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advancing undErstanding<br />

<strong>of</strong> global issuEs<br />

reseArch<br />

Expert scholars, dynamic research institutes and a commitment to creating and sharing<br />

knowledge combine to make the <strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong> a leading institution for the analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

important global issues. Drawing on individual and collaborative research, our faculty<br />

develops innovative analyses that sharpen international affairs debates. Our research<br />

institutes facilitate this work, bringing together leading thinkers from academic and policy<br />

communities. <strong>The</strong>se intellectual centers contribute vital knowledge on issues ranging from<br />

the dynamics <strong>of</strong> major world regions to international economic policy and international<br />

security problems. Complex questions demand smart answers. Our scholars provide them.

conDucting reseArch<br />

on gloBAl issues<br />

research creaTes KnoWledGe<br />

In 2006-2007, our faculty members published<br />

hundreds <strong>of</strong> books, scholarly articles and policy<br />

essays related to international affairs. hossein<br />

askari published Middle East Oil Exporters: What<br />

Happened to Economic Development? (Edward<br />

Elgar). Jennifer Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f co-edited Converting<br />

Migration Drains into Gains: Harnessing the Resources<br />

<strong>of</strong> Overseas Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals (Asian Development<br />

Bank). amitai etzioni published Security First: For a<br />

Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy (Yale). James lebovic<br />

published Deterring <strong>International</strong> Terrorism and<br />

Rogue States: U.S. National Security Policy After 9/11<br />

(Routledge). steven livingston co-authored When<br />

the Press Fails: Political Power and the News Media<br />

from Iraq to Katrina (Chicago). Kristin lord published<br />

<strong>The</strong> Perils and Promise <strong>of</strong> Global Transparency: Why<br />

the Information Revolution May Not Lead to Security,<br />

Democracy, or Peace (SUNY). Walter reich coauthored<br />

State <strong>of</strong> the Struggle: Report on the Battle<br />

against Global Terrorism (Council on Global Terrorism<br />

and Brookings Institution).<br />

12 AnnuAl report 2006-2007<br />

Faculty members received numerous honors in<br />

2006-2007. James Goldgeier held the Henry<br />

Kissinger chair at the U.S. Library <strong>of</strong> Congress and<br />

then resided as a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson<br />

Center. henry hale won the American Political<br />

Science Association’s 2007 Leon Epstein Prize.<br />

dina Khoury received a Guggenheim award for<br />

her research on Iraq. <strong>George</strong> moose received a<br />

fellowship from Harvard’s Institute <strong>of</strong> Politics. holger<br />

schmidt was awarded a grant by the Sweden-based<br />

Folke Bernadotte Academy for a project on United<br />

Nations conflict management. ronald spector was a<br />

Fulbright visiting pr<strong>of</strong>essor at the National University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Singapore. emmanuel Teitelbaum won the 2007<br />

American Political Science Association’s Gabriel A.<br />

Almond Award for the best doctoral dissertation in<br />

the field <strong>of</strong> comparative politics.<br />

With support from GW’s board <strong>of</strong> trustees, the <strong>Elliott</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> created a new research and policy program on<br />

diaspora communities; hosted major conferences on<br />

topics such as micr<strong>of</strong>inance, deterring rogue states,<br />

and Islamic political movements; and launched an<br />

event series on the future <strong>of</strong> democracy.<br />

michael moore dina Khoury James Goldgeier amb. david shinn

analYsis informs PolicY<br />

Our faculty’s policy analyses inform policymaking<br />

and decision making. nathan Brown published<br />

“Living with Palestinian Democracy” in Carnegie<br />

Policy Brief and “Palestine: Hamas in Power” in Arab<br />

Reform Bulletin. cynthia mcclintock and James<br />

lebovic published an article on democracy in Latin<br />

American Politics and Society. amb. John miller<br />

published “Does ‘Freedom’ Mean Freedom from<br />

Slavery?” in the National Review. michael moore<br />

published an analysis <strong>of</strong> U.S. anti-dumping decisions<br />

in the European Journal <strong>of</strong> Political Economy. marie<br />

Price and Lisa Benton-Short co-authored “Counting<br />

Immigrants in Cities across the Globe” in Migration<br />

Information Source.<br />

<strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong> faculty exchanged insights and<br />

expertise through conferences, seminars and<br />

workshops. harry harding served on a Council<br />

on Foreign Relations task force that produced the<br />

report “U.S.-China Relations: An Affirmative Agenda,<br />

A Responsible Course.” John logsdon spoke about<br />

miriam Bates, who received an MA in European and Eurasian studies in<br />

2007, won the <strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s John henry cowles Prize, which recognizes<br />

the student with the best overall scholastic achievement and leadership<br />

potential. Bates now works at the Department <strong>of</strong> Defense, where she focuses<br />

on European affairs.<br />

international cooperation in space exploration at<br />

the <strong>International</strong> Astronautical Congress in Valencia,<br />

Spain. Jerrold Post gave presentations at the National<br />

Defense University. amb. david shinn testified before<br />

the Senate Subcommittee on African <strong>Affairs</strong>.<br />

our research looKs forWard<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong> will continue to promote<br />

international affairs research by:<br />

Launching two new research centers, the Institute<br />

for <strong>International</strong> Economic Policy and the Institute<br />

for Middle East Studies, in fall 2007<br />

Preparing to launch a new Institute for Security<br />

and Conflict Studies in 2008-2009<br />

Seeking named endowments for our<br />

research institutes<br />

Pursuing funding to expand support for<br />

faculty research, scholarly collaboration<br />

and visiting scholars<br />

James lebovic cynthia mcclintock ronald spector henry hale<br />

elliott school <strong>of</strong> internAtionAl AffAirs 13

center for internAtionAl science<br />

AnD technology policy<br />

<strong>The</strong> Center for <strong>International</strong> Science and Technology<br />

Policy (CISTP) examines the impact <strong>of</strong> science and<br />

technology on international affairs. CISTP conducts<br />

research and policy analysis on comparative science<br />

and technology policies; technology and industry;<br />

the role <strong>of</strong> information technology in international<br />

politics; national research and development<br />

programs; and space policy.<br />

science and TechnoloGY shaPe<br />

our fuTure<br />

Research by CISTP faculty examined key issues<br />

involving science and technology policy. henry<br />

farrell published “Regulating Information Flows:<br />

States, Private Actors and E-Commerce” in the<br />

Annual Review <strong>of</strong> Political Science, and wrote blog<br />

posts on the impact <strong>of</strong> communication technologies<br />

on politics. david Grier published a monthly<br />

column in Computer magazine and served as<br />

editor-in-chief <strong>of</strong> the IEEE (Institute <strong>of</strong> Electrical<br />

and Electronics Engineers) Annals <strong>of</strong> the History <strong>of</strong><br />

Computing. henry hertzfeld published “<strong>The</strong> Case<br />

John logsdon, director <strong>of</strong> the space Policy institute, received<br />

the Barry m. Goldwater space educator award <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Aeronautics and Astronautics.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor logsdon (center) served as a member <strong>of</strong> the NASA<br />

Advisory Council, the space agency’s top advisory group, and is<br />

featured with fellow NASA Advisory Council members Apollo 11<br />

astronaut neil armstrong (right) and Apollo 17 astronaut and<br />

former senator harrison (Jack) schmitt.<br />

14 AnnuAl report 2006-2007<br />

for Multinational Private Sector Cooperation in<br />

Developing New Launch Vehicle Technology” in<br />

Space Policy. CISTP Director nicholas Vonortas<br />

co-edited Knowledge Flows in European Industry<br />

(Routledge). ray Williamson published “<strong>The</strong> Moon<br />

is a Land without Sovereignty: Will it be a Business-<br />

Friendly Environment?” in the U.S. Air Force’s High<br />

Frontier Journal. Space Policy Institute Director<br />

John logsdon co-edited Collective Security in Space:<br />

European Perspectives (Space Policy Institute, 2007).<br />

<strong>The</strong> space Policy institute also convened the first<br />

multilateral conference in the Asia-Pacific region<br />

on “collective security in space” and will publish<br />

conference papers in a forthcoming book.<br />

CISTP encouraged the pr<strong>of</strong>essional development<br />

<strong>of</strong> the next generation <strong>of</strong> science and technology<br />

policy leaders. In March 2007, the seventh annual<br />

Graduate student conference, which CISTP hosted<br />

with <strong>George</strong> Mason University, Virginia Tech and<br />

Arizona State University, welcomed 90 students from<br />

around the world to exchange ideas.

cisTP analYsis shaPes PolicY<br />

CISTP faculty evaluated the research and<br />

development programs <strong>of</strong> government agencies<br />

in the United States and abroad. Clients included<br />

Greece’s ministry <strong>of</strong> development, nasa, the<br />

national institutes <strong>of</strong> standards and Technology<br />

and the u.s. department <strong>of</strong> energy and programs<br />

in the european union, Japan and Korea. nicholas<br />

Vonortas also co-authored a report for the European<br />

Union on entrepreneurship, innovation and the<br />

information society.<br />

<strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong> students produced incisive policy<br />

analyses <strong>of</strong> their own. A report on the opportunities<br />

and challenges <strong>of</strong> “Near Earth Objects” was used<br />

by a blue-ribbon group drafting an international<br />

agreement for the United Nations Committee on the<br />

Peaceful Uses <strong>of</strong> Outer Space.<br />

Space policy students had<br />

the opportunity to meet<br />

with NASA Administrator<br />

michael Griffin, the American<br />

Museum <strong>of</strong> Natural History’s<br />

Hayden Planetarium Director<br />

neil deGrasse Tyson,<br />

Apollo 9 astronaut rusty<br />

schweikardt, National<br />

Security Council Director for<br />

Space Policy Phil ritcheson<br />

and others.<br />

CISTP MA student audrey schaffer (MA’07, second from<br />

right), a Boeing award winner, with colleagues at NASA.<br />

cisTP encouraGes dialoGue amonG<br />

scholars and <strong>The</strong> PuBlic<br />

CISTP advanced understanding <strong>of</strong> science and<br />

technology policy among experts and the general<br />

public. CISTP hosted workshops for the Korea<br />

science and engineering foundation and Korean<br />

institute for science and Technology evaluation<br />

and Planning.<br />

CISTP launched a seminar series on the Politics and<br />

Policy <strong>of</strong> information and continued to host the<br />

Technology and innovation seminar. Other seminar<br />

topics included “Do Visas Kill? <strong>The</strong> Development<br />

Effects <strong>of</strong> Skilled-Worker Emigration from Africa”<br />

and “<strong>The</strong> Puzzling Politics <strong>of</strong> Entrepreneurial State<br />

Economic Development Policy.”<br />

Visiting scholars from Brazil, china, hungary, Korea,<br />

mexico, norway, sweden and the united Kingdom<br />

and <strong>of</strong>ficers from the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> State and<br />

U.S. Air Force worked at the center.<br />

<strong>The</strong> space Policy institute has been a leading voice in the international space community since<br />

1987. <strong>The</strong> Boeing Company has supported the institute since its earliest days. Boeing’s support has<br />

funded a range <strong>of</strong> activities, such as research, dinner discussions for the Washington space policy<br />

community, workshops and conferences. Over the past two years, Boeing has donated $40,000 for<br />

student scholarships. audrey schaffer, a Boeing fellow who earned her MA in international science and<br />

technology policy this spring, interned at NASA’s Exploration Systems Missions Directorate, and upon<br />

graduation was accepted as a Presidential Management Fellow.<br />

“We’re happy to have played a role in supporting training for exceptional students<br />

interested in pursuing careers in space policy and management. We know<br />

that the Space Policy Institute provides a unique educational experience.”<br />

— roger Krone, president <strong>of</strong> Boeing Network and Space Systems<br />

elliott school <strong>of</strong> internAtionAl AffAirs 15<br />

Numerous organizations<br />

funded CISTP’s research,<br />

including: the Greek<br />

ministry <strong>of</strong> development,<br />

u.s. <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> naval<br />

research, the macarthur<br />

foundation, nasa,<br />

the national oceanic<br />

and atmospheric<br />

administration and the<br />

rockefeller foundation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Space Policy Institute<br />

received support for its<br />

activities from Boeing,<br />

lockheed martin, <strong>The</strong><br />

aerospace corporation<br />

and the united space<br />


James millar and the millar family fund<br />

institute for europeAn,<br />

russiAn AnD eurAsiAn stuDies<br />

<strong>The</strong> Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian<br />

Studies (IERES) sponsors innovative undergraduate<br />

and graduate teaching programs, research and collaboration<br />

with the global academic and policy communities.<br />

Twenty full-time faculty members, visiting<br />

scholars, student fellows and research assistants<br />

study the history, politics, economies, societies and<br />

cultures <strong>of</strong> this diverse, dynamic region.<br />

scholars analYZe a reGion<br />

in TransiTion<br />

IERES faculty members published research that<br />

advanced understanding <strong>of</strong> Europe, Eurasia and<br />

Russia. henry hale contributed a chapter on the<br />

political, economic and social dynamics <strong>of</strong> postcommunist<br />

transition in Patrons, Clients, and Policies<br />

(Cambridge). elliot Posner published “Sources <strong>of</strong><br />

Institutional Change: <strong>The</strong> Supranational Origins<br />

<strong>of</strong> Europe’s New Stock Markets” in World Politics.<br />

James millar published a chapter on “Putin and the<br />

Economy” in Putin’s Russia (Rowman and Littlefield).<br />

<strong>The</strong> Millar Family Fund was established in April 2007 to honor pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />

James Millar and his two children Leo Schaeg Millar and Mira Millar<br />

Brownfield. Mira graduated from GW’s <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Education and Human<br />

Development in 1998. Tragically, Leo was killed in an automobile accident<br />

the day before his graduation from Oberlin College in 1988. <strong>The</strong> fund will<br />

support research by faculty and students associated with IERES.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Millar family chose to create a program that would honor<br />

Jim Millar’s commitment to academic research. We hope that<br />

the Millar Family Fund will continue Jim’s important legacy<br />

<strong>of</strong> encouraging research by faculty and students.”<br />

— Gera millar and mira millar Brownfield<br />

James millar (center) with dean Brown and hope harrison<br />

16 AnnuAl report 2006-2007<br />

sharon Wolchik co-wrote “Favorable Conditions and<br />

Electoral Revolutions” in the Journal <strong>of</strong> Democracy.<br />

IERES also supported student research. IERES and<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>George</strong> Washington Cold War group (GWCW)<br />

hosted the annual international Graduate student<br />

conference on the cold War. Nineteen Ph.D.<br />

students, selected from a pool <strong>of</strong> 75 applicants,<br />

presented papers. <strong>The</strong> conference received generous<br />

support from the henry luce foundation.<br />

Our faculty earned recognition from numerous<br />

organizations. daina eglitis won a Fulbright grant<br />

to lecture on comparative sociology at Riga Stradins<br />

University in Latvia. henry hale won a Fulbright grant<br />

to conduct research on Russia’s presidential election in<br />

Moscow. James hershberg continued to serve on the<br />

editorial board <strong>of</strong> the Cold War <strong>International</strong> History<br />

Project Bulletin and to edit the Cold War <strong>International</strong><br />

History Project Book Series. James millar won the<br />

American Association for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Slavic<br />

Studies’ Distinguished Contributions to Slavic Studies<br />

Award in 2006 for his lifelong dedication to the study<br />

<strong>of</strong> Soviet and Russian economics.

ieres faculTY eValuaTes PolicY<br />

ToWard euroPe, russia and eurasia<br />

IERES faculty members contributed to current<br />

policy debates. James Goldgeier co-authored<br />

“Global NATO” in Foreign <strong>Affairs</strong> with Ivo Daalder.<br />

Taras Kuzio published op-eds on Ukraine in <strong>The</strong><br />

Washington Post, <strong>The</strong> Washington Times, UPI, <strong>The</strong><br />

Ukraine Observer and the Kyiv Post. Kristine <strong>of</strong>ferdal<br />

published opinion essays in Images <strong>of</strong> Russia: New<br />

Op-ed Articles on Neighbors in the North (Fridtj<strong>of</strong><br />

Nansen Institute, Norway).<br />

IERES experts provided informed and intelligent<br />

commentary. National Public Radio, Radio Sweden<br />

and Vatican Radio interviewed harvey feigenbaum<br />

on U.S.-French relations and the French elections.<br />

James Goldgeier was interviewed by BBC, Fox News,<br />

Al-Jazeera English and Reuters on Russian politics.<br />

hope harrison, director <strong>of</strong> IERES, appeared on CNN’s<br />

<strong>The</strong> Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer to discuss<br />

Russia’s growing power as an energy provider. James<br />

millar discussed Russia on CNN <strong>International</strong>.<br />

Joanna Brucker, an IERES student fellow, won the hart award for <strong>George</strong><br />

Washington University’s best undergraduate thesis in anthropology. Brucker’s<br />

research drew from her experience living in Athens and interning at a local<br />

refugee rights NGO. She is featured here on a trip to Ireland’s Ring <strong>of</strong> Kerry.<br />

ieres adVances KnoWledGe<br />

and eXPands deBaTe<br />

IERES hosted more than 60 events and<br />

conferences including a new lecture series on EU<br />

Challenges Ahead, with John Bruton, European<br />

Union ambassador to the United States, and a<br />

conference co-hosted with the state department<br />

on “Transforming the Cold War: <strong>The</strong> United States<br />

and China, 1969-80,” at which IERES released<br />

an electronic briefing book <strong>of</strong> newly declassified<br />

documents.<br />

<strong>The</strong> William and helen Petrach endowment<br />

provided support for the study <strong>of</strong> Ukraine and<br />

IERES residency for Yuriy fedun and Khrystyna<br />

Pavlyk, both from Ivan Franko National University.<br />

<strong>The</strong> norway-america association supported the<br />

annual amb. robert d. stuart fellowship for<br />

a visiting scholor from Norway. eva Kvelland, a<br />

student at University <strong>of</strong> Oslo, studied at the <strong>Elliott</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> and interned on Capitol Hill.<br />

a. michael h<strong>of</strong>fman, a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s <strong>International</strong> Council and the son <strong>of</strong> a former<br />

IERES fellow, funded two $7,500 dissertation fellowships, which were awarded to Ph.D. students<br />

nancy meyers (political science) and Varad mehta (history). He also generously supports faculty<br />

and student research.<br />

“While not a graduate <strong>of</strong> GW, I am committed to supporting IERES, which is making great strides<br />

toward becoming one <strong>of</strong> the leading centers for the study <strong>of</strong> international affairs in the U.S.”<br />

— a. michael h<strong>of</strong>fman<br />

elliott school <strong>of</strong> internAtionAl AffAirs 17<br />

IERES won a $50,000, twoyear<br />

grant from the andrew<br />

mellon foundation to fund its<br />

fifth annual summer institute<br />

on conducting archival<br />

research (SICAR). <strong>The</strong> fiveday<br />

course for Ph.D. students<br />

received 99 applications for<br />

20 spots and <strong>of</strong>fered advanced<br />

research training.

institute for gloBAl AnD<br />

internAtionAl stuDies<br />

<strong>The</strong> Institute for Global and <strong>International</strong> Studies<br />

(IGIS) promotes intellectual exchange and<br />

collaborative research across academic disciplines.<br />

In particular, IGIS supports research that addresses<br />

contemporary world challenges such as global<br />

governance, international law and organizations,<br />

trade regimes, international development and<br />

international security.<br />

iGis scholarshiP confronTs<br />

GloBal challenGes<br />

IGIS faculty members published their research<br />

in numerous books and journals. deborah avant<br />

published a chapter on “Political Institutions<br />

and Military Effectiveness: Contemporary United<br />

States and United Kingdom” in Creating Military<br />

Power (Stanford). martha finnemore published<br />

a chapter in <strong>International</strong> Law and <strong>International</strong><br />

Relations: Bridging <strong>The</strong>ory and Practice (Routledge).<br />

henry nau published a chapter on “<strong>The</strong> Political<br />

18 AnnuAl report 2006-2007<br />

Reasons for Global Economic Imbalances” in<br />

Sharing the Economic Burden <strong>of</strong> World Order (Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik). susan sell published<br />

an article on intellectual property rights and access<br />

to medicine in the Liverpool Law Journal and<br />

“Intellectual Property and the Doha Development<br />

Agenda” in Global Social Policy.<br />

Building on an IGIS workshop, faculty members<br />

Jennifer Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f, stephen smith and<br />

hildy Teegen co-edited NGOs and the Millennium<br />

Development Goals: Citizen Action to Reduce Poverty<br />

(Palgrave Macmillan). martha finnemore contributed<br />

a chapter on “<strong>The</strong> Politics <strong>of</strong> Global Partnership.”<br />

iGis enGaGes leadinG scholars<br />

IGIS hosted 12 research seminars featuring leading<br />

experts on a diverse range <strong>of</strong> topics including<br />

international organizations, counterinsurgency<br />

strategies, global diaspora communities, Iraqi police<br />

Jennifer Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f susan sell stephen smith Gina lambright

training and welfare policy in developing countries.<br />

IGIS co-hosted a book launch for Governance in<br />

Post-Conflict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States<br />

(Routledge) by GW pr<strong>of</strong>essor derick Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f.<br />

As part <strong>of</strong> the future <strong>of</strong> democracy initiative, IGIS<br />

hosted two conferences—one on corruption and<br />

democracy, and another on hybrid regimes that<br />

combine democratic and authoritarian elements.<br />

Both conferences highlighted the expertise <strong>of</strong> <strong>Elliott</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> faculty members such as deborah avant,<br />

nathan Brown, henry hale, Gina lambright and<br />

cynthia mcclintock, who shared their expertise with<br />

scholars from <strong>George</strong>town, Harvard, University <strong>of</strong><br />

British Colombia and Yale.<br />

In 2006-2007, IGIS also hosted visiting scholars<br />

from Boston, Copenhagen and Madrid.<br />

research and PolicY ProGrams<br />

robert Jervis, Adlai E. Stevenson pr<strong>of</strong>essor at Columbia University,<br />

gave the keynote speech at an IGIS conference titled “Deterring<br />

Rogue States: Do the Old Rules Apply?”<br />

iGis shares iTs eXPerTise<br />

IGIS faculty members discussed their research with<br />

national and global audiences. Jennifer Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f<br />

and liesl riddle participated in a UN expert meeting<br />

on the role <strong>of</strong> diasporas in strengthening business<br />

and entrepreneurship in developing countries. henry<br />

farrell served as an affiliated researcher at the Max<br />

Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.<br />

henry nau lectured on “Sharing the Economic<br />

Burden <strong>of</strong> World Order” at the German Marshall Fund<br />

<strong>of</strong> the United States. Walter reich was reappointed<br />

as a senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center.<br />

susan sell presented her work on intellectual<br />

property protection and access to medicine at a<br />

University <strong>of</strong> California Law <strong>School</strong> colloquium on<br />

globalization and law. stephen smith presented<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Millennium Development Goals and the Struggle<br />

Against Poverty Traps” at a United Nations Economic<br />

and Social Council meeting on eradicating poverty<br />

and hunger.<br />

IGIS is home to two research and policy programs. culture in Global affairs (ciGa), founded in 2003, promotes scholarly<br />

research and sponsors policy dialogues. In 2006-2007, CIGA faculty served as expert consultants for the World Bank, USAID, and<br />

other organizations; published 10 peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters; and delivered many presentations at national and<br />

international conferences. <strong>The</strong> ciGa seminar series sponsored six public talks: “Must Boys Be Boys? Ending Sexual Exploitation<br />

and Abuse in UN Peacekeeping Missions”; “What Would Gandhi Say? Gandhian Thought and Practice in Development”; “Can<br />

Foreign Aid End World Poverty?”; “Heritage Preservation in Law and Policy: Handling the Double-Edged Sword <strong>of</strong> Development”;<br />

“Indigenous Approaches to Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution in Africa”; and a panel event on cultural<br />

anthropology knowledge and the U.S. military and the intelligence community. <strong>The</strong> panel presentations are being developed<br />

into a book co-edited by CIGA Director Barbara miller and robert albro. CIGA also hosted the Margaret Mead Film Festival.<br />

In 2007, the <strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong> launched GW diaspora Program, a research and policy program focusing on diaspora communities<br />

worldwide—in particular, diasporas in conflict and post-conflict societies; diasporas in politics, policy and advocacy; the role<br />

<strong>of</strong> diasporas in remittances, philanthropy and development; business investment and development; and diasporas and global<br />

security risks. Director Jennifer Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f chaired a session as part <strong>of</strong> Civil Society Day, a Brussels-based event sponsored by<br />

the King Baudouin Foundation. <strong>The</strong> event was part <strong>of</strong> the first Global Forum on Migration and Development, which included 155<br />

participating country governments.<br />

elliott school <strong>of</strong> internAtionAl AffAirs 19

sigur center for<br />

AsiAn stuDies<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sigur Center for Asian Studies promotes deeper<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> Asia and improved links between<br />

Asians and the rest <strong>of</strong> the world through education,<br />

research and public programs. It is home to both<br />

undergraduate and graduate teaching programs on<br />

Asian studies and more than 50 full-time faculty<br />

members. <strong>The</strong> Sigur Center is the only program in<br />

the Washington, DC area that <strong>of</strong>fers the nationally<br />

competitive Foreign Language and Area Studies<br />

(FLAS) Fellowships for students <strong>of</strong> East Asian affairs.<br />

research on asia informs<br />

scholarshiP and PolicY<br />

Young-Key Kim-renaud published P’ung’yohan<br />

pujae [Plentiful Absence] II, in Honor <strong>of</strong> Jin-Heung<br />

Kim (Life and Dream Book Publishing). mike<br />

mochizuki published Japan in <strong>International</strong> Politics:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Foreign Policies <strong>of</strong> an Adaptive State (Lynne<br />

Rienner) and david shambaugh edited China<br />

Watching: Perspectives from Europe, Japan, and<br />

the United States (Routledge).<br />

Sigur Center scholars mike mochizuki (at<br />

the podium), Kirk larsen, david shambaugh<br />

and amb. Karl inderfurth (L-R) consider<br />

North Korea from its neighbors’ perspectives<br />

at “Dealing with North Korea: Views from<br />

Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo,” in October 2006.<br />

20 AnnuAl report 2006-2007<br />

In addition to these books, Sigur faculty authored<br />

numerous articles and book chapters. harry harding<br />

published “Think Again: China” in Foreign Policy. Kirk<br />

larsen contributed a chapter to Six-Party Stall: Are<br />

South Korea and China Part <strong>of</strong> the Problem or Part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Solution? (Woodrow Wilson Center). mike mochizuki<br />

published “Paradigms Lost: Japan’s Nationalist Drift”<br />

in <strong>The</strong> American Interest and “How America Views<br />

[the Yasukuni Shrine]” in Ronza. deepa ollapally<br />

co-authored “Regional Security Implications <strong>of</strong><br />

Iranian Nuclear Weapons” at the National Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Asian Research. david shambaugh and amb. Karl<br />

inderfurth published “China and the U.S.: To Hedge<br />

or Engage” in Yale Global.<br />

Awards and grants supported the research <strong>of</strong> Sigur<br />

Center faculty. Gregg Brazinsky received a Smith<br />

Richardson grant to research America’s Cold War<br />

nation-building efforts in Asia. Young-Key Kimrenaud<br />

received the Republic <strong>of</strong> Korea Jade Order <strong>of</strong><br />

Culture Merit. edward mccord won a Distinguished<br />

Alumni Award from Marian College, his alma mater.

shawn mchale edward mccord Young-Key Kim-renaud Gregg Brazinsky<br />

Sigur Center Director shawn mchale received a<br />

Fulbright-Hays award for his research on Vietnam.<br />

During 2006-2007, the Sigur Center received<br />

many gifts and grants to support its work. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>George</strong> Washington University named it a center<br />

for academic excellence and provided funding<br />

to support scholarly research and travel, student<br />

scholarships and research, and study abroad for both<br />

graduate and undergraduate students. <strong>The</strong> Sigur<br />

Center also received flas awards from the u.s.<br />

department <strong>of</strong> education to underwrite graduate<br />

study <strong>of</strong> Asian languages. Funding from the Korean<br />

steel company Posco supported a major conference<br />

on the impact <strong>of</strong> Korean NGOs. <strong>The</strong> henry<br />

luce foundation supported a conference, co-hosted<br />

with the Woodrow Wilson Center, on “Globalization,<br />

Migration and the State: East Asia’s Evolving<br />

Landscape <strong>of</strong> Labor.” <strong>The</strong> Memory and Reconciliation<br />

in the Asian-Pacific Program, co-directed by mike<br />

<strong>The</strong> siGur cenTer’s research and PolicY ProGrams<br />

<strong>The</strong> china Policy Program (cPP), directed by<br />

david shambaugh, co-hosted three international<br />

conferences on China. With the German Council<br />

on Foreign Relations and the Chinese Academy <strong>of</strong><br />

Social Sciences, CPP convened a conference on<br />

China and Europe. Fifteen <strong>of</strong> the papers presented<br />

at the conference will be published in a book.<br />

With funding from the German marshall fund,<br />

CPP co-sponsored a dialogue on U.S.-Europe-<br />

China with the Asia Centre at <strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

partner Sciences Po, Paris. CPP also sponsored<br />

a delegation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong> faculty members<br />

martha finnemore, amb. Karl inderfurth, cynthia<br />

mcclintock, amb. david shinn and david<br />

shambaugh to Beijing for a dialogue with the Chinese<br />

Foreign Ministry’s think tank. <strong>Elliott</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

alumnus christopher fussner (BA’79) has been a<br />

generous supporter <strong>of</strong> the China Policy Program.<br />

mochizuki and daqing Yang, received support from<br />

the Japan-u.s. friendship commission for a project<br />

on “<strong>The</strong> Tokyo Trial: Legacy and Reassessment<br />

at Sixty.” A grant from the Taipei economic and<br />

cultural representative <strong>of</strong>fice funded a conference<br />

on East Asian security and Taiwan, and a roundtable<br />

on transnational collaboration and Taiwan’s challenges.<br />

amb. James lilley (MA’69), former U.S. ambassador<br />

to China and Korea and director <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Institute in Taiwan, addressed the conference.<br />

siGur faculTY PromoTe dialoGue<br />

on asia<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sigur Center hosted more than 70 events during<br />

the past academic year to promote understanding <strong>of</strong><br />

this rapidly changing region. <strong>The</strong> center introduced<br />

two new lecture series—Transnational asia and<br />

subnational asia—and a new india initiative.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Taiwan education and research Program<br />

(TerP) works with the Taiwan resource center<br />

at GW’s Gelman Library to provide a comprehensive<br />

and specialized collection <strong>of</strong> materials for advanced<br />

study and research on Taiwan’s resources<br />

for those seeking to understand Taiwan’s history,<br />

politics, economy and international relations. In<br />

2007, TERP Director edward mccord established<br />

the Taiwan forum, which brings together visiting<br />

scholars, academics, journalists, students and<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the policy community for discussions<br />

about Taiwan’s current affairs. <strong>The</strong> forum hosted<br />

seven presentations by Taiwan experts as part <strong>of</strong><br />

a Taiwan Democracy and Security Seminar Series,<br />

with support from the Taiwan foundation for<br />

democracy. Topics included “<strong>The</strong> U.S.-Taiwan<br />

Two-Step: Democracy and National interest” and<br />

“U.S.-China Relations and Taiwan’s Role.”<br />

elliott school <strong>of</strong> internAtionAl AffAirs 21<br />

<strong>The</strong> u.s.-Japan legislative exchange Program,<br />

led by henry nau, conducted two legislative<br />

exchange programs last year, one between the<br />

U.S. Congress and Japanese Diet and another<br />

that included South Korean National Assembly<br />

members. <strong>The</strong> exchange program brings high-level<br />

leaders together to foster better understanding.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Japan-united states friendship commission<br />

has funded the program since 1989. <strong>The</strong> Korea<br />

foundation in Seoul also provided additional<br />

funding for the trilateral exchange program<br />

in 2006-07. <strong>The</strong> participants cultivate strong<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional and social ties, enabling them to<br />

debate controversial political issues. <strong>The</strong>re are no<br />

lectures or written presentations. Members lead<br />

and sustain the conversations on their own.

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