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Introduction lii this chapter sve examiimne time outcoiiies of applications Ion exceptnouial<br />

hardship pavnmeiits Successful apphicatiomis are .siialvsed by the ~pe of<br />

clam miiant miiaking the application, anmd by the value of the awards made<br />

Unisin. cessful applicants an e amial~sen by claimmiamit groump to explore the<br />

possibility that claiiimanmt groups fare difiereuitlv ss tiers they apply Funially,<br />

the niuunmber amid outcomes ofippeals against adverse decisions are ami.ilvsed<br />

The data tised mum thus climpter dense from the suuvev Hoinsuiig Benefit<br />

nmsaiiagers isere asked for the fohlosvmng statistics for 1997/98<br />

• total miunilaer of exceptional han dshi p pivmmiemits awarded,<br />

• tm muben of e’sceptmomial liardship pa~miients ass anded by clam mmianst ts’pe<br />

• mum mi iher of uumisumccessful applications<br />

• ii ui muber of unistuc cessful applicatiomms by claniiiarmt type,<br />

• loss est si eekly ammioumit of cxc. ptmonmal hirdsh mp payment ass an ded<br />

• highest ss eek1~anmiounit of exceptional hardship payumieumt isvarded<br />

• avi. rage sveeklv amnoLmilt of e\ceptmoisal handshmp paynimeilt awarded,<br />

• miuimber ofappeals miuinsiber ofsumccessful appeals<br />

Collecting data for the sumrvey ss as not straightforward for local aLmtlmor utmes<br />

Aliiiost every local aurtbmoritv kept ret ords (in varvmimg aimiouiits of detail)<br />

of the mum nimbi. r aud tue aniolmults of iss an ds arid payrmiemit periods Most<br />

kept these oni coimipuiten as a immeaums of trackiimg paymmienits amid iimommmtormiig<br />

ouigoiilg cxpenmduture Inifbnuiatmomu ois failed apphmcituoiis ss as not m ouitimmelv<br />

held and iii miumw dases had to be uxtracted imiimiimall~ Ii oni casepapers<br />

Sommie authorities did riot imuswer the quiestioims omi LmmisticcescfLul applications<br />

because thi v did imot have the resnuirces to do so For these authorities it<br />

has riot been possible to calcuilate mmumiibers ofapphcations 01 success rates<br />

Successfuil applications amid Ofthe 3(15 local atmthormties imi time suirvey, 288 aumthormtics suipplned figures<br />

success rates for the umunniber of exceptuomial ham dshnp pas uiients awarded iii 1997/98<br />

Succes~fnIapplmcarrons Of these, 248 were ilco able to sumpply figui es for the ni umumiber of<br />

um imsuiccessfuml applmcatmoiis Aggi egmtiiig the m esponses from these authorities<br />

shows thiat 9 483 exceptnoiial haidshmp paymmiermts sscrc uiiade Ii omii 22 ~34<br />

applucatmomis, arm overall stmccess rite of 43 per ceult Time ulneami numuiiber of<br />

pavunenits mm these aumthioritmes was 38 ssmthin a range ofherweemi omie arid<br />

The dmstrmbutmomm of the riummimber of asvards bets’s een difierenu. authioi it’s’<br />

r’s’pes is shoss ii ins Table 5 1<br />


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