nicole kotras masters thesis

nicole kotras masters thesis

nicole kotras masters thesis


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perceptual-performance, quantitative, general cognitive, memory and motor. The general<br />

cognitive score based on 15 of the 18 tests in the entire battery and expressed as a General<br />

Cognitive Index (GCI), indicates the child's functioning at the time of testing with no<br />

implications of immutability or etiology. The McCarthy Scales are not the ideal choice of test<br />

for children who are mentally retarded, gifted, or below the age of 5 years, as they are<br />

reported as having an inadequate floor and a low ceiling (Nuttall, Romero & Kalesnik, 1992).<br />

Among the most popular non-verbal tests utilized today are the Test of Nonverbal<br />

Intelligence (TONI), (Brown, Sherbenou, & Dollar, 1982); the Vineland Social Maturity<br />

Scales (Vineland), (Doll, 1965); the Goodenough-Harris Draw-a-Person Test (DAP), (Harris,<br />

1963); Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM), (Raven, 1938, 1947a, 1947b) and the<br />

Kaufmann Assessment Battery for children (K-ABC), (Kaufmann & Kaufmann, 1983).<br />

The DAP requires drawings of people, while the TONI, Raven and the K-ABC are<br />

figural reasoning tests. Non-verbal tests have gained significance due to their so called<br />

"culture-fair" attributes (Allan, 1992). According to Sundberg and Gonzalies (1981),<br />

"culture-reduced nonverbal tests have not proved better for predictive purposes than the<br />

usual verbal tests with minority groups in the United States or elsewhere" (p.487).<br />

Additionally, all age groups and all areas of development are not included in any of the<br />

mentioned nonverbal tests. The TONI and the RPM cannot be used for children younger<br />

than 5 and 6 years of age respectively. The RPM consists of three separate tests and<br />

should preferably be used in conjunction with a vocabulary test (Vass, 1992). The DAP and<br />

the K-ABC cannot be used for children under 3 years and 2 years 6 months respectively.<br />

Despite the Vineland including items for the first 3 years of life, it does not cover all important<br />

areas of development, since it is only a measure of social competence.<br />

The Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification test (WIPI) is utilized with both adults<br />

and children in the assessment of speech discrimination. The test involves picture-pointing<br />

which prevents the necessity of a verbal response as is required with many of the other<br />

utilized tests of speech discrimination. This test has been standardized for use among<br />

Xhosa speaking children (Samuels, 1995).<br />

The Griffiths Scales were developed by Griffiths in the United Kingdom (1954, 1986)<br />

for infants from birth to the ages of 2 years. The Griffiths Extended Scales were published in<br />

1970 to cater for young children between the third and eighth year of childhood (Griffiths,<br />


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