Summer 2011 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

Summer 2011 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

Summer 2011 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada


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Volume 38 • Issue 2<br />

couples: loving<br />

and living with mS 3<br />

4<br />

mS research:<br />

illness and<br />

relationship<br />

dynamics<br />

CANADA<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

7<br />

mS youth:<br />

Someonelikeme.ca<br />

launches<br />


mS canada <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 2<br />

Message from yves<br />

Almost thirty years<br />

ago this fall, I met<br />

Eve in junior college.<br />

We have been friends<br />

since those youthful<br />

days as students. At the<br />

time, I did not know the<br />

role I would play with<br />

the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, nor did I know<br />

that my good friend Eve would be diagnosed<br />

with multiple sclerosis in 2000. In my<br />

personal fundraising for the MS Walk and in<br />

all that I do at the MS <strong>Society</strong>, she is a source<br />

<strong>of</strong> energy for me and a constant reminder<br />

<strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> our commitment to a<br />

future free <strong>of</strong> MS.<br />

Yves savoie<br />

In this edition <strong>of</strong> MS <strong>Canada</strong>, you will read a<br />

lot about relationships and how they factor in<br />

to all areas <strong>of</strong> life with MS. You will hear the<br />

story <strong>of</strong> a RONA MS Bike Tour team <strong>of</strong> over<br />

50 family and friends, many <strong>of</strong> whom ride<br />

each summer for their mother, sister, aunt<br />

On the cover<br />

Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong> Gary Neilson<br />

From left to right: Kaj and Sharon Kristiensen,<br />

Greg and Rosella Wright, Sheryl and Jeff Owens<br />

Ms <strong>Canada</strong>, summer <strong>2011</strong><br />

Published by the <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><br />

175 Bloor St. E., Suite 700, Toronto ON M4W 3R8<br />

Tel: (416) 922-6065 • Fax: (416) 922-7538<br />

Toll free: 1-866-922-6065 • Website: mssociety.ca/mscanada<br />

Charitable Registration no. 10774 6174 RR0001<br />

Our Mission: To be a leader in finding a cure for multiple sclerosis<br />

and enabling people affected by MS to enhance their quality <strong>of</strong> life.<br />

President and chief executive <strong>of</strong>ficer: Yves Savoie<br />

Editor-in-chief: Jody Fiorino<br />

Managing editor: Tiffany Regaudie<br />

ISSN 0315-1131<br />

Canadian Publications Mail Product<br />

Sales Agreement No. 40063383<br />

and friend who has MS. You will learn about<br />

the work to transform into reality proposals<br />

discussed during last spring’s federal<br />

election to improve supports and income for<br />

caregivers, and you will have the opportunity<br />

to preview SomeoneLikeMe.ca, a new webbased<br />

initiative intended to build a safe and<br />

nurturing community <strong>of</strong> young people who<br />

have been touched by MS.<br />

One in two Canadians knows someone whose<br />

life has been impacted by MS. Whether you<br />

have been personally touched by MS or<br />

know someone who has, it is through these<br />

relationships that we draw strength as we<br />

continue in our efforts to end MS. ■<br />

Yves Savoie<br />

President and chief executive <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

President, Ontario Division<br />

We want to<br />

publish your<br />

writing! MS <strong>Canada</strong><br />

is calling for article and<br />

story submissions from<br />

our readers. If you have<br />

something you’d like to<br />

share with the MS<br />

community, please email<br />


Government moves forward with clinical trials <strong>of</strong> ccSVi<br />

On June 29, <strong>2011</strong> the federal government<br />

announced they will fund Phase I/II<br />

level clinical trials on chronic cerebrospinal<br />

venous insufficiency (CCSVI) and MS. The<br />

MS <strong>Society</strong> has committed $1 million<br />

towards the financial cost <strong>of</strong> a clinical<br />

trial and continues to encourage other<br />

jurisdictions to contribute as well.<br />

The unanimous recommendation to move<br />

forward with clinical trials was based upon a<br />

If given the<br />

opportunity, multiple<br />

Heather and<br />

Gimi Mior, Kate sclerosis can consume<br />

and Don Dufour a couple’s life. In<br />

candid conversations,<br />

six women and six men from the<br />

South Vancouver Island Chapter in BC<br />

described how they are able to combat<br />

the stress <strong>of</strong> living with MS.<br />

Every couple emphasized the<br />

importance <strong>of</strong> effective communication<br />

skills. Talking about concerns and<br />

listening to each other is essential<br />

for solving problems. All agreed that<br />

quickly addressing issues, avoiding<br />

blame and agreeing to disagree can<br />

lessen conflict.<br />

Mutual respect was also highlighted<br />

during the conversations. Just because<br />

one person has a disability doesn’t<br />

meeting <strong>of</strong> CIHR’s scientific expert working<br />

group, wherein the seven studies funded<br />

by the MS <strong>Society</strong> and National MS <strong>Society</strong><br />

were highlighted as progressing well.<br />

At press time, the studies will be at their<br />

halfway point and one-year interim progress<br />

reports will be available in the coming weeks<br />

and will be posted on mssociety.ca and<br />

ccsvi.ca ■<br />

couples: Loving and living with MS<br />

Feature writer: Nancy Chamberlayne, M.Ed.<br />

mean that person is “less than” in<br />

the relationship. Living one day at<br />

a time, keeping things simple and<br />

acknowledging the positive assists<br />

each couple in focusing on what they<br />

can do, not what they can’t.<br />

What makes these strategies so<br />

effective is that each couple looks<br />

beyond the MS to see the person, not<br />

the disease. They believe that MS is<br />

just one small part <strong>of</strong> the relationship.<br />

Thanks to Sharon and Kaj Kristiensen,<br />

Heather and Gimi Mior, Greg and<br />

Rosella Wright, Sheryl and Jeff Owens,<br />

Don and Kate Dufour and Gary Neilson<br />

for their contributions to this article.<br />

Read Nancy’s full article at<br />

mssociety.ca/CouplesLoving<br />

andLivingwithMs ■<br />

mS canada <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 3

MS <strong>Canada</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 4<br />

mS research: Illness and relationship dynamics<br />

Dr. Tae (stacey) Hart,<br />

<strong>Multiple</strong> sclerosis<br />

scientific Research<br />

Foundation pilot<br />

grant recipient<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> closeness and intimacy?<br />

Many couples<br />

who are newly<br />

affected by MS are<br />

young and early in<br />

their relationships.<br />

After a diagnosis,<br />

many ask themselves<br />

how the unpredictable<br />

symptoms <strong>of</strong> MS will<br />

impact the way they<br />

relate to their partner.<br />

How will the added<br />

caregiver-patient<br />

dynamic affect other<br />

In 2010, Dr. Tae (Stacey) Hart <strong>of</strong> Ryerson<br />

University conducted a study funded by a pilot<br />

election outcome:<br />

Help for caregivers<br />

Kent Pollard <strong>of</strong> Saskatoon followed the recent<br />

federal election campaign with an eye on<br />

promises made to assist caregivers. He has been<br />

the main caregiver for his wife Victoria for more<br />

than 10 years.<br />

The Conservative, Liberal and New Democratic<br />

parties all promised help to caregivers. With the<br />

Conservative win and the federal government<br />

budget <strong>of</strong>ficially tabled this past June, it is<br />

confirmed that there will be a family caregiver tax<br />

credit implemented in 2012. For the first time,<br />

spouses will be able to claim a tax credit for the<br />

caregiving they provide. The MS <strong>Society</strong> has been<br />

advocating for this change for a number <strong>of</strong> years.<br />

“While this tax credit will help me a bit, it is<br />

important to note that it won’t help people who<br />

have low incomes, and they are the ones who<br />

need help the most,” Pollard said, adding that<br />

the government should make the new caregiver<br />

tax credit and the existing disability tax credit<br />

refundable. The MS <strong>Society</strong> agrees and will<br />

continue to advocate for these changes.<br />

For more information visit mssociety.ca/advocacy ■<br />

grant from the <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> Scientific<br />

Research Foundation that looks to answer these<br />

questions and more. One hundred and seven<br />

couples recruited through the St. Michael’s<br />

Hospital MS Clinic completed online surveys.<br />

Interviews were also conducted to gain indepth<br />

information about the impact <strong>of</strong> MS on<br />

relationships and couples’ strategies to cope with<br />

the disease.<br />

Dr. Hart stated, “Overall, our preliminary results<br />

show that many couples struggle with the<br />

effects <strong>of</strong> MS-related fatigue. We hope to use<br />

our findings to create a program that can be<br />

conducted over the telephone or the internet to<br />

help couples find ways to manage MS-related<br />

symptoms.” Dr. Hart is currently analyzing the<br />

data and continuing to collect information from<br />

the interviews.<br />

For more information on MS research,<br />

visit mssociety.ca/research ■<br />

A&W Cruisin’ in’<br />

for a Cause Day.<br />

Help end MS.<br />

And your hunger, while you’re at it.<br />

Stop by A&W on August 25 th and $1 from every Teen Burger<br />

sold will go to the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>. So roll on in with<br />

the whole family. Because helping a great cause is just in<br />

good taste. See you there!<br />

Text MS to 45678 to make a $5 donation<br />

to the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>.<br />

August<br />

25 th<br />

Proud Partner <strong>of</strong><br />

TM trade-mark <strong>of</strong> A&W Trade Marks Limited Partnership, used under licence

Three brothers, one mountain and an mS climb <strong>of</strong> a lifetime<br />

Ron Vermeulen is no stranger to ambition:<br />

after participating in the RONA MS Bike<br />

Tour for five years, he decided to take the MS<br />

Climb challenge in honour <strong>of</strong> two friends who<br />

live with MS.<br />

In 2010, Ron and his brothers, Brian and Gary,<br />

and Ron’s colleague, Brian Goodman, set out to<br />

climb Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for the<br />

MS <strong>Society</strong> – and they did so in the amount <strong>of</strong><br />

$87,000, almost exclusively through personal<br />

contacts. “Our goal became infectious,” Ron<br />

says. “People heard our story and wanted to<br />

get involved.” Now closer to his brothers than<br />

before, Ron crossed Mount Kilimanjaro <strong>of</strong>f his<br />

bucket list and has made a huge impact on<br />

those affected by MS.<br />

To find out more about MS Climb<br />

visit msclimb.ca ■<br />

CIBC makes a difference<br />

CIBC supports causes that matter to their<br />

clients, employees and communities.<br />

They aim to make a difference through<br />

corporate donations, sponsorships and the<br />

volunteer spirit <strong>of</strong> their employees.<br />

Through valuable contributions towards<br />

Canadians living with MS, the MS <strong>Society</strong><br />

is pleased to report that CIBC is making a<br />

difference. For over a decade, CIBC has been<br />

a significant supporter <strong>of</strong> people whose lives<br />

have been touched by MS through charitable<br />

donations and sponsorships.<br />

Recently, CIBC made a generous gift <strong>of</strong><br />

$500,000 towards the endMS campaign.<br />

Gary, Ron and Brian Vermeulen<br />

at the summit <strong>of</strong> Mount Kilimanjaro<br />

With this contribution CIBC is helping to secure<br />

the next generation <strong>of</strong> MS researchers through<br />

the endMS Research and Training Network. The<br />

Network’s goal is to accelerate discovery in the<br />

MS field by attracting, training and retaining<br />

trainees and researchers who will commit their<br />

careers to ending MS.<br />

“CIBC is proud to support the <strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong><br />

<strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> and most recently the<br />

endMS Research and Training Network as their<br />

trainees and researchers work collaboratively<br />

with the ultimate goal <strong>of</strong> ending MS,” said<br />

Sharon Mathers, senior vice president,<br />

communications & public affairs, CIBC. ■<br />

mS canada <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 5

MS <strong>Canada</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 6<br />

team roadkill takes RONA MS Bike Tour personally<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> Team Roadkill in Nova scotia<br />

Made up <strong>of</strong> friends and family from across<br />

<strong>Canada</strong> and the U.S., the 55 members<br />

and counting <strong>of</strong> RONA MS Bike Tour Team<br />

Roadkill are riding in Nova Scotia for one<br />

reason: to support the people they love in<br />

their fight against MS. Sherry Mullane is one<br />

<strong>of</strong> those people.<br />

Did you miss it?<br />

The Women & Wellness:<br />

Achieving Wellness<br />

while Living with Ms<br />

seminar took place on<br />

May 28 in Montreal, and<br />

the transcript will be<br />

available for download<br />

at mssociety.ca/<br />

womenandwellness<br />

It is intended for women <strong>of</strong><br />

all ages who want to learn<br />

more on how to maximize<br />

their health, well-being<br />

and quality <strong>of</strong> life.<br />

Expanding considerably since 2005, Team<br />

Roadkill has set a goal to raise $75,000 for<br />

this year’s bike tour. Embodying the spirit <strong>of</strong><br />

personal investment in their effort to end MS,<br />

Team Roadkill injects fun into the initiative: they<br />

have organized curling and golf tournaments<br />

to raise funds, and every year Steve Mullane,<br />

Sherry’s brother-in-law, dresses up as Elvis to<br />

mix drinks for members when they cross the<br />

finish line.<br />

“I once asked Steve why he puts so much<br />

energy into raising funds for MS,” says Sherry<br />

Mullane, who was diagnosed with MS almost<br />

four years ago. “He said it was because he knew<br />

the team’s efforts could help find a cure for MS.”<br />

For more information on TeamMS,<br />

visit teamMs.ca ■<br />


For those affected by multiple<br />

sclerosis, your fundraising and<br />

participation can be life-changing.<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />


Finding someone…just like me<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the Ms youth community<br />

at the Ms summer camp<br />

diagnosis <strong>of</strong> MS can <strong>of</strong>ten cause<br />

A feelings <strong>of</strong> isolation—especially for<br />

a teen or young adult who is trying to fit<br />

in and feel understood. In response to<br />

this, the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> launched<br />

SomeoneLikeMe.ca, a new online<br />

community for youth whose lives are<br />

impacted by MS.<br />

SomeoneLikeMe.ca is a place for young people<br />

to get involved, get informed and take action.<br />

Visitors to the site can build relationships with<br />

other youth whose lives have been touched<br />

Q: I’ve noticed a lot <strong>of</strong> changes in my sexuality<br />

since my diagnosis with MS. Can you explain<br />

why this is happening?<br />

A: A person’s sexuality is made up <strong>of</strong> a complex<br />

set <strong>of</strong> feelings, responses and attitudes, all <strong>of</strong><br />

which can be affected in a variety <strong>of</strong> ways by MS.<br />

In fact, approximately 73 per cent <strong>of</strong> people with<br />

MS report sexual changes <strong>of</strong> one kind or another.<br />

The primary changes are caused by the disease<br />

process itself – in other words, by lesions in<br />

the central nervous system that affect sexual<br />

responses, such as a decrease in sexual arousal<br />

by MS, and they can learn about available<br />

resources <strong>of</strong>fered specifically to youth who<br />

are living with a diagnosis <strong>of</strong> MS or know<br />

someone who is.<br />

“It is tough to be young and even tougher<br />

to be a young person forced to deal with<br />

issues beyond your age … now I know<br />

someone who understands me, someone like<br />

me, is just a message away,” commented a<br />

youth member <strong>of</strong> the MS community about<br />

the interactive resource.<br />

Thanks to the longtime support <strong>of</strong> Aaron<br />

Solowoniuk, drummer for Billy Talent, and<br />

Teva <strong>Canada</strong> Innovation, the MS <strong>Society</strong> was<br />

able to bring this online community to life.<br />

Find out how you can get involved<br />

with this exciting initiative at<br />

someonelikeme.ca/get-involved ■<br />

and sensory changes in the genital area.<br />

Symptoms such as fatigue and weakness can<br />

also interfere with a person’s interest in, and<br />

enjoyment <strong>of</strong>, sexual activity. Finally, some<br />

people with MS lose self-confidence and begin<br />

questioning their desirability.<br />

Your doctor can work with you to manage any<br />

symptoms or medications that are interfering<br />

with sexual activity.<br />

For the complete response to this<br />

and other MS-related questions visit<br />

msanswers.ca ■<br />

7 MS <strong>Canada</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

What’s on this season Note: Please visit<br />

mssociety.ca\governance<br />

August<br />

on December 18<br />

6 - 28 RONA MS Bike Tours<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

13 - 19 MS <strong>Summer</strong> Camp<br />

mssociety.ca/camp<br />

25 A&W Cruisin’ for a Cause<br />

th , <strong>2011</strong> for an<br />

update on the MS <strong>Society</strong>’s<br />

<strong>2011</strong> annual general meeting<br />

(AGM) and draft minutes <strong>of</strong><br />

this meeting, which will be<br />

approved at the 2012 AGM.<br />

september<br />

10 - 18 RONA MS Bike Tours<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

11 MS Walks<br />

mswalks.ca<br />

september–June<br />

MS Read-A-Thon<br />

msreadathon.ca<br />

October<br />

20 endMS gala<br />

endms.ca<br />

CANADA<br />

Share your comments:<br />

mscanada@mssociety.ca<br />

Fall 2007<br />

Update your mailing address or subscription<br />

preferences by contacting your division <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

Division contact information can be found at<br />

mssociety.ca or call 1-800-268-7582 or email<br />

info@mssociety.ca. To view this publication<br />

online, visit mssociety.ca/mscanada<br />



<strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><br />

700 – 175 Bloor St. E.<br />

Toronto, ON M4W 3R8<br />

attention! MS <strong>Canada</strong> is<br />

now being delivered via email.<br />

If you would like to receive MS<br />

<strong>Canada</strong> electronically instead<br />

<strong>of</strong> a printed version, please<br />

send your full name, current<br />

address and email address to<br />

mscanada@mssociety.ca<br />

Publications<br />

Mail Agreement<br />

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