21st EM Induction Workshop: Thursday 26th July - MTNet

21st EM Induction Workshop: Thursday 26th July - MTNet

21st EM Induction Workshop: Thursday 26th July - MTNet


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involving Arc Volcano Formation by the Network-MT Data Yoshikazu Tanaka and Makoto Uyeshima<br />

How Geophysical Images of Magmatic Systems fit within Geological models: A<br />

case study of The Tongariro Volcanic Complex, New Zealand<br />

Graham J. Hill, T. Grant Caldwell, Yasuo Ogawa,<br />

Olivier Bachmann, Hugh M. Bibby, Stewart L. Bennie,<br />

SP5.5-3<br />

Edward A. Bertrand, and Harry Keys<br />

Electromagnetic investigation of the resistivity structures around and beneath Marion P. Miensopust, Alan G. Jones, Gylfi P. Hersir<br />

SP5.5-4 the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, southern Iceland: preliminary results<br />

and Arnar M. Vilhjálmsson<br />

SP5.5-5 3D Electromagnetic Imaging of NE-Japan Forarc Near Zao Volcano S. Bonchaisuk and Y. Ogawa<br />

Imaging of crustal fluids in volcanic regions, NE Japan, by three-dimensional Yasuo Ogawa, Masahiro Ichiki and Wataru Kanda<br />

SP5.5-6 magnetotelluric modeling<br />

Posters: Session 4.3 – Mineral Exploration<br />

Geophysical mapping of clay layers in Numedalen reagion, Norway Vikas C. Baranwal, Alexei Rodionov and Jan S.<br />

SP4.3-1<br />

Rønning<br />

Magnetotelluric Prospecting In The Matagami Camp (Canada) Eric Ting-Kuei Chou, Michel Chouteau, Jim Craven<br />

SP4.3-2<br />

and Michel Allard<br />

Exploration application of Integrated geophysical and geochemical techniques Cao-chuanghua, Liu-jianxin<br />

SP4.3-3 at a polymetallic ore, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China<br />

MT and A<strong>EM</strong> as a combined method to explore for unconformity related<br />

Millicent Crowe, Tania Dhu, Jared Peacock, Goran<br />

SP4.3-4 uranium<br />

Boren, Stephan Thiel and Graham Heinson<br />

Application of Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics (CSAMT) G Ashok Babu, B Veeraiah, T Seshunarayana, P<br />

for mapping of Basemetal deposits – an experimental study in Maharashtra, Prabhakara Prasad and B Kishan Kumar<br />

SP4.3-5 India<br />

Electromagnetic survey around the seafloor massive sulfide using autonomous Tada-nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya, Keizo Sayanagi,<br />

underwater vehicle<br />

Naoto Imamura, Hitoshi Mikada and Junichi<br />

SP4.3-6<br />

Takekawa<br />

Delineation of a quick clay zone at Smorgrav, Norway, with electromagnetic Thomas Kalscheuer, Mehrdad Bastani, Shane<br />

methods<br />

Donohue, Lena Persson, Andreas A. Pfaffhuber,<br />

SP4.3-7<br />

Fabienne Reiser, and Zhengyong Ren<br />

Geologically constrained hybrid 1D/3D inversion of T<strong>EM</strong> – inverting for<br />

Pears, G.A., Fullagar, P.K. and Chalke, T.W.J<br />

SP4.3-8 thickness of conductive cover and paleochannels<br />

SP4.3-9 Fault-controlled uranium emplacement imaged using magnetotellurics S. Thiel, J. Peacock, G. Heinson, P. Soefky<br />

New possibilities of audiomagnetotellurics in mineral exploration Denis Yakovlev, Andrey Yakovlev and Nikolay<br />

SP4.3-10<br />

Palshin<br />

Three-dimensional inversion of audiomagnetotelluric data from the Regis pipe, Emanuele F. La Terra and Paulo L. T. Menezes<br />

SP4.3-11 Brazil<br />

Phase Roll Out of Quadrant effect in MT Data from a Gold Prospect Patricia de Lugão, Berthold Kriegshäuser and<br />

SP4.3_12<br />

Caroline Finateu<br />

Posters: Session 4.4 – Hydrocarbon Exploration<br />

SP4.4-1 Initial results of magnetotellurics survey at Hockley salt dome, Texas Azizuddin Abdul Aziz, Kurt Strack, Tilman Hanstein<br />

Integrated earth model building via the integration of Seismic and<br />

Electromagnetic data for improved subsurface imaging and better exploration<br />

M. Virgilio, E. Tartaras, A. Lovatini, T. Dean<br />

SP4.4-2 and development decisions<br />

3D joint inversion of complex geological structures: Example of a salt dome M. Moorkamp, A. Roberts, M. Jegen, B. Heincke and<br />

SP4.4-3<br />

R. Hobbs<br />

Integrated Geophysical tools for Hydrocarbon exploration in Nile delta area, Younis, A., ElL-Qady, G., Abdalla, M. A., Abdel<br />

SP4.4-4 Egypt<br />

Zaher, M., khalil, A. E. and Al Ibiary, M. G.<br />

Some results of applying CSAMT method to petroleum exploration in the area Michal Stefaniuk, Radoslaw Florek, Marek Sada,<br />

SP4.4-5 of Carpathian Foredeep<br />

Lukasz Sito and Marek Wojdyla<br />

An attempt of recognition of reservoir structure and parameters with use of Michal Stefaniuk, Tomasz Mackowski, Joanna Figula,<br />

SP4.4-6 compelx interpretation of magnetotelluric and seismic data<br />

Elzbieta Maj and Marek Wojdyla<br />

Integrated seismic, magnetotelluric and gravity interpretation of sub-evaporatic Michal Stefaniuk, Wojciech Gorecki, Tomasz<br />

SP4.4-7 and inter-evaporatic structures, an example from Polish Lowland<br />

Mackowski, Pawel Targosz and Marek Wojdyla<br />

AT<strong>EM</strong> method and its application in residual oil detection Tang Xingong, Yan Liangjun, Hu Wenbao and Huang<br />

SP4.4-8<br />

Qinghua<br />

Integrated Geophysical tools for Hydrocarbon exploration in Nile delta area, Younis, A., El-Qady, G., Abdalla, M. A., Abdel Zaher,<br />

SP4.4-9 Egypt<br />

M., khalil, A. E. and Al Ibiary, M. G.

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