Device Encryption QuickStart Guide - McAfee
Device Encryption QuickStart Guide - McAfee
Device Encryption QuickStart Guide - McAfee
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<strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong> Quick Start <strong>Guide</strong><br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
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SafeBoot ® <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong><br />
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Document: <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong> <strong>QuickStart</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />
Last updated: Wednesday, 27 February 2008<br />
SafeBoot Enterprise Build: 5140(513-0015)<br />
<strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong> Product Version: 5.1.3<br />
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Copyright (c) 1992-2008 <strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc., and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, SafeBoot and/or other noted <strong>McAfee</strong> related products contained herein are registered<br />
trademarks or trademarks of <strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc., and/or its affiliates in the US and/or other<br />
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other non-<strong>McAfee</strong> related products, registered and/or unregistered trademarks contained<br />
herein is only by reference and are the sole property of their respective owners.
1. Introduction<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Proper implementation of your company’s security policies is<br />
critical to the protection of its data assets. SafeBoot recognizes<br />
that careful planning and testing must accompany any largescale<br />
software installation.<br />
This document provides you with basic installation and setup<br />
guidelines for a small network system secured by SafeBoot ®<br />
<strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong>. Within this system, you can create users,<br />
machines and groups of all types. You can also run client<br />
installations and work out the implementation details with the<br />
SafeBoot Technical Support team prior to the full-scale rollout.<br />
If the extent of your implementation requires only a basic<br />
system, this document provides the essential information you<br />
need to complete the installation and setup of users, machines<br />
and policies.<br />
Equipment<br />
To complete the installation and setup of the SafeBoot<br />
Management Centre and the SafeBoot Communications Server,<br />
you need the following equipment:<br />
• One PC to be used for the SafeBoot Management Centre<br />
• An additional PC for the client<br />
• Each PC should be capable of running Windows 2000, or<br />
Windows XP, Windows Vista 32bit and 64bit<br />
• Each PC requires a network card and TCP/IP installed and<br />
working, as well as access to ports 5555 and 5556 (Note:<br />
these are the default ports and can be changed) on the<br />
administration PC.<br />
Sequence of Events<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
The installation and setup of SafeBoot is order-dependent and<br />
must be done in the following sequence:<br />
1. Install the SafeBoot Management Centre.<br />
2. Create the object database.<br />
3. Create the SafeBoot Server Application.<br />
4. Add Administrative Users to the System.<br />
5. Set Up Machine Configurations.<br />
6. Create Installation Sets.<br />
7. Install the SafeBoot <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong> Client(s).<br />
8. Test the System.<br />
You can use this basic system for testing, planning and training<br />
administrators.<br />
2. Installing SafeBoot ®<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Management Centre<br />
SafeBoot Management Centre provides centralized<br />
management of the entire SafeBoot network of users and<br />
machines. Two major components are the Object Database and<br />
the SafeBoot Administration Application. The following steps will<br />
guide you through the installation of the administration<br />
software. You only need to do this once.<br />
Installation<br />
1. When you insert the SafeBoot Disk into the CD drive, the<br />
various program file folders are displayed.<br />
2. Select the setup.exe file to start. The Welcome to SafeBoot<br />
Installation screen will appear. Click “Next”.<br />
3. Enter your product code. The product code will arrive<br />
separately from the installation CD, usually via email.<br />
Contact your SafeBoot sales representative if you need<br />
further clarification or you lose your product code.<br />
4. Read and approve the license agreement, click “Yes” to<br />
proceed.<br />
5. Determine where you want the program files to be installed.<br />
Click “Next”.<br />
6. Choose an encryption algorithm. If you are unsure, or have<br />
no preference, then select the default AES (FIPS 256) or<br />
the algorithm that matches your company’s security policies.<br />
7. There are many types of components that you can select<br />
from the Optional Components window:<br />
a. Tokens: If you are not using physical tokens, uncheck all<br />
boxes for this option. Otherwise, select the type of<br />
device used to store the token.<br />
b. Smart Card Readers: If you plan to use hardware<br />
devices to store tokens, you will need to select the type<br />
of reader to be used on both the administration system<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
and the client systems. Deselect all the readers if they<br />
are not required.<br />
c. SafeBoot <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong>: Deselect this option if you<br />
are not installing <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong>.<br />
d. <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong> Themes: Select the pre-boot graphic<br />
theme you would like to appear on your client machines.<br />
Note: you can insert your own graphics. Contact<br />
SafeBoot for further instruction.<br />
e. <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong> Client Languages: SafeBoot supports<br />
multiple languages. Specify the language, or languages,<br />
required for your client machines.<br />
8. When you have selected your components click on “Next”.<br />
The Start Copying Files window provides you with the<br />
opportunity to review your choices before actually installing<br />
the SafeBoot software. Review this list carefully.<br />
a. If you want to make changes, simply hit the “Back”<br />
button until you get to the appropriate window.<br />
b. Make your changes.<br />
c. Continue to click the “Next” button until you reach the<br />
Start Copying Files screen. You can review your<br />
configuration within the Current Settings window.<br />
9. Click on “Next” to create the installation set. This takes just<br />
a couple of minutes.<br />
10. SafeBoot will display the Setup Wizard Complete screen<br />
when the installation has finished. Click the “Finish” button<br />
to complete the process.<br />
11. Restart the computer if required.<br />
3. Create the Object Database<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
To use the SafeBoot Management Centre, you must first<br />
configure the SafeBoot Administration Database (object<br />
database). The object database is a repository for all the security<br />
information (keys, policies, etc.) used in SafeBoot.<br />
The SafeBoot Administration System (SBAdmin) provides the<br />
interface for configuring this database. The SafeBoot<br />
Administration Database and the SafeBoot Management Centre<br />
tools must reside on the same computer.<br />
Creating the object database is a one-time setup requirement.<br />
The only time you will be given the option to create the database<br />
is the first time you run the SafeBoot Administration Tools.<br />
To start the process:<br />
1. Click the “Start” menu.<br />
2. Select “Programs”.<br />
3. Select "SafeBoot Administration Tools”.<br />
4. Select “SafeBoot Administration”.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Configuring the SafeBoot Administration Database<br />
1. Accept the defaults.<br />
Click the “Next” button.<br />
2. Click the “Next” button.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
As with many network applications, you can define users<br />
individually or within groups. The same concept applies to<br />
SafeBoot users and machines (devices) that are attached to the<br />
network. The “SafeBoot User Group” is created automatically,<br />
and the first SafeBoot user (SBAdmin) is automatically placed in<br />
this group.<br />
1. The Administration Database screen contains the default<br />
description, driver and data path for your SafeBoot<br />
installation. You can accept the defaults or assign your own<br />
meaningful names to each of these initial assignments.<br />
2. The next window is the logon screen. This first logon<br />
assumes the user is the “Root User” and will require the<br />
highest level of privileges. This user is automatically<br />
assigned to the SafeBoot User Group.<br />
a. Enter your user name.<br />
b. Select the Token type; the default is Password Only<br />
Token. Note: If you select something other than<br />
Password Only Token, e.g. Smartcard, SafeBoot USB,<br />
you will be asked to enter the token password when you<br />
click on the “Next” button.<br />
c. Enter a password and confirm it.<br />
3. The next screen, “Program Files”, lists all of the files that<br />
should be stored within the object database. Accept the list<br />
that is presented by clicking “Next”. Note: you can add, edit<br />
or remove program files by selecting the respective button.<br />
4. Click the “Finish” button to create the database.<br />
The status of the database installation is displayed as the files are<br />
copied. Upon completion, a pop-up window indicates that the task<br />
is complete.<br />
5. Click the “Done” button and then “Ok” to confirm. The login<br />
screen will automatically display.<br />
6. Log in as the administration user you created earlier.<br />
4. The SafeBoot ®<br />
Administration System<br />
SafeBoot® Administration Tools<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
SafeBoot automatically creates the initial Object Tree structure<br />
for Users, Machines and System objects.<br />
Area 1: The “Object Tree”<br />
The display is for the object groups<br />
contained within each category of<br />
users, machines and system<br />
components.<br />
Area 2: Navigation tabs<br />
These allow the administrator to switch<br />
the Object Tree display between Users,<br />
Machines, Policies and System objects.<br />
Click each tab to become familiar with the structure that was<br />
created during the installation and setup process.<br />
Area 3: Group Members<br />
Double-clicking on an object listed in<br />
Area 1 brings up a detail window which<br />
displays each member contained within<br />
the group.<br />
Area 5: System Log<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Area 4: Properties Window<br />
Double-click on a specific object listed in<br />
Area 3, and the Properties window for<br />
that object will be displayed.<br />
This log displays system-level actions.<br />
This pane can be closed and reopened<br />
from the View menu.<br />
Groups<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
You can create groups for Users, Machines, Policies and<br />
Systems. Groups allow you to categorize and specify the<br />
properties of a collection of users machines, policies and<br />
systems. Creating additional groups, or, modifying the<br />
properties of an existing group is a simple task:<br />
Creating a user Groups<br />
1. Select the tab containing the groups you want to manage,<br />
e.g. "Users".<br />
2. Right-click the group root, e.g. “SafeBoot User Groups” and<br />
select "Create new group".<br />
3. Enter a meaningful name and description for the group. This<br />
could relate to the properties assigned or perhaps an<br />
organizational unit within your company.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
4. There is a check-box beneath the Description field See the<br />
picture in the previous page). Check this if you want all<br />
users in the group to have the same properties.<br />
5. Click “Ok” and the group is created.<br />
The remaining sections of this guide show some further<br />
examples of groups and how to set the properties. See the DE<br />
Administration <strong>Guide</strong> for more detailed information on creating<br />
and configuring groups.<br />
Renaming Groups<br />
1. Right click on the group you wish to rename.<br />
2. Select the “Rename” option.<br />
3. Type over the highlighted text with the new name.<br />
4. Click outside the text or press the key.<br />
5. Create a SafeBoot ®<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Server Application<br />
The SafeBoot system requires a communication server to<br />
handle the exchange between the client machines and the<br />
SafeBoot Object Directory. To create this server:<br />
1. Open the Servers<br />
Window:<br />
a. Select the “System”<br />
Tab and expand<br />
“SafeBoot Servers<br />
Groups”.<br />
b. Double click on<br />
“Servers” to open the<br />
Servers window.<br />
2. Open the New Server<br />
Window:<br />
a. Right click inside the<br />
“Servers” window”.<br />
b. Select “New Server”<br />
from the menu. This will<br />
open the New Server<br />
window. See opposite.<br />
3. If you are using multiple machines for<br />
testing, leave all the SafeBoot Server settings at<br />
their defaults. If you are testing the SafeBoot<br />
Management Centre and the SafeBoot Client on<br />
one machine, you must change the IP<br />
address of the server to “”<br />
3. Double-click on “Servers”.<br />
4. Right-click inside this<br />
window and select “New<br />
Server” from the menu.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
4. Click “OK.” SafeBoot will<br />
create authentication keys for<br />
the server. This may take a few<br />
minutes.<br />
Once you have created your server,<br />
you can start it as a service or run it as<br />
an application:<br />
1. Select “Start” → “Programs” →<br />
“SafeBoot Administration Tools”<br />
→ “SafeBoot Database Server”.<br />
2. Log in and select the server<br />
when prompted. This starts the<br />
server application.<br />
3. If you wish to run the server as<br />
a service then select “File” →<br />
“Start service” from the<br />
SafeBoot Database Server<br />
application.<br />
Creating Users<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
All users of the SafeBoot system need their own account, with<br />
the exception of Windows mobile devices, as these are treated<br />
as machines.<br />
To create users:<br />
1. Open the user group:<br />
a. Select the “Users” tab.<br />
b. Expand “SafeBoot User<br />
Groups”.<br />
c. Double click on the user<br />
group you wish to add a<br />
user to. This will open the<br />
user group window.<br />
2. Open the Create User<br />
window:<br />
a. Right click inside the<br />
user group window.<br />
b. From the right-click<br />
menu choose the “Create<br />
User” option. This will load<br />
the Create User window.<br />
4. Create the user:<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
a. Enter a name for the user. They will<br />
use this to log in.<br />
b. Add identifying information for<br />
authenticating a user when they need<br />
assistance from the helpdesk.<br />
c. The identifying information can be<br />
edited or cleared when required.<br />
d. Click “Ok” to add the user.<br />
User Properties<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
From the Properties window you can set or reset any attribute<br />
from general user information and password policies to specific<br />
privileges assigned to the user.<br />
1. Select the group containing the<br />
user. Right-click or double click the<br />
user name and select “Properties”<br />
to open their settings window.<br />
2. Click each attribute category<br />
and specify the rules for the use.<br />
3. You can scroll up and down to<br />
view more categories.<br />
4. Enter the values in the<br />
Properties window.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
5. You can click “Apply” to save<br />
the settings, “Close” to close the<br />
window and (optionally) apply the<br />
settings, or “Restore” to restore the<br />
settings to their saved state.<br />
6. Setup Machine Configurations<br />
The next step is to create a machine group and configure it.<br />
1. Create the Machine<br />
Group:<br />
a. Select the “<strong>Device</strong>s”<br />
Tab and right click on<br />
“SafeBoot Machine<br />
Groups”.<br />
b. Select the “Create<br />
Machine Group” option.<br />
c. Enter a name and<br />
description for the<br />
group in the New Group<br />
window.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
2 Set the properties of the<br />
machine group:<br />
a. Right-click on the machine<br />
group you have created.<br />
b. Select the “Properties”<br />
option.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Do not select any encryption if<br />
you intend to install the client<br />
software on the same machine<br />
as the administration system!<br />
5. You can click “Apply” to save<br />
the settings, “Close” to close the<br />
window and (optionally) apply the<br />
settings, or “Restore” to restore the<br />
settings to their saved state.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Adding users to your machine group<br />
You can add individual users or the entire group of users to a<br />
machine group.<br />
Users must be added to a machine group in order to log in to a<br />
protected machine.<br />
1. Select the “<strong>Device</strong>s” tab and<br />
right-click on the machine group<br />
you wish to add users to.<br />
2. Select the “Add Users” option.<br />
This will load the Select Users<br />
window.<br />
3. If you select a group from the left hand pane the<br />
users within that group will appear in the right hand<br />
pane. Select one or more users and click “Ok” to add<br />
them to the group. Alternatively, to add a group, select it<br />
from the right hand pane and click “Ok”.<br />
7. Creating an Install Set<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
The files necessary for creating the install set are located in the<br />
SafeBoot Administration Database. The install set is associated<br />
with the machine level functions.<br />
From the SafeBoot Administrator window:<br />
1. Right-click on the machine<br />
group.<br />
2. Select “Create installation<br />
set.”<br />
From Page 1 of the Wizard:<br />
In a previous step, you set up a communications server, so use<br />
the “Online” install method.<br />
From Page 2:<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
3. Check “Online”. Click<br />
“Next.”<br />
4. Check the server<br />
created to handle the<br />
communications<br />
between the client<br />
machines and the<br />
SafeBoot<br />
Administration<br />
Database.<br />
Click “Next.”<br />
Keep in mind that this server will be remote from the clients. You<br />
need to create an install set for each machine group that you<br />
have created.<br />
In large scale network installations you may have more than one<br />
server running. Clients will select the best connection from the<br />
available servers to perform the synchronization function.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Before proceeding to the next step, please check you have<br />
selected the correct server from the list. Remember that the local<br />
connection (SBFILEDB.DLL) is only local to the machine you are<br />
working on - it is not accessible by network-connected machines.<br />
5. From the final page:<br />
5. Specify the<br />
destination folder<br />
where SafeBoot will be<br />
installed.<br />
Click “Finish.”<br />
For testing, DO NOT select either the “Silent Installation” option<br />
or the “Automatic Restart.” You will want to monitor the install,<br />
and selecting either of these options does not allow you to<br />
monitor the success of the installation. The resulting executable is<br />
saved to the desktop of the server.<br />
The SafeBoot Administrator takes the files needed out of the<br />
SafeBoot Object Database and creates one file, SafeBoot5x.exe.<br />
• Copy the executable to a CD or diskette that can be taken to<br />
each client machine in the group, or, copy the file to a<br />
network directory to which the client machine has access.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
8. Installing the <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong> Client<br />
There is no need to install the administration software on each<br />
machine in your environment. Only administrators need access to<br />
this package. General users of SafeBoot need only the single<br />
SafeBoot5x.exe file..<br />
The installation will have to be executed from the client<br />
machine.<br />
1. From the location where the executable was saved, run<br />
SafeBoot5x.exe.<br />
2. When the install is complete, restart the machine.<br />
Before installing the <strong>Device</strong> <strong>Encryption</strong> client, unplug any<br />
removable hard disks (such as USB or Firewire drives) from the<br />
machine.<br />
3. When the machine reboots, it will automatically attempt to<br />
communicate with the SafeBoot Server to get its proper<br />
configuration.<br />
4. The first time the user boots the machine, SafeBoot<br />
protection is operational. SafeBoot takes over the initial boot<br />
process and requires the user to log in before the operating<br />
system completes the boot up process.<br />
On Windows 2000, XP and Vista you need to have local<br />
administration rights to install SafeBoot.<br />
In a production environment, you can distribute SafeBoot5x.exe<br />
via tools such as SMS, Zen Works, or other distribution software.<br />
You can also run it via automation such as PsExec.<br />
9. About the SafeBoot ®<br />
Client<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Other than the login process, SafeBoot is transparent to the user.<br />
The only evidence of its existence is the icon in the tool tray.<br />
The user has a few options available:<br />
5. Right-click on the SafeBoot icon.<br />
6. Select the “Lock Workstation” option. The user must log<br />
back into the machine to clear the screen saver.<br />
7. If a Synchronize event has been initiated, selecting the<br />
“Show Status” option displays the status of the event on the<br />
Progress bar and the Activity Log will show the items being<br />
checked for updates during the synchronization event. Other<br />
activities are also logged. During a synchronize event, the<br />
Activity Log is uploaded to the audit screen in the SafeBoot<br />
Administration tool.<br />
10. Testing the SafeBoot ®<br />
System<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Below you will find some typical SafeBoot administration<br />
operations you may like to try.<br />
Recover a User Password<br />
1. From the client machine instruct the user to:<br />
a. Restart the machine. The log in screen is displayed.<br />
b. Cancel the token logon, and click the SafeBoot icon on<br />
the bottom left of the screen.<br />
c. Click the “Recovery” option.<br />
d. Select “User Recovery” and enter his/her user name.<br />
The user is presented with an alphanumeric challenge that is<br />
unique to the user and machine.<br />
The challenge code.<br />
2. The SafeBoot Administrator should now:<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
a. Log in as a user with more privileges than the target<br />
user.<br />
b. Select the user’s machine group followed by the<br />
“Recovery” menu.<br />
c. Select “Perform Recovery”.<br />
d. Ask the user to tell you the challenge code displayed on<br />
the machine.<br />
e. Enter the code into the space provided. If correct, the<br />
user name is displayed.<br />
f. Click on the “Properties” button to view the user‘s<br />
details.<br />
g. Validate that the user is who he/she claims to be by<br />
asking for the answer to the specific authentication fact<br />
specific to the user (Mother’s maiden name, pet name,<br />
etc).<br />
h. Click the “Next” button.<br />
i. Select “Reset users password” and then click “Next.” A<br />
list of response codes is displayed.<br />
3. From the user’s machine, instruct the user to:<br />
Auditing<br />
a. Click “Next.”<br />
Response codes.<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
b. Repeat the response code to the user and have him/her<br />
enter the sequence into the space displayed.<br />
c. Click “Next.”<br />
d. The user will be prompted to change the password and<br />
confirm it.<br />
SafeBoot Object Database maintains an audit log for all<br />
machines, devices and users. Audit logs are updated every time a<br />
machine or device connects to the central database via the<br />
SafeBoot Server.<br />
To view the audit log:<br />
1. Right-click on the object, e.g. user name.<br />
2. Select “View audit.”<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Audit information.<br />
Audit logs are maintained automatically and indefinitely for each<br />
user and machine. Audit logs are only accessible by<br />
administrators with the assigned privileges. An audit log can be<br />
exported by right-clicking on the log and selecting the “Export”<br />
option.<br />
Additional Activities<br />
Now that you have a working SafeBoot environment, you can<br />
start customizing the configuration of users and machines. Some<br />
things to try are listed below.<br />
If you have separate administration and client machines:<br />
1. Log in to a client with an account other than “SBAdmin”.<br />
2. Disable the users account. Use the “General” tab of their<br />
properties and deselect “Enabled”.<br />
3. Update the client machine using any of these methods:<br />
• Reboot it<br />
Or..<br />
• Right-click on the SafeBoot Monitor on the client and select<br />
“Synchronize”<br />
Or..<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
• Find the machine in SBAdmin, right-click on it and select<br />
“Force Sync.” This forces a synchronization event on a<br />
network-connected machine.<br />
The login screen activates on the SafeBoot Client machine. This<br />
indicates that the client is locked out of the machine.<br />
If you are running SBAdmin and SafeBoot on the same<br />
machine:<br />
1. Find your machine entry in the Object Database.<br />
2. Open its property pages and go to its “Warning Text” tab.<br />
3. Add some new warning text to the boxes and then click the<br />
“Apply” button to save the changes.<br />
4. Synchronize your machine with the object database by one<br />
of the following methods:<br />
a. Right-click on the SafeBoot Monitor on the client and<br />
select “Synchronize”, or<br />
b. Find the machine in SBAdmin, right-click on it and select<br />
“Force Sync.” This forces a synchronization event on a<br />
network-connected machine.<br />
On Windows 9x, start the SafeBoot screen saver by doubleclicking<br />
on the SafeBoot Monitor tool tray icon; move the mouse<br />
or press a key - you should find the new warning message. On<br />
Windows NT, 2000 and XP, you will need to reboot to see the new<br />
text.<br />
Removing the SafeBoot ® Client from Machines<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Removing client software from a machine is also a simple<br />
process. To remove:<br />
Synchronize the machines with the database using one of the<br />
methods described in the “Additional Activities” section.<br />
1. Select the Machine<br />
group.<br />
2. Double-click the<br />
machine you want to<br />
remove.<br />
3. Select “Remove”, or<br />
“Remove and Reboot”<br />
from the “Boot<br />
Protection” menu.<br />
Removing SafeBoot ® Administration<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />
Once you have removed the SafeBoot Client from your machines,<br />
you can remove SafeBoot Administration:<br />
• Use the “Add/Remove Programs” utility from the Control<br />
Panel and choose the “Remove” option for SafeBoot<br />
Administration Tools.<br />
Once you perform this step, you will no longer be able to remove<br />
SafeBoot or recover passwords from remaining Clients. Make sure<br />
you have removed all clients before removing the administration<br />
software.<br />
Notes<br />
<strong>McAfee</strong>, Inc.<br />