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22<br />

German wines<br />

at the ALCRON<br />

Despite occupying the northernmost territory in<br />

Europe for growing grapes, Germany is one of the<br />

most important wine producers on the continent. The<br />

roots of German viticulture reach as far back as the<br />

Roman period. Recent years ha<strong>ve</strong> witnessed a shift<br />

away from the o<strong>ve</strong>r-production of sweet wines towards<br />

dry wines, which are currently more popular, particularly<br />

in connection with fine cuisine. Naturally, we ha<strong>ve</strong><br />

again prepared a tasting menu for you and after this<br />

theoretical preparation you can apply your new<br />

knowledge in our restaurant.<br />

The current German wine-making law in effect since 1971 is among the<br />

most elaborate of its kind in Europe. This regulation divides Germany<br />

into thirteen wine regions: Ahr, Hessische Bergstrasse, Mittelrhein, Nahe,<br />

Rheingau, Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Mossel-Saar-Ruwer, Franken, Würtemberg,<br />

Baden, Saale-Unstrut, and Sachsen (Saxony). Each region grows distinct<br />

grapes that reflect a specific “terroir” influenced by local climatic conditions,<br />

soil composition, and other factors that ha<strong>ve</strong> an impact on the final taste<br />

qualities and expression of the wine.<br />

German quality classifications divide wines according to the sugar content<br />

of the must, measured in degrees called “Oechsle,” into the following<br />

categories: Deutscher Tafelwein, Landwein, and Qualitätswein bestimmter<br />

Anbaugebiete or QbA, for which the addition of sugar is permitted.<br />

Additional le<strong>ve</strong>ls of quality under the category Qualitätswein mit Prädikat<br />

or QmP, include Kabinet, Spätlese, Auslese, Beerenauslese,<br />

Trockenbeerenauslese or TBA, and Eiswein.<br />

Tasting menu:<br />

Riesling Trocken QbA 2006 Villa Wolf, J. L. Wolf Winery, Pfalz region<br />

This incredibly light and refreshing aperitif wine comes from vineyards<br />

that are between 20 and 35 years old. The local soil is stony and mixed<br />

with a layer of loess particles that wonderfully absorb moisture and<br />

heat. The vineyards are sheltered by highland hills whose regular breezes<br />

provide the circulation of warm air.<br />

This Riesling will be ser<strong>ve</strong>d in combination with chicory and marinated<br />

king prawns.<br />

Riesling Rheingau QbA 2006, Robert Weil Winery, Rheingau region<br />

This wine with an expressi<strong>ve</strong> acidity and a remarkable persistence is<br />

made from grapes grown in 35-year-old vineyards featuring volcanic<br />

soil with clayey particles. Grapes are picked by hand and the wine is<br />

aged in stainless tanks.<br />

The wine will be accompanied by poached sea bass with risotto and<br />

Riesling emulsion.<br />

Riesling Trocken QbA 2006, Dönnhoff Winery, Nahe region<br />

An opulent and magnificently rounded wine from 60-year-old vineyards<br />

in a region featuring volcanic soil with loess particles. The wine was<br />

fermented in large oak casks until the following May.<br />

This Riesling will be ser<strong>ve</strong>d with the main course of monkfish, carrot<br />

puree, spiced lemon, and <strong>ve</strong>al demi-glace.<br />

The final two wines on our tasting menu come from the Mossel-<br />

Saar-Ruwer region:<br />

Riesling Ürziger Würzgarten kabinet 2005, Christoffel Erben Winery<br />

This sweet and elegant wine has mineral tones and a paraffin undertone.<br />

The grapes are grown in vineyards located on steep hills with a grade<br />

of 70%. The stony soil is composed mainly of gray-blue slate. The wine<br />

was fermented in stainless tanks and aged in 600-liter oak casks.<br />

The wine will be ser<strong>ve</strong>d with ricotta cheese with truffle honey.<br />

Riesling Spätlese 2006 Wehlener Sonneenuhr, Dr. Loosen Winery<br />

This sweet wine comes from 65-year-old vineyards on the steep slopes<br />

of the Mosel Ri<strong>ve</strong>r.<br />

The wine is a perfect accompaniment to a mango Tart Tatin.<br />

The tasting menu with German wines was introduced by Pa<strong>ve</strong>l Winter,<br />

Alcron’s Chief Sommelier.<br />

Luxury Redefined<br />

with You in Mind<br />

Introducing the Alcron’s new rooms & suites<br />

To enhance your comfort, recent renovations increased the number<br />

of suites and amenities. In addition, all rooms are completely refurbished<br />

with a design that both retains the grace and elegance of a bygone<br />

era, yet offers e<strong>ve</strong>ry modern con<strong>ve</strong>nience. These refurbishments include:<br />

- Rich, new furnishings, including an armchair and a sofa<br />

- Period lamps<br />

- Mirrored walls<br />

- The charm and appeal of wooden floors in Suites and Royal Club rooms<br />

- Large, 32’’or 42’’ flat LCD screen<br />

- Nespresso machine and Villeroy & Boch china<br />

- Make-up mirror<br />

Come to see and enjoy it for yourself.<br />

Pfiedstavujeme Vám nové pokoje a apartmány hotelu Alcron<br />

S cílem nabídnout Vám vût‰í komfort, probíhající renovace nav˘‰í poãet<br />

apartmánÛ a rovnûÏ roz‰ífií nabídku vyba<strong>ve</strong>ní na pokojích v‰ech kategorií.<br />

V‰echny pokoje jsou zcela renovovány <strong>ve</strong> stylu Art Deco, pfiiãemÏ jsou<br />

citlivû prolnuté s nejmodernûj‰ími prvky souãasnosti.<br />

Renovace zahrnuje mimo jiné následující:<br />

- Nov˘ nábytek s kfieslem a sedaãkou, prostorné skfiínû<br />

- Dobové lampy<br />

- Zrcadlová stûna<br />

- Elegantní dfievûná podlaha v 80 pokojích rÛzn˘ch kategorií<br />

- Velké LCD obrazovky<br />

- Kávovary spoleãnosti Nespresso a ‰álky firmy Villeroy & Boch<br />

- Zrcadlo na líãení<br />

Rádi Vás zde uvítáme a nové pokoje pfiedstavíme.<br />


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