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Hydrobiologia : 1–13, 2003.<br />

© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.<br />

Steady-state assemblages of phytoplankton in four temperate lakes (NE<br />

U.S.A.)<br />

Vera Huszar 1 ,CarlaKruk 2 & Nina Caraco 3<br />

1 Lab. de Ficologia, Museu Nacional/UFRJ, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 20940-040, Brasil<br />

2 Limnology Section, Universidad de La República, 11400 Montevideo, Uruguay<br />

3 Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, 12 545, Milbrook, NY, U.S.A.<br />

Key words: phytoplankton assemblages, steady-states, driving forces, stratified lakes<br />

Abstract<br />

For four temperate lakes (Northeast U.S.A.) we identify periods of persistent phytoplankton assemblages and investigate<br />

the ecological conditions that correlate to these persistent assemblages. Periods of persistent assemblages,<br />

here considered as steady-state phases, were defined according to equilibrium criteria (two or three coexisting<br />

species, contributing to 80% of the standing biomass, for at least 2 weeks) defined by Sommer et al. (1993, Hydrobiologia<br />

249: 1–7). For all four lakes, samples were taken weekly during the ice-free season and phytoplankton<br />

attributes (biomass, assemblages, diversity, species richness, change rates) and abiotic variables (temperature, I ∗ –<br />

as light mean in the mixing zone – zmix, and nutrients) were analysed. Chodikee (CH), an eutrophic and rapidly<br />

flushed lake, did not show any persistent phase. The remaining three lakes showed single steady-state phases that<br />

occurred at varying times during the ice-free season. Steady-state phases occurred during early stratification in<br />

late spring in the stably stratified oligotrophic Mohonk Lake (MO), in the late summer stratification in the mesoeutrophic<br />

Stissing Lake (ST), and during spring mixing in Wononscopomuc Lake (WO). MO showed a 3-week<br />

period with dominance of F assemblage (Botryococcus braunii, Willea wilhelmii and Eutetramorus planctonicus),<br />

characteristic for clear epilimnia, tolerant to low nutrient and sensitive to high turbidity. For three weeks, ST had<br />

a stable assemblage with dominance of Lo (Woronichinia sp.), common assemblage in summer epilimnion of<br />

mesotrophic lakes and sensitive to prolonged or deep mixing; and P, assemblage able to live in eutrophic epilimnia<br />

with mild light and sensitive to stratification and silica depletion. In contrast, the mesotrophic Wononscopomuc<br />

Lake (WO) showed persistent assemblages during a 4-week period of spring circulation, when a dinoflagellate (Lo)<br />

was co-dominant with Nitzschia acicularis (C). The latter species is characteristic for mesotrophic lakes, tolerant<br />

to low light and sensitive to stratification and silica depletion. Both Lo and P assemblages, among seven others,<br />

had before been quoted, in literature, as dominant in maturing stages. We could not find consistent statistical<br />

differences between the periods classified as steady-state and non-steady-state. However, the data demonstrated<br />

that prolonged period of both mixing and stratification can maintain dominant assemblages. Although, historically<br />

sensed as opposite mechanisms, both mixing and stratification, if persistent, were observed maintaining dominant<br />

assemblages because both scenario are characterized by environmental constancy.<br />

Introduction<br />

Equilibrium and non-equilibrium hypothesis have often<br />

been used to explain community ecology. In the<br />

non-equilibrium hypothesis, forces driving the equilibrium<br />

are weak and the competitive interactions are<br />

minimal. Under such circumstances, environmental<br />

disturbances occur frequently enough to disrupt the<br />

course of competitive exclusion (Harris, 1986). Higher<br />

diversity is reached when environmental and internal<br />

disturbances can prevent the establishment of equilibrium<br />

conditions (Sommer et al., 1993). In nonequilibrium,<br />

each dominant species occupies a different<br />

niche which results from and reduces direct<br />

competition. Then, species composition is more or<br />

less stable according to environmental predictabil-<br />

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2<br />

ity (Whittaker, 1975). In this sense, both temporal<br />

and spatial niche segregation are essential to maintain<br />

communities in equilibrium. In aquatic environments,<br />

this segregation is uncommon (Harris, 1986) and can<br />

be reached only in absence of disturbance, when diversity<br />

is reduced to minimal levels by competitive<br />

exclusion.<br />

Selection of dominant phytoplankton species in<br />

lakes depends upon a complex and mainly unpredictable<br />

combination of factors. The physical structure<br />

of the system (hydrology, temperature and light), the<br />

availability of nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, silicate<br />

and carbon) and the zooplankton community are<br />

the most important phytoplankton conditioning factors<br />

(Reynolds, 1980). Phytoplankton grow very fast and<br />

most species are cosmopolitan implying that colonisation<br />

of new habitats is hardly a limiting factor<br />

(Reynolds, 1997). We can assume that everything<br />

can growth everywhere and filter the spectrum of<br />

possible assemblages using information about their<br />

environmental tolerances and sensitivities. The longer<br />

certain conditions persist, the poorer is the survival<br />

of the sensitive groups and the better the survival<br />

of the tolerant ones. In less severe environments,<br />

more species will potentially operate successfully, but<br />

as their growth depletes nutrients and reduces light<br />

availability, conditions become more restrictive and<br />

the identity of survivors becomes more predictable.<br />

After constant environmental conditions over 12–16<br />

generations, the phytoplankton community reaches<br />

a climax or climactic equilibrium (Reynolds, 1993).<br />

When disturbances conditions prevail, plagioclimatic<br />

assemblages can develop (Reynolds, 1988). In these<br />

situations, we expect to find dominant species or particular<br />

species assemblages with different levels of stability<br />

and diversity according to characteristics of the<br />

system. In this sense, Sommer et al. (1993) ensure that<br />

a equilibrium phase development is attained when two<br />

or three species, contributing to more than 80% of the<br />

standing biomass, coexist with no changes for, at least,<br />

2 weeks. Considering that the phytoplankton community<br />

is usually far from thermodynamic equilibrium<br />

and most pelagic systems are neither well-organised<br />

nor successionally well advanced (Reynolds, 1997),<br />

hereinafter we will use de word steady-state since it<br />

can be held by nutrients, or light, or flushing, or stratification,<br />

or spatial transport, or grazers, but always it<br />

is dominated by few species for which the conditions<br />

are the best.<br />

A number of models have been developed to understand<br />

the regulatory influence of environmental factors<br />

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acting upon phytoplankton assemblages (e.g. Moss<br />

et al., 1996). Most of the predictive models of spatial<br />

and seasonal variation treat phytoplankton either<br />

as a single entity or by major taxonomic divisions.<br />

Far from being a uniform group, however, freshwater<br />

phytoplankton is composed of organisms drawn from<br />

11 or so algal phyla, with highly diverse characteristics,<br />

which can be grouping in assemblages, based<br />

on the physiological, morphological and ecological attributes<br />

of the species that potentially and alternatively<br />

may dominate or co-dominate the system.<br />

Opposing the traditional view, which concentrates<br />

on taxonomic dominance at division level,<br />

the morphological-functional framework (Reynolds,<br />

1997; Reynolds et al., 2002) has performed better<br />

than the approach (Huszar & Caraco, 1998; Fabbro &<br />

Duivenvorden, 2000; Kruk et al., 2002) in simulating<br />

compositional changes. The last version of the scheme<br />

(Reynolds et al., 2002) outlined 31 assemblages (labelled<br />

as an alpha-numeric code) with the basic pattern<br />

of their distinctive ecologies. According to Reynolds<br />

(1997) dominant, near monospecific populations of<br />

some assemblages appear strong candidates to qualify<br />

and, under specific cases, to achieve the maturing<br />

stage sensu Odum’ rules (Odum, 1969). We hypothesized<br />

that, provided steady-state phases in a lake,<br />

phytoplankton will present a higher and less variable<br />

biomass, lower diversity and change rates, and will be<br />

represented by particular assemblages conditioned by<br />

the environmental attributes.<br />

In this paper, we apply data from the phytoplankton<br />

community of four temperate lakes with different<br />

mixing regimes and trophic states, located in northeast<br />

U.S.A., in order to identify periods of low variability<br />

in biomass and composition of the assemblages<br />

(steady-states) and to understand the ecological conditions<br />

which lead, maintain (tolerances) and disrupt<br />

(sensitivities) such persistence.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Study sites<br />

The four lakes (Chodikee, Stissing, Wonoskopomuc<br />

and Mohonk) are located in northern U.S.A. and have<br />

different residence times, mixing patterns and trophic<br />

states (Table 1). A detailed discussion about the relationship<br />

between phytoplankton composition and<br />

physical and chemical variables of these same lakes<br />

can be found in Huszar & Caraco (1998).<br />

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Figure 1. Depth-time diagrams of water temperature ( ◦ C) recorded for the four lakes. SS=steady-states.<br />

Table 1. Morphometric data for the studied lakes. Loc=localization; zmax=maximum depth; Ret.time=retention<br />

time<br />

Lakes Loc. Area (km2 ) zmax (m) Ret.time Mixing Trophic State1 (years)<br />

Chodikee NY 0.24 6 0.3 Discontinuous Cold Eutrophic<br />

Polymictic<br />

Stissing NY 0.28 8 0.7 Dimictic Meso- eutrophic<br />

Wononscopomuc CT 1.43 32 3 Dimictic Mesotrophic<br />

Mohonk NY 0.07 19 3 Dimictic Oligotrophic<br />

1 Vollenweider & Kerekes (1982); Nürnberg (1996).<br />

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4<br />

Field sampling<br />

Samples were taken weekly during the ice-free season<br />

(April–October). Limnological samples were taken<br />

from the surface (0.5 m) at a fixed point in the deepest<br />

area of each system, with exception of temperature<br />

which was measured biweekly in profile (four or<br />

six depths). Phytoplankton and nutrients were taken<br />

in polyethylene bottles; dissolved inorganic carbon<br />

(DIC) from gas-tight, 60 ml containers. pH was measured<br />

in situ (Fisher accumet 1001-meter) and temperature<br />

with YSI temperature oxygen meter. Water<br />

transparency by Secchi depth and conductivity with<br />

YSI 3000 T-L-C meter.<br />

Before samples were analysed or preserved, they<br />

were kept in the dark on ice. Samples for dissolved<br />

nutrients were filtered within 8 h using Whatman GF/F<br />

filters. Nutrients and DIC samples were preserved with<br />

clean H2SO4 to pH 2.0 and 1.0, respectively (Caraco<br />

et al., 1993). Phytoplankton was preserved in Lugol<br />

solution.<br />

Sample analysis<br />

Nutrient concentrations were estimated by colorimetric<br />

analysis using a Technicon or ALPKEM autoanalyser<br />

(APHA, 1992). DIC was measured on a Shimadzu<br />

ASI-5050 analyser. Alkalinity was calculated<br />

from DIC, pH, temperature and conductivity (Cole et<br />

al., 1994).<br />

Phytoplankton was concentrated prior to counting<br />

from 250 ml to 20 ml. Concentration was accomplished<br />

by settling and using peristaltic pump<br />

to remove overlying water. Following concentration,<br />

phytoplankton, except picoplankton, were enumerated<br />

in random fields (Uhelinger, 1964), using the settling<br />

technique (Utermöhl, 1958). The units (cells,<br />

colonies and filaments) were enumerated, at least to<br />

100 specimens of the most frequent species (counting<br />

error5% of relative abundance) with similar<br />

morphological and ecological features.<br />

Periods of persistent assemblages, considered as<br />

steady-state phases, were defined according to Sommer<br />

et al. (1993), where a maximum of three species<br />

dominate (70–80%) the community for, at least, three<br />

weeks without significant change in total biomass.<br />

Non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis H-tests (H statistic)<br />

were used to test for differences among different conditions<br />

in the phytoplankton community according<br />

to total biomass and differences among the steadystate<br />

indicators and assemblages between steady and<br />

non-steady-state phases. Significant differences were<br />

considered with p values lower than 0.05 and reported<br />

with the H statistic and p number values. The<br />

results about lake chemical, physical regimes and<br />

phytoplankton seasonal cycles are reported for each<br />

lake and by periods, which were identified based on<br />

the variation in phytoplankton biomass and species<br />

composition.<br />

Results<br />

Chodikee Lake (CH)<br />

This was stratified only in June and July and was intermittently<br />

mixed during the rest of the ice-free season<br />

(Fig. 1). Despite it was the most productive (1.1 µM<br />

annual mean of total-P) among the four lakes, this<br />

slightly eutrophic system was relatively poor in dissolved<br />

inorganic N and P (annual mean SRP=0,1 µM<br />

and DIN 4.5 µM); SRSi occurred in high levels (annual<br />

mean=104 µM), with increasing concentrations<br />

from spring to late summer (Fig. 2).<br />

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Figure 2. Seasonal variation of environmental variables in Chodikee<br />

Lake (SRP=soluble reactive phosphorus; SRSi=soluble reactive<br />

silicon; SS=steady-states).<br />

According to the established criteria, the seasonal<br />

cycle of phytoplankton in Chodikee lake was divided<br />

to five periods (Fig. 3). Total biomass was significantly<br />

different among these periods (H=19,35; p <<br />

0.001). Period I (April 15–May 27) showed low biomass<br />

and co-dominance of N-fixing cyanobacteria,<br />

H1 and H2 assemblage (Anabaena spiroides Klebahn<br />

and A. solitaria Klebahn, respectively) and C and P<br />

diatom assemblages [Aulacoseira ambigua (Grunow)<br />

Simonsen and Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton, respectively]<br />

(Table 2). During period II (June 08–28), high<br />

biomass and dominance of H1 assemblage (Aphanizomenon<br />

gracile Lemmermann) were registered. Period<br />

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III (July 6–27), with low biomass and a diversified<br />

community, showed similar contribution of A. gracile<br />

(H1) andWoronochinia sp. (Lo), Pandorina morum<br />

O. Müller (G)andStrombomonas sp. (W1). Period IV<br />

(August 2–30) had the highest biomass and dominance<br />

of cyanobacteria, mainly Woronichinia sp. (Lo) and<br />

A. gracile (H1). Finally, during period V (September<br />

7–October 12), low biomass and co-dominance of A.<br />

gracile (H1)andA. ambigua (C) were observed.<br />

According to the selected criteria we did not<br />

identify any steady-state in this rapidly flushed shallow<br />

lake.<br />

Stissing Lake (ST)<br />

This was stratified from May to September (Fig. 1).<br />

Light in the mixing zone was highest at the beginning<br />

of the stratification. This meso-eutrophic lake (0.6 µM<br />

annual mean of total-P) showed low annual mean and<br />

similar changes of the DIN and SRP concentrations<br />

(14.1 and 0.07 µM, respectively), with peak nutrient<br />

concentration in the spring, decreasing from April to<br />

June (Fig. 4). As the other three lakes, Stissing had<br />

relatively high levels of SRSi (75 µM).<br />

Phytoplankton biomass (H=10.45; p

6<br />

Table 2. Percentages of biomass (means) of phytoplankton assemblages (Ass.) as dominant groups of species, by period in each lake according to Reynolds (1997) and Reynolds et al. (2002)<br />

Period I % Ass. Period II % Ass. Period III % Ass. Period IV % Ass. % Ass.<br />

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Chodikee 15/04–27/05 08/06–28/06 06/07–27/07 02/08–30/08 07/09–12/10<br />

Anabaena solitaria 6 H2 Aphanizomenon gracile 52 H1 A. gracile 14 H1 A. solitaria 5 H2A. solitaria 8 H<br />

Anabaena spiroides 15 H1 C. hirundinella 17 Lm Woronichinia sp. 19 Lo A. spiroides 9 H1A. gracile 22 H<br />

Cryptomonas 5 Y F. crotonensis 18 P Synechocystis 5 X1 A. gracile 20 H1 Woronichinia 8 L<br />

curvata aquatilis<br />

Ceratium 5 Lm Pandorina morum 14 G Woronichinia sp. 38 Lo A. ambigua 23 C<br />

hirundinella<br />

Aulacoseira ambigua 13 C Strombomonas sp. 15 W1 P. morum 10 G<br />

Fragilaria 9 P<br />

crotonensis<br />

Chlorophyceae 3 7<br />

Stissing 20/04–02/06 08/06–10/08 17/08–12/10<br />

C. curvata 12 Y A. solitaria 9 H2 Woronichinia sp. 26 Lo<br />

C. marsonii 6 Y C. hirundinella 14 Lm C. curvata 10 Y<br />

Asterionella sp. 20 C F. crotonensis 11 P C. hirundinella 4 Lm<br />

F. crotonensis 19 P Centrales 10 A F. crotonensis 27 P<br />

Centrales 19 A B. braunii 14 F B. braunii 7 F<br />

Wononscopomuc 20/04–18/05 24/05–22/06 28/06–02/08 10/08–15/10<br />

Dinoflagelado 3 53 Lo Anabaena flos-aquae 21 H1 A. flos-aquae 21 H1 A. flos-aquae 6.7 H1<br />

Nitzschia acicularis 27 C Aphanothece nidulans 8 K A. solitaria 27 H2 A. nidulans 8.5 K<br />

C. hirundinella 21 Lm A. nidulans 27 K Aphanocapsa elachista 6.9 K<br />

C. bodanica 16 A F. crotonensis 8 P Oscillatoria sp. 7.2 S<br />

F. crotonensis 12 P C. hirundinella 10 Lm C. hirundinella 19 Lm<br />

Dinobryon divergens 5 E C. bodanica 12.4 A<br />

Chrysamoeba radians 7.5 X2<br />

Mohonk 15/04–18/05 02/06–13/09 27/09–12/10<br />

Tabellaria fenestrata 58 N Eutetramorus 19 F B. braunii 34 F<br />

planctonicus<br />

Dinobryon 18 E B. braunii 25 F W. wilhelmii 52 F<br />

cylindricum<br />

Botryococcus braunii 4 F Willea wilhelmii 37 F Oocystis borgei 8 F<br />

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Figure 3. Seasonal variation of phytoplankton groups biomass in<br />

the four lakes, by periods (SS=steady-states; I. II. III. IV=periods).<br />

low and less variable concentrations (Table 3). Biomass<br />

and change rates were significantly higher during<br />

the steady-state, but non significant differences were<br />

found for diversity, evenness and species richness<br />

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Figure 4. Seasonal variation of environmental variables in Stissing<br />

Lake (abbreviations as in Fig. 2).<br />

(Table 5), neither for abiotic factors between steady<br />

and non-steady-states.<br />

Wononscopomuc Lake (WO)<br />

A mesotrophic system (0.34 µM annual mean of<br />

total-P) was consistently stratified during summer<br />

with full circulation early spring (Fig. 1). Very low<br />

concentrations of dissolved inorganic N and P (annual<br />

mean=1.81 and 0.08 µM, respectively) were<br />

registered. Nitrate decreased from the spring toward<br />

summer going undetectable through its end. SRSi was<br />

lower than in CH and ST, but still relatively high considering<br />

algal requirements. Light was lower during<br />

spring time (Fig. 5).<br />

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8<br />

Table 3. Water variables weekly, during steady-state phases in Stissing (ST), Wonoscopomuc (WO) and Mohonk (MO) lakes. zeuf =<br />

euphotic zone; zmix = mixing zone; zmax = maximum depth; I ∗ = mean light in the zmix; DIN = dissolved inorganic nitrogen; SRSi =<br />

soluble reactive silicon<br />

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ST WO MO<br />

Aug-17 Aug-25 Aug-30 Sep-7 Apr-20 Apr-27 May-5 May-12 May-18 Jun-8 Jun-13 Jun-22 Jun-28<br />

Temperature ( ◦ C) 23.5 23.2 23 20.8 7.4 13.4 16 13.5 19.4 21.1 22.9 21.4<br />

zeuf (m) 5.9 6.8 7.6 6.5 7.3 8.6 7.3 7.3 7.3 12.2 10.8 9.7 17.6<br />

zmix (m) 4.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 17.0 12.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 7.0<br />

zmax (m) 8.0 8.0 7.9 8.0 31 31 31 31 31 19 19 19 19<br />

I ∗ (mol/m 2 /day) 23.2 17.2 29.0 23.8 2.5 8.1 13.6 8.0 9.4 70.3 41.4 26.9 43.9<br />

pH 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 8.8 8.7 7.7 7.4 7.5<br />

Alkalinity (µEq l −1 )1928 1988 1945 2009 2183 2258 2241 2390 2599 215 172 216 181<br />

NNO3 − (µM) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.7<br />

NNH4 + (µM) 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.7 2.5 2.6 2.9 3.5 3.4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.6<br />

DIN (µM) 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.7 3.5 3.6 2.9 3.9 3.5 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.7<br />

PPO 3− 4 (µM) 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.14 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.03<br />

SRSi (µM) 104 101 32 17 14 13 13<br />

CO2 (µM) 32 36 31 31 43 16 10 9 1 9 19 15<br />

According to the changes in phytoplankton biomass<br />

(H=25.85; p < 0.001) and composition, a<br />

unimodal pattern of biomass was observed and three<br />

periods were recognised (Fig. 3). Period I (April 20–<br />

May 18) had intermediate biomass levels and a high<br />

dominance of a non-identified dinoflagellate (Lo) and<br />

Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) W. Smith (C). Period<br />

II (May 24–June 22) presented, in general, low<br />

biomass and a mixed population of Anabaena flosaquae<br />

Brébisson ex. Bornet & Flahault (H1) andC.<br />

hirundinella (Lm), among others. Period III (June 28–<br />

August 2) showed a highly variable biomass with a<br />

peak in July 6, dominated mainly by C. hirundinella<br />

(Lm) and Cyclotella bodanica Grunow (A). This<br />

period had also a high contribution of H1 and H2<br />

(A. flos-aquae and A. solitaria, respectively) and K<br />

(Aphanothece nidulans Richter) assemblages. During<br />

period IV (August 10–October 15) a diversified community<br />

was registered with similar contribution of<br />

cyanobacteria (H1 and K), dinoflagellates (Lm) and<br />

diatoms (A).<br />

A steady-state phase was found (Table 3) during<br />

early mixing in period I (April 20–May 18), with<br />

dominance (79–84%) of N. acicularis (C assemblage;<br />

H=16.60; p < 0.001) and a non-identified dinoflagellate<br />

(Lm assemblage; =16.60; p < 0.001). The<br />

biomass of these assemblages (Table 5) was not significantly<br />

different from the rest of the study, and, unlike<br />

the results in ST, the dominant species in each as-<br />

semblage was different (N. acicularis: H=16.60; p<<br />

0.001; dinoflagellate: H=16.60; p < 0.001). Total<br />

mixing, low light conditions, relatively high concentrations<br />

of DIN and SRP were observed in this phase<br />

(Table 3). Differently from ST, many abiotic variables<br />

were significantly different during the steady-state<br />

period. The tendency of fluctuations in abiotic conditions<br />

was increasing light (H=9.273; p < 0.01)<br />

and temperature (H=9.273; p

Figure 5. Seasonal variation of environmental variables in<br />

Wononscopomuc Lake (abbreviations as in Fig. 2).<br />

mass; H=6.39; p

10<br />

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Table 4. Weekly phytoplankton attributes during steady-state phases in stissing (ST). Wonoscopomuc (WO) and Mohonk (MO)<br />

lakes (Div = diversity; Ch. Rates = change-rates)<br />


Aug 17 Aug 25 Aug 30 Sep 07 Apr 20 Apr 27 May 05 May 12 May 18 Jun 08 Jun 13 Jun 22 Jun 28<br />

Biomass (mg l −1 ) 2.6 3.2 3.2 2.2 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.3<br />

Div. (bits mg −1 ) 2.7 2.9 2.4 2.3 1.6 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.5 2.1 1.9 2.3<br />

Evenness (%) 61 63 56 55 49 50 54 60 69 54 53 58<br />

Ch. rates (day −1 ) 0.20 0.32 0.12 0.35 0.05 0.09 0.04 0.12 0.15 0.07 0.28 0.16<br />

Species richness 22 25 21 19 10 13 11 8.9 12 16 11 15<br />

(taxa per sample)<br />

Assemblages (%) 64 63 77 76 80 84 82 79 71 89 94 85<br />

Lo -Woronichinia sp. Lm- Dinoflagellate F-Botryococcus braunii<br />

P – Fragilaria crotonensis C -Nitzschia acicularis F- Willea wilhelmii<br />

F– Botryococcus braunii F-Eutetramorus planctonicus<br />

Table 5. Mean of phytoplankton attributes during the total study, and the<br />

steady and non-steady states in Chodikee (CH), Stissing (ST), Wononscopomuc<br />

(WO) and Mohonk (MO) lakes. Results from Kruskall-Wallis median<br />

test are shown for difference between steady and non-steady states for each<br />

lake, including H and p values. ns. refers to non significant results. Sp. rich<br />

= species richness. The significantly different mean values are marked with<br />

∗ and ∗∗ . ∗ Refers to results concordant with the expected and ∗∗ refers to<br />

significant results opposed to that expected by Sommer’s criteria (Sommer et<br />

al., 1993)<br />

Period Biomass Diversity Eveness Sp. rich. Change<br />

mg l −1 Bits mg −1 % Taxa/sample day −1<br />

TOTAL<br />

CH 5.1 2.3 56 18 0.2<br />

ST 1.8 2.6 63 18 0.1<br />

WO 0.5 2.2 56 17 0.1<br />

MO 0.9 1.6 42 15 0.2<br />


ST 2.8 ∗ 2.6 59 22 0.24 ∗∗<br />

WO 0.6 1.8 ∗ 53 11 ∗ 0.08 ∗<br />

MO 0.3 2.2 ∗∗ 59 ∗∗ 13 0.17<br />


ST 1.6 ∗ 2.6 64 17 0.11 ∗∗<br />

WO 0.5 2.5 ∗ 57 21 ∗ 0.16 ∗<br />

MO 0.7 1.6 ∗∗ 43 ∗∗ 15 0.18<br />


ST 5.283 ns ns ns 5.689<br />

0.022 0.017<br />

WO ns 4.246 ns 8.001 4.827<br />

0.039 0.005 0.028<br />

MO ns 4.523 4.331 ns ns<br />

0.033 0.037<br />

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It is worthwhile to mention that, considering all<br />

the three lakes together where steady-states were identified,<br />

we could not find any statistical difference<br />

between steady and non-steady-state, using biotic and<br />

abiotic variables.<br />

Discussion<br />

We consider that the functional approach does capture<br />

much of the ecology of the phytoplankton and<br />

can be used as a verifiable quantitative method of<br />

describing community structure and changes (Fabbro<br />

& Duivenvorden, 2000; Reynolds et al., 2002;<br />

Kruk et al., 2002). In this context, we analysed<br />

the identified steady-state periods in the lakes using<br />

functional groups, with assemblages as descriptors.<br />

Assemblages were useful for describing community<br />

conditions during phases with different stability. Important<br />

differences were found between steady and<br />

non-steady states. In these situations, dominant near<br />

monospecific community with different levels of stability<br />

and diversity, according to characteristics of the<br />

conditions, were recorded.<br />

Lo and Lm assemblages (dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria<br />

of summer epilimnion of mesotrophic and<br />

eutrophic lakes), M (colonial cyanobacteria of diel<br />

mixed eutrophic waters of low latitudes), S (cyanobacteria<br />

of turbid and mixed layers of enriched temperate<br />

systems), R (cyanobacteria forming maximum<br />

metalimnetic), H (N-fixing cyanobacteria), N (diatoms<br />

and desmids of mesotrophic epilimnion) and P<br />

(of eutrophic epilimnion) had been quoted as possible<br />

to achieve maturing stages (Reynolds, 1997) sensu<br />

Odum’ rules (Odum, 1969). Among these seven assemblages,<br />

two were found in this study (Lo and P).<br />

Now, we add other two (F and C) as candidates to<br />

integrate the list.<br />

According to criteria by Sommer et al. (1993), we<br />

found one steady-state in three of the four studied<br />

lakes. Chodikee lake (CH), a rapidly flushed and shallow<br />

system did not show any steady-state as expected<br />

by Sommer’s indicators of stability. However, clear<br />

periods of constant community structure were identified<br />

in the other lakes. Stissing (ST), Wononscopomuc<br />

(WO) and Mohonk (MO) lakes, showed a relative<br />

constancy of composition during, at least, 3 weeks<br />

without significant change in biomass. Steady-state<br />

phases occurred in the very-well stratified ST during<br />

the summer and in MO during end-spring, but also<br />

during mixing times in WO.<br />

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The main factor of persistence that caused and<br />

maintained the steady-state in ST was stratification.<br />

As a consequence, low nutrient levels were registered<br />

during this state. The disruption was a consequence<br />

of decreasing temperature and mixing, leading to decreasing<br />

light and increasing CO2. During the steadystate<br />

period in ST, P and Lo assemblages were dominant<br />

and occurred until the end of summer stratification,<br />

when the mixing zone was deepening (4–6 m). Lo<br />

refers to stratified mesotrophic lakes, which tolerate<br />

segregated nutrients through the water column and<br />

are sensitive to deep mixing. P assemblage includes<br />

diatoms, which are depending on physical mixing, requiring<br />

a continuous or semi-continuous mixed layer<br />

of, at least, 2–3 m in thickness (Reynolds et al., 2002).<br />

As expected, decreasing temperature and deepening<br />

of mixing zone favoured the disruption of the Lo<br />

dominance. However, P-assemblage, which should be<br />

favoured by those conditions, also declined. Among<br />

the stability indicators only total biomass and change<br />

rates were significantly different between states. The<br />

observed total biomass, as expected, was higher during<br />

the stable state, but a non-expected higher change<br />

rate was found. The coexistence of representatives<br />

of both assemblages with 22 other species did not<br />

make possible to find the expected lower diversity,<br />

resulting of the decreasing environmental and internal<br />

disturbances, which prevents the establishment of<br />

equilibrium conditions (Sommer et al., 1993).<br />

The dominant F assemblage during the steadystate<br />

period in MO was represented by non-motile<br />

but near-neutrally buoyant colonial green-algae, which<br />

perform better in clear waters and are tolerant of<br />

deep mixing and low nutrient concentrations. Indeed,<br />

phytoplankton growth in MO was considered, during<br />

a whole ice-free season, strongly limited by both<br />

phosphorus and nitrogen (Huszar & Caraco, 1998). In<br />

addition, during the steady-state phase, the lake had<br />

a deep and very clear mixing zone. F assemblage,<br />

composed by almost the same species, was dominant<br />

during the rest of the stratification period. However,<br />

the absolute and relative biomass were much more<br />

variable during non-steady-state. The main factor of<br />

constancy was stratification with low nutrient concentrations.<br />

The factors of disruption were associated with<br />

deepening of the mixing zone. None of the stability<br />

indicators observed showed the expected pattern<br />

according to Sommer et al. (1993). Moreover and unexpectedly,<br />

diversity and evenness were higher during<br />

the steady-state.<br />

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12<br />

According to the literature, a non expected situation<br />

during equilibrium conditions, differently from<br />

the other, was registered in WO. In this system, the<br />

factors of constancy were associated with persistent<br />

mixing, low light and high nutrient concentrations.<br />

The factors of disruption were increasing stratification<br />

and light, as well as decreasing nutrient lakes.<br />

In this lake, the steady-state phase occurred during<br />

the vernal development, with dominance of a nonexpected<br />

large dinoflagellate. Lo was not expected,<br />

because the lake was in early mixing with relatively<br />

high nutrient concentrations and Lo performed better<br />

in stratified columns, with segregated nutrients, and<br />

is sensitive to prolonged or deep mixing (Reynolds et<br />

al., 2002). The spatial transport within a system can<br />

complicate the interpretation, because dinoflagellates<br />

can be transported from the benthos or littoral area to<br />

the pelagic region during the mixing. A similar situation<br />

was reported to lake Kinneret (Israel), where,<br />

for many years, the lake supported a periodic spring<br />

sequence, reaching a regular dominance of Peridinium<br />

gatunense (Lo), which does not resist the nutrient deficiency<br />

through summer time and enters in benthic<br />

resting stages (Berman et al., 1992). The dominance<br />

was shared with the diatom Nitzschia acicularis (C),<br />

whose habitat template in WO was different to other<br />

species of Nitzschia, which have been included in<br />

D assemblage of shallow mixed and enriched lakes<br />

(Reynolds et al., 2002). It can be ascribed to a deep<br />

mixed zone, but with low light, and to a soft, but<br />

not enriched waters. These features are close to C assemblage,<br />

which can develop in mixed conditions and<br />

is tolerant to low light and carbon deficiency, but sensitive<br />

to stratification and SRSi depletion. The probable<br />

spatial transport of the dinoflagellate, during the mixing<br />

in WO, made possible the co-existence with the<br />

diatom, both with different requirements. During the<br />

steady-state, diversity, species richness and change<br />

rate were lower and concordant with the expected.<br />

According to the observations presented in this paper,<br />

the steady-state periods occurred during strong<br />

stratification, but also in mixed water columns. What<br />

it can tell us is that long periods of spring mixing<br />

can also set up and maintain dominant assemblages.<br />

Assemblages persistence can be hold as long as the<br />

physical conditions are unchanged and the current<br />

crop of organisms can fill (or partially fill) the carrying<br />

capacity of the system. Steady-states were ended only<br />

by major hydrographic changes, stratification or mixing.<br />

In the shallow and rapidly flushed Chodikee Lake,<br />

constant hydrological conditions maintained a highly<br />

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variable environment, preventing the appearance of a<br />

differentiable steady-state, concordant at least to some<br />

extent to definition by Sommer et al. (1993), but also<br />

resembling the plagioclimaxic conditions described by<br />

Reynolds (1993).<br />

In synthesis, constancy of hidrological conditions,<br />

characterised either by mixing or stratification, during<br />

3 or 4 weeks, leaded to a dominance of particular<br />

assemblages composed by few species. However, the<br />

expected equilibrium with consistent reduction of diversity,<br />

species richness and change rates were not<br />

observed in the community. Considering the habitat<br />

template and phytoplankton attributes, not consistent<br />

statistical differences between steady-state and nonsteady-state<br />

phases were found in the phytoplankton<br />

stability indicators. Some lakes, for example, did<br />

not show the expected lower diversity and species<br />

richness during steady-states (ST) and other showed<br />

even higher values than in non-steady-states (MO).<br />

The comparison of steady-states among systems, as<br />

a whole, was not possible, probably because criteria<br />

by Sommer et al. (1993) are not useful for defining<br />

periods in any situation. Its application should be narrowed<br />

to those cases when plankton is not changing<br />

rapidly (it is not in ascendancy, collapse or rapid succession),<br />

or when physical conditions coincide with<br />

what Reynolds (1993) called plagioclimax, or any<br />

other condition which can be maintained along with<br />

high diversity or low biomass. Steady-states can be<br />

promoted and ended by major hydrographic changes<br />

(either it stratifies or it mixes). What matters to promote<br />

and maintain persistent assemblages is the environmental<br />

constancy, independently of its relation with<br />

a particular physical condition.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

The authors would like to thank Dr Luigi Naselli-<br />

Flores for financial support to attend the 13th Workshop<br />

of the International Association of Phytoplankton<br />

Taxonomy and Ecology; David Fisher for technical<br />

support; Rich Miller and Peter Raymond for collection<br />

of samples and nutrient analysis. This research<br />

was financially supported by Conselho Nacional de<br />

Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brasil,<br />

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio<br />

de Janeiro, Brasil and National Science Foundation,<br />

U.S.A. This is a contribution of Institute of Ecosystem<br />

Studies.<br />

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