News Release - AHK Korea

News Release - AHK Korea

News Release - AHK Korea


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<strong>News</strong> <strong>Release</strong><br />

November 30, 2009<br />

Merck Ltd. <strong>Korea</strong><br />

Merck Advanced Technologies Ltd.<br />

Haesung-2-Bldg. 15 th Floor<br />

942-10, Daechi-dong, Kangnam-ku<br />

Seoul 135-280, <strong>Korea</strong><br />

Phone +82 (02) 2185-3800<br />

Fax +82 (02) 2185-3900<br />

http://www.merck.co.kr<br />

Your Contact<br />

Corporate Communication<br />

Soo-kyung Jeon (2185-3919 / 010-4746-3919)<br />

Mira Jung (2185-3838 / 010-8763-3838)<br />

Merck to Promote <strong>Korea</strong>n Artist through Corporate Calendar Worldwide<br />

November 30, 2009, Seoul, <strong>Korea</strong> – Merck Limited <strong>Korea</strong> (President: Mr. Juergen Koenig),<br />

the <strong>Korea</strong>n affiliate of Merck KGaA, Germany-based chemical and pharmaceutical company,<br />

announced on Monday that Merck to Promote <strong>Korea</strong>n Artist through Corporate Calendar<br />

Worldwide.<br />

So, there will be a calendar featuring works by a local artist to be distributed across the world<br />

through Merck network. It will discover local artists less unknown to the public and introduce<br />

their art works printed onto its corporate calendar to worldwide customers, part of the<br />

company’s support program for the culture and art community.<br />

Merck has run the program for years in Germany and elsewhere but it marks the first time<br />

ever that it has selected a <strong>Korea</strong>n artist in the support activity. The first <strong>Korea</strong>n beneficiary<br />

artist is Oh, In-soon, a painter who often employs a bright, vivacious color scheme for her<br />

paintings.<br />

“It is a small start in our support to the culture and art community here, but we are very<br />

excited to see more people will become aware of art works and artists by accessing them<br />

easily in their everyday use of the calendar and this will eventually contribute to the<br />

development of culture and art,” said Mr. Juergen Koenig, president of Merck <strong>Korea</strong>.<br />

The calendar is due to be sent to Merck’s customers around the globe through Merck’s<br />

network of 60 affiliates overseas.<br />

Merck has so far extended its support to the scientific community in <strong>Korea</strong> by establishing<br />

awards to encourage promising researchers in fields of liquid crystal and bio technology, and<br />

giving scholarships to medical students.<br />

With the start of the 2010 calendar, Merck said it will keep efforts to discover <strong>Korea</strong>n artists<br />

and promote them around the world.<br />

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<strong>News</strong> <strong>Release</strong><br />

About Merck<br />

Merck is a global pharmaceutical and chemical company with total revenues of € 7.6 billion in 2008, a history that began in 1668,<br />

and a future shaped by approximately 33,000 employees in 60 countries. Its success is characterized by innovations and<br />

tradition from entrepreneurial employees. Merck traditionally puts a long-term business beyond a generational period before a<br />

focus on a short-term profit and keeps the chemical and pharmaceutical business under the same umbrella, thereby uniting their<br />

strengths, touching on the reason for Merck to remain one of the most innovative companies for 341 years while it has been<br />

owned by a family since its origin. Merck's operating activities come under the umbrella of Merck KGaA, in which the Merck<br />

family holds an approximately 70% interest and free shareholders own the remaining approximately 30%. In 1917 the U.S.<br />

subsidiary Merck & Co. was expropriated and has been an independent company ever since.<br />

About Merck in <strong>Korea</strong><br />

Merck Ltd., registered in 1989, and Merck Advanced Technologies Ltd., established in 2002, are the Merck companies in <strong>Korea</strong><br />

and operate in pharmaceutical and the chemical industries of Liquid Crystals, Performance & Life Science Chemicals such as<br />

Pigments, Life Science products and Analytics. In 1999, Merck in <strong>Korea</strong> set up its <strong>Korea</strong>n pharmaceutical operation. This was<br />

integrated with Serono <strong>Korea</strong> after Merck KGaA’s acquisition of Serono S.A. in 2007. After organizing ourselves, Merck in <strong>Korea</strong><br />

set to introduce new products step by step and will continue in the future. In addition, Merck has been increasing the number of<br />

clinical trials in <strong>Korea</strong>. Merck has a strong relation with R&D in <strong>Korea</strong>, not only in the medical area but also in the chemical field.<br />

In 2008 Merck KGaA decided to invest EUR 11 million in a new Advanced Technology Center (ATC) to improve Merck’s R&D<br />

and manufacturing capacities by providing high quality products in the rapidly increasing display market, while continuing to<br />

support customers by allowing them to achieve business success through advanced technologies and close relationship in a<br />

rapidly changing display technology. Also, this investment reconfirms Merck’s commitment and responsibility to contribute<br />

innovative solutions for the future success of the <strong>Korea</strong>n display industry. And it is now under construction and will be completed<br />

in early December, 2009.<br />

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