Lecture 1 - Internet Analysis Seminar

Lecture 1 - Internet Analysis Seminar

Lecture 1 - Internet Analysis Seminar


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<strong>Lecture</strong> 1<br />

A set of vectors in a Banach or Hilbert space is called complete if finite<br />

linear combinations of its vectors are dense in the corresponding space<br />

with respect to the standard topology generated by the norm. For<br />

example, any basis, or any set containing a basis, is a complete set.<br />

One of the first advanced examples of a complete set we see in the<br />

standard analysis course is the set of monomials 1, x, x 2 , x 3 , ... in the<br />

space C([a, b]) of all continuous functions on a closed interval with the<br />

standard supremum norm. The Weierstrauss theorem tells us that the<br />

set is complete in the space.<br />

Completeness problems appear in many areas of analysis and its applications.<br />

For instance, a function on a subset of the real line may<br />

represent a wave and one may ask if it can be approximated, in a specified<br />

sense, by linear combinations of specially selected functions, often<br />

called harmonics. In modern terms, defining the criterion of approximation<br />

amounts to defining the norm in the space. Verifying wether<br />

any function in the space can be approximated by finite linear combinations<br />

of harmonics is equivalent to proving that harmonics are complete<br />

in the space. Problems of this kind gave name to a large and important<br />

part of mathematics, Harmonic <strong>Analysis</strong>.<br />

The role of harmonics in the above set-up can be played by a number of<br />

different sets of functions, such as trigonometric functions, monomials,<br />

complex exponentials, or specials functions such as Bessel functions,<br />

Jacobi or Chebyshev polynomials or Airy functions originating from<br />

Physics. The most common choices for the Banach space are L p spaces<br />

and spaces of continuous or smooth functions with various norms.<br />

Let us start by formulating some of the classical completeness problems<br />

that will be discussed in this course.<br />



Bernstein’s problem<br />

Let W : R → [1, ∞) be a continuous function satisfying x n = o(W (x))<br />

for any n ∈ N, as x → ±∞. Denote by CW the space of all continuous<br />

functions f on R such that f/W → 0 as x → ±∞ with the norm<br />

||f||W = sup<br />

R<br />

|f|<br />

. (0.1)<br />

W<br />

The famous weighted approximation problem posted by Sergei Bernstein<br />

in 1924 [2] asks to describe the weights W such that polynomials<br />

are dense in CW .<br />

Bernstein’s problem can be viewed as a natural consequence of the<br />

Weierstrauss theorem. If instead of C([a, b]) one tries to consider C(R)<br />

with the same supremum norm, one immediately runs into an obstacle:<br />

polynomials do not belong to such a space. Bernstein’s weighted sup<br />

norm turns out to be the best way to remedy that situation. A slightly<br />

more general version of Bernstein’s problem allows the weight W to be<br />

semicontinuous and take infinite values. This extension allows one to<br />

study polynomial approximation on arbitrary closed subsets of R.<br />

Throughout the 20th century Bernstein’s problem was investigated by<br />

many prominent analysts including N. Akhiezer, L. de Branges, L.<br />

Carleson, T. Hall, P. Koosis, B. Levin, P. Malliavin, S. Mandelbrojt,<br />

S. Mergelyan, H. Pollard and M. Riesz. This activity continues to<br />

our day with more recent significant contributions by A. Bakan, M.<br />

Benedicks, A. Borichev, P. Koosis, M. Sodin and P. Yuditski, among<br />

others. Besides the natural beauty of the original question, such an extensive<br />

interest towards Bernstein’s problem is generated by numerous<br />

links with adjacent fields, including its close relation with the moment<br />

problem.<br />

Further information and references on the remarkable history of Bernstein’s<br />

problem can be found in two classical surveys by Akhiezer [1]<br />

and Mergelyan [13], a recent one by Lubinsky [12], or in the first volume<br />

of Koosis’ book [8].<br />

A simple if and only if solution in Bernstein’s problem most likely does<br />

not exist. We plan to discuss some of the classical conditions along<br />

with recent progress in these lectures.


The Beurling-Malliavin problem<br />

Let Λ be a subset of the complex plane. Denote by EΛ the set of<br />

complex exponential functions with ’frequencies’ from Λ:<br />

EΛ = {exp(2πiλt)| λ ∈ Λ}.<br />

The most standard example of such a set of functions is<br />

EZ = {e 2πin }n∈Z,<br />

which forms an orthonormal basis in L 2 ([0, 1]). A natural extension of<br />

this important example is the following question.<br />

Consider the case when Λ = {λn} is a general sequence of complex<br />

numbers. Under what conditions on the frequencies Λ will the system<br />

of exponentials EΛ be complete in L 2 (0, a)?<br />

This natural question occupied analysts for many decades. The history<br />

if its solution can be started from a theorem by Paley and Wiener<br />

(1935) that says that if a real sequence Λ has upper density greater<br />

than a, i.e.<br />

lim sup<br />

x→∞<br />

then EΛ is complete in L2 (0, a).<br />

#(Λ ∪ (0, x))<br />

> a,<br />

x<br />

An immediate question is wether the statement of the theorem can<br />

be reversed. Examples by Levinson, Kahane and Koosis showed that<br />

no converse statement can be formulated using the primitive upper<br />

density, utilized by Payley and Wiener.<br />

A solution to that problem was obtained by Beurling and Malliavin<br />

in a series of papers in the early 1960’s. Instead of the upper density,<br />

they defined the so-called effective density of a sequence that allows one<br />

to replace an inequality in the Payley-Wiener result with an equation<br />

(after some additional reductions, that will be discussed in the future<br />

lectures.)<br />

To obtain the formula for the ’completeness radius’ of a sequence of<br />

exponentials Beurling and Malliavin proved three intermediate results<br />

that are now known as the first BM theorem, the little multiplier theorem<br />

and the big multiplier theorem. Each of these results has independent<br />

value and usage. Together these three theorems and the final<br />

result, the second BM theorem, form the so-called Beurling-Malliavin<br />

theory, that is considered to be one of the deepest parts of the 20’s<br />

century Harmonic <strong>Analysis</strong>. Modern treatments of the BM theory can<br />

be found in [7, 8] along with further references.


The Type Problem<br />

Consider a family Ea = E[0,a] of exponential functions whose frequencies<br />

belong to the interval from 0 to a. If µ is a finite positive measure on<br />

R we denote by Tµ its exponential type that is defined as<br />

Tµ = inf{ a > 0 | Ea is complete in L 2 (µ) } (0.2)<br />

if the set of such a is non-empty and as infinity otherwise. The type<br />

problem asks to calculate Tµ in terms of µ.<br />

This question first appears in the work of Wiener, Kolmogorov and<br />

Krein in the context of stationary Gaussian processes that play an<br />

important role in Probability Theory (see [9, 10] or the book by Dym<br />

and McKean [5]). If µ is a spectral measure of a stationary Gaussian<br />

process, completeness of Ea in L 2 (µ) is equivalent to the property that<br />

the process at any time is determined by the data for the time period<br />

from 0 to a. Hence the type of the measure is the minimal length of<br />

the period of observation necessary to predict the rest of the process.<br />

Since any even measure is a spectral measure of a stationary Gaussian<br />

process, and vice versa, this reformulation is practically equivalent.<br />

Important connections with spectral theory of second order differential<br />

operators were studied by Gelfand and Levitan [6] and Krein [10, 11].<br />

For more on the history and connections of the type problem see, for<br />

instance, a note by Dym [4] or a recent paper by Borichev and Sodin<br />



Questions and Exercises<br />

Let Λ = {λn} be a real sequence. Define its radius of completeness as<br />

Main example:<br />

R(Λ) = sup{a | EΛ is complete in L 2 (0, a)}.<br />

R(Z) = 1<br />

(since EZ is an orthonormal basis of L 2 (0, 1)). Now let us consider one<br />

half of Z, the set 2Z of all even integers. Show that R(2Z) is 1/2.<br />

More generally, if we take 1/n-th of Z, nZ, then the radius decreases<br />

correspondingly: R(nZ) = 1<br />

n .<br />

Question: Let us take one-half of Z in a different way and see what<br />

happens. Find R(N), the radius of completeness of the set of positive<br />

integers (use the Payley-Wiener theorem; the answer may surprise you).<br />

Question: May R(Λ) change if one deletes finitely many points from<br />

Λ? Give an example of an infinite sequence A ⊂ Z such that R(Z\A) =<br />

R(Z) = 1.<br />

Question: Can A from the previous example have positive upper density?<br />

Question: Does a complete set have to contain a basis? A basis in<br />

a Banach space is a set B of vectors such that every vector in the<br />

space can be uniquely represented as a series of constant multiples of<br />

vectors from B, converging in the norm. (Hint: consider, for instance,<br />

the set of monomials in C([0, 1]). Try to describe the set of functions<br />

representable as uniformly convergent power series.)


References<br />

[1] N. I. Akhiezer, On the weighted approximation of continuous functions by<br />

polynomials on the real axis, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 11(56), 3-43, AMS Transl.<br />

(ser 2), 22 (1962), 95-137.<br />

[2] S. N. Bernstein, Le probleme de lapproximation des fonctions continues sur<br />

tout laxe reel et lune de ses applications, Bull. Math. Soc. France, 52(1924),<br />

399410.<br />

[3] Borichev, A., Sodin, M.Weighted exponential approximation and nonclassical<br />

orthogonal spectral measures, preprint, arXiv:1004.1795v1<br />

[4] Dym, H. On the span of trigonometric sums in weighted L 2 spaces, Linear and<br />

Complex <strong>Analysis</strong> Problem Book 3, Part II, <strong>Lecture</strong> Notes in Math., Springer,<br />

1994, 87 – 88<br />

[5] Dym H, McKean H.P. Gaussian processes, function theory and the inverse<br />

spectral problem Academic Press, New York, 1976<br />

[6] Gelfand, I, M., Levitan, B. M. On the determination of a differential<br />

equation from its spectral function (Russian), Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser.<br />

Mat., 15 (1951), 309–360; English translation in Amer. Math. Soc. Translation,<br />

Ser. 2, 1 (1955), 253–304.<br />

[7] Havin, V., Jöricke, B. The uncertainty principle in harmonic analysis.<br />

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.<br />

[8] Koosis, P. The logarithmic integral, Vol. I& II, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,<br />

1988<br />

[9] Krein, M. G. On an extrapolation problem of A. N. Kolmogorov, Dokl. Akad.<br />

Nauk SSSR 46 (1945), 306–309 (Russian).<br />

[10] Krein, M. G. On a basic approximation problem of the theory of extrapolation<br />

and filtration of stationary random processes, Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR<br />

(N.S.) 94, (1954), 13–16 (Russian).<br />

[11] Krein, M. G. On the transfer function of a one- dimensional boundary problem<br />

of the second order (Russian), Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 88 (1953),<br />

405–408.<br />

[12] D. S. Lubinsky A Survey of Weighted Polynomial Approximation with Exponential<br />

Weights, Surveys in Approximation Theory, 3, 1105 (2007)<br />

[13] S. Mergelyan, Weighted approximation by polynomials, Uspekhi mat. nauk,<br />

11 (1956), 107-152, English translation in Amer. Math. Soc. Translations, Ser<br />

2, 10 (1958), 59-106

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