Read the endMS Impact Report - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Read the endMS Impact Report - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Read the endMS Impact Report - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
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e n d M S C a M p a i g n i M p a C t R e p o R t
Vancouver<br />
Calgary<br />
Edmonton<br />
Red Deer<br />
Lethbridge<br />
Saskatoon<br />
Regina<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Regional Research and Training Centres: Five major hubs across <strong>Canada</strong><br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Network academic and health institutions: 65 institutions across <strong>Canada</strong><br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> funded research: Major MS <strong>Society</strong> funded research hubs<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Summer Schools: Five occurring across <strong>Canada</strong> since <strong>endMS</strong> campaign began<br />
Winnipeg<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Transitional Career Development Award recipients: Three working in <strong>Canada</strong>, two in <strong>the</strong> United States<br />
Thunder Bay Quebec<br />
St. John<br />
Thank you for accelerating MS research in <strong>Canada</strong>.<br />
London<br />
Ottawa<br />
Toronto<br />
Guelph<br />
Laval<br />
Montreal<br />
Kingston<br />
Sherbrooke<br />
Halifax<br />
St. John’s
M i s s i o n s t a t e M e n t<br />
To be a leader in finding a cure for multiple sclerosis and enabling people<br />
affected by MS to enhance <strong>the</strong>ir quality <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s<br />
Leadership message. ...........................................2<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> campaign: How and why ..................................3<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Regional Research and Training Centres ......................4<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Summer School .........................................6<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Transitional Career Development Award .......................8<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Scholar Program for Researchers in Training ..................10<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Conference ............................................11<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> research program. ...................................12<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> campaign donors .......................................15<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> national campaign cabinet ................................17
Yves Savoie<br />
President & chief executive<br />
<strong>of</strong>ficer, MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><br />
With your help, we raised $60 million to secure <strong>the</strong> next generation <strong>of</strong> MS researchers. Thank you.<br />
Message from <strong>the</strong> honorary national campaign chair,<br />
national campaign chair, president & CEO<br />
On behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> Scientific<br />
Research Foundation and <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> national<br />
campaign cabinet, we would like to express our<br />
deepest gratitude to all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> generous donors<br />
and committed volunteers who have helped make<br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> campaign a tremendous success.<br />
Your support has enabled us to raise more<br />
than $60 million for <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Research and<br />
Training Network and <strong>the</strong> ongoing research,<br />
training and collaboration activities <strong>of</strong> researchers<br />
and trainees focused on ending MS.<br />
Thanks to your investment, <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Network<br />
has brought toge<strong>the</strong>r more than 1,000 experienced<br />
researchers and trainees from more than 65<br />
Canadian academic and health institutions to<br />
collaborate through five <strong>endMS</strong> Regional Research<br />
and Training Centres. The <strong>endMS</strong> Network has<br />
attracted, trained and retained talented medical<br />
Sandy Aird<br />
National<br />
campaign chair<br />
Rick Waugh<br />
Honorary national<br />
campaign chair<br />
and research pr<strong>of</strong>essionals at varying stages <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong>ir careers, in order to secure <strong>the</strong> future <strong>of</strong> MS<br />
research in <strong>Canada</strong>.<br />
Because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> campaign, more<br />
researchers are involved in MS research in<br />
<strong>Canada</strong> than ever before.<br />
The <strong>endMS</strong> campaign has achieved its<br />
fundraising goal, but our work must continue.<br />
While great progress has been made to help<br />
people with relapsing-remitting MS, <strong>the</strong>re are<br />
still no effective treatments for those living<br />
with primary-progressive MS. More research<br />
is urgently needed to understand progressive<br />
forms <strong>of</strong> MS, and people living with this disease<br />
deserve answers about <strong>the</strong>ir future quality <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
We remain committed to raising funds beyond<br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> campaign so that MS researchers<br />
will have <strong>the</strong> resources <strong>the</strong>y need to identify<br />
<strong>the</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> disease, improve symptom<br />
management and ultimately find a cure for all<br />
forms <strong>of</strong> MS.<br />
On behalf <strong>of</strong> those living with MS and<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> volunteers and staff across <strong>the</strong><br />
country, please accept our sincere appreciation<br />
for your generous support in helping to make<br />
our <strong>endMS</strong> campaign a success. Thank you for<br />
helping us in our fight against MS.
<strong>endMS</strong> campaign and <strong>endMS</strong> Research and Training<br />
Network: How and why<br />
I’m Dr. Jack Antel, and I want to<br />
congratulate you for making <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong><br />
campaign a success. I became involved<br />
with <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Research and Training<br />
Network because I wanted to secure a<br />
brighter future for MS research – and this<br />
meant attracting, training and retaining<br />
new researchers to <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> MS in<br />
<strong>Canada</strong>. Thanks to you, our valued<br />
donors and volunteers, our network <strong>of</strong><br />
researchers is stronger than ever.<br />
Over <strong>the</strong> last several decades,<br />
Canadian clinicians and scientists have<br />
contributed to <strong>the</strong> significant progress<br />
that has been made in understanding<br />
MS, and in <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong><br />
treatments for <strong>the</strong> disease. This is<br />
thanks in part to <strong>the</strong> MS <strong>Society</strong>’s long<br />
history <strong>of</strong> fostering exceptional MS<br />
researchers and research.<br />
e n d M S C a M p a i g n i M p a C t R e p o R t<br />
You helped ensure that people living with MS will get answers about <strong>the</strong>ir disease.<br />
Despite this investment in people and<br />
research, important questions remain<br />
with respect to <strong>the</strong> cause, prevention<br />
and cure for MS. In this context, <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Research and Training Network<br />
was created with <strong>the</strong> aim to fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />
increase <strong>Canada</strong>’s contribution to<br />
<strong>the</strong> global effort to end MS in <strong>the</strong><br />
shortest possible timeframe.<br />
While <strong>the</strong>re remain many questions<br />
to answer, <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> campaign<br />
has contributed to accelerating<br />
progress in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> MS research<br />
in <strong>Canada</strong> in an unprecedented way.<br />
I believe in a future free <strong>of</strong> MS, and<br />
through <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> campaign we are<br />
closer than ever before.<br />
Dr. Jack Antel, scientific director, <strong>endMS</strong> Research<br />
and Training Network, pr<strong>of</strong>essor and neurologist,<br />
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University<br />
The <strong>endMS</strong> Research and Training Network complemented and<br />
streng<strong>the</strong>ned <strong>the</strong> MS <strong>Society</strong>’s research program. To read more<br />
about how your donations helped fund research through <strong>the</strong><br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> and <strong>the</strong> MS Scientific Research Foundation, turn to page 12.<br />
e n d M S . c a 2 | 3
Attract<br />
You helped attract researchers to <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> MS.<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Regional Research and Training Centres<br />
Dr. Dessa Sadovnick on <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Regional Research and<br />
Training Centres (RRTC)<br />
My connection to MS began before<br />
I was born. I grew up with Evelyn<br />
Opal, MS <strong>Society</strong> founder, and<br />
her family in Montreal. Back <strong>the</strong>n,<br />
<strong>the</strong>re were little to no resources<br />
and knowledge about MS, so my<br />
community worked toge<strong>the</strong>r to<br />
care for Evelyn and her family. After<br />
graduating from McGill University<br />
with a master’s degree in genetics,<br />
Evelyn encouraged me to study<br />
MS. I’m not sure I would have<br />
chosen <strong>the</strong> field without my early<br />
exposure to <strong>the</strong> disease.<br />
Students need mentors to guide<br />
<strong>the</strong>m early in <strong>the</strong>ir careers. When I<br />
was a young researcher, genetics<br />
were thought to be a futile avenue<br />
for MS research – now, because I<br />
was encouraged by mentors,<br />
I pursued my chosen field.<br />
Dr. Dessa Sadovnick, director,<br />
Western-Pacific <strong>endMS</strong> RRTC<br />
Today, <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> gene/<br />
environment interactions in MS<br />
susceptibility, pathogenesis and<br />
prognosis is a major focal point<br />
for MS research.<br />
As director <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Western-Pacific<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> RRTC, I know it’s crucial<br />
for RRTCs to educate students<br />
about MS research as a possible<br />
avenue. RRTCs fulfill <strong>the</strong> important<br />
role <strong>of</strong> broadening <strong>the</strong> scope <strong>of</strong><br />
MS research, engaging students<br />
and researchers in peripheral<br />
fields that have relevance to MS<br />
research, such as occupational<br />
<strong>the</strong>rapy, psychology and nutrition,<br />
in addition to <strong>the</strong> many facets <strong>of</strong> MS<br />
research itself. The overall goal <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> RRTCs is to attract and shape<br />
well-rounded researchers who will<br />
understand both <strong>the</strong> science <strong>of</strong> MS<br />
and <strong>the</strong> real impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> disease<br />
on a person’s life.
NeTwoRk gRowTh:<br />
Number <strong>of</strong> researchers and<br />
trainees in <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Network<br />
n Researchers<br />
n Trainees<br />
n O<strong>the</strong>r MS-related pr<strong>of</strong>essionals<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Regional Research and Training Centres<br />
Five collaborative <strong>endMS</strong> Regional Research and Training Centres<br />
(RRTCs) across <strong>Canada</strong> form an integrated nationwide network <strong>of</strong><br />
engaged trainees, clinicians and researchers. Facilitating collaboration<br />
and encouraging <strong>the</strong> sharing <strong>of</strong> ideas, <strong>the</strong> RRTCs design and deliver<br />
workshops, research conferences, journal clubs, inter-institution<br />
research transfers, traineeships and mentorship programs to students<br />
at all levels, from undergraduates to post-doctoral fellows.<br />
RRTCs host national programs such as <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School,<br />
SPRINT and <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Conference. Their role is to provide <strong>the</strong> tools<br />
and resources for trainees to maximize <strong>the</strong>ir MS research careers, or<br />
learn more about MS research if <strong>the</strong>y are considering <strong>the</strong> field.<br />
RRTCs across <strong>the</strong> country are generously funded by:<br />
Alberta Ministry <strong>of</strong> Enterprise and Advanced Education<br />
Scotiabank<br />
Fondation J. Armand Bombardier<br />
Reimer Express Foundation<br />
Novartis Pharmaceuticals <strong>Canada</strong> Inc.<br />
For more information on <strong>the</strong> RRTCs, visit<br />
RegionalCentres<br />
500<br />
400<br />
300<br />
200<br />
100<br />
0<br />
e n d M S C a M p a i g n i M p a C t R e p o R t<br />
2009 2010 2011 2012<br />
“<br />
I know <strong>the</strong> stress <strong>of</strong> having a<br />
young child with MS and <strong>the</strong><br />
daily struggles <strong>the</strong> disease<br />
brings to <strong>the</strong>se children, who<br />
<strong>the</strong>mselves don’t understand<br />
what’s going on with <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
bodies. My son Tyrell has been<br />
part <strong>of</strong> many studies at Sick<br />
Kids, and we believe that a<br />
cure will be found thanks to<br />
researchers who are part <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Network.<br />
”<br />
— Stephanie, mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong><br />
Tyrell, who was diagnosed<br />
with MS at <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong> six<br />
e n d M S . c a 4 | 5
Train<br />
You helped train <strong>the</strong> next generation <strong>of</strong> researchers to<br />
discover new ways to look at MS.<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Summer School<br />
Joshua Lee on <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School<br />
I was introduced to MS research<br />
near <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> my bachelor’s<br />
degree in microbiology and<br />
immunology at <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong><br />
British Columbia. After graduation,<br />
I started my master’s degree<br />
and began work in Dr. Dessa<br />
Sadovnick’s lab, where I began<br />
studying MS in Asian populations.<br />
I have continued this work as a<br />
PhD student, and I have chosen<br />
to dedicate my career to<br />
MS research. I want to<br />
discover more about<br />
<strong>the</strong> genetic and<br />
environmental factors<br />
in MS susceptibility<br />
and severity, and<br />
how those<br />
elements<br />
interact.<br />
I have attended three consecutive<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Summer School programs.<br />
While I have a strong foundation in<br />
MS research, <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Summer<br />
Schools exposed me to areas <strong>of</strong><br />
research I o<strong>the</strong>rwise would not<br />
be familiar with. The first summer<br />
school I attended focused on <strong>the</strong><br />
neuropsychological effects <strong>of</strong> MS,<br />
and it gave me ideas on how to<br />
integrate this aspect <strong>of</strong> MS in my<br />
own research.<br />
The <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School<br />
program engenders a collaborative,<br />
collegial environment for <strong>the</strong> next<br />
generation <strong>of</strong> MS researchers.<br />
I enjoyed being able to connect<br />
with o<strong>the</strong>r young trainees in <strong>the</strong><br />
same boat as me, in <strong>the</strong> spirit <strong>of</strong><br />
collaboration now and collaboration<br />
in <strong>the</strong> future. I am proud to be part<br />
<strong>of</strong> this group and hope to one day<br />
also be proud <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> role I will play<br />
in ending MS.<br />
Joshua Lee, MS research<br />
trainee and three-time <strong>endMS</strong><br />
Summer School attendee
<strong>endMS</strong> Summer School<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Summer School is an annual interactive education program<br />
that aims to enhance knowledge and skill in MS research among<br />
students at <strong>the</strong> master, doctoral and postdoctoral/clinical fellowship<br />
levels. It provides young MS trainees with a unique collaborative training<br />
opportunity designed to foster <strong>the</strong>ir interest in MS research and support<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir pursuit <strong>of</strong> knowledge in this field.<br />
Each year, <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School brings toge<strong>the</strong>r students from<br />
a variety <strong>of</strong> disciplines to learn about MS research topics. The program<br />
features lecture-based plenary sessions and facilitated workshops that<br />
place emphasis on creating an interdisciplinary agenda, which provides<br />
participants a comprehensive understanding <strong>of</strong> ei<strong>the</strong>r basic science or<br />
clinical and population health research.<br />
For more information on <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School, visit<br /><br />
e n d M S C a M p a i g n i M p a C t R e p o R t<br />
each year, <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School opens its doors to over 40 MS research trainees in <strong>Canada</strong>. In total,<br />
over 150 attendee spots have been filled for <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School since it began. over 80 per cent<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School attendees rated <strong>the</strong> program as “very effective” or “effective”.<br />
The 2010 and 2011 <strong>endMS</strong> Summer Schools<br />
were generously funded by Deloitte.<br />
“<br />
As a mom and <strong>the</strong> second<br />
person in my family diagnosed<br />
with MS, I will always wonder<br />
if I have passed along a<br />
genetic weakness that would<br />
increase my daughters’<br />
chances <strong>of</strong> having MS. I hope<br />
that, as <strong>the</strong>y collaborate and<br />
share ideas, researchers will<br />
solve <strong>the</strong> genetic piece <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
MS puzzle and help end MS.<br />
— Marilyn, diagnosed in 2000<br />
”<br />
e n d M S . c a 6 | 7
Retain<br />
You helped retain researchers in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> MS.<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Transitional Career Development Award<br />
Dr. Steven Kerfoot on <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Garrett Herman <strong>endMS</strong> Transitional<br />
Career Development Award (TCDA)<br />
Before receiving <strong>the</strong> Garrett<br />
Herman <strong>endMS</strong> Transitional Career<br />
Development Award, I was doing<br />
B cell immunology work in <strong>the</strong><br />
United States. Through previous<br />
research collaboration, I was<br />
encouraged to apply for <strong>the</strong> award<br />
because my work was relevant to<br />
<strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> MS. Being selected as<br />
<strong>the</strong> recipient <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> award attracted<br />
me to <strong>the</strong> MS research community<br />
in <strong>Canada</strong>, where I now hold an<br />
assistant pr<strong>of</strong>essor position at<br />
Western University.<br />
My research looks at how B<br />
cells activate T cells in chronic<br />
autoimmune disease in <strong>the</strong> central<br />
nervous system. I’m working to<br />
identify subsets <strong>of</strong> B cells that<br />
have a pathogenic role, which<br />
could open doors to improve MS<br />
<strong>the</strong>rapies. I am also working to<br />
obtain a clearer picture <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
immune system and how it drives<br />
chronic inflammation in MS.<br />
Equipment and laboratory staff are<br />
expensive, and funding agencies<br />
have significantly cut back on<br />
what <strong>the</strong>y’re able to fund. Without<br />
this award, I would have been set<br />
back months or years trying to get<br />
funding. This award has allowed me<br />
to invest in <strong>the</strong> research tools that<br />
are necessary for me to carry out<br />
my work and achieve my goals. It<br />
has empowered me to accelerate<br />
<strong>the</strong> pace <strong>of</strong> discovery in MS<br />
research in <strong>Canada</strong>.<br />
Dr. Steven Kerfoot, recipient <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
Garrett Herman <strong>endMS</strong> Transitional<br />
Career Development Award
TCDA recipients<br />
Garrett Herman <strong>endMS</strong><br />
Transitional Career<br />
Development Award<br />
Dr. steven Kerfoot<br />
Western University<br />
Research focus: Role <strong>of</strong> B cells<br />
in multiple sclerosis<br />
Women against Ms (WaMs)<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Transitional Career<br />
Development Award<br />
Dr. cornelia laule<br />
University <strong>of</strong> British Columbia<br />
Research focus: Developing<br />
magnetic resonance (MR)<br />
techniques to study <strong>the</strong><br />
pathology <strong>of</strong> MS<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Transitional Career Development Award<br />
eMD serono <strong>endMS</strong><br />
Transitional Career<br />
Development Award<br />
Dr. Manu Rangachari<br />
Brigham and Women’s Hospital<br />
at Harvard Medical School<br />
Research focus: Pathogenic<br />
role <strong>of</strong> T cells in a mouse<br />
model <strong>of</strong> MS<br />
The <strong>endMS</strong> Transitional Career Development Award program supports<br />
outstanding postdoctoral and clinical fellows who are currently<br />
conducting research in an area related to MS.<br />
The award provides Canadian researchers with <strong>the</strong> means to establish<br />
a strong foundation for <strong>the</strong>ir MS-focused independent research career.<br />
This $500,000 award funds <strong>the</strong> last two years <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> award recipient’s<br />
postdoctoral study and <strong>the</strong> first three years <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir independent MSrelated<br />
faculty position in a Canadian institution. This award would not be<br />
possible without <strong>the</strong> generous support <strong>of</strong> those donors who funded <strong>the</strong><br />
award in its entirety each year.<br />
For more information on <strong>the</strong> TCDA, visit<br />
e n d M S C a M p a i g n i M p a C t R e p o R t<br />
David l. torrey <strong>endMS</strong><br />
Transitional Career<br />
Development Award<br />
Dr. Jorge alvarez<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Montréal Hospital<br />
Research Centre<br />
Research focus: Central<br />
nervous system barriers and<br />
how <strong>the</strong>y may be involved in<br />
MS-related inflammation<br />
“<br />
Decker family <strong>endMS</strong><br />
Transitional Career<br />
Development Award<br />
Dr. Jiwon oh<br />
Johns Hopkins University<br />
Research focus: Using<br />
advanced MRI techniques to<br />
determine how spinal cord<br />
lesions cause sensorimotor<br />
deficits<br />
Researchers like Dr. Kerfoot<br />
are working hard to answer<br />
questions about a disease<br />
that affects me every day.<br />
The TCDA decreases some<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> funding challenges<br />
he faces as a researcher<br />
and ensures his commitment<br />
to MS research to develop<br />
treatments that help<br />
”<br />
me manage my disease.<br />
— Marie, diagnosed in 1996<br />
e n d M S . c a 8 | 9
Collaborate<br />
You helped increase opportunities for collaborative MS research.<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Scholar Program for Researchers in<br />
Training (SPRINT)<br />
Dr. C.J. MacMillan on <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> SPRINT program<br />
Growing up in Atlantic <strong>Canada</strong>,<br />
multiple sclerosis was part <strong>of</strong> my<br />
life and those <strong>of</strong> my family and<br />
friends. I began studying MS as a<br />
PhD candidate in neuropathology<br />
because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> high prevalence <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> disease in my region. During<br />
discussions with family and friends,<br />
it was clear to me that more<br />
research is desperately needed.<br />
In 2009, I was encouraged to<br />
enrol in <strong>the</strong> SPRINT program<br />
through my local <strong>endMS</strong><br />
Regional Research and Training<br />
Centre. SPRINT’s focus on <strong>the</strong><br />
importance <strong>of</strong> interdisciplinary<br />
and collaborative research<br />
piqued my interest. Like<br />
me, several <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> program<br />
participants focus <strong>the</strong>ir research<br />
on neuropathology, while o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />
Dr. C.J. MacMillan,<br />
SPRINT participant<br />
focus on immunology and o<strong>the</strong>r<br />
fields related to MS. My research<br />
looks at angiogenesis – <strong>the</strong><br />
formation <strong>of</strong> new capillary<br />
blood vessels in <strong>the</strong> body – and<br />
<strong>the</strong> role it plays in MS.<br />
SPRINT provided me with <strong>the</strong><br />
opportunity to make valuable<br />
connections in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> MS<br />
research. During <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong><br />
Summer School, I was able to<br />
collaborate with two trainees and<br />
a mentor on a project. I now have<br />
<strong>the</strong> skills necessary to effectively<br />
participate in collaborative<br />
research and translate my basic<br />
science research findings into<br />
everyday practice. SPRINT has<br />
been critical in my development<br />
as a trainee and inspired me to<br />
continue my pursuit for answers.
<strong>endMS</strong> SPRINT program<br />
SPRINT supports graduate students and postdoctoral and clinical fellows<br />
who are interested in conducting MS research. The program aims to enhance<br />
trainees’ knowledge and skill in MS research by increasing opportunities<br />
for collaborative MS research and creating a peer network. Trainees<br />
participate in two consecutive <strong>endMS</strong> Summer School sessions and a career<br />
development session before <strong>the</strong>y are paired with a mentor.<br />
For more information on SPRINT, visit<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Conference<br />
The <strong>endMS</strong> Conference is a national research conference aimed at fostering<br />
knowledge exchange on MS-related research, networking opportunities<br />
and collaboration amongst researchers and trainees. The three-day event<br />
features lectures, workshops, poster sessions and networking opportunities.<br />
It enables participants to learn about o<strong>the</strong>r research taking place in <strong>Canada</strong><br />
and to present and receive feedback on <strong>the</strong>ir work.<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Conference attendance<br />
2013: Forthcoming in Saint-<br />
Sauveur, QC<br />
2010: 207 attendees, Whistler, BC<br />
2007: 225 attendees, Banff, AB<br />
For more information on <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Conference, visit<br /><br />
e n d M S C a M p a i g n i M p a C t R e p o R t<br />
“<br />
As I manage my multiple<br />
sclerosis, I look to research<br />
for possible answers about my<br />
future health. The SPRINT<br />
program gives me hope, as it<br />
lets me know <strong>the</strong> best and<br />
brightest minds are learning<br />
and collaborating with each<br />
o<strong>the</strong>r to find those answers.<br />
— Carol, diagnosed in 2003<br />
”<br />
e n d M S . c a 10 | 11
Research<br />
You helped fund invaluable MS research in <strong>Canada</strong>. Thank you.<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> research program<br />
The <strong>endMS</strong> campaign contributed $60 million to <strong>the</strong> MS <strong>Society</strong> research<br />
program, which funds work in several research areas across <strong>the</strong> country in addition<br />
to <strong>the</strong> campaign’s flagship investment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> Research and Training<br />
Network, designed to boost <strong>the</strong> research program. Because <strong>of</strong> you, <strong>the</strong> MS <strong>Society</strong><br />
and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> Scientific Research Foundation are able to annually<br />
spend $8 to $10 million on research to find <strong>the</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> MS, treat symptoms and<br />
improve quality <strong>of</strong> life, and ultimately discover a cure for <strong>the</strong> disease.<br />
The MS <strong>Society</strong> funds as many promising avenues <strong>of</strong> research as possible, such<br />
as remyelination, cell signalling, CCSVI and stem cell research, so that researchers<br />
may answer <strong>the</strong> many questions that remain about MS. The following chart<br />
illustrates <strong>the</strong> many areas <strong>of</strong> research we fund so that people living with MS may<br />
have <strong>the</strong> answers <strong>the</strong>y seek.<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> research program: What we fund<br />
n Neuroimmunology: 23%<br />
n MRI studies: 12%<br />
n Remyelination: 12%<br />
n Cell signalling: 12%<br />
n Preclinical models: 10%<br />
n Therapeutics: 7%<br />
n Quality <strong>of</strong> life: 6%<br />
n Population health: 5%<br />
n Neuropathology: 4%<br />
n Cognitive impairment: 3%<br />
n Genetics: 3%<br />
n Etiology: 2%<br />
n Stem cells: 1%
Research we fund: Looking for answers<br />
eTIology: What causes multiple sclerosis?<br />
Finding answers: Dr. Christina Wolfson, McGill University<br />
A population study <strong>of</strong> risk factors for multiple<br />
sclerosis: The Canadian contribution to an<br />
international study<br />
The cause <strong>of</strong> MS remains unknown despite more than 100<br />
years <strong>of</strong> research. Researchers have, however, determined<br />
a few possible individual risk factors, including infectious<br />
agents, smoking and vitamin D deficiency. A team <strong>of</strong> MS<br />
researchers from Europe and <strong>Canada</strong> are conducting<br />
a study including participants from five countries with<br />
differing MS risk that is large enough to examine how <strong>the</strong><br />
factors work toge<strong>the</strong>r. Once completed, this case control<br />
will be <strong>the</strong> largest MS risk factor study ever conducted.<br />
How do I cope with <strong>the</strong> invisible cognitive<br />
symptoms <strong>of</strong> MS?<br />
Finding answers: Dr. Neil Rector, Sunnybrook Research<br />
Institute<br />
A randomized controlled trial testing <strong>the</strong> additive<br />
benefits <strong>of</strong> CBT and exercise for depression and<br />
cognitive dysfunction in MS<br />
<strong>Multiple</strong> sclerosis is a disease that can cause depression<br />
and cognitive deficits, which affect at least half <strong>of</strong> people<br />
living with MS. Dr. Rector investigates <strong>the</strong> effects <strong>of</strong><br />
cognitive behavioural <strong>the</strong>rapy, exercise and a combination<br />
<strong>of</strong> both on depression and neuropsychological functioning<br />
in MS to enable people living with MS to improve <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
quality <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
e n d M S C a M p a i g n i M p a C t R e p o R t<br />
ReMyelINATIoN: Can <strong>the</strong> myelin damage caused by<br />
MS be reversed?<br />
Finding answers: Dr. Jack Antel, McGill University<br />
Cellular immune injury <strong>of</strong> human oligodendrocytes<br />
The neurologic deficits in MS are a consequence <strong>of</strong><br />
injury and loss <strong>of</strong> myelin and <strong>the</strong> oligodendrocyte (OL) in<br />
<strong>the</strong> central nervous system. Dr. Antel’s work examines<br />
MS lesions to study how OLs may be injured by several<br />
mechanisms, and why <strong>the</strong>y are unable to trigger<br />
remyelination after damage done due to MS. The results<br />
from this study may lead to remyelination treatments that<br />
would repair <strong>the</strong> central nervous system.<br />
NeuRoIMMuNology: Why does <strong>the</strong> immune system<br />
malfunction in MS to attack <strong>the</strong> central nervous system?<br />
Finding answers: Dr. Robin Yates, University <strong>of</strong> Calgary<br />
Exploring <strong>the</strong> mechanisms <strong>of</strong> myelin antigen<br />
processing within <strong>the</strong> endosomal systems <strong>of</strong><br />
macrophages and dendritic cells<br />
MS is a disease wherein immune cells (T-cells) mistakenly<br />
react to <strong>the</strong>ir own proteins in myelin, resulting in<br />
neurologic impairment. While autoimmune T-cells trigger<br />
<strong>the</strong> inflammation seen in <strong>the</strong> disease, it is <strong>the</strong> antigen<br />
presenting cells (APCs) that engulf myelin debris that are<br />
responsible for activating <strong>the</strong> T-cells in <strong>the</strong> first place. Dr.<br />
Yates investigates how modifying <strong>the</strong> way APCs digest<br />
protein may eventually render it possible to control MS<br />
while maintaining beneficial immune responses.<br />
e n d M S . c a 12 | 13
Research<br />
<strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> Scientific Research Foundation<br />
The MS <strong>Society</strong> also funds <strong>the</strong> <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> Scientific Research Foundation to<br />
stimulate innovative and collaborative research that will lead to major advances in MS.<br />
These funds support large, multi-centre, collaborative studies that are beyond <strong>the</strong><br />
scope <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> regular research program.<br />
Prospective study <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> clinical<br />
epidemiology, pathobiology and<br />
neuroimaging features <strong>of</strong> Canadian<br />
children with acquired demyelinating<br />
syndromes<br />
$4,300,000<br />
This study is designed to better<br />
understand <strong>the</strong> symptoms <strong>of</strong><br />
demyelination in children. By comparing<br />
<strong>the</strong> features <strong>of</strong> children diagnosed<br />
with MS to <strong>the</strong> features <strong>of</strong> children<br />
who experience a full recovery from<br />
an isolated attack <strong>of</strong> demyelination,<br />
researchers hope to learn important<br />
information about <strong>the</strong> causes <strong>of</strong> MS.<br />
Dr. Brenda Banwell, Children’s<br />
Hospital <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia (study taking<br />
place at Hospital for Sick Children,<br />
Toronto)<br />
Pathobiology <strong>of</strong> MS:<br />
Complex interplay between<br />
degeneration and inflammation<br />
$3,800,000<br />
While <strong>the</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> brain inflammation<br />
and degeneration in MS is unknown,<br />
it is apparent that this vicious cycle<br />
drives tissue damage and patient<br />
disability. This team project will study<br />
<strong>the</strong> molecular mechanisms <strong>of</strong> how nerve<br />
fibres are permanently injured in <strong>the</strong><br />
brain and spinal cord <strong>of</strong> MS patients to<br />
better understand what happens in <strong>the</strong><br />
earliest phases <strong>of</strong> this disease, which<br />
may have significance for people living<br />
with progressive forms <strong>of</strong> MS.<br />
Dr. Peter Stys, University <strong>of</strong> Calgary<br />
For complete information on<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> funded research, visit<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> campaign: Our valued donors<br />
<strong>endMS</strong> Circle ($1,000,000+)<br />
Alberta Ministry <strong>of</strong> Enterprise &<br />
Advanced Education<br />
Astral Media<br />
Canwest Global<br />
The Waugh Family Foundation<br />
Breakthrough Circle<br />
($500,000-$999,999)<br />
BMO Financial Group<br />
CIBC<br />
Bob & Pat Decker<br />
EMD Serono<br />
Garrett Herman<br />
Louis J. Maroun<br />
Scotiabank<br />
David L. Torrey<br />
Women Against MS (WAMS)<br />
Anonymous<br />
Discovery Circle<br />
($250,000-$499,999)<br />
Don Barkwell<br />
The Rudolph P. Bratty Family<br />
Foundation<br />
The Goodman Family and <strong>the</strong><br />
Dundee Group <strong>of</strong> Companies<br />
Manulife Financial<br />
Polygon Homes Limited<br />
Power Corporation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><br />
Rogers Communications<br />
Shaw Communications Inc.<br />
Anonymous<br />
knowledge Circle<br />
($100,000-$249,999)<br />
Sandy & Margot Aird<br />
Biogen Idec <strong>Canada</strong> Inc.<br />
Fondation J. Armand Bombardier<br />
The John & Judy Bragg Family<br />
Foundation<br />
La Capsule sportive, MSA financial<br />
and Houston Golf Tournament<br />
Albert Diamond Cohen<br />
Purdy & Bea Crawford<br />
Ian & Kiki Delaney<br />
Deloitte & Touche Foundation<br />
<strong>Canada</strong><br />
Ernst & Young LLP<br />
FRQS (Fonds de recherche du<br />
Québec - Santé)<br />
Jayman MasterBUILT<br />
KPMG Foundation<br />
Jon & Nancy Love<br />
Debbie & Fred Moore<br />
Susan A. Murray<br />
National Bank Financial Group<br />
Robert H. Pitfield<br />
Larry Plotnick, with family & friends<br />
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP<br />
Reimer Express Foundation<br />
Research In Motion Limited<br />
Bruce & Sylvia Richmond<br />
Sherritt International Corporation<br />
Joanne Stansfield & Bill Gallacher<br />
Kevin & Sandra Sullivan<br />
Larry & Judy Tanenbaum<br />
TELUS<br />
Richard & Hea<strong>the</strong>r Thomson<br />
Anonymous<br />
Patron<br />
($50,000-$99,999)<br />
Altus Energy Services Partnership<br />
Bob & Joy Antenbring<br />
Gayelene Bonenfant<br />
Brandt Group <strong>of</strong> Companies<br />
Dr. F.J. Brooks-Hill<br />
Richard Charlton<br />
Co-operators<br />
Costco Wholesale <strong>Canada</strong> Ltd.<br />
John Feld & Phyllis Yaffe<br />
Alistair M. Fraser<br />
GMP Securities<br />
IBM <strong>Canada</strong><br />
Milan & Maureen Ilich Foundation<br />
Industrielle Alliance<br />
Jazz Air LP<br />
Peter & Allison Jelley<br />
Daniel Larouche<br />
Kenneth Macgowan<br />
e n d M S C a M p a i g n i M p a C t R e p o R t<br />
We are grateful to <strong>the</strong> following donors who have contributed to <strong>the</strong> <strong>endMS</strong> campaign.<br />
Novartis Pharmaceuticals <strong>Canada</strong><br />
Inc.<br />
Onex Corporation<br />
Riddell Family Charitable Foundation<br />
SNC-Lavalin<br />
Teva <strong>Canada</strong> Innovation<br />
Mark & Sarah Wellings<br />
Herbert Wyman<br />
Anonymous (3)<br />
Benefactor<br />
($25,000-$49,999)<br />
Ainsworth Charitable Trust<br />
Avtar Bains & Monika Deol<br />
Bay Tank & Vessel Ltd.<br />
Stewart Busbridge<br />
The Charlton Group<br />
CN<br />
John F. Clifford<br />
Donald & Valerie Copeland<br />
Cuddy Farms Corporation,<br />
in memory <strong>of</strong> A.M. Cuddy<br />
The Cullen Family<br />
Rueben & Rhonda Devlin<br />
George Fine<br />
David & Beverly Garton<br />
Gibson Energy<br />
Goodman Investment Counsel<br />
Barry Gordon Family<br />
Haywood Securities Inc.<br />
Highland Farms Inc.<br />
Helen Kearns<br />
David L. Knight<br />
Laval Chapter, MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><br />
Harold & Yvonne Lenfesty<br />
John & Gail MacNaughton<br />
Terry McGibbon<br />
David McGraw<br />
McMillan LLP<br />
Kathleen Murphy & Harry Joosten<br />
J.E. Panneton Family Foundation<br />
Paradigm Capital<br />
Peak Energy Services Trust<br />
Honourable Madam Justice Sarah<br />
Pepall<br />
Phillips, Hager & North Investment<br />
Management Ltd.<br />
Pollard Family Foundation<br />
Marjorie Anne Sauder<br />
Yves Savoie<br />
Sun Life Financial<br />
William D. Swisher<br />
Trudell Medical International, in<br />
memory <strong>of</strong> A.M. Cuddy<br />
Gabriel Tsampalieros<br />
Anonymous<br />
leader<br />
($10,000-$24,999)<br />
Paul Atkinson<br />
Rob Barbara<br />
The Bellini Foundation<br />
Michael Bernstein & Nandini<br />
DasGupta<br />
Gil Blutrich<br />
Bosa Properties Foundation<br />
Canadian Western Bank<br />
Frances Carmichael & Jack Cashman<br />
Barry & Laurie Cavanaugh<br />
Neil & Andrea Chrystal<br />
Norm Cressey<br />
Rossano DeCottis<br />
Dinner and Jazz for MS<br />
Elan Pharmaceuticals<br />
Emerson Real Estate Group<br />
Lindsay & Elizabeth Gordon<br />
Glen Gowland<br />
Sam & Sally Grippo<br />
Stanley H. Hartt<br />
In honour <strong>of</strong> Susan Huycke & Sylvia<br />
Bosworth<br />
The Dick & Lois Haskayne Fund at<br />
The Calgary Foundation<br />
Chris Haslam<br />
Ramsay Holmes<br />
HUB International<br />
I.M.P. Group International Inc.<br />
ING Direct<br />
Richard Ilich & Lauren Melville<br />
e n d M S . c a 14 | 15
Our valued donors (continued)<br />
leader<br />
($10,000-$24,999)<br />
(continued)<br />
Ralph Jordan<br />
Andy Kent<br />
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation<br />
Jack Kowarsky & Maya Coco<br />
Peter & Kay Legge<br />
Brian D. Lerner<br />
Loewen Ondaatje McCutcheon Ltd.<br />
Lohn Foundation<br />
Samuel & Vivien Ludwin<br />
William S. & Jana Maclagan<br />
Macquarie Group Foundation<br />
Hugh & Sherri Magee<br />
George Marlatte<br />
Andrew Mahon Foundation<br />
Ken & Suzanne Mayhew<br />
Nixon Charitable Foundation<br />
Leslie Noble<br />
Daniel Nowlan<br />
Onni Group<br />
Herb & Aster Osen<br />
Maria Pinelli & Paul Fletcher<br />
David & Mary Beth Poole<br />
Jack & Darlene Poole<br />
Procura Real Estate Services Limited<br />
Joe Randell<br />
Larry & Gre<strong>the</strong> Rank<br />
Jim & Marcia Ratsoy<br />
RBC Capital Markets<br />
Jeffrey C. Rice<br />
The Rix Family Foundation<br />
Rollagain Holdings<br />
Sassafraz<br />
William L. Sauder<br />
Scotia Capital<br />
The Joseph Segal Family Foundation<br />
Michael Shuh & Michelle Fiebig<br />
Sidoo Family Foundation<br />
South Edmonton Lions Club<br />
Thane & Darci Stenner<br />
Torys LLP<br />
Variety - The Children’s Charity <strong>of</strong><br />
British Columbia<br />
Warrior Resources Corporation<br />
Wesik Construction Limited<br />
The James & Kathleen Winton<br />
Foundation<br />
Anonymous (5)<br />
Investor<br />
($5,000-$9,999)<br />
AllianceBernstein <strong>Canada</strong>, Inc.<br />
Aurion Capital<br />
David Bardal<br />
Bell Aliant<br />
Bio-Extraction Inc.<br />
BioMS Medical Corp.<br />
Bonavista Energy Corporation<br />
Yolanda Bronstein<br />
Sushil & Diana Chari<br />
Mr. Peter Cashin <strong>of</strong> Quest Rare<br />
Minerals<br />
CI Investments Inc.<br />
Colliers International<br />
Mike den Haan & Family<br />
David Doritty<br />
Charles J. Ford<br />
Richard Grafton<br />
Halifax International Airport Authority<br />
Dominique Hansen<br />
Kelly Heed<br />
Sibylla Hesse Foundation<br />
Sean Hodgins<br />
The Hon. Henry N.R. Jackman<br />
Jolera<br />
Brian Jones<br />
Greg & Lisa Kerfoot<br />
Morley & Myrna K<strong>of</strong>fman<br />
Douglas C. & Ann Mackay<br />
Joan MacKinnon<br />
Robert & Debra MacLeod<br />
Keith MacPhail<br />
Martinrea International Inc.<br />
Senator Paul J. Massicotte & Sylvie<br />
Dragon<br />
Medcan Clinic<br />
Mike McClintock<br />
Seth & Theresa Mersky<br />
Oberon Capital<br />
Lisa & Roger Park<br />
Gestion Picory Inc.<br />
Raymond James<br />
The Larry & Cookie Rossy Family<br />
Foundation<br />
Rohit Sehgal<br />
The Shaw Group<br />
Shelter Canadian Properties Inc.<br />
Dena Simon<br />
Peter Smiechowski<br />
Sterling Senior Living<br />
Stoneham Drilling Inc.<br />
TNG Corporation<br />
Waterbury Newton<br />
Jack Way<br />
Brendan Wood International<br />
Woods LLP<br />
Anonymous<br />
Supporter<br />
($1,000-$4,999)<br />
Michelle Amerie & Raymond Cohen<br />
Apex Distribution Inc.<br />
Joshua Arbuckle<br />
Larry Arsenault<br />
The Azrieli Foundation<br />
Brent S. Belzberg<br />
Herbert Black<br />
Chris Breen<br />
Elizabeth Breen<br />
Department <strong>of</strong> Microbiology &<br />
Immunology, University <strong>of</strong> British<br />
Columbia<br />
Dennis and Darla Brown<br />
Burgundy Asset Management Ltd.<br />
Dr. Greg A. Burk<br />
CAE Inc.<br />
Fiona A. Campbell<br />
Jennifer Carter<br />
David Christie<br />
Jacqui Cohen/Army & Navy Stores<br />
Concord Pacific Group Inc.<br />
Patricia Davidson<br />
Douglas Deruchie<br />
Discovery Solutions International Inc.<br />
Leslie & Irene Dube<br />
Rick Durst<br />
Ge<strong>of</strong>frey J. Dyer<br />
Jonathan Ehrlich<br />
Brad Forden & Carole Fujimoto<br />
Ian Fraser<br />
GARAGA Inc.<br />
Natasha Hughes Germain<br />
Judy Goldring<br />
Jeff & Sandra Goldstein<br />
Bill Gray<br />
Greater Toronto Airport Authority<br />
Rohit & Aimee Gupta<br />
Richard Hodgson<br />
Valerie Hussey Family Fund via Tides<br />
<strong>Canada</strong> Foundation<br />
Greg Kalil<br />
Dr. Stephen Kerfoot<br />
Sass & Sharmeen Khazzam<br />
Gene & Cathy Kosmyna<br />
Kevin Li & Lori Sugarman<br />
Larry R. Lunn<br />
Craig Macadam<br />
Larry Maloney<br />
Tammy Masoumi<br />
The Jeffrey & Marilyn McCaig Family<br />
Foundation<br />
James C. McKnight<br />
Mitchell McConnell Insurance Ltd.<br />
Dr. Jock & Janet Murray<br />
Norton Rose<br />
Fred & Gail Pamenter<br />
Paul Pathak<br />
David G. Patterson<br />
Piston Ring Service<br />
Alexandre Prat<br />
Quebecor World Inc.<br />
Jeremy Rakusin<br />
Jonathan Robbins<br />
Mahon Rowland Foundation<br />
Irene Russell<br />
Dr. Dessa Sadovnick<br />
David Sapunjis – Sapunjis Family<br />
Trust<br />
Alan M. Schwartz<br />
Selective Asset Management Inc.<br />
Robert Sellars<br />
Shaw Pipe Limited<br />
La maison Simons<br />
Allen Stern<br />
Stock Network Media<br />
Lyane Van Schank-Munk<br />
Victoria Foundation<br />
C.J. Viner Family Foundation<br />
John Webb<br />
Waterloo Chapter, MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Canada</strong> -- Fall Fashion Fantasy Show<br />
Stephen Waugh<br />
Mark Whitmore<br />
Anonymous (5)<br />
We apologize for any errors or omissions.
e n d M S n a t i o n a l C a M p a i g n C a b i n e t *<br />
Honorary national<br />
campaign chair<br />
Mr. Richard E. Waugh<br />
National campaign chair<br />
Mr. Alexander R. Aird<br />
National campaign<br />
vice-chairs<br />
Mr. Purdy Crawford<br />
Ms. Helen M. Kearns<br />
Quebec campaign chair<br />
Mr. Claude Gagnon<br />
Ontario campaign chair<br />
Mr. David A. Garton<br />
BC-Yukon<br />
campaign chair<br />
Mr. David M. Poole<br />
Atlantic campaign chair<br />
Mr. Joseph D. Randell<br />
Cabinet members<br />
Mr. Alistair M. Fraser<br />
Mr. Stanley H. Hartt<br />
Mr. Garrett Herman<br />
Mr. Daniel Larouche<br />
Mr. Louis J. Maroun<br />
Mr. Fred Moore<br />
Mr. Bryan Rakusin<br />
Mr. Bruce R. Richmond<br />
Mr. Yves Savoie<br />
Mr. Richard M. Thomson<br />
Mr. David L. Torrey<br />
*List from December 2012
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