Cyclist Handbook - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

Cyclist Handbook - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

Cyclist Handbook - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada


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Table <strong>of</strong> contents<br />

Tour Information Page 2<br />

Fundraising Tips Page 4<br />

2011 Prizes Page 5<br />

Schedule <strong>of</strong> Activities Page 6<br />

Package Pick Up Page 7<br />

Tour Tips Page 8<br />

Tour Rules Page 9<br />

Mandatory Bike Maintenance Form Page 10<br />

Sponsors Page 11<br />

Welcome to the 2011 RONA MS Bike Tour – Airdrie to Olds!<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

Thank-you for choosing to participate in the 16th annual RONA MS Bike tour and supporting the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Canada</strong>!<br />

We want to make 2011 yet another successful year <strong>of</strong> cycling and fundraising. Whether this is the first time you<br />

are participating in our bike tour, or cycling with us has become a tradition, we want to ensure you feel the excitement<br />

and reward that comes with participating and fundraising for the RONA MS Bike Tour.<br />

Our goal this year is to raise $800,000 in support <strong>of</strong> the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> – with your help and support we<br />

can make this happen! The money you raise helps fund valuable research and support services to improve the<br />

quality <strong>of</strong> life for all those affected by multiple sclerosis.<br />

On behalf <strong>of</strong> all MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> staff and clients - thank-you for your support <strong>of</strong> the 2011 RONA MS Bike<br />

Tour.<br />

See you all on June 11 & 12, 2011!<br />

RONA MS Bike Tour – Airdrie to Olds Team

Tour information<br />

Description<br />

The RONA MS Bike Tour – Airdrie to Olds is an annual<br />

pledge-based fundraising event that supports the<br />

<strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>. By choosing to<br />

participate in the RONA MS Bike Tour you are helping<br />

support and raise funds for valuable MS research and<br />

a variety <strong>of</strong> programs aimed at helping over 11,000<br />

Albertans living with MS.<br />

Requirements<br />

Each cyclist is required to pay a $60 registration fee<br />

and must raise at least the minimum pledge amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> $275. <strong>Cyclist</strong>s under 18 years <strong>of</strong> age can participate<br />

in the RONA MS Bike Tour however they must<br />

be accompanied by a parent and/or guardian. Please<br />

contact the MS <strong>Society</strong> if you have any questions<br />

regarding a minor participating.<br />

NEW Start location<br />

This year the tour will begin at the Airdrie Rodeo<br />

Ranch located North <strong>of</strong> Calgary and West <strong>of</strong> Airdrie<br />

<strong>of</strong>f Highway #567 - approximately 10 km outside <strong>of</strong><br />

Airdrie. Parking will be available onsite.<br />

Food and beverages<br />

All food and beverages are provided to cyclists<br />

throughout the event weekend. A light breakfast and<br />

c<strong>of</strong>fee will be served on Saturday and Sunday morning.<br />

Lunch will also be served on both days. A roast<br />

beef dinner is served on Saturday night and there<br />

will be a wrap-up BBQ for all cyclists at the finish line<br />

in Airdrie on Sunday. It is recommended that cyclists<br />

bring their own water bottle on the ride. <strong>Cyclist</strong>s with<br />

food allergies are also encouraged to bring food to<br />

accommodate their needs.<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

Rest stops are also supplied with water, sports drinks<br />

and a variety <strong>of</strong> other nutritional items. We have<br />

planned the opening <strong>of</strong> our rest stops carefully, and<br />

we are unable to extend their hours <strong>of</strong> operation. If<br />

you choose to ride at a fast pace, our rest stops may<br />

not be opened when you pass through them, so<br />

please ensure you pack some snacks and water to accommodate<br />

your needs.<br />

Please note, beer and wine will be provided at the<br />

beer gardens on Saturday night for an additional<br />

cost.<br />

Friends and family<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong>s are encouraged to invite their friends and<br />

family to the event. Guests are welcome to come and<br />

cheer you on at the finish line at the Airdrie Rodeo<br />

Grounds on Sunday - food and beverages will be provided<br />

at the wrap-up BBQ on Sunday free <strong>of</strong> charge,<br />

sponsored by All Beef Catering. Friends and family<br />

can also purchase meal tickets for dinner on Saturday<br />

night and breakfast on Sunday morning in Olds. Tickets<br />

are $12 for dinner and $7 for breakfast. We also<br />

encouraged guests to come partake in the festivities<br />

on Saturday night.<br />

Please note, guests are not permitted to stay overnight<br />

at Olds College in the dorms or townhouses. To<br />

purchase tickets please contact bike@mscalgary.org.<br />

Weather<br />

Just like MS, the weather can be unpredictable. Rain<br />

or shine the RONA MS Bike Tour will go on. Make sure<br />

you are prepared for all types <strong>of</strong> weather and pack<br />

appropriately – check out our packing list on page 9<br />

for suggestions on what to bring.

Medical support<br />

St. John’s medical personnel will be on hand in the<br />

event a cyclist requires medical assistance. If you are<br />

on the route and require medical assistance, please<br />

call the emergency number on your wristband.<br />

Route marshals<br />

There will be volunteer route marshals stationed<br />

throughout the route to direct you to the next rest<br />

stop. They are there to <strong>of</strong>fer you assistance should<br />

you need it and also to cheer you on! Please listen<br />

to the route marshals and heed their directions and<br />

advice!<br />

SAG vehicles<br />

SAG vehicles pick-up cyclists who cannot finish the<br />

tour or who need a break from cycling. If you find<br />

yourself in need <strong>of</strong> a SAG vehicle safely get <strong>of</strong>f your<br />

bike and hold your helmet up in the air. Alternatively,<br />

if there is a route marshal available request that they<br />

radio a SAG for you.<br />

Route map<br />

Please visit our website to view the route map:<br />

www.mssociety.ca/chapters/calgary/msbike.htm<br />

Website<br />

Need more information? Please visit:<br />

www.mssociety.ca/chapters/calgary/msbike.htm<br />

This website is regularly updated with new information<br />

on the bike tour. Access your online account,<br />

download pledge forms, and even select from some<br />

great prizing!<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

Cost <strong>of</strong> fundraising<br />

On a consolidated basis in Alberta (Division Office<br />

and all Chapters), in 2011 the MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><br />

is expected to raise 8.4 million in gross proceeds at<br />

a direct cost <strong>of</strong> 26 per cent. To find out more, please<br />

visit www.mssociety.ca

Fundraising tips<br />

Follow these tips and you will be on your way to<br />

meeting your 2011 fundraising goal!<br />

Set a goal - set your own personal fundraising goal –<br />

you may be surprised how quickly you reach it!<br />

Pledge yourself first - lead by example. Your colleagues,<br />

friends and family will see your name and<br />

contribution and be more willing to pledge you.<br />

Start early - participants who start fundraising early<br />

are more likely to raise more funds.<br />

Ask anyone and everyone - don’t be afraid to ask for<br />

donations – if you don’t ask, they won’t give!<br />

Spread the word - let people know you are fundraising<br />

for the bike tour. Change your voicemail and email<br />

signature to ensure people know <strong>of</strong> your involvement<br />

or change your Facebook status! Speak at meetings<br />

or download a poster and put it on your <strong>of</strong>fice door<br />

or lunch room. Anything you can think <strong>of</strong> to get the<br />

word out!<br />

Request donations online - access your cyclist pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

online at www.msbiketours.ca and send an email to<br />

colleagues, friends and family. Your donors will automatically<br />

receive a tax receipt for any pledges over<br />

$20. If you don’t know your login information contact<br />

bike@mscalgary.org<br />

Personalize your online fundraising page - log in to<br />

your cyclist pr<strong>of</strong>ile at www.msbiketours.ca and add<br />

your own text and photographs. Let your donors<br />

know why you have chosen to ride and why the<br />

RONA MS Bike Tour deserves their support.<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

Join or create a team - team members say they have<br />

more fun participating than if they had raised and<br />

participated alone. Plus, team members raise more<br />

money than those who cycle solo. Once you’ve got<br />

a team you can organize team fundraisers and work<br />

collectively to raise more! If you have more questions<br />

regarding teams or want ideas on team fundraisers<br />

contact marisol.narvaez@mscalgary.org<br />

Make your charitable donations work harder - including<br />

the federal tax credit, Albertans now receive 50<br />

per cent non-refundable tax credit for every dollar<br />

donated over the $200 threshold. This gives Alberta<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the highest charitable tax credits in<br />

<strong>Canada</strong>.<br />

For more infomation, visit www.culture.alberta.ca

Prizes<br />

Individual prizing information:<br />

Raise Receive<br />

$10,000 Apple iPad OR Swizzlesticks Salonspa Spa<br />

Package + $400 gift card* + CLUB 1000<br />

Jersey** and CLUB 2000 Shorts**<br />

$5,000 Apple iPad OR Swizzlesticks Salonspa<br />

Spa Package + CLUB 1000 Jersey**<br />

and CLUB 2000 Shorts**<br />

$2,000 $75 gift card* + CLUB 2000 RONA MS Bike<br />

Tour Shorts** + CLUB 1000 RONA MS Bike<br />

Tour Jersey**<br />

$1,000 $50 gift card* + CLUB 1000 RONA MS Bike<br />

Tour Jersey**<br />

$750 $50 gift card*<br />

$500 $25 gift card*<br />

$350 Two tickets to GlobalFest 2011<br />

$275 RONA MS Bike Tour T-shirt<br />

*Choose from the following gift certificate choices -<br />

Bestway TV and Appliances, Swizzlesticks Salonspa,<br />

RONA, The Bike Shop.<br />

**Limited quantities available.<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

Team prizing information<br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

Top Corporate Team (highest $ raised): $500 giftcard<br />

to a local pub or restaurant.<br />

Top Friends & Family Team (highest $ raised): $500<br />

giftcard to local pub or restaurant.<br />

NEW Online prize selection<br />

Are you ready to make your prize selection? If so,<br />

then use our new online prize selection form. It’s easy<br />

to use and will help us ensure you get the prize you<br />

want.<br />

Visit www.mssociety.ca/chapters/calgary/msbike.htm<br />

to make your selection.<br />

Remember, we must receive your pledge money and<br />

prize selection by June 22, 2011 in order to qualify for<br />


Schedule <strong>of</strong> activities<br />

Saturday, June 11, 2011 (subject to change)<br />

Airdrie Rodeo Grounds<br />

8:00 – 9:00 am Grounds open to 2-day cyclists<br />

(check-in, additional pledge drop-<strong>of</strong>f, luggage drop<br />

<strong>of</strong>f, t-shirt/jersey pick-up, team photo, enjoy c<strong>of</strong>fee<br />

and light breakfast)<br />

9:00 am Official kick-Off for 2-day cyclists<br />

(Staggered Start)<br />

Olds College<br />

2:00 – 6:00pm Bike drop-<strong>of</strong>f at Olds College<br />

Machine Shop<br />

(volunteer bike security will be provided until 6pm on<br />

Saturday after which point bikes will be locked up in<br />

the Olds College Gym until Sunday morning)<br />

2:00 – 6:00pm Shuttle service to check-in<br />

2:00 – 6:00pm Check-in<br />

(Key pick-up*, tenting assignment, yoga/massage<br />

therapist sign-up)<br />

2:00 – 5:00pm Yoga and massage therapists<br />

2:30pm Beer gardens open<br />

4:00 – 4:30pm All cyclists at Olds College<br />

4:30 – 8:00pm Dinner (staggered times)<br />

8:00 – 10:30pm Dance/live band<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

* Please note: If you have someone you would like to<br />

share a dorm room with you must check-in with them<br />

at Olds College.<br />

Sunday, June 12, 2011 (subject to change)<br />

Airdrie Rodeo Grounds<br />

8:00 – 9:00am Grounds open to 1-day cyclists<br />

* Please note: If you leave before 9:00 am, rest stops<br />

MAY NOT be open yet.<br />

(check-in, pledge drop-<strong>of</strong>f, t-shirt/jersey pick-up,<br />

team photo, enjoy c<strong>of</strong>fee and light breakfast)<br />

9:00am Official kick-<strong>of</strong>f for 1-day cyclists<br />

(Staggered Start)<br />

12:00pm Wrap-up BBQ begins<br />

(All <strong>Cyclist</strong>s)<br />

5:00pm <strong>Cyclist</strong>s return home<br />

Olds College<br />

8:30am Bike Pick-up at Olds College gym<br />

8:30 – 9:00 am Check- out<br />

(return your key to the designated area in the Olds<br />

College gym)<br />

9:00am <strong>Cyclist</strong>s begin to leave for Airdrie

Package pick-up<br />

Avoid the line-ups! <strong>Cyclist</strong>s can pick-up their cyclists<br />

packages and submit their $275 minimum pledge<br />

before the event weekend.<br />

When: Monday, May 30 to Saturday, June 4<br />

Time: Monday to Friday: 8:30am – 4:30pm<br />

Saturday: 10:00am-2:00pm<br />

Where: NEW LOCATION! MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><br />

Calgary and Area Chapter Office<br />

150, 110 Quarry Park Blvd. SE<br />

(‘Emerson’ Building)<br />

How to turn in pledge money<br />

Ready to submit pledge money? Check the following<br />

prior to bringing/sending us your pledge sheet(s):<br />

• Your name<br />

• Donor information: first and last name, address,<br />

postal code, amount pledged<br />

Ensure the $ amount is correct.<br />

Check out the many ways you can submit your<br />

pledge money:<br />

• Mail us a cheque (please do not mail cash).<br />

• Stop by our <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

• Turn your pledge money in when you check-in at<br />

the event on Saturday morning.<br />

Remember, we issue over 200,000 tax receipts every<br />

year – if all the information we receive is clear and<br />

complete we can process the tax receipts quicker!<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

Online fundraising tips<br />

Log in to your account at www.msbiketours.ca and<br />

update your personal information. Create your<br />

own fundraising webpage, upload photos and<br />

email your colleagues, friends and family requests<br />

for donations.<br />

Direct your sponsors to www.msbiketours.ca and<br />

tell them to click on the box that says:<br />

Insert Register/login/pledge<br />

From here they will need to click on ‘sponsor a participant’<br />

and follow the instructions!<br />

If you don’t know your username or password, or if<br />

you need further information on the online fundraising<br />

system and what it can do for you, contact<br />

bike@mscalgary.org or call 403-250-7090.<br />

Important dates<br />

Mark your calendars with these important dates!<br />

May 25 Club 100 Pledge submission<br />

deadline<br />

May 30-June 4 Package pickup week<br />

June 22 Prize selection deadline and<br />

pledge submission deadline<br />

August 2-31 Prize pickup month

Tour rules<br />

• <strong>Cyclist</strong>s must obey all law enforcement<br />

personnel, bike tour <strong>of</strong>ficials and volunteers.<br />

• <strong>Cyclist</strong>s must wear an approved helmet.<br />

• <strong>Cyclist</strong>s must obey local and provincial traffic laws.<br />

• <strong>Cyclist</strong>s must not wear headphones or use cell<br />

phones, ipods or similar audio devices<br />

• Please ride single file.<br />

Cycling etiquette<br />

• Respect other cyclists and their level <strong>of</strong> cycling<br />

experience. This is not a competitive race!<br />

• Be aware <strong>of</strong> traffic, pedestrians and even wildlife<br />

while cycling. The roads and highways are not<br />

closed because <strong>of</strong> the tour.<br />

• Never leave the scene <strong>of</strong> an accident, in accor<br />

dance with the Highway Traffic Act.<br />

• Give plenty <strong>of</strong> room to other cyclists.<br />

• Do not block rest stop entrances. Move fully into<br />

the rest stop area and safely out <strong>of</strong> the path <strong>of</strong><br />

oncoming cyclists.<br />

• Move safely <strong>of</strong>f the pavement when stopping to<br />

rest.<br />

• Keep clear <strong>of</strong> road-edge hazards, such as trash, low<br />

branches, and parked vehicles.<br />

• Ride definesivley and be aware <strong>of</strong> other riders,<br />

vehicles and pedestrians.<br />

• Use common sense and courtesy towards<br />

motorists and cyclists.<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

Tour tips<br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

Prior to the event<br />

The key to a successful ride lies in consistent training<br />

and preparation. Here are five steps to get you in gear<br />

for the 2011 RONA MS Bike Tour:<br />

• Get your bike tuned-up and fitted properly - stop<br />

in at your local bike shop and get the experts to<br />

verify that your bike is road savvy. Print the<br />

maintenance form.<br />

• Start training at least 8 weeks before the Tour - we<br />

know Alberta weather is somewhat unpredictable<br />

in early spring, so joining a spin class at your local<br />

gym is always a good option. First Step Fitness will<br />

be <strong>of</strong>fering bootcamp to specifically work on<br />

those muscles used for cycling! Sign up today by<br />

emailing info@firststepfitness.ca or calling<br />

403-463-2908.<br />

• Start with short rides - take a week to work up to<br />

a moderate day <strong>of</strong> 30 kilometers. Don’t worry<br />

about your speed – the purpose <strong>of</strong> these rides is<br />

to build up cardiovascular fitness.<br />

• Double up kilometers - once you’ve conquered<br />

the 30 kilometer ride, try to cycle an endurance<br />

day <strong>of</strong> 50 to 60 kilometers once a week. Maintain<br />

your pace, but slow down if necessary to make<br />

the full mileage. The purpose <strong>of</strong> this step is to gain<br />

distance and confidence.<br />

• Hill training - master the ups and downs with hills<br />

and intervals. After warming up with a moderate<br />

ride, try to ride a hill without challenging yourself.<br />

After pedaling uphill, recover on the way down<br />

and repeat. As your fitness improves add more<br />

repeats. This is also give you a chance to learn<br />

how to use your gears effectively!

Try to ride consistently five days a week, doing your<br />

longest weekly ride on Saturday.<br />

During the event<br />

• Drink lots <strong>of</strong> water and stop at the rest stops for<br />

a snack – maintaining proper nutrition and fluid<br />

replacement is essential for achieving optimal<br />

physical performance.<br />

• Wear sunscreen and lip balm and reapply through<br />

out the day.<br />

• Dress appropriately. Avoid things that are tight<br />

enough to restrict your breathing.<br />

• Bring clothing items in case <strong>of</strong> changing weather –<br />

this is Alberta after all!<br />

• Stretch… a lot! You will soon find out that your<br />

muscles can be your best friends or your worst<br />

enemies.<br />

• Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help if you don’t<br />

feel well. The ride is long and volunteers are eager<br />

to help you out.<br />

• If cramping should happen, it is a sign that you<br />

should stop, rest and yes - drink water!<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

Packing list<br />

2011<br />

msbiketours.ca<br />

• Helmet (required – you will not be permitted to<br />

ride without a helmet)<br />

• Water bottle/ hydration pack<br />

• Tire Pump, spare tube, tire patch kit and tools<br />

• Towel for shower<br />

• Tent (if applicable)<br />

• Sleeping bag and pillow (optional)<br />

• Cash, credit card and drivers license<br />

• Sunscreen, lip balm and sunglasses<br />

• Camera<br />

• Medications (if required)<br />

• Alarm Clock<br />

• Toiletries (soap, shampoo…)<br />

Suggested Clothing<br />

• 1-2 pairs <strong>of</strong> padded cycling shorts<br />

• 1-2 pairs <strong>of</strong> cycling jerseys<br />

• Cycling pants or sweatpants<br />

• Short and long sleeved shirts<br />

• Casual wear for evening<br />

• Casual shoes for evening<br />

• Cycling gloves and shoes<br />

• Sweater<br />

• Rain poncho/ windbreaker / jacket<br />

• Team costume for beer gardens

Mandatory bike maintenence form<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>Cyclist</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />

2011<br />


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