20100308_LM-Opening_Laser Application Center-Korea - AHK Korea
20100308_LM-Opening_Laser Application Center-Korea - AHK Korea
20100308_LM-Opening_Laser Application Center-Korea - AHK Korea
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Press Release<br />
JENOPTIK AG l Public Relations l Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 1 l 07743 Jena l Phone: +49 3641 65-2255 l Fax: -2484 l E-mail: pr@jenoptik.com l www.jenoptik.com<br />
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Rudolf Humer l Executive Board: Dr.-Ing. Michael Mertin (Chairman), Frank Einhellinger<br />
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08/2010<br />
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08.03.2010<br />
Jenoptik Group opens laser application<br />
center in <strong>Korea</strong>.<br />
Customers and interested parties in the areas of electronic, flat panel as<br />
well as photovoltaics and automotive can test and further develop<br />
production processes and lasers. The official opening of the new sales,<br />
application and service site took place today. Customers and partners<br />
were presented the entire product spectrum of the <strong>Laser</strong>s & Material<br />
Processing as well as Optical Systems divisions.<br />
Jenoptik Chairman of the Executive Board Dr. Michael Mertin and CFO Frank Einhellinger opened<br />
the new laser application center in the presence of around 100 invited guests from business and<br />
politics, among them numerous customers and partners of the Jenoptik Group in Asia. “This moves<br />
our process of internationalization a major step forward. Direct market access and a trained service<br />
team are indispensable for complex systems. With the new center, we have laid the foundation for<br />
further business activities of all divisions of the Jenoptik Group,” said Michael Mertin at the<br />
opening.<br />
Customers and interested parties from across Asia can now test lasers and laser applications for<br />
their own production environments on site with their own materials and refine the processes<br />
together with Jenoptik engineers. Jenoptik invested $4.4 million (approx. €3.4 million/5.4 billion<br />
<strong>Korea</strong>n Won) in the laser application center in the southern <strong>Korea</strong>n city of Pyeongtaek (Gyeonggi<br />
province, 70 km south of Seoul).<br />
The application center is sited on a campus shared with Telstar-Hommel Corp., a long-standing<br />
Jenoptik joint venture partner in the Industrial Metrology division. Together with Telstar-Hommel<br />
Corp., Jenoptik founded JENOPTIK <strong>Korea</strong> Corp. in July 2009 and built the new application center in<br />
only four months. The Jenoptik Executive Board gave special thanks to Buyng-Hoon Im, president<br />
and CEO of Telstar-Hommel: “We have an experienced partner in Telstar-Hommel. Without the<br />
close and intensive collaboration, we would not have been able to build the laser application center<br />
so quickly and successfully,” said Michael Mertin and Frank Einhellinger in their opening speech.
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<strong>Laser</strong>s and laser processing systems available for extensive tests, process<br />
development and pilot and small production runs.<br />
Over an area of approx. 500 square meters, the laser application center has initially been equipped<br />
with two laser systems for processes in the electronic as well as photovoltaics and flat panel<br />
industries: the JENOPTIK VOTAN TM Semi 300 is designed for machining wafers (Si, GaAs or SiC) and<br />
thus also for ultra-precise applications in clean room environments. The special separation process<br />
developed by Jenoptik, so-called TLS-Dicing TM (TLS = Thermal <strong>Laser</strong> Separation), enables the quick,<br />
efficient and damage-free separation of semiconductor wafers. With the JENOPTIK VOTAN TM<br />
Advanced laser system, the TLS process specifically addresses the photovoltaics and flat panel<br />
industry for industrial cutting (called separation) of thin-film solar cells and display glass. In addition<br />
to tests, customers and interested parties can also develop individual technological solutions on the<br />
systems, manufacture pilot runs and small batches and commission feasibility studies.<br />
There are plans to expand the application center with additional laser systems in the coming<br />
months as part of the expansion of JENOPTIK <strong>Korea</strong> Corporation Ltd. Within a short time, JENOPTIK<br />
<strong>Korea</strong> Corporation Ltd. has already positioned itself as a partner for the entire Asian growth<br />
market. The company has eight employees and, in addition to the application center, is in charge of<br />
all after-sales service in Asia together with other Jenoptik companies, e.g. in Japan. A total of over<br />
60 laser systems for various applications are currently in use in Asia.<br />
14 further systems have been commissioned and will be delivered or installed in the coming<br />
months. JENOPTIK <strong>Korea</strong> Corporation Ltd. achieved its first successes quicker than expected and<br />
received new orders worth a total of around €5 million in recent months.<br />
Jenoptik Group expanding presence in Asia.<br />
According to preliminary figures, sales of the Jenoptik Group in Asia comprised just under 8 percent<br />
of overall sales of around €470 million in 2009, just under 10 percent of overall sales in the <strong>Laser</strong>s<br />
& Optical Systems segment were in Asia. “We see more great potential for the overall Group in<br />
Asia. With our direct local presence, we can now approach the market better and more intensively.<br />
In the current year, we are again expanding our activity in Asia,” says Jenoptik boss Dr. Michael<br />
Mertin. In Asia, the Jenoptik Group currently has a total of about 150 employees in own or joint<br />
venture companies and, in addition to <strong>Korea</strong>, is also present in China and Japan.<br />
The business contacts in <strong>Korea</strong> are attributable to the Industrial Metrology division of the Jenoptik<br />
Group, which has already been represented there for over 25 years. Customers of Industrial<br />
Metrology include renowned automobile manufacturers and suppliers such as KIA, Hyundai and<br />
GM Daewoo.
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Facts & figures on the new laser application center<br />
Start of construction: July 2009<br />
Move-in/handover date: November 2009<br />
Formal opening: March 8, 2010<br />
Area: 500 m 2 , of which 80 m 2 clean room<br />
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Equipment: JENOPTIK VOTAN TM Semi 300 l JENOPTIK VOTAN TM Advanced<br />
Facts & figures on JENOPTIK <strong>Korea</strong> Corporation Ltd.<br />
Founded: July 2, 2009<br />
Partners: Telstar-Hommel Corp (33.3 percent)<br />
Employees: 8<br />
JENOPTIK AG (66.6 percent)<br />
Address: 455-2 Hyeongok, Cheongbuk<br />
Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi,<br />
<strong>Korea</strong> 451-831<br />
Contact: Mr. Daniel Böhme, President & CEO<br />
About the Jenoptik Group<br />
Phone: +82-31-6464-020<br />
Mail: Jenoptik.<strong>Korea</strong>@gmail.com<br />
As an integrated optoelectronics group Jenoptik operates in the five divisions <strong>Laser</strong>s & Material<br />
Processing, Optical Systems, Industrial Metrology, Traffic Solutions and Defense & Civil Systems. Its<br />
customers around the world mainly include companies in the semiconductor and semiconductor<br />
equipment manufacturing industry, automotive and automotive supplier industry, medical<br />
technology, security and defense technology as well as the aerospace industry.<br />
The Group was created out of the former Kombinat VEB Carl Zeiss Jena in 1991, as a result of the<br />
German reunification. The Jenoptik Group headquarters are in Jena (Thuringia). In addition to<br />
several major sites in Germany Jenoptik is represented in nearly 70 countries. JENOPTIK AG is listed<br />
on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and included in the TecDax index.
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With its <strong>Laser</strong>s & Material Processing division Jenoptik is one of the leading providers and has<br />
control of the entire value-added chain of laser material processing – from component through to<br />
complete system. In the area of laser technology, Jenoptik has specialized in high-quality<br />
semiconductor materials and reliable diode lasers as well as innovative solid-state lasers, e.g. fiber<br />
and disk lasers. In the area of high-power diode lasers Jenoptik is acknowledged worldwide as a<br />
leader in quality. In the area of laser processing systems Jenoptik develops systems that are<br />
integrated into production facilities of our customers and used for optimization and automation of<br />
processes. These systems enable our customers to work with plastics, metals, glass, ceramics and<br />
semiconductor materials with maximum efficiency, precision and safety.<br />
Pyeongtaek/Jena, March 8, 2010