nicole kotras masters thesis

nicole kotras masters thesis

nicole kotras masters thesis


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(iii) The questionnaire may be completed at the respondent's convenience;<br />

(iv) Greater assurance of anonymity;<br />

(v) Standardized wording;<br />

(vi) No interview bias;<br />

(vii) Securing information. The mailed questionnaire allows the respondent to consult his<br />

or her records, confer with colleagues, or conduct research before answering; and<br />

(viii) Accessibility.<br />

The disadvantages of mailed questionnaires, as cited by Bailey (1987) include:<br />

(i) Lack of flexibility in the questions asked;<br />

(ii) Low response rate;<br />

(iii) Verbal behaviour only;<br />

(iv) No control over environment. There is no assurance that the respondent will be able<br />

to complete the questionnaire in private;<br />

(v) No control over question order;<br />

(vi) Any of the questions may remain unanswered;<br />

(vii) Cannot record spontaneous answers;<br />

(viii) Difficult to separate bad addresses from non-responses;<br />

(ix) No control over date of response;<br />

(x) Cannot use complex questionnaire format; and<br />

(xi) Possibly biased sample.<br />

Selltiz, Johada, Deutsch, and Cook (1959) listed a number of factors which could<br />

affect the number of questionnaires returned and the adequacy of data. Several of these<br />

factors were incorporated in the construction of the employed questionnaire. Regarding the<br />

questionnaire length, it is suggested that a less cluttered format is preferable, even if it<br />

requires a longer questionnaire. The cover letter, which explained the nature and purpose of<br />

the study, as well as the enlisting of the respondent's co-operation, was chosen to follow a<br />

personalized format. A personalized letter was typed rather than reproduced, addressed to<br />

the respondent and signed by the researcher (See Appendix B). Regarding the ease of<br />

completing and returning the questionnaire, this should be uncomplicated for the respondent<br />

to complete. Good questionnaires have clear and adequate instructions for completing the<br />

questionnaire, clear response categories, few open-ended questions, and are not too long.<br />

Furthermore, it is common practise for the researcher to provide explicit mailing instructions,<br />

and to supply a self-addressed and stamped envelope. Finally, regarding the nature of<br />


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