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12<br />
La Rotonde<br />
SvûÏí závan<br />
pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálské<br />
kuchynû<br />
Pro<strong>ve</strong>nci se kvÛli pouÏívání ãerstv˘ch surovin a ‰iroké<br />
‰kály bylinek a kofiení fiíká „zahrada Francie“. Bûhem<br />
mûsíce ãervna budete mít jedineãnou pfiíleÏitost ochutnat<br />
pokrmy, které svûtu dala tato oblast plná syt˘ch barev,<br />
voÀav˘ch polí levandule, olivov˘ch hájÛ, vinic a památek<br />
dávné historie.<br />
MÛÏete se tû‰it na nejslavnûj‰í pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálskou specialitu, polévku chud˘ch<br />
rybáfiÛ z Marseille, bouillabaissu, z níÏ se ov‰em postupem ãasu vyvinul<br />
pomûrnû bohat˘ pokrm, kter˘ má b˘t podle kulináfisk˘ch standardÛ<br />
pfiipra<strong>ve</strong>n nejménû ze tfií druhÛ ryb a podpofien rozliãn˘m kofiením<br />
a bylinkami. Na menu najdete mnoho dal‰ích specialit.<br />
·éfkuchafi Jifií ·tift nám zodpovûdûl následující dotazy:<br />
Mohl byste nám pfiiblíÏit pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálskou kuchyni?<br />
Pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálská kuchynû je <strong>ve</strong>lmi rozmanitá. Najdete v ní spoustu zeleniny,<br />
zejména rajãata, lilky, papriky, cukety. Na dochucení se pouÏívá pestrá<br />
‰kála ãerstv˘ch bylinek a rozhodnû ãesnek. Pfii pfiípravû ryb a kor˘‰Û<br />
se dostává ke slovu olivov˘ olej. Pro<strong>ve</strong>nce disponuje neuvûfiiteln˘m<br />
mnoÏstvím ãerstv˘ch surovin, které by byl hfiích nevyuÏít v kuchyni.<br />
Je radost pracovat se sezonními a ãerstv˘mi surovinami.<br />
Na jaké konkrétní pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálské speciality se tentokrát budeme moci tû‰it?<br />
Kromû jiÏ zmínûného nejslavnûj‰ího pokrmu to budou napfiíklad sardinky<br />
s omáãkou Vierge, fougasse, bourride z mofiského ìasa nebo borÛvkovofíkov˘<br />
clafoutis.<br />
Jaké pro<strong>ve</strong>nsálské jídlo jste si oblíbil?<br />
Mám rád jednoduchá jídla, kde vynikne chuÈ surovin. Skvûlé jsou právû<br />
tfieba sardinky s omáãkou Vierge.<br />
Jsou podle vás Francouzi vût‰í gurmáni neÏ âe‰i?<br />
Oba národy rádi jedí. Francouzi si ale na jídlo umûjí udûlat ãas a lépe<br />
si tfieba vychutnat spoleãn˘ rodinn˘ obûd.<br />
La Rotonde<br />
A Fresh Breeze<br />
of Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal Cuisine<br />
You can look forward to the most famous Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal specialty, the<br />
soup of poor Marseille fishermen, bouillabaisse. O<strong>ve</strong>r time this dish<br />
has naturally evol<strong>ve</strong>d into relati<strong>ve</strong>ly rich fare, which, according to culinary<br />
standards, should be prepared from at least three types of fish and<br />
flavored with a variety of spices and herbs. Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift has<br />
informed us that he will naturally ha<strong>ve</strong> much more to offer.<br />
Can you tell us a bit more about Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal cuisine?<br />
Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal cuisine is <strong>ve</strong>ry di<strong>ve</strong>rse and includes a great deal of <strong>ve</strong>getables,<br />
especially tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and zucchini. A rich palette of<br />
herbs, particularly garlic, is used to flavor the food. Oli<strong>ve</strong> oil is a crucial<br />
ingredient in the preparation of fish and shellfish. Pro<strong>ve</strong>nce has an<br />
amazing amount of fresh ingredients available locally and it would be<br />
a sin not to use these in the kitchen. It’s a great pleasure to work with<br />
seasonal and fresh ingredients.<br />
Thanks to the use of fresh ingredients and a broad<br />
palette of herbs and spices, Pro<strong>ve</strong>nce is known as the<br />
“garden of France”. During the month of June you will<br />
ha<strong>ve</strong> a unique opportunity to try dishes introduced to<br />
the world by this region of rich colors, fragrant fields<br />
of la<strong>ve</strong>nder, oli<strong>ve</strong> gro<strong>ve</strong>s, vineyards, and ancient historical<br />
landmarks.<br />
Which Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal specialties can we specifically look forward to this time?<br />
In addition to the celebrated soup already mentioned, dishes will include<br />
sardines in sauce vierge, fougasse, monkfish bourride, and blueberryfig<br />
clafouti.<br />
Which Pro<strong>ve</strong>nçal dishes are your favorites?<br />
I enjoy simple food that allows the flavor of the ingredients to stand<br />
out. Sardines with sauce vierge are fantastic.<br />
Do the French appreciate fine food more than Czechs?<br />
Both nationalities like to eat. But the French know how to make time<br />
for food and are able to appreciate, for example, a lunch with the<br />
entire family.<br />