OUR MISSION is biblically centered education ... - Biola University
OUR MISSION is biblically centered education ... - Biola University
OUR MISSION is biblically centered education ... - Biola University
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Our M<strong>is</strong>siOn<br />
<strong>is</strong> <strong>biblically</strong> <strong>centered</strong> <strong>education</strong>, scholarship and service — equipping men and<br />
women in mind and character to impact the world for the Lord Jesus Chr<strong>is</strong>t.<br />
Our V<strong>is</strong>iOn<br />
<strong>is</strong> to be an exemplary Chr<strong>is</strong>tian university characterized as a community<br />
of grace that promotes and inspires personal life transformation in Chr<strong>is</strong>t,<br />
which illuminates the world with H<strong>is</strong> light and truth. Further, as a global center<br />
for Chr<strong>is</strong>tian thought and an influential evangelical voice that addresses crucial<br />
cultural <strong>is</strong>sues, <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> aspires to lead, with confidence and compassion,<br />
an intellectual and spiritual renewal that advances the purpose of Chr<strong>is</strong>t.<br />
Our Values<br />
Truth · Transformation · Testimony
Hymn 3<br />
Commencement Leadership & Speakers 4<br />
Order of Events 6<br />
Degrees 8<br />
School of Education 8<br />
Talbot School of Theology 10<br />
Cook School of Intercultural Studies 17<br />
Crowell School of Business 19<br />
School of Professional Studies 20<br />
BOLD Programs 23<br />
Graduate Honors 24<br />
Graduate Receptions 25<br />
Degree Completion Requirements 28<br />
Order of Events 30<br />
Degrees 32<br />
Bachelor of Fine Arts 32<br />
Bachelor of Arts 32<br />
Bachelor of Music 34<br />
Bachelor of Science 35<br />
Undergraduate Honors 36<br />
Undergraduate Reception 37<br />
Academic Dress 38<br />
The Colors of the Fields of Study 38<br />
Chronology 39<br />
H<strong>is</strong>torical Sketch 40<br />
Board of Trustees 42<br />
Event Information 43<br />
Campus Map 44
Joy To The world<br />
Joy to the world! the Lord <strong>is</strong> come;<br />
Let earth receive her King;<br />
Let every heart prepare Him room,<br />
And heaven and nature sing,<br />
And heaven and nature sing, and heaven,<br />
and Heaven and nature sing.<br />
Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns;<br />
Let all their songs employ;<br />
While fields and floods, rocks, hills,<br />
and plains Repeat the sounding joy,<br />
Repeat the sounding joy, repeat,<br />
Repeat the sounding joy.<br />
He rules the world with truth and grace,<br />
And makes the nations prove<br />
The glories of H<strong>is</strong> righteousness,<br />
And wonders of H<strong>is</strong> love,<br />
And wonders of H<strong>is</strong> love, and wonders,<br />
Wonders of H<strong>is</strong> love.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 3
4 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
Message froM the<br />
PresIdenT<br />
Welcome to Fall Commencement at <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong>, and congratulations to all of our graduates for a job well<br />
done. Th<strong>is</strong> day represents the culmination of years of hard work and perseverance in the area of study to which<br />
the Lord has called you. It also <strong>is</strong> a moment you are able to celebrate those who stood by you along the way.<br />
Your family, friends, faculty and others have been a part of your journey. Though you have reached th<strong>is</strong> milestone<br />
in your life, you have not done so alone. As you receive your degree today, my prayer <strong>is</strong> that you have been<br />
equipped in mind and character to impact the world for Chr<strong>is</strong>t. May the relationships that have been formed,<br />
the w<strong>is</strong>dom you have gained and the knowledge that has been imparted serve you well in the years ahead. You<br />
are a special gift of God to <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong>. Our prayers accompany you as you take th<strong>is</strong> important step in<br />
your journey.<br />
Barry H. Corey<br />
President<br />
CoMMenCeMenT sPeaKer<br />
andrew J. Bales<br />
Reverend Andrew J. Bales serves as CEO of Union Rescue M<strong>is</strong>sion which min<strong>is</strong>ters to the homeless commu-<br />
nity of Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. For over 25 years, he has led community outreach programs to<br />
help homeless men and women to leave the streets.<br />
Andy <strong>is</strong> tackling the challenge of homelessness by developing unique and innovative services. Through partnering<br />
with local communities and organizations, Andy aims to decrease homelessness in Los Angeles by a<br />
significant number within the next seven years. H<strong>is</strong> exemplary community service does not go unnoticed. President<br />
George Bush named Andy the 930th Point of Light in 1992 and in 2004 he received the Martin Luther<br />
King, Jr. Award from the Interdenominational Min<strong>is</strong>terial Alliance of Pasadena. H<strong>is</strong> work has been featured<br />
on CBS’s 60 Minutes, NBC’s Dateline as well as CNN and various social media outlets.<br />
Currently, Andy <strong>is</strong> in the final stages of h<strong>is</strong> Doctor of Min<strong>is</strong>try program at Bakke Graduate School in Seattle,<br />
Washington. He received a B.A. in theology from Bethel College in 1980, an M.A.T. from Drake <strong>University</strong><br />
in 1983 and was awarded an honorary doctorate by Pacific Theological Seminary.
Message froM the<br />
ProVosT & senIor VICe PresIdenT<br />
It <strong>is</strong> an honor to congratulate you, the graduating class, and to present you to President Corey for the awarding of<br />
degrees. Th<strong>is</strong> ceremony marks a significant achievement in your lives. You have studied. You have grown. You<br />
have overcome adversity. There were times, I am certain, when you wondered if it was worth it and if you would<br />
be able to manage. Yet here you are. Your walk with God and understanding of H<strong>is</strong> kingdom has matured just as<br />
your awareness of yourself and God’s call on your life has deepened.<br />
Today <strong>is</strong> a day to celebrate all that you have accompl<strong>is</strong>hed. It <strong>is</strong> a day to say thank you to the friends, staff, faculty<br />
and family that have prayed for you and walked with you along the way. It <strong>is</strong> also a day to give thanks to God,<br />
the author of life and the giver of every good and perfect gift. May your life continue to resonate with the life of<br />
Chr<strong>is</strong>t as th<strong>is</strong> marvelous journey of the upward call of God in Chr<strong>is</strong>t Jesus unfolds before you. Continue to grow<br />
in patterns of heart, and of thought, and of action that are the markers of a life hid in God.<br />
May the peace and presence of Chr<strong>is</strong>t attend you. Congratulations to you on th<strong>is</strong> day.<br />
David P. Nystrom<br />
Provost & Senior Vice President<br />
Message froM the<br />
alUMnI assoCIaTIon<br />
seniOr direCtOr<br />
Welcome to the heritage of unique and extraordinary <strong>Biola</strong> degree holders, influencing and affecting the world<br />
for the Lord Jesus Chr<strong>is</strong>t. A degree from <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>is</strong> an achievement that you will cher<strong>is</strong>h for the rest of<br />
your life. It <strong>is</strong> a significant testimony to your intelligence, academic skill, and diligence to reach th<strong>is</strong> great milestone.<br />
Your degree <strong>is</strong> also a testimony to what you believe, affirming your calling to live your life for the Lord.<br />
As <strong>Biola</strong> graduates, we recognize the benefit of our <strong>Biola</strong> experience, and are thankful to all who helped make<br />
it possible. Whether through volunteer, prayer, or financial support, every year thousands of alumni express<br />
their appreciation and desire to give back to enhance the <strong>Biola</strong> experience. The power of numbers, giving even a<br />
little, can make a huge difference for future graduates.<br />
I encourage you to make <strong>Biola</strong> part of your future. The relationships built with students, faculty and staff, are<br />
a powerful long-term global resource. On behalf of tens of thousands of <strong>Biola</strong> alumni around the world, welcome<br />
to the Alumni Association and the heritage that <strong>is</strong> <strong>Biola</strong>!<br />
Rick Bee<br />
Senior Director, Alumni & Friend Relations<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 5
6 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
GradUaTe & bold ProGraM<br />
CoMMenCeMenT<br />
deCeMBer 17, 2010 | 2:00 P.M.<br />
President Barry H. COrey, PresidinG<br />
Processional March <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> Symphony Orchestra<br />
Pomp and Circumstance, Edward Elgar Marlin Owen, M.A.<br />
Conductor<br />
WelcoMe Barry H. Corey, Ph.D.<br />
President<br />
invocation Benjamin C. Shin, Th.M.<br />
Associate Professor of Bible Exposition<br />
hyMn Shawna Stewart, M.M.<br />
Joy to the World Ass<strong>is</strong>tant Professor of Music<br />
scriPture Lari Mobley, M.B.A.<br />
John 16:33 Ass<strong>is</strong>tant Professor,<br />
Business Writing and Advert<strong>is</strong>ing<br />
coMMenceMent address Andrew J. Bales, M.A.T.<br />
“4 C’s for Making an Impact on Your World” Chief Executive Officer, Union Rescue M<strong>is</strong>sion
conferral of degrees Barry H. Corey, Ph.D.<br />
sPecial Music<br />
President<br />
Stan Jantz, M.A.<br />
Chair, Board of Trustees<br />
David P. Nystrom, Ph.D.<br />
Provost and Senior Vice President<br />
June Hetzel, Ph.D.<br />
Dean, School of Education<br />
Denn<strong>is</strong> H. Dirks, Ph.D.<br />
Dean, Talbot School of Theology<br />
F. Douglas Pennoyer, Ph.D.<br />
Dean, Cook School of Intercultural Studies<br />
Larry D. Strand, Ed.D.<br />
Dean, Crowell School of Business<br />
Irma D. Hill, Ph.D.<br />
Dean, School of Professional Studies<br />
Be Thou My V<strong>is</strong>ion, Arr. John Rutter Donté Apperwhite, Baritone<br />
Presentation of diPloMas<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> Symphony Orchestra<br />
Marlin Owen, M.A.<br />
Conductor<br />
coMM<strong>is</strong>sioning of the graduates Barry H. Corey, Ph.D.<br />
President<br />
Benediction Ronald D. Rall<strong>is</strong>, Sr., J.D.<br />
Member, Board of Trustees<br />
recessional March <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> Symphony Orchestra<br />
Washington Post March, John Philip Sousa Marlin Owen, M.A.<br />
Honor guards<br />
Miguel S. Romero<br />
Kr<strong>is</strong>ta Joy Veteto<br />
(Leading Processional)<br />
Conductor<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 7
8 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
deGree reCIPIenTs by sChool<br />
sCHOOl Of eduCatiOn<br />
degree of Master of arts in <strong>education</strong><br />
◊◊ Brandi Chanel Bonner California <strong>University</strong> of Southern California B.A.<br />
†◊◊◊ Jody Michelle Eilts California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊ Kyle Nathan Hoodman California California State <strong>University</strong>, Long Beach B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Lourdes M. Magallanes California <strong>University</strong> of Chapas M.D.<br />
◊◊ Clayton Dean Walker California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A./B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Stacy Ann Walker California California State <strong>University</strong>, Long Beach B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Un-Soo Wong California Northwestern <strong>University</strong> Medill<br />
School of Journal<strong>is</strong>m B.S.J./M.S.J.
degree of Master of arts in teaching<br />
•◊◊◊ Robert R. Castaneda California California Polytechnic <strong>University</strong>,<br />
Pomona B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Cami Lynn Cress Washington <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
†•◊◊◊ Sunny Sun Hee Kim California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.A.<br />
•◊◊ Daniel Matthew Lamb California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
•◊◊◊ Joseph Andrew Lamb California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
†•◊◊ Sargon Maradkel California Columbia College B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Dawn Nicole Mitchell California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.F.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Sophia Renae Portillo California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
•◊◊ Angela Hope Rodriguez California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
†◊◊◊ Chr<strong>is</strong>tina Sue Sexton California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
•◊◊◊ Bethany Janae Sloan California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 9
10 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
talBOt sCHOOl Of tHeOlOGy<br />
degree of doctor of <strong>education</strong> in <strong>education</strong>al studies<br />
Donald A. Cheyney Pennsylvania Multnomah School of the Bible B.R.E.<br />
Western Conservative<br />
Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
“The Use of Rubrics for Classroom and Experiential Learning in Evangelical Protestant Theological Higher Education”<br />
Eun Sun Suh Korea Hanyang <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Hapdong Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
Southwestern Bapt<strong>is</strong>t Theological<br />
Seminary M.A.C.E.<br />
“Self-Regulation, Spiritual Practices, and Relational Attachment as Means Toward Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Spiritual Formation”<br />
degree of doctor of PhilosoPhy in <strong>education</strong>al studies<br />
Cheol Hyun Cho Korea Korea Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
Kosin <strong>University</strong> M.A.<br />
Liberty Theological <strong>University</strong> Th.M.<br />
“The Relationship Between Job Sat<strong>is</strong>faction and Perceptions of Teamwork Effectiveness Among Volunteers<br />
of Presbyterian Church in South Korea”<br />
Karen Kiok Choi California <strong>University</strong> of Southern California B.S.<br />
Talbot School of Theology M.A.C.E.<br />
“An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Youth Min<strong>is</strong>try Participation and Faith Maturity<br />
of Second Generation Korean American Adolescents”<br />
Annie George India Kerala Varma College M.S.<br />
Centre for Teacher’s Training B.Ed.<br />
United Theological Seminary M.Th.<br />
“Children’s Perceptions of the Role of Biblical Narratives in their Spiritual Formation”
Young Ju Ham Korea Chong Shin <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Chong Shin Seminary M.Div.<br />
Chong Shin Graduate School Th.M.<br />
“An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Learning Styles and Religious Motivation<br />
Among Presbyterian Church Adolescents in South Korea”<br />
Thomas R. Kimber California <strong>University</strong> of Redlands B.A.<br />
Talbot School of Theology M.Div.<br />
“The Relationship of Identity Formation and Relationship with God During the Cross-Cultural Reentry<br />
Adjustment of Mid-Career American Protestant Evangelical M<strong>is</strong>sionaries”<br />
Halee Gray Scott Michigan <strong>University</strong> of Texas B.A.<br />
Azusa Pacific <strong>University</strong> M.A.<br />
“Evangelical Women Leaders in Protestant, Evangelical, Non-Profit Institutions:<br />
Individual Perceptions Regarding Congruity Between Gender and Leadership Roles”<br />
Donald R. Shepson, III North Carolina Wheaton College B.A.<br />
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
“Transformational Learning Theory and Chr<strong>is</strong>tian College Students in the Southeast:<br />
A Study of Faculty Mentoring and Relational Spiritual Formation”<br />
Sharon Warkentin Short Washington Tabor College B.A.<br />
Oakland <strong>University</strong> M.A.T.<br />
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School M.Div.<br />
“Children’s Responses to Bible Stories: A Case Study of an Elementary Sunday School Program”<br />
Sylvia Soeherman Indonesia South East Asia Bible Seminary B.A.<br />
Southwestern Bapt<strong>is</strong>t Theological<br />
Seminary M.A.C.E.<br />
“The Relationship of Critical Thinking Skills, Critical Thinking D<strong>is</strong>positions,<br />
and College Experiences of Theological Students in Indonesia”<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 11
12 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
degree of Master of theology<br />
‡◊◊◊ Banjoon Peter Choe California <strong>University</strong> of California, Los Angeles B.A.<br />
Talbot School of Theology M.Div.<br />
‡◊◊ Kyle Duane DiRoberts Arizona Southwestern College B.A.<br />
Phoenix Seminary M.Div.<br />
‡◊◊◊ Daniel K. Eng New York Boston College B.A.<br />
Talbot School of Theology M.Div.<br />
‡◊◊ Paul In Lee California <strong>University</strong> of California, Los Angeles B.A.<br />
•†‡◊◊ David Jae-Bum Park California <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego B.A<br />
Capital Bible Seminary M.Div.<br />
Sunhee Stephenson California Pusan <strong>University</strong> of Foreign Studies M.A.<br />
Talbot School of Theology M.Div.<br />
‡◊◊ Matthew Robert Yeoman Ohio Muskingum College B.A.<br />
degree of Master of divinity<br />
Talbot School of Theology M.Div.<br />
‡◊ Joong Chan Ahn Korea An yang <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
‡◊◊ Ryan Michael Bohm California <strong>University</strong> of California, Riverside B.A.<br />
‡◊ Elizabeth Jinkyung Chang Washington <strong>University</strong> of Washington B.A.<br />
‡◊◊◊ Chungmoo Choi California Sogang <strong>University</strong> B.A./B.A.<br />
Indiana <strong>University</strong> M.A./Ph.D.<br />
Eun Kyu Choi Korea Sungkyul <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Myungji College B.A.<br />
Ira Ying Hung Chui California Occidental College B.A.<br />
‡◊◊◊ Daniel Andrew Elliott California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Youn Seok Jang Korea Asia Center for Theological <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Chongshin <strong>University</strong> M.Ed.
‡◊◊◊ Philip Mark Jensen United Kingdom Heriot Watt <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
The <strong>University</strong> of Manchester M.S.<br />
Chul Jong Jung Korea Sung Kyun Kwan <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Jae Kyu Jung Korea Kunoh <strong>University</strong> of Technology B.A.<br />
Dae Il Kim Korea Dong-Shin <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
California Union <strong>University</strong> M.A.<br />
Daniel Kim California <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego B.A.<br />
Dyne Kim California <strong>University</strong> of California, Los Angeles B.A.<br />
Joochan Kim California <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego B.A.<br />
Peter Chul Kim California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Sun Do Kim California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Vincent Fungyan Kwok California Moody Bible Institute B.A.<br />
Kwangsu Lee Korea Daegu <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Sang Hwa Lee California Chong Shin <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Suk Hoa Lee California California Polytechnic State <strong>University</strong>,<br />
Pomona B.A.<br />
‡◊◊◊ Eliot Ross Luongo California <strong>University</strong> of California, Los Angeles B.A.<br />
‡◊◊ David Lowell Merrill California Trinity International <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Sujin Park California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
‡◊◊ Young Y. Park California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.A.<br />
•‡◊ Daniel Peter Rickert California San Diego Chr<strong>is</strong>tian College B.A.<br />
‡◊ Geoffrey Michael Rondeau California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Chang Woo Son Korea Seoul National <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Joseph S. Suh California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.A.<br />
‡◊ Sunghoon Sul Korea Suwon <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Young Jun Tak Korea InJe <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
‡◊ Geoffrey Jennings Wilson California <strong>University</strong> of the Pacific B.A.<br />
‡◊◊ David Earl Winfrey California Life Pacific College B.A.<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> M.A./M.A.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 13
14 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
degree of Master of arts<br />
Bible Exposition Emphas<strong>is</strong><br />
‡◊◊ EunKuk Kim Korea Korea Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
‡◊ Chan Young Lee Korea Samyook <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Biblical & Theological Studies Diversified Emphas<strong>is</strong><br />
Chongshin Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
‡◊ Jin Seong Cho Korea Method<strong>is</strong>t Theological Seminary B.Th./Th.M.<br />
‡◊ Esther E. Kim California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.A.<br />
‡◊◊ Taegil Kim Korea DongEui <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Korea Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
Si Chit Lam California <strong>University</strong> of California, Los Angeles B.S.<br />
‡◊ Hakkyou Lim Korea Korea Chr<strong>is</strong>tian College B.Th.<br />
Presbyterian College and<br />
Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
‡◊◊ Ivan Jeun-Kit Ling California California State <strong>University</strong>, Long Beach B.M.<br />
Robert Anthony Merrick California California State <strong>University</strong>,<br />
Dominguez Hills B.S.<br />
Matthew A. Schellenberg California <strong>University</strong> of California, Dav<strong>is</strong> B.A./B.A.<br />
Scott Ryan Silveira California California Polytechnic <strong>University</strong>,<br />
San Lu<strong>is</strong> Ob<strong>is</strong>po B.A.<br />
• Wilson Wei-Chen Wang California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.A.<br />
New Testament Emphas<strong>is</strong><br />
‡◊◊◊ Ian Toshio Nagata California <strong>University</strong> of California, Los Angeles B.A.
Old Testament Emphas<strong>is</strong><br />
Buddy James Head California Moody Bible Institute B.A.<br />
Philosophy of Religion and Ethics Emphas<strong>is</strong><br />
‡◊ Kevin Dale Kiefer Indiana Bethel College B.S.<br />
‡◊ Micah Joel Moegelin California <strong>University</strong> of California, Santa Barbara B.A.<br />
Spiritual Formation Emphas<strong>is</strong><br />
‡◊◊ Wei Chen China Si Chuan <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
International Theological Seminary M.A.<br />
‡◊◊◊ Richard Lou<strong>is</strong>e Kehoe California Bradley <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
Theology Emphas<strong>is</strong><br />
Central M<strong>is</strong>souri State <strong>University</strong> M.B.A.<br />
Elmore Trav<strong>is</strong> Collier California <strong>University</strong> of California, Los Angeles B.A.<br />
National <strong>University</strong> M.S.<br />
‡◊◊◊ Megan Theresa Dods California Moody Bible Institute B.A.<br />
‡◊ Kelly Nichole Douglas California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Stanley Trevor Markowski California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
‡◊ Brett Andrew Shaw California Concordia <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
‡◊ Peter Shirokov New York Beulah Heights <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
‡◊ Nathaniel Adam Warne California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
‡◊◊◊ Matthew Alan Wilcoxen California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 15
16 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
degree of Master of arts in chr<strong>is</strong>tian <strong>education</strong><br />
‡◊◊◊ Ellen YunKang Choi California Ewha Women’s <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
‡◊ Jeannie Walula Hill California California State <strong>University</strong>, Fullerton B.A.<br />
‡◊ Wendy K. Lee California San Franc<strong>is</strong>co State <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
California Polytechnic <strong>University</strong>,<br />
San Lu<strong>is</strong> Ob<strong>is</strong>po B.S.<br />
‡◊ Jong Hak Seo Korea Korea <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
Fuller Theological Seminary M.A.<br />
Korean Bapt<strong>is</strong>t Theological Seminary M.Div.<br />
Ji Eun Keziah Song Korea Torch Trinity Theological School M.Div.<br />
‡◊◊◊ Min Song California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.A.<br />
Scott Kyung Hum Yun California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
degree of Master of arts in chr<strong>is</strong>tian Min<strong>is</strong>try and leadershiP<br />
Sung Eun Back Korea <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Tr<strong>is</strong>honi L. Murray California California Polytechnic <strong>University</strong>,<br />
Pomona B.S.<br />
HyeYoung Shin Korea Korean Bible <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Soongsil <strong>University</strong> M.A.<br />
degree of Master of arts in sPiritual forMation and soul care<br />
‡◊ Stephen Andrew Grindle California Vanguard <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
† Nathan Scott Shattuck Georgia Taylor <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
‡◊ Wesley Pohum Tao California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.S.
COOk sCHOOl Of interCultural studies<br />
degree of doctor of PhilosoPhy in intercultur al <strong>education</strong><br />
John K. Mathew California Kerala <strong>University</strong> B.A./M.A.<br />
Oral Roberts <strong>University</strong> M.A.<br />
“A Study of the Effect of <strong>University</strong> Education Upon the Min<strong>is</strong>terial Behaviors<br />
of Indian Pentecostal Church of God Pastors in the State of Kerala, India”<br />
Geraldine Ryan New Zealand Canterbury <strong>University</strong> B.A./M.A.<br />
“Specialized Vocabulary Acqu<strong>is</strong>ition Through Texts in the Theology Classroom”<br />
degree of doctor of PhilosoPhy in intercultur al studies<br />
Eunice Chr<strong>is</strong>tina Hong California Life Pacific College B.A.<br />
“Understanding Intergenerational Korean American Church Splits”<br />
degree of doctor of M<strong>is</strong>siology<br />
Fuller Theological Seminary M.A.T.<br />
Michael Leo Wilson California Redlands <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
“Japanese Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Multiplication: A Phenomenological Study”<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> M.A.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 17
18 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
degree of Master of arts in anthroPology<br />
◊◊◊ Natalie Borg Europe <strong>University</strong> of Malta B.A.<br />
degree of Master of arts in intercultur al studies<br />
◊ Sun Kyung Byun California California State <strong>University</strong>, Northridge B.A.<br />
†◊◊ Che Shing Chan Hong Kong Alliance Bible Seminary B.Th.<br />
M<strong>is</strong>oon Choi Korea Konkuk <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊ Jukyung Kim Korea Calvin Seminary B.A.Equiv.<br />
◊◊◊ Lindsey Ann Leonetti California Vanguard <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊ El<strong>is</strong>abeth Anne Reeve California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.A.<br />
†◊◊ Amy Kr<strong>is</strong>tin Williams California Point Loma Nazarene <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
degree of Master of arts in teaching engl<strong>is</strong>h to sPeakers of other languages<br />
◊◊◊ Lydia Chr<strong>is</strong>tina Adi California California State <strong>University</strong>, Fullerton B.F.A.<br />
Fuller Theological Seminary M.A.<br />
◊ Chr<strong>is</strong>tiana Joy Chavez California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
•◊◊◊ Cara Suzanne Palozzi Georgia Appalachian Bible College B.A.<br />
Janelle Suzanne Pence California Trinity Western <strong>University</strong> B.A.
CrOwell sCHOOl Of Business<br />
degree of Master of Business adMin<strong>is</strong>tr ation<br />
◊◊ Andrea Renae Burgess California California State <strong>University</strong>, Long Beach B.S.<br />
•◊◊ Phillip Stephen Gross California California State <strong>University</strong>, Fullerton B.A.<br />
◊◊ Jessica Sheri Rall<strong>is</strong> California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
Sheryl Ann Rall<strong>is</strong> California Woodbury <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 19
20 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
sCHOOl Of PrOfessiOnal studies<br />
degree of Master of arts in chr<strong>is</strong>tian aPologetics<br />
◊◊◊ Daniel Wayne Bakken Washington Eastern Washington <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
◊◊◊ El<strong>is</strong>abeth H. Bentley North Carolina Florida State <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
^◊◊ Eden Elizabeth Broggi Vermont Wheaton College B.A.<br />
Chr<strong>is</strong>topher Warren Brooks Michigan Michigan State <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊ Patrick Nolan Brown New York Philadelphia Biblical <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
Donald Keith Butler California Long Beach State <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
†◊◊◊ Kevin Frederick Casper Canada <strong>University</strong> of Alberta B.Ed.<br />
◊ Shelby Chr<strong>is</strong>tine Clatterbuck California California State <strong>University</strong>, Long Beach B.A.<br />
Chapman <strong>University</strong> M.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Samuel Lee Dallas, III Texas Oklahoma Bapt<strong>is</strong>t <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Southwestern Bapt<strong>is</strong>t Theological<br />
Seminary M.Div.<br />
†◊◊◊ Nathan David Dewey New York Philadelphia Biblical <strong>University</strong> B.S./B.S.<br />
†◊◊◊ James Verne Edmonson Maryland Texas Technological <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
New Orleans Bapt<strong>is</strong>t Theological<br />
Seminary M.Div.<br />
◊◊◊ Anthony Richard Gillett California California State <strong>University</strong>, Fullerton B.A.<br />
†◊◊ Martin Lance Heinlen New Mexico Youngstown State <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Dena Michelle Jackson California <strong>University</strong> of Nevada B.A.<br />
†◊◊◊ Terry Kim California <strong>University</strong> of California, Los Angeles B.S./M.S.<br />
Stanford <strong>University</strong> M.S.<br />
◊◊ Richard Peter Laib Illino<strong>is</strong> <strong>University</strong> of St. Franc<strong>is</strong> B.A.<br />
•†◊ Brian Scott Lenney California <strong>University</strong> of North Dakota B.A.<br />
†◊◊◊ Dwayne Ray Moench Minnesota <strong>University</strong> of Minnesota B.S.<br />
◊◊ Kirk Gabriel Pagel California Azusa Pacific <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊ Bryan Arthur Sands California Hope International <strong>University</strong> B.A.
◊◊◊ Andrew Walter Steiger Canada Columbia Bible College B.A.<br />
†◊◊◊ Ralph Paul Thompson, III Connecticut Boston Bapt<strong>is</strong>t College B.A.<br />
†◊ Marvin Neil Wallace Hong Kong Derbyshire <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Michael West Texas Angelo State <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
•†◊ Steven Charles Wimmer Florida Tulane <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
Degree of Master of arts in science anD religion<br />
◊◊◊ Mihretu Petros Guta Ethiopia Evangelical Theological College B.Th.<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> M.A.<br />
◊◊◊ John Gregory Sexton California Virginia Polytechnic Institute and<br />
State <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Seth Abraham Stark California Sacramento State <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 21
22 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
degree of Master of arts in organizational leadershiP<br />
◊◊ Paige Anne Allen California <strong>University</strong> of Southern California B.S.<br />
◊ David F. Boctor California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ Mark Andrew Campbell California <strong>University</strong> of Phoenix B.S.<br />
◊ Mark Richard Cannon California Southern Illino<strong>is</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
◊◊◊ Hugo Danilo California California Polytechnic <strong>University</strong>,<br />
San Lu<strong>is</strong> Ob<strong>is</strong>po B.S.<br />
◊◊◊ Amy Nicole Edwards California <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.S.<br />
◊◊ Jacquelyn Marie Flora New York <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
Emad L. Georgy California Loyola Marymount <strong>University</strong> B.A.<br />
◊◊◊ David Ray Heinz California <strong>University</strong> of California, Irvine B.A.<br />
†◊◊ Sean William McFeely California Grove City College B.S.<br />
†◊◊◊ Kenneth James Raaf California California State <strong>University</strong>, Northridge B.S.<br />
◊ Eloy W. Vidales, Jr. California New York Institute of Technology B.S.<br />
Jack Cecil Wingard Washington <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> B.M.
Maria Amor Aldana<br />
∞◊◊ Chin He Bae<br />
∞◊◊ Cindy H. Dunn<br />
All<strong>is</strong>on Marie Fiedler<br />
Robbie Joe Acosta<br />
◊◊ El<strong>is</strong>a Ann Allen<br />
Brandon Jay Brickley<br />
∞◊◊ Michael Capodanno<br />
◊◊ Brian Alan Center<br />
Ryan Alexander Chan<br />
Beverly Ann Collins<br />
Amber Leigh Joy Cook<br />
∞◊◊ Joan Marie Darley<br />
Al<strong>is</strong>on Shawn Dav<strong>is</strong><br />
Gabriel Pedro De Jesus Diaz<br />
David Brian Farr<br />
∞ Albert Pontorilla Florita, Jr.<br />
Ruben Molina Garcia<br />
† ∞◊◊ Charles Gilreath<br />
◊◊ Jennifer Ryan Gonzalez<br />
◊◊ Nicholas Demond Harmon<br />
deGree Of BaCHelOr Of arts in PsyCHOlOGy<br />
◊◊ Julie Diana Figueroa<br />
◊◊ Margaret Lynn Harwell<br />
Brian Keith Hodgson<br />
◊ Heidi Thi Leonardi<br />
Daniel Ryan Harr<strong>is</strong>on<br />
∞ Morgan Elder Hege<br />
∞◊ Matthew Robert Henderson<br />
∞◊ Katherine Victoria Henderson<br />
◊ Jessica Marie Hernandez<br />
∞◊ Andrea Herrera-Clemons<br />
◊ Ryan Fowler Hester<br />
David Alexander Hines<br />
Patrick Hawthorne Kemp<br />
Rudy Lee Klopfer<br />
† Ryan Houston Lackey<br />
Bruce Val Locklear<br />
Angelica Maldonado<br />
Chanel Nicole Mar<strong>is</strong>cal<br />
∞ Jacquita Marqu<strong>is</strong><br />
◊ James Robert Matthews<br />
◊◊ Gerri Ellen Meinert<br />
Irma Marmolejo<br />
◊◊ Nancy LaVerne McDade<br />
† Keren M. Noble<br />
Martha Velazquez-Rojas<br />
deGree Of BaCHelOr Of sCienCe in OrGanizatiOnal leadersHiP<br />
◊ Victor Manuel Mendoza<br />
Douglas G. Morales<br />
∞◊◊ Jill Chr<strong>is</strong>tina Pink<br />
∞◊◊ Matthew Douglass Pogue<br />
◊◊ Jeanie Allen Sergent<br />
Veronica Serrano<br />
◊ Raymond Michael Sharpe II<br />
Charlene Felicia Smith<br />
† Kendy Adel Smith<br />
Sally R. Tiaga<br />
Den<strong>is</strong>e Lou<strong>is</strong>e Uebersetzig<br />
Yuvonnie Varela<br />
Lydia Esther Vazquez<br />
◊◊ Curt<strong>is</strong> James Walker<br />
Michelle A. Wellington<br />
∞◊◊ Susan Irene Wooten<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 23
24 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
Graduate HOnOrs and nOtatiOns<br />
◊ Honors 3.50–3.69<br />
◊◊ High Honors 3.70–3.89<br />
◊◊◊ Highest Honors 3.90–4.00<br />
‡ Elected to membership in Kappa Tau Epsilon,<br />
the Talbot School of Theology Scholastic<br />
Honor Society<br />
≈ Double Degree<br />
† Graduating in Absentia<br />
^ Degree granted May 2010<br />
• Degree granted August 2010<br />
underGraduate HOnOrs and nOtatiOns<br />
◊ Honors 3.85–3.94<br />
◊◊ High Honors 3.95–4.00<br />
∞ Elected to membership in Alpha Sigma Lambda,<br />
the National Honor Society for students in<br />
Continuing Higher Education<br />
† Graduating in Absentia<br />
uniVersity POliCies<br />
Honors are not awarded at the doctoral level,<br />
since it <strong>is</strong> the highest academic degree.<br />
Degrees awarded in the ceremony are conditional upon<br />
completion of all course requirements in accordance<br />
with <strong>University</strong> policies.
GradUaTe reCePTIons<br />
cook school of intercultural studies Marshburn Hall Lobby<br />
talBot school of theology Myers Hall<br />
All receptions will be held immediately following Commencement<br />
in the specified locations for program graduates and their guests.<br />
CoMMenCeMenT dVd<br />
fall 2010<br />
<strong>Biola</strong>’s professional film crew will be filming the graduate and undergraduate<br />
ceremonies of the Fall 2010 class. Each ceremony will be captured and produced<br />
into a DVD of the memorable day.<br />
The DVD includes the following features:<br />
The commencement ceremony, featuring a close-up of each graduate<br />
receiving h<strong>is</strong> or her diploma, as well as the commencement addresses given<br />
by the Reverend Andrew J. Bales.<br />
Scene selection menus, allowing you to jump directly to a specific major.<br />
Bonus features, including highlights of <strong>Biola</strong>'s campus and messages from<br />
university representatives.<br />
DVDs are now available for $34.99, including shipping.<br />
Sales tax applies to orders shipped to California.<br />
Buy one get one free!<br />
sPecial offer<br />
If you purchase a DVD today, you will receive one bonus DVD<br />
for each DVD purchased. Orders may be placed at the DVD tables<br />
in the Chase Gynasium Lobby.<br />
www.biola.edu/commencement/dvd<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 25
26 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
Talbot School of Theology<br />
Crowell School of Business<br />
Rosemead School of Psychology<br />
School of Education<br />
Cook School of Intercultural Studies<br />
<strong>Biola</strong>’s graduate schools equip you to impact the workplace<br />
and the world, offering rigorous training from respected<br />
faculty who have real-world experience. And you’ll learn<br />
in an evangelical Chr<strong>is</strong>tian environment that cares for your<br />
spiritual growth as well as your intellectual development.<br />
D<strong>is</strong>cover how your career can make a difference for<br />
Chr<strong>is</strong>t—d<strong>is</strong>cover the graduate schools of <strong>Biola</strong>.<br />
For more information v<strong>is</strong>it<br />
www.biola.edu/grad or call 562-903-4752.
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 27
28 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
sCHOOl<br />
Of eduCatiOn<br />
talBOt sCHOOl<br />
Of tHeOlOGy<br />
deGree CoMPleTIon reqUIreMenTs<br />
Students earning a Master of Arts in Education have prepared for K-12 leadership in public, private, m<strong>is</strong>sion,<br />
and/or home <strong>education</strong>. They have completed 35-56 units of rigorous coursework as well as a thes<strong>is</strong>, project or<br />
comprehensive examination.<br />
Degree candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies and the Doctor of Education in Educa-<br />
tional Studies have completed 45 and 36 semester units of coursework respectively with a GPA of 3.25 or more,<br />
passed comprehensive examinations and completed an approved d<strong>is</strong>sertation. Doctoral faculty must recommend<br />
the student for conferral of the degree on the bas<strong>is</strong> of academic stature and evidence of Chr<strong>is</strong>tian life and<br />
character establ<strong>is</strong>hed during h<strong>is</strong> or her course of study.<br />
Degree candidates for the Doctor of Min<strong>is</strong>try have completed 36 semester units of coursework while obtaining<br />
a GPA of 3.0 or more. Each degree candidate has submitted an acceptable doctoral project.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Theology have completed 26 semester units of coursework with a GPA<br />
of 3.25 or more and have successfully passed the comprehensive examinations. Th.M. graduates should also<br />
manifest prom<strong>is</strong>e of usefulness in Chr<strong>is</strong>tian min<strong>is</strong>try, exhibit exemplary and cons<strong>is</strong>tent Chr<strong>is</strong>tian character,<br />
and evidence sound theological beliefs in accordance with the university’s doctrinal statement.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Divinity have completed 96 to 98 semester units of coursework. Thes<strong>is</strong> optional.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Arts have completed 64 to 66 semester units of coursework while<br />
obtaining a GPA of 3.0 or more. Thes<strong>is</strong> optional.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Arts in Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Education have completed 60 semester units of coursework,<br />
with a GPA of 3.0 or more, and have provided 300 hours of field min<strong>is</strong>try.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care have completed 66 semester<br />
units of coursework, with a GPA of 3.0 or more.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Arts in Min<strong>is</strong>try have completed 64 semester units of coursework, with a<br />
GPA of 2.50 or more.
COOk sCHOOl<br />
Of interCultural<br />
studies<br />
CrOwell sCHOOl<br />
Of Business<br />
sCHOOl<br />
Of PrOfessiOnal<br />
studies<br />
Degree candidates have completed internships or significant crosscultural living or language experiences;<br />
foreign language proficiency requirements where applicable; and comprehensive exams on their core classes<br />
and area of specialization.<br />
In addition to the required prerequ<strong>is</strong>ites, Master of Arts candidates completed 42 (MA ICS); 32 units<br />
(MA TESOL); or 33 units (MA Applied Lingu<strong>is</strong>tics). Doctoral candidates entered with master’s degrees,<br />
and depending on their previous graduate classes, took 48 units of course work and 12 units of d<strong>is</strong>sertation<br />
research for the Ph.D. in Intercultural Education and 27 units of course work and 8 units of d<strong>is</strong>sertation<br />
research for the Doctor of M<strong>is</strong>siology. They conducted original research and defended d<strong>is</strong>sertations on<br />
topics that contribute to the understanding and practice of <strong>education</strong> (Ph.D.) or m<strong>is</strong>siology (D.M<strong>is</strong>s.) in<br />
a cultural context.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Business Admin<strong>is</strong>tration have completed a minimum of 36 semester<br />
hours of coursework in Management, Marketing, Finance, Ethics, and Theology and have completed a strategy<br />
and entrepreneurial project.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Arts in Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Apologetics have completed a minimum of 36<br />
semester hours of coursework in a range of fields, including biblical studies, theology, philosophy, science,<br />
world religions, and cultural studies, all with an aim toward proclaiming and defending the great truths<br />
of the Chr<strong>is</strong>tian faith.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership represent working professionals who<br />
have completed coursework in leadership, communication, character and organizational development while<br />
continuing to serve full time in their career of choice.<br />
Degree candidates for the Master of Arts in Science and Religion have completed a minimum of 39<br />
semester hours of course work in the h<strong>is</strong>tory and philosophy of science, biblical studies, world religions,<br />
and contemporary scientific <strong>is</strong>sues, with the goal of building the interd<strong>is</strong>ciplinary skills necessary to integrate<br />
Chr<strong>is</strong>tian truth and scientific thought.<br />
Students earning a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Organizational Leadership have completed course<br />
work in leadership, management, group and organizational behavior, ethics and a research project.<br />
Students who earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Psychology have completed course work emphasizing<br />
psychosocial development, integration, research, and foundational theories of psychological study. The BOLD<br />
Program <strong>is</strong> designed for the working adult who has returned to college after being away from the formal<br />
<strong>education</strong> setting for a number of years. Each student has completed the general <strong>education</strong> and biblical studies<br />
course work required of all <strong>Biola</strong> baccalaureate graduates, completing between 65 and 80 units of course work<br />
at <strong>Biola</strong> with the remaining required units transferred from other institutions.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 29
30 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
UnderGradUaTe<br />
CoMMenCeMenT<br />
deCeMBer 17, 2010 | 7:00 P.M.<br />
President Barry H. COrey, PresidinG<br />
Processional March <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> Symphony Orchestra<br />
Pomp and Circumstance, Edward Elgar Marlin Owen, M.A.<br />
Conductor<br />
WelcoMe Barry H. Corey, Ph.D.<br />
President<br />
invocation Michael Longinow, Ph.D.<br />
Chair, Department of Journal<strong>is</strong>m<br />
Print Journal<strong>is</strong>m Adv<strong>is</strong>or<br />
hyMn George Boespflug, D.M.A.<br />
Joy to the World Chair, Conservatory of Music<br />
scriPture Michelle Lee-Barnewall, Ph.D.<br />
John 16:33 Associate Professor of Biblical<br />
and Theological Studies<br />
coMMenceMent address Andrew J. Bales, M.A.T.<br />
"4 C’s for Making an Impact on Your World" Chief Executive Officer, Union Rescue M<strong>is</strong>sion
conferral of degrees Barry H. Corey, Ph.D.<br />
sPecial Music<br />
President<br />
Stan Jantz, M.A.<br />
Chair, Board of Trustees<br />
David P. Nystrom, Ph.D.<br />
Provost and Senior Vice President<br />
Be Thou My V<strong>is</strong>ion, Arr. John Rutter Donté Apperwhite, Baritone<br />
Presentation of diPloMas<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> Symphony Orchestra<br />
Marlin Owen, M.A.<br />
Conductor<br />
coMM<strong>is</strong>sioning of the graduates Barry H. Corey, Ph.D.<br />
President<br />
Benediction Raymond Johnson, B.A.<br />
Member, Board of Trustees<br />
recessional March <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> Symphony Orchestra<br />
Washington Post March, John Philip Sousa Marlin Owen, M.A.<br />
Honor guards<br />
Chr<strong>is</strong>topher C. Girard<br />
Laura Elizabeth Evans<br />
(Leading Processional)<br />
Conductor<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 31
BaCHelOr Of fine arts<br />
studio arts<br />
Jerelyn R. Barber<br />
32 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
Bethany M. Benson<br />
Benjamin P. Cole<br />
Madeline E. Green<br />
Pablo A. Guerrero<br />
* Jenna Lou<strong>is</strong>e Keefe<br />
Danielle N. Long<br />
Grace E. Mears<br />
* Kari Lou<strong>is</strong>e Sanders<br />
Katie M. Schaller<br />
** Sander Jackson S<strong>is</strong>wojo<br />
Lindsey L. Swedzinski<br />
Rachel J. Zeleke<br />
UnderGradUaTe deGree<br />
BaCHelOr Of arts<br />
BiBlical & theological studies<br />
Gersom Aguilar<br />
Geoffrey A. Alfassa<br />
Timothy A. Arnold<br />
Smirna E. Lezcano<br />
~ Caroline M. Maravilla<br />
Denn<strong>is</strong> C. Shin<br />
Kip Uriah Smith<br />
* Zachary Michael Thompson<br />
chr<strong>is</strong>tian Min<strong>is</strong>tries<br />
Chr<strong>is</strong>tine Chi<br />
**† Graydon LeGrand Cress<br />
Stephanie N. Esquibel<br />
Jenny HyeJin Lee<br />
**† Chr<strong>is</strong>topher Michael Matsuoka<br />
Bianca V. Rossil<br />
Hye Sun Shin<br />
coMMunication studies<br />
Cameron M. Bragg<br />
∆ Frances A. Br<strong>is</strong>bane<br />
Steven S. Hahn<br />
Crystal L. Hammar<br />
Nathan T. Howden<br />
* Kelly Belle Moore<br />
Shane T. Morgan<br />
Nicole C. Nystrom<br />
Courtney J. Patton<br />
David M. Pearsey<br />
Stephanie M. Rios<br />
Benjamin D. Robinson<br />
Michael J. Teague<br />
§**∂ Kr<strong>is</strong>ten Mae Walker<br />
filM - telev<strong>is</strong>ion - radio<br />
* Erik Douglas Bergen<br />
Robert A. Bolgeo<br />
* ≈ Kyle Isaac Chezum<br />
Chr<strong>is</strong>topher D. Daniel<br />
* Katherine Renee Fredericks<br />
* Curby Isaiah Gibson<br />
* Joel Andres Gr<strong>is</strong>well
§**~∆ Anthony Michael Kemp<br />
***∆ Evangeline Grace Lee<br />
John J. Reilly<br />
*** Laurie Jean Stewart<br />
** Kendall David Wampler<br />
Journal<strong>is</strong>M<br />
Benjamin T. Zierten<br />
Ter<strong>is</strong>a L. Jones<br />
*** Shanley Jo Knox<br />
Rocio E. Lopez<br />
** Jennifer Leigh Martin<br />
Stephanie Montano<br />
* Anabel Munoz<br />
* Katherine Michelle Smith<br />
engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />
Caitlin N. Steslicki<br />
~ Mel<strong>is</strong>sa Grace Butler<br />
Danielle M. Debol<br />
Chad Espinoza<br />
§**∆ Jennifer Diane Gaertner<br />
§**∆ Leah Beth Gunderson<br />
§**~∆ Anthony Michael Kemp<br />
Nathan Andrew Lawson<br />
§** Rachael Johanna Mitchell<br />
Tiffany Hope Schnitker<br />
** Rebecca Ruth Simonsen<br />
h<strong>is</strong>tory<br />
***‡∆ Laura Elizabeth Dahl<br />
~ Brandon T. Rogers<br />
**‡∆ Rebecca Marie Smith<br />
Political science<br />
†‡ Katie L. Brookens<br />
‡ Adam J. Crane<br />
**‡∆ Katie Lynn Geler<strong>is</strong><br />
Ryan M. Haliday<br />
**≈ Clark Anthony Hedrick<br />
~ Caroline M. Maravilla<br />
* Jacob Thomas Niemi<br />
huManities<br />
Adam R. Rodriguez<br />
§***‡∆ Emily Kathleen Stamp<br />
anthroPology<br />
Jessica Guzman<br />
*** Rachel Nichole Neilson<br />
Mariela B. Rivas<br />
Elizabeth R. Stark<br />
Lyn M. Van Sant<br />
intercultur al studies<br />
** Jonathan Yuan Feng Chua<br />
** Emily R. Grimsley<br />
** L<strong>is</strong>a Ann Jenkins<br />
Grace Kwon<br />
* Emily Rose Miller<br />
***† Tiana Leeann Murray<br />
Haylei S. Pennell<br />
§** Andrea Joy Watkins<br />
Justin B. Wheeler<br />
liBer al studies<br />
Amy E. Aversano<br />
Vanessa Mairim Bustillo<br />
Amy Michelle Collins<br />
Ashley E. Davenport<br />
† Catherine E. Gabler<br />
Carleigh H. Good<br />
** Danielle Ann Guadagni<br />
** Kathryn Rose Heberling<br />
Jessica A. Held<br />
Megan M. Kaup<br />
* Chr<strong>is</strong>tine Ji Soo Lim<br />
* Erica Michelle Moyer<br />
Kirsten E. Nelson<br />
Gloria Y. Pak<br />
*** Sarah Lou<strong>is</strong>e Ryan<br />
Emily A. Soto<br />
*† Natalie Amalie Wolf<br />
*** Melinda Rosemary Zook<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 33
Music<br />
* Justine Lauren Soules<br />
PhilosoPhy<br />
§*** Michael John Morehead<br />
~ Brandon T. Rogers<br />
Psychology<br />
~π Mel<strong>is</strong>sa Grace Butler<br />
** Chelsea Anne Buckaway<br />
§** Bit Na Choi<br />
§**π Ciara Marie Collins<br />
*** Susan Lou<strong>is</strong>e Collins<br />
§***π† Kr<strong>is</strong>ten Marie Eliason<br />
* April Lauren Gregory<br />
* Nicole Renae Hawkins<br />
**π Dimitri Liany<br />
*** Trinity Marie Matthews<br />
*** Michael Allan Morin<br />
Alicia J. Rollins<br />
* Grant Robert Sigafoos<br />
* Mark Nathaniel Simonin<br />
Nathan T. Spears<br />
*** Stuart David Weir<br />
Holly D. Woll<br />
Brittany C. Young<br />
34 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
sociology<br />
Sarah L. Brown<br />
Jessica E. Choe<br />
Chantal M. Duson<br />
Larry Andres Gallegos<br />
Tyler G. Higgins<br />
*** Mitchell Ted Koufos<br />
* Amanda Lee Orr<br />
Chad C. Pace<br />
Jennifer N. Powell<br />
Kayla M. Schannep<br />
Brian E. Warfel<br />
Joshua K. Wooster<br />
* Mary Abigail Wright<br />
BaCHelOr Of MusiC<br />
Music coMPosition<br />
* Joshua David Charles<br />
Music <strong>education</strong><br />
David G. Ainilian<br />
Music PerforMance<br />
§*** Jessica Lanae Geels<br />
** Sarah Rose Lawson<br />
Joseph M. Tatco-Nowak
BaCHelOr Of sCienCe<br />
Biological science<br />
† Morgan Linda Fava<br />
*∆ Ellene Daniele Sandoval<br />
environMental science<br />
Douglas Andrew Edwards<br />
huMan Biology<br />
Renee C. Beauchene<br />
Mar<strong>is</strong>a L. Casias<br />
§** Amber Paige Clanton<br />
Business adMin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />
*≈ Kyle Isaac Chezum<br />
** Julia Josephine Degen<br />
* Graham Andrew Foster<br />
* Ryan Alexander Gabler<br />
**≈ Clark Anthony Hedrick<br />
Andrew J. Howell<br />
Luke A. Kampen<br />
Joseph H. Lee<br />
Brandon W. Louck<br />
Timothy G. Lycan<br />
* Anita V. Punjabi<br />
Donna S. Rivas<br />
Joseph H. Ryan<br />
Bethany A. Smeltzer<br />
Anthony J. Yaghjian<br />
coMMunication d<strong>is</strong>orders<br />
* Lauren Alyssa Grant<br />
Lauren C. Gregston<br />
*** Mel<strong>is</strong>sa Ann King<br />
Adriana G. Nuno<br />
kinesiology<br />
Music<br />
Eric J. Chang<br />
Kyle K. Ross<br />
David E. Hart<br />
Kevin Lee Krogstad<br />
Physical science<br />
Justin M. Halverson<br />
**∆ Daniel Isaac Henriksen<br />
studio arts<br />
†∆ Renee Jorgensen<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 35
36 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
underGraduate HOnOrs and nOtatiOns<br />
* Cum Laude 3.50 - 3.69 GPA<br />
** Magna Cum Laude 3.70 - 3.89 GPA<br />
*** Summa Cum Laude 3.90 - 4.00 GPA<br />
§ Elected to membership in Epsilon Kappa Epsilon,<br />
the <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> Scholastic Honor Society.<br />
‡ Elected in membership in Phi Alpha Theta,<br />
the International Honor Society in H<strong>is</strong>tory.<br />
π Elected to membership in Psi Chi,<br />
the International Honor Society in Psychology.<br />
∂ Elected to membership in Lambda Pi Eta, the<br />
National Honor Society in Communication Studies<br />
∆ Graduate of Torrey Honors Institute<br />
~ Double Major<br />
≈ Double Degree<br />
† Graduating in Absentia<br />
university Policies<br />
Honors are not awarded at the doctoral level,<br />
since it <strong>is</strong> the highest academic degree.<br />
Degress awarded in the ceremony are conditional upon<br />
completeion of all course requirements in accordance<br />
with <strong>University</strong> policies.
UnderGradUaTe reCePTIon<br />
all undergraduate students and guests <strong>Biola</strong> Café<br />
Reception ends at 9:30 p.m.<br />
CoMMenCeMenT dVd<br />
fall 2010<br />
<strong>Biola</strong>’s professional film crew will be filming the graduate and undergraduate<br />
ceremonies of the Fall 2010 class. Each ceremony will be captured and produced<br />
into a DVD of the memorable day.<br />
The DVD includes the following features:<br />
The commencement ceremony, featuring a close-up of each graduate<br />
receiving h<strong>is</strong> or her diploma, as well as the commencement addresses given<br />
by the Reverend Andrew J. Bales.<br />
Scene selection menus, allowing you to jump directly to a specific major.<br />
Bonus features, including highlights of <strong>Biola</strong>'s campus and messages from<br />
university representatives.<br />
DVDs are now available for $34.99, including shipping.<br />
Sales tax applies to orders shipped to California.<br />
Buy one get one free!<br />
sPecial offer<br />
If you purchase a DVD today, you will receive one bonus DVD<br />
for each DVD purchased. Orders may be placed at the DVD tables<br />
in the Chase Gynasium Lobby.<br />
www.biola.edu/commencement/dvd<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 37
Contemporary academic dress <strong>is</strong> clearly derived from the robes<br />
worn by teachers in European medieval universities and <strong>is</strong> based<br />
upon clerical garb, since the clergy were the first university teachers.<br />
Today, academic dress does not serve its original functions of<br />
providing warmth and/or d<strong>is</strong>tingu<strong>is</strong>hing one’s religious order, but it<br />
does serve to identify the degree held, field of study and the university<br />
from which the wearers received their advanced degrees.<br />
The American university robe comes in different shapes to identify<br />
its wearer as holder of the Bachelor, Master or Doctor degree (three<br />
velvet stripes on each sleeve further identify the doctoral robe) and<br />
<strong>is</strong> usually a closed gown in black. The foreign university robe <strong>is</strong> often<br />
open in the front and <strong>is</strong> frequently found in the Doctor version in a<br />
color other than black, such as red.<br />
Dark Blue ................................................................H<strong>is</strong>tory / Philosophy<br />
Scarlet ....................................................................... Theology / Divinity<br />
Gold .........................................................................................Mathematics<br />
Gold-Yellow .................................................................................... Science<br />
Royal Blue .......................................................................Political Science<br />
Brown ........................................................................................... Fine Arts<br />
Citron ...................................................................................Social Science<br />
Pink ..................................................................................................... Music<br />
Light Blue ...................................................................................Education<br />
Copper .......................................................................................Economics<br />
Crimson .................................................................................... Journal<strong>is</strong>m<br />
38 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
aCadeMIC dress<br />
The Colors<br />
of The fIelds of sTUdy<br />
It <strong>is</strong> possible for the skilled observer to decipher the degree held<br />
from the robe and also to d<strong>is</strong>cern the subject area and the university<br />
of its wearer according to the mix of colors on the hood. The velvet<br />
band around the neck of the hood <strong>is</strong> frequently colored according<br />
to the scheme below to indicate academic area, and the lining of<br />
the hood appears with the official colors of the degree-granting<br />
institution.<br />
Caps and tassels also vary. Most American and many foreign universities<br />
employ the black mortarboard, while some American and<br />
foreign universities are further identified with unusual shapes and<br />
types of caps. The tassels are usually black, although some universities<br />
vary there also, employing silver and gold.<br />
Lemon ................................................................................ Library Science<br />
Peacock Blue ....................................................... Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />
Drab .................................................................. Business Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />
Sage Green .................................................................Physical Education<br />
White ............................................................................................Sociology<br />
White ................................................Arts, Letters, and the Humanities<br />
White ..........................................................................................M<strong>is</strong>siology<br />
White ....................................................................... Intercultural Studies<br />
Gold ............................................................................................ Psychology<br />
Apricot ............................................................................................Nursing
1908 Founding of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.<br />
ChronoloGy<br />
1909 Hunan Bible Institute establ<strong>is</strong>hed as the Bible Institute of China.<br />
1911 First class graduated with six students.<br />
1912 Dr. R.A. Torrey called as first dean.<br />
1913 Cornerstone laid for the Institute building at Sixth and Hope Streets in downtown Los Angeles.<br />
Lyman Stewart appointed president of the board.<br />
1921 First three-year course offered.<br />
1929 Dr. W.P. White assumed office as the first president.<br />
1932 Dr. Lou<strong>is</strong> T. Talbot became the second president.<br />
1935 Paul Rood became the third president.<br />
1936 First four-year courses offered.<br />
1938 Dr. Talbot assumed the presidency for a second time.<br />
1945 Beginning of the School of M<strong>is</strong>sionary Medicine founded by Dr. Leonie Soubirou.<br />
1952 Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland appointed the fifth president.<br />
Talbot Theological Seminary inaugurated with Dr. Charles L. Feinberg as its first dean.<br />
1957 Groundbreaking ceremonies held for the new La Mirada campus.<br />
1958 Sutherland Hall completed as the first building on the new campus.<br />
1959 Official move to the new campus.<br />
1966 The institution renamed <strong>Biola</strong> Schools and Colleges.<br />
1970 Dr. J. Richard Chase selected as sixth president.<br />
1972 The institution renamed <strong>Biola</strong> College.<br />
1977 The programs of Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology acquired.<br />
1981 <strong>Biola</strong> College becomes <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />
1982 Dr. Clyde Cook inaugurated as seventh president.<br />
1983 The addition of the School of Intercultural Studies and World M<strong>is</strong>sions.<br />
1985 New university structure completed with four schools now named: School of Arts and Sciences,<br />
Talbot School of Theology, Rosemead School of Psychology and School of Intercultural Studies.<br />
1987 Carnegie Comm<strong>is</strong>sion on Higher Education classified <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> as a Doctorate<br />
Granting II Institution (now Research/Intensive).<br />
1993 The addition of Crowell School of Business.<br />
1994 The addition of the School of Professional Studies.<br />
2001 The new library <strong>is</strong> completed.<br />
2003 Hope Hall <strong>is</strong> completed.<br />
2006 New five-story Horton Hall replaces original two-story building.<br />
2007 School of Business Building <strong>is</strong> completed and renamed Crowell School of Business.<br />
2007 The addition of the School of Education.<br />
2007 Dr. Barry H. Corey inaugurated as eighth president.<br />
2009 Renaming of the Cook School of Intercultural Studies.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 39
40 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
hIsTorICal sKeTCh<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> traces its origins to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles establ<strong>is</strong>hed in 1908<br />
by Lyman Stewart, founder and president of the Union Oil Company, and the Rev. T.C.<br />
Horton, two men of extraordinary v<strong>is</strong>ion and commitment to Chr<strong>is</strong>tian higher <strong>education</strong>.<br />
Dedicated to combating the moral decay and faithless liberal<strong>is</strong>m of their day, Stewart and<br />
Horton establ<strong>is</strong>hed the Institute to educate and equip men and women with a relevant<br />
Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity that would impact society at home and abroad. The Institute’s influence was<br />
felt along the entire Western Seaboard from Mexico to Canada and across the Pacific to<br />
China. By 1909, over 540 extension courses were sponsored by the Bible Institute.<br />
The following decades produced immense growth, development and outreach. The school<br />
moved from a two-year to a four-year program offering degrees in theology, Chr<strong>is</strong>tian<br />
<strong>education</strong>, sacred music, and a one-year program in m<strong>is</strong>sionary medicine. By 1949, the<br />
Bible Institute had become a flour<strong>is</strong>hing Bible College and in 1952 launched Talbot<br />
Theological Seminary to further serve the Chr<strong>is</strong>tian community. In 1959, <strong>Biola</strong> received<br />
accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.<br />
In the ensuing years, <strong>Biola</strong> College broadened its curricula in the arts, sciences, professions,<br />
and seminary offerings while maintaining its strong foundation in biblical studies.<br />
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s the program base further expanded, and in 1977 the<br />
Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology was acquired.<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> College became <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> on July 1, 1981, composed of the School of Arts<br />
and Sciences, Rosemead School of Psychology, and Talbot School of Theology. The School<br />
of Intercultural Studies, with its outstanding program in world m<strong>is</strong>sions, was establ<strong>is</strong>hed<br />
in 1983 and renamed the Cook School of Intercultural Studies in 2009. The School of<br />
Business was added in 1993 and renamed the Crowell School of Business in 2007. The<br />
School of Professional Studies was added in 1994 and a seventh school, the School of<br />
Education was added in 2007.<br />
Ranked by the Carnegie Comm<strong>is</strong>sion on Higher Education as a Doctoral / Research-<br />
Intensive Institution, <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> offers four undergraduate degrees in 33<br />
undergraduate majors with more than 120 emphases, 17 master’s degrees and eight<br />
d<strong>is</strong>tinct doctoral degrees. With an outstanding faculty, the <strong>University</strong> has d<strong>is</strong>tingu<strong>is</strong>hed<br />
itself in scholarship and academic excellence.
Experiential programming <strong>is</strong> a hallmark of <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong>. National and international<br />
opportunities are available where students live and learn in diverse cultural settings.<br />
Some of the programs are <strong>University</strong>-based, while others are held in conjunction with<br />
the Council for Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). Domestic programs are<br />
offered in Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Berkeley, New York City, Utah and Colorado<br />
Springs. Students also have the opportunity to study internationally in Australia, Costa<br />
Rica, Egypt, Uganda, Oxford, London, Russia, New Zealand and Honduras. Educational<br />
programs are offered in Thailand, Lithuania and Ukraine, and exchange programs are<br />
maintained with schools in Korea and Japan.<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> continues to affirm its commitment to creating significant academic programs that<br />
engage our community with some of the most influential thinkers of our time, while assuring<br />
the spiritual and moral development of our students. Examples include the Master of Arts<br />
degrees in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Apologetics and Spiritual Formation.<br />
As it pursues an ambitious v<strong>is</strong>ion for the years ahead, the <strong>University</strong> continues to be<br />
recognized as a leader in Chr<strong>is</strong>tian higher <strong>education</strong>. In 2010, <strong>Biola</strong> was named one of 28<br />
“up and coming” national universities by U.S. News & World Report, earning a position<br />
in the top tier of the prestigious national rankings. Meanwhile, enrollment eclipsed 6,000<br />
students for the first time, with more students than ever seeking the benefits of a <strong>Biola</strong><br />
<strong>education</strong>.<br />
Since 1908, <strong>Biola</strong> has stood as a beacon of hope for the intellectual, spiritual and moral<br />
growth of its students. As the only national university to require a Chr<strong>is</strong>tian commitment<br />
of its faculty, students and staff, <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>is</strong> building on its legacy of impacting the<br />
world for the Lord Jesus Chr<strong>is</strong>t.<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 41
The role of the Board of Trustees of <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>is</strong> to serve as<br />
faithful stewards of the m<strong>is</strong>sion of the institution, and to serve<br />
God and <strong>Biola</strong> by lending the unique talents and experience of each<br />
individual as part of a team.<br />
42 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
board of TrUsTees<br />
The <strong>Biola</strong> Board of Trustees surrounded by <strong>Biola</strong> Students following a September 2010 Chapel Service<br />
Stanley Jantz, Chair<br />
Wayne Lowell, Vice Chair<br />
Rosemarie Avila<br />
William H. Bauer<br />
William G. Billard<br />
Dean Bursch<br />
Michael Chang<br />
G. Bradley Cole<br />
Barry H. Corey<br />
Dwight L. Hanger<br />
Promod Haque<br />
Carol Hawkins<br />
Raymond A. Johnson<br />
David Karnes<br />
Allan Kavalich<br />
Hannah Lee<br />
The responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include affirming<br />
<strong>Biola</strong>’s m<strong>is</strong>sion, upholding the Statement of Faith, overseeing long<br />
range strategic planning, and approving major policies and programs.<br />
The Board <strong>is</strong> responsible for ensuring that the m<strong>is</strong>sion of<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>is</strong> accompl<strong>is</strong>hed and for exerc<strong>is</strong>ing all corporate<br />
powers of the institution.<br />
Edgar Lehman<br />
Carol Lindskog<br />
Bryan Loritts<br />
Al Mijares<br />
David Mitchell<br />
Ronald D. Rall<strong>is</strong>, Sr.<br />
Gorden Romberger<br />
Jerry Rueb<br />
John Siefker<br />
Kennith Thompson<br />
Walter Warkentin*<br />
* Honorary Member
infOrMatiOn / lOst & fOund<br />
Information about <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>is</strong> available at the DVD tables<br />
in the lobby of Chase Gymnasium. Lost and found <strong>is</strong> also located at<br />
these tables.<br />
satellite site<br />
Additional seating <strong>is</strong> located in Crowell Hall (16 on map)<br />
with a live satellite broadcast of the Commencement Exerc<strong>is</strong>es.<br />
PHOtOGraPHy<br />
Please take pictures from your seat only. GradImages will take<br />
professional photos of your graduate and will contact each<br />
graduate with photos for purchase.<br />
dVd<br />
<strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong> will be producing a professional DVD recording<br />
of today’s event, which will include the entire ceremony as well as<br />
every graduate as they cross the stage and receive their diploma.<br />
The DVDs may be purchased for $34.99 at the DVD Tables in<br />
the Chase Gymnasium Lobby. For every DVD purchased today,<br />
guests will receive an additional copy for free! Refer to page 37<br />
in the program for more information.<br />
GUEST<br />
STAGE<br />
LOBBY<br />
eVenT InforMaTIon<br />
GUEST<br />
refresHMents<br />
Refreshments are available for purchase at the Eagle’s Nest<br />
(26 on map), Common Grounds (26 on map) and the <strong>Biola</strong><br />
Bookstore (28 on map).<br />
BiOla BOOkstOre<br />
Graduation presents, congratulation cards, diploma frames<br />
and <strong>Biola</strong> logo items (including alumni clothing and license<br />
plate frames) are available at the bookstore until 7:30 p.m.<br />
on December 17.<br />
restrOOMs<br />
Restrooms are located in the following buildings:<br />
• The Bookstore Building (28 on map)<br />
• Student Union Building, ground floor (26 on map)<br />
• <strong>Biola</strong> Cafeteria (23 on map)<br />
• Between Marshburn Hall (34 on map)<br />
and Soubirou Hall (36 on map)<br />
• Sutherland Hall (39 on map)<br />
CHase GyMnasiuM - seatinG CHart<br />
MEN’S<br />
WOMEN’S<br />
CommenCement Fall 2010 | 43
44 | <strong>Biola</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />
MaP leGend<br />
28 Bookstore/Student Service<br />
23 Cafeteria<br />
18 Chase Gym.<br />
(Commencement)<br />
16 Crowell Hall<br />
(Satellite Location)<br />
34 Marshburn Hall /<br />
Mayers Auditorium<br />
47 Myers Hall/Talbot<br />
47<br />
CaMPUs MaP<br />
36 Soubirou Hall<br />
35 Student Health Ctr.<br />
(Nursing Station)<br />
26 Student Union Bldg.<br />
39 Sutherland Hall<br />
39<br />
35<br />
Restroom<br />
Parking Lots are indicated<br />
using the letter A - R<br />
34<br />
36<br />
23<br />
26<br />
28<br />
16<br />