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<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
songbook<br />
OHNE<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
<strong>Songbook</strong> für Gitarre<br />
Die in diesem Buch enthaltenen Original-Songs,<br />
Texte und Fassungen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.<br />
Alle Songs (Text und Musik) geschrieben von <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong>,<br />
copyright © 2006, <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> Management<br />
Vertrieb durch www.<strong>Joshua</strong><strong>Carson</strong>.com<br />
Layout: Sascha Ohde<br />
Fotos: Karin Ohde, Yvonne Tilden, Thore Jürgensen<br />
Zeichnungen: Carsten Hintze, Hamburg<br />
Postanschrift:<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> Management<br />
Postfach 12 29<br />
23601 Bad Schwartau<br />
American New Country aus Norddeutschland? Das geht doch gar nicht! Oder doch? Und ist<br />
diese Musik überhaupt Country? Die Grenzen zwischen dem zeitgenössischen Country und<br />
der weit verbreiteten westlichen Pop-Musik sind heutzutage ohnehin eng gesteckt; und<br />
irgendwo dazwischen ist die Musik von <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> einzuordnen. Der Sänger und<br />
Songwriter schreibt Songs, die durch Melodien und Texte bestechen, die in die Tiefe gehen<br />
und den Moment überdauern; ohne Rücksicht auf kommerzielle Richtlinien und Vorgaben.<br />
Die immer wiederkehrende Frage meiner Fans nach einer Sammlung meiner schönsten<br />
Lieder und den entsprechenden Akkorden soll mit diesem <strong>Songbook</strong> nun endlich eine<br />
Antwort finden. Und auch, wenn die Griffbilder den einen oder anderen unter Euch<br />
Gitarristen zunächst etwas abschrecken sollten: Nicht resignieren! Viele der vermeintlich<br />
komplizierten Akkorde entstehen durch Weglassen von Fingern und sind oft einfacher zu<br />
greifen, als die jeweilige Urform der Harmonie. Deshalb ist die zu jedem Titel angegebene<br />
„einfache“ oder „abgespeckte“ Version nicht unbedingt auch einfacher zu greifen. Vielmehr<br />
handelt es sich dabei um die Angabe der jeweiligen Standard-Harmonien für diejenigen<br />
unter Euch, die gleich loslegen und nicht erst lange Akkorde üben wollen! Alle anderen<br />
finden rechts eine kurze Erklärung, wie dieses <strong>Songbook</strong> aufgebaut ist.<br />
Auf der beiliegenden Play-along-CD könnt Ihr Euch die Titel so anhören, wie ich sie spiele.<br />
Aus Platzgründen fehlt der Titel "I never compromised", den Ihr Euch aber kostenlos in einer<br />
Live-Version unter www.<strong>Joshua</strong><strong>Carson</strong>.com als MP3-Datei herunterladen könnt.<br />
2<br />
Und jetzt viel Spaß beim Üben und Nachspielen!<br />
Links oben auf jeder Seite findest Du die Taktart (3/4, 4/4, 6/8...), sowie weitere<br />
songspezifische Angaben z. B. über das Setzen eines Kapodasters (hier im<br />
zweiten Bund zu setzen). Außerdem ist hier die Tracknummer angegeben, unter<br />
der der Song auf der CD zu finden ist.<br />
CD Track 22<br />
Der schwarze Bereich in einer Akkord-Angabe gibt<br />
die Urform des jeweiligen Akkords an ("abgespeckte"<br />
Version), der schwarze und graue Bereich<br />
zusammen geben die Original-Harmonie an, wie<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> sie greift. Ist ein Akkord ganz grau<br />
dargestellt, braucht er für die einfachere Version gar<br />
nicht gegriffen werden.<br />
Hier sind alle Original-Akkorde für<br />
den Song angegeben (schwarzer<br />
und grauer Bereich in der Akkord-<br />
Angabe).<br />
Darunter findest Du die Grundformen<br />
der Akkorde, mit denen sich der Song<br />
häufig leichter spielen lässt (schwarzer<br />
Bereich in der Akkord-Angabe).<br />
Ersetze die Original-Akkorde, die Dir<br />
zu kompliziert sind einfach durch die<br />
hier angegebenen.<br />
Wird ein Song gezupft, gibt´s außerdem<br />
ein Zupfmuster mit den darüberstehenden<br />
Zählzeiten.<br />
Akkorde, die nicht über Text stehen, sind durch<br />
Querstriche getrennt, die die Anzahl der zu<br />
spielenden Takte angeben.<br />
Fehlt ein Querstrich zwischen den<br />
Harmonien, teilen sich die Akkorde bis<br />
zum nächsten Strich den Takt.<br />
Akkorde, die über Text stehen, befinden sich<br />
genau auf der Silbe, auf der sie gegriffen werden.<br />
Zu einigen Songs findest Du in der<br />
schwarzen Box Tipps oder Hinweise zu<br />
Rhythmuswechseln etc.<br />
Die Songs sind alphabetisch sortiert. Zusätzlich findest Du auf der letzten Seite ein Inhaltsverzeichnis<br />
mit Seitenangaben.<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
a little thing<br />
(has turned out to be great)<br />
4<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2005<br />
INTRO:<br />
sus2 # 7 sus4 sus2<br />
E / A / c m H / A /<br />
VERSE:<br />
sus2<br />
E<br />
A<br />
This started out with nothing but a crazy lonely heart<br />
sus4 sus2<br />
H A<br />
And a ticket to the states<br />
sus2<br />
E<br />
A<br />
She came across the water without knowing where to start<br />
sus4 sus2<br />
H A<br />
To this well-known foreign place<br />
VERSE:<br />
E<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
He went off to work that day like every day before<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
Working seven days a week is what he went there for<br />
E<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
And this girl he´d never seen before sat down right by his side<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
And another love was born, and another love has died<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
# add13- sus2<br />
g m A<br />
She said: 'Tears will turn to laughter, boy, this is my believe<br />
# 7add11 # add13f<br />
m g m<br />
And if you´ll ever be in need of love that´s what I´m about to give'<br />
CHORUS:<br />
sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
E A f m<br />
H<br />
Oooh, a little thing has turned out to be great<br />
E<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
From the first time we went out to that romantic dinner date<br />
# 7<br />
c m<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
E<br />
Baby, once you let these memories in you never will forget<br />
D<br />
Oooh, a little thing<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
E<br />
Has turned out to be great<br />
sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
/ A / f m / H /<br />
VERSE:<br />
A diamond in his left hand<br />
Perspiration in his right<br />
A crowd of friends and relatives<br />
A beauty by his side<br />
She is standing there beside him<br />
In that long white lacy dress<br />
And he hardly gets to raise his voice<br />
To speak now, but he says<br />
Das Intro und die erste Strophe unterscheiden sich rhythmisch vom übrigen<br />
Song. Am Schluss wird jeder Akkord nur einmal angeschlagen.
BRIDGE:<br />
'We came here to do<br />
What no one thought I´d ever do<br />
Just as much as I thought<br />
You´d come right out of the blue'<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Oooh, a little thing has turned out to be great<br />
From the first time we went out<br />
To that romantic dinner date<br />
Baby, once you let these memories in<br />
You never will forget<br />
Oooh, a little thing<br />
Has turned out to be great<br />
SOLO:<br />
sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
E / A / f m / H /<br />
A H<br />
sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
E / / f m / /<br />
sus2<br />
E<br />
A<br />
Oooh, a little thing has turned out to be great<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
From the first time we went out<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
To that romantic dinner date<br />
Baby, once you let these memories in<br />
You never will forget<br />
Oooh, a little thing<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
Has turned out to be great<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Oooh, a little thing has turned out to be great<br />
From the first time we went out<br />
To that romantic dinner date<br />
Baby, once you let these memories in<br />
You never will forget<br />
#<br />
D A f m<br />
A<br />
Oooh, a little thing, oooh, a little thing<br />
sus2 sus4<br />
A H E<br />
Has turned out to be great<br />
INSTR.:<br />
sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
/ A / f m / H /<br />
SCHLUSS:<br />
E<br />
This started out with nothing<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
But a crazy lonely heart<br />
sus4 sus2<br />
H A<br />
And a ticket to the states<br />
sus2 7add11 sus2<br />
c m<br />
X<br />
3.<br />
1<br />
H<br />
X<br />
# 7<br />
sus4<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
D<br />
3 4<br />
3 4<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
4. D<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
3 4<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
#<br />
g m add13-<br />
2 3<br />
Tausche die Akkorde, die Dir zu<br />
schwierig sind, gegen diese aus:<br />
#<br />
c m<br />
X<br />
4. 1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
f m<br />
#<br />
1 1<br />
H<br />
X<br />
3 4<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
g m<br />
#<br />
1<br />
4. 1 1<br />
3 4<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
E<br />
A<br />
X<br />
E<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
sus2<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
6<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
a pocketful of dreams<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2004<br />
INTRO:<br />
add9 add9<br />
G / / G / /<br />
VERSE:<br />
add9<br />
G C<br />
She ran out of the hall and threw her home work on the floor<br />
add9<br />
G C<br />
And this time, she swore to herself, she won´t be coming back no more<br />
add9<br />
G C<br />
She nearly rushed upon me as I passed her by<br />
add9<br />
G C<br />
And I could see her desperation and the fear in her eyes<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
7 sus2<br />
am D<br />
I took her in my arms, and gently touched her face<br />
7<br />
am D<br />
CHORUS:<br />
C C<br />
And she grew strong, and said she may have lost this race<br />
11<br />
C D G<br />
But she will never break down, she will never lose her head<br />
11<br />
C D G<br />
No, she won´t do that favour to her dad<br />
11<br />
C D hm em<br />
Just a little girl at the age of seventeen<br />
7<br />
am C D G<br />
add9 add9<br />
C / G / C /<br />
With blisters on her body and a pocketful of dreams<br />
Akkordfolge im Solo:<br />
7 7 sus4 sus2<br />
am (2) / am / D D / D D /<br />
7 7 sus4 5<br />
am / am (2) / D D / D /<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 1983
VERSE:<br />
I met him by the playground<br />
Where we used to go<br />
But he wasn´t the same guy<br />
That I used to know<br />
He told me about his family<br />
Four hungry mouths to feed<br />
And without a job to do<br />
There ain´t no way to make ends meet<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
Two little boys devising plans<br />
Well, those days may be gone<br />
But I know no one can keep this guy<br />
From goin´ on<br />
CHORUS:<br />
No, he will never break down<br />
He will never lose his head<br />
No, he won´t do that favour to his dad<br />
And begging for a dime<br />
Is not as foolish as it seems<br />
For a man with growing weakness<br />
And a pocketful of dreams<br />
SOLO<br />
VERSE:<br />
I can´t even remember<br />
Back in 1975<br />
To me the day he left<br />
Was just another day in life<br />
Mom never seemed to care about him<br />
Coming home too late<br />
But tears were in her eyes<br />
When she turned to me and said<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
'Boy, your daddy´s left forever<br />
He may be far away and gone<br />
But no one ever keeps your mom<br />
From goin´ on<br />
CHORUS:<br />
And she will never break down<br />
She will never lose her head<br />
No, she won´t do that favour to your dad<br />
And one day she will see<br />
Those days are better than they seem<br />
He left me with a broken heart<br />
And a pocketful of dreams'<br />
CHORUS:<br />
No, she will never break down<br />
She will never lose her head<br />
No, she won´t do that favour to my dad<br />
And one day she will see<br />
Those days are better than they seem<br />
He left her with a broken heart<br />
And a pocketful of dreams<br />
C<br />
X<br />
C<br />
X<br />
G<br />
3<br />
D X<br />
X<br />
3<br />
2<br />
sus2<br />
am<br />
X<br />
7<br />
2<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
Für die einfachere Version<br />
greife diese Akkorde:<br />
2<br />
2<br />
1<br />
3<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
C<br />
X<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
add9<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
am (2)<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
1<br />
G<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
8<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
amore<br />
AMORE<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2004<br />
INTRO:<br />
VERSE:<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
7 7sus4 7<br />
/ em A / A /<br />
I met this girl when I went to Rome last summer<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
7 7sus4 7<br />
/ em A / A /<br />
Hot summer nights and sweet loving ever-----y day<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4 7 maj7<br />
A A D<br />
7 7sus4 7<br />
/ em A / A /<br />
We went down the beach heading for somewhere<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
7 7sus4 7<br />
/ em A / A /<br />
That´s when she moved her lips to say<br />
CHORUS:<br />
7<br />
gm<br />
7<br />
C<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
7<br />
H<br />
“Yo sono italiana, yo sono innamorata<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
9<br />
D<br />
Innamorata del cantautore<br />
7<br />
gm<br />
7<br />
C<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
7<br />
H<br />
Yo sono italiana, yo sono innamorata”<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
I heard her voice and felt<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
Amore<br />
maj7 maj7 maj7<br />
/ G / D / G /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
“Yo sono italiana, yo sono innamorata<br />
Innamorata del cantautore<br />
Yo sono italiana, yo sono innamorata”<br />
I saw her face and felt<br />
Amore, amore<br />
SOLO:<br />
maj7 maj7 maj7 maj7<br />
D / G / D / G /<br />
maj7 maj7 maj7 maj7<br />
D / G / D / G /<br />
We went to sunny beaches on a sunday<br />
And pulled up to a Motel in Pàlo<br />
I hugged and gave her kisses until monday<br />
Everytime she said these words that I don´t know<br />
7 7 7 7 7 7 maj7 7<br />
Bbm / D# / am (5.Bd.) / D (5.Bd.) / gm / C (3.Bd.) / F /C / F (6.Bd.) /<br />
7 7 7 7 7 7 maj7 7<br />
Bbm / D# / am (5.Bd.) / D (5.Bd.) / gm / C (3.Bd.) / F /C / F (6.Bd.) /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
7<br />
gm<br />
7<br />
C<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
7<br />
H<br />
“Yo sono italiana, yo sono innamorata<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
9<br />
D<br />
Innamorata del cantautore<br />
7<br />
gm<br />
7<br />
C<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
7<br />
H<br />
Yo sono italiana, yo sono innamorata”<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
I heard her voice and felt<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
Amore<br />
7 7sus4 7<br />
/ em A / A /<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
Amore<br />
7 7sus4 7 maj7 7 7sus4 7<br />
/ em A / A / D / em A / A /<br />
maj7<br />
D<br />
Amore<br />
7M<br />
D<br />
Amore<br />
7 7sus4 7 maj7 7 7sus4 7<br />
/ em A / A / D / em A / A /
Die vielen verschiedenen Akkorde resultieren<br />
aus der Modulation (Tonartwechsel) im Solo.<br />
Spiele für eine einfachere Version einfach das<br />
Solo in der Original-Tonart oder lasse es ganz<br />
9 7<br />
weg. Statt D kannst Du übrigens auch D greifen.<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
G<br />
2<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
gm<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
3. 1 1<br />
3 4<br />
D X<br />
X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
maj7<br />
1<br />
1 2 3<br />
1<br />
C<br />
X<br />
D<br />
X<br />
3.<br />
3<br />
7<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
9<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
maj7<br />
G<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2<br />
7sus4<br />
1<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
1<br />
7<br />
F (5.Bund)<br />
X<br />
X<br />
6.<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
H<br />
X<br />
7M<br />
7<br />
3<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3 4<br />
7<br />
C (3.Bund)<br />
X<br />
3. 1 1<br />
D X<br />
X<br />
D<br />
sus2<br />
#7<br />
7<br />
gm<br />
2<br />
3<br />
3. 1 1<br />
3<br />
3 4<br />
X<br />
6. 1 1<br />
3 4<br />
maj7<br />
F /C<br />
X<br />
3. 1 1<br />
4<br />
4<br />
7<br />
am (5. Bund)<br />
D X<br />
X<br />
maj7<br />
7<br />
em<br />
D<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
1<br />
4<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
A<br />
X<br />
7<br />
1 3<br />
1<br />
7<br />
D (5.Bund)<br />
X<br />
5. 1 1<br />
3 4<br />
5. 1<br />
1 6. 1<br />
1<br />
3<br />
7<br />
Bbm (6. Bd.)<br />
...oder ersetze die schwierigen<br />
Akkorde durch diese:<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
4<br />
1<br />
F<br />
3 4<br />
Bbm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
3<br />
f m<br />
#<br />
1 1<br />
1<br />
3<br />
H<br />
X<br />
4<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
10<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 6/8<br />
here i go again<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Timeless, Someday I will know<br />
© 2000<br />
INTRO:<br />
G / C / G / C<br />
add9 add9 /<br />
VERSE:<br />
G<br />
add9<br />
C<br />
Here I stand all alone with nothing to say<br />
G<br />
add9<br />
C<br />
And no one to listen at all<br />
G<br />
add9<br />
C<br />
The one that I loved has gone away<br />
F C G / C / G / C<br />
And there's no one there to break my fall, break my fall<br />
add9 add9 add9 add9<br />
VERSE:<br />
Do you remember our nights and the kisses we've kissed<br />
All the crazy things we used to do<br />
I tried to forget, forget all about this<br />
But there's nothing that I can do<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
D C<br />
I feel so confused and I feel so alone<br />
G C<br />
And I feel nothing's going my way<br />
D am<br />
Now and then I can see nothing changed since you're gone<br />
C D<br />
And I'm throwing it all away<br />
CHORUS:<br />
7<br />
G C am D<br />
Here I go--------- again<br />
G C<br />
7<br />
am D<br />
Gonna make a new start from right where I am<br />
em D/F# G C<br />
You are still in my heart, but you're not in my way<br />
am C D G / C / G / C<br />
Gonna make a new start, gonna live every day<br />
7 add9 add9<br />
VERSE:<br />
I don't mind anymore what you did to me<br />
I don't care if you're going away<br />
I just pray you will find what I couldn't be<br />
And things will now go your way<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
I just cannot see what you're looking for<br />
And I don't know why you went away<br />
And I don't know why I don't care anymore<br />
But I know now we do feel the same<br />
/<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Here I go again<br />
Gonna make a new start from right where I am<br />
You are still in my heart, but you're not in my way<br />
Gonna make a new start, gonna live every day<br />
SOLO:<br />
G //<br />
D / C / G / C /<br />
D / am / C / D /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Here I go again<br />
Gonna make a new start from right where I am<br />
You are still in my heart, but you're not in my way<br />
Gonna make a new start, gonna live every day<br />
Here I go again<br />
Gonna make a new start from right where I am<br />
Don't try to explain why we ended in war<br />
I don't care anymore, I don't care anymore<br />
Here I go again<br />
Gonna change my whole life<br />
Gonna do what I can<br />
I don't care what they say<br />
And I don't care what they do<br />
I don't care about them<br />
'Cause I'm still loving you<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 1998<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
2<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
D<br />
G<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
F<br />
X X<br />
C<br />
X<br />
am<br />
X<br />
add9<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
2<br />
F X<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
Hier die Akkorde für<br />
die "abgespeckte" Version:<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
X<br />
add9<br />
am<br />
X<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
12<br />
Capo: 2. Bund<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
i can fly<br />
I CAN FLY<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Timeless, Someday I will know<br />
© 2000<br />
INTRO:<br />
VERSE:<br />
C<br />
/ C<br />
C<br />
/ C / C /<br />
sus4 sus4<br />
Listening to our favourite country song<br />
sus4<br />
C C<br />
You and I lying on your bed tonight<br />
sus4<br />
C C<br />
Mr. Brooks singing a love song<br />
7<br />
dm G<br />
sus4<br />
C<br />
About this woman by my side<br />
F C am<br />
I can feel your hand in my hand and your breath touching me<br />
D F<br />
And everything around me´s fading silently<br />
CHORUS:<br />
C<br />
´Cause I can fly<br />
/ em /<br />
F G C em<br />
Everytime you hold my hand and walk by my side<br />
F G C em<br />
Everytime you say my name and stay for the night<br />
F G<br />
7<br />
dm<br />
And everytime there´s sorrow in my way<br />
7/G<br />
dm C<br />
I spread my wings and fly away
VERSE:<br />
I never cared about the future<br />
I never cared about yesterday<br />
But somehow thinking about tomorrow<br />
Has made me be right here with you today<br />
I feel everything is different now<br />
And nothing´s still the same<br />
And I´ve been on my way to heaven<br />
Since the day you came<br />
CHORUS:<br />
´Cause I can fly<br />
Everytime you hold my hand and walk by my side<br />
Everytime you say my name and stay for the night<br />
And everytime there´s sorrow in my way<br />
I spread my wings and fly away<br />
SOLO:<br />
F // C / am / D // F //<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Take my hand and we will fly<br />
Everytime you hold my hand and walk by my side<br />
Everytime you say my name and stay for the night<br />
And everytime there´s sorrow in your way<br />
We´ll spread our wings and we will fly<br />
Everytime I hold your hand and walk by your side<br />
Everytime I say your name and stay for the night<br />
And everytime there´s sorrow in our way<br />
We´ll spread our wings and fly away<br />
C<br />
X<br />
X<br />
1<br />
3<br />
dm X<br />
F<br />
C<br />
X<br />
2<br />
7<br />
3 4<br />
3<br />
dm<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
2<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
2<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
G<br />
sus4<br />
3 4<br />
7<br />
dm /G<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
am<br />
X<br />
Etwas leichter geht´s<br />
mit diesen Akkorden:<br />
1<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
C<br />
X<br />
sus4<br />
3 4<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
1<br />
F<br />
3 4<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
sus4<br />
Statt C kannst Du auch F greifen. 13<br />
2<br />
14<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 6/8<br />
i got the blues<br />
ich hab´ den blues<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2005<br />
INTRO:<br />
7 7/C# 7 7 9 7 aug<br />
G H / C A / G / E / A / D / G / C / G / D /<br />
VERSE:<br />
G<br />
7<br />
H<br />
Since you went away I appreciate<br />
C<br />
7<br />
A<br />
The same old fucking love songs that I used to hate<br />
G<br />
7<br />
E<br />
7<br />
A<br />
Baby, you don´t know what you do<br />
9<br />
D G / C<br />
9<br />
/ G / D /<br />
I got the blues<br />
VERSE:<br />
All my friends keep telling me your loving ain´t good for me<br />
And all the guys before still keep knocking on your door<br />
But I am not like all the other fools<br />
9 7<br />
D G / C / G / H /<br />
I got the blues<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7<br />
H<br />
I don´t have the fear of being left on the shelf<br />
C<br />
7<br />
A<br />
I´m just about to take to feeling sorry for myself<br />
G<br />
7<br />
E<br />
7<br />
A<br />
´Cause I don´t know what else can I do<br />
9<br />
D G / C / G<br />
9<br />
/ D /<br />
I got the blues<br />
SOLO: 7 7/C# 7 7 9 7 aug<br />
G // H // C // A // G / E / A / D / G / C / G / D /<br />
VERSE:<br />
Since you went away I appreciate<br />
The same old sad, sad love songs that I used to hate<br />
Baby, you don´t know what you do<br />
9<br />
D<br />
7<br />
H / / C /<br />
dim<br />
G /<br />
I got the blues<br />
G<br />
7<br />
E<br />
7<br />
A<br />
I´m just one more fool on the loose<br />
9<br />
D<br />
And I don´t like the blues<br />
7<br />
G<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 1999
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2005<br />
VERSE:<br />
Seit du mich verlassen hast<br />
Endet alles im Desaster<br />
Plötzlich hör´ ich diese scheiß Musik<br />
Die ich so gehasst hab´<br />
Du weißt nicht, was du mit mir tust<br />
Ich hab´ den Blues<br />
VERSE:<br />
Meine Freunde sagen mir<br />
Du liebst mich nicht und spielst nur mit mir<br />
Und all die langen Jahre<br />
Gab´s vielleicht drei oder vier schöne Tage<br />
Und du wärst es nicht wert, dich zu lieben<br />
Doch ich tu´s<br />
Ich hab´ den Blues<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
Du sagst, ich fänd´ gefall´n daran<br />
Mich selbst zu bemitleiden<br />
Aber, Baby, es ist noch nicht zu spät<br />
Sich anders zu entscheiden<br />
Doch du sagst, das ist völlig abstrus<br />
Ich hab´ den Blues<br />
VERSE:<br />
Alles hast Du mitgenommen<br />
Wirklich alles, und das ist auch vollkommen<br />
Ok so, weil´s Dir gut geh´n soll<br />
Nur eins, das find´ ich nicht so toll<br />
Du hast das Auto, und ich geh zu Fuß<br />
Ich hab´ den Blues<br />
VERSE:<br />
Seit du mich verlassen hast<br />
Geht alles drunter und drüber<br />
Statt Kiss und AC/DC<br />
Hör´ ich Chet Baker jetzt viel lieber<br />
Du weißt nicht, was du mit mir tust<br />
Ich hab´ den Blues<br />
Es reicht mir ja schon<br />
Wenn du´s wenigstens noch mal versuchst<br />
Ich hasse den Blues<br />
C<br />
X<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
...oder tausche die komplizierten<br />
Akkorde gegen diese:<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
em<br />
H<br />
X<br />
1<br />
3<br />
D X<br />
X<br />
G<br />
aug<br />
2<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
A<br />
X<br />
7<br />
1 3<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
3.<br />
C<br />
X<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
7<br />
7<br />
E<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
E<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
D und D kannst Du jeweils durch D oder D<br />
dim<br />
ersetzen. Wenn Dir G zu kompliziert ist,<br />
7<br />
bleibe einfach auf dem C oder C .<br />
9 aug<br />
7<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
4<br />
dim<br />
G<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
7<br />
A<br />
X<br />
#<br />
/C<br />
3<br />
1 2<br />
D<br />
X<br />
3.<br />
9<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
7<br />
em<br />
3<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
G<br />
H<br />
X<br />
2<br />
7<br />
1<br />
4<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3 4<br />
16<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 3/4<br />
i never compromised<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Timeless, Someday I will know<br />
© 2000<br />
INTRO:<br />
hm/A<br />
D // hm / hm /A / G // A / G / D ///<br />
/F# 4<br />
D // hm / / G / G / em / A A A /<br />
VERSE:<br />
D G<br />
When I was a lucky man and you were around<br />
D G A<br />
The world seemed alright to me and the love I had found<br />
em A D D/F# G<br />
I stare at the window and the cold out------side<br />
A G A<br />
Trying to tell myself it's alright<br />
VERSE:<br />
I remember the day you left and the note by the phone<br />
Well, I rushed to the doorway but you were already gone<br />
Everyday I returned to the place where we met<br />
4 sus4<br />
A G A A D / D / D //<br />
Maybe to meet you again, maybe just to dream in--stead<br />
CHORUS:<br />
hm<br />
#<br />
f m<br />
I never really fell in love since the day you were gone<br />
G D A<br />
I never really felt that way since I´ve been on my own<br />
hm<br />
#<br />
f m<br />
I never saw you crying and I never realized<br />
4 4<br />
G A A A / A /<br />
I never compromised<br />
INSTR.: D // hm / hm /A / G // A / G /<br />
VERSE:<br />
Well, the time went so slowly and others have passed<br />
And only the good times seemed to happen so fast<br />
Now I sometimes remember what you said to me<br />
'Each love is a good one if it stays naturally'<br />
em A D D/F# G<br />
Now I sometimes remember what you said to me<br />
4 sus4<br />
A G A A D / D / D //<br />
'Each love was a good one if it stays in your memory'<br />
CHORUS:<br />
(gesprochen)<br />
Hi, nobody´s home right now but after the tone<br />
Please leave a message and I´ll get back to you<br />
SOLO:<br />
4<br />
D // hm / hm /A / G / G /F# / em / A A A /<br />
4<br />
D // hm / hm /A / G // A / A /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
I never really fell in love…<br />
(repeat Chorus and fade out)
D<br />
X X<br />
f m<br />
#<br />
A<br />
X<br />
hm/A<br />
X<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 1<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
1 2 3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
D<br />
G<br />
A<br />
X<br />
4<br />
1 2<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
3<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
em<br />
1 2<br />
2 3<br />
#<br />
G/F<br />
4<br />
4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
...oder lass´ die "schrägen"<br />
einfach weg:<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
em<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
1 1<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
f m<br />
#<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
18<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
if i only had a brain<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Someday I will know<br />
© 2004<br />
INTRO:<br />
7<br />
G /// G D /<br />
VERSE:<br />
G<br />
7<br />
A<br />
I like the way I´m moving and I keep trying improving<br />
7<br />
H<br />
em<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
But nothing I can do could make it be---tter<br />
G<br />
7<br />
C<br />
7<br />
H em<br />
I´ll tell you what you can´t refuse, just listen to the words I use<br />
7<br />
C<br />
7<br />
H em<br />
7<br />
A D G D<br />
And no one ever can resist when I pull off my sweater<br />
CHORUS:<br />
G<br />
But if I only had a brain and I could think<br />
7<br />
A<br />
You know, it wouldn´t be so hard to see what´s happening<br />
7<br />
H em<br />
Tell me again what a fool I am<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
I don´t care ´cause I don´t understand<br />
G<br />
If I only had a brain and I could think<br />
7<br />
A<br />
You know, it wouldn´t be so hard to see what´s happening<br />
7 #dim 7<br />
C C G E (5.Bund)<br />
Tell me again and again, I don´t understand<br />
7<br />
A D G D<br />
If I only had a brain and I could think<br />
VERSE:<br />
A girl´s desire´s to be mine, ´cause every girl wants to feel fine<br />
I let them know that there´s just nothing better<br />
There´s no need to cry no more, ´cause I´m the one you´re looking for<br />
And if you want to spend the night with me I´ll surely let ya<br />
CHORUS:<br />
But if I only had a brain...<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
C G<br />
You might say I can´t complain<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
Well girl, I do believe the same<br />
D /C<br />
add11<br />
/ D /H D /A /<br />
SOLO: 7 7 7 add11<br />
G // A // H / em / A / D D/C D /H D /A /<br />
7 7 #dim 7 7<br />
G // A // C C / G E (5.Bund) / A D / G D /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
If I only had a brain...
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 2001<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
7<br />
D<br />
X<br />
X<br />
2<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
add11<br />
D /H<br />
X<br />
G<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
em<br />
H<br />
X<br />
1<br />
5.<br />
C<br />
X<br />
7<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D/A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
7<br />
E (5.Bund)<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
7<br />
1<br />
1 3<br />
3.<br />
C<br />
#dim<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D/C<br />
X<br />
X<br />
4<br />
em<br />
H<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2 3 4<br />
So geht´s etwas einfacher:<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
E<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
20<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
if you say you will<br />
(i'll marry you)<br />
(I'LL MARRY YOU)<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2004<br />
VERSE:<br />
D<br />
#<br />
f m<br />
I still can hear them saying 'all you need in life<br />
G D<br />
7<br />
A<br />
Is a house and a home with a beautiful wife'<br />
D<br />
#<br />
f m<br />
So I went out to find her, took my favourite suit and tie<br />
G D<br />
7<br />
A<br />
And with a shiver in my voice, but with a glow in my eyes<br />
G<br />
7<br />
A D hm<br />
I put a ring on her finger and took her by the hand<br />
em<br />
# 7<br />
f m G<br />
7<br />
A<br />
I said 'do you wanna be my bride?', and this is what she said:<br />
CHORUS:<br />
G A D<br />
'Will you tell me your sweet love will last forever<br />
G A D<br />
Will you hold me in your arms when I feel blue<br />
G A D hm<br />
And when I´m old and grey will you love me anyway<br />
em<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
If you say you will I´ll marry you<br />
#<br />
D/F G A em<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
Ah ah ah, if you say you will I´ll marry you'<br />
D /// G A /<br />
VERSE:<br />
D<br />
You´re my favourite pastime I´ve been awaiting for so long<br />
hm<br />
And I cannot sleep at night, girl, since the day you came along<br />
G D hm<br />
I remember when you said: 'how could we fail if we try?'<br />
# 7add11 #<br />
em f m G A A/G / A/F / A /E /<br />
So I was married to you, baby, in the twinkling of an eye<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Will you tell me your sweet love will last forever…<br />
VERSE:<br />
Everything you say describes exactly how I feel<br />
And all these lovely things I never knew still seem to be unreal<br />
I searched the world to finally find what I´ve been looking for<br />
And since you´re near to me, girl, there´s no need to search no more<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Will you tell me your sweet love will last forever…<br />
SOLO:<br />
D //// hm //// G // D / hm /<br />
# 7add11 #<br />
em / f m / G / A / A/G / A/F / A /E /
VERSE:<br />
You gave your promise to me, girl<br />
And I gave mine to you<br />
And no matter what you do for me<br />
I´d do the same for you<br />
I know exactly how you feel<br />
Since your sweet loving came my way<br />
´Cause sometimes when you sleep at night<br />
I can hear you say<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Will you tell me your sweet love will last forever<br />
Will you hold me in your arms when I feel blue<br />
And when I´m old and grey will you love me anyway<br />
# 7add11<br />
em f m G A<br />
If you say you do I will marry you<br />
CHORUS: (nur Duett-Version)<br />
G A G A D<br />
Will you tell me your sweet love will last forever<br />
Will you listen to me talking about my shoes<br />
Will you promise to be true<br />
If I tell you that I love you, too<br />
If you say you do I will marry you<br />
CHORUS:<br />
G A G A D C/D /<br />
Will you tell me your sweet love will last forever<br />
Will you try to make my sweetest dreams come true<br />
Will you promise to love me<br />
Girl, I know that there´s no guarantee<br />
But if you say you do I will marry you<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Will you tell me your sweet love will last forever<br />
Will you get up first to send the kids to school<br />
And when I´m down and out<br />
Will you comfort me and be around<br />
# 7add11<br />
em f m G A<br />
If you say you will, if you say you will<br />
G A G // D /<br />
if you say you will I´ll marry you<br />
In der ersten Strophe wird jeder Akkord nur einmal<br />
angeschlagen, der Rhythmus startet mit einer leichten<br />
Erhöhung des Tempos erst im ersten Chorus. Ab der<br />
zweiten Strophe ziehe das Tempo nochmals ein wenig an.<br />
C/D<br />
X X<br />
X<br />
4<br />
em<br />
A<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
A/G<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
3<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
D<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
1 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
f m<br />
#<br />
A/E<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 1<br />
G<br />
3 4<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
1 2 3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
D<br />
# 7<br />
f m<br />
A<br />
X<br />
#<br />
A/F<br />
D<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 1<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
Für die einfache Version greife:<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
em<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
f m<br />
#<br />
1 1<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
22<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
in love again<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Timeless, Someday I will know<br />
© 2000<br />
VERSE:<br />
G D G D/F<br />
Sometimes late at night I awake from dreaming<br />
em<br />
7<br />
em C D<br />
She could change her mind and go away<br />
G<br />
#<br />
D /F<br />
em<br />
Then I turn around and watch her sleeping<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
I close my eyes again and dream away<br />
VERSE:<br />
She´s the one who makes me live forever<br />
She´s the one who makes the darkness bright<br />
And nothing matters when we are together<br />
7<br />
am D G<br />
Nothing matters when she´s by my side<br />
CHORUS:<br />
C D G<br />
She can move a range of mountains when she´s laughing<br />
C D em<br />
She can melt a heart of stone with just a word<br />
C D G<br />
#<br />
D/F em<br />
And everytime she smiles just like when it be----gan<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7add13<br />
C em /H / am am /G / D / D G<br />
That´s when I fa-----------------------------ll in love again<br />
VERSE:<br />
She´s the only thing I ever needed<br />
And sometimes I just lie and watch her face<br />
No one else could ever do what she did<br />
No one else could ever take her place<br />
CHORUS:<br />
She can move a range of mountains when she´s laughing<br />
She can melt a heart of stone with just a word<br />
And everytime she smiles just like when it began<br />
That´s when I fall in love again<br />
SOLO:<br />
# 7<br />
G / D / G / G D/F / em / em / C / C D /<br />
# 7<br />
G / D/F / em // a m / D / G //<br />
CHORUS:<br />
She can move a range of mountains<br />
When she´s laughing<br />
She can melt a heart of stone<br />
With just a word<br />
And everytime she smiles<br />
Just like when it began<br />
That´s when I fall in love again<br />
(repeat Chorus)<br />
em/H (also e-moll mit H im Bass) greifst Du wie ein normales em, mit dem<br />
Unterschied, dass die tiefe E-Saite nicht mit angeschlagen werden darf!<br />
C<br />
X<br />
G<br />
3<br />
em<br />
A<br />
X<br />
4<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
Etwas einfacher geht´s so:<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1 3<br />
am/G<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
X<br />
2<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
7add13<br />
em /H<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
D<br />
G<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
7<br />
am<br />
X<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
24<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
in my dreams<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Someday I will know<br />
© 2004<br />
VERSE:<br />
C em<br />
She came to me in confidence with sadness in her eyes<br />
F fm<br />
To let me know the reason for the tears she cries<br />
C<br />
7<br />
em am am/G<br />
Sometimes in your life you can´t explain what´s deep inside<br />
F fm<br />
Just until the echo in your mind has died<br />
C<br />
7add13<br />
em /H am am/G<br />
Trust in me, ´cause I will always be<br />
F F/ G C<br />
7<br />
G<br />
There for you when things turn into fright<br />
VERSE:<br />
It haunts you everytime you try to let it flow<br />
´Cause you can´t until your memory won´t let it go<br />
And everytime reality is coming back to you<br />
Honey, let me be the one to help you through<br />
Turn to me, ´cause I will always be<br />
There for you in everything you do<br />
CHORUS:<br />
7<br />
E am<br />
7<br />
C<br />
In my dreams you and I are walking hand in hand<br />
F<br />
7sus2 #<br />
D /F<br />
And nothing in our way can make you frown, my friend<br />
C<br />
7add13<br />
em /H am am/G<br />
And when dark clouds come I will be the one<br />
F F/G C<br />
You´re turning to to make them bright again<br />
VERSE:<br />
When darkness is laying down on everything you own<br />
You just have to turn around to find you´re not alone<br />
And when brightness seems to fade out and the night´s making it grey<br />
Just remember when it´s over there´s another day<br />
Come to me, ´cause I will always be<br />
There for you to help you find your way<br />
CHORUS:<br />
In my dreams...<br />
SOLO: 7<br />
C / em / F / fm /<br />
/G F/ G<br />
7add13<br />
C em /H / am am / F / C /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
In my dreams...<br />
(repeat chorus)<br />
SCHLUSS:<br />
7<br />
G C<br />
7add13<br />
em /H am am/G<br />
Let me be the one when dark clouds come<br />
F F/G<br />
C<br />
7add13<br />
/ em /H / am am /G / F F/ G / C /<br />
I still believe, oh in my dreams<br />
Aufgepasst! Achte auf die grauen Darstellungen im Akkord F/G; beim Spielen<br />
der einfachen Version muss an einigen Stellen das F und an anderen Stellen das<br />
G gegriffen werden!
g<br />
D<br />
A<br />
E<br />
h<br />
e<br />
Picking<br />
1<br />
R<br />
D<br />
D<br />
Z<br />
D<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 2000<br />
und 2 und 3 und 4 und<br />
R<br />
D<br />
Z<br />
C<br />
X<br />
X<br />
3<br />
7<br />
E<br />
2<br />
2<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
4<br />
7add13<br />
em /H<br />
1<br />
4<br />
fm<br />
3 4<br />
am/G<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1<br />
C<br />
X<br />
1<br />
7<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
em<br />
F<br />
7<br />
G<br />
3<br />
2 3<br />
3 4<br />
2<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
7sus2 #<br />
D /F<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
F/G<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
am<br />
X<br />
4<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
Wenn das zu schwierig ist, geht´s<br />
so ein bisschen leichter:<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
em<br />
G<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
7sus2 #<br />
D /F<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
F<br />
X X<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1<br />
E<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
fm<br />
3 4<br />
Wie im Titel zuvor greifst Du em/H wie ein normales<br />
em, achte aber darauf, dass Du die tiefe E-Saite nicht<br />
mit anschlägst!<br />
25<br />
26<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 3/4<br />
leaving tonight<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 1994<br />
INTRO:<br />
# 7 sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
E // g m // A // f m / H /<br />
# 7 sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
E // g m // A // f m / H /<br />
VERSE:<br />
E<br />
/<br />
#<br />
g m A<br />
#<br />
// f m / H<br />
Saturday evening, I´m going and leaving my hometown<br />
E<br />
# add13-<br />
g m<br />
The night´s laying silently over the land<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
And you and I are lying on a bed of straw<br />
E D<br />
I´m feeling alright<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
just holding you tight, oh<br />
add13- sus2 7add11 sus4<br />
CHORUS:<br />
# 7<br />
c m<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
sus2<br />
A E<br />
We´ll never see those days again<br />
# add13g<br />
m<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
Such a good time with you by my side<br />
# 7<br />
c m<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
sus2<br />
A E<br />
Nothing can compare with the love that you spent<br />
# add13g<br />
m<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus4<br />
H E<br />
sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
/ A / f m / H /<br />
Kiss me that way again, I´m leaving tonight<br />
VERSE:<br />
I look in your eyes, I can see you´ve been crying over me<br />
Slowly you´re laying your head on my shoulder<br />
And staring out at the stars up in the sky<br />
I´m wondering tonight<br />
If you´re feeling alright, baby<br />
CHORUS:<br />
We´ll never see...<br />
SOLO:<br />
sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
E / A / f m / H /<br />
sus2 # 7add11 sus4<br />
E / A / f m / H /<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
E<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus4<br />
H E<br />
Watching out for shooting stars to wish this could last<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
To bring us back to do the things we never did<br />
E<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus4<br />
H<br />
# 7<br />
c m<br />
Dreaming of the beautiful moments we´ve lost<br />
# add13g<br />
m<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus4<br />
H E<br />
4<br />
// E / D /<br />
Girl, I never will forget those nice times we had<br />
G F<br />
And I´m wondering tonight<br />
C D<br />
If you´re feeling alright, baby
CHORUS:<br />
em D C G<br />
We´ll never see those days again<br />
hm C<br />
7<br />
am<br />
7<br />
D<br />
Such a good time with you by my side<br />
em D C G<br />
Nothing can compare with the love that you spent<br />
hm C D G<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
Kiss me that way again, I´m leaving tonight<br />
CHORUS:<br />
em D C G<br />
We´ll never see those days again<br />
hm C<br />
7<br />
am D<br />
Such a good time with you by my side<br />
em D hm C<br />
Nothing can compare with the love that you spent<br />
G C D em<br />
Kiss me that way again, I´m leaving tonight<br />
C G D G<br />
Kiss me that way again, I´m leaving tonight<br />
7<br />
G / C / am / D /<br />
7<br />
G / C / am / D /<br />
Oooh, oooh<br />
7<br />
G / C / am / D /<br />
Mmm, mmm<br />
7<br />
G / C / am / D / E /<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
F<br />
X X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
C<br />
X<br />
D<br />
4. D<br />
H<br />
X<br />
3<br />
sus4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
D<br />
4<br />
E<br />
3 4<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
# 7add11<br />
f m<br />
3 4<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
#<br />
g m add13-<br />
1<br />
X<br />
3.<br />
1<br />
X<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
c m<br />
D X<br />
X<br />
A<br />
# 7<br />
em<br />
G<br />
sus4<br />
sus2<br />
3 4<br />
2 3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
2 3<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
X<br />
E<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
F<br />
4. 1<br />
am<br />
3 4<br />
7<br />
g m<br />
#<br />
3<br />
7<br />
2<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
Akkorde für die "light"-Version:<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
2 3 4<br />
f m<br />
#<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 1<br />
3 4<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
E<br />
G<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
H<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
g m<br />
#<br />
2<br />
1<br />
4. 1 1<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
28<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
not just pretending<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Someday I will know<br />
© 2004<br />
maj7 maj7 maj7<br />
C / F / C / F / G / F / C / F /<br />
INTRO: (2)<br />
VERSE:<br />
C<br />
maj7<br />
F G F(2)<br />
Staring circles on the ceiling, fantasies unwind<br />
C<br />
maj7<br />
F G F(2)<br />
And the same old funny feeling comes running through my mind<br />
C<br />
maj7<br />
F<br />
Well, I know what I said when I thought I was glad<br />
G F(2)<br />
Man, I´ve seen this place before<br />
C<br />
maj7<br />
F G F(2)<br />
But this time I ain´t gonna stand this anymore<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
F(1) G am<br />
Take a look into my heart and you will feel the same<br />
D F(1)<br />
Believe me when I tell you again<br />
CHORUS:<br />
C G am F(1)<br />
And I say: 'it´s time for something different, I´m going away<br />
C G am F(1)<br />
I´m gonna start a new life and break free from these chains of yesterday<br />
C G am F(1)<br />
I´m gonna leave this tomorrow and the sun will shine<br />
F G<br />
maj7 maj7<br />
C / F / C / F /<br />
And I´m not just pretending this time'<br />
I´ve been running through this darkness but I found my way back home<br />
I was lost in stormy waters all alone<br />
I went back to the door where I stood once before<br />
And I noticed it was gone<br />
And I shouted out for help but I found myself alone<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
Take a look into my heart…<br />
CHORUS:<br />
And I say: 'it´s time for something different…'<br />
SOLO:<br />
Bb (6. Bund) / F / C //<br />
sus2<br />
Bb / F / G //<br />
Der Einsatz nach dem Break am Chorus-Ende ist beim ersten Mal vorgezogen,<br />
die anderen sind "gerade".
CHORUS:<br />
It´s time for something different, I´m going away<br />
I´m gonna start a new life<br />
And break free from these chains of yesterday<br />
I´m gonna leave this tomorrow<br />
Make a dream come true<br />
And I´m not just pretending I do<br />
CHORUS:<br />
D A hm G<br />
It´s time for something different, I´m going away<br />
D<br />
I´m gonna start a new life<br />
A/C# hm G<br />
And break free from these chains of yesterday<br />
D A<br />
I´m gonna leave this tomorrow<br />
hm G<br />
And the sun will shine<br />
G A D<br />
And I´m not just pretending this time<br />
(repeat chorus)<br />
C<br />
X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
Bb<br />
X<br />
1<br />
3<br />
2<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1 2 3<br />
sus2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
F (2)<br />
X X<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
X<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
F X<br />
maj7<br />
A/C<br />
X<br />
#<br />
3<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
6. 1<br />
F (1)<br />
G<br />
3 4<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
Bb (6. Bund)<br />
Du kannst die komplizierten Akkorde<br />
durch diese ersetzen:<br />
C<br />
X<br />
G<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
X<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
F<br />
X X<br />
Bb<br />
2<br />
2<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
santa still believes in you<br />
30<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2005<br />
# 7sus4 7<br />
D / D / G / A A /<br />
INTRO: /F<br />
VERSE:<br />
# 7sus4 7<br />
D / D / G / A A /<br />
/F<br />
7 # 7<br />
D em f m G<br />
She made a wish last year, walked into the room<br />
7 # 7<br />
D em f m G<br />
And she said 'Daddy, you said my wishes would come true<br />
A D<br />
7<br />
em<br />
# 7<br />
F hm hm/A<br />
But still there´s jealousy, hunger, misery and war<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7<br />
E<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
I don´t believe in Santa anymore'<br />
VERSE:<br />
I said 'my little one, keep your good heart, even<br />
Though it´s hard to see what you should believe in<br />
When it´s cold outside and no one´s there to keep you safe and warm<br />
7sus4 7<br />
G em A A<br />
Hold on to what you started for before your hope was gone'<br />
CHORUS:<br />
G A hm<br />
#<br />
hm /A / G G /F /<br />
´Cause all we need<br />
7<br />
E<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A<br />
To make this world a better place to be<br />
G<br />
#<br />
F hm hm/A 7<br />
E<br />
Is tenderness, courage, honesty and truth<br />
7<br />
em<br />
7sus4<br />
A<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
# 7sus4 7<br />
/ D /F / G / A A /<br />
That´s why Santa still belie-------ves in you<br />
VERSE:<br />
I love you, dear<br />
But in this world that´s scaring you<br />
There´s someone else<br />
Who needs you more than I do<br />
´Cause there´s loneliness and rainy days<br />
When there´s no family<br />
To comfort and to hold you tight<br />
In times of misery<br />
Picking<br />
g<br />
D<br />
A<br />
E<br />
h<br />
e<br />
1 und 2 und 3 und 4 und<br />
D<br />
Z<br />
R<br />
M<br />
CHORUS:<br />
And all we need<br />
To make this world a better place to be<br />
Is tenderness, courage, honesty and truth<br />
7 7sus4 7<br />
em A A G<br />
That´s why Santa still belie--------ves in you<br />
SOLO:<br />
#<br />
G / A / hm hm /A / G G /F /<br />
7 7 7sus4 7<br />
em / E / A A /<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
G A<br />
When it´s cold outside and no one´s there<br />
#<br />
hm hm/A G G/F<br />
To keep you safe and warm<br />
7<br />
E<br />
Hold on to what you started for<br />
7sus4 7<br />
A A<br />
Before your hope was gone<br />
CHORUS:<br />
´Cause all we need<br />
To make this world a better place to be<br />
Is tenderness, courage, honesty and truth<br />
That´s why Santa still believes in you<br />
OUTRO:<br />
# 7sus4 7<br />
/F<br />
# 7sus4 7<br />
D / D / G / A A /<br />
D / D /F / G / A A / D /<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 1997<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
em<br />
#7<br />
F<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2 3<br />
7sus4<br />
1<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
#<br />
G/F<br />
1 2<br />
4<br />
3<br />
4<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
D<br />
7<br />
em<br />
A<br />
X<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 1<br />
3<br />
2<br />
# 7<br />
f m<br />
1 2 3<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
7<br />
E<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
4<br />
#<br />
F<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
G<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
7<br />
1 3<br />
hm/A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
Die jeweiligen Grund-Harmonien<br />
greifst Du so:<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
#<br />
F<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1 2 3<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
E<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
f m<br />
#<br />
1 1<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
em<br />
G<br />
2 3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
32<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
she can<br />
SHE CAN<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2006<br />
INTRO:<br />
7 7 9 9<br />
/ E / A D / G D /<br />
VERSE:<br />
7<br />
G E<br />
I can´t keep the world from turning, I can´t make the rain fall down<br />
7 9<br />
A D<br />
I can´t keep the stars from shining, shining all around<br />
7<br />
G E<br />
I can´t keep a heart from beating, can´t turn tenderness to cuss<br />
7 9<br />
A D<br />
I can´t keep the moon from shining down on us<br />
CHORUS:<br />
#7<br />
C<br />
7<br />
C G<br />
7<br />
C G<br />
But she can, and that´s what she did today<br />
7<br />
C G<br />
7<br />
E<br />
7<br />
A<br />
9<br />
D<br />
She ca----n, like a coward she came from behind and took my love away<br />
#7<br />
C<br />
7<br />
C G<br />
7<br />
C G<br />
But I don´t mind, I´m just doing fine<br />
7<br />
C<br />
7<br />
H<br />
7<br />
em<br />
´cause I know the only thing that she can´t do<br />
7<br />
A<br />
9<br />
D<br />
Is travel back in time and keep my love from touching you<br />
INSTR.:<br />
G<br />
G<br />
7 7 9<br />
/ E / A / D /<br />
VERSE:<br />
I can´t keep the birds from singing, I can´t tear a perfect love<br />
I can´t keep the sun from shining down from above<br />
I can´t make a cloudy sky on a sunny day<br />
I can´t throw a heart down on the floor and walk away<br />
CHORUS:<br />
But she can, and that´s what she did today<br />
She can, like a coward she came from behind and took my love away<br />
But I don´t mind, I´m just doing fine<br />
´cause I know the only thing that she can´t do<br />
7 9<br />
A D G<br />
Is travel back in time and keep my love from touching you<br />
SOLO: 7 7 9<br />
G / E / A / D /<br />
7 7 9 #7<br />
G / E / A / D C /<br />
7 7<br />
C / G / C / G /<br />
7 7 7 9 7<br />
C / G E / A D / G G /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
But she can...<br />
SCHLUSS:<br />
7<br />
C G<br />
She can<br />
7<br />
C G<br />
She can<br />
(6/8-Feeling)<br />
7<br />
C G<br />
7<br />
E<br />
The only thing she can´t do<br />
7<br />
A<br />
9<br />
D<br />
7 7/9<br />
G / C / G / G /<br />
Is travel back in time and keep my love from touching you
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 2001<br />
C<br />
X<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
em<br />
1<br />
7<br />
7<br />
E<br />
H<br />
X<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
So geht´s etwas einfacher:<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
4<br />
7<br />
G<br />
3<br />
H<br />
X<br />
2<br />
7<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3 4<br />
1<br />
C<br />
X<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
#7<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
7<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
7/9<br />
G<br />
3<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
X<br />
3.<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
9 7<br />
Statt D kannst Du nicht nur D, sondern auch D<br />
greifen. Achte auf den Rhythmuswechsel am<br />
Ende! 33<br />
1<br />
4<br />
X<br />
1<br />
A<br />
X<br />
D<br />
G<br />
E<br />
7<br />
A<br />
X<br />
9<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4 4
34<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
someday i will know<br />
(how good it feels to<br />
hold her body close)<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Someday I will know<br />
© 2004<br />
INTRO: F<br />
#dim 7 9 7 7/5+<br />
F / C A / D G / C G /<br />
VERSE:<br />
C<br />
7<br />
E<br />
Stumbling through that door<br />
am<br />
7<br />
C<br />
She was selling flowers in a grocery-store<br />
F G C G<br />
And something made her say 'Boy, get outta here you´re not my kind!'<br />
C<br />
7<br />
E<br />
She´s so nice<br />
am<br />
7<br />
C<br />
Tell me what it takes and I will pay the price<br />
F G C<br />
7<br />
G<br />
To satisfy your senses and to make you see what´s on my mind<br />
CHORUS:<br />
C<br />
7<br />
E am<br />
7<br />
C<br />
Oh, it feels so right, love is on my side<br />
F G C<br />
7<br />
G<br />
And you will find me right beside her everywhere she goes<br />
C<br />
7<br />
E am<br />
7<br />
C<br />
´cause it feels so right when she is by my side<br />
F G C G<br />
And someday I will know how good it feels to hold her body close<br />
7<br />
VERSE:<br />
She is so alone<br />
And everyday I call her on the telephone<br />
To tell her about the way I feel<br />
And she will raise her voice to say:<br />
'Boy, no offense!<br />
But calling me that often simply makes no sense'<br />
And maybe she will call me back<br />
Or meet me on a saturday<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Oh, it feels so right...<br />
SOLO: 7 7 7<br />
C / E / am / C / F / G / C / G /<br />
C<br />
7 7 7<br />
C / E / am / / F / G / C / G /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Oh, it feels so right...<br />
(repeat chorus)<br />
SCHLUSS:<br />
F<br />
And someday I will know<br />
G C A<br />
How good it feels to hold her body close<br />
F<br />
And someday I will know<br />
G C A<br />
How good it feels to hold her body close<br />
F<br />
And someday I will know<br />
G<br />
How good it feels to hold her body close<br />
C<br />
7/5+<br />
Im Intro kannst Du statt G ein einfaches G oder<br />
9 7<br />
G7, und statt D kannst Du auch D greifen.<br />
9<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
F<br />
X X<br />
2<br />
2<br />
am<br />
X<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
C<br />
X<br />
So geht´s easy:<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
7<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
9<br />
D<br />
X<br />
7<br />
E<br />
3. 1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
3 4<br />
4<br />
#dim<br />
F<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
7/5+<br />
G X<br />
D<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
G<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1 2 3<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
C<br />
X<br />
1<br />
F<br />
3<br />
E<br />
9<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
7<br />
G<br />
A<br />
X<br />
3 4<br />
2<br />
7<br />
2<br />
1 3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
1<br />
1<br />
36<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
start a fire<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Someday I will know<br />
© 2004<br />
INTRO: C / C/E / F / G /<br />
C / C/E / F / G /<br />
VERSE:<br />
C C/E F G C C/E<br />
Girl, there´s something going on with you and me<br />
F G em am<br />
Something I don´t wanna miss, let´s see who´s right<br />
em am D<br />
When we hear them saying reality and boundary<br />
G<br />
Are slipping out of sight<br />
VERSE:<br />
Girl, I never planned to fall in love this way<br />
But somehow I just think of you each day and night<br />
And I can´t help it<br />
I feel the blame´s on you girl, when you are by my side<br />
CHORUS:<br />
F G C C/E<br />
I wanna thank you for this feeling in the morning<br />
F G C C/E<br />
Waking up to dream of you again<br />
F E am am/G<br />
I wanna thank you ´cause you came like a shiver through my veines<br />
D G<br />
I just cannot get enough girl, and I hope you feel the same<br />
F G C C/E<br />
I wanna thank you for the kisses I´ve been missing<br />
F G C C/E<br />
Just sit down and listen for a while<br />
F E am am/G<br />
Let me tell you, maybe I´m in love with you and, baby<br />
D G<br />
I will fall in love for sure when you look at me and smile<br />
F G C / C/E / F / G /<br />
Let´s keep this sparkling flame and start a fire<br />
VERSE:<br />
Girl, suddenly my sorrows pass away<br />
And I don´t care what grief filled up my yesterdays<br />
Those days are over<br />
You might say I´m foolish<br />
But one day you will see that<br />
VERSE:<br />
Girl, nothing you can do can do me wrong<br />
That´s why I wanna sing this simple song to you<br />
And tell you how I´m feeling<br />
Just sit down and listen, girl, to what I wanna say
CHORUS:<br />
I wanna thank you for this feeling in the morning<br />
Waking up to dream of you again<br />
I wanna thank you ´cause you came<br />
Like a shiver through my veines<br />
I just cannot get enough, girl<br />
And I hope you feel the same<br />
I wanna thank you for the kisses I´ve been missing<br />
Just sit down and listen for a while<br />
Let me tell you, maybe<br />
I´m in love with you and, baby<br />
I will fall in love for sure<br />
When you look at me and smile<br />
F G F<br />
Let´s keep this sparkling flame and start a fire<br />
SOLO:<br />
F / G / C / C /E / F / G / C / C /E /<br />
F / E / am / am /G / D // G //<br />
CHORUS:<br />
I wanna thank you…<br />
OUTRO: C / C/E / F / G /<br />
C / C/E / F / G /<br />
C / C/E / F / G /<br />
C / C/E / F / G / C /<br />
C<br />
X<br />
E<br />
G<br />
3<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
C<br />
X<br />
2<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
3<br />
em<br />
1<br />
C/E<br />
3<br />
em<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
1<br />
F<br />
4<br />
3 4<br />
2<br />
am/G<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
Mit diesen Akkorden geht´s<br />
viel einfacher:<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
F<br />
X X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
E<br />
G<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
straight from the heart<br />
38<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Someday I will know<br />
© 2004<br />
VERSE:<br />
G C G<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
I feel so lost and lonely though you´re still around to say<br />
em<br />
7<br />
em C cm<br />
That your love for me was given in a true and honest way<br />
G<br />
7<br />
am hm C<br />
You say everything is different and it´s still the same somehow<br />
7<br />
am D<br />
Why don´t you say just what you wanna say and why do you tell me all this now<br />
VERSE:<br />
I know no begging now can change your mind<br />
Seems like your heart has turned to stone<br />
And the way we planned so hard to go you wanna go now all alone<br />
So how can you expect me now to try and understand<br />
7<br />
am C D<br />
When we both know who is left behind when our love is at its end<br />
CHORUS:<br />
7<br />
G am hm C<br />
I feel my lo-----ve is killing me tonight<br />
7<br />
am C D<br />
I picked a quarrel with my baby and I´m losing this fight<br />
G<br />
7<br />
am hm C<br />
I feel my lo-----ve is tearing me apart<br />
7<br />
am<br />
add9<br />
C<br />
And it´s filling up my mind with something coming<br />
D G<br />
Straight from the heart<br />
VERSE:<br />
We came to sit and wonder why we disagree<br />
And the things I knew so well<br />
Now look so different to me<br />
You say everything will turn out right<br />
And one day I will see<br />
But honey, you don´t need to tell me<br />
There´s some better place to be<br />
CHORUS:<br />
I feel my love is killing...<br />
SOLO:<br />
# 7<br />
G / C / G / G D /F / em / em / C / cm /<br />
7 7<br />
G / am / hm / C / am // C / D /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
I feel my love is killing...<br />
(repeat chorus)
C<br />
X<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
3<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
2<br />
7<br />
em<br />
2<br />
C<br />
X<br />
1<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
C<br />
X<br />
add9<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
D<br />
G<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
cm<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
em<br />
am<br />
X<br />
2 3<br />
...auch dieser Song lässt sich<br />
etwas einfacher greifen:<br />
3<br />
em<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
cm<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
G<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
7<br />
2<br />
am<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 2001 39
40<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
superman<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2004<br />
7 9 7 9 7 9 7<br />
A / D / A / D / A / D / E //<br />
INTRO: (1) (1) (1)<br />
VERSE:<br />
7 9<br />
A (1)<br />
D<br />
I had a girl in Reno, she almost blew my mind<br />
7 9<br />
A (1)<br />
D<br />
I told her 'girl, a love like ours is hard to find<br />
7 9<br />
A (1)<br />
D<br />
You´ll never find me cheating, I can´t deceive your charmes'<br />
7<br />
E<br />
When she came from work that day I held her sister in my arms<br />
VERSE:<br />
We really had a good time and we spent some days on fire<br />
But soon my girl came back to me and told me her desire<br />
'Nothing can compare with what I feel when you are by my side'<br />
7 #9-(no5)<br />
E<br />
D<br />
She told me 'boy, I need you to comfort me tonight'<br />
CHORUS:<br />
9<br />
D<br />
She´s the one who knows exactly what I like the best<br />
7<br />
A (1)<br />
She´s the one who understands my love´s not meant to last<br />
9<br />
D<br />
Only she can make me feel this way and I suppose<br />
7 #9-(no5)<br />
E<br />
D<br />
She´s giving me self confidence in overdo----se<br />
9<br />
D<br />
She knows I don´t need no one to tell me what to do<br />
7<br />
A (1)<br />
And I stopped counting all the times she told me we were through<br />
9<br />
D<br />
But I know the reasons well, why she came back again<br />
#9-(no5) 7 7 9 7 9<br />
D<br />
E A (1) / D / A / D /<br />
Oh, she makes me feel a little bit like Superman<br />
VERSE:<br />
Try to leave this man behind, try to forget<br />
Someday you´ll come back to me, remember what I said<br />
When I tell you there´s no chance for you getting over me<br />
Nothing is for sure, girl, but I can garantee<br />
VERSE:<br />
You can search the whole world to find a man like me<br />
She didn´t recognize my words for a week or three<br />
Till she called me on the phone to say she´s coming back to stay<br />
I never even noticed she had gone away
CHORUS:<br />
She´s the one who knows exactly<br />
What I like the best<br />
She´s the one who understands<br />
My love´s not meant to last<br />
Only she can make me feel<br />
This way and I suppose<br />
She´s giving me self confidence in overdose<br />
She knows I don´t need no one<br />
To tell me what to do<br />
And I stopped counting all the times<br />
She told me we were through<br />
But I know the reasons well<br />
Why she came back again<br />
Oh, she makes me feel a little bit like Superman<br />
SOLO:<br />
7 9 7 9<br />
A (1) / D / A (1) / D /<br />
7 9 7 7 #9-(no5)<br />
A (1) / D / E / E D /<br />
9 7<br />
D // A (1) //<br />
9 7<br />
D // E //<br />
VERSE:<br />
Seven weeks have passed now<br />
Since she went away<br />
And still I cannot understand<br />
Why she left this way<br />
She took my car and keys<br />
And my credit card I bet<br />
And since she´s gone to somewhere else<br />
I´m finally certain that<br />
CHORUS:<br />
She´s the one who knows exactly<br />
What I like the best<br />
She´s the one who understands<br />
My love´s not meant to last<br />
Only she can make me feel<br />
This way and I suppose<br />
She´s giving me self confidence in overdose<br />
She knows I don´t need no one<br />
To tell me what to do<br />
And I stopped counting all the times<br />
She told me we were through<br />
9<br />
D<br />
But I know the reasons well<br />
Why she came back to me<br />
7<br />
E<br />
She just cannot stand my irresistibility<br />
#9-(no5) 9<br />
D D<br />
Oh, she packed her bags and left me<br />
But she´ll be back again<br />
D E A<br />
Oh, she makes me feel a little bit like Superman<br />
#9-(no5) 7 7 (2)<br />
D<br />
9<br />
7<br />
A (1)<br />
X<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
X<br />
X<br />
3. 1 4.<br />
1<br />
2<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
3 4<br />
1 3<br />
D<br />
#9-(no5)<br />
A<br />
X<br />
7<br />
(2)<br />
2 3<br />
4<br />
5.<br />
7<br />
E<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
Dieser Song lässt sich auch mit<br />
nur 3 Akkorden spielen:<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
E<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1 2 3<br />
Um diesen Titel auch in der einfacheren Version<br />
authentisch klingen zu lassen, greife jeweils die Septim-<br />
Akkorde, also, D7 statt D, E7 statt E und A7 statt A.<br />
42<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
tell your heart<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Someday I will know<br />
© 2004<br />
sus2<br />
A / E<br />
sus2<br />
/ D //<br />
sus2 sus2<br />
INTRO: /A<br />
A / E /A / D //<br />
VERSE:<br />
sus2<br />
A E/A<br />
You said your love for me would last forever and a day<br />
sus2<br />
D<br />
And my love for you would turn you inside out<br />
sus2<br />
A E/A<br />
Well, forever now has passed, there´s nothing left to say<br />
sus2<br />
D<br />
Nothing that could make you turn around<br />
sus2<br />
A G<br />
What about the love we had and what about the kids<br />
# sus2<br />
D /F<br />
A<br />
What about the promises we made<br />
sus2<br />
A G<br />
What about the words you said when you said that you love this<br />
# sus2<br />
D /F<br />
A<br />
And what about the plans that we once had<br />
CHORUS:<br />
G<br />
#<br />
D/F sus2<br />
A<br />
Tell your heart that we are still together<br />
G<br />
#<br />
D/F sus2<br />
A<br />
And that I am still your favourite nominee<br />
G<br />
#<br />
D/F sus2<br />
A<br />
Tell your heart it´s still not over, our personal forever<br />
7<br />
hm E G<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
Tell your heart you´re still in love with me<br />
INSTR.:<br />
sus2 sus2<br />
A / E /A / D //<br />
sus2 sus2<br />
A / E /A / D //<br />
VERSE:<br />
Girl, we used to stay together<br />
Wherever it may lead<br />
We used to get this ship back to the shore<br />
This is gone and lost forever<br />
This ain´t coming back to be<br />
The only thing that we are living for<br />
Take me back to when our loving days<br />
Were somewhere I could breathe<br />
Take me back to when our love was something good<br />
Take me back to when our seperate ways<br />
Were something temporary<br />
Turn around until we´re back where we once stood
CHORUS:<br />
Tell your heart...<br />
SOLO: sus2 sus2<br />
E // D // A // E //<br />
11 add9/E sus2<br />
E // D // A // H ////<br />
CHORUS: sus2 sus2<br />
A E H<br />
Tell your heart that we are still together<br />
sus2<br />
A E<br />
sus2<br />
H<br />
And that I am still your favourite nominee<br />
sus2<br />
A E<br />
sus2<br />
H<br />
Tell your heart it´s still not over, our personal forever<br />
# 7<br />
c m<br />
#<br />
F<br />
sus2<br />
A<br />
sus2<br />
H<br />
Tell your heart you´re still in love with me<br />
(repeat chorus)<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> mit Gitarrist Sebastian Bunge 2006<br />
#<br />
c m<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
7<br />
4.<br />
D<br />
11<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
X<br />
3. 1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
2 3<br />
3<br />
#<br />
F<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
A<br />
X<br />
sus2<br />
2 3<br />
#<br />
c m<br />
X<br />
4. 1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
#<br />
F<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
H<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
6.<br />
D<br />
E<br />
G<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
add9<br />
A /E<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
Version "light":<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
G<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D X<br />
X<br />
sus2<br />
E/A<br />
X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
H<br />
X<br />
2<br />
1<br />
2<br />
sus2<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
1 1<br />
E<br />
A<br />
X<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
44<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
tidal river<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Someday I will know<br />
© 2004<br />
INTRO:<br />
VERSE:<br />
G ////<br />
7<br />
G C G / G /<br />
There´s a tidal river running down your life<br />
7 7 9<br />
A C D<br />
There´s a little shining sun in every day to keep alive<br />
7<br />
hm em<br />
Even when the water´s getting deep and no help seems in sight<br />
7<br />
C<br />
You´ll find out in the end somehow you will survive<br />
VERSE:<br />
There´s a tidal river going down you way<br />
There´s a little glory just to praise every day<br />
You should know when things turn bad and everything seems grey<br />
7 9<br />
C D G D /<br />
There´s a tidal river going down your way<br />
CHORUS:<br />
G<br />
Tidal river´s moving on<br />
em<br />
Tidal river´s growing strong<br />
7 7<br />
A C<br />
And even when the tide rolls in and you seem to drown again<br />
9<br />
D G / C / G / D /<br />
Tidal river´s moving on
VERSE:<br />
There´s a tidal river passing by<br />
There are so many things to share before you die<br />
And when the water´s getting low<br />
To make you stop and wonder why<br />
Still care about your river passing by<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Tidal river´s moving on...<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
D/F#<br />
em<br />
And sometimes when the planking breaks<br />
C<br />
And water starts to flow in<br />
em<br />
Don´t worry about the stand it takes<br />
add11<br />
D D/C D /H D/A<br />
You better keep on row-------ing<br />
SOLO:<br />
7 7 7 9<br />
G / C / G / G / A // C / D /<br />
7 7 9<br />
hm // em // C / D / G D /<br />
CHORUS:<br />
Tidal river´s moving on...<br />
(repeat chorus)<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
2<br />
D/A<br />
X<br />
D<br />
X<br />
3.<br />
9<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
1<br />
G<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
C<br />
X<br />
G<br />
3<br />
7<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
C<br />
X<br />
7<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D/C<br />
X<br />
4<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
add11<br />
D /H<br />
X<br />
7<br />
G<br />
3<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
#<br />
D/F<br />
em<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 3<br />
Einfache Akkorde gefällig?<br />
2<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
9 7<br />
Statt D kannst Du auch D oder D greifen. 45<br />
D<br />
1<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4
46<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
timeless<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Timeless, Someday I will know<br />
© 2000<br />
INTRO:<br />
D<br />
sus4<br />
/ D // D /<br />
VERSE:<br />
D A G D<br />
I went to her that morning to tell her not to worry<br />
G A D<br />
4<br />
/ A A /<br />
About anything I said the day before<br />
D A G D<br />
I said 'I´m back to hold you and to tell you I am sorry'<br />
G A D<br />
But there´s no need to tell her anymore<br />
CHORUS:<br />
G A D<br />
What would I do to make us feel like this forever<br />
G A hm<br />
And hold you in my arms for all my life<br />
G A D<br />
#<br />
D/C add11<br />
D /H D/A<br />
I dream about the end of time with you and me together<br />
em A D<br />
Together we would keep our love alive<br />
VERSE:<br />
I´m right where I belong now, but I´m still too close to see<br />
And I tried to tell you what I feel for you<br />
But I can´t explain the joy I feel with you lying beside me<br />
Telling me you feel the same way, too<br />
CHORUS:<br />
What would I do to make us feel like this forever<br />
And hold you in my arms for all my life<br />
I dream about the end of time with you and me together<br />
Together we would keep our love alive<br />
SOLO:<br />
# add11 7<br />
G / A / D D /C / D /H D /A / em // H //<br />
VERSE:<br />
E<br />
7<br />
H A E<br />
I should have heard her begging me to tell her that I love her<br />
A H E H<br />
Oh, I should have heard her crying in the night<br />
7 7<br />
7<br />
E H A E<br />
If only I could show her this feeling like no other<br />
A H E E<br />
7 7<br />
If only I could keep her by my side<br />
SCHLUSS:<br />
A<br />
7<br />
H E<br />
7<br />
E<br />
Timeless is the sunshine in the morning<br />
A<br />
7<br />
H<br />
#<br />
c m<br />
Timeless is the water and the sea<br />
A<br />
7<br />
H E<br />
7<br />
H<br />
#<br />
c m<br />
I do appreciate the time I walked around in sorrow<br />
A<br />
7<br />
H<br />
#<br />
c m<br />
But most of all the time for you and me<br />
A<br />
7<br />
H<br />
4<br />
E E<br />
But most of all the time for you and me
g<br />
D<br />
A<br />
E<br />
h<br />
e<br />
Picking<br />
1<br />
R<br />
D<br />
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> mit Techniker 2005<br />
und 2 und 3 und 4 und<br />
D<br />
Z<br />
D<br />
R<br />
D<br />
Z<br />
#<br />
c m<br />
X<br />
4. 1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
add11<br />
D /H<br />
X<br />
4<br />
E<br />
H<br />
X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
4<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2 3 4<br />
7<br />
1<br />
2 3 4<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
X<br />
7<br />
E<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
D X<br />
sus4<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D/A<br />
X<br />
E<br />
G<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
1 2 3<br />
Wenn Dir das zu schwierig ist,<br />
ersetze die komplizierten Akkorde:<br />
#<br />
c m<br />
X<br />
4. 1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
G<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
E<br />
H<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
48<br />
Capo: 2. Bund<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
what i feel inside<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: Timeless, Someday I will know<br />
© 2000<br />
INTRO:<br />
sus2<br />
D // D //<br />
sus4 7<br />
em // A / A /<br />
mmm mmm mmm<br />
VERSE:<br />
D em G A<br />
Everything that counts is gone but nothing´s to confess<br />
G A D<br />
sus4 7<br />
/ A A /<br />
You´re walking through this desert all alone<br />
D em G A<br />
And finally there´s someone and you found a place to rest<br />
G A<br />
sus2<br />
D // D //<br />
There´ll be no more sleepless nights all on your own<br />
em<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
7<br />
D<br />
Happy just to be there walking hand in hand<br />
G<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
7 sus4 7<br />
/ A A A /<br />
And never again you will walk alone<br />
D em G A<br />
´Cause she will lift you up to make you find your way again<br />
G A<br />
sus2<br />
D / D /<br />
But suddenly, again she will be gone<br />
VERSE:<br />
I spent a long time thinking about some changes in my life<br />
But now and then you see me down to pray<br />
When I see there´s nothing more to gain to stay alive<br />
That nothing ever changes to another way<br />
So thank the Lord above for opportunities to show<br />
The sweetness of some warm and tender kiss<br />
Be thankful for the way you´re taking and for letting you go<br />
And lend a hand to those who are in need of this<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
em<br />
7<br />
A D hm<br />
I might have said I loved you and you might say I lied<br />
em<br />
7<br />
A D<br />
7 sus4 7<br />
/ A A A /<br />
But even if I did it wasn´t so<br />
D em G A<br />
´cause girl, I´ve got a lot of loving and I try to place it right<br />
G A<br />
sus2<br />
D // D //<br />
But sometimes there just ain´t no easy way to show<br />
VERSE:<br />
So listen to my music and let it take your heart<br />
Let it take you to some other place and time<br />
I will open up my mind and let some loving start<br />
When words begin to say what I feel inside<br />
7<br />
em A D hm(7.<br />
Bund)<br />
Yes, I will open up my mind and let some loving start<br />
7 sus2<br />
em A G(3.Bd) A(5.Bd) D (5.Bd)<br />
When words begin to say what I feel inside
<strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong> 2005<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
4<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
1 2<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
5. 1 1<br />
3.<br />
sus2<br />
D (5. Bund)<br />
3 4<br />
G (3.Bund)<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
3<br />
hm (7. Bund)<br />
7. 1 1<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
Picking<br />
g<br />
D<br />
A<br />
E<br />
h<br />
e<br />
D<br />
7<br />
D<br />
X<br />
X<br />
em<br />
A<br />
X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
1 2 3<br />
1 3<br />
So geht´s leichter:<br />
Z<br />
em<br />
2 3<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
R<br />
M<br />
5.<br />
X<br />
1 1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
hm<br />
X<br />
1<br />
D X<br />
G<br />
sus2<br />
2<br />
A (5.Bund)<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3 4 4<br />
G<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
1 und 2 und 3 und 4 und<br />
Z<br />
50<br />
Capo: --<br />
Takt: 4/4<br />
Drop-D-Tuning<br />
you can run<br />
(but you can't hide)<br />
Text und Musik: <strong>Joshua</strong> <strong>Carson</strong><br />
Album: --<br />
© 2005<br />
D // D / em /<br />
D // D /C / em /H /<br />
INTRO:<br />
sus2 sus2<br />
/C<br />
7<br />
/H<br />
sus2 sus2 7<br />
VERSE:<br />
sus2<br />
D<br />
sus2/C<br />
D<br />
7<br />
em /H<br />
Raindrops on the windshield, Travis singing country songs<br />
sus2<br />
D<br />
sus2/C<br />
D<br />
7<br />
em /H<br />
I was on my way to somewhere down on highway 41<br />
sus2<br />
D<br />
sus2/C<br />
D<br />
7<br />
em /H<br />
50 miles behind me, got my wheels out of control<br />
sus2<br />
Bb<br />
And I realized there are gonna be<br />
sus2<br />
C<br />
sus2 sus2 7<br />
D // D /C / em /H /<br />
A hundred thousand more to go<br />
sus2 sus2 7<br />
D // D / em /<br />
/C /H<br />
VERSE:<br />
I came across a funny guy sitting on a fence<br />
Puffing on a Marlboro with a lighter in his hands<br />
He said “I know where you´re going boy, ´cause I´ve been there before<br />
But let me tell you something: I won´t hit that road no more!”<br />
CHORUS: sus2 sus2 sus4add9<br />
D A C G<br />
´Cause you can run but you can´t hide<br />
sus2 sus2 sus4add9<br />
D A C G<br />
You can make a million bucks and still you won´t be satisfied<br />
sus2 sus2 sus4add9<br />
D A C G<br />
I´ve been up and down this highway, I´ve been far away from home<br />
sus2 7<br />
Bb A<br />
And I finally found myself<br />
7sus4add13 7(no3) sus2 sus2 7<br />
A A D // D /C / em /H /<br />
Right where I star-------ted from<br />
sus2 sus2 7<br />
D // D / em /<br />
/C /H<br />
Für diesen Titel wird die tiefe E-Saite einen Ganzton tiefer gestimmt, also auf D,<br />
diese Stimmung nennt sich "Drop-D". Einige Akkorde musst Du dann etwas<br />
anders greifen (siehe Grifftabelle).<br />
Natürlich lässt dieser Song sich aber auch mit der normalen Stimmung spielen -<br />
die Akkorde dafür findest Du auf der rechten Seite.
VERSE:<br />
He said: 'You´re no fool, boy<br />
I know some may think you are'<br />
And he handed me a book<br />
While I was stringing my guitar<br />
'Whenever you get off your trail<br />
Whenever you´re alone<br />
Let that Bible in your hand<br />
Take you where you belong'<br />
CHORUS:<br />
´Cause you can run but you can´t hide…<br />
SOLO:<br />
sus2<br />
C / G / D //<br />
sus2<br />
C / G / D //<br />
BRIDGE:<br />
sus2<br />
C<br />
Stop that, son!<br />
G<br />
Don´t talk to me like I don´t know<br />
D<br />
When there´s nowhere left to run<br />
There´s only one place you can go<br />
sus2<br />
C<br />
Something made me turn around<br />
G<br />
Something I just can´t discribe<br />
sus2<br />
Bb<br />
I did 90 on the freeway<br />
sus2<br />
C<br />
When I finally realized<br />
CHORUS:<br />
That you can run but you can´t hide…<br />
(repeat Chorus)<br />
OUTRO:<br />
sus2 sus2 7<br />
D // D /C / em /H /<br />
sus2 sus2 7<br />
D // D /C / em /H /<br />
sus2 sus2 7<br />
D // D /C / em /H /<br />
sus2 sus2 7<br />
D // D /C / em /H / D /<br />
C<br />
X<br />
3<br />
Akkorde in diesem Song<br />
sus4add9<br />
sus2<br />
D /C<br />
X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
7<br />
2 3<br />
A<br />
X<br />
7sus4add13<br />
2<br />
1<br />
1<br />
D (drop D)<br />
7<br />
em /H<br />
X<br />
1<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
3<br />
7<br />
A (no3)<br />
X<br />
5.<br />
2 3<br />
Bb<br />
X<br />
1<br />
sus2<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
sus2<br />
D (drop D)<br />
3 4<br />
1<br />
G (drop D)<br />
A<br />
X<br />
sus2<br />
2 3<br />
Greife diese Akkorde für die<br />
vereinfachte Version ohne "Drop-D":<br />
C<br />
X<br />
G<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
D<br />
X X<br />
A<br />
X<br />
1 2<br />
3<br />
1 2 3<br />
em<br />
Bb<br />
X<br />
1<br />
2 3<br />
2<br />
3<br />
3 4<br />
1 1<br />
1<br />
INHALT<br />
A Little Thing (Has Turned Out To Be Great) 4<br />
A Pocketful Of Dreams 6<br />
Amore 8<br />
Here I Go Again 10<br />
I Can Fly 12<br />
I Got The Blues 14<br />
Ich Hab´ Den Blues 15<br />
I Never Compromised 16<br />
If I Only Had A Brain 18<br />
If You Say You Will (I´ll Marry You) 20<br />
In Love Again 22<br />
In My Dreams 24<br />
Leaving Tonight 26<br />
Not Just Pretending 28<br />
Santa Still Believes In You 30<br />
She Can 32<br />
Someday I Will Know (How Good It Feels...) 34<br />
Start A Fire 36<br />
Straight From The Heart 38<br />
Superman 40<br />
Tell Your Heart 42<br />
Tidal River 44<br />
Timeless 46<br />
What I Feel Inside 48<br />
You Can Run (But You Can´t Hide) 50<br />
52 (c) 2006 J.C. Management<br />