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stáhnout ve formátu PDF - My Companion, sro

stáhnout ve formátu PDF - My Companion, sro


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18<br />

Organic Food<br />

at the ALCRON<br />

For se<strong>ve</strong>ral years now the Hotel Alcron has supported<br />

the health of its guests by offering dishes prepared<br />

using organic ingredients. These products are supplied<br />

by ·árka Dittrichová, who was kind enough to provide<br />

more details for us.<br />

What specific organic foods do you supply to the hotel kitchen?<br />

Mainly savory and sweet baked goods, cheeses, particularly goat cheese,<br />

yogurts and dairy products in general, fresh fruit juices, fresh and dried<br />

fruit, <strong>ve</strong>getables, and lamb meat. We try to introduce at least two new<br />

products each year.<br />

So what can we look forward to in the near future?<br />

We are planning to start with ricotta, which is actually a by-product<br />

of cheese production. Ricotta in translation means “re-cooked”.<br />

A large sie<strong>ve</strong> is used to <strong>ve</strong>ry gently remo<strong>ve</strong> whey separated from fresh<br />

milk in a kettle o<strong>ve</strong>r a period of three hours; it is then shaken out into<br />

a two-liter sie<strong>ve</strong>, left to drain, and then sold. Ricotta should not e<strong>ve</strong>n<br />

be cooled and is best consumed at room temperature. Ricotta is a<br />

completely natural product – the single added ingredient is a twig from<br />

a fig tree. Ricotta contains only 14% fat, which is less than any other<br />

cheese. It is light and easily digestible and can be eaten by people who<br />

can’t normally consume dairy products. Ricotta can be used to prepare<br />

sweet and savory cakes, ravioli, sandwiches, salads, pasta, and spreads.<br />

What are the benefits of organic food?<br />

Organic food does not contain any emulsifiers, stabilizers, rising agents,<br />

or other chemical substances. Organic food is honest; it gi<strong>ve</strong>s the body<br />

energy, not bulk. It doesn’t fatten, but provides nourishment. Fortunately<br />

a good number of people are starting to realize today that we are<br />

what we eat.<br />

What is the mission of your company Rezonance?<br />

We support locally grown foods and try to do business on the principle<br />

of sustainable de<strong>ve</strong>lopment. At the same time, we point out open potential<br />

in the market. The demand for organic foods is much higher than the<br />

available supply. But doing business in this field is <strong>ve</strong>ry difficult here because<br />

Czech legislation does not support ecological farmers to any great extent.<br />

The result, unfortunately, is that many organic foods are imported from<br />

other European countries. Rezonance would like to make changes in this<br />

area in favor of supporting local organic production. We are creating an<br />

organic catering service for hotels; preparations are always made in<br />

cooperation with the chefs at individual hotels. The Hotel Alcron fully<br />

supports the idea of organic food and currently works with twel<strong>ve</strong> Czech<br />

farms which supply products to the hotel daily through our service. This<br />

is already normal business for global hotels.<br />

And for that reason e<strong>ve</strong>n Hotel Alcron Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift has<br />

something to say about organic food.<br />

What specific dishes do you prepare from organic ingredients?<br />

We don’t ha<strong>ve</strong> entire dishes that are prepared strictly from organic<br />

products, but in general we use organic <strong>ve</strong>getables, dairy products,<br />

and lamb meat. For breakfast we offer guests organic baked goods,<br />

dried fruits, goat cheese, and other items.<br />

What percentage of the total volume of ingredients that are bought for<br />

the hotel are organic?<br />

Probably around 15 - 20%. We buy food according to seasonal availability<br />

and always try to gi<strong>ve</strong> preference to organic-quality goods.<br />

What is your perception of organic food and what do you think the<br />

difference is between standard and organic ingredients?<br />

More important to me than an organic label is that the ingredients I<br />

work with are high-quality and fresh. I am happy to support farmers<br />

who are able to produce quality products without chemicals. The<br />

organic label is added value, but for farmers it mostly means too much<br />

bureaucracy.<br />


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