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Issue No. 26<br />


Kuchafika Jifiího ·tifta<br />



Cookbook by Jifií ·tift<br />

âeské hrady<br />

v POVùSTECH<br />

Bohemian Castles<br />

in LEGENDS<br />

DOC. MUDR.<br />

JAN Mù·ËÁK<br />

Svût oãima<br />

plastického chirurga<br />

The World<br />

through the Eyes<br />

of a Plastic Surgeon

oyster perpetual gmt-master ii<br />

At 35,000 feet, precision instrumentation is mandatory. Since 1955, professional aviators ha<strong>ve</strong> relied on the Rolex GMT-Master.<br />

Now also available with a virtually indestructible, scratch-proof, fade-resistant 24-hour ceramic bezel, the GMT-Master II will<br />

keep you on time in three time zones. ROLEX.COM<br />

VáÏení hosté, milí ãtenáfii,<br />

leto‰ní rok je pro nበhotel <strong>ve</strong> znamení zmûn.<br />

Na druhém, sedmém a osmém patfie hotelu úspû‰nû<br />

probûhla první fáze renovace. Hlavní zmûnou je<br />

pfiedev‰ím vy‰‰í úro<strong>ve</strong>À vyba<strong>ve</strong>ni pokojÛ a záro<strong>ve</strong>À<br />

‰ir‰í nabídka sluÏeb. V kaÏdém z renovovan˘ch<br />

pokojÛ hosté mimo jiné naleznou LCD obrazovky,<br />

kávovary spoleãnosti Nespresso a nebo ‰álky<br />

Villeroy & Boch. Zajímav˘m prvkem jsou také<br />

zrcadlové stûny. Spojením pokojÛ do‰lo rovnûÏ<br />

k nav˘‰ení celkového poãtu suitÛ na 32, a mnohé<br />

z nich nabízejí uchvacující v˘hled na PraÏsk˘ hrad.<br />

V osmdesáti pokojích rÛzn˘ch kategorií se hosté<br />

mohou procházet po dfievûn˘ch podlahách.<br />

Renovace, kombinující prvky moderního designu<br />

s art deco stylem roku 1932, by mûla b˘t dokonãena<br />

v prÛbûhu mûsíce dubna.<br />

V prÛbûhu jara dojde také ke zmûnû na postu<br />

‰éfkuchafie hotelu Alcron. Jifií ·tift se na své cestû<br />

zákoutími kulináfiského umûní rozhodl zmûnit<br />

prostfiedí, a s na‰ím hotelem se louãí. Rád bych<br />

mu za jeho gastronomick˘ i lidsk˘ pfiínos a fantazii<br />

moc podûkoval, a popfiál mu mnoho ‰tûstí a úspûchÛ<br />

v dal‰ím konání. Bûhem jara vychází u nakladatelství<br />

Lidové noviny Jifiímu ·tiftovi jeho první kuchafika,<br />

kterou vûnuje právû hotelu Alcron. Po ZdeÀkovi<br />

Pohlreichovi a Jifiím ·tiftovi se tak budeme moci<br />

v Alcronu tû‰it na dal‰ího talentovaného ‰éfkuchafie,<br />

pana Romana Pauluse.<br />

Dále bych chtûl v hotelu pfiivítat nového obchodního<br />

fieditele, pana Ladislava Kuãeru, kter˘ bude jistû<br />

posilou pro nበt˘m.<br />

Pfieji Vám v‰em krásné jaro,<br />

Michal Chour<br />

Dear Guests and Readers,<br />

This year is one of changes and transformations for<br />

our hotel.<br />

The first phase of renovations has been successfully<br />

completed on the 2nd, 7th, and 8th floors of the<br />

hotel. The main change is an expanded offer of<br />

services and amenities in all hotel rooms. All rooms<br />

will now feature a modern LCD television, Nespresso<br />

machine, Villeroy & Boch china and new design<br />

elements, including mirrored walls. The possibility<br />

of joining individual rooms has also been expanded,<br />

and suites and select rooms now feature stunning<br />

wooden floors. The renovation work, which returns<br />

the hotel to the atmosphere of 1932, with elements<br />

of Art Deco tastefully blended with modern features,<br />

should be completed during the month of April.<br />

There will also be a changing of the guard in the<br />

kitchen at the Hotel Alcron: Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift<br />

has decided to make a change on his professional<br />

journey through the world of culinary arts and<br />

unfortunately will be bidding the hotel farewell. I<br />

would like to express my deep appreciation to him<br />

for all he has done for us and wish him a great deal<br />

of success and happiness in his further ad<strong>ve</strong>ntures.<br />

Jifií ·tift will also release his first cookbook in the<br />

spring, dedicated to the Hotel Alcron. After Zdenûk<br />

Pohlreich and Jifií ·tift we are proud to welcome to<br />

our team another talented Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef, Mr.<br />

Roman Paulus.<br />

I would also like to welcome our new Director of<br />

Sales, Ladislav Kuãera, who will certainly be a great<br />

asset to our team.<br />

I wish you all a magnificent spring.<br />


hotelov˘ magazín / hotel magazine<br />

Vydavatel / Published by:<br />

Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel<br />

·tûpánská 624/40, Praha 1<br />

IâO: 63077931, www.radissonsas.com, www.alcron.cz<br />

Produkãní spoleãnost / Production Company:<br />

Martin Horák s.r.o., DruÏicová 16, Praha 6<br />

Tel.: +420 257 220 310, Fax: +420 257 224 550<br />

info@companion.cz, www.companion.cz<br />

Redaktor / Editor:<br />

Martin Horák s.r.o. – Vlaìka Vojtí‰ková<br />

·éfredaktor / Editor in Chief:<br />

Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel – Martina Tkaãová<br />

E-mail: Martina.Tkacova@RadissonSAS.com<br />

Produkce / Production:<br />

Martin Horák s.r.o. – Lucie Îemliãková<br />

Tel.: +420 777 300 052<br />

E-mail: l.zemlickova@companion.cz<br />

Pfieklad, korektury / Translation, proofreading:<br />

Skfiivánek s.r.o., www.skrivanek.cz<br />

Foto / Photos: Martin Horák s.r.o. – Michaela<br />

Hnátková, Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel, Martin Kincl,<br />

Czech Tourism<br />

Tisk / Printing: NAVA TISK spol. s r.o., PlzeÀ<br />

www.navatisk.cz<br />

Grafické zpracování / Graphic design: Createlink<br />

Zuzana Adámková, www.createlink.com<br />

Prodej inzerce / Ad<strong>ve</strong>rtising sales:<br />

Martin Horák s.r.o. – Ing Martin Cisarz<br />

Tel.: 777 270 575, m.cisarz@companion.cz<br />

âíslo pfiidûlené min. kultury: MK âR E 17103<br />

Periodicita: âtvrtletník<br />

Vydání: 26. 3. 2008, Praha<br />


11 2<br />

OBSAH<br />





SEZONA V ALCRONU 14–15<br />




La Rotonde<br />

SvûÏí závan pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálské kuchynû 12–13<br />

La Rotonde<br />

A Fresh Breeze of Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal Cuisine<br />

Bio produkty v Alcronu 16–19<br />

Organic Products at the Alcron<br />

Nûmecká vína v restauraci Alcron 20–22<br />

German Wines at the Alcron Restaurant<br />

Renovace 23<br />

Luxury Redefined with You in Mind<br />

PraÏská Nej... 24–25<br />

Prague’s Superlati<strong>ve</strong>s<br />

Svûtov˘ den koktejlu<br />

s drinky slavn˘ch barÛ 26–29<br />

World Cocktail Day with Drinks from Famous Bars<br />

Etiketa stolování 34–35<br />

Dining Etiquette<br />

Kultura 36–37<br />

Culture<br />


DUBEN<br />

Rizoto a tûstoviny<br />

1. – 30. 4., restaurace La Rotonde<br />

·éfkuchafi Jifií ·tift se rozhodl, Ïe va‰e chuÈové buÀky zasvûtí<br />

do tajÛ italské kuchynû.<br />

Koktejly z Brazílie, 1. – 30. 4., Be Bop Bar<br />

Pestrost nejvût‰í jihoamerické zemû se nezapfie ani pfii pfiípravû<br />

míchan˘ch nápojÛ.<br />

KVùTEN<br />

Chfiest a smrÏi<br />

5. – 31. 5., restaurace La Rotonde<br />

Seznámíme vás s mnoh˘mi moÏnostmi úpravy v Evropû <strong>ve</strong>lmi<br />

populární jarní zeleniny a jedné z nejchutnûj‰ích jarních hub.<br />

Cesta po nûmeck˘ch vinafistvích<br />

5. – 31. 5., restaurace Alcron<br />

Svûtov˘ den koktejlu, 13. – 31. 5., Be Bop Bar<br />

Mezinárodní akce vznikla v roce 1999 z podnûtu Be Bop Baru<br />

hotelu Radisson SAS Alcron jako pfiipomínka data, kdy byl<br />

v USA v roce 1806 poprvé definován pojem koktejl.<br />

âERVEN<br />

Speciality pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálské kuchynû<br />

2. – 29. 6., restaurace La Rotonde<br />

âesnek, olivov˘ olej a jemné bylinky, to je jen ãást kulináfiského<br />

tajemství jiÏní Francie.<br />

V˘bûr ãerstvého sezonního ovoce<br />

restaurace La Rotonde, restaurace Alcron, Be Bop Bar<br />

Bouillabaisse, 2. 6. – 14. 7., Restaurace Alcron<br />

Jak se na‰i kuchafii umûjí vÏít do rolí chud˘ch rybáfiÛ z Marseille,<br />

to budete moci ohodnotit sami, jestliÏe ochutnáte tradiãní<br />

polévku bouillabaisse v jejich podání.<br />

Smash drinks, 1. – 30. 6., Be Bop Bar<br />

APRIL<br />

Risotto and pasta, April 1 – 30, La Rotonde Restaurant<br />

Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift has decided to initiate your taste buds<br />

into the secrets of Italian cuisine.<br />

Brazilian cocktails, Be Bop Bar, April 1 – 30<br />

The colorfulness of the largest South American country is also<br />

readily apparent in Brazilian mixed drinks.<br />

MAY<br />

Asparagus and morels, May 5 – 31, La Rotonde Restaurant<br />

We’ll introduce you to the numerous preparation possibilities<br />

for popular European spring <strong>ve</strong>getables and one of the most<br />

flavorful spring mushrooms.<br />

Journey through the wineries of Germany<br />

May 5 – 31, Alcron Restaurant<br />

World Cocktail Day, May 13 –31, Be Bop Bar<br />

This international e<strong>ve</strong>nt was established in 1999 at the initiati<strong>ve</strong><br />

of the Radisson SAS Alcron’s Be Bop Bar to commemorate<br />

the date the term cocktail was first defined in 1806 in the USA.<br />

JUNE<br />

Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal culinary specialties<br />

June 2 – 29, La Rotonde Restaurant<br />

Garlic, oli<strong>ve</strong> oil, and delicate herbs are just part of the culinary<br />

secrets of southern France.<br />

Selection of fresh seasonal fruit<br />

La Rotonde restaurant, Alcron Restaurant, Be Bop Bar<br />

Bouillabaisse<br />

June 2 – July 14, Alcron Restaurant<br />

Come and try this traditional seafood stew and judge for yourself<br />

how well our cooks are able to play the role of poor fishermen<br />

from Marseille.<br />

Smash drinks, June 1 – 30, Be Bop Bar<br />


4<br />

Vedoucí lékafi kliniky Esthé, pfiednosta Kliniky plastické<br />

chirurgie I. lékafiské fakulty Uni<strong>ve</strong>rzity Karlovy <strong>ve</strong><br />

Fakultní nemocnici v Praze Na Bulovce, <strong>ve</strong>doucí Centra<br />

komplexní chirurgické péãe o Ïeny s onemocnûním<br />

prsu téÏe nemocnice, <strong>ve</strong>doucí subkatedry plastické<br />

chirurgie Institutu postgraduálního vzdûlávání <strong>ve</strong><br />

zdravotnictví, ãlen v˘boru Spoleãnosti plastické chirurgie<br />

âeské lékafiské spoleãnosti Jana Evangelisty Purkynû,<br />

místopfiedseda Spoleãnosti estetické chirurgie, ãlen<br />

Mezinárodní spoleãnosti plastické a rekonstrukãní<br />

chirurgie a Spoleãnosti pro vyuÏití laserÛ v medicínû,<br />

ãlen pracovní skupiny vûdecké rady Ministerstva<br />

zdravotnictví âR, ãlen zku‰ební komise pro atestace<br />

z oboru plastické chirurgie pfii Ministerstvu zdravotnictví<br />

âR, autor mnoha odborn˘ch prací a muÏ, kterého<br />

na‰tûstí nevzali na hotelovou ‰kolu, to je doc. MUDr.<br />

Jan Mû‰Èák, CSc.<br />

Jak se ãlovûk stane plastick˘m chirurgem? Co vás pfii<strong>ve</strong>dlo na tu cestu?<br />

Byl jsem uliãník, ale sportovnû nadan˘. Hrál jsem za národní t˘m volejbal,<br />

dûlal jsem atletiku. Na‰i mû chtûli dát na hotelovou ‰kolu, ale mûl jsem<br />

asi dvû nebo tfii trojky, a na hotelovce byl tenkrát nával, tak jsem ‰el<br />

nakonec do uãení do Fyzikálního ústavu Akademie vûd, kde jsem se<br />

vyuãil jemn˘m mechanikem, a vÛbec to nebylo na ‰kodu. To fiemeslo<br />

bylo dÛleÏité. Poznal jsem mezi fiemeslníky, instalatéry a elektrikáfii fiadu<br />

vzdûlanûj‰ích a seãtûlej‰ích lidí, neÏ jsem já teì. To, Ïe je ãlovûk lékafiem,<br />

neznamená, Ïe je bohem. âasto jsou na tom lépe lidé, co mají na sobû<br />

montérky. Po vojnû jsem se rozhodoval mezi medicínou a Fakultou<br />

tûlesné v˘chovy a sportu, ale tam otvírali ãistû jen jednooborov˘ tûlocvik.<br />

Pfiihlásil jsem se tedy na medicínu, jenÏe jsem neuspûl kvÛli nedostatkÛm<br />

z chemie, tak jsem ‰el do nemocnice dûlat sta<strong>ve</strong>bního údrÏbáfie.<br />

Opravoval jsem zámky, kliky, cokoliv bylo tfieba. Chodil jsem taky na<br />

kliniku plastické chirurgie. Tam byly i dûti, tûÏce postiÏené a s roz‰tûpov˘mi<br />

vadami. KdyÏ jsem nûco opravoval, povídal jsem si s nimi. A sem tam<br />

jsem se podíval do medicínsk˘ch knih, takÏe tam asi u mû trochu<br />

zapustila kofiínek ta plastika. Pfii dal‰ích pfiijímacích zkou‰kách uÏ jsem<br />

se na medicínu dostal. VÏdycky o prázdninách jsem si ale zase vzal<br />

bra‰nu a v dílnách dûlal sta<strong>ve</strong>bního údrÏbáfie. Ve 3. roãníku jsme se<br />

dostali na stáÏ na plastiku. Mûl jsem to ‰tûstí, Ïe si mû profesor Fára<br />

s docentkou Hrivnákovou vybrali jako pomocnou vûdeckou sílu. Pomáhal<br />

jsem jim s rÛzn˘mi vûdeck˘mi pracemi a o‰etfioval úrazy. Po ‰esti letech,<br />

kdyÏ jsem medicínu dokonãil, tak mi tehdej‰í ‰éfka plastiky profesorka<br />

Pe‰ková fiekla, Ïe pokud chci b˘t dobr˘ plastik, musím do terénu.<br />

Ode‰el jsem do Mostu. Dûlal jsem tam v‰eobecnou chirurgii, obrovské<br />

mnoÏství úrazÛ, rÛzn˘ch stavÛ a tûÏk˘ch pfiíhod. Hodnû jsem se tady<br />

z chirurgie nauãil. Po dvou letech mi profesorka Pe‰ková zavolala, jestli<br />

bych se nechtûl zúãastnit konkurzu na místo asistenta, protoÏe chirurg,<br />

kter˘ dûlal skoro 40 let chirurgii ruky, si ufiízl prsty na cirkulárce, a byl<br />

dlouho v neschopnosti. Konkurz jsem vyhrál, a tím odstartovala moje<br />

kariéra plastického chirurga v nemocnici na Vinohradech. Svoji kandidaturu<br />

jsem orientoval na obliãejové roz‰tûpy, coÏ je problematika, které se<br />

vûnuje jen <strong>ve</strong>lmi malé procento plastick˘ch chirurgÛ.<br />

Svût oãima<br />

plastického<br />

chirurga<br />

O moudrosti<br />

Nikdy nejsme natolik chytfií, abychom nemohli pfiijímat moudrost druh˘ch.<br />

Bojuje‰-li s nûk˘m, koho mበrád, nech ho obãas vyhrát.<br />

Velkorysost je vyjádfiením ‰lechetnosti ducha, malichernost jeho prázdnotou<br />

O lásce<br />

Na lásce není ani tak tûÏké ji pfiijímat nebo dávat, jako ji opûtovat.<br />

Klameme sami sebe, hovofiíme-Ii o lásce, v níÏ není svoboda..<br />

Jak vypadá vበpracovní den, jak to v‰echno stihnete a kdy vlastnû spíte?<br />

Ví se o mnû, Ïe mÛÏu spát málo. Je to vûc asi takového uvûdomûní si,<br />

Ïe ãlovûk nemusí spát tolik, kolik si myslí, ale Ïe mÛÏe spát ménû. Jsem<br />

o tom naprosto pfiesvûdãen. KdyÏ máte pfied sebou urãit˘ program,<br />

jak˘koliv, to není otázka jenom pracovních záleÏitostí, zvládnete toho<br />

hodnû tfieba i v noãních hodinách. Asi pfied pûti lety jsem spal tak tfii<br />

a pÛl hodiny, a ‰lo to. Teì, kdyÏ jsem star‰í, mi staãí ãtyfii a pÛl hodiny<br />

spánku dennû. KdyÏ skonãím svÛj pracovní den, tak kolem jedné, pÛl<br />

druhé hodiny v noci, pustím si televizi Nova, protoÏe tam dávají tak<br />

zvlá‰tní programy, Ïe mû za chvilku úplnû utlumí, já vypnu (sebe<br />

i pfiístroj) a krásnû se mi jde spát. Lidé, ktefií jdou spát v devût hodin,<br />

tak se pak diví, Ïe se kolem té jedné, pÛl druhé budí. MoÏná, kdyby ‰li<br />

spát aÏ po pÛlnoci, a pfiedtím si dali malou skleniãku napfiíklad piva, Ïe<br />

by to pro nû bylo lep‰í. Ale kaÏd˘ z nás je malinko jin˘. Já moÏná trochu<br />

niãím lidi kolem sebe svou energií. KdyÏ se mû nûkdo zeptá, jak mÛÏu<br />

tûch ãtrnáct aÏ ‰estnáct hodin dennû operovat, fiíkám, Ïe je to asi tím,<br />

Ïe jsem dfií<strong>ve</strong> vrcholovû sportoval, a poznal jsem meze únavy. Posledních<br />

deset let neexistuje, abych vynechal ranní cviãení, i kdyÏ se mi nûkdy<br />

nechce, protoÏe chodím pozdû spát a brzy vstávám. Pak se osprchuji,<br />

a je mi náramnû. Mám rád podmínky, které jsou pro sport nároãné,<br />

tfieba tropické <strong>ve</strong>dro. Pfiipadá mi úsmûvné, kdyÏ z rádia sly‰ím: „Nechoìte<br />

po ‰edesátce v tûchto podmínkách ani nakupovat,“ a já jdu z Bulovky<br />

do toho <strong>ve</strong>dra hrát volejbalové debly, a jsem v sedmém nebi. TakÏe<br />

kdyÏ ãlovûk operuje, nepfiipadá mi to jako stav, kdyÏ uÏ ãlovûk skuteãnû<br />

nemÛÏe. A pak je tady druhá vûc. Moje Ïena vÏdycky fiíká: „Dá<strong>ve</strong>j<br />

pacienty nûkomu jinému, vÏdyÈ nemusí‰ pofiád operovat.“ Ale nûkdo<br />

zkrátka chce, abych ho operoval jenom já. Copak ty lidi mÛÏu odmítnout,<br />

kdyÏ na tu operaci ãekají tfieba pÛl roku a chtûjí jenom mû?<br />


6<br />

zleva: Marek Eben, Magdalena Dietlová s doc. Janem Mû‰tákem<br />

from the left: Marek Eben, Magdalena Dietová with doc. Jan Mû‰ták<br />

Jak se li‰í va‰e vnímání estetick˘ch plastick˘ch operací od tûch, fieknûme,<br />

„dÛleÏitûj‰ích“ nebo nutn˘ch?<br />

¤ekl bych, Ïe plastická chirurgie je fiemeslo, ale materiálem je ãlovûk. Není<br />

v ní místo na chyby, to je logické. Jsem ‰ediv˘, mám za sebou uÏ spoustu<br />

operací, mnoho odzkou‰eného. Mohu fiíct, Ïe mám pfii operacích témûfi<br />

absolutní jistotu, a operuji rychle. Nûkdy v‰ak naopak <strong>ve</strong>lmi opatrnû<br />

a pomalu. Pfiirovnávám to k rychlé jízdû autem. KdyÏ nebyl bodov˘ systém,<br />

tak jsem byl schopen dojet za 55 minut do Brna. Samozfiejmû jsem dával<br />

pozor. KdyÏ napadl sníh, nechal jsem se v‰emi auty pfiedjíÏdût. Vûdûl jsem,<br />

Ïe rychlá jízda je v tomto pfiípadû <strong>ve</strong>lk˘m rizikem. Je to v‰echno otázka<br />

zku‰eností. Je to krásná práce, protoÏe lidem tolik pomÛÏete. Dûjí se<br />

neuvûfiitelné vûci. Lidi se v noci probudí a dívají se do zrcátka, Ïe to není<br />

sen. To je úÏasné, to ãlovûka povznese. Estetická chirurgie není jen v˘mysl,<br />

jak vydûlat peníze. Jsou vûci, které <strong>ve</strong>lmi ovlivÀují psychiku ãlovûka, aÈ uÏ<br />

jsou to malá prsa nebo <strong>ve</strong>lk˘ nos. Po malé operaci u ãlovûka dochází ke<br />

kvalitativnímu posunu vnímání okolního svûta. Pomáhám lidem, a vydûlávám<br />

tím peníze, ale to není smyslem mého Ïivota. Nikdy nedoporuãím operaci<br />

za kaÏdou cenu, zhruba ‰edesát procent pfiíchozích odmítám operovat.<br />

KdyÏ vidím dostateãnû hezká prsa, neoperuji je. Proã bych dûlal jin˘ obliãej,<br />

kdyÏ tenhle je krásn˘. Nemám ani rodinn˘ dÛm, pofiád bydlím v paneláku.<br />

TûÏko hledám prostor, kdyÏ potfiebuji psát nûjakou práci nebo knihu.<br />

Tû‰ím se, Ïe jednou dÛm postavím. Je to tak, Ïe kdybych nedûlal uni<strong>ve</strong>rzitní<br />

práci s lékafii – vzdûlávání, ‰kolení, v˘uku, <strong>ve</strong>dení celého t˘mu lékafiÛ,<br />

vûdeckov˘zkumnou práci, kdybych neo‰etfioval lidi s úrazy, amputacemi,<br />

roz‰tûpy, tak by ztratilo smysl, Ïe jsem studoval. Musím dát je‰tû nûco<br />

navíc. Napsal jsem ãlánek Zamy‰lení nad plastickou chirurgií nejen minulosti.<br />

Spousta plastick˘ch chirurgÛ odchází po úspû‰né atestaci do privátní praxe<br />

za úãelem ekonomického zisku. Zapomenou na tu pravou medicínu.<br />

Jednak se sniÏuje základ plastick˘ch chirurgÛ pracujících na jednotliv˘ch<br />

pracovi‰tích, a na druhou stranu vzrÛstá poãet sporn˘ch odoperovan˘ch<br />

pfiípadÛ, protoÏe oni nemají tu erudici, aby mohli operovat v privátní<br />

O dobru<br />

Jak tûÏké je pro nûkoho z nás oprostit se od konání dobra,<br />

zatímco pro jiné je snadné ho pouze pfiijímat.<br />

O spra<strong>ve</strong>dlnosti<br />

VyÏadoval empatii od druh˘ch, aÏ zapomnûl na svoji vlastní.<br />

kfiest knihy Metamorfózy doc. Jana Mû‰táka / book launch party for doc. Jan Mû‰ták<br />

praxi. Kolem mû je mnoho mlad˘ch lidí, a já je chci dotáhnout k tomu,<br />

aby byli ‰Èastní, Ïe dûlají tu pravou medicínu. To je naplnûní. Kdybych se<br />

místo dvou dnÛ na klinice na Bulovce vûnoval estetické chirurgii, mûl bych<br />

daleko víc penûz. Ale takhle mám daleko lep‰í pocit. Estetická chirurgie<br />

je jen malinká ãást plastické chirurgie.<br />

O Ïivotû a síle<br />

Pokud jsi pfiesvûdãen, Ïe uÏ dál nemÛÏe‰, nikdy nezjistí‰, Ïe tomu<br />

tak není. Zvládne‰-li jednou nezvládnutelné, pochopí‰ pomíjivost<br />

obav z vûcí nesnadn˘ch.<br />

Jedna z tûch nutnûj‰ích operací se t˘ká rakoviny prsu…<br />

Pfied tfiemi lety jsme na Bulovce zaloÏili Centrum komplexní chirurgické<br />

péãe o Ïeny s onemocnûním prsu, kde jsme byli jako jediní v republice<br />

schopni okamÏitû zrekonstruovat prs Ïenám s potenciální rakovinou.<br />

Má-li nûkdo z rodiny rakovinu prsu, existuje nebezpeãí, Ïe ji bude mít<br />

i jiná ãlenka téÏe rodiny. Pokud se genetick˘m vy‰etfiením skuteãnû<br />

zjistí mutace genÛ, znamená to, Ïe by k rakovinû na 85 procent do‰lo.<br />

<strong>My</strong> takovou Ïenu zbavíme strachu z rakoviny prsu a odoperujeme ji.<br />

Zatím se ale trochu pot˘káme s byrokracií, protoÏe kvÛli takzvanému<br />

pau‰álu nemÛÏeme pfiekroãit poãet ãtyfi implantátÛ za mûsíc.<br />

Pfii operacích se urãitû <strong>ve</strong>lice koncentrujete, ale bûÏí vám je‰tû nûco dal‰ího<br />

hlavou?<br />

Je to jako kdyÏ jedete autem, nebo kdyÏ telefonujete a malujete si<br />

u toho obrázek. Tady na klinice Esthé poslouchám pfiíjemnou hudbu.<br />

Poslouchají ji samozfiejmû i ostatní. Jsme v krásném komorním prostfiedí<br />

s v˘hledem na T˘nsk˘ chrám. Úplnû nahofie. Lidé fiíkají: To je nádhera!<br />

UklidÀuje je to. Jsou tam barvy, je tam pohoda, pfiirozená atmosféra.<br />

Je tam úsmûv. V‰ichni se pofiád nûãemu smûjí, takÏe kdyÏ tfieba roz‰ifiuji<br />

O charakteru a hlouposti<br />

NezáleÏí na tom, ãím ãlovûk je, ale jak˘ je. Jen málokdy v‰ak jedno<br />

neovlivní druhé. Kdo <strong>ve</strong>lkoryseji pfiehlíÏí vlastní nedostatky, o to<br />

dÛslednûji vyÏaduje dokonalost druh˘ch.<br />

O co snadnûji nacházíme v druhém to ‰patné, o to hÛfie se smifiujeme<br />

s tím, ãím nás pfiedãí.<br />

ret, je nûkdy trochu problém, aby pacientka udrÏela pusu tak, jak já<br />

potfiebuji. Není to suchá medicína, není to neosobní. Nikdo nesmí mít<br />

pocit urãité obavy, musí tu b˘t absolutní dÛvûra mezi lékafiem a pacientem.<br />

Jste vlastnû v˘tvarníkem Ïiv˘ch obrazÛ…<br />

KdyÏ mi nûkdo pfiinese ukázat, jak˘ chce nos, já mu fieknu, Ïe kaÏdá kostra,<br />

kaÏdá struktura je jiná. NemÛÏu udûlat z <strong>ve</strong>lkého nosu mal˘. KaÏd˘ plastik<br />

má svÛj rukopis. Nûkdo dûlá trochu pr‰áky, nûkdo zase rovné nosy.<br />

SnaÏím se dûlat v‰e tak, aby to vypadalo pfiirozenû. Tam, kde mnozí<br />

plastikové s <strong>ve</strong>likostí implantátÛ zaãínají, tam já konãím, pokud jde<br />

o zvût‰ování prsou. Plastick˘ch chirurgÛ, ktefií dávají malé implantáty, je<br />

relativnû dost málo. Îena ale mÛÏe b˘t úÏasná, a nemusí mít Ïádná prsa.<br />

Pak je zase jiná, která má obrovská Àadra, a nefiíká vám nic. Kde je ta mez?<br />

Co je je‰tû v˘tvarné umûní, a co uÏ je k˘ã? Ale to platí <strong>ve</strong> v‰em. Je to asi<br />

záleÏitost urãité zruãnosti, estetického cítûní a zku‰enosti. Musíte najít<br />

zlatou stfiední cestu, nejít do extrému ani tam, ani na druhou stranu. Najít<br />

to, co je pfiirozené, a k tomu mÛÏete nûco pfiidat. Ale drobné, ne zásadní<br />

vûci. Zjistit, kde je ta míra. KdyÏ chtûjí Ïeny extrém, posílám je domÛ. Pak<br />

jsou tfieba ‰Èastné, Ïe jsem je neoperoval. Proã si od nich brát peníze,<br />

kdyÏ bych nemûl pocit dokonalosti.<br />

Jaké operace dûláte nejãastûji a jaké nejradûji?<br />

Nejãastûj‰í jsou asi víãka, coÏ rozhodnû není zrovna moje nejoblíbenûj‰í<br />

operace, protoÏe je obvykle operuji ke konci operaãního programu.<br />

Za cel˘ den máte tfieba ‰est celkov˘ch anestezií. Dûláte nosy, obliãeje,<br />

face liftingy, prsa, bfiicha, a pak do toho <strong>ve</strong>ãer pfiijdou ‰estery víãka.<br />

Jsem z nich ne‰Èastn˘, protoÏe tam se musí pomalu, po pÛl milimetrech.<br />

Nejde to urychlit, ãlovûk tam nesmí stfiihnout trochu víc. V‰echno<br />

kromû víãek dûlám <strong>ve</strong>lmi rychle. Jeden chirurg napsal, Ïe plastika nosu<br />

je operace, která nahání strach. Já mám nosy nejradûji. Dûlám jich<br />

obrovsk˘ poãet, tak tfii dennû. Je to pro mû relativnû krátká operace,<br />

obvykle trvá ménû neÏ pÛl hodiny. Kdybych nûkomu fiekl, Ïe mi trvá<br />

nos tak krátce, tak mi moÏná nebude vûfiit. Zajímavé je, Ïe zmûnu nosu<br />

vût‰inou okolí vÛbec nepozná, pokud je operace dobfie pro<strong>ve</strong>dená.<br />

<strong>My</strong>slí si, Ïe Ïena tfieba zmûnila úães, nebo si obarvila vlasy. Je to<br />

neuvûfiitelné, jak si okolí nev‰ímá detailÛ, zatímco nositel té vady je<br />

zamûfien právû na ten jedin˘ konkrétní detail.<br />

Jak˘ v˘voj zaznamenává plastická chirurgie?<br />

Trochu se roz‰ifiuje o intimní chirurgii. Jinak se ale v‰echno toãí kolem<br />

toho, co uÏ dûláme. MoÏná mÛÏe pfiijít nûjaká technická novinka, ale<br />

nemyslím si, Ïe by nastaly nûjaké zásadní zmûny. VÏdycky bude platit,<br />

Ïe operace by mûla b˘t co nejjednodu‰‰í, s nejvût‰ím efektem, co<br />

nejkrat‰í a co nejménû zatûÏující pacienta.<br />

Jak˘ je podle vás smysl Ïivota?<br />

Jsem fatalista, nebojím se smrti. Bojím se toho, aby tfieba jednou moje<br />

dûti nevnímaly mÛj odchod ze Ïivota smutnû. ¤íkám jim, Ïe Ïivot je krásn˘,<br />

a pobûÏí dál. Spokojenost m˘ch dûtí je pro mû nejdÛleÏitûj‰í. Smyslem<br />

Ïivota je, abych se o nû staral, a abych jim zajistil jejich budoucnost. Jsem<br />

‰Èastn˘, kdyÏ jsou ‰Èastné. Neexistovalo by pro mû to ostatní, co jsem<br />

získal, kdyby nebyly moje dûti zdravé a ‰Èastné. Mnoho maminek sv˘m<br />

dûtem fiíká: „NeodjíÏdûj, budu ne‰Èastná.“ To je ale psychologick˘ nátlak.<br />

KdyÏ pfiijede dcera z Anglie, tak se mÛÏu rozkrájet, aby tady byla spokojená.<br />

Vím, Ïe pak zase odjede, ale odjede do pohody, a kdykoliv bude chtít,<br />

vrátí se, a já tu budu s otevfienou náruãí. TakÏe fiíkám: „Jeì, buì tam<br />

‰Èastná, a kdyÏ nebude‰, zase pfiijeì sem.“ Jak se chováte k dûtem, tak se<br />

budou chovat dûti k vám. Tak, jako se moje maminka chovala ke mnû,<br />

stejnû jsem se já choval k mamince.<br />

Vím, kde je hranice smutku ãlovûka, takÏe jsem pozitivní. Pofiád jsem<br />

naladûn dobfie. Dávat nûco lidem, to mû nabíjí. Naplnûnost Ïivota je<br />

v tom, co dûlám. Díky práci, kterou dûlám, mÛÏu lidem dávat. Posiluje<br />

mû ‰tûstí druh˘ch, ke kterému pfiispûju. A kaÏd˘ den se na nûco tû‰ím.<br />

Tfieba Ïe pojedu na chalupu, pÛjdu do lesa, budu psát kníÏku, vyrábût<br />

nábytek, opakovat si angliãtinu a nûmãinu, Ïe pÛjdu s dcerkou Terezkou<br />

na brusle. Kdyby se ãlovûk netû‰il, Ïivot by byl prázdn˘. Jsem ãinorod˘,<br />

nemÛÏu chvíli sedût. Strhávám lidi svou aktivitou, která je <strong>ve</strong> prospûch<br />

Ïivota jako celku. Uãím dûti ohleduplnosti. Musíte mít vÏdycky pocit, Ïe<br />

je tady pár lidí, ktefií vás vnímají. Smyslem Ïivota je rozdávat radost lidem.<br />

To je základní. Radost z vlastní existence. Není to nûco, co by mûlo b˘t<br />

jednou za rok, ale kaÏd˘ den. To by si lidi mûli vzájemnû dávat.<br />

KníÏka aforismÛ doc. Mû‰Èák, je podle jeho slov „jak˘msi mal˘m zamy‰lením nad<br />

vidûním svûta a vûcí kolem nás, nad rozporupln˘m vnímáním lidsk˘ch povah<br />

a Ïivotních dûjÛ, kdy nic není stálé v ãase, ale s pfiib˘vajícím vûkem v souvislosti<br />

s nov˘mi zku‰enostmi a poznatky nûco v na‰ich myslích posouváme kupfiedu<br />

a nûco jiného se naopak vytrácí…“<br />

O vztahu a vûrnosti<br />

Vûrnost v lásce nemusí b˘t vÏdy v˘razem jejího ‰tûstí.<br />

O zklamání<br />

Velikost zklamání je úmûrná mífie na‰í dÛvûfiivosti.<br />

O ztrátách a nejistotáchZamûÀujeme-li malé problémy za <strong>ve</strong>lké,<br />

nezb˘vá nám potom místo ani ãas na fie‰ení problémÛ skuteãn˘ch.<br />

Je tûÏké nûkdy pochopit druhého, kdyÏ ãasto hledáme cestu, jak<br />

pochopit sami sebe.<br />


8<br />

The World through the Eyes<br />

of a Plastic Surgeon<br />

Doc. MUDr. Jan Mû‰Èák, CSc. is the head physician at<br />

the Esthé Clinic, the chief physician of the Plastic Surgery<br />

Clinic at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity<br />

at the Na Bulovce Faculty Hospital in Prague, the head<br />

of the Centre for Comprehensi<strong>ve</strong> Surgical Care for<br />

Women with Breast Disease at the same hospital, the<br />

head of the Sub-Department of Plastic Surgery at the<br />

Institute of Post-Graduate Health Care Education, a<br />

member of the committee of the Plastic Surgery Association<br />

of the Jan Evangelista Purkynû Czech Medical Association,<br />

the vice-chairman of the Aesthetic Surgery Association,<br />

a member of the International Association of Plastic and<br />

Reconstructi<strong>ve</strong> Surgery and the Association for the Use<br />

of Lasers in Medicine, a member of the scientific council<br />

working group for the Czech Ministry of Health, a<br />

member of the testing commission for certification in<br />

the field of plastic surgery at the Czech Ministry of Health,<br />

the author of numerous professional studies, and a man<br />

whose application to hotel school was fortunately rejected.<br />

How does a person decide to become a plastic surgeon? What brought<br />

you to this profession?<br />

In my youth I was a trouble-maker, but athletically gifted. I played on the<br />

national volleyball team and was invol<strong>ve</strong>d in track and field. <strong>My</strong> parents<br />

wanted me to go to hotel school, but I had two or three Cs for grades<br />

and there were so many applications for hotel school at the time that in<br />

the end I went to the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences. I<br />

studied fine mechanics, which turned out to be quite useful. Among the<br />

craftsmen, plumbers, and electricians I met a great number of people<br />

who were better educated and more literate than I am now. Being a<br />

doctor doesn’t make you a god. Often there are more intelligent people<br />

wearing o<strong>ve</strong>ralls. After military service I was deciding between medicine<br />

and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, but only a straight physical<br />

education program was offered. So, I applied for medical school, but<br />

wasn’t accepted because I didn’t ha<strong>ve</strong> enough chemistry coursework. I<br />

went to work in the hospital as a maintenance worker instead. I fixed<br />

locks, handles, whate<strong>ve</strong>r was necessary. I would also go to the plastic<br />

surgery clinic. There were children there, too – seriously handicapped<br />

and with cleft palates. I would talk to them when I fixed something there.<br />

And from time to time I would look into medical books, so maybe my<br />

interest in plastic surgery has its roots there. I took the entrance exams<br />

again and was accepted to medical school. On summer holidays I would<br />

always grab my tool bag and go back to work as a maintenance worker.<br />

In the 3rd year of medical school we had an internship in plastic surgery.<br />

I was lucky that Professor Fára and Associate Professor Hrivnáková chose<br />

me as an assistant. I helped out with various scientific works and treated<br />

injuries. When I finished medical school after six years Professor Pe‰ková,<br />

the head of plastic surgery at the time, told me that if I wanted to be a<br />

good plastic surgeon I would ha<strong>ve</strong> to go out and work in the field. So I<br />

mo<strong>ve</strong>d to the city of Most, where I did general surgery, a great number<br />

of injuries, various emergency conditions, and serious accidents. I learned<br />

a lot about surgery there. After two years Professor Pe‰ková called to<br />

see if I would be interested in applying for the position of assistant because<br />

a surgeon with nearly 40 years of experience was on long-term lea<strong>ve</strong><br />

after cutting his fingers on a circular saw. I got the job, and that was the<br />

start of my career as a plastic surgeon at the hospital in Vinohrady. I<br />

focused on cleft palates, which is a problem that <strong>ve</strong>ry few plastic surgeons<br />

dedicate themsel<strong>ve</strong>s to.<br />

On wisdom<br />

Man is ne<strong>ve</strong>r so intelligent that he can afford to reject the wisdom of others.<br />

If you fight with someone you lo<strong>ve</strong>, let them sometimes come out ahead.<br />

Generosity is the expression of a noble soul; pettiness betrays a certain void.<br />

On lo<strong>ve</strong><br />

Giving or receiving lo<strong>ve</strong> is not nearly as difficult as the act of reciprocating.<br />

We are only deceiving oursel<strong>ve</strong>s if we speak of a lo<strong>ve</strong> that does not embrace<br />

freedom.<br />

On life and strength<br />

If you are convinced that you can’t go on, you’ll ne<strong>ve</strong>r disco<strong>ve</strong>r that it simply isn’t true.<br />

If just once you manage the unmanageable, you will grasp the fleetingness of the<br />

fear of difficult things.<br />

On doing good<br />

It’s difficult for certain people to stop doing good things; for others it’s much simpler<br />

to be on the receiving end of generosity.<br />

What is your working day like? How do you manage e<strong>ve</strong>rything and when<br />

do you actually sleep?<br />

I am known for not being able to sleep much. It’s one of those things<br />

where you realize that you don’t actually need to sleep as much as you<br />

think you do – that you can do with less. I am absolutely convinced of<br />

this. When there’s something you need to do, whate<strong>ve</strong>r it might be, and<br />

not e<strong>ve</strong>n necessarily work related, you can manage a lot, e<strong>ve</strong>n in the late<br />

hours. Fi<strong>ve</strong> years ago I was sleeping about three and a half hours a night<br />

and that was fine. Now I’m a little bit older, four and a half hours of sleep<br />

a night is sufficient. When I finish my working day around one or onethirty<br />

in the morning, I turn on Nova TV. They broadcast such strange<br />

shows that within a short time I am completely relaxed; I turn myself and<br />

the television off, and drop off into a wonderful sleep. People who go<br />

to sleep around nine in the e<strong>ve</strong>ning then wonder why they wake up<br />

around one in the morning. Maybe it would be better if they went to<br />

sleep past midnight, after a little glass of beer, perhaps. But we’re all a<br />

little bit different. It’s possible that I annoy the people around me a bit<br />

with my energy. When people ask me how I can operate fourteen or<br />

sixteen hours a day I tell them it’s probably because I was a top athlete<br />

before and recognized the limits of exhaustion. I’<strong>ve</strong> ne<strong>ve</strong>r missed my<br />

morning exercises o<strong>ve</strong>r the past ten years, e<strong>ve</strong>n when I didn’t feel like it<br />

because I go to bed late and wake up early. But then I shower and I feel<br />

great. I like conditions that are demanding for athletes – tropical heat, for<br />

instance. I think it’s funny when I hear on the radio that people o<strong>ve</strong>r sixty<br />

shouldn’t go outside in these conditions, not e<strong>ve</strong>n to shop. But I go out<br />

and play doubles volleyball in this heat and I am in se<strong>ve</strong>nth hea<strong>ve</strong>n. So<br />

operating doesn’t seem to me to be a situation that I can’t handle. And<br />

there’s one more thing: my wife is always telling me not to operate so<br />

much and to gi<strong>ve</strong> my patients to someone else. But there are simply<br />

people who insist that I do their operations. How can I refuse them after<br />

they’<strong>ve</strong> waited maybe half a year for this operation and want only me?<br />

How does your perception of aesthetic plastic operations differ from those<br />

that are, let’s say, “more important” or necessary?<br />

I would say that plastic surgery is a craft and that man is the material. It’s<br />

logical that there is no room for error. I ha<strong>ve</strong> grey hair; I ha<strong>ve</strong> many<br />

operations under my belt and ha<strong>ve</strong> tried many procedures. When I am<br />

operating I ha<strong>ve</strong> nearly absolute certainty and I operate quickly. But then<br />

again, sometimes I work slowly and <strong>ve</strong>ry carefully. I can compare this with<br />

driving fast. Before the point system came into effect I was able to get<br />

to Brno in 55 minutes. Naturally I was careful. When it was snowing I let<br />

all the other cars pass me. I knew that driving fast in those conditions was<br />

highly risky. It’s all about experience. It’s beautiful work because you help<br />

people so much. Amazing things happen. People wake up at night and<br />

look into the mirror to make sure it isn’t just a dream. It’s a fantastic,<br />

uplifting feeling. Aesthetic surgery wasn’t created simply as a way to make<br />

a lot of money. There are things that ha<strong>ve</strong> a huge impact on a person’s<br />

mental state, be they small breasts or a big nose. E<strong>ve</strong>n a small operation<br />

helps people change the way they view the surrounding world. I make<br />

money by helping people, but that isn’t the purpose of my life. I ne<strong>ve</strong>r<br />

recommend an operation at any cost; I refuse about sixty percent of the<br />

people that come for consultations. When I see breasts that are sufficiently<br />

beautiful, I won’t operate. Why would I create a new face when this one<br />

On character and foolishness<br />

What a man does is not as important as who he is. But it’s rare for a person<br />

not to ha<strong>ve</strong> some influence on another.<br />

He who o<strong>ve</strong>rlooks his own shortcomings often demands perfection from others.<br />

The easier we find the bad in others, the more difficulty we ha<strong>ve</strong> reconciling<br />

oursel<strong>ve</strong>s with that which surpasses us.<br />

Only for a rare few is money a tool for providing happiness for others.<br />

The long battle with human foolishness often ends with absolute exhaustion.<br />

is lo<strong>ve</strong>ly? I don’t e<strong>ve</strong>n ha<strong>ve</strong> a house – I still li<strong>ve</strong> in a pre-fab housing estate.<br />

It’s hard for me to find the time when I need to write some study or<br />

book. I’m looking forward to building a house some day. If I didn’t do<br />

uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity work with doctors – education, training, instruction, leading a<br />

whole team of doctors, scientific research work, if I didn’t treat people<br />

with injuries, amputations, cleft palates, then the reason I studied medicine<br />

in the first place would be lost. And I should add one more thing. I wrote<br />

an article entitled Contemplating Plastic Surgery. After acquiring accreditation<br />

many plastic surgeons lea<strong>ve</strong> for private practice to make a lot of money.<br />

They forget about real medicine. On one hand they reduce the base of<br />

plastic surgeons working at individual hospitals, and on the other hand<br />

the number of disputed operations rises because these doctors lack the<br />

experience and skill to operate in private practice. I ha<strong>ve</strong> a lot of young<br />

people around me and I would like to instill in them the joy of practicing<br />

real medicine. This is fulfillment. If I was to spend two days doing aesthetic<br />

surgery instead of working at the hospital I could make a lot more money.<br />

But I feel much better doing what I do now. Aesthetic surgery is just a<br />

small part of plastic surgery.<br />


10<br />

One of the most necessary operations invol<strong>ve</strong>s breast cancer.<br />

Three years ago we founded the Centre of Comprehensi<strong>ve</strong> Surgical<br />

Care for Women with Breast Disease at the Na Bulovce hospital and<br />

became the first facility in the country capable of reconstructing the<br />

breasts of women with potential cancer. If there is a history of breast<br />

cancer in a family there is a danger that another member of the family<br />

will face the disease. If genetic tests show the existence of gene mutation<br />

this means that there is an 85% chance of cancer. We liberate these<br />

women from the fear of breast cancer by performing an operation.<br />

But we are still running into a bit of bureaucracy – due to the so-called<br />

flat-rate system we can’t exceed four implants per month.<br />

When you are operating you are surely concentrating <strong>ve</strong>ry hard on the<br />

matter at hand. Do you e<strong>ve</strong>r ha<strong>ve</strong> any other thoughts at these moments?<br />

It’s the same as driving a car or doodling while on the phone. Here at<br />

the Esthé Clinic I listen to pleasant music and the others listen as well.<br />

We are in a lo<strong>ve</strong>ly cozy place with a beautiful view of T˘n Church, all<br />

the way up to the top. People find it magnificent and calming. The<br />

clinic is colorful, peaceful, and has a natural atmosphere. It’s a happy<br />

place. People are always laughing at something, which can sometimes<br />

be a problem when I need a patient to hold their mouth in a certain<br />

way. It isn’t dry, impersonal medicine. Fear is not permitted, as there<br />

must be absolute confidence between the doctor and the patient.<br />

You are essentially a painter of living pictures…<br />

When someone comes to show me the nose they would like I ha<strong>ve</strong><br />

to explain that each skeleton, each structure is different. I can’t make<br />

a small nose out of a big nose. E<strong>ve</strong>ry plastic surgeon has his signature<br />

work. Some do upturned noses, while others do straight noses. I try<br />

to make sure results look natural. Regarding breast enhancement, the<br />

size of implants many plastic surgeons begin with is where I stop. There<br />

are relati<strong>ve</strong>ly few plastic surgeons that do small implants. A woman<br />

can be absolutely stunning with small breasts. And then there are<br />

women with enormous breasts that aren’t attracti<strong>ve</strong> at all. Where is<br />

the boundary? What’s fine art and what is kitsch? But this is true in<br />

anything. It’s a matter of a certain craftsmanship, aesthetic sensitivity,<br />

and experience. You need to find the happy medium while avoiding<br />

extremes on either side. The goal is to find something natural and<br />

then add just a little something. But it needs to be minor. You need<br />

to find the right degree. When women want extremes, I send them<br />

home. Perhaps then they’re happy that I didn’t operate. Why take<br />

money from them when I wouldn’t ha<strong>ve</strong> a feeling of perfection?<br />

On fairness<br />

He demanded empathy from others but neglected offering any of his own.<br />

On relationships and fidelity<br />

Fidelity need not necessarily be an expression of true lo<strong>ve</strong>.<br />

What operation do you perform most often and which do you enjoy doing<br />

the most?<br />

The most frequent are eyelids, which definitely aren’t my favorite<br />

because I usually do them toward the end of my schedule. During the<br />

course of the day I ha<strong>ve</strong> around six cases of general anesthesia. I do<br />

noses, faces, face lifting, breasts, abdomens, and then in the e<strong>ve</strong>ning<br />

six eyelid procedures. I don’t enjoy them because you must work<br />

slowly – by half millimeters. It can’t be accelerated, as the cuts must<br />

be <strong>ve</strong>ry precise. But e<strong>ve</strong>rything besides eyelids I do <strong>ve</strong>ry quickly. One<br />

surgeon wrote that working on noses scares him. I like noses. I do a<br />

lot of them – three a day. It’s a relati<strong>ve</strong>ly short operation for me; usually<br />

it lasts less than half an hour. If I was to tell someone that nose operations<br />

only take this long they probably wouldn’t belie<strong>ve</strong> me. What’s interesting<br />

is that if the operation is done well most people won’t e<strong>ve</strong>n notice<br />

the new nose. Instead, they think the person has changed their hair<br />

style or the color of their hair. It’s amazing that others don’t e<strong>ve</strong>n<br />

notice a detail that the patient is so fixated on.<br />

What are some new de<strong>ve</strong>lopments in plastic surgery?<br />

Intimate surgery is expanding a little. But otherwise e<strong>ve</strong>rything revol<strong>ve</strong>s<br />

around the things that we’<strong>ve</strong> always done. Perhaps some new technology<br />

will come along, but I don’t really think there will be any fundamental<br />

changes. It will always hold true that the operation should be as simple<br />

as possible, with the greatest effect, as short as possible, and with the<br />

least possible stress on the patient.<br />

On disappointment<br />

The depth of our disappointment corresponds to our le<strong>ve</strong>l of trust.<br />

On loss and uncertainty<br />

If we confuse small problems for big problems we probably won’t ha<strong>ve</strong> any time<br />

left to sol<strong>ve</strong> real problems.<br />

It’s difficult to understand another person if we don’t understand oursel<strong>ve</strong>s.<br />

What is the meaning of life in your opinion?<br />

I’m a fatalist; I’m not afraid of death. Perhaps what I fear is that one of<br />

my children would not be sad at my passing. I tell them that life is<br />

beautiful and that it goes on. <strong>My</strong> children’s happiness is the most<br />

important thing to me. The meaning of my life is to take care of them<br />

and to provide them with a foundation for their future. I’m happy<br />

when they’re happy. Nothing else I ha<strong>ve</strong> achie<strong>ve</strong>d would matter if my<br />

children were not healthy and happy. Many mothers tell their children:<br />

“Don’t lea<strong>ve</strong> me; I’ll be miserable without you.” But that’s just psychological<br />

blackmail. When my daughter comes back from England, then I can<br />

do e<strong>ve</strong>rything to make her happy here. I know that she will lea<strong>ve</strong> again,<br />

but that she is going back to comfort. And she knows that whene<strong>ve</strong>r<br />

she wants she can come back and I will greet her with open arms. So<br />

I tell her to go, be happy, and when you’re not happy, come back<br />

again. The way you beha<strong>ve</strong> towards your children is the way they will<br />

beha<strong>ve</strong> towards you. I treated my mother in exactly the same way as<br />

she treated me.<br />

I know the outer extremes of human sadness, so I remain positi<strong>ve</strong>. I<br />

am always in a good mood. Giving something to people is what gi<strong>ve</strong>s<br />

me energy. The meaning of life is in what I do. Thanks to the work<br />

that I do I am able to gi<strong>ve</strong> people something. The happiness of the<br />

people I help gi<strong>ve</strong>s me strength. And e<strong>ve</strong>ry day I look forward to<br />

something – perhaps going to my cottage, going for a walk in the<br />

woods, to writing a book, making furniture, studying English and German,<br />

or going skating with my young daughter Tereza. Life would be empty<br />

if we didn’t look forward to things. I am an acti<strong>ve</strong> person; I can’t sit<br />

still for a moment. <strong>My</strong> energy is contagious and this is good for life. I<br />

teach children to be considerate. You need to ha<strong>ve</strong> the feeling that<br />

certain people are watching you. The meaning of life is to make others<br />

happy. This is fundamental. Joy from your own existence. This isn’t<br />

something that should happen once a year, but e<strong>ve</strong>ry day. This is what<br />

people should gi<strong>ve</strong> one another.<br />

Dr. Mû‰Èák describes his booklet of aphorisms as a “small contemplation on viewing<br />

the world around us, on di<strong>ve</strong>rgent perceptions of human nature and e<strong>ve</strong>nts, where<br />

nothing is fixed in time. With the addition of years, in connection with new experiences<br />

and knowledge, some things mo<strong>ve</strong> forward in our thoughts while others, to the<br />

contrary, are lost.”<br />


12<br />

La Rotonde<br />

SvûÏí závan<br />

pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálské<br />

kuchynû<br />

Pro<strong>ve</strong>nci se kvÛli pouÏívání ãerstv˘ch surovin a ‰iroké<br />

‰kály bylinek a kofiení fiíká „zahrada Francie“. Bûhem<br />

mûsíce ãervna budete mít jedineãnou pfiíleÏitost ochutnat<br />

pokrmy, které svûtu dala tato oblast plná syt˘ch barev,<br />

voÀav˘ch polí levandule, olivov˘ch hájÛ, vinic a památek<br />

dávné historie.<br />

MÛÏete se tû‰it na nejslavnûj‰í pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálskou specialitu, polévku chud˘ch<br />

rybáfiÛ z Marseille, bouillabaissu, z níÏ se ov‰em postupem ãasu vyvinul<br />

pomûrnû bohat˘ pokrm, kter˘ má b˘t podle kulináfisk˘ch standardÛ<br />

pfiipra<strong>ve</strong>n nejménû ze tfií druhÛ ryb a podpofien rozliãn˘m kofiením<br />

a bylinkami. Na menu najdete mnoho dal‰ích specialit.<br />

·éfkuchafi Jifií ·tift nám zodpovûdûl následující dotazy:<br />

Mohl byste nám pfiiblíÏit pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálskou kuchyni?<br />

Pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálská kuchynû je <strong>ve</strong>lmi rozmanitá. Najdete v ní spoustu zeleniny,<br />

zejména rajãata, lilky, papriky, cukety. Na dochucení se pouÏívá pestrá<br />

‰kála ãerstv˘ch bylinek a rozhodnû ãesnek. Pfii pfiípravû ryb a kor˘‰Û<br />

se dostává ke slovu olivov˘ olej. Pro<strong>ve</strong>nce disponuje neuvûfiiteln˘m<br />

mnoÏstvím ãerstv˘ch surovin, které by byl hfiích nevyuÏít v kuchyni.<br />

Je radost pracovat se sezonními a ãerstv˘mi surovinami.<br />

Na jaké konkrétní pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálské speciality se tentokrát budeme moci tû‰it?<br />

Kromû jiÏ zmínûného nejslavnûj‰ího pokrmu to budou napfiíklad sardinky<br />

s omáãkou Vierge, fougasse, bourride z mofiského ìasa nebo borÛvkovofíkov˘<br />

clafoutis.<br />

Jaké pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálské jídlo jste si oblíbil?<br />

Mám rád jednoduchá jídla, kde vynikne chuÈ surovin. Skvûlé jsou právû<br />

tfieba sardinky s omáãkou Vierge.<br />

Jsou podle vás Francouzi vût‰í gurmáni neÏ âe‰i?<br />

Oba národy rádi jedí. Francouzi si ale na jídlo umûjí udûlat ãas a lépe<br />

si tfieba vychutnat spoleãn˘ rodinn˘ obûd.<br />

La Rotonde<br />

A Fresh Breeze<br />

of Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal Cuisine<br />

You can look forward to the most famous Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal specialty, the<br />

soup of poor Marseille fishermen, bouillabaisse. O<strong>ve</strong>r time this dish<br />

has naturally evol<strong>ve</strong>d into relati<strong>ve</strong>ly rich fare, which, according to culinary<br />

standards, should be prepared from at least three types of fish and<br />

flavored with a variety of spices and herbs. Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift has<br />

informed us that he will naturally ha<strong>ve</strong> much more to offer.<br />

Can you tell us a bit more about Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal cuisine?<br />

Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal cuisine is <strong>ve</strong>ry di<strong>ve</strong>rse and includes a great deal of <strong>ve</strong>getables,<br />

especially tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and zucchini. A rich palette of<br />

herbs, particularly garlic, is used to flavor the food. Oli<strong>ve</strong> oil is a crucial<br />

ingredient in the preparation of fish and shellfish. Pro<strong>ve</strong>nce has an<br />

amazing amount of fresh ingredients available locally and it would be<br />

a sin not to use these in the kitchen. It’s a great pleasure to work with<br />

seasonal and fresh ingredients.<br />

Thanks to the use of fresh ingredients and a broad<br />

palette of herbs and spices, Pro<strong>ve</strong>nce is known as the<br />

“garden of France”. During the month of June you will<br />

ha<strong>ve</strong> a unique opportunity to try dishes introduced to<br />

the world by this region of rich colors, fragrant fields<br />

of la<strong>ve</strong>nder, oli<strong>ve</strong> gro<strong>ve</strong>s, vineyards, and ancient historical<br />

landmarks.<br />

Which Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal specialties can we specifically look forward to this time?<br />

In addition to the celebrated soup already mentioned, dishes will include<br />

sardines in sauce vierge, fougasse, monkfish bourride, and blueberryfig<br />

clafouti.<br />

Which Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal dishes are your favorites?<br />

I enjoy simple food that allows the flavor of the ingredients to stand<br />

out. Sardines with sauce vierge are fantastic.<br />

Do the French appreciate fine food more than Czechs?<br />

Both nationalities like to eat. But the French know how to make time<br />

for food and are able to appreciate, for example, a lunch with the<br />

entire family.<br />


11 14<br />

Sezona<br />

v ALCRONU<br />

„Sezona v Alcronu se jmenuje kuchafika Jifiího ·tifta, kterou<br />

vydává nakladatelství Lidové noviny. Sedmdesát receptÛ<br />

doprovázejí barevné fotografie Martina Kincla, o navození<br />

atmosféry se starají dynamické ãernobílé fotky reportéra<br />

ãasopisu T˘den Jana Schejbala. Jifií ·tift dnes patfií<br />

k nejv˘znamnûj‰ím ãesk˘m ‰éfkuchafiÛm, a kuchynû<br />

hotelu Alcron získala pod jeho <strong>ve</strong>dením znaãné renomé<br />

a fiadu ocenûní. Vafií se tu podle nejlep‰ích zásad vysoké<br />

gastronomie. Pfiesto <strong>ve</strong> své první kuchafiské knize dává<br />

Jifií ·tift pfiednost sympaticky schÛdn˘m receptÛm, které<br />

se dají provést i v domácích podmínkách, pochopitelnû<br />

aniÏ by slevoval z v˘‰e u<strong>ve</strong>den˘ch zásad. Celkovû dává<br />

pfiednost odlehãené kuchyni stfiedomofiského typu<br />

a zvlá‰tní pozornost vûnuje mofisk˘m rybám a plodÛm.<br />

Pfiesto tu najdeme nûkolik klasick˘ch poloÏek, které<br />

svûdãí o ·tiftovû náklonnosti ke staroãeské kuchyni.<br />

Kniha je pro uÏivatele snadno pfiístupná, protoÏe je<br />

opatfiena ucelen˘m souborem vysvûtli<strong>ve</strong>k, v‰echny recepty<br />

jsou podávány v urãit˘ch souvislostech, fiada z nich je<br />

zachycena také krok za krokem. Ke kaÏdému receptu<br />

je u<strong>ve</strong>den i ‰éfkuchafiÛv trik, kter˘ mohou bez obav<br />

vyzkou‰et i zaãáteãníci. Takto ucelená, vizuálnû pfiitaÏlivá<br />

a promy‰lená kuchafika z dílny pfiedního ‰éfkuchafie zatím<br />

nemá v ãesk˘ch podmínkách obdoby.“ Tolik ke knize<br />

fiíká její editorka, paní Jitka Rákosníková.<br />

A jak to vidí ‰éfkuchafi Jifií ·tift osobnû?<br />

Jak se zmûnila, nebo kam se vyvinula kuchynû hotelu Alcron po va‰em<br />

nástupu na místo ‰éfkuchafie?<br />

Mnoho vûcí jsem se nauãil od svého pfiedchÛdce pana ZdeÀka Pohlreicha.<br />

Zpoãátku jsme vafiili zejména jeho jídla, ale protoÏe jsem mûl moÏnost<br />

hodnû cestovat po ‰piãkov˘ch restauracích, na‰e kuchynû se pochopitelnû<br />

obohatila o nová jídla a postupy pfiípravy. Jedno ale zÛstává stejné. Nakoupit<br />

nejlep‰í suroviny a uvafiit z nich poctivé, ne pfiehnanû komplikované jídlo.<br />

Jak se ãlovûk stává ‰éfkuchafiem a co vám tato práce pfiiná‰í?<br />

Práce vás musí bavit a musíte si v hlavû <strong>sro</strong>vnat, ãeho vlastnû chcete<br />

v kariéfie dosáhnout. Pak uÏ staãí jen hodnû pracovat, pracovat, pracovat,<br />

a kdyÏ se vám to dafií a máte trochu ‰tûstí, tak se moÏná stanete ‰éfkuchafiem,<br />

a poté zase pracujete, pracujete, pracujete, …<br />

Kdo pfii‰el s nápadem napsat kuchafiku?<br />

Pfiem˘‰lel jsem nad tím jiÏ dlouho, a jednou jsem se o tom zmínil paní<br />

Rákosníkové. Ta uÏ mû „donutila“ tento projekt s její <strong>ve</strong>lkou pomocí<br />

dovést do konce.<br />

Podle ãeho jste do kuchafiky vybíral recepty?<br />

Jídla jsou rozdûlena podle sezonních surovin, a recepty jsou koncipované<br />

tak, aby si je mohli lidé s trochou snahy uvafiit doma. Nechtûl jsem napsat<br />

kuchafiku, kde si budu dokazovat, jak sloÏité jídlo umím uvafiit. Taková<br />

kuchafika by se v podstatû nedala pouÏít. Hodnû receptÛ jsem vyzkou‰el<br />

v m˘ch lekcích vafiení.<br />

Kter˘ z pokrmÛ v kuchafice nejradûji pfiipravujete, a kter˘ nejradûji jíte?<br />

TûÏká otázka. Máte stále chuÈ na jedno jídlo? ZáleÏí na náladû, ale du‰ená<br />

telecí líãka je krásné vafiení a taky mi moc chutnají.<br />

Jak se vafií v hotelu Alcron?<br />

Dobfie.<br />

Nosíte si nûkdy práci domÛ?<br />

<strong>My</strong>slíte jako jídlo??? Nosím si domÛ spoustu papírování.<br />

Jak relaxujete?<br />

Cel˘ Ïivot hodnû jím, tak abych se pfied sebou alespoÀ trochu ospra<strong>ve</strong>dlnil,<br />

chodím bûhat. Jinak dobr˘ relax je pochopitelnû klidná nedûle s rodinou.<br />

Jaké jsou va‰e dal‰í plány?<br />

Kuchafika se jmenuje Sezona v Alcronu. Ta moje pomyslná sezona<br />

v hotelu Alcron právû konãí, jelikoÏ jsem se po devíti letech rozhodl<br />

pfiijmout pro mû <strong>ve</strong>lkou v˘zvu, a spolupodílet se na otevfiení nové restaurace<br />

v nejvy‰‰ím patfie budovy City Tower na praÏské Pankráci. Na‰e restaurace<br />

se bude jmenovat Atmosféra, a vûfiím, Ïe si v ní dokáÏu splnit své dal‰í<br />

profesní cíle. Hotelu Alcron vdûãím za mnohé. Dal mi moÏnost rozvíjet<br />

mou kuchafiskou kariéru, a nebude pro mû vÛbec jednoduché opustit<br />

jeho kuchyni a hlavnû t˘m v˘born˘ch lidí, se kter˘mi jsem zde spolupracoval.<br />

Alcron je pro mû nejlep‰í místo pro práci, které jsem doposud poznal.<br />

“<strong>My</strong> Seasons at the Alcron is the name of Jifií ·tift’s cookbook<br />

published by the Lidové Noviny Publishers. The se<strong>ve</strong>nty<br />

recipes included in the book are accompanied by coloured<br />

photographs from Martin Kincl, while dynamic black and<br />

white photos from T˘den magazine reporter Jan Schejbal<br />

create an interesting atmosphere. Jifií ·tift is one of the<br />

top chefs working in the country today, and thanks to<br />

him the Hotel Alcron has earned great distinction and<br />

numerous awards. The hotel follows the <strong>ve</strong>ry best<br />

principles of high cuisine. Ne<strong>ve</strong>rtheless, Jifií ·tift’s first<br />

cookbook gi<strong>ve</strong>s preference to workable recipes that<br />

readers can try at home without adhering strictly to<br />

these rules. In general the cookbook prefers lighter<br />

Mediterranean-style dishes, with special attention paid<br />

to fish and seafood. But the book still contains se<strong>ve</strong>ral<br />

classic recipes that re<strong>ve</strong>al ·tift’s taste for Old Bohemian<br />

cooking. Thanks to a comprehensi<strong>ve</strong> set of explanatory<br />

notes the book is also <strong>ve</strong>ry user-friendly. All recipes are<br />

presented in a specific context and many also include<br />

step-by-step instructions. Each recipe is likewise accompanied<br />

by a chef’s trick, which e<strong>ve</strong>n beginners can try without<br />

fear. This is the first exhausti<strong>ve</strong>, visually appealing, and<br />

coherent cookbook from a leading chef to come out in<br />

Czech,” says the editor of the cookbook, Jitka Rákosníková.<br />

<strong>My</strong> Seasons<br />

at the ALCRON<br />

And how does Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift see things?<br />

What has changed or how has the food at the Hotel Alcron evol<strong>ve</strong>d since<br />

you took o<strong>ve</strong>r as Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef?<br />

I learned a lot of things from my predecessor, Zdenûk Pohlreich. At the<br />

beginning we primarily cooked his food, but thanks to the fact that I had<br />

the opportunity to tra<strong>ve</strong>l extensi<strong>ve</strong>ly to other top restaurants, our menu<br />

was understandably enriched with new dishes and methods of preparation.<br />

But one thing has stayed the same: we still buy the best ingredients and<br />

use them to cook honest food that is not pointlessly o<strong>ve</strong>r-complicated.<br />

How does one become a chef and what does this work invol<strong>ve</strong>?<br />

You must enjoy this work and you need to decide what you would like<br />

to accomplish in your career. Once you ha<strong>ve</strong> that straight you just need<br />

to work hard. If you are successful and ha<strong>ve</strong> a bit of good fortune, perhaps<br />

you’ll become a Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef. And then you ha<strong>ve</strong> to work e<strong>ve</strong>n harder.<br />

Who came up with the idea of writing a cookbook?<br />

I had been thinking about this for a long time and then happened to<br />

mention the idea to Mrs. Rákosníková. Thanks to her great assistance<br />

and direction I managed to complete the project.<br />

How did you choose recipes for the cookbook?<br />

Dishes are divided according to seasonal ingredients and the recipes<br />

are designed so that with a little effort people can try them at home.<br />

I wasn’t interested in writing a book to boast about knowing how to<br />

prepare complicated food. That type of book would be basically useless.<br />

Many of the recipes are those that I ha<strong>ve</strong> tested in my cooking lessons.<br />

Which recipe in the book do you enjoy preparing the most and which do<br />

you enjoy eating?<br />

That’s a difficult question. Do you always ha<strong>ve</strong> a taste for the same<br />

food? It depends on my mood, but steamed <strong>ve</strong>al cheeks are nice to<br />

cook and taste wonderful.<br />

And how is cooking at the Hotel Alcron?<br />

Good.<br />

Do you bring work home with you?<br />

Do you mean food? I bring a lot of paperwork home to work on.<br />

How do you relax?<br />

I’<strong>ve</strong> eaten a lot my entire life, so in order to ease my guilt I go running.<br />

Otherwise, a calm Sunday with my family is a good form of relaxation.<br />

What are your plans for the future?<br />

The cookbook is called “<strong>My</strong> Seasons at the Alcron”. <strong>My</strong> “season” is just<br />

coming to an end after nine years at the Alcron, since I decided to<br />

accept a new challenge – to participate in the opening of a new<br />

restaurant on the <strong>ve</strong>ry top floor of the City Tower building in Pankrac<br />

in Prague. Our restaurant will be named Atmosphere and I belie<strong>ve</strong><br />

that it will allow me to grow professionally. I am grateful to the Alcron<br />

for many things. They ga<strong>ve</strong> me the opportunity to de<strong>ve</strong>lop my career<br />

as a cook, so it will not be easy for me to lea<strong>ve</strong> the Alcron’s kitchen<br />

and especially the team of great people with whom I cooperated. The<br />

Alcron is the best working opportunity I ha<strong>ve</strong> had so far.<br />


16<br />

Restaurace hotelu Alcron jiÏ nûkolik let podporují<br />

zdraví sv˘ch hostÛ tím, Ïe jim nabízejí pokrmy pfiipra<strong>ve</strong>né<br />

z bioproduktÛ.<br />

Jejich dvorní dodavatelkou je paní ·árka Dittrichová,<br />

která nám prozradila více.<br />

Bioprodukty<br />

v ALCRONU<br />

Jak˘mi konkrétními bioprodukty zásobujete hotelovou kuchyni?<br />

Jde pfiedev‰ím o slané a sladké peãivo, dále s˘ry, zejména kozí, jogurty<br />

a mléãné v˘robky obecnû, ãerstvé ovocné mo‰ty, ãerstvé i su‰ené<br />

ovoce, zeleninu a jehnûãí maso. KaÏd˘ rok se snaÏíme pfiijít alespoÀ se<br />

dvûma nov˘mi produkty.<br />

âím nás tedy v nejbliωí dobû pfiekvapíte?<br />

Teì máme v plánu zaãít s ricottou, coÏ je vlastnû <strong>ve</strong>dlej‰í produkt<br />

v˘roby s˘ra nebo tvarohu. Ricotta znamená v pfiekladu dvakrát vafiená.<br />

Technologicky to vypadá tak, Ïe se <strong>ve</strong>lk˘m cedníkem <strong>ve</strong>lmi jemnû po<br />

dobu tfií hodin „loví“ z kotle syrovátky sraÏeniny ãerstvého mléka,<br />

a vyklepávají se do zhruba dvoulitrov˘ch cedníãkÛ, <strong>ve</strong> kter˘ch se<br />

nechávají okapávat, a pak se rovnou prodávají. Správnû by se ricotta<br />

nemûla vÛbec chladit, ale mûla by se konzumovat vystydlá pfii pokojové<br />

teplotû. Jedná se o naprosto pfiírodní produkt, jedinou ingrediencí je<br />

fíková vûtviãka. Ricotta obsahuje pouze ãtrnáct procent tuku, coÏ je<br />

nejménû ze v‰ech s˘rÛ. Je lehká a stravitelná, a mohou ji jíst i lidé, ktefií<br />

nesmûjí bûÏné mléãné produkty. MÛÏeme ji pouÏít pfii pfiípravû sladk˘ch<br />

i slan˘ch koláãÛ, raviol, sendviãÛ, salátÛ, tûstovin nebo pomazánek.<br />

V ãem jsou v˘hody bioproduktÛ?<br />

Bioprodukty neobsahují Ïádné emulgátory, stabilizátory, zkypfiovala ani<br />

jiné chemické látky. Bioprodukty jsou poctivé. Dodávají tûlu energii,<br />

nikoliv objem. Nevykrmují, ale vyÏivují. Na‰tûstí si dnes jiÏ mnoho lidí<br />

zaãíná uvûdomovat, Ïe jsme to, co jíme.<br />

Co je posláním va‰í spoleãnosti Rezonance?<br />

Podporujeme lokální produkci potravin a snaÏíme se jít cestou udrÏitelného<br />

rozvoje. Záro<strong>ve</strong>À ukazujeme, kde je je‰tû voln˘ trh. Poptávka po<br />

bioproduktech je totiÏ daleko vy‰‰í neÏ jejich nabídka. Podnikání<br />

v tomto oboru je v‰ak v na‰ich podmínkách <strong>ve</strong>lice tûÏké, protoÏe ãeská<br />

legislativa ekologick˘m zemûdûlcÛm pfiíli‰ nepfieje, takÏe bioprodukty<br />

bohuÏel <strong>ve</strong> <strong>ve</strong>lkém mnoÏství dováÏíme z ostatních zemí Evropy.<br />

Spoleãnost Rezonance by v této oblasti ráda nûco zmûnila a podpofiila<br />

domácí produkci bioproduktÛ. Vytváfiíme z bioproduktÛ cateringov˘<br />

komplex pro hotely, na jehoÏ pfiípravû vÏdy spolupracujeme s kuchafii<br />

jednotliv˘ch hotelÛ. Konkrétnû hotel Alcron my‰lenku bioproduktÛ<br />

plnû podporuje a v souãasnosti je partnerem dvanácti ãesk˘ch farem,<br />

které na‰ím prostfiednictvím dennû do hotelu své produkty dodávají.<br />

U svûtov˘ch hotelÛ je to jiÏ zcela bûÏná záleÏitost.<br />

Proto má k bioproduktÛm co fiíci také ‰éfkuchafi hotelu Alcron pan<br />

Jifií ·tift.<br />

Jaké konkrétní pokrmy z bioproduktÛ pfiipravujete?<br />

Nemáme jídlo pfiipra<strong>ve</strong>né pouze z bioproduktÛ, ale pouÏíváme obecnû<br />

biozeleninu, mléãné v˘robky a tfieba jehnûãí maso. Na snídaních hosté<br />

najdou biopeãivo, su‰ené ovoce, kozí s˘ry, …<br />

Jaké procento z celkového objemu surovin, které se nakupují pro hotel,<br />

tvofií bioprodukty?<br />

MÛÏe to b˘t okolo 15 - 20 procent. Nakupujeme podle aktuální sezonní<br />

nabídky a snaÏíme se vÏdy dát pfiednost zboÏí v biokvalitû.<br />

Jak vnímáte bioprodukty, a rozdíl mezi „bûÏnou“ surovinou a bioproduktem?<br />

Víc neÏ oznaãení Bio je pro mne dÛleÏité, aby surovina, se kterou<br />

pracuji, byla kvalitní a ãerstvá. Rád podporuji zemûdûlce, ktefií jsou<br />

schopni vyprodukovat kvalitní produkty bez chemie. Oznaãení Bio je<br />

pfiidaná hodnota, ale pro zemûdûlce vût‰inou znamená aÏ pfiíli‰ mnoho<br />

byrokracie.<br />


18<br />

Organic Food<br />

at the ALCRON<br />

For se<strong>ve</strong>ral years now the Hotel Alcron has supported<br />

the health of its guests by offering dishes prepared<br />

using organic ingredients. These products are supplied<br />

by ·árka Dittrichová, who was kind enough to provide<br />

more details for us.<br />

What specific organic foods do you supply to the hotel kitchen?<br />

Mainly savory and sweet baked goods, cheeses, particularly goat cheese,<br />

yogurts and dairy products in general, fresh fruit juices, fresh and dried<br />

fruit, <strong>ve</strong>getables, and lamb meat. We try to introduce at least two new<br />

products each year.<br />

So what can we look forward to in the near future?<br />

We are planning to start with ricotta, which is actually a by-product<br />

of cheese production. Ricotta in translation means “re-cooked”.<br />

A large sie<strong>ve</strong> is used to <strong>ve</strong>ry gently remo<strong>ve</strong> whey separated from fresh<br />

milk in a kettle o<strong>ve</strong>r a period of three hours; it is then shaken out into<br />

a two-liter sie<strong>ve</strong>, left to drain, and then sold. Ricotta should not e<strong>ve</strong>n<br />

be cooled and is best consumed at room temperature. Ricotta is a<br />

completely natural product – the single added ingredient is a twig from<br />

a fig tree. Ricotta contains only 14% fat, which is less than any other<br />

cheese. It is light and easily digestible and can be eaten by people who<br />

can’t normally consume dairy products. Ricotta can be used to prepare<br />

sweet and savory cakes, ravioli, sandwiches, salads, pasta, and spreads.<br />

What are the benefits of organic food?<br />

Organic food does not contain any emulsifiers, stabilizers, rising agents,<br />

or other chemical substances. Organic food is honest; it gi<strong>ve</strong>s the body<br />

energy, not bulk. It doesn’t fatten, but provides nourishment. Fortunately<br />

a good number of people are starting to realize today that we are<br />

what we eat.<br />

What is the mission of your company Rezonance?<br />

We support locally grown foods and try to do business on the principle<br />

of sustainable de<strong>ve</strong>lopment. At the same time, we point out open potential<br />

in the market. The demand for organic foods is much higher than the<br />

available supply. But doing business in this field is <strong>ve</strong>ry difficult here because<br />

Czech legislation does not support ecological farmers to any great extent.<br />

The result, unfortunately, is that many organic foods are imported from<br />

other European countries. Rezonance would like to make changes in this<br />

area in favor of supporting local organic production. We are creating an<br />

organic catering service for hotels; preparations are always made in<br />

cooperation with the chefs at individual hotels. The Hotel Alcron fully<br />

supports the idea of organic food and currently works with twel<strong>ve</strong> Czech<br />

farms which supply products to the hotel daily through our service. This<br />

is already normal business for global hotels.<br />

And for that reason e<strong>ve</strong>n Hotel Alcron Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift has<br />

something to say about organic food.<br />

What specific dishes do you prepare from organic ingredients?<br />

We don’t ha<strong>ve</strong> entire dishes that are prepared strictly from organic<br />

products, but in general we use organic <strong>ve</strong>getables, dairy products,<br />

and lamb meat. For breakfast we offer guests organic baked goods,<br />

dried fruits, goat cheese, and other items.<br />

What percentage of the total volume of ingredients that are bought for<br />

the hotel are organic?<br />

Probably around 15 - 20%. We buy food according to seasonal availability<br />

and always try to gi<strong>ve</strong> preference to organic-quality goods.<br />

What is your perception of organic food and what do you think the<br />

difference is between standard and organic ingredients?<br />

More important to me than an organic label is that the ingredients I<br />

work with are high-quality and fresh. I am happy to support farmers<br />

who are able to produce quality products without chemicals. The<br />

organic label is added value, but for farmers it mostly means too much<br />

bureaucracy.<br />


20<br />

Nûmecko, které svou geografickou polohou zaujímá<br />

na na‰em kontinentu nejse<strong>ve</strong>rnûj‰í oblasti pro pûstování<br />

vinné révy, patfií mezi v˘znamné evropské producenty<br />

tohoto lahodného moku. Vinohradnictví v Nûmecku<br />

má své historické kofieny, sahající aÏ do doby ¤ímanÛ.<br />

Rysem posledních let je odklon od nadprodukce sladk˘ch<br />

vín k vínÛm such˘m, která jsou v souãasnosti populárnûj‰í<br />

a mají vût‰í uplatnûní pfiedev‰ím v gastronomii. Samozfiejmû<br />

i tentokrát jsme pro vás pfiipravili degustaãní menu,<br />

takÏe po této teoretické pfiípravû mÛÏete pokraãovat<br />

praktick˘m cviãením v na‰í restauraci.<br />

Nûmecká vína<br />

v ALCRONU<br />

Souãasn˘ nûmeck˘ vinafisk˘ zákon platí od roku 1971 a patfií mezi<br />

nejpropracovanûj‰í v Evropû. Rozdûluje vinohradnictví v Nûmecku na<br />

tfiináct vinafisk˘ch oblastí, jimiÏ jsou Ahr, Hessische Bergstrasse, Mittelrhein,<br />

Nahe, Rheingau, Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Mossel-Saar-Ruwer, Franken,<br />

Würtemberg, Baden, Saale-Unstrut a Sachsen. V kaÏdé oblasti se pûstují<br />

vína sv˘m charakterem typická pro dané území, a odráÏejí v sobû<br />

specifika konkrétního „terroir“ s vlivy tamních klimatick˘ch podmínek,<br />

pÛdního sloÏení a dal‰ích faktorÛ, které mají vliv na v˘sledné chuÈové<br />

vlastnosti a projev vína.<br />

Klasifikace nûmeck˘ch vín podle kvality rozdûluje vína podle obsahu<br />

cukru v mo‰tu, kter˘ se mûfií <strong>ve</strong> stupních tzv. Oechsle, do následujících<br />

kategorií:<br />

Deutscher Tafelwein, Landwein a Qualitätswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete<br />

neboli QbA, u nichÏ je povoleno doslazování. Dal‰ími stupni kvality,<br />

které spadají pod kategorii Qualitätswein mit Prädikat neboli QmP,<br />

jsou Kabinet, Spätlese, Auslese, Beerenauslese, Trockenbeerenauslese<br />

neboli TBA, a Eiswein.<br />

Degustaãní menu:<br />

Riesling Trocken QbA 2006 Villa Wolf, vinafiství Weingut J. L. Wolf, oblast<br />

Pfalz<br />

Jedná se o <strong>ve</strong>lice lehké, svûÏí, aperitivní víno. Pochází z vinic, jejichÏ<br />

stáfií je v rozpûtí 20 aÏ 35 let; jsou zaloÏeny na kamenité pÛdû, promíchané<br />

s vrstvou spra‰ov˘ch ãástic, které v˘bornû pohlcují vlhkost a teplo.<br />

Vinice jsou kryty kopci vysoãiny Haard, odkud vanou pravidelné vûtry,<br />

které se starají o cirkulaci teplého vzduchu.<br />

Tento ryzlink budeme servírovat v kombinaci s ãekankov˘mi puky<br />

a marinovanou obfií kre<strong>ve</strong>tou.<br />

Riesling Rheingau QbA 2006, vinafiství Weingut Robert Weil, oblast<br />

Rheingau<br />

Toto víno s v˘raznûj‰í kyselinkou a dlouhou perzistencí se pûstuje na<br />

vinicích star˘ch 35 let, které mají své kofieny <strong>ve</strong> vulkanick˘ch pÛdách<br />

s jílovit˘mi ãásticemi. Hrozny se sbírají ruãnû, a víno potom zraje<br />

v nerezov˘ch tancích.<br />

Bude ho doprovázet po‰írovan˘ mofisk˘ vlk s rizotem a ryzlinkovou<br />

emulzí.<br />

Riesling Trocken QbA 2006, vinafiství Weingut Dönnhoff, oblast Nahe<br />

Opulentní a nádhernû zakulacené víno, pocházející z vinic situovan˘ch<br />

v oblasti s vulkanick˘mi pÛdami se spra‰ov˘mi ãásticemi. Jejich stáfií je<br />

60 let. Víno bylo vinifikováno <strong>ve</strong> <strong>ve</strong>lk˘ch dubov˘ch sudech, kde leÏelo<br />

na kalech aÏ do kvûtna následujícího roku.<br />

Nabídneme vám ho k hlavnímu chodu, mofiskému ìasu, kterého<br />

budeme podávat s karotkov˘m pyré, ochucen˘m citrusy a telecím<br />

demi-glassem.<br />

Z oblasti Mossel-Saar-Ruwer pocházejí poslední dvû vína v na‰em<br />

degustaãním menu:<br />

Riesling Ürziger Würzgarten kabinet 2005, vinafiství Weingut Christoffel<br />

Erben<br />

Jde o slad‰í a elegantní víno s minerálními tóny a petrolejov˘m nádechem.<br />

Pûstuje se na vinicích, které se nacházejí na <strong>ve</strong>lmi pfiíkrém terénu<br />

o sklonu 70 procent. PÛda je kamenitá, tvofiená pfieváÏnû ‰edomodrou<br />

bfiidlicí. Víno bylo vinifikováno v nerezov˘ch tancích a zrálo v dubov˘ch<br />

sudech o objemu 600 litrÛ.<br />

Bude doprovodem k s˘ru ricotta, dochucenému lan˘Ïov˘m medem.<br />

Riesling Spätlese 2006 Wehlener Sonneenuhr, vinafiství Weingut Dr.<br />

Loosen<br />

Toto sladké víno pochází z révy staré 65 let, která roste na pfiíkr˘ch<br />

svazích fieky Mosely.<br />

Víno se bájeãnû hodí k mangovému Tart Tatinu.<br />

S nabídkou nûmeck˘ch vín nás seznámil Pa<strong>ve</strong>l Winter, hlavní sommelier<br />

hotelu.<br />


22<br />

German wines<br />

at the ALCRON<br />

Despite occupying the northernmost territory in<br />

Europe for growing grapes, Germany is one of the<br />

most important wine producers on the continent. The<br />

roots of German viticulture reach as far back as the<br />

Roman period. Recent years ha<strong>ve</strong> witnessed a shift<br />

away from the o<strong>ve</strong>r-production of sweet wines towards<br />

dry wines, which are currently more popular, particularly<br />

in connection with fine cuisine. Naturally, we ha<strong>ve</strong><br />

again prepared a tasting menu for you and after this<br />

theoretical preparation you can apply your new<br />

knowledge in our restaurant.<br />

The current German wine-making law in effect since 1971 is among the<br />

most elaborate of its kind in Europe. This regulation divides Germany<br />

into thirteen wine regions: Ahr, Hessische Bergstrasse, Mittelrhein, Nahe,<br />

Rheingau, Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Mossel-Saar-Ruwer, Franken, Würtemberg,<br />

Baden, Saale-Unstrut, and Sachsen (Saxony). Each region grows distinct<br />

grapes that reflect a specific “terroir” influenced by local climatic conditions,<br />

soil composition, and other factors that ha<strong>ve</strong> an impact on the final taste<br />

qualities and expression of the wine.<br />

German quality classifications divide wines according to the sugar content<br />

of the must, measured in degrees called “Oechsle,” into the following<br />

categories: Deutscher Tafelwein, Landwein, and Qualitätswein bestimmter<br />

Anbaugebiete or QbA, for which the addition of sugar is permitted.<br />

Additional le<strong>ve</strong>ls of quality under the category Qualitätswein mit Prädikat<br />

or QmP, include Kabinet, Spätlese, Auslese, Beerenauslese,<br />

Trockenbeerenauslese or TBA, and Eiswein.<br />

Tasting menu:<br />

Riesling Trocken QbA 2006 Villa Wolf, J. L. Wolf Winery, Pfalz region<br />

This incredibly light and refreshing aperitif wine comes from vineyards<br />

that are between 20 and 35 years old. The local soil is stony and mixed<br />

with a layer of loess particles that wonderfully absorb moisture and<br />

heat. The vineyards are sheltered by highland hills whose regular breezes<br />

provide the circulation of warm air.<br />

This Riesling will be ser<strong>ve</strong>d in combination with chicory and marinated<br />

king prawns.<br />

Riesling Rheingau QbA 2006, Robert Weil Winery, Rheingau region<br />

This wine with an expressi<strong>ve</strong> acidity and a remarkable persistence is<br />

made from grapes grown in 35-year-old vineyards featuring volcanic<br />

soil with clayey particles. Grapes are picked by hand and the wine is<br />

aged in stainless tanks.<br />

The wine will be accompanied by poached sea bass with risotto and<br />

Riesling emulsion.<br />

Riesling Trocken QbA 2006, Dönnhoff Winery, Nahe region<br />

An opulent and magnificently rounded wine from 60-year-old vineyards<br />

in a region featuring volcanic soil with loess particles. The wine was<br />

fermented in large oak casks until the following May.<br />

This Riesling will be ser<strong>ve</strong>d with the main course of monkfish, carrot<br />

puree, spiced lemon, and <strong>ve</strong>al demi-glace.<br />

The final two wines on our tasting menu come from the Mossel-<br />

Saar-Ruwer region:<br />

Riesling Ürziger Würzgarten kabinet 2005, Christoffel Erben Winery<br />

This sweet and elegant wine has mineral tones and a paraffin undertone.<br />

The grapes are grown in vineyards located on steep hills with a grade<br />

of 70%. The stony soil is composed mainly of gray-blue slate. The wine<br />

was fermented in stainless tanks and aged in 600-liter oak casks.<br />

The wine will be ser<strong>ve</strong>d with ricotta cheese with truffle honey.<br />

Riesling Spätlese 2006 Wehlener Sonneenuhr, Dr. Loosen Winery<br />

This sweet wine comes from 65-year-old vineyards on the steep slopes<br />

of the Mosel Ri<strong>ve</strong>r.<br />

The wine is a perfect accompaniment to a mango Tart Tatin.<br />

The tasting menu with German wines was introduced by Pa<strong>ve</strong>l Winter,<br />

Alcron’s Chief Sommelier.<br />

Luxury Redefined<br />

with You in Mind<br />

Introducing the Alcron’s new rooms & suites<br />

To enhance your comfort, recent renovations increased the number<br />

of suites and amenities. In addition, all rooms are completely refurbished<br />

with a design that both retains the grace and elegance of a bygone<br />

era, yet offers e<strong>ve</strong>ry modern con<strong>ve</strong>nience. These refurbishments include:<br />

- Rich, new furnishings, including an armchair and a sofa<br />

- Period lamps<br />

- Mirrored walls<br />

- The charm and appeal of wooden floors in Suites and Royal Club rooms<br />

- Large, 32’’or 42’’ flat LCD screen<br />

- Nespresso machine and Villeroy & Boch china<br />

- Make-up mirror<br />

Come to see and enjoy it for yourself.<br />

Pfiedstavujeme Vám nové pokoje a apartmány hotelu Alcron<br />

S cílem nabídnout Vám vût‰í komfort, probíhající renovace nav˘‰í poãet<br />

apartmánÛ a rovnûÏ roz‰ífií nabídku vyba<strong>ve</strong>ní na pokojích v‰ech kategorií.<br />

V‰echny pokoje jsou zcela renovovány <strong>ve</strong> stylu Art Deco, pfiiãemÏ jsou<br />

citlivû prolnuté s nejmodernûj‰ími prvky souãasnosti.<br />

Renovace zahrnuje mimo jiné následující:<br />

- Nov˘ nábytek s kfieslem a sedaãkou, prostorné skfiínû<br />

- Dobové lampy<br />

- Zrcadlová stûna<br />

- Elegantní dfievûná podlaha v 80 pokojích rÛzn˘ch kategorií<br />

- Velké LCD obrazovky<br />

- Kávovary spoleãnosti Nespresso a ‰álky firmy Villeroy & Boch<br />

- Zrcadlo na líãení<br />

Rádi Vás zde uvítáme a nové pokoje pfiedstavíme.<br />


24<br />

PraÏská NEJ...<br />

Praha je mûstem, které na kaÏdém kroku pfiekvapí nûãím<br />

v˘jimeãn˘m. Z nepfieberného mnoÏství zajímavostí jsme<br />

pro vás vybrali nûkolik, které mají právo honosit se<br />

oznaãením NEJ... Jedno takové NEJ… najdete dokonce<br />

i v na‰em hotelu! Alcron má v celé Praze nejstar‰í<br />

hotelovou knihu hostÛ, která se zaãala psát v roce 1932.<br />

Nejvût‰í námûstí<br />

Karlovo námûstí vzniklo pfii zaloÏení Nového Mûsta<br />

praÏského v roce 1348 jako centrum jeho jiÏní ãásti.<br />

V˘chodní ãástí námûstí probíhala jedna z nejstar‰ích<br />

praÏsk˘ch komunikací, Vy‰ehradská cesta, která<br />

spojovala Vy‰ehrad s PraÏsk˘m hradem a byla souãástí<br />

pÛvodní Královské cesty. Na projektování námûstí<br />

se osobnû podílel Karel IV. Bylo pojato tak <strong>ve</strong>lkoryse,<br />

Ïe je dodnes nejvût‰ím námûstím v Evropû. Od<br />

svého vzniku námûstí slouÏilo pfiedev‰ím jako trÏi‰tû.<br />

Obchodovalo se zde s obilím, uhlím, dfiívím, rybami,<br />

dobytkem a s dal‰ími druhy zboÏí. Za Karla IV. se<br />

zde kaÏdoroãnû vystavovaly korunovaãní klenoty,<br />

jinak uloÏené na Karl‰tejnû. Mezi nejstar‰í budovy na<br />

námûstí patfií Novomûstská radnice a FaustÛv dÛm<br />

na protilehlé stranû. Námûstí je pojmenováno po<br />

ãeském králi a fiímském císafii Karlu IV. od roku 1848.<br />

Do té doby neslo názvy Novomûstské, Hofiej‰ího<br />

Mûsta, Velké trÏi‰tû nebo Dobytãí trh. V souãasnosti<br />

je Karlovo námûstí nejen ru‰n˘m spoleãensk˘m,<br />

obchodním a dopravním centrem, ale díky parku<br />

i místem vyhledávan˘m pro odpoãinek a procházky.<br />

Nejuωí dÛm<br />

DÛm U Panny Marie, pozdûji zvan˘ také U Na‰í<br />

milé Paní, stojí na Starém Mûstû, v kfiivolaké<br />

Semináfiské ulici ãíslo popisné 176/4, a je ‰irok˘<br />

pouze 3,28 metrÛ. Tato v˘luãnost ukazuje na <strong>ve</strong>lmi<br />

star˘ pÛvod ulice a objektÛ, které jsou v ní umístûny.<br />

Tfiípatrov˘ dÛm pochází z období kolem roku 1360.<br />

Jeho sta<strong>ve</strong>bní historie naznaãuje, Ïe vznikl dodateãn˘m<br />

rozdûlením vût‰ího sousedního objektu. Dne‰ní<br />

podoba exteriéru i interiéru je v˘sledkem novodobé<br />

úpravy pozdnû klasicistní fasády. Nejstar‰í ãástí<br />

domu je gotick˘ sklep s nezvykle masivní zdí, <strong>ve</strong><br />

kterém se zachoval zbytek kamenné, nepochybnû<br />

stfiedovûké klenby. Vstup do domu rámuje pískovcov˘<br />

barokní stuhov˘ portál s nadsvûtlíkem. Dnes je zde<br />

hotel jménem Clementin.<br />

Nej‰ikmûj‰í vûÏ<br />

·ítkovská vodárna u Mánesa odolala v roce 1648<br />

pfii ‰védsk˘ch útocích na Prahu 190 dûlostfieleck˘m<br />

zásahÛm. Odklon vûÏe od její osy ãiní 68 cm.<br />

Nejvût‰í barokní zahrada<br />

Vald‰tejnská zahrada v Praze na Malé Stranû vznikala<br />

soubûÏnû se stavbou Vald‰tejnského paláce, kter˘<br />

si pro sebe dal zbudovat Albrecht z Vald‰tejna<br />

v letech 1623–1629. Umûleckou v˘zdobou zahrady<br />

byl povûfien nûkdej‰í císafisk˘ sochafi Rudolfa II. Adrian<br />

de Vries, kter˘ spojil estetiku man˘ristického typu<br />

s dynamikou nastupujícího baroka, a vytvofiil unikátní<br />

soubor soch, souso‰í a ka‰en. Originály soch v‰ak<br />

v roce 1648 ukradla a od<strong>ve</strong>zla jako váleãnou kofiist<br />

‰védská vojska, a dodnes stojí v zahradû královského<br />

zámku Drootningholmu. Dne‰ní bronzové sochy<br />

jsou odlitky originálÛ, zhoto<strong>ve</strong>né v letech 1912–1915.<br />

Zahrada o celkové plo‰e 1,7 ha je rozdûlena do dvou<br />

geometricky rozdíln˘ch ãástí. Vût‰í ãást tvofií sala<br />

terrena, zdobená ‰tukováním a mytologick˘mi v˘jevy<br />

z trojské války, umûlá krápníková stûna s jeskynûmi<br />

a voliéra pro exotické ptactvo. Dominantou je<br />

mramorová ka‰na se sochou Venu‰e. Oba celky<br />

spojuje pískovcová ka‰na. V men‰í ãásti najdeme<br />

<strong>ve</strong>lké jezírko s umûl˘m ostrÛvkem, skleník a jízdárnu.<br />

Na jezírku je kopie pÛvodní de Vriesovy plastiky<br />

Herkula s kyjem v ruce, kter˘ se právû chystá udefiit<br />

draka u sv˘ch nohou. V 18. století byly pro<strong>ve</strong>deny<br />

úpravy zahrady <strong>ve</strong> stylu anglick˘ch parkÛ. Její dne‰ní<br />

podoba respektuje pÛvodní man˘ristick˘ charakter<br />

s novûj‰ími barokními prvky.<br />

Nejvût‰í zvon<br />

Zvon zvan˘ Zikmund je nejvût‰ím zvonem v âechách,<br />

a je umístûn v prvním poschodí hlavní vûÏe chrámu<br />

sv. Víta. Zvon, kter˘ je dílem zvonafie Tomá‰e Jaro‰e<br />

z roku 1549, je vysok˘ 2,03 m, jeho nejvût‰í prÛmûr<br />

ãiní 2,56 m a hmotnost je 16 500 kg. Byl pofiízen<br />

jako náhrada zvonu Patron, kter˘ pukl pfii <strong>ve</strong>lkém<br />

poÏáru PraÏského hradu a Malé Strany v roce 1541.<br />

Zikmund je zdoben reliéfy Nejsvûtûj‰í Trojice<br />

a Zvûstování, které byly odlity podle Dürerov˘ch<br />

dfievorytÛ z let 1504 a 1511. Povûst fiíká, Ïe kdyÏ<br />

srdce Zikmunda pukne, postihne ãeské zemû ne‰tûstí.<br />

Potvrdila se pouze v moderní dobû, kdy Prahu<br />

v roce 2002 postihly niãivé povodnû.<br />

foto: Czech Tourism<br />

Prague is a city that surprises you with each step you<br />

take. From the inexhaustible number of interesting<br />

sites we ha<strong>ve</strong> chosen se<strong>ve</strong>ral that can rightfully boast<br />

the distinction of being the <strong>ve</strong>ry best Prague has to<br />

offer. In fact, you can find one of these “superlati<strong>ve</strong>s”<br />

right here in our hotel! The Alcron has the oldest<br />

hotel guest book (1932) in Prague.<br />

The largest square<br />

Charles Square was created during the founding of New Town in 1348 as<br />

the center of the southern part of the city. One of the oldest roads in<br />

Prague, Vy‰ehrad Way, ran across the eastern part of the square. This road<br />

connected Vy‰ehrad with Prague Castle and was part of the Royal Route.<br />

Charles IV himself took part in the planning of the square and thanks to the<br />

monumental design it remains Europe’s largest square to this day. From the<br />

beginning the square ser<strong>ve</strong>d mainly as a marketplace. Grain, coal, wood,<br />

fish, li<strong>ve</strong>stock, and other types of goods were traded here. Under the reign<br />

of Charles IV the royal jewels, otherwise held at Karlstein Castle, were<br />

exhibited on the square each year. Two of the oldest buildings on the square<br />

are the New Town Hall and the Faust House on the opposite side. The<br />

square was named after King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor Charles<br />

IV in 1848. Before then the square had been called New Town, Upper<br />

Town, Great Marketplace, and the Cattle Market. Today Charles Square is<br />

not only a busy social, commercial, and transportation center, but thanks<br />

to a large park is also a popular place for strolls and relaxation.<br />

The narrowest building<br />

The House of the Virgin Mary, later known also as the House of Our<br />

Benevolent Lady, is located in Old Town in winding Semináfiská St. House<br />

No. 176/4 and is a mere 3.28 meters wide. This peculiarity points to the<br />

ancient origin of the street and the buildings located here. The three-story<br />

house dates to around 1360. The construction history of the house indicates<br />

that it was created through the supplemental division of the larger adjacent<br />

building. Today’s appearance of the interior and exterior is the result of<br />

modern modifications to the late classicist façade. The oldest part of the<br />

house is the Gothic cellar with unusually thick walls in which the remains<br />

of a stone vault, undoubtedly medieval in origin, ha<strong>ve</strong> been preser<strong>ve</strong>d. The<br />

entrance to the house is framed by a Baroque sandstone band portal with<br />

a transom window. Today the building houses the Hotel Clementin.<br />

Largest Baroque garden<br />

The Wallenstein Garden in Prague’s Lesser Quarter was created simultaneously<br />

with the construction of the Wallenstein Palace built by Albrecht von<br />

Prague’s<br />

Superlati<strong>ve</strong>s<br />

Wallenstein between 1623 and 1629. The artistic ornamentation of the<br />

garden was entrusted to the former royal sculptor of Rudolph II, Adrian de<br />

Vries, who combined a Mannerist aesthetic with the dynamic of the ascending<br />

Baroque to create a remarkable collection of statues, sculptures, and fountains.<br />

Howe<strong>ve</strong>r, the original sculptures were stolen and hauled away as spoils of<br />

war by the Swedish army in 1648. Today they are found in the garden of<br />

royal Drottningholm Palace. Today’s bronze sculptures are casts of the<br />

originals made in the years 1912 - 1915. The 1.7 ha garden is divided into<br />

two geometrically distinct sections. The larger section forms a sala terrena<br />

(garden pavilion) decorated with stucco mythological scenes from the Trojan<br />

War, a grotto, and an aviary for exotic birds. A prominent feature of the<br />

garden is a marble fountain with a statue of Venus. The two sections of the<br />

garden are connected by a sandstone fountain. The smaller section contains<br />

a large pond with a man-made island, a conservatory, and a riding school.<br />

The pond features a copy of de Vries’ original statue of Hercules, who is<br />

poised to club a dragon at his feet. In the 18th century the garden was<br />

reconstructed in the style of an English park. The appearance of the garden<br />

today respects the original Mannerist character with newer Baroque elements.<br />

The largest bell<br />

Nicknamed Sigmund, the largest bell in Bohemia is found on the first floor<br />

of the main tower of St. Vitus Cathedral. Cast by bell maker TomበJaro‰<br />

in 1549, the bell is 2.03 meters high, has a diameter of 2.56 meters at its<br />

widest point, and weighs 16,500 kg. The bell was created as a replacement<br />

of the bell named Patron, which cracked during the great fire at Prague<br />

Castle and the Lesser Quarter in 1541. Sigmund is embellished with reliefs<br />

of the Holy Trinity and the Annunciation, which were cast according to<br />

woodcuts by Albrecht Dürer from 1504 and 1511.<br />

The most lopsided tower<br />

The Îítka Water Tower, today connected to the Mánes building, withstood<br />

190 cannon balls during the Swedes’ 1648 assault on Prague. The tower<br />

tilts 68 cm.<br />

photos: Czech Tourism<br />


26<br />

Svûtov˘ den<br />

koktejlu<br />

s drinky<br />

slavn˘ch barÛ<br />

Letos jsme se rozhodli oslavit tento svátek tím, Ïe pfiipomeneme drinky<br />

slavn˘ch svûtov˘ch barÛ. Málokdo tu‰í, kde mají svÛj pÛvod dne‰ní<br />

svûtoznámé koktejly. Takové drinky, jako je Bloody Mary, Daiquiri nebo<br />

tfieba Singapore Sling, mají své bary, kde spatfiily svûtlo svûta, a které<br />

je proslavily. Rádi bychom vám tyto koktejly nabídli v autentické podobû,<br />

v jaké je pfiipravují v místû jejich vzniku, protoÏe na‰i barmani jsou <strong>ve</strong>lmi<br />

zcestovalí, a do tûchto barÛ v rámci svého profesního rÛstu samozfiejmû<br />

podnikli exkurze. Kromû Be Bop Baru hotelu Alcron je do této akce<br />

zapojen také Bugsy’s Bar v PafiíÏské ulici u Staromûstského námûstí.<br />

Na‰e koktejlová oslava potrvá od 13. kvûtna aÏ do konce mûsíce.<br />

Bûhem této doby mohou va‰e chuÈové buÀky podniknout v˘let za<br />

koktejly slavn˘ch svûtov˘ch barÛ, s nimiÏ vás nyní rádi blíÏe seznámíme.<br />

Zaãínáme na domácí pÛdû.<br />

Svûtov˘ den koktejlu budeme letos slavit v na‰em<br />

hotelu jiÏ podesáté. Tato mezinárodní akce, která<br />

pfiipadá na 13. kvûtna, vznikla v roce 1999 z podnûtu<br />

Be Bop Baru hotelu Radisson SAS Alcron jako pfiipomínka<br />

data, kdy byl v USA v roce 1806 poprvé definován<br />

pojem koktejl. V americkém ãasopise The Balance byla<br />

oti‰tûna tato definice: „Koktejl, toÈ nápoj posilující,<br />

z lihovin druhu v‰elikého, cukru, vody a bitteru sloÏen˘,<br />

jenÏ lidovû se zo<strong>ve</strong> sling…“<br />

Alcron cocktail by Tony<br />

„Alcronies“ je speciální fiada koktejlÛ, které vymysleli barmani hotelu<br />

Alcron, v prÛbûhu celé jeho historie od roku 1932 aÏ do dne‰ka. Bûhem<br />

ãasu se sbírka originálních koktejlÛ v˘raznû rozrÛstala. Jedním ze slavn˘ch<br />

barmanÛ byl Antonín Laube, známûj‰í spí‰e jako Tony. Tony pracoval<br />

za barem v letech 1960–1980 a byl jedineãn˘ sv˘m stylem míchání<br />

drinkÛ barovou lÏící.<br />

Almond Cigar – drink, kter˘ pfiekroãil hranice na‰í zemû<br />

Almond Cigar vznikl v roce 1998 a je spoleãn˘m dílem pánÛ Václava<br />

Vojífie, ZdeÀka ·ulce a ZdeÀka Doubka, toho ãasu tfií spolumajitelÛ<br />

legendárního praÏského baru Bugsy’s. Almond Cigar reprezentoval âeskou<br />

republiku na svûtovém finále Havana Club Grand Prix 1998 v Havanû<br />

na Kubû, a byl mimofiádnû úspû‰n˘. Získal stfiíbrnou medaili a v souãasné<br />

dobû je jedním z mála koktejlÛ, které vznikly na na‰em území, ale pfiipravují<br />

ho s úspûchem barmani témûfi po celém svûtû. DÛkazem toho je i zafiazení<br />

Almond Cigar do knihy Around the World in 80 bars.<br />

Singapore Sling<br />

Koktejl vynalezl Ngiam Tong Boon pro hotel Raffles<br />

v Singapuru nûkdy v letech 1910 aÏ 1915. Receptura,<br />

uvádûná v ãláncích o hotelu pfied rokem 1970, je<br />

odli‰ná od té souãasné. Zatímco se <strong>ve</strong> mûstû koktejl<br />

rÛznû mûnil, v hotelu Raffles zÛstával stále stejn˘.<br />

V originále obsahuje gin, cherry brandy a benedikt˘nku,<br />

vût‰inou <strong>ve</strong> stejném pomûru. Drink se protfiepe,<br />

scedí do sklenice a dolije club sodou podle individuální<br />

chuti. Souãasn˘ recept hotelu Raffles je upra<strong>ve</strong>ná<br />

<strong>ve</strong>rze originálu, kterou pravdûpodobnû vypiloval<br />

Ngiam Tong BoonÛv syno<strong>ve</strong>c v roce 1970.<br />

O popularitû koktejlu svûdãí mnohé zmínky v písních<br />

a filmech. MÛÏete ho také dostat na palubû kteréhokoli<br />

letu singapursk˘ch aerolinek, a to zcela zdarma.<br />

Daiquiri<br />

Tak se jmenuje nejen koktejl, ale také pláÏ poblíÏ<br />

mûsta Santiago de Cuba. Daiquri pfiipravované dnes<br />

znám˘m zpÛsobem a recepturou namíchali poprvé<br />

v baru Floridita v Havanû na Kubû. Bar byl zaloÏen<br />

v roce 1820 pod náz<strong>ve</strong>m La PiÀa de Plata (The<br />

Sil<strong>ve</strong>r Pineapple), poté byl v roce 1898 pfiejmenován<br />

na La Florida a nakonec si ho sami hosté baru pfiekfitili<br />

na dne‰ní La Floridita. Bar se stal oblíben˘m místem<br />

obchodníkÛ, politikÛ a celebrit. Nav‰tûvovali ho<br />

Errol Flynn, Garry Cooper, John Wayne, ale hlavnû<br />

spisovatel Ernest Hemingway – právû díky nûmu<br />

se daiquiri stalo znám˘m po celém svûtû.<br />

Bloody Mary<br />

O autorovi tohoto originálního drinku se <strong>ve</strong>dou<br />

spory. Podle jedné z <strong>ve</strong>rzí byla dne‰ní podoba Bloody<br />

Mary vytvofiena v PafiíÏi, v Harry’s New York Baru,<br />

roku 1921. Bartender Fernand Petiot do tomatového<br />

dÏusu pfiidal dnes jiÏ známé ingredience, a bylo to.<br />

A proã ten název? Fernand Petiot fiekl: „Jeden<br />

z hostÛ mi navrhl, abych ten drink nazval Bloody<br />

Mary, protoÏe mu pfiipomínal jeden klub v Chicagu<br />

a jistou místní dívku jménem Mary.“<br />

Bellini<br />

Bellini je <strong>ve</strong> svûtû <strong>ve</strong>lmi oblíben˘ long drik, míchan˘ ze ‰umivého vína<br />

a broskvového pyré. Patfií mezi nejpopulárnûj‰í italské koktejly. Bellini<br />

namíchal poprvé nûkdy bûhem let 1934-1948 headbartender Guiseppe<br />

Cipriani v Harry’s Baru v Benátkách. Nádherná rÛÏová barva drinku<br />

pfiipomínala Ciprianimu barvu roucha svûtce, kterého v 15. století<br />

namaloval na obraze benátsk˘ malífi Giovanni Bellini. Drink se stal místní<br />

sezonní specialitou. Pili ho tu spisovatelé Ernest Hemingway a Sinclair<br />

Lewis nebo herec a filmov˘ producent Orson Welles. Pozdûji se koktejl<br />

Bellini stal také populárním doplÀkem newyorsk˘ch barÛ. PÛvodní<br />

receptura obsahovala pro dosaÏení záfiivé rÛÏové barvy také kapku<br />

malinového nebo tfie‰Àového sirupu.<br />

RECEPT<br />

Bellini<br />

10 cl suchého ‰umivého vína (Prosecco)<br />

5 cl broskvového pyré (bílé brosk<strong>ve</strong>)<br />

Pyré dáme do vychlazené skleniãky (flétny) a opatrnû<br />

doléváme ‰umivé víno.<br />


28<br />

World Cocktail Day<br />

with Drinks from Famous Bars<br />

This year we ha<strong>ve</strong> decided to celebrate by commemorating drinks<br />

from famous bars around the world. Few people ha<strong>ve</strong> any idea about<br />

the origin of today’s world-famous cocktails. Drinks like Bloody Mary,<br />

Daiquiri or Singapore Sling ha<strong>ve</strong> their own bars where they first saw<br />

the light of day and where they became famous. We would like to<br />

offer these cocktails to you in their original form; our bartenders are<br />

well-tra<strong>ve</strong>led and ha<strong>ve</strong> naturally visited these bars as part of their<br />

professional growth. In addition to the Hotel Alcron’s Be Bop Bar,<br />

Bugsy’s Bar on PafiíÏská St. near Old Town Square will also participate<br />

in this e<strong>ve</strong>nt. Our cocktail celebration will begin May 13 and last until<br />

the end of the month. During this time your taste buds can enjoy a<br />

tour of the cocktails of world-famous bars introduced below. Let’s<br />

begin our journey right here at home.<br />

Alcron Cocktail by Tony<br />

“Alcronies” is a special line of cocktails created by Hotel Alcron<br />

bartenders o<strong>ve</strong>r the years, from 1932 to the present. O<strong>ve</strong>r time the<br />

collection of original cocktails has grown significantly. One of the famous<br />

bartenders at the hotel was Antonín Laube, known better as Tony.<br />

Tony worked at the bar between 1960 and 1980 and was unique for<br />

his style of mixing drinks with a bar spoon.<br />

Almond Cigar – a drink that has crossed Czech borders<br />

The Almond Cigar was created in 1998 and is the joint effort of Václav<br />

Vojífi, ZdeÀek ·ulc and ZdeÀek Doubek, at the time the three coowners<br />

of the legendary Prague bar Bugsy’s. The Almond Cigar<br />

represented the Czech Republic at the Havana Club Grand Prix 1998<br />

world finals in Havana, Cuba, and was a huge hit. The drink won the<br />

sil<strong>ve</strong>r medal at the competition and today is one of the few cocktails<br />

mixed around the world to ha<strong>ve</strong> been originally created in the Czech<br />

Republic. Proof of this is the inclusion of the Almond Cigar in the book<br />

Around the World in 80 Bars.<br />

Singapore Sling<br />

The cocktail was created by Ngiam Tong Boon for the Raffles Hotel<br />

in Singapore between 1910 and 1915. The recipe listed in articles<br />

about the hotel before 1970 is different than the recipe used today.<br />

But while the drink has changed elsewhere, the Raffles Hotel still mixes<br />

the drink in the same way. The original contains gin, cherry brandy,<br />

and Benedictine, typically in the same proportions. The drink is shaken,<br />

strained into a glass, and club soda is added according to individual<br />

taste. The contemporary recipe at the Raffles Hotel is a modified<br />

<strong>ve</strong>rsion of the original and was likely created by Ngiam Tong Boon’s<br />

nephew in 1970. Numerous references in song and film speak of the<br />

cocktail’s popularity. You can also enjoy a complimentary Singapore<br />

Sling on certain Singapore Airlines flights.<br />

This marks the tenth year that we will celebrate World<br />

Cocktail Day at our hotel.<br />

This international e<strong>ve</strong>nt held on May 13 was launched<br />

in 1999 at the initiati<strong>ve</strong> of the Radisson SAS Alcron’s<br />

Be Bop Bar to commemorate the date the term cocktail<br />

was first coined in the USA in 1806. The following<br />

definition was printed in the American magazine The<br />

Balance: “Cocktail is a stimulating liquor composed of<br />

spirits of any kind, sugar, water, and bitters – it is<br />

vulgarly called a bittered sling…”<br />

Daiquiri<br />

In addition to the famous cocktail, Daiquiri is also the name<br />

of a beach near the city of Santiago de Cuba. The daiquiri<br />

prepared according to today’s recipe was first mixed in the<br />

La Floridita Bar in Havana, Cuba. The bar was opened back<br />

in 1820 under the name La PiÀa de Plata (The Sil<strong>ve</strong>r Pineapple),<br />

and renamed La Florida in 1898. In the end the bar was<br />

rechristened La Floridita by guests themsel<strong>ve</strong>s. The bar became<br />

a popular haunt of businessmen, politicians, and celebrities. La<br />

Floridita was visited by Errol Flynn, Gary Cooper and John<br />

Wayne, but the most famous guest was Ernest Hemingway,<br />

who deser<strong>ve</strong>s credit for the worldwide fame of the daiquiri.<br />

Bloody Mary<br />

There is some contro<strong>ve</strong>rsy surrounding the matter of the<br />

creator of the Bloody Mary. One <strong>ve</strong>rsion has it that today’s<br />

<strong>ve</strong>rsion was first mixed at Harry’s New York Bar in Paris in<br />

1921 when bartender Fernand Petiot added the well-known<br />

ingredients to a glass of tomato juice and vodka. And how<br />

was the drink named? Fernand Petiot said: “One of my guests<br />

suggested that I name the drink Bloody Mary because it<br />

reminded him of a club named Bucket of Blood in Chicago<br />

and a certain local girl named Mary.”<br />

Bellini<br />

The Bellini is a highly popular long drink mixed from sparkling<br />

wine and peach puree. Today it is one of the most popular<br />

Italian cocktails. The Bellini was first mixed between the years<br />

1934 and 1948 by head bartender Guiseppe Cipriani at Harry’s<br />

Bar in Venice. The magnificent pink color of the drink reminded<br />

Cipriani of a saint’s robe in a 15th century work by the Venetian<br />

painter Giovanni Bellini. The drink became a local seasonal<br />

specialty and was enjoyed, among others, by writers Ernest<br />

Hemingway and Sinclair Lewis, and the author and film director<br />

Orson Welles. The Bellini cocktail later became popular at<br />

bars in New York City. In order to achie<strong>ve</strong> a radiant pink color<br />

the original recipe also included a drop of raspberry or cherry<br />

syrup.<br />

RECIPE<br />

Bellini<br />

10 cl of dry sparkling wine (Prosecco)<br />

5 cl peach puree (white peaches)<br />

Pour peach puree into a chilled champagne glass<br />

and slowly add sparkling wine.<br />


30<br />

KaÏdá historická památka b˘vá zpravidla opfiedena<br />

rÛzn˘mi povûstmi nebo legendami, které mohou b˘t<br />

více ãi ménû pravdivé. Jinak tomu není ani u v˘znamn˘ch<br />

ãesk˘ch hradÛ, na které bychom vás rádi pozvali.<br />

Bezdûz<br />

Pfiíkaz k zaloÏení královského hradu Bezdûz vydal roku 1264 král<br />

Pfiemysl Otakar II. âe‰tí panovníci si tento hrad ponechávali <strong>ve</strong> své<br />

moci aÏ do roku 1420, poslednímu zástavnímu drÏiteli ho císafi Rudolf<br />

II. prodal roku 1588.<br />

O v˘znamu Bezdûzu vypovídá i to, Ïe je‰tû v prÛbûhu tfiicetileté<br />

války nechal vojevÛdce Albrecht z Vald‰tejna stavût pfied hradem<br />

barokní ba‰ty. Pozdûji hradní budovy slouÏily jako klá‰ter, a po jeho<br />

zru‰ení roku 1785 byl Bezdûz opu‰tûn. JiÏ od poloviny 19. století<br />

docházelo na Bezdûzu k v˘znamn˘m restaurátorsk˘m pracím, díky<br />

kter˘m hrad pfieãkal do souãasnosti jako skvûlá ukázka ranû gotické<br />

architektury.<br />

O vzniku Bezdûzu<br />

Ve ml˘nû na hrázi Velkého rybníka Ïil kdysi mlad˘ mlynáfi. Rád se <strong>ve</strong>selil<br />

v hospodû a trochu zapomínal na práci, takÏe mu ãasto chybûly peníze.<br />

Jednoho dne v rozãilení pronesl osudovou vûtu: „AÈ si mû <strong>ve</strong>zme ãert,<br />

kdyÏ uÏ mi nikdo nechce ani pÛjãit!“ âert se objevil a zaradoval se, jak<br />

mlynáfie <strong>ve</strong>zme za slovo. Mlynáfii se ale do pekla moc nechtûlo, a tak<br />

si vymyslel sázku. Kdo navr‰í od soumraku do ranního kuropûní vût‰í<br />

kopec, vyhraje. Vyhraje-li mlynáfi, zÛstane na svûtû, zvítûzí-li ãert, nic<br />

uÏ peklu nezabrání sebrat mlynáfiovu du‰i. Pekelník samozfiejmû dÛvûfioval<br />

sv˘m schopnostem a sázku pfiijal. Jen co si plácli, odletûl pryã. Mlynáfi<br />

âeské hrady<br />

v POVùSTECH<br />

zatím usilovnû pfiem˘‰lel, jak se z toho vykroutit, ale Ïádné kloudné<br />

nápady nepfiicházely. Znenadání se pfied ním objevila stará baba, která<br />

mu dala opravdu v˘hodnou nabídku. Pokud se s ní mlynáfi oÏení,<br />

pomÛÏe mu. Mlynáfi souhlasil, Ïe se rád stane jejím muÏem, kdyÏ vyvázne<br />

peklu. Baba mu dala zástûru, která má pr˘ unést nekoneãnû kamení<br />

a hlíny. Veãer se ãert i mlynáfi se‰li nedaleko rybníka, a souboj zaãal.<br />

Vr‰ili své kopce <strong>ve</strong>dle sebe, ale ãert, aÈ dûlal, co dûlal, nemohl mlynáfie<br />

dohnat. MlynáfiÛv kopec byl vÏdy o nûco vy‰‰í. Tu se ozvalo kokrhání<br />

kohouta, a ãert ode‰el s nepofiízenou. Mlynáfi se radoval, Ïe neskonãil<br />

v pekle, ale jen do chvíle, neÏ si vzpomnûl na svÛj slib, kter˘ dal o‰klivé<br />

babû. Byl v‰ak <strong>ve</strong>lmi pfiekvapen, kdyÏ <strong>ve</strong> své svûtnici na‰el krásnou<br />

dívku, která mu dûkovala, Ïe ji vysvobodil ze zakletí. A pak uÏ byla<br />

svatba.<br />

âerti na Bezdûzi<br />

Jiní ãerti se usídlili <strong>ve</strong> vûÏi u tfietí hradní brány. Strach, kter˘ lidem<br />

nahánûli, jim pÛsobil <strong>ve</strong>lké potû‰ení. Rádi se promûÀovali v rÛzná zvífiata,<br />

zjevovali se na cimbufií vûÏe a dûsili hradní posádku. Nûkdy se objevili<br />

v podobû ãern˘ch kohoutÛ, jindy na sebe brali kozlí podobu. Nikdo<br />

je nedokázal z hradu vyhnat. Aby ochránili Bezdûz od rohaté chasy,<br />

postavili majitelé hradu kapli svatého Michala, archandûla, kter˘ proslul<br />

stateãností v boji s ìábly. âerti ode‰li sami, kdyÏ lidé pfiestali vûfiit<br />

klamn˘m pfieludÛm a tajupln˘m vûcem a zaãali se fiídit rozumem.<br />

Trosky<br />

Hrad zaloÏil <strong>ve</strong> druhé polovinû 14. století âenûk<br />

z Vartenberka. Husité Trosky nedobyli, ale roku 1469<br />

se to podafiilo královskému vojsku Jifiího z Podûbrad.<br />

Po vypálení hradu císafisk˘m vojskem, které odtud<br />

v roce 1648 vypudilo ·védy, se pomalu zaãal naplÀovat<br />

osud hradu, skryt˘ v jeho jménu. Pfiesto jsou dodnes<br />

zbytky jeho dvou vûÏí na ãediãov˘ch skalách dominantou<br />

âeského ráje. ¤íká se jim Panna a Baba.<br />

Bába a Panna<br />

V 15. století Ïily na Troskách dvû pfiíbuzné Ïeny, které<br />

se tak nenávidûly, Ïe se kaÏdá usídlila v jiné vûÏi. Na<br />

Bábû bydlela Markéta, vdova po Otovi star‰ím z Bergova,<br />

na Pannû její vnuãka, která se jmenovala Barbora. Markéta<br />

byla zapfiisáhlou katoliãkou, Barbora byla víry kali‰nické,<br />

k níÏ pfiestoupila po smrti svého Ïenicha, a tak jejich<br />

prvotní spory byly kvÛli vífie. Îeny se hádaly s mal˘mi<br />

pfiestávkami od brzkého rána, dokud neza‰lo slunce.<br />

Kfiiãely na sebe z vûÏe na vûÏ tak hlasitû, Ïe i ptáci, ktefií<br />

se na hradû zastavili, odlétali zase hned ustra‰enû pryã.<br />

âím <strong>ve</strong>ãerní hádání skonãilo, tím ráno opût zaãalo.<br />

Jednoho dne v‰ak bába Markéta ulehla na loÏe, a zakrátko<br />

ode‰la na vûãnost. Barbora se kaÏd˘ den dívala do oken<br />

osifielé vûÏe, a marnû ãekala, aÏ se odtud oz<strong>ve</strong> znám˘<br />

kfiik. Tepr<strong>ve</strong> teì, kdyÏ se nemûla s k˘m hádat, cítila se<br />

dokonale ne‰Èastnou. Po krátkém ãase zemfiela, a se‰la<br />

se s Markétou na vûãnosti, aby si obû vyfiídily dlouholet˘,<br />

neskonãen˘ spor.<br />

Kost<br />

V krásném prostfiedí âeského ráje, uprostfied pískovcov˘ch skal, se<br />

nachází stfiedovûk˘ hrad Kost. Kolem poloviny 14. století ho dal<br />

postavit Bene‰ z Vartenberka. Na konci století hrad dostavûl jeho<br />

syn Petr. V rozlehl˘ch síních jsou shromáÏdûny dobové odûvy<br />

a ãetné zbranû ze 17. aÏ 19. století. Na obrazech mÛÏeme vidût<br />

pfiíslu‰níky rodu Kinsk˘ch. Pozoruhodná je ãerná kuchynû nebo<br />

stfiedovûká muãírna. Silueta Kosti se vzácnou shodou okolností od<br />

konce 14. století nezmûnila. Dominantou stavby je pûtipatrová obytná<br />

vûÏ, zvaná Bílá. Zvlá‰tností je, Ïe z jednoho místa mÛÏete spatfiit<br />

v‰echny ãtyfii rohy vûÏe najednou. Hodnû ‰tûstí pfii hledání.<br />

Hrad tvrd˘ jako kost<br />

Kost v nás mÛÏe budit pocit urãitého strádání nebo nedostatku, ale<br />

místní hradní páni si Ïili v blahobytu. Co v‰ak název Kost vystihoval<br />

<strong>ve</strong>lice dobfie, to byla tvrdost a nedobytnost hradu. Podle povûsti pfiitáhl<br />

ke Kosti i slavn˘ vojevÛdce Jan ÎiÏka, a pokou‰el se ji dob˘vat. Nemûl<br />

v‰ak úspûch, tak jen rozhofiãenû zvolal: „Kost patfií psu!“, a odtáhl od<br />

hradu dále. Kost odolala nejen útokÛm v‰ech vojsk, ale i zubu ãasu,<br />

a tak mÛÏeme krásu tohoto mohutného stfiedovûkého hradu obdivovat<br />

dodnes. Za vidûní stojí i s hradem sousedící údolí lemované malebn˘mi<br />

skalami, které má jméno Plakánek, a je opfiedeno mnoh˘mi bájemi.<br />

V závûtfií na pestrobarevnû k<strong>ve</strong>toucích lukách okolo studánky Roubenky<br />

pr˘ provádûly své reje lehkonohé víly. Pramen vody vyná‰el na povrch<br />

písek, kter˘ pomáhal lidem od oãních neduhÛ.<br />


32<br />

Czech Castles<br />

in LEGENDS<br />

About the origin of Bezdûz<br />

A young miller once li<strong>ve</strong>d in the mill on the banks of the Great Pond.<br />

He enjoyed spending time in the pub, often neglecting his work, and<br />

was therefore frequently short of money. One day in anger he uttered<br />

this fateful sentence: “Take me, devil, since no one will e<strong>ve</strong>n lend me<br />

any money!” The devil appeared and was delighted to take the miller<br />

at his word. But the miller didn’t really want to go to hell, so he thought<br />

up a bet. Whoe<strong>ve</strong>r could make the biggest pile between dusk and<br />

dawn would win. If the miller won, he could stay on earth; if the devil<br />

won, the miller’s soul was his. The devil obviously trusted his skills and<br />

readily accepted the wager. As soon as they shook hands he flew off.<br />

In the meantime, the miller thought hard about how to get out of this<br />

predicament, but no reasonable ideas came to him. And then, out of<br />

the blue, an old woman appeared and made him an offer he couldn’t<br />

afford to refuse. The old woman would help him if the miller agreed<br />

to marry her. The miller told her he would happily become her husband<br />

if he could escape going to hell. The old woman ga<strong>ve</strong> him her apron,<br />

which was supposed to carry limitless rocks and soil. In the e<strong>ve</strong>ning<br />

the miller and devil met near the pond for their duel. They stacked<br />

All historical landmarks are typically surrounded by<br />

various stories and legends, the accuracy of which can<br />

vary widely. The same holds true for Czech castles, so<br />

please join us for a brief tour!<br />

Bezdûz<br />

King Pfiemysl Otakar II ordered the founding of royal Bezdûz Castle<br />

in the year 1264. Bohemian monarchs retained the castle until 1420<br />

and Emperor Rudolf II sold it to the last aristocratic owner in 1588.<br />

Evidence of the importance of Bezdûz is the fact that Commander<br />

Albrecht von Wallenstein had Baroque bastions built in front of the<br />

castle while the Thirty Years War was still being waged. The castle<br />

buildings later ser<strong>ve</strong>d as a monastery. After the monastery was<br />

abolished in 1785 Bezdûz was abandoned. Significant restoration<br />

work on the castle began as early as the mid-19th century, thanks<br />

to which Bezdûz has survi<strong>ve</strong>d as a magnificent example of Early<br />

Gothic architecture.<br />

their piles next to each other, but no matter how hard the devil tried<br />

he couldn’t keep up with the miller. The miller’s pile was always just<br />

a bit higher. When the cock crowed the devil went off empty handed.<br />

The miller rejoiced that he hadn’t ended up in hell, but then remembered<br />

the promise he had gi<strong>ve</strong>n the hideous old woman. He was <strong>ve</strong>ry surprised<br />

when he returned home to find a beautiful young girl, who thanked<br />

him for liberating her from a curse. And then they got married.<br />

Devils at Bezdûz<br />

Other devils took up residence in the tower at the third castle gate. The<br />

fear they instilled in people ga<strong>ve</strong> the devils a great deal of pleasure. They<br />

enjoyed turning into various animals; they would appear on the tower<br />

battlements and terrify the castle soldiers. Sometimes they would appear<br />

as black cocks; at other times they took the form of goats. No one was<br />

able to dri<strong>ve</strong> the devils from the castle. To guard Bezdûz from the horned<br />

gang, the owners of the castle built the Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel,<br />

who was known for his bra<strong>ve</strong>ry in battles with the devil. The devils left<br />

on their own when people stopped believing in phantom visions and<br />

mysterious phenomena and began to act with reason.<br />

Trosky<br />

The castle was founded in the mid-14th century by âenûk von<br />

Wartenburg. The Hussites could not conquer Trosky, but in 1469<br />

the royal army of George of Podûbrady managed to seize the castle.<br />

After being burnt by the royal army, which had ousted the Swedes<br />

in 1648, the fate of the castle concealed in its name (trosky means<br />

ruins in Czech) slowly began to materialize. Ne<strong>ve</strong>rtheless, the<br />

remnants of the castle’s two towers are prominent landmarks on<br />

the basalt cliffs of Czech Paradise today. The towers are called the<br />

Damsel and the Hag.<br />

The Damsel and the Hag<br />

In the 15th century two related women li<strong>ve</strong>d at Trosky Castle and<br />

because of their hatred for one another they took up residence in<br />

different towers. In the tower called Hag li<strong>ve</strong>d Markéta, the widow of<br />

Ota the Elder of Bergov, while in the tower called Damsel li<strong>ve</strong>d her<br />

granddaughter named Barbora. Markéta was an avowed Catholic and<br />

Barbora was a Hussite, a faith she joined after the death of her fiancé.<br />

And so their first disputes were o<strong>ve</strong>r religion. With short breaks, the<br />

women argued from early morning to sunset. They shouted at each<br />

other from their respecti<strong>ve</strong> towers so loudly that e<strong>ve</strong>n the birds perching<br />

on the castle flew off in fear. The morning fight simply picked up where<br />

the e<strong>ve</strong>ning fight had left off. But one day old Markéta lay down on<br />

her bed and soon passed away. Each day Barbora gazed into the<br />

windows of the abandoned tower and waited in vain for the screaming<br />

voice she knew so well. And just then, with no one to argue with, she<br />

felt absolutely miserable. She died soon thereafter and met up with<br />

Markéta in eternity to carry on their long, unresol<strong>ve</strong>d dispute.<br />

Kost<br />

Medieval Kost Castle is located among sandstone cliffs in the beautiful<br />

landscape of Czech Paradise. The construction of the castle was<br />

begun by Bene‰ von Wartenburg in the mid-14th century. His son<br />

Petr finished the castle at the end of the century. The vast castle<br />

halls hold collections of period clothing and numerous weapons<br />

from the 17th - 19th centuries. Paintings portray members of the<br />

Kinsk˘ family. The castle kitchen and the medieval torture chamber<br />

are also noteworthy. Remarkably, the silhouette of Kost Castle has<br />

remained unchanged since the 14th century. The dominant architectural<br />

feature is the fi<strong>ve</strong>-story residential “White” tower. One curiosity<br />

is that all four corners of the tower can be seen from a single<br />

particular spot. But good luck trying to find it!<br />

A castle as hard as bone<br />

Kost may elicit a certain feeling of hardship or destitution, but the local<br />

castle lords li<strong>ve</strong>d a life of affluence. Meaning “bone” in Czech, the name<br />

Kost perfectly captured the strength and impregnability of the castle.<br />

Legend has it that e<strong>ve</strong>n the famous commander Jan ÎiÏka attempted<br />

to conquer the castle. When he failed he indignantly cried out “Kost<br />

is for the dogs," and retreated from the castle. Kost resisted not only<br />

all attacks launched against it, but also the teeth of time. Thanks to<br />

such stamina we can admire the beauty of this massi<strong>ve</strong> medieval castle<br />

to this <strong>ve</strong>ry day. Also worthy of a visit is Plakánek Castle in the picturesque,<br />

cliff-lined neighboring valley. Plakánek is also surrounded by numerous<br />

myths. Light-footed fairies allegedly held gatherings under co<strong>ve</strong>r of the<br />

colorfully blooming meadows. A spring brought sand to the surface<br />

and was used by people to treat eye ailments.<br />


34<br />

Hotel Radisson SAS Alcron je zapojen do programu<br />

s náz<strong>ve</strong>m Responsible business, kter˘ jeho matefiská<br />

spoleãnost Rezidor Hotel Group za<strong>ve</strong>dla jiÏ v roce<br />

2001. V rámci tohoto programu se hotel Alcron, tak<br />

jako v‰echny ostatní hotely sítû, podílí nejen na ochranû<br />

Ïivotního prostfiedí a úspofieí energií, ale také na<br />

charitativních projektech, pfiiãemÏ podporuje vybrané<br />

lokální organizace. Mezi zamûstnanci hotelu najdeme<br />

nûkolik prvotfiídních odborníkÛ, ktefií s radostí pfiedávají<br />

dále bohaté zku‰enosti ze sv˘ch oborÛ. Pa<strong>ve</strong>l Winter,<br />

manaÏer restaurace Alcron a hlavní sommeliér hotelu,<br />

zasvûtil dûti z dûtsk˘ch domovÛ do tajÛ etikety<br />

a pravidel chování v restauraci. Akce se uskuteãnila<br />

13. února 2008 v rámci projektu Moje kariéra, jehoÏ<br />

cílem je „trénink dospûlosti“. Jedná se o jeden z projektÛ<br />

OPS pfii Nadaci Terezy Maxové. „Projekt navazuje na<br />

víkendová ‰kolení a na proÏitkové semináfie, kter˘ch<br />

se jiÏ dûti v rámci projektu Moje kariéra zúãastnily,<br />

a jeho smyslem je pfiipravit mladé lidi vycházející<br />

z dûtsk˘ch domovÛ na samostatn˘ Ïivot,“ fiíká fieditelka<br />

organizace paní Naìa Dittmannová. Celé odpolední<br />

soustfiedûní v restauraci Alcron se neslo v pfiíjemné<br />

atmosféfie a nabyté znalosti si dûti vzápûtí prakticky<br />

vyzkou‰ely na <strong>ve</strong>ãefii v hotelové restauraci La Rotonde.<br />

Etiketa stolování<br />

A jak to vidûl jeden z úãastníkÛ akce, Milo‰ Nguyen, pí‰ící pro ãasopis<br />

Zámeãek?<br />

Chvílemi se mládeÏi aÏ „zamotala hlava“ z toho <strong>ve</strong>lkého poãtu pfiíborÛ<br />

a sklenek, které se jí pfied zraky objevily na stole. Z poãátku nevûfiícnû jen<br />

kroutila hlavou, jak˘ pfiíbor pouÏít k tomu ãi onomu pokrmu, do jaké sklenky<br />

naléváme víno nebo vodu, a proã bychom mûli dámû pomáhat s usazením<br />

ke stolu.<br />

Po nûjakém ãase v‰ak bylo v‰echno jasné. Úãastníci se dozvûdûli, Ïe Ïádn˘<br />

uãenec nespadl z nebe, Ïe se i normální ãlovûk mÛÏe splést, kdyÏ si na<br />

urãit˘ pokrm omylem <strong>ve</strong>zme jin˘ pfiíbor. „Etiketa by se rozhodnû mûla<br />

dodrÏovat, ale jsou v˘jimky, kdy ji lze decentnû poru‰it, aniÏ by si toho<br />

nûkdo jin˘ nutnû musel v‰imnout,“ poznamenává pfiedná‰ející, pan Winter.<br />

„Byl to pro mû ohromn˘ záÏitek, jen mi vadí, Ïe se ãlovûk u toho nemÛÏe<br />

chovat pfiirozenû, ale jinak to bylo <strong>ve</strong>lice pfiínosné do Ïivota,“ komentovala<br />

to sv˘mi slovy Pavlína z dûtského domova Krupka.<br />

Pfiedná‰ka postupnû pfiecházela k vzájemné diskusi, kdy se mládeÏ ptala<br />

na nejrÛznûj‰í pravidla, kuriozity a kultivaci spoleãenského jednání a chování.<br />

Vrcholem a vyústûním celé pfiedná‰ky byla <strong>ve</strong>ãefie <strong>ve</strong> ‰piãkové restauraci.<br />

Mûla celkem ãtyfii chody, jmenovitû pfiedkrm (losos), polévku (kufiecí<br />

s játrov˘mi knedlíãky), hlavní jídlo (králík s bramborov˘mi knedlíky plnûn˘mi<br />

uzen˘m) a dezert (ãokoládové soufflé a malinová zmrzlina). U v‰ech dûtí<br />

bylo zjevnû viditelné nad‰ení a zájem ochutnat neznámá jídla. ZaÏili jsme<br />

nadstandardní péãi a starostlivost ãí‰níkÛ. Personál restaurace se pravidelnû<br />

v‰ech dotazoval, jestli je v‰echno v pofiádku.<br />

„Dnes jsme byli zahrnuti <strong>ve</strong>lk˘m mnoÏstvím dojmÛ a informací. Vûfiím, Ïe<br />

kaÏd˘ si z pfiedná‰ky vzal, co potfieboval, a obohatil tak svÛj rejstfiík slu‰ného<br />

chování,“ komentuje setkání Eva Flossmannová z OPS pfii Nadaci Terezy<br />

Maxové a koordinátorka projektu „Moje kariéra“.<br />

pro dûti z dûtsk˘ch domovÛ<br />

Dining Etiquette<br />

with Children from an Orphanage<br />

The Radisson SAS Alcron is invol<strong>ve</strong>d in a program<br />

entitled Responsible Business, which the hotel’s mother<br />

company, the Rezidor Hotel Group, established back<br />

in 2001. Under this program the Hotel Alcron, along<br />

with all the other hotel chains, contributes not only<br />

to environmental protection and energy saving measures,<br />

but also to charity projects of selected local organizations.<br />

The hotel's staff includes a number of first-rate experts<br />

who are delighted to share valuable experience from<br />

their professions. Pa<strong>ve</strong>l Winter, the manager of the<br />

Alcron Restaurant and the hotel’s chief sommelier,<br />

initiated children from local orphanages in the secrets<br />

of etiquette and the rules of conduct in a restaurant.<br />

The e<strong>ve</strong>nt took place on February 13, 2008, as part<br />

of the <strong>My</strong> Career project, whose goal is to provide<br />

“adulthood training”. <strong>My</strong> Career is one of the projects<br />

sponsored by the PBO of the Tereza Maxová Foundation.<br />

“The project is connected to weekend training and an<br />

experience seminar the children had already attended<br />

as part of the <strong>My</strong> Career project, the main goal of<br />

which is to prepare young children leaving orphanages<br />

for an independent life,” explained the director of the<br />

organization, Naìa Dittmannová. The entire afternoon<br />

session at the Alcron Restaurant produced a pleasant<br />

atmosphere and the children were soon able to put<br />

their new skills to practical use during a dinner at the<br />

hotel’s La Rotonde Restaurant.<br />

And how did one participant, Milo‰ Nguyen, a contributor for the<br />

magazine “Zámeãek”, enjoy the e<strong>ve</strong>nt?<br />

At moments the heads of the young people were literally spinning from<br />

the great number of utensils and glasses that appeared on the table. From<br />

the beginning they all twisted their heads incredulously o<strong>ve</strong>r which fork or<br />

spoon to use with this dish, which glass was used for wine or water, and<br />

why we should hold a chair for a lady as she sits down at the table.<br />

But in time e<strong>ve</strong>rything became abundantly clear. The participants learned<br />

that good table matters were difficult for anyone to master and that e<strong>ve</strong>n<br />

a normal person could become confused o<strong>ve</strong>r which utensil to use for a<br />

specific dish. “Etiquette should be respected, but there are exceptions<br />

when it can be politely violated without anyone e<strong>ve</strong>n needing to know,”<br />

remarked the lecturer, Mr. Winter.<br />

“It was a great experience for me, though it’s annoying that you can’t act<br />

naturally. Otherwise I learned a lot,” commented Pavlína from the orphanage<br />

Krupka.<br />

The lecture gradually turned into a discussion session and the young people<br />

could ask about various rules, curiosities, and the culture of social conduct<br />

and behavior.<br />

The culmination of the entire lecture was dinner in a first-class restaurant.<br />

The four-course meal included a salmon appetizer, chicken and li<strong>ve</strong>r<br />

dumpling soup, a main course of rabbit with potato dumplings stuffed with<br />

smoked meat, and a dessert of chocolate soufflé and raspberry ice cream.<br />

The children’s enthusiasm was apparent, as was their interest in tasting<br />

new foods. The attenti<strong>ve</strong> waiters provided first-rate service. Restaurant<br />

personnel regularly asked e<strong>ve</strong>ryone whether e<strong>ve</strong>rything was to their liking.<br />

“Today we were gi<strong>ve</strong>n a lot of impressions and information. I trust that<br />

e<strong>ve</strong>ryone took away something useful from the lecture and learned a great<br />

deal about proper behavior,” said Eva Flossmannová from the PBO (Public<br />

Benefit Organization) of the Tereza Maxová Foundation and coordinator<br />

of the “<strong>My</strong> Career” project.<br />


11 36<br />

Koncerty<br />

Mark Knopfler<br />

11. 5. 2008 od 21 hodin, Praha, Sportovní hala V˘stavi‰tû<br />

Skladatel a kytarista Mark Knopfler je znám˘ pfiedev‰ím jako zpûvák<br />

a kytarista Dire Straits, ale úspûch ho provází i na sólové dráze, kterou<br />

zahájil jiÏ v dobû nejvût‰í slávy kapely v roce 1983.<br />

Kylie Minogue<br />

12. 5. 2008 od 21 hodin, Praha, Sazka Arena<br />

Slavná Australanka vyráÏí propagovat novou desku X. V rámci turné<br />

slibuje úplnû jin˘ koncept koncertÛ, neÏ jak˘ pfiedstavila na <strong>ve</strong>lkolepém<br />

comebackovém turné Showgirl Homecoming.<br />

Bobby McFerrin<br />

15. 5. 2008 od 19.30 hodin, Praha, Kongresové centrum<br />

Koncert fenomenálního hudebníka, kter˘ pfiekraãuje hranice v‰ech<br />

hudebních ÏánrÛ i hlasov˘ch moÏností, autora populární písnû Don’t<br />

Worry, Be Happy!, a desetinásobného drÏitele ceny Grammy.<br />

John McLaughlin<br />

21. 5. 2008 od 20 hodin, Praha, Lucerna – Velk˘ sál<br />

Desát˘ jubilejní festival Kytara napfiíã Ïánry bude pokraãovat zvlá‰tním<br />

koncertem jednoho z nejlep‰ích svûtov˘ch kytaristÛ. John McLaughlin<br />

se pfiedstaví divákÛm se sv˘m nejnovûj‰ím jazzrockov˘m projektem<br />

The 4th Dimension.<br />

Nick Ca<strong>ve</strong> a The Bad Seeds<br />

24. 5. 2008 od 20 hodin, Praha, Arena HC Sparta<br />

Nick Ca<strong>ve</strong>, kter˘ v loÀském roce oslavil padesáté narozeniny, je<br />

bezesporu jednou z kultovních postav svûtové hudební scény.<br />

Metallica<br />

3. 6. 2008 od 19 hodin, Praha, Multifunkãní areál Eden<br />

Metallica se bûhem své více neÏ pûtadvacetileté existence stala pojmem,<br />

kter˘ vyboãuje ze ‰katulek oznaãen˘ch pfiívlastkem metal.<br />

Lenny Kravitz<br />

23. 6. 2008 od 20 hodin, Praha, Sazka Arena<br />

Lenny Kravitz si stále drÏí svÛj styl a je pfiínosem pro hudební dûní<br />

souãasnosti. Energie, pr˘‰tící z jeho barevné show, je doslova omamná.<br />

PraÏské jaro 2008<br />

12. 5. – 4. 6. 2008, Praha, Rudolfinum, Obecní dÛm, dal‰í místa<br />

Mezinárodní hudební festival PraÏské jaro je reprezentativní pfiehlídkou<br />

vynikajících svûtov˘ch umûlcÛ, symfonick˘ch orchestrÛ a komorních<br />

tûles. SoutûÏ stejného jména byla zaloÏena jiÏ rok po vzniku festivalu<br />

a koná se kaÏdoroãnû v rÛzn˘ch nástrojov˘ch oborech. Podrobnûj‰í<br />

informace najdete na webov˘ch stránkách www.festival.cz.<br />


V˘stavy<br />

Stopy lidí: pû‰ky od pravûku na Mûsíc<br />

28. 11. 2007 – 30. 6. 2008, Praha, Národní muzeum<br />

V˘stava je vûnována nejen lidské noze jako nástroji a objektu, ale<br />

obraznû také stopám lidí od pravûku, pfies migrace a stûhování národÛ,<br />

objevování nov˘ch kontinentÛ, vojenské v˘boje, aÏ po kroky lidí za<br />

hranice sv˘ch vlastních moÏností.<br />

Umûlci Národního divadla oãima Jana Saudka<br />

21. 11. 2007 – 30. 6. 2008, Praha, Palác Kolowrat<br />

Národní divadlo oslovilo pfiedního ãeského fotografa, a v rámci této<br />

spolupráce vznikl cyklus stylizovan˘ch fotografií, které zachycují herce<br />

a taneãníky na‰í pfiední divadelní scény.<br />

Textilie v promûnách ãasu<br />

16. 11. 2007 – 30. 6. 2008, Praha, PraÏsk˘ hrad – Star˘ královsk˘<br />

palác<br />

Cílem v˘stavy je seznámit náv‰tûvníky PraÏského hradu s moderními<br />

textilními restaurátorsk˘mi postupy, které se uplatÀují v restaurátorsk˘ch<br />

dílnách Správy PraÏského hradu.<br />

Wilhelm Riedel (1832 - 1876)<br />

15. 2. 2008 – 31. 8. 2008, Praha, Palác Kinsk˘ch – Národní galerie<br />

Monografická retrospektiva opomíjeného pfiedstavitele krajináfiského<br />

realismu 19. století, kter˘ pocházel z v˘znamné nûmecké skláfiské rodiny<br />

ze se<strong>ve</strong>ru âech.<br />


Exhibitions<br />

Human Footprints: from Prehistoric Times to the Moon<br />

No<strong>ve</strong>mber 28, 2007 – June 30, 2008, Prague, National Museum<br />

The exhibition focuses on the human leg as a tool and object while<br />

also offering a figurati<strong>ve</strong> walk through the history of man from prehistoric<br />

times, through migration and the mo<strong>ve</strong>ment of nationalities, the<br />

disco<strong>ve</strong>ry of new continents, military forays, all the way up to the<br />

footsteps of man beyond the borders of his <strong>ve</strong>ry own capabilities.<br />

The Artists of the National Theatre in the Eyes of Jan Saudek<br />

No<strong>ve</strong>mber 21, 2007 – June 30, 2008, Prague, Kolowrat Palace<br />

The National Theatre approached this leading Czech photographer<br />

and the result of their work together is a cycle of stylized photographs<br />

capturing actors and dancers of this top cultural institution.<br />

Textiles o<strong>ve</strong>r the Ages<br />

No<strong>ve</strong>mber 16, 2007 – June 30, 2008, Prague, Prague Castle – Old<br />

Royal Palace<br />

The aim of the exhibition is to familiarize visitors to the Prague Castle<br />

with the modern textile restoration techniques used in the castle<br />

restoration workshops.<br />

Wilhelm Riedel (1832 – 1876)<br />

February 15, 2008 – August 31, 2008, Prague, Kinsk˘ Palace – National<br />

Gallery<br />

A monographic retrospecti<strong>ve</strong> of a neglected 19th century landscape<br />

realism artist from an important German glassmaking family in the<br />

north of Bohemia.<br />

Concerts<br />

Mark Knopfler<br />

May 11, 2008, 9 p.m., Prague, V˘stavi‰tû Sports Hall<br />

Songwriter and guitarist Mark Knopfler is best known as the lead singer<br />

and guitarist of Dire Straits, but the solo career he began at the band’s<br />

height of fame in 1983 has also been highly successful.<br />

Kylie Minogue<br />

May 12, 2008, 9 p.m., Prague, Sazka Arena<br />

The famous nati<strong>ve</strong> of Australia is setting out on tour to promote her<br />

new CD “X”. The singer promises an entirely different show than her<br />

grand comeback Showgirl Homecoming tour.<br />

Bobby McFerrin<br />

May 15, 2008, 7:30 p.m., Prague, Congress Centre<br />

A concert by a phenomenal musician who stretches the boundaries<br />

of all musical genres and vocal possibilities, author of the mega-hit<br />

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and ten-time Grammy winner.<br />

John McLaughlin<br />

May 21, 2008, 8 p.m., Prague, Lucerna – Grand Hall<br />

The tenth annual “Guitars Across Styles” festival will continue with a<br />

special concert by one of the top guitar players in the world. McLaughlin<br />

will introduce his latest jazz-rock project entitled “The 4th Dimension”.<br />

Nick Ca<strong>ve</strong> and the Bad Seeds<br />

May 24, 2008, 8 p.m., Prague, HC Sparta Arena<br />

Nick Ca<strong>ve</strong>, who celebrated his 50th birthday last year, is unquestionably<br />

one of the top cult figures on the world music scene.<br />

Metallica<br />

June 3, 2008, 7 p.m., Prague, Multifunctional Centre Eden – Slavia Arena<br />

During the band’s existence of o<strong>ve</strong>r twenty-fi<strong>ve</strong> years Metallica has<br />

become an institution that breaks the barriers of what is commonly<br />

understood under the label of “metal”.<br />

Lenny Kravitz<br />

June 23, 2008, 8 p.m., Prague, Sazka Arena<br />

Lenny Kravitz continues to maintain his personal style and remains a<br />

great asset to the contemporary music scene. The energy that is<br />

discharged from his colorful shows is literally intoxicating.<br />

Prague Spring 2008<br />

May 12 – June 4, 2008, Prague, Rudolfinum, Municipal House and<br />

other <strong>ve</strong>nues<br />

Prague Spring is an international music festival with performances by<br />

first-rate world musicians, symphony orchestras and chamber ensembles.<br />

A competition of the same name was founded a year after the first<br />

festival and is held annually in various instrumental disciplines. For more<br />

information please visit www.festival.cz.<br />




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