br />

0) I?-S corridor, originally enpance ,corridor, n-rth bf b,<br />

with room f west of it: d.2 x 1.13 q.: area, L.48dsq..n,<br />

cn~cred fro? pa;sage on E by doorway (0.75 rn. wide)in<br />

19 end of E wall: doorway to b in S wall *ncl doorway<br />

to g in N wall. doorway to rco”1 f in S end of t? wall:<br />

exterior doorway blocked vvith c.b.Lthe min entrance<br />

fro? tho l? fro? roo3 g came into use.<br />

J J<br />

f) ro0-n west of corridor e: 2.2 x 1.4 m.; area, o.08Jsq.m.<br />

entered froq corridor 0 by doomay (0.55 n. vdide) in<br />

s end of i wall; doorvbag blocked by cob.<br />

g) B-S,corridor siqilar to e and opening into it frw 8:<br />

2.4 x 1:05 .ne; ares, i?.73+sq.~.; the \r;estern side vi88<br />

closed with a harrom hall shutting off thc rooq h<br />

(probably intended originally to have L doorway at s<br />

ondf: roo? g was entered froT tke N by a doommy (0.7 m<br />

>:tide, and this \‘,as the win entrance after that in E<br />

wall of roo7 e was blocked; doorway to e in 3 wall.<br />

wed<br />

h) rooa me& of corridor g, walled from it by thin cob. wall<br />

a doorwa;. jaab at S end lndicates the original intent-<br />

tlpn of 29king a doomday in S end of E all:<br />

2.45 x 1.8 7.; arw, 4.41d;q.a.; buiilt over the<br />

r;hite casing.<br />

2p801,<br />

3- &-etprr.: -netered by doorway<br />

q%icknesa of walls: the east wall masures about 1;2? m.<br />

thick; the N wall (M side of roorn g, h, is 1.0 m.<br />

thick* the other E-Y: ~Qll (that Sout). Of C-b., that<br />

between b m r l f, and tht between.f and h are 0.7 m.<br />

thick: the wall between b and c, b, 0.5 m., that betwem<br />

e and f, 0.6 m., snd that betneen Q and h, 0.4 m. thick.<br />

i) Long,lT-S open court northkexterior % rooms b-h:<br />

4L.7 x 4.”7 n.: area, dQO.59~’sq.m.: in the debris at the<br />

N end of tko roo? against the cob. casing of the mstab<br />

but near the bottoq were found about 70 Mild tablets<br />

Inscribed in black ink.<br />

Sb-afts in G 72301724@: ti%o shafts, A on N and 9 on S, in the old core ’3 7130 a8<br />

the nlriStabaS E and p: ~tb in the ;me row.<br />

Shaft G 7230 A: 1.95 x 1.9 m., -10.22 r?l. in rock: lined above with<br />

qsssive nnasonry, 5.1 m., 10 courses:<br />

Chaqber type 3 al, on S: 4.0 x 5.4 3. and 3.0 m. hi@&:<br />

are5, 113.22 sq.a.(irregular): capacity, ,66.17 cu.5.<br />

passage: 2.m.O rl., 1.1 .n. high: step dovtn froT floor<br />

of passage to floor of chamber, 0.d m. high:<br />

founc! open: no traces of original burial.<br />

202; 2.05-<br />

Shaft 5 7230 B: altered by Ptolemic cutting: 3--Px Z37 m.:-10.58 m.<br />

in rock: lined above ttith rnnsvive msonry, 4.3 R*, 7 courses<br />

Cbsvber type 3 clx, on S: 4.35 x 4.35 m.: and 3.25 3. hi@;<br />

area, 1R.92Ssq.nl. : camcity, s~.~~Jcu.-I.;<br />

Sassage: 1.87 x 1.55 n. and 1.85 m. high: no trace of‘<br />

blocking or original burial due to re-use in Snite-<br />

Ptolem&ilc Tiaes:<br />


In old chmnber a liaestone coffin of Saite-Ptolenaic Period<br />

with head to E;<br />

a WJ; corner a subshaft PZIX: in the &a119 six loculi,<br />

11-VI1 several of than Rith sub shaft: the chalnbsr<br />

of suoskiaft V11 Is b,oken into tPL4 chxnber of 3 7240 I.<br />

Later Cons truc t ions :<br />

Agrlinst the cob. casing of thc mastaba 0 ?&0$7240, on the S<br />

stand the s*-a11 mastabas 0 7241, 7d45 and S 7450, bkginning<br />

a field of mall mastabas e..tending southracirds.<br />

Against the cash& on tke N, stands G 741 and in front of it<br />

0 723L, both nearly destroyed.<br />

In saite-Ptolemaic period, the Isis Teaples appears to have been<br />

continued eastwards over thc N end of G 7L30: a pscking of<br />

Ltnnestone chips appeared to be the foundation of a pavement<br />

which forTed soqe sort of approach to the Isls Tenple:<br />

on both sides of' the packed floor were fragmnts of massive<br />

cob, walls, u.hich appears to forn private chapels attached<br />

to the Iiiis Temple and to belong tb the Ptolcxuic shafts<br />

Q 7240 I and shaft I is West of skaft J: associated ..ith<br />

these shafts if the re-use of shaft (3 '7250 B; all these<br />

shafts had been plundered and replundered dovdn to recent<br />

times .<br />

street E of G 7;C30+7240 &as found bsdly disturbed in recent;<br />

tiqes and the debris w83 vcr; irragulau, vfith holes separated<br />

by heaps of siftings from sebakh-sives: iln this street wa8<br />

found an unfinished shaft &nd a lined grzlve both probably<br />

of the Ttolsaaic lorfod.<br />

0 7330f7340: name unknouln: intended PS twin mastaba but actually finishe6 as<br />

two-shaft ffistnba: the third from the vest of four southern<br />

qastzbaa.<br />

See Pls. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

mastaba: core of massive masonry consisting of bld core c) 7330 of type<br />

m-1 with addition on the S of massive corework of type<br />

Iv-iii, recess for an interlor chspel: no interior Fi chapel.<br />

core, 65.8 x 16.1 m.; area, 1059.58Jaq.a.: prop.1/4.08:,/<br />

,The core was used without any casing whatever.<br />

4-% 7330) 34'j -.?A%-% 734-6, 5.7 /Hz '<br />

Chapel: 0 733047340: single interior chapel of type 63a) built of<br />

mixed cob, and rubble in rewas constructed ab origine in<br />

s end of G 7540; exterior mud plastered chapel of two mow<br />

(b Grid C)<br />

a) heavily ph8tered &ith mud; type (da) with compound niche<br />

at S end of VI wall; s.95 x 1.5 m.; area, 5.92dsq.m.:<br />

ppop.1/2.5s:dentemd by doomay In N end of E uall<br />

opening Itwithout embrasure in roon b: ka-door, outer<br />

recess, 0.55 x 0.25 m.; hnd inner recess, 0.15 x 0.25 m.<br />

b) cob, and rubble structure bonded kith walIs of roo2 a<br />

and extending into street: a.95 x 2.5 m.: areti, 9.87J<br />

sq-m.; entered by door in E end of M wall; doorvday toa<br />

in rS end of Vi wall.<br />

c) mud plastered pubble, 2.k L.65 no: area, 5.56 J sq.m.:<br />

entared by doorway in p3 end of E wall and thus not<br />

directly connected with ba:but all three mom are<br />

Brts of o e stmcture vyith bonded wlls: in HIT corner<br />

room c % an zr,truded st-aft, r, 7340 Y.

APPENDIX B p. 43<br />

Total area, a, b, c, 21.35 sq.m.<br />

Across the S end of the street, a cob. wall conneckthe SE<br />

corner of G 7340 with the SW corner of G 7440: 0.7 m.<br />

thick: doorway near western end: this indicates that<br />

the whole street was reserved for service in the chapel<br />

about 10.3 m. north of N face of the exterior chapel<br />

of 7340, a sqall square room, (3.45 x 3.6 m.) area,<br />

12.42 sq.m.: built against W wall of 7430640: doorway<br />

in W wall: thickness of wall, 0.45 m.: probably belong5<br />

to mstaba G 7332.<br />

Shafts in CJ 735047340: two shafts A on W and B on S in the old core<br />

7330 as the mastaba in the same row.<br />

Shaft G 7330 A: 2.1 x 2.1 m., -10.98 rn. in rock; lined above with<br />

massive masonry, 3.8 m., 6 courses.<br />

clamber type 3 bf, on S: 3.0 x d.4 rn. and 1.9 m. high:<br />

area, 7.2 sq.m.: capacity, 1a.68 cu.m.:<br />

passage: 2.7 x 1.05 rn. and 1.1 rn. high: west wall of<br />

chamber in process of enlargement: blocking removed.<br />

Shaft filled with dumped debris containing frags. of<br />

Ptolemaic-faience and pottery but low down some older<br />

fragments: in the charnber -any potsherds of types<br />

of Dyn .<br />

IV: -<br />

34-5-1: alakster two frags. of each from a different bowl.<br />

34-6-2: black granite: small conical weight(?) .: d., 1.9cm.<br />

h., 1.3cm.<br />

54-5-3 to 7: ytolemaic frag.: faience, bronze, etc.<br />

34-5-8: faience: frags. of at least 6 shawwabtis of which<br />

one had an incised vertical line on back:<br />

. mst dy-n-bh( ?) .<br />

, 34-6-9 to 10: frags. of faience anulets.<br />

34-6-11: mud: four frags of Jar stoppers, without seal<br />

iapression.<br />

34-6-12: flint: round ended razor blade with worked ends;<br />

l., 11.4 cm.: w., 3.25cm.: th., 0.9 cm.<br />

34-5-13: flint; flake, pointed ends: l., 8.9 cm.: w., 1.35cm<br />

th., 0.4 ca.<br />

34-5-14: alabaster: complete bowl in three pieces: d., 85.6-<br />

cm.: h., 7.0 cm.: rounded bottom with plain rim. f&,?ay~<br />

64-6-15: flint: round ended razor blade: l., 10.8 ca. qs-<br />

w., 2.3 cm.: th., 0.9 cm. (r..o$”<br />

b4-5-16: pottery: barrel shape&; l., 5.9 cm.: d., 1.6 crn.<br />

34-6-17: pottery: potsherds which were set together to form<br />

21 pottery vessels as follows:<br />

7 large wine jars of type A-I1 b: WSR ware. %lx , F;s, 80<br />

1 bag shaped jar of type A-LI a: mrW. Val I! Fq. 77<br />

1 two handled oil jar of type B-LIV, special ware.Val$~~<br />

1 neckless shoulder jar, type B-LV: mrW. f+7? 8; PO.<br />

4 bent sided round bottoaed bowls of type XXX b. ?? 534<br />

3 round bottomed bowls with recurved rim: RP: typeXXXII<br />

2 large basins with roll rim and short tubular spout,V<br />

xxxv+ 7f<br />

1 bowl with flat base, high recurved rim and long<br />

tubular spout: type D-XXXVI: RP. 77<br />

1 model hasin: type WCXIX a: R&. 7?<br />

See chapter XI, p. :. .<br />

Shaft r, 7330 B: altered in Ptolemaic Period: 2.05 x 2.1 m., -10.54 m.<br />

in rock: lined with massive msonry above, 4.9 m., 8 courses<br />

chamber type 3 bf, on S: 4.3 x 3.6 m. and 3.4 m. hi@:<br />

area, 15.48 sq.m.: capacity, 52.53 cu.m.:<br />

Passage: 3.0 x 1.3 m. add 1.15 m. hi@:<br />

Canopic pit in SE corner, 0.55 x 0.65 m.and 0.55 m. deep:<br />

no remains of burial or equipment due to reuse in<br />

Ptole.rlaic tines:<br />

, . In the walls of the main chamber, 11 loculi had been cut<br />

and used:<br />

In the lower part of the shaft, open eight loculi or<br />

passages to larger chambers:<br />

The shaft was filled with mixed disturbed debris dumped in<br />

recently: this debris ran into the rnain chamber and the<br />

opening in the shaft; in shaft many fraglnents of xhx<br />

~ ~-

APPENDIX R* P.44.<br />

shawabtis, dummy limestone canopic jars, etc.: from<br />

the main chamber came other frags. of shawabtis and<br />

potsherds of the Ptolemaic keriod, but all burials had<br />

been broken up and plundered.<br />

Later constructions:<br />

In the street E of the mastaba stand three small mastabas,<br />

G 7341 south of the exterior hhapel, and G 7531-7332 near<br />

the junction of G 7330 and G 7340.<br />

me avenue on S, between G 7340 and G 7380 had no structures.<br />

North of G 7330 and west of the exterior c.5. chapel of G 7320,<br />

room g and h, stands the mall mastaba G 7333 (originally<br />

numbered G 7322).<br />

In the street 1.5 m. north of the exterior chapll is a large<br />

s W t nunbered G 7340 X: excavated in the lrokk floor of the<br />

street close beside the mstaba face, with its chamber cut<br />

in the rock under the mastabas.<br />

Shaft Cr 7340 X: 2.1 x 2.25 m., -4.75 m. in rock: unlined above:<br />

passage cut in rock to W, 2.0 3.: in the western prt lis<br />

excavated a lower shaft, 1.5 x 1.45 m., which descends M u<br />

through roof of chamber in WE corner, -8.1 m. below rock<br />

surface:<br />

Chamber type 4 a(2) (abnornal) on W: 3.75 x 3.25 m. and 1.5<br />

m. high: area, 12.18 sq.m.: capacity, 18.27 cu.rn.:<br />

blocking at bottom of upper shaft, of type V b(3):<br />

Along the W side of chamber a panelled coffin (type e(p) of<br />

fine white limestone, with painted palace facade<br />

pnelling: 2.1 x 0.975 m.: and 0.825 m. high; inside,<br />

1.725 x 0.615 m. and 0.6 m. deep: krst-lid with pntlber<br />

skin in sunk relief on top, with two handles on each<br />

end. c* .<br />

Canopic recess in E end of S wall, 0.5 x 0.65 m. and 0.8 m.<br />

high (without rebated edge): plundered:<br />

floor debris deposj ted by rain water and embedded in it<br />

frags. from the original equipment: a few broken bones<br />

(some In coffin and the rest in water deposited debris:<br />

27-3-541: RW frags. of two offering jars (type A-IV).<br />

27-3-542: copper; w g. of corroded saucer: 9.8 cq. in<br />

diameter and 3.0 cm. high.<br />

2723-543; 573: fraegnents of gold leaf, probably from mummy.<br />

'27-3-544, 545, 574: frags. of human bones, including frag.<br />

of skull.<br />

On top of mastaba, found in the mixed surface debris frags.<br />

of 0.K stone statues and vessels and an abundance of<br />

faience frags. of the Ptolelnaic PeriodAR including<br />

some pieces of inscribed liaestone (perhaps from the<br />

rsis Temple) .<br />

In the street east of G 7330 near the N end, a large<br />

intrusive shaft, G 7330 X: descends by masonry lined<br />

shaft from top of the mastabas into rock with a large<br />

chamber with six loculi: Ptolemaic period: with frags<br />

of shawabtis, amulets and potsherds of that period.<br />

In the street south of G 7530 X, two small built shafts x<br />

stand against the W face of G 7430; G 7330 Y and 2:<br />

also of Ptolemaic Period.<br />

In room c of the exterior chapel of G 7340, was a built<br />

shaft and chaqber, G 7340 Y: also of the Ptolemaic<br />

Period .<br />


<strong>Appendix</strong> B. P.45.<br />

v<br />

G 7430.37440: Prince yinkhaf and his wife: intended as twin mastaba but finished<br />

as two-shaft mastaba: the fourth from the west of the four<br />

southern mastabas.<br />

See Pls.. ........<br />

Jaacahrrtaax<br />

Owner: Mdn-khaf, SJ nswt n ht-f, rpct hJty-e, tlyty sJb t;ty, hr 5<br />

pr Dhwty, iay-rJ kJt nbt nswt, sjw nhn, r; P nb, smr wcty,<br />

hry hb, hry tp.<br />

Wastaba: core of massive masonry consisting of old core a 7430 of<br />

type IV-I, with addition on the south of massive comwork<br />

of type IV-iii, with recess for an interior chapel: the<br />

recess was walled off by the white casing and unused:<br />

in Q 7430 a hole was broken and an interior chapel ~15naf<br />

const ruc ted<br />

core 55.0 x 15.5 m. area, 1007.5Jsq.m.: pr0p.l/4.19:~the<br />

core waa cased with white limestone (x-masonry, but not the<br />

massive masonry of the five hin mastabas):<br />

casing, 58.8 x 18.3 !no : area, 1248.06Jsq.m.: prop,1/8.?8:J<br />

Enclosing Walls: close against the S wall of the rnastsba,<br />

a thin c.b. wall was preserved for the greater prt of the<br />

width of the mastnba: at the NE corner of the mastaba, a<br />

thick cob. Wall on rock extended fron the fl wall of the<br />

exterior stone chapel, replaced after a few aeters by a<br />

rubble vial1 of the same thickness: thls rubble rlall ran to<br />

the ME corner and turned westwards to reach the face of<br />

rown i of the exterior cob. chapel of G 7&0: this wall<br />

and G 7432.<br />

Found six casing stones with red quarry marks, two on W, two on<br />

E, one on S and one on I?.<br />

three bore the same mark but all unintelligible: on core<br />

r8d levelling lines.<br />

Chapels 0 743047440: one interior chapel of type (3a) bonded with<br />

casing but construct.:d in hole broken In S end of G 7430:<br />

four exterior rooms of stone and two of cob.:<br />

Subsidiary R niche ln casing: recess for southem cMpe1<br />

in 7440 closed and filled with stone, with .;unsidiary S<br />

niche in casing: around this an exterior chapel of u-masonry<br />

of type (5~).<br />

Chapel G 7430: north chapel: interior chapel of type (sa) with cornpoulril<br />

niche in S end of 'fig wall:<br />

a) 4.25 x 1.35 ma: area, 5.73Jsq.m.: prop.l/3.15:&ith<br />

compound niche in IfJ wall, outer recess, 1.P x 0.3 m.<br />

and inner recess, 0.55 x 0.L5 m.: opposite the niche<br />

3.60 m. from the floor is a window 6Q ern. width,<br />

entered by doomay in R end of east wall: opening in<br />

embrasure in casing, 1.3 m. long and 0.35 m. deep,<br />

Exterior stone chapel of four rooms:<br />

b) E-S room around doorway embrasure to room a: roof had<br />

been supported by two pillars: walls and pillars of<br />

num. 1st.: 7.75 x 2.15 rn.: arealp 16.66qkq.m.: doorwaJr<br />

to E in R end of E wall, afterwards blocked up with<br />

maaonry: doorway protabl;; cut later in E end of W wall<br />

giving acees to room c: doorway to room a in $fwall<br />

near N end.<br />


stone<br />

APPEmD,fX B o p.46,<br />

c) small room ?? of b a d leading to d: addition built asinst<br />

the face of room g on the east and against casing on 8:<br />

1.85 x Ab35 m.: area, 4634Jsq.m.: doorway to b in s<br />

wall: doorway to d in N wall.<br />

d) lon W-S statue room north of c: 8.1 x lo6 m*: amas<br />

lf.96~9q.m.: On the E side of the mom IY. wall of white<br />

limestone is built against the sloping casing.:<br />

In this wall are d our recesses for standing(?) statues<br />

and the vertical nes of the separating pilasters are<br />

inscribed with titles and name of Minkhaf: the final<br />

entrance to the whole/chapel was in the S end of the<br />

E wall of this room d: doorway to c in S Wall: the B<br />

wall from the doorway to e to the NE corner of room d<br />

has like the adjacent casing of G 7510, been destrogsd<br />

to rock.<br />

e) ca. 3.3 x 1.7 m.: apea, 5.61dsq.m.: stone vestibule room<br />

around the main8 entrance, that to d: the north wall is<br />

destroyed and the 19-3 length of the room is estimated:<br />

the doorway to d is in the N end of the W wall and the<br />

doorway to the exterior c.b. chapel Is in the S end of<br />

tl-e W wall: punning W under the RE corner is a drainage<br />

tunnel .<br />

The original main entrance to room b from the east eve<br />

access tb the whole stone chapel from the street and<br />

avenue around the RV! corner of the massive core Q 7520:<br />

probbly at that time the chapel consisted of rooms<br />

a and b, only: when the northern rooms c and d were<br />

constructed this original doorway was blocked with<br />

masonry and the second main entrance through the<br />

vestibule e to room d was -de; this second doorway<br />

eve access from the avenue between 0 7510 on the north<br />

and f3 7520 on the south: thus the entrance was shifted<br />

northwards and gave more convenient access: on the E<br />

of room e an exterior cob. chapel was constructed<br />

filling the avenue to the east room e, and this was<br />

built on a layer of 1st. debris (rna80n1s debris).<br />

Exterior cob. chapel of two moms:-<br />

f) long E-W hall or more probably open court, built against<br />

the E face of the stone room e: 3.65 x 5.4 m.: area,<br />

19.714sq.a.: floor, 0:w rn. w below floor of<br />

room e: doorway to room e in S end of E wa;l: doorway<br />

to room g in N end of E ball: doorway pnithk-e<br />

a-beqm descending to floor of moa g: total..... rn.<br />

froq floor of room f to floor of room g.<br />

g) small F?-S vesitibujte east of f: walls destroyed on S and<br />

at SE comer: ca. 3.65 x 1.45 v.: area, 5.28&y.m.<br />

doorway apparently from E in S end of E wall.<br />

Total floor areas:<br />

room 8, 5.73 sq.m.:<br />

Slbone rooms, b-e, exterior room, 39.57 sq.a.:<br />

Total stone roons, interior and exterior, 8-8, 45.3 sqm<br />

Total of exterior cob. rooms f and g, 25.0 8q.m.<br />

Sua total of chapel, rooms a-g, 70.3 sq.m.<br />

Subsidiary 19 niche to interior chapel near N end of mastaba<br />

in casing; 0.9 x 0.2 rn. in outer recess: inner recess,<br />

0.4 x 0.25 n. cut fn casing, broken away above,<br />

SubsidiRry S niche: tbe chapel recess was blocked by the<br />

casing and in the casing was a subsidiary S niche:<br />

around this, was constructed an exterior cham& of H<br />

u-masonry: this chapel of type (5c) had a deep recess<br />

at the S end in the V! end of which the subsidiary 19<br />

niche was exposed: but the chapel was Ztself in a<br />

mastaba constructed south of the exterior stone room<br />

b of the northern chapel.

APPENDIX B* PO470<br />

Exterior Southern Chapel:<br />

The southern end of the street between the northern chapel and<br />

southwards appears to have been closed by a c.b. wall<br />

(0.9 m. thicKj, probably with doorway in E end: the spce<br />

between this wall and the Northern chapel was occupied by<br />

various structures of u-masonry and rubb e: here was built<br />

first chapel of u-masonry the lines of which were continued<br />

northwards, and south of it another offering room of rubble:a)<br />

The structure containing the offering room in which the<br />

subsidiary S niche W s exposed was a dlilled mastsba<br />

'<br />

(G 7441) with retaining walls of u-masonry and<br />

27.9 x 4.6 m.: with an area of 128.34 sy.m.: in the<br />

southern part is a long corridor with deep recess in S<br />

end of its W wall in the vli end of which the subsidiary<br />

s niche was exposed: 9.2 x 1.5 m.: area, 15.8 sq.m.:<br />

prop.1/6.13: the niche recess measures 1.45 x 1.55 m.<br />

with area of 2.24 mq.m.: total floor area, 16.04 sq.a.<br />

entered by doorway in middle of E wall, opening<br />

eabrasure in E face of mastaba: the room was probably<br />

roofed but the walls probably did not reach to the top<br />

of the subsidiary S niche, but the deep recess may not<br />

have been roofed at its W end (cf. 6020 chapel):<br />

In the body of the mastaba N of the chaz1 a trench was<br />

constructed for burial shafts, but only two shafts were<br />

made G 7440 Y, immediately north of room a and G 7430<br />

18 several meters north of G 7440 Y: both these contained<br />

burial datable to late &n.IV.<br />

vastaba type VIII ~(1). '<br />

Chapel type (5~).<br />

b) Against the S face of the m;Bstaba containing chapel boom a<br />

was constructed a small mud plastered rubble mastaba,<br />

(G 7442) containing an offering mom b and a burial x<br />

shaft (G 7440 Z): 7.0 x 3.75 m.; area, 26.25 sq.m.:<br />

prop.1/1.96: with interior offering room (no niche) :<br />

3.15 x 1.55 m.: area, 4.88 sq.m.; prop.l/2.03 : entered<br />

by doorway in I\J end of E wall opening without embrasure<br />

in E face of mastabah. In NW corner of mastaba is the<br />

shaft G 7440 Z with intact chamber containing num. 9st.<br />

coffin with k,s-li&: two canopic jars, 81 alab. models,<br />

lst.headrest/and bead ornaments on the body: late m.m<br />

Along the fgce of the mastaba a wall of u-masonry had'<br />

been constructed but on$y one course was left in place.<br />

Mastaba type VI1 dSc: chapel type (4b?).<br />

Decoration of Northern Chapel and the TJVO Subsidiary Niches:<br />

Northern chapel, interior rom a:<br />

W wall, ka-door: architrave weathered, apparently not inscribed:<br />

Tablet2 bdl$ weatheredL man in usual attitude seated at table<br />

of bread, rac mg to right: table obliterated: horizontal<br />

line across top, illegible; (iry) p( cty) . . with name Mnnw-hc-f in front of face: remains of short<br />

list under this, partly above the bread and pirtly on<br />

its right: under the table on the left, ideographic list<br />

n mnht 1000, bull's head and five birds heads.<br />

. - - xpnw -9c r .<br />

Cross-bar: iry pcty Qcty-c SI ngwt n ht-f 6hm (chc) ........<br />

Drum; 3ry pcty M$nw-Qc-f.<br />

Wall areas not inscribed or decorated.<br />

Exterior room b: architmve over doorway from b to a is inscribed<br />

on left probably figure of man seated at .table of bread but<br />

only edge of table preserved: on the right 5~ -,-itten<br />

vertically, to the left of this the<br />

-<br />

inscription IS dlvlded into. two horizontal lines.<br />

. - . -.

<strong>Appendix</strong> B. p.48.<br />

(2) pr n-f prt-r-hrw m wp rnpt Dhwty tp rnpt W!g hb wr<br />

the first of the month and th e firht of half month,<br />

ficty-c try NQn r P-nb 8mr Mnnw-Gc-f.<br />

~rurll of same doorway, 'iry pcty bcty-c sj dwt n gt-f 4mr Mnnw-&IC-f<br />

me walls are badly weathered and show no evidence of d e c m<br />

except on the E face of the northern pillar: a vertical line<br />

of inscription, ..... pr mwty by-r; k;t nbt ndwt.. ......<br />

Exterior room c: uninscribed and unddcorated.<br />

Exterior room d, statue-room:<br />

On the doorway from d to c on the northern edge of the<br />

western jamb, vertical line with signs facing to right:<br />

..................<br />

-<br />

&&tm chc Mnw-bc-f.<br />

The pilasters semrating the statue-niches in the W wall<br />

were inscribed vertically with titles and names.<br />

(1) pilaster on S, broken away: (2) signs facing to<br />

right, . . Mnw- (3) signs facing to left,<br />

...... --F:<br />

sj nAwt n t-f Mnw-p-f.<br />

part of- the N wail and ai1 cn6 E wall to the entrance<br />

from the h are desteroyed: built like the W wa 1 of<br />

white limestone(?): in the debris nearby. w&& kf ound 17<br />

fragaents of reliefs which may kave come from the E wall,<br />

1) 25-1-721: w.lst.: frag. showing feet of large female<br />

figure, facing to left: probably wife standing<br />

behind he r husba n d:<br />

2) 25-1-730: w.lst.2 small frag. with large signs facing<br />

to right : fn&:... ........... with raised vertical<br />

line on left and probably on right: prohably from<br />

in front of a large figure facing to right:possibly<br />

the wall had man and wife at S end '!man<br />

at N end F.<br />

, ?,<br />

3) 25-1-724: w.lst.: frag.: rectangular stand with two<br />

stone vessels on lower shaft: to the left foot of<br />

man fac ing to right.<br />

J4) 25-1-727: w.1st.r part of two registersL (J,) feet of<br />

man in long skkt standing facing to right:<br />

(2) head of a scribe with two pens behinhhis ear.<br />

J5) 25-1-735: hands of scribe writing on roll or tablet.<br />

46) 25-1-731: knee and hnd of sqclatting<br />

-<br />

man (scribe?).<br />

d 7) 25-1-736: small frag. with word Qm-k!.<br />

J8) 25-1-734,: frag.: man standing facing to left with<br />

small animal (gazelle or calf) carried around the<br />

back of his neck.<br />

$9) 25-1-729: fmg. showing lovier half of a man kneeling<br />

on one knee in attitude of huntsmn: facing to<br />

left: naked except for lion-cloth: left hand hangiq<br />

behind him grasping the coiled end of a leash(?)<br />

(perhaps attached to collar on neck of dog standing<br />

behind huntsman).<br />

JlO) 25-1-732: small frag. with the name of an estate(?)<br />

and the foot of a small figure facing to right.<br />

d 11) 25-1-725: small frag. wit wor wcb facing to left.<br />

+JP-?w..-bJ y P*-+<br />

12-17) 25-1-722, 723, 726, 728, 733, 737; seven small<br />

frags. with unintellegible signs or parts of figurer<br />

Decoration of Subsidiary N Niche:<br />

Architrave: six fragments of white limestone fitted together to<br />

form an architrave about 3.0 v. long: two horizontal lines<br />

figure on& left end:<br />

--<br />

-s=--- '<br />

-^ L-- --<br />

(?I.. ...........

<strong>Appendix</strong> B. p.49.<br />

The Tablet, crossbar, and drum are missing: the niche pnels below<br />

are broken away to near the bottom of the decoration:<br />

On each panel of the outer recess is the end of a vertical<br />

line with signs facing in (to ri&t on S and to left on<br />

N): On S, ..... ..crk r p ... .: and on N, a number and<br />

r Po<br />

On theacade beside the niche, vertical lines on each side:<br />

signs facing in: on each side ...... MnW-Gc-f.<br />

necoration of Subsidiary S Niche:<br />

Architrave: frag. Showing the right ends of two lines of horizontd<br />

inscription with signs facing to right: (1) dy nswt Inpw htp<br />

hnt sh ntr krs m smyt ......................<br />

(2) try-pcty hJty-c $wprGsz sJb $fty nswt (sf)-$ ...........<br />

Smith opp. cit. P1 46 a.<br />

Tablet: raised rectangular scene with precedding side flanges:<br />

reconstructed fron frags. which form orly a minor prt of<br />

whole: the table scene is represented by the head of a man<br />

in relief facing to right in front an incised illegible sign<br />

and on the right was an incised e with two vertical strokes<br />

below: above was an incised line-of titles and name<br />

........................... SI Mnw-Bc-f.<br />

Nothing remains of the left hand flange but a frag. with<br />

incised signs facing to right, plural sign=.<br />

The right hand flange: shows head in relief of figure facing<br />

to left: above the head from left to right, st-f bfty-c 6mr<br />

$am chc and in front of face Rc-kjw.<br />

c<br />

On two panels, the back of the outer recess: on each side, a<br />

standing figure in relief facing in with incised inscription<br />

on S, man in full wig, chin beard, collar and hry nb sash:<br />

, knee length skirt, crossed by diagonal pleating: staff held<br />

vertically in left hand and a papyrus roll in right:<br />

........... h_ry bb 4ry 9JdJ MnW-Qc-f.<br />

On p~ side, smalle-r rlgure (a boy?), bare head, collar and pleated<br />

skirt: standing facing left with staff in right hand and roll<br />

in left: ......... Pry Ngn- dmr wcty Rc-kfw.<br />

Shafts of G 7430f7440: two shafts in old core 7430: as .in other three<br />

southern mastaba: A on N and B on S.<br />

Shaft G 7430 A: burial place of Prince Minkhaf: 2.1 x 2.1 m.:<br />

contracting to 1.7 x 1.88 m. at bottom.:-10.26 m. in rokk:<br />

lined above with massive masonry, 4.44 m., ..... courses.<br />

two chambers: n ~ 8 n x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x a % x ~ ~ ~<br />

Nain Chalnber: type 3 amx, on S: 4.8 x 5.16 m.: and 3.8 m.<br />

high: area, 24.7 sq.m.: capacity, 93.8 cu.m.:<br />

floor slopes gently from N to S:<br />

passage: 2.8 x 1.64 m., main height et chamber, 1.84 m.:<br />

the floor is level but the roof slopes with the edge on<br />

the shaft side cut away to facilihate the entrance of<br />

the coffin: blocking not found by us (excavated by the<br />

Service des antiquites): turning recess in N wall of<br />

shaft, 1.58 m. wide and 1.6 rp. deep and 1.74 m. high<br />

with horizontal roof.<br />

Coffin Chamber; S of main chamber: 4.0 x 4.88 m.: and 2.72 m.<br />

area, 17.12 sq.m.: capacity, 46.56 cu.m.: entered by<br />

wssage whihh opens in S wall of main room in the east-<br />

ern half and enters the coffin roomkwith the E wall:<br />

at floor level: 1.7 x 1.4 m. and 1.6 mi high (chamber<br />

much higher): in this chamber was found the red granite<br />

sarcophagus,!.of Prince Minkhaf, set in a coffin pit along<br />

the W side: 2.08 x 1.11 m. and 0.805 m. high (height<br />

0.885 m. incbuding krst lid): for description of<br />

decorat ion of coffin see W.S.Smith, J.E.A, Vol.Xm,<br />

Nov.1933, p.150ff: coffin pit;, 3.36 x 1.32 m. and 0.72 rn<br />

L: in N wall, a recess to receive the lid before the<br />

burial, 2.4 x 0.36 m.:<br />

Canopic Pit in SE corner, 0.7 x 0.7 m. ,and 0.66 m. deep,with-<br />

out rebate-for lid. 1<br />


APPmDIX B= P.50.<br />

Total floor area of two rooms, 71.82 sq.m.;<br />

Total Capacity 140.36 cu.m.<br />

Shaft G 7430 B: wife's shaft: 2.0 x 1.95 m.-13.61 m. in rock: lined<br />

above with massive masonry, 2.27 m., .... courses: designed<br />

'for two chambers but coffin charllber left unfinished: m&iw<br />

yain Chaqber: type 4 a(l), on 3: lined chamber with lining<br />

~sn%itwfzrB~elx unfinished: rock chamber, 4.15 x 4.6 m. and 3.35<br />

m. high: area, 19.C9 sq.m.: capacity, 63.9 cu.m.: Hwec<br />

lined chamber, 3.35 x 4.05 m. and 3.35 m. high with<br />

unpved floor: area, 13.56 sq.m.: capacity, 45.42 cu.m.<br />

lining two or three courses only:<br />

Passage: 1.75 x 1.45 m. (narrowest) and 3.15 m. with roof<br />

level with roof of chamber and with low step between<br />

floor and floor of chamber (0.2 m.):<br />

Blocking: remains of interior filled type I1 b:<br />

In chamber coffin pit, 2.35 x 1.0 m.: and 0.86 m. deep:<br />

Canopic recess in E end of S wall east of passage cut in rock<br />

at 1.85 m. above the floor of the main room:<br />

above the lining: 0.6 m. wide, 0.5 m. deep and 0.7 rn.<br />

high, with rebate for lie.<br />

Tinfinished coffin room: a passage opens in S wall of mainxma:<br />

room, east of middle: 2.1 x 1.15 m. and 6.05 m. high,<br />

at floor level of main. chamber: the room itself unfhishe<br />

ed had part of the E and N walls cut and excavation was<br />

proceeding a$ several levels: the unfinished cutting<br />

measured about 1.95 x 2.8 m. and max. height of 2.5 m.:<br />

obviously unused.<br />

The shaft was filled with dumped debris with many fragments<br />

of the ?tolemaic Period (faience etc.): the same sort<br />

of debris had run into the chamber in which was found a<br />

few blocks from the lining; near the floor was found:<br />

27-2-219: alabaster; model basin: d., 4.5cm.: h., 1.3 cm,<br />

d.base, 1.9 cm.: ma have been intrusive:<br />

Gchamuer a ppearea A l e a r - i n modc:rn timez<br />

but was not reused in Ptolemaic Period.<br />

In the E wall of the shaft was an unfinished cutting of<br />

indeterminable date.<br />

Later Construct ions :<br />

In front of tke mastah between the exterior stone chapel and the<br />

southern side of the subsidiarp S niche was constructed a long<br />

mastaba with a chapel in which the only offering niche was the<br />

subsidiary S niche itself: see above the southern chapel of 7440.<br />

South of the r?lastaba just mentioned was buijt another small mastaba<br />

with an offering room and one shaft: see southern chapel, above.<br />

North of G 7430+40, between it and G 7420, in the eastern end of avenue<br />

2, stand two %all mastabas of Dyn.VI, G 7431 on the west and<br />

r, 7432 on the east.<br />

Adjoining G 7432 on the south in street 7400 E of G 74S0, the angle of<br />

the old enclosing wall had been converted into a small mastaba<br />

with one burial shaft (G 7433*A).<br />

In the Saiti@-Ptolemaic Period: two cob. structures were built on top<br />

of mastaba, one at NE corner extending into avenue 2 and the otker<br />

south of it: these appeared not to be directly connected with xb$<br />

shafts.<br />

In the NTnJ corner of the unused chapel recess of G 7440, a shaft, G 7440<br />

X was made in the Ptolemaic Period: the other shafts, $TxR4&@x~maa<br />

ma&~xfwxkkaxf%B.hmmh lettered as X shafts, G 7430 R, G 7440 y and<br />

z were in the mastabas of the southern chapel and were of late<br />

~yn.Iv or early Dyn.V: shaft G 7430 X cut in floor of mom a of tht<br />

northern chapel was a Saitk-Ptolemaic shaft with numerous loculi<br />

an4 chambers .

APPENDIX B* p.51.<br />

Constructton of the five massive cores and mastaba G 7050.<br />

After the construction of the eight twin rnastaba, five massive<br />

cores were added east and south of the twin mastabas and a mastaba (G 7050) Was<br />

added south of the small pyramid cf I-e. The finished mastabas enclosing these<br />

cores are now given in chronological or approximately chronological order.<br />

L<br />

751~: Prince Ankh-haf and his wife Princess Hetep-hems: the greatest mastaba<br />

in the Eastern Field, built on rock east of G 741of7420 and<br />

the northern part of G 743047440.<br />

Bee Figs. ......<br />

See Pis........<br />

Owner: Ankh-haf: s: nht n gt-f ,drnkw , rp't, Q;ty-*, tayty<br />

s!b tit , $a: wty bl$y, 6mOw l$.t, in?y r: web%, imy r:<br />

kRJJca)+, tbt iandllirn rIJ ket nt nhwt), hyy-hb, LQryl<br />

& - m l l"+Ai<br />

-<br />

s t~ nhn, wr dpmhntr Grp<br />

mrwk ~m~[niier ~mr w $iv!ci:<br />

nQb, mr3v~ N , rnsr 3: enpt, r: L%ew, ..... Angw priest of Anukis _1_p<br />

Mastam; core of massive WSonry of type IV-iii, with recess for<br />

southern chapel: most of the large blocks are of yellow<br />

nulnmulitic limestone: the interior is not solid but contained<br />

a number of large blocks: core, ...... x ...... m.: area,<br />

........ Sq,m.: prop.l/. ... .; cased with fine white sloping<br />

casing (xS.rnasonry) with interior chapel of type (4a) of fine<br />

white limestone bonded with casing: with subsidiary N niche<br />

remove by stripping of casing: casing, ...... x ...... n.:<br />

area, ...... sq.rn*: proppl/. .... .:<br />

height of mstaba as preserved, ...... rn.<br />

The back (west) wall of the mastaba covered a descent in the<br />

rock at S end of G 7420: at the N end of the rnastaba is the<br />

southern edge of the old-quarry scrap and the two mastab6<br />

r, 7810 and G 7820 are buitt on a lower level: the casing is<br />

nearly destroyed to its foundation on the E face. -<br />

1<br />

Masons and Quarry Marks :-<br />

Chapel: interior white limestone chapel with two niches in W wall, type<br />

(4a) with serdab behind southern or chief niche: with m<br />

exterior chapel of six rooms (b-g):<br />

a) 7.6 x 1.7 m.: area, 12.92 sq.rn.: prop.1/4.47: the chief<br />

southern nichel, measures, outer recess 1.05 x 0.4 m.<br />

and inner recess 0.35 x 0.35 m.: the northern niche is<br />

shallow, being,cut in the lining of the room, outer<br />

recess, 0.65 x 0.1 m. and inner recess, 0.2 x 0.1 m.:<br />

with serdab behind southern niche: doorway in N end of<br />

E wall, opening in embrasure in casing 4.35 m. long<br />

and 0.65 m. deep: in the embrasure on the S side is ",<br />

limestone ring (footing of a wooden column?) hollow m<br />

two stone blocks at the bottom of the a@&&k~ hole (on<br />

which the wooden column(?) rested: on the other side<br />

the Wvement has broken up but probably had also born<br />

a similar emplacement: the embrasure was paved with B<br />

stone extending to the W Wall of the cob. chapel.

APPENDIX B.. p.52.<br />

b! tl-e embrasure room formed after tke construction of rooms<br />

c-g: the ends were formed on N and S by two thick cob.<br />

walls of which the southern contained a doorway: the W<br />

side was formed by the sloping face of the embrasure and<br />

casing: the E face of the room by the outside of the<br />

exterior rooms c-g: 6.6 x 2.15 m. (including embrasure):<br />

area, 14.19 sq.m.: south of the doorway in the S wall,<br />

a long N-S mssage led out to the SVJ corner of the B<br />

exterior cob. chapel, 7.35 m. long and 1.3 m. wide(E-W):<br />

this passage appears to have been that chiefly used in<br />

the later period of the chapel service: in the floor<br />

towards the S began a drainage tunnel which beyond the<br />

cha E 1 curved around to dis charge eastwards<br />

The rest of the exterior chapel was built as one block of<br />

five rooms all bonded together: this block was separated<br />

by a space about 1.35 m. from the foot of the sloping<br />

casing of the mastaba<br />

C) large E-VI hall infront .of doorway to room 8 but not<br />

symmetrically placedwith reference to it: measured,<br />

6.25 x 7.9 m.: area, 49.37 sq.m.; with wide plain doorwaJ<br />

in pd wall giving access to room a, 3.15 m. wide(rT-S)<br />

not in the middle of the wall (1.3 m. from N wall and<br />

1.85 m. from the S wall: down the middle of room ran<br />

the bases of an E-W row of four columns of which the<br />

fourth stood in the wide &oorway in the W wall: these<br />

columns stood a littZEe N of the E-W axis of the hall<br />

(2.€!5 m. from the N wall and 3.35 m. from the S wall:<br />

the basis consisted of a stone footing ring (in two half<br />

circles,) hollow inside and, apparently, the woodan column<br />

was sunk in the hole which descended 40-60 cm. in the<br />

floor: the stone paveaent of the embrasure and room b<br />

continued into the ,doorway in the W wall of room c but<br />

the rest of the roo3 had a mud floor laid on a pcking-<br />

of limestone rubbish: I conclude ,$h&t room c was origin-<br />

ally an open court and that laterAwas roofed with wood<br />

supported by wooden columns: the room was enGtered from<br />

room g (vestibule) by a doorway in the E end-of the S<br />

wall (wdth wooden door inside room g).<br />

along the W side of the hall or court, opposite the first<br />

three columns from the E and close to them ran a thin<br />

cob. wall, one brick high, with projecting bricks at<br />

intervals: the purpose of this cob. wall remained<br />

unexplained.<br />

d) The westernmost of the four rooms south of hall c:<br />

N-s room, 5.2 x 1.55 m.: area, 8-06 sq.m.: entered by<br />

doorway from e, set in the N end of the E wall: with<br />

wooden door on inside; the western wall is built over<br />

the stone pavement in front of the interior chapel:<br />

the room was filled with plcked debris of decay and in<br />

this was found the bust of Prince Ankh-hafi,<br />

against the W wall near the N end, is built a plastered<br />

c.k. pedestal or offering platform, 0.82 x 0.55 m. and<br />

0.55 m. high: on the north side of this pedestal the<br />

structure was extended to the N wall(?) by a low<br />

platform of the same width: it is suggested that the<br />

bust of Ankh-haf was standing on the higher pedestal<br />

facing to ease and that the low platform was an offering<br />

platform: under the bust wgmfound 94 models of plaster:<br />

in same room also pottery and models:<br />

25-3-241: minted white limestone: portrait bust of<br />

Prince Ankh-haf: h., 52 cm.: width of base, 31 ca.:<br />

w.shoulder, 46 cm.: thickness of base, 24 cm.:<br />

*/ - 25-8-408: 2 frags. rim of flat pottery dish.<br />

“1 25-2-409 to 494: small plaster aodels:<br />

69 model basins, flat bottomed, 1.3-1.6 cm.:<br />

- dlam., 2.2-3.2 cm.: six were painted black<br />

inside and ten others showed traces of black<br />

paint:<br />

8 rudely made jars with splay foot (several a%wHmew<br />

obviously neckless shoulder jars:<br />

14fmodels of food offerings mostly conical loaves<br />

of bmad, but including several cakes and

M [b+A<br />

APPENDIX B. P.53.<br />

models of fruit.<br />

iJ25-L-1230: coarse RW: oval tray with flat bottom and roll rim<br />

type F-XXVI a: h., 8 cm. : width, 39.6 x S7.6 ctn.:<br />

d.'case, 32 cm.<br />

1 25-2-1232: mud ware: ''flower pot": type F-XXV<br />

h., 16.4 cm.: d.top, 21.0 cm.; d.base, 11.2 cm.:<br />

v/ 25-2-1232: mud ware: bottm of another "flomer potfr of type<br />

XXV .... : d.base, ca.18 cm.<br />

J 25-2-1233: base of bowl stand of RW (red wash): diam.rol1<br />

rim on base, 28.0 cm.<br />

25-2-1234: RBrvd': model saucer: two examples: h., 2.0 cm.<br />

d., 9.2 ca.: debase, 4.4 cm.<br />

I/ .25-2-1235: RBrW: 2 model basins: $., 3.2 cm.: d., 8 cn.:<br />

1 d.base, 4.4 cm.<br />

25-2-1258: RErV: 3 model basins: h., 4.0 CT.: d., 10 cm.:<br />

d.base, 4.4 cm.<br />

25-2-1237: RW: one node1 jar, degenerate neckless shoulder<br />

jar with splay foot: type XLIX a: h., 6 cm.: d.top, 4.4<br />

cm.: d.shoulder, 4.4 cm.: d.?in., 2.8 cm.: d.splay<br />

foot, 4.4 cm.<br />

e) lwlder E-S room east of room d: 5.2 x 2.6 m.: area, 13.52 sq.9.:<br />

in the Sw corner the rooln had been penetrate6 by a Ptolemaic<br />

intruded shaft numbered G 7510 N: the roo3 has three doorways<br />

(1) to room d in N end of W wall x<br />

(door in d): (2) doorway to vest<br />

wall with door in room e: (3) doorway to room f in S end of<br />

E wall (no door indicated);<br />

f) Sqa11 room partly destroyed, east of S end of room e:<br />

1.55 x 1.77 m.: area, 2.74 sq.m.; entered fro? e by doornay<br />

in. S end of W wall: on the south wall of the badly denuded<br />

room appears to be a pilaster,and this would indicate some<br />

alteration in the plan of the chapel.<br />

g) vwtibule room east of north half of room e, north of f and<br />

south of 1 end of room c: 2.7 x 1.85 m.: area, 4.99 sq.m.:<br />

with three doorways: (1) main entrance to chapel from east<br />

in south end of E wall (door on inside), opening in embrasure<br />

in facade: (2) doorway to hall or court c, in E end of N wall<br />

destroyed by the Intrusion of late shaft G 7511 A and place<br />

of door not determinable .(probably under room g) : (3) doorway<br />

ko room e in N end of W wall with door in room e.<br />

Floor area of the rooms of the chapels:<br />

Area room a, 12.92 sq.m.<br />

area room b, 14.19 sq.m.<br />

Total area, c-g, 78.638 sq.a.<br />

Total area, b-g, 92.87 sq.m.<br />

Sum Total rooms a-g, 105.79 sq.m.<br />

The exterior roorn were filled with decay of' the c.b. walls mixed<br />

with sand: over bhe surface of decayE was deposited a layer<br />

of thieves debris littered with Ptolmaic 05jects and<br />

fragments (faience, pottery, etc.).<br />

An alabaster offering lasin smashed in fragments and incomplete,<br />

was found in the lower debris in the passage south of room b;<br />

25-2-382: frags. set together as far as possible; measured,<br />

46 x 36 cm.: inscribed with titles in finely incised<br />

--<br />

hieroglyphics, facing to right, on two sides and M +-0Q-l/ y<br />

above and. below.& right hand margin ver2iarJally; ...........<br />

............ NQn wr dy&u pr DQwty & -<br />

Y 53d<br />

rnrt S%c.u.L~+ij.. ..... :<br />

c_<br />

on left mr in, A... .. S'<br />

L, ttty -<br />

irny-?; W6hty<br />

p p >WbJ<br />

1 I 3 w.t<br />

y:<br />

,-. 4-1<br />

-? J,3i% Ldl two unattached frags give \a; cIv e<br />

14 tv b-f n * CL<br />

e<br />

ss3 (3)<br />

el- TT<br />

I<br />

" "A. y, perhaps from upper prt of ri@t margin.<br />

> iay-rf (kf)%)nb m iTy)-ifj) z..<br />

c- -1s k). .. U t . * # 1 Qp<br />

< '-<br />

rb&k ""y

APPENDIX Bo p.54.<br />

Decoration of room 8 Of Chapel G 7510:-.<br />

Interior chapdl of type (4a) of white limestone, with the upper<br />

parts of all walls badly broken.<br />

\v Wall: built of single large slab north of S niche.<br />

q Tall: southern ka-door:<br />

Architrave: fragments found in chapel: single Sine of sims<br />

in relief facing to right,<br />

..... &r6 m 3rnn;yt q nb fmth hr n&rQc]).Jbb$ .......<br />

'n ht-f h w .<br />

s- opp .-cTt .<br />

-<br />

PI. 4oa.<br />

-<br />

Tablet: witho'it faanges: frag. shows part of chair facing to<br />

ript and behind it vertically .......( sf n6wt) n ht-f<br />

- --- kmsw - ...~....~J- f............<br />

Detail Srnith op.cit. P1.4Oc, e.<br />

Crossbar: p4lt preserved:<br />

Drum: Smith P1.40d. ;.a 8 .*<br />

Niche pnels:<br />

VI wall: norther6 ka-door:<br />

Architrave: the S end of the architrave was found attached<br />

[*Jk<br />

to €i lar e block fallen from-JLe-wall andeboreshe naye l<br />

tp- r8r two other frags. with large--Eorhontal ------- 1<br />

nscr p ons (signs facing to/'right) with border line<br />

above but neither to be plac8d: (1) part of the name<br />

-<br />

of l<br />

1 ......... .f kms'wt (detemlnkd by woman with staff) ntr . - -I --___ _.- --- --_..- !<br />

L--- - __ -1/--<br />

K j~etep-hems: (2) signs facidg to left written vertically:<br />

. f ........ @tp ..........<br />

)let: lower. part preserved:jchair and feet of woman facing1<br />

to right at a table of byead(?): to the right of the<br />

table is the lower part d of a "cupboard list", with two<br />

registersof stone vesse s on the left and two registers<br />

of<br />

-<br />

granaries on the right: surface under the table,<br />

weathered away.<br />

st-t nswt nt ht-f 6rn t mr( st) -f HtP-hr-6 .<br />

I --<br />

Drum: Htp-hr-d-.<br />

The rest of m e ka-door bars no inscriptions if it was ever<br />

decorated.<br />

Crossba r; hyrizontal line ith signs facing to rgght: I<br />

8- I<br />

I<br />

w<br />

-L<br />

Wall, between the two ka- oorsraTthe N end a large figure of 1<br />

Ankh-haf, leaning on is staff,, facing to left, without wig l<br />

and wearing a long sk rt: behind him is a small naked boy<br />

labelled sj sf-t-f h-t-f.<br />

I<br />

TO the left o rge figures were -*<br />

s i ? ) registers of.<br />

i<br />

small figures facing to right: now preservsd in fragmntr<br />

of varying sides: one fragment m y from the upper<br />

part of the wall shows the ends of three vertical lines<br />

of titlesledom above the head of Ankh-hafaxhis,<br />

fragment has w tLlz r5+ t the beginning of a register :<br />

be+t+&hg withpscribe standing facfng to right reading<br />

from a tabletk other fragrllents show scribes and men in<br />

respectful attitudes, f cows, men bringing birds and<br />

haunches of meat: thus the scenefs obviously a presentation<br />

scene similar to that in Khuwf'w-haf between the<br />

two niches: at the top was a register of estates of<br />

which.definite evidence was preserved on a number of<br />

fragments: the line of estates at the tob,,of the wall<br />

continued over the architrave of the southern ka-door.<br />


-<br />

:? wall: northern !&-door:<br />

Arcbitrave: the S end of the architrave d s found attached to a large block<br />

fallen from the mill and bore %he nme<br />

-<br />

pt -Q-b.+.<br />

The rest of the architrave is in positioi? c?Sove the false-doar,<br />

but the surface is destroyed.<br />

Tablet: lower part preserved on m11: chair sild feet of wornan facinz to<br />

right at 8. table of bread, To the rizht of the table is the<br />

lower part of a 'cupbostrd list', with two registers of stone<br />

vessels and tvo rekisters of granaries on the right. The rest of<br />

the surface of the tablet has weathered away.<br />

-<br />

Crossbar: horizontal line BBith Tigns facing to the right: szt nhwt nt b?t-f<br />

4mhVpt mr(yt>-f zto-!~~<br />

Drum: IJtg-f.,r-&<br />

Ti?e rest of t'ie no_rthern ka-door bears no inscription if it WRS ever dec-<br />

* -<br />

orated. w hfo .,ls-s-bl [W nn;dL3J be 'Q& *<br />

\sQ.sclr<br />

&-: I&-& \nJcwk-%Lh.wp-w<br />

'7 mll : betveen the two ka-doors, m d above the southern ka-door a large area<br />

has been pnr+t.;slly restored from fragmect3 in Figeoa.. Over the<br />

southern ka-door vere two registers of estates, facing amy from<br />

$he main scene 011 the wall, to the lefte B<br />

To the risht of the arc5itrnve over the scufhsrn false-door, these<br />

two registers hme figures facing to the ri&ht, fordrig pari of<br />

the chief scene. At the north end of the wall stands a lares<br />

figure of hkb-hnf, leanin& on a. staff and facing to the lefte<br />

Behind him is 2 small naked boy lnbelled: s2 s!.S-f fnh.t-f<br />

. . .m<br />

- - k<br />

*- &L-L<br />

-<br />

&#:wty bzty, 29.. R. .. . aE,ry-li'c,<br />

Over the head of the chief figure arc part,. of Eour bs& .vsdilierecL<br />

colu~ns of titles: 1). .<br />

3 >. . . , 4). . . 6-z ei~. 'k rAmc,s behind Ankhover<br />

the northern false-cl om- L: mtirely Tieathered or broken<br />

amyo<br />

Registers in Eront of the chief f2E;ure:<br />

,l)This is on a level with the base of h!ch-hxf's titles and<br />

now contains only the legs of two scribes. 3 front of them<br />

is a bat%ered inscription evidently referring to the reccrd-<br />

of funerm-y esta,tes.<br />

$)Gn the right tso scrihes hold up their t~3lets In front of the<br />

chief figure. the;^ Rz-9 foliooed by tvo men stmiding in<br />

a respqtful attitude. Beyond a long break is ?robably to<br />

Fe res3ored a fLgure carrying the @ end. of a pole<br />

-<br />

supporting a chest. Tiis any be Tar-; of a roVi of men presenting<br />

cLothinL in chests, n i~+ & .<br />

j3)A figure on a soramhat larger scele s+,m~Is facing Ankk-ha_f. Eis<br />

name is probably Behic? hirc is a trace<br />

of a smller fenn,.. a.-GuA esteci the plncinC of<br />

three f rcgpnts of es'cstes bearing offerings. Toracsd the<br />

left end of the rcylster is a r m carrying birds tomrd -the<br />

riL,ht, md beyond Iiim, beneath the ucliitrave of the southerm<br />

false-dox seem to liclve been sextod figures of scribes, fa,c(Mg<br />

Left, of vhick par-ts of. tao are preserved.<br />

J 4)Tb fourth and Lowst regisdser ssd~s to have been dsvoted to<br />

a. presentation of ca-ttle. It is: headed cn the right by two<br />

men bearing hauiic??cs of beef. Cver -them seems to be miZten<br />

: ($!p?$. They are follomed by nen 3.exIinL<br />

-<br />

threa head of<br />

cat-k-e, of which only fragrents are preserved. A long horfzon",l<br />

inscrigtFoc ray1 abovc tlie vhole s ye, but only<br />

traces remin: nri: .fq .~ n!pr-_dt). e., .e<br />

ndt- Over the second anirnnl is mi+'-e~ g. ..., and over<br />

tAird: (rn)&.

part of<br />

APPENDIX R. P.55.<br />

s wall: =\,fragments assigned to this wall iflicate an offering<br />

scene or &,,table scene: the large figure,& not preserved but<br />

should have been seated facing in to vY@t; the W+ee frags.<br />

show parts opa picture list of off,dings and part of an<br />

inscription: (11 parts of four veflical lines with signs<br />

t-<br />

facing to w A', (a) ...... kJ,k'nt nswtm. ... ...:<br />

(b) ,9.......dy ****%' n wt htp prtYT-hrw n-f m.. ...........<br />

(c) WJg(?) hb wr pr3,t Mnw) +'.. .. .(d) ...... .hJ ...........<br />

bread-beer-cakes, head, of'bull, oryx, and birds ih-t nb<br />

............... x'<br />

(Z)/#ShjIB$ a list pfi d>Qda , h&t hnt (det.arm pddling),<br />

@rt( ?) and yove tiihek a Cviding line that looks like<br />

the base opa jar. . \, Asu"~L~<br />

(3) parts of do registers pfh picture list: above basins<br />

with rpdnd cakes in them: the lower registerm on the<br />

righyis a wicker stand with '"% eaves of grain and a<br />

stdd of fruit.<br />

'\<br />

/<br />

$,LL%k.P<br />

Y-<br />

N Wall: Sm fragments ass gned to this wall indicate an abbmvkt<br />

ed presentation scene,with standing figure of Ankh-haf on<br />

left facing to right, as in N wall of chapel of G 7650:<br />

frag-e: ia~t sf tk.lz b e<br />

~t t2 ~ig<br />

-<br />

ht<br />

hy<br />

Q<br />

d c -<br />

Jf . ) e&& E h o w s w w o m a n BP girl fkcing to right<br />

standing in traditional position with left hand on<br />

breast and the other hanging open: I3gesEBMy from<br />

~f ln-ze fizime ~Q~ATI,~<br />

behind large figure of Ankh-hafi P 3<br />

Jfrags(4-8) show a man dragging in an oryx to the left.<br />

E Wall: this wall is%ompletely destroyed that none of the<br />

fragments could be assigned to it with any certainty:<br />

if the f&llowing fragments are assigned to this wall it bore,<br />

a family group at the S end.<br />

Jul) several frags. of the wig of a large female figure facing<br />

to the left which could hardly be placed on the W, M or<br />

s wall. /do. 25-S-61 CYYl60,?5b<br />

J (2) frag. showing the lower part of two boys holding each<br />

other by the hand and facing to left aleo, to the right<br />

of them behind, is the foot of a third figure: I<br />

I<br />

compare the family scene in. G 7650( facing to right) .<br />

2r-2-79 C 'p% V Iz. s~ 137 b-) 3- W-W w<br />

Door-Jambs: no frags. assignable to doorjambs. \pu @- ~<br />

Facade panels: probbly deoorated but no reconstruction possible.<br />

fa*&%- h w u 2 '.Ser*... ...... /<br />

Shafts in G 7510: the mastah had actually only one shaft(B) but this<br />

was in the position of the chief shaft in the two shaft<br />

mastabab!the chapel was also & two-niched chapel: while the l<br />

chief niche was decorated in the name of Prince Ankh-haf,<br />

the minor N niche was decorated in the name of his wife, the<br />

eldest King's daughter, Hetep-heres,: therefore we cut a<br />

great trench in the axis of the mstaba northwards from<br />

shaft B, but found no trace of ,second shaft: &&s=mz$<br />

-<br />

Shaft G 7510 B: tomb of Prince Ankh-haf, built in the early prt of Ilr<br />

the reign of Chephren: 8.5 x 2.5 at top: 2.3 x 2.45 at bottom<br />

-17.53 rn. in rock: lined above with massive masonry the top<br />

part of which had been destroyed by plundering, 2.65 m,,<br />

4cours es .<br />

I<br />


-<br />

S Tall: Sevcral. frrgnents cmi be assigned to this mall which indicate<br />

fu~ offering scene or a table scene. Tne size of the hieroglyphs<br />

in the inscriptiions ssengvery smaI.1, but they appear not to be<br />

suitable for the tablet of the west wall southern fslse-door,<br />

which is the other possible alternative. The large fisure on<br />

the south wall is not preserved but should have been seated<br />

facing to the right.<br />

1) Froin a. pictv.re list of foodat the right end of the m11<br />

is a frament with Tarts of two registers of offerings.<br />

Above are round calces in basins, and,belomatso wicker<br />

stands with fruit ant! sheaves,of graino<br />

2) l?art,bf +B 1ikt’:of drinks: hd.t (det. arm paddling),<br />

d 8rt<br />

* pad above a e :&-rLdi?& line something that looks<br />

“iike*-G;*iase of a jar.<br />

3) Fragnents of several vertical lines of titles, joined on<br />

the right to an offering formula:<br />

1 ) (<br />

-<br />

Sg : wty ) bPty . . 0 0<br />

2)~u-y d:J: n ~ m b *o .<br />

3)(%r I) m(Ft 2b-f :).. ......<br />

Then:<br />

1)(-] k!t r?$wt..*..<br />

2) djr :id& ~tp, prt hrw n-f n (ypt mpt ?, etcp)...o<br />

-<br />

1)mn ?mw r h:mt ?<br />

2 )adw il<br />

3 $EI x&r * ‘n t<br />

)-ss<br />

4).m .<br />

5) s: (nil.. ....<br />

-<br />

titles of Sstep-heres, written without border<br />

lines, but apparently from this same 2;scription:<br />

1) ..... n . 2) (s:t nht nt ht)-f sm4*, 3) .,....p nsr<br />

4). ..... *hi71 n-tr Rtp-Qr-6<br />

. 4) FraZmciit j ‘3f<br />

5?): *.e.. ++f-+ 4.u a r;I

<strong>Appendix</strong> B. p.56.<br />

Chamber: type 2 amx (ramp), lined with white limestone:<br />

on S: 3.45 x 3.8 m. and 3.5 m. high: area, 13.11 sq.m.:<br />

capacity, 45.88 cu.m.:<br />

passage: 2.05 x 1.05 rn. and 1.0 m. high, sloping floor and<br />

roof: blocked with masonry set in plaster, type I1 b(1):<br />

partly destroyed: probably with portcullis slab ~@mr&&r<br />

destroyed by plunderers :<br />

NO pavement: no coffin; no canopic receptacle.<br />

Filling of khaft: filled with disturbed limestone debris<br />

mixed with sand: hole In mastaba over shaft: in shaft<br />

upper Part distuvhed debrk and sand nith frags of<br />

Ptolgrnaic faience (bowls and amulets, 25-1-638 to 640)<br />

and a frag. from the arm(?) of an alabaster statue $<br />

(25-1-641 and a Ptolemaic RW bowl (25-1-642): below this<br />

was again disturbed debris containing casing blocks<br />

thrown down from the upper part of the shaft: this<br />

disturbed debris extended to the bottom of the shaft<br />

and had run into the chamber to a small anount: in the<br />

debris in the doorwsy and in the chamber were found a<br />

number of Ptolemic objects: faience amulets, etc.,<br />

25-1-1143 to 1149: and a wooden rnunqy mas-, 25-1-1150:<br />

the shaft had been completely cleared out in modern<br />

times and filled with surface debris and excavated<br />

f i 1 ling.<br />

Later constructions :<br />

on the south of G 7510 was built the origial massive cores G 7650<br />

and G 7520$7530, both of the same size and construction in & -<br />

the first half of the reigns of Chephren and immediately<br />

cased; north of the mastaba was constructed later the<br />

nurnnulitic mastabas of type VI a, G 7810 and G 7820.<br />

In m.v-VI: area east of the mastaba and the exterior chapel was<br />

"occupied- by small and medium sized mstaba: these fell into<br />

decay and were badly denuaed by weathering the area was only<br />

lightly sanded up before the Saite+.Ptolemaic Roman Period:<br />

south of the cob. chapel was the medium mastaba G 7631:<br />

at an interval of several meters, north of the chapel was<br />

built G 7512 with small later mastabas and shafts (0 7513<br />

and G 7514) intruded between cob. chapel and G 7512:<br />

north of this were 3 badly destroyed mastatas, G 7516 rswpax,<br />

cr 7518 and G 7519: then came a larger composite mastaba,.<br />

G 7521 north of this was G 7522 and destroyed mastabas to<br />

the NE corner of G 7510: east bb this line the field E ~~~WPIB<br />

continued eastwards but the superstructures were badly<br />

destroyed.<br />

Over the whole area were late-intrusive shafts of which all tmce<br />

of superstructure had been denuded away: most of these wem<br />

of the Ptolemaic Period.

APPENDIX B$ P.57-<br />

South of the finished mastata G 7510 and about 9 meters away wecte<br />

constmctec! two massive cores originally of about the same size, core G 7650 on<br />

-<br />

the east directsy in front of core G 752047530: both made about the same time<br />

in the early part of the reign of Chephren but after core G 7510. The mstabas<br />

arspeared to have been finished alqost iamediately (a few years) but both were<br />

considerable altered in finishing. The casing blocks of the western aastaba<br />

appears to have been constructed in the middle of the reign of Chephren.<br />

G 7650: Princess Mer band Akhet-hetep ]<br />

: the easternmost of the two nassive cores<br />

and infront of G 753047540.<br />

See Figs. . See Pis.........<br />

Owner:<br />

Nfastaba: core of massive masonryof type IV-I: 36.0 x 16.25 m.: area,<br />

585.0 sq.rn.: prOp.l/2.21: cased with fine white limestone<br />

extended to the south by casing backed with num. blocks to<br />

be come core type IV-iv, conta ining an interior chaw 1: cased<br />

rnastaba neasures 51.75 x 19.1 m.: area, 988.42 sq.rn.:<br />

prop.1/2.7: interior chapel of type (4a) with subsidiary<br />

TJ niche (badly broken) in casing.<br />

Masons Varks and Quarry Marks:<br />

Chapel: interior chapel of t& (4a) with exterior c.5. chapel of<br />

. . .6roo;ns (b'-.v) : with subsidiary N niche in casing.<br />

a) 6.0 x 1.7 m.; area, 10.2 sq.rn.; prop.1/3.53: white lime-<br />

stone with two niches in W wall, type (4a): chief or<br />

southern niche torn out, outer recess(un1nscribed) 1.0<br />

m.wide: minor northern niche, outer recess 0.65 x 0.1<br />

m., and hner recess 0.23 x 0.1 m.: entered from E by<br />

doomay in N end of E wall, opening in embrasure kd<br />

casing, 3.95 wide and 0.4 m. deepb,a-.1--ie.*<br />

Qf-<br />

The exterior c.5. chapel consists of %Itm six rooms:<br />

a drainage tank north of this chapel$ emptied into a<br />

roofed q channel which eaptied into the street<br />

packing south of the chapel.

APPF3JDIX B. p.58-<br />

b) room around the entrance to room a, with its wooden(?)<br />

roof supported by one column (stone basis) nearly in<br />

the middle of the floor: 4.0 x 3.5 m.: area, 28.0 sq.m.<br />

entered from N by doorway in E end of N wall (door<br />

enbrasure on inside): doomay to c in E end of south<br />

wall: walls plastered and colored black as far as FXE<br />

preserved: the drainage culvert enters under doorway<br />

to f, crosses the E end of the rooin from N to S and<br />

passes out under the doorway to c: a limestone offering<br />

bsin (uninscribed) sunk in the floor against the S wall<br />

near the middle.<br />

C) small vestiSule room leading from b to d, south of doorway<br />

fmm b: 1.1 x 1.05 m.; area, 1.15 aq.m.: doomfay from<br />

b in N wall; doorway to d, in W Wall.<br />

d) another small room W of c and leading to e: 1.1 x 0.7 m.<br />

area, 0.77 sq.m.: doorway from c in E wall: doorway to<br />

e in s wall: it is difficult to see how these two little<br />

rooms, c and d, could have served any purpose except<br />

to cbmplicate the use of room e.<br />

e) southernmost room in c.b. chapel: 1.8 x 2.77 m.: area,<br />

4.98 sq.a.: apparently a magazine: entered by doorway<br />

from small room d, set in W end of N wall.<br />

f) norm of room b, a vestibule room with stairway in W wall:<br />

1.24 x 2.05 rn.: area, 2.54 sq.m.: entmnce doorway in<br />

W end of N wall, opening in embrasure in N face of<br />

chapel: doorway to b, in E end of S wall: the drainagp<br />

culvert enters under the entrance doorway, crossed the<br />

room diagonally from NW to SE and passes out under the<br />

doorway to b: in 9 end of the I&' wall, opens the door of<br />

a cob. stairway, 0.65 m.wide: the stairway descends to<br />

the VI by three step and then turns northwards ascending<br />

by five steps before it is denuded away: this stairway<br />

appears to give access to the roof of the chapel: the<br />

embrasure dooruay must have had the wooden door (not<br />

found) on the inside.<br />

g) mxkpix~fxs~prmxhx the mrt outside the N entrance: at 4.55<br />

m. north of the embrasure entrance to room f, is an<br />

irregular rock cut drainage tank, apparently to collect<br />

the drainage from the street to the E which sloped to th<br />

s: from this tank the drainage culvert already mentioned<br />

runs soutf-)wards to pass under the entrance, then SE<br />

under the floor of room f, passes under the doorway a$<br />

ZEB~X~J<br />

from f to b, southwards across the E side of<br />

room b, under the doom-ay from b to c, and slanting to<br />

the SW under room c, under the wall between c and e,<br />

under the S wall of' room e and enlpties in the limestone<br />

packing of the street to the south: only the wall $xm<br />

which form the N and S walls of room e appear to have<br />

Been built after the construction of the culvert: E and<br />

W of the culvert north of entrance doorway, $!wo long<br />

walls of c.b. were built later aginst the embrasure<br />

itself preserved to a length of 5.5 m.: on the E, prtly<br />

built against G 7750, was a c.b. compartment with walls<br />

apparently bonded with the long N-S wall, measuring<br />

inside, 2.5 x 0.87 m.: apparently entered by a blocked<br />

doomay at S edd of W wall, but so denuded that the<br />

conclusion is uncertain: the two long walls seem to fom<br />

. a corridor the same width of as the entrance doorway:<br />

Outside the E side of rooms f and b, c.b. walls enclosing<br />

three rooms were found but these were bui)t on top of a<br />

small mastah of Dyn.V-VI and appear not to be connected<br />

with the chapel of G 7650.

-<br />

APPENDIX E. p.59.<br />

Decoration of rocm a of chapel G 7650:-<br />

Tkr_e upper prts of the walls were shattered and the southern<br />

ka-door had been removed.<br />

'.<br />

~7 i!/all:: southern ka-door: the sides of the outerx recess,<br />

undecorated, are preserved to a depth of 0.36 m. and the .<br />

south si6e 0.55 m. deep: but on the south,the side is dressed<br />

to about 0.38 m. only and the remaining surface is<br />

slightly rougher the monolith containing the rest of<br />

the niche was set: on the inside of the N side of the outer<br />

niche is evidence that a monolith was set against the inside<br />

edge of the outer recess: thus the inonolitW would have<br />

extended from the face of the S side of the outer recess to<br />

behind the stone forming the N side of the outer recess: the<br />

width of the monolith conta-ining the backs of the outer<br />

recess and the whole of the inner recess, would have had a<br />

u<br />

\V Wall, Northern ka-door:<br />

Arcbitrave: missing.<br />

Tablet: Woman seated in usua1,attitude at table of bread,<br />

facing to right: wearing lappet wig and long tunic with<br />

shoulder ties: below table, an ideographic list (on<br />

left, ointment, bread, linen, beer and two 1000-signs):<br />

above table short list in two horizontal lines, with<br />

words written vertically and continued beside and below<br />

the table on the right<br />

(1) arm with water and ewer and basin horn with water<br />

_--<br />

line and bread,and a wine jar, lid, hp.<br />

(2) kbtp, sbt I .~ w;g, -. -SA-- sgt .-, hd-; beside the table, rtthty,<br />

-- t; rib-&, wo joints of meat on platters ahX%Thead<br />

of a goose and head of bull): on the right of this<br />

is a "cupboard list" of linen consisting o$ three<br />

kinds (idmg hawks broken away), the kgr and c;)<br />

at the top of the tablet beginning of the lxen<br />

list, was a horizontal line of titles and name,<br />

--<br />

.............~~~-n S)wt (9 .......(M ryt-it-s).<br />

Crossbar: (sj-t) n6Wt nt bt-fmryt-f Mryt(it-s).<br />

---5_ - m __._ - -.<br />

Drum: no inscriptions preserved.<br />

Inner niche: uninsc ribed.<br />

Outer niche: two lack panels: figure of woman standing facing<br />

im, on each side: far hand on breast and the near hand<br />

hanging open at side: wears<br />

-<br />

a lappet mig and tunic,=<br />

ankles and brecelets: .on pe S, is written horizontally<br />

over her head, (M)r-t-LtX-s on the N, inscription destroy,<br />

cuter niche: the sides were uninscribed.<br />


APPENDIX B= p.50.<br />

y~ Ea11 between the two ka-doors: on the left a woman seated at a<br />

'2, table (of bread) facing to right: table rests on a separate<br />

base line about level with the bottom of the woman's tunic:<br />

below the table to the right, two joints of meat on platters,<br />

and a haunch of beaf (one above the other with broken space<br />

which probably bore a fourth cut of meat); to the right of<br />

the upper cut is a dressed goose on a platter: to the right<br />

of -$%T~XXR this is the foot<br />

-<br />

of ma small figure<br />

apparently carrying a live bir2 in right hand, facing to<br />

left on a base line 6f a second register from the bottoms<br />

At the N end of the wall is a large standing male figure<br />

Pacing to left, with staff: in front of him stkands a small<br />

female figure Gacing to left with right hand on breast and<br />

left hanging: behind him there were several registers of<br />

children: above are two naked boys facing to Left with hands<br />

at; s5Jes (a) holds a live bird and t d Qa lotus flower:<br />

a se.odcond register below the boys is destroyed but a hand is<br />

visible: a thMd register@ show two girls standing facing to<br />

left with short hair, tunic,<br />

-<br />

with right hand on breast and<br />

left hanging:la fragment from tke MacGregor collection (<br />

(Wewberry's catalogue, No.1567, Sotheby's catalogue of the<br />

1<br />

Macgregor collection) w €jt ri8L.r 4:<br />

the first girl is Labelled Htp-hr-s and the second, Hwfw.....<br />

-L-<br />

u<br />

Smith opp.cit. P1.41,: Gulbenkian collection. A<br />

In the lowest register between the large figure of Akhet-&$<br />

and the table is a slaugher scene: two pairs of men cuttin2<br />

up two bulls.<br />

Smith Op.Cit. P1.41.<br />

w Wall, south of the S ka-door; the wall is broken off at the base<br />

line: 0.8 m. wide;<br />

In wall, nortp of the N ka-door: 0.4 m. wide: prts of three<br />

registers (with one or two aore above):<br />

(1) legs of small figure striding tobleft carrying bird in<br />

each hand :<br />

(2) two figures, facing to left of which the first holds up<br />

on each side of him a small jar and the second is<br />

obliterated.; labelled Nfr-Qtp.<br />

(3) two figures standing facing to left the first figure is<br />

broken and the second carries a staff in his left hand<br />

and a ring-stand(?) with jar aginst his breast with the<br />

right hand.<br />

N wall: on left end, a large figurdofaman leaning on his staff,<br />

facing out to right: full wig, hry-hb sash: above him five<br />

I vertical lines, facing ri@t, broken away at, top:<br />

t<br />

(b\ .k_in _c_- (Bfw)<br />

(c) ......... w+c ........<br />

(6) ............... ry.......<br />

----Y -<br />

_c<br />

(a) . . Qm n$r with caitouche (iilegiblei smr wcty:<br />

MQn shm CQC.<br />

(e) .................fQt-htp.<br />

fn front of chief figures pcrts of three (originally four)<br />

registers of small figures ficing to left.<br />

Reg.1: two men proceeding to left carrying a pole on their<br />

shoulders: from the pole hangs a wide garment with ties<br />

Banging down from the top edge.<br />

Reg.2: two men dragging in an oryx to left: the first man is<br />

labelled hm-k! twh~( ?) .......<br />

~eg.3: obliterated by weathering except fobt of man and hoof<br />

of animal.

APPENDIX B* P.61.<br />

Reg.4: only lower prt preserved; two men bring in an andm1<br />

(ibex or Bzelle): first man labelled $m- kJ Prty-t.<br />

TO the right of the registers was a blank space where the<br />

wooden door was opened against the wall: above this<br />

smce at a height of 2.5 m. is a raised line indicating<br />

a border or a horizontal line above the space.<br />

,/s lfl]all: offering scene with family group which is continued on<br />

s end of E wall: in the middle of the wall is a large standing<br />

figure (feet only preserved) facing to the right (<br />

(probbly Akhet-hetep) with staff; behind him are visible<br />

the feet of a daughter and to the left of thds is a wide<br />

space in Which probably stood -<br />

anothe r<br />

daughter: in front of man on a separate base line stands a<br />

son also facing to right: to the right of the staf+as a<br />

narrow vertical strip apparently occupied by a picture list<br />

of offerings: below is seen two cuts of meat on platters and<br />

b3low thea a horizontal row with bull’s head, a broken space,<br />

and three heads of birds each with label above it.<br />

E Wall: upper gart of wall badly shattered but partially<br />

reconstmcted from fragaents found in the chapel: the wall<br />

presents two seenes: on the south is the continuation of the<br />

family group on the S wall and the rest of wall is taken by<br />

a family group 5<br />

x viewing a<br />

Hzd-fxq scene.<br />

E Wa&l, family group on south continuing family group on the S wall<br />

on the N end of the southern group is 8 large figure of a /-<br />

woman ‘seated on a throne facing to riat: in front of her<br />

on the right stand a boy facing right and stretching out his<br />

right hand to her: with his left hand grasps the right hand<br />

of a smaller boy to the right of him; the seoond boy<br />

stretches out his left hand to another fiLure and there may<br />

be a fourth figure to the end of the wall: continued on<br />

south wall .<br />

‘ E Wall: chief scene north of the family group just described:-<br />

b<br />

At the N end of the wall is a fanily group of five figures<br />

all facing to right except the small boy who faces back to<br />

right: on the right is a large figure of a man (Akhet-hepep)<br />

standing with staff: between h im and staff a small boy<br />

facing to left (feet preserved): behind the man is a daughtel;<br />

a large figure 6f trincess Merytyetes and behind her another<br />

daughter: the wife and the last daugher stand in the<br />

traditional attitude with left hand on breast and right<br />

hanging and probably the first daughter was in the saqe<br />

attitude: six fragments with vertical lines of inscritpion<br />

are assigned to the wall above the woman and last daughter:<br />

(I) sjt nswt nt ht-f (2) hm ntr gwrW (3) Qm nt_r Qt-gr<br />

(4) G & m t m r ( t) -wETT-s-r the dX”a-teF; b-gh-fnd is<br />

labem ovexr”’-her head ’ -’--- sft-gnt ht-$ HWPH....... c - -roc.-,<br />

Smith 0p.clt. P1.41. u<br />

In front of the<br />

-<br />

family group -- is a swamp scene conddsting of<br />

bird netting sceneLbelow it and with a register of figures<br />

bringing birds and fish, at the bottom of the wall t&e<br />

(I) the bird netting scene, indicated by men in the third<br />

register, bringing live birds, ibrepresented by only a<br />

few fragments: a frag. shows the,legs of two men CFQSS-<br />

Ag in the attitude of men springing the trap: the fqs<br />

shows a base line with signs below belonging to another<br />

register (the nam Tti): a frag. shows a man facing to<br />

J right with shoulderpole with case of bird$?) hanging<br />

fmm pole.<br />

(2) FiSh-3eining scene: nn the wall are parts of scene<br />

preserved: on the left the upper part of three men<br />

pulling in the se&@ below on the right, the feet of two<br />

more figures and the upper edge of fish net with floats<br />


J<br />

APPENDIX B e P.62.<br />

(3) line of eight figures of which all but the last on the<br />

right, face to left:<br />

(1) on left,<br />

(2) two figures standing facing to left but nearly<br />

obliterated.<br />

(3) man running but only the back of one leg preserved.<br />

(4) running, carrying two live birds in right and one<br />

in left hand<br />

(5) running, but his burden indeterminable.<br />

(6) running, carrying two fish in left hand but ohjevt<br />

in right hand broken away:<br />

(7) running carrying a large fish(?) across the back of<br />

his neck.<br />

(8) standing facing to right: holds a tablet or sheet<br />

of ppyrus again his breast with his right hand and<br />

grasps with his left his right wrist and thus<br />

appears to belong to the fanily group on the S end<br />

of the wall.<br />

,/ Door-jamb on N: on the wall, is preserved the feet of a large 22<br />

figure of man with his wife behind<br />

-<br />

him: both standing<br />

facing out to right.<br />

Door-;ramb on S:. feet of large figure of man near the middle,<br />

facing out to left, probbly with wife behind him: in<br />

front of him tbe feet of a small figure facing to right.<br />

Facade panel in kbrasure on N side of Doorway:<br />

L<br />

On left the feet of a large figure standing facing in to left,<br />

W 1 with staff: in front of him<br />

on left edge, a vertical inscription ending in a t(<br />

(probbly Akhet-hebep): between him and staff, loEer<br />

mrt of small figure (a son) facing to right: behind<br />

him at least two registers of two small figures each:<br />

(1) standing facing to left, first figure -z<br />

obliterated except for feet and second figure, in<br />

short skirt with left hand on ri@t shoulder and<br />

right hand hanging.<br />

(2) standing with right hand on ri t shoulder and right<br />

hand hanging, labelled ,hm-kJ 9 si: the second has<br />

left hand hngfngx on right shoulder and right hadd<br />

hanging, labelled hm-kf Pr-X;<br />

-=-----e -#<br />

Facade Panel in Embrasure S of Doorway:<br />

J<br />

On the right a large standing figure Bacing in to right with<br />

staff: on edge in front two vertical lines the first of<br />

which ends in<br />

(probbly also Akhet-hetep): . JQt-htp and<br />

behind<br />

the second<br />

him<br />

ends<br />

on the . base . line .<br />

I .<br />

Shafts in B? 7650:<br />

are two standing figures of girls (destroyed above the<br />

waist): the first has her left hand hanging: the second<br />

holds a lotus In her hanging right hand, labelled uwfw<br />

.....,......; above them is a second register pres-d<br />

on a loose block showing two standing male figures also<br />

facing to right.<br />

A nurber of fragmp6&ts could not be definitely assigned to<br />

ny wall: -&wee small f ags. with hieroglyphs,<br />

Jl) ..(cd)-mr whc..... dZ) . mgzo nb.. . :<br />

- -----2.z<br />

J(3) h orGoni. .ti& mft . . . . . .*<br />

-<br />

I -<br />

\I b>C<br />

L_<br />

J4 '"'*<br />

-<br />

2<br />

In the original core were two shafts, A on N and E on s:<br />

In the southward extension of the cased mastabam against the S end<br />

of the original core was a third shaft, C, and this was the<br />

chief shaft in the mas taba .<br />

Shaft G 7650 A: 2.07 x 2.07 m.: -11.67 m. in rock: lined above with<br />

massive m sonry, 2.53 m., . . . cours est<br />

Chamber: type 3 amx on S: 4.65 x 5.3 m., and 3.75 m. high: area,<br />

24.65 sq.m.: capacity, 92.44 cu.m.<br />

Passage: '2.42 x 1.15 m., and 1.226 m. high: no trace of blocking.<br />

The shaft was filled with disturbed debris mixed with sand and in<br />

this debris were a small number of faience amulets and<br />

vessels of the i'tol.period; this debris ran down into the<br />

chamber around the doorway: the chamber and shaft had been<br />

cleared out in modern times and refilled with surface deb

APPENDIX B. p.63.<br />

Shaft G 7650 E: 2.0 x 2.0 m., -0.0 m. in rock: lined with vassive<br />

qasonry, 4.1 m., 6 courses: type 7 x without chamber.<br />

Filled with disturbed debris: had been cleared out like shaft A.<br />

Shaft rr 7650 C: chief shaft: 1.95 X 2.0 m., -11.4 m. in rock: lined<br />

above with mssive masonry, 4.9 m.: , .... courses.<br />

Chamber: type 3 afx, on S: 4.85 x 5.Y m., and 3.9 m. hi&:<br />

area, 25.7 sq.m.; capacity, 100.23 mum.<br />

passage: 1.95 x 1.6 m.: and 2.28 m. high: blocked with rnasonq<br />

of which part remained, and outside with a portcullis<br />

slab of which pieces were found:<br />

Flocking- type I b(L): in bottom of t're shaft in the original<br />

filling was found the frags. of a large bash with trace:<br />

of plaster used in sealing the blocking.<br />

J Red granite panelled coffin of type e(P) stood IT-S along the<br />

W wall near the NW corner: 2.35 x 1.0 m. and 0.9 m. high<br />

Inside, 1.9 x 0.6 m. and 0.62 E. 8eep: lid with flat<br />

top and two heavy end tars 0.18 m. high, each pierced<br />

with two horizontal holes about 4.5cm. in diameter: no<br />

end handles on lid and the holes were apparently used<br />

for ropes to handle the lid: the under edge of the lid<br />

was rebated so that a projecting surfice set down inside<br />

the box: the box was panelled on all four sides with a<br />

continuous series of palace facade doors, 5 on each long<br />

side and 2 on each short side: panelling marked in black<br />

pi int.<br />

Canopic pit in SE corner close to rock walls: 0.6 x 0.65 m.<br />

and 0.7 m. deep, with rebate for lid in upper edge.<br />

Filling of shaft: disburbed debris and blocks fallen from<br />

shaft lining: about half way down was found a. one-handled<br />

jug of DbW(18.5 cm. high)z which was of the Ptol.<br />

Period(29-3-194): no othey objects of the Ptolemaic<br />

Period were found and the shaft had been cleared out<br />

probbly much earlier than the plundering of modern<br />

times:<br />

In the bottom of the shaft, badly smashed were found frags.<br />

of jars containing plaster used in sealing the blocking:<br />

29-3-233.<br />

In the chamber, a small amount<br />

around the doorway but<br />

-<br />

of the debris had run in<br />

the canopic pit and the coffin<br />

were clear of debris: on the floor of the chamber were<br />

found the following:<br />

u' 29-5-252: alabaster: model barnin: h., 2.2 cm.:<br />

diam., 6.8 cm.: round bottom.<br />

4 29-3-253: slabaster: model bowl, round bottoa: h., 1.4<br />

em.: d., 5.9 cm.<br />

'29-3-254: alabaster: frags. of a number of other models<br />

lib , 29-3-253.<br />

J29-3-255: alabaster: two frags. of shallow tray with<br />

nearly vertical sides: h., 1.2 cm.: d.ca. 13.0 cm.<br />

q/29-3-256: pottery, special ware: two handled oil jar of<br />

type B-LIV: upper half only: h. as preserved 24.m.<br />

d.rim, 11.2 cm.: d.neck, 7.6 cm.: d.body, 20.5 cq.<br />

with handles, 28.0 cm.<br />

29&%-257: frags. of pottery vessels of R\V and mfl.<br />

In the coffin were found a few broken human bones.<br />

Later Constructions:<br />

S of the mastab between it and G 7660, a snall mastaba G 7652 is<br />

intruded.<br />

Against the W face of the mastaba, between it and G 7530 is a<br />

small aastaba, G 7524.<br />

The otber structures E of the chapel (between G 7750 and 7760, add<br />

those north of the mastaba (Setween it and G 7510) are of &he<br />

Ptolemaic Perid.<br />

In tke street east of the Amastaba the debris consisted largely<br />

of broken crude bricks from destroyed chapels(?) of the<br />

Ptolemaic Period and through this debris had been made a<br />

number of burial shafts, G 7600 R to 2.

APPENDIX B. p.64.<br />

G 7520+753@+754@: Or-Jginally a massive core of type IV-i was built behind (west)<br />

of G 7650 core and was of the same height and size; original<br />

core, 36.7 x 16.25(16-16.5) m.; area, 596.37 sq.m.: prop.l/2.2<br />

this was obviously designed for tbe mastaba of G 7530$?540<br />

intended for Queen hetep-heres I1 but when that mastaba vias<br />

'finished it was shifted southwards to bring the chapel doorway<br />

opposite the space south of G 7650 so that the finished<br />

-<br />

mastaba G 753@+7540 was en echelon to G 7650: at this time<br />

the massive blocks in the northern prt of the original core<br />

for a length of 17.5 m., were removed leaving only the lower<br />

part of this N end of core G 7520: with these blocks and<br />

other blocks an addition nas built against the south end of<br />

tPe original core and thus a new core was formed called<br />

G 7530f7540: which measured 29.5 x 16.865 m.(16.5 at N 8nd<br />

17.25 at 3): this new core measured about, 47.5 x 16.88 m.:<br />

area, 6S3.0 sq.m.; prop.lJiY2.22: this enlarged core was cased<br />

with fine white linestone to form the mastaba cf 753047540 of<br />

Hetep-heres 11.<br />

r, 7530+754@: Queen Eetep-heres I1 with rock cut tomb of Queen Meresankh 111 under<br />

its N end: west of G 7650 and en echelon with that mstaba.<br />

See Figs.. . See Pis.........<br />

Cwne r:<br />

yflastaba: reconstructed massive core (see above) of type IV-iii: about<br />

47.5 x 16.88 m.: area, 633.0 sq.m.; prop.l/2.22:<br />

wiEh recess for interior chapel: cased with fine white<br />

limestone; 50.37 x 20.125 m. (19.25 at N and 20.0 at S):<br />

area, 1013.69 sq.m.: prop.l/2.5: with interior chapel of t yd<br />

(6b). exterior stone chapel(unfinished), and subsidiary<br />

y niche: north of this niche the rock in the street has been<br />

excavated the rock cut tomb of Queen Keresankh 111.<br />

L<br />

chapelx of G 7530+7540; interior chapel of type (Sb) or (6b) of white<br />

liqestone: 4.75 x 1.5 m. area, 7.12 sq.m.: prop.l/3.11: with<br />

deep compound niche in middle of W wall flanked by palace<br />

facade panelling on each side: with print of circular offerinq<br />

g stone in outer recess of ka-door: ka-C?oor, outer recess,<br />

1.3 x 0.55 m., and inner recess, 0.55 x 0.5 m.: nearly<br />

completely destroyed prticularly the E wall and entrance:<br />

drawn from construction lines: entered by doorway in middle<br />

OfZwall.<br />

Exterior stone chapel: pro& bly unfizbished and badly destroyec<br />

begins at SE corner of cased mastaba and extends north-<br />

wards for a minimum length of 14.75 m. and a width of<br />

3.8 m.; the chapel with a width of 3.8 m. fills the<br />

street but leaves a very narrow space at the back of<br />

G 7660: that is, G 7660 was built after the exterior<br />

chapel had been built as far as it was ever built: the<br />

S wall is standing to the height of one course of large<br />

blocks, including the SE corner and one block in the<br />

E face adjoining the SE corner: the rock under the s<br />

end of the chapel falls away and the slope is compensat-<br />

ed by 8 heavy foundation platfom to bring the floor<br />

of the exterior chapel on a level with the rock in the<br />

street north of the chapel and on a &eve1 with the floor<br />

of the interior chapel: it is probable that this chapel<br />

contained three or more rooms but all trace of the<br />

interior plan has been destroyed because most of the<br />

floor has been tom up.<br />

Subsidkry N niche: at 22.0 m. north of N gamb of doomay to<br />

interior room a: outer recess 1.1 X 0.2 m. and inner<br />

recess 0.3 x 0.2 m., badly weathered and upper part<br />

broken away.<br />

xorth of subsidiary N niche, the street has been excavated -<br />

.for the rock cut tomb of Queen Meresankh III(see below,<br />

G 7530)$

APPENDIX B* P.65-<br />

~x&ax!&$xE%x3z4~<br />

Date of Casing of G 75S047540: on the back of two casing stones in<br />

place in the \F;Iside of the mastaba were found quarry w<br />

inscriptions: on the E was found a displaced block with a<br />

siailar inscription from which the year had been cut away:<br />

hjt sp: Month: Season : Day: Name:<br />

s( 1). .7.. ..... .4.. ........ Prt ....... .20.. .... .wrt hts Etp-hrs.<br />

\/y(2) .. 7.. ...... 4..........Prt........lo.......wrt hts Htp-hrs.<br />

P(3). .......... 3? ....... ..~mw(?). .... 21........wrt hts Htp-hrs.<br />

9<br />

.y<br />

On the subsidiary N niche, on each side of the back of the outer recess<br />

is an incised vertical line with signs facing to right;<br />

(11) ........ .,.....( hjt) sp ... 2(possibly 18) ibd 4(?) Smw day 22(?:<br />

rnpt* .......<br />

(8) ............... (p) rt day 7( or 6) (r)r,pt..<br />

me year 7 of the quarry inscriptions was eibher year 13 or 14 of the<br />

king concerned (See Sethe, Untersuchungenp 111 p.79): the date on<br />

the subsidiary N niche is not completely preserved and might be<br />

read 2, 5, 12, 15 or 22, lkflrbr which would designate the year 3-4,<br />

9-10, 23-24, 29-30, or 48-44: the date on the south panel is xh<br />

wholly illegible: as there is no burial in the mastab, the dates<br />

probably record on the N the beginning of the work on the mastaba<br />

and on s the completion of the mastabaa as the work was proceeding<br />

on the casing and. was half finished in year 13-14 I would XEEBW<br />

reconstruct the dates on the subsidiapy N niche as year 7-10 and<br />

on the S panel 8s year 13-14 or 15-15: this would give four to six<br />

years for the construction of tl-e core and the casing including<br />

the chapel.<br />

The evidence for the king in whose 13-14th<br />

--<br />

yeat? the msing was built,<br />

is purely circumstantial: \<br />

I/<br />

(1) the position of the mastaba,<br />

(2) the construction of the mstaba.<br />

il (3) the family relation of queen Hetep-heres 11, prticularly as<br />

mother-in-law of Chephren: this evidence indicates verp<br />

4<br />

strongly that the nastaba was built in the years 9-10 to f 1<br />

13-14 (or alternately 15-16) of Chephren.<br />

Decoration of the Chapel of G 753047540, room a:<br />

The walls of the interior room of type (3b) or (5b) are nearly<br />

destroyed: the lowest part of the W wall and one slab in the<br />

N wall remain.<br />

7]v I.nJal1: ends of grooves just visible indicate a palace facade<br />

paelling on each side of Lhe deep niche which was conlpletely<br />

destroyed but traced on the pavement with a circular offering<br />

stone in the niche.<br />

R Wall: the remaining stone shows the left hand part of the lowest<br />

register showing a procession of women facing to left:<br />

,/ (1) feet and ankles only remain.<br />

(2) carries a strip of linen in her right hand and in the<br />

left hand a wand with a hand carved on the edd.: wears<br />

tunic QJith only one shoulder st&)p: head missing.<br />

(3) carries a box on her left shoulder: head missing.<br />

(4) a dwarf, carries the high narrow case usual with dwarfs, r<br />

(5) woman, wears tunic with only one strap, and carries a<br />

strip of linen held up on either side of her.<br />

Unplaced fraoents: show men facing to left; possibly also from<br />

N wall:<br />

(1) shcm parts of two registers: above is scribe's case on<br />

ground: dividing line: below figure of man facing to<br />

left with righthand on left shoulder; in front and over<br />

hitn is written, (s)mrw m tfwy(?) and vertically .....<br />

......... t m;f&<br />

(2) shows prt of two upper registers- above is the border - -<br />

which ran along the top of the wall: in the upper<br />

register are three men facing to left, standing:<br />

(a) carries SSi&Mkd long papyrus roll held at his side.<br />

(b) holds up cylinderx jars in a stand.<br />

(c) holds up strip of linen in right hnd and in front<br />

ob hia written vertically, ... hm-kj Pth-n-kjw:<br />

in the second register, two figures:

APPENDIX Bo Po660<br />

(a) man standing facing left with arms hanging at sides,<br />

lab lled imy-rJ pr hm-kJ KJ -. . . . . . : behind him<br />

stands, (b) a smaller figure with left hand on<br />

-<br />

right shoulder, labe lled shd hm-kf Pth.gpss .<br />

-.-- \<br />

fragments, four in number:<br />

Ot”% 1) with part of one hieroglyph: perhaps Imtyt or siqilar.<br />

27-4-1242.<br />

J(2) 28-5-35: part of a large htp-si@.<br />

J(3) 27-5-1, shows part of offering formula witk signs written<br />

vertically, facing to . . . . . : below the upper edge of<br />

three compart ents of a compartment list of offerings:<br />

...... k$r cj prt-r-hrw n-sw (bread, beer, cakes) m wp<br />

rnpt tp rnpt lhwty . . . . . .: the words in the three<br />

compartments below appear to be nswt( ’j?), nt.. . . . ,<br />

and again nswt.. . . . .<br />

j(4) 28-5-36: fitted together of several small frags.: shows<br />

the hind legs of a cow tied together with the front prt<br />

of 8 calf behind: evidently a milking scene.<br />

(5) 28-5-11; fragment with subsidiary rnaSlc figure: head and<br />

J shoulder facing right.<br />

d(6) 28-5-35: small door, element 6f panelling in W wall.<br />

(7) 28-5-102: men carrying &%n=!Rig found in St.S of G 7530<br />

probably from the chapel. cc ~CJC-& u -k PUG.<br />

Shaft G 753047540: the interior of the mastaba was searched for a shaft<br />

long and carefully but no trace of a shaft was found any where<br />

and the conclusion was reached that no shaft had ever been<br />

made: therefore queen Hetep-heres I1 was not buried in the<br />

qastaba prekpred for her.<br />

-<br />

./<br />

- G 7530: tFe rokk cut tonib of queen Meresankh I11 made by Hetep-heres I1 for her<br />

daughter Meresankh 111: under the northern end of mastaba<br />

r, 7530f7540, north of the subsidiary N niche of that mastaba.<br />

Rock cut tomb: t m R C (id), with three rooms and burial shaft:<br />

approached from a open court excavated in the floor of the<br />

street between G 7530$7540 and G 7650: 7.75 x 3.2 m. and ~t<br />

about 2.0 ,. deep: area, 24.8 sq.m.: capacity, 48.6 cu.m.:<br />

this court was approached by a stairway at each end cut in the<br />

rock on the E side of the cutting: the southern stair<br />

consisted of five rises Shd below the floor of the street<br />

SiliIiF four sloping step: the whole measured 2.55 x 0.75 m.<br />

with total rise of ..... m.: the northern stair had been<br />

partly cut away when the secondary tombs to the north were<br />

constructed and only two sloping step remained, 1.3 x o.€! m.<br />

but originally four steps with a length of 2.65 m.<br />

in the southern scarp of this court was a rectabgular cubicle<br />

cut in rock, ... m. wide (E-%’) and .... m. deep (N-S) and<br />

1.53 m. high: this may have been closed with slabs to form<br />

a serd.ab which contained the statuettes of Meresankh 11, fmwd<br />

found in fragments in room a: the serc!ab(?) was later broken<br />

into on the roof by shaft G 7530 Z which continued downwards<br />

tl?rough the floor: the floor of the serdab(?) was ..... m.<br />

above the floor of the court;<br />

The doorway to the chapel: on the western side of the court,<br />

two pilasters were set up of monolithic num.lst. with<br />

an architrave (now rnissine;) across the top: the roof of<br />

the d-oorway and the one stone on the inside were also<br />

inserted but the rest of the chapel was cut In the rokk<br />

and decomted with sized reliefs.<br />

Room a: large N-S hall: 7.0 x 3.33 m.; and 2.6 m. high:<br />

area, 23.251 sq.rn.. capacity, 60.6 cu.m.: prop.1/2.1:<br />

entered by doornay towards S end of E wall: in w wall<br />

entrance to room b, divided by a pillar into #mo door-<br />

ways: in the N wall is the entrance bo room c divided<br />

by two ~ ~ ~ ~ g g x ~ x pillars f P<br />

into three doorways of which the eastern and western<br />

were blocked after the decoration of the chapel: in the<br />

S end of W wall was a shallow ka-door: in the south wall

APPENDIX Bo P.67.<br />

were three statue-niches below the base of the decomtior<br />

(1) with a rebate with rock cut statue of squatting<br />

scribe, on the V?, probably Khemten the elder;<br />

(2) middle niche without rebate, rock cut figure of<br />

squatting scribe J probably Khemten the younger:<br />

b G*<br />

(3) the & niche without rebate, with inserted<br />

group of four small squatting scribes, probably<br />

the sons of Khernten the younger:<br />

~0.1, had been closed with a slab plastered in place<br />

and was probably mde when Khemten the eld.er<br />

superintended the making of the chapel: the others<br />

were made later, probat=:;- after the death of Queen<br />

Hetep-heres 11.<br />

ALL walls and pillars were decorated with sized reliefs.<br />

In the upper part of the E wall at ..... m. from the<br />

entrance was the opening of a horizontal window<br />

which opened in the rock face of the rock cut court.<br />

Room b: N-S offering room: 5.5 x 2.4 ne, and 2.28 rn. hi&:<br />

/ca pa c i t g ,2 9 .89 CUT. area, 13.2 sq.m.:/propp 1/2.29: in the W wall is a ka-<br />

dnnr f1Qnbad nn each side by 2 uLAt,z-niche each<br />

containing two standing female figures probably H&EW~~XZ<br />

Hetep-heres I1 on right and Meresankh I11 on left: in<br />

the S niche the woqan on the right(l) has her right arm<br />

around the waist of the other figure and the other<br />

figure has her left arm around the shoulder of the N<br />

figure with her hand on the left shoulder of that figure:<br />

the other hands are both hanging: in the right hand pair<br />

(N) the two figures hold hands with the other hands<br />

hanging: on each side of the two niches with the ka-door<br />

between thelp the wall is decorated with a shallowplace<br />

facadearpanelling: in the floor in front of the ka-door<br />

is the burial shaftof Meresankh I11 (shaft G 7530 A)<br />

d with a black granite sarcophagus of type f(p): the N and<br />

s walls were decorated as was the back of the pillar in<br />

the entrance from a: the decoration of the E wall north<br />

of the entrance had been prtly outlined in black on<br />

plaster but never finished.<br />

Room c: north of room a: 2.55 x 4.65 m. and 2.05 m. high:<br />

area, 11.76 8p.m.: capacity, 24.1 cu.m.: cut in the rock<br />

in the northern wall are ten standing dlemale figures<br />

sepamted by a narrow space into two groups, three on<br />

the E and seven to the W of them: the three figurns on<br />

the E are slightly larger, while the next four are<br />

nearly the same size and the last three bn the W &aaramat%l<br />

decrease in size to a girl about half the height of the<br />

larger figures: counting from E to W,<br />

(1) with lappet wig, probably Eetep-heres 11.<br />

(2-3) both With full Wig.<br />

(4-7) all the same size, each with full wig: probably<br />

Meresankh 111.<br />

(8) the largest of the three smaller figures: with full<br />

wig, probably the eldest daughter, Shepseset-kauw.<br />

(9) smaller than ~0.8, with her left arm around the I<br />

waist of ~0.8 with left hand showing on left side<br />

of that figure: the arm would have been much too<br />

long: second daughter of Meresankh 111.<br />

Smith, OpaCit, P1. 16 d.<br />

(lo) smallest daughter also with full wig: above on the<br />

lintel over the niche is a horizontal line of<br />

inscription with signs facing to right: the beginning<br />

of the line is obliterated and the end: I restore<br />

the beginning, (mwt-s wrt hts Htp-hrs) sft-s<br />

m;;t Hr-St wrt hts tyst Hr, sm;wt Nbty mry(t-f) ht<br />

Br s; nswt (n ht-f) smrt Hr. .. . ..... .... .<br />

Q ending with the name of Meresankh 111.<br />

The room was entered by a wide entrance from room a<br />

divised by two pillars into three entrances: after<br />

the decoration of room a, the two side entrances<br />

were blocked by masonry and on each side of the<br />

remaining middle doorway a door-post was inserted<br />

which und0ubtedl.j bore the leaves of a two-leaf<br />

wooden door.<br />


-.<br />

\<br />

APPENDIX B e p-58.<br />

Objects found in the Meresankh Rock Cut ToTb in Debris:<br />

In the floor (3ebrls of room a were found 27 fragments of statuettes<br />

and in the upper debris of the shaft was found another rllaking<br />

28 fragqents: these were found to represent five statuettes with<br />

a few frags. left over: these statuettes aay have stood originally<br />

in tkie cubicle (serdab?) in the sguthern rock cut wall of the<br />

outer court ~amx~aa~$s&2al concealed behind slabs set in the<br />

open in g:<br />

1) pair statuette of Hetep-heres I1 and Meresankh 111: hard yellow<br />

limestone: h.ca. 59.0 CD.: composed of about 12 frags.<br />

registered under 27-4- 63 and 964: standing figure, Hetepheres<br />

11, a little tal B er, on the observer's left and<br />

irreresankh I11 on her left: Hetep-heres has her left arm<br />

around the neck of her daughter with her left hand on the<br />

left shoulder of the smaller figure: her right hand hangs<br />

open at her side as do both hands of Meresankh 111: on the<br />

top of the basis is an,inqcription prtly restored but cert-<br />

- ainlq readirfg m!!t Hr-S&sm!wt Nbts Htp-hrA on the left and<br />

sjt-s Qmt nswt rnrm-6 M?-h-c@J see'mnham, Bulletin<br />

-<br />

of<br />

vuseum of Pine A ~ (boston), Y Vol.XXXIV, N0.201, Feb.1936.<br />

\\ See Srlith op.cit.Pl.16 c.<br />

2) Standing statuette of Meresankh 111: hard yellovl linestone:<br />

c -\ three fragments incomplete registered under 27-5-7(head),<br />

.J 27-5-3 (the legs and pilaster) and 27-5-18 (the feet and<br />

front part of the babbs: found in the shaft): the torso with<br />

hands from knees to neck is missing): full wig: hands p<br />

proSably hanging open at sides: on the top of tne Msis is<br />

Inscribed Xr-S-cnhL on the bck of the pilaster is an<br />

inscription, ,( 1) horizontal line marked off by incised lines<br />

(1) rn;;t Pr-3%wrt ht& Mr-h-cnb; three vertiaal lines<br />

separated by i n c 3 - m Pn st-8 Qmdw (3) s] nbwt n<br />

Qt-f, (4) Nb-m-fSt lr n-6;<br />

- -<br />

3) servant statuette, a brewer: white lirnestone: h., 25.5 cm.:<br />

Reg. 27-5-6 (4 frags): head, arm, and prt of basis missing:<br />

%an standing bending forward pressing mush through basket<br />

seive into beer basin:<br />

4) Servant Statuette: woman squatting with basket on her lap:<br />

white limestone: h., 24 cm.: 27-5-4: head and part of base,<br />

?issing: basket and arms, damaged.<br />

5) Servant statuette: butcher; white liaestone: h , 19.5 cm.:<br />

broken and incoaplete; 4 frags.: squatting on ground with<br />

one knee UP and r€ght hand extended holding a knife<br />

(slaughtering?) : 27-5-8:<br />

5) Other frags. as follows;-<br />

27-5-5: w.1st.z frag. showing base and feet of saall standing<br />

figure, probably serwmt statuette: the piece was made<br />

separately and attached to rest by means of two pegs:<br />

feet painted yellow.<br />

27-5-9: frag. of white 1st. with prt of a worked surface:<br />

17 x lg x 9.5 cm.<br />

27-5-14: w.lst.: two frags. of basket (minted yellow) froq<br />

a servant statuette: h., 1.5 cn.: diaa., 11 cm.:<br />

h., 0.5-0.8 cm.<br />

27-5-13: w-1st.; part of an arm broken off a statuette<br />

(servant?): 5.5 x 2.5 x 2.3 cm.: traces of red pint.<br />

?tixed in the same debris were found the following:<br />

27-5-10: alabaster: two large frags. of flat topped circular<br />

table with diam. of over 30 cn.: these were pirt of the<br />

alab. table (stem and middle part of top) inset in a<br />

block of white 1st. and found in the upper debris of<br />

Shaft A: this stnne-table probably stood in front of<br />

one of the ka-doors.<br />

27-5-15: RP: fmg. froln rim of bowl with recurved r1.n; 7 x3.3<br />

and 0.6 CT. thic.<br />

27-5-15: frags. of ox-bones: probably from the chamber of A.

APPENDIX B* P*rjg*<br />

Decoration of RC Chapel of G 7530: Meresankh 111:-<br />

Facade panel: an incised vertical line on each side, close to the<br />

do o rj ambs :<br />

(N) inscription with signs facing fnr in to left: sj-t nswt<br />

Mrs-cnh hft sp 1 ibd 1 Smw hm 21, kf-s htp hp-s r wcb-t<br />

"The Kings daughter Meresankh: year 1, *month 1 of the<br />

Shemuw-season day 21: her ka was at rest (and) she went<br />

to the house of purification".<br />

(3) inscription with signs facing to right, krll-t nswt<br />

y{rs-cnh: ht hft sp 1 ibd 2 prt hrw 18: hp-s 19-3 nfr:<br />

"The king's wife Meresankh: year after the year 1<br />

(i.e., year 2) nonth 2 of the Prt-season, day 18:<br />

she went to her good toqb''.<br />

---e elapsed time between her death, recorded on the N and<br />

her burial recorded on S, was 274 days.%.<br />

1 would place these dates in year 1 a n f Shepseskaf.<br />

Outer doorwayL architrave: incised horizontal inscroption&<br />

m;ft Hr-ST wrt hts nbty . . . . .. . . . . . .. .ht Hr wrt hswt h-rl ntr<br />

Shwty sqrt Hr rllryt-f sj-t nswt n ht-f ha-t nswt Mrsrcnh:<br />

signs face to right.<br />

Outer entrance: drum: inscribed with incised signs facing to right<br />

af)t Hb-St wrt hts hn-t nswt Mrsrcnh.<br />

Dater Entrance: N Door-jaab:<br />

Large figure of irieresankh standing facing out to right:<br />

J lappet wig, long tunic: left hand on breast and. risht<br />

hanging open (actually left hand): bhhind her $tand two<br />

fenlale attentants each in a separate register: the upper<br />

figure bears a box on her head: the lower figure with<br />

fly-whisk in left hand and fan over right shoulder:<br />

In front of queen are two short registers on men bringing in<br />

live animals: in- the upper register, a man labelled<br />

hm-kf Rri, pushain 8 hyena to left: in the lower<br />

register a nan dragging in to right a resisting oryx.<br />

Detail Sqith op.cit ., P1.47a.<br />

At the top of the jamb, a large crouching Anubis facin<br />

to right: over it, hnty sh ntr and before it dp Sut<br />

Qtp: under the Anub-tal line, b51ow which<br />

Tincised horizontally, fbt sps'st hr n2r c! nb ........<br />

Pelow the Anubis scene and ove? the queen arexhree vertical<br />

lines o/f inscription facing out to right, (1) mt;t Hr-St<br />

s;-t>-sA, (2) wrt hs_w_t-h_m-t nkwt Wrs-cnS. c____ I<br />

Outer Entrance: S doorjamb:<br />

Large figure of Feresankh standing facing out to left:<br />

lappet wig, long tunic, collar and necklaceL holds<br />

( flower with rigFt hand to her nose and left hand (actually$<br />

right) hanging open at side: hehind her again two<br />

female attendants one above the other: the upper girl<br />

has a flap-fan in right hand and carries on left shouldel<br />

x a round topped coffer.<br />

In front of Meresankh, Kheaten, facing to ri ht, holds up<br />

sheeta of papyrus long vertical line in ront of Khemten<br />

is continued by three vertical lines ending behind h b<br />

head, (1) rdy ss n hmw (2) r mff in (3) imy-rf hm-lc;<br />

(4) wcb nswt imjhw hr nb-f Hrntn. "presentation of the<br />

accounts of the craftsmen by the overseer of the funerary<br />

priests, the purifying priest of the king, the one<br />

honored before his lord, Khemten".<br />

At the top of jamb is again the crouching Anubis facing out<br />

to left: over it, irnyywt' nb tf-dsr; in front, dy nswt<br />

htp and horizontally under .<br />

It, fht spsst hr ntr c; nb<br />

t; dsr.<br />

Under this and in front of queen (above Khemten inscription)<br />

. are four vertical lines with signs facing to left;<br />

(1) nqft Hr-St wrt hts (2) smrt Irfr aryt-f (3) ht hr hnt<br />

nswt sjt nswt (4) Mr-s-cnh.<br />


W t Y<br />

APPENDIX B* P.70-<br />

Room a, West Wall:<br />

f s e Hofa’, south of the entrance to room b: shallow ka-door<br />

in shallow recess withar architrave above.<br />

Architrave: inscribed with two horizontal lines, incised<br />

signs facing to right, not separated:<br />

(1) dy nswt htp dy Inpw htp hnty sh ntr krs-t rn smyt<br />

imntyt ..............<br />

. .(2) m wp rnpt tp rnpt ........ wfg aonthly and half<br />

monthly and Mr-s-cnh vertically across both lines<br />

Tablet: Meresankh seated at table of bread, facing to right<br />

(conventionalized): the chair or throne has lion rrerlplrerscae<br />

represent on the side, sitting with straight fore-legs<br />

foming the front leg of the chair: Meresankh 111 wears<br />

lappetiwig, long tunic: left hand on breast and right<br />

hand half extended opcn palm down: a.cross the top,<br />

horizontally sft nswt n ht-f mryt-f hrnt nswt Mr-s-cnh<br />

under this the inscriptions in vertical lines on& the<br />

right, facing ri@t smrt Hr mryt-f tyst Hr srt hts ht<br />

Hr hm ntr Dhwty hat nswt htr-s-cnh: under the table is<br />

an ided,graphic list (mht, ss, hnkt, t;) .<br />

cross-bar: inscribed m;; Hr-St ............. sjt nswt mryt-f<br />

hnt nswt Mr-s-cnh.<br />

Drum: and pnels below are not inscribed.<br />

\fi/all s of ka-door: two registers each bearing one standing figure<br />

of which the upper figure is smaller: above, man standing<br />

facing to right, with left hand extended palm up and right<br />

hand hanging (hry wdb attitude): below, larger figure of man<br />

standing facing to ri@t, short wig, short skirt: left hand<br />

stretched out with palm down: in right hand a roll of ppyrus<br />

labelled rh nswt iay-r; pr imy-r; hm-kf ss irnfhw Hntn:<br />

in front of him on ground S. cylindrical roll-case:<br />

On the wall above the architrave: a &’? of offerings, picture<br />

%8x&xlist, bread, cakes and jars): probably the upper figure<br />

on the S is calling this list.<br />

The figure of Meresankh north of the ka-ddor belongs to the<br />

decoration of the S doorway to room b (see below).<br />

\I<br />

RO?~ b, W wall: the doorway to room b: on the pillar dividing the doorway<br />

to b is a standing figure of Yeresankh facing to left and on<br />

S side of the doorway (N of the ka-door) is a similar figure<br />

-of Xeresankh, facing to right;<br />

On s side next to ka-door, Meresankh standing facing to right:<br />

Isppet wig, long tunic, dog collar, necklace; braceaets and<br />

anklets: right hand hanging open: left hand bpen on breast:<br />

behind her three female servants in a vertical row:<br />

(1) carrying long case over her shoulder.<br />

(2! with bQx on her head and staff in her left hand:<br />

(31 with sistruln in her left hand and a small sack in her<br />

right hand: in front of queen a vertical line of signs<br />

facing to right, a;; Rr-St nrt hts hm-ntr nbty-b;-p-f<br />

( 1 Mr-s-cnh.<br />

On the E face of the pillar north of the doorway to b:<br />

?neresankh, standing facing to left; bead erment, lappet wig<br />

J t<br />

right hand open on breast: lefF hand hanging: inscriptia:<br />

in vertical line in front of her, m;;t Hr-St wrt hts/h&p!<br />

Xxx~rm~~xwhk~x hm ntr Ht-hr nb Iwnt, hmt nswt Mr-s-cnh.<br />

Iv &all north of double entrancex to room b:<br />

Wqily group, Queen aetep-hpres 11, dueen Meresankh 111<br />

Prince Nebemakhet and e other children:<br />

(I.) Standing figure of Hetep-heres 11, facing in to left<br />

clad in double peaked tunic, natural hair (colored<br />

yellow with red lines), necklace an3 ankletsL hands<br />

open crossed on breast and covered xAkh by garment;<br />

in front of Hetep-heres is a vertical line, wilhh<br />

signs facing to left: mwt-s rnff Hr-St wrt hts s3m<br />

i;mt shm pr hrnt n nswt Htp-hr-s.<br />

(2) The next large figure, to the right, is fhresankh<br />

111, standing facing to left: clad in long tunic,<br />

overlaid with a panther skin, natural black hair,<br />

short: dog collar, necklace, bracelets: right hand<br />

closed on breast holding a fly-whisk and left hanging<br />

open: above her are five vertical lines with

APPENDIX B* p.71-<br />

with signs facing to left:<br />

(a) sf-t-s nt ht-s sJt nswt nswt mfjt Hr-St Mr-s-cnh<br />

(b) wrt hts wrt hswt.<br />

(c) hrn ntr Dhwty smrt Hr.<br />

(d) sa]Wt Nbty mry(t-f)<br />

(e) hnt nswt mryt9f Mr-s-cnh.<br />

Smith op.cit., P1.44 a.<br />

(3) Ihe third large figure is Prince Nebemakhet, standing<br />

to right of Meresankh and facing to left: full wig<br />

necklace, bracelets, hry-hb sash and short skirt:<br />

right hand half extended open with palm down and<br />

left ha& hanging with handkerchief: over his head<br />

two vertical lines mith signs facing to left,<br />

(1) s;-s sf nswt n ht-f hry hb hry dJdJ.<br />

(a) Mb-rn-!lJt.<br />

(4) Sqall girl sitting on her feet immediately behind<br />

figure of lAetep-heres: clad in long tunic and<br />

hndeau around head: holds up a fan( ?) cr wh-lsk( ?)<br />

in right hand and has her left hand on her right<br />

shoulder: no inscription; probably a servant.<br />

(5) In front of Iferesankh, stands a naked boy with side<br />

lock snd necklace; faces to left but with head 8;<br />

turned back towards Meresankh: holds a lotus to his<br />

mother in his left hand and hihlds in right hand<br />

a live hoopoe by its wings : labelled Hnt-r-kf .<br />

(6-8) Behind Nebeaakhet, stand three naked children in<br />

three registers arranged vertically:<br />

(a) above a boy with finger of right hand on his<br />

mouth: necklace: with left hand hanging.<br />

(b) girl holding hoopoe by wings dn right hand and<br />

left hand hanging open.<br />

(c) boy with finger of right hand in mouth: left<br />

hand hanging open.<br />

w 1flall: architrave over the double entrance to room b, extending<br />

-from above the head of netcp-heres on the N to above the<br />

bead of Iteresankh south of the doorway: two horizontal lines<br />

of incised inscription with signs facing to right:<br />

(11 above, dy nswt Inp htp hnty sh ntr nb krst m smyt imntyt<br />

hp-s m htp hr w]wt nfrt hppt irnfhwt hr-sn i;w nfr n-s<br />

hr ntr c] prt-r-hrw n-s t; hkt psn m hb nb monthly and<br />

half monthly feasts w;h n-s dbht rc nb Mr-s-cnh ~xmkB~ar1<br />

vertically across both lines.<br />

(2) mwt-s sit nswt m;ft Hr-St Htp-hr-s sft-s m:] Hr-St nrt<br />

hts ht Hr smrt Hr mryt-f tist Hr smjwt Nbtym mry wrt<br />

hswt hm ntr Dhwty sft nswt hTt nswt Mr-s-cnh.<br />

xoom a, NKrualJ: two pillars and architrave: the middle doorway<br />

,--- was altered by the insertion of a stone lintel when the two<br />

side doors were blocked and a wooden door set in the middle<br />

do0 rway :<br />

J Eastern Pillar: in relief, stands Ileresankh facing to left:<br />

short hair, long tunic, wide necklace, bracelets and<br />

anklets, dog collar: right hand open on breast: left<br />

hand hanging open at side: above her head, four vertical<br />

lines with pinted signs facing to left:<br />

(1) slt nswt nt ht-f.<br />

(2) m;jt Hr-St.<br />

(3) srnrt Hr.<br />

(4) Kr-s-cnh.<br />

in front of her is 8 naked boy painted on later, standine<br />

facing to left with %ice necklace€ arms hanging at sides<br />

labelled sj nswt n ht-f Rc-dw;$<br />

Western Pillar: in relief standing figure of Meresankh facing<br />

to r&ht: clothing and attitude as on E pillar but<br />

reversed: above her four vertical lines, facing to right<br />

(a) s)t nswt nt ht-f: (b) tist Hr (c) ht Hr. (d)l[r-s-cnh<br />

again a boy in front'of her, Pinted on later: standing<br />

with body facing to right but lith head turned back<br />

towards hls grandmother: with finger of right hand on<br />

his lip: labelled s] nswt n ht-f N-wsr-re (in a cartouche<br />

- cnh .

v<br />

APPENDIX B e p.72.<br />

old. lintel over middle doorway: mff Hr-St Mr-s-cnh. k<br />

- nfr-s cnh.<br />

Later lintel over middle doorway: stt nswt nt ht-f hmt nswt<br />

Lintel over W doorway: smrt Hr mryt-f Mr-s-cnh.<br />

Lintel over E doorway: mff Hr-St Mr-s-cnh.<br />

Archiltrave across whole wall: horizontal line of words written<br />

vertically With signs facing to right but the first sign on<br />

the right, Inpw faces to the left: dy inpw htp nb trfi dsr<br />

krs-t-S nfr hr ntr cfprt-r-hrw n-s n. hb(nb) IFC nb iht nb nfrt<br />

m nswt dy htp wfh n-s wdn stp n stpt ijwt nfr spsst hr Inp<br />

hnty sh ntr.<br />

blocked border in red.<br />

~oon a, South Wall: the Wall iS divided into two scenes, an offer-<br />

Trig scene above and a picture list of funerary furniture below<br />

Offering scene above: lfieresankh seated facing to left: on a<br />

block ~Baws throne decorated with ppyrus plant: clad in long<br />

tunic and .....- wig: holds in left hand coiled stem of lotus<br />

and in right hand another lotus held to her nose: rest<br />

obliterated: squatting on ground in front of her, a small<br />

girl witk: hands crossed on breast; in front of chied figure<br />

is a picture list of offerings in five horizontal lines<br />

separated by horizontal lines in relief: rows of offering,-<br />

(1) cooked geese on tables, lotus, mat, etc.:<br />

(2) vegetables and fruits on tables:<br />

(3) rectangular table with vegetables, etc.<br />

(4) nearly obliterated.<br />

(5) offerings on a rectangular<br />

-<br />

table;<br />

Intruded in the W end of the lowest line is a dog facing to<br />

left Cl03e to the squatting girl and he belongs to the<br />

chief scene not to the picture list.<br />

On the left of the picture list are three registers of figures<br />

facing to right. 9<br />

n (a) three men on r?@t, standing facing to right, all<br />

with arms crossed on breast and hands on shoulders:<br />

’ then follow ten squatting men (4-13): Nos.4-6 have<br />

right hand on left shoulder and left hand grasping<br />

the right fore-arm: Nos.7-8 have the same position<br />

with the hand reversed (right hand grasping left<br />

arm): Nos.9-13 have the left hand closed on breast<br />

and the right extended palm down.<br />

(b) nine men bearing offerings to right: PJos.1-2 bring<br />

a table of food:LNos.3 with cooked goose on skewer:<br />

No.4 in bne hand a bas1 on a stand and rest not<br />

clear: labelled hm k; &-&w: No.5 holds up two<br />

beer-jars: No.6-7, obliterated: No.8 varries live<br />

goose: No.9 holds three ducks in each hand by their<br />

necks: No.10 holds hyena in his arms.<br />

(c) twelve men: Nos.1-2, standing facing to right,<br />

holding out hide with tail or similar: No.3 with<br />

haunch of beef: Nos.4-8, cutting up a bull:<br />

W0.6, sharpening a knife : Nos.7-8, cutting up a<br />

henc%f second bull: No.9 sharpening a knife:<br />

Nos.10-11, two men dragging in an oryx: No.12 carry-.<br />

ing a young gazelle in his arms.<br />

d-&J<br />

Furniture scene, below:<br />

On the right a figure of the ss -M&t RhJy minting a stqtue<br />

v of Meresankh: the man and the stEEii7 stand on a base<br />

line a little higher than the main scene.<br />

TO the left of this, on a platforn stand E? bed-canopy with<br />

two servants making up the bed.<br />

TO the left of the canopy, the wall is divided into two<br />

subregisters:<br />

(a) servant facing to left laying a fly-whis$k on an<br />

arm-chair (with lion under arm): then a carrying<br />

chair resting on ground and a servant is laying<br />

a pole on the chair and a fan is leaning agiinst<br />

. the back of the chair: then a woman carrying in<br />

her right hand a flap-fan and in her left a sack:<br />

then a s carries a long box (curtain-box?) :Lthen<br />

two women carrying a chest on their shoul6er:under<br />

the chest is a monkey on a leash; finally two<br />

women ,one behind bhe other,each carrying a tmy on<br />

her head.<br />

~ ~~

APPENDIX B* P.73.<br />

(b) begins with pieces of furniture and continues with<br />

about 12 figures bearing other pieces: (1) long<br />

rectangular box (table?) on which stand a round<br />

topped box, a square box (on which stands a headrest),<br />

a large rectangular chest on short legs ,<br />

a tal1 colthes bag (vvith calf's head); a long box<br />

on which stands a high table (on table, a flywhisk)<br />

: then two women carrying between thea a<br />

shrine: three women carrying unidentified objects :<br />

woman bearing a $ray on her head: E'o.6-7 also carry<br />

something between thea: No.7, a female dwarf bearin<br />

something on her head: bhe rest is -mew: (perhap five women). I+$<br />

This lower scene appears to continue the lower scene<br />

on the S end of E wall.<br />

Eelow these $wo scenes are the three statue-niches<br />

(mentioned above) with figures of squatting scribes,<br />

Khernten Khemten-sher, and the four sons of Khemten-<br />

sher.<br />

Room a: p WalWllb 3ti of enance doow:<br />

e<br />

rive registers: two vvith boating scenes and three with scenes<br />

J of craftsmen at worR.<br />

1) Topmost register: two boats proceeding to left:<br />

(a)First boat: mxxqplm a ship with prow missing having<br />

been on a stone now torn out of place: of the usual<br />

flat bottomed wooden type as in Heg.2: rowed by at<br />

least four oarsmen( 5?): in the middle sits<br />

Meresankh in carrying chair with a woman standing<br />

behind: two steersmen each with long steering oar.<br />

(b) second boat, ppyrus raft pddled by three paddlers:<br />

just in front of first padaler, stands the lookout<br />

or plot with body facing the stern but with face<br />

turned to look forward, holding in right hand a<br />

stick stretched to boat in front: in the middle sits<br />

Meresankh on a throne smelling a lotus flower: in<br />

front and facigg her a little maid with f.ly-whisk:<br />

behind the,yueen a woman holds a sunshade over tke<br />

queen: one steersman with long steering oar.<br />

2) Second register: two ordinary wooden boats with long<br />

shelter: the first rowed by 11 men and the second<br />

by 8 men; proceeding to left.<br />

(a) First boat: on prow man witk long pole (pilot):<br />

secnnd man squatting on top of long shelter: the<br />

back part of the cabin is shrouded in cloth: in<br />

front of the sheeted part of the cabin, stands a<br />

female figure with lappet wig, perhaps Meresankh:<br />

11 obrsmen: three steersmen with long steering oars:<br />

the prow of the boat bears a animal head turned<br />

ba ckwards .<br />

(b) Second boat: like the first: with 8 oarsnen: animal<br />

head on prow: two steersmen at stern: in front 6f<br />

the sheeted part of cabin, wo3an facing forward<br />

and resting one hand on frame of cabin.<br />

3) Third regist craftsmen at work:<br />

(a> on &end , a standing statue facing to right:<br />

infront of it stands facing it a painter holding<br />

shell plette and painting with brush the statue:<br />

over him faintly visible as kdwt Rhjy.<br />

(b) a seated statue of woman facing to right: in front<br />

of it the sculptor (gnwty(?) In-kj-f) working on<br />

statue with rubbing stone held in right hand.<br />

(c) three men dragging a shrine with ropes to the right:<br />

the first man faces to left and the other two to<br />

the right: the shrine contains a standing female<br />

statue and rests on a sledge: the shrine is shown<br />

as if seen from the front with open doors: statue<br />

faces to left: to the left of the shrine, drawn<br />

partly over the door-leaf is the standing figure<br />

of a man facing to right hol'ding a doubl bell-<br />

censer: behind another standing man steaiier, the<br />

shrine with his hands.

APPENDIX Be P.74.<br />

(d) three men dragging a seated statue not in a shrine<br />

to right: another man in front of statue facing to<br />

left holds out double bell-censer.<br />

4) Fourth register: various craftsmen at work (stone workers?:<br />

(a) tvjo men polishing a granite sarcophagus: the second<br />

man stands on a platform or low box.<br />

(b) a break enough to take a man at work.<br />

(c) man bending over a rectangular object (perhaps a<br />

wooden coffin).<br />

(a) mn squatting facing a ka-door.<br />

(e) man striding to right and the rest of the vtall is<br />

too obliterated to be interpreta ted.<br />

5) Fifth register: metal workers and men covering furniture .<br />

with gold( ?) :<br />

(a) wooden shelter supported on three (or three pirs)<br />

of posts: on left man squatting beating out sheet<br />

of gold: then four men in two pairs facing each<br />

other, smelting gold( ?) with blow pipes.<br />

The register then divided into two subregisters;<br />

(b) in upper register, two men facing across a low stand<br />

(c) in upper register; a round topped chest with a nan<br />

+<br />

squatting facing to left.<br />

(d two men facing squatting.<br />

e) in lower register: carrying chair on ground: on left<br />

man squatting facing chair: on right 8 man bending<br />

over chair, and facing to right.<br />

(f) lo-her register: nan squatting facing to right, with<br />

an indeterminable object in front of him.<br />

ROO^ a: E wall, north of entrance: a composite scene with four<br />

registers on the south and consists of (a)ta large figure<br />

taking the whole height of the four registers, (b) a swamp<br />

scene taking the height of the upper two registers, and<br />

(c) the four registers on the south of which the thPrd and<br />

fourth run under the swamp scene:a)<br />

Standing figure of Ka-wa'ab, facing to left, with staff<br />

in right hand and handkerchief in left hand: drawn with<br />

short hair but adorned later by painting a full wig:<br />

broad necklace and string of beads and amulets; short<br />

skirt, bracelets and hry-hb sash; above six vertical<br />

lines of inscription with signs facing to left:<br />

(1) (i)tf-s iry pcty (2) sj nswt fl smsw n kt-f:<br />

(3) hry-hb hry dfd; (4) shm i:wt ntrt (5) 'fDwfw(Letopo1iE<br />

(6) Kpcb. 7<br />

b)t swamp scene: Hetep-heres with Meresankh behind her,<br />

standing on a pzpyrus raft pulling ~~pyrus-flowers:<br />

Hetep-heres plucks with both hands: Meresankh plucks<br />

with the right hand while her left is around the waist<br />

of Hetep-heres: standing in front of Hetep-heres is a<br />

snall naked boy with his right arm around her leg and<br />

holding a lotus-flower in his left hand (faces to right)<br />

at. the stern of the raft another boy holds a punting<br />

pole and had his leg twisted around the pole: netep-<br />

heres wears a lappet wig, long tunic, broad necklace and<br />

anklets : Meresankh has short hair with papyrus bandeau<br />

and is clad in beaded tunic, dog-collar, broad necklace,<br />

bracelets and anklets: on the right is a papyrus swayp<br />

nearly obliterated by rain water entering fron window<br />

at top of wall: inscription partly horizontal and partly<br />

vertical: mwt-s sjt nswt bity Hwf'w, and horizontally ,<br />

wrt hts Htp-hr-s sft-s mryt-s and continued vertically,<br />

nJ;t Hr-St wrt hts *?r-s-cnh: the inscription continues<br />

to th9,left in five horizontal lines:<br />

(4) 999-9-3 wfd n Ht-Hr rn phw hrz mwt-s mJJ-sn €&t nb<br />

nfrt nt-t rn Nht-iw(?).<br />

"She plucks the papyrus of Hathor in the swarnp<br />

"together with her mother and they behold all the<br />

"good things which are in the Delta".

APPENDIX B* P* 75.<br />

c> Five registers of various kinds:<br />

(1) top register; procession,of 13 estates proceeding<br />

to left:(a) female. hbtAHwfw: (2) male, M$n-FJ"fw<br />

(3) fernale, wfw-nfr-Qtpt: (4) male, Qft-k;- wfw:<br />

-7<br />

-<br />

--a<br />

(5) fenale, 8-(5) male, 'kdb--gw_jV<br />

+, i,<br />

~<br />

(7) female, @j-f~t-pvfw (8) male, . o~~wfvv~c<br />

(9) femle, cirt-Zjxfw: 10) male, $W?w-iWifi-hr-ist-Rn -_- --<br />

(11) fenale, s ty-Hwftr: (12) male, iw-Hwf'w:<br />

(13) Inale, Pr-9 %=-Q7<br />

Detail op.cit, pl.49 a.<br />

(2) bird trapping scene with two subregisters on the<br />

right: chief scene, the sprineng of the bird trap<br />

by five men pulling the rope: another man gives<br />

the signal with a white cloth and a third man<br />

gathers the birds from the trap: the net is spread<br />

over a pond and the man gathering birds is wading<br />

in the pond outsdde the net: on the. left, a man<br />

walks to right, holding a bunch of ducks in each<br />

hand: behind this man on the right; are two subregisters<br />

:<br />

(a) upper register; an facing to Zjght, tieing<br />

bunches of papyrus labelled SSB wfdt mhy:<br />

two rnen facing weaving a mat-<br />

TYD Q e<br />

u<br />

'I labe lled w&J kni.<br />

(b) man putting birds in a crate: two men facing<br />

and plucking birds.<br />

(3) third register: begins on left under swamp scene:<br />

(a) man leads a crane to left holding its beak:<br />

(b) crane walking alone:<br />

=I<br />

(c) three geese walking .<br />

CT<br />

also to left.<br />

00<br />

(d) herdsman leads<br />

.................<br />

(e) rIlan l,eads in a stalled ox to left, labelled, 2 b<br />

.w* . .<br />

l.ry-?& L;1J'r&.k -?&*-+ 4<br />

(f) leads calf, labelled .............. &<br />

(h) ........<br />

bull, label led.^^^.^^.. .. e<br />

( g) rnan leads a calf, labe llecl :LI*T .k$?. {dj .% dh- Y<br />

(4) Fourth regis terbegins under swamp scene and the<br />

cranes: from left to right:<br />

(a) four papyrus rafts proceeding ,to lefJ,<br />

;$<br />

(<br />

prt m s; hnc Rhbt in rnhtyw~.C~~~~.rF.<br />

first raft bears a hepp of bird-crates and a<br />

crew of four including an overseer of which.<br />

the third man is poling the raft and the 4th<br />

man threatens with a 'ppyrus bundle the first<br />

rnan of the second raft: the second raft is<br />

eTpty and bears a crew of three of which the<br />

first 1s paddling and the third man on the<br />

stern in punting: the thrid,raft had no cargo<br />

but bears *8 crew of three: the fourth raft<br />

has a crew of four: the-crews of the third<br />

ram and fourth rafts are ensged in a struggle<br />

for precedence: the second m n of the fourth<br />

rsft grasps the stern of the 3rd raft bhile<br />

the first m n is engaged in a fight with the<br />

mhole crew of the Srd raft: the last w n of<br />

the third raft grasps the ankle of the first<br />

man of the 4th raft who is being attacked<br />

with piddlesx by the first and second man of<br />

the 3rd raft: the third rnan of the 4th raft<br />

squats holding hi3 own paddle and that of the<br />

second. man: the fourth man of the fourth raft<br />

is poling that raft.<br />

(b) a man stamding facing to right labelled hkj n<br />

niwt, leaning on staff overseeing ramp tmmpling<br />

in deed driven by four men with whips:<br />

to the right<br />

.<br />

is a man sowing seed followed<br />

n with a sack of se d carried on his<br />

2c;:Ek: sht ......... &J&.pi+&.<br />

Roo? a, on top of all four walls: a decorated border showing a<br />

convent iona liz ed flow e r C lo tus?_L_.-<br />

.$ u

APPENDIX B* P.76.<br />

7<br />

of wall a shallow ka-door in a shallow recess:<br />

tablet obliterated, woman seated 3t table: crossbar<br />

inscribed with titles and name, nearly obliterated<br />

s;t nswt nt ht-f? mJJt Hr-St Mr-s-cnh, rest blank;<br />

across the top of the wall (architrave) runs a horizontal<br />

inscriptions with large incised signs facing to 3<br />

rightp nswt dy htp dy Inw htp nb tf dsr hnty sh ntr<br />

krs-t nfr m smyt imntyt ihp-s m hryt-ntr m nb im;h hr<br />

ntr c; nb krst prt-r-hrw n(?)-s rn i(mJht) . .<br />

.......................................o.....~~~hmt nswt:<br />

(2) m ............ prt-r-hrw im n-s m wp rnpt tp rnpt<br />

DhWtyt wfg skr hb nb wr rkh prt-Mnw monthly and half<br />

ROOVI b West Wall:<br />

aonthly feasts, n sJt nswt nt ht-f mJJt Hr-St Mr-s-cnh.<br />

On each side of ka'-door is a statue-niche containing two<br />

fe-ra le figures standing (see above)<br />

On each side of' this central arrangement of ka-door and<br />

statue-niches, the wall at N and S end is covered with<br />

a shallow mlace facade panelling.<br />

ROOT b North Wall: offering scene:-<br />

-a larger figure of Meresankh seated facing to<br />

right: lappet wig and long tunic: left hand extended<br />

closed holding x(coi1ed stem of lotus?) and right hand<br />

/ holding lotus to her nose(?): in front of her a<br />

vertical inscriptions with signs facing to right, wrt<br />

hts sjt nswt Mr-s-cnhs<br />

In front of her e are two other registers (S-4):-<br />

1) Upper register: (a) man standing out a bird in both<br />

hands: (b) standing holding mir of birds in each<br />

hand: (c)d) two harpists; (e-f) two flute players:<br />

(g) male singer, squatting like the mdsicians:<br />

(h) standing man carrytEg a calf in his ams:<br />

(i) man bearing -<br />

f&M<br />

2) Second register: (a) man kneeling on left knee holdin(<br />

out two small nw-pots, one in each hand: (b)standing<br />

holding cooked goose in right and conical cake<br />

in left; (c) four dancing girls (kicking back wtth<br />

left foot), with left hand on hip, and right hand<br />

uplifted) (d) three girls singing standing with<br />

right hand outstretched palm up and left hand on<br />

hip): (e) three women standing clapping their hands,<br />

3) Third register, under whole-scene:- the left side of<br />

the register is obliterated and illegible: under<br />

the first figure of register 2, stands the first<br />

visible figure in register 3: (a) standing with<br />

two upraised beer(?)-jars: (b) standing with bird<br />

in right hand and supports baskets of cakes on his<br />

head with left hand: (c) standfng, with duck in<br />

right hand and on left shoulder a tray with a<br />

conical cake(?): (d) standing also with tray with<br />

cake on his left shoulder and holds x with his<br />

x3@d<br />

right hand against his breasta (e) basket of cakes<br />

with pictures of various cakes, on space above the<br />

basket: (f) a man bending over another basket also<br />

with pictures of cakes on wall above it: (g) a<br />

woman facing to right and a man facing to left pick<br />

up a basket of cakes: (h) to the right of this is<br />

a picture list of offerings in three horizontal<br />

lines, (1) cakes, (2) cakes and basins, and (3) JK~RI<br />

wine jars.<br />

4) nearly obliterated on the left: (a) man standing .<br />

facing to right (overseerx?): (b) two horizontal<br />

rows of wine-jars: a man facing to,left is filling<br />

last jar of low-er row: (c) n<br />

ja-ic W it h?kd5-hmhts-,ip3'~in(<br />

: (#c)standing man (overseer?) facing to right:<br />

(e) in front of him, five saall scenes: (1) upper<br />

part of register, man squatting on ground foming<br />

bricks(?) and above this bricks(?) set to drg(?):<br />

(e) be low No. (1) : girl grinding grain( ?) ,<br />

labelled ir( 1) n-k Qsb: (3) larger figure kneeling<br />

on one knee with left hand-oxtstretched to fire,<br />

head turned back to left and right hand stretched<br />

-"- - --. L<br />


9<br />

J<br />

APPENDIX B* P.77-<br />

out bouching back of figure in scene No.2, labelled,<br />

wn hiw nntj: to the ri&t of him As an oven(?): and<br />

beyond that another oven(?) and scene (5): (4) above the<br />

ovens in scene (3) is a man or woman squatting on ground:<br />

sifting grain or flour: facing to right: and a woman on<br />

knees grinding grain, labelled m rdyt ss: (5) continues<br />

scene (3) to right; man or woman squatting on ground<br />

before an oven, facing to left.<br />

South Wall;<br />

above an offering scene and below a judgement scene:<br />

Upper Secne: on right Meresankh seated facing to left: at<br />

table of bread: wears 8appeb-wig and long tunic: left<br />

hand half extended to table , her right hand is also<br />

extended but is obliterated as far as the elbow: above<br />

the table and in front of her fhce are four vertical<br />

lines with signs facing to left: (1) mJft Hr-St.........<br />

(2) Tyst Hr hm ntr Ht-Hr (3) smrt Hr m y (4) Ht Hr......<br />

on the left of the table is a lare compartaent list of<br />

offerings.<br />

TO the left of the compartqent list are two registers of<br />

fi res facing to right:-<br />

(lyupper register, (a) man kneeling on right knee,<br />

right arn bent at elbow with palm up and left hand<br />

extended with palm up towards list of offerings,<br />

labelled sfh-t in wt; in front of him a hieroglyphic<br />

list of offerings (beer, baead, cakes, and geese):<br />

(b) man kneeling on right knee both arms half<br />

extended, each holding a nw-pot.<br />

(2) three men facing to right bearing offerings:<br />

(a) holding out a goose in both hands: labelled<br />

hm-kf hry hb Iry: (b) man holding a goose in his<br />

arms: (c). carrying a haunch of beef in his xtat~lp arma:<br />

Lower Scene: judgement scene:<br />

On the right is a larger figure squatting @acing to left<br />

in front of him a scribe's case: the other figures<br />

face to right: -the squatting man is probably Khemten<br />

the elder: to the left of the case, are five<br />

scribes squatting all in the attitude of writing:<br />

(c) a standing figure with a stick in his left hand<br />

while with his right he holds the head of a bowing<br />

man (d) four men squatting on the Z2imiA ground<br />

(delinquents) : (e) man standing has his left hand<br />

on the head of the last squatting man: (f) a standing<br />

man .A<br />

Above the scene runs a horizontal line of inscription<br />

with signs facing to right: badly obligerated:<br />

at the right end can be seen the name IIrntn: near<br />

the middle signs become again legible, det. crossed<br />

sticks hk!w followed by another long block:<br />

/wv<br />

finally, .. pr-3 dt m bfh iay rf pr ink hkjw djdft<br />

m slw. A<br />

ROOT b, East Was. consisting of an unfinished scene north of<br />

-doorway t6 room a and a small scene on the back of the pillar<br />

I/ which stands in the entrance from a to b:<br />

On the wall north of the doorway: wall plastered flat on the<br />

plaster an outline drawing in yellow (faded red) of three<br />

registers of a harvest scene:<br />

1) upper register: two men carrying bag(?) of grain on a<br />

pole: followed by two others carrying a similar<br />

3urd.en: all fa ce to righ to<br />

2) Second register: on the ri&t a stack of grain(?)<br />

and to the left, three figures winnowing.<br />

3) stack(?) of' grain: to the left a man scooping up grain<br />

in a container not identified: to the left are two<br />

other figures(?) very sketchily drawn.<br />

Rack of pillar in entrance: obviously inscribed after the<br />

death of Kherllten the elder: on the left stands Meresankh<br />

facing to right wearing a lappet wig, collar and long<br />

tunic: right hand hanging open at side and her left kand<br />

holding a blue lotus to her nose: before her facing her<br />

stands Khernten-sher: wears short wig, necklace and short<br />

skirt and holds out a mpyrus with both hands: above the

APPENDIX B e p.78.<br />

head of Meresankh are five short vertical lines of<br />

inscription (incised),(l) m,'Jt Hr-St wrt hts, (2) sft<br />

nswt nt ht-f (3) smrt Hr (4) hqt nswt mryt-f (5) Mr-s-cnh<br />

over Kheinten is one horizontal and three vertical lines:<br />

(1) mff ss (2) iqy-rf pr img-rf hm-kf (3) nb injh hr nb-<br />

f (4) ss Bmtn-sr.<br />

Room C: see the descreption of the chapel above for the ten<br />

statues and the architrave inscription cut in the M wall:<br />

tke other walls nere not carefully dressed or decorated:<br />

a fault in the rock near the NW corner which appear also in<br />

the SE corner had been smeared with plaster:<br />

On the south wall near the SE corner were some figures,<br />

perhaps an account, written in black pint on plaster.<br />

Shaft r, 7,530 A: the burial place of Veresankh 111: excavated in the<br />

pock floor of roo3 b of the chapel, in front of the ka-door:<br />

no other burial shaft was found in the mastaba G 753047540.<br />

Shaft, 2.04 x 1.94 m., -5.1 m. in rock: no lining above:<br />

but mouth of shaft probably covered vith stone pvement<br />

after filling: found open and partly excavated.<br />

Chamber, type 4 a(l), on W: 4,66 x 3.12 m. and 1.98 m. hi@:<br />

area, 15.4 .sq..n.; capacity, 28.79 c2.q.:<br />

passage, 2.08 x 1.56 m. ; ~arpoxxBky+ and 1.98 m. hi@-: blocked<br />

with rnasonry bound with plaster, blocking type 11 b(l),<br />

but nearly destroyed: the thieves had daamed back the<br />

filling temporarily with rubble.<br />

co rf in: sb& grxite sarcophagus of type f(p): stood N-$<br />

alon e tli wall of the chamber near the N end :<br />

2.16 x 0.87 m. and 0.795 m. high (0.975 m. including<br />

lid) cavity, 1.835 x 0.55 m. and 0.58 a. deep: the box<br />

is decorated with simplified palace facade panelling<br />

with six simplified l o H ~ a a ~ x ~ ~ ~ "doors" z l a ~ ~ x<br />

and seven simplified pnels on each long side and with<br />

three doors Snd four pnels at the ends: each comer Is<br />

bounded on each side by a pnel: around the top of the<br />

box on all four sides is a horizontal rounded molding, .<br />

5 cm. wide and projecting 1 cm. but this does not EBW<br />

continue down the sides at the corners. A narrow(5.5 cm.:<br />

pro$ecting (1 CTI) base band runs around on all four x<br />

sides under the pnelling. The lid is flat on top and<br />

has a lightly marked hollow cornice amxs~22xffia~~ around<br />

the top on all four-sides: the underside of the lid is<br />

rebated so that the projecting part set in the cavity<br />

of the box; there was lid-ledge in rock wall on 13 but<br />

a bank of rubble had been constructed between the box<br />

and the wall to support the lid before closing the BB<br />

coffin: the lid had two rough projecting handles on E<br />

each end.

E. side, vertical line at N. end, di n (i) n s3t.(i) hmt nswt W-s<br />

cnh:vertical line at S.end, identical with N.end. W. side, horizon<br />

tal line with signs facing right, m33t Hr Sth wrt hts wrt hswt<br />

etc, identical with the horizontal line on Eoside. M.s&dd, at top<br />

horizontal line with signs facing right, tist Hr, smr Hr, hm-ntr<br />

t3sh, s3t nswt Htp-hr-s., S.sBdd, at top, hm ntr 2hwty, (imy)ht<br />

Hr, hmt nswt mrt.f s3t nswt Htp-hr-s. .

<strong>Appendix</strong> B. p.79.<br />

Canepic Pit, partly sunk in rock an? pirtly built of rubble:<br />

south of the SE corner of the coffin: 0.7 x 0.68 m. and<br />

0.48 TI. deep; this probably contained the four limestone<br />

canopic jars found in the chamber: one jar &as in the<br />

canopic pit, two others were Just outside (one on the<br />

N and one of the W) and the fourth was in the NE corner<br />

of the chamber.<br />

Burial: dismembered by plundere3: most of the bones were<br />

found scattered on the fl.oor of the coffin but a few were<br />

on the floor outside; cilmost complete: examined by<br />

Dr.Berry and stated by him to be a woam of about 55-J-a<br />

years (52-58 years old): deposited with the other royal<br />

remains in the Cairo Xtuseua together with the coffin.<br />

Objects found in shaft and chamber of G 75aO A:<br />

TFe shaft was found not conpletely filled: the debris sloped down<br />

from about 50 cm. below the E side of the shaft to nearly<br />

two meters on the west: apparently after plundering the<br />

thieves had raked into the shaft the debris they had excavatd<br />

bith part of the floor Cebris of the chanber: I judge that<br />

this was done at the end of the O.K. before the cemetery had<br />

sanded up but certainly not In tke 2tolerltaic Period: in the<br />

dis UP ed debris near. the top mas found:-<br />

2'&CLb&.: a block of white limestone in the top of bhich<br />

had been inserted the stem of a circular alabaster table<br />

with the top rested on the top of the block: both block<br />

an6 table badly broken:<br />

inscribe6 on top of table, .................<br />

see p.68: 27-5-10d.<br />

omJ' 27-5-18: yellow limestone: fragment of a statuette of( part<br />

of the base and feet) part of the statuette No.27-5-3,<br />

with name Meresankh incised on top of base.<br />

f5?x53€it<br />

27-5-19: black gran.ite: frag. of indeterminable object<br />

* 15.8 X 12.5 x 5.0 CT.<br />

J 27-5-20: copper: three frags. of small saucer: d.ca.5 ca.:<br />

h.ca.l.8 cm.<br />

Found in the chamber: which was paractically free of debris:<br />

I/<br />

\ 27-6-1:<br />

w.lst.: canopic jar vcith domed lid: h., 24.8 cm.:<br />

d.rim, 10-12.7 CT.: d.body, 15 cm.: d.hase, 9.5-10 cm.:<br />

depth, 21.5 cm.<br />

27-5-2: w.l-st.: canopic jar with domed lid: h., 24 cm.: d.rim<br />

13 cm.: d.'cody, 16 c-n.: d.base, 10.2 cm.: depth 20.5 cm.<br />

27-6-3: w.lst.: csnopic jar with domed lid: marke of tube<br />

borer in bottom: h., 23.2 cn.: d.ria, 14 cm.: d.body,<br />

20.3 cm.: d.bse, la cs1.i depth 20.1 cm.;<br />

27-6-4: w.1st.: canopic jar with dibmed lid: h., 24.0 cm.:<br />

d..rim, 12.6 cm. d.body, 15.6 cm. : depth, 22 cm. : d.<br />

d.base, 9.6 cm.:<br />

These four jars would have required a maximum cavity of<br />

36.5 x 35.5 cm.: and 0.27 CT. deep: the canopic pit<br />

.neasured 0.7 x 0.88~cm. and 0.48 m. deep. the greater<br />

size of the pit indicates that the jars were contained<br />

in a wooden canopic chest set in the pit which was<br />

motably covered a, stone slab.<br />

J27-6-5: copper: model saucer, oxidmzed: d., 4.s cm.: h., 1.0<br />

cm.; with round bottom.<br />

d27-6-6: copper: adze blade frags.: the surface has a thick<br />

green mtina but the breaks have only red oxide ptim:<br />

long blade with back end in disc-forn: l., 16 cm.:<br />

w., of cutting edge, 5.3 cm.: min. w., 1.5 CT.: w.of<br />

round butt, 2.1 ca.: th., 0.5 ca. with patina.<br />

Y<br />

27-6-7: copper of saucers and implenents: not fitting togethy<br />

represeking probably two or three saucers and two or<br />

three iaplellents.

APPENDIX 13. P.80.<br />

27-6-8: mud: lumps of jar sealings: no trace of impressions:<br />

27-5-9: coarse RW: frags. traditional offering jar of type<br />

A-IV.<br />

27-6-10: RW, red wash: ovoid jar with roll rim, neck: type<br />

A-vI a, h., 16.7 cm.: d.rim, 5.4 crn.: d.neck, 4.6 cm.<br />

cf.body, 11.9 cm.<br />

2XwEkw<br />

27-6-11: coarse RW: traditional offering jar of type A-IV:<br />

prt of rim and side: d.body, ca.20 cm.<br />

&7-6-12: HP inside and outside; flat? bottoaed gasin withBj7<br />

flaking concave sides and rim on edge: type D-XXXIX :'*<br />

h., 10.7 cm.: d.rim, 33.5 cm.: d.base, 11.5 cn.:<br />

broken and incomplete.<br />

27-6-13: flint nodule: elliptical shape, with green copper<br />

stain on one side (used for sharpening copper blade):<br />

11.1 x 8.1 x 5.2 cm.<br />

27-6-14: HP inside and out: frag. of bowl , shape not deter-<br />

ainable: 4.C x 3.5 x 4 cm.: obviously from a large basin<br />

27-6-15: RW: frag. probably from large bowl: 8.5 x 7.5 x0.9cm<br />

27-5-16: RW: three small frags.of bowls and a frag. of born:<br />

prokably from a jar of type A-IV.<br />

27-6-17: RP. frag. from bowl with contracted mojth wit?- rim<br />

pinted black: 4.2 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm.<br />

d<br />

'7 of<br />

,/ 27-6-18: greep(?) faience, faded: 45 cylindrical b ads: 2<br />

l., 1.4 cm.: also bits of cppper and tiny sckjrps<br />

gold foil.<br />

Street E of G 7530-$7540:<br />

Between the exterior chapel of G 7540 and the rock cut tomb of<br />

Keresankh I11 (G 7530), was an unfinished cutting in the<br />

rock, 3.75 x 1.25 m., and .... m. deep; wfth sides rnrnla;&lraz~Ef2.q<br />

contracting slightly downwards: from the S end descended two<br />

steps (three rises) and at the N end the rock had been cut<br />

down but not to the bottom of the cutting: this cutting<br />

represented clearly the beginning of a rock cut tomb similar<br />

to the cutting for the exterior court of G 7530, but was near<br />

the middle of the street not on the E side: I assu-e that the<br />

worben began cutting the rock cut tomb of Yeresankh 111<br />

here and were shifted to where we now have the finished tomb<br />

of Meresankh 111.<br />

The street north of the rock cut court of G 75SO has been altered<br />

by the cutting and constructfon of later tombs (see below<br />

after G 7520).<br />

AgaInst the N end of G 7530$7510, a stairway ascend from above<br />

the street level to the top of the core of G 7520: this<br />

stairway probably orig nally ascended from the street level<br />

but fell into disuse when the later mastabas were built.<br />

G 7520: the N end of the original core similar in size and construction to the<br />

core of G 7650 and standing west of it: this end was left<br />

when the core G 7530.)7540 was shifted-to the south: the<br />

casing of the finished mastaba G 75~0440 was built in a<br />

trench across the old cor$.<br />

See Figs ..........<br />

See Pls.. . . . . . . .

APPENDIX B e p.81.<br />

rqastaba: core of massive masonry of type IV-I left on N: when L<br />

r, 7530440 was cased: 17.5 x 16.2 m.: area, 283.5 sq.m.:<br />

prop.l/l.08: not cased but later a num. 1st. wall was built<br />

on the W side of the street in line with the front of &sing<br />

of G 7530$7540, and enclosing a narrow space along the E<br />

'face of G 7520, core, containing two shafts and apparently<br />

part of G 7524.<br />

' mapelr G 7520: no trace of a chapel was found but probab p t _e rock<br />

chapel of G 75154 served all the shafts of the Owwthis<br />

area.<br />

Sh,aft G 7520 A: north of middle of core; 2.C x 1.8 m.:-10.7 m. in rok:<br />

lined above with massive masonry, 3.2 m.,<br />

-:<br />

Chamber: type 3 cm, on S: 4.7 x 4.85 m. and S.0 a. high;<br />

I area, 22.32 sq.m.0 capacity, 80.35 mu.m.<br />

passage: with wider outer half, 2.2 m. long: N half, 1.7 m.<br />

and inner half, 1.0 ,. wide: height, 1.2 m.-<br />

Blocking: completely removed.<br />

Coffin: roughly built stone coffin: inside, 2.25 x 0.6 m.<br />

and 0.7 m. deep: covered with single flat slab: inside<br />

was found the bones of a disturbed skeleton.<br />

$?e objects found in the debris in the chamber were mostly<br />

of the Ptolemaic Period, but three limestone jar lids<br />

may have been from canopic jars belonging to the origina:<br />

buria 1.<br />

Filling of shaft and chamber: the shaft had been cleared out in<br />

modern times and was found filled with disturbed dirty debris<br />

containing objects and frags. of the Ptolemaic Period:<br />

27-2-275 to 285: faience: frags. of shawbabtis, vessels and<br />

amulets : in shaft.<br />

27-2-286: frag. of purple glass from a bottle(?): modern :<br />

found in shaft.<br />

27-2-287: red pottery: crudel4y modelled head of animal:<br />

h., 2.6 ca.: W., 2.8 cm.<br />

27-2-290 to 294: frags. shaw#abCi, fa ience vessels, flint<br />

flake and RW saucer: lower in shaft.<br />

Found In the chamber:<br />

27-2-341: limestone: three disc lids; diam.15 cm.: thick,<br />

1.6 cm.: probably from canopic jars.<br />

27-2-3421 343: lillestone: two rudely carved mortars or<br />

similar: Ptolemaic Period.<br />

27-2-344 to 349; faience; frags. of shawabtis, amulets and<br />

vessels of Ptolenaic Period. \<br />

27-2-350: RIV potsherd fmv large vessel.<br />

G 7520 and G 7530+40: Later Constmkctions:<br />

V&en nneresankh I11 was buried in G 7530 A, the group of tolnbs<br />

consisted of the white cased mastaba G 7530+40 with its<br />

unfinished exterior stone chapel, the rock cut tomb of<br />

veresankh I11 (G 7530), and the uncased core of G 7580,<br />

probably with the burial chamber of its shaft A already<br />

finished and prhaps already used: the rock cut court of<br />

r, 7530 was entered by two Slights of step, one leading down<br />

from the south and other from the north: the southern stair<br />

was approached from the south probaly by a path south of<br />

rr 7650: the northern stair was approached from the north<br />

and the street in this direction must have been open to tke<br />

avenue south of G 7510: further froT the street north of<br />

the court of S 7530, R flight of steps was constructed<br />

leading up to the top of S 7520, perhaps for the burial<br />

in G 7520 A.<br />

Before the excavation of the rock cut tomb, G 7530, the nulnrnulitic<br />

aastnbas, G 7550 and G 7660, had been built belonging to two<br />

brothers of Meresankh 111, "princefr Dawanehor and "prince"<br />

Fa-ea-sekhea: the N end of G 7550 was enclosed by a rubble<br />

wall and at the east end the space between this enclosing<br />

wall and the exterior chapel of G 7540 was filled with<br />

livestone debris to bring the level up to that of the floor<br />

of the chapel of G 7540: from this platform a ramp (with<br />

rubble retaining wall on W and filled vLith limestone debris)

may<br />

APPmDIX €3. p-88-<br />

was made ueinst the back of rt 7660 and descended to the<br />

lower level of the street east of ff 7550: the space between<br />

the E face of the exterior chapel of G 7540 and the back<br />

of 0 7560, is very narrow and it seems doubtfbl whether the<br />

ramp was used for access to the rock cut tomb, G 7530: it<br />

have been used for passage fro3 the chapel of G 7550 to<br />

the chapels in the street G 7400 and G 7300.<br />

In m.v, the rock of the street north of the rock cut court of<br />

veressnkh 1x1 was considerably altcred and a rock cut tomb<br />

nunlbered G 7524 vias excavated; about the sane time the rock<br />

surface east of the core G 7520 was enclosed with a wall of<br />

u-vasonry, 0 7524 A-B: a little later and E-R wall was built<br />

on top of the rock scarp cut for G 7524 and coapleted by<br />

another wall on the north to fora (3 7524 C-E: in the R end<br />

of' the rock cut court was then constructed the sqall mstaba,<br />

c3 7525.<br />

In the Ptolenlatc Period a nuaber of crude brick chapsls were built<br />

on the top of Q 7520 and over the debris filling the streets:<br />

the debrdis was :%netrated by a large number of intrusive SRX<br />

shafts of this period: these had all been plundered and the<br />

plunc?ering had conttnued down to recent times; as a result<br />

the surface deSris on top of the mstabas and in the streets<br />

was strewn with fmgnents of faience, shawwabtis, aTulets,<br />

and vessels a3 0. well as pottery.<br />

w<br />

we-&<br />

Intrusive Ptole??$c,shgfts:-<br />

\ E3 7540 &, R, 8s south of =stabs. G 7540 from W to E.---- -__<br />

- f G 7530-lJ,-V, E', &($<br />

i -. - -_ --/ -8)<br />

- -<br />

aldn-q the E fkch of' G 7530f40 south of th<br />

rock cut court of Veresankh XII. - -<br />

~f 7530 2: was-anL- shaft which cut &to the roof of the rock<br />

cut aerdab(?) in the south wall. of the rpck out oourt of<br />

G 75$l-,?!& x t.€.r-ckyjv+="b<br />

Q 7520: L, ?8, A, In Btreet east of CP 7580 and south of the rock<br />

cut toib CT 7584: (3 7530 F? in the rock cut court of that tonb.<br />

d<br />

0 7450: soutb of the line of twin mstabas which contained G 7410420 and C 7430.)<br />

40: west of the south end of G 7540 and in front of Iz 7350.<br />

On the top of the mstaba vkas1fragment of a block of'white<br />

limestone, h., 16.5 cq., w., 15 cv. thickness ca,, 5 CT.:<br />

27-5-17: date incised vertically with tmces of red color<br />

hit sm] t;wg ibd 3 smw: and to the left, above, the Letter<br />

w: this date is not necessargly connected with Q 7450.<br />

See Figs ......... pL>/,? j: c . c-. F IT,' 8% 2, Plrn?Z 4, Q. F.<br />

........<br />

See Pls..<br />

J J<br />

J<br />

Tastaba: vassive core of type IV-lii: 50.8 x 18.0 m.; area, 914.4 sq.m<br />

prop.l,@.8?witb chapel recess toi.ards S end of E face with<br />

offering roo3 of tym (3a) but without casing. '<br />

mapel: interior chapel of type (&) with single niche at S end of W<br />

wall: .destroyed to stone pvemmt_-and rpcons tructed frov<br />

A PLNDIX Bo Po830<br />

p&i& - : the W sdde of the chamber was filled with limes e<br />

debris and in this was a burial pit built of nu d&bs: cavity, 1.85 x 0.75 m. and 0.55 m. deep: covering<br />

protably of one or more slabs not found, empty.<br />

Shaft and part of chamber filled wl s turbed debris which<br />

contained no objects (either 0. 4L-p.- or Ptolemaic).<br />

Shaft G 7450 B: 2.0 x 2.1 m.: ends at rock surface: lined with mssive<br />

Tasonry, 5.1 m., v type 7 X, without chamber<br />

or any trace of burla;.<br />

w ter cons t ruc t ions :<br />

Built in the street E of the N half of G 7450 is 8 late 8 Kfl<br />

mastab numbered G 74-51, built on the floor debris about<br />

lev31 with the floor of the chapel of G 7450: the space h$rec.<br />

between it ahd G 7540 was malled off to form an open air<br />

co rr ido r .<br />

South of the mastaba, is a wide area filled with small rnastabas<br />

of D;ynsTJ-VI.<br />

North of the mastab, is the remains of a rubble enclosing wall,<br />

about 0.6 m. nide: and about 2.1 m. froln the core: about<br />

opposite the middle of the N face of the core this enclosing<br />

wall turns at a right angle and ends against the core:<br />

from there eastwards it runs parallel to the siqilar enclosing<br />

wall of G 7430440 but is denuded away after a distance of 4.ln<br />

In tpe Saite Ptolemaic Period was constructed a large c.b. chapel<br />

over the debris filling the street east of G 7450<br />

north of chapel with two shafts 7450 X and Y of which X was<br />

a large conmunal burial place with about 30 burials and a<br />

large number of stone and faience anulets and faience xbnrnrre<br />

shawabth<br />

Other Ptolemaic structures of c.b. less well preserved were shown<br />

by frags of walls; (1) on the mstab between shafts A and<br />

E: (2) over tbe street between G 7450 and G 7440.<br />

Intrusive Ptolewic shafts were found: G 7480 2 penetrating the<br />

s end of the mastaka, G 7451: and CJ 7440 X and Y, north of<br />

that mastah.<br />

G 7350: in alignnlent south of the line of twin mastabas, G 72110620 and 7330+40:<br />

\<br />

See Figs.. ............<br />

-<br />

See Pls...............<br />

1 yame: No name; Hetep-heres I1 (?)<br />

Mastaba: core of llassive msonry of type IV-iii: 51.75 x 17.25 m.:<br />

area, 892.68 sq.a.: prop.l/3.0: with interior chapel of<br />

white limestone in recess in core: cased with fine white<br />

masonry of sloping slabs (y-masonry): bonded with chapel;<br />

cased mastaba, 55.0 x 22.5 m.: area, 1238 sq.m.: prop.1/2.4:<br />

built on rock surfsce descending to south so that the height<br />

is great at S end: average height, .... m.<br />

Masons and Quarry Marks:<br />

on the backs of the white casing stones were found a number of<br />

quarry marks 11 on N and 3 on W:<br />

The inscribed frag. 27-5-1<br />

probably<br />

m d prohbly caqe als<br />

read?, rnpt smft ttwy,tlbd 3 smw with a x beside it: if this<br />

a&t?&&iofi is correct then G 7350 was built in the first<br />

year or a king not named (perhaps, Shepseskaf or Weser'kaf).<br />

Another block in the N wall bore the sign wfd with a bird to the<br />

left, perhaps Wfdt-Nhbt and with illegible signs below,<br />

perhaps bity . . *.(or nswt bity) .<br />

The other narks were unintelligible.

1, +Id-&<br />

x sad-<br />

r,cf<br />

I cud-<br />

APPENDIX B= pa840<br />

*a&<br />

mapetl: interior chapel of WT ite limestone of type (3a) and BubsidiaryL<br />

*niche (aonolithic) in casing: around the subsidiardW niche:<br />

is an exterior c.b. chapel three POOQS:<br />

Room a; interior chapel ofy.1st. with plain compound nichex<br />

in S end of '& vtall: 4.L5 x 1.25 m.: area, 3.16Jsq.w.<br />

prop.l&egs: pla$n conpound niche at S end of IT wall:&<br />

outer recess, 0.95 x 0.3 m.: iriner recess, 0.3 x 0.25 m.<br />

entered by doorway in h' end of E wall opening in s&kgsralr<br />

eabmsure in casing, 3.55 x 0:s rn.; floor paved with<br />

stone on which the wails were built: this floor is,<br />

.9;3.6. m. above the rock outside the doorway: behind Be<br />

nicbe is a smll serdab: chapel walls nearly destroyed<br />

but apparently decorated. "<br />

J 0- 9<br />

Serdab: behind niche in T,' wall of chaps1 roo3 a: 1.9 x wm.: area,<br />

1.71 e\Pq.rn.: built on psvemnt of chapel: faun6 open and empty.<br />

Subsidiary a niche: a monolith set back In the casing wall:<br />

outer recess, 1.15 x 0.5 m.: inner recess, 0.4 x r.4 cm.<br />

stone floor of niche at (?*.8F a. above rock.<br />

Exterior c.b. cbapel around W niche:<br />

c,xterior cob. cYrpe1 of type (IC) resevbling the old chapel of<br />

type (la) fn plan: consists,of fouj rooms lettered a-d:<br />

rneasures on thy outside, 12.1 x 5.05 3.: area, 35.9dsq.7j.<br />

a) offerjng Poom, 4.6 x 2.'35 a.; area, 10.8l\/sq.a.; prop.1/2.95:,/<br />

in tbe niche are the remins of two bowltstands: in front of<br />

th3s is a rectangular low c.b. platfom on vvkicb rests a<br />

slab of alabastevr (with rounded corners), neasuring in $he<br />

nliddle 1."47 x 1.35 a$ and4-.2Pm. thick: the top is slightly<br />

higher than the flihor of the niche; on the south between the<br />

the Spa11 of the roo? is constructed a solid stone<br />

7 x 145 m. and4-9.0. high with top level with top of<br />

alabaster slab; on the N of the slab and between it and the<br />

wall of the rooa, stands an offering table consisting of<br />

a porizonJa1 slab resting at each end on anQ,upright slab,<br />

3.95 x 0.4 m. and 9*.?4 m. high (rising higher than(* slab)<br />

-roo% a is entered froa the E by a doorway in the N end of<br />

the E wall: a doorway in the E end of the ~5 wall leads to<br />

room b snd another in E end of N wall leads to room c-d.<br />

b) 8-11 E-Bc roo? (migazine?) south of a: 1.15 x 2.3 m.: area,<br />

2.64,sq.m.: entered By doorway froq a in E end of the N wall.<br />

c-d) sm@jtx~xt#Lxxm~m$ north of rooln a a large room Ineasurlng,<br />

3.8 x 2.4 m.: area, 9.12dsq.a.; with the wside fo<br />

the casing of the rnaditaba : entered by doorway fro&':; end<br />

09 E wall: the large roo? had a thin cob. wal3,which ran W<br />

From just south of' the entranc8,doomay for 1.4 m. to a x.Bx<br />

corner nhere it turned south 0.5 ?1. to a finished end; wall,<br />

0.35 m. wide (& brick): on the plan the spsce south of this<br />

wall is lettered c and the rest of the room d: it is uncer-<br />

tain whether the space c was a room of' which the W wall south<br />

of a doorway to d had been destroyed OF not: in the E end<br />

of the 3 wall of c-d w53 a doorway to room a.<br />

Total area of rooms a-d, 22-57 Sq.rn.\/<br />

TotalLoa interior and exterior chapels, d8.73 3q.rn.J<br />

Decoration of Interior chapel of type (3a):<br />

no decoration has found in place but a number of fragments were<br />

recovered from the debris in the mom:-<br />

27-4-951; four fitting fragments from a well relief: whlte<br />

limestone: ca.0.78 q. long and 0.42 m. high with a<br />

thiCkn8SS of 11-17 ma; showsthe heads of' two wowm stand.<br />

ing facing to right; on the rimt the figure is taller,<br />

and wears 8 lappet wig and tunic with dog collar and<br />

brbad necklace: right hand hznging and left open on her<br />

bmaet: the smller figure behind her shows only head<br />

and left -2 shoulder; bare head, tunic, dog collar and<br />

broad necklace; over her head is written horizontally<br />

(signs face to right), hmt nswt Mr(-s-cnh): this piece<br />

room but might b 1s. ve come : the do or- jambs :<br />

1<br />

Y<br />


A<br />

APPENDIX B. P-85.<br />

-<br />

I consider the smaller queen to be Xeresankh 111 and<br />

larger her mother hetep-heres 11: it is on this PBLB.<br />

reconstruction that I assign G 7<br />

buiEt in the reign of Shepseskaf<br />

in the Cairo MuSeua.<br />

YXW<br />

27-4-1086: w.lst.: 4 frags.: relief: architrave, right end:<br />

4 words written vertically, Inpw dy htp lvlty sh ntr krs<br />

n hryt ntr imntyt nb imJh ................ ......<br />

apparently fmm architrave over ka-door.<br />

J27-4-952: w.1st.z small frag. 11 x 12 cm.: in relief,bdt of<br />

shoulder of figure facing to left; Vdzkk-p t -<br />

1 - tm eZg-??*C~P<br />

1(1f&<br />

& . :&,45p.yI?<br />

/ 2 7 - 4 - w w . l s t . ' : z : shows foot of chair in<br />

relief: found a little south of the mashbba in street<br />

7300<br />

Decoration of Subsidiary N niche;<br />

The back pnels of the outer recess were decorated on each side<br />

J by a standing male figure facing In: destroyed to waist:<br />

on s, nan standing faclng to right with staff held vertically<br />

in far hand and handkerchief in near hand (right): with<br />

skirt pleated on side: on N, man standing facing to left<br />

apparently unfinishec! above: staff in far hand&,left hand<br />

weathered but prohbly with hankerchief: plain short skirt.<br />

Shafts In r, 7350: three shaft in nedial axh of mastaba lettered<br />

A, B, C, fron N to S: A was the chief burial place but was<br />

west of the subsidiary AT niche: B, in the middle, vias<br />

probably unused while C on the south had two burial chaabers:<br />

I assign the s h s A to Hetep-heres 11.<br />

Shaft q 7350~<br />

A: 2-03 X 2.15 m., -11.45 m. in rock: lined above with<br />

massive masonry, 3.73 cm., . . . courses.<br />

chamber: type 3 am, on S: 5.2 x 6.5 TI., and 4.95 m.hi&:<br />

area, 9/.8 sq.m.; capac'ty, 187.31 CU.~.: the rock cut<br />

wal s &ed cons tructionSMdrizonta1 and vertical<br />

bu f$w ere not distinctly preserved: one horizontal line<br />

at a height of 0.9 m. above the floor bore the mark mh 2<br />

(''3 ells") which indicates that the floor was not cut<br />

to the depth designed by about 12-15 cm.: on the E wall<br />

was a curious double line which bent upwards on south<br />

(soaething like the sickle-sign) .<br />

PassageL 2.26 x 2.06 m. and 2.62 m. high: step down, 1.6 m.<br />

from floor of passage to floor of chamber: blocking of<br />

masonry set in plaster, type I1 b(1) but possibly with<br />

portcullis slab: blocking partly broken away.<br />

dcoffin: plain($sl red gmnite box with flat lid: type d,<br />

uninscrihd: found overturned from its original place on<br />

W side of chamber in the middle of the floor: with bmkm<br />

broken mummy spilled on the floor: box measures,<br />

2.32 x 0.97 m. and 0.87 m. high: cavity, 1.8g x 0.54 m.<br />

and 0.5 m. deep: flat lid with rebated under-edge and<br />

two handles at each end: the lid is 0.14 m. thick.<br />

Canopic pit: in SE corner, 0.78 x 0.R m., and 0.45 m. deep:<br />

with rebate in upper edge on N and W: probably contained<br />

a wooden chest of which frags. were found in the debris.<br />

Objects Found in Shaft: the shaft was filled with disturbed debris p<br />

lnixed with large blocks thrown down frorn the casing of the<br />

shaft :<br />

28-3-61: copper: four frags: perhaps from model tools: found<br />

hpper part of,shaft, perhaps intrusive.<br />

Found in the doonway and partly in shft, in debris:<br />

J 28-3-87a: WfSR with discolxored wash: 4 jars of type A-11 b:<br />

broken and incoaplete: h., ca.4S cm.: diam., body, 25.4<br />

-L J 28-3-87b: RW: smaller jar also of type A-I1 b: h., 34 cm,:<br />

diaa. body, 22.6 cm.: with potmark incised on shoulder,<br />

(two crosses one above the other of which the top upper<br />

cross has a horizontal line4 across the top) .

APPENDIX B* ~-86.<br />

Found in floor debris of chamber;-<br />

28-7-1 to 9: alabaster: 8% model basins of type SX?. ..<br />

I<br />

rang: g from diaa. 5.0 x 4.2 cq. high to diav. 7.0 x 5.5<br />

cm.+*<br />

j2p-8-1 to 11: alab.: 11 model basins: measuring (l)h., 5.7 cm.<br />

and diam., 7.1 cm.: (2) h., 6.1 x diaa., 5.8 ca.:<br />

(3) h., 4.1 IS dlam., 6.7 ca.: (4) h., 6.0 x diam. 6.8 cm.<br />

(5) h., 4.1 x diam. 7.1 cm.: (6) h., 5.7 x diam. 6.0 cm.<br />

(7) h., 5.3 x diam., 7.1 cm.: (8) h., 6.5 x dha. 6.5 cm.<br />

(9) h., 5.6 x diam. 5.9 cm.: (10) h., 4.9 x diaa. 6.3 ca,<br />

(ll)h., 13.2 x dialn., 6.3 CT.<br />

y/ 2P-8-13 to 18, 20: alab.: 7 model basins of forms and sizes<br />

like 28-8-1 to 11.<br />

4 28-8-36: alab.: model ba ve: h., 5.6 cm.: d.top, 5.6<br />

cm.: d.?xse, 3.2 cm ’ tci<br />

Total alab. model basins +% examples.<br />

J<br />

-.<br />

28-8-12: alab.: model jar of type S V e(specia1): harrel jar<br />

with raised belt marked with network of incised lines:<br />

h., 8.2 cm.- d.ria, 3.0 cm.; d.belt, max., 5.2 ca.:<br />

d.kase, 2.6 cm.<br />

2P-8-19: zlab.: model cylindrical jar of type S I d: base<br />

only: diam., base, 3.8 cm.: witb splay foot: h., 2.6 cm.<br />

,/ 28-8-21: alab.; flat-topped circular table; 13 frags. from<br />

the top: stem not found: d.top, 35.5 cm.: thickness, 1.4<br />

w28-8-22: black granite; small fragment: 4.6 x 5.4 ca.<br />

n 28-8-23: 1st.: Lnintelligib8e lump.<br />

1<br />

28-8-24: ox-bones : broken bones.<br />

q 2P-8-25: RPrVt: base of a necklace shoulder jar(?); type B-LV:)<br />

d.base, 9.2 cm.; f., 4.2fcm.<br />

0<br />

28-S-26: Er?”J: frbg. from the neck of a jar oq from a ringstant<br />

-: diam. top rim, 5.2 ca.: h., 4.8$ cm.<br />

E 28-8-27, 28: mny broken potsherds of various types.<br />

4 28-8-29, 30: human bones (incomplete skeleton).<br />

r 28-8-31: linen: frags of decayed mumay-wrappings.<br />

, 28-8-32, 33: potsherd-s.<br />

/ 28-8-34: limestone: nearly spherical hanmer-like object with<br />

groove around the middle, perhap a rubbing stone:<br />

31.0 x 25.0 x 20.4 cm.<br />

v- 28-8-38: bone of lower jam with teeth complete.<br />

,A 28-8-381: mud: two fmgs. of jar stopper not impressed.<br />

Ip 28-8-38; wood: frags. prbbbly from canopic chest.<br />

F 28-8-39: linen: roll of bandae fron the mumay(?): d., 2.3 cm<br />

length, 5.5 cm.<br />

- fi 28-8-402 to 42: frags. decayed wood.<br />

2R-9-43:<br />

-<br />

m<<br />

G 28-8-44, 45: linen: frags. munmy aappings.<br />

2P-8-46: bones of legs in wrappings.<br />

wood: large block of wood; 29.5 x 21.0 x 23.0 cm.

APPENDIX Bo p-87-<br />

pjp" 5s"<br />

Found under the granite coffin;-<br />

29-10-1 to 4: alab.; 4 model basinspa3 above under 28-8-1 to<br />

11. (1) h., 4.0 cm. and diax., 6.5 cn.: (2) h., 5.5 cm.<br />

diaa., 6.7 cm.:,(3) h., 3.8 cm. x diaa., 5.9 ~111.<br />

(4) h., 5.0 crn. x dim., 6.4 cm.<br />

28-8-5: white limestone: slab. 60 x 2Ocm. and 10120 cm. thiclq<br />

inscribed on top with part of a compartment list nearly<br />

illegible : probably brought in hieves for some purpose.<br />

!f<br />

Shaft r: 7550 B: 2.0 x 2.0 m., ending at rock-aurfhce: lined above with<br />

qasslve msonry, 5.37 m., ..... courses: type 7 X without<br />

cksaber, or burial.<br />

Shaft filled with mixed bistmrbed debris and sand: in the<br />

1 per part was dirty debris awdx%smdxxf which contained<br />

a "f eW Ptolemaic objects:-<br />

28-3-37 to 4.0: faience. frags. of cup, amulets and ring:<br />

PtolW .<br />

28-3-41: cppper: part of node1 tool heavily oxfdised.<br />

,%aft r, 7350 C: 1.95 x 2.0 me, -13.65 m. in rock: lined above with<br />

Tassive msonry, 4.3 B ~ m., X ..

APPENDIX B. Po880<br />

0 T050: south of the smell pyramid ff I-c and south of the wide rubble wall built<br />

south of that pyramid: with G 7060 and G 7070 west of it:<br />

identified as the tomb of,!- Nefertkauw "eldest daughter<br />

of Sne f eruw " : mother of<br />

prince Nefemna tat and grandmother Prince'' Snefee-khaf,<br />

'whose tombs stand to the west.<br />

M&S&E&$srXX<br />

See Pigs .........<br />

see PIS.. . . . .<br />

Mastaba: filled mastab of type V with a wall of white limestone<br />

backed by nu.nmulitic blocks: measurments of mastaba,<br />

26.3 x 13.25 a,, area, 348.47d'sq.m.: prop.l/2.<br />

-1ax. height as preserved 3.e m. -i_<br />

mapel: interior chapel of type (ab) bonded with white retaining wall:<br />

with exterior chapel of khite limestone: L<br />

a) type (ab) with pilace facade panelling on R wall,<br />

4.65 x 1.57 m. area, 7.3,sq.a.: $fsLnx prop.1/2.96: J<br />

With wide shallow door in lrfddle of wall: entered by<br />

doorway in M end of E wall, opening in enbrasure in<br />

shite wa?l: ptved with slabs of white liaestone.<br />

b) exterior room of white limestone built against the IB<br />

eabrasure panels of the doomay to a: outside measure-<br />

ments, 4.15 x 5.95 VI.: area, i24.69~sq.m.: the room<br />


APPENDIX Re p*89*<br />

(1) at 1.3 m. froa doorway, (2) at 0.95 from (l), (3)<br />

is 0.95 from (Z), and (4T is 1.05 from (3) and 0.55<br />

(one ell) from the S wall: the fourth vertical line is<br />

continued across the ceiling: on the S wall, at 0.45<br />

sbove the horizontal line is a second horizontal line<br />

(at the height of the ceiling): this wall is marked<br />

also with three vertical lines,<br />

(1) at 1.1 rn. froq E wall, '2) 0 0<br />

1.975 from (a) and 1.2 rn. from VV wall: other lines are<br />

ob 1.1 t esa ted.<br />

Passage.€, 1.45 x 1.55 a. and 1.5 m. high: upper edge on shaft<br />

side triqmed with sloping edge to enlarze the openicg<br />

for introduction of coffin: chamber probably reused in<br />

Saite-Ptoleqaic Period: no trsce of blocking, coffin,<br />

or burial.<br />

Canopic recess: in '8 end of S wall: 0.8 x 0.7 x. and 0.7 m.<br />

high: rewte for covering slab on E edge: size indicates<br />

wooden canopic chest.<br />

Coffin: no trace found but probably had a coffin like those<br />

in G 7060 and G 7070.<br />

Shaft filled with dirty debris (nixed with dirty sand and<br />

dust): this debris filled the chanber nearly completely:<br />

and was dumped in after the Ptolemaic reriod.<br />

In the filling of the shaft were found a few frags. of o&$L<br />

dtatues and a number of faience objects of the Ptolema c<br />

Period :<br />

25-2-42 to 46: faience shawabtis and frags, some 1111+1 * 1<br />

inscribed .<br />

26-2-47: alab.; frag. frov lap of O.K. 3* statue: 16.4 r8.6<br />

26-2-48: alab.. neck of small jug with one hmdle: h.<br />

"h., 2.2 crn.: diam., 2.4 cn.: Ytoleaaic.<br />

26-2-49: 1st.: lid of canopic jar with jackall-head<br />

(Duwamutef): crudely cut and bmkN: h., 7.84 cm.<br />

dia*n., 9.2 cm.:<br />

26-2-50; haematite(?): smal) eight ircula with flat<br />

bcase, and domed top: h., -9 1.6 cm.. .nax., 2.4 CT.:<br />

-<br />

mJ@t, 17 grm (4 2 L_ kdt?).<br />

26-2-77: faience: frag. of shawabti.<br />

The eight numnulitic mastabas of type VI: second addition to Cern. c* 7000.<br />

The second addition to the Cen. G 7'000 consisted of eight<br />

nuvulitlc nlastabas of type VI a#. Four of these are attached to the massive<br />

-astabas C 7650 and G 7530+40, standing en echelon with those mastabas and with<br />

-<br />

each other,. They are nuabered G 7550,G7660,G7750 aEd%760 and are the tombs<br />

Ka- QaQr<br />

of relations of Eetep-heres I1 and -. Nearly contemporary with this group<br />

A<br />

of four are two mastabas nortb of tl 7510 Szr? pr- t 0-<br />

-rLa<br />

nmbered G 7810 on Vi and G 782.0 on E:. ?robably later than these six<br />

b J<br />

nlastabas are the two mastabs G 7060 and G 7070 , which lie west of G 7050 the<br />

toqb of queen Fefertkauw and constructed for her son and grandson.<br />

tb- LA&<br />

J<br />

G 7550a = Lepsius 58 ''Prince" Duwanehor, sona of ?Ww+e&<br />

and Hetep-heres 11: in<br />

----/-, line 5 south of G 7530440 (Hetep-heres I1 and l!eresankh 111).<br />

See Figs .......... -<br />

See Pls...........<br />


F-<br />

2<br />

5;<br />

J<br />

APPEIPDIX B. p.90.<br />

Yastaba: filled mastaba of ty,a VI a, with retaining wall of sloping<br />

blocks of nurnnulltlc limstone, dressed to a srnooth sloping<br />

surface: 3'7.0 x 18.0 m.: area, 666.0.sq.m.: prop.l/2.0; '<br />

-Lon rock surface which slopes down to south: the N end<br />

of tbe mnstab, fully preserved, has a height of &.X0. m.:<br />

&he southern end was about 3*.%< m. higher being on lower<br />

ground but tl.e top had been denuded: enclosed on R and 8; by<br />

a lower rubble wall, about 0.7 rn. thick and parallel to ]sa<br />

bottom of dressed surface of mstaba at a distance 1.85 TI.:<br />

the retaining wall is dressed only to the street level which<br />

is packed with 1st. debris: the enclosing wall on the N side<br />

abutted on the back of mastaba G 7660 and 8 rubble ranp<br />

descended hexalong the back of c) 7660 from the top of the<br />

enclosing wall to the LoRer level of the street in front of<br />

G 7550-<br />

Chapel: interior chapel of type (3a) with rmuins of exterior cob.<br />

Chapel*<br />

a) offering room of type ga) of,numulitic masonrj(very ~ ayy<br />

with high courses; 4.7 x 1.6 m.: area, '7.5Ldsq.m.;<br />

prop.l/d*: w i th plain compound ka-door near S end of<br />

P: wall: outer recess, 1.15 x 0.3 m.: inner recess,<br />

0.3 x 0.2 m., ,ut in slab: entemd by doorway in N errl<br />

of E Wall, opening in enbrasure, 3.5 x 0.3 m.: approache(<br />

by flight of steps flanked by upri&t slabs (6 rises and<br />

5 steps), length (E-Vi), 2.25 m. with steps 0.9 n. wide:<br />

width of ramp, ca., 1.0 m.; l-eight of floor of ch%pel<br />

above rock, I&?. n.<br />

Exterior cob. chtpel: alaost totally destroyed by later buria:<br />

shafts (Inostly Ptoleaaic): betvteen tke Y end of a 7660 ,<br />

an8 the N6ni comer of G 7570 a heavy cob. wall 1.65 m.<br />

thickcuhich contains a doorway opening from the E:<br />

thb is probably the main doorway to chapel G 7550:<br />

at two other places are relnaants of thinner walls: E of<br />

the IF side of the ramp to the doomay to roo9 a, is a<br />

Zwtlcolurnn basis (0.85 m. in diameter: this Indicates<br />

a pillared hall with roof supported by a pillar or more<br />

probably by two or more pillars.<br />

Subsidiary R niche: monolith receased in sloping wall: outer retest<br />

1.0 x 0.3 m-: inner recess, 0.a x 0.2 rn.<br />

Wcoration of chapel, room a:-<br />

me walls of the nu-mulltic room were decmted in relief of the<br />

old kind (not sized reliefs) but mere badly weathered:<br />

recorded by Lepsius, LO 59, and re-exanlnsd by R.S.S?ith:<br />

tops of walls broken @RBmW&h and all balls badly weathered.<br />

Fa-door: In south end of R wall:<br />

Architmve: bdly eroded: only n few sips can be mde out<br />

undoubtedly an offering fornula.<br />

mblet: prince seated. facing to right in traditional attitude<br />

at table of bread: panther skin(?) garment: under table<br />

on left, ideographic list (two 1000-signs legible):<br />

above table 8 horizontal llne of offerings ( short l&st"]<br />

and beside table on right two aore horizontal lines<br />

continuing same short list (1) . (ann and viater), bdyt,<br />

hltyt idmyt (second quality), sntr w. . : (L) add (3)<br />

too obliterated to read: in third line beside table,<br />

iht nb ..... and rn with bull's head (mrt of ideoglaphic<br />

list) : across the top of the tablet a horizontal line<br />

with titles and naqe, signs facing to right,<br />

s; nswt n ht-f mry-f smr n it-f nb imjh hr it-f WJ-n-Br.<br />

Rest or ka-door weathered but on tkr: back o rth e outer recesz<br />

on the N, a standing figure in the lohest register<br />

facing in to left: at top of side of outer niche on 18<br />

also, a label, s.. . stb imy-rj pr . . .. . v. . there must have been sever21 registers of figures<br />

facing In to left.

-<br />

APPENDIX B. p.91.<br />

w 7Nall: south of ka-door: badly obliterated, at least four<br />

aegisters: above, on left, two standing figures face to<br />

left (see table scene on S wall): the second Tan carries a<br />

goose in his arms: in the lowest register on left, is a man<br />

facing to right, holding a st&!&(?) and in the Riddle of<br />

the register a nan squatting facing to left.<br />

I! 1$'a11, north of ka-door: presentation scene: at the N end, le@<br />

of large figure of man standing facing to left, with staff<br />

behind him a figure of his wife: behind her on separate<br />

base line a daughter& above large figures the ends of at<br />

least 8 vertical lines of inscriptions !titles and names)<br />

with signs facing to left: ending in the name of Duwanehor:<br />

in front of male figure, the end of a vertical line with<br />

s i@S . . r- t.. . --<br />

On the left of tke chief scene, were probable five registers<br />

of which only the lowest is partly preserved:<br />

(a) details not legible (scribe?): (b) bears sack and staff:<br />

(c) details obliterated: (d) carries long mse: (e) to (g)<br />

details not clear.<br />

N mall: only the subregister is prtly le2i:jle: three figures<br />

facing to left(probb1y bringing in funerary meal).<br />

is Wall: table scene: man seated facing in to right at table of<br />

bread: above head two obliterated vertical lines of titles;<br />

on the right of the table, below, thsee squatting men,<br />

(a) f2ces to right: (b) faces to left and (c) faces to right:<br />

see scene on W wall south of ka-door.<br />

at<br />

E wall:/EuKend of wall a large standing figure f'acing to left:<br />

in short wig: at the N end of the wall, in the lowest w<br />

register, rams driven by men facing to right. C% fl-. )<br />

fl Door-jamb: destroyed.<br />

s Door-janb: nan and v.ife seated on one chair at table of bread,<br />

facing out to left: behind wife traces of illegible<br />

ins crip t ion kk<br />

N Facade Panel: Only legs of figuEs of rnan and wife, standing,<br />

facing to left.<br />

s Facade Panel: large figure of man, star,ding facing in to right:<br />

short wig, chin beard, and short(?) skirt: in front of fice<br />

renains of vertical inscription, wr n<br />

behind M a stands his wife with her le t arm arou d is back<br />

and her left hand on his right shoulder: her right la id<br />

on his right arm: behind her stands a small girl named<br />

Nbty-Qtp: in front of man, two naked boys holding hands<br />

with f ree hands hanging.<br />

Shafts of G 7550: two shafts, A on N and B, chief shaft on S.<br />

- P******<br />

Shaft G 7550 A: wife's shaft: 2.15 x 2.15 m.,-12.55 n. in rock: lined<br />

above with massive masonry, 3.25 m., 3 courses( top destroyed).<br />

chamber: type 6 b(2) unfinished: on S: 3.4 x 1.15 n.:<br />

.<br />

unfinished chaqber partly 1.4 a. and prtly 1.75 m.high:<br />

with cutting begun in the south wall. area, 3.91 sq.a.:<br />

capacity about 5.13 cu.a.<br />

Prohbly intended to be a large &x&$ chamber of type 3<br />

or 4: no trace of blocking, coffin or burial.<br />

Shaft filled with disturbed debris contair&$ number of Ptolemaic<br />

objects: excavated in recent times.<br />

av<<br />

28-5-108: R'J?: jug: h., 10.1 m.: d., 7.9 cm.: Roman.<br />

2P-5-109: faience: uzat-eye.<br />

28-5-107: 1st.: piece of sawed stone: 19 x 9.7 cn.:th.L.7-5.5

APPENDIX B e p.92.<br />

Shaft r, 7550 B: man's shaft: 2.C8 X 2.0 m., -13.94 m. in rock: lined<br />

with massive msonry, 4.2 m., 5 courses.<br />

Chamber: t$e 3 amx: on S: 4.75 x 5.1 m., and h., 3.75 m.:<br />

ar88, 24.2.2 sq.m.: capacity, 80.82 cu.rn.-<br />

Passage: 1.87 x 1.45 m. and 2.15 m. high: with ;-ather<br />

irregular floor sloping downwards to chamber: k<br />

Blocking: of type I1 $r(l) of which two courses remain in<br />

place set in plaster.<br />

Turning recess in N edde of shaft at bottom beginning at ~JW<br />

corner: 1.42 x 1.05 m. the prt opening on shaft is<br />

1.85 m. high for a depth of 0.55 m.; the back part of.<br />

the shaft 1.0 m. high: with horizontal roof: the bottom<br />

of the shaft slopes down to the passage on the south.<br />

LOW stone bench along the E wall of chamber.<br />

Canopic pit in SE corner excavated in bench; 0.55 x 0.5 m.<br />

and 0.6 m. deep: rebate for slab lid on all four s d p<br />

?offin: No trace of coffin or burial: but a nunber of<br />

objects found in de3ris.<br />

A+<br />

The shaft was filled witk disturbed debris in which was found<br />

a few frags. of Ptoleqaic faience; this debris was<br />

mixed with drift sand and had run into the chamber but<br />

the chamber had not been cleared out in modern times.<br />

Objects found in chamber:<br />

28-5-164: frag. of R'JV pottery coffin of the Roman Period.<br />

28-5-165: faience; frag. with ram in relief.<br />

28-5-166: green glass: frag. of bottle, prt of neck.<br />

28-5-167 to 176: faience: amulets, frag. of cup, and two flags.<br />

of shawabtis.<br />

6 28-5-188: alab.; small flat bottoaed bowl with stmight sides<br />

spreading upwards to nouth: h., 2.5 mm.: diam. wax. 14.0 cm.<br />

diam. base, 5.0 cm.: half preserved.<br />

J 29-5-179: alab.; 9 model bowls: round bottoaedkh., (1) h., 1.9 cm.<br />

x 6.7 cm.: (2) h., 1.8 x 6.6 cm.: (3) h., d.0 x 5.2 cm.:<br />

(4) h., 1.8 x 5.5 cm.; (5) 1.4 x 5.2 cm.; (4) h., 1.5 x 5.6 cn:<br />

(7) h., 1.2 x 5.2 cm.; (8) h., 2.2 x 6.3 cm.: (9) h., 1.2x5.5<br />

also 6 frags. of siqilar dishes.<br />

J 28-5-180: alab.: model hsinkh., 2.0 cm.: d.top, 5.0 cm.;<br />

diam. base, 1.8 cm.: damaged.<br />

J 26\-5-1131: alab.: three model cylindrical jars of type I d:<br />

(1) h., 5.4 : d.top, 2.5 : d.min., 1.9 : d.base, 2.5 cm.<br />

(2) h., 5.0 : dorim, 2.5;: d.rnin., 1.8 : d.baserp 2.4 CT.<br />

(3) h., 5.2 . d.rlm, 2.8 : d.min., 1.8 : d.base, 2.2 cm.<br />

{ h., 5.5 cm.; ?.top, 3.5 ca.: d.neck, 1.9 cm.: diam. body, 3.7<br />

2P-5-1f32: slab.. modsl: long necked jar as used in magical set:<br />

cm.; d.base, 1.5 cm.: narrow boring. - F$p cypfi, 5-E&<br />

J<br />

d<br />

28-5-183: alab.. model like 182 fro? magical set: with top broken<br />

off: h., 5.2$ cn.: dian. body, 3.5 ca.: d.base, 1.0 cm.<br />

28-5-184: alab.; nodel pszeskaf wand froT magical set; h., 8.4 cnt.<br />

w.top,end, 3.8 cm.: w.aiddle, 1.7 CT.: th., 0.8-1.0 cm.<br />

28-5-185: alab.; aodel basin froa magical set: h., 2.4 CTI.: (?.top,<br />

J<br />

2.P CT.; debase, 1.4 cm.: dummy.<br />

4 qP@-<br />

28-5-1e6: alab.: flat topped circular tabl% broken and incoaplete:<br />

stem missing, apparently of semrate piece: d., 39.8 CM.:<br />

d.flat supface which rested on steq, 10.8 cm.<br />

~ ~ x h A ~ 8 X x x ~ ~ ~ ~ x x<br />

9 f ~ m x m 8 ~ ~ ~ S y x n ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

2P-5-187: alabo- two frags. probably fmm model vessels.<br />

28-5-188: plaster: Probsbly from tray containing granaries or<br />

si.nilar, with print 8f bottog of a jar: h., 5.5 c'H.: d., 6.5<br />

ca.: depth of cavity, 2.6 CT.<br />

2P-5-189: RW potsherdsL one basket ne&r.ly full.

APPENDIX Bo P.93.<br />

28-5-190: speclal ware: two handled oil-jar: type B-UV: frags.<br />

of upper plrt: h. neck, 5.7 cm.: d.rim, 7.8 cm.: upper pxrt<br />

of body, d., 20 c9.i .siith h. 9.3 cn. also two handles<br />

preserved.<br />

The ob!ecfs include sone &nulets and frags. of the Ptolenaic Period<br />

but the following are undoubtedly of Dgn.IV, 28-5-178 to 187<br />

and 190, including alab. )nodels, alab. taSle and two handled<br />

oil-jar. Probably most of the potsherds in dF-5-189 are of<br />

the same period.<br />

Later Cons true t ions :<br />

Along the E f2ce of the mastaba were tfireeh intrusive shafts<br />

apparently of the e. Old KLqd,.<br />

Shaft (3 7550 X: nor h of chapel: 1.76 x 1.62 a., -3.4 a. in rock:<br />

lined with& 4 0.45 a*, denuded.<br />

Chaqber; ty-e 3 af2) on E: 2.15 x 1.n a.; and 1.4 m.<br />

area, a.01Jsq.m. : capacity, 4.2ldcu.m.:A<br />

F type V d(3): found enpty.<br />

Shaft 0 7550 Y: north of X: 1.45 x 1.4 m., -1.6 m. in rock:&J<br />

* above 0.9 m., denuded.<br />

CFnaber. type 6 a(2): on E: 1.42 x 0.8 m. and 0.94 11.k-k :<br />

area, 1.13 sq.n. :\ ca acity, 1.06,/cu.n.t bloc!ted Ri t ??<br />

rough small stones, typs v ~(3): resting on depression<br />

in V/ side of shaft@, 0.76 "1. deep, and taking half width<br />

of shaft: found open and empty.<br />

Shaft Q 7550 2: north of Y: 1.2 x 1.3 n., -7.1 m. in rock with<br />

lining if any destroyed: no charnber: type 7 x: no<br />

evidence of' burla 1.<br />

For the Ptolevaic structures and shafts, see udder Q 7450 in xk<br />

street on E andl7540 in street on S.<br />

In the ruins of the exterior chapel were found two Ptoleqttlc B e 3<br />

burials Pt.LXXIT-LWI(HV.<br />

On the south of mastab the area was filled with 8econdary mastabas<br />

and Ptoletnaic PBS~B~X burials.<br />

(3 7660: nPrinaenka~ea-sekhem, son of Kawatab and fletep-hems 11: in line 6 south<br />

of the Elerytyetes mastaba, f3 7650: E of G 7550 and en<br />

echelon with it.<br />

tSCd-L..n .J-.wne Q. E<br />

See FlgS. ....... P3? cwn .L<br />

-<br />

See Pls.........<br />

rnme: Ka ---s ekhw,<br />

Mastaba: filBed mastaSa of type VI a, with retaining wall of sloping8<br />

blocks of nu%. lst., dressed to a srnoo>&-a<br />

\, down to grrund level;:-'S5-.5x 18.5 3.: area, 5<br />

-0 -3: .hei8ht .c.%pB~.-- --- --- -- --<br />

-<br />

k<br />

Chapel: interior chapel of type (38) of' numulitic limestone bonded<br />

with retaining wall and exterior c.b. chaoel: wltb subsidlapy<br />

N niche:<br />

a) interior offering room of nua. lst., ty;e (sa) with plain<br />

compound ka-door near S end of W wall: dvecorateyd with<br />

csrved reliefs (not Si*8d tecbn-ique): 4.L x 1.47 m.:<br />

area, 6.17$ sq.rn.: prop.l/l.85:.!entered by doorway in w<br />

end of E wall: openig in embrasure in face of mastaba,

APPE3DIX B. P-94.<br />

Exterior c.5. chapel, nearly destroyed, with four rooms,<br />

b-e: covering an area of 15.37 x 10.2 no F<br />

fl 156.77 sq.m.: with very heavy exterior walls, 2.5 m.<br />

thick on S, 2.25 m. on E and 2.85 m. thick on N:<br />

b) large pillared hall around the embrasure to room a;<br />

5.75 x 7.95 m.: area, 46.71 sq.a.; floor paved with<br />

stone slabs but most of pavernent torn up: roof supported<br />

by 6 pillars, in two E-W rows of 3 each: pillar, Qx&5x<br />

0.45 x 0.45 m., square: the insidem& of the N wall on<br />

the roan side, was decorated with place facade pm~22Spl~<br />

pinelling, with a gr2at door in the middle of three<br />

plain compound niches on each side of it: the E and S<br />

walls may possibly have borne a sirnilar Fanelling but<br />

no trace was preserved: the hall was probably entered<br />

by a doorway in the middle of the E wall but the wall2<br />

is denuded and. broken by shaft G 7560 r: in the E end<br />

of the S wall is a doorway leading to room e, the floor<br />

of which was on a lower level and this doorway was<br />

approach d by a flight of three steps (4 rises): south<br />

of hall P were three subsidiary rooms e, d, cy fron E<br />

to Vj entered successively from one to the other:<br />

draidby culvert under entrance on E leading to circular<br />

stone basin (dian.l.0 m.) sunk in floor 1.0 m. east<br />

of chapel.<br />

c) western room south of hall b: 2.8 x 1.8 m. area, 5.04 sq.m<br />

entered from d by doorway in N end of W -&all with stone<br />

sill:<br />

a) east of c: 2.8 1p 3.1 m.: area, 8.68 sq.m. i entered from<br />

room e by doorway in N end of E wall: doorway to c,<br />

opposite in N end of W wall.<br />

e) eastern room south of b and giving access from b to d, c:<br />

2.85 x 1.15 m.: area, 3.27 sq.m.: entered from b by<br />

doorway in N wall which was approached by three steps<br />

(4 rises) descegding from floor of b to floor of e.<br />

Total floor area, b-e, 63.7 sq.m.<br />

Total floor area, 8-8, 69.87 sq.m.<br />

Exksrior chapel badly denuded and debris of decay together<br />

with surface debris penetrated by a number of Ptolenaic<br />

burla 1s<br />

Subsidiary N niche, monolithic stela recessed in sloping wall:<br />

outer niche, 1.1 x 0.35 m.: inner niche7 0.35 x 0.3 m.<br />

not inscribed or decorated.<br />

Decoration of .DteriOr offering room a; nunmulitic limestone: with<br />

carved reliefs (not siaed).<br />

LG 59:<br />

Ka-door near S end of Vi wall:<br />

Architrave, destroyed.<br />

Tablet, destroyed with frag. left showing man's knee seated<br />

at table of bread facing to right: under table on left<br />

remains of ideographic list (twice a looo-sign] and two<br />

heads of birds.<br />

I<br />

Crosshr: df ...... nty ....... hb nb sJ nswt.............<br />

surfaces ofinner n 47;- c e obliterated.<br />

Backs of outer niche: nearly destroyed but probably with<br />

, standing figure facing in on each side: on the S above<br />

-<br />

titles of man: x .........<br />

on the N,above ,the wifds titles: (1) ... ..t. .......<br />

(2) N-t.........* .......... .: in both cases inscription<br />

was over head of obliterated figure.<br />

Sides of outer recess: S side obliterated: but with traces<br />

of two .figures facing in: on N side, remains of four<br />

registers each with one standing rllan facing in to &eft:<br />

(1) feet only visible: (2) holds up a platter with three<br />

mm-jars; (3) seem to hold a pleated strip of linen:<br />

(4) head and shoulders of woman, bare head, tunic.

APFEWDIX BO P.95.<br />

w irtJal1, south of ka-door: badly obliteBated: at least five -2<br />

registers :<br />

1) Nearly obliterated; at right end there is a kneeling %&@&zed<br />

figure facing to right, second figure standing and the<br />

third kneeling, all facing to right.<br />

2) figyredobliterated but an inscription reading .]ln Qm-k!.<br />

3) obliterated.<br />

4) slaughter scene.<br />

5) Qbliterated.<br />

7~ yall, north of ka-door: (LD 11 P1.32): presentation scene:<br />

At n end of wall, lnan and ,,ife standing fhcing in to left:<br />

man with staff and wand, full wig, broad necklace, short<br />

skirt and panther-skin over it: wife wears lappet wig<br />

dog collar and tunic, with right arm around shoulders<br />

of man (hand on his right shoulder): her left hand rests<br />

on his left am: over their heads are ends of 7 vertical<br />

lines,<br />

(1) .............. .Amr wcts n it-f:<br />

(2) ............... n 3.t-f hrp C ~E,<br />

(3) ............. .-f n'o:<br />

(4). ...............<br />

--<br />

- (nlwt-sign determinative):<br />

(5) ...............hb :<br />

( 4) .............. {m-rn)b.<br />

(7) (bat-f mryt-f) Kj-cpr(?).<br />

-<br />

In front of man a small boy (nearly obliterated) holds<br />

the staff with his right hand: labelled sf-f n ht-f<br />

Mnw-hc-f. c m&.ul. @m& W>pn<br />

t h e o f the chief scene five registers of small figure$<br />

proceed to right:<br />

$=k<br />

1) figures preserved from knees down:<br />

+a) standing with scribes case on ground in front<br />

of him: the other five figures are estates<br />

alternately male and female: names almost<br />

coapletely obliterated: the last figure (f)<br />

carries a milk-jar:<br />

(b) ........... mr ntrw(?) (nht-det.):<br />

(c) ........ .t land-sign and niwt-det.$: L_<br />

(d) ........ kT(?) niwt-sign:<br />

( e) ........ - Z w t . s ign .<br />

__r<br />

(f) ........... f and nfwt-sign.<br />

-<br />

$3) (a) standing scribe, with upper part obliterated:<br />

in front of him on ground a scribe's case:<br />

labelled s- .... n .... N-kJ-I;Ifp. .<br />

(b-f) dXve estates a1t;rnately male and female:<br />

(a) with<br />

+<br />

basket on head and bird in right hand,<br />

Q-t wfw-nfr:<br />

(c) wonan, carr es basket on head and roll(?)<br />

in right,<br />

-<br />

Bwfw-QQtp:<br />

(d) man, basket+ and in right hand a bird,<br />

gw f~ -n 6 w:<br />

(e) woaan, basket and in-right hand a hnAxpjlg<br />

lotus, gWy;&wt:<br />

(f) man, bas e bird in right,,, LA Qwfw-gw(t)<br />

all figures support basket with left nana.<br />

3) badly obliterated: again six figures of which<br />

(a) appears to be a<br />

-<br />

scribe: the other five<br />

-<br />

are<br />

estates, alternately female and male:<br />

(b) woman, with basket on head, ........... nm:<br />

(c) man, basket and niwt-sign preserved:<br />

(f) wonan, hsket preserved.<br />

4) badly obliterated: nen bringing animals; an ibex is<br />

visible: over it m (n)il_ led by two hen, one<br />

before ft and one behind: the second man is<br />

followed by three others but the animals are<br />

obliterated. (M&L&+L, p&) .<br />

5) badly obliterated: apparently nen brineiaals: on<br />

the left end, upper part of man: across the top<br />

a horizontal lines, ....... rn ?LW) lrx.<br />

(-MA L %Q- w,

APPENDIX Bo p.96-<br />

north Tmall: (LD 11, P1.32): at the top a boating scene extending<br />

the length of the wall: below these are three narrow registers<br />

leaving blank the prt of the wall covered by the wooden door<br />

when it stood open: mixed scene without chief figure:<br />

1) large boat being paddled to right: upper part obliterated<br />

in middle of boat, a large figure standing: cnly feet<br />

and ankles remain: probably Ka-a-sekhein: fac ing to right<br />

in front of him only one paddle is preserved- behind<br />

him, three'men paddling; then a man leaning rward<br />

without paddae: d finally two steersman with 6) steering<br />

oars.<br />

2) four women, bare head, vrearing tunics, carrying personal<br />

equipment, facing to right;<br />

(a) holding up a box and a long narrow case.<br />

(b) bag in left hand and jar on right shoulder.<br />

(c) strip of linen in left hand and jar on ri@t shouldei<br />

(d) carries a sort of tag or bucket with loop handle<br />

and her right hand is obliterated.<br />

3) two men cutting up a bull.<br />

4) two men cutting up a bull (not in Lepsius plate(see Photo):<br />

South 'mall: destroyed.<br />

E wall: at S end, large figure of man leaning on a staff, facing<br />

to left: at the 11 end of the wall, remains of three registers<br />

1) three standing men facing to right (not estates).<br />

2) animal facing to right.<br />

3) animal facing right.<br />

Apparently a presentat ion scene.<br />

N Door-jamb: '71an and wife seated on one chair at table of bread:<br />

facing out to right: details oblikerated.<br />

s Door-jamb: man and wife seated on one chair; facing out to left:<br />

rest obliterated: perhaps at table of bread.<br />

Facade-panels: in embrasure N and S of doorway, aan and wife<br />

standing<br />

-<br />

facing in (to left on M and to right on S): nan<br />

with staff and wand: on the N over the wand is written<br />

Rc-wr, probably name of son standing below but now obliterated<br />

-<br />

Subsidiary N niche: not inscribed err decorated.<br />

Shafts In G 7660: two shafts in medial axis : A on Yj and B, chief shaft<br />

on S.<br />

,<br />

Shaft CI- 7660 A; Wife's Shaft: 2.1 x 2.25 m., -12.1 a. in rock: lined<br />

above with massive qasonry, 4.75 m., .... w<br />

f? 'V a 1<br />

VI A&<br />

Chamber: type S cl: on S: 5.15 x 5.3 m., and 3.88 m. high:<br />

area, 27.28 8q.m.: capcity, 105.85 cu.m.;<br />

-<br />

passage: 2.25 x 1.0 m., and 1-02 rn. high: no tmce of blockin<br />

KO canopic pit or recess.<br />

>TO trace of coffin, burial or equipqent;<br />

The shaft was found empty to a depth of 11 m. from the top:<br />

it had been excavated recently@ and lower part of shaft<br />

and cha-nber contained disturbed dumped debris : in the<br />

chamber bas found a frag. of inscribed stone:<br />

29-4-322: num. 1st.: h., 22.0 cm.: rv., 10.5 cm.: th.<br />

10.1 cm.: incised vertical inscription, rh, ndwt 9;<br />

pr m$jt Rc-..y: with vertica1,incised line of left.<br />

Shaft CT 7660 B: chief shaft: burial place of "prince" Ka-em-sekhea:<br />

2.0 x 2.1 m., -11.15 m. in rock; lined above with assive<br />

masonry, 1.5 m., 2 courses with much of upper part destroyed<br />

p -tt<br />

r u<br />

Chamber: two -, chamber on S, the second opening<br />

from the first.

'v<br />

APPERDIX B* p.970<br />

Ct.laqber I : type 3 afx: on S: 5.0 x 5.3 m., and 2.75 rn. high:<br />

area, 26.538rq.m.: camcity, 72.874 cu.rn.<br />

passage: 2.2 x 1.9 m. and 1.65 71. high: with floor and roof<br />

sloping slightly downwards to S:<br />

Blocking: no& trace of blocking re.nains (probably of type<br />

11 b(1): in the S enc! of Ifl' wall opens a short passage<br />

leading to chaaber 11.<br />

Chaqber 11: coffin chalnber: on R' of room IIf 2.2 x 2.6 VI. and<br />

1.5 "1. hi&: area, 5.72dsq.a.: capacity, 0.5eJcu.nl.:<br />

Passage: 1.3 x 1.6 TI. anc? 1.2 n. Pigh: contained granite<br />

coffin of Xa-a-sekhem, re-oved by the Service anc! now<br />

in Cairo MuscuT: type d, inscribed, . C.. x .-. .. m. and<br />

... -m. hi@: (..L rn. bith lid) inscribed with titles<br />

and name: coffin probably stood E-8 along the I? wall:<br />

high up in the R' wall is a recessed edge but tbis is<br />

only 1.2 m. wide (N-3).<br />

Canopic pit in SE corner in front of doorway: 0.63 x 0.63 m.<br />

and 0.5 m. deep: no rebate.<br />

poth chambers not completely finished and therefore a little<br />

irregular in outline.<br />

Total area, of rooms I and 11, 32.22Jsq.~.<br />

Total capacity of rooms I and 11, P1.45iJcu.m.<br />

Shaft found by us filled with disturbedx debris: recently exaavated<br />

and refilled: in the top debris were found only a sm'l frag.<br />

of Ptolemic faience probably fro? the surface debris around<br />

the shaft.<br />

Later Constructions:<br />

on the PT between A h rlz 7550 and G 7660 is a small mstab8, G 7652,<br />

built against the 3 end of 0 7550.<br />

Around tFe IT3 corner of G 7560 Is another small mastab, G 7561.<br />

%is reaches to tbe M side of the eubsidlary N niche of 7660.<br />

In the street E of G 7650 are the rewins of two other nastaLs,<br />

0 7668 and G 7663.<br />

n<br />

In Ptolemaic tiaes: a number of supperstructures were built on<br />

debris and a large nuqber of burial chaqbers constructed in<br />

the debris: several of the 2tole.naic shafts penetrated all<br />

the layers of debris and descended iqto the rock: see<br />

in particulae the shaftsl7650 Y,@and G 7661 A, of which<br />

0 7660 Y and G 7681 A have many chmbers and burhls. ci<br />

The Ptolernafc burlalscontlnue in the space between G 7560 and,?670<br />

0 7750: nare not recovered: flrst mstaba in line 7, at IT end of line: south of '<br />

See Figs.. ........<br />

G 7510 with the E face aligned with the 6 face of that<br />

aastaba: E of 5 7650 with its r0 end aligaed with the N end<br />

of that ?astab but being smaller 3 7750 stands en echelon<br />

with €3 7650 leaving the chapel of that mastaba exposed to<br />

the east.<br />

See Pls. ...........<br />

yam: not recovered.<br />

aastaba : filled mas 1 h retaining wall of sloping .<br />

blocks 0 o a stnooth sloping surface<br />

37.0 3.szarx lk.<br />

.* prop.l/Z.O: hei t, s.O.Q..rn.<br />

with interios chapel an? subsidhry A' z5eM-m az & m&.<br />

I<br />

Chapel: interior offering roov of type (sa) of numulltic limestone<br />

bonded with retaining vial1 and an' exterior cob. chapel; with<br />

subsidlary W-mOfbd

APPENDIX B p.98-<br />

a) interior offering room of nu X i i i G p e (za) adtmnnmxx<br />

~ ~ 8 x x ~ s w ~ a d x ~ f k b n x x -”* ~ ~ ~<br />

~ ~ g ~ ~ r x r a 8 wl ~ th ~ pla in ~ compound f ~ ~ 8 ~<br />

ka-door, near Y end of W wall: decorated with carved<br />

reliefs (not sized technique): 4.4 x 1-56 m.: area, 6.86<br />

sq.m.: prop.1/2.82: with pla-in compound niche of which<br />

the outer niche neasures, 1.02 x 0.37 rn. and the inner<br />

0.3a x 0.39 m.: entered by doorway in N end of E wall,<br />

owning in embrasure in E fhce of mstaba.<br />

room paved with stone slabs, prtly torn up at S end.<br />

Exterior c.b. chapel of which one room and remains of another<br />

are preserved:<br />

b) a hall with roof supported by one column: 4.75(?) x 3.E m<br />

area, ca. 18.28 sy.m.; built around the eabmsure of the<br />

doorway to room a: with one stone lasts for a coluTn in<br />

center of hall: dian?. of bzsis, 0.82 m.: no trace of<br />

entrance doorway, prohbly on E: doorway to roo9 a in<br />

middle of W wall, formed by the aastaba: doorway to room<br />

c toward the W end. of S wall, I<br />

C) E-’!; room, perhaps magazine, south of b: 1.87 x 3.85 m.:<br />

area, 7.19 sq rn.<br />

KO trace of other rooms and chapel was probably complete with<br />

two room.<br />

Thickness of c.b. walls: S Wall of room c@,1.15 m.: E wall<br />

of room c and probably also by 1.4 m.: wall seprating<br />

b and e, 0.825: N wall of room b, 0.75 m.<br />

Decoration of mom a of chapel G 7750:<br />

Decoration never completed: only the ka door and the door-jambs<br />

present evidence of decoration, and the cutting of the mz%<br />

reliefs on the S doorjamb was not finished.<br />

Ka-door: 2.62 rn. high; on the backs of the outer niche, on each<br />

side is a standing figure of a man facing in: with full wig<br />

and sbort skirt: with far hand on breast and near hand<br />

hanging open at side: the inner niche and the sides of the<br />

outer niche appear never to have been inscribed: tablet<br />

and crossbar, obliterated: architrave , missing.<br />

k<br />

N oor-jamb: man and wife standing facing out to right, aith heads<br />

and shoulders destroyed: man wears short skirt, with hands<br />

hanging at his sides: wife, behind man, in tunic: with<br />

position of left hand obliterated (prohbly on &eft shoulder<br />

of man) and with right hand Lid on man’s right forearq:<br />

on right, in front of chief figures two registers of small<br />

figures facing in to left:<br />

1) man standing wearing short skirt and panther skin: with<br />

right hand on breast and left hanging holding km-wand<br />

prolab ly a son.<br />

2) two standing men: the second figure wears a collar and<br />

holds a roll of papyrus in hanging right ,hand:<br />

traces of inscription in fr,ont of each, {wt r .......<br />

probbly both labelled 1-5 nstt and repreSZlZ&ing sons:<br />

large figures in one plane not finished: small figures<br />

im modelled relief.<br />

s Door-jamb: reliefs finished but p er part of seene is detroyed<br />

by heathering: large figure,,f$%ng facing out to left:<br />

dears short skirt and panther skin with staff in far hand and<br />

ha-wand in near hand: in front of man 8 boy standing facing<br />

the man, wears side-lock and short skirt: with left on his<br />

own right shoul2er and a roll fr, his hanging right hand: a<br />

vertical inscription with signs facing to right begins above<br />

the ?an’s right arm, .s;-f n ht-f and -continues below over<br />

the &Am wand, 38 c n6wt and in front of boy, r& n6wt kw-k;<br />

behind the large figure stands a second small figure, wearin@<br />

short wig and short skirt: facing to left with sta8f in left<br />

hand and wand in right: over his head is the lower part of<br />

thravertical lines of signs facing to right with a horizon-<br />

talncontaining tk e name below ;he three vertical lines:<br />

(1) ... r n-f prt-r-hrw kh nswt: (2) ..... . h&b rc nb:<br />

(3) nb bnrt (and 4 bobls on stands): (4) horizontally<br />

Kf-mnh.<br />


assage:<br />

AfPEI(JD1X B. P.99.<br />

Shafts in c 7750: two shafts in medial axis : A, wife's shaft on N and<br />

R, Tan's shaft on S.<br />

shaft (3 7750 A: wife's shaft; 1.98 x 2.0 ?.:-LL.55 111. tn rock: lined<br />

above with lnsssive "~3onry, 2.75 m.:<br />

'Chanlber: type 3 bf: on S: 2.55 x 2.45 a., and a.05 n. hi@:<br />

area, 6.5 9q.q.; capacity, 19.82 CU.SI.; floor of chambep<br />

e<br />

.slopes up to south.<br />

/<br />

maa@x;i 2.33 x 0.94 ?.; and 1.2-1.0 rn. high:<br />

Flocking: no trace of blocking which vdas probablg of type<br />

11 b(l)<br />

NO trace of coffin or bur13.1.<br />

The shaft and art of the cka-nbm was filled v.ith vlxed debris:<br />

the tomb had been clewed in modern tiaes 2nd refilled:<br />

no objects wem found except a few of the Ptolcvaic Period<br />

found in the<br />

-<br />

top of tke sbtift (29-3-277 to L82).<br />

Shaft r, 7750 €3: man's shaft: 2-25 x 2.15 TI. at top contracting to,<br />

1.65 x 1.7 TI., -18.48 rn. in rock: lined above bith nlassive<br />

masonry, 5.47 m.: tv:o cbaqbers in shaft, I unfinished at<br />

-11.18 m. In rock and I1 at bottoln of st-aft.<br />

Charllber I : at 11.18 a. in rock: unfinishec? cutting on S 1<br />

clearly lntended to be of type b: a pssnge had been<br />

cut, 1.85 x 1.05 3. and 0.9 m. high: at the S end a hole<br />

had been cut upwards to a height of 2.9 rn.(irregularl:<br />

being about 1.0 x 1.0 rn. in horizontal section: frorll<br />

this hole a chaqber &as being cut laterrlly to the<br />

south znd west: the %ark shows the method Used in the<br />

excavation of chambers in order to perqit tho greater<br />

part of thc cutting to be mde with downbard strokes<br />

of the tools used: two LstoraJ. layers are visible each<br />

about I..@ m. high: the layer in the middle of the<br />

chamber had been cut first.<br />

Chaltrber 31: actual burial chamber: type 3 am: on south at<br />

botton of ShaftL 2.45 x d.8 rn. and 1.P m. high: area,<br />

6.854sq.a.: cmclty, U.55 cu.a.: in the S wall was an<br />

unfinished cutting hizup in the &all (1.0 m. above<br />

floor of chamber) love1 with roof L.4 m. wide (E-?;) add<br />

0-75 m. deep: (0'.86 m. high): at tke back of this cutting<br />

an up;.tards hole had been cut to a height of 0.55 71.<br />

above the roof of the cha-,ber; this is the saae qethod<br />

as Bas being used in tkle unfinished chnqber T;<br />

apparently the intention was to enlark- and heimten<br />

the ChnrlSer: this unfinished cutting had been walled<br />

ofgfrorn the cFamber by a nasonr j$?s prt of which<br />

was found in place.<br />

Passage: 2.4 x 1.1 m. and 1.1-0.95 m.b no trace of blocking..<br />

no coffin or trace of burial.<br />

Shaft was filled vvith disturbed debris and tPe chamber had a<br />

Iwap of the same debris around tF.c entrance: no objects<br />

were foilnd exCopt two Ptoleaiic fPafP. in upper debris<br />

of shaft (29-3-402, 405): the shaft had undoubtedly been<br />

excavated in recent tlmes, probably by the Service.<br />

Later Cons tr :ctlons :<br />

East of the mstab, north of the cLp& began the field of sva11<br />

and medium mstabas which extended to the cliff containing<br />

rock cut tombs above the village: this su-ne field of mstabas<br />

extended northwards and southwards: southNnrds, the msta.xs<br />

stood east and south of the chapel of G 7750 and contlriiled<br />

along the E face of Q 7750: over the debris of this<br />

ceaeter7 were built ~i series of chapls of the Saito-<br />

Ptolemaic Roman periods and n large nurnber of intrusive sRb<br />

shafts and burlals of the 3ame period penetratzd the older<br />

and later lagers of debris: the mstabas near- the faces of<br />

0 7750 were nu..rbered (z 7751 to Q 7755.<br />

- _-<br />

___-<br />

--_ I _<br />

_ _- ---<br />

- -_<br />

q-<br />

----II__-<br />

The Ptolemaic shfts, Q 77.50 X, I?, Z, were intruded through the<br />

r~ wall of the exterior cob. chapel of (3 7750.<br />

._- __-_-<br />

-----I_ -<br />

x<br />

--- -<br />

_ ___ - -

APPl3lVDIX €3- p.lOO-<br />

Cp 7760: "frince" yindedef and his wife: second mstaoa in line 7, south uf<br />

of 13r 7750: east of f3 7'360 and en echelon with tl 7560:<br />

probbly built begore Q 7750 and possibly before G 7550.<br />

Sme<br />

Figs. . 0 . -.<br />

see Pls,. . . . . . .<br />

Owner: Mqndedef,<br />

21<br />

&F Lk<br />

j ping<br />

L blocks rn.. o<br />

wastaha: filled nlnstaba of type VI a, nlth xla&zAtbPrfmg retaining wall<br />

heip of surface; sloping S;M.<br />

6 itl=hkter ior chscl and subsidiary G e L c h L ]<br />

Chapel: interior chapel of type (3a) of nu-aulitic 1iTestone: bonded<br />

with retaining ball and an exterior o.b. chapel: with<br />

subsidiary F! niche.<br />

a) interior offering rooq of type (sa) with plain compound<br />

ka-door near S end. of '6; Bail: decprstedpith carve2<br />

reliefs (not sized technique): 4.52 x 1.53 TI.: area,<br />

6.61,pq.m. : prop.l/l.95 :,/pltlin cogpound niche of hhich<br />

the'outer niche masures, l*J?. x '?;?? TI. and the inner,<br />

.?*.%. x .?*.% 9.: entered by doomday in N end of E wall<br />

openlng in e-nbrasure in fhce of mastaba: rooi paved<br />

with stone slabs: with floor J.? m. above rock:<br />

approached by ramp bw 8ix narrow steps (7 rises) flanked<br />

on each side by vertical slabs: map, L.7 m. long (E-U)<br />

and 1.15 m. wide (N-S): tho steps are[- -n. rlide (E-s).<br />

height& raap, .?.I. a,: ascends fro% floor of room b<br />

to floor of room A.<br />

Exterior c.b. chapel bad1 y destroyed by intrusive structures<br />

and sktafts; consisted certainly of a pillared hall (<br />

(cf. 7660) and other rooma the ~t1~zhs2d outline of which I<br />

ure confused by -later c.b. structures.<br />

b) p211ared hall around the doorway embrasure to room a:<br />

estiaated'at about 8.8 x 5.25 m.: area, ca. 46.2Jsq.m.<br />

with stone pavedjfloor: roof supported by sqpare pillars<br />

(evidence of one soutk of ramp to a) : to be reconstmkcta<br />

with at least four pillars in two M-S rows of two<br />

pillars each: apparently entered by doomay in E wall '<br />

opposite doorway to room a: prottkly other dooreljays m<br />

and S leading to subsidiar,i i?oo.ns.<br />

Subsidkry room north of room b: the reaalnls of heavy cob.<br />

extended along the east lace of the mastaba to near the<br />

NE corner: although overbuilt and penetrated by later<br />

structures, it is obvious that the exterior cob. chapel<br />

covered pmctically the %'hole E face of the rnastaba:<br />

in and over these rooms to the north k2as built the<br />

mstaba /f 7765;<br />

subei&Sary R nlche: towards E end of mastaba: outer recess,<br />

. t.13 . x .9.3.< q. : inner niche, ?;P?. x .O-pL a. i not<br />

inscribed or dcco rated.<br />

Decorstfon of roo- a of cbapel G 7760:<br />

"prince" NVlindedef: see LG 60.<br />

Ka-door:<br />

Architrave: found dfsplaced on iloor of chapel: with fraga of<br />

wall above and to left adhering to its<br />

On the left end of the architrave, seated mn holding<br />

staff in left hand End handkerchief In right, facing to<br />

right: long full wig, broad necklace, short skirt, and<br />

hry hb sash: in front of hi.r inscriptions written in<br />

short vertical columns (not separated by linea), signs<br />


APPENDIX Bo P*I.O1*<br />

...... .pty s@ n_tr .... ...$ rs.. /<br />

.............<br />

smyt 5mnt.t ..... nfr nb Pmjb (Qr) n_tr cf pr n-f .....<br />

wp rmpt Dhwty (tp rnpt) wfg ..... .hb. .............<br />

L<br />

prt nqnw s)<br />

-<br />

-.<br />

/ B<br />

4<br />

monthly and half monthly feasts m 3;lb nb rc nb<br />

try pcty,(@f;t) bity Qfty-c lry NQn s) ns/wt n bt-f<br />

Mnw-dd-f.<br />

Tablet : destroyed .<br />

Crossbar: badly heathered but recorded by Lepsius, words<br />

written vertically,to form horizonkial line of sics<br />

facing right, sj nswt n ht-f (mr)y-f..==n it-f(Qry) $3t;<br />

nb nt nhwt .... iiwt-f nb Inw-dd-f.<br />

Drum: SJ n&Wt n ht-f Mnw-_dd-f.<br />

--<br />

Back of inner niche and the two back pEinels of the outer niche<br />

decorated with place facade: on inner nicke, four doors<br />

and fiSe panels with four rectangular bands above;<br />

on the backs of the outer niche, three and four panels<br />

respectively with paired papyrus flowers above niches.<br />

Sides of inner nfche, not decorated.<br />

Siaes of outer niche: on each registers of estates facing in;<br />

N side: three and perhaps four registers, each with one<br />

estate facing in:<br />

(1) at top 8s preserved, womdn, labelled HwL%-w;-<br />

4.nctL \<br />

(2) wos18n with basket on head and--o&j$c?J-i-n left<br />

hand obliterated, Ht-(Kf?) cdet. two n-2:<br />

(3) nearly obliterated Dut Evo lar%e-=eads<br />

wath two 1000-signs I 4<br />

eneath.<br />

S side: same number of registers with estates facing<br />

in to right;<br />

(1) woTan filth basket on head steadied by left hand:<br />

milk jar in right wffw-mn-(?)-Qtpwt:<br />

(2) gan with basket o n ’ h b T . . . . . :<br />

(3) figre obliterated (wrslmanql, ........... .-lwt.<br />

Y<br />

-<br />

1&’ 'flail, south of La-door: fro% the upper mrt of tine wall(attached<br />

to architravea small male figure bending over to the left:<br />

on the wall below are at lea’st three registers each with t3ree<br />

estates facing in to right;<br />

1) only feet of three w- figures, man, woman, man;<br />

in front of the first is visible a nAt-sign.<br />

2) three estates facing tc right, man, wo3an, man: %H&s&m&x<br />

all nith baskets on head and right hand obliterater;;<br />

labelled (a) ......(<br />

--<br />

cartouche)-cf-dfl:<br />

-<br />

(b) ..... woman, .... 6 7 r<br />

(c) man, ‘8462, (Hw)+(Ej U 37 cartouche) -df) (?) .<br />

V; 7,vall: over ka-door: attached to the architrave is a fragnent of<br />

the wall above which shows prt of a picture list of offerings<br />

horizontal row 6f round cakes, bRad in pans, etc.<br />

IT laall, north of ka-door: on the right (N) end of the wall stands<br />

Mindedef nith his wife behind him: man wears full wig, panther<br />

skin and short skirt: holds staff and Rand: wife has here r€@t arm linked around his right % upper arm and *left<br />

hand on his left forearm: between man and staff, a small<br />

naked boy grasping the staff with his right hand, si-f Rc- ....<br />

...... : in front to the S are the relnains of four r7?fiFers<br />

(originally five) of snlall figures facing to right;<br />

1) obliterated except for the legs of the first Tan<br />

( probab ly a s cr ibe$) .<br />

2) five nen bringing birds and aninlals to right:<br />

(a) holding two birds in left hand and one in right hand<br />

grasping them by their necks.<br />

(b) carrying goose in arms:<br />

(c) carrying crane fn his arms;<br />

(a-e) apparently carrying small animals in their arms.

APPENDIX Bo p.102,<br />

3) continuation of reg.2;<br />

(a) holds up goose in left hand and carries another in<br />

right hand hanging at @is side:<br />

(b) holds up a haunch of beef:<br />

(d-d$ tivo tn;n cuttfng up a bull.<br />

4) nen bringing in aninals tc right:<br />

(a) pulling and (b) pushing an oryx: (c) leads in an<br />

animal (d) following animal.<br />

N and s Walls: obliterated coapletely or not decorated:<br />

E l.Val1: only south end of wall preserved shaving parts of three<br />

registers: the chief figure or figures must have been at the<br />

N end of the wall facing in to right (cf. seated figure in<br />

G 7140):<br />

1) obliterated except for base line.<br />

2) froq left to righ?, edge of skirt held by man facing to<br />

left: two aen bearing a second garaent, facing to left<br />

(see qq?&~ E wall of G 7140): above garment is written<br />

horizon ta 1 ly . . m; 8 t .<br />

3) four rectangular tablesmh jars set in holes in tops.<br />

N door-jaqb: Mindedef and wife seated on one chair f'acing out to<br />

right: mn holds staff in left hand: other detyils, ahit2.krn~ta&1<br />

obliterated: over wife's head is written rgt nswt HWfw-cng.<br />

-<br />

U<br />

s Doorjanlb: destroyed.<br />

Shafts in G 7760:two shafts in medial axis: A, wife's shaft on N and<br />

R , man's shaft on S.<br />

Shaft G 7760 A: wifeta shaft: excavated Deceaber 1929.<br />

2.1 x 2.05 a., -10.95 m. in rock: lined above with Tassive<br />

aasonry, 4.65 m., 5 courses.<br />

ChaTber: type 3 bfx: on S: 3.S x 2.65 rn. and 1.75 m. hi@:<br />

area, 8.75 sq.m.0 capacity, 15.31 CU.~.: chaTber<br />

unfinished kith even floor and cutting begun in S wall.<br />

passage: 1.5 x 1.0 TI. and 1*2 m. high: no trace of blocking<br />

preserved, probably of type I1 b( 1).<br />

No trace of coffin or burial.<br />

Shaft found filled with distur3ed debris in the upper part<br />

was found an Arabic laTp of green &ed pottery<br />

(29-12-123): t'.e complete clearing is indicative of et<br />

nodern plundering (,Yeis Ibrahia mid said that t-<br />

the shafts in G 7750 and G 7750 had not been excavated<br />

in his time),<br />

Shaft G 7760 R: man's shaft: 1.95 x 1.95 n.: -11.4 m. in rock: lined<br />

wtth massive masonry, 5.15 m. , 6 courses.<br />

Turning recess in N wall-of shaft: 1.55 m. wide (E-yi), 0.9<br />

ah<br />

m. deep and 1.5 rn. high: floor of recess is 0.78 ITI.<br />

above bottom of shaft.<br />

Chambers: tuo connecting chambers, I south of shaft and 11<br />

. a coffin chamber, opening in S end of W wall of I.<br />

cf. G 7650 shaft B.<br />

Chamber I : type 3 al: on S; 4.65 x 5.3 pm. and s.65 m. high<br />

area, 24.55 sq.m.* capacity, 87.51 cu.m.<br />

passage; 2.1 x 1.25 TI. and 1.65-1.8 m. high: blocked with<br />

aasonry set in plaster, type I1 b(1) rerlloved along the<br />

$/side.<br />

Chamber 11: coffin chafnber, E-W chamber entered by passage<br />

opening in S end of TJJ wall of rooa I; on W: 4.4 x 3.65 m,<br />

and 2.2 rn. high: area, 15.06 s4.m.; capacity, 35.53 cu.m.<br />

Passage: 1.7 m. long (E-W) x 1.4 m. wide(N-S) and 1.77 n.<br />

high.: the opening of the passage in roon B, at floor<br />

level, is 1.45 m. high: step down, 0.32 m. frortl floor of<br />

roo3 I to floor of passage: the passage enters room 11<br />

at roof level with step donn, 0.63 m., from floor of

APPm?DIX B- p* 103.<br />

psssage t,2 floor of roo? 11; probably blocked bIth<br />

*nasonry 3et in plaster, oroken may but 'the blocks here<br />

found scattered pirtly Ln SK corner of roo9 I and prtly<br />

on the floor of roo? 11.<br />

Coffin; red granite sarcophagus of type d, inscribed, stood<br />

E-S along P, wall of' room IIf 2.a x 0.95 m. and 0.85 m.<br />

1qi&: (IloCr. m. high Nith lid): cavity, 1.78 x 0.55 n.<br />

and 0.6 VI. deep: flat lid wlth tvid rough projecting ka<br />

:-a.ndles on each end, prtlt saned off on 3: inscribed<br />

on E side only with a horizontal (signs $acing to E),<br />

nsut dy Inpw htp hntg sk! ntr krs rn srnjrt i-nntyt rn nb t<br />

imfh hr ntr c,' iry pcty d,tg bity iry Nhn s; nswt Ynw-<br />

-<br />

dd-f: nor; in Zoston Ysues1.<br />

Canopic pit in ST?; corner of roo3 11, south of coffin:<br />

0.55 x 0.5 TI. and 0.5 ?I. deep; with rebrte on all four<br />

top edges for slab lid.<br />

Total %rea of rooms X and 11, i&&xSAxx@mq 40.71dq.m.,<br />

Total czipacity of room3 I and 11, 122.n0du.m.<br />

Ohjects found: on the lid of the coffin uns a dilxged skull: around<br />

1ny a few broken bones: but no objects were found either in shaft<br />

or cbnqbers .<br />

me sFaftPP: was filled viith disturbed 8ebris which had run Into roo- I<br />

around tv-e doorway: the facts are and in prticulo.r the<br />

presence of' tbe granite coffln and the absence of all brace of<br />

truria 1 equipment .<br />

La t er Cons t ru c t ions :<br />

p,e field of small and aed-iua astabus east of (3 7750 also runs<br />

along the E face of 9 7760 and had been partly overbuilt and<br />

partly penetrated by structures and shafts of the Prolmaic<br />

Roman Period .<br />

Apinst the X face of the =stab towards the E end, is an x-shaft<br />

which appears to be of the/,= and begins at rock level:<br />

probbly subsidiary to G 7750.<br />

shdt G 7760 X: 1.61 x 1.54 m., -9.85 m. in rock: nalined above,<br />

Charnber: type 4 a(1) on !Y: L.5 x 2.15 m. and 1.1 rn. high: (<br />

area, 5.4Jsy.m.: capacity, 5.95 cu-rll.: chmber unfinishta<br />

mith floor on south not cut dotsn and with four hsxfa~sn&&;<br />

horizontal. grooves cut in p1' wall in process of enlarging<br />

tire CZ4m ber westwards .<br />

Passage: l.;S(N-Y) x 1.08 m.($-Y:), nnc! 1.1 m. hi&: no bPitQL1EBi.q<br />

b 1 o c 'c In g .<br />

EO objects found in debris but shaft 1s broken into by tLe<br />

chanber of G 7752 W.<br />

old KL*(fJW<br />

South of the anstatxi, the field of,-. %stabas and Zdoleraic<br />

burl8 1 continue southwards .

APPENDIX B* ~-104.<br />

Q 7810: Prince Zati: in old Cheops quarry north of G 7510: mastaba western of<br />

two of which the eastern mastab is ct 7820: probably built<br />

in order of numeration: exavated by Tewfik Eff. Rovlos for<br />

the Service in. 1m3-4( details not recorded) .<br />

See Pigs ........<br />

See PIS. ..........<br />

Owner: Zaty,<br />

wastaba: filled mastaba of type VI a with retaining v*all of sloping<br />

Chapel: interior chapel of type (3a) of numulitic limestone, bonded<br />

wfth resaininq Wall: and exterior cob. chapel- with subsidiaq<br />

R niche:<br />

a) interior offering roov of type (3a) kith plain'compound<br />

ka-door near S en6 of V.; wall; de'cyorated with carved v /<br />

reliefs (not sized technique): 4.2 x 1.3 n.: area, 6.3 V<br />

sq.m. i prop%. 1/2.84 plain cornpound_ ka-door of which<br />

the outer niche measums, 1.U x 0.4 m.: inner niche<br />

measures, 0.35 x 0.35 m.: entered! by doorway in Ip end<br />

of E wall, opening in embrasure in face of mastaba:<br />

room paved uith stone with*ffoor ?.-%$ m. above rock:<br />

entered exterior chapel on same floor level.<br />

Exterior cob. chapel partly destroyed: but consisting of<br />

at least three moms:<br />

b) half,around,e~brasure of' doorway to a:<br />

4.45 x 2.3 m.: area, 10.32-sq.a.; with doorway In E end&<br />

of M wall and anotherpposite in E end of S wall:<br />

area of room and under Balls, paved with stone: in the<br />

SR corner 1s a recgangular offering basin, the c.b. wall<br />

on the E fs 1.0 m. thick but being built against the<br />

slow of $he baok of 0 7820 probably widened upwards:<br />

the pave-npt extends to an E-Vi' line 5.0 m. north of the<br />

N side of POOTI b and either the north was very thick<br />

(3.0 a) or a small room lay north of room b.<br />

C) snuth of b: the c.b. wall on the east against G 7820 is<br />

preserve6 but the walls against the face of G 7810 ssua<br />

destroyed*The,two doorjambs in the E wall indkcate that<br />

room c was a.2 m. long. the opposite-side is so<br />

obliterated that it cannot be -whether c was<br />

h-l ".-.. -___._<br />

L!<br />

a M-S corridor OF a room.<br />

d) the east wall again in8icates 8 roo% south of c with a<br />

length 4.4 m. long: the structures on the E appear to be<br />

intrusive.<br />

Totgl area, a-ba>l6.62 s$l.m.: bjt total of b-d, cannot be<br />

a c cum t e ly esixaa t ed .<br />

subsidiary IB niche: monolith recessed in sloping face /of mastaba:<br />

outer recess, 1.'1 x 0.37 m.: inner niche, 0.4 x 0.35 q.:<br />

not inscribed.<br />

Decoration of room a of the interior chapel:<br />

KR-door: near S end of wall:<br />

Architrave : missing.<br />

Tablet: man seated facing to right at table of bread in the<br />

traditional attitude: wearing later form of panther skin<br />

over a short skirt (not the early long robe): table and<br />

chair raised on platform (mat?): opposite man, his wife<br />

seated at a separate table of offerings facing to left:<br />

with both hands half extended towards offering wqich<br />

heaped with rounded mass of %eat(?) and cakes(?): wear-<br />

ing lappet Big and tunic: under the two tables is an<br />

ideographic list (bread and beer under wife's table<br />

--<br />


7<br />

APPENDIX E- p.105.<br />

on right and ointqent and linen underneath between<br />

the two tables): over the wife's table, three cuts of<br />

neat on a long platter: above both tablesa horizontal<br />

line giving a short list of offerin@ mw wit& hand ,<br />

eyer and basin: n6wt Qtp: nnt(?swt?): UW: @&tbs ....<br />

.... .rt( igt nb n m a c r G s the tdp r thrtme<br />

the horia-ontal line giving titles and name is nearly<br />

obliterated; over the man can be read (signs facing to<br />

right) ....s..(Pmy-rJ) m8cW Dits.<br />

crossbar: horizontal inscription Gith - signs facing to right,<br />

broke? at both ends: (ndwt) sj n ht-f %my-r; m&cw DJ(ty)<br />

CL<br />

Drum: s; nswt Dfty. m<br />

Inner recess: I~UL d ecorat ed.<br />

cutera recess: two back panels and two sides decorated with<br />

palace facade panelling.<br />

ifl injR1l, south of ka-ddor: three registers of offering bearers<br />

facing to left and attached to table scene on S wall:<br />

1) three men standing facing to left; (a) censing with double<br />

bell-censer: (b) hold birds: (c) carries a along box over<br />

his shoulder.<br />

2) three figures, standing: (a) carries x: (b) a goose in<br />

his arms: (c) a piece of linen held out in each hand.<br />

3) three Zen standing: (a)<br />

-<br />

obliterated; (b) carries x:<br />

(e) carries strip of linen held out in each<br />

--<br />

hand:<br />

he figures were labelled and the folloviiing can be mde out:<br />

8(b) 9m-k; Nfr: Q(c) QTI-~~........: b(b), hrn-kj Pry:<br />

3( c) ,Fk:K!y.<br />

q \fl/all, north of k

APPENDIX E* p-106- 0-<br />

vertiaally: the top lines each contai ed the fiord Qftyt:<br />

the second horizontal line shows in d case (tlp~)nwnd<br />

contained. the names of the six ointmentsL the third horizontal<br />

line contained the determimtive, a stone vessel in each case,<br />

E \Tall: presentation scene: at 5 end, a large figurt= of nan, %ahar<br />

standing with staff and wand, facing to out to left; in front<br />

of the chief figure were 5-3 registers of small fibrures of<br />

which only parts of two lowest registers remain;<br />

1) feet and hooves indicate man bringing in animals or<br />

cattle to right.<br />

-<br />

2) small cattle(goats or sheep) facing to right: behind then<br />

two standing rtlen with arms crossed on breast, one clad<br />

in qat-skirt (obviously herdsman): label over men, a<br />

illegible.<br />

North door-jamb: obliterated.<br />

s dooriamb: also obliterated but a vertical<br />

-<br />

line of the outer edge<br />

appears to end with tbe name n;ty. $c<br />

7<br />

v facade-panel: in doorway eqbrasure: man :ind wife standing,<br />

facing in to left: man with hands hanging at sides: wife with<br />

right arm around his left and left hand resting also<br />

on the left arm of the man: verkical line of signs facing<br />

' to left on left edge of panel, .. .... ..(hy-r!) a8cw 'imy-r;<br />

kit nb n (t ns'wt). . . . .: on the ri&t m d the pir,<br />

Gtands the son facifig also to left, hold papyrus roll against<br />

his breast with right,hand, and left hand is $angir,g at side:<br />

- -<br />

over his head, 91-f 6&(?) qry-f wr m_d gmcwy hy-rj kJt nt<br />

n&wt ~;ty.<br />

s mcade Panel: rnan standing facing in to right, with hands hangiq<br />

at sides: v;ezring short skirt and Qry-hb sash: in front of<br />

_.<br />

hi-n a veytical !line, .. . . .. . .. . .~my-r,f m3CVu (by-r;) k;t<br />

nbt nt nswt, p7obbly continued in horizontal line in front<br />

of f!ace,s; nswt n gt-f DJty).<br />

Pehind the chief figure two rezlsters of small figures arc<br />

Dreserved, standing facing in to right:<br />

1) tno Ten, (9) mrrying scribefs case: (b) 8 staff and bag.<br />

B) a single standing %an, facing to right, with spirt wig<br />

and probsibly short skirt: with right band hanging and<br />

left obliterated: Over hin a horizontal inscription,<br />

/ /<br />

sj-f smsw D!tv: before him a vertical inscription,<br />

wr rng 3rncw-hly-( r;) . . . . Shafts in G 7110; two shafts in mastcb, A(wifefs shaft) on M and B<br />

(manfs shaft) on S: in nedial axis of mstaba.<br />

Shaft q 7810 A: Excavated by Tewfik Roulos for the Service, 1923-4,<br />

wlfe's shaft: 1.93 x L.C5 m. at top and 1.9 x 1.78 T. at<br />

botto?l: -14.85 7. in rock: lined with qassive msonry above,<br />

4.5 a., 7 courses.<br />

Turning recess in I? wall of shaft: 1.25 m.(w-s) x 1.77 m.(E-w<br />

and 1.0 a. hirhg with horizontal roof and floor at 1.3 m.<br />

above floor of shaft which is cut in steps on 11 side .<br />

Chanber: type 3 afx, with low roof: on S: 3.9 x 4.55 m. and<br />

2.5 a. high: area, lP.13 sq.~.: capacity, 46.32 cu.3.:<br />

roof only 0.2 m. above roof of passage,<br />

Passage: 1.5 x 1.45 a. and 2.0-2.3 m. high: roof horizontal<br />

but floor irre@lar and sloping dovtn fron floor of s Wt<br />

to floor of chamber: no trace of blocking, but probably<br />

of type I1 b(l),<br />

Coffin pit: along W wall of chamber a coffin-pit; 8.5 x 1.17<br />

m., and 0.5 TI. deep: no trace of coffin found by us.<br />

Canopic Pit: in SI3 corner, 0.6d x 0.62 rn. and 0.55 m. deep:<br />

no rebate.<br />

mcavated by us in January, 1936: found filled with disturbed<br />

debris dumped in by Tewfik Eff. BOU103 containing only<br />

a fevi intrusive gragnents.

APPENDIX E$ p.107.<br />

Shaft Cr 7810 R: excavated by Tevlfik Eff. Boulos for the Service:<br />

mar,?s ~fl?ae shaft: 2.1 x 2.1 ’~1. at tc?p and 1.95 x 2.0 rll. at<br />

bottom :-14.6 m. in rock: lined aSove with massive masonry,<br />

6.3 n., 5 courses.<br />

Fuming recess in N wall of shaft, 1.95 (N-S) x 2.05 (E-W)m.<br />

ane 1.77 rn. hip$, mith kiorizontsl roof: opens at level<br />

of qogmzqp botton of shaft.<br />

chanber: type 3 bf, with hi& roof: on S: 4.3 x 8.3 TI. and<br />

5.2. m. hi@: area, 19.78 sq.m.0 capacity, 5S.2.9 cu.m.:<br />

roof of chaqber, 2.0 m. above roof of passage.<br />

passage; 1.5 x 1.3 m. and 1.3 m. high: no remains of blocking<br />

probably of type Ii b(1).<br />

r?o tmce of coffin, but stone coffin indicated by turtiing<br />

recess and size of passage.<br />

Canopic pit: in SE corner, 0.75 1: 0.7 m. and 0.55 m. deep.<br />

Excavated by us in January 1936: found refilled nith<br />

disturbed dumped debris containing some intrusive object:<br />

36-1-8, 3!&1! faience: fmgs. of amulets of Ptolemic period.<br />

36-1-10; alab.: frap. of flat topped ckrcalar table: disrn.18<br />

35-1-11: alab.: frag. of stand of table, perhaps from above.<br />

36-1-12, 13: alab.. 4 fmgs.: of which one has a flat dressed<br />

surface (5.8 3c 4.4 x 2.5 cm.): probably from statue.<br />

36-1-14; diorite: frag. 32?Ba pro &ably from statue: with prt<br />

of an incised sign(?) on dressed surface; 5.5 x 8.0 x2.e<br />

3-7-1-15: 1st.: frag. apparently froln basis of servant statue-<br />

tte: R4nted red on top and sides: round object(basket<br />

of kasin): h., 2.2 em.: d., 4.6 cm.<br />

35-1-16: faience, frag. of bowl, PQolemaic,<br />

35-1-17: alab.: nlodel basifiy dumy: h., 3.6 cm.: d.top, 5.Ocm<br />

d.base, 2.4 ca.<br />

G. ter Cons t ruct ions :<br />

Three intrusive shafts against$ E face of mstak and one against<br />

h7 face.<br />

G 7820: Iy-nefer and his wife Princess PJefertkauw: in old Cheops quarry east of<br />

r, 7810, with the southern ends of tke two anstabs aligne:<br />

tke rock bsis falls away to E and N and probably for this<br />

reason G 7820 is longer and wider than G 7810.<br />

See Figs .........<br />

See Pls ..........<br />

Owner: Iy-nefer,<br />

yastaba: filled ma.s&ba of type VI a with retaining wall of sloping<br />

blocks of nuq. lst., dressed to Q smooth sloping surface:<br />

43.0 x 24.0 m., area, 1032 sq.m.: prop.l/l.8: height,.. ... :<br />

with interior chapel and subsiS!iary N niche.<br />

chapel-: interior chapel of type (sa) of nunmulltic liaestone, bonded<br />

with retalninq wan: relnains of exterior c.b. chapel:’<br />

with subsidiary N niche.<br />

a) interior offering room of type (da) with plain compound<br />

ka-door near S end of W wall- decorated with carved<br />

reliefs (not sized$ technique); 4.25 x 1.57 m.,: area,<br />

5.67 sq.m.: prop.l/2.7: plain compound ka-door of which<br />

the outer niche measures 1.15 x 0.3 m. and the inner<br />

niche, 0.3a x 0.25 m.: entered by doorway in N end of<br />

E wall. opening in emarasure in face of mastaba: room<br />

paved with stone with floor...... m. above rock probably<br />

entered from exterior chapel on same floor level.

<strong>Appendix</strong> B. p.108.<br />

Exterior c.b. chapel: in front of doorway is a hole in the<br />

rock probably arising from the olf quarrying of Cheops:<br />

in this hole has been constructed a high c.b. structure<br />

found on rock and reaching nearly the floor level of<br />

room a: this structure Pad been excavated to rock by<br />

Tewfik Boulos and it excat character could not be<br />

determined: it had a doorway in its N wall opening to<br />

N nhere itb-had been block by stone wall (mstaba?):<br />

1 cannot accept thia as prt of the original c.b. chapel<br />

hce!dee it is too low down, is not symetrically in<br />

relation to the doorvvay of room a: and was not connected<br />

with a room(c) on the south mhich appeared to be part<br />

of the exterior c.b. chapel: if it was of the OFK& and<br />

represented a reconstruction of tke c.b. chapel then<br />

it must have contained a long flight of step leading<br />

fro3 its floor to the level of the doomay of room a.<br />

b) hall around the doorway of room a; now entirely destroyed:<br />

prohbly originally at least 3.3 m. long by at least<br />

3.7 rn. wide (E-&).<br />

C) at the S end of the mstaba face is an E-V; room which<br />

appear to be part of the original chapel; 1.55 x 3.3 h.<br />

area, 5.11 sq.m.. the 2, wall was 1.6 m. thick; the E<br />

wall is not completelt preserved: the E wall which<br />

separated c frorll b or from d, is 1.1 m. thick: entered<br />

by doorway' in Ii: end of N wall: the space north of this<br />

wall was obviously part of roon which was wider in the<br />

E-V~ direction and may have been another subsic'iary rmrn<br />

room or part of the hall b: thus there hall b appears<br />

to have wider than 3.3 m. E-W and to have had at least<br />

two other room, one east of c and another between<br />

these two rooms and b.<br />

Subsidiary N Niche:. . .<br />

Decoration<br />

-<br />

of room a of chapel of G 7820:<br />

~ l reliefs l obliterated except on small part of ka-door:<br />

Fa door :<br />

Architrave; missing.<br />

Tablet: obliterated except for lower right hand corner:<br />

showing bird head and aninal Bead(oryx?) with a raised<br />

horizontal line above: apparently there were other<br />

horizontal lines of offerings(short list)<br />

Crosstar: inscrip;ion with signs facing to right:<br />

........ .dy Inpv Qnty 6h ngr prt-r-Qrw n-f (det. beer<br />

and bread7 rc nb xonthly and h air monthly feasts m wig.<br />

m<br />

Drum: apparently two horizontal lines: (1) illegible titles<br />

(8) I&-nefer( t) (det. m n seated).<br />

Inner niche: not decorated.<br />

Back of outer r