Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School

Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School

Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School


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Name: _______________________<br />

Date: _______________________<br />

Period: _______________________<br />

Course: _______________________<br />


Read the course syllabus and answer the following questions. Use the back if necessary.<br />

1. What is your math teacher’s name? ____________________<br />

2. What math class(es) did you take last year and in summer school (if any)? Indicate course name, academic<br />

& citizenship grades, and names of school and teacher.<br />

Course name Grade level Academic grade Citizenship grade <strong>School</strong>/Teacher<br />

3. What materials and supplies are required for this course?<br />

4. If by the end of the semester, a student earned an 90% average on HW, 80% on quiz, 75% on exams, what is<br />

the overall average according to the weights described in the syllabus? Show your reasoning and/or<br />

calculation.<br />

5. When can late assignment(s) be turned in?<br />

6. What may happen to your grade if you are absent 10 times or more?<br />

7. What are the consequences if you are tardy for the fourth time?<br />

8. How can you get extra help in the course?<br />

9. What grades (both academic & citizenship) do you expect to earn by the end of this course? How will you<br />

achieve them?<br />

10. Please include any special needs/accommodations that you require to learn successfully.<br />

Intermediate Algebra Syllabus - 11/8/11 Page 4 of 4

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