Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School
Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School
Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School
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The grading breakdown is as follows:<br />
• Assignments.................................................................................................... 20% A............85-100%<br />
• Quizzes (some quizzes may not be announced in advance) ........................... 30% B...........75-84.9%<br />
• Chapter tests, bench-mark assessments, final exam ....................................... 50% C...........65-74.9%<br />
................................................................................................................................. D...........55-64.9%<br />
................................................................................................................................. F ................< 55%<br />
Students’ academic grades are posted online at<strong>La</strong><strong>Jolla</strong>HS/.<br />
Please obtain your username and password from your teacher.<br />
Grade Criteria<br />
Excellent:<br />
No unexcused absences, no more than 3 excused absences, no tardy, no disruptive<br />
(All criteria are met.) behaviors; always displaying respectful behaviors toward adults and peers, always<br />
displaying excellent study habits, asking thoughtful questions, participating actively in class<br />
discussion, often helping others; is a role-model.<br />
Good:<br />
No unexcused absences, no more than 5 excused absences, no more than 2 tardies, rarely<br />
(All criteria are met.) displaying disruptive behaviors; consistently displaying respectful behaviors and good study<br />
habits, asking thoughtful questions, participating actively in class discussion, sometimes<br />
helping others.<br />
Satisfactory:<br />
No unexcused absences, no more than 10 excused absences, no more than 4 tardies, no<br />
(All criteria are met.) major disruptive behaviors, asking questions, consistently participating actively in class<br />
discussion.<br />
Needs<br />
1 to 3 unexcused absences, 10 to 15 excused absences, 5 tardies, disruptive behaviors<br />
Improvement:<br />
resulting in at least one referral or two parent contacts, often lack preparation and/or<br />
(If any one of the criteria participation.<br />
is met.)<br />
Unsatisfactory:<br />
More than 3 unexcused absences, more than 15 excused absences, 6 tardies or more, major<br />
(If any one of the criteria disruptive behaviors resulting in two or more referrals or three parent contacts, lack of<br />
is met.)<br />
preparation and/or participation on a daily basis, caught cheating or plagiarizing on<br />
assignment/test.<br />
LJHS – Universal Tardy Policy:<br />
First week Tardy grace period. Student – Teacher conference. Tardies will not be recorded and will<br />
not be applied to the consequences.<br />
First Tardy after<br />
Verbal warning. Mark first tardy.<br />
Grace Period<br />
Second Tardy Parent notification either by letter or by phone.<br />
Third Tardy Citizenship grade lowered one grade.<br />
Fourth Tardy Citizenship grade is lowered one more grade and a referral is written. At a minimum the<br />
student will be assigned one day of detention by the counselor.<br />
Fifth Tardy Citizenship grade lowered one more grade.<br />
Sixth Tardy Citizenship grade lowered to a “U”.<br />
Seventh Tardy Referral number two will be written for defiance of school rules. Vice-Principals will<br />
contact parents. The student will be suspended.<br />
I will be available before school, at lunch and after school if you have any questions or concerns on courserelated<br />
matters. If possible, please make an appointment. Link Crew (peer) tutoring is available after school in<br />
the Library Media Center. Please consult the school bulletin and classroom postings for updates.<br />
Intermediate Algebra Syllabus - 11/8/11 Page 2 of 4