Classification of Setswana short stories

Classification of Setswana short stories

Classification of Setswana short stories


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<strong>Classification</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Setswana</strong> <strong>short</strong> <strong>stories</strong><br />

DLAMINI, S.R. 1995. Voicing their perceptions: a review <strong>of</strong> Swazi women<br />

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ENGLAND, P. 1993. Theory on gender: feminism on theory. New York: De<br />

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GEŔARD, A.S. 1993. Comparative literature and African literatures. Ed. by C.F.<br />

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HILL-COLLINS, P. 1990. Black feminist thought: the knowledge, consciousness<br />

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LANNON, J.M. 1992. The writing proccess: a concise rhetoric. Dartmouth:<br />

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MAGOLENG, B.D. & NTSIME, J.M. 1972. Mpolelele dilo. Kaapstad: Via Afrika.<br />

MALOPE, R.M. 1982. Mmualebe. Mamelodi: Vista University.<br />

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MASUKU, M.J. 1997. Images <strong>of</strong> women in some <strong>of</strong> Zulu literary works: a<br />

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MAWELA, F. 1994. The depiction <strong>of</strong> women characters in Venda novels.<br />

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MBITI, J.S. 1975. African religious and philosophy. London: Heinemann.<br />

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164 ISSN 0258-2279 Literator 28(2) Aug. 2007:145-165

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