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MAY 20, 2013 BULLETIN No. 80<br />
Happy Birthday May Staff Member:<br />
May 20, Holly Eaton<br />
In order to sign up for prom, you will need to pay your senior dues ($95). If you are<br />
planning on taking someone not in the LJHS class of 2013, please download and print the guest<br />
contract under ASB forms.<br />
Prom sign-ups will take place outside the finance office starting on Thursday, May 23<br />
through May 29 ($50) and prices will go up starting on Thursday, May 30 and 31 ($55).<br />
2. Congratulations to junior Priyanka Nanayakkara for winning first place in the <strong>La</strong> <strong>Jolla</strong> Literary<br />
Society Student Essay Contest. She will be honored at a luncheon and receive a cash prize as well as<br />
a Kindle and a Kindle gift card. Great going, Priyanka. We are proud of you.<br />
3. The blood drive is Tuesday. Look for passes in the class. Be sure to bring an i.d. and drink lots of<br />
water. (Mr. Teachworth)<br />
4. Wednesday, June 5, at lunch is when underclassmen pick up their yearbooks in the gym. Please have<br />
your school ID card with you.<br />
5. Now that the weather is getting warmer and sunnier this is just a friendly reminder! Open<br />
displays of affection (kissing, hugging and sitting on laps) on school campus are<br />
inappropriate. Failure to follow the rules will result in disciplinary action. Remember<br />
too, the dress code: Unacceptable attire includes, but is not limited to, bare midriffs, tube tops,<br />
spaghetti straps, very short skirts or shorts, backless tops, exposed undergarments,<br />
sagging trousers, immodest clothing, chains (including wallet chains), and any clothing featuring<br />
controlled substances (including tobacco), obscenities, vulgarities, sexual innuendoes, or gang<br />
affiliations. (Mr. Shelburne, Principal)<br />
6. Yearbooks are still available for underclassmen and staff. The cost is $95. You can buy them online<br />
at the school's web store, or pay at the financial office with a check made out to <strong>La</strong> <strong>Jolla</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />
The last day to buy a yearbook is Friday, May 31. After yearbooks are handed out to seniors on June<br />
4, from 4 to 6 PM, and on June 5 during lunch for underclassmen, if there are any remaining<br />
yearbooks, sales will reopen on Thursday, June 6. If you don't remember if you bought a yearbook,<br />
check the bulletin board outside of Room 513 or ask Ms. LeCren.<br />
7. The Cum <strong>La</strong>ude Induction Ceremony will be held Friday, May 24, at 8:30 am in Parker Auditorium.<br />
Business/interview attire for attendees is encouraged. Congratulations to the seniors who will be<br />
inducted into the <strong>La</strong> <strong>Jolla</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Chapter of the Cum <strong>La</strong>ude Society. Your names are posted in<br />
the front office.<br />
8. Attention all Mariners: There will be a meeting at lunch on Wednesday, May 22 in room 503. Be<br />
there, and be prompt. Thank you. (Mrs Savoia)
SENIORS:<br />
1. ATTENTION SENIORS: If you paid your senior dues to Mrs. “P” in the front office, you may pick up a<br />
bona fide receipt from the finance officer. Mrs. Mears is back and has your receipts and a sticker to<br />
put on your ID cards. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. (Mrs. P)<br />
Final Senior Transcripts<br />
Thanks to all the seniors with whom I have been in contact for all the fun and courtesies you have<br />
extended to me throughout the school year. I have enjoyed helping you achieve your goals and I<br />
love to see the outcome of your hard work. Happy days to you all! Congratulations to the class of<br />
2013. Ms Solberg, Registrar<br />
Starting on May 21, please stop by my office, (Registrar) to request a final transcript with your<br />
graduation information to the college you will attend and one self-addressed, stamped envelope for<br />
a transcript for yourself at home. The cost is $1 each to be paid at the time of the request. Don’t<br />
forget to look in Naviance to see if your transcript will need an envelope or will go electronically.<br />
Valedictorian, Salutatorian, upper 10%, Academic Distinction, CSF and Cum <strong>La</strong>ude students (come<br />
in to check the spelling of your name) are posted in the Registrar’s office starting in May 15.<br />
Academic distinction cords will be available June 1 st. You may borrow the cord and then return it<br />
when you pick up your diploma after graduation or you may purchase on to keep for $10.00.<br />
Check the list that is posted in my office. See me, Ms Solberg, before school, during lunch or after<br />
school. If you don’t have a class, you may come in during your free period to purchase your cords.<br />
See you then!!